Adolescent Health Studies

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407 publications

In press | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | ...
Correction to: how can primary care practitioners address substance use by adolescents? A position paper of the EUROPEAN academy of PEDIATRICS.
Michaud P.A., Bélanger R., Mazur A., Hadjipanayis A., Ambresin A.E. International journal of colorectal disease. Peer-reviewed.
Adolescence : défis multiples des comportements addictifs dans une société addictogène.
Ambresin A.E., Merglen A., Chamay Weber C., 2024/04/17. Revue medicale suisse, 20 (870) pp. 775-776. Peer-reviewed.
Kétamine : une substance récréative qui fait mal [Ketamin: a harmful recreational drug]
Delacrétaz R., Guillod L., Bornand K., Clemens S., Ambresin A.E., 2024/04/17. Revue medicale suisse, 20 (870) pp. 784-787. Peer-reviewed.
Prise en charge interdisciplinaire des adolescent-e-s transgenres et non binaires. L’exemple du Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois (CHUV) [Interdisciplinary care for gender diverse adolescents. The example of the Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois (CHUV)]
Schmitt P.A., Busiah K., Morisod Harari M., Jacot-Guillarmod M., Zufferey A., Ambresin A.E., 2024/04/17. Revue medicale suisse, 20 (870) pp. 802-806. Peer-reviewed.
Puffs à l’adolescence : enjeux et stratégies d’intervention [Puff bars and adolescence: issues and intervention strategies]
Trovato-Abdellali N., Knob C., Delacrétaz R., 2024/04/17. Revue medicale suisse, 20 (870) pp. 778-783. Peer-reviewed.
Enfance, adolescence et risque d’addiction : une perspective développementale [Childhood, adolescence and the risk of addiction: a developmental perspective]
Ambresin A.E., Leuchter R., 2024/02/21. Revue medicale suisse, 20 (862) pp. 377-381. Peer-reviewed.
Troubles du comportement alimentaire à l’aune de l’addiction [Eating disorders in the light of addiction]
Tzieropoulos Osterlof H., Wegmüller G., Vust S., Lier F., Savoia M., Soroken C., 2024/02/21. Revue medicale suisse, 20 (862) pp. 382-387. Peer-reviewed.
Pervasive alterations of intra-axonal volume and network organization in young children with a 16p11.2 deletion.
Maillard A.M., Romascano D., Villalón-Reina J.E., Moreau C.A., Almeida Osório J.M., Richetin S., Junod V., Yu P., Misic B., Thompson P.M. et al., 2024/02/14. Translational psychiatry, 14 (1) p. 95. Peer-reviewed.
Médecine de l’adolescence. Expliquer la douleur chronique fonctionnelle aux adolescents [Adolescent medicine. Explaining chronic functional pain to teenagers]
Ambresin A.E., Wosinski B., 2024/01/17. Revue medicale suisse, 20 (856-7) pp. 59-62. Peer-reviewed.
Hiking for health the Swiss way! Highlighting the global importance of physical activity
Schmidt-Trucksäss Arno, Gojanovic Boris, 2023/10. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 57 (19) pp. 1221-1222.
Global Alliance for the Promotion of Physical Activity: the Hamburg Declaration.
Steinacker J.M., van Mechelen W., Bloch W., Börjesson M., Casasco M., Wolfarth B., Knoke C., Papadopoulou T., Wendt J., Al Tunaiji H. et al., 2023/07. BMJ open sport & exercise medicine, 9 (3) pp. e001626. Peer-reviewed.
I-CARE : une formation pionnière par apprentissage en ligne sur la santé des personnes LGBTIQ [I-CARE: a pioneering e-learning training program on LGBTIQ+ health]
Bize R., Volkmar E., Blanc-Scuderi Z., Medico D., Zufferey A., Béziane C., Merglen A., Brockmann C., Bodenmann P., 2023/06/28. Revue medicale suisse, 19 (833) pp. 1277-1281. Peer-reviewed.
The state of adolescent medicine as a specific field: an international exploratory survey.
Fonseca H., Michaud P.A., 2023/04/01. International journal of adolescent medicine and health, 35 (2) pp. 173-177. Peer-reviewed.
FIFA 11+ Kids: Challenges in implementing a prevention program.
Franchina M., Turati M., Tercier S., Kwiatkowski B., 2023/02. Journal of children's orthopaedics, 17 (1) pp. 22-27. Peer-reviewed.
Adolescent pregnancy: An important issue for paediatricians and primary care providers-A position paper from the European academy of paediatrics.
Vieira Martins M., Karara N., Dembiński L., Jacot-Guillarmod M., Mazur A., Hadjipanayis A., Michaud P.A., 2023. Frontiers in pediatrics, 11 p. 1119500. Peer-reviewed.
How to approach and take care of minor adolescents whose situations raise ethical dilemmas? a position paper of the European academy of pediatrics.
Michaud P.A., Takeuchi Y.L., Mazur A., Hadjipanayis A.A., Ambresin A.E., 2023. Frontiers in pediatrics, 11 p. 1120324. Peer-reviewed.
The impact of the Ebola epidemics on children's rights: a scoping review.
Lunghi I., Babington-Ashaye A., Vassalli J.D., Heller Y., Michaud P.A., Wernli D., Heller O., Flahault A., Dagron S., 2022/12/31. Global health action, 15 (1) p. 2061240. Peer-reviewed.
Assessing and Supporting Adolescents' Capacity for Autonomous Decision-Making in Health-Care Settings: New Guidance From the World Health Organization.
Baltag V., Takeuchi Y., Guthold R., Ambresin A.E., 2022/07. The Journal of adolescent health, 71 (1) pp. 10-13. Peer-reviewed.
Cognitive biases cloud our clinical decisions and patient expectations: A narrative review to help bridge the gap between evidence-based and personalized medicine.
Gojanovic B., Fourchet F., Gremeaux V., 2022/06. Annals of physical and rehabilitation medicine, 65 (4) p. 101551. Peer-reviewed.
La santé des ados aujourd’hui.
Chamay Weber C., Ambresin A.E., 2022/04/20. Revue medicale suisse, 18 (778) p. 735. Peer-reviewed.
Soutenir activement la participation et les prises de décisions des adolescent-e-s dans le domaine de la santé [Actively supporting youth participation and autonomous decision-making in health matters]
Takeuchi Y.L., Ambresin A.E., 2022/04/20. Revue medicale suisse, 18 (778) pp. 746-749.
Successful Return to Performance After COVID-19 Infection in an Elite Athlete.
Besson C., Guex K., Schmitt L., Gojanovic B., Gremeaux V., 2022/04/01. International journal of sports physiology and performance, 17 (4) pp. 667-670. Peer-reviewed.
2022 Bern Consensus Statement on Shoulder Injury Prevention, Rehabilitation, and Return to Sport for Athletes at All Participation Levels.
Schwank A., Blazey P., Asker M., Møller M., Hägglund M., Gard S., Skazalski C., Haugsbø Andersson S., Horsley I., Whiteley R. et al., 2022/01. The Journal of orthopaedic and sports physical therapy, 52 (1) pp. 11-28. Peer-reviewed.
Adolescents With Eating Disorders in Pediatric Practice - The European Academy of Paediatrics Recommendations.
Rynkiewicz A., Dembiński Ł., Koletzko B., Michaud P.A., Hadjipanayis A., Grossman Z., Korslund K., King B.H., Treasure J., Peregud-Pogorzelski J. et al., 2022. Frontiers in pediatrics, 10 p. 806399. Peer-reviewed.
