Palliative and Support Care

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502 publications

... | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | ...
Management and integration of care for children living with complex care needs at the acute-community interface in Europe.
Brenner M., O'Shea M.P., Larkin P., Luzi D., Pecoraro F., Tamburis O., Berry J., Alexander D., Rigby M., Blair M., 2018/11. The Lancet. Child & adolescent health, 2 (11) pp. 822-831. Peer-reviewed.
Palliativmedizin: eine zentrale Aufgabe der Hausärzte [Palliative medicine: a pivotal task for primary care physicians]
Borasio G.D., 2018/11. MMW Fortschritte der Medizin, 160 (Suppl 3) pp. 93-96. Peer-reviewed.
Brain–Computer Interfaces: Lessons to Be Learned from the Ethics of Algorithms
WOLKENSTEIN ANDREAS, JOX RALF J., FRIEDRICH ORSOLYA, 2018/10. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics, 27 (4) pp. 635-646.
Entwicklung der Palliativmedizinischen Dienste (PMD) in Bayern 2011–2015: Aufgaben, Akzeptanz, Struktur und Finanzierung [The Development of Palliative Care Hospital Support Teams (HPCTs) in Bavaria from 2011-2015: Tasks, Acceptance, Structure and Funding]
Anneser J., Thurn T., Borasio G.D., 2018/10. Gesundheitswesen, 80 (10) pp. 888-893. Peer-reviewed.
Geriatric palliative care: a view of its concept, challenges and strategies.
Voumard R., Rubli Truchard E., Benaroyo L., Borasio G.D., Büla C., Jox R.J., 2018/09/20. BMC geriatrics, 18 (1) p. 220. Peer-reviewed.
Factors associated with pain during intravitreal injection of anti-vascular endothelial growth factor.
Nguyen NCI, Fabro F., Ambresin A., Ezziat S., Bergin C., Mazzocato C., Mantel I., 2018/09. Eye, 32 (9) pp. 1544-1546. Peer-reviewed.
IssuEs in Palliative care for people in advanced and terminal stages of Young-onset and Late-Onset dementia in GErmany (EPYLOGE): the study protocol.
Diehl-Schmid J., Hartmann J., Roßmeier C., Riedl L., Förstl H., Egert-Schwender S., Kehl V., Schneider-Schelte H., Jox R.J., 2018/08/31. BMC psychiatry, 18 (1) p. 271. Peer-reviewed.
Demenz aus palliativmedizinischer Perspektive: warum ein krankheitsspezifisches Advance Care Planning wichtig ist [Dementia from a palliative care perspective: why a disease-specific advance care planning is necessary]
Jox R.J., Bosisio F., Rubli Truchard E., 2018/07. Therapeutische Umschau. Revue therapeutique, 75 (2) pp. 105-111. Peer-reviewed.
Soins palliatifs gériatriques
Voumard R, Rubli Truchard E, Benaroyo L, Borasio GD, Büla C, Jox RJ, 2018/07. Palliative Flash. Soins palliatifs au quotidien 60.
Palliativversorgung von Menschen mit fortgeschrittener Demenz [Provision of palliative care for people with advanced dementia]
Diehl-Schmid J., Riedl L., Rüsing U., Hartmann J., Bertok M., Levin C., Hamann J., Arcand M., Lorenzl S., Feddersen B. et al., 2018/05. Der Nervenarzt, 89 (5) pp. 524-529. Peer-reviewed.
Eine Professur für Palliativmedizin in der Radio-Onkologie?
Borasio GD, 2018/04/25. Schweizerische Ärztezeitung, 99 (17) pp. 553-554.
Neurological Symptoms in Palliative Care Patients
Anneser Johanna, Arenz Victoria, Borasio Gian Domenico, 2018/04/25. Frontiers in Neurology, 9 p. 275. Peer-reviewed.
Family Caregivers' Reflections on Experiences of Assisted Suicide in Switzerland: A Qualitative Interview Study.
Gamondi C., Pott M., Preston N., Payne S., 2018/04. Journal of pain and symptom management, 55 (4) pp. 1085-1094. Peer-reviewed.
Aktuelle Herausforderungen der Ethik am Lebensende
Jox Ralf J., 2018/03. Ethik in der Medizin, 30 (1) pp. 1-4. Peer-reviewed.
Assessment measures in palliative care: The risk of inflation and the importance of listening to the patient's story.
Borasio G.D., Tamchès E., 2018/02. Palliative & supportive care, 16 (1) pp. 1-2. Peer-reviewed.
A Pilgrim's Journey-When Parkinson's Disease Comes to an End in Nursing Homes.
Lex K.M., Larkin P., Osterbrink J., Lorenzl S., 2018. Frontiers in neurology, 9 p. 1068. Peer-reviewed.
Ethische Herausforderungen in der End-of-Life Care
Jox RJ, 2018. pp. 43-54 dans Trachsel Manuel (eds.) End-of-Life Care. Psychologische, ethische, spirituelle und rechtliche Aspekte der letzten Lebensphase, Hogrefe .
Fortgeschrittene Demenz am Lebensende: Ein Ratgeber für Angehörige über die Ziele und Möglichkeiten der Hospiz und Palliativversorgung
Diehl-Schmid J, Hartmann J, Riedl L, Lorenzl S, Anneser J, Feddersen B, Levin C, Goudinoudis K, Käufer D, Fröhlich B et al., 2018., Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Gesundheit und Pflege.
Freiwilliger Verzicht auf Nahrung und Flüssigkeit: Ist eine ärztliche Unterstützung ethisch gerechtfertigt?
Borasio GD, Black I, Anneser J, Jox RJ, 2018. Die Hospizzeitschrift, 3 (78) pp. 6-10.
From the concept of “good death” in the ancient world to the modern concept of euthanasia
Montaguti E, Jox RJ, Zwick E, Picozzi M, 2018. Medicina Historica , 2 (2) pp. 104-8 . Peer-reviewed.
Interprofessional interactions at the hospital. Nurses' requests and reports of problems in calls with physicians
Sterie A, 2018..
