Institut des sciences du sport SSP

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1819 publications

French Tennis History: New Biographical and Institutional Insights
Clastres Patrick Sport in Society. Peer-reviewed.
The Genesis of the “International” Sports Federations before 1914
Clastres Patrick, Carpentier Florence The International Journal of the History of Sport. Peer-reviewed.
Is the “classic model” irrelevant or incomplete for short trail running performance?
Millet G. P., Borrani F., Letter accepted then rejected by MSSE. was published online on social network.
Developpement du football en contexte entropique: analyse de trois grandes nations africaines
Tachom Waffo Boris, Hauw Denis, FIFA research scholarship.
Dans les tribunes du prestige: la diplomatie suisse face aux enjeux du sport international (1919-1981)
Tonnerre Quentin, Alphil.
Les 20KM ont 40 ans! Brève histoire d'une course populaire qui a changé la politique sportive de la capitale olympique (1982-2022)
Vonnard Philippe Revue historique vaudoise.
Vascular Dynamics and Peripheral Oxygen Uptake in Obese Individuals during Progressive Physical Exercise
Brunani A., Lanzi S., Codecasa F., Cornacchia M., Maestrini S. Respiration. Peer-reviewed.
Mechanisms underlying the health benefits of intermittent hypoxia conditioning.
Burtscher J., Citherlet T., Camacho-Cardenosa A., Camacho-Cardenosa M., Raberin A., Krumm B., Hohenauer E., Egg M., Lichtblau M., Müller J. et al. The Journal of physiology. Peer-reviewed.
Immune consequences of exercise in hypoxia: A narrative review.
Burtscher J., Pasha Q., Chanana N., Millet G.P., Burtscher M., Strasser B. Journal of sport and health science. Peer-reviewed.
Des Jeux olympiques en temps de crises. Pour une histoire économique et touristique de l'essor du ski alpin autour de St. Moritz (années 1930-années 1970)
Cala Sébastien, Quin Grégory Histoire, économie et société. Peer-reviewed.
The longest ever serving president in the world of sport: Marc Hodler making international skiing a "site of memory"
Cala Sébastien, Quin Grégory Stadion. Peer-reviewed.
Le tournoi de tennis : cheval de Troie du professionnalisme aux jeux olympiques
Clastres Patrick dans Attali Michaël (eds.) Anthologie des sports olympiques, Presses universitaires de Rennes.
Utiliser l’attractivité de la méthode Jigsaw et en optimiser les effets pour développer les pédagogies coopératives en Education Physique
Cochon Drouet Océane, Margas Nicolas dans Darnis, F. & Le Briquer, Y. (dir.) Coopérer en éducation physique et en sport : quels enjeux pour l’intervention ? , Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux.
Public engagement measurement
Crettaz von Roten Fabienne, Entradas Marta dans Soares M, Teichler U, Amaral A, Machado-Taylor M (eds.) Encyclopedia of International Higher Education Systems and Institutions, Springer.
Racial Bias in the Stands? Investigating Customer-based Discrimination in European Soccer
Frick Bernd, Lang Markus, Quansah Tommy Applied Economics. Peer-reviewed.
Lower limb mechanical asymmetry during repeated treadmill sprints
Girard O., Brocherie F., Morin J.B., Millet G.P. Human Movement Science. Peer-reviewed.
Evaluation of the optimal number of steps to obtain reliable running spatio-temporal parameters and their variability
Godin Antoine, Rouget Lucas, Eustache Esther, Mourot Laurent, Sagawa Yoshimasa Gait & Posture. Peer-reviewed.
Gomez Carole, Schoch Lucie dans Encyclopedia of Sport Management, 2nd edition, Paul Pederson (Ed.), Edward Elgar Publishing.
Lower limb muscle activity during first and second tennis serves: a comparison of three surface electromyography normalisation methods.
Hansen C., Teulier C., Micallef J.P., Millet G.P., Girard O. Sports biomechanics. Peer-reviewed.
Faire advenir les talents sportifs. Quels challenges pour leurs épanouissement et fonctionnement optimal dirigé vers la performance ? (Bringing forth sports talent. What are the challenges for their development and optimal performance? )
Hauw Denis dans C. Martin-Krum & C. Tarquinio (Eds.). Psychologie positive des activités physiques et sportives: Corps, santé mentale et bien-être (Positive psychology of physical activities and sports: Body, mental health and well-being), Dunod.
La violence interpersonnelle à l'encontre des jeunes sportifs européens : Prévalence et gravité de la situation en Suisse romande.
Hauw Denis, Marsollier Elise, Crettaz von Roten Fabienne European Review of Applied Psychology, 27 (4). Peer-reviewed.
The first and second phase of the muscle compound action potential in the thumb are differently affected by electrical stimulation trains.
Lanfranchi C., Rodriguez-Falces J., Place N. Journal of applied physiology. Peer-reviewed.
Profil des journalistes de sport en France, Belgique et Suisse et analyse des discriminations liées à la pratique professionnelle
Montanola Sandy, Schoch Lucie, Le Cam Florence, Dierickx Laurence Etudes de communication. Peer-reviewed.
Ventilatory responses to independent and combined hypoxia, hypercapnia and hypobaria in healthy pre-term-born adults.
Narang B.J., Manferdelli G., Bourdillon N., Millet G.P., Debevec T. The Journal of physiology. Peer-reviewed.
Sociologie des parcours de vie par l’image : expérimentation collaborative de l'entretien par photo-elicitation
Paccaud Laurent, Marcellini Anne Revue française des méthodes visuelles. Peer-reviewed.
Les tribulations du Tour de France féminin : symbole du déni de reconnaissance des femmes dans le cyclisme
Plassard Flora, Schoch Lucie dans Le Tour de France au 21e siècle, Bertrand Fincoeur, Kirsten Frandsen & Christopher Thompson. EPFL Press.
Des riches "contre" le paysage. Quand des milliardaires se sont payés les pistes de ski de la Haute Engadine (années 1950-années 1960)
Quin Grégory dans Mayencourt Gil, Cala Sébastien, Amacher Hoppler Anna, Hauser Claude (eds.) Pouvoir et emprise du sport. Pour une histoire croisée du tourisme et du sport depuis le XIXe siècle, Alphil.
The 1948 Olympic Games in St Moritz. From Municipal Bankruptcy to the Quest for 'White Gold'
Quin Grégory, Praher Andreas dans Busset Thomas (eds.) Skigeschichte in Österreich und der Schweiz, CIES Editions.
Fitness Level- and Sex-Related Differences in Pulmonary Limitations to Maximal Exercise in Normoxia and Hypoxia.
