Institute of Social Sciences

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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4707 publications

'I felt like I was cut in two' ”: Post-cesarean bodies and complementary and alternative medicine in Switzerland
Chautems Caroline Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry. Peer-reviewed.
Améliorer l'expérience des césariennes tout en réduisant leur taux. Perspectives transdisciplinaires sur l'introduction de la césarienne participative en Suisse romande
Chautems Caroline Anthropologie & Santé. Peer-reviewed.
La césarienne dans le monde à l'intersection entre paysages médicaux globalisés et logiques locales
Chautems Caroline, Maffi Irene, Saenz Morales Ainhoa Anthropologie & santé.
La décision partagée en médecine : une technologie de prévention morale ?
Cordey Michael dans Guignard Adrien, Gregorio Francesco, Thibault Walter (eds.) De quelques champs problématiques tracés dans les humanités médicales, BSN Press.
Ordinary Defensive Medicine: in the Shadow of General Practitioners’ Postures Toward (over)Medicalization
Cordey Michael, Chatelard Sophia, Widmer Daniel, Ouvrard Partick, Herzig Lili Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy. Peer-reviewed.
(Big) Data and (Smart) Farming. For a Historical Political Economy of Data in Agriculture (Workshop Project)
D'Onofrio Federico, Stiefel Léa.
Les poursuites
Fischer Élodie, Vinck Dominique dans Vinck Dominique (eds.) Voir, entendre, filmer et monter la fête, Antipodes.
Thinking Through Brine: Lithium Industrialization and the Materialities of Productive Sovereignty in Bolivia
Goodale M. American Ethnologist.
Extended Working Life in Switzerland: Gender and Health Considerations
Le Feuvre Nicky, Avramito Maurice, Hugentobler Valérie dans Extended Working Life Policies: International Gender and Health Perspectives.
Age and context effect on subjective well-being (SWB) in the process of aging
Nora Dasoki, Valérie-Anne Ryser, Davide Morselli, Presentation at the 9th International Conference of Panel Data Users.
Anticipating retirement in the context of migration: The case of Peruvians in Switzerland
Seminario Romina, Le Feuvre Nicky dans Ageing, Retirement & Family Support in the Context of Migration.
Wer seine Schöpfung unter Kontrolle behalten will, verhindert, dass sie sich verbreitet
Smirnova Tatiana, Vinck Dominique TA-Swiss Newsletter.
Architecting a Distributed System
Stiefel Léa, Sandoz Alain.
Architecting a distributed system for data sharing
Stiefel Léa, Sandoz Alain European Journal of Information Systems.
The Contours of Gendered Academic Citizenship
Sümer Sevil, O'Connor Pat, Le Feuvre Nicky dans Gendered Academic Citizenship: Experiences and Challenges.
Following values in engineering design and conception practices.
Tanferri Mylène, Vinck Dominique, Irvine Alan dans Felt Ulrike (eds.) Encyclopedia of Science & Technology Studies, Edward Elgar.
Anthropologie des diasporas
Trémon Anne-Christine.
Des "petits privilèges" pour de grandes inégalités : Effets de l’absence de familles auprès d’enfants ouest-africains opérés du cœur en Suisse
Vaucher Carla Anthropologie & Santé. Peer-reviewed.
Mending little hearts ‘for life’? Rethinking chronicity in the context of unequal access to paediatric heart surgery
Vaucher Carla Medicine Anthropology Theory. Peer-reviewed.
L'équipement des lumières
Vinck Dominique dans Vinck Dominique (eds.) Voir, entendre, filmer et monter la fête, Antipodes.
Le réglage des lumières
Vinck Dominique dans Vinck Dominique (eds.) Voir, entendre, filmer et monter la fête, Antipodes.
Voir, entendre, filmer et monter la fête
Vinck Dominique (eds.), Antipodes.
La tribu dans le monde contemporain : Pastoralisme nomade, État national et Globalisation
Ben Hounet Y., Bonte P. (eds.), Etudes Rurales.
Analyser un objet invisible : le travail de care
Benelli Natalie, Modak Marianne Revue française de sociologie, 51 (1) pp. 39-60. Peer-reviewed.
Meaning in life and quality of life: palliative care patients versus the general population.
Bernard M., Berchtold A., Strasser F., Gamondi C., Borasio G.D. BMJ supportive & palliative care. Peer-reviewed.
Documenter le spectacle vivant. Apports théoriques et méthodologiques de l’analyse vidéo des interactions
Camus Laurent, Tanferri Mylène, Waeber Sarah, Vinck Dominique Cahier d’histoire du CNAM, 16 (1) pp. 67-90. Peer-reviewed.
Explanatory Pluralism In Oncology. The Case of Neoantigen-Based Adoptive Cell Transfer Immunotherapies
Chiapperino Luca, Graber Nils, Panese Francesco dans Advances in Experimental Philosophy of Medicine, Bloomsbury Publishing.
La place de l’ingénieur : apprendre à être membre d’un collectif
Dominique Vinck Nicom@que.
Social representations of infectious diseases
Eicher V., Bangerter A. dans G. Sammut , E. Andreouli , G. Gaskell , J. Valsiner (eds.) Societal Psychology: A Handbook of Social Representations, Cambridge University Press.
The Impact of Laws on Norms Perceptions
Eisner Léïla, Turner-Zwinkels Felicity, Spini Dario Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.
Introduction: Mapping the Future of Law and Anthropology
Foblets M.-C., Goodale M., Sapignoli M., Zenker O. dans The Oxford Handbook of Law and Anthropology, Oxford University Press.
De la puissance paternelle au partage de l’autorité parentale (1978-2014). La désacralisation du mariage au profit de la (re)sacralisation de la paternité ?
Friedli Fiona dans Delessert Thierry, Boraschi Chiara , Valsangiacomo Nelly (eds.) Pauvres, immorales et contraintes. Les adversités des mères célibataires en Suisse, Seismo.
Évaluation de situations de maltraitance par de jeunes athlètes : Une approche innovante associée aux Jeux Olympiques de la Jeunesse 2020
Gauthier Jacques-Antoine, Yakoubian Johanna, Roman Pascal, Cerchia Frédéric, Tercier Stéphane, Depallens Sarah Staps. Peer-reviewed.
A World of Many (Juridical) Worlds: Indigenous Legality, Counter-Hegemony, Legibility
Goodale M. Droit et Société.
Dark Ethnography and the Anthropological Imagination
Goodale M. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie.
Dios, Patria, Hogar: Revelando el lado oscuro de nuestra virtud antropológica
Goodale M. Población & Sociedad.
Letters from a Life in Anthropology
Goodale M. Public Anthropologist.
Rights and Social Inclusion
Goodale M. dans The Oxford Handbook of Law and Anthropology, Oxford University Press.
Sally Engle Merry (1944-2020)
Goodale M. American Anthropologist.
The Anthropology of International Law
Goodale M. American Journal of International Law.
L’image au quotidien : Jean Debrit et ses journaux illustrés 1909-1919
Haver Gianni À l'école de Clio. Histoire et didactique de l'histoire 3.
De la ingenería heterogénea a las transiciones sociotécnicas: el caso de las Micro y Nano Tecnologías (MNT)
Hubert Matthieu, Vinck Dominique Hipertextos, 10 (17). Peer-reviewed.
Healthcare renunciation among young adults in French higher education: A population-based study
Iglesias K., Fernex A. Preventive Medicine. Peer-reviewed.
Opinion publique
Kaufmann L dans Dictionnaire Historique de la Révolution Française, nvlle édition, PUF.
