
Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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1411 publications

... | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | ...
IFN-gamma-inducible protein 10 (CXCL10) contributes to airway hyperreactivity and airway inflammation in a mouse model of asthma
Medoff B. D., Sauty A., Tager A. M., Maclean J. A., Smith R. N., Mathew A., Dufour J. H., Luster A. D., 2002/05. Journal of Immunology, 168 (10) pp. 5278-86.
Management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: the Swiss guidelines. Official Guidelines of the Swiss Respiratory Society.
Russi E.W., Leuenberger P., Brändli O., Frey J.G., Grebski E., Gugger M., Paky A., Pons M., Karrer W., Kuhn M. et al., 2002/02/09. Swiss medical weekly, 132 (5-6) pp. 67-78. Peer-reviewed.
A quoi peut bien servir un Dispensaire antituberculeux à notre époque?
Zellweger JP, 2002. Revue Médicale de la Suisse romande, 122 pp. 457-477.
Acquisitions thérapeutiques 2001. Pneumologie, Bronchopneumopathie chronique obstructive: l 'initiative GOLD
Leuenberger Ph, Rochat Th, 2002. Médecine et hygiène, 60 (2374) pp. 54-62.
Agreement between daytime measurement of arterial blood gases, nocturnal pulse oximetry and transcutaneous capnography in home mechanical ventilation.
Janssens JP, Héritier-Praz A, Staneczek O, Burdet L, Fitting JW, Uldry C, Tschopp JM, Rochat T, 2002. Eur Resp J, 20 pp. 155s.
Ambulatory ECG monitoring in SAPALDIA 2
Felbert D. G., Ackermann-Liebrich U., Gaspoz J. M., Barthélémy J. C., Leuenberger Ph, Morabia A., Team Sapaldia, 2002. Société suisse de santé publique p. 187.
Assessment of respiratory muscle fatigue
Supinski G. S., Fitting J. W., Bellemare F., 2002. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 166 (4) pp. 571-579.
Coûts humains de la dépendance au tabac.
Vannotti A, Priez F, Jeanrenaud C, Zellweger JP, 2002. Revue Médicale de la Suisse romande, 122 pp. 101-104.
Diagnostic de la tuberculose : comment confirmer une suspicion clinique ou radiologique ?
Zellweger JP, 2002. Médecine et hygiène, 60 (2415) pp. 2222-2224.
Home mechanical ventilation for neuromuscular diseases : 10 years of experience in the Geneva Lake area.
Reymond N, Uldry C, Fitting JW, Rochat T, Janssens JP, 2002. Forum Médical Suisse suppl 7 pp. 16S.
Influence of long-term smoking reduction on health risk markers and quality of life. .
Bolliger CT, Zellweger JP, Danielson T, van Biljon X, Robidou A, Westin A et al, 2002. Nicotine and Tobacco research, 4 pp. 433-439.
L 'asthme est-il une maladie chronique ? Que disent les asthmatiques ? Comparaison entre un collectif clinique et un collectif épidémiologique
Tschopp J. M., Burrus C., Frey J. G., Pernet R., Veragut B., Leuenberger Ph, 2002. Médecine et hygiène, 60 (2415) pp. 2225-2229.
Luftverschmutzung und Atemwegserkrankungen
Leuenberger Ph, 2002. Praxis Arena, 7 pp. 8-11.
Maladies chroniques - maladiges génétiques. Editorial
Rochat Th, Leuenberger Ph, 2002. Médecine et hygiène, 60 p. 2219.
Nicotine replacement to reduce cigarette consumption in smokers who are unwilling to quit: a randomized trial.
Etter J.F., Laszlo E., Zellweger J.P., Perrot C., Perneger T.V., 2002. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 22 (5) pp. 487-495.
Pollution atmosphérique
Leuenberger Ph, 2002..
Pollution atmosphérique .
Leuenberger Ph, 2002. dans Bronchopneumopathies chroniques obstructives.
Quantification de l'expression génique de la muqueuse bronchique après transplantation pulmonaire humaine.
Carnal B., Wellinger J., Aubert J.D., 2002. pp. 13S dans -, Swiss Medical Forum = Forum Médical Suisse.
Que faire d 'une dyspnée à spirométrie normale ?
Fitting J. W., 2002. Médecine et hygiène, 60 (2415) pp. 2230-2233.
Rauchentwöhnung - was hilft wirklich ?
Zellweger JP, 2002. Suchtmagazin, 28(5) pp. 3-9.
Raucherentwöhnung mit Bupropion (Zyban).
Berger D, Zellweger JP, Good M, Althaous B, 2002. Ars Medici, 20 pp. 937-943.
Salmonella virulence factor SipB induces activation and release of IL-18 in human dendritic cells.
Dreher D., Kok M., Obregon C., Kiama S.G., Gehr P., Nicod L.P., 2002. Journal of Leukocyte Biology, 72 (4) pp. 743-751. Peer-reviewed.
Salmonella virulence factor SipB induces activation and release of IL-18 in human dendritic cells.
Dreher D., Kok M., Obregon C., Kiama S.G., Gehr P., Nicod L.P., 2002. Journal of Leukocyte Biology, 72 (4) pp. 743-751. Peer-reviewed.
Screening and treatment for latent tuberculosis infection among asylum seekers entering Switzerland.
Breuss E., Helbling P., Altpeter E., Zellweger J.P., 2002. Swiss Medical Weekly, 132 (15-16) pp. 197-200.
Significance of macrophage predominance in pleural effusions
Mazza-Stalder J., Braunschweig R., Leuenberger P., Sauty A., 2002. pp. 20S dans -, Swiss Medical Forum = Forum Médical Suisse.
Transplantation pulmonaire dans la mucoviscidose [Lung transplantation in cystic fibrosis]
Sauty A., Rappaz I., Aubert J.D., 2002. Revue Médicale de la Suisse Romande, 122 (6) pp. 301-303.
Tuberculosis in households of index patients: is there another way to control tuberculosis?
Zellweger J.P., 2002. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 6 (3) pp. 181-182.
Validation of a French version of the MRF-28 health-related quality of life questionnaire in patients with chronic respiratory failure treated by home mechanical ventilation.
Janssens JP, Héritier-Praz A, Carone M, de Muralt B, Burdet L, Fitting JW, Tschopp JM, Rochat T, 2002. Eur Resp J, 20 pp. 234s.
Variability of lung function parameters due to use of different spirometers
Dibbert B., Künzli N., Schweinzer K. M., Ackermann-Liebrich U., Keller R., Brändli O., Perruchoud A. P., Schindler C., Leuenberger Ph, Team Sapaldia, 2002. European Respiratory Journal, suppl 38 pp. 516s.
