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480 publications

... | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1994 | 1991 | 1501 |
Association of dopamine and opioid receptor genetic polymorphisms with response to methadone maintenance treatment.
Crettol S., Besson J., Croquette-Krokar M., Hämmig R., Gothuey I., Monnat M., Déglon J.J., Preisig M., Eap C.B., 2008. Progress in Neuro-psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 32 (7) pp. 1722-1727. Peer-reviewed.
Drug abusers suffering from social phobia show more avoidance tendencies than patients with social phobia alone
Rougemont-Bücking A., Zimmermann G., Stankovic M., Borgeat F., Zullino D.F., 2008. Mental Health and Substance Use: dual diagnosis, 1 (2) pp. 135-142. Peer-reviewed.
Handicap mental et psychiatrie [Mental retardation and psychiatry]
Grasset F., Favrod J., Giuliani F., Pernier S., Navarro Chafloque M., Besson J., 2008. Revue Médicale Suisse, 4 (171) pp. 1976-1981. Peer-reviewed.
Inter-informant agreement and prevalence estimates for substance use disorders: direct interview versus family history method.
Vandeleur C.L., Rothen S., Jeanprêtre N., Lustenberger Y., Gamma F., Ayer E., Ferrero F., Fleischmann A., Besson J., Sisbane F. et al., 2008. Drug and alcohol dependence, 92 (1-3) pp. 9-19. Peer-reviewed.
La substitution: entre traitement palliatif et traitement curatif
Besson Jacques, 2008. Dépendances 34 p. 33.
Neurophysiological and neuropsychiatric aspects of pathological gambling : S51.04
Grivel J., 2008. pp. S60 dans 16th AEP European Congress of Psychiatry, Pathways to Integrative Care, European Psychiatry.
No influence of ABCB1 haplotypes on methadone dosage requirement
Crettol Séverine, Déglon Jean-Jacques, Besson Jacques, Croquette-Krokar Marina, Hämmig Robert, Gothuey Isabelle, Monnat Martine, Eap Chin-Bin, 2008. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 83 (5) pp. 668-669. Peer-reviewed.
Pathological gambling and gender
Bataillon S., Tissot H., Zumwald C., 2008. pp. S305-S305 dans Höschl Cyril Robert Philippe H. (eds.) Abstract book, 16th AEP Congress, European Psychiatry.
Pratique d'une intervention motivationnelle pour les consommateurs de cannabis souffrant de psychose [Practice of a motivational intervention for cannabis users with psychosis]
Bonsack C., Montagrin Y., Gibellini S., Favrod J., Besson J., Conus P., 2008. Schweizer Archiv für Neurologie und Psychiatrie = Archives suisses de neurologie et de psychiatrie, 159 (6) pp. 378-385.
Prevention of gambling behavior in Switzerland
Rihs-Middel M., 2008. pp. S60 dans 16th European Congress of Psychiatry, European Psychiatry.
Préface à l'édition francophone
Besson Jacques, Graf Michel, Broers Barbara, Daeppen Jean-Bernard, 2008. pp. 13-14 dans Prévention de la rechute : stratégies de maintien en thérapie des conduites addictives, Médecine & Hygiène.
Psychoéducation: de la théorie à la pratique
Favrod Jérôme, Bonsack Charles, 2008. Santé mentale 126 pp. 33-38.
Qu'est-ce que la psychoéducation?
Favrod J., Bonsack C., 2008. Santé Mentale 126 pp. 26-32.
Quelle relation entre spiritualité et addiction ?
Besson Jacques, 2008. Dépendances 34 pp. 3-4.
Stereoselective block of hERG channel by (S)-methadone and QT interval prolongation in CYP2B6 slow metabolizer: evidence of a safer cardiac profile of (R)-methadone
Eap Chin Bin, Crettol Séverine, Rougier Jean-Sébastien, Schläpfer Jürg, Sintra Grilo Liliana, Déglon Jean-Jacques, Besson Jacques, Croquette-Krokar Marina, Carrupt Pierre-Alain, Abriel Hugues, 2008. pp. A6 dans 5th Regensburg Symposium on Clinical Pharmacology, Pharmacopsychiatry. Peer-reviewed.
