Institute of Sport Sciences SSP

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1821 publications

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Les sauts acrobatiques In L'encyclopédie des arts du cirque (en ligne)
Hauw Denis, 2013..
Les équilibres In L'encyclopédie des arts du cirque (en ligne)
Hauw Denis, 2013..
Lointaines présences
Bancel N., Gastaut Y., Blanchard P., Yahi N., 2013. p. 360 dans Blanchard P., Yahi N., Gastaut Y., Bancel N., Stora B., Amokrane M. (eds.) La France arabo-orientale : treize siècles de présences du Maghreb, de la Turquie, d'Egypte, du Moyen-Orient et du Proche-Orient, La Découverte.
Médecine du mouvement, XIXe-XXe siècles : numéro thématique, Gesnerus. Swiss Journal for the History of Medicine and Science
Quin Grégory, Bancel Nicolas, Barras Vincent (eds.), 2013., 70 187, Schwabe.
Neuromuscular fatigue induced by whole-body vibration exercise
Maffiuletti N.A., Saugy J., Cardinale M., Micallef J.P., Place N., 2013. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 113 (6) pp. 1625-1634.
Noirs d'encre, transplantation aboutie
Bancel N., 2013. pp. 312-324 dans Thomas D., Richard D. (eds.) Noirs d'encre : colonialisme, immigration et identité au coeur de la littérature afro-française, La Découverte.
On the use of mobile inflatable hypoxic marquees for sport-specific altitude training in team sports.
Girard O., Brocherie F., Millet G.P., 2013. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 47 Suppl 1 pp. i121-i123. Peer-reviewed.
Organisation de l'expérience et cours de vie
Hauw D., Lemeur Y., 2013. pp. 163-191 dans Albarello L., Bourgeois E., Barbier J.M., Durand M. (eds.) L'expérience au travail et en formation, PUF.
Position statement--altitude training for improving team-sport players' performance: current knowledge and unresolved issues.
Girard O., Amann M., Aughey R., Billaut F., Bishop D.J., Bourdon P., Buchheit M., Chapman R., D'Hooghe M., Garvican-Lewis L.A. et al., 2013. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 47 Suppl 1 pp. i8-16. Peer-reviewed.
Pro: All dwellers at high altitude are persons of impaired physical and mental powers.
Kayser B., 2013. High Altitude Medicine & Biology, 14 (3) pp. 205-207. Peer-reviewed.
Qualitative and Hierarchical Analysis of Protective Factors against Illicit Use of Doping Substances in Athletes Calling a National Anti-Doping Phone-Help Service
Mohamed S., Bilard J., Hauw D., 2013. Montenegrin Journal of Sport Science and Medicine, 2 (2) pp. 21-25. Peer-reviewed.
Rebuttal to con statements.
Kayser B., 2013. High Altitude Medicine and Biology, 14 (3) p. 216.
Significant molecular and systemic adaptations after repeated sprint training in hypoxia
Faiss R., Leger B., Vesin J. M., Fournier P. E., Eggel Y., Deriaz O., Millet G. P., 2013. PLoS ONE, 8 (2) pp. e56522. Peer-reviewed.
Spatial distribution of motor units recruited during electrical stimulation of the quadriceps muscle versus the femoral nerve.
Rodriguez-Falces J., Maffiuletti N.A., Place N., 2013. Muscle and Nerve, 48 (5) pp. 752-761. Peer-reviewed.
Static and dynamic shoulder stabilizer adaptations in javelin throwers: A preliminary study
Edouard P, Damotte A, Lance G, Degache F, Calmels P, 2013. Isokinetics and Exercise Sciences, 21 (1) pp. 47-55.
The Effect of Adding CO2 to Hypoxic Inspired Gas on Cerebral Blood Flow Velocity and Breathing during Incremental Exercise
Fan Jui-Lin, Kayser Bengt, 2013. PLoS ONE, 8 (11) pp. e81130.
The Hypoxia Symposium 2013.
Kayser B., 2013. High Alltitude Medicine & Biology, 14 (3) pp. 308-311. Peer-reviewed.
The Law Not Applied : French Controversies about Television Viewer Access to the 2006 European Handball Championship
Ohl F., Schoch L., 2013. pp. 128-144 dans Scherer J., Rowe D. (eds.) Sport, Public Broadcasting, and Cultural Citizenship chap. 7, Taylor & Francis.
Toward a situated and dynamic understanding of doping behaviors
Hauw D., 2013. pp. 219-236 dans Tolleneer J., Bonte P., Sterckx S. (eds.) Athletic enhancement, human nature and ethics : Threats and opportunities of doping technologies chap. 12, Springer.
Towards estimation of front-crawl energy expenditure using the wearable aquatic movement analysis system (WAMAS)
Dadashi F., Aminian K., Crettenand F., Millet G. P., 2013. pp. 1-6 dans Body Sensor Networks (BSN), 2013 IEEE International Conference on. Peer-reviewed.
Triathlon Injury - An update
Vleck V.E., Millet G.P., Alves F.B., 2013. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin und Sporttraumatologie, 61 (3) pp. 10-16. Peer-reviewed.
Trois propositions pour changer la culture du cyclisme professionnel : une politique rénovée du dopage.
Aubel O., 2013. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin un Sporttraumatologie, 61 (3) pp. 34-38. Peer-reviewed.
Twitch and M-wave potentiation induced by intermittent maximal voluntary quadriceps contractions: Differences between direct quadriceps and femoral nerve stimulation.
Rodriguez-Falces J., Maffiuletti N.A., Place N., 2013. Muscle and Nerve, 48 (6) pp. 920-929. Peer-reviewed.
Ventilation, Oxidative Stress, and Nitric Oxide in Hypobaric versus Normobaric Hypoxia.
Faiss R., Pialoux V., Sartori C., Faes C., Dériaz O., Millet G.P., 2013. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 45 (2) pp. 253-260. Peer-reviewed.