Income Is a Stronger Predictor of Subjective Social Class in More Economically Unequal Places
Kim Youngju, Sommet Nicolas Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. Peer-reviewed.
National minorities and their representation in social surveys: which practices make a difference?
Laganà F. , Elcheroth G , Penic S., Kleiner B., Fasel N. Quality and Quantity. Peer-reviewed.
Le genre du "vieillissement actif" : du principe de traitement équitable à la multiplication des injonctions contradictoires
Le Feuvre Nicky, Kuehni Morgane, Rosende Magdalena, Schoeni Céline Revue suisse de sociologie, 40 (2). Peer-reviewed.
Gestion du Covid-19 en Suisse : expertise scientifique et démocratie de consensus en temps de crise
Mavrot Céline dans Jean Michel De Waele, Michel Perottino, Christophe Premat (dir.), Le gouvernement des experts dans la gestion du Covid-19., Stockholm University Press.
Politicization and Controversies in Policy Implementation
Mavrot Céline dans Handbook of Policy Implementation, Edward Elgar.
Human values and trust in institutions across countries: A multilevel test of Schwartz's hypothesis of universal equivalence
Morselli D., Spini D, Devos T Survey Research Methods. Peer-reviewed.
Reconstructing a niche sociality during the postpartum period: A qualitative study about the experience of becoming a mother as an immigrant in Switzerland
Perrenoud Patricia, Demolis Rachel, Ferec Eva, Galvez Broux Mélodie, Perret Fanny, Chautems Caroline, Kaech Christelle SSM - Mental Health. Peer-reviewed.
Central State Policy Implementation in France
Pollard Julie, Dupuy Claire dans Sager Fritz, Mavrot Céline, Keiser Lael (eds.) Handbook of Public Policy Implementation, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Assessing how Attitudes to Migration in Social Media Complement Public Attitudes Found in Opinion Surveys
Reveilhac Maud, Schneider Gerold dans SPELL 41: Migrations and Contacts, Michael C. Frank and Dani Schreier (Eds.).
Cooperative Learning Reduces the Gender Gap in Perceived Social Competences. A Large-Scale Nationwide Longitudinal Experiment
Rudmann Ocyna, Batruch Anatolia, Visintin Emilio Paolo, Sommet Nicolas, Bressoux Pascal, Darnon Céline, Profan Consortium, Butera Fabrizio Journal of Educational Psychology. Peer-reviewed.
Handbook of Policy Implementation (Eds.)
Sager Fritz, Mavrot Céline, Keiser Lael, Edward Elgar.
Introduction: The notion of policy implementation and why it is important
Sager Fritz, Mavrot Céline, Keiser Lael dans Handbook of Policy Implementation , Edward Elgar.
Women and international assignments: A systematic literature review exploring textual data by correspondence analysis
Salamin X., Hanappi D. Journal of Global Mobility. Peer-reviewed.
Colloquialisation, Compression and Democratisation in Parliamentary Debates
Schneider Gerold, Reveilhac Maud dans Exploring Language and Society with Big Data: Parliamentary discourse across time and space, Minna Korhonen, Haidee Kotze and Jukka Tyrkkö (Eds.). Studies in Corpus Linguistics Series. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
Buskens I., Webb A. (sous la dir.), Les Africaines et les TIC. Enquête sur les technologies, la question de genre et autonomisation, Les Presses de l'Université Laval et Ottawa, Québec, Centre de recherches pour le développement international, 2011, 258 p.
Steiner B. Anthropologie et sociétés.
Design for agency vs. vulnerability by design
Stiefel Léa, Sandoz Alain dans Inaugural Conference of the PRIN projet “Digital Vulnerability in European Private Law. Peer-reviewed.
Communication et reconstruction. La critique chez John Dewey
Voirol Olivier dans Aubin France, Georges Eric, Rueff Julien (eds.) Perspectives critiques en communication. Tome 2., Presses Universitaires du Québec.
Communication in Critical Theory (Frankfurt School)
Voirol Olivier pp. 161-194 dans Filimowicz Michael , Tzankova Veronika (eds.) Reimagning Communication: Meaning. Volume 1, Routledge.
Prophets of deceit : Per un’attualizzazione teorica e Politica
Voirol Olivier pp. 91-119 dans Emery Nicola (eds.) Pregiudizio e Potere. Filosofia versus xenofobia, Mimesis Edizioni.
Adolescent behavioural risk screening in primary care: physician's point of view.
Eisner-Fellay T., Suris J.C., Barrense-Dias Y., 2024/04/15. Family practice, 41 (2) pp. 123-130. Peer-reviewed.
Guide RED pour une écriture féminisée et inclusive
Bornatici Christina, Bovey Fanny, Tabin Mireille, 2024/04/15..
Pourquoi étudier les chef.fe.s? La hiérarchie sociale à l'épreuve du sport
Leresche Jean-Philippe, Sainsaulieu Ivan, 2024/04/09. Les sports modernes 2 pp. 15-23. Peer-reviewed.
Negotiating submission. Pedagogies of coloniality in the everyday of veiled Muslim women in France and Switzerland
Kebaïli Sélima, Lépinard Eléonore, 2024/04/03. Ethnic and Racial Studies. Peer-reviewed.
COURSE DESIGN : A Visual and Modular Approach
Lanarès Jacques, Laperrouza Marc, Sylvestre Emmanuel, 2024/03/21., Epistémé.
Politique d’animation socioculturelle et promotion de l’égalité en Ville de Lausanne : intérêts et limites d’une approche par la budgétisation sensible au genre
Friedli Fiona, 2024/03/21. 53, Université de Lausanne et Ville de Lausanne (Interact).
Dettes et santé mentale : perspective de genre
Henchoz Caroline, Wernli Boris, Coste Tristan, 2024/03/20. SociologieS. Peer-reviewed.
La voix des familles monoparentales porte peu
Friedli Fiona, 2024/03/07. pp. 153-162 dans Le Pape Marie-Clémence , Helfter Clémence (eds.) Idées reçues sur les familles monoparentales, Cavalier Bleu Eds.
Learning by parenting: How do mothers respond to their children's developmental declines?
García-Sierra A., 2024/03. Social science research, 119 p. 102988. Peer-reviewed.
The progressive place paradox: Status-based health inequalities are magnified in more economically progressive Swiss localities
Morris Katy, Lampropoulos Dimitrios, 2024/03. Health & Place, 86 p. 103215. Peer-reviewed.
Lépinard Eléonore, 2024/02/29., Anamosa.
Study to evaluate the future data compilation for the Swiss Consumer Sentiment Index
Lutz Georg, Wernli Boris, Antal Erika, Lipps Oliver, Legler Victor, Kaufmann Daniel, Burri Marc, 2024/02/15., Staatssekretariat für Wirtschaft SECO, Bern, Switzerland. Grundlagen für die Wirtschaftspolitik Nr. 43..
Partisan preference divides regarding welfare chauvinism and welfare populism – Appealing only to radical right voters or beyond?
Enggist Matthias, Häusermann Silja, 2024/02/14. Journal of European Social Policy. Peer-reviewed.
Parental ages and the intergenerational transmission of education: evidence from Germany, Norway, and the United States
Grätz Michael, Wiborg Øyvind N., 2024/02/05. European Societies pp. 1-28. Peer-reviewed.
When National Origins Equal Socio-economic Background: The Effect of the Ethno-class Parental Background on the Education of Children Coming of Age in Switzerland
Guichard Eduardo, Chimienti Milena, Bolzman Claudio, Le Goff Jean-Marie, 2024/02/02. Journal of International Migration and Integration. Peer-reviewed.