Traitement pharmacologique de la schizophrénie: évaluation comparative de la qualité des recommandations de pratique clinique [Comparative evaluation of clinical practice guidelines for the treatment of schizophrenia]
Delessert D., Pomini V., Grasset F., Baumann P., 2008. L'Encéphale, 34 (1) pp. 93-100. Peer-reviewed.
Treatment-seeking gamblers and Parkinson's disease: case reports
Simon O., 2008. pp. S61-S61 dans Pathways to Integrative Care : 16th AEP European Congress of Psychiatry, European Psychiatry.
"Adrénaline-addiction" et comportements de prises de risques chez les sportifs : quelles réalités ?
Rougemont-Buecking Ansgar, Rougemont Estelle, Toth Richard, Simon Olivier, Besson Jacques, 2007. Revue médicale suisse, 3 (115) pp. 1536-1540. Peer-reviewed.
A la recherche du transfert perdu
Besson Jacques, 2007. Dépendances 31 pp. 32-34.
Activation émotionnelle chez les troubles de personnalité [Emotion activation in personality disorders]
Zorn P., Roder V., Kramer U., Pomini V., 2007. Santé mentale au Québec, 32 (1) pp. 181-94. Peer-reviewed.
Amis subito: assessment, measurement, intervention and studies for the prevention of suicidal behaviour in individuals, inclined to gamble excessively
Gougler Sophie, Rihs-Middel Margret, Andronicos Mélina, Battisti Jussara, Cornuz Nathalie, Aufrère Laurence, Simon Olivier, Besson Jacques, 2007. pp. 292-293 dans , European Psychiatry. Peer-reviewed.
Dépendances [Addiction]
Besson J., Bonsack C., Gothuey I., Sanchez-Mazas P., Knobel D., Zullino D.F., 2007. Revue médicale suisse, 3 (94) pp. 122, 124-127. Peer-reviewed.
Dépistage du jeu excessif par les professionnels de santé
Poenaru Liviu, Simon Olivier, Stucki Stephanie, Preisig Martin, Rihs-Middel Margret, 2007. Alcoologie et addictologie 29 pp. 155-160. Peer-reviewed.
Gambling and suicidal behaviours: a Swiss study in a treatment center in Switzerland [Poster]
Andronicos Mélina, Rihs-Middel Margret, Gougler Sophie, Battisti Jussara, Zumwald Coralie, Aufrère Laurence, Simon Olivier, Besson Jacques, 2007. p. 291 dans , European Psychiatry. Peer-reviewed.
La consommation de cannabis : de l'information à la prise en charge clinique
Streel Emmanuel, Verbanck Paul, Besson Jacques [Pref.] , 2007. 82, De Boeck.
La thérapie émotionnelle-comportementale centrée sur les schémas ("TES") pour les troubles de personnalité: nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques et premiers résultats empiriques
Zorn P., Roder V., Kramer U., Pomini V., 2007. Acta Psychiatrica Belgica, 107 (4) pp. 51-59.
Methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) in general practice or in specialized centers: profile of patients in the Swiss Canton of Vaud.
Pelet A., Doll S., Huissoud T., Resplendino J., Besson J., Favrat B., 2007. American journal of drug and alcohol abuse, 33 (5) pp. 665-674. Peer-reviewed.
Naltrexone-assisted rapid methadone discontinuation: a pilot study
Camarasa Xavier, Khazaal Yasser, Besson Jacques, Zullino Daniele Fabio, 2007. European Addiction Research, 13 (1) pp. 20-24. Peer-reviewed.
Prevalence of adult problem and pathological gambling between 2000 and 2005: an update.
Stucki S., Rihs-Middel M., 2007. Journal of Gambling Studies / Co-sponsored By the National Council On Problem Gambling and Institute For the Study of Gambling and Commercial Gaming, 23 (3) pp. 245-257.
Stereoselective block of hERG channel by (S)-methadone and QT interval prolongation in CYP2B6 slow metabolizers.
