Infectious Diseases

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2463 publications

... | 1990 | 1989 | 1988 | 1987 | 1986 | 1985 | 1984 | 1983 | 1982 | 1979 | 1978 |
Prognostic values of tumor necrosis factor/cachectin, interleukin-1, interferon-alpha, and interferon-gamma in the serum of patients with septic shock. Swiss-Dutch J5 Immunoglobulin Study Group
Calandra T., Baumgartner J. D., Grau G. E., Wu M. M., Lambert P. H., Schellekens J., Verhoef J., Glauser M. P., 1990/05. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 161 (5) pp. 982-7. Peer-reviewed.
Incidence of gallbladder lithiasis after ceftriaxone treatment.
Cometta A., Gallot-Lavallée-Villars S., Iten A., Cantoni L., Anderegg A., Gonvers J.J., Glauser M.P., 1990/04. The Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 25 (4) pp. 689-695. Peer-reviewed.
Association between protective efficacy of anti-lipopolysaccharide (LPS) antibodies and suppression of LPS-induced tumor necrosis factor alpha and interleukin 6. Comparison of O side chain-specific antibodies with core LPS antibodies
Baumgartner J. D., Heumann D., Gerain J., Weinbreck P., Grau G. E., Glauser M. P., 1990/03. Journal of Experimental Medicine, 171 (3) pp. 889-96. Peer-reviewed.
Les immunoglobulines ont-elles un interet et un avenir dans le traitement des infections bacteriennes graves? [Do immunoglobulins have a value and a future in the treatment of severe bacterial infections?]
Baumgartner J. D., 1990/02. Presse Médicale, 19 (5) pp. 196-8. Peer-reviewed.
Successful prophylaxis of experimental streptococcal endocarditis with single-dose amoxicillin administered after bacterial challenge
Berney P., Francioli P., 1990/02. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 161 (2) pp. 281-5.
Polymorphism of Tcrb and Tcrg genes in Biozzi mice: segregation analysis of a new Tcrg haplotype with antibody responsiveness
Vidard L., Roger T., Pham G., Couderc J., Bouthillier Y., Mevel J. C., Mouton D., Seman M., 1990. Immunogenetics, 32 (1) pp. 27-33.
Clinical significance of Candida isolated from peritoneum in surgical patients
Calandra T., Bille J., Schneider R., Mosimann F., Francioli P., 1989/12. Lancet, 2 (8677) pp. 1437-40.
Fongemies a Candida. [Candida fungemia]
Zanetti G., Calandra T., de Muralt B., Bille J., Glauser M. P., 1989/09. Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift, 119 (36) pp. 1213-8. Peer-reviewed.
Plasminogen activator inhibitor 1: a new prognostic marker in septic shock
Pralong G., Calandra T., Glauser M. P., Schellekens J., Verhoef J., Bachmann F., Kruithof E. K., 1989/06. Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 61 (3) pp. 459-62.
Analyse génétique et moléculaire
Roger T., 1989. pp. 87-109 dans Debré P., Seman M. (eds.) Clonage des lymphocytes T, éditions INSERM.
Interpretation of Data Regarding the Protection Afforded by Serum, IgG, or IgM Antibodies after Immunization with the Rough Mutant R595 of Salmonella minnesota
Baumgartner J. D., Wu M. M., Glauser M. P., 1989. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 160 (2) pp. 347-348.
Le point sur les antibiotiques beta-lactames. [Focus on beta-lactam antibiotics]
Cometta A., Glauser M. P., 1988/12. Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift, 118 (49) pp. 1817-22.
Studies of cell-surface glorin receptors, glorin degradation, and glorin-induced cellular responses during development of Polysphondylium violaceum
De Wit R. J., van Bemmelen M. X., Penning L. C., Pinas J. E., Calandra T. D., Bonner J. T., 1988/12. Experimental Cell Research, 179 (2) pp. 332-43.
Spectre clinique d'un pathogene commun et insidieux: le Streptococcus milleri. [Clinical spectrum of a common and insidious pathogen: Streptococcus milleri]
Spertini F., Baumgartner J. D., Bille J., 1988/10. Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift, 118 (39) pp. 1393-7.
Treatment of gram-negative septic shock with human IgG antibody to Escherichia coli J5: a prospective, double-blind, randomized trial
Calandra T., Glauser M. P., Schellekens J., Verhoef J., 1988/08. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 158 (2) pp. 312-9.
