Centre universitaire romand de médecine légale

Equipe principale | Laboratoire d'analyse du dopage (LAD) | Unité de génétique forensique (UGF) | Unité de médecine des violences (UMV) | Unité de médecine et psychologie du trafic (UMPT) | Unité de taphonomie forensique (SHIFT) | Unité de toxicologie et chimie forensique (UTCF) | Unité d'imagerie et anthropologie forensiques (UIAF) | Unité facultaire d'anatomie et de morphologie (UFAM) | Unité facultaire de toxicologie (UFT) | Unité romande de médecine forensique (URMF)
Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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1811 publications

From "beautiful" luxury items to functional mass products – Restorative dentistry and dental prosthetics in the archaeological record.
Alterauge A., Moghaddam N., Arenz G. dans Beiträge zur Mittelalterarchäologie in Österreich, ÖGM | Österreichische Gesellschaft für Mittelalter.
SMYD3: a new regulator of the early steps of adipocyte differentiation
Gilardi Federica, Sajic Tatjana, Gasser Marie, Caputo Tiziana, Bararpour Nasim, Augsburger Marc, Walter Nadia, Hainard Alexander, Fracasso Tony, Thomas Aurelien.
Breathing Time: A Longue-Durée Multidisciplinary Study and Archival Investigation of Respiratory Illnesses and Airborne Diseases in Switzerland (16th – 21st Century CE).
Hofstetter T., Fauvel A., Grabherr S., Moghaddam N. HOMO - Journal of Comparative Human Biology.
Differentiation of five forensically relevant body fluids using a small set of microRNA markers.
Altmeyer L., Baumer K., Hall D. Electrophoresis. Peer-reviewed.
Piece by piece—a computer-aided method for virtual re-association of commingled fragmented remains
Camine Lise Malfroy, Virginie Magnin, Soto Ruben, Bruguier Christine, Grabherr Silke, Varlet Vincent, Moghaddam Negahnaz Forensic Sciences Research.
Sex estimation from coxal bones using deep learning in a population balanced by sex and age.
Epain M., Valette S., Zou K., Faisan S., Heitz F., Croisille P., Fracasso T., Fanton L. International journal of legal medicine. Peer-reviewed.
Combined Petrosal Intertentorial Approach: A Cadaveric Study of Comparison With the Standard Combined Petrosectomy.
Giammattei L., Peters D., Cadas H., Fava A., Schranz S., George M., Sabatasso S., Messerer M., Starnoni D., Daniel R.T. Operative neurosurgery. Peer-reviewed.
Autophagy-related proteins measured in umbilical blood cord samples from human newborns: what can we learn from?
Ginet V., Puyal J., Truttmann A.C. Pediatric research. Peer-reviewed.
Forensische Radiologie : Einführung und Übersicht [Forensic radiology : Introduction and overview]
Grabherr S., Grimm J. Radiologie. Peer-reviewed.
Autophagy in myocardial ischemia and ischemia/reperfusion.
Khan A.A., Sabatasso S. Cardiovascular pathology. Peer-reviewed.
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Unassisted Suicide and Assisted Suicide Rates in French-Speaking Switzerland: Differences by Gender.
Kursner S., Studer J., Fracasso T., Weber G., Michaud L. Omega. Peer-reviewed.
Comparison of analytical approaches for the detection of oral testosterone undecanoate administration in men.
Langer T., Nicoli R., Schweizer-Grundisch C., Grabherr S., Kuuranne T., Musenga A. Drug testing and analysis. Peer-reviewed.
Characterization of DNA concentration in urine and dried blood samples to detect the c.577 deletion within the EPO gene.
Leuenberger N., Jan N., Kuuranne T., Castella V. Drug testing and analysis. Peer-reviewed.
mRNA biomarkers sensitive and specific to micro-dose erythropoietin treatment at sea level and altitude.
Loria F., Breenfeldt Andersen A., Bejder J., Bonne T., Grabherr S., Kuuranne T., Leuenberger N., Baastrup Nordsborg N. Drug testing and analysis. Peer-reviewed.
Reference values for plasma and urine trace elements in a Swiss population-based cohort.
Perrais M., Trächsel B., Lenglet S., Pruijm M., Ponte B., Vogt B., Augsburger M., Rousson V., Bochud M., Thomas A. Clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine. Peer-reviewed.
Elimination profile of low-dose chlortalidone and its detection in hair for doping analysis-Implication for unintentional non-therapeutic exposure.
Thieme D., Weigel K., Anielski P., Krumbholz A., Sporkert F., Keiler A.M. Drug testing and analysis. Peer-reviewed.
Value of DNA mixture-to-mixture comparisons within an operational context.
Basset P., Toulemont L., Hicks T., Castella V., 2024/11. Forensic science international. Genetics, 73 p. 103110. Peer-reviewed.
Age and sex disparities in myocardial ischemia-related deaths at autopsy.
Michaud K., van der Wal A.C., 2024/10/15. International journal of cardiology, 413 p. 132362. Peer-reviewed.
A novel ultra-high-performance supercritical fluid chromatography hyphenated to tandem mass spectrometry method for the analysis of urinary endogenous steroids in the anti-doping context.
Langer T., Nicoli R., Guillarme D., Schweizer-Grundisch C., Rudaz S., Grabherr S., Kuuranne T., Musenga A., 2024/10/11. Journal of chromatography. A, 1734 p. 465224. Peer-reviewed.
A proteomic approach supports the clinical relevance of TAT-Cx43<sub>266-283</sub> in glioblastoma.
Pelaz S.G., Flores-Hernández R., Vujic T., Schvartz D., Álvarez-Vázquez A., Ding Y., García-Vicente L., Belloso A., Talaverón R., Sánchez J.C. et al., 2024/10. Translational research, 272 pp. 95-110. Peer-reviewed.
Forensic age estimation at the University Center of Legal Medicine Lausanne-Geneva: a retrospective study over 12 years.
Thicot F., Egger C., Castiglioni C., Magnin V., Boudabbous S., Angelakopoulos N., Grabherr S., Genet P., 2024/09. International journal of legal medicine, 138 (5) pp. 1881-1889. Peer-reviewed.
High-risk coronary plaque of sudden cardiac death victims: postmortem CT angiographic features and histopathologic findings.
Michaud K., Rotzinger D.C., Faouzi M., Grabherr S., Qanadli S.D., van der Wal A.C., Magnin V., 2024/09. International journal of legal medicine, 138 (5) pp. 1845-1856. Peer-reviewed.
Practices and Barriers in Developing and Disseminating Plain-Language Resources Reporting Medical Research Information: A Scoping Review.
Pal A., Arnet I., Elger B.S., Wangmo T., 2024/09. The patient, 17 (5) pp. 493-518. Peer-reviewed.
Optical Nanomotion Detection to Rapidly Discriminate between Fungicidal and Fungistatic Effects of Antifungals on Single-Cell Candida albicans.
Radonicic V., Kalauzi A., Villalba M.I., Radotić K., Devreese B., Kasas S., Willaert R.G., 2024/07/29. Antibiotics, 13 (8). Peer-reviewed.
Development of a protocol for standardized use of a water-soluble contrast agent with polyethylene glycol in post-mortem CT angiography.
Bruch G.M., Grabherr S., Bruguier C., Fischer F.T., Soto R., Magnin V., Genet P., 2024/07. International journal of legal medicine, 138 (4) pp. 1437-1446. Peer-reviewed.
Effects of empagliflozin on reproductive system in men without diabetes.
Kosinski C., Papadakis G.E., Salamin O., Kuuranne T., Nicoli R., Pitteloud N., Zanchi A., 2024/06/14. Scientific reports, 14 (1) p. 13802. Peer-reviewed.
Postmortem concentrations for total blood carbon monoxide (TBCO) as a novel biomarker for carbon monoxide (CO) poisonings.
Oliverio S., Ferger M.C., Yegles M., 2024/06/11. Journal of analytical toxicology, 48 (5) pp. 289-298. Peer-reviewed.
AI Through Ethical Lenses: A Discourse Analysis of Guidelines for AI in Healthcare.