Ventilation mécanique à domicile lors de maladies neuromusculaires : résultats préliminaires d'une étude multicentrique franco-suisse.
Janssens J.P., Fitting J.W., Gonzales J., Raphaël J.C., de Muralt B., 2002. pp. 16S dans -, Swiss Medical Forum = Forum Médical Suisse.
Walking activity measured by accelerometry during respiratory rehabilitation.
Coronado M, Janssens JP, de Muralt B, Terrier P, Schutz Y, Fitting JW, 2002. Département Interfacultaire de Sport et Santé p. 14.
Respiratory muscles in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Fitting J. W., 2001/08. Swiss Medical Weekly, 131 (33-34) pp. 483-6.
Severe pulmonary hypertension: data from the Swiss Registry.
Stricker H., Domenighetti G., Popov W., Speich R., Nicod L., Aubert J.D., Solèr M., Swiss Group for Severe Pulmonary Hypertension, 2001/06/16. Swiss medical weekly, 131 (23-24) pp. 346-350. Peer-reviewed.
Slow-wave activity in sleep apnea patients before and after continuous positive airway pressure treatment: contribution to daytime sleepiness
Heinzer R., Gaudreau H., Decary A., Sforza E., Petit D., Morisson F., Montplaisir J., 2001/06. Chest, 119 (6) pp. 1807-13.
Clinical diagnosis of current asthma: predictive value of respiratory symptoms in the SAPALDIA study. Swiss Study on Air Pollution and Lung Diseases in Adults
Sistek D., Tschopp J. M., Schindler C., Brutsche M., Ackermann-Liebrich U., Perruchoud A. P., Leuenberger P., 2001/02. European Respiratory Journal, 17 (2) pp. 214-9.
Short-term variation in air pollution and in average lung function among never-smokers. The Swiss Study on Air Pollution and Lung Diseases in Adults (SAPALDIA)
Schindler C., Kunzli N., Bongard J. P., Leuenberger P., Karrer W., Rapp R., Monn C., Ackermann-Liebrich U., 2001/02. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 163 (2) pp. 356-61.
A multicenter study to assess outcome following a switch in the primary immunosuppressant from cyclosporin (CYA) to tacrolimus (TAC) in lung recipients.
Klepetko W., Estenne M., Glanville A., Verleden G., Aubert J.D., Sarahrudi K., Gerbase M., Hirt S., Reichenspurner H., Ploner M., 2001. Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation, 20 (2) p. 208.
Alerte dans les voies respiratoires. Sus au gaspillage d'antibiotiques
Leuenberger P., Rochat T., 2001. Médecine et Hygiène 2371 pp. 2411-2412.
Contribuer à un programme performant.
Zellweger JP, 2001. Medicus Mundi Schweiz Bulletin, 83 pp. 12-17.
CXCR3 internalization following T cell-endothelial cell contact: preferential role of IFN-inducible T cell alpha chemoattractant (CXCL11)
Sauty A., Colvin R. A., Wagner L., Rochat S., Spertini F., Luster A. D., 2001. Journal of Immunology, 167 (12) pp. 7084-93.
Does endothelin-1 protect human lung fibroblasts from death receptor-induced apoptosis ?
Aubert JD, Fioroni P, Carnal B, Juillerat-Jeanneret L, 2001. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 16 pp. A268.
DOTS can be successfully implemented in a large city in Romania: results from Bucharest, sector IV.
Chiotan DI, Didilescu C, Ditiu L, Husar I, Stoicescu P, Zellweger JP, Miglior GB, 2001. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 5 (11 suppl. 1) p. 206.
Home noninvasive ventilation in the Cantons of Geneva and Vaud: a 7-year follow-up of 211 patients.
Derivaz S., Janssens J.P., Breitenstein E., Kehrer P., de Muralt B., Fitting J.W., Rochat T., 2001. pp. 11S dans Assemblée Annuelle de la Société Suisse de Pneumologie, Swiss Medical Forum = Forum Médical Suisse.
Il controllo della tuberculosi negli immigrati in Svizzera.
Zellweger JP, 2001. Pneumorama, 7 pp. 46-47.
Impact of a 3-week inpatient pulmonary rehabilitation on spontaneous physical activity measured by accelerometry.
Janssens J.P., Coronado M., Schutz Y., Terrier P., de Muralt B., Fitting J.W., 2001. pp. 12S dans Assemblée Annuelle de la Société Suisse de Pneumologie, Swiss Medical Forum = Forum Médical Suisse.
Impact of a 3-week inpatient pulmonary rehabilitation program on spontaneous physical activity measured by accelerometry.
Janssens JP, Coronado M, Schutz Y, Terrier P, de Muralt B, Fitting JW, 2001. European Respiratory Journal, 18 pp. 355s.
La maladie chronique : une atteinte à l'histoire des familles.
Gennart M, Vannotti M, Zellweger JP, 2001. Thérapie familiale, 22 pp. 231-250.
Maladie pulmonaire chronique et famille. A propos d'une étude qualitative
Célis-Gennart M., Vannotti M., Zellweger J.-P., 2001. Médecine et Hygiène, 59 (2333) pp. 320-323.
Negative pressure post-tracheal extubation alveolar hemorrhage.
Broccard A.F., Liaudet L., Aubert J.D., Schnyder P., Schaller M.D., 2001. Anesthesia and Analgesia, 92 (1) pp. 273-275. Peer-reviewed.
Outcome after unilateral lung volume reduction surgery in patients with severe emphysema.
Geiser T., Schwizer B., Krueger T., Gugger M., Hof V.I., Dusmet M., Fitting J.W., Ris H.B., 2001. European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, 20 (4) pp. 674-678. Peer-reviewed.
Outcome of treatment of tuberculosis in four pilot regions in Bulgaria.
Stefanova D., Milchev M., Ljokova V., Stoianova M., Kirov M., Kostova G., Zellweger J.P., 2001. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 5 (11 suppl. 1) p. 247.
Aubert JD, Enrico JF, Lamy O, Leimgruber-Bosset A, Rochat T, Furgger P, 2001. pp. 101-126 dans SURF - Guide médical thérapeutique.
Problèmes respiratoires chez les patients atteints de sclérose latérale amyotrophique: options thérapeutiques
Knoblauch A., Gugger M., Keller R., Eychmüller S., Baumgartner M., Fitting J.W., 2001. Swiss Medical Forum = Forum Médical Suisse, 1 (39) pp. 972-978.
Protective effects of hypercapnic acidosis on ventilator-induced lung injury.
Broccard A.F., Hotchkiss J.R., Vannay C., Markert M., Sauty A., Feihl F., Schaller M.D., 2001. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine, 164 (5) pp. 802-6. Peer-reviewed.