Comparative Studies of Fluoroquinolones in the Treatment of Urinary Tract Infections
Malinverni R., Glauser M. P., 1988. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 10 (Supplement_1) pp. S153-S163.
Empiric antimicrobial therapy for febrile granulocytopenic cancer patients: lessons from four EORTC trials
Klastersky J., Zinner S. H., Calandra T., Gaya H., Glauser M. P., Meunier F., Rossi M., Schimpff S. C., Tattersall M., Viscoli C., 1988. European Journal of Cancer & Amp; Clinical Oncology, 24 Suppl 1 pp. S35-45.
Experimental endocarditis following dental extractions in rats with periodontitis.
Overholser C.D., Moreillon P., Glauser M.P., 1988. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 46 (10) pp. 857-861.
Predictors of endocarditis in isolates from cultures of blood following dental extractions in rats with periodontal disease.
Moreillon P., Overholser C.D., Malinverni R., Bille J., Glauser M.P., 1988. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 157 (5) pp. 990-995.
The role of iron overload in Yersinia enterocolitica and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis bacteremia in hemodialysis patients.
Boelaert J.R., van Landuyt H.W., Valcke Y.J., Cantinieaux B., Lornoy W.F., Vanherweghem J.L., Moreillon P., Vandepitte J.M., 1987/08. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 156 (2) pp. 384-387.
Demonstration of cross-reactive antibodies to smooth gram-negative bacteria in antiserum to Escherichia coli J5
Baumgartner J. D., O'Brien T. X., Kirkland T. N., Glauser M. P., Ziegler E. J., 1987/07. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 156 (1) pp. 136-43. Peer-reviewed.
Single-dose rifampin prophylaxis for experimental endocarditis induced by high bacterial inocula of viridans streptococci
Malinverni R., Bille J., Glauser M. P., 1987/07. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 156 (1) pp. 151-7. Peer-reviewed.
Utilisation des antibiotiques pour la prevention des pneumonies bacteriennes dans les Unites de soins intensifs chirurgicaux. [Use of antibiotics for the prevention of bacterial pneumonia in surgical intensive care units]
Baumgartner J. D., Glauser M. P., 1987/05. Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift, 117 (19) pp. 707-11. Peer-reviewed.
Anti-endotoxin immunotherapy in septic shock.
Baumgartner J.D., Glauser M.P., 1987/04. The Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 19 (4) p. 551. Peer-reviewed.
Controversies in the use of passive immunotherapy for bacterial infections in the critically ill patient
Baumgartner J. D., Glauser M. P., 1987/02. Reviews of Infectious Diseases, 9 (1) pp. 194-205.
Experimental bacterial endocarditis after dental extractions in rats with periodontitis.
Overholser C.D., Moreillon P., Glauser M.P., 1987. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 155 (1) pp. 107-112.
Indications de l'immunotherapie passive dans les maladies infectieuses. [Indications for passive immunotherapy in infectious diseases]
Baumgartner J. D., 1987/01. Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift, 117 (3) pp. 84-90. Peer-reviewed.
The value of experimental models in the prophylaxis of bacterial endocarditis
Malinverni R., Glauser M. P., 1987. European Heart Journal, 8 (suppl J) pp. 357-359.
Clinical experience with Timentin in severe hospital infections.
Meylan P.R., Calandra T., Casey P.A., Glauser M.P., 1986/05. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 17 Suppl C pp. 127-139. Peer-reviewed.
Immunocompromised animal models for the study of antibiotic combinations
Calandra T., Glauser M. P., 1986/05. American Journal of Medicine, 80 (5C) pp. 45-52.
Les contusions cardiaques lors de traumatismes thoraciques non penetrants. [Cardiac contusions in nonpenetrating chest injuries]
Cometta A., Chiolero R., Freeman J., 1986/04. Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift, 116 (17) pp. 559-61.
Mechanisms of successful amoxicillin prophylaxis of experimental endocarditis due to Streptococcus intermedius.
Moreillon P., Francioli P., Overholser D., Meylan P., Glauser M.P., 1986. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 154 (5) pp. 801-807.
Prevention of gram-negative shock and death in surgical patients by antibody to endotoxin core glycolipid
Baumgartner J. D., Glauser M. P., McCutchan J. A., Ziegler E. J., van Melle G., Klauber M. R., Vogt M., Muehlen E., Luethy R., Chiolero R. et al., 1985/07. Lancet, 2 (8446) pp. 59-63. Peer-reviewed.
