Institute of Political Studies

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3679 publications

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Rethinking Participation in Global Governance: Voice and Influence after Stakeholder Reforms in Global Finance and Health
Pauwelyn Joost, Maggetti Martino, Büthe Tim, Berman Ayelet, 2022., Oxford University Press.
Right-wing populism and the trade-off between health and the economy during the COVID-19 pandemic: A comparison between Western Europe and the United States
Mazzoleni Oscar, Ivaldi Gilles, 2022. pp. 255-284 dans Giorgi Alberta, Eslen-Ziya Hande (eds.) Populism and Science in Europe, Palgrave.
Se rencontrer entre pères pour dénoncer une justice familiale "hostile aux hommes" : analyse du militantisme paternel en Suisse
Friedli Fiona, 2022. pp. 337-364 dans Avanza Martina, Miaz Jonathan, Péchu Cécile, Voutat Bernard (eds.) Militantismes de guichet: Perspectives ethnographiques, Antipodes.
Soil as Space of Indecision
Bee Michele, Clément Gilles, 2022. OASE Journal for Architecture, 110 pp. 145-151.
Sovereignism and Populism : Citizens, Voters and Parties in Western European Democracies
Basile Linda, Mazzoleni Oscar (eds.), 2022. 134, Routledge.
Stitching things together. Marshall on the economy as an ‘organic whole’
maas harro, 2022. pp. 123-144 dans Metaphors in the History of Economic Thought chap. 4, Routledge.
Swiss Capitalism or the Significance of Small Things
Eichenberger Pierre, 2022. Capitalism: A journal of History and Economics, 3 (1) pp. 215-252. Peer-reviewed.
Switzerland: Experimental Governance and Polarized Consociationalism
Maggetti Martino, 2022. pp. 409-420 dans Governments’ Responses to the Covid-19 Pandemic in Europe: Navigating the Perfect Storm, Springer.
Territorio e democrazia. Crisi e attualità di un legame
Mazzoleni Oscar, 2022. 166, Mondadori - Università.
The impact of direct democracy on policy change: insights from European citizens' initiatives
Tosun Jale, Béland Daniel, Papadopoulos Yannis, 2022. Policy & Politics, 50 (3) pp. 323-340. Peer-reviewed.
Tugan-Baranovsky and the West
Allisson François, 2022. pp. 27-41 dans Avtonomov Vladimir S., Hagemann Harald (eds.) Russian and Western Economic Thought. Mutual Influences and Transfer of Ideas, Springer.
Политическая экономия Николая Зибера. Антология [L'économie politique de Nikolay Sieber : une anthologie]
Allisson François, Raskov Danila E., Shirokorad Leonid D. (eds.), 2022. 480, Издательство Института Гайдара & Факультет свободных искусств и наук СПбГУ [Institut Gaidar et Institut Smolny].
سوريا، الاستغلال العلمانية و تقوية النزعة المحافظة
Daher Joseph, 2022/01/01. دار.
Les bolcheviks et l’enjeu territorial de l’Ukraine de l’Est (1917–1918)
Perekhoda Hanna, 2021/12/22. Connexe : les espaces postcommunistes en question(s), 7 pp. 45-64. Peer-reviewed.
La dynamique nationale kurde en Syrie : de l’indépendance au processus révolutionnaire syrien
Daher Joseph, 2021/12/21. Cahier d'Histoire immédiate N°56 - Dossier Spécial : Guerres de Syrie et dynamiques kurdes (2011-2021).
Climate Change and Security within the United Nations: Insights from the UN Environment Programme and the UN Security Council
Maertens Lucile, Hardt Judith Nora, 2021/12/01. pp. 34-50 dans Cover Anthropocene (In)securities Reflections on Collective Survival 50 Years After the Stockholm Conference, Eva Lövbrand and Malin Mobjörk.
Experiencing Time and Space within the United Nations
Kimber Leah R., Maertens Lucile, 2021/12. Global Policy, 12 (S7) pp. 14-23. Peer-reviewed.
Time and space in the study of international organizations: An introduction
Maertens Lucile, Kimber Leah R., Badache Fanny, Dairon Emilie, 2021/12. Global Policy, 12 (S7) pp. 5-13. Peer-reviewed.
Understanding International Organizations' Headquarters as Ecosystems: The Case of Geneva
Dairon Emilie, Badache Fanny, 2021/12. Global Policy, 12 (S7) pp. 24-33. Peer-reviewed.
When Explanations for Poverty Help Explain Social Policy Preferences: The Case of European Public Opinion Amidst the Economic Recession (2009–2014)
Marquis Lionel, Rosset Jan, 2021/12. Social Justice Research, 34 (4) pp. 428-459. Peer-reviewed.
Économie positive et économie normative chez Marx, Mises, Friedman et Popper
Badiei Sina, 2021/12/01. 570, Éditions Matériologiques.
الإمارات ودمشق وترسيخ “الاستقرار” الاستبدادي في المنطقة
Daher Joseph, 2021/11/17. Daraa Media.
The UAE and Damascus: The Normalisation of the Syrian Regime
Daher Joseph, 2021/11/15. The Middle East Directions Programme Blog.
Liban : la crise sans fin du confessionnalisme néolibéral
Daher Joseph, 2021/11/14. Contretemps.