Arbelaez Ossa L., Milford S.R., Rost M., Leist A.K., Shaw D.M., Elger B.S., 2024/06/04. Science and engineering ethics, 30 (3) p. 24. Peer-reviewed.
Development of a technique for postmortem CT angiography of fetuses with a lipophilic contrast agent
Vanhaebost Jessica, Michoux Nicolas, de Spiegeleire Xavier, Grabherr Silke, Coche Emmanuel, 2024/06. Forensic Imaging, 37 p. 200593.
Neuronal autosis is Na+/K+-ATPase alpha 3-dependent and involved in hypoxic-ischemic neuronal death.
Depierre P., Ginet V., Truttmann A.C., Puyal J., 2024/05/25. Cell death & disease, 15 (5) p. 363. Peer-reviewed.
Interactions between physical exercise, associative memory, and genetic risk for Alzheimer's disease.
Igloi K., Marin Bosch B., Kuenzi N., Thomas A., Lauer E., Bringard A., Schwartz S., 2024/05/02. Cerebral cortex, 34 (5). Peer-reviewed.
A new, deep learning-based method for the analysis of autopsy kidney samples used to study sex differences in glomerular density and size in a forensic population.
Vilmont V., Ngatchou N., Lioux G., Kalucki S., Brito W., Burnier M., Rotman S., Lardi C., Pruijm M., 2024/05. International journal of legal medicine, 138 (3) pp. 873-882. Peer-reviewed.
Age assessment in unaccompanied minors: assessing uniformity of protocols across Europe.
Cummaudo M., Obertova Z., Lynnerup N., Petaros A., de Boer H., Baccino E., Steyn M., Cunha E., Ross A., Adalian P. et al., 2024/05. International journal of legal medicine, 138 (3) pp. 983-995. Peer-reviewed.
Awareness of forensic anthropology in Switzerland: a survey among forensic practitioners, police, and prosecutors.
Siebke I., Abegg C., Fracasso T., Moghaddam N., Obertová Z., 2024/05. International journal of legal medicine, 138 (3) pp. 1067-1077. Peer-reviewed.
Extracorporeal bullet trajectory determination from scanned phantoms with bullet defects
Crombag G.A.J.C., Hofman B.J.M., Riva F., Hofman P.A.M., Kerkhoff W., 2024/05. Legal Medicine, 68 p. 102410. Peer-reviewed.
LC-MS/MS measurement of endogenous steroid hormones and phase II metabolites in blood volumetric absorptive microsampling (VAMS) for doping control purposes.
Ponzetto F., Parasiliti-Caprino M., Leoni L., Marinelli L., Nonnato A., Nicoli R., Kuuranne T., Ghigo E., Mengozzi G., Settanni F., 2024/04/15. Clinica chimica acta; international journal of clinical chemistry, 557 p. 117890. Peer-reviewed.
3D printed splint designed by 3D surface scanner for patients with hand allodynia.
Schranz S., Campana L., Giroud M., Hertig S., Egger C., 2024/04. Hand surgery & rehabilitation, 43 (2) p. 101646. Peer-reviewed.
Corrigendum to "ESPEN micronutrient guideline" [Clin Nutr 41 (2022) 1357-1424/YCLNU5151].
Berger M.M., Shenkin A., Schweinlin A., Amrein K., Augsburger M., Biesalski H.K., Bischoff S.C., Casaer M.P., Gundogan K., Lepp H.L. et al., 2024/04. Clinical nutrition, 43 (4) p. 1024. Peer-reviewed.
Realistic three-dimensional imaging of injuries in forensic medicine - Survey-based method comparison of CRT and VRT.
Bruch G.M., Engel K., Schropp J., Grabherr S., 2024/04. Journal of forensic and legal medicine, 103 p. 102681. Peer-reviewed.
SMYD3: a new regulator of adipocyte precursor proliferation at the early steps of differentiation.
Sajic T., Ferreira Gomes C.K., Gasser M., Caputo T., Bararpour N., Landaluce-Iturriria E., Augsburger M., Walter N., Hainard A., Lopez-Mejia I.C. et al., 2024/04. International journal of obesity, 48 (4) pp. 557-566. Peer-reviewed.
Age Estimation Based on Computed Tomography Analysis of the Scapula.
Karaman G., Can I.O., Cekdemir Y.E., Ekizoglu O., Guleryuz H., 2024/03/31. Medicina, 60 (4). Peer-reviewed.
Accurate and rapid antibiotic susceptibility testing using a machine learning-assisted nanomotion technology platform.
Sturm A., Jóźwiak G., Verge M.P., Munch L., Cathomen G., Vocat A., Luraschi-Eggemann A., Orlando C., Fromm K., Delarze E. et al., 2024/03/18. Nature communications, 15 (1) p. 2037. Peer-reviewed.
All insects matter: a review of 160 entomology cases from 1993 to 2007 in Switzerland-part I (Diptera).
Hodecek J., Fumagalli L., Jakubec P., 2024/03/13. Journal of medical entomology, 61 (2) pp. 400-409. Peer-reviewed.
An Optical Fiber-Based Nanomotion Sensor for Rapid Antibiotic and Antifungal Susceptibility Tests.
Zhou J., Liao C., Zou M., Villalba M.I., Xiong C., Zhao C., Venturelli L., Liu D., Kohler A.C., Sekatskii S.K. et al., 2024/03/13. Nano letters, 24 (10) pp. 2980-2988. Peer-reviewed.
Animal Research Regulation: Improving Decision-Making and Adopting a Transparent System to Address Concerns around Approval Rate of Experiments.
Azilagbetor D.M., Shaw D., Elger B.S., 2024/03/09. Animals, 14 (6). Peer-reviewed.
Klinefelter syndrome and fire setting behaviors: a case report and scoping review
D'Imperio Ambra, Saccaro Luigi Francesco, Lo Jonathan, Mavromati Maria, Jantzi Camille, 2024/03/03. The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry &amp; Psychology, 35 (2) pp. 191-205.
Anterior Petrosectomy With Intertentorial Approach.
Starnoni D., Peters D., Giammattei L., Fava A., Cadas H., Schranz S., Sabatasso S., Messerer M., Daniel R.T., 2024/03/01. Operative neurosurgery, 26 (3) pp. 301-308. Peer-reviewed.
Brain–Computer Interfaces, Completely Locked-In State in Neurodegenerative Diseases, and End-of-Life Decisions
Poppe Christopher, Elger Bernice S., 2024/03. Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, 21 (1) pp. 19-27. Peer-reviewed.
Commentary on: Hahn M, Anslinger K, Eckert M, Fimmers R, Grethe S, Hohoff C, et al. [Joint recommendations of the project group "Biostatistical DNA Calculations" and the Trace Commission on the Biostatistical Evaluation of Forensic DNA Analytical Findings with Fully Continuous Models (FCM)]. Rechtsmedizin (Berl). 2023; 33(1):3-12. doi: 10.1007/s00194-022-00599-5.
Berger CEH, Kruijver M., Hicks T., Champod C., Taylor D., Buckleton J., 2024/03. Journal of forensic sciences, 69 (2) pp. 730-735. Peer-reviewed.
Coronary CT angiography for the assessment of atherosclerotic plaque inflammation: postmortem proof of concept with histological validation.
Rotzinger D.C., Magnin V., van der Wal A.C., Grabherr S., Qanadli S.D., Michaud K., 2024/03. European radiology, 34 (3) pp. 1755-1763. Peer-reviewed.
ESPEN practical short micronutrient guideline.
Berger M.M., Shenkin A., Dizdar O.S., Amrein K., Augsburger M., Biesalski H.K., Bischoff S.C., Casaer M.P., Gundogan K., Lepp H.L. et al., 2024/03. Clinical nutrition, 43 (3) pp. 825-857. Peer-reviewed.
From Deutsche Zeitschrift to International journal of legal medicine-100 years of legal medicine through the lens of journal articles, Part 4: International journal of legal medicine from 1990 to 2022.