La fatigue en oncologie
Gresch B, Mazzocato C, Gremeaux-Bader V, Rodondi PY, 2018. Swiss Medical Forum , 18 (39) pp. 790-795.
Médecine palliative et gériatrie : une collaboration incontournable
Borasio GD, 2018. Info@gériatrie 03/04 p. 5.
Palliative Care bei Amyotropher Lateralsklerose – Von der Diagnose bis zur Trauerbegleitung
Anneser J, Borasio GD, Johnston W, Oliver D, Winkler AS (eds.), 2018., Kohlhammer-Verlag.
Palliative Sedierung – alltägliche Praxis im ethischen Disput
Zimmermann F, Jox RJ, 2018. Bioethica Forum , 11 (2/3) pp. 43-44.
Palliativmedizin: Die wichtigsten Entwicklungen der letzten 10 Jahre
Borasio GD, 2018. MMW Fortschr Med , 160 (S3) pp. 93-96.
Projet anticipé des soins chez les personnes atteintes de démences
Bosisio F, Jox RJ, Rubli E, 2018. La gazette médicale, 7 (3-4) pp. 14-18.
Sédation palliative en établissement médico-social
Mazzocato C, 2018. Info@gériatrie.
Palliatologue ? Palliativiste ! Plaidoyer pour une désignation adaptée des spécialistes en médecine palliative []
Bernet C., Cantin B., Vacanti-Robert A., Zulian G., Borasio G.D., 2017/11/22. Revue medicale suisse, 13 (584) p. 2057. Peer-reviewed.
Validation of the French Version of the Edmonton Symptom Assessment System.
Pautex S., Vayne-Bossert P., Bernard M., Beauverd M., Cantin B., Mazzocato C., Thollet C., Bollondi-Pauly C., Ducloux D., Herrmann F. et al., 2017/11. Journal of pain and symptom management, 54 (5) pp. 721-726.e1. Peer-reviewed.
Voluntary stopping of eating and drinking: is medical support ethically justified?
Jox R.J., Black I., Borasio G.D., Anneser J., 2017/10/20. BMC medicine, 15 (1) p. 186. Peer-reviewed.
Relationship Between Spirituality, Meaning in Life, Psychological Distress, Wish for Hastened Death, and Their Influence on Quality of Life in Palliative Care Patients.
Bernard M., Strasser F., Gamondi C., Braunschweig G., Forster M., Kaspers-Elekes K., Walther Veri S., Borasio G.D., SMILE consortium team, 2017/10. Journal of pain and symptom management, 54 (4) pp. 514-522. Peer-reviewed.
"Hope for the best, prepare for the worst": A qualitative interview study on parents' needs and fears in pediatric advance care planning.
Lotz J.D., Daxer M., Jox R.J., Borasio G.D., Führer M., 2017/09. Palliative medicine, 31 (8) pp. 764-771. Peer-reviewed.
Definition and recommendations for advance care planning: an international consensus supported by the European Association for Palliative Care.
Rietjens JAC, Sudore R.L., Connolly M., van Delden J.J., Drickamer M.A., Droger M., van der Heide A., Heyland D.K., Houttekier D., Janssen DJA et al., 2017/09. The Lancet. Oncology, 18 (9) pp. e543-e551. Peer-reviewed.
Interventions psychologiques centrées sur la spiritualité : revue de la question
Bernard M., Hayek A.-S., Spring G., Borasio G. D., Diawara F., 2017/09. Psycho-Oncologie, 11 (3) pp. 189-198. Peer-reviewed.
"Let's Bring Her Home First." Patient Characteristics and Place of Death in Specialized Pediatric Palliative Home Care.
Bender H.U., Riester M.B., Borasio G.D., Führer M., 2017/08. Journal of pain and symptom management, 54 (2) pp. 159-166. Peer-reviewed.
Behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia: advanced disease stages and death. A step to palliative care.
Diehl-Schmid J., Richard-Devantoy S., Grimmer T., Förstl H., Jox R., 2017/08. International journal of geriatric psychiatry, 32 (8) pp. 876-881. Peer-reviewed.
Prise en charge de la dyspnée terminale
Mazzocato C, 2017/08. Palliative Info 1.
Suicide and assisted dying in dementia: what we know and what we need to know. A narrative literature review.
Diehl-Schmid J., Jox R., Gauthier S., Belleville S., Racine E., Schüle C., Turecki G., Richard-Devantoy S., 2017/08. International psychogeriatrics, 29 (8) pp. 1247-1259. Peer-reviewed.
Vivre face à la mort : faire prendre du recul à des étudiants de médecine lausannois [« Living facing death' : improving Lausanne's medical students » attitude toward end-of-life issues]
Tamchès E., Benaroyo L., Bornet M.A., Hornung J.P., Borasio G.D., 2017/05/24. Revue medicale suisse, 13 (564) pp. 1118-1121. Peer-reviewed.
Le changement de l’objectif thérapeutique en fin de vie.
Borasio GD, Jox RJ, 2017/03. Palliative Flash. Soins palliatifs au quotidien. pp. -.
Soins palliatifs oncologiques de demain Précocité et intégration
Mazzocato C, Eicher M, 2017/03/01. info@onkologie 03-2017 pp. 21-24.
Evaluation de l’impact d’une équipe mobile palliative intrahospitalière dans un hôpital tertiaire [Assessment of the impact of a palliative care support team in a tertiary hospital]
Braunschweig G., Borasio G.D., Tamchès E., Arnstadt N., Bernard M., 2017/02/08. Revue medicale suisse, 13 (549) pp. 376-381. Peer-reviewed.
Connaître le souhait des patients pour leur lieu de décès [Knowing where the patients would like to die]
Vantieghem K., Laurent F., 2017/02/01. Revue medicale suisse, 13 (548) pp. 326-328. Peer-reviewed.
Identification des patients palliatifs : enjeux et outils de dépistage [Identification of palliative care patients :issues and screening tools]
Teike Lüthi F., Borasio G.D., Bernard M., 2017/02/01. Revue medicale suisse, 13 (548) pp. 307-309. Peer-reviewed.