Disseminated candidiasis with extensive folliculitis in abusers of brown Iranian heroin
Calandra T., Francioli P., Glauser M. P., Baudraz-Rosselet F., Ruffieux C., Grigoriu D., 1985/06. European Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 4 (3) pp. 340-2.
Comparison of single doses of amoxicillin or of amoxicillin-gentamicin for the prevention of endocarditis caused by Streptococcus faecalis and by viridans streptococci.
Francioli P., Moreillon P., Glauser M.P., 1985. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 152 (1) pp. 83-89.
Prévalence des maladies infectieuses au Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois [Prevalence of infectious diseases at the Vaud University Hospital Center].
Moreillon P., Broquet P.E., Bille J., Gloor E., Glauser M.P., 1985. Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift, 115 (8) pp. 261-266.
Tolerance study of ceftriaxone compared with amoxicillin in patients with pneumonia
Baumgartner J. D., Glauser M. P., 1984/10. American Journal of Medicine, 77 (4C) pp. 54-8. Peer-reviewed.
An extreme form of the hyperdynamic syndrome in septic shock
Baumgartner J. D., Vaney C., Perret C., 1984. Intensive Care Medicine, 10 (5) pp. 245-9. Peer-reviewed.
Comparative imipenem treatment of Staphylococcus aureus endocarditis in the rat.
Baumgartner J.D., Glauser M.P., 1983/12. The Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 12 Suppl D pp. 79-87. Peer-reviewed.
Comparative study of imipenem in severe infections.
Baumgartner J.D., Glauser M.P., 1983/12. The Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 12 Suppl D pp. 141-148. Peer-reviewed.
Pharmacokinetic and microbial susceptibility studies of ceftriaxone
Baumgartner J. D., Glauser M. P., 1983/10. European Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 2 (5) pp. 501-4.
Single daily dose treatment of severe refractory infections with ceftriaxone. Cost savings and possible parenteral outpatient treatment
Baumgartner J. D., Glauser M. P., 1983/10. Archives of Internal Medicine, 143 (10) pp. 1868-73. Peer-reviewed.
Les infections endo-artérielles, complications redoutables des infections à salmonelles non typhi [Endarterial infections, redoubtable complications of non-typhi salmonella infections].
Moreillon P., Francioli P., Delacrétaz F., Weber J., Glauser M.P., 1983. Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift, 113 (51) pp. 1953-1955.
Successful single-dose amoxicillin prophylaxis against experimental streptococcal endocarditis: evidence for two mechanisms of protection.
Glauser M.P., Bernard J.P., Moreillon P., Francioli P., 1983. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 147 (3) pp. 568-575.
Severe cytomegalovirus infection in multiply transfused, splenectomized, trauma patients
Baumgartner J. D., Glauser M. P., Burgo-Black A. L., Black R. D., Pyndiah N., Chiolero R., 1982/07. Lancet, 2 (8289) pp. 63-6. Peer-reviewed.
Facteurs pronostiques de survie et de recidive tumorale apres chirurgie et radiotherapie pour cancer du sein avec ganglions axillaires positifs. La Chaux-de-Fonds 1968-1975. [Prognostic factors of survival and tumor recurrence following surgery and radiotherapy for breast cancer with positive axillary nodes. La Chaux-de-Fonds, 1968-1975]
Baumgartner J. D., Alberto P., Kocher P., 1979/05. Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift, 109 (18) pp. 681-8. Peer-reviewed.
Prevention of Pyelonephritis Due to Escherichia coli in Rats with Gentamicin Stored in Kidney Tissue
Glauser M. P., Lyons J. M., Braude A. I., 1979. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 139 (2) pp. 172-177.
Synergism of Ampicillin and Gentamicin against Obstructive Pyelonephritis Due to Escherichia coli in Rats
Glauser M. P., Lyons J. M., Braude A. I., 1979. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 139 (2) pp. 133-140.
Extraction of skin test activity from Coccidioides immitis mycelia by water, perchloric acid, and aqueous phenol extraction.
Wheat R.W., Su Chung K.S., Ornellas E.P., Scheer E.R., 1978. Infection and Immunity, 19 (1) pp. 152-159. Peer-reviewed.
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