Pulmonary toxicity with mefloquine.
Udry E., Bailly F., Dusmet M., Schnyder P., Lemoine R., Fitting J.W., 2001. European Respiratory Journal, 18 (5) pp. 890-892.
Réhabilitation des insuffisants respiratoires chroniques
Janssens J. P., de Muralt B., Fitting J. W., 2001., In: Pneumologie. Ed: Huchon G. Masson. 311-314.
Réhabilitation des insuffisants respiratoires chroniques.
Janssens JP, de Muralt B, Fitting JW, 2001. pp. 311-314 dans Pneumologie pour le Praticien.
Sevrage du tabagisme, hypertension pulmonaire, traitement de l'asthme par anticorps anti-IgE. Acquisitions thérapeutiques en pneumologie
Aubert J.D., Rochat T., 2001. Médecine et Hygiène, 59 (2329) pp. 56-58.
Tuberculosis among illegal immigrants in Lausanne, Switzerland.
Reynard C., Zuberbuhler D., Zellweger J.P., 2001. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 5 (11 suppl. 1) p. 130.
Variations de l'endothéline-1 plasmatique et niveaux tensionnels chez les hémodialysés chroniques.
Mpio I, Gautier T, Aubert JD, Wauters JP, 2001. Néphrol, 22 p. 253.
Ventilation à domicile dans les pathologies neuromusculaires: une étude prospective et multicentrique de cohorte.
Sharshar T, Chevret S, Fitting JW, Milane J, Rodet MF, Ordronneau JR, Hazouard E, Molano L, Bedicam JM, Derenne JP et al., 2001. Rev Mal Resp, 18 pp. 1S65.
CC chemokine receptor-2 is not essential for the development of antigen-induced pulmonary eosinophilia and airway hyperresponsiveness
MacLean J. A., De Sanctis G. T., Ackerman K. G., Drazen J. M., Sauty A., DeHaan E., Green F. H., Charo I. F., Luster A. D., 2000/12. Journal of Immunology, 165 (11) pp. 6568-75.
Usefulness of sniff nasal pressure in patients with neuromuscular or skeletal disorders
Stefanutti D., Benoist M. R., Scheinmann P., Chaussain M., Fitting J. W., 2000/10. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 162 (4 Pt 1) pp. 1507-11.
Chemokines, leukocytes, and atherosclerosis
Gerszten R. E., Mach F., Sauty A., Rosenzweig A., Luster A. D., 2000/08. Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine, 136 (2) pp. 87-92.
Cost-effectiveness analysis of oral N-acetylcysteine as a preventive treatment in chronic bronchitis
Grandjean E. M., Berthet P. H., Ruffmann R., Leuenberger P., 2000/07. Pharmacological Research, 42 (1) pp. 39-50.
Exposure to motor vehicle traffic and allergic sensitization. The Swiss Study on Air Pollution and Lung Diseases in Adults (SAPALDIA) Team
Wyler C., Braun-Fahrlander C., Kunzli N., Schindler C., Ackermann-Liebrich U., Perruchoud A. P., Leuenberger P., Wuthrich B., 2000/07. Epidemiology, 11 (4) pp. 450-6.
Validity of annoyance scores for estimation of long term air pollution exposure in epidemiologic studies: the Swiss Study on Air Pollution and Lung Diseases in Adults (SAPALDIA)
Oglesby L., Kunzli N., Monn C., Schindler C., Ackermann-Liebrich U., Leuenberger P., 2000/07. American Journal of Epidemiology, 152 (1) pp. 75-83.
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma activators inhibit IFN-gamma-induced expression of the T cell-active CXC chemokines IP-10, Mig, and I-TAC in human endothelial cells
Marx N., Mach F., Sauty A., Leung J. H., Sarafi M. N., Ransohoff R. M., Libby P., Plutzky J., Luster A. D., 2000/06. Journal of Immunology, 164 (12) pp. 6503-8.
Occupational exposure to inhalative irritants and methacholine responsiveness
Leuenberger P., Schindler C., Schwartz J., Ackermann-Liebrich U., Tara D., Perruchoud A. P., Wuthrich B., Zellweger J. P., Blaser K., Bolognini G. et al., 2000/04. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health, 26 (2) pp. 146-52.
Lupus érythémateux et atteinte respiratoire : mise au point : [allergo-immunologie]
Fellrath Jean-Marc, Sauty Alain, 2000/03/01. Médecine et hygiène, 58 (2290) pp. 477-480.
Efficacy of oral long-term N-acetylcysteine in chronic bronchopulmonary disease: a meta-analysis of published double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials
Grandjean E. M., Berthet P., Ruffmann R., Leuenberger P., 2000/02. Clinical Therapeutics, 22 (2) pp. 209-21.
Re-estimated equations for 5th percentiles of lung function variables
Brandli O., Schindler C., Leuenberger P. H., Baur X., Degens P., Kunzli N., Keller R., Perruchoud A. P., 2000/02. Thorax, 55 (2) pp. 173-4.
SAPALDIA: passe, present et avenir. [SAPALDIA: past, present and future]
Leuenberger P., Ackermann-Liebrich U., Kunzli N., Schindler C., Perruchoud A. P., 2000/02. Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift, 130 (8) pp. 291-7.
The stromal cell-derived factor-1 chemokine is a potent platelet agonist highly expressed in atherosclerotic plaques
Abi-Younes S., Sauty A., Mach F., Sukhova G. K., Libby P., Luster A. D., 2000/02. Circulation Research, 86 (2) pp. 131-8.
Acquisitions thérapeutiques: immuno-allergologie
Leimguber-Bosset A, Sauty Alain, Spertini F, 2000/01/01. Rev Med Suisse, 4 (2283) p. 20224.
Antigen presentation in the lung: dendritic cells and macrophages.
Nicod L.P., Cochand L., Dreher D., 2000. Sarcoidosis, Vasculitis, and Diffuse Lung Diseases, 17 (3) pp. 246-255.
Association of environmental tobacco smoke at work and forced expiratory lung function among never smoking asthmatics and non-asthmatics. The SAPALDIA-Team. Swiss Study on Air Pollution and Lung Disease in Adults
Kunzli N., Schwartz J., Stutz E. Z., Ackermann-Liebrich U., Leuenberger P., 2000. Sozial- und Praventivmedizin, 45 (5) pp. 208-17.
Clinically "small" effects of air pollution on FVC have a large public health impact. Swiss Study on Air Pollution and Lung Disease in Adults (SAPALDIA) - team
Kunzli N., Ackermann-Liebrich U., Brandli O., Tschopp J. M., Schindler C., Leuenberger P., 2000/01. European Respiratory Journal, 15 (1) pp. 131-6.