Vulnérabilités et risques organisationnels liés au dopage dans le cyclisme professionnel
Taverna N., Aubel O., 2013. dans Congrès ACAPS, Grenoble, France.
« I love to play the bimbo sometimes with athletes » The role of professional interactions between female sports journalists and their male sources in the production of information
Schoch Lucie, 2013. Journalism Practice, 7 (1) pp. 96-111. Peer-reviewed.
Aménagement du lieu de vente : expertise des professionnels du marketing du sport et connaissance du comportement du consommateur
Calvar-Madec I., Ohl F., Tribou G., 2012/11. Management et Avenir, 6 (57) pp. 139-156. Peer-reviewed.
Le phantasme de la « guerre des identités »
Bancel N., 2012/11. Médiapart.
Les oubliés du Jardin d'Acclimatation
Bancel N., 2012/11. Le
Correlates of physical fitness in patients with type 2 diabetes
Puder JJ., Allet L., Amati F., Barral J., Beer S., Marques-Vidal P., Giet O., 2012/10. dans 48th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD), Berlin, Allemagne..
Management des entreprises de l'économie sociale et solidaire Identités plurielles et spécificités
Bayle E., Dupuis J.-C., 2012/10. Recherche en gestion 344, Bruxelles : De Boeck.
Are serve velocity and ground reaction forces altered following prolonged tennis?
Girard O., Millet G. P., Micallef J.P., 2012/08. ITF Coaching and Sport Science Review, 57 pp. 16-17. Peer-reviewed.
Construction des identités sexuées dans les salles de musculation
Coquet R., Ohl F., 2012/08., Université de Lausanne (Suisse) dans 6ème congrès international des recherches féministes francophones.
EEG alpha activity reflects motor preparation rather than the mode of action selection
Deiber M.-P, Sallard E., Ludwig C., Barral J., Ibañez V., 2012/08. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, 6 (59) p. 11. Peer-reviewed.
Effect of a governmentally-led physical activity program on motor skills in young children attending child care : a cluster RCT
Bonvin A., Barral J., Kriemler S., Longchamp A., Kakebeeke T., Marques-Vidal P., Puder JJ., 2012/08. dans North American Society for Pediatric Exercise Medicine, Philadelphia, USA.
La gouvernance des ONG : Le cas des fédérations sportives internationales
Arcioni S., Bayle E., 2012/08. pp. 175-211 dans Roth F. (eds.) La gouvernance des entreprises, Paris : Hermès-Lavoisier.
Bodybuilding and health norms
Coquet R., Ohl F., 2012/07., ISSA (International Sociology of Sport Association) dans World Congress of Sociology of Sport.
Maximal lipid oxidation during exercise: a target for individualizing endurance training in obesity and diabetes?
Brun J.F., Malatesta D., Sartorio A., 2012/07. Journal of Endocrinological Investigation, 35 (7) pp. 686-691. Peer-reviewed.
Ultramarathon is an outstanding model for the study of adaptive responses to extreme load and stress.
Millet G.P., Millet G.Y., 2012/07. BMC Medicine, 10 (1) p. 77. Peer-reviewed.
Age differences in the EEG N2 and P3 components during an interference task
Sallard E., Ludwig C., Deiber M.-P., Barral J., 2012/06. dans XIIème Colloque International sur le Vieillissement Cognitif, Tours, France.
Les pratiques de RSE des entreprises françaises de spectacles sportifs. Proposition d'un cadre d'analyse
François A., Bayle E., Maltese L., 2012/06., AOM/ISEOR dans Le développement organisationnel et la conduite du changement.
Manual reaction times and brain dynamics after 'awake surgery' of slow-growing tumors invading the parietal area. A case report
Sallard E., Barral J., Duffau H., Bonnetblanc F., 2012/06. Brain Injury, 26 pp. 1 - 6. Peer-reviewed.
Understanding the diversity of investment in the gym through bodybuilders' careers
Coquet R., Ohl F., 2012/06., EASS (European Association of Sociology of Sport) dans 9th EASS (European Association of Sociology of Sport) Conference: « sport in globalised societies changes and challenges ».
Effects of a physical activity intervention in children attending child care (Youp'Là Bouge program) : a cluster-randomized controlled trial
Bonvin A., Barral J., Kriemler S., Longchamp A., Kakebeeke T., Marques-Vidal P., Puder JJ., 2012/05. dans 19th European Congress on Obesity (ECO), Lyon, France.
Manifeste pour un musée des histoires coloniales
Bancel N., Vergès F., Cheb Sun M., 2012/05. Libération.
Weight status and gender-related differences in motor skills and in child care - based physical activity in young children.
Bonvin A., Barral J., Kakebeeke T.H., Kriemler S., Longchamp A., Marques-Vidal P., Puder J.J., 2012/03/09. BMC pediatrics, 12 p. 23. Peer-reviewed.
Bodybuilding and normalized risks
Coquet R., Ohl F., 2012/03., 4S (Société Suisse des Sciences du Sport) dans 4ème congrès de la SGS (Sportwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft der Schweiz).
Le rôle de l'échange dans le processus d'intégration: Le cas des clubs de football de migrants en Suisse
Berthoud J., Poli R., Busset T., Kaya B., 2012/03. dans 4ème congrès de la Société Suisse des Sciences du Sport (4S):.
Mise en évidence des corrélations en lien avec la condition physique des patients diabétiques de type 2
Giet O., Allet L., Amati F., Barral J., Beer S., Marques-Vidal P., Puder JJ, 2012/03. dans Congrès de la Société Francophone du Diabète, Nice, France.
Effect of an 8-weeks aerobic training program in elderly on oxidative stress and HSP72 expression in leukocytes during antioxidant supplementation.
