Service de gynécologie

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292 publications

2024 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2015 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | ...
Prise en charge interdisciplinaire des adolescent-e-s transgenres et non binaires. L’exemple du Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois (CHUV) [Interdisciplinary care for gender diverse adolescents. The example of the Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois (CHUV)]
Schmitt P.A., Busiah K., Morisod Harari M., Jacot-Guillarmod M., Zufferey A., Ambresin A.E., 2024/04/17. Revue medicale suisse, 20 (870) pp. 802-806. Peer-reviewed.
Decrease in Sperm Parameters in the 21st Century: Obesity, Lifestyle, or Environmental Factors? An Updated Narrative Review.
Sciorio R., Tramontano L., Adel M., Fleming S., 2024/02/11. Journal of personalized medicine, 14 (2). Peer-reviewed.
Tailored axillary surgery in patients with clinically node-positive breast cancer: Pre-planned feasibility substudy of TAXIS (OPBC-03, SAKK 23/16, IBCSG 57-18, ABCSG-53, GBG 101).
Weber W.P., Matrai Z., Hayoz S., Tausch C., Henke G., Zwahlen D.R., Gruber G., Zimmermann F., Seiler S., Maddox C. et al., 2021/12. Breast, 60 pp. 98-110. Peer-reviewed.
Gestational trophoblastic disease in Switzerland: retrospective study of the impact of a regional reference centre.
Fehlmann A., Benkortbi K., Rosseel G., Meyer-Hamme U., Tille J.C., Sloan-Bena F., Paoloni-Giacobino A., Rougemont A.L., Bodmer A., Botsikas D. et al., 2021/02/01. Swiss medical weekly, 151 pp. w20406. Peer-reviewed.
Use and Effectiveness of Sperm Cryopreservation for Adolescents and Young Adults: A 37-Year Bicentric Experience.
Adam C., Deffert C., Leyvraz C., Primi M.P., Simon J.P., Beck Popovic M., Bénard J., Bouthors T., Girardin C., Streuli I. et al., 2021/02. Journal of adolescent and young adult oncology, 10 (1) pp. 78-84. Peer-reviewed.
Traitement du cancer débutant du col de l’utérus : retour vers le future [Treatment of early cervical cancer : Back to the future]
Guani B., Balaya V., Mathevet P., 2020/10/28. Revue medicale suisse, 16 (712) pp. 2046-2049. Peer-reviewed.
Nomogram Predicting the Likelihood of Parametrial Involvement in Early-Stage Cervical Cancer: Avoiding Unjustified Radical Hysterectomies.
Benoit L., Balaya V., Guani B., Bresset A., Magaud L., Bonsang-Kitzis H., Ngô C., Mathevet P., Lécuru F., 2020/07/05. Journal of clinical medicine, 9 (7) p. 2121. Peer-reviewed.
Place du ganglion sentinelle dans les cancers du col utérin débutants [Sentinel lymph node biopsy in early-stage cervical cancer: current state of art]
Balaya V., Guani B., Bonsang-Kitzis H., Deloménie M., Ngô C., Montero Macias R., Koual M., Nguyen-Xuan H.T., Bats A.S., Mathevet P. et al., 2020/06. Bulletin du cancer, 107 (6) pp. 696-706. Peer-reviewed.
The Clinical Impact of Low-Volume Lymph Nodal Metastases in Early-Stage Cervical Cancer: The Senticol 1 and Senticol 2 Trials.
Guani B., Balaya V., Magaud L., Lecuru F., Mathevet P., 2020/04/25. Cancers, 12 (5) p. 1061. Peer-reviewed.
Challenges and advances in cervix cancer treatment in elder women.
Kissel M., Rambeau A., Achkar S., Lecuru F., Mathevet P., 2020/03. Cancer treatment reviews, 84 p. 101976. Peer-reviewed.
Ovarian cancer screening in the general population.
Mathis J., Jellouli M.A., Sabiani L., Fest J., Blache G., Mathevet P., 2019/11/06. Hormone molecular biology and clinical investigation, 41 (3). Peer-reviewed.
Réflexion sur la formation en gynécologie et obstétrique ?
Petignat P., Streuli I., Mathevet P., 2019/10/23. Revue medicale suisse, 15 (668) p. 1907. Peer-reviewed.
The incidence and clinical significance of the micrometastases in the sentinel lymph nodes during surgical staging for early endometrial cancer.
Ferraioli D., Chopin N., Beurrier F., Carrabin N., Buenerd A., Mathevet P., 2015/05. International journal of gynecological cancer, 25 (4) pp. 673-680. Peer-reviewed.
Neonatal herpes simplex virus infections in Switzerland: results of a 6-year national prospective surveillance study.
Pascual A., Moessinger A., Gerber S., Meylan P., Swiss Paediatric Surveillance Unit (SPSU), 2011. Clinical Microbiology and Infection, 17 (12) pp. 1907-1910.
Anti-60-kDa heat shock protein antibodies in fetal serum: a biomarker for unexplained small for gestational age fetuses.
Belhia F., Gremlich S., Muller-Brochut A.C., Damnon F., Hohlfeld P., Witkin S.S., Gerber S., 2010. Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation, 70 (4) pp. 299-305.
Extraovarian primary peritoneal carcinoma
Nay Fellay C., Fiche M., Delaloye J.F., Bauer J., 2010. pp. 279-292 dans Belkacemi Yazid, Mirimanoff René-Olivier, Ozsahin Mahmut (eds.) Management of Rare Adult Tumours chap. 2, Springer.
Improving breast cancer education: the case of an evolving multidisciplinary module for undergraduate medical students (lausanne medical school, 1993-2008).
Fiche Maryse, Lepori Domenico, Guntern Daniel, Jucker-Kupper Patrick, Jeanneret Wendy, Zaman Khalil, Vadot Sara, Delaloye Jean-Francois, 2010. Journal of Cancer Education, 25 (1) pp. 101-105.
Isolation and in vitro chondrogenic potential of human foetal spine cells.
Quintin A., Schizas C., Scaletta C., Jaccoud S., Gerber S., Osterheld M.C., Juillerat L., Applegate L.A., Pioletti D.P., 2009/08. Journal of cellular and molecular medicine, 13 (8B) pp. 2559-2569. Peer-reviewed.
Amniotic fluid insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3 concentration as early indicator of fetal growth restriction.
Murisier-Petetin G., Gremlich S., Damnon F., Reymondin D., Hohlfeld P., Gerber S., 2009. European Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Biology, 144 (1) pp. 15-20.
Contrast enhanced breast ultrasound to differentiate papillomas from intraductal secretion : initial experience : P22
Guntern D., Alamo Maestre L., Ifticene-Treboux A., Delaloye J.F., Meuwly J.Y., 2009. pp. 22S dans SGR-SSR 2009, 96th Annual Swiss Congress of Radiology, Swiss Medical Forum = Forum Médical Suisse.
Contrast enhanced breast ultrasound to differentiate papillomas from intraductal secretion: Initial experience
Meuwly J.Y., Alamo Maestre L., Ifticene-Treboux A., Delaloye J.F., Guntern D., 2009. dans SGGG/SSGO, Congrès annuel de la Société Suisse de Gynécologie.
