Institut de psychologie

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3990 publications

Psychology of Working Theory, Comparative Optimism, and Risk-Taking among Workers in West Africa During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Atitsogbe K. A., Ouédraogo A., Moumoula I., Pari P., Alfa A., Méda M., Rouamba B., Tchonda M., Rossier J. Career Development Quarterly.
Assessing meaning of education in university students: A longitudinal interpretative phenomenological analysis (LIPA) perspective
Baatouche N., Atitsogbe K.A. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance.
La Technique de Relation d’Objet (ORT) : une médiation projective originale pour explorer les dimensions intersubjectives. Apports méthodologiques
Bourguignon Manon, Katz-Gilbert Muriel Bulletin de psychologie.
Sex-effects in the development of the selection of visuo-spatial information
Brandner Catherine.
The Chronopolitics of Life: Rethinking Temporalities in Health and Biomedicine beyond the Life Course
Bühler Nolwenn, Boydell Victoria , Graber Nils , Greco Cinzia , Dos Santos Marcelo (eds.), UCL Press, Embodying inequalities: perspectives from Medical Anthropology book series edited by Sahra Gibbon and Jennie Gamlin .
Qu'entend-on par rupture d'alliance
de Roten Yves pp. 163-168 dans L'alliance thérapeutique en 66 notions, Dunod.
Le laboratoire des troubles mentaux : expérimentation animale et recherche thérapeutique à l’ère de la psychopharmacologie.
Gerber L., Éditions BHMS.
Charcot's Contribution to the Problem of Language in Mental Medicine
Jaccard Camille Journal of the History of the Neurosciences . Peer-reviewed.
Performance de genre d’une spirite glossolale : relecture d’un chapitre méconnu de psychologie au tournant du XXe siècle
Jaccard Camille Revue Clio. Peer-reviewed.
« Des écoles africaines aux Archives de psychologie : psychopédagogie et circulations de dessins d’enfants au début du XXe siècle »
Jaccard Camille dans La « Genève (post)coloniale » : sources, histoires, mémoires, Georg.
When sexting becomes “sexteen”: Exploring Parental Attitudes and Regulations of Adolescent Sexting
Lamprianidou E., Venard G., del Rio Carral M., Zimmermann G., Van Petegem S. Sexuality and Culture. Peer-reviewed.
Factors influencing participation and regular attendance in a program combining physical activity and nutritional advice for overweight and obese pregnant women.
Lelorain Sophie, Deruelle Philippe, Béhal Hélène, Machet Elise, Thiblet Marie, Lengagne-Piedbois Christelle, Deken-Delannoy Valérie, Pigeyre Marie Preprint.
Context explains much of patient-perceived physician empathy in general practice
Lelorain Sophie, Descamps Axel, Grignoli Nicola, Pruvost Thomas, Dhelft Antoine, Rouhier Marie-Anne, Lallemant Elise, Sebbah Alissa, Pinçon Claire.
Double containment and transformation in a group based on photographic mediation
Lo Piccolo Giuseppe Funzione Gamma.
Entre images de désespoir et espoir des imaginaires. L'apport du Photolangage® dans la prise en charge groupale d'adolescents agresseurs sexuels
Lo Piccolo Giuseppe dans Espoir et désespoir dans les groupes, les institutions, la société.
Violência social e migração: o surgimento de traços traumáticos em um grupo Photolangage®
Lo Piccolo Giuseppe Vinculo.
Five years after treatment of obese children and their families. Does it pay off?
Munsch S., Roth B., Houweling J., Meyer A., in preparation.
Predictors and moderators of treatment outcome in cognitive-behavioral treatment and behavioral weight loss treatment for BED: results of a five-year follow-up
Munsch S., Schlup B., Biedert E., Meyer A., in preparation.
The role of parental apologies in adolescents’ information management: Social learning and self-determination perspectives
Robichaud J. M., Bureau J. S., Zimmermann G., Mageau G. A., Schumann K., Kil H., Van Petegem S. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology. Peer-reviewed.
Intrusive and Smothering, but also Responsive? Identifying Different Multilevel Correlates of Helicopter Parenting and Overprotective Parenting
Ryan K. M., Zimmer-Gembeck M. J., Speechley M., Stuart J., Soenens B., Zimmermann G., Van Petegem S. Journal of Child and Family Studies. Peer-reviewed.
Conditioning of olfactory satiety cues in binge eating disorder
Scheibler F., Munsch S., Michael T., Wilhelm F.H., in preparation.
Spini Dario, Bernardi Laura.
Parenting under pressure: Exploring gendered differences and associations with parental responsiveness, overprotection, and overvaluation
Venard G., Zimmermann G., Antonietti J.-P., Eira Nunes C., Van Petegem S. Journal of Child and Family Studies. Peer-reviewed.
Are we modular lying cues detectors? The answer is "yes sometimes"
Arminjon M, Chamseddine A, Kopta V, Paunovic A, Mohr C PLOS.
Pathways to care in youth and young adults at clinical high risk for psychosis in Switzerland: Current situation and clinical implementation of the PsyYoung project
Bailey Barbara, Solida Alessandra, Andreou Christina, Plessen Kerstin Jessica, Conus Philippe, Mercapide Mathieu, Kasparidi Afrodite, Conchon Caroline, Sprüngli-Toffel Elodie, Genoud Davina et al. Early Intervention in Psychiatry. Peer-reviewed.
Group-Based Interventions for Adolescents with Gaming Disorder or Problematic Gaming Behavior: A Systematic Review
Boonen Huub, Vanderplasschen Wouter, Sinclair Deborah L., Flayelle Maèva, Billieux Joël Current Addiction Reports. Peer-reviewed.
Vivre la perte d'un frère ou d'une sœur depuis l'exil : quel destin des liens fraternels après une disparition forcée de personnes ?
Bourguignon Manon, Katz Muriel, Arduini Elías, Dermitzel Alice Cliniques méditerranéennes, 109 pp. 221-234.
Neurocognition and NMDAR Co-agonists Pathways in Individuals with Treatment Resistant First-Episode Psychosis: a 3-year Follow-up Longitudinal Study
Camporesi S., Xin L., Golay P., Eap C. B., Cleusix M., Cuenod M., Fournier M., Hashimoto K., Jenni R., Ramain J. et al. Molecular Psychiatry. Peer-reviewed.
Maternal technology distraction and its associations with stress and parenting during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Canale Natale, Pivetta Erika, Costa Sebastiano, Galeotti Tommaso, Billieux Joël Psychology of Popular Media. Peer-reviewed.
Darnon Céline, Butera Fabrizio, Martinot Delphine, Goudeau Sébastien dans L. Bègue & O. Desrichard (Eds.), Traité de psychologie sociale, Bruxelles : De Boeck.
Quality of Life in Everyday Contexts : Implications for Counseling and Research
Dauwalder J. P. The Future of Counseling in europe.
Effectiveness of Guidance and Controlling
Dauwalder J. P., Rossier J., Massoudi K., Masdonati J. Professionalisation of career Guidance : Eiropean Mobility- Chance and Challenge.
Le poids du secret dans la filiation « illégitime » : du pacte dénégatif structurant au pacte dénégatif aliénant. Une étude de cas à partir de la libre réalisation de l’arbre généalogique.
Fournier C.A., Katz-Gilbert Muriel, Luy H. Dialogue.
Insecure attachment and support-seeking during COVID-19: a sequential mixed methods investigation
Francois-Walcott Rachel R. R., Perks Rhia E., Vowels Laura M., Carnelley Katherine B. Attachment and Human Development.
Reduction of DUP in early intervention programs: no pain… almost no gain
Frischherz M., Conus P., Golay P. Early Intervention in Psychiatry. Peer-reviewed.
Évaluation de situations de maltraitance par de jeunes athlètes : Une approche innovante associée aux Jeux Olympiques de la Jeunesse 2020
Gauthier Jacques-Antoine, Yakoubian Johanna, Roman Pascal, Cerchia Frédéric, Tercier Stéphane, Depallens Sarah Staps. Peer-reviewed.
Comment la dépression vint au singe. Harry F. Harlow et le défi de la psychopathologie expérimentale.
Gerber L. Terrain. Anthropologie & Sciences Humaines, 76. Peer-reviewed.
Statistical Implication Analysis: a novel approach to understand the reciprocal relationships between outcomes in Early Psychosis
Golay P., Abrahamyan Empson L., Mebdouhi N., Conchon C., Bonnarel V., Conus P., Alameda L. Psychological Medicine. Peer-reviewed.
My road to political psychology
Green Eva G.T. dans Pathways into Political psychology, challenges for the future, Kristen R. Monroe (Oxford University Press).
Experimental psychologies in the 19th century
Jaccard C. dans Encyclopedia of Science and Technology (ed. J.-C. Dupont), vol. History of psychology and cognitive sciences (dir. L. Cordonnier), ISTE & Wiley.
Quand les proches de disparus politiques tentent de retracer l'histoire des absents : analyse des voix dans un récit polyphonique.
Katz Muriel, Bourguignon Manon, Dermitzel Alice dans Analyse du langage en psychologie: approches dialogiques (titre provisoire)., Kloetzer L. & Dos Santos Mamed M. Antipodes..