Exercise Science Graduates in the Healthcare System: A Comparison Between Australia and Switzerland.
Carrard J., Gut M., Croci I., McMahon S., Gojanovic B., Hinrichs T., Schmidt-Trucksäss A., 2022. Frontiers in sports and active living, 4 p. 766641. Peer-reviewed.
Period prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 infections and willingness to vaccinate in Swiss elite athletes.
Schmid M.J., Örencik M., Gojanovic B., Schmid J., Conzelmann A., 2022. BMJ open sport & exercise medicine, 8 (2) pp. e001330. Peer-reviewed.
Santé des personnes transgenres, non binaires et agenres
Medico Denise, Volkman Erika, Berrut Sylvan, Bize Raphaël, Bodenmann Patrick, Wahlen Raphaël, 2022. pp. 361-371 dans Bodenmann Patrick, Jackson Yves, Vu Francis, Wolff Hans (eds.) Vulnérabilités, diversités et équité en santé chap. 2.9, RMS éditions / Médecine et Hygiène.
Soins de qualité pour les personnes lesbiennes, gays, bisexuelles, transgenres et intersexuées
Bize Raphaël, Berrut Sylvan, Volkmar Erika, Medico Denise, Werlen Mirjam, Aegerter Audrey, Wahlen Raphaël, Bodenmann Patrick, 2022. pp. 347-360 dans Bodenmann Patrick, Jackson Yves, Vu Francis, Wolff Hans (eds.) Vulnérabilités, diversités et équité en santé chap. 2.8, RMS éditions / Médecine et Hygiène.
The Impact of COVID on Adolescent Mental Health, Self-Harm and Suicide: How Can Primary Care Provider Respond? A Position Paper of the European Academy of Pediatrics.
Michaud P.A., Michaud L., Mazur A., Hadjipanayis A., Kapp C., Ambresin A.E., 2022. Frontiers in pediatrics, 10 p. 800000. Peer-reviewed.
'Demystifying' the encounter with adolescent patients: a qualitative study on medical students' experiences and perspectives during training with adolescent simulated patients.
Takeuchi Yusuke Leo, Bonvin Raphaël, Ambresin Anne-Emmanuelle, 2021/12. Medical education online, 26 (1) p. 1979445. Peer-reviewed.
De novo variants in CACNA1E found in patients with intellectual disability, developmental regression and social cognition deficit but no seizures.
Royer-Bertrand B., Jequier Gygax M., Cisarova K., Rosenfeld J.A., Bassetti J.A., Moldovan O., O'Heir E., Burrage L.C., Allen J., Emrick L.T. et al., 2021/10/26. Molecular autism, 12 (1) p. 69. Peer-reviewed.
Stop Saying It, Just Do It! Young People's Participation During the COVID Pandemic: A View From Europe.
Ambresin Anne-Emmanuelle, Takeuchi Yusuke Leo, Michaud Pierre-André, 2021/10. The Journal of adolescent health, 69 (4) pp. 674-675. Peer-reviewed.
Reframing how we care for people with persistent non-traumatic musculoskeletal pain. Suggestions for the rehabilitation community.
Lewis J.S., Stokes E.K., Gojanovic B., Gellatly P., Mbada C., Sharma S., Diener I., O'Sullivan P., 2021/09. Physiotherapy, 112 pp. 143-149. Peer-reviewed.
SEM Switzerland: making sport safer and breaking down silos
Gojanovic Boris, 2021/09. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 55 (17) pp. 943-943.
Organization and activities of school health services among EU countries.
Michaud P.A., Vervoort JPM, Visser A., Baltag V., Reijneveld S.A., Kocken P.L., Jansen D., 2021/07/13. European journal of public health, 31 (3) pp. 502-508. Peer-reviewed.
Crise sanitaire : de la souffrance à l’opportunité – la parole aux jeunes
Garcia R., Bidaux S., Takeuchi Y.L., 2021/05/26. Revue medicale suisse, 17 (740) p. 1056.
Previsit Multidomain Psychosocial Screening Tools for Adolescents and Young Adults: A Systematic Review.
Glasner J., Baltag V., Ambresin A.E., 2021/03. The Journal of adolescent health, 68 (3) pp. 449-459. Peer-reviewed.
Impact de la pandémie de Covid-19 sur la santé et le développement des jeunes en Suisse - Quel rôle pour les médecins ? [Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on adolescent health and development: a role to play for physicians]
Michaud P.A., Vassalli J.D., Schmitt P.A., Jaffé P.D., Ambresin A.E., 2021/01/20. Revue medicale suisse, 17 (722) pp. 150-154.
Cancer Care of Children, Adolescents and Adults With Autism Spectrum Disorders: Key Information and Strategies for Oncology Teams
Vuattoux Delphine, Colomer-Lahiguera Sara, Fernandez Pierre-Alain, Jequier Gygax Marine, Choucair Marie-Louise, Beck-Popovic Maja, Diezi Manuel, Manificat Sabine, Latifyan Sofiya, Ramelet Anne-Sylvie et al., 2021/01/19. Frontiers in Oncology, 10.
Assessing and supporting adolescents’ capacity for autonomous decision-making in health care settings: a tool for health-care providers
World Health Organization, Takeuchi Yusuke Leo, Ambresin Anne-Emmanuelle, 2021., World Health Organization.
Assessing and supporting adolescents’ capacity for autonomous decision-making in health care settings: a tool for health-care providers: web annex: algorithm for health-care providers
World Health Organization, Takeuchi Yusuke Leo, Ambresin Anne-Emmanuelle, 2021., World Health Organization.
E-Cigarettes as a Growing Threat for Children and Adolescents: Position Statement From the European Academy of Paediatrics.
Bush A., Lintowska A., Mazur A., Hadjipanayis A., Grossman Z., Del Torso S., Michaud P.A., Doan S., Romankevych I., Slaats M. et al., 2021. Frontiers in pediatrics, 9 p. 698613. Peer-reviewed.
Correction to: How can primary care practitioners address substance use by adolescents? A position paper of the EUROPEAN academy of PAEDIATRICS.
Michaud P.A., Bélanger R., Mazur A., Hadjipanayis A., Ambresin A.E., 2020/08. European journal of pediatrics, 179 (8) pp. 1307-1308. Peer-reviewed.
Factors associated with weight gain in anorexia nervosa inpatients.
Chatelet S., Wang J., Gjoertz M., Lier F., Monney Chaubert C., Ambresin A.E., 2020/08. Eating and weight disorders, 25 (4) pp. 939-950. Peer-reviewed.
How can primary care practitioners address substance use by adolescents? A position paper of the EUROPEAN academy of PAEDIATRICS.
Michaud P.A., Bélanger R., Mazur A., Hadjipanayis A., Ambresin A.E., 2020/08. European journal of pediatrics, 179 (8) pp. 1297-1305. Peer-reviewed.
Nutrition Approach for Inpatients With Anorexia Nervosa: Impact of a Clinical Refeeding Guideline.
Gjoertz M., Wang J., Chatelet S., Monney Chaubert C., Lier F., Ambresin A.E., 2020/08. JPEN. Journal of parenteral and enteral nutrition, 44 (6) pp. 1124-1139. Peer-reviewed.
Patient-reported outcome measures for hip-related pain: a review of the available evidence and a consensus statement from the International Hip-related Pain Research Network, Zurich 2018.