Les soins palliatifs – une médecine d’écoute
Borasio G.D., 2017/02/01. Revue medicale suisse, 13 (548) pp. 299-300. Peer-reviewed.
Réanimation des personnes âgées : comment aborder les preferences en amont ? [Resuscitation of elderly people : how to approach their preferences in advance]
Rubli Truchard E., Sterie A.C., Jox R.J., 2017/02/01. Revue medicale suisse, 13 (548) pp. 320-322. Peer-reviewed.
Advance Care Planning bei Urteilsunfähigkeit
Jox RJ, 2017. pp. 6-9.
Assistierter Suizid: Der Stand der Wissenschaft
Borasio GD, Jox RJ, Taupitz J, Wiesing U, 2017., Springer-Verlag.
Demenz: Behandlung im Voraus planen
Jox RJ, 2017. Palliative Geriatrie, 3 (1) pp. 30-33.
Establishing a formal sarcoma center for children and adults at the Lausanne University Hospital
Bosisio Francesca, Matter Maurice, Fortin Aurélie, CHUV Multidisciplinary Sarcoma Team, 2017. Swiss Knife 3 pp. 16-19. Peer-reviewed.
Ethische Fragen bei neurodegenerativen Erkrankungen
Erbguth F, Jox RJ, 2017. pp. 201-211 dans Angewandte Ethik in der Neuromedizin, Springer.
Kommentar zum Gesetz zur Strafbarkeit der geschäftsmäßigen Förderung der Selbsttötung aus medizinischer Sicht
Borasio GD, Jox RJ, Taupitz J, Wiesing U, 2017. pp. 137-141 dans Assistierter Suizid: Der Stand der Wissenschaft, Springer.
L’Autonomie en fin de vie. Le débat allemand, des pistes pour la Suisse, un enjeux pour nous tous.
Borasio GD, 2017., Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes.
Newcomer nurses' telephone calls to porters and doctors. Inquiring and reporting as vehicles for requests
Sterie Anca-Cristina, González-Martínez E, 2017. pp. 143-168 dans Interactional competences in institutional settings, Palgrave MacMillan, London.
Perspektiven deutscher Patienten und Bürger auf den assistierten Suizid
Borasio GD, Jox RJ, Taupitz J, Wiesing U, 2017. pp. 51-60 dans Assistierter Suizid: Der Stand der Wissenschaft, Springer.
Preparing existential decisions in later life: advance health care planning
Jox RJ, 2017. pp. 164-180 dans Schweda M, Pfaller S, Brauer K, Adloff F, Schicktanz S (eds.) Planning Later Life. Bioethics and Public Health in Aging Societies, Routledge Abgindon .
Medical indication regarding life-sustaining treatment for children: Focus groups with clinicians.
Lotz J.D., Jox R.J., Meurer C., Borasio G.D., Führer M., 2016/12. Palliative medicine, 30 (10) pp. 960-970. Peer-reviewed.
Multidrug infusions in a Swiss palliative care unit: assessment of frequent combinations in terms of clinical effectiveness, compatibility, and stability.
Fusi-Schmidhauser T., Caronzolo D., Gamondi C., 2016/12. Supportive care in cancer : official journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer, 24 (12) pp. 4971-4978. Peer-reviewed.
P062 « Vivre face à la mort » : une pédagogie novatrice proposée aux étudiant(e)s de médecine de Lausanne
Tamchès Emmanuel, Benaroyo Lazare, Bornet Marc-Antoine, Hornung Jean-Pierre, Borasio Gian Domenico, 2016/12., 21e Congrès international de soins palliatifs (ICPC), Montréal, Québec pp. e81 dans Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. Peer-reviewed.
Le Corps-marché, par C. Lafontaine
Bosisio Francesca, 2016/09. Bioethica Forum p. 25.
Alterations in the hypothalamic melanocortin pathway in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
Vercruysse P., Sinniger J., El Oussini H., Scekic-Zahirovic J., Dieterlé S., Dengler R., Meyer T., Zierz S., Kassubek J., Fischer W. et al., 2016/04. Brain : a journal of neurology, 139 (Pt 4) pp. 1106-1122.
Measure development and assessing outcomes in palliative care: Always look on the bright side of life….
Borasio G.D., Bernard M., 2016/04. Palliative & supportive care, 14 (2) pp. 89-90. Peer-reviewed.
La PAPT: Un projet centré sur la personne, non la pathologie.
MAZZOCATO Claudia, 2016/02/29. Swiss portal for philosophy, 2016, 124 pp. 8-9.
Soins palliatifs: condamnation ou espoir? Quand faut-il en parler? [Palliative care: a death sentence or hope? When do you talk about it?]
Mazzocato C., 2016/01/27. Revue medicale suisse, 12 (503) pp. 194-195.
A consensus review on the development of palliative care for patients with chronic and progressive neurological disease.
Oliver D.J., Borasio G.D., Caraceni A., de Visser M., Grisold W., Lorenzl S., Veronese S., Voltz R., 2016. European Journal of Neurology, 23 (1) pp. 30-38. Peer-reviewed.
Choosing wisely at the end of life: the crucial role of medical indication.
Borasio G.D., Jox R.J., 2016. Swiss medical weekly, 146 pp. w14369. Peer-reviewed.
Die Würde wahren. Warum die Transplantationsmedizin eine Palliativkultur braucht
Jox Ralf, 2016. Im OP, 7 (1) pp. 31-34.
Disorders of consciousness and informed consent
Jox Ralf, 2016. pp. 133-142 dans Farisco M, Evers K (eds.) Neurotechnology and Direct Brain Communication. New insights and responsibilities concerning speechless but communicative subjects, Routledge.
Essentiel de médecine palliative. Le B.a.-ba des soins palliatifs
Eychmüller Steffen, Tamchès Emmanuel (eds.)Eychmüller Steffen, Tamchès Emmanuel, 2016. 149, Hogrefe Verlag.
