Institute of Psychology

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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3991 publications

... | 2021 | 2020 | ...
Functional Status among Polymedicated Geriatric Inpatients at Discharge: A Population-Based Hospital Register Analysis.
Pereira F., Wernli B., von Gunten A., Carral MDR, Martins M.M., Verloo H., 2021/09/03. Geriatrics, 6 (3) p. 86. Peer-reviewed.
« Moi la femme excisée, c’est pas plaisir, c’est seulement douleur » : recherche exploratoire sur le vécu sexuel de femmes excisées vivant en Suisse
Lotfi Yasmina, Schweizer Angélick, 2021/09/03. Sexologies, 30 (3) pp. 195-205. Peer-reviewed.
Céphalées chroniques chez l'enfant
Amouroux Rémy, 2021/09/01. pp. 223-248 dans Laroche Françoise, Roussel Philippe (eds.) Douleur chronique et thérapies comportementales et cognitives (2e édition) chap. 13, Editions In Press.
Error handling in the classroom: an experimental study of teachers' strategies to foster positive error climate
Soncini Annalisa, Matteucci Maria Cristina, Butera Fabrizio, 2021/09. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 36 (3) pp. 719-738.
Individualization of tDCS intensity according to corticospinal excitability does not improve stimulation efficacy over the primary motor cortex
Sallard Etienne, Lee Rohrbach Jaimie, Brandner Catherine, Place Nicolas, Barral Jérôme, 2021/09/01. Neuroimage reports. Peer-reviewed.
L’efficacité thérapeutique de l’Approche Centrée sur la Personne et Expérientielle : Validation empirique, méthodes scientifiques et apports spécifiques.
Berthoud Laurent, Zech Emmanuelle, Brison Céline, 2021/09/01. dans Psychothérapie centrée sur la personne et expérientielle : Fondements et développements contemporains .
Topology predicts long-term functional outcome in early psychosis.
Fournier M., Scolamiero M., Gholam-Rezaee M.M., Cleusix M., Jenni R., Ferrari C., Golay P., Baumann P.S., Cuenod M., Conus P. et al., 2021/09. Molecular psychiatry, 26 (9) pp. 5335-5346. Peer-reviewed.
Une comparaison de la compréhension publique de la pandémie de COVID-19 entre 2020 et 2021
Escasain Lucie, Gilles Ingrid, Perriraz Margaux, Bangerter Adrian, Green Eva G. T., Krings Franciska, Staerklé Christian, Wagner-Egger Pascal, Peytremann Bridevaux Isabelle, 2021/08/31. (34) 4 [Raisons de santé : les essentiels ; 34], Centre universitaire de médecine générale et santé publique (Unisanté).
The importance of social emotional learning skills in assisting youth to successfully transition into the professional world
Marsay Gloria, Atitsogbe Kokou A., Ouedraogo Abdoulaye, Nsubuga Henry, Pari Paboussoum, Kossi Enyonam Y., Park Chong M., Solberg V. Scott H., 2021/08/30. African Journal of Career Development, 3 (1). Peer-reviewed.
Walking onset: a poor predictor for motor and cognitive skills in healthy preschool children.
Messerli-Bürgy N., Kakebeeke T.H., Meyer A.H., Arhab A., Zysset A.E., Stülb K., Leeger-Aschmann C.S., Schmutz E.A., Kriemler S., Puder J.J. et al., 2021/08/27. BMC pediatrics, 21 (1) p. 367. Peer-reviewed.
Corporeal and intersubjective lived experience of persons living with type 1 diabetes in the eHealth era
Miserez Sébastien, Santiago-Delefosse Marie (eds.), 2021/08/24., International Society of Critical Society (ISCHP) 12th Biennial Conference.
Why Are Individuals With Diabetes Less Active? The Mediating Role of Physical, Emotional, and Cognitive Factors
Cheval Boris, Maltagliati Silvio, Sieber Stefan, Beran David, Chalabaev Aïna, Sander David, Cullati Stéphane, Boisgontier Matthieu P, 2021/08/23. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 55 (9) pp. 904-917.
Examining Working Memory Performance in Adult Psychosomatic Inpatients
Held Judith, Ramadani Laura, Vîslă Andreea, Köllner Volker, Hilpert Peter, Flückiger Christoph, 2021/08/16. Frontiers in Psychology, 12. Peer-reviewed.
Where and Why Immigrants Intend to Naturalize: The Interplay Between Acculturation Strategies and Integration Policies
Politi Emanuele, Bennour Salomon, Lüders Adrian, Manatschal Anita, Green Eva G. T., 2021/08/14. Political Psychology. Peer-reviewed.
Theory of mind and stereotypic behavior promote daily functioning in patients with schizophrenia
Bechi Margherita, Abu-Akel Ahmad, Agostoni Giulia, Buonocore Mariachiara, Bosia Marta, Martini Francesca, Cavallaro Roberto, 2021/08/11. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry p. 000486742110385. Peer-reviewed.
General Practitioners' Perceptions of the Use of Wearable Electronic Health Monitoring Devices: Qualitative Analysis of Risks and Benefits.
Volpato L., Del Río Carral M., Senn N., Santiago Delefosse M., 2021/08/09. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 9 (8) pp. e23896. Peer-reviewed.
Quand le dialogisme franchit la frontière de la psychologie
Grossen Michèle, 2021/08/06. dans Muller Mirza, N., & dos Santos Mamed, M. Sur les frontières de la pensée, Antipodes.
Selecting Talented Migrants: Majority and Minority Perspectives
Gale Jessica, Staerklé Christian, 2021/08. Political Psychology, 42 (4) pp. 659-676.
Time perception and alcohol use: A systematic review.
Nuyens F.M., Billieux J., Maurage P., 2021/08. Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews, 127 pp. 377-403. Peer-reviewed.
Using member checking within a critical health psychology research : experience and reflections
Véron Claudia, Santiago Delefosse Marie (eds.), 2021/08., 12th Biennial Conference of the International Society of Critical Health Psychology.
Specific aspects of aberrant salience: comparison between patients with or without psychosis and healthy participants
Martinez Debora, Laloyaux Julien, Favrod Jérome, Silva Benedetta, Della Libera Clara, Larøi Frank, Bonsack Charles, Golay Philippe, 2021/07/28. Swiss Archives of Neurology, Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, 172 (w03215). Peer-reviewed.
Are Functional Measures Sufficient to Capture Acceptance? A Qualitative Study on Lower Limb Exoskeleton Use for Older People
del Rio Carral Maria, Bourqui Vanlisa, Vuilleumier Noémie, Ortieb Amalric, Bouri Mohamed, 2021/07/23. International Journal of Social Robotics.
Spectral and cross-spectral analysis—A tutorial for psychologists and social scientists.
Vowels Matthew J., Vowels Laura M., Wood Nathan D., 2021/07/22. Psychological Methods. Peer-reviewed.
