Institute of Psychology

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4059 publications

... | 2013 | 2012 | ...
Visual backward masking performance is modulated by sex and schizotypy.
Sierro G., Cappe C., Herzog M.H., Mohr C., 2013/08., ESCOP dans The 18th Meeting of The European Society for Cognitive Psychology.
Bodily awareness and graft's incorporation in kidney transplantation: a longitudinal study
Piot-Ziegler C., 2013/07., ISCHP dans International Society of Critical Health Psychology. Peer-reviewed.
Eloge du non-savoir. François Roustang, thérapeute et philosophe
Duruz N., 2013/07. Esprit pp. 78-95. Peer-reviewed.
From "traditional" french medical psychology in medical context (1950's) towards a Critical and Qualitative Health Psychology (2000's)
Santiago-Delefosse M., 2013/07. p. 22 dans Abstract booklet of the ISCHP's 8th Biannual conference [online]. Peer-reviewed, International Society of Critical Health Psychology.
General practice encounters for patients with chronic pain without objective findings : time for a model shift ?
Gonin Nicole A., Santiago-Delefosse M., 2013/07. p. 28 dans Abstract booklet of the ISCHP's 8th Biannual conference [online]. Peer-reviewed, International Society of Critical Health Psychology.
Go beyond the language barriers with deaf patients : bridging deaf and medical worlds
Cantero O., Santiago Delefosse M., 2013/07. p. 29 dans Abstract booklet of the ISCHP's 8th Biannual conference [online]. Peer-reviewed, International Society of Critical Health Psychology.
Has the biopsychosocial model passed its use-by date ?
Santiago-Delefosse M., 2013/07. p. 320 dans Psychology & Health. Peer-reviewed, Schmid H.Quintard B..
Shifting boundaries of self-perception in the social and professional integration process of skilled migrant women in Switzerland: the risk of labels
Nunes-Moreira J., Santiago-Delefosse M., 2013/07. p. 28 dans Abstract booklet of the ISCHP's 8th Biannual conference [online]. Peer-reviewed, International Society of Critical Health Psychology.
Shifting bounderies of self-perception in the social and professional integration process of skilled migrant women in Switzerland : the risks of label
Nunes-Moreira J., Santiago-Delefosse M., 2013/07. p. 94 dans International Society of Critical Health Psychology : 8th Biennial conference 22-24 July 2013, Bradford, United Kingdom : Abstract booklet. Peer-reviewed.
The mismatch between patients' expectations and gynaecological practices revealing: shifting boundaries of sexuality
Schweizer A., Santiago-Delefosse M., 2013/07. p. 27 dans International Society of Critical Health Psychology. Bradford. Abstract booklet. Peer-reviewed.
Visual backward masking deficits are specific to female observers scoring high on cognitive disorganisation.
Sierro G., Cappe C., Herzog M.H., Mohr C., 2013/07., International Society for the Study of Individual Differences dans ISSID 2013.
A functional study of reward mechanisms in feeding behaviour,
Läser Heubi Melody, Brandner Catherine, Hadjikhani Nouchine, 2013/06., Swiss Federation of Clinical Neuro-Society, P38.
Validation of an Adapted French Form of the Career Adapt-Abilities Scale in four Francophone Countries
Johnston C. S., Broonen J.-P., Stauffer S. D., Hamtiaux A., Pouyaud J., Zecca G., Houssemand C., Rossier J., 2013/06. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 83 (1) pp. 1-10. Peer-reviewed.
Les méthodes mixtes en psychologie de la santé : un exemple de recherche sur l'intégration de la sexualité en consultation gynécologique
Schweizer A., 2013/05. dans Faculté de Psychologie. Personality, emotion, cognition and health lab. Université catholique de Louvain (UCL). Belgique.
Les processus de changement des adolescents auteurs de violence sexuelle pris en charge dans des groupes thérapeutiques : résultats exploratoires à partir d'une étude - pilote
Roman P., Cuttelod T., Espeil-Marc S., Gorry D., Lavèze F., Ravit M., Vittoz A., 2013/05. dans 7ème Congrès International Francophone sur les Agressions Sexuelles. Peer-reviewed.
Motivation et sublimation à l'épreuve de l'adolescence
Melchiorre M., Vaz Cerniglia C., 2013/05., Université Catholique de Lyon dans Colloque des trois masters "métiers de l'enseignement" de l'UCLy.
Premiers résultats de la validation du SAPROF sur une population francophone suisse
Moulin V., Abbiati M., Dupuis M., Bianchi T., Ghollam-Rezaee M., 2013/05. dans Congrès International Francophone sur l'Agression Sexuelle (CIFAS 13). Peer-reviewed.
Influence of clients' personality and individual characteristics on the effectiveness of a career counselling intervention
Stauffer S. D., Perdrix S., Masdonati J., Massoudi K., Rossier J., 2013/04. Australian Journal of Career Development, 22 (1) pp. 4-13. Peer-reviewed.
L'intégration de la sexualité en consultation médicale : discordances entre les attentes des patientes et les pratiques des médecins
Schweizer A., Santiago-Delefosse M., 2013/04. dans Centre Interdisciplinaire de Recherche sur les Familles et les Sexualités (CIRFASE). Université catholique de Louvain (UCL).
La chaise vide en psychothérapie : origines et développements
Kramer U., Pascual-Leone A., 2013/03. Pratiques Psychologiques, 19 (1) pp. 41-53.
The skilled migrant women's experience in Switzerland: a qualitative study on life transition, personalisation and social integration
Nunes-Moreira J., Santiago-Delefosse M., 2013/03., PsyCH p. 15 dans 10th Edition - Nationaler Kongress für Psychologiestudierende, Sumiswald, Switzerland, Psyko.
Neural Evidence for Differential Visuospatial Processing in Attentional Working Memory in Normal Aging
Klencklen G., Dufour A., Brandner C., Després O., 2013/02. dans Meeting of the Swiss Society for Neuroscience.
Prenatal Representations of Family in Parents and Coparental Interactions as Predictors of Triadic Interactions During Infancy
Favez N., Frascarolo F., Scaiola L. C., Corboz-Warnery A., 2013/02. Infant Mental Health Journal, 34 (1) pp. 25-36. Peer-reviewed.
African cultures and the Five-Factor Model of personality: Evidence for a specific pan-African structure and profile?