Carlo Rosselli Was a Revolutionary Murdered by Fascism
Prezioso Stéfanie, 2021/11/13. Jacobin. Peer-reviewed.
Italy in times of protest and negative voting: An introduction
Garzia Diego, Passarelli Gianluca, 2021/11/12. Quaderni dell Osservatorio elettorale QOE - IJES, 84 (2) pp. 3-7.
خفض الدعم على المشتقّات النفطية: تبعاتُه على سوريا
Joseph Daher, 2021/11/10. European University Institute - Wartime and Post-Conflict in Syria Project.
Getting Rid of Their Ties. The Long-Term Evolution of Elite Networks and Profiles in the Three Largest Swiss Cities, 1890 – 2020
Strebel Michael A., Antoniazza Baptiste, Mach André, 2021/11/09. Archiv für Sozialgeschichte, 61 pp. 161-180.
Torn Between International Cooperation and National Sovereignty: Voter Attitudes in Trade‐off Situations in Switzerland
Lauener Lukas, Emmenegger Patrick, Häusermann Silja, Walter Stefanie, 2021/10/21. Swiss Political Science Review. Peer-reviewed.
Italie: un concentré de l'histoire du monde
Prezioso Stéfanie, 2021/10/20. Contretemps.
Cuts to Oil Derivative Subsidies: Consequences for Syria
Daher Joseph, 2021/10/18. Wartime and Post-Conflict in Syria project (WPCS), European University Institute.
La Palestine et les révolutions au Moyen Orient et en Afrique du Nord
Daher Joseph, 2021/10/14. Contretemps.
Studying Time with Qualitative Comparative Analysis
Maggetti Martino, 2021/10/13. dans The Oxford Handbook of Time and Politics, Oxford University Press.
Continuous Crisis in Lebanon A Critical Analysis
Daher Joseph, 2021/10/08. Spectre Journal.
Countering fragmentation, taking back the state, or partisan agenda‐setting? Explaining policy integration and administrative coordination reforms
Trein Philipp, Ansell Christopher K., 2021/10. Governance, 34 (4) pp. 1143-1166. Peer-reviewed.
Vernacularisation from above: finance's appropriation of human rights in land governance
Genoud Christelle, 2021/09/14. The International Journal of Human Rights, 25 (8) pp. 1356-1373. Peer-reviewed.
Prezioso Stefanie, 2021/09/01. pp. 675-682 dans Histoire globale des socialismes XIX-XXI, PUF.
Conflictual Accountability: Behavioral Responses to Conflictual Accountability of Agencies
Schillemans Thomas, Overman Sjors, Fawcett Paul, Flinders Matthew, Fredriksson Magnus, Laegreid Per, Maggetti Martino, Papadopoulos Yannis, Rubecksen Kristin, Rykkja Lise H. et al., 2021/09. Administration & Society, 53 (8) pp. 1232-1262.
Ellen Richards's Home Economics Movement and the Birth of the Economics of Consumption
Philippy David, 2021/09. Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 43 (3) pp. 378-400. Peer-reviewed.
Prezioso Stéfanie, 2021/09/01. pp. 242-252 dans Histoire globale des socialismes XIX-XXI siècles, PUF.
On the Usefulness of Combining Strike and Protest Research: Some Insights from the Spanish Case (2000-2016)
Pohl Nicholas, 2021/09/01. Empiria. Revista de metodología de ciencias sociales, 52 pp. 21-52. Peer-reviewed.
‘Food Can’t Be Traded’ Civil Society’s Discursive Power in the Context of Agricultural Liberalisation in India
Parguel Camille, Graz Jean-Christophe, 2021/08/23. Les Cahiers de l’IEP / IEP Working Papers Series / ICRIER Working Paper 76 / 405. Peer-reviewed.
Promoting the ICT Industry for the future with fears from the past
Kim Jongheon, 2021/08/21. Science and Public Policy.
Climatizing the UN Security Council
Maertens Lucile, 2021/08. International Politics, 58 (4) pp. 640-660. Peer-reviewed.
Entre résilience et défis majeurs, les tentatives de consolidation du pouvoir du régime syrien
The climatization of global politics: introduction to the special issue
Aykut Stefan C., Maertens Lucile, 2021/08. International Politics, 58 (4) pp. 501-518. Peer-reviewed.
النيوليبرالية في سورية تعزيز للسلطويّة واللامساواة
Daher Joseph, 2021/08/01. بدايات.
Les sciences sociales en gilet jaune : Deux ans d'enquêtes sur un mouvement inédit
Bendali Zakaria, Rubert Aldo, 2021/07/16. Politix, n° 132 (4) pp. 177-215. Peer-reviewed.
Morocco's Hirak al-Rif Movement: "Youths of the Neighbourhood" as Innovative Protesters?
Chapi Ahmed, 2021/07/15. Partecipazione e conflitto, 14 (2) pp. 604-620. Peer-reviewed.
Party organizational change and leader effects on voting behavior: Linking the electoral and party faces of presidentialization
Ferreira da Silva Frederico, 2021/07. Party Politics, 27 (4) pp. 803-813.
Varieties of public–private policy coordination: How the political economy affects multi-actor implementation
Trein Philipp, Tosun Jale, 2021/07. Public Policy and Administration, 36 (3) pp. 379-400. Peer-reviewed.
