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3684 publications

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مؤسسات الدولة وشبكات النظام بحسبانها جهات مقدمة للخدمات في سوريا
Daher Joseph, 2020/09/23. Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP) and European University Institute (EUI) – .
Place de l’enfant dans la procédure le concernant et répartition des rôles au sein de la famille : un éclairage de l’arrêt du TF 5A_534/2019 du 31 janvier 2020
Sauthier Gaëlle, Friedli Fiona, 2020/09/06. iusNet droit civil pp. en ligne .
Daher Joseph, 2020/09/04. Spectre Journal.
Is transnational private regulation supporting workers’ capacity to act? Evidence from a cross-country, cross-sectoral firm-level survey
Graz Jean-Christophe, Sobrino Piazza Jimena, Walter André, 2020/09/04. dans 32ndannual conference of the European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy. Peer-reviewed.
Bossing or Protecting? The Integration of Social Regulation into the Welfare State
Trein Philipp, 2020/09. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 691 (1) pp. 104-120. Peer-reviewed.
Der Ständerat: Die Zweite Kammer der Schweiz
Müller Sean, Vatter Adrian, 2020/09/01..
L’école fribourgeoise en lien avec le monde. Globalisation scolaire dans un canton rural
Fontaine Alexandre, 2020/09/01. pp. 29-42 dans Transnationale Geschichte der Schweiz / Histoire transnationale de la Suisse, Chronos Verlag.
فرصة لإحكام القبضة الاستبدادية على المجتمع
Daher Joseph, 2020/09. Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.
Critical security studies
Maertens Lucile, Karlsrud John, 2020/08/31. pp. 149-174 dans Oksamytna Kseniya (eds.) United Nations peace operations and International Relations theory chap. 7, Manchester University Press.
بين السيطرة والقمع: محنة القوى العاملة السورية
Daher Joseph, 2020/08/31. Middle East Directions.
Comptes rendus: Corporate Sustainability in the 21st Century: Increasing the Resilience of Social-Ecological Systems, Rafael Sardá et Stefano Pogutz, 2018, New York, Routledge, 360 p
Maechler Sylvain, 2020/08/25. Etudes Internationales .
After the Beirut Explosion, Disaster Capitalism Has Lebanon in Its Sights
Daher Joseph, 2020/08/24. Jacobin.
Le Hezbollah, défenseur du statu quo au Liban
Daher Joseph, 2020/08/24. The Conversation.
“The advantage of being inside the wall when it is built.” US multinationals' direct investments in the Common Market, the balance of payments deficit and Bretton Woods (1958-74)
Schaufelbuehl Janick Marina, 2020/08/24. Journal of European Integration pp. 1-16. Peer-reviewed.
Explosion au Liban : comment en est-on arrivé là ?
Daher Joseph, 2020/08/19. Contretemps.
« 14 juin nous y voilà » : populariser les revendications du Manifeste de la grève féministe/des femmes* en chanson
Métrailler Marie, Péchu Cécile, 2020/08/13. Cahiers de littérature orale Hors-Série pp. 135-146.
Covid-19: césure profonde, horizons possibles
Prezioso Stéfanie, 2020/08. pp. 200-208 dans Tumulte postcorona. Les crises, en sortir et bifurquer, Editions d'En Bas.
Home office en période de semi-confinement: quels enseignements pour l'avenir
Weissbrodt Rafaël, Giauque David, 2020/08. GIRO - Revue de l'Association suisse des employés de banque.
Longitudinal dataset of political issue-positions of 411 parties across 28 European countries (2009–2019) from voting advice applications EU profiler and euandi
Reiljan Andres, da Silva Frederico Ferreira, Cicchi Lorenzo, Garzia Diego, Trechsel Alexander H., 2020/08. Data in Brief, 31 p. 105968.
سوريا، الدروس التاريخية للثورة – حصيلة نقدية
Daher Joseph, 2020/08. الحوار المتمدن.
Protest in a Time of Pandemic
fillieule olivier, 2020/07/31., Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen, Vienna.
Between Control and Repression: The Plight of the Syrian Labour Force
Daher Joseph, 2020/07/30. European University Institute (Middle East Directions Programme/Syria Initiative).
Syrie : leçons historiques de la révolution. Un bilan critique
Daher Joseph, 2020/07/28. Contretemps.
The representative deficit in different European Party Systems: an analysis of the elections to the European Parliament 2009-2014
Bright Jonathan, Garzia Diego, Lacey Joseph, Trechsel Alexander H., 2020/07/28. Quaderni dell'Osservatorio elettorale. QOE - IJES, 83 (1) pp. 45-57.
Leader Effects and Voting for the Populist Radical Right in Western Europe
Michel Elie, Garzia Diego, Ferreira da Silva Frederico, De Angelis Andrea, 2020/07/23. Swiss Political Science Review.
The (mis)use of statistics in referendum votes
Tresch Anke, Lauener Lukas, 2020/07/07. pp. 55-76 dans Misinformation in Referenda, Routledge.
Eidgenössische Wahlen 2019. Wahlteilnahme und Wahlentscheid
Tresch Anke, Lauener Lukas, Bernhard Laurent, Lutz Georg, Scaperrotta Laura, 2020/07/03. 94.
How strikes can arise: sequences of interaction in the genesis of a total strike in Madrid Underground
Pohl Nicholas, 2020/07/03. Social Movement Studies, 19 (4) pp. 482-500. Peer-reviewed.