Compliance, psychosocial factors and patients education inndifficult or therapy-resistant asthma
Uldry C., Leuenberger P., 2000. European Respiratory Review, 10 (69) pp. 97-101.
Drugs used in tuberculosis and leprosy.
Leuenberger P., Zellweger J.P., 2000. pp. 1005-1029 dans Aronson Jeffrey K., Dukes M.N.G. (eds.) Meyler's Side Effects of Drugs chap. 30, Elsevier Science.
Effect of first treatment with aminobisphosphonates pamidronate and ibandronate on circulating lymphocyte subpopulations
Pecherstorfer M., Jilch R., Sauty A., Horn E., Keck A. V., Zimmer-Roth I., Thiebaud D., 2000/01. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 15 (1) pp. 147-54.
Induction of tumor necrosis factor alpha and interleukin-8 gene expression in bronchial epithelial cells by toxic shock syndrome toxin 1.
Aubert V., Schneeberger D., Sauty A., Winter J., Sperisen P., Aubert J.D., Spertini F., 2000. Infection and Immunity, 68 (1) pp. 120-124. Peer-reviewed.
Kantonale Unterschiede in der Verordnungsdichte der apparativen Heimtherapien von Lungenpatienten in der Schweiz
Künzli N., Shang H., Grizè L., Karrer W., Keller R., Gugger M., Fitting J. W., Von Allmen A., 2000. Pneumologie, 54 pp. 147-154.
L'éducation thérapeutique de l'asthmatique n'existe pas pour le Tarmed !
Rochat T., Leuenberger P., 2000. Médecine et Hygiène, 58 pp. 2443-2444.
Mucoviscidose: traitement actuel. Indications à l'oxygénothérapie et à la ventilation mécanique non invasive [Mucoviscidosis: current therapy. Indications for oxygen therapy and non-invasive mechanical ventilation].
Fitting J.W., 2000. Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift. Supplementum, 122 pp. 55S-56S.
Nouvelles méthodes de détection précoce du carcinome bronchique
Udry E., Leuenberger P., 2000. Médecine et Hygiène, 58 (2325) pp. 2465-2469.
Pollution par les particules en suspension dans l'air et effets sur la santé
Leuenberger P., 2000. Médecine et Hygiène, 58 (2325) pp. 2479-2482.
Sniff nasal pressure: a sensitive respiratory test to assess progression of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Fitting J. W., Paillex R., Hirt L., Aebischer P., Schluep M., 1999/12. Annals of Neurology, 46 (6) pp. 887-93. Peer-reviewed.
Does the 'oxygen cost diagram' reflect changes in six minute walking distance in follow up studies?
Janssens J. P., Breitenstein E., Rochat T., Fitting J. W., 1999/11. Respiratory Medicine, 93 (11) pp. 810-5.
Differential expression of three T lymphocyte-activating CXC chemokines by human atheroma-associated cells
Mach F., Sauty A., Iarossi A. S., Sukhova G. K., Neote K., Libby P., Luster A. D., 1999/10. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 104 (8) pp. 1041-50.
In vitro and in vivo responses of murine granulocytes to human complement-derived, haemolytically inactive C5b67 (iC5b67)
Wang C., Bozza P. T., Barbashov S. F., Sauty A., Nicholson-Weller A., 1999/08. Clinical and Experimental Immunology, 117 (2) pp. 261-8.
Peak flow variability in the SAPALDIA study and its validity in screening for asthma-related conditions. The SPALDIA Team
Kunzli N., Stutz E. Z., Perruchoud A. P., Brandli O., Tschopp J. M., Bolognini G., Karrer W., Schindler C., Ackermann-Liebrich U., Leuenberger P., 1999/08. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 160 (2) pp. 427-34.
Air pollution, climate and pollen comparisons in urban, rural and alpine regions in Switzerland (SAPALDIA study)
Monn Christian, Alean-Kirkpatrick Pamela, Künzli Nino, Defila Claudio, Peeters Annie, Ackermann-Liebrich Ursula, Leuenberger Philippe, 1999/07. Atmospheric Environment, 33 (15) pp. 2411-2416.
Difficult/therapy-resistant asthma: the need for an integrated approach to define clinical phenotypes, evaluate risk factors, understand pathophysiology and find novel therapies. ERS Task Force on Difficult/Therapy-Resistant Asthma. European Respiratory Society
Chung K. F., Godard P., Adelroth E., Ayres J., Barnes N., Barnes P., Bel E., Burney P., Chanez P., Connett G. et al., 1999/05. European Respiratory Journal, 13 (5) pp. 1198-208.
Long-term ambient air pollution and respiratory symptoms in adults (SAPALDIA study). The SAPALDIA Team
Zemp E., Elsasser S., Schindler C., Kunzli N., Perruchoud A. P., Domenighetti G., Medici T., Ackermann-Liebrich U., Leuenberger P., Monn C. et al., 1999/04. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 159 (4 Pt 1) pp. 1257-66.
Antigen-induced airway hyperresponsiveness, pulmonary eosinophilia, and chemokine expression in B cell-deficient mice
MacLean J. A., Sauty A., Luster A. D., Drazen J. M., De Sanctis G. T., 1999/03. American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology, 20 (3) pp. 379-87.
Les antileucotrienes: une nouvelle classe de medicaments a integrer dans la strategie therapeutique de l'asthme. [The anti-leukotrienes: a new class of drugs to integrate into the therapeutic strategy of asthma]
Fellrath J. M., Leuenberger P., Weilenmann C., Spertini F., 1999/03. Revue Médicale de la Suisse Romande, 119 (3) pp. 217-26.
Acquisitions thérapeutiques de pneumologie
Rochat T., Aubert J.D., 1999. Médecine et Hygiène, 57 pp. 52-57.
Acute and chronic neuromuscular disorders.
Fitting J.W., 1999. dans Comprehensive Respiratory Medicine, Albert, Spiro & Jett, Mosby International.
Apnées du sommeil : conduire ou dormir (Editorial)
Leuenberger P., Rochat T., 1999. Médecine et Hygiène, 57 p. 2315.
Asthme : le temps de l'enseignement thérapeutique du patient est-il venu ?
Uldry C, 1999. Revue Médicale de la Suisse romande, 119 pp. 211-216.
Atopische Sensibilisierung, Luftverschmutzung und respiratorische Erkrankungen in der Schweiz (SAPALDIA Studie)
Wüthrich B., Leuenberger P., Ackermann-Liebrich U., Schindler C. und Sapaldia Team, 1999. Allergologie, 22 pp. 267-274.