Raberin A., Manferdelli G., Schorderet F., Bourdillon N., Millet G.P. Medicine and science in sports and exercise. Peer-reviewed.
Introduction. Nature Sport and Environmental History: Adulation or Alteration of Nature?
Reichwein Pearl Ann, Schut Pierre-Olaf, Quin Grégory Sport History Review, 55 (1) pp. 1-12. Peer-reviewed.
Schoch Lucie dans Encyclopedia of Sport Management, 2nd edition, Paul Pederson (Ed.), Edward Elgar Publishing.
Gender Equality
Schoch Lucie dans Encyclopedia of Sport Management, 2nd edition, Paul Pederson (Ed.), Edward Elgar Publishing.
Gender quotas
Schoch Lucie dans Encyclopedia of Sport Management, 2nd edition, Paul Pederson (Ed.), Edward Elgar Publishing.
Schoch Lucie dans Encyclopedia of Sport Management, 2nd edition, Paul Pederson (Ed.), Edward Elgar Publishing.
Cardiovascular Safety of the COVID-19 Vaccine in Team USA Athletes.
Shah A.B., Rizzo S.M., Finnoff J.T., Baggish A.L., Adams W.M. Sports health. Peer-reviewed.
Antisocial behavior in soccer: A qualitative study of moral disengagement
Traclet A., Romand P., Moret O., Kavussanu M. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology.
Comment on the Blake Leeper v IAAF award (CAS 2020/A/6807)
Viret Marjolaine dans Yearbook of International Sports Arbitration 2018-2020, Duval A / Rigozzi A.
Creating equality through differentiation in doping control
Viret Marjolaine, Botre Francesco, Saugy Martial International Sports Law Journal. Peer-reviewed.
Le pédagogue, l’entrepreneur et le sportsman: les acteurs de l’implantation des «sports modernes» dans l’Arc lémanique (années 1870-années 1910)
Vonnard Philippe Revue suisse d'histoire, 2 (74). Peer-reviewed.
Les compétitions sportives internationales [Numéro spécial]
Vonnard Philippe Histoire, économie et société, 1-2 (43). Peer-reviewed.
Quand l’environnement fait capoter le rêve olympique. L’exemple de la candidature de Lausanne aux Jeux olympiques d’hiver de 1994
Vonnard Philippe Histoire, économie et société, 1-2 (43) pp. 125-244. Peer-reviewed.
Les compétitions sportives internationales dans toutes leurs dimensions [Introduction au numéro spécial]
Vonnard Philippe, Dufraisse Sylvain, Nicolas Claire Histoire, économie et soicété, 1-2 (43) pp. 5-33. Peer-reviewed.
Building European Fraternity Through Gymnastics: The Establishment of the Bureau des Fédérations Européennes de Gymnastiques, 1863-1913
Vonnard Philippe, Mayencourt Gil The International Journal of the History of Sport. Peer-reviewed.
Le journaliste de sport : un acteur de société en mutation - Introduction
Wille Fabien, Schoch Lucie Etudes de communication. Peer-reviewed.
Analyse de la vulnérabilité au dopage des jeunes footballeurs talentueux d'élite
Tachom Waffo Boris, Hauw Denis, 2024/12., FIFA Research Scholarship.
Broadening the audience for science engagement with machine-learning techniques
Crettaz von Roten Fabienne, 2024/06/01. Frontiers in Communication, section Science and Environmental Communication. Peer-reviewed.
Competitive performance as a discriminator of doping status in elite athletes
Hopker James G., Griffin Jim E., Hinoveanu Laurentiu C., Saugy Jonas, Faiss Raphael, 2024/05. Drug Testing and Analysis, 16 (5) pp. 473-481. Peer-reviewed.
Functional hypoxia reduces mitochondrial calcium uptake.
Donnelly C., Komlódi T., Cecatto C., Cardoso LHD, Compagnion A.C., Matera A., Tavernari D., Campiche O., Paolicelli R.C., Zanou N. et al., 2024/05. Redox biology, 71 p. 103037. Peer-reviewed.
Repeated sprint training in hypoxia induces specific skeletal muscle adaptations through S100A protein signaling.
Lanfranchi C., Willis S.J., Laramée L., Conde Alonso S., Pialoux V., Kayser B., Place N., Millet G.P., Zanou N., 2024/04/30. FASEB journal, 38 (8) pp. e23615. Peer-reviewed.
La gymnastique rythmique, une discipline féminine entre sportivisation et destin olympique
Quin Grégory, 2024/04/03. dans Attali Michael (eds.) Une histoire globale des sports olympiques, Atlante.
Anatomie du charisme. Revue Sensibilités. Histoire, critique et sciences sociales (Paris, Anamosa, 2016)
Quin Grégory, 2024/04/01. Les Sports Modernes 2 pp. 251-253.
Autorité, charisme et prestige dans le sport
Jaccoud Christophe, Quin Grégory, 2024/04/01. Les Sports Modernes 2 pp. 10-11.
Devenir présidente, gravir la montagne et protéger le paysage. Entretien avec Françoise Jaquet, présidente du Club Alpin Suisse entre 2013 et 2021
Quin Grégory, Jaccoud Christophe, 2024/04/01. Les Sports Modernes 2 pp. 135-149.
Jaccoud Christophe, Quin Grégory, 2024/04/01. Les Sports Modernes 2 p. 9.
Effects of Hypoxia Severity on Muscle Oxygenation Kinetics Using Statistical Parametric Mapping During Repeated Treadmill Sprints.
Hansen C., Brocherie F., Millet G.P., Girard O., 2024/04/01. International journal of sports physiology and performance, 19 (4) pp. 417-421. Peer-reviewed.
Johannes Niggeler. Un Turnvater pour la Suisse et un (premier) président permanent pour la Société fédérale de gymnastique
Mayencourt Gil, Quin Grégory, 2024/04/01. Les Sports Modernes 2 pp. 171-178.
La fabrique des sports nationaux. De la prosopographie à la compréhension d'un champ helvétique des pratiques d'exercice corporel
Quin Grégory, Vonnard Philippe, Mayencourt Gil, 2024/04/01. Les Sports Modernes 2 pp. 189-194.
Obelix et compagnie. Chef et entrepreneur
Quin Grégory, 2024/04/01. Les Sports Modernes 2 pp. 235-236.
Recommendations for Women in Mountain Sports and Hypoxia Training/Conditioning.
Burtscher J., Raberin A., Brocherie F., Malatesta D., Manferdelli G., Citherlet T., Krumm B., Bourdillon N., Antero J., Rasica L. et al., 2024/04. Sports medicine, 54 (4) pp. 795-811. Peer-reviewed.
Statistique, what else?