Federal dynamics, solidarity, and European Union crisis politics
Trein Philipp, 2020/07/02. Journal of European Public Policy, 27 (7) pp. 977-994. Peer-reviewed.
Monitoring the self: François-Marc-Louis Naville and his moral tables
Maas Harro, 2020/07. History of Science, 58 (2) pp. 117-141. Peer-reviewed.
Invisible Sanctions: How over-compliance limits humanitarian work on Syria Challenges of Fund Transfer for Non-Profit Organizations Working on Syria
Daher Joseph, Moret Erica, 2020/06/25. Impact - We Exist.
State Institutions and Regime Networks as Service Providers in Syria
Daher Joseph, 2020/06/25. Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP) and European University Institute (EUI) – Middle East Directions, Research Project Report No 1.
The Wages of Destruction
Daher Joseph, 2020/06/24. Carnegie Middle Institute.
A Representative Bureuacracy Perspective on Workforce Composition in International Organizations: The Case of the United Nations Secretariat
Badache Fanny, 2020/06/21. Public administration, 98 (2) pp. 392-407. Peer-reviewed.
Why Do Citizens Vote Against Their Basic Political Values?
Lauener Lukas, 2020/06/16. Swiss Political Science Review. Peer-reviewed.
Gouvernance environnementale mondiale
Maertens Lucile, 2020/06/04. pp. 441-444 dans Dictionnaire critique de l’anthropocène, CNRS éditions.
True Grid: Three Case Studies of Moral Accounting
Maas Harro, 2020/06/01. East Asian Science, Technology and Society, 14 (2) pp. 309-330. Peer-reviewed.
Voting Advice Applications: The power of self-persuasion
Trechsel Alexander H., Garzia Diego, 2020/06/01. dans The Oxford Handbook of Electoral Persuasion, Oxford University Press.
Tenant selection in the private rental sector of Paris and Geneva
Bonnet Francois, Pollard Julie, 2020/05/26. Housing Studies pp. 1-19. Peer-reviewed.
Hezbollah, Neoliberalism and Political Economy
Daher Joseph, 2020/05/22. Politics and Religion pp. 1-29.
Des mini-publics délibératifs pour sauver le climat ? : Analyses empiriques de l'Assemblée citoyenne irlandaise et de la Convention citoyenne française
Courant Dimitri, 2020/05/20. Archives de philosophie du droit, Tome 62 (1) pp. 485-507. Peer-reviewed.
Business and Diplomacy in the Twentieth Century: a Corporatist View
David Thomas, Eichenberger Pierre, 2020/05/18. Diplomatica, 2 (1) pp. 48-56.
COVID - Pour sortir de la crise par le haut, dépasser nos modèles économiques classiques
Maechler Sylvain, 2020/05/15..
CVSnet: A machine learning approach for automated central vein sign assessment in multiple sclerosis.
Maggi P., Fartaria M.J., Jorge J., La Rosa F., Absinta M., Sati P., Meuli R., Du Pasquier R., Reich D.S., Bach Cuadra M. et al., 2020/05. NMR in biomedicine, 33 (5) pp. e4283. Peer-reviewed.
Le cadrage de l’environnement à l’Assemblée
Baillat Alice, Maertens Lucile, 2020/05/01. pp. 263-279 dans Devin Guillaume, Petiteville Franck, Tordjman Simon (eds.) L’Assemblée générale des Nations unies. Là où le monde se parle depuis 75 ans chap. 12, Presses de Sciences Po.
Learning in Political Analysis
Vagionaki Thenia, Trein Philipp, 2020/05. Political Studies Review, 18 (2) pp. 304-319. Peer-reviewed.
Political Science in Europe. Achievements, Challenges, Prospects
Boncourt Thibaud, Engeli Isabelle, Garzia Diego (eds.), 2020/05/01., Rowman & Littlefield International.
The engagement of European political scientists with parties and the citizens: The case of Voting Advice Applications
Garzia Diego, Trechsel Alexander H., 2020/05/01. dans Political Science in Europe. Achievements, Challenges, Prospects, ECPR Press.
Business Groups and Advocacy Success: Insights from a Multi-venue Approach
Varone Frédéric, Eichenberger Steven, Gava Roy, Jourdain Charlotte, Mach André, 2020/04/27. Acta Politica.
Syria, the Gulf, and Reconstruction – What Possible Future?
Daher Joseph, 2020/04/25. Journal of Middle Eastern Politics and Policy, a Harvard Kennedy School Student publication:.
Regulating Globalisation
Maechler Sylvain, 2020/04/23. Books & ideas.
Helena ROSENBLATT, The Lost History of Liberalism: From Ancient Rome to the Twenty-First Century
Mottironi Henri-Pierre, 2020/04/22. Revue européenne des sciences sociales, 58 (1).
Historical Lessons of the Syrian Revolution A CRITICAL BALANCE SHEET
Daher Joseph, 2020/04/15. Spectre Journal.
Political agenda-setting and -building in small consensus democracies : Relationships between media and parliament in the Netherlands and Switzerland
Sciarini Pascal, Tresch Anke, Vliegenthart Rens, 2020/04/10. Mass Media Effects and the Political Agenda, 4 (1) pp. 109-134. Peer-reviewed.
Contentious Minds : How Talk and Ties Sustain Activism
Passy Florence, Monsch Gian-Andrea, 2020/04/09., Oxford University Press.
