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729 publications

... | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | ...
Transforming a Patient Registry Into a Customized Data Set for the Advanced Statistical Analysis of Health Risk Factors and for Medication-Related Hospitalization Research: Retrospective Hospital Patient Registry Study.
Taushanov Z., Verloo H., Wernli B., Di Giovanni S., von Gunten A., Pereira F., 2021/05/11. JMIR medical informatics, 9 (5) pp. e24205. Peer-reviewed.
Challenging Climate Strikers' Youthfulness: The Evolution of the Generational Gap in Environmental Attitudes Since 1999
Lorenzini Jasmine, Monsch Gian-Andrea, Rosset Jan, 2021/05/07. frontiers in Political Science.
Jeunesse (non)mobile ? Les facteurs influençant la mobilité temporaire des jeunes adultes suisses
Haldimann Lucas, Heers Marieke, Rérat Patrick, 2021/05/01. Géo-Regards 13 pp. 103-130. Peer-reviewed.
Social Stratification
Budowski Monica, Tillmann Robin, 2021/04/18. dans Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research, Springer.
Joint family and work trajectories and multidimensional wellbeing
Comolli Chiara, Bernardi Laura, Voorpostel Marieke, 2021/04/14. European Journal of Population, 37 (3) pp. 643-696. Peer-reviewed.
Interview with Neue Züricher Zeitung: ‘Job Krise trifft Frauen härter’
Steinmetz Stephanie, 2021/04/04..
Introduction: Archiving Qualitative Data in Practice: Ethical Feedback
Diaz Pablo, 2021/04. Bulletin of Sociological Methodology/Bulletin de Méthodologie Sociologique, 150 (1) pp. 7-27.
Welfare solidarities in the age of mass migration: evidence from European Social Survey 2016
Gugushvili Dimitri, Ravazzini Laura, Ochsner Michael, Lukac Martin, Lelkes Orsolya, Fink Marcel, Grand Peter, van Oorschot Wim, 2021/04. Acta Politica, 56 (2) pp. 351-375. Peer-reviewed.
Report from the update and upgrade of the Resource Directory
Alfredsson Iris, Babunski Klime, Banovic Jelena, Bornatici Christina, Glavica Marijana, Kranjec Irena, 2021/03/31., CESSDA.
Panel surveys: advantages and disadvantages compared with repeated cross-sectional surveys
Lipps Oliver, 2021/03/19., FORS.
Between stuckness and stillness: Why do young adults not undertake temporary mobility?
Haldimann Lucas, Heers Marieke, Rérat Patrick, 2021/03/07. Population, Space and Place, 27 (8). Peer-reviewed.
Bildungspolitik: der Weg zu mehr Chancengleichheit
Oesch Daniel, 2021/03/02. Neue Züricher Zeitung.
Paper Stones Revisited: Class Voting, Unionization and the Electoral Decline of the Mainstream Left
Rennwald Line, Pontusson Jonas, 2021/03. Perspectives on Politics, 19 (1) pp. 36-54. Peer-reviewed.
Social Class, Union Power and Perceptions of Political Voice: Liberal Democracies, 1974-2016
Rennwald Line, Pontusson Jonas, 2021/03/01. Unequal Democracies Working Paper 22 pp. 1-41.
Einstellungen zur Geschlechtergleichstellung in der Schweiz, 2000-2017
Bornatici Christina, Gauthier Jacques-Antoine, Le Goff Jean-Marie, 2021/02/08. Social Change in Switzerland 25 pp. 1-13.
Les attitudes envers l’égalité des genres en Suisse, 2000-2017
Bornatici Christina, Gauthier Jacques-Antoine, Le Goff Jean-Marie, 2021/02/08. Social Change in Switzerland 25 pp. 1-13.
Codebook for CNEF variables in the SHP (1999 - 2021)
Lipps Oliver, Kuhn Ursina, 2021/01/30..
Bien-être et endettement : les conséquences émotionnelles des dettes
Wernli Boris, Henchoz Caroline, Coste Tristan, 2021/01/26. pp. 79-100 dans Endettement et surendettement en Suisse : regards croisés, L'harmattan - questions sociologiques.
ORD Hackathon 2021 #12 - Facilitating Data Citation: An app to import metadata in a reference management software
Bornatici Christina, Buerli Stefan, Gafaiti Yassine, Genesi Roberto, 2021/01/20., FORS.
Bibliometrics in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Ochsner Michael, 2021/01/18. pp. 117-124 dans Ball Rafael (eds.) Handbook Bibliometrics chap. 2.5, De Gruyter Saur.
National Research Evaluation Systems
Ochsner Michael, Kulczycki Emanuel, Gedutis Aldis, Peruginelli Ginevra, 2021/01/18. pp. 99-106 dans Ball Rafael (eds.) Handbook Bibliometrics chap. 2.3, De Gruyter Saur.
Relationship between Peer Review and Bibliometrics
Ochsner Michael, 2021/01/18. pp. 125-132 dans Ball Rafael (eds.) Handbook Bibliometrics chap. 2.6, De Gruyter Saur.
Afterthoughts on an "Earthquake of Change"
Gouveia Rita, Gauthier Jacques-Antoine, Moreno Minguez Almudena, Castrén Anna-Maija, Martin Claude, Cesnuityte Vida, Suwada Katarzyna, 2021. pp. 639-644 dans The Palgrave Handbook of Family Sociology in Europe, Palgrave Mcmillan.
Aspirations et formations professionnelles: effets du genre et de l'orientation sexuelle
Gianettoni Lavinia, Blondé Jérôme, Gross Dinah, Guilley Edith, 2021. dans Psychologie du sexisme, de Boeck.
Berufswahl von Jugendlichen mit Migrationshintergrund: Wunsch und wahrgenommene Wirklichkeit
Hupka-Brunner Sandra, Kamm Chantal, Gomensoro Andres, Heers Marieke, 2021. pp. 58-60 dans terra cognita - Schweizer Zeitschrift zu Integration und Migration, Eidgenössische Migrationskommission EKM.