Eap C.B., Crettol S., Rougier J.S., Schläpfer J., Sintra Grilo L., Déglon J.J., Besson J., Croquette-Krokar M., Carrupt P.A., Abriel H., 2007. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 81 (5) pp. 719-728. Peer-reviewed.
The prevention of gambling bahavior in Switzerland
Rihs-Middel Margret, Preisig Martin, Andronicos Mélina, Gougler Sophie, Battisti Jussara, Aufrère Laurence, Zumwald Coralie, Simon Olivier, Besson Jacques, 2007. p. 294 dans , European Psychiatry. Peer-reviewed.
ABCB1 and cytochrome P450 genotypes and phenotypes: influence on methadone plasma levels and response to treatment.
Crettol S., Déglon J.J., Besson J., Croquette-Krokar M., Hämmig R., Gothuey I., Monnat M., Eap C.B., 2006. Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics, 80 (6) pp. 668-81. Peer-reviewed.
Additional effect of hypnosis in an in-patient detoxification program: results of a pilot clinical trial
Zimmermann G, Rière J, Favrat B, Krenz S, Besson J, Zullino DF, 2006. German Journal of Psychiatry, 9 (1) pp. 22-26. Peer-reviewed.
Brief motivational intervention to reduce cannabis use in psychosis
Bonsack Charles, Montagrin Yves, Zullino Daniele Fabio, Besson Jacques, Conus Philippe, 2006. p. 299 dans , Schizophrenia Research. Peer-reviewed.
Dépendances [Addictions]
Besson J., Eap C., Rougemont-Buecking A., Simon O., Nikolov C., Bonsack C., Gothuey I., 2006. Revue médicale suisse, 2 (47) pp. 9-13. Peer-reviewed.
Frequency of alcohol use disorders in patients admitted in a psychiatric hospital according to admission diagnosis
Gammeter R., Nay C., Bissery A., Leutwyler J., Bonsack C., Besson J., Kaufmann N., Daeppen J.B., 2006. Schweizer Archiv für Neurologie und Psychiatrie = Archives suisses de neurologie et de psychiatrie = Swiss archives of neurology and psychiatry, 157 (6) pp. 290-296. Peer-reviewed.
Heroin detoxification.
Favrat B., Besson J., 2006. JAMA, 295 (8) pp. 885; author reply 886. Peer-reviewed.
Les principales voies de recherche psychopharmacologiques
Khazaal Yasser, Zullino Daniele Fabio, Besson Jacques, 2006. dans Traité d'addictologie / sous la dir. de Michel Reynaud. - Paris : Flammarion, 2006. - P. 115-120. - ISBN 978-2-2571-2004-5.
Opioid antagonist detoxification under anaesthesia versus traditional clonidine detoxification combined with an additional week of psychosocial support: a randomised clinical trial.
Favrat B., Zimmermann G., Zullino D., Krenz S., Dorogy F., Muller J., Zwahlen A., Broers B., Besson J., 2006. Drug and alcohol dependence, 81 (2) pp. 109-116. Peer-reviewed.
Prevalence of substance use in a Swiss psychiatric hospital: interview reports and urine screening.
Bonsack C., Camus D., Kaufmann N., Aubert A.C., Besson J., Baumann P., Borgeat F., Gillet M., Eap C.B., 2006. Addictive behaviors, 31 (7) pp. 1252-8. Peer-reviewed.
Vulnérabilité par rapport au jeu de hasard et d'argent : implications pour la prévention
Rihs-Middel M., Andronicos M., Stucki S., Stach M., Simon O., Aufrère L., Preisig M., Besson J., 2006. pp. 113-120 dans Suchtforschung des BAG 2002-03. Recherches de l'OFSP en matière de dépendances 2002-03, Bundesamt für Gesundheit.
Addiction et troubles psychiques : comment les traiter ensemble ?
Besson Jacques, 2005. pp. 15-21 dans Gothuey Isabelle (eds.) Toxicodépendance : problèmes psychiatriques courants, Médecine & Hygiène.