Les démocraties du tirage au sort : Légitimités et modèles institutionnels en conflit
Courant Dimitri, 2021/06/24. Raisons politiques, N° 82 (2) pp. 13-31. Peer-reviewed.
Sismondi’s Price Theory: From a Liberating to a Despotic Market
Bridel Pascal, 2021/06/23. History of Political Economy, 53 (4) pp. 697-720.
"Il n'y aura pas de nuit dans l'ordre combiné". Charles Fourier, du jour au lendemain
Bouchet Thomas, 2021/06/20. Australian Journal of French Studies, 1 (58) pp. 38-48.
Retrouver sa propre radicalité : démobilisation, remobilisation et cohabitation jaunes
Rubert Aldo, 2021/06/20. Condition humaine / Conditions politiques. Peer-reviewed.
Book review of "Dynamic federalism: a new theory for cohesion and regional autonomy"
Mueller Sean, 2021/06/13. Regional & Federal Studies, 31 (5) pp. 689-690.
Negative personalization and voting behavior in 14 parliamentary democracies, 1961–2018
Garzia Diego, Ferreira da Silva Frederico, 2021/06. Electoral Studies, 71. Peer-reviewed.
The Private Banking Sector in Syria: Between Survival and Opportunity
Daher Joseph, 2021/06. Wartime and Post-Conflict in Syria Project - European University Institute.
Des galeries du commerce à la campagne de Beaulieu : itinéraire d’une foire commerciale
Debluë Claire-Lise, 2021/05/28. pp. 36-53 dans Lausanne – Banques, commerces et bureaux, Société d'histoire de l'art en Suisse.
Governmental human rights focal points in federal contexts: The implementation of the Istanbul convention in Switzerland as a case study
Niederhauser Matthieu, 2021/05/18. Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights p. 092405192110169.
Leone Ginzburg, a Forgotten Intellectual in the Fight Against Fascism
Prezioso Stefanie, 2021/05/08. Jacobin. Peer-reviewed.
La co-production conflictuelle du droit. Le rôle des intermédiaires du droit dans la judiciarisation de la politique suisse d'asile
Miaz Jonathan, 2021/05/06. Droit et société, N° 107 (1) pp. 51-66. Peer-reviewed.
Le droit de la migration et ses intermédiaires : usages sociopolitiques du droit et production des politiques migratoires. Présentation du dossier
Miaz Jonathan, Odasso Laura, Sabrié Romane, 2021/05/06. Droit et société, N° 107 (1) pp. 7-15.
Stop pretending Italian Fascists were innocent victims. An interview with Eric Gobetti
Prezioso Stefanie, 2021/04/25. Jacobin.
Les divisions du travail caritatif : enquête au sein d'une structure d'aide "aux plus démuni·e·s" de Suisse romande
Aubry Agnès, 2021/04/22. dans Ruiz de Elvira Laura, Saeidnia Sahar Aurore (eds.) Les mondes de la bien-faisance. Les pratiques du bien au prisme des sciences sociales, CNRS Éditions.
Using Response Times to Enhance the Reliability of Political Knowledge Items: An Application to the 2015 Swiss Post-Election Survey
Marquis Lionel, 2021/04/10. Survey Research Methods, 15 (1) pp. 79-100. Peer-reviewed.
La sélectivité sociale du nouveau Conseil communal de Lausanne (2021).
Di Capua Roberto, 2021/04/07. Working paper.
Les parlements cantonaux suisses et leurs obligations internationales / Die Kantonsparlamente und ihre internationalen Verpflichtungen
Schmid Evelyne, Niederhauser Matthieu, Miaz Jonathan, Maggetti Martino, Kaempfer Constance, 2021/04/07. Parlament, Parlement, Parlamento (Bulletin de la Societé suisse de questions parlementaires), 24 (1) pp. 63-68.
Why International Organizations Hate Politics: Depoliticizing the World
Louis Marieke, Maertens Lucile, 2021/04/06. 222, Routledge.
‘Feminist Connections in Global Politics’, interviewed by Buğra Güngör
Kunz Rahel, 2021/04/06..
Access to land and the Round Table on Sustainable Palm Oil in Colombia
Genoud Christelle, 2021/04/03. Globalizations, 18 (3) pp. 372-389. Peer-reviewed.
Tugan‑Baranovsky and the West
François Allisson, 2021/03/31. Russian Journal of Economics, 7 (1) pp. 19-33. Peer-reviewed.
Forms of social capital in economics. The importance of heteronomous networks in the Swiss field of economists (1980-2000)
Rossier Thierry, Benz Pierre, 2021/03/29. dans Power and Influence of Economists: Contributions to the Social Studies of Economics, Routledge.
Power and Influence of Economists: Contributions to the Social Studies of Economics
Maesse Jens, Pühringer Stephan, Rossier Thierry, Benz Pierre (eds.), 2021/03/29., Routledge.
The role of power in the social studies of economics. An introduction
Maesse Jens, Pühringer Stephan, Rossier Thierry, Benz Pierre, 2021/03/29. dans Power and Influence of Economists: Contributions to the Social Studies of Economics, Routledge.
The part played by general equilibrium in the liquidity preference vs loanable funds episode (1936–1956)
Bridel Pascal, 2021/03/22. The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought pp. 1-33.