Les représentations des enfants présentant un Haut Potentiel Intellectuel chez les enseignant‧es : influence du degré d’expérience, biais de genre et sentiment d’efficacité
Chu P., Guigoz A., Jeandupeux V., Matthey-Junod A., Brodard F., 2021/07/10. Revue de l'Association Suisse de Psychologie de l'Enfance et de l'Adolescence, 1 pp. 53-55.
Représentations des enfants à l’égard des personnes âgées et influence de la pandémie Covid-19.
Guillen S., Brodard F., Maggiori C., 2021/07/10. Revue de l'Association Suisse de Psychologie de l'Enfance et de l'Adolescence, 1 pp. 57-59.
L'abord de la sexualité par les infirmier·es en oncologie. Quand le sentiment de légitimité s'articule aux effets de genre et d'âge
Braizaz Marion, Schweizer Angélick, Toffel Kevin, 2021/07/09. Genre, sexualité et société, 2021 (25) pp. 185-206. Peer-reviewed.
Comment prendre en charge la ­dépression chronique?
Widmer Daniel, Fitoussi Claire, Linder Audrey, De Roten Yves, Despland Jean-Nicolas, Ambresin Gilles, 2021/07/06. Primary and hospital care: médecine interne générale. Peer-reviewed.
Association between gambling disorder and emotion (dys)regulation: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Velotti P., Rogier G., Beomonte Zobel S., Billieux J., 2021/07. Clinical psychology review, 87 p. 102037. Peer-reviewed.
Childhood emotional abuse and problematic social networking sites use in a sample of Italian adolescents: The mediating role of deficiencies in self-other differentiation and uncertain reflective functioning.
Musetti A., Starcevic V., Boursier V., Corsano P., Billieux J., Schimmenti A., 2021/07. Journal of clinical psychology, 77 (7) pp. 1666-1684. Peer-reviewed.
Coparenting interventions and shared physical custody: Insights and challenges
Darwiche J., Eira Nunes C., El Ghaziri N., Imesch C., Bessero S., 2021/07/01. dans Shared physical custody, Springer.
Co‐Parenting Programs: A Systematic Review and Meta‐Analysis
Eira Nunes C., de Roten Y., El Ghaziri N., Favez N., Darwiche J., 2021/07/01. Family Relations 70 pp. 759-776.
Increased brain reactivity to gambling unavailability as a marker of problem gambling.
Brevers D., Baeken C., Bechara A., He Q., Maurage P., Petieau M., Sescousse G., Vögele C., Billieux J., 2021/07. Addiction biology, 26 (4) pp. e12996. Peer-reviewed.
Perceived insufficient milk among primiparous, fully breastfeeding women: Is infant crying important?
Mohebati Lisa M., Hilpert Peter, Bath Sarah, Rayman Margaret P., Raats Monique M., Martinez Homero, Caulfield Laura E., 2021/07. Maternal & Child Nutrition, 17 (3). Peer-reviewed.
Resting‐State EEG Microstates Parallel Age‐Related Differences in Allocentric Spatial Working Memory Performance
Jabès Adeline, Klencklen Giuliana, Ruggeri Paolo, Michel Christoph M., Banta Lavenex Pamela, Lavenex Pierre, 2021/07. Brain Topography, 34 (4) pp. 442-460.
Uncovering the Most Important Factors for Predicting Sexual Desire Using Explainable Machine Learning
Vowels Laura M., Vowels Matthew J., Mark Kristen P., 2021/07/01. The Journal of Sexual Medicine.
Career life as a game: an overlooked metaphor for successful career transitions
Rochat Shékina, Borgen William A., 2021/06/23. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling pp. 1-12.
Life and Death of Immature Neurons in the Juvenile and Adult Primate Amygdala.
Chareyron L.J., Banta Lavenex P., Amaral D.G., Lavenex P., 2021/06/22. International journal of molecular sciences, 22 (13). Peer-reviewed.
Poster - Journées d'études de la Société Française de Psychologie du Sport (SFPS) 2021 - L'auto-compassion et l'entourage d'un performer : apports d’une méthodologie mixte
Kosirnik Céline, Antonini Philippe Roberta, Pomini Valentino, 2021/06/11..
Associations Between Marital Discord and Depressive Symptoms: A Cross‐Cultural Analysis
Salinger Julia M., Whisman Mark A., Randall Ashley K., Hilpert Peter, 2021/06. Family Process, 60 (2) pp. 493-506. Peer-reviewed.
Development and Validation of a Multidimensional Career Values Questionnaire: A Measure Integrating Work Values, Career Orientations, and Career Anchors
Abessolo Marc, Hirschi Andreas, Rossier Jérôme, 2021/06. Journal of Career Development, 48 (3) pp. 243-259.
Effets des variables démographiques et contextuelles sur les intentions entrepreneuriales des étudiant.e.s et chômeur.euse.s au Togo
Atitsogbe K. A., Pari P., Kazimna P., Holu Y. A., Alfa A., Tchonda M., Rossier J., 2021/06/01. L'Orientation Scolaire et Professionnelle, 50 (2) pp. 199-230. Peer-reviewed.
English colour terms carry gender and valence biases: A corpus study using word embeddings
Jonauskaite Domicele, Sutton Adam, Cristianini Nello, Mohr Christine, 2021/06/01. PLOS ONE, 16 (6) pp. e0251559. Peer-reviewed.
Modalités d'attachement et maternité : étude des remaniements psychiques à partir d'un cas
Pointurier Mathilde, Belot Rose-Angélique, Roman Pascal, Mottet Nicolas, Mellier Denis, 2021/06. Annales Médico-psychologiques, revue psychiatrique. Peer-reviewed.
Rationale for and usefulness of the inclusion of gaming disorder in the ICD-11.
Billieux J., Stein D.J., Castro-Calvo J., Higushi S., King D.L., 2021/06. World psychiatry, 20 (2) pp. 198-199. Peer-reviewed.
Recovering the Capacity to Live outside of a Psychiatric Hospital: Impact of a Specialized Inpatient Program.
Lequin P., Golay P., Herrera F., Brisard M.A., Conus P., 2021/06. The Psychiatric quarterly, 92 (2) pp. 751-759. Peer-reviewed.
Schizotypy and psychopathic tendencies interactively improve misattribution of affect in boys with conduct problems
Gillespie Steven M., Kongerslev Mickey T., Bo Sune, Abu-Akel Ahmad M., 2021/06. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 30 (6) pp. 885-897. Peer-reviewed.
The power of personality in successful ageing: a comprehensive review of larger quantitative studies.
Pocnet C., Popp J., Jopp D., 2021/06. European Journal of Ageing, 18 (2) pp. 269-285. Peer-reviewed.
Work-related burnout among personnel at a university hospital: identifying quantitative and qualitative differences using latent class analysis.