Zecca G., Verardi S., Antonietti J.-Ph., Dahourou D., Adjahouisso M., Ah-Kion J., Amoussou-Yeye D., Barry O., Bhowon U., Bouatta C. et al., 2013. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 44 (5) pp. 684-700. Peer-reviewed.
Alcohol abstinence during early adulthood can lead to alcohol problems: a longitudinal study
Dupuis M., Henchoz Y., Deline S., N'Goran A., Baggio S., Studer J., Gmel G., Mohler-Kuo M., 2013. dans Doctoriales de l'Université de Lausanne (UNIL).
Alliance familiale entre père, mère et leur bébé conçu par fécondation in vitro
Darwiche J., Favez N., Guex P., Germond M., Despland J.-N., 2013. pp. 285-301 dans Favez N., Frascarolo F., Tissot H. (eds.) Naître et grandir au sein de la triade : le développement de l'alliance familiale, Bruxelles : De Boeck.
Art and Praxia. Plastique and Technique in Young Children's Drawings
Guberan B, Gaillard F, 2013. 229, Neuropsychologie Editions.
Assessing Difficulties in Career Decision Making Among Swiss Adolescents with the German My Vocational Situation Scale
Hirschi A., Herrmann A., 2013. Swiss Journal of Psychology, 73 (1) pp. 33-42. Peer-reviewed.
Beyond splitting: Observer-rated defense mechanisms in borderline personality disorder.
Kramer Ueli, de Roten Yves, Perry J. Christopher, Despland Jean-Nicolas, 2013/01. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 30 (1) pp. 3-15. Peer-reviewed.
Biased thinking assessed by external observers in borderline personality disorder
Kramer U., Vaudroz C., Ruggeri O., Drapeau M., 2013. Psychology and Psychotherapy, 86 (2) pp. 183-196. Peer-reviewed.
Bodily perspective taking goes social: the role of personal, interpersonal, and intercultural factors
Mohr C., Rowe A. C., Kurodawa I., Denby L., Theodoridou A., 2013. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 43 (7) pp. 1369-1381. Peer-reviewed.
Building hippocampal circuits to learn and remember: insights into the development of human memory
Lavenex P., Banta Lavenex P., 2013. Behavioural Brain Research, 254 pp. 8-21. Peer-reviewed.
Calling and career preparation: Investigating developmental patterns and temporal precedence
Hirschi A., Herrmann A., 2013. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 83 (1) pp. 51-60. Peer-reviewed.
Career decision making, stability and actualization of career intentions : the case of entrepreneurial intentions
Hirschi A., 2013. Journal of Career Assessment, 21 (4) pp. 555-571. Peer-reviewed.
Change in cognitive errors and coping over the course of brief psychodynamic intervention.
Kramer U., de Roten Y., Drapeau M., Despland J.N., 2013. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 69 (7) pp. 727-736. Peer-reviewed.
Change in defense mechanisms and coping patterns during the course of 2-year-long psychotherapy and psychoanalysis for recurrent depression: a pilot study of a randomized controlled trial.
Kramer U., de Roten Y., Perry J.C., Despland J.N., 2013. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 201 (7) pp. 614-620. Peer-reviewed.
Collaboration entre cliniciens et chercheurs autour de la "consultation systémique": double regard sur un cas clinique
Carneiro Claudio, Frascarolo France, Duc-Marwood Alessandra, Tissot Hervé, Despland Jean-Nicolas, Favez Nicolas, 2013. Psychothérapies, 33 (3) pp. 157-166.
Comportements anxieux liés à une algodystrophie
Amouroux Rémy, 2013. pp. 149-169 dans Rusinek S. (eds.) Traiter l'anxiété: 11 cas pratiques enfants et adultes en TCC chap. 7, Paris : Dunod.
Couples' Resolution of an Infertility Diagnosis Before Undergoing in Vitro Fertilization
Darwiche Joëlle, Favez Nicolas, Maillard Florine, Germond Marc, Guex Patrice, Despland Jean-Nicolas, de Roten Yves, 2013. Swiss Journal of Psychology, 72 (2) pp. 91-102. Peer-reviewed.
Cultural Differences in Attitudes Toward Action and Inaction: The Role of Dialecticism
Zell E., Su R., Li H., Ho M.-H. R., Hong S., Kumkale T., Stauffer S. D., Zecca G., Cai H., Roccas S. et al., 2013. Social Psychological & Personality Science, 4 (5) pp. 521-528. Peer-reviewed.
Cultural elements as means of constructing the continuity of the self across various spheres of experience
Zittoun T., Grossen M., 2013. pp. 1-29 dans Ligorio B., Cesar M. (eds.) Interplays between dialogical learning and dialogical self, Information Age.
De la confidence à l'exposition : pour une clinique psychanalytique de l'expertise judiciaire
Roman P., 2013. pp. 175-193 dans Katz-Gilbert M. (eds.) Secret et confidentialité en clinique psychanalytique, In Press.
Development of allocentric spatial memory abilities in children from 18 months to 5 years of age.
Ribordy F., Jabès A., Banta Lavenex P., Lavenex P., 2013. Cognitive Psychology, 66 (1) pp. 1-29. Peer-reviewed.
Developmental Risk: Evidence from Large Nonrighthanded Samples
Vlachos F, Gaillard F, Vaitsis K, Karapetsas A, 2013. Child Development Research, 2013 (ID 169 509) pp. 10p..
Does disbelief in Free Will promote risk-taking behavior? a pilote study combining belief induction and Iowa Gambling Task
Schrag Y., Mohr C., 2013., SPSP dans Society for Personality and Social Psychology.
Does disbelief in Free Will promote risk-taking behavior? A study (n=143) combining belief induction and Iowa Gambling Task
Schrag Y., Mohr C., 2013. dans European Society for Cognitive Psychology.
Early mother-child interaction and later quality of attachment in infants with an orofacial cleft compared to infants without cleft.
Habersaat S., Monnier M., Peter C., Bolomey L., Borghini A., Despars J., Pierrehumbert B., Müller-Nix C., Ansermet F., Hohlfeld J., 2013. Cleft Palate-craniofacial Journal, 50 (6) pp. 704-712. Peer-reviewed.
Rossier J., 2013. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 13 (1) pp. 1-3. Peer-reviewed.
Rossier J., 2013. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 13 (2) pp. 91-93. Peer-reviewed.