La transition socio-écologique sera-t-elle la grande oubliée de la relance post-Covid ?
Graz Jean-Christophe, Maechler Sylvain, Perticone Yannick, Sobrino Piazza Jimena, Damian Michel, 2020/04/02. The Conversation.
“Before Corona, I will die of hunger”: The socio-economic impact of Covid-19 on the Syrian population and new challenges for the regime
Daher Joseph, 2020/04/02. The Middle East Directions Blog.
Image that Matters: News Media Consumption and Party Leader Effects on Voting Behavior
Garzia Diego, Ferreira da Silva Frederico, De Angelis Andrea, 2020/04. The International Journal of Press/Politics, 25 (2) pp. 238-259.
Intersectionnalité et mouvements sociaux
Aubry Agnès, 2020/03/19. dans Dictionnaire des mouvements sociaux, Presses de Sciences Po.
Répertoires d'action
Péchu Cécile, 2020/03/19. pp. 495-502 dans Fillieule Olivier, Mathieu Lilian, Péchu Cécile (eds.) Dictionnaire des mouvements sociaux, Presses de Science Po.
Mathieu Lilian, Péchu Cécile, 2020/03/19. pp. 508-516 dans Fillieule Olivier, Mathieu Lilian, Péchu Cécile (eds.) Dictionnaire des mouvements sociaux, Presses de Science Po.
Péchu Cécile, 2020/03/19. pp. 558-565 dans Fillieule Olivier, Mathieu Lilian, Péchu Cécile (eds.) Dictionnaire des mouvements sociaux, Presses de Science Po.
Péchu Cécile, 2020/03/19. pp. 565-573 dans Fillieule Olivier, Mathieu Lilian, Péchu Cécile (eds.) Dictionnaire des mouvements sociaux, Presses de Science Po.
Economic populism and sovereigntism: the economic supply of European radical right-wing populist parties
Ivaldi Gilles, Mazzoleni Oscar, 2020/03/14. European Politics and Society, 21 (2) pp. 202-218.
Hezbollah and the Lebanese Popular Movement
Daher Joseph, 2020/03/04. IEMed. Focus.
Marxism before Marxism: Nikolaj Sieber and the birth of Russian social-democracy
Allisson François, D'Onofrio Federico, Raskov Danila E., Shirokorad Leonid D., 2020/03/03. The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 27 (2) pp. 298-323. Peer-reviewed.
Who Runs the Firm? A Long-Term Analysis of Gender Inequality on Swiss Corporate Boards
GINALSKI STEPHANIE, 2020/03/02. Enterprise & Society pp. 1-29. Peer-reviewed.
Patterns of Policy Integration and Administrative Coordination Reforms: A Comparative Empirical Analysis
Trein Philipp, Maggetti Martino, 2020/03. Public Administration Review, 80 (2) pp. 198-208. Peer-reviewed.
Dictionnaire des mouvements sociaux
Fillieule Olivier, Mathieu Lilian, Péchu Cécile, 2020/02/28., Presses de Science Po.
Multilevel regulatory coordination: The interplay between European Union, federal and regional regulatory agencies
Mathieu Emmanuelle, Matthys Joery, Verhoest Koen, Rommel Jan, 2020/02/09. Public Policy and Administration p. 095207671988673.
Digital platforms in the global political economy
Perticone Yannick, Graz Jean-Christophe, Kunz Rahel, 2020/02/04. dans Annual conference of the Swiss Political Science Association. Peer-reviewed.
The Standardisation of Natural Capital Accounting Methodologies
Maechler Sylvain, Graz Jean-Christophe, 2020/01/27. pp. 27-53 dans Jakobs Kai (eds.) Shaping the Future Through Standardization, IGI Global.
The ‘Caesar Bill’: A step towards accountability in Syria, or a worsening economic crisis?
Daher Joseph, 2020/01/27. Syria Untold.
Le Hezbollah face au mouvement populaire libanais : du confessionnalisme comme régime de domination
Daher Joseph, 2020/01/08. CAREP Paris.
Adam Smith, Economia dei sentimenti. Scritti sulla morale e sulla ricchezza
Bee Michele (eds.), 2020., 2e édition Saggine, Donzelli.
Adrien Wyssbrod, De la coutume au code. Résistances à la codification du droit civil à Neuchâtel sous l'Ancien Régime
Mottironi Henri-Pierre, 2020., 11 pp. 141-143. Peer-reviewed.
Business interests and the development of the public-private welfare mix in Switzerland, 1880-1990
Eichenberger Pierre, Leimgruber Matthieu, 2020. dans Business Interests and the Development of the Modern Welfare State, Routledge.
Claiming Regionalism and Nationalism at the same time: How the Italian and Swiss Leagues can engage in contradictory Claims and get away with it.
Mazzoleni Oscar, Ruzza Carlo, 2020. pp. 64-86 dans Heinisch Reinhard, Massetti Emanuele, Mazzoleni Oscar (eds.) The People and the Nation. Populism and Ethno-Territorial Politics in Europe, Routledge.
Compte rendu du livre de Carole Villiger, Le choix de la violence en politique, Lausanne : Antipodes, 2019, 158 p.
Rapin A.-J., 2020. Revue Historique Vaudoise.
Compte rendu du livre de Jean-Jacques Langendorf, Warnery. Un hussard vaudois, Gollion : Infolio, 2019, 64 p.
Rapin A.-J., 2020. Revue Historique Vaudoise.