Besse C.S., Bonsack C., Gilles I., Golay P., 2021/06. Journal of mental health, 30 (3) pp. 388-399. Peer-reviewed.
Patients with first versus multiple episodes of self-harm: how do their profiles differ?
Golay P., Ostertag L., Costanza A., Van der Vaeren B., Dorogi Y., Saillant S., Michaud L., 2021/05/13. Annals of general psychiatry, 20 (1) p. 30. Peer-reviewed.
Compréhension du public de la COVID-19 (COP – COVID) : influence du genre et de l’âge sur la compréhension de la pandémie après la 1ère vague
Escasain Lucie, Gilles Ingrid, Perriraz Margaux, Bangerter Adrian, Green Eva G.T., Krings Franciska, Staerklé Christian, Wagner-Egger Pascal, Peytremann-Bridevaux Isabelle, 2021/05/10. (28) 4 [Raisons de Santé : les essentiels ; 28], Centre universitaire de médecine générale et santé publique (Unisanté).
Materialist and post-materialist concerns and the wish for a strong leader in 27 countries
Lima Marcus E. O., de França Dalila X., Jetten Jolanda, Pereira Cícero R., Wohl Michael J. A., Jasinskaja-Lahti Inga, Hong Ying-yi, Torres Ana Raquel, Costa-Lopes Rui, Ariyanto Amarina et al., 2021/05/10. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 9 (1) pp. 207-220. Peer-reviewed.
Ambivalence ou tolérance? Soutien à l'égalité de genre et attitudes envers le port du voile en Suisse
Sarrasin Oriane, 2021/05/06. dans Genre et islamophobie: discriminations, préjugés et représentations en Europe, ENS éditions.
Genre et islamophobie: Discriminations, préjugés et représentations en Europe
Lépinard Eléonore, Sarrasin Oriane, Gianettoni Lavinia, 2021/05/06., ENS éditions.
Introduction - islamophobie, racisme et genre: quelles intersections?
Sarrasin Oriane, Lépinard Eleonore, Gianettoni Lavinia, 2021/05/06. dans Genre et islamophobie: Discriminations, préjugés et représentations en Europe, ENS éditions.
International differences in employee silence motives: Scale validation, prevalence, and relationships with culture characteristics across 33 countries
Knoll Michael, Götz Martin, Adriasola Elisa, Al-Atwi Amer Ali, Arenas Alicia, Atitsogbe Kokou A., Barrett Stephen, Bhattacharjee Anindo, Blanco Norman D., Bogilović Sabina et al., 2021/05/04. Journal of Organizational Behavior.
‘I don't feel insulted': Constructions of prejudice and identity performance among Roma in Bulgaria
Giroud Adrienne, Visintin Emilio Paolo, Green Eva G. T., Durrheim Kevin, 2021/05/03. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology. Peer-reviewed.
Exploring change in cognitive-behavioral therapy for generalized anxiety disorder—A two-arms ABAB crossed-therapist randomized clinical implementation trial.
Flückiger Christoph, Vîslă Andreea, Wolfer Christine, Hilpert Peter, Zinbarg Richard E., Lutz Wolfgang, grosse Holtforth Martin, Allemand Mathias, 2021/05. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 89 (5) pp. 454-468. Peer-reviewed.
Functional benefits of co-occurring autistic symptoms in schizophrenia is delimited by symptom severity
Bechi Margherita, Abu-Akel Ahmad, Agostoni Giulia, Bosia Marta, Cocchi Federica, Spangaro Marco, Cavallaro Roberto, 2021/05. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 137 pp. 48-54. Peer-reviewed.
Subclinical schizotypal vs. autistic traits show overlapping and diametrically opposed facets in a non-clinical population
Nenadić Igor, Meller Tina, Evermann Ulrika, Schmitt Simon, Pfarr Julia-Katharina, Abu-Akel Ahmad, Grezellschak Sarah, 2021/05. Schizophrenia Research, 231 pp. 32-41. Peer-reviewed.
Why Centenarians' Depressive Symptoms Must Become a Priority for Nurses.
Gomes da Rocha C., von Gunten A., Jopp D., Ribeiro O., Verloo H., 2021/05. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 22 (5) pp. 1118-1119. Peer-reviewed.
Dual Effects of Partner's Competence: Resource Interdependence in Cooperative Learning at Elementary School
Buchs Céline, Dumesnil Anissa, Chanal Julien, Butera Fabrizio, 2021/04/29. Education Sciences, 11 (5) p. 210. Peer-reviewed.
On the Dynamics of the Psychosocial Work Environment and Employee Well-Being: A Latent Transition Approach
Urbanaviciute Ieva, Massoudi Koorosh, Toscanelli Cecilia, De Witte Hans, 2021/04/29. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18 (9) p. 4744.
Compréhension publique de la pandémie de COVID-19 (Cop-COVID) : Renoncement aux soins durant la 1ère vague
Gross Nathan, Gilles Ingrid, Le Pogam Marie-Annick, Bangerter Adrien, Green Eva, Staerklé Christian, Krings Franziska, Wagner Pascal, Peytremann-Bridevaux Isabelle, 2021/04/28. (27) 3 [Raisons de Santé : les essentiels ; 27], Centre universitaire de médecine générale et santé publique (Unisanté).
Processus de changement chez des adolescents auteurs d'agirs violents sexuels : apport des épreuves projectives
Roman Pascal, 2021/04/28. La psychiatrie de l'enfant, Vol. 64 (1) pp. 189-209. Peer-reviewed.
Anzieu sur le balcon, ou les vertus de l'illusion à l'heure du virus
Saraga Michael, 2021/04/22. Revue française de psychanalyse, 85 (2) pp. 499-503.
Prise en charge de la sexualité en oncologie : enjeux et pistes de réflexions [How to address sexual issues in oncology : Challenges and perspectives]
Schweizer A., Braizaz M., Toffel K., 2021/04/21. Revue medicale suisse, 17 (735) pp. 798-800. Peer-reviewed.
Vécu psychosocial du semi-confinement par la population suisse romande
Schweizer Angélick, Fasseur Fabienne, 2021/04/20. dans MUST: Mobilités et usages soutenables du territoire.
Interventions for Softening Can Lead to Hardening of Opinions: Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial
Spitz Andreas, Abu-Akel Ahmad, West Robert, 2021/04/19. Proceedings of The Web Conference 2021. Peer-reviewed.
Structural differences in the hippocampus and amygdala of behaviorally inhibited macaque monkeys
Villard Justine, Bennett Jeffrey L., Bliss-Moreau Eliza, Capitanio John P., Fox Nathan A., Amaral David G., Lavenex Pierre, 2021/04/12. Hippocampus. Peer-reviewed.