Ethics support in health care: What do we do and how can we do it right?
Jox Ralf, 2016. Bioethica Forum, 9 (2) p. 3.
La fin de vie. Ce que l'on sait, ce que l'on peut faire, comment s'y préparer
Borasio Gian Domenico, Aubry Régis, 2016. 227, Eyrolles.
La gratitude dans le contexte des soins palliatifs
Bernard M., 2016. Palliative Flash 51 pp. 1-4.
Listening to parents: The role of symptom perception in pediatric palliative home care.
Vollenbroich R., Borasio G.D., Duroux A., Grasser M., Brandstätter M., Führer M., 2016. Palliative and Supportive Care, 14 (1) pp. 13-19. Peer-reviewed.
Lost decisional capacity, lost chance of advance care planning?
Jox R, 2016. Bioethica Forum, 9 (3) pp. 109-110.
Physician-assisted suicide, euthanasia and palliative sedation: attitudes and knowledge of medical students.
Anneser J., Jox R.J., Thurn T., Borasio G.D., 2016. GMS journal for medical education, 33 (1) pp. Doc11. Peer-reviewed.
Planification anticipée du projet thérapeutique et directives anticipées. L’expérience d’un service universitaire d’oncologie médicale
Mazzocato C, Séchaud L, 2016. Bioethica Forum , 9 (3) pp. 111-112.
Recours à la sédation palliative.
Mazzocato Claudia, 2016. Palliative Info Newsletter 3 pp. 1-4.
Rôle du médecin traitant face à un désir de mort
Mazzocato Claudia, 2016. Courrier du Médecin Vaudois 4 pp. 4-5.
Spiritualité et soins palliatifs
Borasio Gian Domenico, 2016. pp. 125-139 dans Brandt PY, Besson J (eds.) Spiritualité en milieu hospitalier, Labor et Fides.
Willensäußerungen dementiell Erkrankter. Praxisbericht
Jox Ralf, 2016. pp. 293-294 dans Moos T, Rehmann-Sutter C, Schües C (eds.) Randzonen des Willens. Anthropologische und ethische Probleme von Entscheidungen in Grenzsituationen. , Peter Lang.
Les obstacles à la gestion de la douleur perçus par les infirmières : étude descriptive au sein d'un hôpital universitaire suisse[Barriers to pain management as perceived by nurses: A descriptive study in a Swiss University Hospital]
Teike Lüthi F., Gueniat C., Nicolas F., Thomas P., Ramelet A.-S., 2015/06. Douleur et Analgésie, 28 (2) pp. 93-99. Peer-reviewed.
Approche antalgique pharmacologique des douleurs neuropathiques
Mazzocato C, 2015. Palliative Info Newsletter 2 pp. 1-5.
Attitudes Regarding Palliative Sedation and Death Hastening Among Swiss Physicians: A Contextually Sensitive Approach.
Foley R.A., Johnston W.S., Bernard M., Canevascini M., Currat T., Borasio G.D., Beauverd M., 2015. Death Studies, 39 (8) pp. 473-482. Peer-reviewed.
Mazzocato C, 2015. pp. 141-145 dans Neuenschwander H, Cina C. (eds.) Handbuch Palliativmedizin chap. 12, Verlag Hans Huber.
Erforschung und Antworten auf den vorzeitigen Todeswunsch eines Patienten mit einer schweren fortgeschrittenen Krankheit [Exploring and Responding to a Wish to Hasten Death of a patient with Advanced Illness].
Mazzocato C., Séchaud L., 2015. Praxis, 104 (5) pp. 239-244.
Ermittlung des mutmaßlichen Patientenwillens: eine Interviewstudie mit Klinikern
Schaider A, Borasio GD, Marckmann G, Jox R., 2015. Ethik in der Medizin, 27 (2) pp. 107-121. Peer-reviewed.
Evaluating Nonverbal Behavior of Individuals with Dementia During Feeding: A Survey of the Nursing Staff in Residential Care Homes for Elderly Adults
Kuehlmeyer K., Schuler A.F., Kolb C., Borasio G.D., Jox R.J., 2015. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 63 (12) pp. 2544-2549. Peer-reviewed.
Exploring the experiences of bereaved families involved in assisted suicide in Southern Switzerland: a qualitative study.
Gamondi C., Pott M., Forbes K., Payne S., 2015. Bmj Supportive and Palliative Care, 5 (2) pp. 146-152. Peer-reviewed.
Borasio GD, 2015. pp. VII-VIII dans Kojer M, Schmidl M (eds.) Demenz und Palliative Geriatrie in der Praxis, Springer.
L'annonce de mauvaises nouvelles en binôme médico-infirmier: mise en pratique en médecine interne
Castioni J., Teike Lüthi F., Moser Boretti S., Vollenweider P., 2015. Revue Médicale Suisse.
L'envers et l'endroit: comment accompagner les malades incurables [The obverse and reverse of how to assist the terminally ill?].
Wandeler J.M., Borasio G.D., 2015. Revue Médicale Suisse, 11 (485) pp. 1672-1673.
Le sentiment de gratitude en soins palliatifs : un facteur contribuant au bien-être et à la qualité de vie ? [Gratitude in palliative care: is it a psychological factor contributing to well-being and quality of life?]
Bernard M, 2015. Psycho-Oncologie, 9 (2) pp. 115-120.
Meaning in life and perceived quality of life in Switzerland: results of a representative survey in the German, French and Italian regions.
Bernard M., Braunschweig G., Fegg M.J., Borasio G.D., 2015. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 13 (1) p. 160. Peer-reviewed.
Mindfulness in informal caregivers of palliative patients.
Kögler M., Brandstätter M., Borasio G.D., Fensterer V., Küchenhoff H., Fegg M.J., 2015. Palliative and Supportive Care, 13 (1) pp. 11-18. Peer-reviewed.
Occurrence of the "applause sign" in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
Anneser J.M., Krzovska M., Borasio G.D., Danek A., 2015. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery, 137 pp. 8-10. Peer-reviewed.