Simar D., Malatesta D., Mas E., Delage M., Caillaud C., 2012/02. Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging, 16 (2) pp. 155-161. Peer-reviewed.
Toward a situated doping prevention: the studies on the athletes "sporting live course " and to the calls at the French national antidoping center "Ecoute dopage".
Bilard Jean, Hauw Denis, 2012/02. dans *th Conference international antidopage (le mondial de l'antidopage).
A Qualitative Exploration of the Psychological Contents and Dynamics of Momentum in Sport
Briki W., Den Hartigh R.J.R., Hauw D., Gernigon C., 2012. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 43 (5) pp. 365-384. Peer-reviewed.
Aerodynamic drag modeling of alpine skiers performing giant slalom turns.
Meyer F., Le Pelley D., Borrani F., 2012. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 44 (6) pp. 1109-1115.
Alteration in neuromuscular function after a 5 km running time trial.
Girard O., Millet G.P., Micallef J.P., Racinais S., 2012. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 112 (6) pp. 2323-2330. Peer-reviewed.
Bodybuilding et normalisation des risques
Coquet R., Ohl F., 2012. Risque 88 pp. 46-52.
Comparison of plantar pressure distribution in adolescent runners at low vs. high running velocity.
Fourchet F., Kelly L., Horobeanu C., Loepelt H., Taiar R., Millet G.P., 2012. Gait and Posture, 35 (4) pp. 685-687. Peer-reviewed.
Consuming sports: distinction, univorism and omnivorism
Lefevre B., Ohl F., 2012/01. Sport in Society, 15 (1) pp. 44-63. Peer-reviewed.
Does 'altitude training' increase exercise performance in elite athletes?
Lundby C., Millet G.P., Calbet J.A., Bärtsch P., Subudhi A.W., 2012. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 46 (11) pp. 792-795. Peer-reviewed.
Economy is not sacrificed in ultramarathon runners
Millet G.P., 2012. Journal of Applied Physiology, 113 (4) p. 686. Peer-reviewed.
Effects of 2 different prior endurance exercises on whole-body fat oxidation kinetics: light vs. heavy exercise.
Chenevière X., Borrani F., Droz D., Gojanovic B., Malatesta D., 2012. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, 37 (5) pp. 955-964. Peer-reviewed.
Effects of a 5-h hilly running on ankle plantar and dorsal flexor force and fatigability.
Fourchet F., Millet G.P., Tomazin K., Guex K., Nosaka K., Edouard P., Degache F., Millet G.Y., 2012. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 112 (7) pp. 2645-2652. Peer-reviewed.
Effects of aerobic fitness on oxygen uptake kinetics in heavy intensity swimming.
Reis J.F., Alves F.B., Bruno P.M., Vleck V., Millet G.P., 2012. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 112 (5) pp. 1689-1697.
Effects of prior short multiple-sprint exercises with different intersprint recoveries on the slow component of oxygen uptake during high-intensity exercise.
Lanzi S., Borrani F., Wolf M., Gojanovic B., Malatesta D., 2012. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, 37 (6) pp. 1080-1090. Peer-reviewed.
Elément pour une histoire de la mise en place du professionnalisme dans le football suisse: processus, résistances et ambiguïtés
Vonnard Philippe, Quin Grégory, 2012. Revue Suisse d'Histoire, 62 (1) pp. 70-85. Peer-reviewed.
Fat oxidation kinetics during exercise in obese individuals
Lanzi S., Codecasa F., Cornacchia M., Maestrini S., Salvadori A., Brunani A., Malatesta D., 2012. dans 4th annual congress of the Swiss society of sport sciences (4S).
Fat oxidation kinetics during exercise in obese individuals
Lanzi S., Codecasa F., Cornacchia M., Maestrini S., Salvadori A., Brunani A., Malatesta D., 2012. dans 17th annual congress of the ECSS.
Fat oxidation kinetics during exercise in obese individuals.
Lanzi S., Codecasa F., Cornacchia M., Maestrini S., Salvadori A., Brunani A., Malatesta D., 2012. dans 9° Convegno nazionale di medicina e scienze dello sport, 5° Memorial Premio Piero Mognoni de Saronno (I).
Football et intégration. Les clubs de migrants albanais et portugais en Suisse
Poli R., Berthoud J., Busset T., Kaya B. (eds.), 2012., Berne : Peter Lang.
Front-crawl instantaneous velocity estimation using a wearable inertial measurement unit.
Dadashi F., Crettenand F., Millet G.P., Aminian K., 2012. Sensors, 12 (10) pp. 12927-12939. Peer-reviewed.
Hypobaric versus normobaric hypoxia: same effects on postural stability?
Degache F., Larghi G., Faiss R., Deriaz O., Millet G., 2012. High Altitude Medicine and Biology, 13 (1) pp. 40-45. Peer-reviewed.
Hypoxic conditions and exercise-to-rest ratio are likely paramount.
Millet G.P., Faiss R., 2012. Sports Medicine, 42 (12) pp. 1081-3; author reply 1083-5. Peer-reviewed.
Ineffective normobaric LHTL: room confinement or inappropriate training intensity?
Schmitt L., Millet G.P., 2012. Journal of Applied Physiology, 112 (3) pp. 527; author reply 528. Peer-reviewed.
International Olympic Committee consensus statement on thermoregulatory and altitude challenges for high-level athletes.
Bergeron M., Bahr R., Bärtsch P., Bourdon L., Calbet J., Carlsen K.H., Castagna O., González-Alonso J., Lundby C., Maughan R. et al., 2012. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 46 (11) pp. 770-779. Peer-reviewed.
L'entraînement en altitude
Millet G.P., Millet G.Y., 2012. pp. 120-122 dans Millet G. (eds.) Ultra-Trail, Outdoor-Editions.
La fin des zoos humains
Bancel N., 2012. pp. 511-526 dans Zoos humains et exhibitions coloniales : 150 ans d'inventions de l'Autre, La Découverte.