Impellizzeri F.M., Jones D.M., Griffin D., Harris-Hayes M., Thorborg K., Crossley K.M., Reiman M.P., Scholes M.J., Ageberg E., Agricola R. et al., 2020/07. British journal of sports medicine, 54 (14) pp. 848-857. Peer-reviewed.
Temporal regularity of cerebral activity at rest correlates with slowness of reaction times in intellectual disability
Palix Julie, Giuliani Fabienne, Sierro Guillaume, Brandner Catherine, Favrod Jérôme, 2020/06/08. Clinical Neurophysiology, 131 (8) pp. 1859-1865. Peer-reviewed.
Standardised measurement of physical capacity in young and middle-aged active adults with hip-related pain: recommendations from the first International Hip-related Pain Research Network (IHiPRN) meeting, Zurich, 2018.
Mosler A.B., Kemp J., King M., Lawrenson P.R., Semciw A., Freke M., Jones D.M., Casartelli N.C., Wörner T., Ishøi L. et al., 2020/06. British journal of sports medicine, 54 (12) pp. 702-710. Peer-reviewed.
Physiotherapist-led treatment for young to middle-aged active adults with hip-related pain: consensus recommendations from the International Hip-related Pain Research Network, Zurich 2018.
Kemp J.L., Risberg M.A., Mosler A., Harris-Hayes M., Serner A., Moksnes H., Bloom N., Crossley K.M., Gojanovic B., Hunt M.A. et al., 2020/05. British journal of sports medicine, 54 (9) pp. 504-511. Peer-reviewed.
Adolescents transgenres et non ­binaires : approche et prise en charge par les médecins de premier recours [Transgender and non-binary teenagers : management in primary care]
Wahlen R., Brockmann C., Soroken C., Bertholet L., Yaron M., Zufferey A., Ambresin A.E., Merglen A., 2020/04/22. Revue medicale suisse, 16 (691) pp. 789-793.
Approche pratique des écrans en consultation avec les adolescents [Practical approach of media use in consultation with adolescents]
Ambresin A.E., Weber N., 2020/04/22. Revue medicale suisse, 16 (691) pp. 784-788.
L’adolescence : une ­métamorphose porte-parole de notre société
Ambresin A.E., Chamay-Weber C., 2020/04/22. Revue medicale suisse, 16 (691) p. 763.
« Parlons de sexe avec eux aussi » : ­la santé sexuelle des adolescents garçons en médecine de premier recours [« Let's talk about sex » : adolescent boys' sexual health in the primary care setting]
Takeuchi Y.L., Veys C., Sanchez O., 2020/04/22. Revue medicale suisse, 16 (691) pp. 765-768.
Modelling Training Adaptation in Swimming Using Artificial Neural Network Geometric Optimisation.
Carrard J., Kloucek P., Gojanovic B., 2020/01/16. Sports, 8 (1). Peer-reviewed.
From Sedentary and Physical Inactive Behaviours to an Ultra Cycling Race: A Mixed-Method Case Report.
Guex K., Wicht S., Besson C., Degache F., Gojanovic B., Gremion G., 2020/01/13. International journal of environmental research and public health, 17 (2). Peer-reviewed.
Medical students' knowledge of and attitudes towards LGBT people and their health care needs: Impact of a lecture on LGBT health.
Wahlen R., Bize R., Wang J., Merglen A., Ambresin A.E., 2020. PloS one, 15 (7) pp. e0234743. Peer-reviewed.
Improving mental health and physiological stress responses in mothers following traumatic childbirth and in their infants: study protocol for the Swiss TrAumatic biRth Trial (START).
Sandoz V., Deforges C., Stuijfzand S., Epiney M., Vial Y., Sekarski N., Messerli-Bürgy N., Ehlert U., Bickle-Graz M., Morisod Harari M. et al., 2019/12/30. BMJ open, 9 (12) pp. e032469. Peer-reviewed.
Clinical profile and care pathways among unaccompanied minor asylum seekers in Vaud, Switzerland.
Genton P.C., Wang J., Bodenmann P., Ambresin A.E., 2019/09/12. International journal of adolescent medicine and health, 34 (3). Peer-reviewed.
Swiss sports and exercise medicine: educate and activate
Gojanovic Boris, 2019/09. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 53 (18) pp. 1129-1130.
La fatigue chez l’athlète adolescent [Fatigue in the adolescent athlète]
Wenger N., Takeuchi Y.L., Lier F., Gojanovic B., 2019/07/10. Revue medicale suisse, 15 (657) pp. 1323-1328. Peer-reviewed.
La Santé pour la performance : chimère idéaliste ou changementde paradigme essentiel dans la pratique du sport ?
Ambresin A.E., Gojanovic B., Tercier S., 2019/07/10. Revue medicale suisse, 15 (657) pp. 1303-1304.
Maltraitance du jeune sportif : la détecter et l’évaluer [Abuse and non-accidental violence in the adolescent athlete : how to detect and assess ?]
Ambresin A.E., Depallens S., Hindi M., Gojanovic B., 2019/07/10. Revue medicale suisse, 15 (657) pp. 1329-1332.
Que savez-vous du RED-S ? Une étude de terrain sur les connaissances des entraîneurs sportifs [What do you know of RED-S ? A field study on adolescent coaches' knowledge]
Brunet P., Ambresin A.E., Gojanovic B., 2019/07/10. Revue medicale suisse, 15 (657) pp. 1334-1338.
Quand tout est gelé, se remettre à bouger : programme FIT@CHUV [When everything is frozen, start moving again: the FIT@CHUV program]
Armengaud J.B., Vaucher S., Roche O., Dahner L., Tarditi B., Luisier M., Hodot C., Mercier A.A., Deppen A., Ambresin A.E., 2019/06/19. Revue medicale suisse, 15 (656) pp. 1276-1280.
Lipid Disturbances in Adolescents Treated With Second-Generation Antipsychotics: Clinical Determinants of Plasma Lipid Worsening and New-Onset Hypercholesterolemia.
Delacrétaz A., Vandenberghe F., Glatard A., Dubath C., Levier A., Gholam-Rezaee M., Holzer L., Ambresin A.E., Conus P., Eap C.B., 2019/04/09. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, 80 (3). Peer-reviewed.
Improving the quality of care delivered to adolescents in Europe: a time to invest.
Michaud P.A., Weber M.W., Namazova-Baranova L., Ambresin A.E., 2019/03. Archives of disease in childhood, 104 (3) pp. 214-216. Peer-reviewed.
La confidentialité dans les soins aux adolescents ? Le point de vue des adolescents et de leurs parents
Takeuchi Yusuke Leo, Van Riel Baptiste, Ambresin Anne-Emmanuelle, 2019. Paediatrica.
Advocating for Adolescent and Young Adult Male Sexual and Reproductive Health: A Position Statement From the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine.
Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine, Santa Maria D., Rafferty J., Lau M., Guilamo-Ramos V., Tebb K., Chadi N., Ambresin A.E., Vyver E., Marcell A.V., 2018/11. The Journal of adolescent health, 63 (5) pp. 657-661. Peer-reviewed.
Physical Activity Is an Opportunity for the Health of Nations: What Should We Do Next?
Gojanovic B., 2018/08. Praxis, 107 (17-18) pp. 943-949. Peer-reviewed.
Un mouvement pour la santé []
Gojanovic B., 2018/08. Praxis, 107 (17-18) pp. 935-936. Peer-reviewed.
Médecine du sport chez les adolescents : qui a parlé de simples blessures ? [Adolescent sport medicine : do simple injuries really exist in youth athletes ?]
