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799 publications

... | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | ...
Publisher Correction: Efficient phasing and imputation of low-coverage sequencing data using large reference panels.
Rubinacci S., Ribeiro D.M., Hofmeister R.J., Delaneau O., 2021/03..
Want to track pandemic variants faster? Fix the bioinformatics bottleneck.
Hodcroft E.B., De Maio N., Lanfear R., MacCannell D.R., Minh B.Q., Schmidt H.A., Stamatakis A., Goldman N., Dessimoz C., 2021/03. Nature, 591 (7848) pp. 30-33.
March Mammal Madness and the power of narrative in science outreach.
Hinde K., Amorim CEG, Brokaw A.F., Burt N., Casillas M.C., Chen A., Chestnut T., Connors P.K., Dasari M., Ditelberg C.F. et al., 2021/02/22. eLife, 10 pp. e65066. Peer-reviewed.
Prediction of neo-epitope immunogenicity reveals TCR recognition determinants and provides insight into immunoediting.
Schmidt J., Smith A.R., Magnin M., Racle J., Devlin J.R., Bobisse S., Cesbron J., Bonnet V., Carmona S.J., Huber F. et al., 2021/02/16. Cell reports. Medicine, 2 (2) p. 100194. Peer-reviewed.
On the Effect of Asymmetrical Trait Inheritance on Models of Trait Evolution.
Duchen P., Alfaro M.L., Rolland J., Salamin N., Silvestro D., 2021/02/10. Systematic biology, 70 (2) pp. 376-388. Peer-reviewed.
Gene regulation contributes to explain the impact of early life socioeconomic disadvantage on adult inflammatory levels in two cohort studies.
Carmeli C., Kutalik Z., Mishra P.P., Porcu E., Delpierre C., Delaneau O., Kelly-Irving M., Bochud M., Dhayat N.A., Ponte B. et al., 2021/02/04. Scientific reports, 11 (1) p. 3100. Peer-reviewed.
Sustained androgen receptor signaling is a determinant of melanoma cell growth potential and tumorigenesis.
Ma M., Ghosh S., Tavernari D., Katarkar A., Clocchiatti A., Mazzeo L., Samarkina A., Epiney J., Yu Y.R., Ho P.C. et al., 2021/02/01. The Journal of experimental medicine, 218 (2) pp. e20201137. Peer-reviewed.
Translation is required for miRNA-dependent decay of endogenous transcripts.
Biasini A., Abdulkarim B., de Pretis S., Tan J.Y., Arora R., Wischnewski H., Dreos R., Pelizzola M., Ciaudo C., Marques A.C., 2021/02/01. The EMBO journal, 40 (3) pp. e104569. Peer-reviewed.
A hypomorphic variant in EYS detected by genome-wide association study contributes toward retinitis pigmentosa.
Nishiguchi K.M., Miya F., Mori Y., Fujita K., Akiyama M., Kamatani T., Koyanagi Y., Sato K., Takigawa T., Ueno S. et al., 2021/01/29. Communications biology, 4 (1) p. 140. Peer-reviewed.
OMA orthology in 2021: website overhaul, conserved isoforms, ancestral gene order and more.
Altenhoff A.M., Train C.M., Gilbert K.J., Mediratta I., Mendes de Farias T., Moi D., Nevers Y., Radoykova H.S., Rossier V., Warwick Vesztrocy A. et al., 2021/01/08. Nucleic acids research, 49 (D1) pp. D373-D379. Peer-reviewed.
Proteome-Scale Detection of Differential Conservation Patterns at Protein and Subprotein Levels with BLUR.
Defosset A., Kress A., Nevers Y., Ripp R., Thompson J.D., Poch O., Lecompte O., 2021/01/07. Genome biology and evolution, 13 (1) pp. evaa248. Peer-reviewed.
Biodiversité du campus de l'Université de Lausanne: inventaires floristiques et faunistiques
Séchaud Robin, Zahnd Sacha, Guerra Vincent, Cosandey Vivien, Clément Laura, Schmid Sarah, Lavanchy Guillaume, Roulin Alexandre, Christe Philippe, Vittoz Pascal, 2021. Bulletin de la Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles, 100 pp. 231-255. Peer-reviewed.
Efficient phasing and imputation of low-coverage sequencing data using large reference panels
Rubinacci Simone, Ribeiro Diogo M., Hofmeister Robin J., Delaneau Olivier, 2021/01. Nature Genetics, 53 (1) pp. 120-126.
Generalized evidence for Bergmann's rule: body size variation in a cosmopolitan owl genus
Romano Andrea, Séchaud Robin, Roulin Alexandre, 2021/01. Journal of Biogeography, 48 (1) pp. 51-63.
Heterozygous deletions of noncoding parts of the PRPF31 gene cause retinitis pigmentosa via reduced gene expression.
Ruberto F.P., Balzano S., Namburi P., Kimchi A., Pescini-Gobert R., Obolensky A., Banin E., Ben-Yosef T., Sharon D., Rivolta C., 2021. Molecular vision, 27 pp. 107-116. Peer-reviewed.
Low spatial autocorrelation in mountain biodiversity data and model residuals
Chevalier M., Mod H., Broennimann O., Di Cola V., Schmid S., Niculita-Hirzel H., Pradervand J.-N., Schmidt B.R., Ursenbacher S., Pellissier L. et al., 2021. Ecosphere, 12 (3) pp. e03403. Peer-reviewed.
Novel insights into the common heritable liability to addiction: a multivariate genome-wide association study
Schoeler Tabea, Baldwin Jessie, Allegrini Andrea, Barkhuizen Wikus, McQuillin Andrew, Pirastu Nicola, Kutalik Zoltán, Pingault Jean-Baptiste, 2021..
Parent-of-origin effects in the UK Biobank
Hofmeister R. J., Rubinacci S., Ribeiro D. M., Kutalik Z., Buil A., Delaneau O., 2021..
Statistical mediation of the relationships between chronological age and lipoproteins by nonessential amino acids in healthy men.
Mallol R., Vallvé J.C., Solà R., Girona J., Bergmann S., Correig X., Rock E., Winklhofer-Roob B.M., Rehues P., Guardiola M. et al., 2021. Computational and structural biotechnology journal, 19 pp. 6169-6178. Peer-reviewed.
Exploring chromatin conformation and gene co-expression through graph embedding.
Varrone M., Nanni L., Ciriello G., Ceri S., 2020/12/30. Bioinformatics, 36 (Supplement_2) pp. i700-i708. Peer-reviewed.
Demographic analyses of a new sample of haploid genomes from a Swedish population of Drosophila melanogaster.
Kapopoulou A., Kapun M., Pieper B., Pavlidis P., Wilches R., Duchen P., Stephan W., Laurent S., 2020/12/29. Scientific reports, 10 (1) p. 22415. Peer-reviewed.
A putative origin of the insect chemosensory receptor superfamily in the last common eukaryotic ancestor
Benton R., Dessimoz C., Moi D., 2020/12/04. eLife, 9 pp. e62507.
BAZ2A safeguards genome architecture of ground-state pluripotent stem cells.
Dalcher D., Tan J.Y., Bersaglieri C., Peña-Hernández R., Vollenweider E., Zeyen S., Schmid M.W., Bianchi V., Butz S., Roganowicz M. et al., 2020/12/01. The EMBO journal, 39 (23) pp. e105606. Peer-reviewed.
Genomic and transcriptomic landscape of conjunctival melanoma.
Cisarova K., Folcher M., El Zaoui I., Pescini-Gobert R., Peter V.G., Royer-Bertrand B., Zografos L., Schalenbourg A., Nicolas M., Rimoldi D. et al., 2020/12. PLoS genetics, 16 (12) pp. e1009201. Peer-reviewed.
Genomic footprints of repeated evolution of CAM photosynthesis in a Neotropical species radiation.