Fracasso T., Wirth I., Pfeiffer H., Schmeling A., 2024/03. International journal of legal medicine, 138 (2) pp. 603-613. Peer-reviewed.
Deep learning for acute rib fracture detection in CT data: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Lopez-Melia M., Magnin V., Marchand-Maillet S., Grabherr S., 2024/02/28. The British journal of radiology, 97 (1155) pp. 535-543. Peer-reviewed.
Simultaneous Evaluation of Bone Cut and Implant Placement Accuracy in Robotic-Assisted Total Knee Arthroplasty.
Cosendey K., Stanovici J., Cadas H., Omoumi P., Jolles B.M., Favre J., 2024/02/25. Journal of clinical medicine, 13 (5) p. 1293. Peer-reviewed.
Effects of personal exposure to the oxidative potential of PM2.5 on oxidative stress biomarkers in pregnant women.
Marsal A., Sauvain J.J., Thomas A., Lyon-Caen S., Borlaza LJS, Philippat C., Jaffrezo J.L., Boudier A., Darfeuil S., Elazzouzi R. et al., 2024/02/10. The Science of the total environment, 911 p. 168475. Peer-reviewed.
Limited associations between MHC diversity and reproductive success in a bird species with biparental care.
Ferreira D., San-Jose L.M., Roulin A., Gaigher A., Fumagalli L., 2024/02. Ecology and evolution, 14 (2) pp. e10950. Peer-reviewed.
Integrating ethics in AI development: a qualitative study.
Arbelaez Ossa L., Lorenzini G., Milford S.R., Shaw D., Elger B.S., Rost M., 2024/01/23. BMC medical ethics, 25 (1) p. 10. Peer-reviewed.
A simplified version of rapid susceptibility testing of bacteria and yeasts using optical nanomotion detection.
Villalba M.I., Gligorovski V., Rahi S.J., Willaert R.G., Kasas S., 2024. Frontiers in microbiology, 15 p. 1328923. Peer-reviewed.
Annual banned-substance review 16th edition—Analytical approaches in human sports drug testing 2022/2023.
Thevis M., Kuuranne T., Geyer H., 2024/01. Drug testing and analysis, 16 (1) pp. 5-29. Peer-reviewed.
Evain France, Genet Pia, Lardi Christelle, 2024. pp. 131-139 dans Forensic Imaging of Trauma, Springer International Publishing.
Cannabis-based medicines and medical fitness-to-drive: current legal issues in Switzerland.
Palmiere C., Scarpelli M.P., 2024. La Clinica terapeutica, 175 (Suppl 1(4)) pp. 113-116. Peer-reviewed.
Case report: Assessing criminal responsibility and recidivism risk in the behavioral variant of frontotemporal dementia.
Karcher A., Hamza R., Jantzi C., 2024. Frontiers in psychiatry, 15 p. 1437363. Peer-reviewed.
Editorial: Cellular nanomotion as a new signature of life.
Willaert R.G., Kasas S., 2024. Frontiers in microbiology, 15 p. 1390002. Peer-reviewed.
Editorial: New marketable discoveries in nanobiotechnology.
Willaert R.G., Kasas S., 2024. Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology, 12 p. 1412587. Peer-reviewed.
Forensic exploitation of patterned injuries: Promoting structured analysis as an early assessment for comparison process.
Fahrni S., Delémont O., Grabherr S., 2024. Forensic science international. Synergy, 8 p. 100469. Peer-reviewed.
Forensic Imaging of Trauma
Grabherr Silke, Heinze Sarah, Fracasso Tony (eds.), 2024., Springer International Publishing.
Forensic Radiological Appearance of Explosion Injuries
Gassend Jean-Loup, Riva Fabiano, Magnin Virginie, 2024. pp. 183-188 dans Forensic Imaging of Trauma, Springer International Publishing.
Gonadotropin axis and semen quality in young Swiss men after cannabis consumption: Effect of chronicity and modulation by cannabidiol.
Zufferey F., Buitrago E., Rahban R., Senn A., Stettler E., Rudaz S., Nef S., Donzé N., Thomas A., Rossier M.F., 2024/01. Andrology, 12 (1) pp. 56-67. Peer-reviewed.
Gunshot Trauma
Gassend Jean-Loup, Riva Fabiano, Magnin Virginie, 2024. pp. 101-111 dans Forensic Imaging of Trauma, Springer International Publishing.
Heat-Related Injuries
Castiglioni Claudia, Magnin Virginie, Carminati Alessia, 2024. pp. 169-181 dans Forensic Imaging of Trauma, Springer International Publishing.
Individual genotypes from environmental DNA: Fingerprinting snow tracks of three large carnivore species.
De Barba M., Baur M., Boyer F., Fumagalli L., Konec M., Miquel C., Pazhenkova E., Remollino N., Skrbinšek T., Stoffel C. et al., 2024. Molecular Ecology Resources, 24 pp. e13915. Peer-reviewed.
Grabherr Silke, Heinze Sarah, Fracasso Tony, 2024. pp. 1-4 dans Forensic Imaging of Trauma, Springer International Publishing.
Machine learning method for the classification of the state of living organisms' oscillations.
Kweku D., Villalba M.I., Willaert R.G., Yantorno O.M., Vela M.E., Panorska A.K., Kasas S., 2024. Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology, 12 p. 1348106. Peer-reviewed.
Methods of Forensic Imaging
Tsaklakidis Anastasia, Campana Lorenzo, Teresinski Gregorz, Magnin Virginie, Grabherr Silke, 2024. pp. 5-30 dans Forensic Imaging of Trauma, Springer International Publishing.
Niche overlap across landscape variability in summer between two large herbivores using eDNA metabarcoding.
Mas-Carrió E., Churski M., Kuijper D., Fumagalli L., 2024. PloS one, 19 (2) pp. e0279672. Peer-reviewed.
People living with HIV display increased anti-apolipoprotein A1 auto-antibodies, inflammation, and kynurenine metabolites: a case-control study.
Frias M.A., Pagano S., Bararpour N., Sidibé J., Kamau F., Fétaud-Lapierre V., Hudson P., Thomas A., Lecour S., Strijdom H. et al., 2024. Frontiers in cardiovascular medicine, 11 p. 1343361. Peer-reviewed.
Perceptions of 3R implementation in European animal research: A systematic review, meta-analysis, and meta-synthesis of barriers and facilitators.
Louis-Maerten E., Milford A., Shaw D.M., Geneviève L.D., Elger B.S., 2024. PloS one, 19 (3) pp. e0300031. Peer-reviewed.
Sharp Trauma
Egger Coraline, Genet Pia, 2024. pp. 89-100 dans Forensic Imaging of Trauma, Springer International Publishing.
Traffic Accidents
Genet Pia, Campana Lorenzo, Egger Coraline, 2024. pp. 113-129 dans Forensic Imaging of Trauma, Springer International Publishing.
Use of RNA biomarkers in the antidoping field.
Loria F., Grabherr S., Kuuranne T., Leuenberger N., 2024. Bioanalysis, 16 (10) pp. 475-484. Peer-reviewed.
Cannabis use and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease: a Mendelian randomization study.
de La Harpe R., Schoeler T., Thorball C.W., Thomas A., Kutalik Z., Vaucher J., 2023/12/13. BMC cardiovascular disorders, 23 (1) p. 611. Peer-reviewed.
Arsenic induces metabolome remodeling in mature human adipocytes.
Gasser M., Lenglet S., Bararpour N., Sajic T., Vaucher J., Wiskott K., Augsburger M., Fracasso T., Gilardi F., Thomas A., 2023/12. Toxicology, 500 p. 153672. Peer-reviewed.
Artifacts in postmortem CT-imaging of the brain: A cooling effect?
Thicot Frederique, Dunet Vincent, Magnin Virginie, Bruguier Christine, Lobrinus Johannes-Alexander, Grabherr Silke, Genet Pia, 2023/12. Forensic Science International: Reports, 8 p. 100342.
Rethinking advanced motherhood: a new ethical narrative.
De Clercq E., Martani A., Vulliemoz N., Elger B.S., Wangmo T., 2023/12. Medicine, health care, and philosophy, 26 (4) pp. 591-603. Peer-reviewed.