Efficient spatial strategies requiring the integration of multimodal cues are impaired in a rat model of schizophrenia with a transient glutathione deficit
Bertholet L., Preissmann D., Meunier C., Schenk F., 2013. dans 2nd SFCNS Congress Swiss Federation of Clinical Neuro-Societies.
Embodied memory: memory malleability by facial feedback manipulation during reconsolidation
Chmetz F., Preissmann D., Arminjon M., Duraku A., Ansermet F., Magistretti P.J., 2013. dans ESCOP 2013, Eighteenth Meeting of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology, Budapest.
Embodied memory: memory malleability by facial feedback manipulation during reconsolidation
Chmetz F., Preissmann D., Arminjon M., Duraku A., Ansermet F., Magitretti P.J., 2013. dans 13 biannual congress of the swiss psychological society. Crossing borders, University of Basel.
Facing Cultural Diversity. Anti-Immigrant Attitudes in Europe
Fasel N., Green E. G. T., Sarrasin O., 2013. European Psychologist, 18 (4) pp. 253-262. Peer-reviewed.
Foot clearance is associated with falls in community-dwelling older people
Rochat S., Santos-Eggimann B., Botrugno F., Hoskovec C., Mariani B., Piot-Ziegler C., Büla C., 2013., Gerontological Society of America dans Gerontological Society of America.
Forms of trust/distrust and dialogicality in focus-group discussions about medical confidentiality
Grossen M., Salazar Orvig A., 2013. dans Linell P., Marková I. (eds.) Dialogical approaches to trust in communication chap. 1, Information Age Publishing.
Further insights on the French WISC-IV factor structure through Bayesian structural equation modeling
Golay P., Reverte I., Rossier J., Favez N., Lecerf T., 2013. Psychological Assessment, 25 (2) pp. 496-508. Peer-reviewed.
HiPIC: Inventaire hiérarchique de personnalité pour enfants
Mervielde I., de Fruyt F., de Clercq B., Quartier V., Rossier J., Bouvard M., 2013. 98.
Image de soi, image de l’autre. Le « retour du semblable » dans un groupe Photolangage®
Lo Piccolo Giuseppe, 2013. Inter Pares.
Inferring about individual drug and schizotypy effects on cognitive functioning in polydrug using mephedrone users before and after clubbing
Herzig D.A., Brooks R., Mohr C., 2013. Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental, 28 (2) pp. 168-182. Peer-reviewed.
La contribution des épreuves projectives à l'expertise judiciaire : de l'intérêt clinique à la nécessité éthique
Roman P., 2013. Le Carnet PSY 169 pp. 38-40. Peer-reviewed.
Le cadre institutionnel de passation des épreuves projectives : enjeux cliniques et psychopathologiques
Ravit M., Dublineau M., Brolles L., Roman P., 2013. Bulletin de Psychologie 525 pp. 237-248. Peer-reviewed.
Le silence comme outil thérapeutique dans la dépression : élaboration théorique basée sur une étude de cas
Richard Christèle, Kramer Ueli, 2013. Journal de Thérapie Comportementale et Cognitive, 23 (4) pp. 171-180.
Le travail du cas au service de la formation : du processus à l'évaluation
Roman P., 2013. Psychothérapies, 33 (1) pp. 37-42. Peer-reviewed.
Les hommes victimes d'abus sexuel dans l'enfance - Dynamique psychique et prise en charge en groupe de parole
Ewering N., Morosini K., Cuttelod T., Roman P., 2013. Criminologie, 46 (1) pp. 221-241. Peer-reviewed.
Les neurosciences à l'épreuve de la clinique et des sciences sociales: regards croisés = Neuroscience examined by the clinical and the social science: Crossed perspectives = Neurociencias a la prueba de la clínica y de las ciencias sociales: Perspectivas cruzadas
Bovet E., Kraus C., Panese F., Pidoux V., Stücklin N., 2013. Revue d'anthropologie des connaissances, 7 (3) pp. 555-569 (fr); a-n (en); I-IV (es). Peer-reviewed.
Les ressources adaptatives: de l'anticipation involontaire aux stratégies conscientes
Schenk F., Preissmann D., 2013. pp. 38-80 dans Schenk F., Leuba G., Büla C. (eds.) Du Vieillissement Cérébral à la Maladie d'Alzheimer, De Boeck.
Les ressources adaptatives: l'épreuve du vieillissement
Schenk F., Preissmann D., 2013. pp. 84-102 dans Leuba G., Büla C., Schenk F. (eds.) Du vieillissement cérébral à la maladie d'Alzheimer : vulnérabilité et plasticité, Bruxelles : De Boeck.
Les violences sexuelles des adolescents
Roman P., 2013. pp. 243-251 dans Senon J.-L., Jonas C., Voyer M. (eds.) Psychiatrie légale et criminologie clinique, Elsevier-Masson.
Line bisection by eye and by hand reveal opposite biases
Leonards U., Stone S., Mohr C., 2013. Experimental Brain Research, 228 (4) pp. 513-525. Peer-reviewed.
Men perform comparably to women in a perspective taking task after administration of intranasal oxytocin but not after placebo
Theodoridou A., Rowe A.C., Mohr C., 2013. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7 (197) pp. 1-11. Peer-reviewed.
Mesurer la stigmatisation perçue chez les personnes souffrant de troubles psychiques : traduction française, validation et adaptation de la Stigma Scale [French translation, validation and adaptation of the Stigma Scale].
Morandi S., Gibellini Manetti S., Zimmermann G., Favrod J., Chanachev A., Monnat M., Bonsack C., 2013. L'encéphale, 39 (6) pp. 408-415. Peer-reviewed.
Meta-analysis of the effects of MI training on clinicians' behavior.
de Roten Y., Zimmermann G., Ortega D., Despland J.N., 2013. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 45 (2) pp. 155-162. Peer-reviewed.
Migrations transnationales sénégalaises, intégration et développement. Le rôle des associations de la diaspora à Milan, Paris et Genève
Maggi J., Sarr D., Green E. G. T., Sarrasin O., Ferro A. (eds.), 2013. Sociograph, Faculté des sciences économiques et sociales. Université de Genève.
Méta-analyse et efficacité des psychothérapies : Faits et fictions
Zimmermann G., Pomini V., 2013. Psychologie Française, 58 (3) pp. 167-175. Peer-reviewed.
