Centre for Psychiatric Neurosciences

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1475 publications

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Biologische Psychiatrie : Forschungsergebnisse
Keup W., Baumann Pierre, Fleischhauer J., Janke W., Küferle B., Ploog Detlerv, Saletu Bernd, 1986. 428, Springer.
Comparison of oral and intravenous treatment of depressive states. A preliminary WHO collaborative study
Gastpar Markus, Gilsdorf U., Baumann Pierre, 1986. pp. 1504-1506 dans Shagass Ch., Josiassen R.C., Bridger W.H., Weiss K.J., Stoff D., Simpson G.M. (eds.) Biological Psychiatry 1985. Proceedings of the IVth World Congress of Biological Psychiatry, Sept. 8-13, 1985, Philadelphia, Elsevier.
Correlations between metabolism, clinical efficacy and side effects of antidepressants
Woggon Brigitte, Bosshart Paul, Meyer Johann Walter, Gabris George, Baumann Pierre, Küpfer Adrian, 1986. pp. 252-254 dans Shagass C., Josiassen R.C., Bridger W.H., Weiss K.J., Stoff D., Simpson G.M. (eds.) Biological Psychiatry 1985. Proceedings of the IVth World Congress of Biol. Psychiat, Sept. 8-13, 1985, Philadelphia, Elsevier.
New aspects in research on blood levels and bioavailability of antidepressants
Baumann Pierre, 1986. Psychopathology, 19 Suppl 2 pp. 79-84.
Pharmacogenetics of antidepressive drugs
Baumann Pierre, Gabris George, Jonzier-Perey Michèle, Koeb L.iliane, Schöpf Josef, Woggon Brigitte, 1986. pp. 1504-1506 dans Shagass C., Josiassen R.C., Bridger W.H., Weiss K.J., Stoff D., Simpson G.M. (eds.) Biological Psychiatry 1985. Proceedings of the IVth World Congress of Biol. Psychiat, Sept. 8-13, 1985, Philadelphia, Elsevier.
Pharmacogénétique du métabolisme des antidépresseurs. L'apport du test à la débrisoquine
Baumann Pierre, 1986. L'Encéphale, XII pp. 143-148.
Science-fiction: de la chimère à la réalité
Baumann Pierre, 1986. pp. 203-208 dans Bader A., Salem G. (eds.) Thèse - métaphore - chimère, Peter Lang.
Transport systems and enzymes involved in the metamorphosis of tryptophan into serotonin
Baumann Pierre, 1985/03. Pharmacopsychiatry, 18 (2) pp. 188-92.
N-methylation of maprotiline in debrisoquine/mephenitoin-phenotyped depressive patients
Gabris G., Baumann P., Jonzier-Perey M., Bosshart P., Woggon B., Küpfer A., 1985/02. Biochemical Pharmacology, 34 (3) pp. 409-410.
Determination of compliance with riboflavin in an antidepressive therapy
Tinguely Dominique, Jonzier Michèle, Schopf Josef, Koeb L.iliane, Baumann Pierre, 1985. Arzneimittelforschung, 35 (2) pp. 536-8.
Die Serotonin-Aufnahmehemmer: Eine neue Klasse der Antidepressiva
Baumann Pierre, 1985. Der Informierte Arzt - Gazette Médicale, 6 (2a) pp. 13-17.
Hydroxylated Metabolites of Amitriptyline in Rat Brain After Repeated Administration of the Parent Drug
Baumann P., Gaillard J., Jonzier-Perey M., Gerber C., Bouras C., 1985/01. Pharmacopsychiatry, 18 (01) pp. 91-93.
Interindividual differences in the binding of antidepressives to plasma proteins: the role of the variants of alpha 1-acid glycoprotein
Tinguely Dominique, Baumann Pierre, Conti Maria, Jonzier-Perey Michèle, Schopf Josef, 1985. Eur J Clin Pharmacol, 27 (6) pp. 661-6.
Biochemie der Depression [The biochemistry of depression]
Baumann P., 1984/05/29. Schweizerische Rundschau fur Medizin Praxis = Revue suisse de medecine Praxis, 73 (22) pp. 693-700. Peer-reviewed.
Progrès en psychiatrie biologique et leurs conséquences sur l'institution [Progress in biological psychiatry and its effects on institutions]
Baumann P., Laurian S., 1984/02. Revue medicale de la Suisse romande, 104 (2) pp. 105-113. Peer-reviewed.