Colour-emotion associations in individuals with red-green colour blindness
Jonauskaite Domicele, Camenzind Lucia, Parraga C. Alejandro, Diouf Cécile N., Mercapide Ducommun Mathieu, Müller Lauriane, Norberg Mélanie, Mohr Christine, 2021/04/07. PeerJ, 9 pp. e11180. Peer-reviewed.
Gemeinsamer Pornographiekonsum steht in positivem Zusammenhang mit sexueller Kommunikation
Re Ursina Brun del, Hilpert Peter, Bodenmann Guy, 2021/04. Zeitschrift für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie, 50 (2) pp. 68-77.
Situation selection for the regulation of emotion responses: Non-meaningful choice options retain partial physiological regulatory impact.
Thuillard S., Dan-Glauser E.S., 2021/04. International journal of psychophysiology, 162 pp. 130-144. Peer-reviewed.
Certification professionnelle pour adultes dans le canton de Vaud: Un mentorat plus soutenu, SVP !
Atitsogbe K. A., Zufferey R., Rossier J., 2021/03/31. SRFP, Société suisse pour la recherche appliquée en matière de formation professionnelle, 2.
When pursuing bad goals for good reasons makes it even worse: a social value approach to performance-avoidance goal pursuit
Świątkowski Wojciech, Dompnier Benoît, 2021/03/30. Social Psychology of Education, 24 (3) pp. 653-677.
Support Exchanges Among Very Old Parents and Their Children: Findings From the Boston Aging Together Study
Boerner Kathrin, Kim Kyungmin, Kim Yijung K, Jopp Daniela S, 2021/03/26. The Gerontologist. Peer-reviewed.
Adhésion et compétence en psychothérapie centrée sur la personne et expérientielle : réflexions autour d'une nouvelle échelle traduite en français
Berthoud Laurent, Prélaz Catherine, 2021/03/22. Approche Centrée sur la Personne. Pratique et recherche, n° 30 (2) pp. 74-94.
Affective behavior in parent couples undergoing couple therapy: Contrasting case studies
Liekmeier E., Darwiche J., Pinna L., Repond A.-S., Antonietti J.-P., 2021/03/18. Frontiers, 12 pp. 1-12.
Introduction: L’expérience dans les pratiques d’accompagnement et de conseil des adultes
Rémery Vanessa, Masdonati Jonas, Mayen Patrick, 2021/03/18. L'Orientation Scolaire et Professionnelle, 50 (1) pp. 3-12. Peer-reviewed.
Police procedural justice and adolescents' internalization of the law: Integrating self‐determination theory into legal socialization research
Van Petegem S., Trinkner R., van der Kaap-Deeder J., Antonietti J.-P., Vansteenkiste M., 2021/03/15. Journal of Social Issues. Peer-reviewed.
Trust predicts COVID-19 prescribed and discretionary behavioral intentions in 23 countries
Pagliaro Stefano, Sacchi Simona, Pacilli Maria Giuseppina, Brambilla Marco, Lionetti Francesca, Bettache Karim, Bianchi Mauro, Biella Marco, Bonnot Virginie, Boza Mihaela et al., 2021/03/10. PLOS ONE, 16 (3) pp. e0248334. Peer-reviewed.
Hope May Come From Internet in Times of COVID-19: Building an Online Programme for Grief (LIVIA)
Berthoud Laurent, Efinger Liliane, Kheyar Maya, Pomini Valentino, Debrot Anik, 2021/03/09. Frontiers in Psychiatry.
Work volition, decent work, and work fulfilment, in the formal and informal economy in Burkina Faso
Rossier Jérôme, Ouedraogo Abdoulaye, 2021/03/04. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 49 (2) pp. 255-271. Peer-reviewed.
Autonomy and competence satisfaction as resources for facing chronic pain disability in adolescence: a self-determination perspective.
Riggenbach A., Amouroux R., Van Petegem S., Tourniaire B., Tonelli A., Wiener S., Hofer M., Antonietti J.P., 2021/03. Psychology, health & medicine, 26 (3) pp. 322-332. Peer-reviewed.
Can we use smart-phones to increase physical affection, intimacy and security in couples? Preliminary support from an attachment perspective
Durbin Kerem Besim, Debrot Anik, Karremans Johan, van der Wal Reine, 2021/03. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 38 (3) pp. 1035-1045.
Prise en charge psychologique du jeune adulte avec trouble léger du spectre de l’autisme : Entre psychoéducation et psychothérapie
Zecca Gregory, Ronchietto Céline, Tagan Carmen, Galli Carminati Giuliana, 2021/03. Psychoscope, 42 (2) pp. 18-21.
Evaluations qualitatives de counseling en contexte multiculturel
Durante Federico, Masdonati Jonas, Massoudi Koorosh, 2021/02/25. dans L'évaluation psychologique en contexte multilingue et multiculturel, Mardaga.
L'évaluation des intérêts professionnels dans un contexte multilingue et multiculturel
Sovet L., Atitsogbe K. A., Bernaud J.-L., 2021/02/25. pp. 183-203 dans L'évaluation psychologique en contexte multilingue et multiculturel, Margada.
Traduction et adaptation des tests psychologiques
Sovet L., Atitsogbe K. A., van de Vijver F. J. R., 2021/02/25. pp. 135-155 dans L'évaluation psychologique en contexte multilingue et multiculturel, Margada.
Évaluation de la personnalité dans un contexte multilingue et multiculturel
Rossier J., Atitsogbe K. A., Thalmayer A. G., 2021/02/25. pp. 205-221 dans L'évaluation psychologique en contexte multilingue et multiculturel, Margada.
Évaluations clinique et psychopathologique dans un contexte multilingue et multiculturel.
Brodard F., Kounou K., 2021/02/25. dans Évaluation psychologique dans un contexte multilingue et multiculturel , Mardaga.
Young refugees' and asylum seekers' career choices: a qualitative investigation
Fedrigo Laurence, Udayar Shagini, Toscanelli Cecilia, Clot-Siegrist Eva, Durante Federico, Masdonati Jonas, 2021/02/13. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance.
The effect of spokesperson attribution on public health message sharing during the COVID-19 pandemic
Abu-Akel Ahmad, Spitz Andreas, West Robert, 2021/02/03. PLOS ONE, 16 (2) pp. e0245100. Peer-reviewed.
Family alliance trajectories from infertility to parenthood
Darwiche J., Antonietti J.-P., Corboz-Warnery A., 2021/02/02. dans Prenatal Family Dynamics, Springer.
Hyperfocus: the forgotten frontier of attention
Ashinoff Brandon K., Abu-Akel Ahmad, 2021/02. Psychological Research, 85 (1) pp. 1-19.
Carlo Cattaneo e la psicologia sociale
Butera Fabrizio, 2021/01/31. pp. 341-353 dans In C. Lacaita & A. Martinelli (Eds.), Cattaneo dopo Cattaneo , Milano: Franco Angeli..
