Institute of Higher Education and Research in Healthcare

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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671 publications

... | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 |
Educating the Child and Family
Ramelet A.S., 2011. dans 6th World Congress on Pediatric Critical Care.
Evaluation et interprétation de la douleur chez les patients non-communicants
Ramelet A.S., 2011..
Evaluation et la gestion de la douleur: nous avons les cartes en main!
Decosterd I., Mazzocato C., Ramelet A.S., 2011. dans Journée Institutionnelle de Formation sur la Douleur.
Factors influencing interprofessional practices of physiotherapists working in private settings with people with low back pain: a qualitative study
Perreault K., Dionne C.E., Morin D., Rossignol M., 2011. pp. eS986-eS987 dans 16th International World Confederation for Physical Therapy Congress, Physiotherapy. Peer-reviewed.
Family physician involvement in cancer care and lung cancer patient emotional distress and quality of life.
Aubin M., Vézina L., Verreault R., Fillion L., Hudon E., Lehmann F., Leduc Y., Bergeron R., Reinharz D., Morin D., 2011. Supportive Care In Cancer, 19 (11) pp. 1719-1727. Peer-reviewed.
Indicators used by clinicians to assess pain in the brain injured
Roulin M.J., Ramelet A.S., 2011. pp. S182 dans ESICM LIVES 2011, 24th Annual Congress of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine, Intensive Care Medicine.
L'éducation interprofessionnelle pour tous... Une expérience de sensibilisation pour des étudiants vaudois en formation prégraduée [Interprofessional education for all... An awareness experience for undergraduate students in Vaud].
Michaud P.A., Teike-Luethi F., Clerc M., Gachoud D., Chapuis J., Allin A.C., Wagnières S., Morin D., 2011. Revue Médicale Suisse, 7 (319) pp. 2363-2365. Peer-reviewed.
Le rôle de l'infirmière de pratique avancée dans la gestion de la douleur
Ramelet A.S., 2011..
Patient and family education on oral anticoagulation : a nurse development project
Shaha M., Wüthrich E.Y., Stauffer K., Hirter F., Berger K., Fattinger L., Herrmann M., Papalini , 2011. dans Conference of Healthcare Professionals.
Patient and family education on oral anticoagulation : a nurse development project
Shaha M., Wüthrich E., 2011. dans Congrès de l'Association Suisse des Infirmières et Infirmiers (ASI), Soins infirmiers 2010 - Positionnements et Perspectives.
Patient-centred care in maternity services in Aberdeen (Scotland) and Lausanne (Switzerland): a case study approach
De Labrusse C., McLennan S., Humphrey T., Ramelet A.S., 2011. dans 29th Triennial Congress of the International Confederation of Midwives.
Planning and conducting focus group research with nurses.
Shaha M., Wenzel J., Hill E.E., 2011. Nurse Researcher, 18 (2) pp. 77-87.
Prevalence of prolonged pain in neonates
Noël de Tilly M., Stadelmann-Diaw C., Ramelet A.S., 2011. p. 244 dans -, European Journal of Pain Supplements.
Morin D., 2011. pp. IX-XII dans Hamelin-Brabant L., Bujold L., Vonarx N. (eds.) Des sciences sociales dans le champ de la santé et des soins infirmiers : à la rencontre à propos des âges de la vie, des vulnérabilités et des environnements, Presses de l'Université Laval.
Morin D., 2011. pp. IX-XII dans Vonarx N., Bujold L., Hamelin-Brabant L. (eds.) Des sciences sociales dans le champ de la santé et des soins infirmiers : à la rencontre des expériences de santé, du prendre-soin et des savoirs savants, Presses de l'Université Laval.
Présentation de la méthode de revue systématique BEST
Ramelet A.S., 2011..
Qualité des soins: défis et perspectives.
Morin D., 2011. Lebanese Journal of Nursing = Revue Libanaise de l'Infirmier(e), 7 (2) pp. 11-13. Peer-reviewed.
Research in Children: Trials and Tribulations
Ramelet A.S., 2011. dans 6th World Congress on Pediatric Critical Care.
Revue critique d'instruments pour evaluer la douleur chez les personnes cérébrolésées non communicantes aux soins intensifs [Critical review of instruments to assess pain in the non communicative brain injured persons in intensive care].
Roulin M.J., Goulet C., Ramelet A.S., 2011. Recherche en Soins Infirmiers 104 pp. 64-85. Peer-reviewed.
Task-shifting in the delivery of hormonal contraceptive methods: Validation of a questionnaire and preliminary results.
Guilbert E.R., Morin D., Guilbert A.C., Gagnon H., Robitaille J., Richardson M., 2011. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 17 (3) pp. 315-321.
The effect of the nursing concepts of ,basal stimulation' and ,therapeutic touch' on elderly patients with dementia
Scharaditsch K., Kozon V., Shaha M., 2011. dans 10. Pflegekongress der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für vaskuläre Pflege 2011, Kompetenz in der Pflege - Pflegekompetenz.
The stress of the family caregiver who is caring for a relative during initial treatments for lung cancer
Alexandre K., Shaha M., 2011. dans 2nd International Conference for Family Caregivers.