La genèse de la Coupe des clubs champions. Une histoire du football européen (1920-1960)
Vonnard P., 2012., Neuchâtel: Editions CIES.
Last word on Point: Counterpoint: Hypobaric hypoxia induces different responses from normobaric hypoxia.
Millet G.P., Faiss R., Pialoux V., 2012. Journal of Applied Physiology, 112 (10) p. 1795. Peer-reviewed.
Les difficultés de la mesure du dopage à l'aide d'enquêtes sociologiques
Ohl F., 2012/01. pp. 21-36 dans Oswald D., Jaccoud C. (eds.) Le dopage dans le sport. Etat des lieux et nouvelles perspectives, Neuchâtel : CIES.
Les pratiques de RSE des fédérations sportives
Bayle E., 2012/01. Jurisport 117 pp. 23-29.
MenschenZoos : Schaufester der Unmenschlichkeit
Deroo E., Blanchard P., Bancel N., Boëtsch G. (eds.), 2012., Les éditions du crieur public.
MenschenZoos : Schausstellungen "exotischer" Menschen im Western
Bancel N., Blanchard P., Boëtsch G., Deroo E., Lemaire S., 2012. pp. 10-65 dans MenschenZoos: Schaufenster der Unmenschlichkeit, Les éditions du Crieur Public.
Oxygen uptake kinetics and middle distance swimming performance.
Reis J.F., Alves F.B., Bruno P.M., Vleck V., Millet G.P., 2012. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 15 (1) pp. 58-63. Peer-reviewed.
Passive knee-extension test to measure hamstring tightness: influence of gravity correction
Guex K., Fourchet F., Loepelt H., Millet G.P., 2012. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 21 (3) pp. 231-234. Peer-reviewed.
Point: Hypobaric hypoxia induces different physiological responses from normobaric hypoxia.
Millet G.P., Faiss R., Pialoux V., 2012. Journal of Applied Physiology, 112 (10) pp. 1783-1784. Peer-reviewed.
Que faire des postcolonial studies. Vertus et déraisons de l'accueil critique des postcolonial studies en France
Bancel N., 2012. Vingtième siècle. Revue d'histoire, 115 (3) pp. 129-147. Peer-reviewed.
Recovery of rotators strength after latarjet surgery.
Edouard P., Beguin L., Degache F., Fayolle-Minon I., Farizon F., Calmels P., 2012. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 33 (9) pp. 749-755.
Relationship of hyperactivity/inattention with adiposity and lifestyle characteristics in preschool children.
Ebenegger V., Marques-Vidal P.M., Munsch S., Quartier V., Nydegger A., Barral J., Hartmann T., Dubnov-Raz G., Kriemler S., Puder J.J., 2012. Journal of Child Neurology, 27 (7) pp. 852-858. Peer-reviewed.
Reliability and validity of physiological data obtained within a cycle-run transition test in age-group triathletes.
Vleck V., Millet G.P., Alves F.B., Bentley D.J., 2012. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 11 (4) pp. 736-744. Peer-reviewed.
Right-left digit ratio (2D:4D) and maximal oxygen uptake.
Hill R., Simpson B., Millet G., Manning J., Kilduff L., 2012. Journal of Sports Sciences, 30 (2) pp. 129-134. Peer-reviewed.
Réponses cardiorespiratoires lors d'une évaluation musculaire isocinétique du tronc
Bernuz B., Edouard P., Coudeyre E., Calmels P., Bedu M., Roche F., Degache F., 2012. Sciences et Sports, 27 (4) pp. 201-207. Peer-reviewed.
Shokuminchi Kyowakoku Furansu [La République coloniale en France]
Bancel N., Blanchard P., Vergès F., 2012., Iwanami Shoten.
Social contexts of sports-practicing youths' hazardous drinking.
Bélanger Richard E., Ohl Fabien, Berchtold André, Akré Christina, Suris Joan-Carles, 2012. Swiss Medical Weekly, 142 pp. art. w13526 [4 p.]. Peer-reviewed.
Unstable shoes increase energy expenditure of obese patients.
Maffiuletti N.A., Malatesta D., Agosti F., Sartorio A., 2012. American Journal of Medicine, 125 (5) pp. 513-516. Peer-reviewed.
Wireless GPS-based phase-locked synchronization system for outdoor environment.
Meyer F., Bahr A., Lochmatter T., Borrani F., 2012. Journal of Biomechanics, 45 (1) pp. 188-190.
Zoos humains et exhibitions coloniales : 150 ans d'invention de l'Autre
Bancel N., Blanchard P., Boëtsch G., Deroo E., Lemaire S. (eds.), 2012. 601 p., La Découverte.
Can we measure accurately the prevalence of doping? : Evaluation of doping prevalence
Lentillon-Kaestner V., Ohl F., 2011/12. Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports, 21 (6) pp. e132-e142. Peer-reviewed.
Spinal modulations accompany peripheral fatigue during prolonged tennis playing.
Girard O., Racinais S., Micallef J.-P., Millet G. P., 2011/12. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 21 (3) pp. 455-464. Peer-reviewed.
Aging modifies beta oscillation during tapping tasks
Sallard E., Spierer L., Deiber M.-P., Ludwig C., Barral J., 2011/11., Université de Lausanne dans Journée de la recherche - Faculté des Sciences Sociales et Politiques.
Building the History Museum to Stop History: Nicolas Sarkozy's New Presidential Museum of French History
Bancel N., Lebovics H., 2011/11. French Cultural Studies, 22 (4) pp. 271-288. Peer-reviewed.
L'homme exposé
Bancel N., Blanchard P., 2011/11. TDC 1023 pp. 8-15.
Le football rwanda : un simulacre guerrier dans la créolisation d'une société 1900-50
Riot T., 2011/11. Canadian Journal of African Studies, 44 (1) pp. 75-109. Peer-reviewed.