Public Sector Employee Well-Being : Examining Its Determinants Using the JD–R and P–E Fit Models
Steijn Bram, Giauque David, 2021/03/18. pp. 221-238 dans Leisink Peter, Andersen Lotte B., Brewer Gene A., Jacobsen Christian B., Knies Eva, Vandenabeele Wouter (eds.) Managing for Public Service Performance, Oxford University Press.
“Globale Krise: Auswirkungen auf Migration, Arbeit und Geld für die Heimat", Live roundtable discussion at the Politforum Bern
Kunz Rahel, 2021/03/17..
Monde arabe : dix ans après le début des soulèvements populaires, ce n’est qu’un début…
Daher Joseph, 2021/03/10. Contretemps.
From party to leader mobilization? The personalization of voter turnout
Ferreira da Silva Frederico, Garzia Diego, De Angelis Andrea, 2021/03. Party Politics, 27 (2) pp. 220-233.
Grounding the Politics of Transnational Private Governance
Graz Jean-Christophe (eds.), 2021/02/15., New Political Economy (Special Section).
Grounding the politics of transnational private governance: introduction to the special section
Graz Jean-Christophe, 2021/02/11. New Political Economy. Peer-reviewed.
Covid-19 : L'économie dévoilée par la crise pandémique : Introduction au numéro
Graz Jean-Christophe, Alary Pierre, Labrousse Agnès, Lamarche Thomas, Vercueil Julien, 2021/02/10. Revue de la régulation, 29 (Opinion Débat hors série). Peer-reviewed.
L'économie standard est-elle soluble dans le dialogue interdisciplinaire ? : Une analyse du dispositif d'expertise suisse face à la covid-19
Maechler Sylvain, 2021/02/10. Revue de la régulation 29.
What does the Covid-19 crisis reveal about economics and the economy? Introduction to this issue
Graz Jean-Christophe, Alary Pierre, Labrousse Agnès, Lamarche Thomas, Vercueil Julien, 2021/02/10. Revue de la régulation, 29 (Opinion Debate - special issue). Peer-reviewed.
Citizens’ attitudes towards local autonomy and inter-local cooperation: evidence from Western Europe
Strebel Michael A, Kübler Daniel, 2021/02/09. Comparative European Politics, 19 pp. 188-207. Peer-reviewed.
Le Parti de l’Action Communiste syrien. Expérience et héritage
Daher Joseph, 2021/02/09. Contretemps.
Le profil socio-professionnel des candidat·es au Conseil communal de Lausanne (2021)
Di Capua Roberto, 2021/02/01. Vulgarisation scientifique.
Swiss Democracy Possible Solutions to Conflict in Multicultural Societies
Linder Wolf, Mueller Sean, 2021/01/22..
Penser la circulation des savoirs scolaires dans l’espace transatlantique. Émigration-transferts-créations (XVIIIe-XXe siècle)
Fontaine Alexandre (eds.), 2021/01/14. Bilbiothèque républicaine (Vincent Peillon) 232, Le Bord de L'eau.
Democracy Beyond Secrecy: Assessing the Promises and Pitfalls of Collective Voting
Mueller Sean, Gerber Marlène, Schaub Hans-Peter, 2021/01/12. Swiss Political Science Review.
Citizens' Assemblies for Referendums and Constitutional Reforms: Is There an “Irish Model” for Deliberative Democracy?
Courant Dimitri, 2021/01/08. Frontiers in Political Science, 2. Peer-reviewed.
Des révolutions sans leaders ?
Bennani-Chraïbi Mounia, 2021/01/07. pp. 30-33 dans Il était une fois... les révolutions arabes, Institut du monde arabe / Seuil .
More is less: Partisan ideology, changes of government, and policy integration reforms in the UK
Maggetti Martino, Trein Philipp, 2021/01/02. Policy and Society, 40 (1) pp. 79-98. Peer-reviewed.
Super Mario 2: comparing the technocrat-led Monti and Draghi governments in Italy
Garzia Diego, Karremans Johannes, 2021/01/02. Contemporary Italian Politics, 13 (1) pp. 105-115. Peer-reviewed.
"'Les mots de l'Harmonie. Fonder une langue universelle. Idées et expériences socialistes dans la première moitié du 19e siècle"
Bouchet Thomas, 2021. pp. 67-82 dans Legoy Corinne, Déruelle Aude (eds.) Les Mots du politique, 1815-1848, Garnier.
"Coopérer, s'associer"
Bouchet Thomas, Brémand Nathalie, 2021. Cahiers Charles Fourier 32 pp. 7-11.
"L'en-deça et l'au-delà de la coopération dans The London Phalanx et Le Nouveau Monde"
Bouchet Thomas, 2021. Cahiers Charles Fourier 32 pp. 13-24.
"Les utopies aident à respirer"
Bouchet Thomas, 2021. Réfractions 46 pp. 113-118.
"Promouvoir la créativité à travers la production filmique", presentation video
Kunz Rahel, 2021/01/01..
"S'associer en cercle. Les statuts d'un cercle phalanstérien dans la France bourgeoise, Toulon, août 1848"
Bouchet Thomas, Cordillot Michel, 2021. Cahiers Charles Fourier 32 pp. 103-113.