Transitoriness - a concept
Shaha M., Cox C.L., Belcher A.E., Cohen M.Z., Käppeli S., 2011. dans 13th World Congress of the Psycho-Oncology International Society (IPOS).
Transitoriness - a concept
Shaha M., Cox C.L., Belcher A.E., Cohen M.Z., Käppeli S., 2011. pp. S99-S100 dans 2011 International MASCC/ISOO Symposium, Supportive Care in Cancer. Peer-reviewed.
Transitoriness : patients' perception of life after a diagnosis of cancer
Shaha M., Cox C.L., Belcher M., Cohen M.Z., 2011. Cancer Nursing Practice, 10 (4) pp. 24-27.
Wissensvermehrung durch Konzeptentwicklung? Das Beispiel Vergänglichkeit [The contibution of concept development to nursing knowledge? The example of Transitoriness].
Shaha M., Cox C.L., Cohen M.Z., Belcher A.E., Käppeli S., 2011. Pflege, 24 (6) pp. 361-372.
Working on Nursing Care Knowledge. Training, developing and researching at the Nursing School Zuerich
Shaha M., 2011. Pflege, 24 (3) pp. 208-209. Peer-reviewed.
Working through grief and loss: oncology nurses' perspectives on professional bereavement.
Wenzel J., Shaha M., Klimmek R., Krumm S., 2011. Oncology Nursing Forum, 38 (4) pp. E272-E282.
Prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers in a university hospital centre: a correlational study examining nurses' knowledge and best practice.
Gallant C., Morin D., St-Germain D., Dallaire D., 2010/09. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 16 (2) pp. 183-187. Peer-reviewed.
Communication of sedation in the intensive care unit: is it the real issue?
Ramelet A.S., 2010. Critical Care Medicine, 38 (8) pp. 1748-1749. Peer-reviewed.
Family physician involvement in cancer care follow-up: the experience of a cohort of patients with lung cancer.
Aubin M., Vézina L., Verreault R., Fillion L., Hudon E., Lehmann F., Leduc Y., Bergeron R., Reinharz D., Morin D., 2010. Annals of Family Medicine, 8 (6) pp. 526-532. Peer-reviewed.
Implementing an interfaculty series of courses on interprofessional collaboration in prelicensure health science curriculums.
Dumont S., Brière N., Morin D., Houle N., Iloko-Fundi M., 2010. Education For Health, 23 (1) p. 395. Peer-reviewed.
Intégration de l'Evidence-Based Practice dans les pratiques professionnelles de la santé: le projet BEST
Ding S., De Labrusse C., Kiszio B., Opsommer E., Perrenoud B., Ramelet A.S., Weyermann-Etter S., 2010. dans 1er Congrès National sur les Professions de la Santé.
Les effets d'une intervention de soutien à la lactation sur la production lactée de mères de nouveau-nés prématurés.
Héon M., Goulet C., 2010. dans 21e Conférence Nationale de "AWHONN Canada" (Association of Women's Health, Obstetric, and Neonatal Nurses). Peer-reviewed.
Literature review on advance care planning of nursing home residents
Séchaud L., Goulet C., 2010. p. 17 dans 4th European Nursing Congress, Older Persons : the Future of Care., Journal of Clinical Nursing. Peer-reviewed.
Modélisation de facteurs associés à une perception d'insuffisance lactée. Enfanter le Monde, Réflexion interdisciplinaire sur les premiers temps de la vie
Galipeau R., Goulet C., 2010. dans 21e Conférence Nationale de "AWHONN Canada" (Association of Women's Health, Obstetric, and Neonatal Nurses). Peer-reviewed.
Patients' perceptions of the quality of care after primary care reform: Family medicine groups in Quebec.
Tourigny A., Aubin M., Haggerty J., Bonin L., Morin D., Reinharz D., Leduc Y., St-Pierre M., Houle N., Giguère A. et al., 2010. Canadian Family Physician = Médecin De Famille Canadien, 56 (7) pp. e273-e282. Peer-reviewed.
Perception d'insuffisance lactée.
Galipeau R., Goulet C., 2010. dans 21e Conférence Nationale de "AWHONN Canada" (Association of Women's Health, Obstetric, and Neonatal Nurses). Peer-reviewed.
Research priorities for nursing care of infants, children and adolescents: a West Australian Delphi study.
Wilson S., Ramelet A.S., Zuiderduyn S., 2010. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 19 (13-14) pp. 1919-1928. Peer-reviewed.
Transitoriness in cancer patients: a cross-sectional survey of lung and gastrointestinal cancer patients.
Shaha M., Pandian V., Choti M.A., Stotsky E., Herman J.M., Khan Y., Libonati C., Pawlik T.M., Schulick R.D., Belcher A.E., 2010. Supportive Care In Cancer, 19 (2) pp. 271-279. Peer-reviewed.