Amitriptylinmetabolismus im depressiven Patienten: Pharmakogenetische Aspekte und Eiweissbindung im Plasma
Baumann Pierre, Dick B., Koeb Liliane, Perey Michèle, Schöpf Josef, Tinguely Domonique, 1984. pp. 298-305 dans Hopf A., Beckmann H. (eds.) Forschungen zur biologischen Psychiatrie, Springer.
Analysis of free and bound tryptophan in plasma
Baumann Pierre, 1984. pp. 137-138 dans Schlossberger H.G., Kochen W., Linzen B., Steinhart H. (eds.) Progress in tryptophan and serotonin research, Walter de Gruyter.
Beta-carboline levels in blood of smokers and non-smokers
Baumann Pierre, Koeb Liliane, Rivier Laurent, 1984. pp. 491-501 dans Schlossberger H.G., Kochen W., Linzen B., Steinhart H. (eds.) Progress in tryptophan and serotonin research, Walter de Gruyter.
Différenciation des leucocytes: comptage avec une calculatrice de poche
Baumann Pierre, 1984. Labor und Medizin, 11 (1) pp. 7-9.
Evaluation of the levels of free and total amitriptyline and metabolites in the plasma and brain of the rat after long-term administration of doses used in receptor studies.
Baumann P., Gaillard J.M., Jonzier-Perey M., Gerber C., Bouras C., 1984. Psychopharmacology, 84 (4) pp. 489-495. Peer-reviewed.
Intérêt des paramètres cinétiques dans l'étude d'un médicament
Vandel Bernard, Baumann Pierre, 1984. Actualités psychiatriques, 14 (6A) pp. 9-16.
Thérapie médicamenteuse de la dépression: Apports et limites des dosages plasmatiques de tricycliques
Baumann Pierre, 1984. Actualités psychiatriques, 14 (6A) pp. 18-32.
Assay of tryptophan and related compounds such as norharman derivatives by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in plasma
Baumann Pierre, Rivier Laurent, Perey Michèle, 1983. pp. 7-18 dans Frigerio A. (eds.) Recent developments in mass spectrometry in biochemistry, medicine and environmental research, Elsevier.
Mechanisms of action of psychopharmaceuticals
Spiegel René, Baumann Pierre, Markstein R., 1983. pp. 79-103 dans Spiegel R., Aebi H. J. (eds.) Psychopharmacology - An introduction, John Wiley and Sons.
Relationships between brain concentrations of desipramine and paradoxical sleep inhibition in the rat.
Baumann P., Gaillard J.M., Perey M., Justafré J.C., Le P., 1983. Journal of neural transmission, 56 (2-3) pp. 105-116. Peer-reviewed.
The fate of amitriptyline and its metabolites taking account their binding in plasma
Baumann Pierre, Tinguely Dominique, Schöpf Josef, Koeb L.iliane, Perey Michèle, Michel Luc, Balant Androniki, Dick B., 1983. pp. 227-237 dans Gram L.F., Usdin E., Dahl P., Kragh-Sorensen P., Sjöqvist F., Morselli P.I. (eds.) Clinical pharmacology in psychiatry. Bridging the experimental-therapeutic gap, MacMillan.
Tryptophan - ein natürliches Psychopharmakon
Rüther Eckart, Baumann Pierre, Beckmann Helmut, Bodmer M., Clarenbach P., Koella Werner P., Nedopil N., Rieke. J., von Roques K.-P., Rothe W. et al., 1983. Medica, 4 pp. 7-23.
Quality control of amitriptyline and nortriptyline plasma level assessments: a multicenter study
Baumann Pierre, Breyer-Pfaff Ursula, Kuss Hans-Joachim, Muller-Oerlinghausen Bruno, Sandoz Marianne, 1982/09. Pharmacopsychiatria, 15 (5) pp. 156-60.
Increase of alpha 1-acid glycoprotein after treatment with amitriptyline
Baumann Pierre, Tinguely Dominique, Schopf Josef, 1982/07. Br J Clin Pharmacol, 14 (1) pp. 102-3.
A method for the analysis of free, total plasma and saliva amitriptyline and nortriptyline by dialysis and gc/ms
Baumann Pierre, Koeb Liliane, Tinguely Dominique, Rivier Laurent, 1982. European Journal of Mass Spectrometry in Biochemical, Medicine and Environmental Research, 2 pp. 19-26.
Arzneimittel-Ueberempfindlichkeit infolge genetisch bedingter metabolischer Defekte
Baumann Pierre, 1982. Medita, 11 pp. 9-11.