‘It's a nightmare': informed consent in paediatric genome-wide sequencing. A qualitative expert interview study from Germany and Switzerland
Eichinger Johanna, Zimmermann Bettina, Elger Bernice, McLennan Stuart, Filges Isabel, Koné Insa, 2023/12. European Journal of Human Genetics, 31 (12) pp. 1398-1406.
Candida albicans Adhesion Measured by Optical Nanomotion Detection
Villalba Maria I., LeibundGut-Landmann Salomé, Bougnoux Marie-Elisabeth, d'Enfert Christophe, Willaert Ronnie G., Kasas Sandor, 2023/11/20. Fermentation, 9 (11) p. 991.
Hypnosis in High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound for Thyroid Nodule Ablation.
Oung C., Tesoro R., Marti V., Mavromati M., Lahoud M.J., 2023/11/19. The American journal of case reports, 24 pp. e941524. Peer-reviewed.
L'appréhension sensible des corps morts à l'épreuve des techniques d'imagerie post-mortem
Schnegg Céline, Rey Séverine, Dominguez Alejandro, 2023/11/14. Sociologie du travail, 65 (4).
Cheaters among pollinators: Nectar robbing and thieving vary spatiotemporally with floral traits in Afrotropical forests
Sakhalkar Sailee P., Janeček Štěpán, Klomberg Yannick, Mertens Jan E. J., Hodeček Jiří, Tropek Robert, 2023/11. Ecosphere, 14 (11) pp. e4696.
Forensic age estimation with ankle MRI: Evaluating distal tibial and calcaneal epiphyseal fusion.
Yavuz T.K., Hilal A., Kaya O., Ekizoglu O., Kaya K., 2023/11. Forensic science international, 352 p. 111832. Peer-reviewed.
Measuring pelvises in 3D surface scans and in MDCT generated virtual environment: Considerations for applications in the forensic context.
Abegg C., Hoxha F., Campana L., Ekizoglu O., Schranz S., Egger C., Grabherr S., Besse M., Moghaddam N., 2023/11. Forensic science international, 352 p. 111813. Peer-reviewed.
Multicentric case series of scuba diving fatalities: The role of intracardiac gaseous carbon dioxide in the forensic diagnosis.
Keller T., Desgraz B., Lossois M., Baccino E., Casadesus J.M., Tuchtan L., Piercecchi M.D., Klinguer P., Zarattin M., Gassend J.L. et al., 2023/11. Forensic science international, 352 p. 111845. Peer-reviewed.
Transcriptomes of aging brain, heart, muscle, and spleen from female and male African turquoise killifish.
Xu A., Teefy B.B., Lu R.J., Nozownik S., Tyers A.M., Valenzano D.R., Benayoun B.A., 2023/10/12. Scientific data, 10 (1) p. 695. Peer-reviewed.
La médecine légale à Genève
Grabherr Silke, Fauvel Aude, Sabatasso Sara, Castella Vincent, Thomas Aurélien, Wiskott Kim, Fracasso Tony, 2023/10/11. Revue Médicale Suisse, 19 (845-2) pp. 1870-1873.
Evaluation of a Portable Blood Gas Analyzer for Prehospital Triage in Carbon Monoxide Poisoning: Instrument Validation Study.
Lyon M., Fehlmann C.A., Augsburger M., Schaller T., Zimmermann-Ivol C., Celi J., Gartner B.A., Lorenzon N., Sarasin F., Suppan L., 2023/10/06. JMIR formative research, 7 pp. e48057. Peer-reviewed.
Cleaning deteriorated elements of ammunition: Development of a procedure applied to cartridge cases from the Second World War.
Rumo D., Werner D., Rhumorbarbe D., Gobat G., Gallusser A., Gassend J.L., Delémont O., 2023/10. Forensic science international, 351 p. 111809. Peer-reviewed.
Mechanical Properties and Nanomotion of BT-20 and ZR-75 Breast Cancer Cells Studied by Atomic Force Microscopy and Optical Nanomotion Detection Method.
Starodubtseva M.N., Shkliarava N.M., Chelnokova I.A., Villalba M.I., Krylov A.Y., Nadyrov E.A., Kasas S., 2023/09/26. Cells, 12 (19) p. 2362. Peer-reviewed.
Hypothermic cardiac arrest patients admitted to hospital who were not rewarmed with extracorporeal life support: A retrospective study.
Hall N., Métrailler-Mermoud J., Cools E., Fehlmann C., Carron P.N., Rousson V., Grabherr S., Schrag B., Kirsch M., Frochaux V. et al., 2023/09. Resuscitation plus, 15 p. 100443. Peer-reviewed.
The Society of Hair Testing consensus on general recommendations for hair testing and drugs of abuse testing in hair.
Favretto D., Cooper G., Andraus M., Sporkert F., Agius R., Appenzeller B., Baumgartner M., Binz T., Cirimele V., Kronstrand R. et al., 2023/09. Drug testing and analysis, 15 (9) pp. 1042-1046. Peer-reviewed.
A new multimodal paradigm for biomarkers longitudinal monitoring: a clinical application to women steroid profiles in urine and blood.
de Figueiredo M., Saugy J., Saugy M., Faiss R., Salamin O., Nicoli R., Kuuranne T., Rudaz S., Botrè F., Boccard J., 2023/08/01. Analytica chimica acta, 1267 p. 341389. Peer-reviewed.
Conventional and assisted suicide in Switzerland: Insights into a divergent development based on cancer-associated self-initiated deaths.
Güth U., Junker C., Elger B.S., Elfgen C., Montagna G., Schneeberger A.R., 2023/08. Cancer medicine, 12 (16) pp. 17296-17307. Peer-reviewed.
Molecular assessment of dietary variation in neighbouring primate groups
Schneider J., Brun L., Taberlet P., Fumagalli L., van de Waal E., 2023/08. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 14 (8) pp. 1925-1936. Peer-reviewed.
Association of Trace Element Levels with Outcomes in Critically Ill COVID-19 Patients.
Wozniak H., Le Terrier C., Primmaz S., Suh N., Lenglet S., Thomas A., Vuilleumier N., Pagano S., de Watteville A., Stringhini S. et al., 2023/07/26. Nutrients, 15 (15) p. 3308. Peer-reviewed.
Early noninvasive prenatal paternity testing by targeted fetal DNA analysis.
Damour G., Baumer K., Legardeur H., Hall D., 2023/07/26. Scientific reports, 13 (1) p. 12139. Peer-reviewed.
How the Current Management of Intimate Partner Violence Can Endanger Victimized Mothers and Their Children
Cattagni Kleiner Anne, Romain-Glassey Nathalie, 2023/07/15. Journal of Family Violence.
Straightforward quantification of endogenous steroids with liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry: Comparing calibration approaches.
Visconti G., de Figueiredo M., Salamin O., Boccard J., Vuilleumier N., Nicoli R., Kuuranne T., Rudaz S., 2023/07/15. Journal of chromatography. B, Analytical technologies in the biomedical and life sciences, 1226 p. 123778. Peer-reviewed.
Longitudinal Profiling of Endogenous Steroids in Blood Using the Athlete Biological Passport Approach.
Equey T., Salamin O., Ponzetto F., Nicoli R., Kuuranne T., Saugy J., Saugy M., Aikin R., Baume N., 2023/07/14. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism, 108 (8) pp. 1937-1946. Peer-reviewed.
Can the size of the contact area body-ground influence the presence of acute pulmonary emphysema in cases of incomplete hanging?
Castiglioni C., Lanzillotta F., Fracasso T., 2023/07. International journal of legal medicine, 137 (4) pp. 1089-1092. Peer-reviewed.
Correction to: Post‑mortem changes of the vascular system-a thanatological study using multidetector computed tomography.
Egger C., Wiskott K., Vaucher P., Suppan L., Doenz F., Bize P., Grabherr S., 2023/07. International journal of legal medicine, 137 (4) p. 1311. Peer-reviewed.