History matters: the statistical modelling of the life course
Scott Marc A., Le Goff Jean-Marie, Gauthier Jacques-Antoine, 2024/02. Quality & Quantity, 58 (1) pp. 445-469. Peer-reviewed.
Reciprocal association between social support and psychological distress in chronic physical health conditions: A random intercept cross-lagged panel model.
Debnar C., Peter C., Morselli D., Michel G., Bachmann N., Carrard V., 2024/02. Applied psychology. Health and well-being, 16 (1) pp. 376-394. Peer-reviewed.
On the Creation, Documentation, and Sensible Use of Weights in the Context of Comparative Surveys
Joye Dominique, Sapin Marlène, Wolf Christof, 2024/01/24. 15.
The Perceived Economic Scarcity Scale: A valid tool with greater predictive utility than income
Auger Victor, Sommet Nicolas, Normand Alice, 2024/01/11. British Journal of Social Psychology. Peer-reviewed.
Why Welfare Chauvinism is not a Winning Strategy for the Left
Enggist Matthias, 2024/01/10., Université de Lausanne.
"La plus vieille usine du monde". Socio-histoire de l'incinérateur du Vallon (1958-2005)
Moll-François Fabien, Mavrot Céline, Elsig Alexandre, Breider Florian, Berthet Aurélie, 2024., EPFL, UNIL, Unisanté.
Between data providers and concerned citizens: Exploring participation in precision public health in Switzerland.
Bühler N., Frahsa A., Morand Bourqui R., Von Götz N., Bochud M., Panese F., 2024/01. Public understanding of science, 33 (1) pp. 105-120. Peer-reviewed.
How loneliness increased among different age groups during COVID-19: a longitudinal analysis
Köster Fiona, Lipps Oliver, 2024/01/01. European Journal of Ageing, 21 (2). Peer-reviewed.
Of Crystals and Cathodes: Evaporation Mining, Energy Ambitions, and Extractive Politics in Bolivia
Goodale M., 2024. Anthropological Quarterly, 97 (2).
Personalized Health and Precision Medicine in Practice
Chiapperino L., Besle S., Louvel S., Panese F., 2024. Frontiers Research Topics, 9. Peer-reviewed.
La responsabilité sociologique selon Jean-Louis Genard : éthique, politique, esthétique : Présentation du Dossier
Berger Mathieu, Roca i Escoda Marta, 2023/12/15., sociologieS.
Usage du cimetière de Nyon à l'horizon 2050
Le Goff Jean-Marie, Ramseyer Nils, 2023/12/13., Université de lausanne et Commune de Nyon.
Les configurations familiales en Suisse en 2040 — Observations sur la nécessité d’adapter la protection des droits de l’enfant
Petrelli Ilaria, Bernardi Laura (eds.), 2023/12/12., Familles et politique familiale en Suisse — Défis en 2040 Six contributions au débat, Commission fédérale pour les questions familiales (COFF).
Trier et classer les (in)désirables. Construction des catégories migratoires et gouvernement de la circulation internationale. : Entretien avec Annalisa Lendaro
Lendaro Annalisa, Mavrot Céline, 2023/12/11. Emulations - Revue de sciences sociales 997 pp. 1-9.
Visual and Performance-Based Research Feedback for Children and Youth: at the Crossroads of the Arts and the Social Sciences
Razy Elodie, De Suremain Charles-Edouard, Vivier Mélanie, Belissa Mathewos, Collard Léa, Daugey Marie, Dobbels Rachel, Dragozis Fanny, Maréchal Eloïse, Msoka Perry et al., 2023/12/07. NEOS, 15 (2). Peer-reviewed.
Les postures épistémologiques de la sociologie, son autonomie disciplinaire et ses enjeux éthiques
Genard Jean-Louis, Roca i Escoda Marta, 2023/12/06. SociologieS. Peer-reviewed.
Les postures épistémologiques de la sociologie, son autonomie disciplinaire et ses enjeux éthiques
Louis-Genard Jean, Roca i Escoda Marta, 2023/12/06. SociologieS. Peer-reviewed.
The micro-foundations of social democratic welfare chauvinism and inclusion: class demand and policy reforms in Western Europe, 1980−2018
Eloisa Harris, Matthias Enggist, 2023/12/04. European Political Science Review. Peer-reviewed.
Beyond withdrawal, rethinking innovation in society: introductory considerations
Goulet Frédéric, Vinck Dominique, 2023/12. pp. 1-15 dans New Horizons for Innovations Studies. Doing Without, Doing With Less, Edward Elgar.
Breaking with the assumption of centralization: an attempt to set up a peer-to-peer digital network for sharing agricultural data
Stiefel Léa, Vinck Dominique, 2023/12. pp. 201-215 dans Goulet Frédéric, Vinck Dominique (eds.) New horizons of innovation studies. Doing without, doing with less. , Edward Elgar.
Conclusion:New Horizons for Innovaion Studies
Goulet Frédéric, Vinck Dominique, 2023/12. pp. 289-299 dans New Horizons for Innovations Studies. Doing Without, Doing With Less, Edward Elgar.
Employment and well-being after plant closure: Survey evidence from Switzerland on the mid and long run
Oesch Daniel, Köster Fiona, Studer Matthias, Baumann Isabel, 2023/12/01. Economic and Industrial Democracy. Peer-reviewed.
Evolution of the income-related gap in health with old age: evidence from 20 countries in European and Chinese panel datasets
Cheng Mengling, Sommet Nicolas, Jopp Daniela S., Spini Dario, 2023/12. European Journal of Ageing. Peer-reviewed.
Formes d'appréhension des fragilités matérielles. Le cas d’un tapis de LED dans un spectacle de grande ampleur.
Vinck Dominique, Tanferri Mylène, Fischer Elodie, 2023/12/01. Revue d'anthropologie des connaissances, 17 (4). Peer-reviewed.
New horizons of innovation studies. Doing without, doing with less.
Goulet Frédéric, Vinck Dominique (eds.), 2023/12. 332, Edward Elgar.
Événement culturel en mémoire dans les médias sociaux : caractéristiser les archives vidéo de la Fête des Vignerons 2019
Smirnova Tatiana, Vinck Dominique, Tanferri Mylène, Fischer Elodie, 2023/12. Les cahiers du numériques 1-4 pp. 119-144. Peer-reviewed.
The effect of parental background on the potential education and employment of migrants' children in Switzerland
Le Goff Jean-Marie, Guichard Eduardo, Chimienti Milena, Bolzman Claudio, Dasoki Nora, 2023/11/28. Ethnic and Racial Studies pp. 1-27.
Quantifying online citizen science: Dynamics and demographics of public participation in science
Strasser Bruno J., Tancoigne Elise, Baudry Jérôme, Piguet Steven, Spiers Helen, Luis-Fernandez Marquez José, Kasparian Jérôme, Grey François, Anderson David, Lintott Chris, 2023/11/21. PLOS ONE, 18 (11) pp. e0293289. Peer-reviewed.
Interruptions de grossesse dans le canton de Vaud en 2022 : l’essentiel
Stadelmann Sophie, Barrense-Dias Yara, 2023/11/17. (51) 6 [Raisons de santé : les essentiels ; 51], Centre universitaire de médecine générale et santé publique (Unisanté).
Compte-rendu de Émilie Biland, Gouverner la vie privée. L’encadrement inégalitaire des séparations conjugales en France et au Québec
Friedli Fiona, 2023/11/15. Sociologie du travail, 65 (4) pp. en ligne.