Evidence of maternal-fetal transmission of Parachlamydia acanthamoebae.
Baud D., Goy G., Gerber S., Vial Y., Hohlfeld P., Greub G., 2009. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 15 (1) pp. 120-121.
Preoperative percutaneous galactography
Guntern D., Alamo Maestre L., Meuwly J.Y., Ifticene-Treboux A., Delaloye J.F., 2009. dans SGGG/SSGO. Congrès annuel de la Société Suisse de Gynécologie.
Preoperative percutaneous galactography : P23
Guntern D., Alamo L., Ifticene-Treboux A., Delaloye J.F., Meuwly J.Y., 2009. pp. 22S dans SGR-SSR 2009, 96th Annual Swiss Congress of Radiology, Swiss Medical Forum = Forum Médical Suisse.
Préservation de la fertilité chez les jeunes patientes souffrant d'un cancer du sein
Bellavia M., Ambrozetti A., Zaman K., Ifticene Treboux A., Ibecheole V., Perey L., Brioschi P.A., Petignat P., Wunder-Galie D., Ziegler D. de et al., 2009. dans 31e Journées de la Société Française de Sénologie et de Pathologie Mammaire.
Valeur prédictive de la surexpression/ amplification de Her2/neu pour un traitement ciblé du cancer du sein [Predictive value of Her2/neu expression/amplification for the targeted treatment of breast cancer]
Lehr H.A., Schaefer S.C., Delaloye J.F., 2009. Revue Médicale Suisse, 5 (211) pp. 1525-1529.
Determination of unbound antiretroviral drug concentrations by a modified ultrafiltration method reveals high variability in the free fraction.
Fayet A., Béguin A., de Tejada B.M., Colombo S., Cavassini M., Gerber S., Eap C.B., Telenti A., Buclin T., Biollaz J. et al., 2008/08. Therapeutic drug monitoring, 30 (4) pp. 511-522. Peer-reviewed.
Interleukin-1 receptor antagonist gene (IL-1RN) polymorphism is a predictive factor of clinical pregnancy after IVF.
Gremlich S., Fratta S., Rebellato E., Uras R., Reymondin D., Damnon F., Germond M., Gerber S., 2008/05. Human reproduction, 23 (5) pp. 1200-1206. Peer-reviewed.
A Comparative Study of Transvaginal Tape, Transobturator Tape Outside-in, and Transvaginal Tape-obturator Inside-out Surgical Procedures in the Treatment of Stress Urinary Incontinence
Meyer S., Achtari C., 2008. Journal of Pelvic Medicine and Surgery, 14 (3) pp. 173-177.
Gynécologue, obstétricien, sous-spécialiste ou technicien? Gynécologue-obstétricien [Gynecologist, obstetrician, sub-specialist or technician? Gynecologist-obstetrician!]
Irion O., Delaloye J.F., 2008. Revue Médicale Suisse, 4 (176) p. 2243.
Human muscular fetal cells: a potential cell source for muscular therapies.
Hirt-Burri N., de Buys Roessingh A.S., Scaletta C., Gerber S., Pioletti D.P., Applegate L.A., Hohlfeld J., 2008. Pediatric Surgery International, 24 (1) pp. 37-47.
L'incontinence urinaire de la femme âgée: structures physiologiques et vieillissement
Meyer S., Achtari C., 2008. Geriatrie Pratique 2 pp. 40-43.
p27 and Skp2 immunoreactivity and its clinical significance with endocrine and chemo-endocrine treatments in node-negative early breast cancer.
Ravaioli A., Monti F., Regan M.M., Maffini F., Mastropasqua M.G., Spataro V., Castiglione-Gertsch M., Panzini I., Gianni L., Goldhirsch A. et al., 2008. Annals of Oncology, 19 (4) pp. 660-668.
Place de la laparoscopie dans le traitement du cancer de l'endomètre [Laparoscopy in the management of endometrial cancer]
Petignat P., Stucki D., Altermatt H.J., Seydoux J., Jacob S., Brioschi P.A., Fink D., Fehr M., Delaloye J.F., Loubeyre P. et al., 2008. Revue Médicale Suisse, 4 (153) pp. 995-998.
Severe anaphylactic shock to Patent Blue V with cardiac arrest during breast carcinoma surgery with lymphatic mapping.
Thierrin L., Steiger D., Zuber J.P., Spertini F., Brunisholz Y., Delaloye J.F., 2008. European journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Biology, 140 (1) pp. 140-141. Peer-reviewed.
The contractile properties of vaginal myofibroblasts: is the myofibroblasts contraction force test a valuable indication of future prolapse development?
Meyer S., Achtari C., Hohlfeld P., Juillerat-Jeanneret L., 2008. International Urogynecology Journal and Pelvic Floor Dysfunction, 19 (10) pp. 1399-1403. Peer-reviewed.
Wound-healing gene family expression differences between fetal and foreskin cells used for bioengineered skin substitutes.
Hirt-Burri N., Scaletta C., Gerber S., Pioletti D.P., Applegate L.A., 2008. Artificial Organs, 32 (7) pp. 509-518. Peer-reviewed.
The combination of chemotherapy and intraperitoneal MegaFas Ligand improves treatment of ovarian carcinoma
Etter A. L., Bassi I., Germain S., Delaloye J. F., Tschopp J., Sordat B., Dupuis M., 2007/10. Gynecologic Oncology, 107 (1) pp. 14-21.
Recommandations suisses pour la prise en charge des infections dues au virus de la varicelle-zoster. [Swiss recommendations for the management of varicella-zoster virus infections]
Meylan P., Gerber S., Kempf W., Nadal D., 2007/09. Revue Médicale Suisse, 3 (125) pp. 2116-22, 2124-9.
Fetal MMP2/MMP9 polymorphisms and intrauterine growth restriction risk.
Gremlich S., Nguyen D., Reymondin D., Hohlfeld P., Vial Y., Witkin S.S., Gerber S., 2007/06. Journal of Reproductive Immunology, 74 (1-2) pp. 143-151.
Recent increase of breast cancer incidence among women under the age of forty
Bouchardy C., Fioretta G., Verkooijen H. M., Vlastos G., Schaefer P., Delaloye J. F., Neyroud-Caspar I., Balmer Majno S., Wespi Y., Forni M. et al., 2007/06. British Journal of Cancer, 96 (11) pp. 1743-6.
Swiss recommendations for the management of varicella zoster virus infections.
Kempf W., Meylan P., Gerber S., Aebi C., Agosti R., Büchner S., Coradi B., Garweg J., Hirsch H., Kind C. et al., 2007/05/05. Swiss medical weekly, 137 (17-18) pp. 239-251. Peer-reviewed.
Cancer du sein : la pathologie, pierre angulaire de la décision therapeutique [Breast cancer: pathology, the cornerstone of therapeutic decision]
Fiche M., Lehr H.A., Perey L., Delaloye J.F., Jeanneret-Sozzi W., Bauer J., Zaman K., 2007. Revue médicale suisse, 3 (119) pp. 1737-42.
