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1363 publications

... | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | ...
Ubiquitylation of voltage-gated sodium channels.
Laedermann C.J., Decosterd I., Abriel H., 2014. Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology, 221 pp. 231-250. Peer-reviewed.
Understanding the multifaceted role of inflammatory mediators in ischemic stroke.
Amantea D., Tassorelli C., Petrelli F., Certo M., Bezzi P., Micieli G., Corasaniti M.T., Bagetta G., 2014. Current Medicinal Chemistry, 21 (18) pp. 2098-2117. Peer-reviewed.
Voltage-gated sodium channel expression in mouse DRG after SNI leads to re-evaluation of projections of injured fibers.
Laedermann C.J., Pertin M., Suter M.R., Decosterd I., 2014. Molecular Pain, 10 p. 19. Peer-reviewed.
What do we know about gliotransmitter release from astrocytes?
Sahlender D.A., Savtchouk I., Volterra A., 2014. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences, 369 (1654) p. 20130592. Peer-reviewed.
Crosstalk between apoptosis, necrosis and autophagy.
Nikoletopoulou V., Markaki M., Palikaras K., Tavernarakis N., 2013/12. Biochimica et biophysica acta, 1833 (12) pp. 3448-3459. Peer-reviewed.
Aider les étudiants en médecine à approcher la mort [Helping medical students to approach death]
Bornet M.A., Kasser S., Hornung J.P., Martinez E., Cadas H., Benaroyo L., 2013/11/20. Revue medicale suisse, 9 (407) pp. 2189-2191. Peer-reviewed.
Cell biology in neuroscience: Death of developing neurons: new insights and implications for connectivity.
Dekkers M.P., Nikoletopoulou V., Barde Y.A., 2013/11/11. The Journal of cell biology, 203 (3) pp. 385-393. Peer-reviewed.
The nNOS-p38MAPK pathway is mediated by NOS1AP during neuronal death.
Li L.L., Ginet V., Liu X., Vergun O., Tuittila M., Mathieu M., Bonny C., Puyal J., Truttmann A.C., Courtney M.J., 2013/05/08. The Journal of neuroscience, 33 (19) pp. 8185-8201. Peer-reviewed.
Mechanical properties of biological specimens explored by atomic force microscopy
Kasas S, Longo G, Dietler G, 2013/04/03. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 46 (13) p. 133001. Peer-reviewed.
A circuit-based gatekeeper for adult neural stem cell proliferation: Parvalbumin-expressing interneurons of the dentate gyrus control the activation and proliferation of quiescent adult neural stem cells.
Moss J., Toni N., 2013. Bioessays, 35 (1) pp. 28-33. Peer-reviewed.
A universal fluid cell for the imaging of biological specimens in the atomic force microscope.
Kasas S., Radotic K., Longo G., Saha B., Alonso-Sarduy L., Dietler G., Roduit C., 2013. Microscopy Research and Technique, 76 (4) pp. 357-363. Peer-reviewed.
Adult hippocampal neurogenesis inversely correlates with microglia in conditions of voluntary running and aging.
Gebara E., Sultan S., Kocher-Braissant J., Toni N., 2013. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 7 (145) p. 145.
An adeno-associated virus-based intracellular sensor of pathological nuclear factor-κB activation for disease-inducible gene transfer.
Chtarto A., Bockstael O., Gebara E., Vermoesen K., Melas C., Pythoud C., Levivier M., De Witte O., Luthi-Carter R., Clinkers R. et al., 2013. PLoS One, 8 (1) pp. e53156.
Antibiotic-induced modifications of the stiffness of bacterial membranes.
Longo G., Rio L.M., Trampuz A., Dietler G., Bizzini A., Kasas S., 2013. Journal of Microbiological Methods, 93 (2) pp. 80-84.
Augmented epithelial multidrug resistance-associated protein 4 expression in peritoneal endometriosis: regulation by lipoxin A(4).
Gori I., Rodriguez Y., Pellegrini C., Achtari C., Hornung D., Chardonnens E., Wunder D., Fiche M., Canny G.O., 2013. Fertility and Sterility, 99 (7) pp. 1965-73.e2. Peer-reviewed.
Autophagy defect is associated with low glucose-induced apoptosis in 661W photoreceptor cells.
Balmer D., Emery M., Andreux P., Auwerx J., Ginet V., Puyal J., Schorderet D.F., Roduit R., 2013. PLoS One, 8 (9) pp. e74162. Peer-reviewed.
Autosis is a Na+,K+-ATPase-regulated form of cell death triggered by autophagy-inducing peptides, starvation, and hypoxia-ischemia.
Liu Y., Shoji-Kawata S., Sumpter R.M., Wei Y., Ginet V., Zhang L., Posner B., Tran K.A., Green D.R., Xavier R.J. et al., 2013. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 110 (51) pp. 20364-20371. Peer-reviewed.
Circulating microRNAs as novel biomarkers for diabetes mellitus.
Guay C., Regazzi R., 2013. Nature Reviews. Endocrinology, 9 (9) pp. 513-521. Peer-reviewed.
Combination of fluorescence microscopy and nanomotion detection to characterize bacteria.
Aghayee S., Benadiba C., Notz J., Kasas S., Dietler G., Longo G., 2013. Journal of Molecular Recognition, 26 (11) pp. 590-595. Peer-reviewed.
Compensatory β-cell mass expansion: a big role for a tiny actor.
Jacovetti C., Regazzi R., 2013. Cell Cycle, 12 (2) pp. 197-198.
D-serine increases adult hippocampal neurogenesis.
Sultan S., Gebara E.G., Moullec K., Toni N., 2013. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 7 p. 155.
Demyelination in mild cognitive impairment suggests progression path to Alzheimer's disease.
Carmeli C., Donati A., Antille V., Viceic D., Ghika J., von Gunten A., Clarke S., Meuli R., Frackowiak R.S., Knyazeva M.G., 2013. Plos One, 8 (8) pp. e72759. Peer-reviewed.
Doxycycline increases neurogenesis and reduces microglia in the adult hippocampus.
Sultan S., Gebara E., Toni N., 2013. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 7 (131) p. 131. Peer-reviewed.
Dysregulation of voltage-gated sodium channels by ubiquitin ligase NEDD4-2 in neuropathic pain.
Laedermann C.J., Cachemaille M., Kirschmann G., Pertin M., Gosselin R.D., Chang I., Albesa M., Towne C., Schneider B.L., Kellenberger S. et al., 2013. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 123 (7) pp. 3002-3013. Peer-reviewed.
Early-Life Insults Impair Parvalbumin Interneurons via Oxidative Stress: Reversal by N-Acetylcysteine.
Cabungcal J.H., Steullet P., Kraftsik R., Cuenod M., Do K.Q., 2013. Biological Psychiatry, 73 (6) pp. 574-582. Peer-reviewed.
European stroke organisation.
Brainin M., Michel P., 2013. Stroke, 44 (11) pp. e148-e149.
Extracellular microvesicles from astrocytes contain functional glutamate transporters: regulation by protein kinase C and cell activation.