Tercier S., Ambresin A.E., Gojanovic B., 2018/07/11. Revue medicale suisse, 14 (613) pp. 1346-1351.
Second-Generation Antipsychotics in Adolescent Psychiatric Patients: Metabolic Effects and Impact of an Early Weight Change to Predict Longer Term Weight Gain.
Vandenberghe F., Najar-Giroud A., Holzer L., Conus P., Eap C.B., Ambresin A.E., 2018/05. Journal of child and adolescent psychopharmacology, 28 (4) pp. 258-265. Peer-reviewed.
Adolescents souffrant d’anorexie mentale Le rôle des parents, une approche baséesur l’évidence : bilan en 2018 [Adolescents suffering from anorexia nervosa: an evidence-based approach of the parent's role in 2018]
Vust S., Cook-Darzens S., Lier F., Ambresin A.E., 2018/04/18. Revue medicale suisse, 14 (603) pp. 835-838.
La transition : entre vulnérabilité et résilience
Ambresin A.E., Narring F., 2018/04/18. Revue medicale suisse, 14 (603) pp. 819-820.
Lost in transition :regards croisés sur les 18-25 ans [Lost in transition: crossed looks on the 18-25 years old]
Depallens S., Takeuchi Y.L., Roberts K., 2018/04/18. Revue medicale suisse, 14 (603) pp. 831-834.
L’union fait la force :traitement des troubles fonctionnels complexes à l’adolescence [Together we are stronger: management of complex functional disorders during adolescence]
Ambresin A.E., Deppen A., Hofer M., Dahner L., Roche O., Huguenin Dezot M., Beltrami D., Nouvellet P., Armengaud J.B., 2018/04/18. Revue medicale suisse, 14 (603) pp. 839-842.
A Delphi developed syllabus for the medical specialty of sport and exercise medicine.
Humphries D., Jaques R., Dijkstra H.P., International Syllabus in Sport and Exercise Medicine Group (ISSEMG), 2018/04. British journal of sports medicine, 52 (8) pp. 490-492. Peer-reviewed.
Paediatric departments need to improve residents' training in adolescent medicine and health: a position paper of the European Academy of Paediatrics.
Michaud P.A., Schrier L., Ross-Russel R., van der Heijden L., Dossche L., Copley S., Alterio T., Mazur A., Dembinski L., Hadjipanayis A. et al., 2018/04. European journal of pediatrics, 177 (4) pp. 479-487. Peer-reviewed.
The age of adolescence…and young adulthood
McDonagh Janet E, Ambresin Anne-Emmanuelle, Boisen Kirsten Arntz, Fonseca Helena, Jakobsson Kruse Pia, Meynard Anne, Stronski Susanne, Michaud Pierre-Andre, Takeuchi Yusuke Leo, 2018/04. The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health, 2 (4) pp. e6. Peer-reviewed.
Effective School Health Service: A Response to Adolescent Health Needs in Europe.
Michaud P.A., Namazova-Baranova L., Weber M., Ambresin A.E., 2018/02. The Journal of pediatrics, 193 pp. 278-279.e1. Peer-reviewed.
Mindfulness and Other Psycho-Social Resources Protective Against Mental Illness and Suicidality Among Gay Men.
Wang J., Häusermann M., Ambresin A.E., 2018. Frontiers in psychiatry, 9 p. 361. Peer-reviewed.
Assessing the plight of young unaccompanied refugees
Blaser J., Ambresin A.E., Monnat M., Faucherre F., Sanchis J., Rojas-Urrego A., Hunziker B., Gehri M., Bodenmann P., 2017/11/29. Swiss medical weekly, 147 pp. w14547. Peer-reviewed.
Training General Practitioners to Detect Probable Mental Disorders in Young People During Health Risk Screening.
Ambresin A.E., Otjes C.P., Patton G.C., Sawyer S.M., Thuraisingam S., English D.R., Haller D.M., Sanci L.A., 2017/09. The Journal of adolescent health, 61 (3) pp. 302-309. Peer-reviewed.
Medical students knowledge of and beliefs about LGBT and their health care needs: what's the impact of a class on LGBT adolescent health?
Wahlen R., Bize R., Bonvin R., Wang J., Merglen A., Ambresin A. E., 2017/05/29. pp. S12 dans Joint annual meeting Swiss Society of Paediatrics and the Swiss Society for Allergology and ImmunologyJointly organized with the 4th Lymphoid Tissue Meeting “Focus on Stromal Cells”St. Gallen (Switzerland), June 1–3, 2017, Swiss Medical Weekly.
Sexual orientation differences in treatment expectation, alliance, and outcome among patients at risk for suicide in a public psychiatric hospital.
Plöderl M., Kunrath S., Cramer R.J., Wang J., Hauer L., Fartacek C., 2017/05/15. BMC psychiatry, 17 (1) p. 184. Peer-reviewed.
Prevalence of abnormal electrocardiograms in Swiss elite athletes detected with modern screening criteria.
Perrin T., Trachsel L.D., Schneiter S., Menafoglio A., Albrecht S., Pirrello T., Eser P., Roten L., Gojanovic B., Wilhelm M., 2017/01/19. Swiss medical weekly, 146 pp. w14376. Peer-reviewed.
Pédiatrie [Novelties 2016 in pediatrics]
Fischer Fumeaux C.J., Fletgen Richard C., Goncalves Pereira Pinto D., Stadelmann C., Avignon V., Vial Y., Tolsa J.F., Ambresin A.E., Armengaud J.B., Castaneda M. et al., 2017/01/11. Revue medicale suisse, 13 (544-545) pp. 92-95.
Diagnostic des troubles du spectre autistique, un enjeu pour un meilleur accompagnement des personnes [Autism spectrum disorder : a diagnosis for a better support]
Chabane N., Manificat S., 2016/09/21. Revue medicale suisse, 12 (531) pp. 1566-1571. Peer-reviewed.
La parole aux adolescents. Sommes-nous prêts à les entendre?
Narring F., Ambresin A., 2016/06/08. Revue medicale suisse, 12 (522) p. 1123.
Prise en charge somatique et complications de l'anorexie mentale chez l'adolescente [Somatic care and complications of anorexia nervosa in adolescent girls]
Helfer J., Favaro A., Ambresin A.E., 2016/06/08. Revue medicale suisse, 12 (522) pp. 1129-1132.
Consultation for Disordered Puberty: What Do Adolescent Medicine Patients Teach Us?
Michaud P.A., Ambresin A.E., 2016. Endocrine Development, 29 pp. 240-255.
Prise en charge des athlètes dans leur globalité. Conférence plénière au Congrès Sport City, Lausanne
Antonini Philippe Roberta, Gojanovic Boris (eds.), 2016..
A qualitative study of adolescents with medically unexplained symptoms and their parents. Part 1: Experiences and impact on daily life.
Moulin V., Akre C., Rodondi P.Y., Ambresin A.E., Suris J.C., 2015. Journal of Adolescence, 45 pp. 307-316. Peer-reviewed.
A qualitative study of adolescents with medically unexplained symptoms and their parents. Part 2: How is healthcare perceived?
Moulin V., Akre C., Rodondi P.Y., Ambresin A.E., Suris J.C., 2015. Journal of Adolescence, 45 pp. 317-326. Peer-reviewed.
Adolescent health
Michaud Pierre-André, Ambresin Anne-Emmanuelle, Catalano Richard F., Diers Judith, Patton Georges C, 2015. p. 1359 dans Detels R., Martin G., Quarraisha Abdool K., Chorh Chuan T. (eds.) Oxford Textbook of Global Public Health chap. 10.4, Oxford University Press.