Clinical epidemiology and treatment of tuberculosis in elderly patients.
Janssens JP, Zellweger JP, 1999. Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift, 129 (3) pp. 80-89.
Diagnosing respiratory muscle weakness
Fitting J. W., 1999., In: Yearbook of intensive care and emergency medicine. Ed: Vincent J.L. Springer. 287-297.
Diagnosing respiratory muscle weakness.
Fitting JW, 1999. dans Yearbook of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine.
Diagnostic et traitement de la pneumonie acquise à domicile de l'adulte. Recommandations pour la pratique clinique. Par le Groupe de Travail "RPC Pneumonie Acquise à Domicile" [Diagnostic and treatment of community-acquired pneumonia in the adult. Recommendations for clinical practice. By the "Practice guidelines for community-acquired pneumonia" Work Group]
Lamy O., Zanetti G., Bille J., Aubert J. D., Cornuz J., Burnand B., Berger J. P., Malinverni R., Rochat T., 1999. Revue Médicale de la Suisse Romande, 119 (5) pp. 403-427.
Diagnostic et traitement de la pneumonie acquise à domicile. Résumé des recommandations pour la pratique clinique (RPC) du département de médecine du Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois CHUV.
Lamy O., Zanetti G., Bille J., Aubert J.D., Cornuz J., Burnand B., 1999. Médecine et Hygiène, 57 (2255) pp. 1041-1042.
Défaillances respiratoires aiguës d'origine neuromusculaire [Acute respiratory failure due to neuromuscular disorders].
Fitting J.W., Chevrolet J.C., 1999. Revue des Maladies Respiratoires, 16 (4) pp. 475-485. Peer-reviewed.
Effect of elective antibiotic therapy on resting energy expenditure and inflammation in cystic fibrosis.
Burdet L., Hugli O., Aubert J.D., Schutz Y., Roulet M., Fitting J.W., 1999. European Journal of Pediatrics, 158 (9) pp. 711-716. Peer-reviewed.
Endothelin-1 expression in airway epithelial cells.
Aubert J.D., Leuenberger P., Juillerat-Jeanneret L., 1999. European Respiratory Journal, 13 (1) pp. 225-226. Peer-reviewed.
Epidémiologie clinique et traitement de la tuberculose chez les personnes âgées.
Janssens JP, Zellweger JP, 1999. Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift, 129 pp. 80-89.
How can tuberculosis among immigrants be managed in Europe?
Zellweger J.P., 1999. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 3 (7) pp. 551-552.
La fumée passive
Leuenberger P., 1999. 13-14.
La fumée passive.
Leuenberger P, 1999. pp. 13-14 dans Cancer du poumon. Connaître et agir.
Les métastases pulmonaires : quelle place pour la chirurgie d 'exérèse ?
Reynard C., Ris H. B., Leuenberger P., 1999. Médecine et Hygiène, 57 (2279) pp. 2340-2352.
Linear opacities on HRCT in bronchiolitis obliterans organising pneumonia.
Murphy J.M., Schnyder P., Verschakelen J., Leuenberger P., Flower C.D., 1999. European Radiology, 9 (9) pp. 1813-1817.
Measurement of angiotensin converting enzyme in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid
Juillerat-Jeanneret L., Soubrier F., Aubert J. D., Leuenberger P., 1999. European Respiratory Review, 9 pp. 86-92.
Peut-on mieux réduire les risques du tabagisme en pratique clinique ?
Zellweger JP, 1999. Médecine et hygiène, 57 (2279) pp. 2338-2342.
Respirer dans notre environnement
Leuenberger P., 1999. Bulletin de la Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles, 86 (3) pp. 185-189.
Résultats à court et long terme de la chirurgie de réduction de volume en cas d'emphysème
Dusmet M., Aubert J.D., 1999. Médecine et Hygiène, 57 (2279) pp. 2344-2348.
Sniff nasal inspiratory pressure. Reference values in Caucasian children
Stefanutti D., Fitting J. W., 1999/01. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 159 (1) pp. 107-11.
The T cell-specific CXC chemokines IP-10, Mig, and I-TAC are expressed by activated human bronchial epithelial cells.
Sauty A., Dziejman M., Taha R.A., Iarossi A.S., Neote K., Garcia-Zepeda E.A., Hamid Q., Luster A.D., 1999. Journal of Immunology, 162 (6) pp. 3549-3558.
Tuberculosis management in Europe. Task Force of the European Respiratory Society (ERS), the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (IUATLD) Europe Region.
Migliori G.B., Raviglione M.C., Schaberg T., Davies P.D., Zellweger J.P., Grzemska M., Mihaescu T., Clancy L., Casali L., 1999. European Respiratory Journal, 14 (4) pp. 978-992.
Non-invasive home ventilation in patients over 75 years of age: tolerance, compliance, and impact on quality of life
Janssens J. P., Cicotti E., Fitting J. W., Rochat T., 1998/12. Respiratory Medicine, 92 (12) pp. 1311-20.
Pneumologie. [Pneumology]
Uldry C., Leuenberger P., 1998/12. Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift, 128 (51-52) pp. 2011-4.
Body composition, skeletal muscle function, and exercise performance in chronic respiratory disease
Fitting J. W., 1998/10. Monaldi Archives for Chest Disease, 53 (5) pp. 574-6.
New bioelectrical impedance formula for patients with respiratory insufficiency: comparison to dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry
Kyle U. G., Pichard C., Rochat T., Slosman D. O., Fitting J. W., Thiebaud D., 1998/10. European Respiratory Journal, 12 (4) pp. 960-6.
Molecular and biological characterization of the murine leukotriene B4 receptor expressed on eosinophils
Huang W. W., Garcia-Zepeda E. A., Sauty A., Oettgen H. C., Rothenberg M. E., Luster A. D., 1998/09. Journal of Experimental Medicine, 188 (6) pp. 1063-74.
Evaluation des muscles respiratoires. [Evaluation of respiratory muscles]
Fitting J. W., 1998/08. Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift, 128 (33) pp. 1212-6.
Les alveolites allergiques extrinseques: revue pour le praticien. [Extrinsic allergic alveolitis: a review for the practitioner]
Pralong G., Leuenberger P., 1998/08. Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift = Journal Suisse de Médecine, 128 (34) pp. 1261-6.
Associations between lung function and estimated average exposure to NO2 in eight areas of Switzerland. The SAPALDIA Team. Swiss Study of Air Pollution and Lung Diseases in Adults
Schindler C., Ackermann-Liebrich U., Leuenberger P., Monn C., Rapp R., Bolognini G., Bongard J. P., Brandli O., Domenighetti G., Karrer W. et al., 1998/07. Epidemiology, 9 (4) pp. 405-11.