Mazzoleni Oscar, Mena Oscar, 2020. pp. 259-262 dans Mazzoleni Oscar, Mena Oscar (eds.) Un secolo di storia politica. Dal partito Agrario all'UDC (1920-2020), Armando Dadò.
Conclusions. The Italian Populist Challenge in Comparative Perspective
Mazzoleni Oscar, 2020. pp. 242-248 dans Blokker Paul, Anselmi Manuel (eds.) Multiple Populisms. Italy as Democracy’s Mirror, Routledge.
Contrat de prestations
Giauque David, 2020. dans Dictionnaire de politique sociale suisse, Seismo Verlag.
COVID-19 and the Syrian Regime – an Opportunity to Tighten its Authoritarian Control over Society
Daher Joseph, 2020. Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Syria Project.
Dai movimenti sociali all’istituzionalizzazione: il Movimento 5 stelle e il caso Tav
Biancalana Cecilia, 2020. dans Rhodes Martin, Moschella Manuela (eds.) Politica in Italia. I fatti dell’anno e le interpretazioni. Edizione 2020, Il Mulino.
Dalle incertezze di fine secolo alla conquista del Consiglio degli Stati (1990-2020)
Mazzoleni Oscar, 2020. pp. 211-258 dans Mazzoleni Oscar, Mena Fabrizio (eds.) Un secolo di storia politica. Dal partito Agrario all'UDC (1920-2020), Armando Dadò editore/Fondazione Carlo Danzi.
Domestic resistance against EU policy implementation: member states motives to take the Commission to Court
Mathieu Emmanuelle, Bauer Michael W., 2020. dans Public Policy and the CJEU's Power: Bringing Stakeholders In, Routledge.
Du micro au macro : aborder les politiques publiques au travers de l’analyse des activités de mise en œuvre
Weissbrodt Rafaël, Giauque David (eds.), 2020., Actes du 55ème Congrès de la SELF 7.
Démocratie et mouvements sociaux
Pohl Nicholas, 2020. pp. 181-186 dans Fillieule Olivier, Mathieu Lilian, Péchu Cécile (eds.) Dictionnaire des mouvements sociaux, Presses de Sciences.
Editorial: Judicial Populism: the Rule of the People against the Rule of Law
Blokker Paul, Mazzoleni Oscar, 2020. Participazione e conflitto (Participation and Conflict), 13 (3) pp. 1411-1416. Peer-reviewed.
Chollet Antoine, 2020. pp. 200-202 dans Bonvin Jean-Michel, Hugentobler Valérie, Knöpfel Carlo, Maeder Pascal, Tecklenburg Ueli (eds.) Jean-Michel Bonvin, Valérie Hugentobler, Carlo Knöpfel, Pascal Maeder, Ueli Tecklenburg (dir.), Dictionnaire de politique sociale suisse, Seismo.
Elezioni del Gran Consiglio 2019: flussi elettorali e profili dei partiti
Pilotti Andrea, Mazzoleni Oscar, 2020. 9.
Europe in the World – L’Europe dans le monde
Grin Gilles, Paul Eva, Nicod Françoise (eds.), 2020. Collection débats et documents 14 129, Fondation Jean Monnet pour l'Europe.
Exploring the Continuity in Adam Smith’s Thought: Chapter II (Part V) of The Theory of Moral Sentiments
Bee Michele, 2020. The Adam Smith Review, 12 pp. 313-328. Peer-reviewed.
Foi de militant.e.s ! Engagement et valeurs chrétiennes
Buclin Hadrien, Enckell Marianne, Descloux Gilles, 2020., 36 215, éditions d'en bas.
From High Judges to Policy Stakeholders: a Public Policy Approach to the CJEU’s Power
Mathieu Emmanuelle, Adam Christian, Hartlapp Miriam, 2020. dans Public Policy and the CJEU's Power: Bringing Stakeholders In, Routledge.
From kleroterion to cryptology : The act of sortition in the 21st century, instruments and practices
Courant Dimitri, 2020. pp. 343-371 dans Lopez-Rabatel Lilane, Sintomer Yves (eds.) Sortition and Democracy, Imprint Academic.
From social movements to institutionalization: The Five-star Movement and the high-speed train line in Val di Susa
Biancalana Cecilia, 2020. Contemporary Italian Politics, 12 (2) pp. 155-168. Peer-reviewed.
Grundgesetz und deutscher Föderalismus von außen betrachtet: Inspirationen für die Schweiz?
Mueller Sean, 2020. pp. 247-266 dans Reformbaustelle Bundesstaat, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
Il populismo rafforza la partecipazione dei cittadini? Prospettive di ricerca sul nesso tra populismo e partecipazione
Biancalana Cecilia, 2020. Iride - Filosofia e discussione pubblica, XXXIII (1) pp. 93-102.
In the Name of Sovereignty. Right-Wing Populism and the Power of the Judiciary in Western Europe
Mazzoleni Oscar, Voerman Gerrit, 2020. Participazione e conflitto (Participation and Conflict), 13 (3) pp. 1417-1432. Peer-reviewed.
Inquiétudes économiques face à La Covid-19 : un terreau pour le vote nationalpopuliste ?
Ivaldi Gilles, Mazzoleni Oscar, 2020. 13.
Buclin Hadrien, Enckell Marianne, Descloux Gilles, 2020. pp. 7-10 dans Foi de militant.e.s ! Engagement et valeurs chrétiennes, éditions d'en bas.