Assessing an Adolescent's Capacity for Autonomous Decision-Making in Clinical Care.
Michaud P.A., Blum R.W., Benaroyo L., Zermatten J., Baltag V., 2015. Journal of Adolescent Health : Official Publication of the Society For Adolescent Medicine, 57 (4) pp. 361-366. Peer-reviewed.
Atypical coordination of cortical oscillations in response to speech in autism.
Jochaut D., Lehongre K., Saitovitch A., Devauchelle A.D., Olasagasti I., Chabane N., Zilbovicius M., Giraud A.L., 2015. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 9 p. 171. Peer-reviewed.
Est-ce qu'en discuter fait la différence ? Opinions de jeunes adultes atteints de maladies chroniques après avoir été transférés vers des soins pour adultes [Does talking about it make a difference? Opinions of chronically ill young adults after being transferred to adult care].
Suris J.C., Rutishauser C., Akré C., 2015. Archives De Pédiatrie : Organe Officiel De La Sociéte Française De Pédiatrie, 22 (3) pp. 267-271. Peer-reviewed.
Importance of early weight changes to predict long-term weight gain during psychotropic drug treatment.
Vandenberghe F., Gholam-Rezaee M., Saigí-Morgui N., Delacrétaz A., Choong E., Solida-Tozzi A., Kolly S., Thonney J., Gallo S.F., Hedjal A. et al., 2015. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 76 (11) pp. e1417-e1423. Peer-reviewed.
Key elements for, and indicators of, a successful transition: an international Delphi study.
Suris J.C., Akre C., 2015. Journal of Adolescent Health, 56 (6) pp. 612-618. Peer-reviewed.
Problematic Internet use is associated with substance use in young adolescents.
Rücker J., Akre C., Berchtold A., Suris J.C., 2015. Acta Paediatrica, 104 (5) pp. 504-507. Peer-reviewed.
Pédiatrie. (2.) Consultation de médecine du sport dédiée à l'adolescent [Sport medicine consultation for adolescents].
Tercier S., Depallens S., Zambelli P.Y., Ambresin A.E., 2015. Revue Médicale Suisse, 11 (456-457) pp. 116-117. Peer-reviewed.
Responding to Young People's Health Risks in Primary Care: A Cluster Randomised Trial of Training Clinicians in Screening and Motivational Interviewing.
Sanci L., Chondros P., Sawyer S., Pirkis J., Ozer E., Hegarty K., Yang F., Grabsch B., Shiell A., Cahill H. et al., 2015. Plos One, 10 (9) pp. e0137581. Peer-reviewed.
Transactional sex and HIV risks - evidence from a cross-sectional national survey among young people in Uganda.
Choudhry V., Ambresin A.E., Nyakato V.N., Agardh A., 2015. Global health action, 8 p. 27249. Peer-reviewed.
Transition aux soins adultes : une vue d'ensemble [Transition to adult care: an overview]
Meynard A., Ambresin A.E., Suris J.C., 2015. Revue Médicale Suisse, 11 (462) pp. 434-437.
Une étude qualitative sur l'usage des cigarettes électroniques (e-cigarettes) chez les jeunes
Akré C., Suris J.C, 2015/01. 92 (Raisons de santé ; 237), Lausanne: Institut universitaire de médecine sociale et préventive (IUMSP), Division maladies chroniques (dMC), Groupe de recherche sur la santé des adolescents (GRSA).
The Evolution of Sexual Dysfunction in Young Men Aged 18-25 Years
Akre C., Berchtold A., Gmel G., Suris J.C., 2014/12. Journal of Adolescent Health, 55 (6) pp. 736-743. Peer-reviewed.
Consultations spécialisées en médecine de l'adolescent: à qui s'adressent-elles? [Specialized adolescent health clinic: who should be referred to it?]
Chamay W.C., Meynard A., Haller D.M., Yaron M., Messerli K., Ambresin A.E., Narring F., 2014/06/11. Revue medicale suisse, 10 (434) pp. 1282,1284-1286.
Characteristics of Young Adolescents Accessing Pornography Online
Suris J.C., Akre Christina, Ambresin Anne-Emmanuelle, Berchtold André, Piguet Claire, Zimmermann Grégoire, 2014/02., Annual meeting of the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine, 2014, Austin, USA pp. S46 dans Journal of Adolescent Health, Supl.. Peer-reviewed.
Problematic Internet Use and Substance Use in Adolescence
Suris J.C., Akre Christina, Ambresin Anne-Emmanuelle, Berchtold André, Piguet Claire, Zimmermann Grégoire, 2014/02., Annual meeting of the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine, 2014, Austin, USA pp. S8 dans Journal of Adolescent Health, Supl.. Peer-reviewed.
A measurement framework for quality health care for adolescents in hospital.
Sawyer S.M., Ambresin A.E., Bennett K.E., Patton G.C., 2014. Journal of Adolescent Health : Official Publication of the Society For Adolescent Medicine, 55 (4) pp. 484-490. Peer-reviewed.
Feasibility and clinical outcomes when using practice guidelines for evaluation of fever in returning travelers and migrants : a validation study.
Mueller Y., D'Acremont V., Ambresin A.E., Rossi I., Martin O., Burnand B., Genton B., 2014. Journal of Travel Medicine, 21 (3) pp. 169-182. Peer-reviewed.
Giving or Receiving Something for Sex: A Cross-Sectional Study of Transactional Sex among Ugandan University Students.
Choudhry V., Ostergren P.O., Ambresin A.E., Kyagaba E., Agardh A., 2014. Plos One, 9 (11) pp. e112431. Peer-reviewed.
Is Internet use unhealthy? A cross-sectional study of adolescent Internet overuse.
Suris J.C., Akre C., Piguet C., Ambresin A.E., Zimmermann G., Berchtold A., 2014. Swiss Medical Weekly, 144 pp. w14061. Peer-reviewed.
Les adolescents et leur santé
Michaud PA, Ambresin AE, 2014. pp. 263-286 dans Claes M., Lannegrand-Willems L. (eds.) La psychologie de l'adolescence, Presses de l'université de Montréal.
Prise en charge d'adolescents souffrant d'anorexie mentale: le rôle des parents, une approche basée sur l'évidence [Adolescents with an eating disorder: an evidence-based approach on the role of parents].
Ambresin A.E., Vust S., Lier F., Michaud P.A., 2014. Revue Médicale Suisse, 10 (412-413) pp. 66-68.
Services "amis des jeunes": promouvoir des soins adaptés aux adolescents [Youth friendly health services: how to promote quality health care for adolescents].
Ambresin A.E., Michaud P.A., Haller D.M., 2014. Revue Médicale Suisse, 10 (434) pp. 1278-1281.
Successful transitions: beyond disease control to better life chances.
Sawyer S.M., Ambresin A.E., 2014. Journal of Adolescent Health, 54 (4) pp. 365-366.
The health of adolescents around a world in transition.
Michaud P.A., Ambresin A.E., 2014. Georgian Medical News 230 pp. 54-59. Peer-reviewed.
Transition of young people with chronic conditions: a cross-sectional study of patient perceptions before and after transfer from pediatric to adult health care.
Rutishauser C., Sawyer S.M., Ambresin A.E., 2014. European Journal of Pediatrics, 173 (8) pp. 1067-1074. Peer-reviewed.
WHO guidelines on preventing early pregnancy and poor reproductive outcomes among adolescents in developing countries.