Discriminations sexistes et homophobes dans la formation professionnelle à Genève : état des lieux, conséquences et pistes d'action
Gianettoni Lavinia, Guilley Edith, Blondé Jérôme, Gross Dinah, 2021..
Instrumental support exchanges among kin and non-kin in light of personal configurations
Aeby Gaëlle, Gauthier Jacques-Antoine, 2021. Journal of Demographic Economics pp. 1-20. Peer-reviewed.
Integrating online data collection in a household panel study: effects on second-wave participation
Voorpostel Marieke, Roberts Caroline, Ghoorbin Margarita, 2021. Survey Methods: Insights from the Field.
Interview with SRF – 10 vor 10: Auswirkungen der Coronakrise auf Geschlechtergleichheit
Steinmetz Stephanie, 2021..
Crespi Isabella, Cesnuityté Vida, Suwada Katarzyna, Castrén Anna-Maija, Martin Claude, Gauthier Jacques-Antoine, Gouveia Rita, Moreno Minguez Almudena, 2021. pp. 1-11 dans The Palgrave Handbook of Family Sociology in Europe, Palgrave Mcmillan.
Le sexisme des autres
Gianettoni Lavinia, 2021. dans Genre et islamophobie. Discriminations, préjugés et représentations en Europe, ENS editions.
Measuring residential behaviour effects on social network composition
Drevon Guillaume, Viry Gil, Kaufmann Vincent, Widmer Eric D., Gauthier Jacques-Antoine, Ganjour Olga, 2021. Population, Space and Place pp. 1-12.
Mixing modes in household panel surveys: Recent developments and new findings.
Voorpostel Marieke, Lipps Oliver, Roberts Caroline, 2021. dans Advances in Longitudinal Survey Methodology, Wiley.
No Stratified Effect of Unemployment on Incomes: How the Market, State, and Household Compensate for Income Loss in the United Kingdom and Switzerland
Nallo Alessandro Di, Oesch Daniel, 2021. European Sociological Review.
Outside Lobbying
Tresch Anke, 2021. pp. 1-5 dans The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Interest Groups, Lobbying and Public Affairs, Springer International Publishing.
Palgrave Handbook of Family Sociology in Europe
Castren Anna-Maija, Cesnuityté Vida, Crespi Isabella, Gauthier Jacques-Antoine, Gouveia Rita, Martin Claude, Moreno Mínguez Almudena, Suwada Katarzyna (eds.), 2021. 660, Palgrave McMillan.
Patterns of Support and Conflict Relationships in Personal Networks and Perceived Stress
Aeby Gaëlle, Gauthier Jacques-Antoine, Widmer Eric D., 2021. Current Sociology, 69 (7) pp. 981-1001. Peer-reviewed.
Ressources sociales et bien-être : Soutien social et accès à des ressources stratégiques dans 30 pays
Brulé Gaël, Sapin Marlène, Rossier Clémentine, 2021. Sciences et Bonheur, 5 pp. 117-133. Peer-reviewed.
Bernhard Laurent, Biancalana Cecilia, Mazzoleni Oscar, 2021. pp. 148-167 dans Albertazzi Daniele, Vampa Davide (eds.) Populism and New Patterns of Political Competition in Western Europe, Routledge.
The contribution of the life course perspective to the study of family relationships: advances, challenges, and limitations
Aeby Gaëlle, Gauthier Jacques-Antoine, 2021. pp. 557-574 dans Palgrave Handbook of Sociology of Families in Europe chap. 28, Palgrave McMillan.
The European Values Study 2017: On the Way to the Future Using Mixed-Modes
Luijkx Ruud, Jónsdóttir Guðbjörg Andrea, Gummer Tobias, Ernst Stähli Michèle, Frederiksen Morten, Ketola Kimmo, Reeskens Tim, Brislinger Evelyn, Christmann Pablo, Gunnarsson Stefán Þór et al., 2021. European Sociological Review, 37 (2) pp. 330–346. Peer-reviewed.
Sequentially mixing modes in an election survey
Lipps Oliver, Pekari Nicolas, 2020/12/17., FORS.
Augmented wealth in Switzerland: the influence of pension wealth on wealth inequality
Kuhn Ursina, 2020/12. Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, 156 (1).
Introducing web in a refreshment sample of the Swiss Household Panel: Main findings from a pilot study
Voorpostel Marieke, Kuhn Ursina, Tillmann Robin, Monsch Gian-Andrea, Antal Erika, Ryser Valérie-Anne, Lebert Florence, Klaas Hannah S., Dasoki Nora, 2020/12/01., FORS.
Measuring party affiliation
Lutz Georg, Lauener Lukas, 2020/12. 17, FORS Guides.
Preparation of survey data
Pollien Alexandre, Herzing Jessica M. E., Antal Erika, 2020/12., FORS Guides.
Understanding Social Dynamics: 20 Years of the Swiss Household Panel
Tillmann Robin, Budowski Monica, Lillard Dean R., Scherpenzeel Annette, 2020/11/30..
Changing Attitudes Towards Gender Equality in Switzerland (2000-2017): Period, Cohort and Life-Course Effects
Bornatici Christina, Gauthier Jacques-Antoine, Le Goff Jean-Marie, 2020/11/26. Swiss Journal of Sociology, 46 (3) pp. 559-585. Peer-reviewed.
Événements critiques de la vie et comportements à risque liés à la santé à l’âge adulte : une revue narrative de la littérature.
Ehsan Annahita, Klaas Hannah S., Spini Dario, 2020/11/24., FOPH Federal Office of Public Health.
Who is most affected by the Corona crisis? An analysis of changes in stress and well-being in Switzerland
Kuhn Ursina, Klaas Hannah S., Antal Erika, Dasoki Nora, Lebert Florence, Lipps Oliver, Monsch Gian-Andrea, Refle Jan-Erik, Ryser Valérie-Anne, Tillmann Robin et al., 2020/11/21. European Societies pp. 1-15.
First results of the Swiss Household Panel – Covid-19 Study
Refle Jan-Erik, Voorpostel Marieke, Lebert Florence, Kuhn Ursina, Klaas Hannah Sophie, Ryser Valérie-Anne, Dasoki Nora, Monsch Gian-Andrea, Antal Erika, Tillmann Robin, 2020/11/13. (1) 51 report, FORS.