Survivre à la Shoah : raconter, témoigner, transmettre.
Katz-Gilbert Muriel pp. 395-406 dans Ehrenfreund Jacques, Perrenoud M, Brunschwig F, Leitenberg L (eds.) A propos du rôle de la mise en récit. Albert, Esther, Liebmann, Ruth et les autres. Présences juives en Suisse romande., Hermann.
La circoncision rituelle juive : un geste symbolique au service du contrat narcissique ? Une recherche qualitative.
Katz-Gilbert Muriel, Coullery Anais, Bourguignon Manon Archives des sciences sociales de la religion.
Gestion de savoirs médicaux et de savoirs profanes : expériences d'interprètes communautaires dans des consultations soignantes en Suisse
Laurent Mauranne, Santiago-Delefosse Marie dans 18ème colloque de la revue L’Autre, cliniques cultures et sociétés.
Associations of career decision-making strategies with career decision-making self-efficacy and difficulties among French-speaking Swiss adolescents and young adults
Levin Nimrod, Masdonati Jonas, Castella Pauline, Grassi Elodie Journal of Career Assessment. Peer-reviewed.
Intergroup conflict and social influence: Varieties of minority action
Levine John M., Butera Fabrizio dans R. Prislin (Ed.), The research handbook on social influence. , Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing..
Essstörungen bei Diabetes und Adipositas
Munsch S., Herpertz S. Nervenarzt. Peer-reviewed.
Processus de maternité et fonctionnement limite : une approche longitudinale à l’aide du Rorschach
Neyroud Julia, Belot Rose-Angélique, Roman Pascal L’évolution psychiatrique. Peer-reviewed.
Verifying the Efficacy of Vocational Guidance Programs : Procedures, Problems and Potential Directions
Perry J. C., Dauwalder J. P., Bonnett H. R. Career Development Quarterly.
Coping profiles of family caregivers of people with schizophrenia: differentiations between parent and sibling caregivers.
Plessis L., Rexhaj S., Golay P., Wilquin H. Journal of mental health. Peer-reviewed.
Deepfake Detection in Super-Recognizers and Police Officers
Ramon Meike, Vowels Matthew, Groh Matthew IEEE Security & Privacy.
De la Société de psychologie au Collège de France, Jean Piaget à Paris durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale
Ratcliff M., Jaccard C. dans Piaget and politics, XXX.
Cooperative Learning Reduces the Gender Gap in Perceived Social Competences. A Large-Scale Nationwide Longitudinal Experiment
Rudmann Ocyna, Batruch Anatolia, Visintin Emilio Paolo, Sommet Nicolas, Bressoux Pascal, Darnon Céline, Profan Consortium, Butera Fabrizio Journal of Educational Psychology. Peer-reviewed.
How socioprofessional factors effect serious suicide attemps: a case-control study
Saillant S., Paz J., Golay P., Ostertag L., Costanza A., Van der Vaeren B., Dorogi Y., Michaud L., Guseva-Canu I. Acta Biomedica Atenei Parmensis. Peer-reviewed.
Social Support, Career-Related Internet Information Search and Usefulness, and Career Decision-Making Difficulties in 12th Grade Students in Ontario
Samson André, Maisonneuve Alexander R., Atitsogbe Kokou A., Saint-Georges Zacharie, Chénier-Ayotte Natasha Canadian Journal of Career Development. Peer-reviewed.
Adipositas und Binge Eating Disorder
Schlup B., Munsch S., Biedert E. dans Meinlschmidt G., Schneider S., Margraf J. (eds.) Lehrbuch der Verhaltenstherapie: Materialien für die Psychotherapie (Bd. 4)., Springer.
Adipositas und Essanfälle bei Kindern und Jugendlichen
Schlup B., Munsch S., Roth B. dans Meinlschmidt G., Schneider S., Margraf J. (eds.) Lehrbuch der Verhaltenstherapie: Materialien für die Psychotherapie (Bd. 4), Springer.
Validation of the Ten-Item Internet Gaming Disorder Test (IGDT-10) and Its Association with Functional Impairment in Brazilian Gamers
Spritzer Daniel Tornaim, Machado Wagner de Lara, Yates Marina Balem, Király Orsolya, Demetrovics Zsolt, Billieux Joël, King Daniel Luke, Kaliszewska-Czeremska Katarzyna, Laconi Stéphanie, Passos Ives Cavalcante et al. Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. Peer-reviewed.
The inner logic: An intergroup approach to the populist mentality in Europe
Staerklé Christian, Cavallaro Matteo, Cortijos-Bernabeu Anna dans The different faces of populism. Interpretations in Political Psychology, Palgrave: MacMillan.
Identification of patterns of hospitalizations in child and adolescent mental health service
Urben S., Golay P., Forte A., Courrousse S., Kapp C., Plessen K.J., Armando M. Journal of Behavioral Health Services and Research. Peer-reviewed.
Learning With Jigsaw: A Systematic Review Gathering All the Pieces of the Puzzle More Than 40 Years Later
Vives Eva, Poletti Céline, Robert Anaïs, Butera Fabrizio, Huguet Pascal, Régner Isabelle, Consortium Profan Review of Educational Research. Peer-reviewed.
Lateralized Genetic and Environmental Influences on Human Brain Morphology of 8-year-old Twins.
Yoon U, Fahim C, Perusse D, Evans AC. Neuroimage pp. 4-9. Peer-reviewed.
Le monde des formes: la Nature. Recherche sur la conception de l'animalité dans la pensée de Merleau-Ponty.
Zaslawski N. dans Burgat F., Ciocan C. (eds.) A définir, Zetabooks.
“Bringing children in a burning world?” The role of climate anxiety and threat perceptions on childbearing motivations of emerging adults in Switzerland
Zimmermann G., Darwiche J., Messerli-Bürgy N., Van Petegem S., Mouton B., Venard G., Antonietti J.-P. Emerging Adulthood. Peer-reviewed.
The effects of land use changes on site occupancy and breeding success of the barn owl (Tyto alba) from 1993 to 2020
Milliet Estelle, Schalcher Kim, Grangier-Bijou Anna, Almasi Bettina, Butera Fabrizio, Roulin Alexandre, 2024/08. Global Ecology and Conservation, 52 pp. e02988. Peer-reviewed.
Does the Jigsaw method improve motivation and self-regulation in vocational high schools?
Riant Mathilde, de Place Anne-Laure, Bressoux Pascal, Batruch Anatolia, Bouet Marinette, Bressan Marco, Brown Genavee, Butera Fabrizio, Cepeda Carlos, Cherbonnier Anthony et al., 2024/06. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 77 p. 102278. Peer-reviewed.
EQuiP: The Association of European Qualitative Researchers in Psychology
Demuth Carolin, Santiago-Delefosse Marie, Tseliou Elefteria, Del Rio Carral Maria, 2024/06/01. Qualitative Research in Psychology. Peer-reviewed.
Physical Exercise to Redynamize Interoception in Substance use Disorders.
Brevers D., Billieux J., de Timary P., Desmedt O., Maurage P., Perales J.C., Suárez-Suárez S., Bechara A., 2024/06. Current Neuropharmacology, 22 (6) pp. 1047-1063. Peer-reviewed.
PTSD and complex PTSD manifestations in Sub-Saharan Africa: A systematic review of qualitative literature
Bovey Marion, Hosny Nadine, Dutray Felicia, Heim Eva, 2024/06. SSM - Mental Health.
Accompagnement du développement de la résilience chez les enseignant·e·s novices : préparer une posture professionnelle réflexive basée sur l'articulation des expériences
Fetelian Alexandre, 2024/05/17..
Interdisciplinary research approach based on a mixed-methods design to explore patient altruism at the end of life: a study protocol.
Bernard M., Gamondi C., Sterie A.C., Larkin P.J., Jox R.J., Borasio G.D., 2024/05/10. BMJ open, 14 (5) pp. e085632. Peer-reviewed.
Measurement of perceived pressures in psychiatry: paper-and-pencil and computerized adaptive version of the P-PSY35 scale
Golay Philippe, Martinez Debora, Bachelard Mizué, Silva Benedetta, Brodard Alexandra, Perrin Jonathan, Pedro Fernando Nolan, Renaud Lou-Ann, Bonsack Charles, Morandi Stéphane, 2024/05/10. Annals of General Psychiatry, 23 (18) pp. 1-12. Peer-reviewed.
Lithuanian Conceptual Colour–Emotion Associations in the Global Context of 37 Nations
Jonauskaite Domicele, 2024/05/08. Psichologija, 70 pp. 8-23. Peer-reviewed.
Can We Explain the Generation Gap in Churchgoing?
Stolz Jörg, Lipps Oliver, Voas David, Antonietti Jean-Philippe, 2024/05/06. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. Peer-reviewed.
How do decision making and fairness mediate the relationship between involuntary hospitalisation and perceived coercion among psychiatric inpatients?
Morandi Stéphane, Silva Benedetta, Pauli Guillaume, Martinez Debora, Bachelard Mizué, Bonsack Charles, Golay Philippe, 2024/05. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 173 pp. 98-103. Peer-reviewed.