La contraception masculine: ça fait mâle?
Schmidhauser Valentine, Schweizer Angélick, 2021/01/21. REISO. Revue d'information sociale .
A test of the pathway model of problematic smartphone use.
Canale N., Moretta T., Pancani L., Buodo G., Vieno A., Dalmaso M., Billieux J., 2021/01/20. Journal of behavioral addictions, 10 (1) pp. 181-193. Peer-reviewed.
Importance of self-esteem for the parental couple: Testing for actor and partner effects
El Ghaziri N., Darwiche J., Antonietti J.-P., Orth U., 2021/01/19. Family Relations pp. 1-17.
Measuring the paradox of self-stigma: psychometric properties of a brief scale.
Golay P., Moga M., Devas C., Staecheli M., Poisat Y., Israël M., Suter C., Silva B., Morandi S., Ferrari P. et al., 2021/01/19. Annals of general psychiatry, 20 (1) p. 5. Peer-reviewed.
Vers une orientation au service de la durabilité
Masdonati Jonas, Rossier Jérôme, 2021/01/13. pp. 269-283 dans Psychologie de l'orientation tout au long de la vie : Défis contemporains et nouvelles perspectives chap. 14, Dunod.
Who Is Listening? Spokesperson Effect on Communicating Social and Physical Distancing Measures During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Abu-Akel Ahmad, Spitz Andreas, West Robert, 2021/01/12. Frontiers in Psychology, 11.
Priming effects of arithmetic signs in 10‐ to 15‐year‐old children
Poletti Céline, Perez Jean-François, Houillon Jean-Charles, Prado Jérôme, Thevenot Catherine, 2021/01/11. British Journal of Developmental Psychology. Peer-reviewed.
How Cognitive Control, Autistic and Schizotypal Traits Shape Context Adaptation of Divergent Thinking
Ramain Julie, Mohr Christine, Abu-Akel Ahmad, 2021/01/05. The Journal of Creative Behavior.
De l'adresse de l'oeuvre de création à sa réception : Perspectives en clinique psychanalytique à partir de l'Art Brut
Roman Pascal, 2021/01/04. Le blog du CIPA - Collège international de psychanalyse et d'anthropologie .
A casino in my pocket: Gratifications associated with obsessive and harmonious passion for mobile gambling
Whelan Eoin, Laato Samuli, Islam A. K. M. Najmul, Billieux Joël, 2021. PLOS ONE, 16 (2) pp. e0246432. Peer-reviewed.
A Critical Review of Spatial Abilities in Down and Williams Syndromes: Not All Space Is Created Equal.
Banta Lavenex P., Lavenex P., 2021. Frontiers in psychiatry, 12 p. 669320. Peer-reviewed.
A Longitudinal Study of Relations Among Adolescents' Self-Esteem, General Self-Efficacy, Career Adaptability, and Life Satisfaction
Marcionetti Jenny, Rossier Jérôme, 2021. Journal of Career Development, 48 (4) pp. 475-490. Peer-reviewed.
A micro-macro perspective on social environment and financial literacy in later life
Li Yang, J. Mutchler, E.A. Miller, J.J. Xiao, R. Tucker-Seeley, 2021. Innovation in Aging. Peer-reviewed.
A randomized controlled trial of an Internet-based emotion regulation intervention for sexual health: study protocol
Fischer Vinicius Jobim, Andersson Gerhard, Billieux Joël, Vögele Claus, 2021. Trials, 22 (1) p. 706.
A theory‐driven design framework for smartphone applications to support healthy and sustainable grocery shopping
Blanke Julia, Billieux Joël, Vögele Claus, 2021. Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies, 3 pp. 687-699. Peer-reviewed.
Aging in the 100 largest metropolitan areas: how do older adults fare? Economic security and older Americans in 2020
Jan Mutchler, Li Yang, 2021., Center for Social & Demographic Research on Aging Publications No. 50.
An investigation of the possible causes of arithmetic difficulties in children with dyscalculia
Bagnoud J., Mathieu R., Dewi J., Masson S., Gonzalez-Monge S., Kasikci Z., Thevenot C., 2021. Topics in Cognitive Psychology.
Approach and avoidance motives for touch are predicted by attachment and predict daily relationship well-being
Jakubiak Brittany K., Debrot Anik, Kim James, Impett Emily A., 2021/01. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 38 (1) pp. 256-278. Peer-reviewed.
Approche socio-cognitive des déterminants de l'entrée dans une formation en théologie au Togo
Sovet L., Atitsogbe K. A., 2021. pp. 121-134 dans Psychologie du travail et management des organisations dans les pays du Sud, L'Harmattan.
Art Brut et psychanalyse - Une exploration du processus de création
Roman Pascal, 2021., 2e édition, Infolio .
Assessing interpersonal skills—A comparison of trainee therapists' and students' interpersonal skills assessed with two established assessments for interpersonal skills
Wolfer Christine, Vîslă Andreea, Held Judith, Hilpert Peter, Flückiger Christoph, 2021/01. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 28 (1) pp. 226-232. Peer-reviewed.
Association between physical-activity trajectories and cognitive decline in adults 50 years of age or older
Cheval Boris, Csajbók Zsófia, Formánek Tomáš, Sieber Stefan, Boisgontier Matthieu P., Cullati Stéphane, Cermakova Pavla, 2021. Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences, 30.
Attached to Virtual Dreams : The Mediating Role of Maladaptive Daydreaming in the Relationship Between Attachment Styles and Problematic Social Media Use
Costanzo Antonino, Santoro Gianluca, Russo Santi, Cassarà Maria Silvia, Midolo Laura Rosa, Billieux Joël, Schimmenti Adriano, 2021. Journal of Nervous & Mental Disease, 209 (9) pp. 656-664. Peer-reviewed.
Brain mechanisms underlying prospective thinking of sustainable behaviours
Brevers Damien, Baeken Chris, Maurage Pierre, Sescousse Guillaume, Vögele Claus, Billieux Joël, 2021. Nature Sustainability, 4 pp. 433-439. Peer-reviewed.
Can street-level bureaucrats be nudged to increase effectiveness in welfare policy?
Visintin Emilio Paolo, Bonvin Jean-Michel, Varone Frédéric, Butera Fabrizio, Lovey Max, Rosenstein Emilie, 2021. Policy & Politics, 49 (1) pp. 121–139.
Clinique, recherche et transmission : une trilogie heuristique
Roman Pascal, 2021. pp. 181-201 dans Trajectoires professionnelles de psychologues, In press.
Rossier Jérôme, 2021. pp. 269-273 dans L’évaluation psychologique en contexte multilingue et multiculturel : Questions et enjeux , Mardaga.
Contribution des agirs sexuels à la construction d’une sexualité adulte
Roman Pascal, 2021. pp. 117-135 dans Adolescence et devenir-adulte - Entre ruptures et continuités, In Press.