Introduction. European party-based Populism and Territory
Heinisch Reinhard, Massetti Emanuele, Mazzoleni Oscar, 2020. pp. 1-19 dans Heinisch R., Massetti E., Mazzoleni O. (eds.) The People and the Nation. Populism and Ethno-Territorial Politics in Europe, Routledge.
Mazzoleni Oscar, Mena Fabrizio, 2020. pp. 15-18 dans Mazzoleni Oscar, Mena Fabrizio (eds.) Un secolo di storia politica. Dal partito Agrario all'UDC (1920-2020), Armando Dadò.
Jevons and Marshall as Humboldtian Scientists
Maas Harro, 2020. pp. 121-145 dans Marshall and the Marshallian Heritage chap. 6, K. Caldari et al. (eds.), .
Judicial populism: the rule of the people against the rule of law (Special Issue)
Blokker Paul, Mazzoleni Oscar (eds.), 2020., 13 3 75, PACO-Partecipazione e conflitto (Participation and Conflict, Journal).
Kübellos in the Canton of Glarus. A Unique Experience of Sortition in Politics
Chollet Antoine, Dupuis Aurèle, 2020. pp. 264-280 dans Liliane Lopez-Rabatel, Yves Sintomer (ed.), Sortition & Democracy. History, Tools, Theories, Imprint Academic.
Kübellos in the canton of Glarus: a unique experience of sortition in politics
Chollet Antoine, Dupuis Aurèle, 2020/01/01. Sortition and Democracy.
La Convention citoyenne pour le climat : Une représentation délibérative
Courant Dimitri, 2020. Revue Projet, N°378 (5) pp. 60-64.
La coopération des syndicats patronaux. Relations d’affaires dans les coulisses du traité de l’Élysée (1961-1964)
Turberg Paul, 2020. 20 & 21. Revue d'histoire, 147 (3) pp. 91-104. Peer-reviewed.
Lay explanations for poverty: A multilevel analysis of European public opinion (1976 – 2014)
Marquis Lionel, 2020. pp. 253-275 dans Careja Romana, Emmenegger Patrick, Giger Nathalie (eds.) The European Social Model under Pressure, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
Le Gilet et le Marteau. L'Assemblée des assemblées organise l'aile gauche des ronds-points
Ravelli Quentin, Bendali Zakaria, Bonin Loïc, Gaborit Maxime, Grémion Théo, Ivanovic Mila, Liochon Pauline, Toth Naomi, 2020. Mouvements, n°101 (1) p. 13.
Le patronat des États-Unis et la promesse d'un eldorado européen. Dépenses militaires, investissements directs et crise des paiements (1958-1974)
Schaufelbuehl Janick Marina, 2020. pp. 467–478 dans Fraboulet Danièle, Verheyde Philippe (eds.) Pour une histoire sociale et politique de l’économie : Hommages à Michel Margairaz, Éditions de la Sorbonne.
Le populisme nord-américain
Chollet Antoine, 2020. pp. 338-349 dans Bras Gérard (eds.) De l’injustice, Pont 9.
Le temps public: Cornelius Castoriadis et l'institution d'un temps démocratique
Chollet Antoine, 2020. pp. 107-129 dans Tranchant Thibault, Vibert Stéphane (eds.) Les carrefours du temps. Temporalités et histoire dans l’œuvre de Cornelius Castoriadis, Presses de l'Université Laval (coll. Zêtêsis).
Les acteurs des réseaux européens de régulateurs indépendants : Une exploration de leurs rôles et identités
Maggetti Martino, 2020. dans Politique de l'indépendance, Presses Universitaires du Septentrion.
Les formes du réseau charitable
Ginalski Stéphanie, Topalov Christian, 2020. dans Philanthropes en 1900, Creaphis.
Les livres
Rayner Hervé, Voutat Bernard, 2020. Revue française de sociologie, 61 (2) p. 305.
Les états de service d'Antoine Henri Jomini, dans les armées helvétique, française et russe
Rapin Ami-Jacques, 2020. 238, Kindle.
Les États-Unis et l’Europe depuis 1945. Réseaux économiques, philanthropiques et scientifiques II, Relations internationales 181, 1
Schaufelbuehl Janick Marina, Vallotton François (eds.), 2020., PUF.
Luttes pour la reconnaissance
Voirol Olivier, 2020. pp. 350-357 dans Fillieule Olivier, Mathieu Lilian, Péchu Cécile (eds.) Dictionnaire des mouvements sociaux, 2e éd. mise à jour et augmentée, Presses de Sciences Po.
Löchrige Quellen und lückenhafte Erzählungen. Wie Frau Silla in Borneo die Gründungsgeschichte der Schweiz trotzdem mitprägte
Schär Bernhard C., 2020. pp. 121-144 dans Ausgeschlossen einflussreich. Handlungsspielräume an den Rändern etablierter Machtstrukturen, Schwabe.
L’Europe dans le monde : la perspective des trois citoyens d’honneur de l’Europe
Grin Gilles, 2020. pp. 13-31 dans Europe in the World – L’Europe dans le monde, Collection débats et documents, Fondation Jean Monnet.
L’Union européenne dans un monde en profonde mutation
Grin Gilles, 2020. pp. 5-9 dans Europe in the World – L’Europe dans le monde, Collection débats et documents, Fondation Jean Monnet pour l'Europe.
L’Échelon International-Transnational de l’Action Publique
Maggetti Martino, 2020. dans Traité en analyse des politiques publiques, Larcier.