Bouchet Thomas, 2021. dans Keucheyan Razmig, Roza Stéphanie, Ducange Jean-Numa (eds.) Histoire globale des socialismes. 19e-21e siècle, Presses universitaires de France.
Art for Peace in Ambon: An Intersectional Reading
Udasmoro Wening, Kunz Rahel, 2021. dans Gender in Peacebuilding: Local Practices in Indonesia and Nigeria, Brill-Nijhoff.
Asylum decision-making and discretion: types of room for maneuver in refugee status determination
Miaz Jonathan, 2021. Sociologia del diritto 3 pp. 114-139. Peer-reviewed.
Belarus: The People’s Fight Continues
Perekhoda Hanna, 2021/01. New Politics, 18 (2) pp. 81-86.
Commons as Third Places
Bee Michele, 2021., Trans Europe Halles.
Compte-rendu de : Pinson (Gilles) – La ville néolibérale. – Paris, PUF, 2020 (La ville en débat). 160 p.
Pollard Julie, 2021. Revue Française de Science Politique, 71 (4).
Conclusions: Insights from Switzerland's Experience
Dardanelli Paolo, Mazzoleni Oscar, 2021. pp. 173-184 dans Switzerland-EU relations, Routledge.
Construction européenne : la révolution d’un continent
Grin Gilles, 2021. Collection débats et documents 21 181, Fondation Jean Monnet pour l’Europe.
Court-métrage: Financialisation of remittances: governing through emotions
Kunz Rahel, Duboux Gabrielle, Fournier Nino, Paudel Lekh Nath, 2021..
Covid-19–A Political Science Perspective
Maggetti Martino, Meyer Iris, Tresch Anke, 2021. Swiss Political Science Review, 27 (2) p. 227.
Decolonising through translation? Reconceptualising translation in the WPS agenda
Kunz Rahel, 2021. dans The Politics of Translation in International Relations, Palgrave.
Delphine Gardey, Politique du clitoris, 2019, Textuel, 154p.
Quéré Lucile, 2021. Cahiers du genre.
Du colportage au commerce de détail: brève histoire de l'étalagisme à Lausanne (1850–1950)
Debluë Claire-Lise, 2021. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 71 (1) pp. 7-33. Peer-reviewed.
Economic Populist Attitudes in Western Europe and the United States
Ivaldi Gilles, Mazzoleni Oscar, 2021. pp. 165-180 dans Tournier-Sol Karine, Gayte Marie (eds.) The Faces of Contemporary Populism in Western Europe and the United States, Palgrave-MacMillan.
Elected Prefects? The Curious Case of Switzerland
Mueller Sean, Gassmann Jean-Luc, 2021. pp. 303-324 dans Prefects, Governors and Commissioners, Springer International Publishing.
Employers of the world, unite! The transnational mobilisation of industrialists around World War I
Eichenberger Pierre, 2021. dans Corporate Policing, Yellow Unionism, and Strikebreaking, 1890–1930, Matteo Millan, Alessandro Saluppo.
Fixing the taxonomy in populism research: Bringing frame, actor and context back in
Heinisch Reinhard, Mazzoleni Oscar, 2021. pp. 111-129 dans Political Populism Handbook on Concepts, Questions and Strategies of Research, Nomos Verlag.
From Quiet to Noisy Politics: Transformations of Swiss Business Elites’ Power
Mach André, David Thomas, Ginalski Stéphanie, Bühlmann Felix, 2021. Politics and Society, 49 (1) pp. 17–41. Peer-reviewed.
Gender and Remittances
Kunz Rahel, Maisenbacher Julia, 2021. dans The Palgrave Handbook of Gender and Migration, Palgrave.
Gender in Peacebuilding Local Practices in Indonesia and Nigeria
Prügl Elisabeth, Rigual Christelle, Kunz Rahel, Achakpa Mimidoo, Myrttinen Henri, Onyesoh Joy, Rahmawati Arifah, Udasmoro Wening, 2021., Brill-Nijhoff.
Governing Personalized Health: A Scoping Review
Trein Ph., Wagner J., 2021. Frontiers in Genetics, 12 p. 650504. Peer-reviewed.
In movimento, nonostante il lockdown. L’esperienza svizzera del Covid-19
Mazzoleni Oscar, Rossi Sergio (eds.), 2021. Collana "Le sfide della Svizzera", 11 208, Armando Dadò editore.
Dardanelli Paolo, Mazzoleni Oscar, 2021. pp. 1-5 dans Switzerland-EU relations. Lessons for the UK after Brexit?, Routledge.
Heinisch Reinhard, Holtz-Bacha Christina, Mazzoleni Oscar, 2021. pp. 17-43 dans Political Populism. Handbook on Concepts, Questions and Strategies of Research (2d edition), Nomos Verlag.
Introduzione. Dentro e oltre il lockdown
Mazzoleni Oscar, Rossi Sergio, 2021. pp. 9-15 dans In movimento nonostante il lockdown. L'esperienza svizzera del Covid-19, Armando Dadò editore.
L'écologie doit être une force émancipatrice
Chollet Antoine, 2021. Revue des Cèdres 51 pp. 59-68.