COVID-19: research on tech habits needs industry support
King Daniel L., Billieux Joël, Delfabbro Paul H., 2021. Nature, 589 (7841) p. 198. Peer-reviewed.
Cyberchondria in the time of the COVID ‐19 pandemic
Starcevic Vladan, Schimmenti Adriano, Billieux Joël, Berle David, 2021. Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies, 3 pp. 53-62. Peer-reviewed.
De la nécessité d’une démarche d’évaluation - Les représentations du haut potentiel intellectuel chez les parents qui consultent pour leur enfant
Galfetti R, Tonelli M, Roman Pascal, 2021. Psychoscope , 3 pp. 25-57.
Decent Work in Sub-Saharan Africa: An Application of Psychology of Working Theory in a Sample of Togolese Primary School Teachers
Atitsogbe Kokou A., Kossi Enyonam Y., Pari Paboussoum, Rossier Jérôme, 2021. Journal of Career Assessment, 29 (1) pp. 36-53. Peer-reviewed.
Design of Digital Mediation Tool for Self-disclosing PTSD
Gaci Maria, Bendahan Caroline, Cardia Isabelle Vonèche, Fiori Marina, Preissmann Delphine, Gillet Denis, 2021. pp. 259-265 dans Human Interaction, Emerging Technologies and Future Applications III, Springer International Publishing.
Developmental changes in size effects for simple tie and non-tie addition problems in 6- to 12-year-old children and adults.
Bagnoud J., Dewi J., Castel C., Mathieu R., Thevenot C., 2021/01. Journal of experimental child psychology, 201 p. 104987. Peer-reviewed.
Différences interculturelles dans les biais de réponse
Udayar S., Antonietti J.-P., 2021. dans L’évaluation psychologique en contexte multilingue et multiculturel , Mardaga.
Emotional processes in binge drinking: A systematic review and perspective
Lannoy Séverine, Duka Theodora, Carbia Carina, Billieux Joël, Fontesse Sullivan, Dormal Valérie, Gierski Fabien, López-Caneda Eduardo, Sullivan Edith V., Maurage Pierre, 2021. Clinical Psychology Review, 84 p. 101971. Peer-reviewed.
Evaluation du TDAH chez l'enfant : qualités et limites des outils à disposition du psychologue
Cirieco Samantha, Bellazrak Malika, Quartier Vincent, 2021. Psychologie & Education. Revue de l'Association Suisse de Psychologie de l'Enfance et de l'Adolescence, 2/2021 pp. 49-51.
Expert appraisal of criteria for assessing gaming disorder: An international Delphi study
Castro-Calvo Jesús, King Daniel L., Stein Dan J., Brand Matthias, Carmi Lior, Chamberlain Samuel R., Demetrovics Zsolt, Fineberg Naomi A., Rumpf Hans-Jürgen, Yücel Murat et al., 2021. Addiction, 116 pp. 2463-2475. Peer-reviewed.
From perceived polarization of immigration attitudes to collective action
Roblain Antoine, Green Eva G.T., 2021/01. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 80 pp. 112-120. Peer-reviewed.
Improving food shopping behaviour: A model-based review of mobile applications to assist with healthy and sustainable grocery shopping
Blanke Julia, Billieux Joël, Vögele Claus, 2021. Computers in Human Behavior Reports, 4 p. 100147. Peer-reviewed.
In the shadow of transitional justice. Cross-national perspectives on the transformative potential of remembrance.
Elcheroth Guy, De Mel Neloufer, 2021., Routledge.
Insertion professionnelle des étudiant.e.s titulaires d'un master de psychologie du travail au Togo
Mensanvi K. E., Pari P., Atitsogbe K. A., Sovet L., 2021. pp. 135-149 dans Psychologie du travail et management des organisations dans les pays du Sud, L'Harmattan.
Interference-based methods to mitigate gambling craving: a proof-of-principle pilot study
Cornil Aurélien, Rothen Stéphane, De Timary Philippe, Billieux Joël, 2021. International Gambling Studies, 21 (3) pp. 426-449. Peer-reviewed.
Interventions psychologiques dans un contexte multilingue et multiculturel : Enjeux et limites
Massoudi Koorosh, Toscanelli Cecilia, 2021. dans Évaluation psychologique dans un contexte multilingue et multiculturel, Mardaga.
Rossier Jérôme, 2021. pp. 11-18 dans L’évaluation psychologique en contexte multilingue et multiculturel : Questions et enjeux , Mardaga.
Is Watching TV Series an Adaptive Coping Strategy During the COVID-19 Pandemic? Insights From an Italian Community Sample
Boursier Valentina, Musetti Alessandro, Gioia Francesca, Flayelle Maèva, Billieux Joël, Schimmenti Adriano, 2021. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12 p. 599859. Peer-reviewed.
La suspicion de haut potentiel intellectuel chez l’enfant ou le paradoxe de l'hyper-normalisation de la souffrance psychique de l'enfant
Roman Pascal, 2021. pp. 53-67 dans L’enfant non conforme ? À l’épreuve des normes et des classifications, Erès .
Late-life gender disparities in economic security in the context of geography, race and ethnicity, and age
Mutchler J., Velasco N., Li Yang, 2021., Center for Social & Demographic Research on Aging Publications No. 52.
Le Rorschach
Roman Pascal, 2021. pp. 69-104 dans Les méthodes projectives en psychopathologie de l’enfant, Dunod.
Les épreuves de jeu : Scéno-Test et MPPE
Roman Pascal, Suarez-Labat H, 2021. pp. 163-189 dans Les méthodes projectives en psychopathologie de l’enfant, Dunod.
Les épreuves projectives : théorie de la méthode
Chagnon Jean-Yves, Roman Pascal, 2021. pp. 29-68 dans Les méthodes projectives en psychopathologie de l’enfant, Dunod.
Les épreuves thématiques : PN, CAT, TAT
Roman Pascal, Suarez-Labat H, 2021. pp. 105-151 dans Les méthodes projectives en psychopathologie de l’enfant, Dunod.
L’acculturation des personnes migrantes et ses implications
Roblain Antoine, Héritier Karel, Green Eva, 2021. pp. 59-69 dans Évaluation psychologique dans un contexte multilingue et multicultural, Mardaga.
L’évaluation psychologique en contexte multilingue et multiculturel : Questions et enjeux
Rossier Jérôme (eds.), 2021., Mardaga.
L’œuvre et le « regardeur » : de la rencontre sensible à l’espace dialogique
Roman Pascal, 2021. pp. 281-302 dans Aux frontières de la pensée, Antipodes.
Mon patient est un héros ! L’approche mythologique dans le contexte de la réinsertion professionnelle des patients
Moratal J., Spagnoli D., Golay P., 2021. Information Psychiatrique, 97 (6) pp. 497-504. Peer-reviewed.