Les parcours de formation professionnelle au prisme du sexisme et de l’homophobie
Gianettoni Lavinia, Guilley Edith, Blondé Jérôme, Déjussel Morgane, Foretay Taïs, Gross Dinah, 2023/11/08., FNS.
The effects of female education on child education: a prospective analysis
Grätz Michael, 2023/11/06. European Societies pp. 1-25. Peer-reviewed.
The structural shifts in Switzerland’s economy and society, 2000– 2020
Oesch Daniel, 2023/11/01. pp. 73-93 dans The Oxford Handbook of Swiss Politics chap. 5, Oxford University Press.
La fabrique discursive de la haine : Affects, agitation fasciste et « politique du ressentiment »
Voirol Olivier, Martini Émilie, 2023/10/31. Réseaux, N° 241 (5) pp. 39-77.
Blame-avoidance and fragmented crisis management during the COVID-19 pandemic in Switzerland
Mavrot Céline, Sager Fritz, 2023/10/26. European Policy Analysis pp. 1-23. Peer-reviewed.
Les nouvelles médiations audiovisuelles de la musique live
Riom Loïc, Spanu Michaël, 2023/10/23..
Self-help féministe et critique lesbienne du pouvoir médical Les conditions de la (non-)problématisation lesbienne de la santé en France et en Suisse (1973-1991)
Quéré Lucile, 2023/10/23. pp. 85-100 dans Eloit Ilana, Quéré Mathias, Bouvard Hugo (eds.) Lesbiennes, pédés, arrêtons de raser les murs, La Dispute.
« Peut-être que je peux retomber sur ses pattes ? » - Agentivités multiples dans la constitution d’un DVD de spectacle à partir de sa captation en direct
Tanferri Mylène, Vinck Dominique, Waeber Sarah, 2023/10/23. SociologieS. Peer-reviewed.
Prévenir la maltraitance infantile au Cameroun
Bagnéken C. O., Brodard F., 2023/10/19. REISO-Revue d'information sociale.
Un féminisme incarné ou les bonnes manières d'incarner le féminisme ?
Quéré Lucile, 2023/10/12. AOC.
Does it pay to think about the future? Future orientation, ideology, age and vote earning among political candidates
Lindholm Annika, Rapeli Lauri, von Schoultz Åsa, 2023/10/09. International Political Science Review. Peer-reviewed.
Income inequality in later years: occupational trajectories or initial social characteristics?
Ganjour Olga, Gauthier Jacques-Antoine, Le Goff Jean-Marie, Widmer Eric D., 2023/10. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, 14 (4) pp. 542-565. Peer-reviewed.
Le travail social saisi par l'esprit gestionnaire
Perrenoud Marc, Sainsaulieu Ivan, 2023/09/30. pp. 241-256 dans C'est qui ton chef ?! Sociologie du leadership en Suisse, EPFL Press.
Portrait de l’artiste en entrepreneur dans les musiques actuelles et la danse contemporaine en Suisse romande
Perrenoud Marc, Sorignet Pierre-Emmanuel, 2023/09/30. pp. 269-283 dans C'est qui ton chef ?! Sociologie du leadership en Suisse, EPFL Press.
Ravier Axel, 2023/09/27. Urbanités.
Prise de position sur le Message concernant l’encouragement de la culture pour les années 2025–2028 (Message culture) du 9 juin 2023
Moeschler Olivier, Riom Loïc, 2023/09/22., Comité de recherche Sociologie des arts et de la culture (CR-SAC) de la Société suisse de sociologie (SSS) / Forschungskomitee Kunst- und Kultursoziologie (Foko-KUKUSO) der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (SGS).
Getting a foot in the door: local labour markets and the school-to-work transition
Morris Katy, 2023/09/04. Journal of Youth Studies pp. 1-21. Peer-reviewed.
The Implementation of a Campus Police in Greece. A Breach of the Anti-authoritarian Historical Heritage of Greek Universities : Interview with Filippa Chatzistavrou and Yiorgos Vassalos
Chatzistavrou Filippa, Vassalos Yiorgos, Mavrot Céline, 2023/09/04. Emulations - Revue de sciences sociales, 997 pp. 1-8.
A longitudinal approach to online “collective identity work”: The case of the Gilets Jaunes in the var department
Morselli Davide, Beramendi Maite, Bendali Zakaria, Fillieule Olivier, 2023/09/01. 21.
Development of a patient-centred medication management model for polymedicated home-dwelling older adults after hospital discharge: results of a mixed methods study
Pereira Filipa, Meyer-Massetti Carla, del Río Carral María, von Gunten Armin, Wernli Boris, Verloo Henk, 2023/09. BMJ Open, 13 (9) pp. e072738. Peer-reviewed.
Integration in the achievement motivation literature and the hierarchical model of achievement motivation
Andrew Elliot, Sommet Nicolas, 2023/09. Educational Psychology Review. Peer-reviewed.
Parents, teens and screens during COVID-19 containment: An exploratory study.
Surís J.C., Berchtold A., Barrense-Dias Y., 2023/09. Child, 49 (5) pp. 811-815. Peer-reviewed.
Models of Professionalism and Perceptions of Gender Discrimination in the Legal Professions
Insarauto Valeria, Boni-LeGoff Isabel, Mallard Grégoire, Lépinard Eléonore, Le Feuvre Nicky, 2023/08/31. dans Bellini Andrea, Maestrepieri Lara (eds.) Professionalism and Social Change: Processes of Differentiation Within, Between and Beyond Professions, Palgrave.
Explanatory Puralism in Oncology: The Case of Neoantigen-Based Adoptive Cell Immunotherapies
Luca Chiapperino, Nils Graber, Francesco Panese, 2023/08/30..
Political interest in Swiss probability-based political and social surveys
Alkoç Nursel, 2023/08/29., FORS.
"Reconquête de friches" et assemblages résistants de la terre
Amelia Veitch, 2023/08/28. A contrario pp. 81-107. Peer-reviewed.
Éthique et politique de la formation des voix
Lang Julie, Cordey Michaël, Auderset Sacha, 2023/08/28. A contrario, n° 34 (1) pp. 5-12.
Feeling poor or feeling poorer: comparing subjective measures of income in predicting health and well-being
Gilbert Karen, Weissman David, Gordils Jonathan, Elliot Andrew, Sommet Nicolas, 2023/08/21. International Journal of Social Psychology. Peer-reviewed.
Des vies sociales bouleversées ? Les sociabilités en temps de pandémie dans les familles françaises, suédoises et suisses
Landour Julie, Barbier Pascal, Le Goff Jean-Marie, Chatot Myriam, Constantin Sandra, Lidegran Ida, Hultqvist Elizabeth, Braga Kestener Helena, 2023/08/16. Sociologie, 14 (2) pp. 223-240. Peer-reviewed.
Exposure to the 1959–1961 Chinese famine and risk of non-communicable diseases in later life: A life course perspective
Cheng Mengling, Sommet Nicolas, Kerac Marko, Jopp Daniela S., Spini Dario, 2023/08/16. PLOS Global Public Health. Peer-reviewed.
Shared Distributed Functionality: Its (dual) meanings and why it matters
Sandoz Alain, Stiefel Léa, 2023/08/16. dans 18th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies. Peer-reviewed.
Historiciser la question des socialisations aux “musiques actuelles“
Perrenoud Marc, 2023/08/03. Transposition. Musique et sciences sociales. Peer-reviewed.
A competitiveness-based theoretical framework on the psychology of income inequality.
