Jules Gonin Eye Hospital

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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3452 publications

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Coxiella burnetii vascular graft infection.
Senn L., Franciolli M., Raoult D., Moulin A., Von Segesser L., Calandra T., Greub G., 2005/12/07. BMC infectious diseases, 5 p. 109. Peer-reviewed.
D-TAT transporter as an ocular peptide delivery system
Schorderet D. F., Manzi V., Canola K., Bonny C., Arsenijevic Y., Munier F. L., Maurer F., 2005/12. Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, 33 (6) pp. 628-35.
Meesmann corneal dystrophy (MECD): report of 2 families and a novel mutation in the cornea specific keratin 12 (KRT12) gene
Nichini O., Manzi V., Munier F. L., Schorderet D. F., 2005/12. Ophthalmic Genetics, 26 (4) pp. 169-73.
Visual acuity after vitrectomy and epiretinal membrane peeling with or without premacular indocyanine green injection
Koestinger A., Bovey E. H., 2005/12. European Journal of Ophthalmology, 15 (6) pp. 795-9. Peer-reviewed.
Long-term renewal of hair follicles from clonogenic multipotent stem cells
Claudinot S., Nicolas M., Oshima H., Rochat A., Barrandon Y., 2005/10. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 102 (41) pp. 14677-82.
CNS regeneration: a morphogen's tale
Vergara M. N., Arsenijevic Y., Del Rio-Tsonis K., 2005/09. Journal of Neurobiology, 64 (4) pp. 491-507.
Notch1 is essential for postnatal hair follicle development and homeostasis
Vauclair S., Nicolas M., Barrandon Y., Radtke F., 2005/08. Developmental Biology, 284 (1) pp. 184-93.
Mutations in PIP5K3 are associated with Francois-Neetens mouchetee fleck corneal dystrophy
Li S., Tiab L., Jiao X., Munier F. L., Zografos L., Frueh B. E., Sergeev Y., Smith J., Rubin B., Meallet M. A. et al., 2005/07. American Journal of Human Genetics, 77 (1) pp. 54-63.
Primary choroidal melanoma in phakomatosis pigmentovascularis IIa
Tran H. V., Zografos L., 2005/07. Ophthalmology, 112 (7) pp. 1232-5.
Bmi1 loss produces an increase in astroglial cells and a decrease in neural stem cell population and proliferation
Zencak D., Lingbeek M., Kostic C., Tekaya M., Tanger E., Hornfeld D., Jaquet M., Munier F. L., Schorderet D. F., van Lohuizen M. et al., 2005/06. Journal of Neuroscience, 25 (24) pp. 5774-83.
Ink4a and Arf differentially affect cell proliferation and neural stem cell self-renewal in Bmi1-deficient mice
Bruggeman S. W., Valk-Lingbeek M. E., van der Stoop P. P., Jacobs J. J., Kieboom K., Tanger E., Hulsman D., Leung C., Arsenijevic Y., Marino S. et al., 2005/06. Genes and Development, 19 (12) pp. 1438-43.
Synapses form in skeletal muscles lacking neuregulin receptors.
Escher P., Lacazette E., Courtet M., Blindenbacher A., Landmann L., Bezakova G., Lloyd K.C., Mueller U., Brenner H.R., 2005/06. Science (new York, N.y.), 308 (5730) pp. 1920-1923. Peer-reviewed.
Problematic of retinoblastoma patients requiring treatment abroad
Konstantinidis Lazaros, Zografos Leonidas, Munier F., 2005/05/06., Congrès SSO dans Ophta 2005.
Rehabilitation of orbital cavity after total orbital exenteration using oculofacial prostheses anchored by osseointegrated dental implants posed as one-step surgical procedure
Konstantinidis Lazaros , Hamedani Mehrad , 2005/05/06., Congrès SSO dans Ophta 2005.
Amelioration rapide de la fonction visuelle apres perte visuelle aigue secondaire a une neuropathie optique de Leber. [Rapid onset of visual recovery following acute visual loss due to leber's hereditary optic neuropathy]
Kawasaki A., Borruat F. X., 2005/05. Revue Neurologique, 161 (5) pp. 599-601.
Necrose du segment anterieur sur keratomycose a Fusarium polyresistant. A propos d'un cas. [Anterior segment necrosis in multidrug-resistant Fusarium keratomycosis: a case study]
Gianoli F., Guex-Crosier Y., Marchetti O., Wolfensberger T. J., Spahn B., 2005/05. Journal Français d'Ophtalmologie, 28 (5) pp. 498-501.
Trans-scleral diffusion of triamcinolone acetonide.
Mora P., Eperon S., Felt-Baeyens O., Gurny R., Sagodira S., Breton P., Guex-Crosier Y., 2005/05. Current Eye Research, 30 (5) pp. 355-361. Peer-reviewed.
Ex-PRESS implant
Mermoud A., 2005/04. British Journal of Ophthalmology, 89 (4) pp. 396-7.
Hereditary lattice corneal dystrophy is associated with corneal amyloid deposits enclosing C-terminal fragments of keratoepithelin
Stix B., Leber M., Bingemer P., Gross C., Ruschoff J., Fandrich M., Schorderet D. F., Vorwerk C. K., Zacharias M., Roessner A. et al., 2005/04. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 46 (4) pp. 1133-9.
Morphological, clinical and genetic aspects in a family with a novel LAMP-2 gene mutation (Danon disease)
Lobrinus J. A., Schorderet D. F., Payot M., Jeanrenaud X., Bottani A., Superti-Furga A., Schlaepfer J., Fromer M., Jeannet P. Y., 2005/04. Neuromuscular Disorders, 15 (4) pp. 293-8.
Optic nerve massaging: an extremely rare cause of self-inflicted blindness
Borruat F. X., Kawasaki A., 2005/04. American Journal of Ophthalmology, 139 (4) pp. 715-6.
Retinal nerve fiber layer measured by Heidelberg retina tomograph and nerve fiber analyzer
Iester M., Mermoud A., 2005/04. European Journal of Ophthalmology, 15 (2) pp. 246-54.
Bilateral peripapillary subretinal neovessel membrane associated with chronic papilledema: report of two cases
Nguyen C., Borruat F. X., 2005/03. Klinische Monatsblatter fur Augenheilkunde, 222 (3) pp. 275-8.
CNGB3 mutations account for 50% of all cases with autosomal recessive achromatopsia
Kohl S., Varsanyi B., Antunes G. A., Baumann B., Hoyng C. B., Jagle H., Rosenberg T., Kellner U., Lorenz B., Salati R. et al., 2005/03. European Journal of Human Genetics, 13 (3) pp. 302-8.