Motherhood specificities with the Rorschach method: Results of a nonconsulting French population in the postnatal phase.
Belot Rose-Angélique, Pheulpin Marie-Christine, Roman Pascal, Bouteloup Margaux, Pointurier Mathilde, Paez Diane, Mottet Nicolas, Mellier Denis, 2021. Rorschachiana, 1 (42) pp. 72-92. Peer-reviewed.
New directions in the evaluation and rehabilitation of neurocognitive processes in addictive disorders
Billieux Joël, Maurage Pierre, 2021. Addictive Behaviors, 117 p. 106842. Peer-reviewed.
Older adults and the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic
Li Yang, Mutchler Jan, 2021. dans Older Adults and COVID-19 Implications for Aging Policy and Practice, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
Online gaming and prolonged self-isolation: evidence from Italian gamers during the COVID-19 outbreak
Giardina Alessandro, Di Blasi Marie, Schimmenti Adriano, King Daniel L., Starcevic Vladan, Billieux Joel, 2021. Clinical Neuropsychiatry, 18 (1) pp. 65-74. Peer-reviewed.
Patients' decision to contribute to a biobank in the light of the patient-recruiter relationship-a qualitative study of broad consent in a hospital setting.
Bosisio F., Barazzetti G., Koutaissoff D., Spencer B., 2021/01. Journal of community genetics, 12 (1) pp. 15-25. Peer-reviewed.
Pension plan types and social security program knowledge
Li Yang, 2021., Retirement and Disability Research Center Working Paper, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Pornographiekonsum in der Partnerschaft : Häufigkeit, Motivation und Einstellung des Konsums und deren Geschlechtsunterschiede
Brun del Re Ursina, Hilpert Peter, Spahni Stefanie, Bodenmann Guy, 2021/01. Zeitschrift für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie, 50 (1) pp. 10-20. Peer-reviewed.
Positive and Negative Urgency as a single coherent construct: Evidence from a large‐scale network analysis in clinical and non‐clinical samples
Billieux Joël, Heeren Alexandre, Rochat Lucien, Maurage Pierre, Bayard Sophie, Bet Romain, Besche-Richard Chrystel, Challet-Bouju Gaëlle, Carré Arnaud, Devos Gaëtan et al., 2021. Journal of Personality, 89 (6) pp. 1252-1262. Peer-reviewed.
Precarious Aging: The Spatial Context of Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Economic Security
Mutchler J., Li Yang, Valesco N., 2021. Generations: Journal of the American Society on Aging. Peer-reviewed.
Problematic internet use prior to and during the COVID-19 pandemic
Zarco-Alpuente Alfredo, Ciudad-Fernández Víctor, Ballester-Arnal Rafael, Billieux Joël, Gil-Llario María Dolores, King Daniel L., Montoya-Castilla Inma, Samper Paula, Castro-Calvo Jesús, 2021. Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace, 15 (4) pp. article 1. Peer-reviewed.
Psychothérapie de l'adolescent sous mandat judiciaire : une offre contrainte de soin
Roman Pascal, 2021. pp. 147-163 dans La cure psychanalytique de l’adolescent et ses dispositifs thérapeutiques, In Press.
Resolving Coparenting Dissatisfaction In Couples: A Preliminary Task Analysis Study
Eira Nunes Cindy, Pascual-Leone Antonio, Roten Yves, Favez Nicolas, Darwiche Joëlle, 2021/01. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 47 (1) pp. 21-35.
Resolving Coparenting Dissatisfaction In Couples: A Preliminary Task Analysis Study.
Eira Nunes C., Pascual-Leone A., de Roten Y., Favez N., Darwiche J., 2021/01. Journal of marital and family therapy, 47 (1) pp. 21-35. Peer-reviewed.
Roquet, A., Lampraki, C., & Jopp, D. Protective Effect of Age on Loneliness During the Covid-19 Pandemic. Congrés de la Société Francophone de Psychogériatrie et de Psychiatrie de la Personne Âgée, Septembre 2021, Brest (France)
Roquet Angélique, Lampraki Charikleai, Jopp Daniela, 2021. dans Congrés de la Société Francophone de Psychogériatrie et de Psychiatrie de la Personne Âgée,.
Socio-Emotional Competencies and School Performance in Adolescence: What Role for School Adjustment?
Mella N., Pansu P., Batruch A., Bressan M., Bressoux P., Brown G., Butera F., Cherbonnier A., Darnon C., Demolliens M. et al., 2021. Frontiers in psychology, 12 p. 640661. Peer-reviewed.
Teaching as Social Influence: Empowering Teachers to Become Agents of Social Change
Butera Fabrizio, Batruch Anatolia, Autin Frédérique, Mugny Gabriel, Quiamzade Alain, Pulfrey Caroline, 2021/01. Social Issues and Policy Review, 15 (1) pp. 323-355.
The 2020 New Jersey Elder Economic Security Standard Index
Jan Mutchler, Li Yang, 2021., State of New Jersey Department of Human Services.
The Joint Crisis Plan: A Powerful Tool to Promote Mental Health.
Lequin P., Ferrari P., Suter C., Milovan M., Besse C., Silva B., Golay P., Bonsack C., Favrod J., 2021. Frontiers in psychiatry, 12 p. 621436. Peer-reviewed.
The Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Inequalities and the Life Course
Nico Magda, Pollock Gary, 2021. dans The Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Inequalities and the Life Course, Routledge.
Therapist anger: from being a therapeutic barrier to becoming a resource in the development of congruence
Berthoud Laurent, Noyer Thomas, 2021. Person-Centered & Experiential Psychotherapies, 20 (1) pp. 34-47. Peer-reviewed.
Roman Pascal, Amparo Deise Matos Do, 2021. Revue québécoise de psychologie, 42 (1) p. 97. Peer-reviewed.
Traces traumatiques dans les générations et violences familiales – Une approche clinique en contexte psycholégal
Roman Pascal, 2021. pp. 89-108 dans La violence familiale et sociale : de la description à une compréhension psychodynamique, JFD.
Trust in Institutions and the COVID-19 Threat: A Cross-Sectional Study on the Public Perception of Official Recommendations and of Othering in Switzerland.
Gilles I., Le Pogam M.A., Perriraz M., Bangerter A., Green EGT, Staerklé C., Krings F., Wagner-Egger P., Peytremann-Bridevaux I., 2021. International journal of public health, 66 p. 1604223. Peer-reviewed.
What is binge drinking? Insights from a network perspective
Lannoy Séverine, Baggio Stéphanie, Heeren Alexandre, Dormal Valérie, Maurage Pierre, Billieux Joël, 2021. Addictive Behaviors, 117 p. 106848. Peer-reviewed.