Imagining a better world: assessing the immediate and delayed effects of imagined contact on attitudes toward refugees in elementary school
Vrdoljak Antonija, Čorkalo Biruški Dinka, Stanković Nikolina, Fasel Rachel, Butera Fabrizio, Jelić Margareta, 2024/04/29. Frontiers in Psychology, 15.
Impact of a family history of mental disorders on the characteristics of patients with early psychosis
Pöthe Barbara, Conus Philippe, Golay Philippe, 2024/04/04. Early Intervention in Psychiatry. Peer-reviewed.
Episodic memory development: Bridging animal and human research.
Bevandić J., Chareyron L.J., Bachevalier J., Cacucci F., Genzel L., Newcombe N.S., Vargha-Khadem F., Ólafsdóttir H.F., 2024/04/03. Neuron, 112 (7) pp. 1060-1080. Peer-reviewed.
Cross-cultural validation and measurement invariance of anxiety and depression symptoms: A study of the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI) in 42 countries.
Quintana G.R., Ponce F.P., Escudero-Pastén J.I., Santibáñez-Palma J.F., Nagy L., Koós M., Kraus S.W., Demetrovics Z., Potenza M.N., Ballester-Arnal R. et al., 2024/04. Journal of affective disorders, 350 pp. 991-1006. Peer-reviewed.
Interventions Promoting Pro-Environmental Behaviors in Children: A Meta-Analysis and a Research Agenda
Świątkowski Wojciech, Surret Fantine Lisa, Henry Johanna, Buchs Céline, Visintin Emilio Paolo, Butera Fabrizio, 2024/04. Journal of Environmental Psychology p. 102295. Peer-reviewed.
Du « chercher avec soin » au « chercher avec audace »: La résistance par et dans la recherche
Mahmoud Marwa, 2024/03/26. TransFormations-Recherche en Education et Formation des Adultes. Peer-reviewed.
Life Dissatisfaction and the Right-Wing Populist Vote: Evidence from the European Social Survey
Lindholm Annika, Lutz Georg, Green Eva G. T., 2024/03/25. American Behavioral Scientist.
Investigating refugees' negotiation of professional possible selves
Fedrigo Laurence, Masdonati Jonas, 2024/03/21. The Career Development Quarterly. Peer-reviewed.
Electrocortical correlates of attention differentiate individual capacity in associative learning.
Raynal E., Schipper K., Brandner C., Ruggeri P., Barral J., 2024/03/18. npj science of learning, 9 (20). Peer-reviewed.
Supportive error feedback fosters students' adaptive reactions towards errors: Evidence from a targeted online intervention with Italian middle school students
Annalisa Soncini, Maria Cristina Matteucci, Carlo Tomasetto, Fabrizio Butera, 2024/03/18. British Journal of Educational Psychology. Peer-reviewed.
Good psychiatric management for borderline personality disorder: A qualitative study of its implementation in a supported employment team
Dunand Noëllie, Golay Philippe, Bonsack Charles, Spagnoli Danièle, Pomini Valentino, 2024/03/15. PLOS ONE, 19 (3) pp. e0299514. Peer-reviewed.
L'activité des médiatrices interculturelles en contexte médical : un rempart aux injustices épistémiques ?
Mahmoud Marwa, Muller-Mirza Nathalie, 2024/03/02. Éducation et socialisation 71. Peer-reviewed.
Learning basic arithmetic: A comparison between rote and procedural learning based on an artificial sequence.
Chouteau S., Lemaire B., Thevenot C., Dewi J., Mazens K., 2024/03. Journal of experimental psychology. Learning, memory, and cognition, 50 (3) pp. 418-434. Peer-reviewed.
Methodology for identification, visualization, and clustering of similar behaviors in dyadic sequences analyzed through the longitudinal actor-partner interdependence model with Markov chains
Bollenrücher M., Darwiche J., Antonietti J.-Ph., 2024/03/01. The Quantitative Methods for Psychology, 20 (1) pp. 17-32. Peer-reviewed.
Networked lives: Probing the influence of social networks on the life course
Vacchiano Mattia, Hollstein Betina, Settersten Richard A., Spini Dario, 2024/03. Advances in Life Course Research, 59 p. 100590. Peer-reviewed.
Special collection: Color and emotion
Jonauskaite Domicele, Thorstenson Christopher A., 2024/03. Color Research & Application, 49 pp. 218-221. Peer-reviewed.
Perceptions of Successful Aging among Asian Americans
Jung Seojung, Jopp Daniela S., 2024/02/28. Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology. Peer-reviewed.
Problematic pornography use across countries, genders, and sexual orientations: Insights from the International Sex Survey and comparison of different assessment tools.
Bőthe B., Nagy L., Koós M., Demetrovics Z., Potenza M.N., International Sex Survey Consortium, Kraus S.W., Demirgül S.A., Gaudet É., Ballester-Arnal R. et al., 2024/02/27. Addiction, 119 (5) pp. 928-950. Peer-reviewed.
Face Recognition Technology in Swiss Law Enforcement Deployment, Legal Basis and Super-Recognizer-Centered Solution
Ramon Meike, Barbey Alexandre, Métille Sylvain, 2024/02/18. AJP/PJA, 02/2024 pp. 128-143. Peer-reviewed.
Addressing climate change with behavioral science: A global intervention tournament in 63 countries
Vlasceanu Madalina, Doell Kimberly C., Bak-Coleman Joseph B., Todorova Boryana, Berkebile-Weinberg Michael M., Grayson Samantha J., Patel Yash, Goldwert Danielle, Pei Yifei, Chakroff Alek et al., 2024/02/09. Science Advances, 10 (6).
“We would love to, but…”—needs in school integration from the perspective of refugee children, their parents, peers, and school staff
Vrdoljak Antonija, Stanković Nikolina, Čorkalo Biruški Dinka, Jelić Margareta, Fasel Rachel, Butera Fabrizio, 2024/02/07. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 37 (2) pp. 512-529. Peer-reviewed.
Accounts of interpersonal touch in female victims of intimate partner violence: A qualitative study
Debrot Anik, Rochat Shékina, del Río Carral María, Gerber Prisca, Sarrasin Oriane, Brodard Fabrice, 2024/02/05. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. Peer-reviewed.
User-centered development of an internet-based CBT intervention for the treatment of loneliness in older individuals
Dworschak Christine, Heim Eva, Kuhn Nadine, Schwager Jessica, Tröster Alicia, Maercker Andreas, 2024/02/02..
Sharpen the focus on chemsex
von Hammerstein Cora, Billieux Joël, 2024/02. Addictive Behaviors, 149 p. 107910. Peer-reviewed.
Spilling the tea about milk tea addiction - A reply to Qu et al. (2023)
Hugues Juan Carlos, Nogueira-López Abel, Flayelle Maèva, von Hammerstein Cora, Billieux Joël, 2024/02. Journal of Affective Disorders, 346 (3) pp. 133-134. Peer-reviewed.
The effect of collaboration on farmers' pro-environmental behaviors – A systematic review
Milliet Estelle, Plancherel Céline, Roulin Alexandre, Butera Fabrizio, 2024/02. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 93 p. 102223. Peer-reviewed.
Achievement Goals: A Social Influence Cycle.
Butera F., Dompnier B., Darnon C., 2024/01/18. Annual review of psychology, 75 pp. 527-554. Peer-reviewed.
Protocol of a monocentric, double-blind, randomized, superiority, controlled trial evaluating the effect of in-prison OROS-methylphenidate vs. placebo treatment in detained people with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (BATIR).
Baggio S., Billieux J., Dirkzwager A., Iglesias K., Moschetti K., Perroud N., Schneider M., Vernaz N., Wolff H., Heller P., 2024/01/04. Trials, 25 (1) p. 23. Peer-reviewed.
The Interplay Between Maternal and Paternal Senses of Efficacy Moderates the Link Between Perinatal Parental Stress and Family Alliance at 3 Months
Favez Nicolas, Rattaz Valentine, Puglisi Nilo, Razurel Chantal, Epiney Manuella, Tissot Hervé, 2024/01/02. Parenting, 24 (1) pp. 30-38.
<i>Omertà</i> in intragroup cheating: The role of ingroup identity in dishonesty and whistleblowing
Rullo Marika, Presaghi Fabio, Baldner Conrad, Livi Stefano, Butera Fabrizio, 2024/01. Group Processes &amp; Intergroup Relations, 27 (1) pp. 41-61. Peer-reviewed.
A Critical Approach to Guidelines: From Pragmatic Posture to Epistemological and Theoretical Reflection
Santiago Delefosse Marie, Chamberlain Kerry, 2024. pp. xx-xx dans Quality of Qualitative Research, Uwe Flick.
Child eating behavior predicts body mass index after 1 year: results from the Swiss Preschooler's Health Study (SPLASHY).
Mihov Y., Meyer A.H., Kakebeeke T.H., Stülb K., Arhab A., Zysset A.E., Leeger-Aschmann C.S., Schmutz E.A., Kriemler S., Jenni O.G. et al., 2024. Frontiers in psychology, 15 p. 1292939. Peer-reviewed.