De La Harpe M., Paris M., Hess J., Barfuss MHJ, Serrano-Serrano M.L., Ghatak A., Chaturvedi P., Weckwerth W., Till W., Salamin N. et al., 2020/12. Plant, cell & environment, 43 (12) pp. 2987-3001. Peer-reviewed.
Rapid climate change results in long-lasting spatial homogenization of phylogenetic diversity
Saladin Bianca, Pellissier Loïc, Graham Catherine H., Nobis Michael P., Salamin Nicolas, Zimmermann Niklaus E., 2020/12. Nature Communications, 11 (1). Peer-reviewed.
NGS-Based S. aureus Typing and Outbreak Analysis in Clinical Microbiology Laboratories: Lessons Learned From a Swiss-Wide Proficiency Test
Dylus David, Pillonel Trestan, Opota Onya, Wüthrich Daniel, Seth-Smith Helena M. B., Egli Adrian, Leo Stefano, Lazarevic Vladimir, Schrenzel Jacques, Laurent Sacha et al., 2020/11/24. Frontiers in Microbiology, 11. Peer-reviewed.
A generalized Robinson-Foulds distance for labeled trees.
Briand S., Dessimoz C., El-Mabrouk N., Lafond M., Lobinska G., 2020/11/18. BMC genomics, 21 (Suppl 10) p. 779. Peer-reviewed.
Discovering functional evolutionary dependencies in human cancers.
Mina M., Iyer A., Tavernari D., Raynaud F., Ciriello G., 2020/11. Nature genetics, 52 (11) pp. 1198-1207. Peer-reviewed.
Genotype imputation using the Positional Burrows Wheeler Transform.
Rubinacci S., Delaneau O., Marchini J., 2020/11. PLoS genetics, 16 (11) pp. e1009049. Peer-reviewed.
Heterogeneous Presynaptic Distribution of Munc13 Isoforms at Retinal Synapses and Identification of an Unconventional Bipolar Cell Type with Dual Expression of Munc13 Isoforms: A Study Using Munc13-EXFP Knock-in Mice.
Gierke K., von Wittgenstein J., Hemmerlein M., Atorf J., Joachimsthaler A., Kremers J., Cooper B.H., Varoqueaux F., Regus-Leidig H., Brandstätter J.H., 2020/10/22. International journal of molecular sciences, 21 (21) pp. E7848. Peer-reviewed.
Mechanical forces drive ordered patterning of hair cells in the mammalian inner ear.
Cohen R., Amir-Zilberstein L., Hersch M., Woland S., Loza O., Taiber S., Matsuzaki F., Bergmann S., Avraham K.B., Sprinzak D., 2020/10/12. Nature communications, 11 (1) p. 5137. Peer-reviewed.
Bayesian reassessment of the epigenetic architecture of complex traits.
Banos D.T., McCartney D.L., Patxot M., Anchieri L., Battram T., Christiansen C., Costeira R., Walker R.M., Morris S.W., Campbell A. et al., 2020/10/09. Nature communications, 11 (1) p. 5186. Peer-reviewed.
Conditional stochastic inversion of common-offset ground-penetrating radar reflection data
Xu Zhiwei, Irving James, Liu Yu, Zhu Peimin, Holliger Klaus, 2020/09/30. dans SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2020.
Parallel and Scalable Precise Clustering
Byma Stuart, Dhasade Akash, Altenhoff Adrian, Dessimoz Christophe, Larus James R., 2020/09/30. dans Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques, ACM.
The Transcriptomic Response of the Murine Thyroid Gland to Iodide Overload and the Role of the Nrf2 Antioxidant System.
Chartoumpekis D.V., Ziros P.G., Georgakopoulos-Soares I., Smith AAT, Marques A.C., Ibberson M., A Kopp P., Habeos I., Trougakos I.P., Khoo NKH et al., 2020/09/18. Antioxidants, 9 (9) pp. E884. Peer-reviewed.
Extracellular matrix gene expression during arm regeneration in Amphiura filiformis.
Ferrario C., Czarkwiani A., Dylus D.V., Piovani L., Candia Carnevali M.D., Sugni M., Oliveri P., 2020/09. Cell and tissue research, 381 (3) pp. 411-426. Peer-reviewed.
Museomics identifies genetic erosion in two butterfly species across the 20th century in Finland.
Gauthier J., Pajkovic M., Neuenschwander S., Kaila L., Schmid S., Orlando L., Alvarez N., 2020/09. Molecular ecology resources, 20 (5) pp. 1191-1205. Peer-reviewed.
The phylogenetic range of bacterial and viral pathogens of vertebrates.
Shaw L.P., Wang A.D., Dylus D., Meier M., Pogacnik G., Dessimoz C., Balloux F., 2020/09. Molecular ecology, 29 (17) pp. 3361-3379. Peer-reviewed.
An Alu-mediated duplication in NMNAT1, involved in NAD biosynthesis, causes a novel syndrome, SHILCA, affecting multiple tissues and organs.
Bedoni N., Quinodoz M., Pinelli M., Cappuccio G., Torella A., Nigro V., Testa F., Simonelli F., TUDP (Telethon Undiagnosed Disease Program), Corton M. et al., 2020/08/03. Human molecular genetics, 29 (13) pp. 2250-2260. Peer-reviewed.
The diversification and lineage-specific expansion of nitric oxide signaling in Placozoa: insights in the evolution of gaseous transmission.
Moroz L.L., Romanova D.Y., Nikitin M.A., Sohn D., Kohn A.B., Neveu E., Varoqueaux F., Fasshauer D., 2020/08/03. Scientific reports, 10 (1) p. 13020. Peer-reviewed.
Only a Single Taxonomically Restricted Gene Family in the Drosophila melanogaster Subgroup Can Be Identified with High Confidence.
Zile K., Dessimoz C., Wurm Y., Masel J., 2020/08/01. Genome biology and evolution, 12 (8) pp. 1355-1366. Peer-reviewed.
Vulnerability to Fishing and Life History Traits Correlate with the Load of Deleterious Mutations in Teleosts.
Rolland J., Schluter D., Romiguier J., 2020/08/01. Molecular biology and evolution, 37 (8) pp. 2192-2196. Peer-reviewed.
A multi‐platform package for the analysis of intra‐ and interspecific trait evolution
Gaboriau Théo, Mendes Fábio K., Joly Simon, Silvestro Daniele, Salamin Nicolas, 2020/07/30. Methods in Ecology and Evolution.
High-throughput SARS-CoV-2 and host genome sequencing from single nasopharyngeal swabs.
Gorzynski J.E., De Jong H.N., Amar D., Hughes C.R., Ioannidis A., Bierman R., Liu D., Tanigawa Y., Kistler A., Kamm J. et al., 2020/07/29..
The Contribution of lincRNAs at the Interface between Cell Cycle Regulation and Cell State Maintenance.
Biasini A., Smith AAT, Abdulkarim B., Ferreira da Silva M., Tan J.Y., Marques A.C., 2020/07/24. iScience, 23 (7) p. 101291. Peer-reviewed.
A hands-on introduction to querying evolutionary relationships across multiple data sources using SPARQL [version 2; peer review: 3 approved]
Sima Ana Claudia, Dessimoz Christophe, Stockinger Kurt, Zahn-Zabal Monique, Farias Tarcisio Mendes de, 2020/07/22. F1000Research.
Multi-method genome- and epigenome-wide studies of inflammatory protein levels in healthy older adults.
Hillary R.F., Trejo-Banos D., Kousathanas A., McCartney D.L., Harris S.E., Stevenson A.J., Patxot M., Ojavee S.E., Zhang Q., Liewald D.C. et al., 2020/07/08. Genome medicine, 12 (1) p. 60. Peer-reviewed.