Who and where? The spatial context of racial and ethnic disparities in Economic security among older adults
Li Yang, Jan Mutchler, Nidya Velasco Roldan, 2021. Innovation in Aging. Peer-reviewed.
Writing Disability in ADHD Children
Gaillard François, Quartier Vincent, Roman Pascal, 2021. Journal of Organizational Psychology, 21 (3) pp. 120-126. Peer-reviewed.
Évaluation de l'impact des traitements résidentiels en matière d'addiction auprès d'une population luxembourgeoise adulte : Résultats d'une enquête
Lambrette Grégory, Flayelle Maèva, Billieux Joël, 2021. Psychotropes, 27 (1) pp. 175-197. Peer-reviewed.
Faut-il encore avoir peur des dragons (à notre âge) ? Ou comment dépasser les explications individualistes à l’inaction face au changement climatique
Sarrasin Oriane, Pahlisch Colin, Elcheroth Guy, 2020/12/31. Bulletin de la Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles, 99 pp. 5-12. Peer-reviewed.
Après la Note : Effets Psychosociaux de L'Evaluation Normative
Butera Fabrizio, Batruch Anatolia, Pulfrey Caroline, Autin Frédérique, Toma Claudia, 2020/12/30. dans Dans N. Younès, C. Gremion et E. Sylvestre (dir.), Evaluations, sources de synergies ? Entre normalisation, contrôle et développement formatif., Paris: Presses de l’ADMEE-Europe.
dos Santos Mamed Marcelo, 2020/12/23. Revista de Divulgação Científica em Língua Portuguesa, Linguística e Literatura.
Adolescence et agirs sexuels - De victime à auteur
Roman Pascal, 2020/12/17. REISO, Revue d'information sociale .
Financial literacy in the family context: the role of spousal education and gender among older couples
Li Yang, 2020/12/16. Innovation in Aging. Peer-reviewed.
Violence et emprise : reconnaître et soigner.
Roman Pascal, 2020/12/15. dans Association Astrée - Ensemble contre la traite des êtres humains., Association Astrée.
Labour market integration of young refugees and asylum seekers: a look at perceived barriers and resources
Udayar Shagini, Fedrigo Laurence, Durante Federico, Clot-Siegrist Eva, Masdonati Jonas, 2020/12/11. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling pp. 1-17.
Losing My Religion as a Natural Experiment: How State Pressure and Taxes Led to Church Disaffiliations between 1940 and 2010 in Germany
Stolz J., Pollack D., De Graaf N. D., Antonietti J.-P., 2020/12/11. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion.
Path Integration and Cognitive Mapping Capacities in Down and Williams Syndromes
Bostelmann Mathilde, Ruggeri Paolo, Circelli Antonella Rita, Costanzo Floriana, Menghini Deny, Vicari Stefano, Lavenex Pierre, Banta Lavenex Pamela, 2020/12/11. Frontiers in Psychology, 11.
Transformer le manque de motivation en une ressource pour le processus de conseil en orientation
Rochat Shékina, 2020/12/10. L'Orientation scolaire et professionnelle 49/4.
"Diagnostic inflation" will not resolve taxonomical problems in the study of addictive online behaviours. •.
Starcevic V., King D.L., Delfabbro P.H., Schimmenti A., Castro-Calvo J., Giardina A., Billieux J., 2020/12/08. Journal of behavioral addictions, 9 (4) pp. 915-919. Peer-reviewed.
Citizen Responses to Government Restrictions in Switzerland During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Cross-Sectional Survey.
Selby K., Durand M.A., Gouveia A., Bosisio F., Barazzetti G., Hostettler M., D'Acremont V., Kaufmann A., von Plessen C., 2020/12/03. JMIR Formative Research, 4 (12) pp. e20871 . Peer-reviewed.
Cognitive Reserve Mitigates Decline in Executive Functioning Following Hepatobiliary Diseases
Ihle Andreas, Gouveia Élvio R., Gouveia Bruna R., Haas Maximilian, Zuber Sascha, Orsholits Dan, Cheval Boris, Sieber Stefan, Cullati Stéphane, Kliegel Matthias, 2020/12. Swiss Journal of Psychology, 79 (3-4) pp. 149-154.
Comparing predictive validity in a community sample: High–dimensionality and traditional domain–and–facet structures of personality variation
Saucier Gerard, Iurino Kathryn, Thalmayer Amber Gayle, 2020/12. European Journal of Personality, 34 (6) pp. 1120-1137. Peer-reviewed.
Delineating adaptive esports involvement from maladaptive gaming: a self-regulation perspective.
Brevers D., King D.L., Billieux J., 2020/12. Current opinion in psychology, 36 pp. 141-146. Peer-reviewed.
EEG microstates are a candidate endophenotype for schizophrenia
da Cruz Janir Ramos, Favrod Ophélie, Roinishvili Maya, Chkonia Eka, Brand Andreas, Mohr Christine, Figueiredo Patrícia, Herzog Michael H., 2020/12. Nature Communications, 11 (1).
Learning through obstacles in an interprofessional team meeting: A discursive analysis of a systemic contradiction
Ros Jenny, Grossen Michèle, 2020/12/01. OUTLINES – CRITICAL PRACTICE STUDIES, 21 (2) pp. 29-59. Peer-reviewed.
Mechanisms of change in brief treatments for borderline personality disorder: a protocol of a randomized controlled trial
Kramer Ueli, Grandjean Loris, Beuchat Hélène, Kolly Stéphane, Conus Philippe, Roten Yves, Draganski Bogdan, Despland Jean-Nicolas, 2020/12. Trials, 21 (1).
Rate and predictors of disengagement in an early psychosis program with time limited intensification of treatment.
Golay P., Ramain J., Reiff C., Solida A., Baumann P.S., Conus P., 2020/12. Journal of psychiatric research, 131 pp. 33-38. Peer-reviewed.
Structural and functional brain abnormalities in children with schizotypal disorder: a pilot study
Wang Ya, Harding Ian H., Testa Renee, Tonge Bruce, Jones Harvey, Seal Marc, Ross Nola, Chan Raymond C. K., van Beurden Florian, Abu-Akel Ahmad et al., 2020/12. npj Schizophrenia, 6 (1). Peer-reviewed.
Difficulties in career decision making and self-evaluations: A meta-analysis
Udayar Shagini, Levin Nimrod, Lipshits-Braziler Yuliya, Rochat Shékina, Di Fabio Annamaria, Gati Itamar, Sovet Laurent, Rossier Jérôme, 2020/11. Journal of Career Assessment, 28 (4) pp. 608-635. Peer-reviewed.
Personality structure in east and west Africa: Lexical studies of personality in Maa and Supyire-Senufo.
Thalmayer Amber Gayle, Saucier Gerard, Ole-Kotikash Leonard, Payne Doris, 2020/11. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 119 (5) pp. 1132-1152. Peer-reviewed.
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