Crettaz von Roten Fabienne, 2024/04. Tangente, Mai-Juin 2024 (217) pp. 12-13.
A Conceptual Model to Understand and Assess International Sport Federations' Organizational Performance
Bayle Emmanuel, Clausen Josephine, 2024/03/19. Journal of Global Sport Management pp. 1-25. Peer-reviewed.
Electrocortical correlates of attention differentiate individual capacity in associative learning.
Raynal E., Schipper K., Brandner C., Ruggeri P., Barral J., 2024/03/18. npj science of learning, 9 (20). Peer-reviewed.
Validity, reliability, and readability of single-item and short physical activity questionnaires for use in surveillance: A systematic review
Tcymbal Antonina, Messing Sven, Mait Rachel, Perez Roberto Galindo, Akter Taiyeba, Rakovac Ivo, Gelius Peter, Abu-Omar Karim, 2024/03/12. PLOS ONE, 19 (3) pp. e0300003. Peer-reviewed.
Acute Responses to Repeated-Sprint Training in Hypoxia Combined With Whole-Body Cryotherapy: A Preliminary Study.
Mihailovic T., Groslambert A., Bouzigon R., Feaud S., Millet G.P., Gimenez P., 2024/03/01. International journal of sports physiology and performance, 19 (3) pp. 280-289. Peer-reviewed.
Biotransformation of anabolic androgenic steroids in human skin cells.
Liu L., Karim Z., Schlörer N., Torre X., Botrè F., Zoschke C., Parr M.K., 2024/03. The Journal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biology, 237 p. 106444. Peer-reviewed.
Sollten wir den Menschen empfehlen, sich weniger zu bewegen? Das Dilemma von Bewegungsempfehlungen aus einer ganzheitlichen Gesundheitsperspektive = Must we tell people to be less active? The dilemma of physical activity recommendations from a holistic health perspective
Gelius Peter, Till Maike, Messing Sven, Tcymbal Antonina, Abu-Omar Karim, 2024/03. German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research, 54 (1) pp. 21-28. Peer-reviewed.
A New Way to Restrict Free Leg Movement During Unilateral Vertical Jump Test.
Schmidt C., Perroulaz M., Perez Y., Rosset J., Wüthrich G., Malatesta D., Samozino P., 2024/02. Journal of applied biomechanics, 40 (1) pp. 21-28. Peer-reviewed.
Becoming a Leading Player in Protecting the Mountain Environment: The Union Internationale des Associations d’Alpinisme and the Path to the 1982 Katmandu Declaration
Vonnard Philippe, 2024/02. Sport history review. Peer-reviewed.
Changes to the IOC’s governance during Thomas Bach’s presidency: intense institutional work to achieve balance and compromise
Bayle Emmanuel, 2024/02/01. Sport in society. Peer-reviewed.
Impact of low-volume blood withdrawal on hematological biomarkers for the athlete biological passport.
Krumm B., Saugy J.J., Botrè F., Faiss R., 2024/02. Drug testing and analysis, 16 (2) pp. 168-173. Peer-reviewed.
Supervised Exercise Training May Improve Postural Control in Patients with Symptomatic Lower Extremity Peripheral Artery Disease.
Degache F., Mak W., Calanca L., Mazzolai L., Lanzi S., 2024/02. The International journal of angiology, 33 (1) pp. 50-56. Peer-reviewed.
The effects of the Jigsaw method on students' physical activity in physical education: The role of student sex and habituation
Cochon Drouet Océane, Margas Nicolas, Cece Valérian, Lentillon-Kaestner Vanessa, 2024/02/01. European Physical Education Review pp. 1-20. Peer-reviewed.
Toward a definition and classification of lost move state: Perceptions of elite trampolining coaches
Élise Marsollier, Denis Hauw, 2024/02. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching.
Women at Altitude: Sex-Related Physiological Responses to Exercise in Hypoxia.
Raberin A., Burtscher J., Citherlet T., Manferdelli G., Krumm B., Bourdillon N., Antero J., Rasica L., Malatesta D., Brocherie F. et al., 2024/02. Sports medicine, 54 (2) pp. 271-287. Peer-reviewed.
The diversity of international sports ecosystems and strategic and economic event models of international sports federations
Clausen Joséphine, Bayle Emmanuel, 2024/01/30. pp. 166-178 dans Research Handbook on Major Sporting Events, Edward Elgar Publishing.
“A choir is a social organism that needs human contact.” Conducting a choir during the COVID-19 lockdown period
Biasutti Michele, Antonini Philippe Roberta, Schiavio Andrea, 2024/01/25. Musicae Scientiae. Peer-reviewed.
Les supporters racistes viennent-ils encore au stade?
Quansah Tommy, 2024/01/23. Le Temps.
Development and validation of a French version of the morningness-eveningness questionnaire
Bessot Nicolas, Margas Nicolas, 2024/01/02. Chronobiology International, 41 (1) pp. 81-92. Peer-reviewed.
Advocating for athletes or appropriating their voices? A frame and field analysis of power struggles in sport
Ohl Fabien, Schoch Lucie, Bozzini Filippo, Viret Marjolaine, 2024. The Sociological Review. Peer-reviewed.
Baroreflex sensitivity is blunted in hypoxia independently of changes in inspired carbon dioxide pressure in prematurely born male adults.
Manferdelli G., Narang B.J., Bourdillon N., Debevec T., Millet G.P., 2024/01. Physiological reports, 12 (1) pp. e15857. Peer-reviewed.
Cross-Sectional but Not Prospective Association of Accelerometry-Derived Physical Activity With Quality of Life in Children and Adolescents.
Darkhawaja R., Hänggi J., Schaffner E., Kwiatkowski M., Alkaiyat A., Dössegger A., Kayser B., Suggs L.S., Bringolf-Isler B., Probst-Hensch N., 2024. International journal of public health, 69 p. 1606737. Peer-reviewed.
Créer une organisation pour l'administration et la promotion du ski
Quin Grégory, 2024/01/01. pp. 98-101 dans Quin Grégory, Tissot Laurent, Leresche Jean-Philippe (eds.) Le ski en Suisse, une Histoire, Château et Attinger.
Der Club Mediterranée und der erste Widerstand gegen den Massenskilauf
Quin Grégory, 2024/01/01. pp. 221-223 dans Quin Grégory, Tissot Laurent, Leresche Jean-Philippe (eds.) Skiland Schweiz, eine Geschichte, Weber Verlag.
Der Engadin Skimarathon
Quin Grégory, 2024/01/01. pp. 202-203 dans Quin Grégory, Tissot Laurent, Leresche Jean-Philippe (eds.) Skiland Schweiz, eine Geschichte, Weber Verlag.