International Social Survey Programme: ISSP 2018 – Religion IV: Study Monitoring Report
Sapin Marlène, Joye Dominique, Nisple Karin, Reveilhac Maud, Steinmetz Stephanie, 2020/11/10., Lausanne..
(When) Do Critical Life Events Push People to the Populist Radical Right? Support for the Swiss People's Party Following Relationship Dissolution, Unemployment or a Health Crisis
Voorpostel Marieke, Kuhn Ursina, Monsch Gian-Andrea, 2020/11/01. Swiss Journal of Sociology, 46 (3) pp. 515-533.
Accessing and linking data for research in Switzerland
Swerts Elfie, Lutz Georg, 2020/11/01., FORS-Centre de compétences suisse en sciences sociales.
Debt and Subjective Well-Being: Does the Type of Debt Matter?
Coste Tristan, Henchoz Caroline, Wernli Boris, 2020/11/01. Swiss Journal of Sociology, 46 (3) pp. 445-465.
Does Subjective Well-Being Affect Political Participation?
Lindholm Annika, 2020/11/01. Swiss Journal of Sociology, 46 (3) pp. 467-488. Peer-reviewed.
Early retirement as a privilege for the rich? A comparative analysis of Germany and Switzerland
Kuhn Ursina, Grabka Markus M., Suter Christian, 2020/11. Advances in Life Course Research p. 100392.
The Impact of COVID-19 Measures on Well-Being of Older Long-Term Care Facility Residents in the Netherlands
Van der Roest Henriëtte G., Prins Marleen, van der Velden Claudia, Steinmetz Stephanie, Stolte Elske, van Tilburg Theo G., de Vries Danny H., 2020/11. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 21 (11) pp. 1569-1570. Peer-reviewed.
Large Loss in Studying Time During the Closure of Schools in Switzerland in 2020
Grätz Michael, Lipps Oliver, 2020/10/30. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 71 p. 100554. Peer-reviewed.
Candidate Campaigns in Comparative Perspective
Karlsen Rune, Lutz Georg, Öberg Patrik, Schmitt Hermann, 2020/10/28. pp. 78-96 dans De Winter Lieven, Karlsen Rune (eds.) Parliamentary Candidates Between Voters and Parties. A Comparative Perspective chap. 4, Routledge.
Comparative candidate survey data and methods
Lindholm Annika, Lutz Georg, 2020/10/27. pp. 227-234 dans De Winter, L., R. Karlsen & H. Schmitt (eds.). Parliamentary candidates between voters and parties. A comparative perspective., Routledge.
Die Rolle des Missbrauchsarguments im Rahmen von Abstimmungskampagnen: eine empirische Analyse zu drei Referenden gegen Änderungen des Asylgesetzes
Bernhard Laurent, Kaufmann David, 2020/10/21. pp. 67-86 dans Leyvraz Anne Cécilie, Rey Raphaël, Rosset Damian, Stünzi Robin (eds.) Asile et abus - Asyl und Missbrauch, Seismo.
Le contexte, les partenaires et le processus : les contraintes éthiques dans les recherches collaboratives
Larouche Jean-Marc, Genard Jean-Louis, Roca i Escoda Marta, Diaz Pablo, 2020/10/13. SociologieS. Peer-reviewed.
Les enjeux éthiques des recherches collaboratives
Roca i Escoda Marta, Diaz Pablo, Larouche Jean-Marc, Genard Jean-Louis (eds.), 2020/10/13., sociologieS.
Investigating the Relative Impact of Different Sources of Measurement Non-Equivalence in Comparative Surveys. An Illustration with Scale Format, Data Collection Mode and Cross-National Variations
Roberts Caroline, Sarrasin Oriane, Ernst Stähli Michèle, 2020/10/10. Survey Research Methods, 14 (4) pp. 399-415. Peer-reviewed.
Division of Labour, Work–Life Conflict and Family Policy: Conclusions and Reflections
Ochsner Michael, Szalma Ivett, Takács Judit, 2020/10/09. Social Inclusion, 8 (4) pp. 103-109. Peer-reviewed.
Linking Labour Division within Families, Work–Life Conflict and Family Policy
Szalma Ivett, Ochsner Michael, Takács Judit, 2020/10/09. Social Inclusion, 8 (4) pp. 1-7. Peer-reviewed.
Work-Family Arrangement and Conflict: Do Individual Gender Role Attitudes and National Gender Culture Matter?
Bornatici Christina, Heers Marieke, 2020/10/09. Social Inclusion, 8 (4) pp. 46-60. Peer-reviewed.
The 2019 Swiss federal elections: the rise of the green tide
Bernhard Laurent, 2020/09/18. West European Politics, 43 (6) pp. 1339-1349.
Messung von Forschungsleistungen? Was gemessen wird und was gemessen werden will
Ochsner Michael, 2020/09/07. pp. 350-378 dans Leistungsbewertung in wissenschaftlichen Institutionen und Universitäten chap. 16, De Gruyter Oldenbourg.
The effect of unemployment on couples separating. Panel evidence for Germany, Switzerland and the United Kingdom
di Nallo Alessandro, Lipps Oliver, Oesch Daniel, Voorpostel Marieke, 2020/08/27. DIAL Working Papers 14 pp. 1-41.
Loneliness and Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Study Among Dutch Older Adults
van Tilburg Theo G, Steinmetz Stephanie, Stolte Elske, van der Roest Henriëtte, de Vries Daniel H, 2020/08/05. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B.
A cross-validation of R-indicators as a measure of the risk of bias using data from a non-response follow-up survey
Roberts C., Vandenplas C., Herzing J. M. E., 2020/07/28. Journal of Official Statistics, 36 (3) pp. 675–701. Peer-reviewed.
CESSDA Widening Activities 2019: Deliverable 3 - Report on the Online Support Service and the Mentorship Programme
Bornatici Christina, Alfredsson Iris, Bradic-Martinovic Aleksandra, Glavica Marijana, Hegedus Peter, Kurta Amela, Leontiyeva Yana, Morkevičius Vaidas, Vipavc Brvar Irena, Zibert Gregor, 2020/07/27., CESSDA.