Population Genetic Structure and Demographic History of Primula fasciculata in Southwest China
Ren Guangpeng, Mateo Rubén G., Conti Elena, Salamin Nicolas, 2020/07/02. Frontiers in Plant Science, 11. Peer-reviewed.
The Quest for Orthologs benchmark service and consensus calls in 2020.
Altenhoff A.M., Garrayo-Ventas J., Cosentino S., Emms D., Glover N.M., Hernández-Plaza A., Nevers Y., Sundesha V., Szklarczyk D., Fernández J.M. et al., 2020/07/02. Nucleic acids research, 48 (W1) pp. W538-W545. Peer-reviewed.
Benchmarking gene ontology function predictions using negative annotations.
Warwick Vesztrocy A., Dessimoz C., 2020/07/01. Bioinformatics, 36 (Supplement_1) pp. i210-i218. Peer-reviewed.
Prototypic SNARE Proteins Are Encoded in the Genomes of Heimdallarchaeota, Potentially Bridging the Gap between the Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes
Neveu Emilie, Khalifeh Dany, Salamin Nicolas, Fasshauer Dirk, 2020/07. Current Biology, 30 (13) pp. 2468-2480.e5.
Response to technical comment 'A cautionary note for users of linear diversification dependencies'.
Morlon H., Rolland J., Condamine F.L., 2020/07. Ecology letters, 23 (7) pp. 1172-1174. Peer-reviewed.
Scalable phylogenetic profiling using MinHash uncovers likely eukaryotic sexual reproduction genes.
Moi D., Kilchoer L., Aguilar P.S., Dessimoz C., 2020/07. PLoS computational biology, 16 (7) pp. e1007553. Peer-reviewed.
Three-dimensional chromatin interactions remain stable upon CAG/CTG repeat expansion.
Ruiz Buendía G.A., Leleu M., Marzetta F., Vanzan L., Tan J.Y., Ythier V., Randall E.L., Marques A.C., Baubec T., Murr R. et al., 2020/07. Science advances, 6 (27) pp. eaaz4012. Peer-reviewed.
PI(4,5)P<sub>2</sub>-dependent regulation of exocytosis by amisyn, the vertebrate-specific competitor of synaptobrevin 2.
Kondratiuk I., Jakhanwal S., Jin J., Sathyanarayanan U., Kroppen B., Pobbati A.V., Krisko A., Ashery U., Meinecke M., Jahn R. et al., 2020/06/16. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 117 (24) pp. 13468-13479. Peer-reviewed.
MONET: a toolbox integrating top-performing methods for network modularization.
Tomasoni M., Gómez S., Crawford J., Zhang W., Choobdar S., Marbach D., Bergmann S., 2020/06/01. Bioinformatics, 36 (12) pp. 3920-3921. Peer-reviewed.
Genomic Encryption of Digital Data Stored in Synthetic DNA
Grass Robert N., Heckel Reinhard, Dessimoz Christophe, Stark Wendelin J., 2020/05/25. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 59 (22) pp. 8476-8480. Peer-reviewed.
Cathepsin S Regulates Antigen Processing and T Cell Activity in Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma.
Dheilly E., Battistello E., Katanayeva N., Sungalee S., Michaux J., Duns G., Wehrle S., Sordet-Dessimoz J., Mina M., Racle J. et al., 2020/05/11. Cancer cell, 37 (5) pp. 674-689.e12. Peer-reviewed.
Functional characterization of the first missense variant in CEP78, a founder allele associated with cone-rod dystrophy, hearing loss, and reduced male fertility.
Ascari G., Peelman F., Farinelli P., Rosseel T., Lambrechts N., Wunderlich K.A., Wagner M., Nikopoulos K., Martens P., Balikova I. et al., 2020/05. Human mutation, 41 (5) pp. 998-1011. Peer-reviewed.
Loss-of-function of the long non-coding RNA A830019P07Rik in mice does not affect insulin expression and secretion.
Guay C., Abdulkarim B., Tan J.Y., Dubuis G., Rütti S., Ross Laybutt D., Widmann C., Regazzi R., Marques A.C., 2020/04/14. Scientific reports, 10 (1) p. 6413. Peer-reviewed.
Glycine as a signaling molecule and chemoattractant in Trichoplax (Placozoa): insights into the early evolution of neurotransmitters.
Romanova D.Y., Heyland A., Sohn D., Kohn A.B., Fasshauer D., Varoqueaux F., Moroz L.L., 2020/04/08. Neuroreport, 31 (6) pp. 490-497. Peer-reviewed.
Author Correction: One size does not fit all for mutational signatures.
Ciriello G., 2020/04. Nature cancer, 1 (4) p. 469. Peer-reviewed.
Inference of natural selection from ancient DNA.
Dehasque M., Ávila-Arcos M.C., Díez-Del-Molino D., Fumagalli M., Guschanski K., Lorenzen E.D., Malaspinas A.S., Marques-Bonet T., Martin M.D., Murray GGR et al., 2020/04. Evolution letters, 4 (2) pp. 94-108. Peer-reviewed.
Modelling conditional probabilities with Riemann-Theta Boltzmann Machines
Carrazza Stefano, Krefl Daniel, Papaluca Andrea, 2020/04. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1525 p. 012005.
Splicing of enhancer-associated lincRNAs contributes to enhancer activity.
Tan J.Y., Biasini A., Young R.S., Marques A.C., 2020/04. Life science alliance, 3 (4). Peer-reviewed.
Whole-exome sequencing in a consanguineous Pakistani family identifies a mutational hotspot in the COL7A1 gene, causing recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa.
Rehman A.U., Peter V.G., Quinodoz M., Dawood M., Rivolta C., 2020/04. Clinical dysmorphology, 29 (2) pp. 86-89. Peer-reviewed.
Pelagic fish predation is stronger at temperate latitudes than near the equator.
Roesti M., Anstett D.N., Freeman B.G., Lee-Yaw J.A., Schluter D., Chavarie L., Rolland J., Holzman R., 2020/03/31. Nature communications, 11 (1) p. 1527. Peer-reviewed.
Quantification of the overall contribution of gene-environment interaction for obesity-related traits.
Sulc J., Mounier N., Günther F., Winkler T., Wood A.R., Frayling T.M., Heid I.M., Robinson M.R., Kutalik Z., 2020/03/13. Nature communications, 11 (1) p. 1385. Peer-reviewed.
A 450 million years long latitudinal gradient in age-dependent extinction.
Silvestro D., Castiglione S., Mondanaro A., Serio C., Melchionna M., Piras P., Di Febbraro M., Carotenuto F., Rook L., Raia P., 2020/03. Ecology letters, 23 (3) pp. 439-446. Peer-reviewed.
Brain expansion in early hominins predicts carnivore extinctions in East Africa.
Faurby S., Silvestro D., Werdelin L., Antonelli A., 2020/03. Ecology letters, 23 (3) pp. 537-544. Peer-reviewed.
New genome assembly of the barn owl (Tyto alba alba).
Ducrest A.L., Neuenschwander S., Schmid-Siegert E., Pagni M., Train C., Dylus D., Nevers Y., Warwick Vesztrocy A., San-Jose L.M., Dupasquier M. et al., 2020/03. Ecology and evolution, 10 (5) pp. 2284-2298. Peer-reviewed.
A likelihood method for estimating present-day human contamination in ancient male samples using low-depth X-chromosome data.
Moreno-Mayar J.V., Korneliussen T.S., Dalal J., Renaud G., Albrechtsen A., Nielsen R., Malaspinas A.S., 2020/02/01. Bioinformatics, 36 (3) pp. 828-841. Peer-reviewed.
Evolution of a supergene that regulates a trans-species social polymorphism
Yan Zheng, Martin Simon H., Gotzek Dietrich, Arsenault Samuel V., Duchen Pablo, Helleu Quentin, Riba-Grognuz Oksana, Hunt Brendan G., Salamin Nicolas, Shoemaker DeWayne et al., 2020/02. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 4 (2) pp. 240-249.