Sommet N., Elliot A.J., 2023/08. Current directions in psychological science, 32 (4) pp. 318-327. Peer-reviewed.
The Great Migration and implicit bias in the northern United States
Vuletich Heidi A., Sommet Nicolas, Payne Keith B., 2023/07/27. Social Psychological and Personality Science. Peer-reviewed.
Physically Violent Parental Practices: A Cross-Cultural Study in Cameroon, Switzerland, and Togo
Naudin C., Gatti V., Kounou K. B., Bagnéken C. O., Ntjam M.-C-, Clément M.-È., Brodard F., 2023/07/08. Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma. Peer-reviewed.
Les voyages reproductifs vers la Tunisie : l'intime au prisme des pratiques de l'assistance médicale à la procréation
Maffi Irene, Rouland Betty, Wenger Carole, 2023/07/01. L'Année du Maghreb 29 pp. 39-61. Peer-reviewed.
Towards a Swiss health study with human biomonitoring: Learnings from the pilot phase about participation and design.
Morand Bourqui R., Nusslé S.G., von Goetz N., Veys-Takeuchi C., Zuppinger C., Boulez Y., Bühler N., Chapatte L., Currat C., Dousse A. et al., 2023/07. PloS one, 18 (7) pp. e0289181. Peer-reviewed.
Circulating knowledge through intermediary objects in scientific cooperative networks
Vinck Dominique, Perez Constanza, 2023/06/30. pp. 251-262 dans Rodriguez Medina Leandro, Keim Wiebke (eds.) Handbook of Academic Knowledge Circulation chap. 19, University College London Press.
Parental unemployment and adolescents’ subjective wellbeing – the moderating role of educational policies
Baranowska Anna, Högberg Björn, Bernardi Laura, 2023/06/30. European Sociological Review. Peer-reviewed.
Systematic review and theoretical comparison of children’s outcomes in post-separation living arrangements
Vowels L., Comolli C., Bernardi L., Chàcon-Mendoza D., Darwiche J., 2023/06/30. PLOS ONE. Peer-reviewed.
The Introduction of “Natural Cesarean” in Swiss Hospitals: A Conversation with One of its Pioneers
Chautems Caroline, Maffi Irene, Farin Alexandre, 2023/06/30. pp. 312-357 dans Davis-Floyd Robbie, Premkumar Ashish (eds.) Cognition, Risk, and Responsibility in Obstetrics: Anthropological Analyses and Critiques of Obstetricians’ Practices, Berghahn Books.
Caring for patients with substance use disorders: a qualitative investigation of difficulties encountered by hospital-based clinicians
Paroz Sophie, Monnat Martine, Panese Francesco, Saraga Michael, Daeppen Jean-Bernard, 2023/06/27. Journal of Addictive Diseases pp. 1-12.
Interdependency of relationships in stepfamilies – Variation across children’s residence arrangements,
Arat Ece, Voorpostel Marieke, Bernardi Laura, 2023/06/27. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 40 (11) pp. 3656-3678. Peer-reviewed.
Income-related inequalities in physical and cognitive health domains over the later life course: Longitudinal evidence from the U.S. (1992–2016)
Cheng Mengling, Sommet Nicolas, Jopp Daniela S., Spini Dario, 2023/06/26. Research on Aging. Peer-reviewed.
Rendre la parole. Quand les victimes mettent en récit les violences sexuelles dans l'Église catholique
Girod Romaine, 2023/06/26. Genre, sexualité et société 29. Peer-reviewed.
Cigarettes électroniques jetables (puffs) : une étude qualitative sur les opinions des jeunes (14-25 ans) du canton de Vaud et du Valais
Chok Lorraine, Fernandes-Palhares Diana, Cros Jérémy, Lebon Luc, Zürcher Karin, Dubuis Alexandre, Berthouzoz Cathy, Suris Joan-Carles, Barrense-Dias Yara, 2023/06/19. (349) 56 [Raisons de santé ; 349], Centre universitaire de médecine générale et santé publique (Unisanté).
Blood, sweat, and cannabis: real-world policy evaluation of controversial issues
Mavrot Céline, Hadorn Susanne, Sager Fritz, 2023/06/18. Journal of European Public Policy pp. 1-27. Peer-reviewed.
Abortion, law and health in the Arab world
Maffi Irene, Tonnessen Liv, 2023/06/15. dans Research Handbook on International Abortion Law, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd .
The racialisation of sexism: how race frames shape anti-street harassment policies in Britain and France
Calderaro Charlène, 2023/06/07. Policy & Politics pp. 1-26. Peer-reviewed.
La représentation blessée ou l’exercice macroniste du pouvoir
Kaufmann Laurence, 2023/06/06., Imprimé AOC (Analyse, Opinion, Critique).
Professional service firms and the manufacturing of the corporate nobility
Bühlmann Felix, 2023/06/05. Journal of Professions and Organization, 10 (1) pp. 36-49.
Contemporary Class Analysis
Oesch Daniel, 2023/05/22. pp. C12S1-C12T3 dans The Oxford Handbook of Social Stratification, Oxford University Press.
Accepting controversial measures in times of COVID-19: The democratic delusion paradox
Passini Stefano, Morselli Davide, 2023/05/10. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 11 (1) pp. 199-211. Peer-reviewed.
Falsches Feindbild Teilzeitarbeit
Oesch Daniel, 2023/05/08. Neue Zürcher Zeitung.
Mettre en œuvre les savoirs des sciences sociales ? Quelques enseignements des études des sciences et techniques.
Riom Loïc, Vinck Dominique, 2023/05. Bulletin ASSH / SAGW 1 pp. 24-27.
Weathering the storm together: Does unemployment insurance help couples avoid divorce?
Kessler Dorian, Hevenstone Debra, Vandecasteele Leen, Sepahniya Samin, 2023/05. Journal of European Social Policy, 33 (2) pp. 248-263. Peer-reviewed.
Edition of Special Issue on COVID-19 Policies
Mavrot Céline, Malandrino Anna, 2023/04/29. European Policy Analysis, 9 (2) pp. 91-190.
Infrastructure-Driven Development: The Local Social Impact of a Large Hydropower Plant in the Amazon
Schmutz Rita, 2023/04/20. The Journal of Development Studies pp. 1-21. Peer-reviewed.
Musique live et Génération Z. Enjeux et perspectives
Riom Loïc, 2023/04/20., CNM Lab, Paris.
Moving Away from Religion: Age, Cohort, or Period Effect? Evidence from a Longitudinal Survey in Switzerland
Monnot Christophe, Wernli Boris, 2023/04/04. Religions, 14 (4) p. 493. Peer-reviewed.
A dynamic perspective on the evolution of perceived stress levels in Switzerland: drivers before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
Klaas Hannah S., Kuhn Ursina, Ryser Valérie-Anne, Refle Jan-Erik, Tillmann Robin, Voorpostel Marieke, 2023/04/01. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, 14 (2) pp. 240-274. Peer-reviewed.
Cause commune RAPPORT DEUXIÈME ENQUETE: 2020-2021
Soutenance publique de thèse - Politiques des architectures numériques
Stiefel Léa, 2023/04/01..
Data Sharing in the Social Sciences
Heers Marieke, 2023/03/28. FORS Guides 21 pp. 1-10. Peer-reviewed.
Attitudes towards gender equality and discrimination against young women: where does equality stand in Switzerland?
Bornatici Christina, 2023/03/24. dans Swiss Group of International Schools (SGIS) Annual Conference 2023.
Lost in translation? A qualitative study of representations and management of chronic depression in general practice.