Triathlon specificity
Millet G.P., Vleck V., 2011/11. pp. 481-495 dans Seifert L., Chollet D., Mujika I. (eds.) World book of swimming: from science to performance, Nova Science Publishers Inc..
Increased alpha activity and modulations of fronto-parietal balance during motor transitions in the elderly
Sallard E., Deiber M.-P., Ludwig C., Barral J., 2011/10. dans 14ème Congrès International de l'Association des Chercheurs en Activités Physiques et Sportives, ACAPS. Rennes, France.
Electro-cortical modulations and fronto-parietal activity during motor transitions in the elderly
Sallard E., Deiber M.-P, Ludwig C., Barral J., 2011/09. dans XI International Conference on Cognitive Neuroscience, ICON. Palma, Spain.
La lutte contre le dopage est-elle éthique?
Ohl F., 2011/07. Pertinence 4 pp. 192-212.
Ultra-fast recovery from right neglect after 'awake surgery' for slow-growing tumor invading the left parietal area
Sallard E., Duffau H., Bonnetblanc F., 2011/07. Neurocase pp. 1-11.
Reliability of video-based muscle flexibility measures in adolescent athletes
Fourchet F., Buchheit M., Materne O., Horobeanu C., Hudacek T., Sebo D., Millet G. P., 2011/04. Br J Sports Med, 45 (4) p. 348. Peer-reviewed.
Les premiers footballeurs africains dans le Championnat de France (1919-1939). Les conditions sociales et sportives de l'apparition d'une nouvelle élite
Frenkiel S., Bancel N., 2011/03. Les cahiers de l'INSEP 46 pp. 65-77. Peer-reviewed.
Questions sur l'année des Outremers
Bancel N., 2011/03..
''Par delà le Gothard''. Les matches internationaux Italie-Suisse et la consolidation des champs footballistiques italien et suisse dans l'entre-deux-guerres
Quin Grégory, Vonnard Philippe, 2011. Diacronie. Studi di Storia Contemporanea 5 p. 15. Peer-reviewed.
Changes in spring-mass model characteristics during repeated running sprints.
Girard O., Micallef J.P., Millet G.P., 2011. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 111 (1) pp. 125-134. Peer-reviewed.
Effects of Combined Foot/ankle Electromyostimulation and Resistance Training on the in-Shoe Plantar Pressure Patterns During Sprint in Young Athletes
Fourchet F., Kuitunen S., Girard O., Beard A.J., Millet G.P., 2011. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 10 (2) pp. 292-300. Peer-reviewed.
Effects of salbutamol on the contractile properties of human skeletal muscle before and after fatigue.
Crivelli G., Millet G.P., Gremion G., Borrani F., 2011. Acta Physiologica, 203 (2) pp. 311-320. Peer-reviewed.
Efficiency of flexible derotator in walking cerebral palsy children
Marcucci A., Edouard P., Loustalet E., d'Anjou M.-C., Gautheron V., Degache F., 2011. Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 54 (6) pp. 337-347. Peer-reviewed.
Foot, ankle, and lower leg injuries in young male track and field athletes
Fourchet F., Horobeanu C, Loepelt H., Taiar R., Millet G.P., 2011. International Journal of Athletic Therapy & Training, 16 (3) pp. 19-23. Peer-reviewed.
From Teacher to Friend: The Evolving Nature of the Coach-Athlete Relationship.
Antonini Philippe Roberta, Sagar Sam S., Huguet Sophie, Paquet Yvan, Jowett Sophia, 2011. International Journal of Sport Psychology 42 pp. 1-23. Peer-reviewed.
Front-Crawl propulsive phase detection using inertial sensors
Dadashi F., Crettenand F., Millet G.P., Aminian K., 2011. Portuguese Journal of Sport Sciences, 11 (Suppl. 2) pp. 855-858. Peer-reviewed.
Gender differences in whole-body fat oxidation kinetics during exercise.
Chenevière X., Borrani F., Sangsue D., Gojanovic B., Malatesta D., 2011. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, 36 (1) pp. 88-95.
L'après-carrière des footballeurs professionnels en Afrique du Sud
Berthoud J., Poli R., 2011. Staps, 4 (94) pp. 25-38. Peer-reviewed.
La brèche. Vers une racialisation des discours publics ?
Bancel N., 2011. Mouvements, Hors série pp. 13-28. Peer-reviewed.
La longue histoire des zoos humains
Blanchard P., Bancel N., Boëtsch G., Deroo E., Lemaire S., 2011. pp. 9-61 dans Blanchard P., Bancel N., Boëtsch G., Deroo E., Lemaire S. (eds.) Zoos humains et exhibitions coloniales : 150 ans d'inventions de l'Autre, La Découverte.
Le maelström colonial: Politique de la mémoire coloniale et rôle de l'histoire universitaire
Bancel N., 2011. The Canadian Journal of African Studies/La Revue canadienne des études africaines, 45 (1) pp. 45-76. Peer-reviewed.
Le réentraînement à l'effort chez l'enfant atteint de paralysie cérébrale (PC)
Degache F., Mietton C., Edouard P., Gautheron V., 2011. Motricité Cérébrale, 32 (2) pp. 51-53. Peer-reviewed.
Lyon, capitale des outre-mers : immigration des suds & culture coloniale en Rhône-Alpes & Auvergne
Bancel N., Bencharif L., Blanchard P. (eds.), 2011., nouvelle édition refondue, La Découverte.
Mechanisms of self-optimized pacing.
Millet G.P., Girard O., 2011. Journal of Applied Physiology, 110 (1) pp. 279; discussion 294.
Panorama des méthodes hypoxiques actuelles
Millet G.P., Schmitt L., 2011. Revue de l'AEFA, 204 pp. 36-48. Peer-reviewed.