Contrôle neuropharmacologique de la sécrétion des hormones hypophysaires chez l'homme: dopamine, noradrénaline, sérotonine. Implications cliniques
Martin-Du Pan Rémy, Baumann Pierre, 1982. Archives Suisse de Neurologie, Neurochirurgie et de Psychiatrie, 130 pp. 105-143.
Microprocedure to determine the polymorphic forms of acid alpha 1-glycoprotein in plasma
Tinguely Dominique, Baumann Pierre, Schopf Josef, 1982. J Chromatogr, 229 (2) pp. 319-25.
On the relationship between free plasma and saliva amitriptyline and nortriptyline.
Baumann P., Tinguely D., Koeb L., Schöpf J., Le P.K., 1982. International pharmacopsychiatry, 17 (3) pp. 136-146. Peer-reviewed.
Relationship between plasma-levels of chlorpromazine and effects on EEG and evoked potentials in healthy volunteers.
Laurian S., Le P.K., Baumann P., Perey M., Gaillard J.M., 1981/11. Pharmacopsychiatria, 14 (6) pp. 199-204. Peer-reviewed.
Effects of chronic neuroleptic therapy on human PRL secretion and testicular function.
Magrini G., Gasperi M., du Pan R.M., Baumann P., Felber J.P., 1981/05. Archives of andrology, 6 (3) pp. 219-228. Peer-reviewed.
Thérapie médicamenteuse de la dépression: apports et limites des dosages plasmatiques de tricycliques [Drug therapy of depression: benefits and limits of blood levels of tricyclic antidepressants]
Baumann P., 1981/02/14. Schweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift, 111 (7) pp. 228-239. Peer-reviewed.
Die Bestimmung von psychotropen Pharmaka im Blut
Baumann Pierre, 1981. Medita, 3 pp. 33-35.
Die Probleme der Arzneimittel-Analyse innerhalb der klinischen Chemie
Baumann Pierre, 1981. Medita, 11 (7-8) pp. 6-8.
Medikamente und klinisch-biochemische Tests
Baumann Pierre, 1981. Chemische Rundschau, 34 (25) pp. 3-5.
Neuere biologische Anwendung der Massenspektrometrie
Baumann Pierre, 1981. Chemische Rundschau, 34 (30) pp. 1-4.
Baumann Pierre, 1981. pp. 55-64 dans Müller Christian, Wertheimer Jean (eds.) Abrégé de psychogériatrie, Masson.
The analysis of psychotropic drugs in blood
Baumann Pierre, 1981. Chemische Rundschau, 34 (5) pp. 1-3.
Effect of calcitonin on free and total plasma tryptophan in human
Baumann Pierre, Perey Michèle, Martin-Du-Pan Rémy, Rousselle Jean, 1980. Acta Vitaminol Enzymol, 2 (1-2) pp. 6-8.
Methodological Problems Concerning the Determination of Free Amitriptyline and Nortriptyline in Plasma
Baumann Pierre, Koeb L.iliane, De Nayer André, Perey Michèle, Rivier L.aurent, Tinguely Dominique, 1980. Arzneimittel-Forschung/Drug Research, 30-2 (8) pp. 1199-1199.
Distribution of tryptophan in erythrocytes, leukocytes and thrombocytes, and its binding to plasma albumin.
Baumann P., Perey M., Laurian S., Grasset F., Steck A., Gaillard J.M., 1979. Journal of neural transmission. Supplementum 15 pp. 165-176. Peer-reviewed.
Ect - Apple of Discord in Modern Psychiatry
Assimacopoulos Theodoros, Baumann Pierre, 1979. Schweizerische Rundschau Fur Medizin Praxis, 68 (1) pp. 8-&.
Testicular Function during chronic neuroleptic therapy
Magrini G., Méan Fraçois, Martin-du-Pan Rémy, Baumann Pierre, Felber Jean-Pierre, 1979. pp. 351-357 dans Polleri A., MacLeod R.M. (eds.) Neuroendocrinology: biological and clinical aspects. Proceedings Serono Symposia, Academic Press.
The influence of oral tryptophan on cortical evoked responses in normals and schizophrenics
Laurian Solomon, Grasset François, Steck Andreas, Baumann Pierre, Gaillard Jean-Michel, 1979. J Neural Transm Suppl 15 pp. 177-88.
Neuroendocrine effects of chronic neuroleptic therapy in male psychiatric patients
Martin-du Pan Rémy, Baumann Pierre, Magrini G., Felber Jean-Pierre, 1978/10. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 3 (3-4) pp. 245-52.