Le donne in Gran Consiglio (1971-2019). Un profilo in mutamento delle deputate al Parlamento ticinese
Pilotti Andrea, 2021. pp. 229-255 dans Castelletti Susanna, Congestrì Marika (eds.) Finalmente cittadine! La conquista dei diritti delle donne in Ticino (1969-1971), Associazione Archivi Riuniti delle Donne Ticino.
Le elezioni cantonali ticinesi del 2019. Partecipazione e astensionismo, elettorato dei partiti e legame territoriale
Pilotti Andrea, Mazzoleni Oscar, 2021. 81, Université de Lausanne, Les Cahiers de l'IEP / IEP Working Paper Series.
Le Pasolini de l'éveil
Bee Michele, 2021. pp. 73-82 dans Pier Paolo Pasolini, La Langue Vulgaire, La Lenteur.
Les figures du passage chez Ford
Chollet Antoine, 2021. pp. 73-95 dans Pfeiffer Natacha, Van Eynde Laurent (eds.) John Ford: histoire, image et politique, Infolio.
M. Una miopia strategica, un romanzo fuori tempo
Prezioso Stéfanie, 2021. Historia Magistra 36 pp. 68-80. Peer-reviewed.
Necessary conditions for policy integration and administrative coordination reforms: an exploratory analysis
Trein Philipp, Maggetti Martino, Meyer Iris, 2021. Journal of European Public Policy, 28 (9) pp. 1410-1431. Peer-reviewed.
Outside Lobbying
Tresch Anke, 2021. pp. 1-5 dans The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Interest Groups, Lobbying and Public Affairs, Springer International Publishing.
Partis politiques et protestations au Maroc (1934-2020)
Bennani-Chraïbi Mounia, 2021., Presses universitaires de Rennes.
Policy Coordination and Integration: A Research Agenda
Trein Philipp, Biesbroek Robbert, Bolognesi Thomas, Cejudo Guillermo M., Duffy Robert, Hustedt Thurid, Meyer Iris, 2021. Public Administration Review, 81 (5) pp. 973-977. Peer-reviewed.
Political Populism. Handbook on Concepts, Questions and Strategies of Research
Heinisch Reinhard, Holz-Bacha Christina, Mazzoleni Oscar (eds.), 2021., 2d edition 595, Nomos Verlag.
Populism and Law
Anselmi Manuel, Blokker Paul, Mazzoleni Oscar, 2021. pp. 543-553 dans Political Populism. Handbook on Concepts, Questions and Strategies of Research, Nomos Verlag.
Populism facing the Coronavirus Outbreak
Biancalana Cecilia, Heinisch Reinhard, Mazzoleni Oscar, Heinisch Reinhard, Holtz-Bacha Christina, Mazzoleni Oscar, 2021. pp. 569-584 dans Political Populism. Handbook on Concepts, Questions and Strategies of Research, Nomos Verlag.
Poursuivre le dialogue sur la politisation
Bennani-Chraïbi Mounia, 2021. Politique africaine, 1-2 (161-162) pp. 293-308. Peer-reviewed.
Pratiques et politiques de la négociation pour accéder et se maintenir sur un terrain d’enquête
Aubry Agnès, Kuehni Morgane, Scalambrin Laure, 2021. Cambouis, 1 (1) pp. En ligne. Peer-reviewed.
Public Opinion on Health Care and Public Health
Trein Ph., Fuino M., Wagner J., 2021. Preventive Medicine Reports, 23 p. 101460. Peer-reviewed.
Quale bilancio dopo cinquant'anni di suffragio femminile?
Pilotti Andrea, 2021. pp. 159-170 dans Brigitte Studer, La conquista di un diritto. Il suffragio femminile in Svizzera (1848-1971), Armando Dadò Editore.
Regionalism and Euroscepticism. The case of Ticino
Mazzoleni Oscar, 2021. pp. 148-156 dans Dardanelli Paolo, Mazzoleni Oscar (eds.) Switzerland-EU Relations, Routledge.
Richesse. Reflets des 5èmes Journées suisses d’histoire / Reichtum. Einblick in die 5. Schweizerischen Geschichtstage. Traverse. Zeitschrift für Geschichte – Revue d’histoire, 2021/1
Crousaz Karine, Eichenberger Pierre, Rathman-Lutz Anja, 2021. 200, Chronos.
Shock or Design: What Drives Fiscal De/Centralization? A Comparative Analysis of Twenty-Nine OECD Countries, 1995–2017
Arnold Tobias, Mueller Sean, Vatter Adrian, 2021/01/01. Publius: The Journal of Federalism, 51 (1) pp. 1-26.
Bernhard Laurent, Biancalana Cecilia, Mazzoleni Oscar, 2021. pp. 148-167 dans Albertazzi Daniele, Vampa Davide (eds.) Populism and New Patterns of Political Competition in Western Europe, Routledge.
Switzerland and Sub-Saharan Africa in the Cold War, 1967-1979. Neutrality Meets Decolonisation
Widmer Sabina, 2021. New Perspectives on the Cold War, 8, Brill.
Switzerland-EU Relations. Lessons for the UK after Brexit?
Dardanelli Paolo, Mazzoleni Oscar (eds.), 2021. "Dealing with Europe" Series 224, Routledge.
The First Conceptualization of Terrorism: Tallien, Roederer, and the “System of Terror” (August 1794)
Rapin Ami-Jacques, 2021. Journal of the History of Ideas, 82 (3) pp. 405-426. Peer-reviewed.