Deep sclerectomy in one eye vs deep sclerectomy with collagen implant in the contralateral eye of the same patient: long-term follow-up
Shaarawy T., Mermoud A., 2005/03. Eye, 19 (3) pp. 298-302.
Idiopathic cyclitic retrolental membrane in children
Oberhansli C., Munier F. L., Uffer S., Zografos L., Wolfensberger T. J., 2005/03. Klinische Monatsblatter fur Augenheilkunde, 222 (3) pp. 271-4.
Indocyanine green angiography anomalies in ocular syphilis
Mora P., Borruat F. X., Guex-Crosier Y., 2005/03. Retina, 25 (2) pp. 171-81.
Kyste Anevrismal de l'Ethmoide: Traitement d'une Complication Post-Operatoire [Treatment of a complication after surgical removal of an aneurysmal cyst of the ethmoid]
Durig J.S., Klainguti G., 2005/03. Klinische Monatsblatter fur Augenheilkunde, 222 (3) pp. 234-237. Peer-reviewed.
La chirurgie precoce du strabisme convergent congenital [Early surgery in infantile esotropia]
Klainguti G., 2005/03. Klinische Monatsblatter fur Augenheilkunde, 222 (3) pp. 172-174. Peer-reviewed.
Spasm of accommodation in a patient with increased intracranial pressure and pineal cyst
Kawasaki A., Borruat F. X., 2005/03. Klinische Monatsblatter fur Augenheilkunde, 222 (3) pp. 241-3.
Tomographie a coherence optique dans la Malattia leventinese [Optical coherence tomography in Malattia Leventinese].
Gaillard M.C., Wolfensberger T.J., Uffer S., Mantel I., Pournaras J.A., Schorderet D.F., Munier F.L., 2005/03. Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde, 222 (3) pp. 180-185.
Traitement de la Torsion Subjective et du Torticolis Induits par la Translocation Maculaire [Surgical management of monocular torsion and head tilt after macular translocation]
Klainguti G., Nguyen C., 2005/03. Klinische Monatsblatter fur Augenheilkunde, 222 (3) pp. 222-225. Peer-reviewed.
Akute unilaterale Visusminderung. [Acute unilateral vision impairment]
Kiel R., Martinez A., Karlen M. E., Wolfensberger T., de Gottrau P., 2005/02. Ophthalmologe, 102 (2) pp. 188-90.
Late onset branch retinal artery occlusion following coronary angiography.
Kymionis G.D., Tsilimbaris M.K., Christodoulakis E.B., Pallikaris I.G., 2005/02. Acta ophthalmologica Scandinavica, 83 (1) pp. 122-123. Peer-reviewed.
Ocular rigidity in living human eyes.
Pallikaris I.G., Kymionis G.D., Ginis H.S., Kounis G.A., Tsilimbaris M.K., 2005/02. Investigative ophthalmology & visual science, 46 (2) pp. 409-414. Peer-reviewed.
Adenocarcinome au sein d'un adenome pleomorphe de la glande lacrymale. A propos d'un cas. [Adenocarcinoma in a pleomorphic adenoma of the lacrimal gland: a case study]
Galatoire O., Hamedani M., Putterman M., Berges O., Morax S., 2005. Journal Français d'Ophtalmologie, 28 (8) pp. 896-901. Peer-reviewed.
Association Down syndrome-retinoblastoma: a new observation.
Satgè D., Schorderet D.F., Balmer A., Beck-Popovic M., Addor M.C., Beckmann J.S., Munier F.L., 2005. Ophthalmic Genetics, 26 (3) pp. 151-152. Peer-reviewed.
Avaliacao dos resultados cirurgicos com a tecnica da resseccao do musculo de Muller-conjuntiva no tratamento da blefaroptose. [Evaluation of the surgery results of Muller's muscle-conjunctival resection in the treatment of blepharoptosis]
Morax S., Nunes T. P., Ben-Ayed H., Hamedani M., Matayoshi S., 2005. Arquivos Brasileiros de Oftalmologia, 68 (3) pp. 333-337. Peer-reviewed.
Chemotherapy for retinoblastoma.
Chan H.S., Gallie B.L., Munier F.L., Beck Popovic M., 2005. Ophthalmology clinics of North America, 18 (1) pp. 55-63, viii.
Clinical and immunopathological corneal phenotype in homozygotes for the BIGH3 R124H mutation
Diaper C. J., Schorderet D. F., Chaubert P., Munier F. L., 2005/01. Eye, 19 (1) pp. 92-6.
Downregulation of IRS-1 expression causes inhibition of corneal angiogenesis.
Andrieu-Soler C., Berdugo M., Doat M., Courtois Y., BenEzra D., Behar-Cohen F., 2005. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 46 (11) pp. 4072-4078. Peer-reviewed.
Effect of carbogen breathing and acetazolamide on optic disc PO2.
Petropoulos I.K., Pournaras J.A., Munoz J.L., Pournaras C.J., 2005. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 46 (11) pp. 4139-4146. Peer-reviewed.
First stereotactic treatment of retino-blastoma using a micro-multileaf collimator
Moeckli R., Bulling S., Munier F., Balmer A., Abouzeid A., Chollet-Rivier M., Do H.P., Mercay A., Mirimanoff R. O., Valley J.F. et al., 2005. p. 136 dans 9th Annual Meeting of the Scientific Association of Swiss Radiation Oncology (SASRO), Strahlentherapie und Onkologie. Peer-reviewed.
Future perspectives: from stem cells and IGF biology to the clinic
Arsenijevic Y., 2005. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 567 pp. 385-412.
Glaucome et élévation de la pression veineuse épisclérale
Schalenbourg A., 2005. pp. 325-334 dans Schnyder C., Mermoud A. (eds.) Glaucome, Elsevier.
High-resolution ultrasonography of subretinal structure and assessment of retina degeneration in rat.
Jolly C., Jeanny J.C., Behar-Cohen F., Laugier P., Saïed A., 2005. Experimental Eye Research, 81 (5) pp. 592-601. Peer-reviewed.
Induced videokeratography alterations in patients with excessive meibomian secretions.
Markomanolakis M.M., Kymionis G.D., Aslanides I.M., Astyrakakis N., Pallikaris I.G., 2005/01. Cornea, 24 (1) pp. 16-19. Peer-reviewed.
Intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) versus intensity modulated stereotactic radiation therapy (IMSRT) for children with intraocular retinoblastoma
Pica A., Munier F., Balmer A., Do H.P., Bressan S., Bulling S., Mirimanoff R.O., Moeckli R., 2005. p. 144 dans 9th Annual Meeting of the Scientific Association of Swiss Radiation Oncology (SASRO), Strahlentherapie und Onkologie. Peer-reviewed.