Cognitive, computational and learning processes involved in behavioral addiction: Current views and future directions.
Perales J.C., Flayelle M., Verdejo-García A., Clark L., Billieux J., 2024/01. Addictive behaviors, 148 p. 107874. Peer-reviewed.
Competion in Education
Butera Fabrizio, Świątkowski Wojciech, Dompnier Benoît, 2024. pp. 569–597 dans In S. Garcia, A. Tor, & A. Elliot, (Eds.), The Oxford handbook on the psychology of competition - Online Edition, New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Cross-Cultural Adult ADHD Assessment in 42 Countries Using the Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale Screener
Lewczuk Karol, Marcowski Przemysław, Wizła Magdalena, Gola Mateusz, Nagy Léna, Koós Mónika, Kraus Shane W., Demetrovics Zsolt, Potenza Marc N., Ballester-Arnal Rafael et al., 2024. Journal of Attention Disorders, 28 (4) pp. 512-530. Peer-reviewed.
Determinants of Face Recognition: The Role of Target Prevalence and Similarity.
Boudry L., Nador J.D., Ramon M., 2024. Journal of cognition, 7 (1) p. 27. Peer-reviewed.
Feasibility and uptake of a digital mental health intervention for depression among Lebanese and Syrian displaced people in Lebanon: a qualitative study
Abi Ramia Jinane, Abi Hana Racha, Noun Philip, Cuijpers Pim, Carswell Kenneth, Hof Edith, Heim Eva, Zoghbi Edwina, Sijbrandij Marit, El Chammay Rabih, 2024. Frontiers in Public Health, 11.
Feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary efficacy of an internet-based CBT intervention for loneliness in older adults: A pilot RCT
Dworschak C., Heim E., Tröster A., Grunder C., Maercker A., 2024/01. Journal of Affective Disorders Reports.
Functional and dysfunctional impulsivity mediates the relationships between ‘Dark Triad' traits and cyberbullying perpetration
Park Miriam Sang-Ah, Billieux Joël, Raj Sanjana, Lee Mei Chee, Geoffrey Dianne Shaneeta, Nuyens Filip, 2024. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health, 34 (1) pp. 54-65. Peer-reviewed.
Further evidence for the bidimensionality of the components model of addiction: a reply to Amendola (2023)
Fournier Loïs, Schimmenti Adriano, Musetti Alessandro, Boursier Valentina, Flayelle Maèva, Cataldo Ilaria, Starcevic Vladan, Billieux Joël, 2024. Addictive Behaviors, 150 p. 107914. Peer-reviewed.
Global cross-cultural validation of a brief measure for identifying potential suicide risk in 42 countries
Gewirtz-Meydan A., Koós M., Nagy L., Kraus S.W., Demetrovics Z., Potenza M.N., Ballester-Arnal R., Batthyány D., Bergeron S., Billieux J. et al., 2024. Public Health, 229 pp. 13-23. Peer-reviewed.
Incorporats traumatiques et mensonges de l'Inconscient
Roman Pascal, 2024. Cahiers de psychologie clinique, 62 pp. 97-108. Peer-reviewed.
Increased ventral anterior insular connectivity to sports betting availability indexes problem gambling
Brevers Damien, Baeken Chris, Bechara Antoine, He Qinghua, Maurage Pierre, Sescousse Guillaume, Vögele Claus, Billieux Joël, 2024. Addiction Biology, 29 (3) pp. e13389. Peer-reviewed.
Interactive Digital Engagement With Visual Artworks and Cultural Artefacts Enhances User Aesthetic Experiences in the Laboratory and Museum
Jonauskaite Domicele, Dael Nele, Baboulaz Loïc, Chèvre Laetitia, Cierny Inez, Ducimetière Nicolas, Fekete Anna, Gabioud Pierre, Leder Helmut, Vetterli Martin et al., 2024. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 40 (6) pp. 1369-1382. Peer-reviewed.
La demande d'évaluation du Haut potentiel intellectuel ou l'actualisation d'une chimère contemporaine
Roman Pascal, 2024. Journal des psychologues, 409 pp. 47-51.
Measurement invariance of the Marijuana Motives Measure among men and women using Stop Cannabis App
Rochat Lucien, Rothen Stéphane, Edel Yves, Penzenstadler Louise, Lecomte Tania, Potvin Stephane, Dan Glauser Elise, Etter Jean-François, Khazaal Yasser, 2024/01. Addictive Behaviors, 148 p. 107866. Peer-reviewed.
Mental health professionals' use of the ICD-11 classification of impulse control disorders and behavioral addictions: An international field study
Fuss Johannes, Keeley Jared W., Stein Dan J., Rebello Tahilia J., García José Ángel, Briken Peer, Robles Rebeca, Matsumoto Chihiro, Abé Christoph, Billieux Joël et al., 2024. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 13 (1) pp. 276-292. Peer-reviewed.
Méthodes qualitatives en psychologie: changement de paradigme ou retrouvailles ?
Santiago Delefosse Marie, 2024. pp. xx-xx dans Comprendre les processus de changement: apports des méthodes qualitatives et mixtes, Glowacz Fabienne.
Overprotective parenting and social anxiety in adolescents: The role of emotion regulation
Mathijs L., Mouton B., Zimmermann G., Van Petegem S., 2024. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 41 (2) pp. 413-434. Peer-reviewed.
Paradox of Self-Stigma Scale. Shorter yet accurate measurements with computerised adaptive testing in psychiatry.
Golay P., Martinez D., Bonalumi C., Silva B., Morandi S., Bonsack C., 2024. Swiss Archives of Neurology, Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, 175 (1) pp. 12-16. Peer-reviewed.
Patterns of career decision-making difficulties in 16 countries: A person-centered investigation.
Levin Nimrod, Lipshits-Braziler Yuliya, Gati Itamar, 2024/01. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 71 (1) pp. 34-47. Peer-reviewed.
Pharmacological Treatment of GHB Withdrawal Syndrome
Karila Laurent, Angerville Bernard, Benyamina Amine, Billieux Joël, 2024. Current Addiction Reports, 11 pp. 163–171. Peer-reviewed.
Problematic gaming, social withdrawal, and Escapism:The compensatory-dissociative online gaming (C-DOG) model
Giardina Alessandro, Schimmenti Adriano, Starcevic Vladan, King Daniel L., Di Blasi Maria, Billieux Joël, 2024. Computers in Human Behavior, 155 p. 108187. Peer-reviewed.
Proxy measures for the assessment of psychotic and affective symptoms in studies using electronic health records
López-Díaz Álvaro, Palermo-Zeballos Fernanda Jazmín, Gutierrez-Rojas Luis, Alameda Luis, Gotor-Sánchez-Luengo Francisco, Garrido-Torres Nathalia, Métrailler Johann, Alerci Livia, Bonnarel Vincent, Cano-Domínguez Pablo et al., 2024/01. BJPsych Open, 10 (1) pp. 1-9. Peer-reviewed.
Red box, green box: A self-report behavioral frequency measurement approach for behavioral addictions research
King Daniel L., Billieux Joël, Delfabbro Paul H., 2024. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 13 (1) pp. 21-24. Peer-reviewed.
Should we talk (more) about climate change when promoting energy conservation? An intervention in Swiss households
Sarrasin Oriane, Gale Jessica, Butera Fabrizio, 2024. Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology, 6 p. 100179.
Situational and personal predictors of mental health outcomes amog healthcare workers during covid-19: differences between nurses and physicians
Petit Géraldine, Germeau Nausica, Amory Avigaelle, Banse Emilie, Deschietere Gérald, Luts Alain, Moreau Gilles, Billieux Joël, de Timary Philippe, 2024. PSYCHIATRIA DANUBINA, 36 (1) pp. 94-108. Peer-reviewed.
The Mediating Effects of Perceived Family Support in the Relationship Between Anxiety and Problematic Smartphone Use : A Cross-Cultural Validation
Long Jiang, Liu Yueheng, Wang Yingying, Pottié Aurore, Cornil Aurélien, Deleuze Jory, Wu Qiuxia, Chen Shubao, Ma Yuejiao, Wang Qianjin et al., 2024. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 212 (2) pp. 76-83. Peer-reviewed.
The PURPLE mystery: Semantic meaning of three purple terms in French speakers from Algeria, France, and Switzerland
Epicoco Déborah, Mohr Christine, Uusküla Mari, Quiblier Michael, Meziane Maliha Bouayed, Laurent Eric, Spagnulo Giulia F. M., Jonauskaite Domicele, 2024/01. Color Research & Application, 49 (1) pp. 93-112. Peer-reviewed.
The Role of Emotion Regulation Strategies for Sexual Function and Mental Health: A Cluster Analytical Approach
Fischer Vinicius Jobim, Andersson Gerhard, Billieux Joël, Infanti Alexandre, Vögele Claus, 2024. Journal of Sex &amp; Marital Therapy, 50 (2) pp. 123-136. Peer-reviewed.
The short version of the Sexual Distress Scale (SDS-3): Measurement invariance across countries, gender identities, and sexual orientations
Lin Chung-Ying, Tsai Meng-Che, Koós Mónika, Nagy Léna, Kraus Shane W., Demetrovics Zsolt, Potenza Marc N., Ballester-Arnal Rafael, Batthyány Dominik, Bergeron Sophie et al., 2024. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 24 (2) p. 100461. Peer-reviewed.