The Pleasure of Exchange: Adam Smith's Third Kind of Self-Love
Bee Michele, 2021. Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 43 (1) pp. 118-140. Peer-reviewed.
The Politics of Compromise: Institutions and Actors of Power-Sharing in Switzerland
Mueller Sean, 2021. pp. 67-87 dans Power-Sharing in Europe, Springer International Publishing.
The Working Class and Support for the Radical Right : a Critical Perspective
Gottraux Philippe, Péchu Cécile, 2021. Les Cahiers de l’IEP/ IEP Working Paper Series 78.
Théoriser sur le terrain des jeunes
Bennani-Chraïbi Mounia, Ksikes Driss, 2021. pp. 49-67 dans Aït Mous Fadma, Zakaria Kadiri (eds.) Les jeunes au Maroc. Comprendre les dynamiques pour un nouveau contrat, Economia.
Worker Cooperatives' Potential for Migrant Women's Self-Empowerment. Insights from a Case Study in New York City
Komposch Nora, Pohl Nicholas, Riaño Yvonne, 2021. (29) 30 Working Paper Series, NCCR - on the move.
« Montrer qu’on est toujours là ». Résistance des gilets jaunes au crépuscule de la mobilisation. Communication pour le 8e Congrès ABSP – 9e Congrès CoSPoF, 7-9 avril 2021 à l’Université libre de Bruxelles.
Bendali Zakaria, 2021., Communication pour le 8e Congrès ABSP – 9e Congrès CoSPoF, 7-9 avril 2021 à l’Université libre de Bruxelles..
Économie de la transmission : Péguy après Walras
Bee Michele, 2021. Revue de l'OFCE 117 pp. 67-107. Peer-reviewed.
Éditorial – Editorial
Crousaz Karine, Eichenberger Pierre, Rathman-Lutz Anja, 2021. Traverse. Zeitschrift für Geschichte – Revue d’histoire, 2021 (1) pp. 7-12 (français), 13-18 (allemand).
"Composée convergente ou surcomposée". La "vraie liberté" selon Charles Fourier
Bouchet Thomas, 2020/12/20. Annales Benjamin Constant.
De la liberté des modernes comparée à la démocratie du prolétariat. Friedrich Engels et Karl Marx à la veille de la révolution de 1848
Villars François, 2020/12/11. Annales Benjamin Constant 45 pp. 145-178.
Des Suisses romands en Tunisie coloniale. Entre trajectoires personnelles et visée humanitaires (1880-1950)
Fontaine Alexandre, 2020/12/07. Revue de l'Institut des belles-lettres arabes de Tunis, 226 (2) pp. 271-283. Peer-reviewed.
‘Corona-bedingter Rückgang von Rücküberweisungen für ärmere Länder?’, Interview Inforadio SRF 4 News.
Kunz Rahel, 2020/12/07..
Abderrahmane Youssoufi: an embodiment of the mutations of the Moroccan left
Bennani-Chraïbi Mounia, 2020/12/04. The Journal of North African Studies pp. 1-34. Peer-reviewed.
Partisan dealignment and the personalisation of politics in West European parliamentary democracies, 1961–2018
Garzia Diego, Ferreira da Silva Frederico, De Angelis Andrea, 2020/12/02. West European Politics pp. 1-24.
Antifascisme, démocratie, révolution: L'antifascisme italien durant l'entre-deux-guerres, une lutte pour l'éternité?
Prezioso Stéfanie, 2020/12. Mouvements, 4 (104) pp. 36-48. Peer-reviewed.
De quelques mésusages de l’histoire. Le cas du populisme nord-américain dans la science politique européenne
Chollet Antoine, 2020/12. Revue européenne des sciences sociales 58 pp. 97-116. Peer-reviewed.
Chollet Antoine, 2020/12. pp. 7-13 dans La liberté des Anciens et des Modernes, deux cents ans après Benjamin Constant 45, Slatkine.
La liberté des Anciens et des Modernes, deux cents ans après Benjamin Constant
Chollet Antoine (eds.), 2020/12. 45 232, Institut Benjamin Constant et Éditions Slatkine.
Le tirage au sort et ses légitimités multiples au début du XIXe siècle
Mellina Maxime, 2020/12. Annales Benjamin Constant 45 pp. 99-114.
Measuring party affiliation
Lutz Georg, Lauener Lukas, 2020/12. 17, FORS Guides.
Some Historiographical Tools for the Study of Intellectual Legacies
Allisson François, Missemer Antoine, 2020/12. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, 84 pp. 132-141. Peer-reviewed.
‘Wegen der Corona-Pandemie schicken Migranten erheblich weniger Geld in ihre Herkunftsländer’, interviewed by Vanessa Möller for the preparation of an article published in NZZ
Kunz Rahel, 2020/11/30..
Comptabilité et environnement : l’impossible mariage ?
Maechler Sylvain, 2020/11/20..
Book review of "Föderale Demokratie. Regieren im Spannungsfeld von Interdependenz und Autonomie"
Mueller Sean, 2020/11/13. German Politics pp. 1-2.
Trust, Coordination and Multi-level Arrangements: Lessons for a European Health Union
Maggetti Martino, 2020/11/12. European Journal of Risk Regulation pp. 1-10. Peer-reviewed.