Gosselin R.D., Meylan P., Decosterd I., 2013. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 7 (251) pp. 1-15. Peer-reviewed.
HDLs protect the MIN6 insulinoma cell line against tunicamycin-induced apoptosis without inhibiting ER stress and without restoring ER functionality.
Puyal J., Pétremand J., Dubuis G., Rummel C., Widmann C., 2013. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 381 (1-2) pp. 291-301. Peer-reviewed.
Hippocampal volume predicts fluid intelligence in musically trained people.
Oechslin M.S., Descloux C., Croquelois A., Chanal J., Van De Ville D., Lazeyras F., James C.E., 2013. Hippocampus, 23 (7) pp. 552-558. Peer-reviewed.
Identification of particular groups of microRNAs that positively or negatively impact on beta cell function in obese models of type 2 diabetes.
Nesca V., Guay C., Jacovetti C., Menoud V., Peyot M.L., Laybutt D.R., Prentki M., Regazzi R., 2013. Diabetologia, 56 (10) pp. 2203-2212.
Impairment and disability in 20 CIDP patients according to disease activity status.
Panaite P.A., Renaud S., Kraftsik R., Steck A.J., Kuntzer T., 2013. Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System, 18 (3) pp. 241-246. Peer-reviewed.
In vivo reprogramming of circuit connectivity in postmitotic neocortical neurons.
De la Rossa A., Bellone C., Golding B., Vitali I., Moss J., Toni N., Lüscher C., Jabaudon D., 2013. Nature Neuroscience, 16 (2) pp. 193-200. Peer-reviewed.
Inflammation-induced alteration of astrocyte mitochondrial dynamics requires autophagy for mitochondrial network maintenance.
Motori E., Puyal J., Toni N., Ghanem A., Angeloni C., Malaguti M., Cantelli-Forti G., Berninger B., Conzelmann K.K., Götz M. et al., 2013. Cell Metabolism, 18 (6) pp. 844-859. Peer-reviewed.
Lactate modulates the activity of primary cortical neurons through a receptor-mediated pathway.
Bozzo L., Puyal J., Chatton J.Y., 2013. PLoS One, 8 (8) pp. e71721. Peer-reviewed.
Manipulating sleep spindles - expanding views on sleep, memory, and disease.
Astori S., Wimmer R.D., Lüthi A., 2013. Trends in Neurosciences, 36 (12) pp. 738-748. Peer-reviewed.
Membrane potential dynamics of neocortical projection neurons driving target-specific signals.
Yamashita T., Pala A., Pedrido L., Kremer Y., Welker E., Petersen C.C., 2013. Neuron, 80 (6) pp. 1477-1490. Peer-reviewed.
Molecular neuro-oncology in clinical practice: a new horizon.
Weller M., Pfister S.M., Wick W., Hegi M.E., Reifenberger G., Stupp R., 2013. Lancet Oncology, 14 (9) pp. e370-e379. Peer-reviewed.
Multiple interacting cell death mechanisms in the mediation of excitotoxicity and ischemic brain damage: A challenge for neuroprotection.
Puyal J., Ginet V., Clarke P.G., 2013. Progress in Neurobiology, 105 pp. 24-48. Peer-reviewed.
On the importance of food.
Riederer B.M., 2013. Laboratory Animals, 47 (4) pp. 223-224.
On the importance of working party reports.
Riederer B.M., 2013. Laboratory Animals, 47 (3) p. 133.
Oxidation and ubiquitination in neurodegeneration.
Riederer B.M., Leuba G., Elhajj Z., 2013. Experimental Biology and Medicine, 238 (5) pp. 519-524. Peer-reviewed.
Parvalbumin interneurons mediate neuronal circuitry-neurogenesis coupling in the adult hippocampus.
Song J., Sun J., Moss J., Wen Z., Sun G.J., Hsu D., Zhong C., Davoudi H., Christian K.M., Toni N. et al., 2013. Nature Neuroscience, 16 (12) pp. 1728-1730. Peer-reviewed.
Pathfinding of corticothalamic axons relies on a rendezvous with thalamic projections.
Deck M., Lokmane L., Chauvet S., Mailhes C., Keita M., Niquille M., Yoshida M., Yoshida Y., Lebrand C., Mann F. et al., 2013. Neuron, 77 (3) pp. 472-484.
Perineuronal nets protect fast-spiking interneurons against oxidative stress.
Cabungcal J.H., Steullet P., Morishita H., Kraftsik R., Cuenod M., Hensch T.K., Do K.Q., 2013. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 110 (22) pp. 9130-9135. Peer-reviewed.
Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate clusters act as molecular beacons for vesicle recruitment.
Honigmann A., van den Bogaart G., Iraheta E., Risselada H.J., Milovanovic D., Mueller V., Müllar S., Diederichsen U., Fasshauer D., Grubmüller H. et al., 2013. Nature Structural and Molecular Biology, 20 (6) pp. 679-686. Peer-reviewed.
Propofol anesthesia impairs the maturation and survival of adult-born hippocampal neurons.
Krzisch M., Sultan S., Sandell J., Demeter K., Vutskits L., Toni N., 2013. Anesthesiology, 118 (3) pp. 602-610. Peer-reviewed.
Rab3D is critical for secretory granule maturation in PC12 cells.
Kögel T., Rudolf R., Hodneland E., Copier J., Regazzi R., Tooze S.A., Gerdes H.H., 2013. PloS One, 8 (3) pp. e57321. Peer-reviewed.
Rapid detection of bacterial resistance to antibiotics using AFM cantilevers as nanomechanical sensors.
Longo G., Alonso-Sarduy L., Rio L.M., Bizzini A., Trampuz A., Notz J., Dietler G., Kasas S., 2013. Nature Nanotechnology, 8 (7) pp. 522-526. Peer-reviewed.
Respiratory failure in a mouse model of myotonic dystrophy does not correlate with the CTG repeat length.
Panaite P.A., Kuntzer T., Gourdon G., Barakat-Walter I., 2013. Respiratory Physiology and Neurobiology, 189 (1) pp. 22-26. Peer-reviewed.
Reverse transcription quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction reference genes in the spared nerve injury model of neuropathic pain: validation and literature search.
Piller N., Decosterd I., Suter M.R., 2013. BMC Research Notes, 6 (266) pp. 1-9. Peer-reviewed.
Rufinamide Attenuates Mechanical Allodynia in a Model of Neuropathic Pain in the Mouse and Stabilizes Voltage-gated Sodium Channel Inactivated State.
Suter M.R., Kirschmann G., Laedermann C.J., Abriel H., Decosterd I., 2013. Anesthesiology, 118 (1) pp. 160-172. Peer-reviewed.
Soluble Aβ oligomer-induced synaptopathy: c-Jun N-terminal kinase's role.
Sclip A., Arnaboldi A., Colombo I., Veglianese P., Colombo L., Messa M., Mancini S., Cimini S., Morelli F., Antoniou X. et al., 2013. Journal of Molecular Cell Biology, 5 (4) pp. 277-279. Peer-reviewed.
Storage and uptake of D-serine into astrocytic synaptic-like vesicles specify gliotransmission.