Palliativbetreuung durch den Hausarzt [Palliative care by the family physician].
Mazzocato C., 2015. Praxis, 104 (5) pp. 217-218.
Palliative Care neurologischer Erkrankungen
Borasio GD, Golla H, Voltz R, Anneser J, 2015. pp. 229-239 dans Neuenschwander H, Cina C (eds.) Handbuch Palliativmedizin, Hans Huber Verlag.
Pediatric advance care planning from the perspective of health care professionals: a qualitative interview study.
Lotz J.D., Jox R.J., Borasio G.D., Führer M., 2015. Palliative Medicine, 29 (3) pp. 212-222. Peer-reviewed.
Recalling the Doctor to Action - Two Requesting Formats Employed by a Nurse for Making Relevant the Doctor's Intervention
Sterie Anca Cristina, 2015. Novitas-ROYAL (Research on Youth and Language) pp. 118-137. Peer-reviewed.
Saper morire. Cosa possiamo fare, come possiamo prepararci
Borasio GD, 2015. 205, Bollati Boringhieri Editore.
Soins palliatifs en établissements médico-sociaux: Caractéristiques et spécificités [Palliative Care in Nursing Homes: Characteristics and Specificities].
Gremaud G., Mazzocato C., 2015. Praxis, 104 (5) pp. 245-250.
Sorgfaltskriterien nicht erfüllt : Replik zur vorangegangenen Stellungnahme von Marion Schafroth
Borasio GD, 2015. Schweizerische Ärztezeitung, 96 (47) p. 1736.
Spezielle Krankheitsverläufe
Alt-Epping B, Anneser J, Borasio GD, Golla H, Levin C, Ostgathe C, Perrar KM, Roller S, Voltz R, 2015. pp. 277-305 dans Bausewein C, Roller S, Voltz R (eds.) Leitfaden Palliative Care, Urban&Fischer.
Suizidhilfe aus ärztlicher Sicht - die vernachlässigte Fürsorge = Point de vue médical sur le suicide assisté - la bienveillance négligée
Borasio GD, 2015. Schweizerische Ärztezeitung = Bulletin des Médecins Suisses, 96 (24) pp. 889-891.
The role of chaplains in end-of-life decision making: Results of a pilot survey.
Clemm S., Jox R.J., Borasio G.D., Roser T., 2015. Palliative and Supportive Care, 13 (1) pp. 45-51. Peer-reviewed.
The use of palliative sedation: A comparison of attitudes of French-speaking physicians from Quebec and Switzerland.
Dumont S., Blondeau D., Turcotte V., Borasio G.D., Currat T., Foley R.A., Beauverd M., 2015. Palliative and Supportive Care, 13 (4) pp. 839-847. Peer-reviewed.
Undergraduate palliative care teaching in Swiss medical faculties: a nationwide survey and improved learning objectives.
Eychmüller S., Forster M., Gudat H., Lütolf U.M., Borasio G.D., 2015. BMC Medical Education, 15 p. 213. Peer-reviewed.
Mazzocato C, 2015. pp. 135-139 dans Neuenschwander H, Cina C. (eds.) Handbuch Palliativmedizin chap. 11, Hans Huber.
死ぬとはどのようなことか. 終末期の命と看取りのために.
Borasio GD, 2015., Misuzu Shobo Publishers.
Offener Brief zum Thema ,,Gesetzesvorschlag zur Regelung des assistierten Suizids"
Borasio GD, Jox RJ, Taupitz J, Wiesing U, 2014/12. Hessisches Ärzteblatt p. 701.
Selbstbestimmt sterben
Borasio GD, 2014/10. Die Tageszeitung (Berlin) 6.10 p. 12.
Advance care planning for institutionalised older people: an integrative review of the literature.
Séchaud L., Goulet C., Morin D., Mazzocato C., 2014/06. International journal of older people nursing, 9 (2) pp. 159-168. Peer-reviewed.
Le travail de collaboration des équipes mobiles de soins palliatifs : première phase de validation d'un modèle
Teike Lüthi Fabienne, Jobin Catherine, Currat Thierry, Cantin Boris, 2014/02. Médecine Palliative : Soins de Support - Accompagnement - Éthique, 13 (1) pp. 1-8.
Advance directives
Borasio GD, Voltz R, 2014. pp. 59-64 dans Oliver D, Borasio GD, Johnston W (eds.) Palliative Care in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis : from Diagnosis to Bereavement, Oxford University Press.
Angst vor dem Sterben oder Angst vor dem Tod? Gedanken und Erfahrungen eines Palliativmediziners.
Borasio GD, 2014. pp. 14-22 dans Wenz G (eds.) Existenzangst und Mut zum Sein, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
Attitudes towards hastened death in ALS: A prospective study of patients and family caregivers.
Stutzki R., Weber M., Reiter-Theil S., Simmen U., Borasio G.D., Jox R.J., 2014. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Frontotemporal Degeneration, 15 (1-2) pp. 68-76. Peer-reviewed.
Cancer, douleur et traitement [Cancer, pain and treatment].
Mazzocato C., 2014. Revue Médicale Suisse, 10 (415) pp. 245-246.
Changement d'un opioïde pour un autre opioïde ou rotation: Pourquoi? Comment ?
Mazzocato C., 2014. Palliative Info Newsletter 2 pp. 1-3.
Communication: Breaking bad news
Sloan R, Borasio GD., 2014. pp. 33-47 dans Oliver D, Borasio GD, Johnston W (eds.) Palliative Care in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis : from Diagnosis to Bereavement., Oxford University Press.
Deux visions de la mort ... ou deux visions de la vie?
Mazzocato C, 2014. Revue internationale de soins palliatifs, 29 (1) pp. 20-21.
Does the working environment influence health care professionals' values, meaning in life and religiousness? Palliative care units compared with maternity wards.
Fegg M., L'hoste S., Brandstätter M., Borasio G.D., 2014. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 48 (5) pp. 915-923. Peer-reviewed.
Experience of meaning in life in bereaved informal caregivers of palliative care patients.