Neue Theorien in der Laufbahnforschung und deren Implikationen für die Beratungspraxis
Hirschi A., 2013. pp. 105-113 dans Hammerer M., Kanelutti E., Melter I. (eds.) Zukunftsfeld Bildungs- und Berufsberatung II: Das Gemeinsame in der Differenz finden, Bertelsmann.
Nouvelles normes de travail et nouvelles figures du/de la travailleur/euse : défis pour la santé : introduction
Danuser Brigitta, Gonik Viviane, Guillemin Michel, Monin Marie-Cécile, Fasseur Fabienne, Santiago-Delefosse Marie, Guénette Alain Max, Le Garrec Sophie, Soulet Marc-Henry, 2013. Revue économique et sociale, 71 (2) pp. 9-11.
Performance of younger and older adults in lateralized right and left hemisphere asymmetry tasks supports the HAROLD model
Collins K., Mohr C., 2013. Laterality, 18 (4) pp. 491-512. Peer-reviewed.
Performance-approach goals deplete working memory and impair cognitive performance
Crouzevialle M., Butera F., 2013. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 142 (3) pp. 666-678. Peer-reviewed.
Personality and personality disorders in urban and rural Africa: results from a field trial in Burkina Faso
Rossier J., Ouedraogo A., Dahourou D., Verardi S., de Stadelhofen F.M., 2013. Frontiers in Psychology, 4 p. 79. Peer-reviewed.
Personality features and cognitive level in patients at an early stage of Alzheimer's disease
Pocnet Cornelia, Rossier Jérôme, Antonietti Jean-Philippe, von Gunten Armin, 2013. Personality and Individual Differences, 54 (2) pp. 174-179. Peer-reviewed.
Personality traits and behavioral and psychological symptoms in patients at an early stage of Alzheimer's disease.
Pocnet C., Rossier J., Antonietti J.P., von Gunten A., 2013. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 28 (3) pp. 276-283. Peer-reviewed.
Personality traits and behavioural and psychological symptoms in patients with mild cognitive impairment.
Mendez Rubio M., Antonietti J.P., Donati A., Rossier J., von Gunten A., 2013. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders, 35 (1-2) pp. 87-97. Peer-reviewed.
Personality, career development, and occupational attainment
Brown S. D., Hirschi A., 2013. pp. 299-328 dans Brown S. D., Lent R. W. (eds.) Career development and counseling: Putting theory and research to work, John Wiley & Sons.
Proactive motivation and engagement in career behaviors: Investigating direct, mediated, and moderated effects
Hirschi A., Lee B., Porfeli E. J., Vondracek F. W., 2013. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 83 (1) pp. 31-40. Peer-reviewed.
Psychological stress in transplantation, a unified concept? What is measured and how: a literature review
Rapo C., Piot-Ziegler C., 2013. Progress in Transplantation, 23 (3) pp. 247-252. Peer-reviewed.
Put on that colour, it fits your emotion: Colour appropriateness as a function of expressed emotion
Dael N., Perseguers M.-N., Marchand C., Antonietti J.-P., Mohr C., 2013. dans 18th meeting of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology, Budapest, 29 August - 1 September.
Put on that colour, it fits your emotion: Colour appropriateness as a function of expressed emotion
Dael N., Perseguers M.-N., Marchand C., Antonietti J.-P., Mohr C., 2013. dans 12th International AIC Colour Congress, Newcastle, 8 - 12 July.
Pédiatrie. 5. Le partage de l'information médicale en 2012 [Pediatrics. Sharing of the medical letter with the patient].
Cachat F., Chehade H., Blank S., Girardin E., Piot-Ziegler C., 2013. Revue Médicale Suisse, 9 (369) pp. 140-141.
Représentations et fonctions de la supervision clinique des psychologues en France : Etude comparative chez des professionnels en exercice et des psychologues en formation
Capdevielle-Mougnibas V., Castro D., Santiago-Delefosse M., 2013/01. Psychologie Française, 58 (2) pp. 149-165. Peer-reviewed.
Risk factors of anxiety and depression in children and adolescents with headache: A cross-sectional study
Rousseau-Salvador C., Amouroux R., Gooze R., Salvador A., Tourniaire B., Rusinek S., Annequin D., 2013. Revue Européenne de Psychologie Appliquée / European Review of Applied Psychology, 63 (5) pp. 295-302. Peer-reviewed.
Sense of coherence and job characteristics in predicting burnout in a South African sample
Johnston C.S., de Bruin G.P., Geldenhuys M., Györkös C., Massoudi K., Rossier J., 2013. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, 39 (1) pp. 9 pages. Peer-reviewed.
Sexualité traumatique et écueils du travail du féminin à l'adolescence
Roman P., 2013. Tribune psychanalytique 11 pp. 97-119. Peer-reviewed.
Space for thought: Representation of body boundaries and intellectual efficiency in children
Quartier V., Antonietti J.-Ph., Franck L., Iglesias C., 2013. Rorschachiana, 34 pp. 4-23. Peer-reviewed.
Stressing schizotypy: The modulating role of stress-relieving behaviours and intellectual capacity on functional hemispheric asymmetry.
Herzig D.A., Mohr C., 2013. Laterality, 18 (2) pp. 152-178. Peer-reviewed.
Synesthesia in space versus the "mind's eye": How to ask the right questions
Mohr C., 2013. pp. 440-458 dans Simner J., Hubbard E.M. (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Synesthesia chap. 22, Oxford University Press.
The Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS): Factor Structure and Consistency of a French Translation
Dan-Glauser Elise, Scherer Klaus R., 2013. Swiss Journal of Psychology, 72 (1) pp. 5-11. Peer-reviewed.
The evolution of personality in patients with mild cognitive impairment.
Donati A., Studer J., Petrillo S., Pocnet C., Popp J., Rossier J., von Gunten A., 2013. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders, 36 (5-6) pp. 329-339. Peer-reviewed.
The Inaccuracy of National Character Stereotypes
McCrae R.R., Chan W., Jussim L., De Fruyt F., Löckenhoff C.E., De Bolle M., Costa P.T. Jr. , Hřebíčková M., Graf S., Realo A. et al., 2013. Journal of Research in Personality, 47 (6) pp. 831-842. Peer-reviewed.