Electronic monitoring of adherence to treatment in the preventive chemotherapy of tuberculosis
Fallab-Stubi C. L., Zellweger J. P., Sauty A., Uldry C., Iorillo D., Burnier M., 1998/07. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 2 (7) pp. 525-30.
Current allergic asthma and rhinitis: diagnostic efficiency of three commonly used atopic markers (IgE, skin prick tests, and Phadiatop). Results from 8329 randomized adults from the SAPALDIA Study. Swiss Study on Air Pollution and Lung Diseases in Adults
Tschopp J. M., Sistek D., Schindler C., Leuenberger P., Perruchoud A. P., Wuthrich B., Brutsche M., Zellweger J. P., Karrer W., Brandli O., 1998/06. Allergy, 53 (6) pp. 608-13.
IL-4-dependent regulation of TGF-alpha and TGF-beta1 expression in human eosinophils
Elovic A. E., Ohyama H., Sauty A., McBride J., Tsuji T., Nagai M., Weller P. F., Wong D. T., 1998/06. Journal of Immunology, 160 (12) pp. 6121-7.
Approche diagnostique de l'embolie pulmonaire. [Diagnostic approach to pulmonary embolism]
Leuenberger P., Pralong G., 1998/05. Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift, 128 (19) pp. 742-8.
Personal exposure to nitrogen dioxide in Switzerland. SAPALDIA team. Swiss Study on Air Pollution and Lung Diseases in Adults
Monn C., Brandli O., Schindler C., Ackermann-Liebrich U., Leuenberger P., 1998/05. Science of the Total Environment, 215 (3) pp. 243-51.
Extreme hypercapnia is not a long-term prognostic factor after near-fatal asthma: a 12-year follow-up study
Wasserfallen J. B., Leuenberger P., Schaller M. D., Perret C., 1998/02. Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift, 128 (9) pp. 323-30.
Investigations into the neurologic basis of narcolepsy
Guilleminault C., Heinzer R., Mignot E., Black J., 1998/02. Neurology, 50 (2 Suppl 1) pp. S8-15.
"Silent obstruction syndrome SOS " in a general adult population sample (SAPALDIA study)
Leuenberger P, Schindler C., Ackermann-Liebrich U., et al., team Sapaldia, 1998. European Respiratory Journal, 12: suppl 28 pp. 382s.
"Silent obstruction syndrome(SOS)" in pulmonary patients of a private practice.
D'Andiran G, Hügli O, Leuenberger Ph, 1998. European Respiratory Journal, 12 (suppl 28) pp. 382s.
Acquisitions thérapeutiques 1997 : Corticostéroïdes dans les bronchopneumopathies obstructives chroniques et antileukotriènes dans le traitement de l'asthme
Rochat T., Leuenberger P., 1998. Médecine et Hygiène, 56 (2191) pp. 41-47.
Bronchiolite oblitérante avec pneumonie d 'organisation simulant un carcinome bronchique :B8
Arthro G., Genton C., Murphy J., Herold C., Leuenberger P., Flower C., Schnyder P., 1998. pp. 11S dans 85e Assemblée Annuelle de la Société Suisse de Radiologie Médicale, Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift = Journal Suisse de Médecine. Peer-reviewed.
Characterization of the enzyme involved in the processing of big endothelin-1 in human lung epithelial cells.
Aubert J.D., Carnal B., Ricou J., Fioroni P., Juillerat-Jeanneret L., Pinet F., 1998. Pulmonary pharmacology & therapeutics, 11 (2-3) pp. 209-13. Peer-reviewed.
Chirurgie de la transplantation pulmonaire. Expérience Suisse et comparaison avec les données internationales
Spiliopoulos A., et les Groupes suisses de transplantation pulmonaire, 1998. Médecine et Hygiène, 56 (2227) pp. 2004-2008.
Dental technician 's pneumoconiosis and associated lupus erythematosus
Pralong G., Holtz J., de Muralt B., Janssens J. P., Genton C. Y., Leuenberger Ph, 1998. European Respiratory Journal, 12 (suppl 28) pp. 140s.
Dental technician's pneumoconiosis and associated lupus erythematosus.
Pralong G, Holtz J, de Muralt B, Janssens JP, Genton CY, Leuenberger Ph, 1998. European Respiratory Journal, 12 (suppl 28) pp. 140s.
Divergences entre les renseignements personnels et les dossiers médicaux dans le diagnostic de l'asthme : P60
Vionnet A., Zellweger J.P., Leuenberger P., Ackerman-Liebrich U., Sapaldia Team, 1998. pp. 20S dans Assemblée Annuelle Commune de la Société Suisse de Pneumologie et de la Société Suisse de Médecine de Travail, Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift = Journal Suisse de Médecine. Peer-reviewed.
Endothelin-1 in BAL fluid from patients after lung transplantation
Aubert J. D., Harrison V., Juillerat L., Dusmet M., Wellinger J., Leuenberger Ph, 1998. European Respiratory Journal, 12: suppl 28 pp. 48s.
Endothelin-1 in BAL fluid from patients after lung transplantation.
Aubert JD, Harrison V, Juillerat L, Dusmet M, Wellinger J, Leuenberger Ph, 1998. European Respiratory Journal, 12: suppl 28 pp. 48s.
Endothelin-1 release in bronchial epithelial cells is not dependant on differentiation.
Seekopp P, Fioroni P, Juillerat L, Leuenberger Ph, Aubert JD, 1998. European Respiratory Journal, 12 : suppl 28 pp. 419s.
Endothéline-1 dans le lavage broncho-alvéolaire de patients après transplantation pulmonaire.
Aubert J.D., Harrison V., Juillerat L., Dusmet M., Wellinger J., Leuenberger P., 1998. pp. 14S dans 66e Assemblée Annuelle de la Sociét Suisse de Médecine Interne, Réunion Annuelle de la Société Suisse d'Hématologie, de la Société Suisse d'Endocrinologie et de Diabétologie, de la Section de Pharmacologie Clinique, Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift = Journal Suisse de Médecine.
Etude suisse sur la pollution de l'air et les maladies respiratoires chez l'adulte (SAPALDIA). Swiss Study on Air Pollution and Lung Diseases in Adults. [Swiss Study on Air Pollution and Lung Diseases in Adults (SAPALDIA)]
Leuenberger P., Kunzli N., Ackermann-Liebrich U., Schindler C., Bolognini G., Bongard J. P., Brandli O., Defila C., Domenighetti G., Karrer W. et al., 1998/01. Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift, 128 (5) pp. 150-61.
Function of human alveolar macrophages after a 3-day course of azithromycin in healthy volunteers.