Physiological requirements in triathlon
Millet G.P., Vleck V.E., Bentley D.J., 2011. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 6 (2 Suppl.) pp. 184-204. Peer-reviewed.
Présences africaines, ruptures ultramarines
Bancel N., 2011. pp. 180-213 dans Blanchard P. (eds.) La France noire : trois siècles de présences des Afriques, des Caraïbes, de l'océan Indien & d'Océanie, La Découverte.
Quand le plaisir devient passion. Journée HEPA
Antonini Philippe Roberta, 2011..
Relationship of aerobic fitness and motor skills with memory and attention in preschoolers (Ballabeina): a cross-sectional and longitudinal study.
Niederer I., Kriemler S., Gut J., Hartmann T., Schindler C., Barral J., Puder J.J., 2011. Bmc Pediatrics, 11 pp. 11-34.
Repeated sprinting on natural grass impairs vertical stiffness but does not alter plantar loading in soccer players.
Girard O., Racinais S., Kelly L., Millet G.P., Brocherie F., 2011. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 111 (10) pp. 2547-2555. Peer-reviewed.
Swiss Football. Finding alternatives to TV rights revenues
Mutter Olivier, Huber Nicolas, 2011. dans Gammelsater H. & Senaux B., The Organisation and Governance of Top Football Across Europe: An Institutional Perspective. London: Routledge, pp. 93-105., Routledge.
The Law of February 2005 : The Uses of the Revival of France's "Colonial Grandeur"
Bancel N., 2011. pp. pp. 178-195 dans Tshimanga C., Gondola C. D., Bloom P. (eds.) Frenchness and the African Diaspora : Identity and Uprising in Contemporary France, Indiana University Press.
Women Sports Journalists in Switzerland: Between Assignment and Negotiation of Roles
Schoch Lucie, Ohl Fabien, 2011. Sociology of Sport Journal, 28 (2) pp. 189-208. Peer-reviewed.
«Où, quand, et comment ?» : Évolution des conduites agressives en football et en hockey sur glace
Traclet A., Moret O., Romand P., Ohl F., Clémence A., 2011. Sciences et motricité 72 pp. 19-26. Peer-reviewed.
Le spécimen humain, entre amphithéâtre et zoo (interview)
Bancel N., 2010/12. Le Temps.
Understanding globalization through football: the new international division of labour, migratory channels and transnational trade circuits
Poli R., 2010/12. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 45 (4) pp. 491-506. Peer-reviewed.
From the South to Europe: A Comparative Analysis of African and Latin American Football Migration
Poli R., Besson R., 2010/10. pp. 15-30 dans Maguire J., Falcous M. (eds.) Sport and Migration: Borders, Boundaries and Crossings, Routledge.
L'étude de la concertation préalable a la création d'une Cdesi : un double niveau de l'approche des innovations de l'action publique
Wipf E., Ohl F., 2010/10. pp. 168-182 dans Corneloup J., Mao P. (eds.) Créativité et innovation dans les loisirs sportifs de nature chap. 2, Ed. du Fournel.
L'animation cartographique pour la représentation de trajectoires. Propositions et perspectives.
Ravenel L., Couillet A., Poli R., 2010/09. Revue du comité français de cartographie 205 pp. 39-48. Peer-reviewed.
African migrants in Asian and European football: hopes and realities
Poli R., 2010/08. Sport in Society, 13 (6) pp. 1001-1011. Peer-reviewed.
Plantar pressures in the tennis serve.
Girard O., Eicher F., Micallef J.P., Millet G., 2010/08. Journal of Sports Sciences, 28 (8) pp. 873-880.
Barriers and facilitators when hosting sporting events: exploring the Canadian and Swiss sport event hosting policies
Leopkey B., Mutter O., Parent M.M., 2010/07/09. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 2 (2) pp. 113-134.
Le marché des footballeurs africains entre l'Europe et l'Afrique
Poli R., 2010/07. Questions internationales 44 pp. 52-53.
Social Capital and Sport Governance in Europe
Groeneveld M., Houlihan B., Ohl F., 2010/07. Routledge Research in Sport, Culture and Society 210, Routledge.
The Genesis and Effect of French Anti-Doping Policies in Cycling
Brissonneau C., Ohl F., 2010/07. International Journal of sport Policy, 2 (2) pp. 173-187. Peer-reviewed.
Simar D., Malatesta D., Caillaud C., 2010/06. pp. 654-670 dans Exercise Physiology: from a Cellular to an Integrative Approach, IOS press.
Dis-moi où tu joues
Poli R., 2010/06. Alternatives Internationales 47 pp. 13-14.
Effect of an overground walking training on gait performance in healthy 65- to 80-year-olds.
Malatesta D., Simar D., Saad H.B., Préfaut C., Caillaud C., 2010/06. Experimental Gerontology, 45 (6) pp. 427-434.
L'Afrique et le marché mondial des footballeurs
Poli R., 2010/06. Sport et citoyenneté / Sport and Citizenship Hors série p. 23.
L'intégration des joueurs de football africains en Suisse
Poli R., 2010/06. Intégration Info 28 p. 3.
Le grand marché des joueurs de foot
Poli R., 2010/06. Alternatives Internationales 47 pp. 10-13.
Les trajectoires des footballeurs africains à la lumière de la mondialisation
Poli R., Ravenel L., Besson R., 2010/06. Cahiers d'Outre Mer, 63 (250) pp. 235-252. Peer-reviewed.
Ohl F., 2010/06. pp. 335-337 dans Attali M., Saint-Martin J. (eds.) Dictionnaire culturel du sport, A. Colin.
The author's reply. Hypoxic training terminology: Time for consensus?
Millet G. P., 2010/06. Sports Medicine, 40 (6) pp. 521-523. Peer-reviewed.