Linder A., Widmer D., Fitoussi C., Gagnebin L., de Roten Y., Despland J.N., Ambresin G., 2023/03/24. BMC primary care, 24 (1) p. 83. Peer-reviewed.
The Birth and Development of Anthropology in Arab Countries: A Still Controversial and Marginalised Knowledge?
Maffi Irene, 2023/03/23. pp. 619-656 dans Histories of Anthropology chap. 20, Palgrave and MacMillan Cham.
Allaiter. Histoire(s) et cultures d’une pratique
Maffi Irene, Dasen Veronique, Solfaroli Camillocci Daniela, Arena Francesca, Foehr-Janssens Yasmina, 2023/03/20. 898, Brepols.
Le bébé quantifié. L’alimentation des nouveau-nés dans un hôpital suisse au début du XXIe siècle
Maffi Irene, 2023/03/20. pp. 155-169 dans Allaiter. Histoire(s) et cultures d’une pratique, Brepols.
Les courbes de croissance et la quantification de la santé du bébé’
Maffi Irene, 2023/03/20. pp. 453-456 dans Allaiter. Histoire(s) et cultures d’une pratique, Brepols.
Procédure de consultation concernant le projet de révision de l’art. 50 LEI visant à améliorer la protection des migrantes victimes de violence domestique
Boillet V., Graf-Brugère A.-L., Roca i Escoda M., 2023/03/13..
Endettement et santé mentale : Le rôle de l’organisation financière et de la distribution des responsabilités économiques au sein du couple
Henchoz Caroline, Coste Tristan, Wernli Boris, 2023/03/07. Enfances Familles Générations. Peer-reviewed.
Das Longitudinale Mixed Methods-Design der PICE-Studie (Parental Investment in Children's Education)
Kamm Chantal, Heers Marieke, Sandra Hupka-Brunner, Gomensoro Andrés, 2023/03/06. TREE Technical Paper Series.
Hommage à Pascal Lécaille
Vinck Dominique, 2023/03/01. Revue d’anthropologie des connaissances, 17 (1).
Social Support, Gender and the Roots of Political Efficacy: Evidence from the Swiss Household Panel
Lindholm Annika, 2023/03/01. Swiss Journal of Sociology, 49 (1) pp. 125-152. Peer-reviewed.
Thomas Reverdy, Antimanuel de management de projet. Composer avec l'incertitude : Paris : Dunod, 2021
Vinck Dominique, 2023/02/28. Revue d'anthropologie des connaissances, 17 (1). Peer-reviewed.
"Les malades passent à l’acte": apories de la biomédecine et quêtes de reconnaissance des patients
Panese Francesco, 2023/02/21. pp. 43-54 dans Schaad Béatrice (eds.) (In)Hospitalités hospitalières. Conflit. Médiation. Réconciliation chap. 3, RMS Editions.
Intimate Partner Violence as a complex problem? The multiple conceptions of gender in Swiss public action
Delage Pauline, Roca i Escoda Marta, 2023/02/20. Swiss Journal of Sociology, 49 (1) pp. 215-231. Peer-reviewed.
Egalité des sexes et bien-être: Se marier ou vivre en union libre dans le contexte Suisse ?
Le Goff Jean-Marie, Ryser Valérie-Anne, 2023/02/08. pp. 47-74 dans Diversité des familles et bien-être en SuisseEnquête sur les familles et les générations 2013 et 2018, Seismo.
La non-consommation d’alcool : le point de vue des jeunes (14-20 ans)
Chok Lorraine, Surís Joan-Carles, Barrense-Dias Yara, 2023/02/07. (48) 4 [Raisons de santé : les essentiels ; 48], Centre universitaire de médecine générale et santé publique (Unisanté).
Association between multiple chronic conditions and insufficient health literacy: cross-sectional evidence from a population-based sample of older adults living in Switzerland.
Wieczorek M., Meier C., Vilpert S., Reinecke R., Borrat-Besson C., Maurer J., Kliegel M., 2023/02/06. BMC public health, 23 (1) p. 253. Peer-reviewed.
Introduction: 'Science Is Politics By Other Means' Revisited
Seguin Eve, Vinck Dominique, 2023/02/01. Perspectives on Science, 31 (1) pp. 1-8. Peer-reviewed.
Politicizing algorithms by other means: Toward inquiries for affective dissensions
Jaton Florian, Vinck Dominique, 2023/02/01. Perspectives on Science, 31 (1) pp. 84-118. Peer-reviewed.
Subjective social class has a bad name, but predicts life chances well
Oesch Daniel, Vigna Nathalie, 2023/02. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 83 p. 100759. Peer-reviewed.
Alcohol use and misuse among young people: What about abstainers? A quantitative approach
Surís Joan-Carles, Berchtold André, Chok Lorraine, Barrense-Dias Yara, 2023/01/23. (343) 51 [Raisons de santé ; 343], Centre universitaire de médecine générale et santé publique (Unisanté).
The Career Evolution of the Sex Gap in Wages: Discrimination Vs. Human Capital Investment
Vaccaro Giannina, Neumark David, 2023/01/23. 50th Celebratory Volume (Research in Labor Economics) . Peer-reviewed.
Reshaped teachers' careers? New patterns and the fragmentation of the teaching profession in England
Mathou Cécile, Sarazin Marc, Dumay Xavier, 2023/01/17. British Journal of Sociology of Education pp. 1-20. Peer-reviewed.
Processus sociaux et types d'interaction. Autour du livre de Pierre Livet et Bernard Conein
Kaufmann Laurence, 2023/01/15. Revue de philosophie économique. Peer-reviewed.
Vulnerability and resilience after partner loss through divorce and bereavement: Contributions of the LIVES ‘Intimate partner loss study’
Jopp Daniela S, Lampraki Charikleia, Morselli Davide, Znoj Hans-Jörg, Brodbeck Jeannette, Spini Dario, Perrig-Chiello Pasqualina, 2023/01/13. pp. 91-108 dans Withstanding vulnerability throughout adult life: dynamics of stressors, resources, and reserves, Springer Nature.
Combining data collection modes in longitudinal studies.
Roberts Caroline, Voorpostel Marieke, 2023/01/12. dans Withstanding Vulnerability throughout Adult Life. Dynamics of Stressors, Resources, and Reserves, Palgrave.
Is the unhappy citizen a populist citizen? Linking subjective well-being to populist and nativist attitudes
Lindholm Annika, Rapeli Lauri, 2023/01/12. European Political Science Review 15 pp. 465-481. Peer-reviewed.
A Chinese ‘modern' device transforming the traditional healers' practices in Cameroon
Candelise Lucia, Kernen Antoine, 2023/01/02. Critical African Studies, 15 (1) pp. 91-105.
Chinese goods in Africa: new extraversions, orientations, and expressions of African agency
Khan-Mohammad Guive, Kernen Antoine, 2023/01/02. Critical African Studies, 15 (1) pp. 1-14.
(Un)Playing Music at Sofar Sounds: Some Elements of an Ethno(methodo)musicology of Live Performances
Riom Loïc, 2023. Ethnomusicology Review. Peer-reviewed.
A competitiveness-based theoretical framework on the psychology of income inequality
Sommet Nicolas, 2023. Current Directions in Psychological Science. Peer-reviewed.
Après l’effort... que devient le corps ? Ruptures et continuités corporelles chez les ex-sportif·ves de haut niveau
Longchamp P., Braizaz M., Tawfik A., Toffel K., 2023. Sciences sociales et sport, 21 (1) pp. 7-32. Peer-reviewed.