Des camps de ski pour toutes et tous
Quin Grégory, 2024/01/01. pp. 134-135 dans Quin Grégory, Tissot Laurent, Leresche Jean-Philippe (eds.) Le ski en Suisse, une Histoire, Château et Attinger.
Die Bergbahnen des Engadins - Die Fabrik eines Skigebiets
Quin Grégory, 2024/01/01. pp. 124-128 dans Quin Grégory, Tissot Laurent, Leresche Jean-Philippe (eds.) Skiland Schweiz, eine Geschichte, Weber Verlag.
Die Erfindung des Wintersports am Beispiel St. Moritz und Mürren
Quin Grégory, 2024/01/01. pp. 65-67 dans Quin Grégory, Tissot Laurent, Leresche Jean-Philippe (eds.) Skiland Schweiz, eine Geschichte, Weber Verlag.
Die ersten Alpinen Ski-Schweizermeisterschaften: Arosa 1929
Quin Grégory, 2024/01/01. p. 112 dans Quin Grégory, Tissot Laurent, Leresche Jean-Philippe (eds.) Skiland Schweiz, eine Geschichte, Weber Verlag.
Die grossen Stunden des Schweizer Skisports
Quin Grégory, 2024/01/01. pp. 246-252 dans Quin Grégory, Tissot Laurent, Leresche Jean-Philippe (eds.) Skiland Schweiz, eine Geschichte, Weber Verlag.
Die Olympische Spiele 1928 in St. Moritz
Quin Grégory, 2024/01/01. pp. 108-111 dans Quin Grégory, Tissot Laurent, Leresche Jean-Philippe (eds.) Skiland Schweiz, eine Geschichte, Weber Verlag.
Die Olympische Spiele 1948 und die Alpinen Skiweltmeisterschaften in St. Moritz
Quin Grégory, Vonnard Philippe, 2024/01/01. pp. 176-179 dans Quin Grégory, Tissot Laurent, Leresche Jean-Philippe (eds.) Skiland Schweiz, eine Geshichte, Weber Verlag.
Die Zukunft des Skilaufs
Quin Grégory, Leresche Jean-Philippe, Tissot Laurent, 2024/01/01. pp. 280-281 dans Quin Grégory, Tissot Laurent, Leresche Jean-Philippe (eds.) Skiland Schweiz, eine Geschichte, Weber Verlag.
Editorial: Women in the History, Culture and Sociology of Sports : 2022 - 2023
Schoch Lucie, Clark Sheryl, 2024. Frontiers, Sports and Active Living, 6. Peer-reviewed.
Hot water immersion: Maintaining core body temperature above 38.5°C mitigates muscle fatigue.
Sautillet B., Bourdillon N., Millet G.P., Lemaître F., Cozette M., Delanaud S., Ahmaïdi S., Costalat G., 2024/01. Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports, 34 (1) pp. e14503. Peer-reviewed.
Hypoxic peripheral chemoreflex stimulation-dependent cardiorespiratory coupling is decreased in swimmer athletes.
Andrade D.C., Arce-Álvarez A., Salazar-Ardiles C., Toledo C., Guerrero-Henriquez J., Alvarez C., Vasquez-Muñoz M., Izquierdo M., Millet G.P., 2024/01. Physiological reports, 12 (1) pp. e15890. Peer-reviewed.
Indirect biomarkers of blood doping: A systematic review.
Krumm B., Saugy J.J., Botrè F., Donati F., Faiss R., 2024/01. Drug testing and analysis, 16 (1) pp. 49-64. Peer-reviewed.
Interassociation suisse pour le ski et Association des écoles suisses de ski
Quin Grégory, 2024/01/01. pp. 86-89 dans Quin Grégory, Tissot Laurent, Leresche Jean-Philippe (eds.) Le ski en Suisse, une Histoire, Château et Attinger.
L'invention des sports d'hiver, Saint-Moritz et Mürren
Quin Grégory, 2024/01/01. pp. 65-67 dans Quin Grégory, Tissot Laurent, Leresche Jean-Philippe (eds.) Le ski en Suisse, une Histoire, Château et Attinger.
La singulière banalité du ski?
Quin Grégory, Tissot Laurent, Leresche Jean-Philippe, 2024/01/01. pp. 10-17 dans Quin Grégory, Tissot Laurent, Leresche Jean-Philippe (eds.) Le ski en Suisse, une Histoire, Château et Attinger.
Le Club Med et les premières résistances au ski de masse
Quin Grégory, 2024/01/01. pp. 221-223 dans Quin Grégory, Tissot Laurent, Leresche Jean-Philippe (eds.) Le ski en Suisse, une Histoire, Château et Attinger.
Le futur du ski
Quin Grégory, Leresche Jean-Philippe, Tissot Laurent, 2024/01/01. pp. 280-281 dans Quin Grégory, Tissot Laurent, Leresche Jean-Philippe (eds.) Le ski en Suisse, une Histoire, Château et Attinger.
Le Marathon d'Engadine
Quin Grégory, 2024/01/01. pp. 202-203 dans Quin Grégory, Tissot Laurent, Leresche Jean-Philippe (eds.) Le ski en Suisse, une Histoire, Château et Attinger.
Le ski en Suisse, une Histoire
Quin Grégory (eds.)Tissot Laurent, Leresche Jean-Philippe, 2024/01/01., Château et Attinger.
Les grandes heures du ski suisse
Quin Grégory, 2024/01/01. pp. 246-252 dans Quin Grégory, Tissot Laurent, Leresche Jean-Philippe (eds.) Le ski en Suisse, une Histoire, Château et Attinger.
Les Jeux olympiques de 1928 à Saint-Moritz
Quin Grégory, 2024/01/01. pp. 108-111 dans Quin Grégory, Tissot Laurent, Leresche Jean-Philippe (eds.) Le ski en Suisse, une Histoire, Château et Attinger.
Les Jeux olympiques et les Championnats du monde de ski alpin de 1948 à Saint-Moritz
Quin Grégory, Vonnard Philippe, 2024/01/01. pp. 176-179 dans Quin Grégory, Tissot Laurent, Leresche Jean-Philippe (eds.) Le ski en Suisse, une Histoire, Château et Attinger.
Les premiers championnats suisses de ski alpin: Arosa 1929
Quin Grégory, 2024/01/01. p. 112 dans Quin Grégory, Tissot Laurent, Leresche Jean-Philippe (eds.) Le ski en Suisse, une Histoire, Château et Attinger.
Les téléphériques de l'Engadine, la fabrique d'un domaine skiable
Quin Grégory, 2024/01/01. pp. 124-128 dans Quin Grégory, Tissot Laurent, Leresche Jean-Philippe (eds.) Le ski en Suisse, une Histoire, Château et Attinger.