Fact-checking direct democracy
Bernhard Laurent, 2020/07/07. pp. 77-90 dans Baume Sandrine, Boillet Véronique, Martenet Vincent (eds.) Misinformation in Referenda, Routledge.
The (mis)use of statistics in referendum votes
Tresch Anke, Lauener Lukas, 2020/07/07. pp. 55-76 dans Misinformation in Referenda, Routledge.
Eidgenössische Wahlen 2019. Wahlteilnahme und Wahlentscheid
Tresch Anke, Lauener Lukas, Bernhard Laurent, Lutz Georg, Scaperrotta Laura, 2020/07/03. 94.
Data anonymisation: legal, ethical, and strategic considerations
Stam Alexandra, Kleiner Brian, 2020/06/30., FORS.
Measurement of social position in surveys
Tillmann Robin, 2020/06/30., FORS.
Social Data Services - Challenges Ahead: Working on Sustainability, Impact, Capacity Building and Compliance [CESSDA Widening Event 2019]
Cekikj Aneta, Emery Tom, Dekker Ron, Ilijašić Veršić Ivana, Bishop Libby, Beagrie Neil, Alfredsson Iris, Krejčí Jindřich, Bornatici Christina, Stebe Janez et al., 2020/06/23..
Why Do Citizens Vote Against Their Basic Political Values?
Lauener Lukas, 2020/06/16. Swiss Political Science Review. Peer-reviewed.
Social, cultural and experiential patterning of attitudes and behaviour towards assisted suicide in Switzerland: evidence from a national population-based study.
Vilpert S., Bolliger E., Borrat-Besson C., Borasio G.D., Maurer J., 2020/06/15. Swiss medical weekly, 150 pp. w20275. Peer-reviewed.
Model‐based clustering and analysis of life history data
Scott Marc A., Mohan Kaushik, Gauthier Jacques-Antoine, 2020/05/23. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society), 183 (3) pp. 1231–1251.
Associations of end-of-life preferences and trust in institutions with public support for assisted suicide evidence from nationally representative survey data of older adults in Switzerland
Vilpert Sarah, Borrat-Besson Carmen, Borasio Gian Domenico, Maurer Jürgen, 2020/04/23. PLOS ONE, 15 (4) pp. e0232109. Peer-reviewed.
Political agenda-setting and -building in small consensus democracies : Relationships between media and parliament in the Netherlands and Switzerland
Sciarini Pascal, Tresch Anke, Vliegenthart Rens, 2020/04/10. Mass Media Effects and the Political Agenda, 4 (1) pp. 109-134. Peer-reviewed.
Contentious Minds : How Talk and Ties Sustain Activism
Passy Florence, Monsch Gian-Andrea, 2020/04/09., Oxford University Press.
Pre-registration and registered reports
Heers Marieke, 2020/04/09., FORS.
Trapped in Precariousness? Risks and Opportunities of Female Immigrants and Natives Transitioning from Part-Time Jobs in Spain
Muñoz-Comet Jacobo, Steinmetz Stephanie, 2020/04/08. Work, Employment and Society p. 095001702090297.
VOTO-Studie zur eidgenössischen Volksabstimmung vom 9. Februar 2020
Bernhard Laurent, Scaperrotta Laura, 2020/03/26., Bundeskanzlei.
Enforcing Your Own Human Rights? The Role of Social Norms in Compliance with Human Rights Treaties
Benneker Violet, Gërxhani Klarita, Steinmetz Stephanie, 2020/03/20. Social Inclusion, 8 (1) pp. 184-193.
Revisiting the Inclusion-Moderation Thesis on Radical Right Populism: Does Party Leadership Matter?
Bernhard Laurent, 2020/03/05. Politics and Governance, 8 (1) p. 206.
Can Interviewer Evaluations Predict Short-Term and Long-Term Participation in Telephone Panels?
Lipps Oliver, Voorpostel Marieke, 2020/03/01. Journal of Official Statistics, 36 (1) pp. 117-136. Peer-reviewed.
Investigation of alternative interface designs for long-list questions–the case of a computer-assisted survey in Germany
Herzing Jessica M. E., 2020/02/04. International Journal of Social Research Methodology pp. 1-12. Peer-reviewed.
The ISSP 2017 Social Networks and Social Resources Module
Sapin Marlène, Joye Dominique, Wolf Christof, 2020/01/31. International Journal of Sociology, 50 (1) pp. 1-25.
Pour une éthique dans la recherche en sciences sociales
Roca i Escoda Marta, Burton-Jeangros Claudine, Diaz Pablo, Rossi Ilario, 2020/01/10. dans Enjeux éthiques dans l'enquête en sciences sociales, Département de sociologie Université de Genève.
A gender and geopolitical perspective on peer review
Landák-Kabók Karolina, Ochsner Michael, 2020. pp. 78-86 dans Ochsner Michael, Kancewicz-Hoffman Nina, Hołowiecki Marek, Holm Jon (eds.) Overview of peer review practices in the SSH. ENRESSH Report, European Network of Research Evaluation in the Social Sciences and Humanities (ENRESSH).
Being born to a single mother in France: trajectories of father's involvement over the first year of life
Pailhé Ariane, Panico Lidia, Heers Marieke, 2020. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, 11 (1) pp. 123-149. Peer-reviewed.
Better adapted procedures for research evaluation in the SSH. ENRESSH Brief: Research Evaluation
Ochsner Michael, Ma Lai, Kancewicz-Hoffman Nina, Holm Jon, Gedutis Aldis, Sima Karel, Hug Sven e., Dewaele Alexis, de Jong Stefan, 2020., European Network for Research Evaluation in the Social Sciences and Humanities (ENRESSH).
Challenging evaluation in SSH: round table discussion
Benneworth Paul, Engels Tim C. E., Galleron Ioana, Kulczycki Emanuel, Ochsner Michael, Sivertsen Gunnar, Šinkūnienė Jolanta, Williams Geoffrey, 2020. Deeds and Days (DD), 73 pp. 107-126.