Web-Based Emotion Regulation Training for Sexual Health: Randomized Controlled Trial
Jobim Fischer Vinicius, Rossato Holz Maila, Billieux Joël, Andersson Gerhard, Vögele Claus, 2024. JMIR Formative Research, 8 pp. e50850. Peer-reviewed.
Écrans et adolescence : quels enjeux pour la Génération Z ? [Screens and adolescence: what issues for the Z generation?]
Barrense-Dias Y., Bediou B., Bavelier D., Zimmermann G., 2024. Revue medicale suisse, 20 (862) pp. 396-399. Peer-reviewed.
L’éco-anxiété: une réaction saine?
Sarrasin Oriane, 2023/12/29. REISO - Revue d'information sociale.
Can street-level bureaucrats be nudged to increase effectiveness in welfare policy?
Visintin Emilio Paolo, Bonvin Jean-Michel, Varone Frédéric, Butera Fabrizio, Lovey Max, Rosenstein Emilie, 2023/12/15. pp. 127-148 dans Beyond Nudge, Policy Press.
The SLLS in uncertain times: an opportunity to develop an impactful and responsive society. A reply to 'Studying social change in human lives: a conversation' by Richard Settersten et al.
Spini D., Morton S., 2023/12/07. Longitudinal and life course studies, 15 (1) pp. 19-24. Peer-reviewed.
A comparative analysis of colour–emotion associations in 16–88‐year‐old adults from 31 countries
Jonauskaite Domicele, Epicoco Déborah, Al-rasheed Abdulrahman S., Aruta John Jamir Benzon R., Bogushevskaya Victoria, Brederoo Sanne G., Corona Violeta, Fomins Sergejs, Gizdic Alena, Griber Yulia A. et al., 2023/12/02. British Journal of Psychology, 115 pp. 275-305. Peer-reviewed.
Are urine tests within opioid agonist treatment a justified practice?
Baud Carole-Anne, Schmitt-Koopmann Caroline, Junod Valerie, Dickson Cheryl, Brulisauer Lukas, Broers Barbara, Simon Olivier, 2023/12. Heroin Addiction And Related Clinical Problems, 25 (6) pp. 25-28.
Corrigendum to “Super-recognizers – A novel diagnostic framework, 70 cases, and guidelines for future work” [Neuropsychologia, 158 (2021) /107809]
Ramon Meike, 2023/12. Neuropsychologia, 191 p. 108724. Peer-reviewed.
Evolution of the income-related gap in health with old age: evidence from 20 countries in European and Chinese panel datasets
Cheng Mengling, Sommet Nicolas, Jopp Daniela S., Spini Dario, 2023/12. European Journal of Ageing. Peer-reviewed.
Gaming passion contributes to the definition and identification of problematic gaming
Infanti Alexandre, Valls-Serrano Carlos, Perales José C., Vögele Claus, Billieux Joël, 2023/12. Addictive Behaviors, 147 p. 107805. Peer-reviewed.
How is trauma-related distress experienced and expressed in populations from the Greater Middle East and North Africa? A systematic review of qualitative literature
Hosny Nadine, Bovey Marion, Dutray Felicia, Heim Eva, 2023/12. SSM - Mental Health, 4 p. 100258. Peer-reviewed.
Les reconversions professionnelles involontaires: Bilan de la deuxième vague d'entretiens
Brazier Caroline Éliane, Parmentier Michaël, Oliveira Borges André, Masdonati Jonas, 2023/12/01., Université de Lausanne.
Scalability of digital psychological innovations for refugees: A comparative analysis in Egypt, Germany, and Sweden
Woodward A., Burchert S., Barry A. S., Broerse J. E. W., Sondorp E., Bold A., Ruberl A., Hessling J. M., Knaevelsrud C., Roberts B. et al., 2023/12. SSM - Mental Health, 4 p. 100231.
The co-occurrence of manic and depressive dimensions in early psychosis: a latent transition analysis.
Ramain J., Abrahamyan Empson L., Alameda L., Solida A., Elowe J., Mebdouhi N., Conus P., Golay P., 2023/12. Psychological medicine, 53 (16) pp. 7601-7608. Peer-reviewed.
Un outil d'autoévaluation des émotions douloureuses pour mieux accompagner les proches aidants
Fournier Margot, Martinez Debora, Golay Philippe, Monteiro Shadya, Drainville Anne-Laure, Coloni-Terrapon Claire, Buisson Leslie, Favrod Jérôme, Rexhaj Shyhrete, 2023/12. Annales Médico-psychologiques, revue psychiatrique, 181 (10) pp. 880-887. Peer-reviewed.
Errors: Springboard for learning or tool for evaluation? Ambivalence in teachers' error-related beliefs and practices
Soncini Annalisa, Matteucci Maria Cristina, Butera Fabrizio, 2023/11/20. Social Psychology of Education. Peer-reviewed.
Characteristics of health and well-being in former Jehovah’s Witnesses in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland
Thoma M. V., Goreis A., Rohner S. L., Nater U. M., Heim E., Höltge J., 2023/11/15. Mental Health, Religion & Culture. Peer-reviewed.
A better understanding of the impact of childhood trauma on depression in early psychosis: A differential item functioning approach.
Golay P., Abrahamyan Empson L., Mebdouhi N., Conus P., Alameda L., 2023/11. Schizophrenia research, 261 pp. 18-23. Peer-reviewed.
French preschool and primary teachers' attitude towards finger counting
Poletti Céline, Krenger Marie, Létang Marie, Thevenot Catherine, 2023/11. Acta Psychologica, 241 p. 104079. Peer-reviewed.
Measuring the Severity of Objective and Subjective Patient-to-Staff Violence in Psychogeriatric and Adult Psychiatric Wards: A Retrospective Study of Four Swiss Hospitals.
Abbiati M., Golay P., De Maria L.F., Palix J., 2023/11. Issues in mental health nursing, 44 (11) pp. 1142-1149. Peer-reviewed.
Psilocybin-assisted therapy for depression: A systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis of human studies.
Perez N., Langlest F., Mallet L., De Pieri M., Sentissi O., Thorens G., Seragnoli F., Zullino D., Kirschner M., Kaiser S. et al., 2023/11. European neuropsychopharmacology, 76 pp. 61-76. Peer-reviewed.
Psychometric properties of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) across cross-cultural subgroups, genders, and sexual orientations: Findings from the International Sex Survey (ISS)
Horváth Zsolt, Nagy Léna, Koós Mónika, Kraus Shane W., Demetrovics Zsolt, Potenza Marc N., Ballester-Arnal Rafael, Batthyány Dominik, Bergeron Sophie, Billieux Joël et al., 2023/11. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 127 p. 152427. Peer-reviewed.
Undergraduate sport sciences students' attitudes towards statistics: A gender perspective
Crettaz von Roten Fabienne, de Roten Yves, 2023/11. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport &amp; Tourism Education, 33 p. 100452. Peer-reviewed.
Use of a difference index approach to analyze the early dynamic efficiency of reappraisal and suppression
Trentini Elena, Dan-Glauser Elise, 2023/11. Methods in Psychology, 8 p. 100112. Peer-reviewed.
Importance of Asylum Status, Support Programmes, and Family Unit Functioning on the Mental Health of Syrian Forced Migrants in Switzerland: A Longitudinal Study
Darwiche Joëlle, El Ghaziri Nahema, Blaser Jérémie, Spini Dario, Suris Joan-Carles, Antonietti Jean-Philippe, Sanchis Zozaya Javier, Marion-Veyron Régis, Bodenmann Patrick, 2023/10/31. Journal of Refugee Studies, 36 (3) pp. 507-533. Peer-reviewed.
Traumatic traces of enforced disappearance through generations. From psychoanalytic theory to a family case study
Bourguignon Manon, Katz Muriel, Dermitzel Alice, 2023/10/30. dans Psychoanalytic, Psychosocial, and Human Rights Perspectives on Enforced Disappearance, Bianchi, M.G., & Luci, M.; Routledge..
Prévenir la maltraitance infantile au Cameroun
Bagnéken C. O., Brodard F., 2023/10/19. REISO-Revue d'information sociale.
A transdisciplinary model for teaching and learning for sustainability science in a rapidly warming world
Kelly Orla, White Peta, Butera Fabrizio, Illingworth Sam, Martens Pim, Huynen Maud, Bailey Susan, Schuitema Geertje, Cowman Sian, 2023/10/16. Sustainability Science.
Consensus Paper: Current Perspectives on Abstract Concepts and Future Research Directions
Banks Briony, Borghi Anna M., Fargier Raphaël, Fini Chiara, Jonauskaite Domicele, Mazzuca Claudia, Montalti Martina, Villani Caterina, Woodin Greg, 2023/10/10. Journal of Cognition, 6 (1). Peer-reviewed.
Dyadic pattern analysis using longitudinal Actor-Partner Interdependence Model with Markov chains for unique case analysis
Bollenrücher M., Darwiche J., Antonietti J.-Ph., 2023/10/10. The Quantitative Methods for Psychology, 19 (3) pp. 230-243. Peer-reviewed.