Fillieule Olivier, Favre Pierre, 2020. dans Dictionnaire des mouvement sociaux, Presses de Sciences Po.
Normative Theorien autoritärer Herrschaft
Braun Dietmar, 2020., Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
On History and Art in Brazil → and the Art of Narrating History in Switzerland
Nicacio André, Schär Bernhard C., 2020. pp. 45-52 dans Strata. Mining Silence, edition fink.
Partisanship in the process of party choice
Franklin Mark N., Lutz Georg, Holmberg Sören, 2020. pp. 308-327 dans Oscarsson Henrik (eds.) Research Handbook on Political Partisanship chap. 23, Edward Elgar.
Political Accountability
Papadopoulos Yannis, 2020. pp. 695-711 dans The Sage Handbook of Political Science, Sage.
Populism and Ethno-Territorial Politics – Conclusions. Bridging legacies in understanding party mobilization
Heinisch Reinhard, Massetti Emanuele, Mazzoleni Oscar, 2020. pp. 280-290 dans Heinisch R., Massetti E., Mazzoleni O. (eds.) The People and the Nation. Populism and Ethno-Territorial Politics in Europe, Routledge.
Bennani-Chraïbi Mounia, 2020. pp. XVII-XIX dans Devenir révolutionnaire à Alexandrie, Dalloz.
Public Policy and the CJEU's Power: Bringing Stakeholders In
Mathieu Emmanuelle, Adam Christian, Hartlapp Miriam (eds.), 2020., 1 194, Routledge.
Reframing knowledge: A comparison of OECD and World Bank discourse on public governance reform
De Francesco Fabrizio, Guaschino Edoardo, 2020. Policy and Society, 1 (39) pp. 113-128. Peer-reviewed.
Relations de travail
Mach André, 2020. dans J.M. Bonvin, V. Hugentobler, C. Knöpfel, P. Maeder et U. Tecklenburg (sous la dir.) Dictionnaire de politique sociale suisse. pp. 472-474, Editions Seismo.
Settings Precedents: Manifatture Knos, Space of Indecision
Bee Michele, 2020. pp. 100-119 dans De Tullio Mariafrancesca (eds.) Commons. Between Dream and Reality, Creative Industry Kosice.
Slavery, Exoticism, and Swiss Exceptionalism around 1800
Schär Bernhard C., 2020. pp. 63-77 dans Exotic Switzerland? Looking Outward in the Age of Enlightenment, Diaphenes.
Special Issue: Linking Sovereignism and Populism. Citizens and Parties in contemporary Western Europe
Basile Linda (eds.)Mazzoleni Oscar, 2020., 2 21 270, European Politics and Society (Journal).
Suisse – Europe : une perspective historique
Grin Gilles, 2020. Collection débats et documents 18 77, Fondation Jean Monnet pour l’Europe.
Switzerland (Swiss Confederation) : Governing with 26 Cantons, 4 Languages and Frequent Referendums
Mueller Sean, Vatter Adrian, 2020. pp. 341-352 dans The Forum of Federations Handbook of Federal Countries 2020, Springer International Publishing.
Taking the EU to Court: Annulment Proceedings and Multilevel Judicial Conflict
Adam Christian, Bauer Michael W., Hartlapp Miriam, Mathieu Emmanuelle, 2020., Palgrave Macmillan.
The IDHEAP/NCCR-on the move survey 'Solidarity in times of crisis' - Data Dashboard
Knotz Carlo, Gandenberger Mia, Fossati Flavia, Bonoli Giuliano, Trein Philipp, 2020..
The People and the Nation: Populism and Ethno-Territorial Politics in Europe
Heinisch Reinhard, Massetti Emanuele, Mazzoleni Oscar (eds.), 2020. "Extremism and Democracy" Series 298, Routledge.
The Role of Nikolay Sieber in Early Russian Marxism
Allisson François, 2020. pp. 325-337 dans Avtonomov Vladimir S., Rubinshtein Alexander Ya. (eds.) Экономические теории в пространстве и времени chap. 14, Aletejja and Institute of Economics, Russian Academy of Science.
The use of sortition in the Helvetic Republic: The decline of chance
Mellina Maxime, 2020/01. dans Lopez-Rabatel Liliane, Sintomer Yves (eds.) Sortition and Democracy, Imprint Academics.
Tirage au sort et politique. Une histoire suisse
Mellina Maxime, Dupuis Aurèle, Chollet Antoine, 2020., Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes, Savoir Suisse.
Towards a comprehensive system of controls for EU agencies
Scholten Miroslava, Maggetti Martino, Papadopoulos Yannis, 2020. pp. 312-327 dans Scholten Miroslava, Brenninkmeijer Alex (eds.) Controlling Agencies. The Rule of Law in a Multi-jurisdictional Legal Order, Edward Elgar.
Transnationale Geschichte der Schweiz. Histoire transnationale de la Suisse
Eichenberger Pierre, Büsser Nathalie, David Thomas, Wirth Christa, Haller Lea, Straumann Tobias, 2020., Chronos, Zurich.
Trois regards sur le mouvement des « Gilets jaunes
fillieule olivier, monchatre sylvie, Hayat Samuel, 2020. Nouvelle revue du travail n°17.
Télétravail en temps de pandémie Covid-19: résultats d’un sondage LinkedIn avant et pendant le semi-confinement
Giauque David, Emery Yves, Renard Karine, Cornu Frédéric, 2020., Institut de Hautes Etudes en Administration Publique (IDHEAP), Université de Lausanne.