Organiser et concourir, de la Seconde Guerre mondiale au désastre d'Innsbruck
Quin Grégory, 2024/01/01. pp. 171-175 dans Quin Grégory, Tissot Laurent, Leresche Jean-Philippe (eds.) Le ski en Suisse, une Histoire, Château et Attinger.
Organisieren und Konkurrieren - vom Zweiten Weltkrieg zur Katastrophe von Innsbruck
Quin Grégory, 2024/01/01. pp. 171-175 dans Quin Grégory, Tissot Laurent, Leresche Jean-Philippe (eds.) Skiland Schweiz, eine Geschichte, Weber Verlag.
Schaffung einer Organisation zur Verwaltung und Förderung des Skisports
Quin Grégory, 2024/01/01. pp. 98-101 dans Quin Grégory, Tissot Laurent, Leresche Jean-Philippe (eds.) Skiland Schweiz, eine Geschichte, Weber Verlag.
Schweizerischer Interverband für Skilauf & Schweizerischer Skischulverband
Quin Grégory, 2024/01/01. pp. 86-89 dans Quin Grégory, Tissot Laurent, Leresche Jean-Philippe (eds.) Skiland Schweiz, eine Geschichte, Weber Verlag.
Skiland Schweiz, eine Geschichte
Quin Grégory, Tissot Laurent, Leresche Jean-Philippe (eds.), 2024/01/01., Weber Verlag.
Skilaufen: eine einzigartige Alltäglichkeit?
Quin Grégory, Tissot Laurent, Leresche Jean-Philippe, 2024/01/01. pp. 10-17 dans Quin Grégory, Tissot Laurent, Leresche Jean-Philippe (eds.) Skiland Schweiz, eine Geschichte, Weber Verlag.
Snowboard, Freestyle, Carving... Hin zu einer Globalisierung des Skisports
Quin Grégory, 2024/01/01. pp. 209-219 dans Quin Grégory, Tissot Laurent, Leresche Jean-Philippe (eds.) Skiland Schweiz, eine Geschichte, Weber Verlag.
Snowboard, Freestyle, Carving... vers une mondialisation de la glisse
Quin Grégory, 2024/01/01. pp. 209-219 dans Quin Grégory, Tissot Laurent, Leresche Jean-Philippe (eds.) Le ski en Suisse, une Histoire, Château et Attinger.
Symbolic power of sports journalists as challenged by external recognition of women’s sports performance
Guyot Robin, Ohl Fabien, Schoch Lucie, 2024. Media, Culture & Society. Peer-reviewed.
«Les noces dorées entre ski alpin et télévision : les courses du Lauberhorn comme événement médiatique»
Vallotton François, 2024/01/01. pp. 266-272 dans Quin Gregory, Leresche Jean-Philippe, Tissot Laurent (eds.) Le ski en Suisse. Une histoire, Château & Attinger.
Evaluating an inclusive program for promoting equal-status participation in classrooms with high sociolinguistic diversity: diversity valuation and multilingual cooperative activities
Buchs Céline, Margas Nicolas, Hascoët Marine, 2023/12/18. Frontiers in Psychology - Section Educational Psychology, 14:1257372. Peer-reviewed.
Age-Markers on the Red Blood Cell Surface and Erythrocyte Microparticles may Constitute a Multi-parametric Strategy for Detection of Autologous Blood Transfusion.
Biasini G.M., Botrè F., de la Torre X., Donati F., 2023/12/01. Sports medicine - open, 9 (1) p. 113. Peer-reviewed.
Appetite, Hypoxia, and Acute Mountain Sickness: A 10-Hour Normobaric Hypoxic Chamber Study.
Barclay H., Mukerji S., Kayser B., Fan J.L., 2023/12. High altitude medicine & biology, 24 (4) pp. 329-335. Peer-reviewed.
Assessing the Evidential Value of Mental Fatigue and Exercise Research.
Holgado D., Mesquida C., Román-Caballero R., 2023/12. Sports medicine, 53 (12) pp. 2293-2307. Peer-reviewed.
Hypoxia and the Aging Cardiovascular System.
Raberin A., Burtscher J., Burtscher M., Millet G.P., 2023/12/01. Aging and disease, 14 (6) pp. 2051-2070. Peer-reviewed.
Ryanodine receptor type 1 content decrease-induced endoplasmic reticulum stress is a hallmark of myopathies.
Vidal J., Fernandez E.A., Wohlwend M., Laurila P.P., Lopez-Mejia A., Ochala J., Lobrinus A.J., Kayser B., Lopez-Mejia I.C., Place N. et al., 2023/12. Journal of cachexia, sarcopenia and muscle, 14 (6) pp. 2882-2897. Peer-reviewed.
Test-retest reliability of ski-specific aerobic, sprint, and neuromuscular performance tests in highly trained cross-country skiers.
Bucher E., Millet G.P., Wehrlin J.P., Steiner T., 2023/12. Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports, 33 (12) pp. 2482-2498. Peer-reviewed.
A new temporal framework for the passionate engagement journey of ultra-endurance athletes: A qualitative investigation
Bill Tatjana, Philippe Roberta Antonini, 2023/11/27. PLOS ONE, 18 (11) pp. e0293864.
A systematic review and narrative synthesis of physical activity referral schemes' components
Mino Eriselda, Hanson Coral L., Naber Inga, Weissenfels Anja, McHale Sheona, Saftig Jane, Klamroth Sarah, Gelius Peter, Abu-Omar Karim, Whiting Stephen et al., 2023/11/27. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 20 (1). Peer-reviewed.
Research- vs. government-driven physical activity policy monitoring: a systematic review across different levels of government.
Messing S., Tcymbal A., Abu-Omar K., Gelius P., 2023/11/27. Health research policy and systems, 21 (1) p. 124. Peer-reviewed.
Les JOP Paris 2024 : levier de transformation pour la France ?
Bayle Emmanuel, 2023/11/06. Sie Vie publique, parole d'expert ;
Acteurs du sport et relations internationales. Introduction
Clastres Patrick, Vallotton François, 2023/11/02. Relations internationales 195 pp. 3-13. Peer-reviewed.
La gouvernance du sport en France : ses atouts et ses défis
Bayle Emmanuel, 2023/11/02. Site Vie Publique, parole d'expert, pp. 6 pages.
De l’art et de la manière de faire de la diplomatie sportive internationale
Bayle Emmanuel, 2023/11/01. Jurisport . Peer-reviewed.