De l'urgence à la crise en médecine de l'addiction
Gothuey I., Besson J., 2005. pp. 23-32 dans Gothuey Isabelle (eds.) Toxicodépendance : problèmes psychiatriques courants, Médecine & Hygiène.
Drug abusers suffering from social phobia show more avoidance tendencies than patients with social phobia alone
Buecking A., Stankovic M., Zimmermann G., Krenz S., Khazaal Y., Borgeat F., Zullino D.F., 2005. pp. S179 dans European Psychiatry. Peer-reviewed.
Efficacité de l'hypnose en complément d'un sevrage hospitalier pour patients toxicodépendants. Etude randominsée et contrôlée
Rière Jacques, Zimmermann Grégoire, Favrat Bernard, Zullino Daniele, Besson Jacques, 2005. L'Ecrit : [bulletin du Service des soins infirmiers du département universitaire de psychiatrie adulte (DUPA)] 55 pp. 10-18.
Influence of CYP2B6 polymorphism on the steady-state plasma levels of the enantiomers of methadone
Crettol Séverine, Déglon Jean-Jacques, Besson Jacques, Croquette-Krokar Marina, Gottuey I., Haemming R., Monnat Martine, Haottemann H., Baumann Pierre, Eap Chin-Bin, 2005. p. 121 dans NA, Basic and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology. Peer-reviewed.
Mirtazapine in drug-induced excessive sweating.
Buecking A., Vandeleur C.L., Khazaal Y., Zullino D.F., 2005. European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 61 (7) pp. 543-544. Peer-reviewed.
Prevalence of methadone injection in three Swiss cities.
Chevalley A.E., Besson J., Croquette-Krokar M., Davidson C., Dubois J.A., Uehlinger C., Eap C.B., 2005. Presse Médicale, 34 (11) pp. 776-780. Peer-reviewed.
Toxicodépendance et anxiété
Simon O., 2005. pp. 35-45 dans Gothuey Isabelle (eds.) Toxicodépendances: problèmes psychiatriques courants, Médecine & Hygiène.
Toxicodépendance et délires
Conus Ph., Montagrin Y., Bonsack Ch., 2005. pp. 63-71 dans Gothuey Isabelle (eds.) Toxicodépendance : problèmes psychiatriques courants, Médecine & Hygiène.
Treatment of Raynaud's phenomenon with escitalopram.
Buecking A., Rougemont E., Fabio Zullino D., 2005. International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology / Official Scientific Journal of the Collegium Internationale Neuropsychopharmacologicum (cinp), 8 (2) pp. 307-308. Peer-reviewed.
Impliquer les proches dans le traitement des addictions : aspects transversaux
Simon O., Zullino D., Sanchez-Mazas P, 2004. Revue medicale suisse, 0 (2496) pp. NA. Peer-reviewed.
Inter-informant agreement on anxiety disorders: family history versus direct interview information
Buecking A., Rothen S., Ferrero F., Preisig M., 2004. p. 12 dans 12th symposium of the AEP section Epidemiology and Social Psychiatry, Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica. Peer-reviewed.
Stage of change of cigarette smoking in drug dependent patients.
Kolly S., Besson J., Cornuz J., Zullino D.F., 2004. Swiss Medical Weekly, 134 (21-22) pp. 322-325. Peer-reviewed.
"Suivi instensifs dans le milieu": regards sur l'expérience de Melbourne: perspectives lausannoises
Laget Jacques, Bonsack Charles, Cordier Suzanne, Vasseur Didier, 2003. L'Ecrit : [bulletin du Service des soins infirmiers du département universitaire de psychiatrie adulte (DUPA)] 51 pp. 3-10.
Acceptance of an intended smoking ban in an alcohol dependence clinic.
Zullino D.F., Besson J., Favrat B., Krenz S., Zimmermann G., Schnyder C., Borgeat F., 2003. European Psychiatry, 18 (5) pp. 255-257. Peer-reviewed.
Appropriateness of methadone maintenance treatment for opiate addiction: evaluation by an expert panel.