The positive effects of a protean career attitude for self-initiated expatriates: Cultural adjustment as a mediator
Cao L., Hirschi A., Deller J., 2013. Career Development International, 18 (1 (SI)) pp. 56-77. Peer-reviewed.
The relationship between prior attitudes toward science and transformation of scientific information: Two studies at CERN
Courvoisier N., Green E. G. T., Canciu M., Clémence A., 2013. International Review of Social Psychology / Revue internationale de psychologie sociale, 26 (3) pp. 151-175. Peer-reviewed.
The transition of care from fertility specialists to obstetricians: maternal adjustment and postpartum depressive symptoms.
Darwiche J., Maillard F., Germond M., Favez N., Lancastle D., de Roten Y., Guex P., Despland J.N., 2013. Women's Health (london, England), 9 (1) pp. 109-118. Peer-reviewed.
Theory of mind and social functioning in first episode psychosis
Sullivan S., Herzig D.A., Mohr C., Lewis G., Corcoran R., Drake R., Evans J., 2013. Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, 18 (3) pp. 219-242. Peer-reviewed.
Traumatisme et restes à symboliser : une contrainte à créer ?
Roman P., Lempen O., 2013. pp. 93-108 dans Dumet N. (eds.) De la maladie à la création, Erès.
Unveiling Naturalization. A Multilevel Study on Minority Proportion, Conservative Ideologies, and Attitudes Toward the Muslim Veil
Fasel N., Green E. G. T., Sarrasin O., 2013. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 221 (4) pp. 242-251. Peer-reviewed.
Using plan analysis in psychotherapeutic case formulation of borderline personality disorder.
Berthoud L., Kramer U., de Roten Y., Despland J.N., Caspar F., 2013. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 20 (1) pp. 1-9. Peer-reviewed.
Utilisation du modèle de Cattell-Horn-Carroll pour l'évaluation des personnes présentant une intelligence limite ou un handicap mental
Pernier S., Golay P., Jombart E., Grasset F., 2013. pp. 289-294 dans Gilles P.Y., Carlier M. (eds.) Vive(nt) les différences. Psychologie différentielle fondamentale et applications, Presses Universitaires de Provence.
Validation of the Postnatal Perceived Stress Inventory in a French-speaking population of primiparous women
Razurel C., Kaiser B., Dupuis M., Antonietti J.-Ph., Sellenet C., Epiney M., 2013. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing, 42 (6) pp. 685-696. Peer-reviewed.
Vieillir avec le VIH en EMS
Rapo C., 2013. Remaides 85 p. 38.
Vérification de l'hypothèse de dé-différentiation cognitive à partir de l'échantillon de standardisation de l'échelle d'intelligence de Wechsler pour adultes, 3ème édition (WAIS-III)
Golay P., Lecerf T., 2013. pp. 115-118 dans Gilles P.Y., Carlier M. (eds.) Vive(nt) les différences. Psychologie différentielle fondamentale et applications, Presses Universitaires de Provence.
Work values as predictors of entrepreneurial career intentions: A longitudinal analysis of gender effects
Hirschi A., Fischer S., 2013. Career Development International, 18 (3) pp. 216-231. Peer-reviewed.
Étude de la validité structurale du WISC-IV selon le modèle CHC
Lecerf T., Golay P., Reverte I., 2013. pp. 169-173 dans Gilles P.Y., Carlier M. (eds.) Vive(nt) les différences. Psychologie différentielle fondamentale et applications, Presses Universitaires de Provence.
Étude exploratoire de la stabilité à long terme des indices standard du WISC-IV
Kieng S., Rossier J., Favez N., Lecerf T., 2013. Pratiques Psychologiques, 19 (3) pp. 163-178. Peer-reviewed.
Apport des épreuves projectives dans la compréhension des agirs transgressifs à l'adolescence : à partir du cas d'Angelo
Melchiorre M., 2012/12., Université de Lausanne dans XIIIème Journée Doctorale du SIUEERPP.
Comparing the horizontal and vertical individualism and collectivism scale and the Auckland individualism and collectivism scale in two cultures: Switzerland and South Africa
Györkös C., Becker J., Massoudi K., Antonietti J.-Ph., Pocnet C., De Bruin D., Rossier J., 2012/12. Cross-Cultural Research, 47 (3) pp. 310-331. Peer-reviewed.
Comportements d'auto-médication et infirmières. Recherche qualitative exploratoire
Fasseur F., Santiago-Delefosse M., 2012/12. Pratiques Psychologiques, 18 (4) pp. 317-331. Peer-reviewed.
Enjeux psychosociaux dans le processus d'intégration des femmes migrantes
Nunes-Moreira Juliana, 2012/11. dans Rencontres de la FDEP 2012 - Formation de femmes migrantes : quelles pratiques pour faciliter l'accès à la formation ?, Fondation pour le développement de l'éducation permanente - FDEP, Suisse.
Increased postsynaptic density protein-95 expression in the frontal cortex of aged cognitively impaired rats
Preissmann D., Leuba G., Savary C., Vernay A., Kraftsik R., Riederer I.M., Schenk F., Riederer B.M., Savioz A., 2012/11. Experimental Biology and Medicine, 237 (11) pp. 1331-1340. Peer-reviewed.
Neural evidence for differential visuospatial processing in attentional working memory in normal aging
Klencklen G., Dufour A, Brandner C., Després O., 2012/11. dans Journée de la Recherche en SSP, Lausanne (Switzerland).
La violence chez l'enfant camerounais dans tous ses lieux
Edoa Mbatsogo H.-C., Kamwe Ayimnei C., Longue A., Ngoumela H., Roman P., Ntjam M.-C., 2012/10. dans 9ème Congrès International sur l'Observation du Bébé. Peer-reviewed.
Le burnout au regard de l'Ouverture émotionnelle
Genoud P.A., Brodard F., 2012/10. pp. 185-198 dans L'Ouverture émotionnelle : une nouvelle approche du vécu et du traitement émotionnels, Wavre : Mardaga.
Le développement du vécu et du traitement émotionnels au cours de l'enfance
Brodard F., Favez N., Quartier V., 2012/10. pp. 87-108 dans L'Ouverture émotionnelle : une nouvelle approche du vécu et du traitement émotionnels, Wavre : Mardaga.
Batterie Romande de Tests d'Aptitudes: Manuel Technique
Dupuis M., Antonietti J.-Ph., Charvoz L., Rossier J., 2012/09., Université de Lausanne.