Incidental discovery of herpes simplex virus encephalitis by post-mortem MRI
Genet P., Merkler D., Zerlauth J.-B., Fracasso T., 2023/07. Forensic Science International: Reports, 7 p. 100310.
Post-mortem changes of the vascular system-a thanatological study using multidetector computed tomography.
Egger C., Wiskott K., Vaucher P., Suppan L., Doenz F., Bize P., Grabherr S., 2023/07. International journal of legal medicine, 137 (4) pp. 1109-1115. Peer-reviewed.
Stigma management during reintegration of older incarcerated adults with mental health issues: A qualitative analysis.
Seaward H., Dieffenbacher S., Gaab J., Graf M., Elger B., Wangmo T., 2023/06/15. International journal of law and psychiatry, 89 p. 101905. Peer-reviewed.
A limited overview of forensic radiography in six countries as presented at the ISFRI 2021 congress
Doyle Edel, Brookes Amy-Lee, Buxton Anthony, Ejlskov Christina Carøe, Dominguez Alejandro, Grabherr Dr Silke, Kobayashi Dr. Tomoya, Marttinen Fox, Robinson Dr. Claire, Schnegg Céline, 2023/06. Forensic Imaging, 33 p. 200540.
Artificial intelligence and the doctor-patient relationship expanding the paradigm of shared decision making.
Lorenzini G., Arbelaez Ossa L., Shaw D.M., Elger B.S., 2023/06. Bioethics, 37 (5) pp. 424-429. Peer-reviewed.
Diagnosing myocarditis in endomyocardial biopsies: survey of current practice.
De Gaspari M., Larsen B.T., d'Amati G., Kreutz K., Basso C., Michaud K., Halushka M.K., Lin C.Y., 2023/06. Cardiovascular pathology, 64 p. 107494. Peer-reviewed.
Hidden lesions: a case of burnt remains.
Moghaddam N., Campana L., Abegg C., Vilarino R., Voland C., Dedouit F., Genet P., Fracasso T., 2023/06. Forensic sciences research, 8 (2) pp. 163-169. Peer-reviewed.
Motivation and training needs of prison healthcare professionals: findings from a qualitative study.
Jeker B., Shaw D., Lagnaux N., Wangmo T., Elger B.S., 2023/05/20. BMC psychology, 11 (1) p. 167. Peer-reviewed.
Simple optical nanomotion method for single-bacterium viability and antibiotic response testing.
Villalba M.I., Rossetti E., Bonvallat A., Yvanoff C., Radonicic V., Willaert R.G., Kasas S., 2023/05/02. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 120 (18) pp. e2221284120. Peer-reviewed.
Differentiating individuals through the chemical composition of their fingermarks.
Gorka M., Thomas A., Bécue A., 2023/05. Forensic science international, 346 p. 111645. Peer-reviewed.
Fat embolism after intraosseous catheters in pediatric forensic autopsies.
Castiglioni C., Carminati A., Fracasso T., 2023/05. International journal of legal medicine, 137 (3) pp. 787-791. Peer-reviewed.
Forensic age estimation in males by MRI based on the medial epiphysis of the clavicle.
Widek T., De Tobel J., Ehammer T., Genet P., 2023/05. International journal of legal medicine, 137 (3) pp. 679-689. Peer-reviewed.
Identification and characterization of novel DIP-STRs from whole-genome sequencing data.
Damour G., Mauffrey F., Hall D., 2023/05. Forensic science international. Genetics, 64 p. 102849. Peer-reviewed.
Immunohistochemical detection of Fibronectin, P-Selectin, FVIII, HSP-70 and MRP-8 in the skin of ligature marks of suicidal hangings.
Caputo F., Barranco R., Ventura F., Fracasso T., 2023/05. Journal of forensic and legal medicine, 96 p. 102524. Peer-reviewed.
The influence of impact velocity on bullet trajectory deflection through ballistic gelatine.
Kerkhoff W., Glardon M.J., Schyma C., Alberink I., Oostra R.J., Riva F., 2023/05. Forensic science international, 346 p. 111675. Peer-reviewed.
Association of plasma zinc levels with anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG and IgA seropositivity in the general population: A case-control study.
Equey A., Berger M.M., Gonseth-Nusslé S., Augsburger M., Rezzi S., Hodgson ACC, Estoppey S., Pantaleo G., Pellaton C., Perrais M. et al., 2023/04/18. Clinical nutrition, 42 (6) pp. 972-986. Peer-reviewed.
Single-Cell Optical Nanomotion of Candida albicans in Microwells for Rapid Antifungal Susceptibility Testing
Radonicic Vjera, Yvanoff Charlotte, Villalba Maria Ines, Devreese Bart, Kasas Sandor, Willaert Ronnie G., 2023/04/07. Fermentation, 9 (4) p. 365.
Genetically determined cardiomyopathies at autopsy: the pivotal role of the pathologist in establishing the diagnosis and guiding family screening.
Sheppard M.N., van der Wal A.C., Banner J., d'Amati G., De Gaspari M., De Gouveia R., Di Gioia C., Giordano C., Larsen M.K., Lynch M.J. et al., 2023/04. Virchows Archiv, 482 (4) pp. 653-669. Peer-reviewed.
Influence of population characteristics and use of emergency medical systems on the rate of asystolic out-of-hospital cardiac arrest for which resuscitation is attempted.
Larribau R., Payot C., Lardi C., Suppan L., Fehlmann C.A., 2023/04. Resuscitation, 185 p. 109730. Peer-reviewed.
Single-run UHPLC-MS/MS method for simultaneous quantification of endogenous steroids and their phase II metabolites in serum for anti-doping purposes.
Ponzetto F., Parasiliti-Caprino M., Gesmundo I., Marinelli L., Nonnato A., Nicoli R., Kuuranne T., Mengozzi G., Ghigo E., Settanni F., 2023/04/01. Talanta, 255 p. 124218. Peer-reviewed.
The effects of iron injection on blood doping biomarkers in dried blood spots.
Loria F., Maret E., Schobinger C., Kuuranne T., Grabherr S., Leuenberger N., 2023/04. Drug testing and analysis, 15 (4) pp. 444-448. Peer-reviewed.
Comparison of Dried Blood Spot and Microtube Techniques for Trace Element Quantification by ICP-MS.
Perrais M., Thomas A., Augsburger M., Lenglet S., 2023/03/21. Journal of analytical toxicology, 47 (2) pp. 175-181. Peer-reviewed.
3D printed fiber-optic nanomechanical bioprobe
Zou M., Liao C., Chen Y., Xu L., Tang S., Xu G., Ma K., Zhou J., Cai Z., Li B. et al., 2023/03/01. International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing, 5 (1) p. 015005.
A forensic case of hydranencephaly in a preterm neonate fully documented by postmortem imaging techniques.
Egger C., Dédouit F., Schrag B., Hanquinet S., Fracasso T., 2023/03. Forensic sciences research, 8 (1) pp. 79-83. Peer-reviewed.
DNA transfer when using gloves in burglary simulations.
Carrara L., Hicks T., Samie L., Taroni F., Castella V., 2023/03. Forensic science international. Genetics, 63 p. 102823. Peer-reviewed.
From Deutsche Zeitschrift to International Journal of Legal Medicine-100 years of legal medicine through the lens of journal articles : Part 3: Zeitschrift für Rechtsmedizin-Journal of Legal Medicine from 1970 to 1990.
Schmeling A., Fracasso T., Pfeiffer H., Wirth I., 2023/03. International journal of legal medicine, 137 (2) pp. 567-579. Peer-reviewed.
Personnes âgées victimes de violence communautaire : étude descriptive et rétrospective de victimes ayant consulté à l'Unité de médecine des violences du CHUV, Suisse
Rybisar Van Dyke M., De Puy J., von Gunten A., Romain-Glassey N., 2023/03. La Revue de Médecine Légale, 14 (1) p. 100374.
Variability of the urinary and blood steroid profiles in healthy and physically active women with and without oral contraception.