Brandstätter M., Kögler M., Baumann U., Fensterer V., Küchenhoff H., Borasio G.D., Fegg M.J., 2014. Supportive Care in Cancer, 22 (5) pp. 1391-1399. Peer-reviewed.
Fin de vie et priorités de soins: étude pilote auprès des résidants en établissement médico-social et de leurs proches
Séchaud L, Mazzocato C., 2014. La gazette médicale Info@gériatrie, 3 pp. 14-15.
French Swiss physicians' attitude toward palliative sedation: Influence of prognosis and type of suffering.
Beauverd M., Bernard M., Currat T., Ducret S., Foley R.A., Borasio G.D., Blondeau D., Dumont S., 2014. Palliative and Supportive Care, 12 (5) pp. 345-350. Peer-reviewed.
Borasio GD, 2014. pp. 16-17 dans Wasner M, Pankofer S (eds.) Soziale Arbeit in Palliative Care, Kohlhammer-Verlag.
Increased prevalence of bladder and intestinal dysfunction in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
Nübling G.S., Mie E., Bauer R.M., Hensler M., Lorenzl S., Hapfelmeier A., Irwin D.E., Borasio G.D., Winkler A.S., 2014. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Frontotemporal Degeneration, 15 (3-4) pp. 174-179. Peer-reviewed.
Legalisation of assisted suicide: a safeguard to euthanasia?
Gamondi C., Borasio G.D., Limoni C., Preston N., Payne S., 2014. Lancet, 384 (9938) p. 127. Peer-reviewed.
Les priorités de soins des personnes âgées en EMS
Séchaud L, Mazzocato C., 2014..
Mourir. Ce que l'on sait, ce que l'on peut faire, comment s'y préparer.
Borasio GD, Rosset Yves, Perey Emmanuelle, Modoux François , 2014., Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes.
Needs, expectations, and concerns of medical students regarding end-of-life issues before the introduction of a mandatory undergraduate palliative care curriculum.
Anneser J., Kunath N., Krautheim V., Borasio G.D., 2014. Journal of Palliative Medicine, 17 (11) pp. 1201-1205. Peer-reviewed.
Pain, psychological distress, and other symptoms
Oliver D, Borasio GD, Johnston W, 2014. pp. 127-144 dans Oliver D, Borasio GD, Johnston W (eds.) Palliative Care in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis - From Diagnosis to Bereavement, Oxford University Press.
Palliative care and prehospital emergency medicine: analysis of a case series.
Carron P.N., Dami F., Diawara F., Hurst S., Hugli O., 2014. Medicine, 93 (25) pp. e128. Peer-reviewed.
Palliative Care in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Oliver David, Borasio Gian Domenico, Johnston Wendy, 2014. pp. 127-144 dans Oliver D, Borasio GD, Johnston W (eds.) Palliative Care in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis - From Diagnosis to Bereavement, Oxford University Press.
Palliative Care in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis - From Diagnosis to Bereavement.
Oliver D, Borasio GD, Johnston W, 2014., 3rd edition, Oxford University Press.
selbst bestimmt sterben. Was es bedeutet - was uns daran hindert - wie wir es erreichen können.
Borasio GD, 2014. 206, C.H. Beck.
Selbstbestimmung im Sterben - Fürsorge zum Leben. Ein Gesetzesvorschlag zur Regelung des assistierten Suizids.
Borasio GD, Jox RJ, Taupitz J, Wiesing U, 2014. 103, Kohlhammer.
Sobre el bien morir. Qué sabemos, qué podemos hacer, comó nos preparamos para ello.
Borasio GD, 2014. 243 p, Plataforma Editorial.
Specialized home palliative care for adults and children: differences and similarities.
Groh G., Feddersen B., Führer M., Borasio G.D., 2014. Journal of Palliative Medicine, 17 (7) pp. 803-810. Peer-reviewed.
Spiritual Care - eine Aufgabe für den Arzt?
Borasio GD, 2014. pp. 117-127 dans Noth I, Kohli Reichenbach C (eds.) Palliative und Spiritual Care. Aktuelle Perspektiven in Medizin und Theologie, Theologischer Verlag.
Une décision éprouvante [A trying and difficult decision].
Liaudet A., Beauverd M., 2014. Revue Médicale Suisse, 10 (445) pp. 1888-1889.
Vorsorge für das Lebensende
Borasio GD, 2014. Praxis Palliative Care, 22 pp. 20-23.
Was für Aufgaben die spezialisierte Palliative Care in Spitälern übernimmt
Borasio GD, 2014. 2.
Über das Sterben. Was wir wissen - was wir tun können - wie wir uns darauf einstellen.
Borasio GD, 2014., 2. Aufl 189 S, Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag.
A la recherche du sens de la vie
Bernard M., 2013. Cura Viva, 4 pp. 19-21.
Antalgie et traitements topiques. Prise en charge thérapeutique.
Mazzocato C., 2013. Gazette Médicale - Info@gériatrie, 2 pp. 13-14.
Bildung und Forschung. Verankerung der Palliativmedizin im Medizinstudium: Erste Etappe geschafft.
Borasio G.D., Eychmüller S., Lütolf U.M., 2013. Palliative-ch 3 pp. 38-42.
Der Preis des Lebens
Borasio G.D., 2013. Süddeutsche Zeitung p. 2.
Determinants of the effect of existential behavioral therapy for bereaved partners: a qualitative study.
Kögler M., Brandl J., Brandstätter M., Borasio G.D., Fegg M.J., 2013. Journal of Palliative Medicine, 16 (11) pp. 1410-1416.
Désir de mort chez les personnes âgées : que savons-nous de cette réalité ?
Monod S., Rochat E., Büla C., Mazzocato C., Spencer B., Münzer T., Von Gunten A., Pierluigi Q., Dürst A.V., 2013. Swiss Medical Forum = Forum Médical Suisse, 13 (51-52) pp. 1063-1064.
Effectiveness of a specialized outpatient palliative care service as experienced by patients and caregivers.