Sex- and BMI-related differences in motor skills in very young children attending childcare centers
Bonvin A., Barral J., Kriemler S., Kakebeeke T., Longchamp A., Marques-Vidal P.M., Puder J.J., 2010/03., Société suisse des sciences du sport 4S dans 2ème Congrès de la Société Suisse des Sciences du Sport (4S), Zurich, Suisse, 5-6 mars 2010.
Suppression of mu rhythms as a correlate of auditivomotor association : an EEG pilot study
Barral J., Rüfli C., Sallard E., Palix J., 2010/03., 2e congrès annuel de la 4S dans Tests et mesures dans les sciences du sport. Peer-reviewed.
Eating habits of preschool children with high migrant status in Switzerland according to a new food frequency questionnaire.
Ebenegger V., Marques-Vidal P., Barral J., Kriemler S., Puder J.J., Nydegger A., 2010/02. Nutrition research, 30 (2) pp. 104-109. Peer-reviewed.
A new method to measure rolling resistance in treadmill cycling.
Henchoz Y., Crivelli G., Borrani F., Millet G.P., 2010. Journal of Sports Sciences, 28 (10) pp. 1043-1046.
Activation and inhibition of bimanual movements in school-aged children
Barral J., De Pretto M., Debû B., Hauert C.-A., 2010. Human Physiology, 36 (1) pp. 47-57. Peer-reviewed.
Alteration of neuromuscular function in squash
Girard O., Micallef J.P., Noual J., Millet G.P., 2010. Journal of Science and Medicine In Sport / Sports Medicine Australia, 13 (1) pp. 172-177.
Annual Review of the European Football Players' Labour Market / Etude annuelle du marché du travail européen des footballeurs
Poli R., Ravenel L., Besson R., 2010., CIES.
Are oxygen uptake kinetics modified when using a respiratory snorkel?
Reis J.F., Millet G.P., Malatesta D., Roels B., Borrani F., Vleck V.E., Alves F.B., 2010. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 5 (3) pp. 292-300. Peer-reviewed.
Attentional and motor deficits after an "awake surgery" of the parietal area
Sallard E., Duffau H., Barral J., Bonnetblanc F., 2010. dans 5e congrès Alpine Brain Imaging Mapping, Champéry, Suisse.
Changes in leg-spring behavior during a 5000 m self-paced run in differently trained athletes
Girard O., Millet G.P., Slawinski J., Racinais S., Micallef J. P., 2010. Sci Sports, 25 (2) pp. 99-102. Peer-reviewed.
Colonisation : commémorations, mémoriaux, monuments. Conflictualité sociale et politique d'un enjeu mémoriel
Bancel N., Blanchard P., 2010. pp. 480-508 dans Mbembe A., Vergès F., Bernault F., Boubeker A., Bancel N., Blanchard P. (eds.) Ruptures postcoloniales : les nouveaux visages de la société française, La Découverte.
Combining hypoxic methods for peak performance.
Millet G.P., Roels B., Schmitt L., Woorons X., Richalet J.P., 2010/01. Sports Medicine, 40 (1) pp. 1-25. Peer-reviewed.
Comprendre les mécanismes des migrations « glo-balles » africaines. Les trajectoires transnationales et la diversification des filières
Besson R., Poli R., Ravenel L., 2010. Afrique contemporaine 233 pp. 63-76. Peer-reviewed.
Cortico-cortical connectivity reorganizations during intentional switching tasks depend on the stability of the required bimanual patterns
Barral J., Tallet J., Hauert C.-A., 2010. dans 5e Congrès Alpine Brain Imaging Mapping, Champéry, Suisse.
Créativité et activité physique chez des enfants âgés entre 4 et 6 ans
Jeanneret O., Antonini Philippe R., Trouilloud D., Ohl F., 2010. Science & Sports, 25 (HS1) pp. 30-31. Peer-reviewed.
De la fracture coloniale aux ruptures postcoloniales
Bancel N., Bergnault F., Blanchard P., Boubeker A., Mbembe A., Vergès F., 2010. pp. 9-34 dans Bancel, N., Bergnault, F., Blanchard, P., Boubeker, A., Mbembe, A., Vergès, F. (eds.) Ruptures postcoloniales : les nouveaux visages de la société française, La Découverte.
Demographic Study of Footballers in Europe / Etude démographique des footballeurs en Europe
Besson R, Poli R, Ravenel L, 2010., CIES.
Differences between activities highlight the respective neuromuscular or psychobiological influences.
Millet G.P., 2010. Journal of Applied Physiology, 108 (2) pp. 463; author reply 469. Peer-reviewed.
Differences in whole-body fat oxidation kinetics between cycling and running.
Chenevière X., Malatesta D., Gojanovic B., Borrani F., 2010. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 109 (6) pp. 1037-1045.
Doping use among young elite cyclists: a qualitative psychosociological approach
Lentillon-Kaestner Vanessa, Carstairs Catherine, 2010. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sport, 20 pp. 336-345. Peer-reviewed.
Effects of prior repeated-sprints with different recovery duration on oxygen uptake kinetics during subsequent heavy-exercise
Lanzi S., Borrani F., Wolf M., Gojanovic B., Malatesta D., 2010. dans 7° Convegno Nazionale di Medicina e Scienze dello Sport.
Effects of prior repeated-sprints with different recovery duration on oxygen uptake kinetics during subsequent heavy-exercise
Lanzi S., Borrani F., Wolf M., Gojanovic B., Malatesta D., 2010. dans 15th Annual Congress of the ECSS, European College of Sport Science.
Effects of prior repeated-sprints with different recovery duration on oxygen uptake kinetics during subsequent heavy-exercise.
Lanzi S., Borrani F., Wolf M., Gojanovic B., Malatesta D., 2010. dans Doctoriales de l'Université de Lausanne (UNIL).
Effects of prior repeated-sprints with different recovery duration on oxygen uptake kinetics during subsequent heavy-exercise.