Intraocular pressure measurements after conductive keratoplasty.
Kymionis G.D., Naoumidi T.L., Aslanides I.M., Kumar V., Astyrakakis N.I., Tsilimbaris M., Pallikaris I.G., 2005. Journal of refractive surgery, 21 (2) pp. 171-175. Peer-reviewed.
Intravitreous injection of PLGA microspheres encapsulating GDNF promotes the survival of photoreceptors in the rd1/rd1 mouse.
Andrieu-Soler C., Aubert-Pouëssel A., Doat M., Picaud S., Halhal M., Simonutti M., Venier-Julienne M.C., Benoit J.P., Behar-Cohen F., 2005. Molecular Vision, 11 pp. 1002-1011. Peer-reviewed.
Jules Gonin : traitement du décollement de rétine par la thermopuncture
Wolfensberger T.J., 2005. Ophta No 5 pp. 34-35.
Lentiviral vector-mediated gene transfer in adult mouse photoreceptors is impaired by the presence of a physical barrier.
Grüter O., Kostic C., Crippa S.V., Perez M.T., Zografos L., Schorderet D.F., Munier F.L., Arsenijevic Y., 2005. Gene therapy, 12 (11) pp. 942-947. Peer-reviewed.
Nanoparticles for gene delivery to retinal pigment epithelial cells.
Bejjani R.A., BenEzra D., Cohen H., Rieger J., Andrieu C., Jeanny J.C., Gollomb G., Behar-Cohen F.F., 2005. Molecular Vision, 11 pp. 124-132. Peer-reviewed.
Neuro-ophthalmic emergencies for the neurologist.
Purvin V., Kawasaki A., 2005. The neurologist, 11 (4) pp. 195-233. Peer-reviewed.
Ophtalmologie. Blocage des cytokines et chemokines: nouvelles perspectives de traitement. [New therapies in ophthalmology: inhibitors of cytokines and chemokines: new treatment perspectives]
Guex-Crosier Y., Zografos L., 2005/01. Revue Médicale Suisse, 1 (2) pp. 140-1.
Optical coherence tomography assessment of macular edema
Abouzeid H., Wolfensberger T.J., 2005. pp. 1-18 dans Holz F.G., Spaide R.F. (eds.) Medical Retina, Springer.
Parésie trochléaire transitoire comme signe neurologique inaugural d'une panartérite noueuse [Transient trochlear nerve palsy as the presenting neurological sign of panarteritis nodosa]
Borruat F.X., Kawasaki A., Titzé P., Carota A., 2005. Revue neurologique, 161 (5) pp. 567-70. Peer-reviewed.
Posterior segment complications after refractive surgery
Wolfensberger T.J., 2005. pp. 477-483 dans Midena E. (eds.) Myopia and Related Diseases, Bietti Foundation.
Spontaneous involution of autologous lenses and phacoanaphylaxis reaction in Stickler syndrome.
Habil I., Cohen E., Karshai I., BenEzra D., Behar-Cohen F., 2005. British Journal of Ophthalmology, 89 (11) pp. 1532-1533. Peer-reviewed.
Spontaneous regression of an isolated retinal astrocytic hamartoma
Moschos M. M., Chamot L., Schalenbourg A., Zografos L., 2005/01. Retina, 25 (1) pp. 81-2.
Stable transmission of targeted gene modification using single-stranded oligonucleotides with flanking LNAs.
Andrieu-Soler C., Casas M., Faussat A.M., Gandolphe C., Doat M., Tempé D., Giovannangeli C., Behar-Cohen F., Concordet J.P., 2005. Nucleic Acids Research, 33 (12) pp. 3733-3742. Peer-reviewed.
Subretinal neovascular membranes complicating uveitis: frequency, treatments, and visual outcome.
Perentes Y., Van Tran T., Sickenberg M., Herbort C.P., 2005. Ocular Immunology and Inflammation, 13 (2-3) pp. 219-224. Peer-reviewed.
The pupil response to large regional stimuli in patients with focal visual field loss
Kawasaki A., Crippa S., Anderson S., Kardon R.H., 2005. Neuro-ophthalmology, 29 pp. 143-147. Peer-reviewed.
VP22 light controlled delivery of oligonucleotides to ocular cells in vitro and in vivo.
Normand N., Valamanesh F., Savoldelli M., Mascarelli F., BenEzra D., Courtois Y., Behar-Cohen F., 2005. Molecular Vision, 11 pp. 184-191. Peer-reviewed.
Melanocytomas of the optic disk.
Zografos L., Othenin-Girard C.B., Desjardins L., Schalenbourg A., Chamot L., Uffer S., 2004/12. American Journal of Ophthalmology, 138 (6) pp. 964-969. Peer-reviewed.
Mutation analysis of KIF21A in congenital fibrosis of the extraocular muscles (CFEOM) patients
Tiab L., d'Alleves Manzi V., Borruat F. X., Munier F., Schorderet D., 2004/12. Ophthalmic Genetics, 25 (4) pp. 241-6.
Facile isolation and the characterization of human retinal stem cells
Coles B. L., Angenieux B., Inoue T., Del Rio-Tsonis K., Spence J. R., McInnes R. R., Arsenijevic Y., van der Kooy D., 2004/11. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 101 (44) pp. 15772-7.
Increased eotaxin in tears of patients wearing contact lenses
Moschos M. M., Eperon S., Guex-Crosier Y., 2004/11. Cornea, 23 (8) pp. 771-5. Peer-reviewed.
Treatment of atopic eyelid disease using topical tacrolimus following corticosteroid discontinuation in a patient with open-angle glaucoma.
Kymionis G.D., Tsilimbaris M.K., Iliaki O.E., Christodoulakis E., Siganos C.S., Pallikaris I.G., 2004/11. Cornea, 23 (8) pp. 828-830. Peer-reviewed.
Surgery for epimacular membrane: impact of retinal internal limiting membrane removal on functional outcome
Bovey E. H., Uffer S., Achache F., 2004/10. Retina, 24 (5) pp. 728-35. Peer-reviewed.
Early improvements in vision after fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy for primary optic nerve sheath meningioma
Baumert B. G., Villa S., Studer G., Mirimanoff R. O., Davis J. B., Landau K., Ducrey N., Arruga J., Lambin P., Pica A., 2004/08. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 72 (2) pp. 169-74.
Foveal reattachment after macula-off retinal detachment occurs faster after vitrectomy than after buckle surgery
Wolfensberger T. J., 2004/07. Ophthalmology, 111 (7) pp. 1340-3.
Influence of non-penetrating glaucoma surgery on aqueous outflow facility in isolated porcine eyes
Shaarawy T., Wu R., Mermoud A., Flammer J., Haefliger I. O., 2004/07. British Journal of Ophthalmology, 88 (7) pp. 950-2.
Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-3 (TIMP-3) is a binding partner of epithelial growth factor-containing fibulin-like extracellular matrix protein 1 (EFEMP1). Implications for macular degenerations.
Klenotic P.A., Munier F.L., Marmorstein L.Y., Anand-Apte B., 2004/07. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 279 (29) pp. 30469-30473. Peer-reviewed.
Bietti's crystalline corneoretinal dystrophy: a cross-sectional study
Mataftsi A., Zografos L., Milla E., Secretan M., Munier F. L., 2004/06. Retina, 24 (3) pp. 416-26.
NB-3/Notch1 pathway via Deltex1 promotes neural progenitor cell differentiation into oligodendrocytes.
Cui X.Y., Hu Q.D., Tekaya M., Shimoda Y., Ang B.T., Nie D.Y., Sun L., Hu W.P., Karsak M., Duka T. et al., 2004/06. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 279 (24) pp. 25858-25865. Peer-reviewed.
Phakic refractive lens implantation in high myopic patients: one-year results.
Pallikaris I.G., Kalyvianaki M.I., Kymionis G.D., Panagopoulou S.I., 2004/06. Journal of cataract and refractive surgery, 30 (6) pp. 1190-1197. Peer-reviewed.
Automutilation avec luxation cristallinienne dans la maladie de Gilles de la Tourette traitee par lentille "iris-claw" retropupillaire. [Self-mutilation with crystalline lens dislocation in Gilles de la Tourette disease treated with retropupillary "iris claw" lens]
Gaillard M. C., Wolfensberger T. J., 2004/05. Klinische Monatsblatter fur Augenheilkunde, 221 (5) pp. 435-7.
Bietti crystalline corneoretinal dystrophy is caused by mutations in the novel gene CYP4V2
Li A., Jiao X., Munier F. L., Schorderet D. F., Yao W., Iwata F., Hayakawa M., Kanai A., Shy Chen M., Alan Lewis R. et al., 2004/05. American Journal of Human Genetics, 74 (5) pp. 817-26.
CRYBA3/A1 gene mutation associated with suture-sparing autosomal dominant congenital nuclear cataract: a novel phenotype.
Ferrini W., Schorderet D.F., Othenin-Girard P., Uffer S., Héon E., Munier F.L., 2004/05. Investigative ophthalmology & visual science, 45 (5) pp. 1436-1441. Peer-reviewed.
Deep sclerectomy for the management of uncontrolled uveitic glaucoma: preliminary data
Auer C., Mermoud A., Herbort C. P., 2004/05. Klinische Monatsblatter fur Augenheilkunde, 221 (5) pp. 339-42.
Intraosseous meningioma: a rare cause of chronic optic neuropathy and exophthalmos
Henchoz L., Borruat F. X., 2004/05. Klinische Monatsblatter fur Augenheilkunde, 221 (5) pp. 414-7.
Low first postoperative day intraocular pressure as a positive prognostic indicator in deep sclerectomy
Shaarawy T., Flammer J., Smits G., Mermoud A., 2004/05. British Journal of Ophthalmology, 88 (5) pp. 658-61.
Multiple intraorbital neurofibromas: a rare cause of proptosis
Berney C., Spahn B., Oberhansli C., Uffer S., Borruat F. X., 2004/05. Klinische Monatsblatter fur Augenheilkunde, 221 (5) pp. 418-20.
Phacoemulsification with intraocular lens implantation in patients with uveitis
Moschos M. M., Bui M. A., Guex-Crosier Y., 2004/05. Klinische Monatsblatter fur Augenheilkunde, 221 (5) pp. 324-7.
Photodynamic therapy with verteporfin for subfoveal choroidal neovascularization secondary to toxoplasmic chorioretinal scar.
Nessi F., Guex-Crosier Y., Ambresin A., Zografos L., 2004/05. Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde, 221 (5) pp. 371-373. Peer-reviewed.
Posterior ischemic optic neuropathy: case report of a rare complication after general surgery
Gaillard M. C., Zambaz B. D., Borruat F. X., 2004/05. Klinische Monatsblatter fur Augenheilkunde, 221 (5) pp. 421-3.
Recidive d'une dystrophie de Groenouw de type I apres photokeratectomie therapeutique. Etude en biologie moleculaire du role de l'epithelium corneen. [Early recurrence of Groenouw type I corneal dystrophy after phototherapeutic keratectomy. Molecular biology study suggests epithelial genesis]
Chiambaretta F., Pilon F., Deriot J. B., Gerard M., Couleangon M. L., Schorderet D. F., Kemeny J. L., Dastugue B., Creveaux I., Rigal D., 2004/05. Journal Français d'Ophtalmologie, 27 (5) pp. 449-56.
Retinal vasculitis and cystoid macular edema after body tattooing: a case report
Moschos M. M., Guex-Crosier Y., 2004/05. Klinische Monatsblatter fur Augenheilkunde, 221 (5) pp. 424-6.
Selective and sequential therapy of oculomotor and palpebral sequelae resulting from biopsy of dorsal midbrain sarcoidosis
Klainguti G., Spahn B., Borruat F. X., 2004/05. Klinische Monatsblatter fur Augenheilkunde, 221 (5) pp. 404-7. Peer-reviewed.
Strabisme surso-adducteur décompensé [Decompensated strabismus surso-adductorius]
Klainguti G., 2004/05. Klinische Monatsblatter fur Augenheilkunde, 221 (5) pp. 298-303. Peer-reviewed.
Topographically supported customized ablation for the management of decentered laser in situ keratomileusis.
Kymionis G.D., Panagopoulou S.I., Aslanides I.M., Plainis S., Astyrakakis N., Pallikaris I.G., 2004/05. American journal of ophthalmology, 137 (5) pp. 806-811. Peer-reviewed.
Subretinal choroidal neovascularization associated with choroidal nevus.
Zografos L., Mantel I., Schalenbourg A., 2004/04. European Journal of Ophthalmology, 14 (2) pp. 123-131. Peer-reviewed.
Adénome pléomorphe simulant une dacryoadénite [Pleomorphic adenoma mimicking dacryoadenitis].
Halhal M., Meyer A., Morel X., Cochard-Marianowski C., Behar-Cohen F., Blanquet A., Cophignon J., Renard G., D'hermies F., 2004. Journal Français D'ophtalmologie, 27 (10) pp. 1200-1203. Peer-reviewed.
Amaurose durch Aneurysma der Hirngefässe
Kiel R., Martinez A., Karlen M.E., Wolfensberger T.J., de Gottrau P., 2004. dans -, Ophthalmologe.