Contribution à l'éthique de la connaissance
Cordey Michael, 2020. pp. 213-234 dans Roca i Escoda Marta, Burton-Jeangros Claudine, Diaz Pablo, Rossi Ilario (eds.) Enjeux éthiques dans l’enquête en sciences sociales, Université de Genève. Peer-reviewed.
Diversité des trajectoires individuelles sur le long terme : apport des analyses longitudinales en général et de l’analyse de séquence en particulier
Gauthier Jacques-Antoine, 2020. Informations sociales, 1 (201) pp. 14-24. Peer-reviewed.
Enjeux éthiques dans l'enquête en sciences sociales
Roca i Escoda Marta, Burton-Jeangros Claudine, Diaz Pablo, Rossi Ilario (eds.), 2020., Université de Genève (Sociograph - Sociological Research Studies).
ENRESSH: a mission to D-land
Gedutis Aldis, Ochsner Michael, 2020. Deeds and Days, 73 pp. 93-104. Peer-reviewed.
Evaluation criteria and methodology
Ochsner Michael, 2020. pp. 15-22 dans Ochsner Michael, Kancewicz-Hoffman Nina, Hołowiecki Marek, Holm Jon (eds.) Overview of peer review practices in the SSH. ENRESSH Report, European Network of Research Evaluation in the Social Sciences and Humanities (ENRESSH).
La confidentialité des informations partagées lors d'une recherche ethnographique par études de cas dans une unité de pédiatrie: une simple question d'(en)jeux d'écriture?
Bonnard Sarah, 2020/01/01. pp. 291-316 dans Roca I Escoda Marta, Burton-Jeangroz Claudine, Diaz Pablo, Rossi Ilario (eds.) Enjeux éthiques dans l'enquête en sciences sociales 45, Université de Genève.
Les émotions en tant qu'outils épistémologiques et éthiques dans le cadre d'une ethnographie itinérante
Vaucher Carla, 2020/01. pp. 193-212 dans Roca i Escoda Marta, Burton-Jeangros Claudine, Diaz Pablo, Rossi Ilario (eds.) Enjeux éthiques dans l'enquête en sciences sociales, Université de Genève (Sociograph - Sociological Research Studies), 45.
Loyautés, intérêts et modalités de restitution: questionnements éthiques à l'épreuve d'un terrain sensible
Bressan Margaux, 2020. pp. 269-290 dans Roca i Escoda Marta, Burton-Jeangros Claudine, Diaz Pablo, Rossi Ilario (eds.) Enjeux éthiques dans l'enquête en sciences sociales 45, Université de Genève [Peer-reviewed].
No stratified effect of unemployment on incomes. How the market, state and household compensate for income loss in the UK and Switzerland
Di Nallo Alessandro, Oesch Daniel, 2020. DIAL Working Paper Series.
Overview of Peer Review Practices in the SSH. ENRESSH Report.
Ochsner Michael, Kancewicz-Hoffman Nina, Hołowiecki Marek, Holm Jon (eds.), 2020., European Network for Research Evaluation in the Social Sciences and Humanities (ENRESSH).
Partisanship in the process of party choice
Franklin Mark N., Lutz Georg, Holmberg Sören, 2020. pp. 308-327 dans Oscarsson Henrik (eds.) Research Handbook on Political Partisanship chap. 23, Edward Elgar.
Place, role, form and significance of peer review in National Research Evaluation Systems
Ochsner Michael, Ochsner Michael, 2020. pp. 55-60 dans Kancewicz-Hoffman Nina, Hołowiecki Marek, Holm Jon (eds.) Overview of peer review practices in the SSH. ENRESSH Report , European Network of Research Evaluation in the Social Sciences and Humanities (ENRESSH).
Practices of peer review in the SSH I: a systematic review of peer review criteria
Hug Sven E., Hołowiecki Marek, Ma Lai, Aeschbach Mirjam, Ochsner Michael, 2020. pp. 61-66 dans Ochsner Michael, Kancewicz-Hoffman Nina, Hołowiecki Marek, Holm Jon (eds.) Overview of peer review practices in the SSH. ENRESSH Report , European Network for Research Evaluation in the Social Sciences and Humanities (ENRESSH).
Scaling Laws in Urban Geography. Linkages with Urban Theories, Challenges and Limitations
Finance Olivier, Swerts Elfie, 2020. pp. 67-96 dans Lecture Notes in Morphogenesis, Springer International Publishing.
Social Democratic Parties and the Working Class : New Voting Patterns
Rennwald Line, 2020., Palgrave Macmillan.
The social origin gap in university completion among youth with comparable school abilities in Switzerland.
Combet Benita, Oesch Daniel, 2020. TREE Working Paper Series.
The social-origin gap in university graduation by gender and immigrant status: a cohort analysis for Switzerland
Combet Benita, Oesch Daniel, 2020. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies.
Understanding the reconstruction of personal networks through residential trajectories
Ganjour Olga, Viry Gil, Gauthier Jacques-Antoine, Widmer Eric D., Drevon Guillaume, Kaufmann Vincent, 2020. Migration Letters, 5 pp. 621-638. Peer-reviewed.
Feeling Blue by Extension: Intrafamily Transmission and Economic Pressures Explain the Native-Immigrant Gap in Well-Being among Youth in Switzerland
Sarrasin Oriane, Green Eva G. T., Potarca Gina, Bolzman Claudio, Kuhn Ursina, 2019/12/27. Social Inclusion, 7 (4) p. 293.
Effects of topic distribution and topic importance on interest and follow-up response
Lipps Oliver, Pollien Alexandre, 2019/12/18. FORS Working Paper Series.
Wie die AHV die soziale Ungleichheit mindert
Kuhn Ursina, 2019/12/09. Republik Online Magazin.
Culture, money attitudes and economic outcomes
Henchoz Caroline, Coste Tristan, Wernli Boris, 2019/12. Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, 155 (1). Peer-reviewed.
Discrimination in the hiring of older jobseekers: Evidence from two survey experiments in Switzerland
Oesch Daniel, 2019/12/01. LIVES Working Paper.
Bates Nancy, Steinmetz Stephanie, Fischer Mirjam, 2019/12/01. Journal of Official Statistics, 35 (4) pp. 699-707.
