Interdisciplinary Centre of Religious Studies

Fields | Projects and contracts | Collaborations | Equipments

Research directions

Methodology of comparative religion

Epistemology in the study of religion
Women and religions
Theories of myth
Constuctions of religious otherness

Indic religions

East / West encounter
History of medieval and contemporary India
Islam in India
History of Yoga

History of marginalized traditions

Magical practices in extra-european cultures and popular practices.
Esoteric traditions in the West
Altered states of consciousness

Contemporary hindi authors


Contemporary religious movements in Switzerland

Researches by the Observatoire des religions en Suisse

Psychology of religion

God's representation by the children in Japan
The role of religion in the lives of persons turned to a monastery

Anthropology of religion

Religion: a concept to deconstruct
Figures of mankind: representations of anthropology
Figures and discourses of otherness
Cannibalism and rationality of sacrifice
Social and religious changes among Peuls of Niger


Histoire comparée des religions

Epistémologie en histoire des religions

Religiosités contemporaines en Suisse

Unicentre - CH-1015 Lausanne
Tél. +41 21 692 11 11
Swiss University