Aubert J.D., Juillerat-Jeanneret L., Fioroni P., Dayer P., Plan P.A., Leuenberger P., 1998. Pulmonary Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 11 (4) pp. 263-269. Peer-reviewed.
La physiothérapie de drainage bronchique dans la mucoviscidose et la broncho-pneumopathie chronique obstructive
Héritier F., Pralong G., Fitting J. W., 1998. Médecine et Hygiène, 56 (2233) pp. 2328-2333.
Les bêta-2-stimulants à longue durée d'action dans le traitement de l'asthme : utiles ou dangereux ?
Pralong G., Leuenberger P., 1998. Médecine et Hygiène, 56 (2233) pp. 2322-2326.
Lupus érythémateux et pneumoconiose professionnelle chez un technicien-dentiste : F18
Pralong G., Holz J., Genton C.Y., Leuenberger P., 1998. pp. 9S dans Assemblée Annuelle Commune de la Société Suisse de Pneumologie et de la Société Suisse de Médecine de Travail, Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift = Journal Suisse de Médecine. Peer-reviewed.
Nutritional monitoring.
Pichard C., Fitting J. W., Chevrolet J. C., 1998., In: Principles and Practice of Intensive Care Monitoring. Ed: Tobin M.J. McGraw-Hill. 1099-1124.
Nutritional monitoring. Principles and Practice of Intensive Care Monitoring.
Pichard C, Fitting JW, Chevrolet JC, 1998. pp. 1099-1124 dans Principles and Practice of Intensive Care Monitoring.
Predictive value of symptoms to diagnose current asthma : P68
Sistek D., Tschopp J.M., Schindler C., Leuenberger P., Brutsche M., Frey J.G., Zellweger J.P., Perruchoud A., Karrer W., Sapaldia-Team , 1998. pp. 22S dans Assemblée Annuelle Commune de la Société Suisse de Pneumologie et de la Société Suisse de Médecine de Travail, Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift = Journal Suisse de Médecine. Peer-reviewed.
Public health impact of small effects of air pollution on pulmonary function (SAPALDIA Study) : P65
Kuenzli N., Ackermann-Liebrich U., Brändli O., Tschopp J.M., Leuenberger P., Sapaldia Team, 1998. pp. 21S dans Assemblée Annuelle Commune de la Société Suisse de Pneumologie et de la Société Suisse de Médecine de Travail, Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift = Journal Suisse de Médecine. Peer-reviewed.
Public health impact of small effects of air pollution on pulmonary function (SAPALDIA Study.
Kuenzli N, Ackermann-Liebrich U, Brändli O, Tschopp JM, Leuenberger Ph, SAPALDIA team, 1998. European Respiratory Journal, 12 (suppl 28) pp. 259S.
Qualité de vie des transplantés pulmonaires : bilan après 4 ans à Genève
Gerbase M.W., Archinard M., Spiliopoulos A., Soccal P., Rochat T., Nicod L.P., 1998. pp. 11S dans 66e Assemblée Annuelle de la Société Suisse de Médecine Interne, Réunion Annuelle de la Société Suisse d'Hématologie, de la Société Suisse d'Endocrinologie et de Diabétologie, de la Section de Pharmacologie Clinique, Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift = Journal Suisse de Médecine. Peer-reviewed.
Reproducibility of three tests of respiratory muscle strength.
Maillard JO, Burdet L, van Melle G, Fitting JW, 1998. Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift, 128 pp. 17s.
Reproducibility of twitch mouth pressure, sniff nasal inspiratory pressure, and maximal inspiratory pressure.
Maillard J.O., Burdet L., van Melle G., Fitting J.W., 1998. European Respiratory Journal, 11 (4) pp. 901-905. Peer-reviewed.
Short-term associations between changes in air pollutant concentrations and incidence of reduced peak flow : P64
Schindler C., Leuenberger P, Künzli N., Ackermann-Liebrich U., Keller R., Monn C., Sapaldia-Team , 1998. pp. 21S dans Assemblée Annuelle Commune de la Société Suisse de Pneumologie et de la Société Suisse de Médecine de Travail, Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift = Journal Suisse de Médecine. Peer-reviewed.
Short-term associations between changes in air pollutant concentrations and incidence of substantially reduced peak flow
Schindler C., Schwartz J., Leuenberger P, et al., Team Sapaldia, 1998. European Respiratory Journal, 12 : suppl 28 pp. 375s.
Sniff nasal inspiratory pressure : number of manoeuvres in neuromuscular disorders : P50
Fitting J.W., Schluep M., Aebischer P., 1998. pp. S17 dans Assemblée Annuelle Commune de la Société Suisse de Pneumologie et de la Société Suisse de Médecine de Travail, Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift = Journal Suisse de Médecine.
Sniff nasal inspiratory pressure : reference values in children.
Stefanutti D, Fitting JW, 1998. European Respiratory Journal, 12 pp. 59S.
Sniff nasal inspiratory pressure: how many trials?
Fitting JW., Schluep M., Aebischer P., 1998. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 157 pp. A363.
Sprays : le temps du changement
Leuenberber P., Rochat T., 1998. Médecine et Hygiène, 56 p. 2307.
Use of transition probabilities to estimate the effect of smoking on the duration of episodes of respiratory symptoms in diary data: the Swiss Study on Air Pollution and Lung Diseases in Adults (SAPALDIA).
Kaiser R., Schindler C., Künzli N., Ackermann-Liebrich U., Heeb D., Medici T.C., Zellweger J.P., 1998. American Journal of Epidemiology, 148 (6) pp. 600-608.
Zentral erfasste Verordnungen von Sauerstoff-Langzeit-Therapie, Schlaf-Apnoe-Behandlung und Heimventilation in der Schweiz, 1990-1996 : kantonale Diskrepanzen : P69
Künzli N., Grize L., Shang H., Gugger M., Fitting J.W., Keller R., Karrer W., de Haller R., 1998. pp. 22S dans Assemblée Annuelle Commune de la Société Suisse de Pneumologie et de la Société Suisse de Médecine de Travail, Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift = Journal Suisse de Médecine.
Administration of growth hormone to underweight patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. A prospective, randomized, controlled study.
Burdet L., de Muralt B., Schutz Y., Pichard C., Fitting J.W., 1997/12. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 156 (6) pp. 1800-1806.
Body composition by X-ray absorptiometry and bioelectrical impedance in chronic respiratory insufficiency patients.
Pichard C., Kyle U.G., Janssens J.P., Burdet L., Rochat T., Slosman D.O., Fitting J.W., Thiebaud D., Roulet M., Tschopp J.M. et al., 1997/12. Nutrition, 13 (11-12) pp. 952-958.