Chandra-Mouli V., Camacho A.V., Michaud P.A., 2013/05. The Journal of adolescent health, 52 (5) pp. 517-522. Peer-reviewed.
Assessing tobacco dependence among cannabis users smoking cigarettes.
Flatz A., Bélanger R.E., Berchtold A., Marclay F., Surìs J.C., 2013. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 15 (2) pp. 557-561. Peer-reviewed.
Assessment of youth-friendly health care: a systematic review of indicators drawn from young people's perspectives.
Ambresin A.E., Bennett K., Patton G.C., Sanci L.A., Sawyer S.M., 2013. Journal of Adolescent Health, 52 (6) pp. 670-681.
Early tailored assertive community case management for hard-to-engage adolescents suffering from psychiatric disorders: an exploratory pilot study.
Baier V., Favrod J., Ferrari P., Koch N., Holzer L., 2013. Early Intervention In Psychiatry, 7 (1) pp. 94-99. Peer-reviewed.
Exploratory survey about dietary supplement use: a hazardous and erratic way to improve one's health?
Troxler D.S., Michaud P.A., Graz B., Rodondi P.Y., 2013. Swiss Medical Weekly, 143 (w13807) pp. 1-6.
Frequency and effects of meeting health behaviour guidelines among adolescents.
Mejía D., Berchtold A., Bélanger R.E., Kuntsche E.N., Michaud P.A., Surís J.C., 2013. European Journal of Public Health, 23 (1) pp. 8-13. Peer-reviewed.
La santé des adolescents en Suisse [The health of adolescents in Switzerland].
Michaud P.A., Ambresin A.E., 2013. Praxis, 102 (18) pp. 1111-1116. Peer-reviewed.
Offer and use of complementary and alternative medicine in hospitals of the French-speaking part of Switzerland.
Carruzzo P., Graz B., Rodondi P.Y., Michaud P.A., 2013. Swiss Medical Weekly, 143 (w13756) pp. 1-5.
Parental monitoring: a way to decrease substance use among Swiss adolescents?
Tornay L., Michaud P.A., Gmel G., Wilson M.L., Berchtold A., Surís J.C., 2013. European Journal of Pediatrics, 172 (9) pp. 1229-1234.
Unwanted sexual experiences among adolescents: shedding light on the gray zone between consensual and non-consensual sex.
Akre C., Chabloz J.M., Belanger R.E., Michaud P.A., Suris J.C., 2013. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health, 25 (1) pp. 69-74. Peer-reviewed.
Women's decision making and experience of subsequent pregnancy following stillbirth.
Lee L., McKenzie-McHarg K., Horsch A., 2013. Journal of Midwifery and Women's Health, 58 (4) pp. 431-439. Peer-reviewed.
Reforms of the pre-graduate curriculum for medical students: the Bologna process and beyond.
Michaud P.A., 2012/12/17. Swiss medical weekly, 142 pp. w13738. Peer-reviewed. usage d'internet chez les adolescents vaudois
Suris J.C., Akré C., Berchtold A., Fleury-Schubert A., Michaud P.A., Zimmermann G., 2012. 61 (Raisons de santé ; 208), Lausanne.
Adolescent Friendly Hospital Survey
Sawyer S., Ambresin A.E., Bennett K., Hearps S., Romaniuk H., Patton G., 2012., The Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne - Centre for adolescent Health.
Anti-N-Methyl-D-Aspartate (NMDA) Receptor Encephalitis Mimicking a Primary Psychiatric Disorder in an Adolescent.
Lebon S., Mayor-Dubois C., Popea I., Poloni C., Selvadoray N., Gumy A., Roulet-Perez E., 2012. Journal of Child Neurology, 27 (12) pp. 1607-1610. Peer-reviewed.
Body dissatisfaction on top of depressive mood among adolescents with severe dysmenorrhea.
Ambresin Anne-Emmanuelle, Bélanger Richard E., Chamay Catherine, Berchtold André, Narring Françoise, 2012. Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology, 25 (1) pp. 19-22. Peer-reviewed.
Clinical and pharmacogenetic study on psychotropic drug induced weight gain and other metabolic complications in a Swiss psychiatric population
Eap C, Vandenberghe F, Choong Eva, Ambresin A, Von Gunten A, Conus P, 2012. dans International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology.
Is gambling part of a global addiction behavior ?
Suris Joan-Carles, Akré Christina, Petzold Aurélien, Herzig Daniela, Michaud Pierre-André, 2012. pp. S40 dans Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine Annual Meeting, New Orleans, United States, March 14-17, 2012, Journal of Adolescent Health. Peer-reviewed.
La dysménorrhée: un problème pour le pédiatre [Dysmenorrhea: a problem for the pediatrician?].
Narring F., Yaron M., Ambresin A.E., 2012. Archives de Pédiatrie, 19 (2) pp. 125-130. Peer-reviewed.
Male adolescents and sexual health services: what's wrong with them?
Akré C., Suris J.C., 2012. dans Swiss Public Health Conference 2012.
Sexual dysfunctions among young men: prevalence and associated factors.
Mialon A., Berchtold A., Michaud P.A., Gmel G., Suris J.C., 2012. Journal of Adolescent Health, 51 (1) pp. 25-31. Peer-reviewed.
Social contexts of sports-practicing youths' hazardous drinking.
Bélanger Richard E., Ohl Fabien, Berchtold André, Akré Christina, Suris Joan-Carles, 2012. Swiss Medical Weekly, 142 pp. art. w13526 [4 p.]. Peer-reviewed.
Subjective pubertal timing and health-compromising behaviours among Swiss adolescent girls reporting an on-time objective pubertal timing.
Deppen Alain, Jeannin André, Michaud Pierre-André, Alsaker Françoise, Suris Joan-Carles, 2012. Acta Paediatrica, 101 (8) pp. 868-872. Peer-reviewed.
Suicidal gestures among adolescents of a middle-income sub-Saharan country.
Wilson Michael, Bovet Pascal, Flatz Aline, Viswanathan Bharathi, Suris Joan-Carles, 2012. pp. S51 dans Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine Annual Meeting, New Orleans, United States, March 14-17, 2012, Journal of Adolescent Health. Peer-reviewed.
Training medical students to conduct motivational interviewing: a randomized controlled trial.
Daeppen J.B., Fortini C., Bertholet N., Bonvin R., Berney A., Michaud P.A., Layat C., Gaume J., 2012. Patient Education and Counseling, 87 (3) pp. 313-318.
A U-shaped association between intensity of Internet use and adolescent health.
Bélanger Richard E., Akré Christina, Berchtold André, Michaud Pierre-André, 2011. Pediatrics, 127 (2) pp. e330-e335. Peer-reviewed.
Adding tobacco to cannabis: its frequency and likely implications.
Bélanger Richard E., Akré Christina, Kuntsche Emmanuel N., Gmel Gerhard, Suris Joan Carles, 2011. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 13 (8) pp. 746-750. Peer-reviewed.
Anorexie mentale et boutimie: I'expérience vaudoise d'une prise en charge interdisciplinaire [Anorexia and bulimia: the canton of Vaud's experience of an interdisciplinary approach].
Gebhard S., Dorogi Y., Giusti V., Stagno D., Lanz M., Schmidt D., Chaubert C.M., Laget J., Michaud P.A., Stiefel F., 2011. Revue Médicale Suisse, 7 (282) pp. 381-384. Peer-reviewed.
Associations between online pornography and sexual behavior among adolescents: myth or reality?
