Professors Emeriti HEC

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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37 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2015 | 2011 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1998 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 | 1989 | 1987 | 1985 | 1983 |
A performance analysis of Basin hopping compared to established metaheuristics for global optimization
Baioletti Marco, Santucci Valentino, Tomassini Marco, 2024/02/28. Journal of Global Optimization. Peer-reviewed.
A Simple and Efficient Heuristic for Reducing Vulnerability of Complex Networks to Malicious Link Attcks
Tomassini Marco, 2023/07/24. dans GECCO '23 Companion: Companion Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation. Peer-reviewed.
Designing robust scale-free networks under targeted link attack using local information
Tomassini Marco, 2023/02/12. Physica A. Peer-reviewed.
Comparing Basin Hopping with Differential Evolution and Particle Swarm Optimization
Tomassini Marco, 2022/04/20., 25th European Conference, EvoStar, EvoApplications 2022 pp. 46-60 dans In International Conference on the Applications of Evolutionary Computation, LNCS. Peer-reviewed, J. L. Jiménez Laredo et al..
Computational behavioral models in public goods gameswith migration between groups
Tomassini Marco, Antonioni Alberto, 2021/11/24. Journal of Physics: Complexity, 2 p. 045013. Peer-reviewed.
Real-like MAX-SAT instances and the landscape structure across the phase transition
Tomassini Marco, 2021/09/02. pp. 207-215 dans Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. Peer-reviewed.
Complex network analysis of the energy landscape of the low autocorrelation binary sequences problem
Tomassini Marco, 2021/01/09. Physica A: Statistical mechanics and its applications, 577 p. 126089.
Global Landscape Structure and the Random MAX-SAT Phase Transition
Ochoa Gabriela, Chicano Francisco, Tomassini Marco, 2020/09/02. PPSN 2020: Parallel Problem Solving from Nature – PPSN XVI , 12270 pp. 125-138. Peer-reviewed.
Random walks on local optima networks
Tomassini Marco, 2020/07/15. pp. 1-8 dans IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), Proceedings. Peer-reviewed.
A constraint-free approach to optimal reinsurance
Gerber H.U., Shiu E.S.W., Yang H., 2019/01/02. Scandinavian Actuarial Journal, 2019 (1) pp. 62-79. Peer-reviewed.
The determinants of individual health care expenditures in prison: evidence from Switzerland.
Moschetti K., Zabrodina V., Wangmo T., Holly A., Wasserfallen J.B., Elger B.S., Gravier B., 2018/03/07. BMC health services research, 18 (1) p. 160. Peer-reviewed.
Religions as brands? Religion and spirituality in consumer society
Stolz Joerg, Usunier Jean-Claude, 2018/03/04. Journal of Management, Spirituality & Religion pp. 1-26.
Behaviorism Revisited: Linking Perception and Action Through Symbolic Models of Cognition
Bonzon Pierre, 2017/09/21., Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., GI-Fachbereich Künstliche Intelligenz pp. 3-22 dans Beierle Christoph, Kern-Isberner Gabriele, Ragni Marco, Stolzenburg Frieder (eds.) Proceedings of the KI 2017 Workshop on Formal and Cognitive Reasoning. Peer-reviewed, CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
Towards neuro-inspired symbolic models of cognition: linking neural dynamics to behaviors through asynchronous communications
Bonzon Pierre, 2017/08. Cognitive Neurodynamics, 11 (4) pp. 327-353. Peer-reviewed.
Modeling animal brains with evolutive cognitive schemas
Bonzon Pierre, 2017/07/01., First Internatational Conference, BFAL dans Brain Function Assessment in Learning, Springer.
Geometric stopping of a random walk and its applications to valuing equity-linked death benefits
Gerber H.U., Shiu E.S.W., Yang H., 2015/07. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 64 pp. 313-325. Peer-reviewed.