Surveying Persons in Same-Sex Relationships in a Probabilistic Way – An Example from the Netherlands
Steinmetz Stephanie, Fischer Mirjam, 2019/12/01. Journal of Official Statistics, 35 (4) pp. 753-776.
Satisficing in surveys: Results of a systematic review of the literature
Roberts Caroline, Gilbert Emily, Allum Nick, Eisner Léïla, 2019/11/13. Public Opinion Quarterly, 83 (3) pp. 598-626.
Consensual Versus Heterogeneous Conceptions of Nationhood: The Role of Citizenship Regimes and Integration Policies Across 21 European Countries
Sarrasin Oriane, Green Eva G. T., Van Assche Jasper, 2019/11/08. Social Indicators Research. Peer-reviewed.
Discrimination in the hiring of older jobseekers: Combining a survey experiment with a natural experiment in Switzerland
Oesch Daniel, 2019/11. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility pp. 1-12. Peer-reviewed.
Interviewer Effects on Cooperation during Initial and Refusal Conversion Fieldwork Phases in Telephone Panel Surveys
Lipps Oliver, 2019/11. Field Methods, 31 (4) pp. 375-393. Peer-reviewed.
The social integration of lesbians, gay men and bisexuals: Exploring the role of the municipal context
Fischer Mirjam M., Kalmijn Matthijs, Steinmetz Stephanie, 2019/11. Social Science Research, 84 p. 102320.
Gleiche Einkommen, ungleiche Vermögen
Kuhn Ursina, 2019/10/28. Republik.
Des jeunes entre mobilité temporaire et ancrage local
Rérat Patrick, Haldimann Lucas, Stam Alexandra, 2019/10/15. GeoAgenda, 4 pp. 8-11.
Do they make a difference? The policy influence of radical right populist parties in Western Europe
Biard Benjamin, Bernhard Laurent, Betz Hans-Georg, 2019/10/01., ECPR Press, Rowman & Littlefield International.
Einstellung zu Geld ändert jenseits des Röstigrabens
Henchoz Caroline, Coste Tristan, Wernli Boris, 2019/09/23. Die Volkswirtschaft.
Entre mobilité temporaire et ancrage local: portrait de la jeunesse suisse / Befristete Mobilität und Verankerung junger Schweizer and Schweizerinnen / Fra mobilità temporanea e ancoraggio locale: ritratto della gioventù svizzera
Stam Alexandra, Rérat Patrick, 2019/09/23. Rapport d'activités ch-x, 2018/2019 pp. 20-26.
Les attitudes face à l’argent diffèrent de part et d’autre de la Sarine
Henchoz Caroline, Coste Tristan, Wernli Boris, 2019/09/23. La Vie économique .
Cadre d'analyse
Rérat Patrick, Stam Alexandra, 2019/09/20. pp. 29-39 dans Entre mobilité temporaire et ancrage local: portrait de la jeunesse suisse, Somedia Buchverlag.
Ferrez Eliane, van den Hende Anthe, 2019/09/20. pp. 43-51 dans Entre mobilité temporaire et ancrage local: portrait de la jeunesse suisse chap. 3, Somedia Buchverlag.
Entre mobilité temporaire et ancrage local: portrait de la jeunesse suisse
Stam Alexandra, Rérat Patrick (eds.)Ferrez Eliane, Haldimann Lucas, Heers Marieke, Kleiner Brian, Rérat Patrick, Stam Alexandra, 2019/09/20., Somedia Buchverlag.
Rérat Patrick, Stam Alexandra, 2019/09/20. pp. 25-26 dans Entre mobilité temporaire et ancrage local: portrait de la jeunesse suisse, Somedia Buchverlag.
Mobilités et ancrages
Stam Alexandra, Ferrez Eliane, Van den Hende Anthe, 2019/09/20. pp. 55-79 dans Entre mobilité temporaire et ancrage local : portrait de la jeunesse suisse chap. 4, Somedia Production AG, Somedia Buchverlag, Chur/Glarus 2019.
Propension à la mobilité temporaire
Haldimann Lucas, Heers Marieke, Rérat Patrick, 2019/09/20. pp. 83-100 dans Entre mobilité temporaire et ancrage local: portrait de la jeunesse suisse, Somedia Buchverlag.
Populism in election times: a comparative analysis of 11 countries in Western Europe
Bernhard Laurent, Kriesi Hanspeter, 2019/09/19. West European Politics, 42 (6) pp. 1188-1208.
Spatial Deployment of the Chinese Property Market (2010–2016)
SWERTS ELFIE, 2019/09. Issues & Studies, 55 (03) p. 1950006.
International Social Survey Programme: ISSP 2017 – Social Networks and Social Resources: Study Monitoring Report
Sapin Marlène, Joye Dominique, Steinmetz Stephanie, 2019/08/20., Lausanne.
The Polarization Myth: Occupational Upgrading in Germany, Spain, Sweden, and the UK, 1992–2015
Oesch Daniel, Piccitto Giorgio, 2019/08/05. Work and Occupations p. 073088841986088. Peer-reviewed.
Comparison of survey data on wealth in Switzerland
Ravazzini Laura, Kuhn Ursina, Brulé Gaël, Suter Christian, 2019/07/15. Journal of Economic and Social Measurement, 44 (1) pp. 25-55. Peer-reviewed.
The LIVES-FORS cohort survey: A longitudinal diversified sample of young adults who have grown up in Switzerland
Spini Dario, Dasoki Nora, Elcheroth Guy, Gauthier Jacques-Antoine, Le Goff Jean-Marie, Morselli Davide, Rossignon Florence, Tillmann Robin, 2019/07/01. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, 10 (3) pp. 399-410. Peer-reviewed.
Intra-Camp Coalitions in Direct Democracy: Evidence from Referendums on Asylum
Bernhard Laurent, 2019/06/27. Politics and Governance, 7 (2) p. 297.
Incentives in surveys
Lipps Oliver, Herzing Jessica M. E., Pekari Nicolas, Ernst Stähli Michèle, Pollien Alexandre, Riedo Gisana, Reveilhac Maud, 2019/06/20. FORS Guide, FORS, University of Lausanne.