Combining event history and sequence analysis to study vulnerability over the life course
Studer Matthias, Gauthier Jacques-Antoine, Le Goff Jean-Marie, 2023. pp. 375-388 dans Withstanding vulnerability throughout adult life, Springer.
Concentration of Critical Events Over the Life Course and Life Satisfaction Later in Life
Comolli Chiara L., Bolano Danilo, Bernardi Laura, Voorpostel Marieke, 2023., LIVES.
Des formes d’autorité en régie audiovisuelle : la réalisation télévisée de la Fête des Vignerons
Camus Laurent, Fischer Elodie, Tanferri Mylène, Vinck Dominique, 2023. pp. 329-340 dans Leresche Jean-Philippe, Saisaulieu Ivan (eds.) C’est qui ton chef ?! Sociologie du leadership en Suisse. chap. 21, PPUR.
Des outils "naturels" pour soutenir un processus "inné" : sélection d’aides à l’allaitement de sages-femmes indépendantes vaudoises
Chautems Caroline, Guerra Sophie, 2023. dans Arena Francesca, Dasen Véronique, Foehr-Janssens Yasmina, Maffi Irene, Solfaroli Camillocci Daniela (eds.) Allaiter de l’Antiquité à nos jours : Histoire et pratiques d’une culture en Europe, Brepols.
Does Schooling Affect Socioeconomic Inequalities in Educational Attainment? Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Germany
Grätz Michael, 2023. Sociological Science, 10 pp. 880-902. Peer-reviewed.
Empirical Approaches to Measuring Equality of Opportunity
Grätz Michael, 2023. pp. 1-9 dans Handbook of Equality of Opportunity, Springer International Publishing.
Enjeux psychologiques et sociaux du placement. Une étude exploratoire dans le canton de Vaud.
Roman Pascal, Gauthier Jacques-Antoine, 2023., Université de Lausanne, Suisse.
Equipping work and the production of a large-scale digital infrastructure. An ethnographic inquiry into the “Children’s drawings of gods” project
Vinck Dominique, Oberhauser Pierre-Nicolas, 2023/01. pp. 455-469 dans Brandt Pierre-Yves, Dandarova Zhargalma, Cocco Christelle, Vinck Dominique, Darbellay Benoît (eds.) When children draw gods: A multicultural and interdisciplinary approach to children's representations of supernatural agents chap. 17, Springer.
Family Diversity: Updating a Household Typology in the Swiss Household Panel
Morel Sandrine, 2023. (01), FORS.
Family in Challenging Circumstances: Ways of Coping
Gauthier Jacques-Antoine, Česnuitytė Vida, 2023. pp. 210-213 dans Gauthier Jacques-Antoine, Česnuitytė Vida (eds.) Family Supportive Networks and Practices in Vulnerable Contexts, Cogitatio Press.
Family Supportive Networks and Practices in Vulnerable Contexts
Gauthier Jacques-Antoine, Česnuitytė Vida (eds.), 2023., 11 1 337, Cogitatio Press.
Functioning strategies of the Research Groups’ Leaders in the context of funding and policy instability
Jaime Astrid, Perez Constanza, Herrera Bernardo, Ordoñez Gonzalo, Vinck Dominique, 2023. Review for Policy Research, 40 pp. 282-306. Peer-reviewed.
How Family and Other Close Ties Shape Vulnerability Processes
Rossier Clémentine, Bernardi Laura, Baersywil Marie, Oris Michel, Sapin Marlène, Widmer Eric, 2023. pp. 153-167 dans Withstanding Vulnerability throughout Adult Life, Springer Nature Singapore.
Integrating surveys and social media to better understand the dynamics of public opinion
Reveilhac Maud, Morselli Davide, 2023. Computational Communication Research, 5 (1) p. 1.
Interdisciplinary Approaches to Children’s Drawings of Gods: Challenges, Achievements and Perspectives.
Brandt Pierre-Yves, Dandarova Robert Zhargalma, Cocco Christelle, Vinck Dominique, Darbelay Frédéric, 2023/01. pp. 503-515 dans Brandt Pierre-Yves, Dandarova Robert Zhargalma, Cocco Christelle, Vinck Dominique, Darbellay Frédéric (eds.) When children draw gods: A multicultural and interdisciplinary approach to children's representations of supernatural agents chap. 20, Springer.
Justice in the Vernacular: An Anthropological Critique of Commensuration
Goodale M., 2023. Law & Social Inquiry pp. 1-19.
L'allaitement, le début de la communication. Ethnographie du post-partum dans le cadre d’un suivi global en Suisse romande
Chautems Caroline, 2023. dans Arena Francesca, Dasen Véronique, Foehr-Janssens Yasmina, Maffi Irene, Solfaroli Camillocci Daniela (eds.) Allaiter de l’Antiquité à nos jours : Histoire et pratiques d’une culture en Europe, Brepols.
La fabrique sportive des présidents de la Confédération au 20e siècle
Tonnerre Quentin, Clastres Patrick, 2023. pp. 67-82 dans Sainsaulieu Ivan, Leresche Jean-Philippe (eds.) C'est qui ton chef ?! Sociologie du leadership en Suisse. chap. 3, Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes.
La perspectiva de curso de vida y su operacionalízación por medio del análisis de secuencias. Un marco introductorio
Gauthier Jacques-Antoine, 2023. pp. 31-70 dans Mier y Terán Marta (eds.) Trayectorias y desigualdades sociales en el contexto mexicano: una perspectiva longitudinal, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales.
La PrEP en Suisse romande entre anxiété et confiance. Utilisation des antirétroviraux en prévention du VIH
Genre Noëllie, Christinet Vanessa, 2023. Revue Médicale Suisse, 19 (842) pp. 1714-1717. Peer-reviewed.
Labour Market Transitions in South Africa and Indonesia: A descriptive analysis using panel data.
Vaccaro Giannina, Orsholits Dan, Setyonaluri D., Aryaputr C., Zizzamia Rocco, Steinmetz Stephanie, Studer Matthias, Vandecasteele Leen, 2023., Joint EU-ILO Project “Building Partnerships on the Future of Work”. Geneva: ILO / European Commission.
Le tire-lait : entre responsabilisation et autonomisation des mères
Chautems Caroline, Guerra Sophie, 2023. dans Arena Francesca, Dasen Véronique, Foehr-Janssens Yasmina, Maffi Irene, Solfaroli Camillocci Daniela (eds.) Allaiter de l’Antiquité à nos jours : Histoire et pratiques d’une culture en Europe, Brepols.
Les élites bancaires suisses : entre localisme et transnationalisme
Araujo Pedro, Bühlmann Felix, 2023. Revue française de sociologie, 64 (1-2) pp. 85-110. Peer-reviewed.
Les évangéliques à la conquête du monde
Gonzalez Philippe, Johnson Thomas, 2023., Série documentaire en 3 épisodes de 52 minutes..
Lessons Learned aus der Covid-19- Kommunikation mit der Migrationsbevölkerung
Kleinberger Ulla, Davolio Eser, Schwarz Natalie, Adili Kushtrim, Merminod Gilles, 2023., Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften.
Life trajectories as products and determinants of social vulnerability
Gauthier Jacques-Antoine, Aeby Gaëlle, 2023. pp. 285-302 dans Withstanding vulnerability throughout adult life, Springer.
Mondains and Oblates. Body trajectories in high-level sport
Longchamp P., Braizaz M., Tawfik A., Toffel K., 2023. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 58 (1) pp. 146-166. Peer-reviewed.
Mélanges offerts à René Knüsel
Gauthier Jacques-Antoine, Berchtold André (eds.), 2023. 124, Université de Lausanne.