Estimating firm-level and country-level effects in cross-sectional analyses: An application of hierarchical modeling in corporate disclosure studies
Dong M., Stettler A., 2011/09. The International Journal of Accounting, 46 (3) pp. 271-303. Peer-reviewed.
Participation costs can suppress the evolution of upstream reciprocity
Peña J., Pestelacci E., Berchtold A., Tomassini M., 2011. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 273 (1) pp. 197-206. Peer-reviewed.
L’égalité devant l’impôt des travailleurs suisses et étrangers
Rivier J.-M., 2002. Archives de droit fiscal suisse (ASA, 71 (3) pp. 97-123.
Swiss data for the OECD study of cross-national differences in treatment, costs and outcomes of stroke : country report, Switzerland
Santos-Eggimann B, Holly A., 2001/04. 15, Institut de Médecine sociale et Préventive.
L'interprétation des conventions de double imposition
Rivier J.-M., 2000. RDAF, 2000 (II) pp. 113-134.
Nouvelles directives de l'ISAR.
Stettler A, 2000. L'Expert-comptable suisse, 3 pp. 189-195.
Droit fiscal suisse, L'imposition du revenu et de la fortune
Rivier J.M., 1998., Presses centrales.
L'impôt sur les successions et les donations: ses caractéristiques, sa nature et son champ d'application (I)
Rivier J.-M., 1996. Revue fiscale / Steuer Revue, 51 pp. 149-161.
L'impôt sur les successions et les donations: ses caractéristiques, sa nature et son champ d'application (II)
Rivier J.-M., 1996. Revue fiscale / Steuer Revue, 51 pp. 227-235.
The formation of a common tax law in the European Union and in Switzerland.
Rivier J.-M., 1996. EC Tax Review, 5.
Un an de TVA, Expériences et perspectives (Séminaire d'expertise comptable HEC-OVEC)
Apothéloz B., Stettler A., 1996., HEC.
La relation entre le droit fédéral et le droit cantonal en matière d'impôts directs: harmonisation et uniformisation
Rivier J.-M., 1995. pp. 157-184 dans Knapp. B. et al. (eds.) Problèmes actuels de droit fiscal. Mélanges en l'honneur du Professeur Raoul Oberson, Helbing & Lichtenhahn.
L'interprétation des règles de droit qui régissent la Taxe à la Valeur Ajoutée
Rivier J.-M., 1994. Archives de droit fisal suisse (ASA), 63 pp. 355-366.
L'imposition du revenu des obligations à intérêt unique prédominant ou de la difficulté de distinguer le gain en capital du rendement de la fortune mobilière privée
Rivier J.-M., 1993. Archives de droit fiscal suisse (ASA), 62 pp. 449-472.
L'assujettissement à l'impôt des personnes physiques
Rivier J.-M., 1992. Archives de droit fiscal suisse (ASA), 61 pp. 283-293.
La réclamation et le recours fiscal (en droit vaudois et en droit harmonisé)
Rivier J.-M., 1991. RDAF, 1991 (II) pp. 337-370.
Introduction à la fiscalité de l'entreprise
Rivier J.-M., 1990. 434, Presses centrales.
La répression de la fraude fiscale commise dans l'entreprise
Rivier J.-M., 1989. Archives de droit fiscal suisse (ASA), 58 pp. 241-261.
Rapport Général = General Report = Generalbericht = Ponencia General
Rivier J.-M., 1987. pp. 15-45; 47-76; 77-111; 113-143 dans The fiscal residence of companies, Cahiers de droit fiscal international vol. LXXIIa, International Fiscal Association.
Réflexions sur le prêt d'une société anonyme à son actionnaire
Rivier J.-M., 1985. Archives de droit fiscal suisse (ASA), 54 pp. 14-29.
Régime fiscal applicable à la rémunération des services rendus par un non-résident dans le cadre d'une activité indépendante
Müller G., Rivier J.-M., 1983. RDAF, 1983 (II) pp. 137-153.
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