Service de pneumologie

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Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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1411 publications

... | 1972 | 1971 |
Anticorps circulants diriges contre un constituant d'origine lymphatique mis en evidence au cours de la sarcoidose active. [Circulating antibodies directed against a constituent of lymphatic origin demonstrated during active sarcoidosis]
Favez G., Leuenberger P., 1972/01. Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift, 102 (4) pp. 129-31.
L'acidose respiratoire chronique modifie-t-elle les proprietes de tamponnage de l'espace extracellulaire. [Does chronic respiratory acidosis change the buffer properties of the extracellular space?]
Leuenberger P., Karmann U., Held D. R., 1972. Journal de Physiologie, 65 pp. Suppl 3:445A.
Circulating antibodies directed against Kveim antigen and a human normal spleen extract in sarcoidosis
Pavez G., Leuenberger P., 1971/10. American Review of Respiratory Disease, 104 (4) pp. 599-601.
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