Hemoglobin Mass and Blood Volume in Swimming: A Comparison Between Highly Trained, Elite, and World-Class Swimmers.
Mujika I., Millet G.P., Zelenkova I., Bourdillon N., 2023/11/01. International journal of sports physiology and performance, 18 (11) pp. 1357-1361. Peer-reviewed.
NIRS-Based Muscle Oxygenation Is Suitable for Computation of the Convective and Diffusive Components of O 2 Transport at V̇O 2max : Response to Porcelli, Pilotto, and Rossiter.
Manferdelli G., Barstow T.J., Millet G.P., 2023/11/01. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 55 (11) pp. 2110-2111. Peer-reviewed.
NIRS-Based Muscle Oxygenation Is Suitable for Computation of the Convective and Diffusive Components of O 2 Transport at V̇O 2max.
Manferdelli G., Barstow T.J., Millet G.P., 2023/11/01. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 55 (11) pp. 2103-2105. Peer-reviewed.
The singular capacity of physical education to promote inclusion: From institutional ideology to empirical evidence and underlying processes
Margas Nicolas, 2023/11/01. dans 20th international congress of ACAPS, Reims, France, 31st October-2nd November.
The V˙O2max Legacy of Hill and Lupton (1923)-100 Years On.
Millet G.P., Burtscher J., Bourdillon N., Manferdelli G., Burtscher M., Sandbakk Ø., 2023/11/01. International journal of sports physiology and performance, 18 (11) pp. 1362-1365. Peer-reviewed.
Undergraduate sport sciences students' attitudes towards statistics: A gender perspective
Crettaz von Roten Fabienne, de Roten Yves, 2023/11. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education, 33 p. 100452. Peer-reviewed.
Une figure féminine trisomique. Les coulisses de la création télévisuelle du parcours d'une jeune fille devenue modèle
Scheidegger Justine, Berner Clara, Marcellini Anne, 2023/10/27. Télévision, N° 14 (1) pp. 131-151. Peer-reviewed.
Cadeau fiscal de l'Etat français à la FIFA : mais que va t-il faire dans cette galère ?
Bayle Emmanuel, 2023/10/26. Le Temps .
Moderate Effects of Hypoxic Training at Low and Supramaximal Intensities on Skeletal Muscle Metabolic Gene Expression in Mice.
Drozdovska S., Zanou N., Lavier J., Mazzolai L., Millet G.P., Pellegrin M., 2023/10/21. Metabolites, 13 (10) p. 1103. Peer-reviewed.
Celebrating 100 years of VO2max.
Burtscher J., Millet G.P., Burtscher M., 2023/10/06. QJM, 116 (9) p. 809. Peer-reviewed.
La fabrique des stéréotypes nationaux : les premiers France-Espagne de football dans l’entre-deux-guerres
Raphaël Benbouhou, 2023/10/03. Relations internationales.
AltitudeOmics: effects of 16 days acclimatization to hypobaric hypoxia on muscle oxygen extraction during incremental exercise.
Bourdillon N., Subudhi A.W., Fan J.L., Evero O., Elliott J.E., Lovering A.T., Roach R.C., Kayser B., 2023/10/01. Journal of applied physiology, 135 (4) pp. 823-832. Peer-reviewed.
Individualized Mental Fatigue Does Not Impact Neuromuscular Function and Exercise Performance.
Holgado D., Jolidon L., Borragán G., Sanabria D., Place N., 2023/10/01. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 55 (10) pp. 1823-1834. Peer-reviewed.
L'essence géopolitique du football
Clastres Patrick, 2023/10. pp. 5-7 dans Géopolitique du football, 1939-1945 de Frédérik Legat, BiblioMonde éditions.
Prediction of plasma volume and total hemoglobin mass with machine learning.
Moreillon B., Krumm B., Saugy J.J., Saugy M., Botrè F., Vesin J.M., Faiss R., 2023/10. Physiological reports, 11 (19) pp. e15834. Peer-reviewed.
The central role of the Tour de France in the political economy of elite cycling
Ohl Fabien, Fincoeur Bertrand, 2023/10/01. pp. 143-156 dans Fincoeur Bertrand, Frandsen Kirsten, Thompson Christophe (eds.) Racing Time. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on The Tour de France, PPUR-EPFL.
Former des ‘profs de gym’ ou promouvoir les sciences du sport. Les formations ‘initiales’ des enseignant·e·s d’éducation physique en Suisse entre fédéralisme, universitarisation et sportivisation (1972-1995)
Quin Grégory, 2023/09/27. Revue suisse de sciences de l'éducation, 45 (2) pp. 101-111. Peer-reviewed.
Short-term effects on heart rate variability of occipito-mastoid suture normalization in healthy subjects
Besson Cyril, Mur Thierry, Benaim Charles, Schmitt Laurent, Gremeaux Vincent, 2023/09/25. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 17. Peer-reviewed.
Developing a policy brief on physical activity promotion for children and adolescents
Messing Sven, Gelius Peter, Abu-Omar Karim, Marzi Isabel, Beck Franziska, Geidl Wolfgang, Grüne Eva, Tcymbal Antonina, Reimers Anne Kerstin, Pfeifer Klaus, 2023/09/22. Frontiers in Public Health, 11.
Content Quality Assurance on Media Platforms with User-Generated Content
Zhu Xingzhen, Lang Markus, Dietl Helmut Max, 2023/09/18. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, 18 (3) pp. 1660-1686. Peer-reviewed.
Funiculaires, skilifts et téléphériques. Genèse et structure de l'essor d'un domaine skiable à St. Moritz (1928-1973)
Quin Grégory, 2023/09/15. Traverse - Revue d'Histoire 2 pp. 64-78. Peer-reviewed.
Vers des JO 4 saisons ?
Bayle Emmanuel, 2023/09/05. Le Temps.
Early decrease in ventilatory sensitivity at very high altitude?
Burtscher J., Gatterer H., Millet G.P., Burtscher M., 2023/09. American journal of human biology, 35 (9) pp. e23944. Peer-reviewed.
Effects of 2 Different Protocols of Repeated-Sprint Training in Hypoxia in Elite Female Rugby Sevens Players During an Altitude Training Camp.
Bouten J., Brick M., Saboua A., Hadjadj J.L., Piscione J., Margot C., Doucende G., Bourrel N., Millet G.P., Brocherie F., 2023/09/01. International journal of sports physiology and performance, 18 (9) pp. 953-959. Peer-reviewed.
Environmental and behavioral regulation of HIF-mitochondria crosstalk.
Burtscher J., Hohenauer E., Burtscher M., Millet G.P., Egg M., 2023/09. Free radical biology & medicine, 206 pp. 63-73. Peer-reviewed.