Cancer du sein chez la jeune femme: traitements adjuvants et désir de grossesse [Breast cancer in young women: adjuvant therapy and fertility]
Zaman K., Ambrosetti A., Perey L., Jeanneret-Sozzi W., Delaloye J.F., De Ziegler D., 2007. Revue médicale suisse, 3 (112) pp. 1298-1300, 1302, 1304.
First trimester markers for pre-eclampsia: placental vs. non-placental protein serum levels
Zwahlen M., Gerber S., Bersinger N. A., 2007. Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation, 63 (1) pp. 15-21.
Intraoperative lymphatic mapping and sentinel node biopsy using hysteroscopy in patients with endometrial cancer.
Delaloye J.F., Pampallona S., Chardonnens E., Fiche M., Lehr H.A., De Grandi P., Delaloye A.B., 2007. Gynecologic Oncology, 106 (1) pp. 89-93. Peer-reviewed.
The evolving gender gap in general obstetrics and gynecology
Gerber S. E., Lo Sasso A. T., 2006/11. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 195 (5) pp. 1427-30.
Faut-it opérer toutes les lésions prémalignes du sein [Should we resect all premalignant breast lesions?]
Delaloye J.F., Lehr H.A., 2006/10. Revue Médicale Suisse, 2 (84) pp. 2408-2414.
Perinatologie pour le pediatre praticien. [Perinatology for the pediatrician]
Micheli J. L., Gerber S., Roth-Kleiner M., 2006/10. Revue Médicale Suisse, 2 (83) pp. 2356-7, 2359-64.
Prevention et depistage toujours prioritaires et a l'ordre du jour en gynecologie-obstetrique.... [Prevention and screening are always a priority and in the agenda in gynecology-obstetrics...]
Dubuisson J. B., Delaloye J. F., 2006/10. Revue Médicale Suisse, 2 (84) pp. 2387-8.
Trends in perinatal regionalization and the role of managed care
Dobrez D., Gerber S., Budetti P., 2006/10. Obstetrics and Gynecology, 108 (4) pp. 839-45.
Fetal serum beta2-microglobulin as a marker for fetal infectious diseases
Dreux S., Rousseau T., Gerber S., Col J. Y., Dommergues M., Muller F., 2006/05. Prenatal Diagnosis, 26 (5) pp. 471-4.
Sepsis severe et choc septique. [Severe sepsis and septic shock]
Delaloye J., Baumgartner J. D., Calandra T., 2006/04. Revue Médicale Suisse, 2 (60) pp. 896-8, 900-2.
Development, characterization, and use of a fetal skin cell bank for tissue engineering in wound healing.
De Buys Roessingh A.S., Hohlfeld J., Scaletta C., Hirt-Burri N., Gerber S., Hohlfeld P., Gebbers J.O., Applegate L.A., 2006. Cell Transplantation, 15 (8-9) pp. 823-834.
Intrauterine growth restriction and absent or reverse end-diastolic blood flow in umbilical artery (Doppler class II or III): A retrospective study of short- and long-term fetal morbidity and mortality.
Gerber S., Hohlfeld P., Viquerat F., Tolsa J.F., Vial Y., 2006. European journal of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive biology, 126 (1) pp. 20-6. Peer-reviewed.
Laparoscopic management of appendicitis and symptomatic cholelithiasis during pregnancy
Halkic N., Tempia-Caliera A. A., Ksontini R., Suter M., Delaloye J. F., Vuilleumier H., 2006. Langenbecks Archives of Surgery, 391 (5) pp. 467-471.
Les produits injectables et leur place dans le traitement de l'incontinence urinaire d'effort. [Bulking agents and their place in the treatment of urinary stress incontinence]
Achtari C., Meyer S., De Grandi P., 2006. Gynakologisch-Geburtshilfliche Rundschau, 46 (1-2) pp. 39-44.
Un guide de pratique pour le diagnostic et le traitement du carcinome canalaire in situ du sein. [A practice guideline for diagnosis and treatment of ductal in situ carcinoma of the breast]
Delaloye J. F., Wight E., Fink D., Otto R., Steiner R., 2006. Gynakologisch-Geburtshilfliche Rundschau, 46 (1-2) pp. 64-7.
La gynecologie-obstetrique: une specialite evolutive. [Gynecology-obstetrics: a changing specialty]
Dubuisson J. B., De Grandi P., 2005/11. Revue Médicale Suisse, 1 (40) p. 2563.
Association between fetal interleukin-1 receptor antagonist gene polymorphism and unexplained fetal death
Gerber S., Vardhana S., Meagher-Villemure K., Vial Y., Hohlfeld P., Witkin S. S., 2005/10. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 193 (4) pp. 1472-7.
The effect of short-term indomethacin therapy on amniotic fluid volume
Sandruck J. C., Grobman W. A., Gerber S. E., 2005/05. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 192 (5) pp. 1443-5.
Immune responses induced by lower airway mucosal immunisation with a human papillomavirus type 16 virus-like particle vaccine
Nardelli-Haefliger D., Lurati F., Wirthner D., Spertini F., Schiller J. T., Lowy D. R., Ponci F., De Grandi P., 2005. Vaccine, 23 (28) pp. 3634-41.
Nouvelles options dans le traitement de l'incontinence ano-rectale [New options in the treatment of ano-rectal incontinence]
Achtari C., Meyer S., De Grandi P., 2005. Revue médicale suisse, 1 (40) pp. 2570-2, 2575-6.
Santé reproductive--problèmes spécifiques à l'adolescence [Sexual and reproductive health--specific problems in adolescence].
Renteria S.C., De Grandi P., 2005. Revue Médicale Suisse, 1 (40) pp. 2577-25834.
Tissue engineered fetal skin constructs for paediatric burns.
Hohlfeld J., de Buys Roessingh A., Hirt-Burri N., Chaubert P., Gerber S., Scaletta C., Hohlfeld P., Applegate L.A., 2005. Lancet, 366 (9488) pp. 840-842. Peer-reviewed.
Swiss recommendations for the management of genital herpes and herpes simplex virus infection of the neonate.
Swiss Herpes Management Forum, Gerber Stefan, 2004/04/17. Swiss medical weekly, 134 (15-16) pp. 205-214. Peer-reviewed.
Immunogenicity against human papillomavirus type 16 virus-like particles is strongly enhanced by the PhoPc phenotype in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium.
Baud D., Benyacoub J., Revaz V., Kok M., Ponci F., Bobst M., Curtiss R., De Grandi P., Nardelli-Haefliger D., 2004/02. Infection and Immunity, 72 (2) pp. 750-756.
Endométriose : quelle relation avec le cancer ovarien ?
Prince-dit-Clottu E., Chardonnens E., Genevay M., Delaloye J. F., 2004. Médecine et Hygiène, 62 (2499) pp. 1978-1979.
Grossesse et consommation d'alcool [Pregnancy and alcohol consumption]
Leutwyler J., Daeppen J.B., Gerber S., Hohlfeld P., 2004. Revue médicale de la Suisse romande, 124 (1) pp. 47-50.