How perceptual learning shapes perception
Cappe C., Mohr C., Herzog M.H., 2012/09. dans 35th European Conference on Visual Perception (Alghero, Italy).
Impact croisé du sexe et du niveau scolaire sur les intérêts professionnels d'écoliers suisses
Perdrix S., Rossier J., Butera F., 2012/09. L'orientation scolaire et professionnelle, 41 (3) pp. 391-412. Peer-reviewed.
Petite histoire naturelle des différences sexuelles
Catherine Brandner, 2012/09. CorteX, Collectif de Recherche Transdisciplinaire Esprit Critique & Sciences. Peer-reviewed.
Sex moderates the relationship between cognitive disorganisation and visual backward masking: potential implications for an endophenotype of schizophrenia
Sierro G., Cappe C., Herzog M., Mohr C., 2012/09., Lemanic Neuroscience dans 9th Lemanic Neuroscience Annual Meeting.
Exploring primary care physicians' activity: a qualitative analysis
Pralong L., Santiago-Delefosse M., 2012/08., 26th Conference of the European Health Psychology Society p. 308 dans Psychology & Health. Peer-reviewed.
La psychothérapie en région romande
Pomini Valentino, de Roten Yves, Favez Nicolas, 2012/08. Psychoscope, 33 (8/9) pp. 14-17.
Medical encounters with "unexplained" pain patients: exploring ways to preserve doctor's satisfaction at work
Gonin Nicole A., Santiago Delefosse M., 2012/08., 26th Conference of the European Health Psychology Society pp. 217-218 dans Psychology & Health - EHPS Abstacts. Peer-reviewed, Routledge.
O Teste projetivo MPPE e sua contribuição na detecção do autismo précoce
Saboia C., Roman P., 2012/08. dans VI Congresso da ASBRO. Peer-reviewed.
Organ donation coordinators' perceptions of their practices: a focus group study
Bosisio F, Benaroyo L, Santiago-Delefosse M, 2012/08., European Health Psychology Society p. 165 dans EHPS 2012 abstracts, Psychology & Health. Peer-reviewed, Routledge.
Talking about Sexuality in Gynaecology Consultation : the Mismatch betweenPatient's Expectations and Medical Practices
Schweizer A., Santiago-Delefosse M., 2012/08., European Health Psychology Society p. 321 dans Psychology & Health - EHPS Abstracts. Peer-reviewed, Routledge.
The skilled migrant women's experience: a qualitative study on personalization and social integration in Switzerland
Nunes-Moreira J., Santiago-Delefosse M., 2012/08. p. 294 dans Psychology & Health - EHPS Abstracts, Routledge.
Therapeutic Alliance: The Patient's Perspective in a Cross-cultural Encounter
Boss-Prieto O.L, 2012/07. dans 1st European Congress for Social Psychiatry ECSP 2012.
Perceptual learning of motion discrimination by mental imagery
Tartaglia E.M., Bamert L., Herzog M.H., Mast F.W., 2012/06/12. Journal of Vision, 12 (6) pp. NA. Peer-reviewed.
Argumentation and learning in science education
Muller Mirza N., 2012/06. pp. 308-310 dans Seel N. (eds.) Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning, Springer.
What about the largest consistent sex difference in human cognition?
Devaud Cédric, Brandner Catherine, 2012/06., Ruhr-Universität Bochum Wortmarke dans The 13th European Workshop on Imagery and Cognition "EWIC 2012". Peer-reviewed.
La situation éducative: Lieu d'appropriation de significations chez l'enfant
Moro C., Tapparel S., 2012/05. Prismes / Revue pédagogique HEP Vaud 16 pp. 35-36.
Der Zusammenhang von positivem und negativem Interaktionsverhalten in der Partnerschaft mit Partnerschaftszufriedenheit und Trennungsabsichten
Nussbeck Fridtjof W., Hilpert Peter, Bodenmann Guy, 2012/04/01. Journal of Family Research, 24 (1) pp. 85-104. Peer-reviewed.
Disentangling the red effects. The importance of emotional arousal and potency in the processing of red
Dael N., Mohr C., 2012/04. dans Colour my Wellbeing - Applied Arts and Health Conference, Northampton.
Facing the inversion effect: do schizotypal and autistic traits contribute differently to the "face(-like) inversion effect"?
Sierro G., Mohr C., 2012/04., Schizophrenia International Research Society dans 3rd Schizophrenia International Research Society Conference.
Interactions sociales et dispositifs de formation : une perspective psychosociale
Muller Mirza N., 2012/04. pp. 169-185 dans Rivière V. (eds.) Spécificités et diversité des interactions didactiques, Riveneuve.
Representational pseudoneglect and reference points both influence geographic location estimates.
Friedman A., Mohr C., Brugger P., 2012/04. Psychonomic bulletin & review, 19 (2) pp. 277-284. Peer-reviewed.
Visual backward masking deficits in schizotypy
Cappe C., Mohr C., Herzig D.A., Herzog M.H., 2012/04. dans 3rd Biennial Schizophrenia International Research Conference (Florence, Italy). Peer-reviewed.
Integrating Sexuality Issues into Medical Consultation: theGynaecologists' Point of View
Schweizer A., Bruchez C., Santiago-Delefosse M., 2012/03. dans The 2nd Biannual Irish Sexuality Studies Conference. Self, Selves and Sexualities. Dublin City University. Peer-reviewed.
Les besoins et les préoccupations des personnes séropositives de 50 ans et plus: Une étude qualitative et exploratoire
Rapo C., Brun A., 2012/03. dans 6e Conférence Francophone VIH/SIDA.
Recherche fondamentale sur la schizophrénie: comment transposer des signes de base dans un modèle théorique comme à d'autres espèces?
Bertholet L., Preissmann D., Sierro G., Schenk F., 2012/03. dans 10ème Congrès international de l'Association de Recherche et de Soutien de Soins en Psychiatrie Générale (ARSPG). Peer-reviewed.
Approche écologique de la schizophrénie dans un animal modèle et chez l'homme
Preissmann D., 2012/02. dans Conférence IBAIC, Centre de Neurosciences Paris Sud.
The relationship between social defiance, vindictiveness, anger and brain morphology in 8-year-old boys and girls
Fahim C., Fiori M., Evans A., Pérusse D., 2012/02. Social Development pp. N/A. Peer-reviewed.