Lithium concentrations in saliva, plasma and red blood cells of patients given lithium acetate.
Evrard J.L., Baumann P., Pera-Bally R., Peters-Haefeli L., 1978/07. Acta psychiatrica Scandinavica, 58 (1) pp. 67-79. Peer-reviewed.
The analysis of free tryptophan in human blood with the Ultrafiltrator: a comparison with other methods
Baumann Pierre, Perey Michèle, 1977. Clin Chim Acta, 76 (2) pp. 223-31.
Insulin coma therapy: decrease of plasma tryptophan in man.
Baumann P., MGaillard J., 1976. Journal of neural transmission, 39 (4) pp. 309-313. Peer-reviewed.
Jahreszeitlicher Rhymus von freiem Tryptophan und unveresterten Fettsäuren im Blut von Gesunden [Seasonal rhythm of free tryptophan and nonesterified fatty acids in the blood of healthy subjects]
Baumann P., Perey M., Gaillard J.M., 1976. Arzneimittel-Forschung, 26 (6) pp. 1083-1085. Peer-reviewed.
La spectrométrie de masse en biologie et médecine
Rivier Laurent, Baumann Pierre, 1976. Bulletin de la Société vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles, 73 pp. 1-18.
Der Schlafentzug. Eine klinische, psychophysiologische und biochemische Untersuchung [Sleep deprivation. Clinical ratings, psychophysiological and biochemical measures]
Schmocker M., Baumann P., Reyero F., Heimann H., 1975/12/31. Archiv fur Psychiatrie und Nervenkrankheiten, 221 (2) pp. 111-122. Peer-reviewed.
Quantitative determination of indolic compounds in the rat brain using p-dimethylaminocinnamaldehyde as reagent.
Baumann P., 1975/06/18. Journal of chromatography, 109 (2) pp. 313-324. Peer-reviewed.
Free and bound tryptophan in the blood of depressives.
Baumann P., Schmocker M., Reyero F., Heimann H., 1975. Acta vitaminologica et enzymologica, 29 (1-6) pp. 255-261. Peer-reviewed.
Metabolism of 5-hydroxytryptophan-14c after intracisternal injection with and without the influence of drugs in the rat brain
Baumann P., 1975. Psychopharmacologia, 45 (1) pp. 39-45.
Gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric identification of urinary bufotenin and dimethyltryptamine in drug-free chronic schizophrenic patients.
Narasimhachari N., Baumann P., Pak H.S., Carpenter W.T., Zocchi A.F., Hokanson L., Fujimori M., Himwich H.E., 1974/06. Biological psychiatry, 8 (3) pp. 293-305. Peer-reviewed.
Determination of free and bound plasma tryptophan by ultrafiltration.
Baumann P., Duruz E., Heimann H., 1974/02/28. Clinica chimica acta; international journal of clinical chemistry, 51 (1) pp. 35-40. Peer-reviewed.
Biochimie de la depression
Baumann Pierre, 1974. Revue Médicale de la Suisse Romande, 94 pp. 555-564.
Identification of N,N-dimethyltryptamine, 5-methoxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine and bufotenin by cellulose TLC.
Baumann P., Narasimhachari N., 1973/11/07. Journal of chromatography, 86 (1) pp. 269-273. Peer-reviewed.
Studium des Einflusses von psychotropen Pharmaka auf den Abbau von intracisternal injizierten 5-Hydroxytryptophan-C14 mit Hilfe von dünnschichtchromatographischen Methoden zur Bestimmung von unmarkierten und radioaktiv markierten Metaboliten des Tryptophans. Inauguraldissertation zur Erlangung der Doktorwürde der Hoben Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität zu München
Baumann Pierre, 1973. 117, Dissertation- und Fotodruck Frank oHG.
Separation of indole derivatives and catecholamines by thin-layer chromatography.
Baumann P., Scherer B., Krämer W., Matussek N., 1971/07/22. Journal of chromatography, 59 (2) pp. 463-466. Peer-reviewed.
Influence of progesterone on norepinephrine metabolism of the rat brain in connection with amphetamine and stress.
Ladisich W., Baumann P., 1971. Neuroendocrinology, 7 (1) pp. 16-24. Peer-reviewed.
Einflüsse von Progesteron auf den Noradrenalin-Stoffwechsel im Gehirn ovarektomierter Ratten
Ladisich Walter, Baumann Pierre, 1970. Arzneimittel-Forschung/Drug Research, 20 pp. 906-908.
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