Improved efficiency of a Salmonella-based vaccine against human papillomavirus type 16 virus-like particles achieved by using a codon-optimized version of L1.
Baud D., Ponci F., Bobst M., De Grandi P., Nardelli-Haefliger D., 2004. Journal of Virology, 78 (23) pp. 12901-12909. Peer-reviewed.
Le livre de l 'Interne Obstétrique
Hohlfeld P., Marty F., De Grandi P., Tissot J. D., Bossart H., Gerber S., Paris , ème ed Flammarion, 2004..
Pilot study of silicone tissue expander prothesis to protect the small bowel during radiation therapy for uterine malignancies
Zouhair A., Delaloye J. F., Ozsahin M., Azria D., Cuttat J. F., Levorato A., Do H. P., Coucked P., 2004. Turkish Journal of Cancer, 34 pp. 11-18.
Vulvodynies et vulvovestibulites : la démarche diagnostique est toujours nécessaire !
Gerber S., 2004. Médecine et Hygiène, 62 (2503) pp. 2173-2188.
Polymorphism in intron 2 of the fetal interleukin-1 receptor antagonist genotype influences midtrimester amniotic fluid concentrations of interleukin-1beta and interleukin-1 receptor antagonist and pregnancy outcome
Witkin S. S., Vardhana S., Yih M., Doh K., Bongiovanni A. M., Gerber S., 2003/11. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 189 (5) pp. 1413-7.
Screening for infectious diseases
Gerber S., Hohlfeld P., 2003/08. Child's Nervous System, 19 (7-8) pp. 429-32.
Specific antibody levels at the cervix during the menstrual cycle of women vaccinated with human papillomavirus 16 virus-like particles
Nardelli-Haefliger D., Wirthner D., Schiller J. T., Lowy D. R., Hildesheim A., Ponci F., De Grandi P., 2003/08. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 95 (15) pp. 1128-37.
Paclitaxel plus platinum-based chemotherapy versus conventional platinum-based chemotherapy in women with relapsed ovarian cancer: the ICON4/AGO-OVAR-2.2 trial
Parmar M. K., Ledermann J. A., Colombo N., du Bois A., Delaloye J. F., Kristensen G. B., Wheeler S., Swart A. M., Qian W., Torri V. et al., 2003/06. Lancet, 361 (9375) pp. 2099-106.
Mastectomie et reconstruction: quelle securite, quelle attitude? [Mastectomy and reconstruction: what kind of safety, which attitude?]
Schneider N., Gailloud-Matthieu M. C., Delaloye J. F., 2003/05. Revue Médicale de la Suisse Romande, 123 (5) pp. 303-7.
Un reseau pour la recherche du ganglion sentinelle du cancer du sein. [Network for sentinel lymph node research in breast cancer]
Delaloye J. F., Monod J. F., Friedli A., Burgener F., Stalder J. B., Fiche M., De Grandi P., Bischof Delaloye A., 2003/05. Revue Médicale de la Suisse Romande, 123 (5) pp. 299-302.
Interleukin-1beta gene polymorphism in women with vulvar vestibulitis syndrome
Gerber S., Bongiovanni A. M., Ledger W. J., Witkin S. S., 2003/03. European Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Biology, 107 (1) pp. 74-7.
Detection of Ureaplasma urealyticum in second-trimester amniotic fluid by polymerase chain reaction correlates with subsequent preterm labor and delivery
Gerber S., Vial Y., Hohlfeld P., Witkin S. S., 2003/02. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 187 (3) pp. 518-21.
Accouchement prématuré: le nouveau-né, une victime pas toujours innocente!
Gerber S., Hohlfeld P., 2003. Swiss Medical Forum = Forum Médical Suisse, 3 (1-2) pp. 11-12.
Cancer du sein héréditaire: quels sont les risques de récidive locale ?
Monnerat C., Perey L., Sozzi-Jeanneret W., Delaloye J. F., 2003. La lettre du cancérologue, 123 pp. 154-158.
Guideline pour le diagnostic et le traitement du carcinome intra-canalaire du sein
Delaloye J. F., Wight E., Fink D., Otto R., Steiner R., 2003. Bulletin des Médecins Suisses, 84 pp. 1974-1978.
Interleukin-1 receptor antagonist gene polymorphism, vaginal interleukin-1 receptor antagonist concentrations, and vaginal ureaplasma urealyticum colonization in pregnant women
Barton P. T., Gerber S., Skupski D. W., Witkin S. S., 2003/01. Infection and Immunity, 71 (1) pp. 271-4.
L 'assurance de qualité en dépistage organisé du cancer du sein
De Landtsheer J. P., Delaloye J. F., Lepori D., De Grandi P., Levi F., 2003. Revue Médicale de la Suisse Romande, 123 pp. 283-289.
L'assurance de qualité en dépistage organise du cancer du sein [Quality assurance in organized screening of breast cancer]
De Landtsheer J.P., Delaloye J.F., Lepori D., De Grandi P., Levi F., 2003. Revue médicale de la Suisse romande, 123 (5) pp. 283-9.
Modifications of bladder neck support during vaginal parturition in spontaneously and forceps-assisted deliveries.
Meyer S., Gainon B., Achtari C., Hohlfeld P., De Grandi P., 2003. Journal of Pelvic Medicine and Surgery, 9 (4) pp. 159-165.
The value of bone marrow scintigraphy using 99mTc monoclonal antigranulocyte antibodies in complement to bone scintigraphy in detecting bone metastases from primary breast cancer.
Prior J.O., Barghouth G., Delaloye J.F., Leyvraz S., Bischof Delaloye A., 2003/01. Nuclear medicine communications, 24 (1) pp. 29-36. Peer-reviewed.
Effects of epidural analgesia on pelvic floor function after spontaneous delivery: a longitudinal retrospective study
Meyer S., Achtari C., Hohlfeld P., De Grandi P., Buchser E., 2002/11. International Urogynecology Journal and Pelvic Floor Dysfunction, 13 (6) pp. 359-64; discussion 364-5.
Prenatal diagnosis of congenital cytomegalovirus infection by detection of immunoglobulin M antibodies to the 70-kd heat shock protein in fetal serum
Gerber S., Vial Y., Hohlfeld P., Witkin S. S., 2002/10. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 187 (4) pp. 955-9.
A prospective randomized safety trial of celecoxib for treatment of preterm labor
Stika C. S., Gross G. A., Leguizamon G., Gerber S., Levy R., Mathur A., Bernhard L. M., Nelson D. M., Sadovsky Y., 2002/09. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 187 (3) pp. 653-60.
Differential characterization of women with vulvar vestibulitis syndrome
Witkin S. S., Gerber S., Ledger W. J., 2002/09. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 187 (3) pp. 589-94.
Polymorphism in the interleukin-1 gene complex and spontaneous preterm delivery
Genc M. R., Gerber S., Nesin M., Witkin S. S., 2002/07. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 187 (1) pp. 157-63.