Un numéro précaire pourquoi faire?
Duchesne Sophie, 2020. Bulletin de méthodologie Scientifique.
Un secolo di storia politica. Dal Partito Agrario all'UDC (1920-2020)
Mazzoleni Oscar, Mena Fabrizio (eds.), 2020. 305, Armando Dadò editore/Fondazione Carlo Danzi.
Unifying and multiplying the people: the strategy of ambiguity in national-populist discourse within a cross-border area
Biancalana Cecilia, Mazzoleni Oscar, 2020. Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, 26 (3) pp. 279-298. Peer-reviewed.
Verso una riforma del sistema elettorale per le elezioni del Consiglio di Stato e del Gran Consiglio ticinesi?
Pilotti Andrea, Mazzoleni Oscar, 2020. 59, Observatoire de la vie politique régionale-Institut d'études politiques.
«To raise less corn and more hell». La démocratie sauvage des populistes nord-américains
Chollet Antoine, 2020. Réfractions, recherches et expressions anarchistes 45 pp. 91-104.
The deep roots of the depreciation of the Syrian pound
Daher Joseph, 2019/12/18. Middle East Directions (MED); Wartime and Post-Conflict in Syria, European University Institute.
Quelques apports de Thomas Schelling à la compréhension des processus sociaux
Rayner Hervé, 2019/12/16. Emulations - Revue de sciences sociales 31.
Rétrospective sur la voix de la rue au Maroc : Tout ne change pas pour ne rien changer
Bennani-Chraïbi Mounia, 2019/12/10. L'Année du Maghreb, 21 (21) pp. 37-54. Peer-reviewed.
International Political Economy (IPE) meets International Political Sociology (IPS)
Graz Jean-Christophe, Kessler Oliver, Kunz Rahel, 2019/12/02. International Relations, 4 (33) pp. 586–594. Peer-reviewed.
Assessing the cohesion and disunity of business associations: Towards a socio-economic framework
Moussu Nils, 2019/12. International Relations, 33 (4) pp. 615-619.
Combattre, améliorer et sauvegarder : l'Union syndicale valaisanne et les droits populaires (1970-1998)
Antoniazza Baptiste, Agthe Bonnie, 2019/12. pp. 87-117 dans Union syndicale valaisanne (USVs). 1919-2019 : 100 ans de luttes, Union syndicale valaisanne.
L'Avocat, le Banquier et la Banqueroute : la dette publique en débat en France entre 1787 et 1789
Saint-Phalle Pierre de, 2019/12/01. OEconomia 9-4 pp. 727-761. Peer-reviewed.
La dette publique : une histoire longue
Allisson François, Chassonnery-Zaïgouche Cléo (eds.), 2019/12/01., 9 4, Œconomia (History | Methodology | Philosophy).
L'histoire du tirage au sort et la démocratie
Chollet Antoine, 2019/11/15. Mélanges de la Casa de Velázquez 49-2 pp. 345-348.
Taking a Gendered Bottom-up Approach to Peacebuilding
Prügl Elisabeth, Rigual Christelle, Rahmawati Arifah, Onyesoh Joy, Kunz Rahel, Achakpa Mimidoo, Udasmoro Wening, 2019/11/15., Graduate Institute Geneva.
Messy feminist knowledge politics: a double reading of post-conflict gender mainstreaming in Liberia
Kunz Rahel, 2019/11/13. International Feminist Journal of Politics pp. 1-23. Peer-reviewed.
La nouvelle gestion publique en Suisse: quels défis pour le monde de l'enseignement supérieur
Emery Yves, Giauque David, 2019/11/04. Bulletin de l'Association Suisse des Enseignant-e-s d'Université, 45ème année (3/4) pp. 5-11.
Devenir(s) militants: proposition de méthode pour une exploration des conséquences biographiques de l'engagement des soixante-huitard.e.s français.e.s
Rossier Thierry, 2019/11/01. revue française de science politique. Peer-reviewed.
The eternal rebirth of the liberal creed: Alternative temporalities of Swiss neoliberalism
Eichenberger Pierre, 2019/11. Journal of Modern European History, 17 (4) pp. 390-395.
World Atlas of Global Issues
Durand Marie-Françoise, Albaret Mélanie, Allès Delphine, Copinschi Philippe, Maertens Lucile, Placidi-Frot Delphine, 2019/11/01..
Economics as a Public Science, Part I: The Economist’s Ethos and Modes of Persuasion
Maas Harro, Medema Steven, Guidi Marco (eds.), 2019/10/28., OEconomia: History, Methodology, Philosophy, OEconomia Association.
Professionalization through symbolic and social capital: Evidence from the careers of elite consultants
Kipping Matthias, Bühlmann Felix, David Thomas, 2019/10/24. Journal of Professions and Organization.
Centralization through decentralization? The crystallization of social order in the European Union
Sean Mueller, Michael Hechter, 2019/10/21. Territory, Politics, Governance.
Sovereignist Wine in populist Bottles? An introduction
Basile Linda, Mazzoleni Oscar, 2019/10/11. European Politics and Society pp. 1-12. Peer-reviewed.
L’École sous le Protectorat tunisien, un terrain d’expérimentation de l’Éducation nouvelle ? Transferts et passages dans la trajectoire de Marie-Anne Carroi
Fontaine Alexandre, Riondet Xavier, 2019/10/01. Les Etudes Sociales 169 pp. 261-284. Peer-reviewed.