Moreillon B., Salamin O., Krumm B., Iannella L., Molaioni F., Kuuranne T., Nicoli R., Saugy J.J., Botrè F., Faiss R., 2023/03. Drug testing and analysis, 15 (3) pp. 324-333. Peer-reviewed.
A nontuberculous mycobacterium could solve the mystery of the lady from the Franciscan church in Basel, Switzerland.
Sarhan M.S., Wurst C., Tzankov A., Bircher A.J., Wittig H., Briellmann T., Augsburger M., Hotz G., Zink A., Maixner F., 2023/02/07. BMC biology, 21 (1) p. 9. Peer-reviewed.
Application of postmortem imaging modalities in cases of sudden death due to cardiovascular diseases-current achievements and limitations from a pathology perspective : Endorsed by the Association for European Cardiovascular Pathology and by the International Society of Forensic Radiology and Imaging.
Michaud K., Jacobsen C., Basso C., Banner J., Blokker B.M., de Boer H.H., Dedouit F., O'Donnell C., Giordano C., Magnin V. et al., 2023/02. Virchows Archiv, 482 (2) pp. 385-406. Peer-reviewed.
Blood proteome of acute intracranial hemorrhage in infant victims of abusive head trauma.
Wiskott K., Gilardi F., Hainard A., Sanchez J.C., Thomas A., Sajic T., Fracasso T., 2023/02. Proteomics, 23 (3-4) pp. e2200078. Peer-reviewed.
Que doit faire le médecin de premier recours devant une mort subite à domicile ? - La mort n’est que le début…
Grabherr S., 2023/01/25. Revue medicale suisse, 19 (811) pp. 99-100. Peer-reviewed.
A smarter perspective: Learning with and from AI-cases.
Ossa L.A., Rost M., Lorenzini G., Shaw D.M., Elger B.S., 2023/01. Artificial intelligence in medicine, 135 p. 102458. Peer-reviewed.
Annual banned-substance review-Analytical approaches in human sports drug testing 2021/2022.
Thevis M., Kuuranne T., Geyer H., 2023/01. Drug testing and analysis, 15 (1) pp. 5-26. Peer-reviewed.
Comparison between MACSprep™ forensic sperm microbead kit and Erase Sperm Isolation kit for the enrichment of sperm fractions recovered from sexual assault samples.
Grosjean F., Favre M., Castella V., 2023/01. International journal of legal medicine, 137 (1) pp. 267-278. Peer-reviewed.
Crime hierarchy, victimization and coping results of a qualitative study on the older incarcerated Person's mental health in Switzerland.
Pageau F., Cornaz C.D., Seaward H., Elger B.S., Wangmo T., 2023. International journal of law and psychiatry, 87 p. 101870. Peer-reviewed.
DNA Interpretation and Evaluative Reporting
Hicks Tacha, Taroni Franco, 2023. pp. 91-102 dans Encyclopedia of Forensic Sciences, Third Edition, Elsevier.
Droit international de la privation de liberté : à jour au 1er juillet 2023
Lessène Ghislain Patrick, Scalia Damien, 2023., 2e édition 404, Larcier Legal.
eHealth interventions for psychiatry in Switzerland and Russia: a comparative study.
Chivilgina O., Elger B.S., Fedotov I., Jotterand F., 2023. Frontiers in digital health, 5 p. 1278176. Peer-reviewed.
From Deutsche Zeitschrift to International Journal of Legal Medicine-100 years of legal medicine through the lens of journal articles : Part 2: Deutsche Zeitschrift für die gesamte gerichtliche Medizin from 1948 to 1969.
Wirth I., Fracasso T., Pfeiffer H., Schmeling A., 2023/01. International journal of legal medicine, 137 (1) pp. 279-294. Peer-reviewed.
Integrating distribution kinetics and toxicodynamics to assess repeat dose neurotoxicity in vitro using human BrainSpheres: a case study on amiodarone.
Nunes C., Proença S., Ambrosini G., Pamies D., Thomas A., Kramer N.I., Zurich M.G., 2023. Frontiers in pharmacology, 14 p. 1248882. Peer-reviewed.
Introduction into Human Taphonomy – Human Taphonomy Begins when Life Ends
Varlet V., Moghaddam N., 2023. pp. 11-18 dans Burial Taphonomy and Post-Funeral Practices in Pre-Roman Italy: Problems and Perspectives chap. 2, Propylaeum.
Mitochondrial nanomotion measured by optical microscopy.
Parmar P., Villalba M.I., Horii Huber A.S., Kalauzi A., Bartolić D., Radotić K., Willaert R.G., MacFabe D.F., Kasas S., 2023. Frontiers in microbiology, 14 p. 1133773. Peer-reviewed.
Modulation of the nanoscale motion rate of Candida albicans by X-rays.
Starodubtseva M.N., Chelnokova I.A., Shkliarava N.M., Villalba M.I., Tapalski D.V., Kasas S., Willaert R.G., 2023. Frontiers in microbiology, 14 p. 1133027. Peer-reviewed.
Out of their minds? Externalist challenges for using AI in forensic psychiatry.
Starke G., D'Imperio A., Ienca M., 2023. Frontiers in psychiatry, 14 p. 1209862. Peer-reviewed.
Russell and Burch's 3Rs then and now: The case of Switzerland.
Rodriguez Perez C., Persson K., Cajiga Morales R.M., Elger B.S., Shaw D.M., 2023. ALTEX, 40 (4) pp. 635-648. Peer-reviewed.
Sensing the (digital) pulse. Future steps for improving the secondary use of data for research in Switzerland.
Martani A., Geneviève L.D., Wangmo T., Maurer J., Crameri K., Erard F., Spoendlin J., Pauli-Magnus C., Pittet V., Sengstag T. et al., 2023. Digital health, 9 p. 20552076231169826. Peer-reviewed.
Sudden cardiac death in the young: A consensus statement on recommended practices for cardiac examination by pathologists from the Society for Cardiovascular Pathology.
Kelly K.L., Lin P.T., Basso C., Bois M., Buja L.M., Cohle S.D., d'Amati G., Duncanson E., Fallon J.T., Firchau D. et al., 2023. Cardiovascular pathology, 63 p. 107497. Peer-reviewed.
‘Seeing for real’: Forensic Pathologists Testing the Demonstrative Power of Postmortem Imaging
Schnegg Céline, Rey Séverine, Dominguez Alejandro, 2023. pp. 13-26 dans Death’s Social and Material Meaning beyond the Human chap. 1, Bristol University Press.
Randomly controlled drivers using minimally invasive sampling: assessment of drug prevalence in Western Switzerland over two time periods.
Joye T., Déglon J., Donzé N., Gilardi F., Sidibé J., Favrat B., Augsburger M., Thomas A., 2022/12/28. BMC public health, 22 (1) p. 2446. Peer-reviewed.
PhenoExplorer: An Interactive Web-based Platform for Exploring (Epi)Genome-Wide Associations Using a Swiss Population-based Study.
Ghobril J.P., Petrovic D., Ehret G., Ponte B., Pruijm M., Ackermann D., Vogt B., Stringhini S., Thomas A., Chamberlain J. et al., 2022/12/21. Chimia, 76 (12) pp. 1052-1062. Peer-reviewed.
Larger insects in a colder environment? Elevational and seasonal intraspecific differences in tropical moth sizes on Mount Cameroon
Papandreou Fotoula, Hodeček Jiří, Maicher Vincent, Delabye Sylvain, Pyrcz Tomasz, Tropek Robert, 2022/12. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 39.
A comprehensive UHPLC-MS/MS method for the analysis of endogenous and exogenous steroids in serum for anti-doping purposes.
Langer T., Salamin O., Nicoli R., Grabherr S., Kuuranne T., Musenga A., 2022/11. Drug testing and analysis, 14 (11-12) pp. 1904-1919. Peer-reviewed.
Comparison of three different blood matrices for the quantification of endogenous steroids using UHPLC-MS/MS.
Salamin O., Langer T., Saugy J., Saugy M., Grabherr S., Kuuranne T., Nicoli R., 2022/11. Drug testing and analysis, 14 (11-12) pp. 1920-1925. Peer-reviewed.