Defective regulation of the proinflammatory immune response in women with vulvar vestibulitis syndrome
Gerber S., Bongiovanni A. M., Ledger W. J., Witkin S. S., 2002/04. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 186 (4) pp. 696-700.
A deficiency in interferon-alpha production in women with vulvar vestibulitis
Gerber S., Bongiovanni A. M., Ledger W. J., Witkin S. S., 2002/03. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 186 (3) pp. 361-4.
Experience de la contraception par implant
Jacot-Guillarmod M., Wirthner D., Jenny A., De Grandi P., 2002. Médecine et Hygiène, 60 (2403) pp. 1541-1544.
Ganglion sentinelle et cancer du sein: le point en 2002
Delaloye J.F., Bischof Delaloye A., Genton C., de Grandi P., 2002. Références en gynécologie obstétrique, 9 pp. 21-28.
Influence of interleukin-1 receptor antagonist gene polymorphism on disease
Witkin S. S., Gerber S., Ledger W. J., 2002/01. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 34 (2) pp. 204-9.
Le dépistage de la trisomie 21
Beurret-Lepori N., Vial Y., De Grandi P., Hohlfeld P., 2002. Médecine et Hygiène, 60 (2403) pp. 1552-1554.
Problèmes pratiques en contraception hormonale
Wirthner D., Germond M., De Grandi P., 2002. Médecine et Hygiène, 60 (2403) pp. 1556-1561.
Trachea, lung, and tracheobronchial lymph nodes are the major sites where antigen-presenting cells are detected after nasal vaccination of mice with human papillomavirus type 16 virus-like particles.
Balmelli C., Demotz S., Acha-Orbea H., De Grandi P., Nardelli-Haefliger D., 2002. Journal of Virology, 76 (24) pp. 12596-12602. Peer-reviewed.
Vecu psychologique des patientes ayant eu recours à une interruption de grossesse médicamenteuse précoce
Besse D., Wirthner D., De Grandi P., 2002. Médecine et Hygiène, 60 (2403) pp. 1535-1538.
Managed care and perinatal regionalization in Washington State
Gerber S. E., Dobrez D. G., Budetti P. P., 2001/07. Obstetrics and Gynecology, 98 (1) pp. 139-43.
Human papillomavirus virus-like particles are efficient oral immunogens when coadministered with Escherichia coli heat-labile enterotoxin mutant R192G or CpG DNA
Gerber S., Lane C., Brown D. M., Lord E., DiLorenzo M., Clements J. D., Rybicki E., Williamson A. L., Rose R. C., 2001/05. Journal of Virology, 75 (10) pp. 4752-60.
Pelvic floor education after vaginal delivery
Meyer S., Hohlfeld P., Achtari C., De Grandi P., 2001/05. Obstetrics and Gynecology, 97 (5 Pt 1) pp. 673-7.
Nasal vaccination with attenuated Salmonella typhimurium strains expressing the Hepatitis B nucleocapsid: dose response analysis
Nardelli-Haefliger D., Benyacoub J., Lemoine R., Hopkins-Donaldson S., Potts A., Hartman F., Kraehenbuhl J. P., De Grandi P., 2001/04. Vaccine, 19 (20-22) pp. 2854-61.
Euthanasie: questions ethiques. Message d'ouverture. [Euthanasia: ethical questions. Opening message]
De Grandi P., 2001/02. Revue Médicale de la Suisse Romande, 121 (2) p. 157.
A low-dose stimulation protocol using highly purified follicle-stimulating hormone can lead to high pregnancy rates in in vitro fertilization patients with polycystic ovaries who are at risk of a high ovarian response to gonadotropins.
Marci R., Senn A., Dessole S., Chanson A., Loumaye E., De Grandi P., Germond M., 2001. Fertility and Sterility, 75 (6) pp. 1131-1135.
Bilan d'une année d'utilisation de la mifepristone pour les interruptions de grossesse
Schneider N., Viardot C., Wirthner D., De Grandi P., 2001. Médecine et Hygiène, 59 (2362) pp. 1872-77.
Colposcopic evaluation after a repeat atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASCUS) smear.
Gerber S., De Grandi P., Petignat P., Mihaescu A., Delaloye J.F., 2001. International journal of gynaecology and obstetrics: the official organ of the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, 75 (3) pp. 251-5. Peer-reviewed.
Development of a well-defined medium for the in vitro maturation of immature bovine cumulus-oocyte complexes.
Chanson A., Nocera D., Senn A., De Grandi P., Germond M., 2001. Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics, 18 (2) pp. 97-105.
Don de sperme et loi sur la procréation médicalement assistée
Wirthner D., Germond M., Senn A., De Grandi P., 2001. Médecine et Hygiène, 59 (2362) pp. 1897-1902.
Interleukin-1 receptor antagonist gene polymorphism and circulating levels of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 RNA in Brazilian women.
Witkin S.S., Linhares I.M., Gerber S., Caetano M.E., Segurado A.C., 2001. Journal of virology, 75 (13) pp. 6242-4. Peer-reviewed.
La biopsie mammaire micro-invasive assistée par le vide sous mammographie stéréotaxique: une méthode diagnostique
Lepori D., Delaloye J. F., De Grandi P., Schyder P., 2001. Médecine et hygiène, 59 (2362) pp. 1878-1871.
Lipopolysaccharide stimulation of 70 kilo Dalton heat shock protein messenger ribonucleic acid production in cultured human fetal membranes
Menon R., Gerber S., Fortunato S. J., Witkin S. S., 2001. Journal of Perinatal Medicine, 29 (2) pp. 133-6.
Mucosal vaccination with a recombinant Salmonella typhimurium expressing human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV16) L1 virus-like particles (VLPs) or HPV16 VLPs purified from insect cells inhibits the growth of HPV16-expressing tumor cells in mice
Revaz V., Benyacoub J., Kast W. M., Schiller J. T., De Grandi P., Nardelli-Haefliger D., 2001/01. Virology, 279 (1) pp. 354-60.
Traumatisme obstétrical et continence anale
Achtari C., Meyer S., Hohlfeld P., De Grandi P., 2001. Médecine et Hygiène, 59 (2362) pp. 1882-1889.
Birth trauma: short and long term effects of forceps delivery compared with spontaneous delivery on various pelvic floor parameters
Meyer S., Hohlfeld P., Achtari C., Russolo A., De Grandi P., 2000/11. BJOG, 107 (11) pp. 1360-5.
Dépistage organisé du cancer du sein: l'expérience vaudoise. [Organized screening for breast cancer: the Vaud experience]
De Landtsheer J. P., Delaloye J. F., Hessler C., De Grandi P., Paccaud F., Levi F., 2000/06. Revue Médicale de la Suisse Romande, 120 (6) pp. 501-10.
La biopsie du ganglion sentinelle en cas de cancer du sein: l'experience Lausannoise. [Sentinel lymph node biopsy in breast cancer: the Lausanne experience]
Delaloye J. F., Antonescu C., Besseghir N., Genton C. Y., Bischof-Delaloye A., De Grandi P., 2000/06. Revue Médicale de la Suisse Romande, 120 (6) pp. 491-4.