A further examination of the distinction between dependency-oriented and achievement-oriented parental psychological control: Psychometric properties of the DAPCS with French-speaking late adolescents
Mantzouranis G., Zimmermann G., Biermann-Mahaim E., Favez N., 2012. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 21 (5) pp. 726-733. Peer-reviewed.
Accurate performance of a rat model of schizophrenia in the watermaze depends on the variety and richness of visual landmarksPresentation
Bertholet L., Preissmann D., Schenk F., 2012. dans FENS abstract, Barcelone 2012. Peer-reviewed.
Amour, bonheur et thérapie
Frascarolo-Moutinot France, 2012. pp. 85-91 dans Zaouche-Gaudron Chantal (eds.) L'inattendu du bonheur, Erès.
Anxiety and severity of illicit substance use in adolescence: Evaluating the mediating role of perceived coping styles
Zimmermann G., Cascone P., 2012. pp. 279-291 dans Molinelli B., Grimaldo V. (eds.) Handbook of the Psychology of Coping: New research, New York: Nova Publishers.
Approches (critiques) actuelles dans la psychologie anglo-saxonne
Santiago-Delefosse M., 2012. Bulletin de Psychologie 521 pp. 403-405. Peer-reviewed.
Beruf aus Berufung? - Ein Überblick über die Forschung
Hirschi A., Herrmann A., 2012. Wirtschaftspsychologie aktuell, 3 pp. 40-43.
Berufswahltheorien - Entwicklung und Stand der Diskussion
Hirschi A., 2012. pp. 27-41 dans Brüggemann T., Rahn S. (eds.) Berufsorientierung. Ein Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch, Waxmann Verlag.
Binge eating in binge eating disorder: a break-down of emotion regulatory process?
Munsch S., Meyer A.H., Quartier V., Wilhelm F., 2012. Psychiatry Research, 195 (3) pp. 118-124. Peer-reviewed.
Bodily awareness, consciousness, and modifications of existential values in out-of-the-norm experiences: The transplanted patient's perspective
Piot-Ziegler C., 2012. pp. 125-152 dans NOVA Science Publishers Inc. (eds.) Consciousness: It's nature and functions chap. 8, Kreitler S. Maimon O..
Boundary crossing events and potential appropriation space in philosophy, literature and general knowledge
Grossen M., Zittoun T., Ros J., 2012. pp. 15-34 dans Hjörne E., van der Aalsvoort G., de Abreu G. (eds.) Learning, social interaction and diversity: Exploring identities in school practices chap. 3, Sense.
Cadre et confidentialité de l'entretien clinique en psychologie scolaire : quelles représentations chez les professionnels ? Une recherche qualitative exploratoire
Gilbert Muriel, 2012. Pratiques psychologiques pp. 429-446. Peer-reviewed.
Callings and work engagement: Moderated mediation model of work meaningfulness, occupational identity, and occupational self-efficacy
Hirschi A., 2012. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 59 (3) pp. 479-485. Peer-reviewed.
Career Adapt-Abilities Scale in a French-speaking Swiss sample: Psychometric properties and relationships to personality and work engagement
Rossier J., Zecca G., Stauffer S.D., Maggiori C., Dauwalder J.-P., 2012. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 80 (3) pp. 734-743. Peer-reviewed.
CDQ and IJEVG editors' joint statement on the third special international section
Rossier J., Trusty J., Schultheiss D. E., Van Esbroeck R., Niles S., 2012. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 12 (1) pp. 1-3. Peer-reviewed.
Civic Education and Intercultural issues in Switzerland : Psychosocial dimensions of an education to "otherness"
Muller Mirza N., 2012. Journal of Social Science Education, 10 (4) pp. 31-40. Peer-reviewed.
Cognitive disorganisation in schizotypy is associated with deterioration in visual backward masking.
Cappe C., Herzog M.H., Herzig D.A., Brand A., Mohr C., 2012. Psychiatry Research, 200 (2-3) pp. 652-659. Peer-reviewed.
Collaboration entre cliniciens et chercheurs autour de la «consultation systémique» : une situation de violence intrafamiliale
Frascarolo-Moutinot France, Carneiro Claudio, Tissot Hervé, Duc-Marwood Alessandra, Favez Nicolas, Despland Jean-Nicolas, 2012. Devenir, 24 (4) pp. 315-327.
Comment les patients en attente d'une greffe d'organe de donneur décédé parlent-ils de la vie et de la mort ?
Piot-Ziegler C., 2012. Palliative-ch 4 pp. 30-34.
Comparability of self-reported conscientiousness across 21 countries
Mõttus R., Allik J., Realo A., Pullmann H., Rossier J., Zecca G., Ah-Kion J., Amoussou-Yéyé D., Bäckström M., Barkauskiene R. et al., 2012. European Journal of Personality, 26 (3) pp. 303-317. Peer-reviewed.
Contribution à une étude normative de l'épreuve de Rorschach auprès d'un groupe d'enfants de 8 à 14 ans non-consultants
Baumann N., Quartier V., Antonietti J.-Ph., 2012. Psychologie clinique et projective, 18 pp. 235-260. Peer-reviewed.
Copying medical letters to the patients and their familes : a prospective satisfaction study
Cachat F., Chehade H., Girardin E., Piot-Ziegler C., 2012. pp. 40S dans Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society of Paediatrics, Swiss Medical Weekly. Peer-reviewed.
Deconstructing the notion of belief» in Psychology, commentary on «Beyond Belief»
Santiago-Delefosse M., 2012. Journal of Health Psychology, 17 (7) pp. 974-976. Peer-reviewed.
Developmental regulation of expression of schizophrenia susceptibility genes in the primate hippocampal formation
Favre G., Banta Lavenex P., Lavenex P., 2012. Translational Psychiatry, 2 pp. e173. Peer-reviewed.
Does disbelief in Free Will promote risk-taking behavior? a pilote study combining belief induction and Iowa Gambling Task
Schrag Y., Mohr C., 2012., UNIL dans Journée de la Recherche en SSP, Lausanne (Switzerland).
Rossier J., 2012. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 12 (1) pp. 45-46. Peer-reviewed.
Rossier J., 2012. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 12 (3) pp. 167-170. Peer-reviewed.
Rossier J., 2012. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 12 (2) pp. 87-89. Peer-reviewed.