Human energetic stress associated with upregulation of spatial cognition.
Longman D.P., Wells JCK, Stock J.T., 2023/09. American journal of biological anthropology, 182 (1) pp. 32-44. Peer-reviewed.
Inclusive Classroom Climate Development as the Cornerstone of Inclusive School Building: Review and Perspectives
Margas Nicolas, 2023/09/01. Frontiers in Psychology - Section Educational Psychology, 14. Peer-reviewed.
M-wave changes caused by brief voluntary and stimulated isometric contractions.
Rodriguez-Falces J., Malanda A., Navallas J., Place N., 2023/09. European journal of applied physiology, 123 (9) pp. 2087-2098. Peer-reviewed.
Physical activity promotion, human and planetary health – a conceptual framework and suggested research priorities
Abu-Omar Karim, Chevance Guillaume, Tcymbal Antonina, Gelius Peter, Messing Sven, 2023/09. The Journal of Climate Change and Health, 13 p. 100262. Peer-reviewed.
Bewegung als (Menschen-) Recht?
Messing Sven, Krennerich Michael, Abu-Omar Karim, Ferschl Susanne, Gelius Peter, 2023/08/17. pp. 82-95 dans Handbuch Bewegungsbezogene Gesundheitsförderung, Handbuch Bewegungsbezogene Gesundheitsförderung.
Internationale Akteure der Bewegungsförderung
Gelius Peter, Abu-Omar Karim, 2023/08/17. pp. 246-258 dans Handbuch Bewegungsbezogene Gesundheitsförderung, A. Thiel, S. Tittlbach, G. Sudeck, P. Wagner, A. Woll .
Nationale Akteure für Bewegungsförderung in Deutschland
Gelius Peter, Wäsche Hagen, 2023/08/17. pp. 259-270 dans Handbuch Bewegungsbezogene Gesundheitsförderung, A. Thiel, S. Tittlbach, G. Sudeck, P. Wagner, A. Woll.
Key note: Optimizing mental health and mental performance to thrive for success: Lessons learned from sport psychology. International Symposium on Performance Science. Warsaw
Antonini Philippe Roberta (eds.), 2023/08/12..
Regulating, Controlling and Using New Financial Inflows : The Introduction of a Modern Licensing Scheme in Swiss Professional Football (1992-2010)
Sorrentino Gianluca, Quin Grégory, 2023/08/10. The International Journal of the History of Sport. Peer-reviewed.
Does the First Step of the Induced-Hypocrisy Paradigm Really Matter? An Initial Investigation Using a Meta-Analytic Approach
Mauduy Maxime, Priolo Daniel, Margas Nicolas, Sénémeaud Cécile, 2023/08/09. Social Psychological and Personality Science pp. 1-11. Peer-reviewed.
Effects of the Jigsaw method on student educational outcomes: systematic review and meta-analyses
Cochon Drouet Océane, Lentillon-Kaestner Vanessa, Margas Nicolas, 2023/08/03. Frontiers in Psychology - Section Educational Psychology, 14 pp. 1-19. Peer-reviewed.
A new multimodal paradigm for biomarkers longitudinal monitoring: a clinical application to women steroid profiles in urine and blood.
de Figueiredo M., Saugy J., Saugy M., Faiss R., Salamin O., Nicoli R., Kuuranne T., Rudaz S., Botrè F., Boccard J., 2023/08/01. Analytica chimica acta, 1267 p. 341389. Peer-reviewed.
Creating awareness about exercise-based ACL prevention strategies in recreational alpine skiers.
Burtscher M., Kopp M., Millet G.P., Burtscher J., Ruedl G., 2023/08. British journal of sports medicine, 57 (15) pp. 955-956. Peer-reviewed.
The Evolution of World-Class Endurance Training: The Scientist's View on Current and Future Trends.
Sandbakk Ø., Pyne D.B., McGawley K., Foster C., Talsnes R.K., Solli G.S., Millet G.P., Seiler S., Laursen P.B., Haugen T. et al., 2023/08/01. International journal of sports physiology and performance, 18 (8) pp. 885-889. Peer-reviewed.
LC-HRMS-based metabolomics workflow: An alternative strategy for metabolite identification in the antidoping field.
Leogrande P., Jartdines D., Martinez-Brito D., de la Torre X., Parr M.K., Botrè F., 2023/07/30. Rapid communications in mass spectrometry, 37 (14) pp. e9532. Peer-reviewed.
Relationship between biomechanics and energy cost in graded treadmill running.
Lemire M., Faricier R., Dieterlen A., Meyer F., Millet G.P., 2023/07/28. Scientific reports, 13 (1) p. 12244. Peer-reviewed.
Longitudinal Profiling of Endogenous Steroids in Blood Using the Athlete Biological Passport Approach.
Equey T., Salamin O., Ponzetto F., Nicoli R., Kuuranne T., Saugy J., Saugy M., Aikin R., Baume N., 2023/07/14. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism, 108 (8) pp. 1937-1946. Peer-reviewed.
“Do what I say, not what I do”: Pupils personal values are influenced by their physical education teachers’ values in context of intense emotional states.
Schweizer Tess, Mauduy Maxime, Margas Nicolas, 2023/07/07. dans European Congress of Sport Sciences, Paris, France, 4-7 July.
Role of Normative Salience Strength in the Induced-Hypocrisy Paradigm: An Initial Investigation with a Meta-Analytic Approach.
Mauduy Maxime, Priolo Daniel, Margas Nicolas, Sénémeaud Cécile, 2023/07/02. dans 19th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology. Krakow, Poland, 30th June – 4th July.
Dossier Sport et Perforrmance. La place de la psychologie.
Boyer Simon, Hauw Denis, Rix-Lièvre Géraldine, 2023/07. Journal des Psychologues, 405 pp. 17-54.
Les blocages chez les sportifs de haut niveau. Comprendre et intervenir sur les couplages action-situation dysfonctionnels
Hauw Denis, 2023/07. Journal des psychologues, 405 pp. 45-47. Peer-reviewed.
Patterns of energy allocation during energetic scarcity; evolutionary insights from ultra-endurance events.
Longman D.P., Dolan E., Wells JCK, Stock J.T., 2023/07. Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Part A, Molecular & integrative physiology, 281 p. 111422. Peer-reviewed.
Urinary Excretion of Ecdysterone and Its Metabolites Following Spinach Consumption.
Yuliandra T., Touvleliou K., de la Torre X., Botrè F., Loke S., Isenmann E., Valder S., Diel P., Parr M.K., 2023/07. Molecular nutrition & food research, 67 (14) pp. e2200518. Peer-reviewed.
Vertical and Leg Stiffness Modeling During Running: Effect of Speed and Incline.