Martineau M., Shi T., Puyal J., Knolhoff A.M., Dulong J., Gasnier B., Klingauf J., Sweedler J.V., Jahn R., Mothet J.P., 2013. Journal of Neuroscience, 33 (8) pp. 3413-3423. Peer-reviewed.
Synaptic Plasticity at Intrathalamic Connections via CaV3.3 T-type Ca2+ Channels and GluN2B-Containing NMDA Receptors.
Astori S., Lüthi A., 2013. Journal of Neuroscience, 33 (2) pp. 624-630. Peer-reviewed.
Syntaxin1a variants lacking an N-peptide or bearing the LE mutation bind to Munc18a in a closed conformation.
Colbert K.N., Hattendorf D.A., Weiss T.M., Burkhardt P., Fasshauer D., Weis W.I., 2013. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 110 (31) pp. 12637-12642. Peer-reviewed.
Taxol and tau overexpression induced calpain-dependent degradation of the microtubule-destabilizing protein SCG10
Vega I.E., Hamano T., Propost J.A., Grenningloh G., Yen S.H., 2013. Experimental Neurology, 202 (1) pp. 152-160. Peer-reviewed.
The adenosine story goes ionic: Ca(V)2.1-type Ca(2+) channels identified as effectors of adenosine's somnogenic actions.
Lüthi A., 2013. Sleep, 36 (1) pp. 13-14.
The GTPase Rab37 Participates in the Control of Insulin Exocytosis.
Ljubicic S., Bezzi P., Brajkovic S., Nesca V., Guay C., Ohbayashi N., Fukuda M., Abderrhamani A., Regazzi R., 2013. Plos One, 8 (6) pp. e68255. Peer-reviewed.
The Munc13 proteins differentially regulate readily releasable pool dynamics and calcium-dependent recovery at a central synapse.
Chen Z., Cooper B., Kalla S., Varoqueaux F., Young S.M., 2013. Journal of Neuroscience, 33 (19) pp. 8336-8351. Peer-reviewed.
Time-Lapse AFM Imaging of DNA Conformational Changes Induced by Daunorubicin.
Alonso-Sarduy L., Longo G., Dietler G., Kasas S., 2013. Nano Letters, 13 (11) pp. 5679-5684. Peer-reviewed.
Two specific populations of GABAergic neurons originating from the medial and the caudal ganglionic eminences aid in proper navigation of callosal axons.
Niquille M., Minocha S., Hornung J.P., Rufer N., Valloton D., Kessaris N., Alfonsi F., Vitalis T., Yanagawa Y., Devenoges C. et al., 2013. Developmental Neurobiology, 73 (9) pp. 647-672.
β1- and β3- voltage-gated sodium channel subunits modulate cell surface expression and glycosylation of Nav1.7 in HEK293 cells.
Laedermann C.J., Syam N., Pertin M., Decosterd I., Abriel H., 2013. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 7 (137) pp. 1-12.
Heat shock response and ionstasis: axis against neurodegeneration
Kourtis Nikos, Nikoletopoulou Vassiliki, Tavernarakis Nektarios, 2012/12/18. Aging, 4 (12) pp. 856-858.
Increased postsynaptic density protein-95 expression in the frontal cortex of aged cognitively impaired rats
Preissmann D., Leuba G., Savary C., Vernay A., Kraftsik R., Riederer I.M., Schenk F., Riederer B.M., Savioz A., 2012/11. Experimental Biology and Medicine, 237 (11) pp. 1331-1340. Peer-reviewed.
Nineteenth century research on cell death.
Clarke P.G., Clarke S., 2012/10. Experimental Oncology, 34 (3) pp. 139-145.
Small heat-shock proteins protect from heat-stroke-associated neurodegeneration
Kourtis Nikos, Nikoletopoulou Vassiliki, Tavernarakis Nektarios, 2012/10. Nature, 490 (7419) pp. 213-218.
TNFα in synaptic function: switching gears.
Santello M., Volterra A., 2012/10. Trends In Neurosciences, 35 (10) pp. 638-647. Peer-reviewed.
Target genes of Topoisomerase IIβ regulate neuronal survival and are defined by their chromatin state.
Tiwari V.K., Burger L., Nikoletopoulou V., Deogracias R., Thakurela S., Wirbelauer C., Kaut J., Terranova R., Hoerner L., Mielke C. et al., 2012/04/17. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 109 (16) pp. E934-43. Peer-reviewed.
Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy.
Klionsky D.J., Abdalla F.C., Abeliovich H., Abraham R.T., Acevedo-Arozena A., Adeli K., Agholme L., Agnello M., Agostinis P., Aguirre-Ghiso J.A. et al., 2012/04. Autophagy, 8 (4) pp. 445-544. Peer-reviewed.
Abundant Occurrence of Basal Radial Glia in the Subventricular Zone of Embryonic Neocortex of a Lissencephalic Primate, the Common Marmoset Callithrix jacchus.
Kelava I., Reillo I., Murayama A.Y., Kalinka A.T., Stenzel D., Tomancak P., Matsuzaki F., Lebrand C., Sasaki E., Schwamborn J.C. et al., 2012. Cerebral Cortex, 22 (2) pp. 469-481. Peer-reviewed.
Adenosine A2B receptor-mediated leukemia inhibitory factor release from astrocytes protects cortical neurons against excitotoxicity.
Moidunny S., Vinet J., Wesseling E., Bijzet J., Shieh C.H., van Ijzendoorn S.C., Bezzi P., Boddeke H.W., Biber K., 2012. Journal of Neuroinflammation, 9 p. 198. Peer-reviewed.
An adeno-associated virus-based intracellular sensor of pathological Nuclear Factor-kappaB activation for disease-inducible gene therapy.
Chtarto A., Vermoesen K., Gebara E., Bockstael O., Melas C., Levivier M., De Witte O., Luthi-Carter R., Clinkers R., Tenenbaum L., 2012. pp. A128-A129 dans ISSUU-ESGCT Conference 2012, European Society of Gene and Cell Therapy French Society for Cell and Gene Therapy Collaborative Congress, Human Gene Therapy.
An effector-reduced anti-β-amyloid (Aβ) antibody with unique aβ binding properties promotes neuroprotection and glial engulfment of Aβ.
Adolfsson O., Pihlgren M., Toni N., Varisco Y., Buccarello A.L., Antoniello K., Lohmann S., Piorkowska K., Gafner V., Atwal J.K. et al., 2012. Journal of Neuroscience, 32 (28) pp. 9677-9689. Peer-reviewed.
Atomic Force Microscopy Stiffness Tomography on Living Arabidopsis thaliana Cells Reveals the Mechanical Properties of Surface and Deep Cell-Wall Layers during Growth.
Radotić K., Roduit C., Simonović J., Hornitschek P., Fankhauser C., Mutavd?ić D. , Steinbach G., Dietler G., Kasas S., 2012. Biophysical Journal, 103 (3) pp. 386-394.
Autophagic cell death exists.
Clarke P.G., Puyal J., 2012. Autophagy, 8 (6) pp. 867-869. Peer-reviewed.
Changes in microRNA expression contribute to pancreatic β-cell dysfunction in prediabetic NOD mice.