Essential fatty acid deficiency in well nourished young cystic fibrosis patients
Roulet M., Frascarolo P., Rappaz I., Pilet M., 1997/12. European Journal of Pediatrics, 156 (12) pp. 952-6.
Pulmonary fibrosis with predominant CD8 lymphocytic alveolitis and anti-Jo-1 antibodies
Sauty A., Rochat T., Schoch O. D., Hamacher J., Kurt A. M., Dayer J. M., Nicod L. P., 1997/12. European Respiratory Journal, 10 (12) pp. 2907-12.
An in vitro and in vivo study of cytokines in the acute-phase response associated with bisphosphonates.
Thiébaud D., Sauty A., Burckhardt P., Leuenberger P., Sitzler L., Green J.R., Kandra A., Zieschang J., Ibarra de Palacios P., 1997/11. Calcified Tissue International, 61 (5) pp. 386-392. Peer-reviewed.
Haemodynamic effects of ketanserin either alone or with oxygen in COPD patients with secondary pulmonary hypertension
Domenighetti G., Leuenberger P., Feihl F., 1997/10. Monaldi Archives for Chest Disease, 52 (5) pp. 429-33.
Transbronchial lung biopsy: an analysis of 530 cases with reference to the number of samples
Descombes E., Gardiol D., Leuenberger P., 1997/08. Monaldi Archives for Chest Disease, 52 (4) pp. 324-9.
Intolerance a l'effort chez l'insuffisant respiratoire: principaux mecanismes. [Exertional intolerance in respiratory insufficiency: principal mechanisms]
Janssens J. P., De Muralt B., Fitting J. W., 1997/06. Revue Médicale de la Suisse Romande, 117 (6) pp. 457-64.
Poumons et plongée subaquatique [Lungs and underwater diving]
Héritier F., 1997/06. Revue medicale de la Suisse romande, 117 (6) pp. 475-478. Peer-reviewed.
Management 1997 of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Working Group of the Swiss Society of Pneumology
Leuenberger P., Anderhub H. P., Brandli O., Keller R., Knoblauch A., Kuhn M., Perruchoud A. P., Rochat T., Russi E., Villiger B. et al., 1997/05. Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift, 127 (18) pp. 766-82.
Place de l'education du patient dans les maladies chroniques: l'exemple de l'asthme et de la bronchopneumopathie chronique obstructive. [Role of education in the patient with chronic diseases: example of asthma and chronic obstructive lung disease]
Uldry C., Leuenberger P., 1997/05. Revue Médicale de la Suisse Romande, 117 (5) pp. 433-7.
Thermogenic effect of bronchodilators in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Burdet L., de Muralt B., Schutz Y., Fitting J.W., 1997/02. Thorax, 52 (2) pp. 130-135.
Acquisitions thérapeutiques 1996 : Allergie : place de l'éducation du patient dans la prise en charge de l'asthme
Uldry C., Spertini F., Leuenberger P., Assal J. P., Pécoud A., 1997. Médecine et Hygiène, 55 (2145) pp. 9-12.
Acquisitions thérapeutiques 1996 : Pneumologie
Rochat T., Leuenberger P., 1997. Médecine et Hygiène, 55 (2145) pp. 36-42.
Association suisse contre la tuberculose et les maladies pulmonaires (ASTP). Lignes directrices concernant le test tuberculinique.
Zellweger JP, 1997. Bull of fed santé publ pp. 13-14.
De l'observance à l'adhésion thérapeutique dans l'asthme
Uldry C., Leuenberger P., 1997. Médecine et Hygiène, 55 (2187) pp. 2316-2319.
Drug-induced attack of bronchial asthma in inpatients: a 20-year survey of the Comprehensive Hospital Drug Monitoring Programme on adverse drug reactions, Berne/St. Gallen
Hoigne R. V., Braunschweig S., Zehnder D., Kuenzi U. P., Hess T., Leuenberger P., 1997. European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 53 (1) pp. 81-2.
Effets d'une stimulation double-chambre sur la capacité fonctionnelle de patients souffrant de cardiomyopathie hypertrophique et obstructive
Jeanrenaud X., Fitting J.W., Aubert J.D., Aeischer N., Kappenberger L., 1997. pp. 37S dans Réunion Annuelle Commune de la Société Suisse de Cardiologie et de la Société Suisse de Chirurgie Thoracique et Cardiovasculaire, Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift.
Etude du biais du aux non-repondants dans une etude epidemiologique (SAPALDIA). [Bias due to non-responders in an epidemiological study (SAPALDIA)]
Luthi J. C., Zellweger J. P., Grize L., Leuenberger P., Ackermann-Liebrich U., 1997. Sozial- und Praventivmedizin, 42 (2) pp. 85-94.
Expression of endothelin-1 in human broncho-epithelial and monocytic cell lines: influence of tumor necrosis factor-alpha and dexamethasone.
Aubert J.D., Juillerat-Jeanneret L., Leuenberger P., 1997. Biochemical Pharmacology, 53 (4) pp. 547-552. Peer-reviewed.
Insufficient control of asthma: increase the dose of inhaled steroids or add long-acting beta 2-agonists?
Aubert J.D., Quadri F., Solèr M., 1997. Schweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift, 127 (5) pp. 176-181. Peer-reviewed.
L'antibiothérapie dans la mucoviscidose
Rappaz I., Héritier F., 1997. Médecine et Hygiène, 55 (2187) pp. 2301-2304.
L'asthme, une pathologie pas si rare.
Héritier F, 1997. Nereus (organe officiel trilingue de la Fédération Suisse de Sports Subaquatiques), 6 pp. 37-40.
Le plan d'action dans le traitement de l'asthme : quelles difficultés d'apprentissage rencontre le patient ?
Uldry C., 1997. Médecine et Hygiène, 55 (2167) pp. 1255-1256.
Les corticostéroïdes en pratique courante.
Aubert J.D., Spertini F., Buclin T., 1997. Pharma-Flash, 23 pp. 21-24.
Lung function and long term exposure to air pollutants in Switzerland. Study on Air Pollution and Lung Diseases in Adults (SAPALDIA) Team
Ackermann-Liebrich U., Leuenberger P., Schwartz J., Schindler C., Monn C., Bolognini G., Bongard J. P., Brandli O., Domenighetti G., Elsasser S. et al., 1997/01. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 155 (1) pp. 122-9.
Nutritial support : Cystic Fibrosis in : Clinical Paediatrics.
Rappaz I, Roulet M, 1997. dans Cinical Paediatrics.
Passivrauchen : Fakten und Handlugsbedarf
Leuenberger P., 1997. 12-13.
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