Axes de recherche
Protection cardiaque en peropératoire avec béta-blocage
Perioperative cardiac protection by the use of beta-blockade
Pulmonary pathophysiology and artificial ventilation
Pathophysiologie pulmonaire et ventilation artificielle
Pathophysiologie et traitement des douleurs aiguës et chroniques
Evaluation de la satisfaction des soins offerts aux patients souffrant de douleurs chroniques au centre d'antalgie du CHUV
Chronic pain is defined as pain that persists beyond 3 months. The burden on the healthcare system is consequential: chronic pain is a significant cause of disability, not only physically but also psychologically and socially. Nineteen percent of the European population suffers from chronic pain and 40% of them are dissatisfied with their treatment. In the Pain Center of the CHUV, we propose several interventional pain management therapies depending on the indication such as epidural injections, peripheral nerve block or intravenous lidocaine or ketamine infusion. Pain is a difficult outcome to measure due to its multifaceted (sensory /emotional /cognitive /social) and subjective nature.
Patient satisfaction is an important and commonly used indicator for measuring the quality of health care. The need to explore patient satisfaction is high because of the increasing demand for scientifically valid demonstrations of treatment efficacy and patient satisfaction in chronic pain care. This will allow us to improve the patient care.
The aims of the project are to:
1. Evaluate the satisfaction of care offered at the Pain Center of the CHUV from chronic pain patients.
2. Characterize the type of patients attending the ambulatory consultation of the Pain Centre.
3. Evaluate the effects of the different interventional pain management therapies on pain and other factors affecting the quality of life of the patients of the Pain Center.
Blood transfusions and alternatives
Alternatives aux transfusions allogeneïques
Anesthésie chez des patients obèses morbide
Anesthesia for the morbidly obese
Perioperative blood coagulation
Perioperative monitoring
Coagulation sanguine peropératoire
Monitoring peropératoire
Physiology of spinal and epidural anesthesia
Physiologie de la rachi-anesthésie et l'anesthésie péridurale
Exploration fonction cardiaque et circulation pulmonaire chez les animaux
Jet Ventilation par cathéter transtrachéal
Exploration de la coagulation sanguine par thrombélastographie
Bronchoconstriction chez le mouton anesthésié