Evolution of a supergene that regulates a trans-species social polymorphism.
Yan Z., Martin S.H., Gotzek D., Arsenault S.V., Duchen P., Helleu Q., Riba-Grognuz O., Hunt B.G., Salamin N., Shoemaker D. et al., 2020/02. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 4 (2) pp. 240-249. Peer-reviewed.
Linking micro and macroevolution in the presence of migration
Duchen P., Hautphenne S., Lehmann L., Salamin N., 2020/02. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 486 p. 110087.
Pan-cancer analysis of whole genomes.
ICGC/TCGA Pan-Cancer Analysis of Whole Genomes Consortium, Waszak S.M., 2020/02. Nature, 578 (7793) pp. 82-93. Peer-reviewed.
A Protocol for Transcriptome-Wide Inference of RNA Metabolic Rates in Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells.
Biasini A., Marques A.C., 2020. Frontiers in cell and developmental biology, 8 p. 97. Peer-reviewed.
How to build phylogenetic species trees with OMA.
Dylus D., Nevers Y., Altenhoff A.M., Gürtler A., Dessimoz C., Glover N.M., 2020. F1000Research, 9 p. 511. Peer-reviewed.
Identification and Characterization of Mediators of Fluconazole Tolerance in Candida albicans.
Delarze E., Brandt L., Trachsel E., Patxot M., Pralong C., Maranzano F., Chauvel M., Legrand M., Znaidi S., Bougnoux M.E. et al., 2020. Frontiers in microbiology, 11 p. 591140. Peer-reviewed.
Identifying orthologs with OMA: A primer.
Zahn-Zabal M., Dessimoz C., Glover N.M., 2020. F1000Research, 9 p. 27. Peer-reviewed.
Making the most of genomic data with OMA.
Glover N.M., 2020. F1000Research, 9 p. 665. Peer-reviewed.
Orthology: Definitions, Prediction, and Impact on Species Phylogeny Inference
Fernández Rosa, Gabaldón Toni, Dessimoz Christophe, 2020. dans Phylogenetics in the Genomic Era, No commercial publisher | Authors open access book.
The serine hydroxymethyltransferase-2 (SHMT2) initiates lymphoma development through epigenetic tumor suppressor silencing.
Parsa S., Ortega-Molina A., Ying H.Y., Jiang M., Teater M., Wang J., Zhao C., Reznik E., Pasion J.P., Kuo D. et al., 2020. Nature cancer, 1 pp. 653-664. Peer-reviewed.
The Liberfarb syndrome, a multisystem disorder affecting eye, ear, bone, and brain development, is caused by a founder pathogenic variant in thePISD gene.
Peter V.G., Quinodoz M., Pinto-Basto J., Sousa S.B., Di Gioia S.A., Soares G., Ferraz Leal G., Silva E.D., Pescini Gobert R., Miyake N. et al., 2019/12. Genetics in medicine, 21 (12) pp. 2734-2743. Peer-reviewed.
Accurate, scalable and integrative haplotype estimation.
Delaneau O., Zagury J.F., Robinson M.R., Marchini J.L., Dermitzakis E.T., 2019/11/28. Nature communications, 10 (1) p. 5436. Peer-reviewed.
A set of microRNAs coordinately controls tumorigenesis, invasion, and metastasis.
Michael I.P., Saghafinia S., Hanahan D., 2019/11/26. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 116 (48) pp. 24184-24195. Peer-reviewed.
Dynamic Emergence of Observed and Hidden Intra-tumor Heterogeneity.
Raynaud F., Mina M., Ciriello G., 2019/11/22. iScience, 21 pp. 157-167. Peer-reviewed.
Structural variant calling: the long and the short of it.
Mahmoud M., Gobet N., Cruz-Dávalos D.I., Mounier N., Dessimoz C., Sedlazeck F.J., 2019/11/20. Genome biology, 20 (1) p. 246. Peer-reviewed.
The CAFA challenge reports improved protein function prediction and new functional annotations for hundreds of genes through experimental screens.
Zhou N., Jiang Y., Bergquist T.R., Lee A.J., Kacsoh B.Z., Crocker A.W., Lewis K.A., Georghiou G., Nguyen H.N., Hamid M.N. et al., 2019/11/19. Genome biology, 20 (1) p. 244. Peer-reviewed.
Duplication history and molecular evolution of the rbcS multigene family in angiosperms.
Yamada K., Davydov I.I., Besnard G., Salamin N., 2019/11/18. Journal of experimental botany, 70 (21) pp. 6127-6139. Peer-reviewed.
Assessing the causes of diversification slowdowns: temperature-dependent and diversity-dependent models receive equivalent support.
Condamine F.L., Rolland J., Morlon H., 2019/11. Ecology letters, 22 (11) pp. 1900-1912. Peer-reviewed.
Expanded Phenotypic Spectrum of Retinopathies Associated with Autosomal Recessive and Dominant Mutations in PROM1.
Del Pozo-Valero M., Martin-Merida I., Jimenez-Rolando B., Arteche A., Avila-Fernandez A., Blanco-Kelly F., Riveiro-Alvarez R., Van Cauwenbergh C., De Baere E., Rivolta C. et al., 2019/11. American journal of ophthalmology, 207 pp. 204-214. Peer-reviewed.
A hands-on introduction to querying evolutionary relationships across multiple data sources using SPARQL
Sima Ana Claudia, Dessimoz Christophe, Stockinger Kurt, Zahn-Zabal Monique, Mendes de Farias Tarcisio, 2019/10/29. F1000Research, 8 p. 1822. Peer-reviewed.
An Ancient Genome from the Indus Valley Civilization.
Raghavan M., Schroeder H., Malaspinas A.S., 2019/10/17. Cell, 179 (3) pp. 586-588. Peer-reviewed.
Target genes, variants, tissues and transcriptional pathways influencing human serum urate levels.
Tin A., Marten J., Halperin Kuhns V.L., Li Y., Wuttke M., Kirsten H., Sieber K.B., Qiu C., Gorski M., Yu Z. et al., 2019/10/02. Nature genetics, 10 pp. 1459-1474. Peer-reviewed.
Advances and Applications in the Quest for Orthologs.
Glover N., Dessimoz C., Ebersberger I., Forslund S.K., Gabaldón T., Huerta-Cepas J., Martin M.J., Muffato M., Patricio M., Pereira C. et al., 2019/10/01. Molecular biology and evolution, 36 (10) pp. 2157-2164. Peer-reviewed.
Interoperable and scalable data analysis with microservices: applications in metabolomics.
Emami Khoonsari P., Moreno P., Bergmann S., Burman J., Capuccini M., Carone M., Cascante M., de Atauri P., Foguet C., Gonzalez-Beltran A.N. et al., 2019/10/01. Bioinformatics, 35 (19) pp. 3752-3760. Peer-reviewed.
Ecological constraints coupled with deep-time habitat dynamics predict the latitudinal diversity gradient in reef fishes.
Gaboriau T., Albouy C., Descombes P., Mouillot D., Pellissier L., Leprieur F., 2019/09/25. Proceedings. Biological sciences, 286 (1911) p. 20191506. Peer-reviewed.
Automated Analysis of Large-Scale NMR Data Generates Metabolomic Signatures and Links Them to Candidate Metabolites.
Tomasoni M., Khalili B., Mattei M., Mallol Parera R., Sonmez R., Krefl D., Rueedi R., Bergmann S., 2019/09/06. Journal of proteome research, 18 (9) pp. 3360-3368. Peer-reviewed.
Assessment of network module identification across complex diseases.
Choobdar S., Ahsen M.E., Crawford J., Tomasoni M., Fang T., Lamparter D., Lin J., Hescott B., Hu X., Mercer J. et al., 2019/09. Nature methods, 16 (9) pp. 843-852. Peer-reviewed.