A collaborative initiative to develop evidence-based practice in nursing and allied health : the "BEST" project
Ding S., Cordier S., De Labrusse C., Kiszio B., Opsommer E., Perrenoud B., Ramelet A.S., Richli Meystre N., Weyermann-Etter S., 2009. p. 711 dans 2009 G-I-N Conference - Guidelines International Network, Acta Médica Portuguesa.
Clinical decision-making in the assessment and management of sedation in intensive care
Ramelet A.S., Eusebio M.S., 2009. Australian Critical Care, 22 (2) pp. 99-101.
Development and evaluation of a shaken baby syndrome prevention program.
Goulet C., Frappier J.Y., Fortin S., Déziel L., Lampron A., Boulanger M., 2009. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing, 38 (1) pp. 7-21. Peer-reviewed.
Enhanced kangaroo mother care for heel lance in preterm neonates: a crossover trial.
Johnston C.C., Filion F., Campbell-Yeo M., Goulet C., Bell L., McNaughton K., Byron J., 2009. Journal of Perinatology, 29 (1) pp. 51-56. Peer-reviewed.
Hindmilk: a head start in preterm nutrition.
Héon M., Goulet C., Levy E., Nuyt A.M., 2009. Enfermería Clínica, 19 (3) pp. 129-135. Peer-reviewed.
Critères de sélection et d'adaptation d'un instrument de mesure pour la recherche clinique
Le May S., Loiselle C.G., Gélinas C., Lampron A., Bouchard E., Goulet C., 2008. Douleur et Analgésie, 21 (2) pp. 114-120. Peer-reviewed.
Kangaroo mother care diminishes pain from heel lance in very preterm neonates: a crossover trial.
Johnston C.C., Filion F., Campbell-Yeo M., Goulet C., Bell L., McNaughton K., Byron J., Aita M., Finley G.A., Walker C.D., 2008. BMC Pediatrics, 8 p. 13. Peer-reviewed.
L'allaitement maternel chez la clientèle du CHU Ste-Justine, volet postnatal : rapport de recherche présenté à la FRESIQ
Galipeau R., Pilon C., St-Pierre H., Pinel S., Racicot S., Saad M.H., Goulet C., Gaboury M.J., Gagnière D., Poulard S., 2008., CHU Ste-Justine.
Evaluation of a SBS prevention program for parents in the immediate postnatal period in-hospital
Fortin S., Goulet C., Frappier J.Y., 2007. dans 1st Pediatric Abusive Head Trauma Conference: Medical, Forensic amd Scientific Advances and Prevention. Peer-reviewed.
Le développement personnel et parental des mères adolescentes pour le mieux-être des enfants : un projet pilote de faisabilité
Goulet C., Francoeur D., Frappier J.-Y., Asselin C., Lampron A., Jacques M., 2007., CHU Ste-Justine.
Mothers' and Fathers' Early Relationship With Their Infant: Similar Yet Temporally Discordant Themes [La relation initiale des parents avec leur nourrisson: Thèmes similaires quoique temporellement discordants]
Bell Linda, St-Cyr Tribble Denise, Goulet Céline, Paul Denise, Tronick Edward Z., 2007. Canadian Journal of Midwifery Research and Practice = Revue Canadienne de la Recherche et de la Pratique Sage-femme, 6 (3) pp. 30-41. Peer-reviewed.
Mothers' and fathers' views of the interdependence of their relationships with their infant: a systems perspective on early family relationships.
Bell L., Goulet C., St-Cyr Tribble D., Paul D., Boisclair A., Tronick E.Z., 2007. Journal of Family Nursing, 13 (2) pp. 179-200. Peer-reviewed.
Évaluation du programme périnatal de prévention du syndrome du bébé secoué, phase post-natale immédiate
Goulet C., Frappier J.-Y., Fortin S., Déziel L., Rioux S., Lampron A., Leblanc Y., Goyette P., 2007., CHU Ste-Justine.
Thromboseprophylaktischer Effekt intermittierend komprimierender, pneumatischer Strümpfe (IPC): Eine systematische Literaturanalyse [Effectiveness of intermittent pneumatic compression (IPC) on thrombosis prophylaxis: a systematic literature review]
Rohrer O., Eicher M., 2006/06. Pflege, 19 (3) pp. 175-187. Peer-reviewed.
Pflegeexpertise bei Frauen mit Brustkrebs-- Ein systematischer Literaturüberblick zur Wirksamkeit von Interventionen durch spezialisierte Pflegende [Nursing expertise in breast cancer care: a systematic review on the effectiveness of specialised nurse interventions]
Eicher M.R., 2005/12. Pflege, 18 (6) pp. 353-363.
La pratique basée sur les résultats probants. Partie 1: Origine, définitions, critiques, obstacles, avantages et impact [Evidence-based practice. Part 1: Origins, definitions, critiques, obstacles, advantages and impact].
Goulet C., Lampron A., Morin D., Héon M., 2004. Recherche en Soins Infirmiers 76 pp. 12-18.
La pratique basée sur les résultats probants. Partie 2: Les étapes du processus [Evidence-based practice: Part 2: Steps in the process].
Goulet C., Lampron A., Morin D., Héon M., 2004. Recherche en Soins Infirmiers 76 pp. 19-29.
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