Première association européenne de recherche qualitative en psychologie - EQuiP
Santiago-Delefosse Marie, Demuth Carolin, Tseliou Eleftheria, del Rio Carral Maria, 2023/10/05. Bulletin de psychologie, N° 582 (4) pp. 339-343. Peer-reviewed.
Decent work and entrepreneurial intentions in West Africa and Switzerland
Alfa Akila, Rouamba Barkissa, Tchonda Masamésso, Meda M'wambère Judith, Leeming Claire S, Atitsogbe Kokou A, Rossier Jérôme, 2023/10. Australian Journal of Career Development, 32 (3) pp. 225-236. Peer-reviewed.
Effects of environmental colours in virtual reality: Physiological arousal affected by lightness and hue
Weijs Marieke Lieve, Jonauskaite Domicele, Reutimann Ricarda, Mohr Christine, Lenggenhager Bigna, 2023/10. Royal Society Open Science, 10 (10). Peer-reviewed.
La tentation psychobiographique. Autour des archives de Marie Bonaparte
Amouroux R., 2023/10/01. Revue française de psychanalyse, 87 pp. 939-948. Peer-reviewed.
Neural evidence for procedural automatization during cognitive development: Intraparietal response to changes in very-small addition problem-size increases with age
Yáñez Andrea Díaz-Barriga, Longo Léa, Chesnokova Hanna, Poletti Céline, Thevenot Catherine, Prado Jérôme, 2023/10. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience p. 101310. Peer-reviewed.
Perceived partner phubbing predicts lower relationship quality but partners' enacted phubbing does not
Carnelley Katherine B., Vowels Laura M., Stanton Sarah C.E., Millings Abigail, Hart Claire M., 2023/10. Computers in Human Behavior, 147 p. 107860. Peer-reviewed.
Risk and protective factors for recovery at 3-year follow-up after first-episode psychosis onset: a multivariate outcome approach
Serra-Arumí Clara, Golay Philippe, Bonnarel Vincent, Alerci Livia, Abrahamyan Empson Lilith, Conus Philippe, Alameda Luis, 2023/10. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. Peer-reviewed.
Mediating Role of Self-Efficacy and Dimensions of Emotional Openness in Links Between Personality and Quality of Life: Zoom on Openness and Agreeableness
Yakimova Sonya, Pocnet Cornelia, Jopp Daniela S., Congard Anne, 2023/09/28. Journal of Organizational Psychology, 23 (3). Peer-reviewed.
Testing the underlying structure of unfounded beliefs about COVID-19 around the world
Brzóska Paweł, Żemojtel-Piotrowska Magdalena, Piotrowski Jarosław, Nowak Bartłomiej, Jonason Peter K., Sedikides Constantine, Adamovic Mladen, Atitsogbe Kokou A., Ahmed Oli, Azam Uzma et al., 2023/09/28. Thinking &amp; Reasoning pp. 1-26. Peer-reviewed.
Meike Ramon, Matthew J Vowels, 2023/09/22..
Concilier une logique (trans)formative endogène et exogène au sein d'un dispositif de recherche-formation pour accompagner la résilience des enseignant·e·s
Fetelian Alexandre, Perrin Nicolas, 2023/09/20..
Associations between daily positive communication and sexual desire and satisfaction: an approach utilizing traditional analyses and machine learning
Leistner C. E., Vowels L. M., Vowels M. J., Mark K. P., 2023/09/13. Sexual and Relationship Therapy pp. 1-26.
A counterexample to secularization theory? Assessing the Georgian religious revival
Stolz Jörg, Gugushvili Alexi, Molteni Francesco, Antonietti Jean-Philippe, 2023/09. The British Journal of Sociology, 74 (4) pp. 581-597. Peer-reviewed.
Acquisition of new arithmetic skills based on prior arithmetic skills: A cross‐sectional study in primary school from grade 2 to grade 5
Thevenot Catherine, Tazouti Youssef, Billard Catherine, Dewi Jasinta, Fayol Michel, 2023/09. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 93 (3) pp. 727-741. Peer-reviewed.
Earlier-life individual and spatial socioeconomic conditions and later-life physical activity
Li Yang, Spini Dario, 2023/09. Health &amp; Place, 83 p. 103068. Peer-reviewed.
Earlier-life individual and spatial socioeconomic conditions and later-life physical activity
Li Yang, Dario Spini, 2023/09. Health and Place. Peer-reviewed.
Exploring Patients' Feeling of Being Coerced During Psychiatric Hospital Admission: A Qualitative Study.
Silva B., Bachelard M., Bonsack C., Golay P., Morandi S., 2023/09. The Psychiatric quarterly, 94 (3) pp. 411-434. Peer-reviewed.
Framing the work: A coparenting model for guiding infant mental health engagement with families
McHale James, Tissot Herve, Mazzoni Silvia, Hedenbro Monica, Salman-Engin Selin, Philipp Diane A., Darwiche Joëlle, Keren Miri, Collins Russia, Coates Erica et al., 2023/09. Infant Mental Health Journal, 44 (5) pp. 638-650. Peer-reviewed.
Problematic online behaviors and psychopathology in Australia
Starcevic Vladan, Eslick Guy D., Viswasam Kirupamani, Billieux Joël, Gainsbury Sally M., King Daniel L., Berle David, 2023/09. Psychiatry Research, 327 p. 115405. Peer-reviewed.
The eleven-item Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST-11): Cross-cultural psychometric evaluation across 42 countries
Lee Chih-Ting, Lin Chung-Ying, Koós Mónika, Nagy Léna, Kraus Shane W., Demetrovics Zsolt, Potenza Marc N., Ballester-Arnal Rafael, Batthyány Dominik, Bergeron Sophie et al., 2023/09. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 165 pp. 16-27. Peer-reviewed.
Toward a causal link between attachment styles and mental health during the COVID‐19 pandemic
Vowels L. M., Vowels M. J., Carnelley K. B., Millings A., Gibson-Miller J., 2023/09. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 62 (3) pp. 605-620.
When and how do children solve the Weather Prediction Task?
Bochud-Fragnière Emilie, Lavenex Pierre, Banta Lavenex Pamela, 2023/09. Developmental Psychobiology, 65 (6). Peer-reviewed.
‘I Do It for Others'! Prosocial Reasons for Complying with Anti-COVID Measures and Pro-Environmental Behaviours: The Mediating Role of the Psychological Distance of Climate Change
Sarrasin Oriane, Zanetti Cinzia, Rudmann Ocyna, Avery Robert A. T., Graton Aurélien, 2023/09/01. Sustainability, 15 (17) p. 13194.
Formes des frontières à l’épreuve des mouvements transfrontaliers en protection de l’enfance
Boulay Corentin, 2023/08/31. Pensée Plurielle. Peer-reviewed.
La destructivité dans le processus créateur en médiation thérapeutique : une nécessité ? Illustration clinique à partir d’un atelier à médiation par le jeu de rôle
Boulay Corentin, 2023/08/31. Psychotherapies. Peer-reviewed.
De la douleur à la colère : mise en discours des émotions et travail thérapeutique
Salazar Orvig Anne, Grossen Michèle, Meystre Claudia, 2023/08/25. Langages, N° 231 (3) pp. 79-92. Peer-reviewed.
Super-Recognizers: increased sensitivity or reduced biases? Insights from serial dependence
Fiametta Marini, Mauro Manassi, Meike Ramon, 2023/08/25..
Interindividual variations in associative visual learning: Exploration, description, and partition of response characteristics
Brandner Catherine, Raynal Elsa, Ruggeri Paolo, 2023/08/24. Behavior Research Methods. Peer-reviewed.
The psychological syndrome associated with Long-COVID: A study protocol
Gómez Bravo Raquel, Infanti Alexandre, Billieux Joël, Ritzen Mark, Vögele Claus, Benoy Charles, 2023/08/22. Frontiers in Epidemiology, 3 p. 1193369. Peer-reviewed.
Exposure to the 1959–1961 Chinese famine and risk of non-communicable diseases in later life: A life course perspective
Cheng Mengling, Sommet Nicolas, Kerac Marko, Jopp Daniela S., Spini Dario, 2023/08/16. PLOS Global Public Health. Peer-reviewed.
Automatic speaker recognition-based development of challenging speaker discrimination tests
Fröhlich Andrea, Dellwo Volker, French Peter, Ramon Meike, 2023/08/11. Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Peer-reviewed.
Are Digital Interventions the Next Frontier in Sex Therapy? A Mixed Methods Study Examining Attitudes toward Digital Sex Therapy.
Vowels L.M., Sever Z., 2023/08. Journal of sex & marital therapy, 49 (8) pp. 1043-1061. Peer-reviewed.
Correlates of chronic depression in the general population: results from the CoLaus|PsyCoLaus study.
Ambresin G., Strippoli M.F., Vandeleur C.L., de Roten Y., Despland J.N., Preisig M., 2023/08. Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology, 58 (8) pp. 1179-1191. Peer-reviewed.