Synaptic proximity enables NMDAR signalling to promote brain metastasis.
Zeng Q., Michael I.P., Zhang P., Saghafinia S., Knott G., Jiao W., McCabe B.D., Galván J.A., Robinson HPC, Zlobec I. et al., 2019/09. Nature, 573 (7775) pp. 526-531. Peer-reviewed.
HENA, heterogeneous network-based data set for Alzheimer's disease.
Sügis E., Dauvillier J., Leontjeva A., Adler P., Hindie V., Moncion T., Collura V., Daudin R., Loe-Mie Y., Herault Y. et al., 2019/08/14. Scientific data, 6 (1) p. 151. Peer-reviewed.
The Oncogenic Action of NRF2 Depends on De-glycation by Fructosamine-3-Kinase.
Sanghvi V.R., Leibold J., Mina M., Mohan P., Berishaj M., Li Z., Miele M.M., Lailler N., Zhao C., de Stanchina E. et al., 2019/08/08. Cell, 178 (4) pp. 807-819.e21. Peer-reviewed.
Mutations in ARL2BP, a protein required for ciliary microtubule structure, cause syndromic male infertility in humans and mice.
Moye A.R., Bedoni N., Cunningham J.G., Sanzhaeva U., Tucker E.S., Mathers P., Peter V.G., Quinodoz M., Paris L.P., Coutinho-Santos L. et al., 2019/08. PLoS genetics, 15 (8) pp. e1008315. Peer-reviewed.
iHam and pyHam: visualizing and processing hierarchical orthologous groups.
Train C.M., Pignatelli M., Altenhoff A., Dessimoz C., 2019/07/15. Bioinformatics, 35 (14) pp. 2504-2506. Peer-reviewed.
Biogeography and ecological diversification of a mayfly clade in New Guinea
Cozzarolo Camille-Sophie, Balke Michael, Buerki Sven, Arrigo Nils, Pitteloud Camille, Gueuning Morgan, Salamin Nicolas, Sartori Michel, Alvarez Nadir, 2019/07/03. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. Peer-reviewed.
Genome-wide Association Study of Change in Fasting Glucose over time in 13,807 non-diabetic European Ancestry Individuals.
Liu C.T., Merino J., Rybin D., DiCorpo D., Benke K.S., Bragg-Gresham J.L., Canouil M., Corre T., Grallert H., Isaacs A. et al., 2019/07/01. Scientific reports, 9 (1) p. 9439. Peer-reviewed.
OMA standalone: orthology inference among public and custom genomes and transcriptomes.
Altenhoff A.M., Levy J., Zarowiecki M., Tomiczek B., Warwick Vesztrocy A., Dalquen D.A., Müller S., Telford M.J., Glover N.M., Dylus D. et al., 2019/07. Genome research, 29 (7) pp. 1152-1163. Peer-reviewed.
Publisher Correction: Protein-altering variants associated with body mass index implicate pathways that control energy intake and expenditure in obesity.
Turcot V., Lu Y., Highland H.M., Schurmann C., Justice A.E., Fine R.S., Bradfield J.P., Esko T., Giri A., Graff M. et al., 2019/07..
A frequent variant in the Japanese population determines quasi-Mendelian inheritance of rare retinal ciliopathy.
Nikopoulos K., Cisarova K., Quinodoz M., Koskiniemi-Kuendig H., Miyake N., Farinelli P., Rehman A.U., Khan M.I., Prunotto A., Akiyama M. et al., 2019/06/28. Nature communications, 10 (1) p. 2884. Peer-reviewed.
Conjunctival Melanoma Targeted Therapy: MAPK and PI3K/mTOR Pathways Inhibition.
El Zaoui I., Bucher M., Rimoldi D., Nicolas M., Kaya G., Pescini Gobert R., Bedoni N., Schalenbourg A., Sakina E., Zografos L. et al., 2019/06/03. Investigative ophthalmology & visual science, 60 (7) pp. 2764-2772. Peer-reviewed.
Mitigating Anticipated Effects of Systematic Errors Supports Sister-Group Relationship between Xenacoelomorpha and Ambulacraria.
Philippe H., Poustka A.J., Chiodin M., Hoff K.J., Dessimoz C., Tomiczek B., Schiffer P.H., Müller S., Domman D., Horn M. et al., 2019/06/03. Current biology, 29 (11) pp. 1818-1826.e6. Peer-reviewed.
A catalog of genetic loci associated with kidney function from analyses of a million individuals.
Wuttke M., Li Y., Li M., Sieber K.B., Feitosa M.F., Gorski M., Tin A., Wang L., Chu A.Y., Hoppmann A. et al., 2019/06. Nature genetics, 51 (6) pp. 957-972. Peer-reviewed.
Haplotype Assembly Using Manifold Optimization and Error Correction Mechanism
Mohades Mohamad Mahdi, Majidian Sina, Kahaei Mohammad Hossein, 2019/06. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 26 (6) pp. 868-872.
Large-Scale Comparative Analysis of Codon Models Accounting for Protein and Nucleotide Selection.
Davydov I.I., Salamin N., Robinson-Rechavi M., 2019/06/01. Molecular biology and evolution, 36 (6) pp. 1316-1332. Peer-reviewed.
Peripheral neuropathy and cognitive impairment associated with a novel monoallelic HARS variant.
Royer-Bertrand B., Tsouni P., Mullen P., Campos Xavier B., Mittaz Crettol L., Lobrinus A.J., Ghika J., Baumgartner M.R., Rivolta C., Superti-Furga A. et al., 2019/06. Annals of clinical and translational neurology, 6 (6) pp. 1072-1080. Peer-reviewed.
Linking aberrant chromatin features in chronic lymphocytic leukemia to transcription factor networks.
Mallm J.P., Iskar M., Ishaque N., Klett L.C., Kugler S.J., Muino J.M., Teif V.B., Poos A.M., Großmann S., Erdel F. et al., 2019/05/22. Molecular Systems Biology, 15 (5) pp. e8339. Peer-reviewed.
Chromatin three-dimensional interactions mediate genetic effects on gene expression.
Delaneau O., Zazhytska M., Borel C., Giannuzzi G., Rey G., Howald C., Kumar S., Ongen H., Popadin K., Marbach D. et al., 2019/05/03. Science, 364 (6439). Peer-reviewed.
The long non-coding RNA Cerox1 is a post transcriptional regulator of mitochondrial complex I catalytic activity.
Sirey T.M., Roberts K., Haerty W., Bedoya-Reina O., Rogatti-Granados S., Tan J.Y., Li N., Heather L.C., Carter R.N., Cooper S. et al., 2019/05/02. eLife, 8 pp. e45051. Peer-reviewed.
A likelihood method for estimating present-day human contamination in ancient DNA samples using low-depth haploid chromosome data
Moreno-Mayar J. Víctor, Korneliussen Thorfinn Sand, Albrechtsen Anders, Dalal Jyoti, Renaud Gabriel, Nielsen Rasmus, Malaspinas Anna-Sapfo, 2019/05..
Developmental and comparative transcriptomic identification of iridophore contribution to white barring in clownfish.
Salis P., Lorin T., Lewis V., Rey C., Marcionetti A., Escande M.L., Roux N., Besseau L., Salamin N., Sémon M. et al., 2019/05. Pigment cell & melanoma research, 32 (3) pp. 391-402. Peer-reviewed.
Maternal and fetal genetic effects on birth weight and their relevance to cardio-metabolic risk factors.
Warrington N.M., Beaumont R.N., Horikoshi M., Day F.R., Helgeland Ø., Laurin C., Bacelis J., Peng S., Hao K., Feenstra B. et al., 2019/05. Nature genetics, 51 (5) pp. 804-814. Peer-reviewed.