Anterior ischemic optic neuropathy in eyes with optic disc drusen.
Purvin V., King R., Kawasaki A., Yee R., 2004. Archives of ophthalmology, 122 (1) pp. 48-53. Peer-reviewed.
Comparative study between deep sclerectomy with and without collagen implant: long term follow up
Shaarawy T., Nguyen C., Schnyder C., Mermoud A., 2004/01. British Journal of Ophthalmology, 88 (1) pp. 95-8.
Comparative study between deep sclerectomy with and without collagen implant: long term follow-up.
Shaarawy T, Nguyen C, Schnyder C, Mermoud A, 2004. Br. J. Ophthalmol., 88 pp. 95-98.
Cornea graft endothelial cells undergo apoptosis by way of an alternate (caspase-independent) pathway.
Bourges J.L., Valamanesh F., Torriglia A., Jeanny J.C., Savoldelli M., Renard G., BenEzra D., de Kozak Y., Behar-Cohen F., 2004. Transplantation, 78 (3) pp. 316-323. Peer-reviewed.
Cutaneous benign mixed tumor (chondroid syringoma) of the eyelid: clinical presentation and management.
Mandeville J.T., Roh J.H., Woog J.J., Gonnering R.S., Levin P.S., Mazzoli R.A., Ainbinder D.J., Older J.J., Moulin A.P., Kiel R. et al., 2004. Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 20 (2) pp. 110-116. Peer-reviewed.
Deep sclerectomy in one eye vs deep sclerectomy with collagen implant in the conteralateral eye of the same patient : long-term follow-up.
Shaarawy T, Mermoud A, 2004. Eye, 19 pp. 298-302.
Differential inflammatory involvement in retina and choroïd in birdshot chorioretinopathy.
Herbort C.P., Probst K., Cimino L., Tran V.T., 2004. Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde, 221 (5) pp. 351-356.
Disorders of pupillary function, accommodation and lacrimation
Kawasaki A., 2004. pp. 739-805 dans Miller N., Newman N.J., Biousse V., Kerrison J.B. (eds.) Walsh and Hoyt's Clinical neuro-ophthalmology chap. 16, Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins.
Disorders of pupillary function, accommodation and lacrimation.
Kawasaki A, 2004. dans Walsh and Hoyt's Clinical Neuro-Ophthalmology 6th ed., Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins.
Dolichoectatic arterial compression of the anterior visual pathways: neuro-ophthalmic features and clinical course.
Purvin V., Kawasaki A., Zeldes S., 2004. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 75 (1) pp. 27-32. Peer-reviewed.
Effect of acetazolamide on the optic disc oxygenation in miniature pigs.
Petropoulos I.K., Pournaras J.A., Munoz J.L., Pournaras C.J., 2004. Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde, 221 (5) pp. 367-370.
Eotaxin-1 (CCL11) up-regulation in tears during seasonal allergic conjunctivitis.
Eperon S., Sauty A., Lanz R., Leimgruber A., Lurati F., Guex-Crosier Y., 2004. Graefe's archive for clinical and experimental ophthalmology = Albrecht von Graefes Archiv für klinische und experimentelle Ophthalmologie, 242 (11) pp. 966-70. Peer-reviewed.
Evaluation et traitement du glaucome
Schnyder C. C., 2004. Médecine et Hygiène, 62 (2465) pp. 117-120.
Evaluation of a simple photographic technique to detect pupillary dilation lag due to Horner's syndrome
Kawasaki A., Kardon R.H, 2004. Neuro-ophthalmology, 28 pp. 215-220. Peer-reviewed.
Experimental retinal vein occlusion: effect of acetazolamide and carbogen (95% O2/5% CO2) on preretinal PO2.
Pournaras J.A., Petropoulos I.K., Munoz J.L., Pournaras C.J., 2004. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 45 (10) pp. 3669-3677. Peer-reviewed.
Forme pseudotumorale d'un chalazion [Chalazion mimicking an eyelid tumor].
D'hermies F., Fayet B., Meyer A., Morel X., Halhal M., Elmaleh C., Azan F., Behar-Cohen F., Renard G., 2004. Journal Français D'ophtalmologie, 27 (2) pp. 202-205. Peer-reviewed.
Highly specific interactions between bHLH transcription factors and chromatin during retina development.
Skowronska-Krawczyk D, Ballivet M, Dynlacht BD, Matter JM, 2004. Development, 131 pp. 4447-4454.
Influence of non-penetrating glaucoma surgery on aqueous outflow facility in isolated porcine eyes.
Shaarawy T, Wu R, Mermoud A, Flammer J, Haefliger IO, 2004. Br. J. Ophthalmol., 88 pp. 950-952.
Intacs for early pellucid marginal degeneration.
Kymionis G.D., Aslanides I.M., Siganos C.S., Pallikaris I.G., 2004/01. Journal of cataract and refractive surgery, 30 (1) pp. 230-233. Peer-reviewed.
Iontophoresis: from the lab to the bed side.
Halhal M., Renard G., Courtois Y., BenEzra D., Behar-Cohen F., 2004. Experimental Eye Research, 78 (3) pp. 751-757. Peer-reviewed.
Ist eine Amblyopietherapie bei schwerer organischer Augenerkrankung sinnlos [Does amblyopia therapy make sense in eyes with severe organic defects?]
Lengyel D., Klainguti G., Mojon D.S., 2004. Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde, 221 (5) pp. 386-389. Peer-reviewed.
Juvenile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (Batten disease) CLN3 mutation (Chrom 16p11.2) with different phenotypes in a sibling pair and low intensity in vivo autofluorescence.
Mantel I., Brantley M.A., Bellmann C., Robson A.G., Holder G.E., Taylor A., Anderson G., Moore A.T., 2004. Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde, 221 (5) pp. 427-430.
La prise en charge des paupières paralysées. Paralysies facials
Hamedani M, 2004. pp. 57-62 dans Actualités en rééducation orthophonique, Solal.
Laser in situ keratomileusis for residual hyperopic astigmatism after conductive keratoplasty.
Kymionis G.D., Aslanides I.M., Khoury A.N., Markomanolakis M.M., Naoumidi T., Pallikaris lG, 2004. Journal of refractive surgery, 20 (3) pp. 276-278. Peer-reviewed.
Late onset of serologic positive titers in a patient with Parinaud's oculoglandular syndrome.
Kymionis G.D., Siganos C.S., Pallikaris I.G., 2004. Seminars in ophthalmology, 19 (3-4) pp. 125-126. Peer-reviewed.
Leber congenital amaurosis: comprehensive survey of the genetic heterogeneity, refinement of the clinical definition, and genotype-phenotype correlations as a strategy for molecular diagnosis.