La chimio-prevention du cancer du sein: un espoir justifie? [Chemoprevention of breast cancer: a hope justified?]
Buser K., Delaloye J. F., 2000/06. Revue Médicale de la Suisse Romande, 120 (6) pp. 511-3.
La recherche de metastases axillaires ... quelles techniques pour quel materiel? Pour quels enjeux? [Research in axillary lymphatic metastasis...which techniques for which material? What is at stake?]
Genton C. Y., Delaloye J. F., 2000/06. Revue Médicale de la Suisse Romande, 120 (6) pp. 477-80.
The morcellator knife: a new laparoscopic instrument for supracervical hysterectomy and morcellation
De Grandi P., Chardonnens E., Gerber S., 2000/05. Obstetrics and Gynecology, 95 (5) pp. 777-8.
Bilateral Krukenberg tumor of the ovary during pregnancy
Sandmeier D., Lobrinus J. A., Vial Y., Delaloye J. F., Genton C. Y., 2000. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology, 21 (1) pp. 58-60.
Die Prämature Menopause.
Wirthner D., Germond M., De Grandi P., 2000. Journal für Menopause, 1 pp. 14-20.
Effect of grade on disease-free survival and overall survival in FIGO stage I adenocarcinoma of the endometrium.
Delaloye J.F., Pampallona S., Coucke P.A., Megalo A., De Grandi P., 2000. European journal of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive biology, 88 (1) pp. 75-80. Peer-reviewed.
Endometrial ablation for the treatment of dysfunctional uterine bleeding using balloon therapy
De Grandi P., el Din A., 2000. Contributions to Gynecology and Obstetrics, 20 pp. 145-53.
Place des SERM dans la substitution post ménopausique
Wirthner D., de Grandi P., 2000. Médecine et Hygiène, 58 (2312) pp. 1677-1681.
Preparation and analysis of fetal liver extracts.
Zwicky C., Gerber S., Gasparini D., Forestier F., Hohlfeld P., Tissot J.D., Schneider P., 2000. Bone marrow transplantation, 26 (6) pp. 667-71. Peer-reviewed.
Prospective randomized study of two cryopreservation policies avoiding embryo selection: the pronucleate stage leads to a higher cumulative delivery rate than the early cleavage stage.
Senn A., Vozzi C., Chanson A., De Grandi P., Germond M., 2000. Fertility and Sterility, 74 (5) pp. 946-952.
Follow-up of 32 hypothalamo-hypopituitary patients treated with pulsatile gonadotropin-releasing hormone or human menopausal gonadotropin
Marci R., Dessole S., Senn A., De Grandi P., Germond M., 1999/12. Gynecological Endocrinology, 13 (6) pp. 375-81.
Menorragies, hypermenorrhees et anomalies de l'hemostase. [Menorrhagia, hypermenorrhea and disorders of hemostasis]
Righini M., Gerber S., Hohlfeld P., de Moerloose P., 1999/09. Journal de Gynécologie, Obstétrique et Biologie de la Reproduction, 28 (5) pp. 413-8.
The nature of the attenuation of Salmonella typhimurium strains expressing human papillomavirus type 16 virus-like particles determines the systemic and mucosal antibody responses in nasally immunized mice
Benyacoub J., Hopkins S., Potts A., Kelly S., Kraehenbuhl J. P., Curtiss, R., 3rd , De Grandi P., Nardelli-Haefliger D., 1999/07. Infection and Immunity, 67 (7) pp. 3674-9.
Pronostic maternal et neonatal lors d'une deuxieme phase d'accouchement prolongee. [Maternal and neonatal prognosis after a prolonged second stage of labor]
Gerber S., Vial Y., Hohlfeld P., 1999/05. Journal de Gynécologie, Obstétrique et Biologie de la Reproduction, 28 (2) pp. 145-50.
Induzione dell’ovulazione con GnRH pulsatile in donne affette da amenorrea ipotalamica
Marci R., Dessole S., Senn A., De Grandi P., Germond M., 1999. Giorn. It. Ost. Gin, 11 pp. 507-508.
La fécondation in vitro "classique" est-elle obsolète ?
Vozzi C., Senn A., Chanson A., De Grandi P., Germond M., 1999. Médecine et Hygiène, 57 (2266) pp. 1592-1596.
Le curage axillaire par axilloscopie
Delaloye J. F., 1999. Médecine et Hygiène, 57 (2266) pp. 1576-1577.
Mucosal but not parenteral immunization with purified human papillomavirus type 16 virus-like particles induces neutralizing titers of antibodies throughout the estrous cycle of mice.
Nardelli-Haefliger D., Roden R., Balmelli C., Potts A., Schiller J., De Grandi P., 1999. Journal of virology, 73 (11) pp. 9609-13. Peer-reviewed.
Stimulated pressure profile at rest: a noninvasive method for assessing urethral sphincter function
Meyer S., Kuntzer T., De Grandi P., Bachelard O., Schreyer A., 1998/10. Urology, 52 (4) pp. 679-84. Peer-reviewed.
The effects of birth on urinary continence mechanisms and other pelvic-floor characteristics
Meyer S., Schreyer A., De Grandi P., Hohlfeld P., 1998/10. Obstetrics and Gynecology, 92 (4 Pt 1) pp. 613-8.
Intrauterine insemination as first line treatment of unexplained and male factor infertility
Keck C., Gerber-Schafer C., Breckwoldt M., 1998/08. European Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Biology, 79 (2) pp. 193-7.
Pour ou contre le frottis cytologique de Papanicolaou chaque trois ans. [Pro or contra Papanicolaou cytologic smear every 3 years]
Delaloye J. F., De Grandi P., 1998/06. Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift, 128 (23) pp. 909-13.
Acquired uterine arteriovenous fistulas after choriocarcinoma. A case report
Delaloye J. F., Maillard C., Laurini R., Hack I., De Grandi P., 1998. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology, 19 (5) pp. 453-4.
Do bladder neck mobility and urethral sphincter function differ during pregnancy compared with during the non-pregnant state?
Meyer S., Bachelard O., De Grandi P., 1998. International Urogynecology Journal and Pelvic Floor Dysfunction, 9 (6) pp. 397-404.
Le Livre de l 'Interne : Obstétrique
Hohlfeld P., Marty F., De Grandi P., Tissot J. D., Bossart H., 1998..
Nasal immunization of mice with human papillomavirus type 16 virus-like particles elicits neutralizing antibodies in mucosal secretions.
Balmelli C., Roden R., Potts A., Schiller J., De Grandi P., Nardelli-Haefliger D., 1998. Journal of virology, 72 (10) pp. 8220-9. Peer-reviewed.
Peritonite chimique apres rupture iatrogene d'un kyste dermoide de l'ovaire traite par coelioscopie. A propos d'un cas et revue de la litterature. [Chemical peritonitis after iatrogenic rupture of a dermoid cyst of the ovary treated by coelioscopy. Apropos of a case and review of the literature]
Achtari C., Genolet P. M., Bouzourene H., De Grandi P., 1998. Gynakologisch-Geburtshilfliche Rundschau, 38 (3) pp. 146-50.