Luder Marie-Thérèse, Pittet Isabelle, Berchtold André, Akré Christina, Michaud Pierre-André, Suris Joan-Carles, 2011. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 40 (5) pp. 1027-1035. Peer-reviewed.
Do Swiss adolescents perceive the negative effects of their illegal substance use?
Gaille Michael, Bélanger Richard E., Michaud Pierre-André, 2011. Swiss Medical Weekly, 141 pp. w13194 [5 p.]. Peer-reviewed.
Extra burden of psychosomatic complaints among adolescents suffering from chronic conditions.
Suris Joan-Carles, Bélanger Richard E., Ambresin Anne-Emmanuelle, Chabloz Jeanne-Marie, Michaud Pierre-André, 2011. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 32 (4) pp. 328-331. Peer-reviewed.
First consumption ever of multiple substances: applying an expert-based taxonomy to a Swiss national sample of adolescents.
Berchtold André, Akré Christina, Jeannin André, Michaud Pierre-André, Suris Joan-Carles, 2011. Addictive Behaviors, 36 (1-2) pp. 68-72. Peer-reviewed.
La problématique des jeux d'argent chez les adolescents du canton de Neuchâtel.
Suris Joan-Carles, Akré Christina, Petzold Aurélien, Berchtold André, Simon Olivier, 2011. 44 (Raisons de santé ; 192), Lausanne: Institut universitaire de médecine sociale et préventive (IUMSP).
Objectified body consciousness and mental health in female adolescents: cross-cultural evidence from Georgian and Swiss national samples.
Kahumoku E.P., Vazsonyi A.T., Pagava K., Phagava H., Alsaker F.D., Michaud P.A., 2011. Journal of Adolescent Health, 49 (2) pp. 141-147.
Transition from pediatric to adult health care: expectations of adolescents with chronic disorders and their parents.
Rutishauser Christoph, Akré Christina, Surìs Joan-Carles, 2011. European Journal of Pediatrics, 170 (7) pp. 865-871. Peer-reviewed.
First use of multiple substances: Identification of meaningful patterns
Berchtold André, Jeannin André, Akré Christina, Michaud Pierre-André, Suris Joan-Carles, 2010/04. Journal of Substance Use, 15 (2) pp. 118-130. Peer-reviewed.
A new highly penetrant form of obesity due to deletions on chromosome 16p11.2.
Walters R.G., Jacquemont S., Valsesia A., de Smith A.J., Martinet D., Andersson J., Falchi M., Chen F., Andrieux J., Lobbens S. et al., 2010/02/04. Nature, 463 (7281) pp. 671-675. Peer-reviewed.
"I'll look it up on the Web first": barriers and overcoming barriers to consult for sexual dysfunction among young men.
Akré Christina, Michaud Pierre-André, Suris Joan-Carles, 2010. Swiss Medical Weekly, 140 (23-24) pp. 348-353. Peer-reviewed.
Are adolescents aware of adverse consequences of their illegal psychoactive substance use ?
Gaille Michael, Michaud Pierre-André, Bélanger Richard E., 2010. pp. 36S dans Joint annual meeting of the Swiss Society for Pediatrics and Swiss Society of Pediatric Pneumology, Crans Montana (Switzerland), June 17-18, 2010, Swiss Medical Weekly.
Are adolescents with chronic conditions particularly at risk for bullying?
Pittet Isabelle, Berchtold André, Akré Christina, Michaud Pierre-André, Suris Joan-Carles, 2010. Archives of Disease In Childhood, 95 (9) pp. 711-716. Peer-reviewed.
Body dissatisfaction on top of depressive mood among adolescent with severe dysmenorrhea
Ambresin A.E., Bélanger R.E., Chamay C., Berchtold A., Narring F., 2010. pp. 35S dans Joint annual meeting of the Swiss Society for Pediatrics, Swiss Society of Pediatric Pneumology, Swiss Medical Weekly. Peer-reviewed.
Cannabis and tobacco use: where are the boundaries? A qualitative study on cannabis consumption modes among adolescents.
Akré Christina, Michaud Pierre-André, Berchtold André, Suris Joan-Carles, 2010. Health Education Research, 25 (1) pp. 74-82. Peer-reviewed.
Capacité de discernement des adolescents mineurs: étude qualitative sur les représentations en Suisse romande. [Minor adolescent's competence: a qualitative study about representations in Switzerland's French-speaking part]
Henninger Stéphane, Michaud Pierre-André, Akré Christina, 2010. Revue Médicale Suisse, 6 (253) pp. 1253-4, 1256-7.
Challenging the "inoffensiveness" of regular cannabis use by its associations with other current risky substance use--a census of 20-year-old Swiss men.
Gmel G., Gaume J., Willi C., Michaud P.A., Cornuz J., Daeppen J.B., 2010. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 7 (1) pp. 46-59. Peer-reviewed.
Chronically connected? Internet use among adolescents with chronic conditions.
Suris Joan-Carles, Akré Christina, Berchtold André, Bélanger Richard E., Michaud Pierre-André, 2010. Journal of Adolescent Health, 46 (2) pp. 200-202. Peer-reviewed.
Coping with an HIV infection. A multicenter qualitative survey on HIV positive adolescents' perceptions of their disease, therapeutic adherence and treatment.
Michaud P.A., Suris J.C., Thomas R., Gnehm H.E., Cheseaux J.J., Swiss HIV Mother+Child Cohort Study (MoCHiV), 2010. Swiss Medical Weekly, 140 (17-18) pp. 247-253. Peer-reviewed.
Des services adaptés aux adolescents, à quel prix. [What services do we adapt to adolescents and at what price?].
Michaud P.A., Narring F., 2010. Revue Médicale Suisse, 6 (253) pp. 1227-1228.
Do youths gamble? You bet! A Swiss population-based study.
Luder Marie-Thérèse, Berchtold André, Akré Christina, Michaud Pierre-André, Suris Joan-Carles, 2010. Swiss Medical Weekly, 140 pp. w13074 [8 p.]. Peer-reviewed.
Enfants et adolescents migrants, une perspective de santé et de droits ?
Zermatten J., Mele C., Ambresin A.E., Braunschweig C., Guéniat O., Michaud P.A., Benaroyo L., 2010., Institut international des Droits de l'Enfant (IDE) dans Enfants et adolescents migrants, une perspective de santé et de droits ?, Institut international des Droits de l'Enfant (IDE).
Ethics and adolescent care: an international perspective.
Michaud P.A., Berg-Kelly K., Macfarlane A., Benaroyo L., 2010. Current Opinion In Pediatrics, 22 (4) pp. 418-422. Peer-reviewed.
Evaluation à l'aide d'un livre de bord des compétences cliniques acquises par des stagiaires en médecine. [Evaluation using a logbook of mastering of clinical skills by medical students]
Zuercher S., Bonvin R., Reber L., Michaud P.A., Feihl F., Waeber B., 2010/01. Praxis, 99 (2) pp. 101-5.
Fatal attraction: smoking among adolescents with chronic pulmonary conditions
Bélanger Richard E., Akré Christina, Ambresin Anne-Emmanuelle, Michaud Pierre-André, Suris Joan-Carles, 2010. pp. 36S dans Joint annual meeting of the Swiss Society for Pediatrics and Swiss Society of Pediatric Pneumology, Crans Montana (Switzerland), June 17-18, 2010, Swiss Medical Weekly.
Female adolescents' views on a youth-friendly clinic.
Mauerhofer Aurélie, Berchtold André, Akré Christina, Michaud Pierre-André, Suris Joan-Carles, 2010. Swiss Medical Weekly, 140 (1-2) pp. 18-24. Peer-reviewed.