Die Lohnungleichheit zwischen Frauen und Männern beginnt lange vor der Familiengründung
Combet Benita, Oesch Daniel, 2019/06/07. Social Change in Switzerland 18 pp. 1-16.
Lohnungleichheit startet lange vor der Mutterschaft
Oesch Daniel, Combet Benita, 2019/06/07. Tages-Anzeiger.
L’inégalité salariale entre hommes et femmes commence bien avant la fondation d’une famille
Combet Benita, Oesch Daniel, 2019/06/07. Social Change in Switzerland 18 pp. 1-16.
L’inégalité salariale entre les sexes commence bien avant la maternité
Oesch Daniel, Combet Benita, 2019/06/07. Le Temps.
Klaas Hannah S., Morselli Davide, Tillmann Robin, Pin Stéphanie, Spini Dario, 2019/06/01., LIVES.
Vocational versus general education : Employment and earnings over the life course in Switzerland
Korber Maïlys, Oesch Daniel, 2019/06. Advances in Life Course Research, 40 pp. 1-13. Peer-reviewed.
Als die Topverdiener davonzogen
Kuhn Ursina, 2019/05/22. Republik.
Schnipp, schnapp Neuste Zahlen zeigen: In der Schweiz öffnet sich die Schere zwischen Arm und Reich nicht weiter.
Kuhn Ursina, 2019/05/05. Schweizer Monat, 1066 pp. 22-25.
Debating Unemployment Policy : Political Communication and the Labour Market in Western Europe
Bernhard Laurent, Fossati Flavia, Hänggli Regula, Kriesi Hanspeter, 2019/05/02., Cambridge University Press.
The political agenda-setting power of the media: The Europeanisation nexus
Sciarini Pascal, Tresch Anke, 2019/05/01. Journal of European Public Policy, 26 (5) pp. 734-751. Peer-reviewed.
Job insecurity and parental well-being: The role of parenthood and family factors
Hanappi Doris, LIpps Oliver, 2019/04/11. Demographic Research, 40 pp. 897-932. Peer-reviewed.
Position, Competence, and Commitment. Three Dimensions of Issue Voting.
Walgrave Stefaan, Lefevere Jonas, Tresch Anke, 2019/03/29. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 32 (1) pp. 165-175. Peer-reviewed.
VOTO-Studie zur eidgenössischen Volksabstimmung vom 10. Februar 2019
Bernhard Laurent, Lauener Lukas, 2019/03/28., Bundeskanzlei.
Wie ungleich die Einkommen verteilt sind
Kuhn Ursina, 2019/03/23. Republik.
The Gender Wage Gap Opens Long before Motherhood : Panel Evidence on Early Careers in Switzerland
Combet Benita, Oesch Daniel, 2019/03/21. European Sociological Review. Peer-reviewed.
The Swiss Policy Agendas Project
Gava Roy, Sciarini Pascal, Tresch Anke, Varone Frédéric, 2019/03/14. pp. 160-166 dans Baumgartner Frank R., Breunig Christian, Grossmann Emiliano (eds.) Comparative Policy Agendas : Theory, Tools, Data chap. 18, Oxford University Press.
Les opposés ne s’attirent pas – le rôle de la formation et du revenu dans la mise en couple en Suisse
Ravazzini Laura, Kuhn Ursina, Suter Christian, 2019/03/05. Social Change in Switzerland 17 pp. 1-13.
Surveying national minorities
Herzing Jessica M. E., Elcheroth Guy, Lipps Oliver, Kleiner Brian, 2019/03/01., University of Lausanne; FORS.
CESSDA Widening Activities 2018 Deliverable 1 – Resource Directory
Bornatici Christina, Priddy Mike, 2019/02., CESSDA.
How to measure income
Kuhn Ursina, 2019/01/31., FORS.
Mobile web surveys
Herzing Jessica M. E., 2019. (No. 01, Version 1.0) FORS Guides , Lausanne: Swiss Centre of Expertise in the Social Sciences FORS.
A l'école du genre. Projets professionnels de jeunes en Suisse
Guilley Edith, Carvalho Arruda Carolina, Gauthier Jacques-Antoine, Gianettoni Lavinia, Joye Dominique, Issaieva Moubarak Nahra Elisabeth, Müller Karin (eds.), 2019. Questions de genre 231, Seismo.
CESSDA Widening Activities 2018 Deliverable 5 – Gap Analysis of CESSDA Resources
Bornatici Christina, 2019/01., CESSDA.
Joye Dominique, Carvalho Arruda Carolina, Guilley Edith, Gauthier Jacques-Antoine, Gianettoni Lavinia, Gross Dinah, Issaieva Moubarak Nahra Elisabeth, Müller Karin, 2019. pp. 175-186 dans Guilley Edith, Carvalho Arruda Carolina, Gauthier Jacques-Antoine, Gianettoni Lavinia, Gross Dinah, Joye Dominique, Issaieva Moubarak Nahra Elisabeth, Müller Karin (eds.) A l'école du genre. Projets professionnels de jeunes en Suisse chap. 12, Seismo.
Construction des inégalités en fin de scolarité obligatoire
Gianettoni Lavinia, Gauthier Jacques-Antoine, 2019. pp. 23-30 dans Guilley Edith, Carvalho Arruda Carolina, Gauthier Jacques-Antoine, Gianettoni Lavinia, Gross Dinah, Joye Dominique, Issaieva Moubarak Nahra Elisabeth, Müller Karin (eds.) A l'école du genre. Projets professionnels de jeunes en Suisse, Seismo.
Ethics in the era of open research data: some points of reference
Diaz Pablo, 2019..
Evaluation of A Suicide Prevention Program in Switzerland: Protocol of A Cluster Non-Randomized Controlled Trial
Baggio Stéphanie, Kanani Abbas, Nsingi Neslie, Sapin Marlène, Thélin Raphaël, 2019. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16 (11) pp. 1-6. Peer-reviewed.
Gesundheit der älteren Bevölkerung in der Schweiz: eine Studie basierend auf Daten der Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) im Auftrag des Bundesamts für Gesundheit
Höglinger Marc, Francisca Ehrler, Maurer Jürgen, 2019., Université de Lausanne.