Hanein S., Perrault I., Gerber S., Tanguy G., Barbet F., Ducroq D., Calvas P., Dollfus H., Hamel C., Lopponen T. et al., 2004. Human Mutation, 23 (4) pp. 306-317.
Les manifestations cérébrales des tumeurs oculaires de l'enfant.
Balmer A, Munier F.L, 2004. pp. 691-699 dans Neuro-Ophtalmologie, Masson.
Les manifestations cérébrales des tumeurs oculaires de l’enfant
Balmer A., Munier F. L., 2004. 691-699.
Les tumeurs du nerf optique
Ducrey N., 2004. Ophta, 7 pp. 8-12.
Long-term results of deep sclerectomy with collagen implant.
Shaarawy T., Mansouri K., Schnyder C., Ravinet E., Achache F., Mermoud A., 2004. Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery, 30 (6) pp. 1225-1231. Peer-reviewed.
Maladie de Wilson
Ghika J., Vingerhoets F., Maeder P., Borruat F.X., Bogousslavsky J., 2004. Encyclopédie Médico-Chirurgicale. Neurologie pp. 17-060-A-10.
Melanocytes and pigmentation are affected in dopachrome tautomerase knockout mice.
Guyonneau L., Murisier F., Rossier A., Moulin A., Beermann F., 2004. Molecular and Cellular Biology, 24 (8) pp. 3396-3403.
Non-functioning pituitary carcinoma
Imboden P. N., Borruat F. X., De Tribolet N., Meagher-Villemure K., Pica A., Gomez F., 2004. Pituitary, 7 (3) pp. 149-56.
Nonpenetrating glaucoma surgery.
Dahan E, Shaarawy T, Mermoud A, Freedman J, 2004. pp. 1577-1585 dans Ophthalmology, St. Louis, Mosby.
Patterns of promoter hypermethylation in uveal melanoma
Moulin A.P., Clement G., Bosman F.T., Zografos L., Benhattar J., 2004., Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology dans ARVO E-Abstract 1069. Peer-reviewed.
Phenotypic and molecular assessment of seven patients with 6p25 deletion syndrome: relevance to ocular dysgenesis and hearing impairment.
Gould D.B., Jaafar M.S., Addison M.K., Munier F., Ritch R., MacDonald I.M., Walter M.A., 2004. BMC medical genetics, 5 p. 17.
Photodynamic Therapy of Ocular Diseases
Gragoudas E. S., Miller J. W., Zografos L., 2004..
Potential role of stereotactic linac based radiotherapy using micromulti leaf collimator in the treatment of bilateral retinoblastomas
Pica A., Munier F., Balmer A., Do H.P., Pasche G., Wang H., Moeckli R., 2004. p. 103 dans 8th Annual Meeting of the Scientific Association of Swiss Radiation Oncology (SASRO), Strahlentherapie und Onkologie. Peer-reviewed.
Simulation of artificial vision: II. Eccentric reading of full-page text and the learning of this task.
Somerhalder J, Rappaz B, de Haller R, Fornos AP, Safran AB, Pelizzone M, 2004. Vis. Res., 44 pp. 1693-1706.
Systemic melanoma metastatic to the retina and vitreous.
Zografos L., Mirimanoff R.O., Angeletti C.A., Frosini R., Beati D., Schalenbourg A., Chamot L., 2004. Ophthalmologica, 218 (6) pp. 424-433.
T-Flux implant versus Healon GV in deep sclerectomy.
Ravinet E., Bovey E., Mermoud A., 2004. Journal of glaucoma, 13 (1) pp. 46-50. Peer-reviewed.
Troubles de la lacrimation
Kawasaki A., Borruat F. X., 2004. 297-301.
Troubles de la lacrimation.
Kawasaki A, Borruat F.X, 2004. pp. 297-301 dans Neuro-ophtalmologie, Masson.
Troubles de la lacrymation
Kawasaki A., Borruat F.X., 2004. pp. 297-301 dans Safran A. (eds.) Neuro-ophtalmologie, Masson.
Tumeurs de l'uvée postérieure. In : Encyclopédie Médico-Chirurgicale
Zografos L., Uffer S., 2004. 1-16.
Tumeurs de l'uvée postérieure. In : Encyclopédie Médico-Chirurgicale.
Zografos L, Uffer S, 2004. pp. 1-16 dans Ophtalmologie, Elsevier.
Tumeurs de la choroïde et de l'épithélium pigmentaire.
Zografos L, Uffer S, Coscas G, 2004. pp. 343-383 dans Atlas d'Angiographie en Indocyanine : confrontations FLUO - ICG - OCT, Bulletin des Sociétés d'Ophtalmologie de France.
Tumeurs de la choroïde et de l’épithélium pigmentaire
Zografos L., Uffer S., Coscas G., 2004. 343-383.
Tumeurs du complexe iridociliaire
Zografos L., Uffer S., 2004. 1-12.
Tumeurs du complexe iridociliaire.
Zografos L, Uffer S, 2004. pp. 1-12 dans Médico-Chirurgicale. Ophtalmologie, Elsevier.
Tumeurs et pseudotumeurs de la papille
Zografos L., Uffer S., 2004. 103-112.
Tumeurs et pseudotumeurs de la papille.
Zografos L, Uffer S, 2004. pp. 103-112 dans Neuro-Ophtalmologie, Masson.
Vectorisation intra-oculaire [Drug delivery to target the posterior segment of the eye].
Behar-Cohen F., 2004. Médecine Sciences : M/s, 20 (6-7) pp. 701-706. Peer-reviewed.
Verteporfin photodynamic therapy for age-related macular degeneration. Part 1 : Verteporfin photodynamic therapy for age-related macular degeneration : how to do it
Copt R. P., Zografos L., 2004. 139-143.
Verteporfin photodynamic therapy for age-related macular degeneration. Part 1 : Verteporfin photodynamic therapy for age-related macular degeneration : how to do it. .
Copt R.P, Zografos L, 2004. pp. 139-143 dans Photodynamic Therapy of Ocular Diseases, Lippincott William & Wilkins, cop.
Visual vertigo: an observational case series of eleven patients.
de Haller R., Maire R., Borruat F.X., 2004. Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde, 221 (5) pp. 383-5. Peer-reviewed.
Corneal perforation after conductive keratoplasty with previous refractive surgery.
Kymionis G.D., Titze P., Markomanolakis M.M., Aslanides I.M., Pallikaris I.G., 2003/12. Journal of cataract and refractive surgery, 29 (12) pp. 2452-2454. Peer-reviewed.
Jules Gonin. Pioneer of retinal detachment surgery
Wolfensberger T. J., 2003/12. Indian Journal of Ophthalmology, 51 (4) pp. 303-8.