Groh G., Vyhnalek B., Feddersen B., Führer M., Borasio G.D., 2013. Journal of Palliative Medicine, 16 (8) pp. 848-856. Peer-reviewed.
Errors in palliative care: kinds, causes, and consequences: a pilot survey of experiences and attitudes of palliative care professionals.
Dietz I., Borasio G.D., Med D.P., Molnar C., Müller-Busch C., Plog A., Schneider G., Jox R.J., 2013. Journal of Palliative Medicine, 16 (1) pp. 74-81.
Ethique et fin de vie. Qu'en faire et comment faire, aussi en cabinet?
David S., Mazzocato C., 2013. Courrier du Médecin Vaudois 8 p. 3.
Evidenz und Versorgung in der Palliativmedizin. Medizinische, psychosoziale und spirituelle Aspekte. Report Versorgungsforschung Band 7.
Borasio G.D., Niebling W.B., Scriba P.C., 2013. Report Versorgungsforschung, 7 XVIII, 198 S., Deutscher Ärzte-Verlag.
Existential behavioural therapy for informal caregivers of palliative patients: a randomised controlled trial.
Fegg M.J., Brandstätter M. , Kögler M., Hauke G., Rechenberg-Winter P., Fensterer V., Küchenhoff H. , Hentrich M., Belka C., Borasio G.D., 2013. Psycho-oncology, 22 (9) pp. 2079-2086. Peer-reviewed.
Forschung in Palliative Care: Versuch einer Standortbestimmung
Borasio G.D., 2013. SAMW-Bulletin 2 pp. 1-3.
Borasio G.D., 2013. pp. 11-13 dans Schulte V., Steinbach C. (eds.) Innovative palliative care : für eine neue Kultur der Pflege, Medizin und Betreuung, Hans Huber.
Le sens de la vie à la fin de la vie
Odier C., Borasio G.D., 2013. Gazette Médicale - Info@gériatrie, 3 pp. 28-29.
Mut, Demut und Achtsamkeit
Borasio G.D., 2013. Ärzteblatt Sachsen, 24 (4) pp. 133-137.
Pediatric advance care planning: a systematic review.
Lotz J.D., Jox R.J., Borasio G.D., Führer M., 2013. Pediatrics, 131 (3) pp. e873-e880.
Planification anticipée du projet thérapeutique. Au premier plan de l'accompagnement du patient.
Mazzocato C., 2013. Courrier du Médecin Vaudois 8 pp. 4-7.
Polymédication et personne agée: ni trop ni trop peu [Polypharmacy and the elderly: neither too much nor too little].
Mazzocato C., David S., Benaroyo L., Monod S., 2013. Revue Médicale Suisse, 9 (386) pp. 1026-1031.
Borasio G.D., 2013. pp. 2-3 dans Jollien A., Poletti R., Noble Burnand N., Burki C. (eds.) Le deuil à traverser, Espace Pallium.
Psychosocial care for the caregivers of primary malignant brain tumor patients.
Wasner M., Paal P., Borasio G.D., 2013. Journal of Social Work in End-of-life and Palliative Care, 9 (1) pp. 74-95.
Rotation opioïde. Objectifs et modalités.
Mazzocato C., 2013. Gazette Médicale - Info@gériatrie, 4 pp. 19-20.
Specialized pediatric palliative home care: a prospective evaluation.
Groh G., Borasio G.D., Nickolay C., Bender H.U., von Lüttichau I., Führer M., 2013. Journal of Palliative Medicine, 16 (12) pp. 1588-1594.
The interdisciplinary journal club: a learning opportunity
Cantin B., Borasio G.D., Beauverd M., 2013. European Journal of Palliative Care, 20 (1) pp. 38-39.
The role of palliative care in patients with neurological diseases.
Borasio G.D., 2013. Nature Reviews. Neurology, 9 (5) pp. 292-295.
Traiter précocement et efficacement même les petites douleurs, pour éviter qu'elles deviennent chroniques!
Mazzocato C., 2013. Gazette Médicale - Info@gériatrie, 2 pp. 6-7.
Une autre manière d'accueillir la souffrance?
Mazzocato C., 2013. Revue Internationale de Soins Palliatifs, 28 (2) pp. 131-132.
Vergleichende Untersuchung der Effektivität der spezialisierten ambulanten palliativmedizinischen Versorgung im Kinder- und Erwachsenenbereich aus Sicht der Patienten und ihrer Angehörigen
Groh G., Führer M., Borasio G.D., 2013. pp. 85-95 dans Borasio G.D., Niebling WB.., Scriba P.C. (eds.) Evidenz und Versorgung in der Palliativmedizin medizinische, psychosoziale und spirituelle Aspekte, Deutscher Ärzte-Verlag.
Vivre face à la mort. Le cadeau de la médecine palliative
Borasio G.D., 2013. pp. 31-35 dans Bornet M.A., Bakaric A., Masmejan S., Kasser S. (eds.) La mort : une inconnue à apprivoiser. Des étudiants en médecine engagent une réflexion., Favre.
Was ist Lebensqualität in der Palliativmedizin?
Borasio G.D., 2013. pp. 3-10 dans Borasio G.D., Niebling W.B., Scriba P.C. (eds.) Evidenz und Versorgung in der Palliativmedizin medizinische, psychosoziale und spirituelle Aspekte, Deutscher Ärzte-Verlag.
Wish to die in elderly patients: prevalence and associated factors
Monod S., Durst A., Rochat E., Spencer B.E., Mazzocato C., Fustinoni S., Bula C., 2013. p. 517 dans 66nd Annual Scientific Program of the Gerontological Society of America (GSA), Gerontologist.
A randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled trial of pioglitazone in combination with riluzole in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
Dupuis L., Dengler R., Heneka M.T., Meyer T., Zierz S., Kassubek J., Fischer W., Steiner F., Lindauer E., Otto M. et al., 2012. Plos One, 7 (6) pp. e37885.