Wirth I., Fracasso T., Pfeiffer H., Schmeling A., 2022/11. International journal of legal medicine, 136 (6) p. 1519. Peer-reviewed.
From Deutsche Zeitschrift to International Journal of Legal Medicine-100 years of legal medicine through the lens of journal articles : Part 1: Deutsche Zeitschrift für die gesamte gerichtliche Medizin from 1922 to 1944.
Wirth I., Fracasso T., Pfeiffer H., Schmeling A., 2022/11. International journal of legal medicine, 136 (6) pp. 1897-1912. Peer-reviewed.
Focal vs. fecal: Seasonal variation in the diet of wild vervet monkeys from observational and DNA metabarcoding data.
Brun L., Schneider J., Carrió E.M., Dongre P., Taberlet P., Van de Waal E., Fumagalli L., 2022/10. Ecology and Evolution, 12 (10) pp. e9358. Peer-reviewed.
Measuring the Impact of Conservation: The Growing Importance of Monitoring Fauna, Flora and Funga
Stephenson PJ, Londoño-Murcia MC, Borges PAV, Claassens L., Frisch-Nwakanma H., Ling N., McMullan-Fisher S., Meeuwig JJ, Unter KMM, Walls JL et al., 2022/09/30. Diversity, 14 (10) p. 824. Peer-reviewed.
Chemical composition of the fingermark residue: Assessment of the intravariability over one year using MALDI-MSI.
Gorka M., Thomas A., Bécue A., 2022/09. Forensic science international, 338 p. 111380. Peer-reviewed.
COVID-19-Associated cardiac pathology at the postmortem evaluation: a collaborative systematic review.
Almamlouk R., Kashour T., Obeidat S., Bois M.C., Maleszewski J.J., Omrani O.A., Tleyjeh R., Berbari E., Chakhachiro Z., Zein-Sabatto B. et al., 2022/08. Clinical microbiology and infection, 28 (8) pp. 1066-1075. Peer-reviewed.
Post-mortem computed tomography is a useful tool for determining the pulmonary ventilation status in newborns
Fischer Florian T., Schwerer Michael, Lochner Stefanie, Maxien Daniel, Mück Fabian, Bechstein Laura, Wirth Stefan, Grimm Jochen, 2022/08. Rechtsmedizin, 32 (4) pp. 264-270.
Stability of drugs of abuse in synthetic oral fluid investigated using a simple "dilute and inject" method of analysis.
Gavrilović I., Musenga A., Wolff K., Woffendin A., Smart A., Gong F., Harding D., Cowan D., 2022/08. Drug testing and analysis, 14 (8) pp. 1482-1490. Peer-reviewed.
Genre en médecine de premier ­recours
Meuwly M.G., Geiser E., Clair C., Schwarz J., Romain-Glassey N., Mueller Y., 2022/07/06. Primary and hospital care: médecine interne générale, 22 (7) pp. 217-219. Peer-reviewed.
A simplified protocol for the detection of blood, saliva, and semen from a single biological trace using immunochromatographic tests.
Basset P., Blandin P., Grini A., Delemont S., Samie L., Castella V., 2022/06. Forensic science, medicine, and pathology, 18 (2) pp. 141-148. Peer-reviewed.
An in vitro strategy using multiple human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived models to assess the toxicity of chemicals: A case study on paraquat.
Nunes C., Singh P., Mazidi Z., Murphy C., Bourguignon A., Wellens S., Chandrasekaran V., Ghosh S., Zana M., Pamies D. et al., 2022/06. Toxicology in vitro, 81 p. 105333. Peer-reviewed.
ESPEN micronutrient guideline.
Berger M.M., Shenkin A., Schweinlin A., Amrein K., Augsburger M., Biesalski H.K., Bischoff S.C., Casaer M.P., Gundogan K., Lepp H.L. et al., 2022/06. Clinical nutrition, 41 (6) pp. 1357-1424. Peer-reviewed.
Evaluation of CYP1A2 activity: Relationship between the endogenous urinary 6-hydroxymelatonin to melatonin ratio and paraxanthine to caffeine ratio in dried blood spots.
Magliocco G., Desmeules J., Samer C.F., Thomas A., Daali Y., 2022/06. Clinical and translational science, 15 (6) pp. 1482-1491. Peer-reviewed.
Fatal Ogilvie's syndrome after hip surgery and review of the literature.
Aguiar D., Fracasso T., Lardi C., 2022/06. Forensic science, medicine, and pathology, 18 (2) pp. 170-175. Peer-reviewed.
Thrombolysis by PLAT/tPA increases serum free IGF1 leading to a decrease of deleterious autophagy following brain ischemia.
Thiebaut A.M., Buendia I., Ginet V., Lemarchand E., Boudjadja M.B., Hommet Y., Lebouvier L., Lechevallier C., Maillasson M., Hedou E. et al., 2022/06. Autophagy, 18 (6) pp. 1297-1317. Peer-reviewed.
A Logical Framework for Forensic DNA Interpretation.
Hicks T., Buckleton J., Castella V., Evett I., Jackson G., 2022/05/27. Genes, 13 (6) pp. 957/1-26. Peer-reviewed.
Toxicity and Metabolomic Impact of Cobalt, Chromium, and Nickel Exposure on HepaRG Hepatocytes.
Bellouard M., Gasser M., Lenglet S., Gilardi F., Bararpour N., Augsburger M., Thomas A., Alvarez J.C., 2022/05/16. Chemical research in toxicology, 35 (5) pp. 807-816. Peer-reviewed.
A chemoinformatics search for peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors ligands revealed a new pan-agonist able to reduce lipid accumulation and improve insulin sensitivity.
Sblano S., Cerchia C., Laghezza A., Piemontese L., Brunetti L., Leuci R., Gilardi F., Thomas A., Genovese M., Santi A. et al., 2022/05/05. European journal of medicinal chemistry, 235 p. 114240. Peer-reviewed.
A fast screening method for the detection of CERA in dried blood spots.
Rocca A., Martin L., Kuuranne T., Ericsson M., Marchand A., Leuenberger N., 2022/05. Drug testing and analysis, 14 (5) pp. 820-825. Peer-reviewed.
Assessing environmental DNA metabarcoding and camera trap surveys as complementary tools for biomonitoring of remote desert water bodies
Mas-Carrió E., Schneider J., Nasanbat B., Ravchig S., Buxton M., Nyamukondiwa C., Stoffel C., Augugliaro C., Ceacero F., Taberlet P. et al., 2022/05. Environmental DNA, 4 (3) pp. 580-595. Peer-reviewed.
Creation of a Forensic Pathology Biobank in Switzerland: which issues and research opportunities?
Wiskott K., Gilardi F., Michaud K., Augsburger M., Castiglioni C., Carminati A., Grabherr S., Thomas A., Fracasso T., 2022/05. International journal of legal medicine, 136 (3) pp. 919-922. Peer-reviewed.
Error estimation on extracorporeal trajectory determination from body scans.
Riva F., Buck U., Buße K., Hermsen R., Mattijssen EJAT, Kerkhoff W., 2022/05. International journal of legal medicine, 136 (3) pp. 729-737. Peer-reviewed.
Fatal diving: could it be an immersion pulmonary edema? Case report.
Evain F., Louge P., Pignel R., Fracasso T., Rouyer F., 2022/05. International journal of legal medicine, 136 (3) pp. 713-717. Peer-reviewed.
Investigators' sense of failure thwarted transparency in clinical trials discontinued for poor recruitment.
Satalkar P., McLennan S., Elger B.S., von Elm E., Matthias B., 2022/05. Journal of clinical epidemiology, 145 pp. 136-143. Peer-reviewed.
Longitudinal evaluation of multiple biomarkers for the detection of testosterone gel administration in women with normal menstrual cycle.
Salamin O., Nicoli R., Langer T., Boccard J., Grundisch C.S., Xu C., Rudaz S., Kuuranne T., Pitteloud N., Saugy M., 2022/05. Drug testing and analysis, 14 (5) pp. 833-850. Peer-reviewed.