A novel GJA8 mutation in an Iranian family with progressive autosomal dominant congenital nuclear cataract
Willoughby C. E., Arab S., Gandhi R., Zeinali S., Arab S., Luk D., Billingsley G., Munier F. L., Heon E., 2003/11. Journal of Medical Genetics, 40 (11) pp. e124.
Management of giant retinal tears with vitrectomy, internal tamponade, and peripheral 360 degrees retinal photocoagulation
Ambresin A., Wolfensberger T. J., Bovey E. H., 2003/10. Retina, 23 (5) pp. 622-8. Peer-reviewed.
An unusual presentation of herpes zoster ophthalmicus: orbital myositis preceding vesicular eruption
Kawasaki A., Borruat F. X., 2003/09. American Journal of Ophthalmology, 136 (3) pp. 574-5.
Anterior segment indocyanine green angiography in anterior scleritis and episcleritis
Guex-Crosier Y., Durig J., 2003/09. Ophthalmology, 110 (9) pp. 1756-63.
Lack of BRAF mutations in uveal melanoma
Rimoldi D., Salvi S., Lienard D., Lejeune F. J., Speiser D., Zografos L., Cerottini J. C., 2003/09. Cancer Research, 63 (18) pp. 5712-5.
Corneal iron ring after conductive keratoplasty.
Kymionis G.D., Naoumidi T.L., Aslanides I.M., Pallikaris I.G., 2003/08. American journal of ophthalmology, 136 (2) pp. 378-379. Peer-reviewed.
Induction of apoptosis in human corneal and HeLa cells by mutated BIGH3
Morand S., Buchillier V., Maurer F., Bonny C., Arsenijevic Y., Munier F. L., Schorderet D. F., 2003/07. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 44 (7) pp. 2973-9.
Prophylactic 360 degrees cryotherapy in fellow eyes of patients with spontaneous giant retinal tears
Wolfensberger T. J., Aylward G. W., Leaver P. K., 2003/06. Ophthalmology, 110 (6) pp. 1175-7.
Correction du vice de réfraction par lentilles de contact chez l'enfant amblyope atteint de myopie forte unilatérale [Use of contact lenses for correction of amblyopia in high unilateral myopia in children]
Gianoli F., Klainguti G., 2003/05. Journal francais d'ophtalmologie, 26 (5) pp. 485-488. Peer-reviewed.
Description d'un melanome de l'uvee dans le cadre d'une neurofibromatose de type 2. [Choroidal melanoma in neurofibromatosis type 2: description of a case]
Mataftsi A., Zografos L., Chamot L., Schalenbourg A., 2003/05. Journal Français d'Ophtalmologie, 26 (5) pp. 477-80.
Genetic linkage of Francois-Neetens fleck (mouchetee) corneal dystrophy to chromosome 2q35
Jiao X., Munier F. L., Schorderet D. F., Zografos L., Smith J., Rubin B., Hejtmancik J. F., 2003/05. Human Genetics, 112 (5-6) pp. 593-9.
Photocoagulation des vaisseaux retiniens nourriciers d'une anastomose chorioretinienne dans le cadre d'une degenerescence maculaire liee a l'age. [Photocoagulation of the retinal feeder vessels of a chorioretinal anastomosis in age-related macular degeneration]
Mantel I., Zografos L., 2003/05. Journal Français d'Ophtalmologie, 26 (5) pp. 493-7.
Five year results of viscocanalostomy
Shaarawy T., Nguyen C., Schnyder C., Mermoud A., 2003/04. British Journal of Ophthalmology, 87 (4) pp. 441-5.
Pulverulent cataract with variably associated microcornea and iris coloboma in a MAF mutation family.
Jamieson R.V., Munier F., Balmer A., Farrar N., Perveen R., Black G.C., 2003/04. The British Journal of Ophthalmology, 87 (4) pp. 411-412. Peer-reviewed.
Vaccination of mice against experimental Neospora caninum infection using NcSAG1- and NcSRS2-based recombinant antigens and DNA vaccines
Cannas A., Naguleswaran A., Muller N., Eperon S., Gottstein B., Hemphill A., 2003/04. Parasitology, 126 (Pt 4) pp. 303-12. Peer-reviewed.
A dominant mutation within the DNA-binding domain of the bZIP transcription factor Maf causes murine cataract and results in selective alteration in DNA binding
Lyon M. F., Jamieson R. V., Perveen R., Glenister P. H., Griffiths R., Boyd Y., Glimcher L. H., Favor J., Munier F. L., Black G. C., 2003/03. Human Molecular Genetics, 12 (6) pp. 585-94.
Bilateral optic neuropathy as the presenting sign of systemic non-Hodgkin lymphoma
Henchoz L., Borruat F. X., Gonin J., Zografos L., 2003/03. Klinische Monatsblatter fur Augenheilkunde, 220 (3) pp. 189-92.
Chorioretinitis induced by intravesical Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) instillations for urinary bladder carcinoma
Guex-Crosier Y., Chamot L., Zografos L., 2003/03. Klinische Monatsblatter fur Augenheilkunde, 220 (3) pp. 193-5.
Endogenous pneumococcal endophthalmitis followed by pneumococcal-induced uveitis
Nessi F., Bovey E. H., Guex-Crosier Y., 2003/03. Klinische Monatsblatter fur Augenheilkunde, 220 (3) pp. 204-6.
Etude histopathologique d'une lamelle de cornee excisee apres complications de traitement de myopie par Lasik. [Histopathological study of corneal lamella excised after complications of myopia treatment with LASIK]
Uffer S., Andenmatten R., Daya S., de Courten C., 2003/03. Klinische Monatsblatter fur Augenheilkunde, 220 (3) pp. 210-2.
Eye retention after proton beam radiotherapy for uveal melanoma.
Egger E., Zografos L., Schalenbourg A., Beati D., Böhringer T., Chamot L., Goitein G., 2003/03. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics, 55 (4) pp. 867-880.
Management of microphthalmos and anophthalmos: prosthetic experience.
Oberhansli C., Charles-Messance D., Munier F., Spahn B., 2003/03. Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde, 220 (3) pp. 134-137. Peer-reviewed.
Management of post-LASIK corneal ectasia with Intacs inserts: one-year results.
Kymionis G.D., Siganos C.S., Kounis G., Astyrakakis N., Kalyvianaki M.I., Pallikaris I.G., 2003/03. Archives of ophthalmology, 121 (3) pp. 322-326. Peer-reviewed.
Persisting visual hallucinations and illusions in previously drug-addicted patients
Gaillard M. C., Borruat F. X., 2003/03. Klinische Monatsblatter fur Augenheilkunde, 220 (3) pp. 176-8.