Lanzi S., Borrani F., Wolf M., Gojanovic B., Malatesta D., 2010. dans 2nd Annual Congress of the Swiss Society of Sport Sciences.
Effects of the playing surface on plantar pressures during the first serve in tennis.
Girard O., Micallef J.P., Millet G.P., 2010. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 5 (3) pp. 384-393. Peer-reviewed.
Faster oxygen uptake kinetics during recovery is related to better repeated sprinting ability.
Dupont G., McCall A., Prieur F., Millet G.P., Berthoin S., 2010. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 110 (3) pp. 627-634. Peer-reviewed.
Football et reconversion. L'«après carrière» des joueurs sud-africains, ou repartir de zéro ?
Berthoud J., 2010. Afrique contemporaine, 233 (1) pp. 107-107. Peer-reviewed.
France. Media Coverage of the Athens Olympic Games by the French Press: The Olympic Games Effect in L'Équipe and Le Monde
Quin Grégory, Wipf Elodie, Ohl Fabien, 2010. pp. 103-114 dans Bruce Toni, Hovend Jorid, Markula Pirkko (eds.) Sportswomen at the Olympics: A Global Content Analysis of Newspaper Coverage chap. 8, Sense Publisher.
From colonial to Postcolonial
Bancel N., Blanchard P., 2010. Francophone postcolonial studies. Peer-reviewed.
Fructose and glucose co-ingestion during prolonged exercise increases lactate and glucose fluxes and oxidation compared with an equimolar intake of glucose
Lecoultre V., Benoit R., Carrel G., Schutz Y., Millet G.P., Tappy L., Schneiter P., 2010. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 92 (5) pp. 1071-1079. Peer-reviewed.
Histoire des mouvements de jeunesse
Bancel N., 2010. pp. 566-571 dans Le breton D., Marcelli D. (eds.) Dictionnaire de l'adolescence et de la jeunesse, Presses Universitaires de France.
Identités recomposées. Sur quelques usages contemporains du football
Bancel N., 2010. pp. 151-163 dans Pfeil U. (eds.) Football et identités en France et en Allemagne, Presse Universitaire du Septentrion.
Influence of initial foot dorsal flexion on vertical jump and running performance.
Faiss R., Terrier P., Praz M., Fuchslocher J., Gobelet C., Deriaz O., 2010. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 24 (9) pp. 2352-2357. Peer-reviewed.
L'accès au spectacle sportif, une chance pour les consommateurs ou pour les citoyens ?
Ohl F., Schoch L., 2010. Sport et citoyenneté 11 p. 27.
La migration des footballeurs africains et latino-américains en Europe: une approche comparative
Poli R., 2010. Migrations Société, 22 (129-130) pp. 31-48. Peer-reviewed.
Le ballon ne tourne pas rond en Afrique: les effets pervers d'une "extraversion dépendante"
Poli R., 2010. Afrique Contemporaine 233 pp. 49-61. Peer-reviewed.
Le marché des footballeurs. Réseaux et circuits dans l'économie globale
Poli R, 2010. Savoirs sportifs - Sports knowledge 164, P. Lang.
Le surentraînement chez le sportif : fatigue physique ou psychologique.
Millet G.P., 2010. pp. 214-232 dans Marc Julia M., Perrey S., Dupeyron A., Croisier J.L., Codine P., Hérisson C., Association Entretiens de Rééducation et Réadaptation Fonctionnelle (ERRF) (eds.) Fatigue musculaire dans tous ses états chap. 27, Masson.
Pour une analyse du territoire sécurisé des grandes manifestations contemporaines. Le cas de l'Euro 2008 à Genève
November V., Viot P., Berthoud J., Barbey B., Kaufmann V., Maksim H., Pattaroni L., 2010., EPFL ESPRI/LASUR.
Presse écrite quotidienne sportive en Suisse romande : des femmes journalistes dans un monde d'hommes
Schoch L., Ohl F., 2010. pp. 237-254 dans Damian-Gaillard B., Frisque C., Saitta E. (eds.) Le journalisme au féminin : assignations, inventions et stratégies, Presses universitaires de Rennes.
Quelle vie après le football ? L'après-carrière des footballeurs professionnels en Afrique du Sud
Berthoud J., 2010., CIES, Neuchâtel.
Rares portraits de Pierre de Coubertin en sportsman
Clastres Patrick, 2010. pp. 27-38 dans Bosman Françoise, Clastres Patrick, Dietschy Paul (eds.) Images de sport. De l’archive à l’histoire, Nouveau Monde éditions.
Relationship between adiposity, physical (in)activity, media use and eating habits in preschool children with degree of hyperactivity
Ebenegger V., Munsch S., Marques-Vidal P.M., Nydegger A., Barral J., Hartmann T., Kriemler S., Puder J.J., 2010. dans Congrès Annuel de la Société Suisse d'Endocrinologie et de Diabétologie.
Relationship between adiposity, physical (in)activity, media use and eating habits in preschool children with hyperactivity
Ebenegger Vincent, Munsch Simone, Marques-Vidal Pedro Manuel, Nydegger Andreas, Barral Jérôme, Hartmann Tim, Kriemler Susi, Puder Jardena J., 2010., 5th Annual Meeting ASEMO (Association suisse pour l'étude du métabolisme et de l'obésité) - SAMO (Schweiz. Arbeitsgruppe Metabolismus und Obesitas), November 18, 2010, preceding the Annual Meeting of SGED p. 16 dans Jahresversammlung SGED 2010 = Assemblée annuelle SSED, 18-19 November 2010, Inselspital Bern, Baden: Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Endokrinologie und Diabetologie.
Ruptures postcoloniales. Les nouveaux visages de la société française
Bancel N., Bernault F., Blanchard P., Boubeker A., Mbembe A., Vergès F. (eds.), 2010. 538, La Découverte.
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