Health status of adolescents who report psychosomatic symptoms in comparison to those who are chronically ill
Suris Joan-Carles, Bélanger Richard E., Berchtold André, Ambresin Anne-Emmanuelle, Michaud Pierre-André, 2010. pp. S47-S48 dans Society for Adolescent Medicine Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, 7-10 April 2010, Journal of Adolescent Health. Peer-reviewed.
Importance de l'exposition au tabac chez les jeunes consommateurs de cannabis: un cheval de Troie ?
Bélanger Richard E., Marclay François, Berchtold André, Akré Christina, Saugy Martial, Michaud Pierre-André, Cornuz Jacques, Suris Joan-Carles, 2010. 35 (Raisons de santé ; 172), Lausanne: Institut universitaire de médecine sociale et préventive (IUMSP).
Les adolescents, Internet et les nouvelles technologies: un nouveau pays des merveilles ? [Adolescents, Internet and new technologies: a new wonderland?]
Michaud Pierre-André, Bélanger Richard E., 2010. Revue Médicale Suisse, 6 (253) pp. 1230, 1232-1230, 1235.
Les troubles des conduites alimentaires (TCA) à l'adolescence
Ambresin A.E., Vust S., 2010. Dépendances 41 pp. 9-11.
Médecine de l'adolescence. La Guglera: une réponse nouvelle et originale aux adolescents gravement obèses et sans travail [Adolescent medicine in Guglera: a novel approach for unemployed, severely obese adolescents]
Michaud P.A., 2010. Revue Médicale Suisse, 6 (232) pp. 120-122.
Obesity prevention opinions of school stakeholders: a qualitative study.
Bucher Della Torre Sophie, Akré Christina, Suris Joan-Carles, 2010. Journal of School Health, 80 (5) pp. 233-239. Peer-reviewed.
Obésite, troubles alimentaires et groupe de parole à l'adolescence [Obesity, eating disorders and the group approach for adolescents].
Vust S., 2010. Revue Médicale Suisse, 6 (253) pp. 1258-1260.
Qu'en est-il des aspects addictifs dans la réalité clinique des troubles alimentaires atypiques?
Vust S., 2010. dans Congrès International Francophone d'Addictologie, Prévenir et Traiter les Addictions sans Drogue : un défi sociétal.
Soins aux mineurs non accompagnés (MNA): l'expérience lausannoise [Caring for unaccompanied minors: an experience from Lausanne].
Depallens Villanueva S., Ambresin A.E., 2010. Revue Médicale Suisse, 6 (253) pp. 1248-50, 1252.
Sport involvement and adolescent substance use
Bélanger Richard E., Ohl Fabien, Akré Christina, Michaud Pierre-André, Suris Joan-Carles, 2010. pp. S60-S61 dans Society for Adolescent Medicine Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, 7-10 April 2010, Journal of Adolescent Health. Peer-reviewed.
Substance use among sportive adolescents in the French-speaking part of Switzerland
Bélanger Richard E., Ohl Fabien, Berchtold André, Lentillon-Kaestner Vanessa, Suris Joan-Carles, 2010. 51, Lausanne: Institut universitaire de médecine sociale et préventive (IUMSP): Institut des sciences du sport.
Substance use trajectories among cannabis and/or tobacco users
Suris Joan-Carles, Berchtold André, Akré Christina, Bélanger Richard E., Michaud Pierre-André, 2010. pp. S13-S14 dans Society for Adolescent Medicine Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, 7-10 April 2010, Journal of Adolescent Health. Peer-reviewed.
The international journal of adolescent health.
Michaud P.A., Berg T.D., Irwin C.E., 2010. Journal of Adolescent Health, 47 (5) pp. 421-422.
Vaccination against human papillomavirus in Switzerland: simulation of the impact on infection rates.
Berchtold André, Michaud Pierre-André, Nardelli Haefliger Denise, Suris Joan-Carles, 2010. International Journal of Public Health, 55 (1) pp. 25-34. Peer-reviewed.
Where should I stand?: parental involvement in the health care of their adolescent child
Akré Christina, Mauerhofer Aurélie, Berchtold André, Michaud Pierre-André, Suris Joan-Carles, 2010. pp. S21-S22 dans Society for Adolescent Medicine Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, 7-10 April 2010, Journal of Adolescent Health. Peer-reviewed.
Who eats healthily? A population-based study among young Swiss residents.
Meier Marietta, Berchtold André, Akré Christina, Michaud Pierre-André, Suris Joan-Carles, 2010. Public Health Nutrition, 13 (12) pp. 2068-2075. Peer-reviewed.
Addressing ethical dilemmas in the clinical care of adolescents: an international view.
Michaud P.A., Berg-Kelly K., Macfarlane A., Renteria S.C., Wyss D., Benaroyo L., 2009. Adolescent Medicine: State of the Art Reviews, 20 (3) pp. 949-60, x. Peer-reviewed.
Adolescent Health
Michaud P.A., Patton G., Chandramouli V., 2009. pp. 1452-1464 dans Detels R., Beaglehole R., Lansang M.A., Gulliford M. (eds.) Oxford Textbook of Public Health, Oxford University Press.
Adolescents, the internet and new technologies: a cyber-wonderland?
Michaud P.A., 2009. Entre Nous, 69 pp. 10-11.
Cannabis use trajectories among Swiss adolescents
Suris Joan-Carles, Akré Christina, Bélanger Richard E., Michaud Pierre-André, Berchtold André, 2009. pp. 16S dans Annual meeting of the Swiss Society for Pediatrics, St.Gall (Switzerland), June 18/20, 2009, Swiss Medical Weekly. Peer-reviewed.
Disordered eating behaviors: what about boys?
Dominé F., Berchtold A., Akré C., Michaud P.A., Suris J.C., 2009. The Journal of Adolescent Health, 44 (2) pp. 111-117. Peer-reviewed.
Do pornographic websites influence boys' sexual behavior?
Pittet Isabelle, Berchtold André, Akré Christina, Michaud Pierre-André, Suris Joan-Carles, 2009. pp. S17-S18 dans Society for Adolescent Medicine Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, California, USA, 25-28 March 2009, Journal of Adolescent Health. Peer-reviewed.
GPs' role in the detection of psychological problems of young people: a population-based study.
Mauerhofer A., Berchtold A., Michaud P.A., Suris J.C., 2009. British Journal of General Practice, 59 (566) pp. 308-314. Peer-reviewed.
How adult specialists deal with the principles of a successful transition.
Suris Joan-Carles, Akré Christina, Rutishauser Christoph, 2009. The Journal of Adolescent Health, 45 (6) pp. 551-555. Peer-reviewed.
La médecine ambulatoire youth-friendly. [Youth-friendly outpatient care].
Mauerhofer Aurélie, Akré Christina, Michaud Pierre-André, Suris Joan-Carles, 2009. Archives de Pédiatrie, 16 (8) pp. 1151-1157. Peer-reviewed.
Pédiatrie 2008. [Pediatrics]
Fanconi S., Giannoni E., Roth-Kleiner M., Pittet I., Suris J.C., Spehrs-Ciaffi V., Jeannet P.Y., Hafen G.M., 2009. Revue Médicale Suisse, 5 (185) pp. 53-58.
Sports practice among adolescents with chronic health conditions.
Pittet Isabelle, Berchtold André, Akré Christina, Michaud Pierre-André, Suris Joan-Carles, 2009. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, 163 (6) pp. 565-571. Peer-reviewed.
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