Substituting risk for uncertainty. Where are the limits and how to face them?
Maechler Sylvain, Graz Jean-Christophe, Furrer Etienne, Lunghi Emma Sofia, Monthoux Marc, Yousefzai Céline, 2019/10/01. Les Cahiers de l’IEP / IEP Working Papers Series 73 pp. 1-26.
Tirage au sort et démocratie : l’évolution des usages du sort dans les républiques suisses (17e-19e siècles)
Mellina Maxime, Dupuis Aurèle, 2019/10. Mélanges de la Casa de Velàzquez. Nouvelle série, 2 (49) pp. 339-344.
Economics as a Public Science. Part II: Institutional Settings », Œconomia [En ligne], 9-3 | 2019, mis en ligne le 01 septembre 2019, consulté le 08 janvier 2020. URL :
Maas Harro, Medema Steven G., Guidi Marco (eds.), 2019/09/01..
Introduction to Economics as a Public Science. Part II: Institutional Settings
maas harro, medema Steven G., Guidi Marco, 2019/09/01. Œconomia.
Book review of "Nation building: why some countries come together while others fall apart"
Sean Mueller, 2019/08/08. Regional & Federal Studies.
La « base populaire » des mouvements fondamentalistes islamiques. Le cas du Hezbollah au Liban
Daher Joseph, 2019/08/08. pp. . 285-296 dans Où est passée la justice sociale ? , Presses universitaires du Septentrion.
Pensar la crítica independientemente de la crisis: de la dialéctica programática de Marx a la dialéctica afirmativa de Badiou
Badiei Sina, 2019/08/01. Revista Latinoamericana del Colegio Internacional de Filosofía, 4 (6) pp. 79-95. Peer-reviewed.
Review of Ivan Moscati, Measuring Utility: From the Marginal Revolution to Behavioral Economics. New York: Oxford University Press, 2019. ix + 326 pp. $35 (paperback), ISBN: 978-0-19-937277-5.
maas harro, 2019/08/01. Eh-net.
The Power of Standards. Hybrid Authority and the Globalisation of Services
Graz Jean-Christophe, 2019/08/01. 258, Cambridge University Press.
La Ligue de Matteo Salvini et ‘l’environnementalisme de salon’ : entre indifférence, hostilité et intéressement aux enjeux écologiques
Rayner Hervé, 2019/07/10. La pensée écologique, 4 (2) pp. 31-44.
Knowledge, policymaking and learning for European cities and regions
Trein Philipp, 2019/07/04. Local Government Studies, 45 (4) pp. 597-599. Peer-reviewed.
Should we stay or should we join? 30 years of Sovereignism and direct democracy in Switzerland
Sean Mueller, Anja Heidelberger, 2019/07. European Politics and Society.
Economic populism and sovereigntism: the economic supply of European radical right-wing populist parties
Ivaldi Gilles, Mazzoleni Oscar, 2019/06/24. European Politics and Society, First online pp. 1-17. Peer-reviewed.
Functional stakes and EU regulatory governance: temporal patterns of regulatory integration in energy and telecommunications
Mathieu Emmanuelle, 2019/06/24. West European Politics pp. 1-20.
Environmental management systems standards facing natural capital accounting: ISO 14007 & ISO 14008
Maechler Sylvain, Graz Jean-Christophe, 2019/06/15. dans Falcone Pasquale Marcello , Jacobs Kai (eds.) Proceedings of the 24th EURAS Annual Standardisation Conference ‘– Standards for a Bio-Based Economy’, Verlaghaus Mainz.. Peer-reviewed.
Using a Feminist Paradigm (Intersectionality) to Study Conservative Women: The Case of Pro-life Activists in Italy
Avanza Martina, 2019/06/07. Politics & Gender pp. 1-29. Peer-reviewed.
Délibération et tirage au sort au sein d’une institution permanente. Le Conseil Supérieur de la Fonction Militaire (1968-2016)
Courant Dimitri, 2019/06. Participations, 23 (1). Peer-reviewed.
Integration, functional differentiation and problem‐solving in multilevel governance
Trein Philipp, Thomann Eva, Maggetti Martino, 2019/06. Public Administration, 97 (2) pp. 339-354. Peer-reviewed.
Introduction to Economics as a Public Science
Maas Harro, Medema Steven G., Guidi Marco, 2019/06/01. OEconomia 9-2 pp. 201-207.
O sister, where art thou? Theory and evidence on female participation at citizen assemblies
Gerber Marlène, Schaub Hans-Peter, Mueller Sean, 2019/06/01. European Journal of Politics and Gender, 2 (2) pp. 173-195.
Mobilizing and chasing : The voter targeting of negative campaigning – Lessons from the Swiss case
Stuckelberger Simon, 2019/05/28. Party Politics.
Is the Sky the Limit? Risk, Uncertainty, and Nature
Maechler Sylvain, 2019/05/11..
Hybrid production regimes and labor agency in transnational private governance
Graz Jean-Christophe, Helmerich Nicole, Prébandier Cécile, 2019/05/08. Journal of Business Ethics, 162 pp. 307–321. Peer-reviewed.
Balancing experimentalist and hierarchical governance in European Union electricity and telecommunications regulation: A matter of degrees
Mathieu Emmanuelle, Rangoni Bernardo, 2019/05/07. Regulation & Governance.
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