How to draft a DMP from the perspective of the social sciences, using the SNSF template
Diaz Pablo, Stam Alexandra, 2019..
Idéologie sexiste et sexuation des aspirations professionnelles
Gianettoni Lavinia, 2019. dans A l'école du genre, seismo.
Measuring Social Networks and Social Resources: An Exploratory ISSP Survey around the World
Joye Dominique, Sapin Marlène, Wolf Christof, 2019. GESIS-Schriftenreihe, 22, 22 204, GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften.
Measuring social networks and social resources: An exploratory study around the world.
Joye D., Sapin M., Wolf C., 2019., GESIS.
Mode d'emploi
Joye Dominique, Carvalho Arruda Carolina, Guilley Edith, Gauthier Jacques-Antoine, Gianettoni Lavinia, Gross Dinah, Issaieva Moubarak Nahra Elisabeth, Müller Karin, 2019. pp. 13-21 dans Guilley Edith, Carvalho Arruda Carolina, Gauthier Jacques-Antoine, Gianettoni Lavinia, Gross Dinah, Joye Dominique, Issaieva Moubarak Nahra Elisabeth, Müller Karin (eds.) A l'école du genre. Projets professionnels de jeunes en Suisse, Seismo.
Joye Dominique, Carvalho Arruda Carolina, Guilley Edith, Gauthier Jacques-Antoine, Gianettoni Lavinia, Gross Dinah, Issaieva Moubarak Nahra Elisabeth, Müller Karin, 2019. pp. 9-12 dans Guilley Edith, Carvalho Arruda Carolina, Gauthier Jacques-Antoine, Gianettoni Lavinia, Gross Dinah, Joye Dominique, Issaieva Moubarak Nahra Elisabeth, Müller Karin (eds.) A l'école du genre. Projets professionnels de jeunes en Suisse, Seismo.
Taking scholarly books into account, part II: a comparison of 19 European countries in evaluation and funding
Giménez-Toledo Elea, Mañana-Rodríguez Jorge, Engels Tim C. E., Guns Raf, Kulczycki Emanuel, Ochsner Michael, Pölönen Janne, Sivertsen Gunnar, Zuccala Alesia A., 2019/01. Scientometrics, 118 (1) pp. 233-251. Peer-reviewed.
The LIVES Cohort survey: a longitudinal diversified sample of young adults who have grown up in Switzerland
Spini Dario, Elcheroth Guy, Gauthier Jacques-Antoine, Rossignon Florence, 2019. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, 10 (3) pp. 399-410.
The political contexts of national policy debates
Kriesi Hanspeter, Fossati Flavia, Bernhard Laurent, 2019. pp. 43-70 dans Debating Unemployment Policy: Political Communication and the Labour Market in Western Europe chap. 3, Bernhard, L., Fossati, F., Hänggli, R., Kriesi, H..
Comorbidity of Symptoms of Alcohol and Cannabis Use Disorders among a Population-Based Sample of Simultaneous Users. Insight from a Network Perspective.
Baggio S., Sapin M., Khazaal Y., Studer J., Wolff H., Gmel G., 2018/12/17. International journal of environmental research and public health, 15 (12). Peer-reviewed.
Interest Group Support and Electoral Success in the Swiss Elections of 2015. A Candidate Survey Analysis
Lutz Georg, Mach André, Primavesi Riccardo, 2018/12/10. Swiss Political Science Review, 24 (4) pp. 487–509. Peer-reviewed.
Introduction to the Special Issue “The 2015 Swiss National Elections”
Giger Nathalie, Rennwald Line, Tresch Anke, 2018/12/10. Swiss Political Science Review, 24 (4) pp. 371-380.
Pensionsansprüche: Vermögensungleichheit auf dem Prüfstand
Kuhn Ursina, 2018/12/04. Knoten & Maschen.
A research note on the potential impact of panel attrition on the relationship between variables
Voorpostel Marieke, Rothenbühler Martina, Roberts Caroline, Vandenplas Caroline, 2018/12/01. FORS Working Paper Series 2018-1.
Who Holds Populist Attitudes? Evidence from Switzerland
Bernhard Laurent, Hänggli Regula, 2018/12. Swiss Political Science Review, 24 (4) pp. 510-524.
The (In)stability of Voters' Perceptions of Competence and Associative Issue Ownership: The Role of Media Campaign Coverage
Tresch Anke, Feddersen Alexandra, 2018/11/30. Political Communication, 36 (3) pp. 394-411. Peer-reviewed.
The link between separation and political party preference: selectivity or causal influence?
Voorpostel Marieke, Coffe Hilde, Kuhn Ursina, 2018/11/19. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties pp. 1-22. Peer-reviewed.
Coping with the asylum challenge: tightening and streamlining policies in Western Europe
Bernhard Laurent, Kaufmann David, 2018/11/18. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 44 (15) pp. 2506-2523.
What prevents knowledge inequalities among citizens from increasing? Evidence from direct-democratic campaigns in Switzerland
Bernhard Laurent, 2018/11/14. Studies in Communication Sciences, 18 (1) pp. 103-116.
VOTO-Studie zur eidgenössischen Volksabstimmung vom 23. September 2018
Tresch Anke, Bernhard Laurent, Lauener Lukas, Scaperrotta Laura, 2018/11/08. 50, Bundeskanzlei.
Vergleich der Datenqualität von Opt-in Panels und zufallsgesteuerten Umfragen
Pekari Nicolas, Lipps Oliver, Roberts Caroline, Lutz Georg, 2018/11. Methoden-Newsletter vsms 2.
Union libre, égalité et bien-être en Suisse
Le Goff Jean-Marie, Ryser Valérie-Anne, 2018/10/15. Lives Working Paper 70 pp. 1-26. Peer-reviewed.
Gender norms and STEM: the importance of friends for stopping leakage from the STEM pipeline
van der Vleuten Maaike, Steinmetz Stephanie, van de Werfhorst Herman, 2018/10/03. Educational Research and Evaluation, 24 (6-7) pp. 417-436.
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