Prevalence of problematic Internet use and problematic gaming in Spanish adolescents
Nogueira-López Abel, Rial-Boubeta Antonio, Guadix-García Ignacio, Villanueva-Blasco Víctor J., Billieux Joël, 2023/08. Psychiatry Research, 326 p. 115317. Peer-reviewed.
Raw eye tracking data of healthy adults reading aloud words, pseudowords and numerals
Pedrotti Marco, de Chambrier Anne-Françoise, Ruggeri Paolo, Dewi Jasinta, Atzemian Myrto, Thevenot Catherine, Martinet Catherine, Terrier Philippe, 2023/08. Data in Brief, 49 p. 109360.
Ecriture et symbolisation à l’adolescence. Etude d’un dispositif à médiation thérapeutique auprès d’adolescents en situation de placement. Résumé de thèse.
Boulay Corentin, 2023/07/30. Bulletin de psychologie .
Editorial: Social relationships and career development throughout the lifespan: identifying patterns of shared and non-shared agency
Chang Esther S., Shane Jacob, Masdonati Jonas, Villarreal Brandilynn J., 2023/07/28. Frontiers in Psychology, 14.
Conclusion générale
Atitsogbe K.A., Ouedraogo A., 2023/07/20. pp. 281-286 dans Systèmes éducatifs, orientation et insertion professionnelle en Afrique francophone : quelles articulations à l'ère de la promotion de l'entrepreneuriat et du travail décent ?, L'Harmattan.
Introduction générale
Ouedraogo A., Atitsogbe K.A., 2023/07/20. pp. 13-23 dans Systèmes éducatifs, orientation et insertion professionnelle en Afrique francophone : quelles articulations à l'ère de la promotion de l'entrepreneuriat et du travail décent ?, L'Harmattan.
La problématique du travail décent dans les économies informelles
Atitsogbe K.A., Moumoula I.A., Pari P., 2023/07/20. pp. 263-279 dans Systèmes éducatifs, orientation et insertion professionnelle en Afrique francophone : quelles articulations à l'ère de la promotion de l'entrepreneuriat et du travail décent ? chap. 11, L'Harmattan.
Systèmes éducatifs, orientation et insertion professionnelle en Afrique francophone : quelles articulations à l'ère de la promotion de l'entrepreneuriat et du travail décent ?
Moumoula I.A., Atitsogbe K.A., Ouedraogo A., Pari P., Kobiané J-F, 2023/07/20., 1ère édition 292, L'Harmattan.
I am a burden! The self‐stigmatising role of burden beliefs in the relation between negative experiences related to health problems and mental well‐being outcomes
Lampropoulos Dimitrios, Klaas Hannah S., Spini Dario, 2023/07/12. Journal of Community &amp; Applied Social Psychology.
Une patiente-chercheuse en psychiatrie : le rôle de l’expérience vécue dans la production de savoirs [A patient-researcher in psychiatry: the role of lived experience in the production of knowledge]
Bachelard Mizué, Bonsack Charles, Silva Benedetta, Morandi Stéphane, Golay Philippe, 2023/07/12. Revue medicale suisse, 19 (835) pp. 1379-1381. Peer-reviewed.
Trois carrières, un tremplin : aperçus sur les parcours académiques et professionnels des psychologues Alina Szeminska, Edith Meyer et Bärbel Inhelder
J. Ratcliff Marc, Jaccard Camille, 2023/07/11. Les Études Sociales, 177 (1) pp. 211-227. Peer-reviewed.
Caseness and comorbidity of probable (complex) post-traumatic stress disorder and depression in survivors of genocide against Tutsi in Rwanda: the role of social determinants
Mutuyimana Celestin, Thoma Myriam Verena, Maercker Andreas, Sezibera Vincent, Heim Eva, 2023/07/08. South African Journal of Psychology.
Physically Violent Parental Practices: A Cross-Cultural Study in Cameroon, Switzerland, and Togo
Naudin C., Gatti V., Kounou K. B., Bagnéken C. O., Ntjam M.-C-, Clément M.-È., Brodard F., 2023/07/08. Journal of Child &amp; Adolescent Trauma. Peer-reviewed.
Emotion dynamic patterns between intimate relationship partners predict their separation two years later: A machine learning approach
Hilpert Peter, Vowels Matthew R., Mestdagh Merijn, Sels Laura, 2023/07/06. PLOS ONE, 18 (7) pp. e0288048.
Belief in School Meritocracy and the Legitimization of Social and Income Inequality
Batruch Anatolia, Jetten Jolanda, Van de Werfhorst Herman, Darnon Céline, Butera Fabrizio, 2023/07. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 14 (5) pp. 621-635. Peer-reviewed.
Dosimetry in the lungs of α-particles (210Po) and β-particles (210Pb) present in the tobacco smoke of conventional cigarettes and heated tobacco products.
Desorgher L., Berthet A., Rossier J., Bochud F., Froidevaux P., 2023/07. Journal of environmental radioactivity, 263 p. 107178. Peer-reviewed.
Historicizing “therapeutic culture”—Towards a material and polycentric history of psychologization
Amouroux Rémy, Gerber Lucie, Jaccard Camille, Aronov Milana, 2023/07. Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, 59 (3) pp. 237-245. Peer-reviewed.
Le Jeu de Rôle : une médiation thérapeutique. Propositions conceptuelles sur les caractéristiques malléables du « JdR » en psychothérapie d’adolescents
Roman Pascal, Boulay Corentin, 2023/07/01. Bulletin de psychologie.
Systematic review and theoretical comparison of children’s outcomes in post-separation living arrangements
Vowels L., Comolli C., Bernardi L., Chàcon-Mendoza D., Darwiche J., 2023/06/30. PLOS ONE. Peer-reviewed.
Health literacy across personality traits among older adults: cross-sectional evidence from Switzerland
Ryser Valérie-Anne, Meier Clément, Vilpert Sarah, Maurer Jürgen, 2023/06/28. European Journal of Ageing. Peer-reviewed.
Barriers and facilitators to implementation of point-of-care lung ultrasonography in a tertiary centre in Benin: a qualitative study among general physicians and pneumologists.
Suttels V., Guedes Da Costa S., Garcia E., Brahier T., Hartley M.A., Agodokpessi G., Wachinou P., Fasseur F., Boillat-Blanco N., 2023/06/26. BMJ open, 13 (6) pp. e070765. Peer-reviewed.
Income-related inequalities in physical and cognitive health domains over the later life course: Longitudinal evidence from the U.S. (1992–2016)
Cheng Mengling, Sommet Nicolas, Jopp Daniela S., Spini Dario, 2023/06/26. Research on Aging. Peer-reviewed.
Use of Facial Recognition Technologies by Law Enforcement Authorities: A Swiss Legal Analysis
Ramon Meike, Barbey Alexandre, Métille Sylvain, 2023/06/25..
Political orientation, trust and discriminatory beliefs during the COVID‐19 pandemic: Longitudinal evidence from the United Kingdom
Frackowiak Michal, Russell Pascale Sophie, Rusconi Patrice, Fasoli Fabio, Cohen-Chen Smadar, 2023/06/21. British Journal of Social Psychology, 62 (4) pp. 1897-1924. Peer-reviewed.
Cardiorespiratory fitness modulates prestimulus EEG microstates during a sustained attention task
Di Muccio Francesco, Simonet Marie, Brandner Catherine, Ruggeri Paolo, Barral Jérôme, 2023/06/15. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 17.
L'intégration socio-professionnelle des personnes réfugiées : obstacles, ressources et dynamiques vocationnelles
Fedrigo Laurence, Masdonati Jonas, 2023/06/15. L'Orientation scolaire et professionnelle 52/2 pp. 251-278. Peer-reviewed.
Patients with first-episode psychosis. The impact of established risk factors for psychosis on the 3-year outcomes
Golay Philippe, Reitzel Elsa, Conus Philippe, 2023/06/14. Swiss Archives of Neurology, Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, 174 (3) pp. 88-92. Peer-reviewed.
Decoding face recognition abilities in the human brain
Faghel-Soubeyrand S., Ramon M., Bamps E., Zoia M., Woodhams J., Richoz A.-R., Caldara R., Gosselin F., Charest I., 2023/06/02..
Are sleep problems related to cortisol awakening responses in preschool-aged children?
Ariu A., Knirsch J.-P., Leuba A., Rubo M., Dockray S., Messerli-Bürgy N., 2023/06. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 188 p. 118.
Are stress biomarkers related to emotional eating in preschool children?
Franzoni A., Meyer A.H., Arhab A., Stülb K., Kakebeeke T.H., Zysset A.E., Leeger-Aschmann C.S., Schmutz E.A., Kriemler S., Jenni O.G. et al., 2023/06. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 188 p. 117.
Cognition, function, and prevalent dementia in centenarians and near-centenarians: An individual participant data (IPD) meta-analysis of 18 studies.
Leung Y., Barzilai N., Batko-Szwaczka A., Beker N., Boerner K., Brayne C., Brodaty H., Cheung K.S., Corrada M.M., Crawford J.D. et al., 2023/06. Alzheimer's & dementia, 19 (6) pp. 2265-2275. Peer-reviewed.