A novel missense variant in IDH3A causes autosomal recessive retinitis pigmentosa.
Peter V.G., Nikopoulos K., Quinodoz M., Granse L., Farinelli P., Superti-Furga A., Andréasson S., Rivolta C., 2019/04. Ophthalmic genetics, 40 (2) pp. 177-181. Peer-reviewed.
Expression estimation and eQTL mapping for HLA genes with a personalized pipeline.
Aguiar VRC, César J., Delaneau O., Dermitzakis E.T., Meyer D., 2019/04. PLoS Genetics, 15 (4) pp. e1008091. Peer-reviewed.
Phylogenetic approaches to identifying fragments of the same gene, with application to the wheat genome.
Piližota I., Train C.M., Altenhoff A., Redestig H., Dessimoz C., 2019/04/01. Bioinformatics, 35 (7) pp. 1159-1166. Peer-reviewed.
Publisher Correction: Uncoupling protein 2 reprograms the tumor microenvironment to support the anti-tumor immune cycle.
Cheng W.C., Tsui Y.C., Ragusa S., Koelzer V.H., Mina M., Franco F., Läubli H., Tschumi B., Speiser D., Romero P. et al., 2019/04..
Simultaneous Bayesian inference of phylogeny and molecular coevolution.
Meyer X., Dib L., Silvestro D., Salamin N., 2019/03/12. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 116 (11) pp. 5027-5036. Peer-reviewed.
A genome-wide association study of shared risk across psychiatric disorders implicates gene regulation during fetal neurodevelopment.
Schork A.J., Won H., Appadurai V., Nudel R., Gandal M., Delaneau O., Revsbech Christiansen M., Hougaard D.M., Bækved-Hansen M., Bybjerg-Grauholm J. et al., 2019/03. Nature neuroscience, 22 (3) pp. 353-361. Peer-reviewed.
EZH2 oncogenic mutations drive epigenetic, transcriptional, and structural changes within chromatin domains.
Donaldson-Collier M.C., Sungalee S., Zufferey M., Tavernari D., Katanayeva N., Battistello E., Mina M., Douglass K.M., Rey T., Raynaud F. et al., 2019/03. Nature genetics, 51 (3) pp. 517-528. Peer-reviewed.
Insights into the Genomics of Clownfish Adaptive Radiation: Genetic Basis of the Mutualism with Sea Anemones.
Marcionetti A., Rossier V., Roux N., Salis P., Laudet V., Salamin N., 2019/03/01. Genome biology and evolution, 11 (3) pp. 869-882. Peer-reviewed.
Protein-coding variants implicate novel genes related to lipid homeostasis contributing to body-fat distribution.
Justice A.E., Karaderi T., Highland H.M., Young K.L., Graff M., Lu Y., Turcot V., Auer P.L., Fine R.S., Guo X. et al., 2019/03. Nature genetics, 51 (3) pp. 452-469. Peer-reviewed.
PhenoMeNal: processing and analysis of metabolomics data in the cloud.
Peters K., Bradbury J., Bergmann S., Capuccini M., Cascante M., de Atauri P., Ebbels TMD, Foguet C., Glen R., Gonzalez-Beltran A. et al., 2019/02/01. GigaScience, 8 (2) pp. giy149. Peer-reviewed.
Uncoupling protein 2 reprograms the tumor microenvironment to support the anti-tumor immune cycle.
Cheng W.C., Tsui Y.C., Ragusa S., Koelzer V.H., Mina M., Franco F., Läubli H., Tschumi B., Speiser D., Romero P. et al., 2019/02. Nature immunology, 20 (2) pp. 206-217. Peer-reviewed.
Multi-ancestry study of blood lipid levels identifies four loci interacting with physical activity.
Kilpeläinen T.O., Bentley A.R., Noordam R., Sung Y.J., Schwander K., Winkler T.W., Jakupović H., Chasman D.I., Manning A., Ntalla I. et al., 2019/01/22. Nature communications, 10 (1) p. 376. Peer-reviewed.
Mineralocorticoid receptor antagonism limits experimental choroidal neovascularization and structural changes associated with neovascular age-related macular degeneration.
Zhao M., Mantel I., Gelize E., Li X., Xie X., Arboleda A., Seminel M., Levy-Boukris R., Dernigoghossian M., Prunotto A. et al., 2019/01/21. Nature communications, 10 (1) p. 369. Peer-reviewed.
Environment and evolutionary history shape phylogenetic turnover in European tetrapods.
Saladin B., Thuiller W., Graham C.H., Lavergne S., Maiorano L., Salamin N., Zimmermann N.E., 2019/01/16. Nature communications, 10 (1) p. 249. Peer-reviewed.
A dedicated target capture approach reveals variable genetic markers across micro- and macro-evolutionary time scales in palms.
de La Harpe M., Hess J., Loiseau O., Salamin N., Lexer C., Paris M., 2019/01. Molecular ecology resources, 19 (1) pp. 221-234. Peer-reviewed.
Assigning confidence scores to homoeologs using fuzzy logic.
Glover N.M., Altenhoff A., Dessimoz C., 2019. PeerJ, 6 pp. e6231. Peer-reviewed.
CoevDB: a database of intramolecular coevolution among protein-coding genes of the bony vertebrates.
Meyer X., Dib L., Salamin N., 2019. Nucleic Acids Research, 47 (D1) pp. D50-D54. Peer-reviewed.
Early Arrival and Climatically-Linked Geographic Expansion of New World Monkeys from Tiny African Ancestors.
Silvestro D., Tejedor M.F., Serrano-Serrano M.L., Loiseau O., Rossier V., Rolland J., Zizka A., Höhna S., Antonelli A., Salamin N., 2019. Systematic Biology, 68 (1) pp. 78-92. Peer-reviewed.
Enabling semantic queries across federated bioinformatics databases.
Sima A.C., Mendes de Farias T., Zbinden E., Anisimova M., Gil M., Stockinger H., Stockinger K., Robinson-Rechavi M., Dessimoz C., 2019/01/01. Database, 2019. Peer-reviewed.
Expanding the Orthologous Matrix (OMA) programmatic interfaces: REST API and the OmaDB packages for R and Python.
Kaleb K., Vesztrocy A.W., Altenhoff A., Dessimoz C., 2019. F1000Research, 8 p. 42. Peer-reviewed.
How Much Does GenoGuard Really "Guard"? : An Empirical Analysis of Long-Term Security for Genomic Data
Oprisanu Bristena, Dessimoz Christophe, De Cristofaro Emiliano, 2019..
Inferring Orthology and Paralogy.
Altenhoff A.M., Glover N.M., Dessimoz C., 2019. Methods in molecular biology, 1910 pp. 149-175. Peer-reviewed.
Macular Dystrophy and Cone-Rod Dystrophy Caused by Mutations in the RP1 Gene: Extending the RP1 Disease Spectrum.
Verbakel S.K., van Huet RAC, den Hollander A.I., Geerlings M.J., Kersten E., Klevering B.J., Klaver CCW, Plomp A.S., Wesseling N.L., Bergen AAB et al., 2019. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 60 (4) pp. 1192-1203. Peer-reviewed.
Multi-Omics and Genome-Scale Modeling Reveal a Metabolic Shift During C. elegans Aging.
Hastings J., Mains A., Virk B., Rodriguez N., Murdoch S., Pearce J., Bergmann S., Le Novère N., Casanueva O., 2019. Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences, 6 p. 2. Peer-reviewed.
Nanoneedle-Mediated Stimulation of Cell Mechanotransduction Machinery.
Hansel C.S., Crowder S.W., Cooper S., Gopal S., João Pardelha da Cruz M., de Oliveira Martins L., Keller D., Rothery S., Becce M., Cass AEG et al., 2019. ACS Nano, 13 (3) pp. 2913-2926. Peer-reviewed.