Stérilité masculine : mise à jour de la ligne de conduite diagnostique et thérapeutique
Germond M., Senn A., Chanson A., Wisard M., Schorderet D.F., Pescia G., De Grandi P., 1998. Médecine et Hygiène, 58 (2205) pp. 816-821.
A propos du depistage du cancer du col uterin. [Cervical cancer screening]
Delaloye J. F., De Grandi P., 1997/08. Revue Médicale de la Suisse Romande, 117 (8) pp. 589-91.
Human papillomavirus type 16 virus-like particles expressed in attenuated Salmonella typhimurium elicit mucosal and systemic neutralizing antibodies in mice
Nardelli-Haefliger D., Roden R. B., Benyacoub J., Sahli R., Kraehenbuhl J. P., Schiller J. T., Lachat P., Potts A., De Grandi P., 1997/08. Infection and Immunity, 65 (8) pp. 3328-36.
Analyse du decours obstétrical et perinatologique de grossesses obtenues par FIVETE, Proceedings of Assemblée annuelle de la SSGO, Lugano, 1997
Welti S., Germond M., Senn A., Limoni C., De Grandi P., 1997. Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics.
Pressure transmission ratio: is it a reliable parameter in increased urethro-vesical junction mobility?
Meyer S., de Grandi P., Caccia G., Gerber S., 1997. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 16 (4) pp. 277-84.
Psychosocial counselling in reproductive medicine, Proceedings of ESHRE 1997, Edinburgh, 22-25 juin 1997
Beran M. D., Germond M., Rais M., De Grandi P., 1997. Human Reproduction, 12 p. 209.
Radiation therapy duration influences overall survival in patients with cervical carcinoma.
Delaloye J.F., Coucke P.A., Pampallona S., Peltecu G., De Grandi P., 1997. International journal of gynaecology and obstetrics: the official organ of the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, 57 (3) pp. 295-303. Peer-reviewed.
Significance of nonplacental pregnancy-specific b1-glycoprotein (SP1) in the serum of IVF cycles before and after embryo transfer, Proceedings of ESHRE 1997, Edinburgh, 22-25 juin 1997
Bersinger N. A., Senn A., Chanson A., Germond M., Birkhauser M. H., De Grandi P., 1997. Human Reproduction, 12 p. 222.
Oral and rectal immunization of adult female volunteers with a recombinant attenuated Salmonella typhi vaccine strain
Nardelli-Haefliger D., Kraehenbuhl J. P., Curtiss, R., 3rd , Schodel F., Potts A., Kelly S., De Grandi P., 1996/12. Infection and Immunity, 64 (12) pp. 5219-24.
Les cancers gynecologiques hereditaires. [Hereditary gynecological cancers]
Delaloye J. F., 1996/08. Schweizerische Rundschau fur Medizin Praxis, 85 (35) pp. 1032-4.
Aorto-subclavian thromboembolism: a rare complication associated with moderate ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
Germond M., Wirthner D., Thorin D., Ruchat P., Essinger A., De Grandi P., 1996/06. Human Reproduction, 11 (6) pp. 1173-6.
Differences in the susceptibility of herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2 to modified heparin compounds suggest serotype differences in viral entry
Herold B. C., Gerber S. I., Belval B. J., Siston A. M., Shulman N., 1996/06. Journal of Virology, 70 (6) pp. 3461-9.
Departement de gynecologie et obstetrique du CHUV, Maternite, Lausanne. [Uterine inversion]
Gerber S., 1996/04. Revue Médicale de la Suisse Romande, 116 (4) pp. 277-83.
Salvage chemotherapy with mitomycin, vindesine, and cisplatin (MiViP) in recurrent carcinoma of the cervix.
Delaloye J.F., Leyvraz S., Outcha Adjahoto E., Bauer J., De Grandi P., 1996/04. American Journal of Clinical Oncology, 19 (2) pp. 204-206. Peer-reviewed.
Approche clinique de la composante masculine de la stérilité de couple
Germond M., Senn A., De Grandi P., 1996. Médecine et hygiène, 54 (2115) pp. 905-910.
Diagnostic coelioscopique de douleurs abdominales persistantes ou chroniques [Diagnostic laparoscopy in persistent and chronic abdominal pain].
Renteria S.C., Chardonnens E., Genolet P.M., De Grandi P., 1996. Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 259 (Suppl. 1) pp. S47-S53.
Effect of total treatment of time on event-free survival in carcinoma of the cervix
Delaloye J. F., Coucke P. A., Pampallona S., De Grandi P., 1996/01. Gynecologic Oncology, 60 (1) pp. 42-8.
Endométrolyse thermique au Cavaterm·: résultats cliniques d?une nouvelle technique d?ablation de l?endomètre. Réalités en Gynécologie-Obstétrique
Genolet P. M., Friberg B., Chardonnens E., Gaillard M. C., De Grandi P., 1996. Réalités en Gynecologie-Obstetrique, 14 pp. 28-30.
IVF or ICSI: a choice strategy in case of male-related infertility
Senn A., Germond M., De Grandi P., 1996. 137-148.
Médicaments, grossesse et lactation
Delaloye J. F., Vial Y., De Grandi P., Hohlfeld P., 1996., Médecine et Hygiène.
Non-contact microdrilling of mouse zona pellucida with an objective-delivered 1.48-microns diode laser.
Rink K., Delacrétaz G., Salathé R.P., Senn A., Nocera D., Germond M., De Grandi P., Fakan S., 1996. Lasers in surgery and medicine, 18 (1) pp. 52-62. Peer-reviewed.
Stress urinary incontinence due to a low-pressure urethra: a socially invalidizing disease
Meyer S., Kuntzer T., Newsom N., de Grandi P., 1996. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 15 (3) pp. 177-86. Peer-reviewed.
The assessment of bladder neck position and mobility in continent nullipara, mulitpara, forceps-delivered and incontinent women using perineal ultrasound: a future office procedure?
Meyer S., De Grandi P., Schreyer A., Caccia G., 1996. International Urogynecology Journal and Pelvic Floor Dysfunction, 7 (3) pp. 138-46.
Younger age as a bad prognostic factor in patients with carcinoma of the cervix.
Delaloye J.F., Pampallona S., Coucke P.A., De Grandi P., 1996. European journal of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive biology, 64 (2) pp. 201-5. Peer-reviewed.
A recombinant Salmonella typhimurium vaccine induces local immunity by four different routes of immunization
Hopkins S., Kraehenbuhl J. P., Schodel F., Potts A., Peterson D., de Grandi P., Nardelli-Haefliger D., 1995/09. Infection and Immunity, 63 (9) pp. 3279-86.
Timing of hCG administration in cycles stimulated for in vitro fertilization: specific impact of heterogeneous follicle sizes and steroid concentrations in plasma and follicle fluid on decision procedures
Inaudi P., Germond M., Senn A., De Grandi P., 1995/09. Gynecological Endocrinology, 9 (3) pp. 201-8.
Diagnostic et traitement des mastodynies. [Diagnosis and treatment of mastodynia]
Genolet P. M., Delaloye J. F., De Grandi P., 1995/05. Revue Médicale de la Suisse Romande, 115 (5) pp. 385-90.