Porn use and men's and women's sexual performance: evidence from a large longitudinal sample
Sommet Nicolas, Berent Jacques, 2023. Psychological Medicine, 53 pp. 3105-3114. Peer-reviewed.
Prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 infection and associated risk factors among asylum seekers living in asylum centres: A cross-sectional serologic study in Canton of Vaud, Switzerland.
Morisod K., Grazioli V.S., Schlüter V., Bochud M., Gonseth Nusslé S., D'Acremont V., Bühler N., Bodenmann P., 2023. Journal of migration and health, 7 p. 100175. Peer-reviewed.
Quelle communication scientifique dans la lutte contre le changement climatique ?
Mavrot Céline, Sager Fritz, Hinterleitner Markus, Kaufmann David, Grosjean Martin, Stocker Thomas F., 2023. Cahiers du LIEPP - SciencesPo, 63.
René Knüsel, un politologue humaniste de proximité
Berchtold André, Gauthier Jacques-Antoine, 2023. pp. 7-8 dans Berchtold André, Gauthier Jacques-Antoine (eds.) Mélanges offerts à René Knüsel, Université de Lausanne.
Subjective Well-Being, Family Dynamics and Vulnerability
Le Goff Jean-Marie, Ryser Valérie-Anne, Bernardi Laura, 2023. pp. 17-29 dans Withstanding Vulnerability throughout Adult Life, Springer Nature Singapore.
Systematic review and theoretical comparison of children's outcomes in post-separation living arrangements.
Vowels L.M., Comolli C.L., Bernardi L., Chacón-Mendoza D., Darwiche J., 2023. PloS one, 18 (6) pp. e0288112. Peer-reviewed.
The Intergenerational Transmission of Family Dissolution: How it Varies by Social Class Origin and Birth Cohort.
Di Nallo Alessandro, Oesch Daniel, 2023. European Journal of Population, 39 (3) p. 33. Peer-reviewed.
Three years of COVID-19 pandemic: Coping with crisis governance in the long term
Mavrot Céline, Malandrino Anna, 2023. European Policy Analysis, 9 (2) pp. 96-100.
Vulnerabilities in Local Contexts
Bühlmann Felix, Morris Katy, Sommet Nicolas, Vandecasteele Leen, 2023. pp. 139-152 dans Withstanding Vulnerability throughout Adult Life, Springer Nature Singapore.
When children draw gods: A multicultural and interdisciplinary approach to children's representations of supernatural agents
Brandt Pierre-Yves, Dandarova Robert Zhargalma, Cocco Christelle, Vinck Dominique, Darbellay Frédéric (eds.), 2023/01. 569, Springer.
When Employment Status Shapes Professionalism. The Case of the Academic Labour Market in Switzerland
Bataille Pierre, Le Feuvre Nicky, Sautier Marie, 2023. pp. 39-58 dans Professionalism and Social Change. Processes of Differentiation Within, Between and Beyond Professions, Palgrave macmillan.
Dictionary-based and machine learning classification approaches: a comparison for tonality and frame detection on Twitter data
Reveilhac Maud, Morselli Davide, 2022/12/31. Political Research Exchange, 4 (1). Peer-reviewed.
SimCity and the Chaning Meaning of Game
Guenat Guillaume, 2022/12/28. New Sociological Perspectives, 2 (2). Peer-reviewed.
Nascita e sviluppo dell’antropologia nei paesi arabi. Un sapere controverso e marginalizzato
Maffi Irene, 2022/12/20. p. 656 dans Storie dell'antropologia, UTET.
In memoriam Bernard Conein
Kaufmann Laurence, Gonzalez Philippe, 2022/12/16. Langage et société, N° 177 (3) pp. 10-16.
Vers la compréhension des demandes d’aide à mourir de résidents d’EHPAD. Une étude qualitative multicentrique.
Mathieu-Nicot Florence, Trimaille Hélène, Chopard-dit-Jean Aurélie, Bonnet Magalie, Godard-Marceau Aurélie, Bondier Morgane, Aubry Régis, 2022/12/16. Annales Médico-psychologiques, revue psychiatrique.
L'intermédiation culturelle internationale : Mondes de l'art, entrepreneuriat culturel et import-export de conventions
Perrenoud Marc, Christe Carole, Cler Marylou, Torres Roberto, 2022/12/15. SociologieS. Peer-reviewed.
Response burden and dropout in a probability-based online panel study – a comparison between an app and browser-based design.
Roberts Caroline, Herzing Jessica, Asensio Manjon Marc, Abbet Philip, Gatica-Perez Daniel, 2022/12/03. Journal of Official Statistics, 38 (4) pp. 987 - 1017. Peer-reviewed.
Associations between community participation and types of places visited among persons living with and without dementia: risks perception and socio-demographic aspects
Margot-Cattin Isabel, Berchtold André, Gaber Sophie, Kuhne Nicolas, Nygård Louise, Malinowsky Camilla, 2022/12. BMC Geriatrics, 22 (1).
Claiming village commons by “militarizing the ancestors” in urbanizing Fuzhou, China
Gapany Jérôme, 2022/12/01. Focaal, 2022 (94) pp. 72-86. Peer-reviewed.
Commoning and publicizing : Struggles for social goods
Trémon Anne-Christine, 2022/12/01. Focaal, 2022 (94) pp. 1-19. Peer-reviewed.
Diversité des familles et bien-être en Suisse
Rossier Clémentine, Bernardi Laura, Sauvain-Dugerdil Claudine, 2022/12..
Hans Magnus Enzensberger, Jeu de construction pour une théorie des médias, suivi de Usages d'une théorie marxiste des médias : Dijon, Les Presses du réel, coll. Médias/Théories, 2021, 304 pages.
Martini Émilie, 2022/12/01. Questions de communication 42 pp. 612-615.
Hommage à Bruno Latour
Vinck Dominique, 2022/12/01. Revue d'anthropologie des connaissances, 16 (4).
Humanités numériques : enjeu définitionnel
Dominique Vinck, 2022/12. Journal of Information Scicences, 21 (2) pp. 1-7. Peer-reviewed.
Doppio Standard. Donne e carriere scientifiche nell'Italia contemporanea.
Gaiaschi Camilla, 2022/11/25., Carocci Editore.
Résonance et théorie critique
Taylor Charles, 2022/11/25. Réseaux, N° 235 (5) pp. 47-71.
La critique féministe-marxiste : du travail domestique aux théories de la reproduction sociale
Calderaro Charlène, 2022/11/22. Travail, Genre et Sociétés, 2 (48) pp. 113-128. Peer-reviewed.
The Mediating Role of Self-Continuity on the Link Between Childhood Adversity and Loneliness in Later Life
Lampraki Charikleia, Jopp Daniela, Spini Dario, 2022/11/21. Frontiers in Psychology. Peer-reviewed.
Les articulations entre le biologique et le social dans l'évaluation des risques toxicologiques: vers une approche ancrée dans le corps et la vie quotidienne
Chiapperino Luca, del Rio Carral Maria, 2022/11/17. dans Senn Nicolas, Gaille Marie, del Rio Carral Maria, Gonzalez Holguera Julia (eds.) Santé et environnement : vers une nouvelle approche globale chap. 15, RMS éditions / Médecine & Hygiène.
Santé et environnement : vers une nouvelle approche globale
Senn Nicolas, Gaille Marie, del Río Carral María, Gonzalez Holguera Julia (eds.), 2022/11/17. 502, RMS éditions / Médecine et Hygiène.
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