Semantic Integration and Enrichment of Heterogeneous Biological Databases.
Sima A.C., Stockinger K., de Farias T.M., Gil M., 2019. Methods in molecular biology, 1910 pp. 655-690. Peer-reviewed.
Shock Propagation Across the Futures Term Structure: Evidence from Crude Oil Prices
Lautier D.H., Raynaud F., Robe M.A., 2019. The Energy Journal, 40 (3). Peer-reviewed.
Targeted Capture of Hundreds of Nuclear Genes Unravels Phylogenetic Relationships of the Diverse Neotropical Palm Tribe Geonomateae.
Loiseau O., Olivares I., Paris M., de La Harpe M., Weigand A., Koubínová D., Rolland J., Bacon C.D., Balslev H., Borchsenius F. et al., 2019. Frontiers in plant science, 10 p. 864. Peer-reviewed.
VoIDext: Vocabulary and Patterns for Enhancing Interoperable Datasets with Virtual Links
Mendes de Farias Tarcisio, Stockinger Kurt, Dessimoz Christophe, 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science pp. 607-625. Peer-reviewed.
Genome rearrangements and selection in multi-chromosome bacteria Burkholderia spp.
Bochkareva O.O., Moroz E.V., Davydov I.I., Gelfand M.S., 2018/12/27. BMC genomics, 19 (1) p. 965. Peer-reviewed.
Dissection of genetic variation and evidence for pleiotropy in male pattern baldness.
Yap C.X., Sidorenko J., Wu Y., Kemper K.E., Yang J., Wray N.R., Robinson M.R., Visscher P.M., 2018/12/20. Nature communications, 9 (1) p. 5407. Peer-reviewed.
Comparison of computational methods for the identification of topologically associating domains.
Zufferey M., Tavernari D., Oricchio E., Ciriello G., 2018/12/10. Genome biology, 19 (1) p. 217. Peer-reviewed.
Early human dispersals within the Americas.
Moreno-Mayar J.V., Vinner L., de Barros Damgaard P., de la Fuente C., Chan J., Spence J.P., Allentoft M.E., Vimala T., Racimo F., Pinotti T. et al., 2018/12/07. Science, 362 (6419) pp. eaav2621. Peer-reviewed.
Imprint of assortative mating on the human genome.
Yengo L., Robinson M.R., Keller M.C., Kemper K.E., Yang Y., Trzaskowski M., Gratten J., Turley P., Cesarini D., Benjamin D.J. et al., 2018/12. Nature human behaviour, 2 (12) pp. 948-954. Peer-reviewed.
Negative effect of vitamin D on kidney function: a Mendelian randomization study.
Teumer A., Gambaro G., Corre T., Bochud M., Vollenweider P., Guessous I., Kleber M.E., Delgado G.E., Pilz S., März W. et al., 2018/12/01. Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation, 33 (12) pp. 2139-2145. Peer-reviewed.
Genome Analyses of >200,000 Individuals Identify 58 Loci for Chronic Inflammation and Highlight Pathways that Link Inflammation and Complex Disorders.
Ligthart S., Vaez A., Võsa U., Stathopoulou M.G., de Vries P.S., Prins B.P., Van der Most P.J., Tanaka T., Naderi E., Rose L.M. et al., 2018/11/01. American journal of human genetics, 103 (5) pp. 691-706. Peer-reviewed.
RecPhyloXML: a format for reconciled gene trees.
Duchemin W., Gence G., Arigon Chifolleau A.M., Arvestad L., Bansal M.S., Berry V., Boussau B., Chevenet F., Comte N., Davín A.A. et al., 2018/11/01. Bioinformatics, 34 (21) pp. 3646-3652. Peer-reviewed.
Pan-Cancer Landscape of Aberrant DNA Methylation across Human Tumors.
Saghafinia S., Mina M., Riggi N., Hanahan D., Ciriello G., 2018/10/23. Cell reports, 25 (4) pp. 1066-1080.e8. Peer-reviewed.
Changes in resource partitioning between and within organs support growth adjustment to neighbor proximity in <i>Brassicaceae</i> seedlings.
de Wit M., George G.M., Ince Y.Ç., Dankwa-Egli B., Hersch M., Zeeman S.C., Fankhauser C., 2018/10/16. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115 (42) pp. E9953-E9961. Peer-reviewed.
Large-scale whole-exome sequencing association studies identify rare functional variants influencing serum urate levels.
Tin A., Li Y., Brody J.A., Nutile T., Chu A.Y., Huffman J.E., Yang Q., Chen M.H., Robinson-Cohen C., Macé A. et al., 2018/10/12. Nature communications, 9 (1) p. 4228. Peer-reviewed.
The UK Biobank resource with deep phenotyping and genomic data.
Bycroft C, Freeman C, Petkova D, Band G, Elliott LT, Sharp K, Motyer A, Vukcevic D, Delaneau O, O'Connell J et al., 2018/10. Nature.
Evolutionary dynamics and molecular features of intra-tumor heterogeneity
Raynaud Franck, Mina Marco, Ciriello Giovanni, 2018/09/13..
A homozygous founder missense variant in arylsulfatase G abolishes its enzymatic activity causing atypical Usher syndrome in humans.
Khateb S., Kowalewski B., Bedoni N., Damme M., Pollack N., Saada A., Obolensky A., Ben-Yosef T., Gross M., Dierks T. et al., 2018/09. Genetics in medicine, 20 (9) pp. 1004-1012. Peer-reviewed.
Pan-cancer inference of intra-tumor heterogeneity reveals associations with different forms of genomic instability.
Raynaud F., Mina M., Tavernari D., Ciriello G., 2018/09. PLoS genetics, 14 (9) pp. e1007669. Peer-reviewed.
Prioritising candidate genes causing QTL using hierarchical orthologous groups.
Warwick Vesztrocy A., Dessimoz C., Redestig H., 2018/09/01. Bioinformatics, 34 (17) pp. i612-i619. Peer-reviewed.
In-solution Y-chromosome capture-enrichment on ancient DNA libraries.
Cruz-Dávalos D.I., Nieves-Colón M.A., Sockell A., Poznik G.D., Schroeder H., Stone A.C., Bustamante C.D., Malaspinas A.S., Ávila-Arcos M.C., 2018/08/14. BMC genomics, 19 (1) p. 608. Peer-reviewed.
Evolutionary history and adaptation of a human pygmy population of Flores Island, Indonesia.
Tucci S., Vohr S.H., McCoy R.C., Vernot B., Robinson M.R., Barbieri C., Nelson B.J., Fu W., Purnomo G.A., Sudoyo H. et al., 2018/08/03. Science, 361 (6401) pp. 511-516. Peer-reviewed.
Gene discovery and polygenic prediction from a genome-wide association study of educational attainment in 1.1 million individuals.
Lee J.J., Wedow R., Okbay A., Kong E., Maghzian O., Zacher M., Nguyen-Viet T.A., Bowers P., Sidorenko J., Karlsson Linnér R. et al., 2018/07/23. Nature genetics, 50 (8) pp. 1112-1121. Peer-reviewed.
Dephasing in a Mach-Zehnder Interferometer by an Ohmic Contact.
Idrisov E.G., Levkivskyi I.P., Sukhorukov E.V., 2018/07/13. Physical review letters, 121 (2) p. 026802. Peer-reviewed.
Exploration and stabilization of Ras1 mating zone: A mechanism with positive and negative feedbacks.
Khalili B., Merlini L., Vincenzetti V., Martin S.G., Vavylonis D., 2018/07. PLoS computational biology, 14 (7) pp. e1006317. Peer-reviewed.
Pan-SRC kinase inhibition blocks B-cell receptor oncogenic signaling in non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
Battistello E., Katanayeva N., Dheilly E., Tavernari D., Donaldson M.C., Bonsignore L., Thome M., Christie A.L., Murakami M.A., Michielin O. et al., 2018/05/24. Blood, 131 (21) pp. 2345-2356. Peer-reviewed.