L'importance de la thyroide avant, pendant et apres la grossesse. [Importance of the thyroid before, during and after pregnancy]
Waeber Stephan C., Delaloye J. F., 1995/05. Revue Médicale de la Suisse Romande, 115 (5) pp. 391-7.
La substitution hormonale apres un cancer gynecologique. [Hormone substitution following a gynecological cancer]
Delaloye J. F., 1995/05. Revue Médicale de la Suisse Romande, 115 (5) pp. 357-9.
Le tamoxifene peut-il prevenir le cancer du sein? [Can tamoxifen prevent breast cancer?]
Delaloye J. F., 1995/05. Revue Médicale de la Suisse Romande, 115 (5) pp. 361-3.
Place de l'echographie et de la velocimetrie Doppler dans le diagnostic des masses ovariennes. [Role of echography and Doppler flowmetry in the diagnosis of ovarian masses]
Caccia G., Vial Y., Delaloye J. F., De Grandi P., 1995/05. Revue Médicale de la Suisse Romande, 115 (5) pp. 381-3.
Substitution hormonale apres cancer du sein: prudence. [Hormone substitution following breast cancer: caution]
Delaloye J. F., 1995/05. Revue Médicale de la Suisse Romande, 115 (5) pp. 365-6.
Acute pulmonary edema in the post partum and cor triatriatum sinistrum.
Thorin D., Aebischer N., Landolt J., DeQuay N., Ravussin P., De Grandi P., 1995. International Journal of Obstetric Anesthesia, 4 (2) pp. 113-116. Peer-reviewed.
Consequences du traitement des neoplasies intraepitheliales cervicales par laser CO2 sur l'integrite anatomique et fonctionnelle du col uterin. [Consequences of laser CO2 treatment of cervical intraepithelial neoplasias on the anatomic and functional integrity of the cervix]
Spuhler S., Outcha Adjahoto E., Raszka K., De Grandi P., 1995. Journal de Gynécologie, Obstétrique et Biologie de la Reproduction, 24 (2) pp. 127-33.
Quels controles apres un cancer du sein ou des organes genitaux? [What kind of follow-up after cancer of the breast or genital organs?]
Delaloye J. F., 1994/09. Revue Médicale de la Suisse Romande, 114 (9) pp. 789-91.
A new vaginal extractor for laparoscopic surgery
Spuhler S. C., Sauthier P. G., Chardonnens E. G., De Grandi P., 1994/08. Journal of the American Association of Gynecologic Laparoscopists, 1 (4 Pt 1) pp. 401-4.
Intubation difficile en obstetrique. [Difficult intubation in obstetrics]
Thorin D., Ravussin P., De Grandi P., 1994/07. Revue Médicale de la Suisse Romande, 114 (7) pp. 617-21.
Protection of the small bowel with a silicone tissue expander prosthesis and a polyglycolic acid mesh during radiation therapy for cervical carcinoma
Delaloye J. F., Cuttat J. F., Coucke P. A., Peltecu G., Douglas P., Mirimanoff R. O., De Grandi P., 1994/06. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 101 (6) pp. 541-2.
Degenerescence cerebelleuse paraneoplasique auto-immune. [Autoimmune paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration]
Lovblad K. O., Henny C., Boucraut J., Graus F., Delaloye J. F., Bernard D., Steck A. J., Regli F., 1994. Revue Neurologique, 150 (1) pp. 46-9.
Endometrectomie: comparaison laser Nd-Yag et resecteur. [Endometrectomy: comparison of Nd-Yag laser and resectoscope]
Gaillard M. C., De Grandi P., 1994. Gynakologisch-Geburtshilfliche Rundschau, 34 (1) pp. 7-16.
Hysteroscopie operatoire. Comparaison du laser Nd-Yag avec l'electroresecteur. [Surgical hysteroscopy. Comparison of Nd-Yag laser with electrosurgery]
De Grandi P., Gaillard M. C., Genton C. Y., 1994. Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 255 Suppl 2 pp. S356-8.
Interet de la peniscopie lors de lesions condylomateuses ou dysplasiques chez la femme. [Value of penis endoscopy in sexual partners of women with condylomatous or dysplastic lesions]
Spuhler S., Pasche N., Sauthier P., Chardonnens E., De Grandi P., 1994. Journal de Gynécologie, Obstétrique et Biologie de la Reproduction, 23 (6) pp. 660-4.
Le gynecologue-obstetricien et la mort. [The gynecologist-obstetrician and death]
De Grandi P., 1994. Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 255 Suppl 2 pp. S277-9.
Urodynamic parameters in patients with slight and severe genuine stress incontinence: is the stress profile useful?
Meyer S., De Grandi P., Schmidt N., Sanzeni W., Spinosa J. P., 1994. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 13 (1) pp. 21-8.
Coelioscopie et coeliochirurgie des annexites. [Celioscopy and abdominal surgery of adnexitis]
Spuhler S., Sauthier P., Chardonnens E., De Grandi P., 1993/06. Revue Médicale de la Suisse Romande, 113 (6) pp. 465-9.
Les lesions non palpables du sein: techniques de biopsie. [Non-palpable lesions of the breast: biopsy techniques]
Delaloye J. F., De Grandi P., 1993/06. Revue Médicale de la Suisse Romande, 113 (6) pp. 447-9.
Pelvipathies chroniques et neuropathies peripheriques du bas abdomen chez la femme. [Chronic pelvic diseases and peripheral neuropathies of the lower abdomen in women]
Spoletini G., Delaloye J. F., 1993/06. Revue Médicale de la Suisse Romande, 113 (6) pp. 459-64.
Revue du traitement par methotrexate des grossesses extra-uterines persistantes. [Review of methotrexate treatment of persistent extrauterine pregnancy]
Chardonnens E., Spuhler S., Delaloye J. F., De Grandi P., 1993/06. Revue Médicale de la Suisse Romande, 113 (6) pp. 471-4.
An ovarian tumor of probable Wolffian origin
Delaloye J. F., Ruzicka J., De Grandi P., 1993/05. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 72 (4) pp. 314-6.
Induzione dell'ovulazione con somministrazione pulsatile intravenosa di Gn-RH in pazienti con amenorrea ipotalamica. [Ovulation induction by pulsatile intravenous administration of Gn-RH to patients with hypothalamic amenorrhea]
Dessole S., Germond M., Senn A., Welti H., De Grandi P., 1993/03. Minerva Ginecologica, 45 (3) pp. 71-6.
Accouchement sans crainte en cas de maladie de von Willebrand. [Childbirth without fear in case of Von Willebrand's disease]
Cornuz J., Knecht H., Delaloye J. F., Bossart H., Bachmann F., 1993/01. Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift, 123 (3) pp. 76-9.
Birth trauma: its effect on the urine continence mechanisms
Meyer S., de Grandi P., Kuntzer T., Hurlimann P., Schmidt N., 1993. Gynakologisch-Geburtshilfliche Rundschau, 33 (4) pp. 236-42. Peer-reviewed.
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