Differential Pathways from Child Maltreatment Types to Insecure Adult Attachment Styles via Psychological and Social Resources: A Bayesian Network Analysis.
Höltge J., Rohner S.L., Heim E.M., Nater U., Thoma M.V., 2023/06. Journal of interpersonal violence, 38 (11-12) pp. 7089-7114. Peer-reviewed.
Intergenerational educational trajectories and inequalities in longevity: A population-based study of adults born before 1965 in 14 European countries.
Wagner C., Cullati S., Sieber S., Huijts T., Chiolero A., Carmeli C., 2023/06. SSM - population health, 22 p. 101367. Peer-reviewed.
Misspecification and unreliable interpretations in psychology and social science.
Vowels Matthew J., 2023/06. Psychological Methods, 28 (3) pp. 507-526.
The development of simple addition problem solving in children: Reliance on automatized counting or memory retrieval depends on both expertise and problem size
Poletti Céline, Díaz-Barriga Yáñez Andrea, Prado Jérôme, Thevenot Catherine, 2023/06. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 234 p. 105710. Peer-reviewed.
Alimentation et durabilité à l’adolescence : Analyse des pratiques ancrées dans des espaces de vie scolaire
Baader E., Michoud C., Débaz M., Papaux E., del Río Carral M., Zimmermann G., 2023/05/31., (Rapport final du projet VOLTEFACE 2021-2022, 15 pages), Université de Lausanne.
Coparenting change after couple therapy using self-reports and observational data
Liekmeier E., Vowels L. M., Antonietti J.-P., Bodenmann G., Darwiche J., 2023/05/24. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 49 (3) pp. 675-691. Peer-reviewed.
Ready for careers within and beyond academia? Assessing career competencies amongst junior researchers
Skakni Isabelle, Maggiori Christian, Masdonati Jonas, Akkermans Jos, 2023/05/19. Higher Education Research &amp; Development, 42 (4) pp. 968-983. Peer-reviewed.
Improving forensic perpetrator identification with Super-Recognizers
Mayer Maren, Ramon Meike, 2023/05/16. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120 (20). Peer-reviewed.
Multimorbidity and Quality of Life: The Mediating Role of ADL, IADL, Loneliness, and Depressive Symptoms
Sieber Stefan, Roquet Angélique, Lampraki Charikleia, Jopp Daniela S, 2023/05/15. Innovation in Aging, 7 (4). Peer-reviewed.
Exploration of the Acceptance of the Use of Procalcitonin Point-of-Care Testing and Lung Ultrasonography by General Practitioners to Decide on Antibiotic Prescriptions for Lower Respiratory Infections: A Qualitative Study.
Geis D., Canova N., Lhopitallier L., Kronenberg A., Meuwly J.Y., Senn N., Mueller Y., Fasseur F., Boillat-Blanco N., 2023/05/11. BMJ open, 13 (5) pp. e063922. Peer-reviewed.
“I live my own little life”: Opinion of nursing home residents concerning interventions to improve their will to live
Ruedin Samira, Rubli Truchard Eve, Borasio Gian Domenico, Bernard Mathieu, Jox Ralf J., Bornet Marc-Antoine, 2023/05/10., 7e Congrès de printemps de la Société suisse de médecine interne générale, Bâle, 2023 p. 9 dans Primary and Hospital Care. Peer-reviewed.
Identifier ses pensées automatiques
Amouroux Rémy, Rousseau-Salvador Céline, 2023/05/05. pp. 77-87 dans Mieux vivre avec la douleur chronique , Deboeck.
Identifier ses pensées automatiques
Rousseau-Salvador C., Amouroux R., 2023/05/05. pp. 63-78 dans Mon programme pour mieux gérer la douleur chronique , Deboeck.
Beliefs and Attitudes Held Toward Sex Therapy and Sex Therapists.
Sever Z., Vowels L.M., 2023/05. Archives of sexual behavior, 52 (4) pp. 1729-1741. Peer-reviewed.
Characterization of early psychosis patients carrying a genetic vulnerability to redox dysregulation: a computational analysis of mechanism-based gene expression profile in fibroblasts.
Giangreco B., Dwir D., Klauser P., Jenni R., Golay P., Cleusix M., Baumann P.S., Cuénod M., Conus P., Toni N. et al., 2023/05. Molecular psychiatry, 28 (5) pp. 1983-1994. Peer-reviewed.
Evolution of impulsivity levels in relation to early cannabis use in violent patients in the early phase of psychosis
Dan-Glauser Elise, Framorando David, Solida-Tozzi Alessandra, Golay Philippe, Gholam M. Mehdi, Alameda Luis, Conus Philippe, Moulin Valerie, 2023/05. Psychological Medicine, 53 (7) pp. 3210-3219. Peer-reviewed.
Tackling childbirth-related intrusive memories with a single-session behavioural intervention involving a visuospatial task: protocol for a single-blind, waitlist-controlled randomised trial
Fort Déborah, Deforges Camille, Messerli-Bürgy Nadine, Michael Tanja, Baud David, Lalor Joan, Rimmele Ulrike, Horsch Antje, 2023/05. BMJ Open, 13 (5) pp. e073874. Peer-reviewed.
The climate change research that makes the front page: Is it fit to engage societal action?
Perga Marie-Elodie, Sarrasin Oriane, Steinberger Julia, Lane Stuart N., Butera Fabrizio, 2023/05. Global Environmental Change, 80 p. 102675. Peer-reviewed.
What users' musical preference on Twitter reveals about psychological disorders
Alavijeh Soroush Zamani, Zarrinkalam Fattane, Noorian Zeinab, Mehrpour Anahita, Etminani Kobra, 2023/05. Information Processing &amp; Management, 60 (3) p. 103269. Peer-reviewed.
Giving and receiving thanks: a mixed methods pilot study of a gratitude intervention for palliative patients and their carers.
Bernard M., Poncin E., Bovet E., Tamches E., Cantin B., Pralong J., Borasio G.D., 2023/04/26. BMC palliative care, 22 (1) p. 52. Peer-reviewed.
Securing Decent and Dignified School-to-Work Transitions
Masdonati Jonas, 2023/04/03. pp. 207-211 dans Rethinking Work, Routledge.
Toward a Squared Sustainable Work
Rochat Shékina, Rossier Jérôme, 2023/04/03. pp. 192-196 dans Rethinking Work, Routledge.
A dual‐path psychosocial model of social determinants of health in the community: Results from the Cause Commune program
Dimitrios Lampropoulos, Dario Spini, Li Yang, Emmanuelle Anex, 2023/04. Journal of Community Psychology. Peer-reviewed.
Beyond Geography: Social Quality Environments and Health
Li Yang, Dario Spini, Dimitrios Lampropoulos, 2023/04. Social Indicators Research. Peer-reviewed.
Cause commune RAPPORT DEUXIÈME ENQUETE: 2020-2021
Couple therapy with parents: Results from a pragmatic randomized controlled trial testing the Integrative Brief Systemic Intervention (IBSI).
Darwiche J., Antonietti J.P., Nunes C.E., Favez N., Liekmeier E., de Roten Y., 2023/04. Journal of marital and family therapy, 49 (2) pp. 351-369. Peer-reviewed.
Interactions between mood and paranoid symptoms affect suicidality in first-episode affective psychoses.
Ramain J., Conus P., Golay P., 2023/04. Schizophrenia research, 254 pp. 62-67. Peer-reviewed.
The differential impact of duration of untreated psychosis on functioning and quality of life: A threshold analysis.
Golay P., Ramain J., Mebdouhi N., Abrahamyan Empson L., Elowe J., Solida A., Conus P., 2023/04. Early intervention in psychiatry, 17 (4) pp. 354-360. Peer-reviewed.
An ultra-brief systemic intervention to address child mental health symptomatology
Philipp D., Prime H., Darwiche J., 2023/03/23. Family Process, 62 (2) pp. 469-482. Peer-reviewed.
Who is willing to help Ukrainian refugees and why? The role of individual prosocial dispositions and superordinate European identity
Politi Emanuele, Gale Jessica, Roblain Antoine, Bobowik Magdalena, Green Eva G.T., 2023/03/23. Journal of Community &amp; Applied Social Psychology. Peer-reviewed.
Associations Between Vocal Arousal and Dyadic Coping During Couple Interactions After a Stress Induction
Bulling Lisanne J., Hilpert Peter, Bertschi Isabella C., Ivic Ana, Bodenmann Guy, 2023/03/17. International Journal of Applied Positive Psychology. Peer-reviewed.
Impact of partner phubbing on negative emotions: a daily diary study of mitigating factors
Frackowiak Michal, Hilpert Peter, Russell Pascale Sophie, 2023/03/01. Current Psychology.
Induced gratitude and hope, and experienced fear, but not experienced disgust, facilitate COVID-19 prevention.
Russell P.S., Frackowiak M., Cohen-Chen S., Rusconi P., Fasoli F., 2023/03. Cognition & emotion, 37 (2) pp. 196-219. Peer-reviewed.
Les pénuries d’énergie, une opportunité pour changer nos habitudes ?
Sarrasin Oriane, 2023/03. Arpea mag, 294 pp. 31-36.
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