Roggli E., Gattesco S., Caille D., Briet C., Boitard C., Meda P., Regazzi R., 2012. Diabetes, 61 (7) pp. 1742-1751. Peer-reviewed.
Computational quest for understanding the role of astrocyte signaling in synaptic transmission and plasticity.
De Pittà M., Volman V., Berry H., Parpura V., Volterra A., Ben-Jacob E., 2012. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 6 p. 98. Peer-reviewed.
Differential peptide binding to CD40 evokes counteractive responses.
Khan S., Alonso L., Roduit C., Bandyopadhyay S., Singh S., Saha S., Tacchini-Cottier F., Roy S., Dietler G., Kasas S. et al., 2012. Human Immunology, 73 (5) pp. 465-469.
Do we need non-human primate research?
Riederer B.M., 2012. Laboratory Animals, 46 (3) p. 177.
Effect of population-based screening on breast cancer mortality.
Riva C., Biollaz J., Foucras P., Junod B., Nicot P., Spinosa J.P., 2012. Lancet, 379 (9823) pp. 1296; author reply 1298.
Emerging roles of non-coding RNAs in pancreatic β-cell function and dysfunction.
Guay C., Jacovetti C., Nesca V., Motterle A., Tugay K., Regazzi R., 2012. Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, 14 (Suppl 3) pp. 12-21. Peer-reviewed.
Force volume and stiffness tomography investigation on the dynamics of stiff material under bacterial membranes.
Longo G., Rio L.M., Roduit C., Trampuz A., Bizzini A., Dietler G., Kasas S., 2012. Journal of Molecular Recognition, 25 (5) pp. 278-284. Peer-reviewed.
Genetics and molecular biology: miRNAs take the HDL ride.
Regazzi R., Widmann C., 2012. Current Opinion in Lipidology, 23 (2) pp. 165-166.
Gliotransmission and the tripartite synapse.
Santello M., Calì C., Bezzi P., 2012. pp. 307-331 dans Kreutz M.R., Sla C. (eds.) Synaptic plasticity : dynamics, development and disease chap. 14, Springer.
HDLs protect pancreatic β-cells against ER stress by restoring protein folding and trafficking.
Pétremand J., Puyal J., Chatton J.Y., Duprez J., Allagnat F., Frias M., James R.W., Waeber G., Jonas J.C., Widmann C., 2012. Diabetes, 61 (5) pp. 1100-1111.
How important is space for an animal?
Riederer B.M., 2012. Laboratory Animals, 46 (1) p. 1.
Identification of immunogenic proteins of Waddlia chondrophila.
Kebbi-Beghdadi C., Lienard J., Uyttebroeck F., Baud D., Riederer B.M., Greub G., 2012. Plos One, 7 (1) pp. e28605. Peer-reviewed.
Intracortical connectivity of layer VI pyramidal neurons in the somatosensory cortex of normal and barrelless mice.
Pichon F., Nikonenko I., Kraftsik R., Welker E., 2012. European Journal of Neuroscience, 35 (6) pp. 855-869. Peer-reviewed.
Involvement of the RNA-binding protein ARE/poly(U)-binding factor 1 (AUF1) in the cytotoxic effects of proinflammatory cytokines on pancreatic beta cells.
Roggli E., Gattesco S., Pautz A., Regazzi R., 2012. Diabetologia, 55 (6) pp. 1699-1708. Peer-reviewed.
MicroRNAs contribute to compensatory β cell expansion during pregnancy and obesity.
Jacovetti C., Abderrahmani A., Parnaud G., Jonas J.C., Peyot M.L., Cornu M., Laybutt R., Meugnier E., Rome S., Thorens B. et al., 2012. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 122 (10) pp. 3541-3551. Peer-reviewed.
Molecular machines governing exocytosis of synaptic vesicles.
Jahn R., Fasshauer D., 2012. Nature, 490 (7419) pp. 201-207. Peer-reviewed.
Molecular mechanism of myosin Va recruitment to dense core secretory granules.
Brozzi F., Diraison F., Lajus S., Rajatileka S., Philips T., Regazzi R., Fukuda M., Verkade P., Molnár E., Váradi A., 2012. Traffic, 13 (1) pp. 54-69. Peer-reviewed.
Munc18-1 mutations that strongly impair SNARE-complex binding support normal synaptic transmission.
Meijer M., Burkhardt P., de Wit H., Toonen R.F., Fasshauer D., Verhage M., 2012. EMBO Journal, 31 (9) pp. 2156-2168. Peer-reviewed.
Neuronal autophagy as a mediator of life and death: contrasting roles in chronic neurodegenerative and acute neural disorders.
Puyal J., Ginet V., Grishchuk Y., Truttmann A.C., Clarke P.G., 2012. Neuroscientist, 18 (3) pp. 224-236.
Neuronal expression of the ubiquitin ligase Nedd4-2 in rat dorsal root ganglia: Modulation in the spared nerve injury model of neuropathic pain.
Cachemaille M., Laedermann C.J., Pertin M., Abriel H., Gosselin R.D., Decosterd I., 2012. Neuroscience, 227 pp. 370-380. Peer-reviewed.
New evidence of neuroprotection by lactate after transient focal cerebral ischaemia: extended benefit after intracerebroventricular injection and efficacy of intravenous administration.
Berthet C., Castillo X., Magistretti P.J., Hirt L., 2012. Cerebrovascular Diseases, 34 (5-6) pp. 329-335. Peer-reviewed.
New pool of cortical interneuron precursors in the early postnatal dorsal white matter.
Riccio O., Murthy S., Szabo G., Vutskits L., Kiss J.Z., Vitalis T., Lebrand C., Dayer A.G., 2012. Cerebral Cortex, 22 (1) pp. 86-98. Peer-reviewed.
Nucleus of tractus solitarius astrocytes as homeostatic integrators.
Lamy C.M., 2012. Journal of Neuroscience, 32 (8) pp. 2579-2581.
OpenFovea: open-source AFM data processing software.
Roduit C., Saha B., Alonso-Sarduy L., Volterra A., Dietler G., Kasas S., 2012. Nature Methods, 9 (8) pp. 774-775. Peer-reviewed.
Properties of functional brain networks correlate with frequency of psychogenic non-epileptic seizures.
Barzegaran E., Joudaki A., Jalili M., Rossetti A.O., Frackowiak R.S., Knyazeva M.G., 2012. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 6 (335) pp. 1-13. Peer-reviewed.
Robotic Gait Training Is not Superior to Conventional Treadmill Training in Parkinson Disease: A Single-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial.
Carda S., Invernizzi M., Baricich A., Comi C., Croquelois A., Cisari C., 2012. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 26 (9) pp. 1027-1034. Peer-reviewed.
Sodium sensing in neurons with a dendrimer-based nanoprobe.
Lamy C.M., Sallin O., Loussert C., Chatton J.Y., 2012. ACS Nano, 6 (2) pp. 1176-1187. Peer-reviewed.
Specific inhibition of the JNK pathway promotes locomotor recovery and neuroprotection after mouse spinal cord injury.