Politique(s) du désordre
fillieule olivier, jobard fabien, 2020/11/05., Le seuil.
Trois regards sur le mouvement des « Gilets jaunes »
Fillieule Olivier, Hayat Samuel, Monchatre Sylvie, 2020/11/01. La Nouvelle Revue du Travail 17.
حزب العمل الشيوعي في سوريا: تاريخ سياسي حافل (2 من 2
Daher Joseph, 2020/11. Syria Untold.
On the Dangers of Public Credit for France's Monarchy: How an Old Warning Sheds a Certain Light on 1789
Saint-Phalle Pierre de, 2020/10/30. pp. 49-70 dans Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology: Including a Symposium on Sir James Steuart: The Political Economy of Money and Trade, Emerald Publishing Limited.
Syria’s Labor Communist Party, a rich political history - Part II
Daher Joseph, 2020/10/30. Syria Untold.
The Political Economy of Syria: Deepening Pre-War Orientations
Daher Joseph, 2020/10/30. Arab Reform Initiative.
الاقتصاد السياسيّ في سوريا: ترسيخ توجّهات ما قبل الحرب
Daher Joseph, 2020/10/30. Arab Reform Initiative.
Candidate Campaigns in Comparative Perspective
Karlsen Rune, Lutz Georg, Öberg Patrik, Schmitt Hermann, 2020/10/28. pp. 78-96 dans De Winter Lieven, Karlsen Rune (eds.) Parliamentary Candidates Between Voters and Parties. A Comparative Perspective chap. 4, Routledge.
Comparative candidate survey data and methods
Lindholm Annika, Lutz Georg, 2020/10/27. pp. 227-234 dans De Winter, L., R. Karlsen & H. Schmitt (eds.). Parliamentary candidates between voters and parties. A comparative perspective., Routledge.
De la «lutte contre les abus» aux dispositifs et pratiques de contrôle des demandes d’asile
Miaz Jonathan, 2020/10/27. pp. 193-217 dans Leyvraz Anne-Cécile, Rey Raphaël, Rosset Damian, Stünzi Robin (eds.) Asile et abus Regards pluridisciplinaires sur un discours dominant chap. 8, Seismo.
La crise du multilatéralisme: une chance ?
Canapa Damiano, Grin Gilles, 2020/10/26. Le Temps.
حزب العمل الشيوعي في سوريا: تاريخ سياسي حافل (1 من 2
Daher Joseph, 2020/10/23. Syria Untold.
Bürgerbildung im Wandel
Ostinelli Marcello, Bürgler Beatrice, Fontaine Alexandre, 2020/10/21. dans Sammelband „Transformation des schulischen Wissens“, Chronos Verlag.
Law and (pedagogical) Order: Tempos de crise e respostas educacionais à questão da desordem social
Fontaine Alexandre, 2020/10/21. CIMEAC, 10 (2) pp. 12-30. Peer-reviewed.
Les pédagogues, adversaires de la mobilité sociale ? Temps de crise et réponses éducatives à la question du désordre social
Fontaine Alexandre, 2020/10/21. pp. 121-142 dans Actes du colloque international francophone. « Le meilleur des mondes », l’éducation entre optimisme et utopie (18e-21e siècle) . Peer-reviewed, LEP.
Syria’s Labor Communist Party, a rich political history - Part I
Daher Joseph, 2020/10/16. Syria Untold.
With or against their region? Multiple-mandate holders in the Swiss parliament, 1985–2018
Rahel Freiburghaus, Alexander Arens, Sean Mueller, 2020/10/16. Local Government Studies.
Engagements. La guerre comme expérience idéologique et politique
Prezioso Stéfanie, 2020/10/07. pp. 423-475 dans André Loez (dir.), Mondes en guerre. Tome III. Guerres mondiales et impériales 1870-1945 chap. 8, Passés/Composés.
Un globe déréglé
Maechler Sylvain, 2020/10/07. La vie des idées.
Containing Nationalism: Culture, Economics and Indirect Rule in Corsica
Siroky David S., Mueller Sean, Fazi André, Hechter Michael, 2020/10/06. Comparative Political Studies.
Mapping Parties' Positions on Foreign and Security Issues in the EU, 2009–2014
Cicchi Lorenzo, Garzia Diego, Trechsel Alexander H, 2020/09/26. Foreign Policy Analysis, 16 (4) pp. 532-546.
مؤسسات الدولة وشبكات النظام بحسبانها جهات مقدمة للخدمات في سوريا
Daher Joseph, 2020/09/23. Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP) and European University Institute (EUI) – .
Place de l’enfant dans la procédure le concernant et répartition des rôles au sein de la famille : un éclairage de l’arrêt du TF 5A_534/2019 du 31 janvier 2020
Sauthier Gaëlle, Friedli Fiona, 2020/09/06. iusNet droit civil pp. en ligne .
Daher Joseph, 2020/09/04. Spectre Journal.
Is transnational private regulation supporting workers’ capacity to act? Evidence from a cross-country, cross-sectoral firm-level survey
Graz Jean-Christophe, Sobrino Piazza Jimena, Walter André, 2020/09/04. dans 32ndannual conference of the European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy. Peer-reviewed.
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