Phenotypic expression of a Pro 87 to Leu mutation in the connexin 32 gene in a large Swiss family with Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy
Kuntzer T., Dunand M., Schorderet D. F., Vallat J. M., Hahn A. F., Bogousslavsky J., 2003/03. Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 207 (1-2) pp. 77-86. Peer-reviewed.
Traumatic dysfunction of the optic chiasm
Atipo-Tsiba P. W., Borruat F. X., 2003/03. Klinische Monatsblatter fur Augenheilkunde, 220 (3) pp. 138-41.
Utilite de l'interferometrie au visometre de Lotmar pour predire l'acuite visuelle apres chirurgie des membranes epimaculaires. [Value of Lotmar interferometry with vision assessment for predicting visual acuity after surgery of epimacular membranes]
Bovey E. H., 2003/03. Klinische Monatsblatter fur Augenheilkunde, 220 (3) pp. 131-3.
Cross-sectional study of visual acuity and electroretinogram in two types of dominant drusen
Gerber D. M., Munier F. L., Niemeyer G., 2003/02. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 44 (2) pp. 493-6.
Mammalian neural stem-cell renewal: nature versus nurture
Arsenijevic Y., 2003/02. Molecular Neurobiology, 27 (1) pp. 73-98.
Multicenter evaluation of tendency-oriented perimetry (TOP) using the G1 grid
Gonzales de la Rosa M., Morales J., Dannheim F., Papst E., Papst N., Seiler T. J., Matsumoto C., Lachkar Y., Mermoud A., Prunte C., 2003/02. European Journal of Ophthalmology, 13 (1) pp. 32-41.
Spontaneous visual improvement in pituitary metastasis
Berney C., Borruat F. X., de Tribolet N., 2003/02. European Journal of Ophthalmology, 13 (1) pp. 105-7.
100e anniversaire du premier traitement d'un rétinoblastome par irradiation (Hilgartner, 1903) [Centenary of the first radiotherapy treatment of retinoblastoma (Hilgartner, 1903)]
Balmer A., Munier F., Zografos L., 2003. Journal Français d'Ophtalmologie, 26 (10) pp. 1089-1096. Peer-reviewed.
A molecular perspective on corneal dystrophies
Vincent A. L., Rootman D., Munier F. L., Heon E., 2003. Developments in Ophthalmology, 37 pp. 50-66.
A new silicone eyecup for ultrasound biomicroscopy.
Tran H.V., Ishikawa H., Liebmann J.M., Ritch R., 2003. Ophthalmic Surgery, Lasers & Imaging, 34 (1) pp. 73-75.
Activity analysis of housekeeping promoters using self-inactivating lentiviral vector delivery into the mouse retina.
Kostic C., Chiodini F., Salmon P., Wiznerowicz M., Deglon N., Hornfeld D., Trono D., Aebischer P., Schorderet D.F., Munier F.L. et al., 2003. Gene Therapy, 10 (9) pp. 818-821.
Administration intra-vitréenne de liposomes pour la vectorisation de principes actifs [The use of liposomes as intravitreal drug delivery system].
Bejjani R.A., Jeanny J.C., Bochot A., Behar-Cohen F., 2003. Journal Français D'ophtalmologie, 26 (9) pp. 981-985. Peer-reviewed.
Aqueous dynamic and histological findings after deep sclerectomy with collagen implant in an animal model.
Delarive T., Rossier A., Rossier S., Ravinet E., Shaarawy T., Mermoud A., 2003. British Journal of Ophthalmology, 87 (11) pp. 1340-1344. Peer-reviewed.
Avantages d'une double voie d'abord dans la blépharoplastie supérieure associée à des malpositions palpébrales.
Morax S, Ben Ayed H, Pereira-Nunes T, Hamédani M, 2003. J. Fr. Ophtalmol., 26 pp. 993-997.
Cerveau et régénérescence
Arsenijevic Y., 2003. dans Symposium Vie et mort des neurones, semaine du cerveau, Schweizer Archiv für Neurologie und Psychiatrie.
Chirurgie refractive, mise à jour.
Othenin-Girard P, Gonvers M, Titzé P, Bornet C, 2003. Revue Médicale de la Suisse Romande, 123 (12) pp. 731-735.
Cicatrice hypertrophique de la conjonctive palpébrale ou chéloïde de la conjonctive tarsale. A propos d'une observation anatomo-clinique [Hypertrophic eyelid conjunctival scar. A tarsal keloid].
D'Hermies F., Dollé C., Verola O., Meyer A., Morel X., Dighiero P., Than Trong T., Behar Cohen F., Halhal M., Vu T.A. et al., 2003. Journal Français D'ophtalmologie, 26 (3) pp. 315-318. Peer-reviewed.
Comparison of the efficacy and longevity of nonpenetrating glaucoma surgery with and without a new, nonabsorbable hydrophilic implant.
Dahan E., Ravinet E., Ben-Simon G.J., Mermoud A., 2003. Ophthalmic Surgery, Lasers & Imaging, 34 (6) pp. 457-463. Peer-reviewed.
Corne cutanée du bord libre palpébral. A propos d'une observation anatomo-clinique [A cutaneous horn of the free margin of the eyelid: an anatomical and clinical observation].
D'Hermies F., Gerolami-Favreul I., Meyer A., Morel X., Halhal M., Sam H., Elmaleh C., Renard G., Behar-Cohen F., 2003. Journal Français D'ophtalmologie, 26 (5) pp. 534-537. Peer-reviewed.
Cyclooxygenase-2 in human and experimental ischemic proliferative retinopathy.
Sennlaub F., Valamanesh F., Vazquez-Tello A., El-Asrar A.M., Checchin D., Brault S., Gobeil F., Beauchamp M.H., Mwaikambo B., Courtois Y. et al., 2003. Circulation, 108 (2) pp. 198-204. Peer-reviewed.
Cyclosporine A delivery to the eye: a pharmaceutical challenge.
Lallemand F., Felt-Baeyens O., Besseghir K., Behar-Cohen F., Gurny R., 2003. European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics : Official Journal of Arbeitsgemeinschaft Für Pharmazeutische Verfahrenstechnik E.v, 56 (3) pp. 307-318. Peer-reviewed.
Deep sclerectomy (or the words of Hiraclitus).
Shaarawy T., Mermoud A., 2003. pp. 257-268 dans Shaarawy T., Flammer J. (eds.) Glaucoma therapy, current issues and controversies chap. 19, Taylor & Francis group.
Deep sclerectomy in refractory congenital glaucoma.
Ravinet E., Mermoud A., 2003. Ophthalmology, 110 (9) pp. 1859-60; author reply 1860. Peer-reviewed.
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