Repici M., Chen X., Morel M.P., Doulazmi M., Sclip A., Cannaya V., Veglianese P., Kraftsik R., Mariani J., Borsello T. et al., 2012. Neurobiology of Disease, 46 (3) pp. 710-721. Peer-reviewed.
Stiffness tomography exploration of living and fixed macrophages.
Roduit C., Longo G., Benmessaoud I., Volterra A., Saha B., Dietler G., Kasas S., 2012. Journal of Molecular Recognition, 25 (5) pp. 241-246. Peer-reviewed.
Sustaining sleep spindles through enhanced SK2-channel activity consolidates sleep and elevates arousal threshold.
Wimmer R.D., Astori S., Bond C.T., Rovó Z., Chatton J.Y., Adelman J.P., Franken P., Lüthi A., 2012. Journal of Neuroscience, 32 (40) pp. 13917-13928. Peer-reviewed.
The BH4 domain of Bcl-X(L) rescues astrocyte degeneration in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis by modulating intracellular calcium signals.
Martorana F., Brambilla L., Valori C.F., Bergamaschi C., Roncoroni C., Aronica E., Volterra A., Bezzi P., Rossi D., 2012. Human Molecular Genetics, 21 (4) pp. 826-840. Peer-reviewed.
The Ciliogenic Transcription Factor RFX3 Regulates Early Midline Distribution of Guidepost Neurons Required for Corpus Callosum Development.
Benadiba C., Magnani D., Niquille M., Morlé L., Valloton D., Nawabi H., Ait-Lounis A., Otsmane B., Reith W., Theil T. et al., 2012. PLoS Genetics, 8 (3) pp. e1002606.
The limits of brain determinacy.
Clarke P.G., 2012. Proceedings. Biological Sciences / the Royal Society, 279 (1734) pp. 1665-1674. Peer-reviewed.
The spared nerve injury model of neuropathic pain.
Pertin M., Gosselin R.D., Decosterd I., 2012. Methods In Molecular Biology, 851 pp. 205-212.
Untangling the evolution of Rab G proteins: implications of a comprehensive genomic analysis.
Klöpper T.H., Kienle N., Fasshauer D., Munro S., 2012. BMC Biology, 10 (1) p. 71.
A role for glutamate transporters in the regulation of insulin secretion.
Gammelsaeter R., Coppola T., Marcaggi P., Storm-Mathisen J., Chaudhry F.A., Attwell D., Regazzi R., Gundersen V., 2011. PLoS One, 6 (8) pp. e22960.
A role for septins in the interaction between the Listeria monocytogenes INVASION PROTEIN InlB and the Met receptor.
Mostowy S., Janel S., Forestier C., Roduit C., Kasas S., Pizarro-Cerdá J., Cossart P., Lafont F., 2011. Biophysical Journal, 100 (8) pp. 1949-1959. Peer-reviewed.
Astrocyte dense-core vesicle gliosecretion is governed by rest/nrsf
Prada J., Marchaland J., Podini P., Magrassi L., D'Alessandro R., Bezzi P., Meldolesi J., 2011. pp. S55 dans 10th European meeting on Glial Cells in Health and Disease, GLIA.
Astrocytes: powering memory.
Bezzi P., Volterra A., 2011. Cell, 144 (5) pp. 644-645.
Beclin 1-independent autophagy contributes to apoptosis in cortical neurons.
Grishchuk Y., Ginet V., Truttmann A.C., Clarke P.G., Puyal J., 2011. Autophagy, 7 (10) pp. 1115-1131. Peer-reviewed.
Behavioural alteration in chronic pain: are brain glia involved?
Panigada T., Gosselin R.D., 2011. Medical Hypotheses, 77 (4) pp. 584-588.
Determination of the size of quantum dots by fluorescence spectroscopy.
Mutavdzić D., Xu J., Thakur G., Triulzi R., Kasas S., Jeremić M., Leblanc R., Radotić K., 2011. Analyst, 136 (11) pp. 2391-2396. Peer-reviewed.
Diabetes mellitus, a microRNA-related disease?
Guay C., Roggli E., Nesca V., Jacovetti C., Regazzi R., 2011. Translational Research, 157 (4) pp. 253-264.
Do Mice Habituate to "Gentle Handling?" A Comparison of Resting Behavior, Corticosterone Levels and Synaptic Function in Handled and Undisturbed C57BL/6J Mice.
Longordo F., Fan J., Steimer T., Kopp C., Lüthi A., 2011. Sleep, 34 (5) pp. 679-681.
Excitotoxicity-induced endocytosis mediates neuroprotection by TAT-peptide-linked JNK inhibitor.
Vaslin A., Naegele-Tollardo S., Puyal J., Clarke P.G., 2011. Journal of Neurochemistry, 119 (6) pp. 1243-1252.
Genetic dysregulation of glutathione synthesis predicts alteration of plasma thiol redox status in schizophrenia.
Gysin R., Kraftsik R., Boulat O., Bovet P., Conus P., Comte-Krieger E., Polari A., Steullet P., Preisig M., Teichmann T. et al., 2011. Antioxidants and Redox Signaling, 15 (7) pp. 2003-2010. Peer-reviewed.
Glioprotective impact of cell-permeable peptides in preclinical models of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Rossi D., Martorana F., Valori C., Roncoroni C., Bergamaschi C., Volterra A., Bezzi P., Brambilla L., 2011. pp. S81 dans 10th European meeting on Glial Cells in Health and Disease, GLIA.
Glutamate Transport Decreases Mitochondrial pH and Modulates Oxidative Metabolism in Astrocytes.
Azarias G., Perreten H., Lengacher S., Poburko D., Demaurex N., Magistretti P.J., Chatton J.Y., 2011. Journal of Neuroscience, 31 (10) pp. 3550-3559. Peer-reviewed.
Human topoisomerase II-DNA interaction study by using atomic force microscopy.
Alonso-Sarduy L., Roduit C., Dietler G., Kasas S., 2011. FEBS Letters, 585 (19) pp. 3139-3145.
Impaired expression of the inducible cAMP early repressor accounts for sustained adipose CREB activity in obesity.
Favre D., Le Gouill E., Fahmi D., Verdumo C., Chinetti-Gbaguidi G., Staels B., Caiazzo R., Pattou F., Lê K.A., Tappy L. et al., 2011. Diabetes, 60 (12) pp. 3169-3174.
LEDGF/p75 TATA-less promoter is driven by the transcription factor Sp1.
Desfarges S., Abderrahmani A., Hernàndez-Novoa B., Munoz M., Ciuffi A., 2011. Journal of Molecular Biology, 414 (2) pp. 177-193. Peer-reviewed.
Letter to the editor response to the article of Luisa Lina Villa HPV prophylactic vaccination: the first years and what to expect from now, in press.
Spinosa J.P., Riva C., Biollaz J., 2011. Cancer Letters, 304 (1) p. 70.
Local Ca(2+) detection and modulation of synaptic release by astrocytes.
Di Castro M.A., Chuquet J., Liaudet N., Bhaukaurally K., Santello M., Bouvier D., Tiret P., Volterra A., 2011. Nature Neuroscience, 14 (10) pp. 1276-84.