Spatio-temporal distribution and habitat preference of necrophagous Calliphoridae based on 160 real cases from Switzerland.
Hodecek J., Jakubec P., 2022/05. International journal of legal medicine, 136 (3) pp. 923-934. Peer-reviewed.
The use of RNA-based 5'-aminolevulinate synthase 2 biomarkers in dried blood spots to detect recombinant human erythropoietin microdoses.
Loria F., Cox H.D., Voss S.C., Rocca A., Miller G.D., Townsend N., Georgakopoulos C., Eichner D., Kuuranne T., Leuenberger N., 2022/05. Drug testing and analysis, 14 (5) pp. 826-832. Peer-reviewed.
The Dynamics of Single-Cell Nanomotion Behaviour of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in a Microfluidic Chip for Rapid Antifungal Susceptibility Testing
Radonicic V., Yvanoff C., Villalba MI, Kasas S., Willaert RG, 2022/04/26. Fermentation, 8 (5) p. 195.
Effect of antibiotics on mechanical properties of Bordetella pertussis examined by atomic force microscopy.
Villalba M.I., Venturelli L., Arnal L., Masson C., Dietler G., Vela M.E., Yantorno O., Kasas S., 2022/04. Micron, 155 p. 103229. Peer-reviewed.
Spatiotemporal variation in the role of floral traits in shaping tropical plant-pollinator interactions.
Klomberg Y., Tropek R., Mertens JEJ, Kobe I.N., Hodeček J., Raška J., Fominka N.T., Souto-Vilarós D., Janečková P., Janeček Š., 2022/04. Ecology letters, 25 (4) pp. 839-850. Peer-reviewed.
Cadmium acute exposure induces metabolic and transcriptomic perturbations in human mature adipocytes.
Gasser M., Lenglet S., Bararpour N., Sajic T., Wiskott K., Augsburger M., Fracasso T., Gilardi F., Thomas A., 2022/03/30. Toxicology, 470 p. 153153. Peer-reviewed.
Nouveautés dans la pathophysiologie et le traitement de l’anémie rénale [New insights in the pathophysiology and treatment of renal anemia]
Vultaggio P., Loria F., Fakhouri F., Leuenberger N., Pruijm M., 2022/03/02. Revue medicale suisse, 18 (771) pp. 358-363. Peer-reviewed.
Code of practice for medical autopsies: a minimum standard position paper for pathology departments performing medical (hospital) autopsies in adults.
Alfsen G.C., Gulczyński J., Kholová I., Latten B., Martinez J., Metzger M., Michaud K., Pontinha C.M., Rakislova N., Rotman S. et al., 2022/03. Virchows Archiv, 480 (3) pp. 509-517. Peer-reviewed.
Monitoring of hemoglobin and erythropoiesis-related mRNA with dried blood spots in athletes and patients.
Loria F., Stutz A.P., Rocca A., Grabherr S., Kuuranne T., Pruijm M., Leuenberger N., 2022/03. Bioanalysis, 14 (5) pp. 241-251. Peer-reviewed.
Application of the Athlete Biological Passport Approach to the Detection of Growth Hormone Doping.
Equey T., Pastor A., de la Torre Fornell R., Thomas A., Giraud S., Thevis M., Kuuranne T., Baume N., Barroso O., Aikin R., 2022/02/17. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism, 107 (3) pp. 649-659. Peer-reviewed.
Rediscovering the value of images in supporting personal identification of missing migrants.
Cappella A., De Angelis D., Mazzarelli D., Vitale A., Caccia G., Fracasso T., Cattaneo C., 2022/02. Legal medicine, 54 p. 101985. Peer-reviewed.
Use of Bayesian Networks for the investigation of the nature of biological material in casework.
Samie L., Champod C., Delémont S., Basset P., Hicks T., Castella V., 2022/02. Forensic science international, 331 p. 111174. Peer-reviewed.
An Expert-Supervised Registration Method for Multiparameter Description of the Knee Joint Using Serial Imaging.
Babel H., Omoumi P., Cosendey K., Stanovici J., Cadas H., Jolles B.M., Favre J., 2022/01/22. Journal of clinical medicine, 11 (3) p. 548. Peer-reviewed.
A mixed DNA profile controversy revisited.
Kalafut T., Pugh S., Gill P., Abbas S., Semaan M., Mansour I., Curran J., Bright J.A., Hicks T., Wivell R. et al., 2022/01. Journal of forensic sciences, 67 (1) pp. 128-135. Peer-reviewed.
Analyse systématique du GHB dans les échantillons biologiques : rapport de synthèse 2021
Augsburger M., Thomas A., Carron PN, 2022/01/01. 21, Unité de toxicologie et de chimie forensiques, Centre universitaire romand de médecine légale.
Annual banned-substance review: Analytical approaches in human sports drug testing 2020/2021.
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Cannabinoids for behavioral symptoms in severe dementia: Safety and feasibility in a long-term pilot observational study in nineteen patients.
Pautex S., Bianchi F., Daali Y., Augsburger M., de Saussure C., Wampfler J., Curtin F., Desmeules J., Broers B., 2022. Frontiers in aging neuroscience, 14 p. 957665. Peer-reviewed.
Cardiovascular pathology: guide to practice and training
Buja LM, Zhao B., Segura A., Lelenwa L., McDonald M., Michaud K., 2022. pp. 1-26 dans Cardiovascular Pathology chap. 1, Elsevier.
Forensic Imaging: A New Subspeciality of Radiology
Dedouit F., Grabherr S., Heinze S., Scheurer E., Yen K., 2022. pp. 1-8 dans Forensic Imaging, Springer International Publishing.
High-Speed Atomic Force Microscopy Visualization of Protein-DNA Interactions Using DNA Origami Frames.
Willaert R.G., Kasas S., 2022. pp. 157-167 dans Prokaryotic Gene Regulation, Springer.
Post-mortem Computed Tomographic Angiography in Equine Distal Forelimbs: A Feasibility Study.
Blaettler C., Kaessmeyer S., Grabherr S., Koch C., Schweizer D., Van der Vekens E., 2022. Frontiers in veterinary science, 9 p. 868390. Peer-reviewed.
Sex estimation in a Turkish population using Purkait's triangle: a virtual approach by 3-dimensional computed tomography (3D-CT).
García-Donas J.G., Ors S., Inci E., Kranioti E.F., Ekizoglu O., Moghaddam N., Grabherr S., 2022. Forensic sciences research, 7 (2) pp. 97-105. Peer-reviewed.
Suffering and Care of 0-12 Year-Old Children Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence: Making Clinical Forensic Data Talk.
Dessimoz Künzle L., Cattagni Kleiner A., Romain-Glassey N., 2022. Frontiers in psychiatry, 13 p. 805097. Peer-reviewed.
The Allelic Variant A391T of Metal Ion Transporter ZIP8 (SLC39A8) Leads to Hypotension and Enhanced Insulin Resistance.
Verouti S.N., Pujol-Giménez J., Bermudez-Lekerika P., Scherler L., Bhardwaj R., Thomas A., Lenglet S., Siegrist M., Hofstetter W., Fuster D.G. et al., 2022. Frontiers in physiology, 13 p. 912277. Peer-reviewed.
The big puzzle: A critical review of virtual re-association methods for fragmented human remains in a DVI context'.
Malfroy Camine L., Varlet V., Campana L., Grabherr S., Moghaddam N., 2022/01. Forensic science international, 330 p. 111033. Peer-reviewed.
The Lady from Basel's Barfüsserkirche - Molecular confirmation of the Mummy's identity through mitochondrial DNA of living relatives spanning 22 generations.
Wurst C., Maixner F., Castella V., Cipollini G., Hotz G., Zink A., 2022/01. Forensic science international. Genetics, 56 p. 102604. Peer-reviewed.
Exploring the Functionality of Mesh-to-Mesh Value Comparison in Pair-Matching and Its Application to Fragmentary Remains.
McWhirter Z., Karell M.A., Er A., Bozdag M., Ekizoglu O., Kranioti E.F., 2021/12/09. Biology, 10 (12). Peer-reviewed.
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