Vader J.P., Hämmig R., Besson J., Eastus C., Eggenberger C., Burnand B., 2003. Sozial- und Präventivmedizin, 48 Suppl 1 pp. S1-14. Peer-reviewed.
Ultra-rapid opiate detoxification using deep sedation and prior oral buprenorphine preparation: long-term results.
Bochud Tornay C., Favrat B., Monnat M., Daeppen J.B., Schnyder C., Bertschy G., Besson J., 2003. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 69 (3) pp. 283-288. Peer-reviewed.
Topiramate in opiate withdrawal.
Zullino D.F., Cottier A.C., Besson J., 2002. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 26 (6) pp. 1221-1223. Peer-reviewed.
Dépendance aux médicaments : que faire en pratique ?
Favrat B., Sanchez-Mazas P., Croquette-Krokar M., Besson J., 2001. Médecine et Hygiène, 59 (2365) pp. 2052-2056.
Involuntary treatment of alcohol-dependent patients: a study of 17 consecutive cases of civil commitment.
Bourquin-Tièche D., Besson J., Lambert H., Yersin B., 2001. European Addiction Research, 7 (2) pp. 48-55.
Les soins intensifs dans le milieu: un challence pour la psychiatrie lausannoise
Gommeret Emmanuel, Philippoz Roland, Bonsack Charles, Conus Philippe, 2001. L'Ecrit : [bulletin du Service des soins infirmiers du département universitaire de psychiatrie adulte (DUPA)] 36 pp. 2-6.
A French translation of the obsessive-compulsive drinking scale for craving in alcohol-dependent patients: a validation study in Belgium, France, and Switzerland
Ansseau M., Besson Jacques, Lejoyeux M., Pinto E., Landry Ulrika, Cornes M., Deckers F., Potgieter A., Adès J., 2000. European Addiction Research, 6 (2) pp. 51-56. Peer-reviewed.
Science, practice and patient needs: the work of the Plinius Maior Society.
Potgieter A., 2000. Alcohol and Alcoholism (oxford, Oxfordshire), 35 (1) pp. 16-24. Peer-reviewed.
Stage of change of cigarette smoking in alcohol-dependent patients.
Zullino D., Besson J., Schnyder C., 2000. European addiction research, 6 (2) pp. 84-90. Peer-reviewed.
Alkoholismus aus systemischer Sicht [Alcoholism from the systemic viewpoint].
Schweizer V., Besson J., 1999. Praxis, 88 (42) pp. 1715-1719.
Inhibition of CYP2E1 by chlormethiazole as measured by chlorzoxazone pharmacokinetics in patients with alcoholism and in healthy volunteers
Eap C. B., Schnyder C., Besson J., Savary L., Buclin T., 1998/07. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 64 (1) pp. 52-7.
Combined efficacy of acamprosate and disulfiram in the treatment of alcoholism: a controlled study.
Besson J., Aeby F., Kasas A., Lehert P., Potgieter A., 1998. Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research, 22 (3) pp. 573-579. Peer-reviewed.
Psychiatric training in Switzerland.
Michel K., Besson J., 1997. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 247 (6 Suppl 1) pp. S41-S43. Peer-reviewed.
Psychopharmacologie et alcoolisme
Besson Jacques, 1997. Psychopharmacologie clinique : bulletin / Commission des médicaments et de psychopharmacologie clinique pour les institutions psychiatriques du canton de Vaud 8 pp. 1-4.
Définition des soins infirmiers dans le cadre de l'UR-DUPA
Grasset François, Baumann Marie-Claude, 1994. Pagination multiple, CHUV - Département universitaire de psychiatrie adulte - Unité de réhabilitation.
De l'urgence à la crise [From emergency to crisis].
Despland J.N., Besson J., 1991. Revue Médicale De La Suisse Romande, 111 (1) pp. 67-73.
Therapeutic alliance, social inclusion and infection control – towards pandemic-adapted mental healthcare services in Switzerland
Bonsack Charles, 1501. Swiss archives of neurology , psychiatry and psychotherapy. Peer-reviewed.
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