Loss of ATF2 function leads to cranial motoneuron degeneration during embryonic mouse development.
Ackermann J., Ashton G., Lyons S., James D., Hornung J.P., Jones N., Breitwieser W., 2011. PLoS One, 6 (4) pp. e19090. Peer-reviewed.
Old world arenaviruses enter the host cell via the multivesicular body and depend on the endosomal sorting complex required for transport.
Pasqual G., Rojek J.M., Masin M., Chatton J.Y., Kunz S., 2011. Plos Pathogens, 7 (9) pp. e1002232.
Optical probing of sodium dynamics in neurons and astrocytes.
Lamy C.M., Chatton J.Y., 2011. Neuroimage, 58 (2) pp. 572-578. Peer-reviewed.
Perioperative nerve blockade: clues from the bench.
Suter M.R., Siegenthaler A., Decosterd I., Ji R.R., 2011. Anesthesiology Research and Practice, 2011 p. 124898. Peer-reviewed.
Peripheral neuropathy is linked to a severe form of myotonic dystrophy in transgenic mice.
Panaite P.A., Kielar M., Kraftsik R., Gourdon G., Kuntzer T., Barakat-Walter I., 2011. Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology, 70 (8) pp. 678-685. Peer-reviewed.
Primordial neurosecretory apparatus identified in the choanoflagellate Monosiga brevicollis.
Burkhardt P., Stegmann C.M., Cooper B., Kloepper T.H., Imig C., Varoqueaux F., Wahl M.C., Fasshauer D., 2011. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 108 (37) pp. 15264-15269. Peer-reviewed.
Probing the nanomechanical properties of viruses cells and cellular structures
Kasas S., Dietler G., 2011. pp. 335-352 dans Life at the nanoscale : atomic force microscopy of live cells chap. 16, Pan Stanford Publishing.
Rest/nrsf governs the expression of dense-core vesicle gliosecretion in astrocytes
Bezzi P., Prada J., Marchaland J., Podini P., Magrassi L., D'Alessandro R., Meldolesi J., 2011. pp. S33 dans 10th European meeting on Glial Cells in Health and Disease, GLIA.
REST/NRSF governs the expression of dense-core vesicle gliosecretion in astrocytes.
Prada I., Marchaland J., Podini P., Magrassi L., D'Alessandro R., Bezzi P., Meldolesi J., 2011. Journal of Cell Biology, 193 (3) pp. 537-549. Peer-reviewed.
Restricted Left Gyrus Rectus Hemorrhage with Unusual Frontal Syndrome Presentation.
Winckler C., Magezi D., Croquelois A., 2011. European Neurology, 65 (3) pp. 129-131. Peer-reviewed.
rKv1.2 overexpression in the central medial thalamic area decreases caffeine-induced arousal.
Cazzin C., Piccoli L., Massagrande M., Garbati N., Michielin F., Knaus H.G., Ring C.J., Morrison A.D., Merlo-Pich E., Rovo Z. et al., 2011. Genes, Brain, and Behavior, 10 (8) pp. 817-827.
Role for inducible cAMP early repressor in promoting pancreatic beta cell dysfunction evoked by oxidative stress in human and rat islets.
Favre D., Niederhauser G., Fahmi D., Plaisance V., Brajkovic S., Beeler N., Allagnat F., Haefliger J.A., Regazzi R., Waeber G. et al., 2011. Diabetologia, 54 (9) pp. 2337-2346.
Role of homer 1 proteins in the calcium signaling pathway(s) underlying exo-endocytosis processes of glutamatergic slmvs in astrocytes
Cali C., Marchaland J., Ginet L., Hirt L., Truttmann A.C., Puyal J., Bezzi P., 2011. pp. S127 dans 10th European Meeting on Glial Cells in Health and Disease, GLIA. Peer-reviewed.
Role of microRNAs in the development of diabetes in NOD mice
Roggli E., Gattesco S., Briet C., Boitard C., Meda P., Regazzi R., 2011. pp. A74 dans -, Diabetes & Metabolism. Peer-reviewed.
Rôle des microARNs dans les mécanismes compensatoires de la masse des cellules β. [Role of microRNAs in compensatory mechanisms of beta cell mass.]
Jacovetti C., Abderrahmani A., Regazzi R., 2011. pp. A6 dans SFD 2011, Congrès de la Société Francophone du Diabète, Diabetes and Metabolism. Peer-reviewed.
Rôle endocrine de la neurotensine dans le contrôle de l'homéostasie glucidique. [Role of neurotensin in endocrine control of glucose homeostasis.]
Coppola T., Beraud-Dufour S., Abderrahmani A., Barataud A., Noel J., Brau F., Massa F., Waeber G., Mazella J., 2011. pp. A1 dans SFD 2011, Congrès de la Société Francophone du Diabète, Diabetes and Metabolism. Peer-reviewed.
Selective ion changes during spontaneous mitochondrial transients in intact astrocytes.
Azarias G., Chatton J.Y., 2011. PLoS One, 6 (12) pp. e28505.
SNARE protein expression in synaptic terminals and astrocytes in the adult hippocampus: a comparative analysis.
Schubert V., Bouvier D., Volterra A., 2011. GLIA, 59 (10) pp. 1472-1488.
Synapse formation in adult barrel cortex following naturalistic environmental enrichment.
Landers M.S., Knott G.W., Lipp H.P., Poletaeva I., Welker E., 2011. Neuroscience, 199 pp. 143-152. Peer-reviewed.
Synapse formation on adult-born hippocampal neurons.
Toni N., Sultan S., 2011. European Journal of Neuroscience, 33 (6) pp. 1062-1068.
Teaching clinical anatomy of the female pelvic floor to undergraduate students: A critical review of nevralgic points
Riederer BM., Spinosa J.P., 2011. Anatomy, 5 pp. 1-5. Peer-reviewed.
The Ca(V)3.3 calcium channel is the major sleep spindle pacemaker in thalamus.
Astori S., Wimmer R.D., Prosser H.M., Corti C., Corsi M., Liaudet N., Volterra A., Franken P., Adelman J.P., Lüthi A., 2011. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 108 (33) pp. 13823-13828.
The role of the ubiquitin proteasome system in Alzheimer's disease.
Riederer B.M., Leuba G., Vernay A., Riederer I.M., 2011. Experimental Biology and Medicine, 236 (3) pp. 268-276. Peer-reviewed.
TNFα controls glutamatergic gliotransmission in the hippocampal dentate gyrus.
Santello M., Bezzi P., Volterra A., 2011. Neuron, 69 (5) pp. 988-1001.
Vesicular transport of d-serine in astrocytes
Mothet J. P., Shi T., Puyal J., Klingauf J., Sweedler J., Jahn R., Martineau M., 2011. pp. S34-S35 dans 10th European meeting on Glial Cells in Health and Disease, GLIA.
Glial cells and chronic pain.
Gosselin R.D., Suter M.R., Ji R.R., Decosterd I., 2010/10. Neuroscientist, 16 (5) pp. 519-531. Peer-reviewed.