Effectiveness of career counseling: A one-year follow-up
Perdrix S., Stauffer S. D., Masdonati J., Massoudi K., Rossier J., 2012. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 80 (2) pp. 565-578. Peer-reviewed.
Entre psychanalyse et neurosciences. De la métapsychologie à la psychothérapie.
Dallèves V., 2012. Psychoscope 4 pp. 12-15. Peer-reviewed.
Fat oxidation kinetics during exercise in obese individuals.
Lanzi S., Codecasa F., Cornacchia M., Maestrini S., Salvadori A., Brunani A., Malatesta D., 2012. dans 9° Convegno nazionale di medicina e scienze dello sport, 5° Memorial Premio Piero Mognoni de Saronno (I).
Former eating disorder impairs 3rd person but not 1st person perspective taking. Does dance training help?
Cooper K., Mohr C., 2012. Comprehensive Psychology, 1 p. 7. Peer-reviewed.
Functional Anatomy, Development, and Pathology of the Hippocampus
Lavenex Pierre, 2012. dans Bartsch Thorsten (eds.) Clinical Neurobiology of the Hippocampus. An integrative view chap. 2, Oxford University Press.
Group 4: Career development for diverse and underserved populations
Puertas A., Gali Cinamon R., Neault R., Pope M., Rossier J., 2012., National Career Development Association (NCDA) - International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance (IAEVG) - SVP pp. 33-46 dans Trusty J. (eds.) Bridging international perspectives of career development.
Health needs of the deaf community in the French speaking part of Switzerland: Deaf patients' needs encounter physicians' perceptions
Cantero O., Santiago-Delefosse M., 2012. p. 175 dans Psychology and Health. Peer-reviewed.
Hemispheric asymmetry and theory of mind: Is there an association?
Herzig D.A., Sullivan S., Evans J., Corcoran R., Mohr C., 2012. Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, 17 (5) pp. 371-396. Peer-reviewed.
How to implement a strategy to assess risk of violence in psychiatric units ?
Gravier B., Moulin V., Ewering N., Dupuis M., Liaudat V., 2012., International association of forensic mental health services dans IAFMHS Conference 2012. Peer-reviewed.
Interdit de l'inceste, du meurtre et cannibalisme sauvage : une trilogie fondatrice ?
Katz-Gilbert M., 2012. pp. 76-96 dans Vaucher M., Bourdin D., Durrer M., Revaz O. (eds.) Foi de cannibale ! : la dévoration, entre religion et psychanalyse, Genève : Labor et Fides.
Introduction : travailler avec l'«Ouverture émotionnelle»
Reicherts M., Genoud P. A., Zimmermann G., 2012. pp. 9-21 dans Reicherts M., Genoud P. A., Zimmermann G. (eds.) L'Ouverture émotionnelle : une nouvelle approche du vécu et du traitement émotionnels, Wavre : Mardaga.
Introduction: L'orientation scolaire et professionnelle en Suisse
Masdonati J., Massoudi K., Rossier J., 2012. L'Orientation scolaire et professionnelle, 41 (2) pp. 203-207.
Kompendium der Psychotherapie / Kircher Tilo (Hrsg.). - Berlin, Springer, 2012. - ISBN 978-3-642-23663-1
Kramer Ueli, 2012. Verhaltenstherapie 22 pp. 271-273. Peer-reviewed.
L'accompagnement de la transition école-travail
Masdonati J., Massoudi K., 2012. pp. 149-177 dans Curchod P., Doudin P.-A., Lafortune L. (eds.) Les transitions à l'école, Presses de l'Université du Québec.
L'hôpital comme terrain: Le rôle du psychologue de la santé en milieu hospitalier
Rapo C., Zecca G., 2012. Psychoscope, 33 (11) pp. 12-15.
L'inclusion et l'exclusion scolaires : des transitions à risque
Doudin P.-A., Curchod-Ruedi D., 2012. pp. 219-234 dans Curchod P., Doudin P.-A., Lafortune L. (eds.) Les transitions à l'école, Québec : Presses de l'Université du Québec.
L'Ouverture émotionnelle au regard de l'alexithymie et de l'intelligence émotionnelle. Innovation ou ancienne recette mise au goût du jour?
Zimmermann G., Salamin V., 2012. pp. 57-68 dans Reicherts M., Genoud P. A., Zimmermann G. (eds.) L'Ouverture émotionnelle : une nouvelle approche du vécu et du traitement émotionnels, Wavre : Mardaga.
L'Ouverture émotionnelle: une nouvelle approche du vécu et du traitement émotionnels
Reicherts M., Genoud P. A., Zimmermann G., 2012. "Psy-Emotion, Intervention, Santé" dirigée par Pierre Philippot 352, Wavre : Mardaga.
L'«Ouverture émotionnelle». Conception et modèle théorique
Reicherts M., Kaiser S., Genoud P. A., Zimmermann G., 2012. pp. 25-42 dans Reicherts M., Genoud P. A., Zimmermann G. (eds.) L'Ouverture émotionnelle : une nouvelle approche du vécu et du traitement émotionnels, Wavre : Mardaga.
L'équipe, l'adolescent et la violence : figures et aménagements
Roman P., 2012. Nouvelle Revue de Psychosociologie 14 pp. 159-172. Peer-reviewed.
L'évolution de l'identité conjugale lors de la transition à la parentalité: Une recherche en cours auprès de jeunes parents
Magni-Speck C., Roman P., Frascarolo-Moutinot F., Antonietti J.-Ph., 2012. Cahiers critiques de thérapie familiale et de pratiques de réseaux, 2012/2 (49) pp. 219-240. Peer-reviewed.
La comprensione delle emozioni
Pons F., Doudin P.-A., Harris P.L., 2012. pp. 15-36 dans Lafortune L., Doudin P.-A., Pons F., Hancok D.R. (eds.) Le emozioni a scuola : Riconoscerle, comprenderle e intervenire efficacemente, Trento : Erikson.
La fin de la vie professionnelle: une nouvelle étape à accompagner
Rosselet A., Hirschi A., 2012. Panorama, 3 pp. 22-23.
La formation des psychologues conseillères et conseillers en orientation en Suisse
Rossier J., Meier Eggenberger C., Perdrix S., 2012. L'Orientation scolaire et professionnelle, 41 (2) pp. 209-227. Peer-reviewed.
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