Global genetic differentiation of complex traits shaped by natural selection in humans.
Guo J., Wu Y., Zhu Z., Zheng Z., Trzaskowski M., Zeng J., Robinson M.R., Visscher P.M., Yang J., 2018/05/14. Nature communications, 9 (1) p. 1865. Peer-reviewed.
Estimating Age-Dependent Extinction: Contrasting Evidence from Fossils and Phylogenies.
Hagen O., Andermann T., Quental T.B., Antonelli A., Silvestro D., 2018/05/01. Systematic biology, 67 (3) pp. 458-474. Peer-reviewed.
Polymorphic sites preferentially avoid co-evolving residues in MHC class I proteins.
Dib L., Salamin N., Gfeller D., 2018/05. PLoS computational biology, 14 (5) pp. e1006188. Peer-reviewed.
Publisher Correction: Protein-altering variants associated with body mass index implicate pathways that control energy intake and expenditure in obesity.
Turcot V., Lu Y., Highland H.M., Schurmann C., Justice A.E., Fine R.S., Bradfield J.P., Esko T., Giri A., Graff M. et al., 2018/05..
Signatures of negative selection in the genetic architecture of human complex traits.
Zeng J., de Vlaming R., Wu Y., Robinson M.R., Lloyd-Jones L.R., Yengo L., Yap C.X., Xue A., Sidorenko J., McRae A.F. et al., 2018/05. Nature genetics, 50 (5) pp. 746-753. Peer-reviewed.
Oncogenic Signaling Pathways in The Cancer Genome Atlas.
Sanchez-Vega F., Mina M., Armenia J., Chatila W.K., Luna A., La K.C., Dimitriadoy S., Liu D.L., Kantheti H.S., Saghafinia S. et al., 2018/04/05. Cell, 173 (2) pp. 321-337.e10. Peer-reviewed.
Transformation of Summary Statistics from Linear Mixed Model Association on All-or-None Traits to Odds Ratio.
Lloyd-Jones L.R., Robinson M.R., Yang J., Visscher P.M., 2018/04. Genetics, 208 (4) pp. 1397-1408. Peer-reviewed.
Reply to Kardos et al.: Estimation of inbreeding depression from SNP data.
Yengo L., Zhu Z., Wray N.R., Weir B.S., Yang J., Robinson M.R., Visscher P.M., 2018/03/13. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115 (11) pp. E2494-E2495. Peer-reviewed.
Improving genetic prediction by leveraging genetic correlations among human diseases and traits.
Maier R.M., Zhu Z., Lee S.H., Trzaskowski M., Ruderfer D.M., Stahl E.A., Ripke S., Wray N.R., Yang J., Visscher P.M. et al., 2018/03/07. Nature communications, 9 (1) p. 989. Peer-reviewed.
Reciprocal modulation of mesenchymal stem cells and tumor cells promotes lung cancer metastasis.
Fregni G., Quinodoz M., Möller E., Vuille J., Galland S., Fusco C., Martin P., Letovanec I., Provero P., Rivolta C. et al., 2018/03. EBioMedicine, 29 pp. 128-145. Peer-reviewed.
The impact of endothermy on the climatic niche evolution and the distribution of vertebrate diversity.
Rolland J., Silvestro D., Schluter D., Guisan A., Broennimann O., Salamin N., 2018/03. Nature ecology & evolution, 2 (3) pp. 459-464. Peer-reviewed.
Clownfishes evolution below and above the species level.
Rolland J., Silvestro D., Litsios G., Faye L., Salamin N., 2018/02/28. Proceedings. Biological sciences, 285 (1873) pp. NA. Peer-reviewed.
High capacity in G protein-coupled receptor signaling.
Keshelava A., Solis G.P., Hersch M., Koval A., Kryuchkov M., Bergmann S., Katanaev V.L., 2018/02/28. Nature communications, 9 (1) p. 876. Peer-reviewed.
Spatial and temporal genetic dynamics of the grasshopper <i>Oedaleus decorus</i> revealed by museum genomics.
Schmid S., Neuenschwander S., Pitteloud C., Heckel G., Pajkovic M., Arlettaz R., Alvarez N., 2018/02. Ecology and evolution, 8 (3) pp. 1480-1495. Peer-reviewed.
Causal associations between risk factors and common diseases inferred from GWAS summary data.
Zhu Z., Zheng Z., Zhang F., Wu Y., Trzaskowski M., Maier R., Robinson M.R., McGrath J.J., Visscher P.M., Wray N.R. et al., 2018/01/15. Nature communications, 9 (1) p. 224. Peer-reviewed.
Terminal Pleistocene Alaskan genome reveals first founding population of Native Americans.
Moreno-Mayar J.V., Potter B.A., Vinner L., Steinrücken M., Rasmussen S., Terhorst J., Kamm J.A., Albrechtsen A., Malaspinas A.S., Sikora M. et al., 2018/01/11. Nature, 553 (7687) pp. 203-207. Peer-reviewed.
The OMA orthology database in 2018: retrieving evolutionary relationships among all domains of life through richer web and programmatic interfaces.
Altenhoff A.M., Glover N.M., Train C.M., Kaleb K., Warwick Vesztrocy A., Dylus D., de Farias T.M., Zile K., Stevenson C., Long J. et al., 2018/01/04. Nucleic acids research, 46 (D1) pp. D477-D485. Peer-reviewed.
Evidence of directional and stabilizing selection in contemporary humans.
Sanjak J.S., Sidorenko J., Robinson M.R., Thornton K.R., Visscher P.M., 2018/01/02. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115 (1) pp. 151-156. Peer-reviewed.
A DNA barcode reference library for Swiss butterflies and forester moths as a tool for species identification, systematics and conservation.
Litman J., Chittaro Y., Birrer S., Praz C., Wermeille E., Fluri M., Stalling T., Schmid S., Wyler S., Gonseth Y., 2018. PloS one, 13 (12) pp. e0208639. Peer-reviewed.
A rule-based methodology to extract building model views
de Farias T.M., Roxin A., Nicolle C., 2018. Automation in Construction, 92 pp. 214-229. Peer-reviewed.
Amazonia is the primary source of Neotropical biodiversity.
Antonelli A., Zizka A., Carvalho F.A., Scharn R., Bacon C.D., Silvestro D., Condamine F.L., 2018. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115 (23) pp. 6034-6039. Peer-reviewed.
Ancient nuclear genomes enable repatriation of Indigenous human remains.
Wright J.L., Wasef S., Heupink T.H., Westaway M.C., Rasmussen S., Pardoe C., Fourmile G.G., Young M., Johnson T., Slade J. et al., 2018. Science Advances, 4 (12) pp. eaau5064. Peer-reviewed.
Building up biogeography: Pattern to process
Pearse W.D., Barbosa A. M., Fritz S.A., Keith S.A., Harmon L.J., Harte J., Silvestro D., Xiao X., Davies T.J., 2018. Journal of Biogeography, 45 (6) pp. 1223-1230. Peer-reviewed.
Closing the gap between palaeontological and neontological speciation and extinction rate estimates.
Silvestro D., Warnock RCM, Gavryushkina A., Stadler T., 2018. Nature Communications, 9 (1) p. 5237. Peer-reviewed.
Conceptual and empirical advances in Neotropical biodiversity research.
Antonelli A., Ariza M., Albert J., Andermann T., Azevedo J., Bacon C., Faurby S., Guedes T., Hoorn C., Lohmann L.G. et al., 2018. PeerJ, 6 pp. e5644. Peer-reviewed.
Copy Number Variation.
Macé A., Kutalik Z., Valsesia A., 2018. Methods in molecular biology, 1793 pp. 231-258. Peer-reviewed.
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