Neurotrophin receptors TrkA and TrkC cause neuronal death whereas TrkB does not.
Nikoletopoulou V., Lickert H., Frade J.M., Rencurel C., Giallonardo P., Zhang L., Bibel M., Barde Y.A., 2010/09/02. Nature, 467 (7311) pp. 59-63. Peer-reviewed.
Diabetes mellitus reveals its micro-signature.
Regazzi R., 2010/09. Circulation Research, 107 (6) pp. 686-688. Peer-reviewed.
CXCR4-mediated glutamate exocytosis from astrocytes.
Calì C., Bezzi P., 2010/07. Journal of Neuroimmunology, 224 (1-2) pp. 13-21. Peer-reviewed.
Role of the c-Jun N-terminal kinase pathway in retinal excitotoxicity, and neuroprotection by its inhibition.
Bessero A.C., Chiodini F., Rungger-Brändle E., Bonny C., Clarke P.G., 2010/06. Journal of neurochemistry, 113 (5) pp. 1307-1318. Peer-reviewed.
A tumor-specific cellular environment at the brain invasion border of adamantinomatous craniopharyngiomas.
Burghaus S., Hölsken A., Buchfelder M., Fahlbusch R., Riederer B.M., Hans V., Blümcke I., Buslei R., 2010/03. Virchows Archiv, 456 (3) pp. 287-300. Peer-reviewed.
Pregabalin in the treatment of neuropathic tremor following a motor axonal form of Guillain-Barré syndrome.
Coltamai L., Magezi D.A., Croquelois A., 2010/03. Movement Disorders, 25 (4) pp. 517-519. Peer-reviewed.
Neuroprotection for optic nerve disorders.
Bessero A.C., Clarke P.G., 2010/02. Current opinion in neurology, 23 (1) pp. 10-15. Peer-reviewed.
A coiled coil trigger site is essential for rapid binding of synaptobrevin to the SNARE acceptor complex.
Wiederhold K., Kloepper T.H., Walter A.M., Stein A., Kienle N., Sørensen J.B., Fasshauer D., 2010. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 285 (28) pp. 21549-21559. Peer-reviewed.
Adipose reduction in the activity of the repressor ICER is responsible for insulin resistance elicited by the transcriptional factors CREB in obesity
Favre D., Legouil E., Verdumo C., Fahmi D., Regazzi R., Vollenweider P., Giusti V., Waeber G., Abderrahmani A., 2010. p. 318 dans 46th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD), Diabetologia. Peer-reviewed.
Antalgie préhospitalière des patients avec traumatisme : contribution des variations de pratique antalgique inter-médecins au risque d'oligoanalgésie
Albrecht E., Decosterd I., Hugli O., Schoettker P., Yersin B., 2010. dans Urgences 2010, 4e Congrès de la Société Française de Médecine d'Urgence (SFMU).
Atomic force microscopy imaging of living cells
Berquand A., Roduit C., Kasas S., Holloschi A., Ponce L., Hafner M., 2010. Microscopy Today, 18 (6) pp. 8-14. Peer-reviewed.
Atypical Blood Supply to the Cerebellar Hemispheres by Isolated Superior Cerebellar Arteries.
Coltamai L., Maeder P., Croquelois A., 2010. European Neurology, 63 (2) pp. 127-128. Peer-reviewed.
Baseline Results of an Acute Ischemic Stroke Registry Including Acute Multimodal Imaging (ASTRAL)
Michel Patrik, Odier Celine, Rutgers Matthieu, Reichhart Marc, Maeder Philippe, Meuli Reto, Wintermark Max, Maghraoui Ali, Faouzi Mohamed, Croquelois Alexandre et al., 2010. p. 293 dans International Stroke Conference, Stroke. Peer-reviewed.
Cell death and autophagy after severe hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy in term newborns
Pittet M.P., Ginet V., Osterheld M.C., Meuli R., Puyal J., Truttmann A.C., 2010. pp. 29S dans Joint annual meeting of the Swiss Society for Pediatrics, Swiss Society of Pediatric Pneumology, Swiss Medical Weekly. Peer-reviewed.
Different patterns of lateralization of cognitive functions in a left-handed patient with unilateral right middle cerebral artery stroke.
Goetschmann V.B., Croquelois A., 2010. Cerebrovascular Diseases, 29 (4) pp. 403-407. Peer-reviewed.
Inhibitory effects of (2S, 3S)-3-[3-[4-(trifluoromethyl)benzoylamino]benzyloxy]aspartate (TFB-TBOA) on the astrocytic sodium responses to glutamate.
Bozzo L., Chatton J.-Y., 2010. Brain Research 1316 pp. 27-34. Peer-reviewed.
Involvement of microRNAs in the cytotoxic effects exerted by proinflammatory cytokines on pancreatic beta-cells.
Roggli E., Britan A., Gattesco S., Lin-Marq N., Abderrahmani A., Meda P., Regazzi R., 2010. Diabetes, 59 (4) pp. 978-986. Peer-reviewed.
La diminution de l'activité du répresseur ICER dans les adipocytes est responsable de la résistance à l'insuline dirigée par le facteur CREB dans l'obésité [The decreased activity of the repressor ICER in adipocytes is responsible for insulin resistance led by factor CREB in obesity.]
Favre D., Legouil E., Verdumo C., Fahmi D., Regazzi R., Vollenweider P., Giusti V., Waeber G., Abderrahmani A., 2010. p. 13 dans Congrès francophone annuel de diabétologie SFD 2010, Diabetes and Metabolism. Peer-reviewed.
Microcontroller-driven fluid-injection system for atomic force microscopy.
Kasas S., Alonso L., Jacquet P., Adamcik J., Haeberli C., Dietler G., 2010. Review of Scientific Instruments, 81 (1) p. 013704. Peer-reviewed.
Mécanisme moléculaire de protection des HDLs contre le stress du réticulum endoplasmique dans la cellule beta pancréatique. [Molecular mechanisms of HDLs to protect against the endoplasmic reticulum stress in pancreatic beta cell.]
Petremand J., Chatton J. Y., Waeber G., Widmann C., 2010. p. 4 dans Congrès Francophone Annuel de Diabétologie SFD 201, Diabete and Metabolism. Peer-reviewed.
Nano-scale force spectroscopy applied to biological samples
Kasas S., Roduit C., Dietler G, 2010. pp. 23-44 dans Carrara S. (eds.) Nano-Bio-Sensing chap. 2, Springer.
Neuroscience: Astrocytes as aide-mémoires.
Santello M., Volterra A., 2010. Nature, 463 (7278) pp. 169-170.
Neurotensin is a regulator of insulin secretion in pancreatic beta-cells.
Béraud-Dufour S., Abderrahmani A., Noel J., Brau F., Waeber G., Mazella J., Coppola T., 2010. International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 42 (10) pp. 1681-1688. Peer-reviewed.
Redox dysregulation affects parvalbumine interneuron's integrity and neural synchronisation in ventral but not dorsal hippocampus
Cabungcal Jan-Harry, Steullet Pascal, Frank Anita, Kraftsik Rudolf, Ying Chen, Dalton Timothy P., Cuenod Michel, Do Kim Q., 2010. p. 388 dans 2nd Biennial Schizophrenia International Research Conference, Schizophrenia Research. Peer-reviewed.