Advance Care Planning in Pediatrics - A Systematic Review
Lotz Julia D., Jox Ralf J., Borasio Gian Domenico, Fuehrer Monika, 2012. p. 233 dans 19th International Congress on Palliative Care, Journal of Palliative Care.
Der Stand der Forschung
Fegg M., Borasio G.D., 2012. pp. 246-259 dans Fegg M., Gramm J., Pestinger M (eds.) Psychologie und Palliative Care : Aufgaben, Konzepte und Interventionen in der Begleitung von Patienten und Angehörigen, Kohlhammer.
Diagnostic and ethical challenges in disorders of consciousness and locked-in syndrome: a survey of German neurologists.
Kuehlmeyer K., Racine E., Palmour N., Hoster E., Borasio G.D., Jox R.J., 2012. Journal of Neurology, 259 (10) pp. 2076-2089. Peer-reviewed.
Direkte Unterstützungsmassnahmen verringern psychische Belastung bei pflegenden Angehörigen. [Direct support measures reduce psychological stress in family caregivers].
Rège-Walther Myriam, Mazzocato Claudia, Peytremann Bridevaux Isabelle, 2012. Praxis, 101 (21) pp. 1383-1384.
Effectiveness of a Pediatric Palliative Home Care Team
Fuehrer Monika, Vollenbroich Rene, Duroux Ayda, Grasser Monika, Brandstaetter Monika, Borasio Gian Domenico, 2012. p. 186 dans 19th International Congress on Palliative Care, Journal of Palliative Care.
Effectiveness of a pediatric palliative home care team as experienced by parents and health care professionals.
Vollenbroich R., Duroux A., Grasser M., Brandstätter M., Borasio G.D., Führer M., 2012. Journal of Palliative Medicine, 15 (3) pp. 294-300.
EFNS guidelines on the clinical management of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (MALS)--revised report of an EFNS task force.
EFNS Task Force on Diagnosis, Management of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: , Andersen P.M., Andersen P.M., Abrahams S., Borasio G.D., de Carvalho M., Chio A., Van Damme P., Hardiman O. et al., 2012. European Journal of Neurology, 19 (3) pp. 360-375.
Fehler und kritische Ereignisse in der Palliativmedizin - Etablierung eines anonymen Fehlermeldesystems [Errors and Critical Incidents in Palliative Care - Establishment of an Anonymous Critical Incident Reporting System]
Dietz I., Borasio G.D., Schneider G., Jox R.J., Müller-Busch C., 2012. Zeitschrift für Palliativmedizin, 13 (4) pp. 197-207.
Gut sterben - wie geht das? Gedanken und Erfahrungen eines Palliativmediziners
Borasio G.D., 2012. pp. 129-144 dans Nassehi A. (eds.) Gut leben, Murmann.
Hommes et femmes: sommes-nous tous égaux face à la douleur [Are there differences between men and women with pain?].
Jaunin-Stalder N., Mazzocato C., 2012. Revue Médicale Suisse, 8 (348) pp. 1470-1473.
How family caregivers' medical and moral assumptions influence decision making for patients in the vegetative state: a qualitative interview study.
Kuehlmeyer K., Borasio G.D., Jox R.J., 2012. Journal of Medical Ethics, 38 (6) pp. 332-337.
Les interventions de soutien direct auprès des aidants naturels réduisent leur détresse psychologique: revue Cochrane pour le praticien.
Rège Walther M., Mazzocato C., Peytremann Bridevaux I., 2012. Revue Médicale Suisse, 8 (324) p. 137.
Les soins palliatifs en neurologie
Borasio G.D., Voltz R., 2012. Palliative-ch 2 pp. 5-9.
Loi « Leonetti », un changement de paradigme qui demandera du temps
Mazzocato C., 2012. Revue Internationale de Soins Palliatifs, 27 pp. 3-4.
Medical futility at the end of life: the perspectives of intensive care and palliative care clinicians.
Jox R.J., Schaider A., Marckmann G., Borasio G.D., 2012. Journal of Medical Ethics, 38 (9) pp. 540-545.
Münchner Leitlinie zu Entscheidungen am Lebensende
Winkler E.C., Borasio G.D., Jacobs P., Weber J., Jox R.J., 2012. Ethik in der Medizin, 24 pp. 221-234.
Oncology clinicians' defenses and adherence to communication skills training with simulated patients: an exploratory study.
Bernard M., de Roten Y., Despland J.N., Stiefel F., 2012. Journal of Cancer Education, 27 (3) pp. 399-403. Peer-reviewed.
Palliative Sedation
Pereira J., Gretton V., Beauverd M., 2012. pp. 351-363 dans Oneschuk D., Hagen N., MacDonald N. (eds.) Palliative Medicine: a case based manual chap. 28, Oxford University Press.
Palliativmedizinische Lehre in Deutschland - Planungen der Fakultäten zum zukünftigen Querschnittsfach 13.
Ilse B., Hildebrandt J., Posselt J., Laske A., Dietz I., Borasio G.D., Kopf A., Nauck F., Elsner F., Wedding U. et al., 2012. GMS Zeitschrift für Medizinische Ausbildung, 29 (3 Doc47) pp. 1-12.
Processus de prise de décision en soins palliatifs.
Mazzocato C., Benaroyo L., 2012. Palliative Flash 36 pp. 1-4.
Mazzocato C., 2012. pp. 7-10 dans La passion selon Charles-Henri Rapin ou le roman de soi, Antipodes.
Recombinant human insulin-like growth factor I (rhIGF-I) for the treatment of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis/motor neuron disease.
Beauverd M., Mitchell J.D., Wokke J.H., Borasio G.D., 2012. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 11 pp. CD002064.
Sens de la vie et souffrance existentielle
Bernard M., Borasio G.D., 2012. Palliative Flash 38 pp. 1-4.
Soins palliatifs et pédiatrie
Fahrni-Nater P., Ganière J., Albrecht Frick I., Nydegger M., Déglon P., 2012. 1-22.
Sterben: Dimensionen eines anthropologischen Grundphänomens.
Bormann F.J., Borasio G.D., 2012. 677 p., De Gruyter.
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