Redox dysregulation affects the ventral but not dorsal hippocampus: impairment of parvalbumin neurons, gamma oscillations, and related behaviors.
Steullet P., Cabungcal J.H., Kulak A., Kraftsik R., Chen Y., Dalton T.P., Cuenod M., Do K.Q., 2010. Journal of Neuroscience, 30 (7) pp. 2547-2558. Peer-reviewed.
Regulation of insulin secretion by phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate.
Tomas A., Yermen B., Regazzi R., Pessin J.E., Halban P.A., 2010. Traffic, 11 (1) pp. 123-137. Peer-reviewed.
Soutien informatique dans la gestion de la douleur aiguë aux urgences : acceptation par les soignants et impact sur les connaissances des Recommandations de Pratiques Cliniques (RPC)
Achour S., Decosterd I., Gonin P., Palhais N., Hugli O., 2010. dans Urgences 2010, 4e Congrès de la Société Française de Médecine d'Urgence (SFMU).
Synaptobrevin N-terminally bound to syntaxin-SNAP-25 defines the primed vesicle state in regulated exocytosis.
Walter A.M., Wiederhold K., Bruns D., Fasshauer D., Sørensen J.B., 2010. Journal of Cell Biology, 188 (3) pp. 401-413.
The Acute STroke Registry and Analysis of Lausanne (ASTRAL): design and baseline analysis of an ischemic stroke registry including acute multimodal imaging.
Michel Patrik, Odier Céline, Rutgers Matthieu, Reichhart Marc, Maeder Philippe, Meuli Reto, Wintermark Max, Maghraoui Ali, Faouzi Mohamed, Croquelois Alexandre et al., 2010. Stroke, 41 (11) pp. 2491-2498. Peer-reviewed.
The c-Jun N-terminal kinase 1 (JNK1) in spinal astrocytes is required for the maintenance of bilateral mechanical allodynia under a persistent inflammatory pain condition.
Gao Yong-Jing, Xu Zhen-Zhong, Liu Yen-Chin, Wen Yeong-Ray, Decosterd Isabelle, Ji Ru-Rong, 2010. Pain, 148 (2) pp. 309-319. Peer-reviewed.
The long-term survival of in vitro engineered nervous tissue derived from the specific neural differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells.
Dubois-Dauphin M.L., Toni N., Julien S.D., Charvet I., Sundstrom L.E., Stoppini L., 2010. Biomaterials, 31 (27) pp. 7032-7042. Peer-reviewed.
Thyroid hormone enhances transected axonal regeneration and muscle reinnervation following rat sciatic nerve injury.
Panaite P.A., Barakat-Walter I., 2010. Journal of Neuroscience Research, 88 (8) pp. 1751-1763. Peer-reviewed.
Upregulation of the GABA transporter GAT-1 in the gracile nucleus in the spared nerve injury model of neuropathic pain.
Gosselin R.D., Bebber D., Decosterd I., 2010. Neuroscience Letters, 480 (2) pp. 132-137. Peer-reviewed.
High throughput sequencing and proteomics to identify immunogenic proteins of a new pathogen: the dirty genome approach.
Greub G., Kebbi-Beghdadi C., Bertelli C., Collyn F., Riederer B.M., Yersin C., Croxatto A., Raoult D., 2009/12/23. PloS one, 4 (12) pp. e8423. Peer-reviewed.
Molecular determinants of vesicular storage and release of the gliotransmitter D-serine from cortical astrocytes
Martineau M., Shi T., Puyal J., Gontier E., Sweedler J.V., Theodosis D.T., Oliet S.H.R., Jahn R., Mothet J.P., 2009/10. p. 763 dans Lubec G. (eds.) 11th International Congress on Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins, Amino Acids. Peer-reviewed.
Age-dependent impairment of spine morphology and synaptic plasticity in hippocampal CA1 neurons of a presenilin 1 transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer's disease.
Auffret A., Gautheron V., Repici M., Kraftsik R., Mount H.T., Mariani J., Rovira C., 2009/08/12. The Journal of neuroscience, 29 (32) pp. 10144-10152. Peer-reviewed.
The barrel cortex as a model to study dynamic neuroglial interaction.
Giaume C., Maravall M., Welker E., Bonvento G., 2009/08. The Neuroscientist, 15 (4) pp. 351-366. Peer-reviewed.
NR2A at CA1 synapses is obligatory for the susceptibility of hippocampal plasticity to sleep loss.
Longordo F., Kopp C., Mishina M., Luján R., Lüthi A., 2009/07. Journal of Neuroscience, 29 (28) pp. 9026-9041. Peer-reviewed.
Effect of RasGAP N2 fragment-derived peptide on tumor growth in mice.
Michod D., Annibaldi A., Schaefer S., Dapples C., Rochat B., Widmann C., 2009/06. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 101 (11) pp. 828-832. Peer-reviewed.
Role of the transcriptional factor C/EBPbeta in free fatty acid-elicited beta-cell failure.
Plaisance V., Perret V., Favre D., Abderrahmani A., Yang J.Y., Widmann C., Regazzi R., 2009/06. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 305 (1-2) pp. 47-55. Peer-reviewed.
Consequences of sleep deprivation on neurotransmitter receptor expression and function.
Longordo F., Kopp C., Lüthi A., 2009/05. European Journal of Neuroscience, 29 (9) pp. 1810-1819. Peer-reviewed.
Skin fibroblast model to study an impaired glutathione synthesis: consequences of a genetic polymorphism on the proteome.
Gysin R., Riederer I.M., Cuénod M., Do K.Q., Riederer B.M., 2009/04/06. Brain research bulletin, 79 (1) pp. 46-52. Peer-reviewed.
A novel tool for the assessment of pain: validation in low back pain.
Scholz J., Mannion R.J., Hord D.E., Griffin R.S., Rawal B., Zheng H., Scoffings D., Phillips A., Guo J., Laing R.J. et al., 2009/04. PLoS Medicine, 6 (4) pp. e1000047. Peer-reviewed.
Les deux visages de l'autophagie dans le système nerveux [The two faces of autophagy in the nervous system].
Puyal J., Ginet V., Vaslin A., Truttmann A.C., Clarke P.G., 2009/04. Médecine Sciences, 25 (4) pp. 383-390. Peer-reviewed.
Roles of mGluR5 in synaptic function and plasticity of the mouse thalamocortical pathway.
She W.C., Quairiaux C., Albright M.J., Wang Y.C., Sanchez D.E., Chang P.S., Welker E., Lu H.C., 2009/04. European Journal of Neuroscience, 29 (7) pp. 1379-1396. Peer-reviewed.
Protection from lethal gram-negative bacterial sepsis by targeting Toll-like receptor 4.
Roger T., Froidevaux C., Le Roy D., Reymond M.K., Chanson A.L., Mauri D., Burns K., Riederer B.M., Akira S., Calandra T., 2009/02. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 106 (7) pp. 2348-2352. Peer-reviewed.
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