Meyer F., Falbriard M., Aminian K., Millet G.P., 2023/07. International journal of sports medicine, 44 (9) pp. 673-679. Peer-reviewed.
Streaming the beautiful game: exploring big tech's growing presence in the soccer industry
Fakataulavelua Alexis, Lang Markus, Moulard Jérémy, 2023/06/29. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 5. Peer-reviewed.
Le cumul des mandats, discipline olympique
Bayle Emmanuel, 2023/06/28. Le Temps.
The Alpine Ski World Cup: a ‘game changer' for the International Ski Federation (1967–1975)?
Cala Sébastien, 2023/06/28. Sport in History pp. 1-17. Peer-reviewed.
Flying to high-altitude destinations: Is the risk of acute mountain sickness greater?
Burtscher J., Swenson E.R., Hackett P.H., Millet G.P., Burtscher M., 2023/06/23. Journal of travel medicine, 30 (4). Peer-reviewed.
Cardiorespiratory fitness modulates prestimulus EEG microstates during a sustained attention task
Di Muccio Francesco, Simonet Marie, Brandner Catherine, Ruggeri Paolo, Barral Jérôme, 2023/06/15. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 17.
Des activités coopératives plurilingues en contexte de diversité à l'école primaire pour soutenir le statut parmi les pairs dans les classes.
Buchs Céline, Margas Nicolas, Hascouët Marine, 2023/06/15. dans . Journées thématiques de l’ADRIPS, inégalités. Poitiers, France, 14-16 juin.
Le long journey de l’Ultra-endurance: entre passion et identité
Ivanova Tatjana, Antonini Philippe Roberta, 2023/06/01. dans Psychologie du sport et de l'activité physique, Elsevier.
Left ventricular function and mechanics in backs and forwards elite rugby union players.
Fornasier-Santos C., Izem O., Aboukhoudir F., Rupp T., Stridgeon P., Millet G.P., Nottin S., 2023/06. European journal of sport science, 23 (6) pp. 904-913. Peer-reviewed.
Re: "Barometric Pressure at High Altitude: Revisiting West's Prediction Equation, and More," by Apte.
Debevec T., Millet G.P., 2023/06. High altitude medicine & biology, 24 (2) pp. 153-154. Peer-reviewed.
Should We be Concerned with Nicotine in Sport? Analysis from 60,802 Doping Control Tests in Italy.
Zandonai T., Botrè F., Abate M.G., Peiró A.M., Mündel T., 2023/06. Sports medicine, 53 (6) pp. 1273-1279. Peer-reviewed.
Reduced mortality in cooler surroundings.
Burtscher J., Millet G.P., Burtscher M., 2023/05/27. Lancet, 401 (10390) p. 1771. Peer-reviewed.
Editorial: Thinking and doing intersectionality in sociology of sport
Pape Madeleine, Schoch Lucie, Carter-Francique Akilah, 2023/05/18. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 5. Peer-reviewed.
Un quart de siècle à étudier l’histoire des Alpes. Entretien avec Luigi Lorenzetti, directeur du LabisAlp
Vonnard Philippe, 2023/05/02. Les sports modernes, 1 pp. 182-188.
A Tale of Clubs, Pitches and Men. How Association Football Took Root in the Lake Geneva Region (1860s-1910s)
Vonnard Philippe, 2023/05/01. Sport in history pp. [en ligne]. Peer-reviewed.
How much resistance exercise is beneficial for healthy aging and longevity?
Burtscher J., Strasser B., D'Antona G., Millet G.P., Burtscher M., 2023/05. Journal of sport and health science, 12 (3) pp. 284-286. Peer-reviewed.
Is Recovery Optimized by Using a Cycle Ergometer Between Ski-Mountaineering Sprints?
Krumm B., Luisier F., Rapillard A., Faiss R., 2023/05/01. International journal of sports physiology and performance, 18 (5) pp. 553-556. Peer-reviewed.
Multi-hosting UEFA European Football Championship: fair enough between participating teams?
Brocherie F., De Larochelambert Q., Millet G.P., 2023/05. Science & medicine in football, 7 (2) pp. 171-176. Peer-reviewed.
Un modèle pour aller au-delà de la régulation juridique
Chappelet Jean-Loup, Bayle Emmanuel, 2023/05/01. Jurisport . Peer-reviewed.
Microvascular and oxidative stress responses to acute high-altitude exposure in prematurely born adults.
Manferdelli G., Narang B.J., Pialoux V., Giardini G., Debevec T., Millet G.P., 2023/04/26. Scientific reports, 13 (1) p. 6860. Peer-reviewed.
A Model for the Multi-Centered Regulation of World Sport
Bayle Emmanuel, 2023/04/25. International journal of sport policy and politics. Peer-reviewed.
Effect of the Jigsaw method on self-reported practices by physical education teachers: A textual analysis.
Cochon Drouet Océane, Fargier Patrick, Margas Nicolas, Lentillon-Kaestner Vanessa, 2023/04/19. Education Sciences, 13 (4) p. 415. Peer-reviewed.
Commentary: Relationships between mathematics performance and attitude to mathematics
Crettaz von Roten Fabienne, 2023/04/17. Frontiers in Psychology. Peer-reviewed.
Physical Performance and Skeletal Muscle Transcriptional Adaptations Are Not Impacted by Exercise Training Frequency in Mice with Lower Extremity Peripheral Artery Disease.
Lavier J., Bouzourène K., Millet G.P., Mazzolai L., Pellegrin M., 2023/04/16. Metabolites, 13 (4) p. 562. Peer-reviewed.
De l’utilité des jeux olympiques de Paris 2024
Bayle Emmanuel, 2023/04/15. Jurisport . Peer-reviewed.
Inhibitory control expertise through sports practice: A scoping review
Simonet Marie, Beltrami Debra, Barral Jérôme, 2023/04/03. Journal of Sports Sciences, 41 (7) pp. 616-630. Peer-reviewed.
Analysis of doping control samples using supercritical fluid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry: Ready for routine use.
Wuest B., Gavrilović I., Cowan D., Torre X., Botrè F., Parr M.K., 2023/04. Journal of separation science, 46 (7) pp. e2200880. Peer-reviewed.
Capillary blood as a complementary matrix for doping control purposes. Application to the definition of the individual longitudinal profile of IGF-1.
Stacchini C., Botrè F., de la Torre X., Mazzarino M., 2023/04/01. Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis, 227 p. 115274. Peer-reviewed.
Effects of repeated-sprint training in hypoxia induced by voluntary hypoventilation on performance during ice hockey off-season
Brocherie Franck, Cantamessi Gregory, Millet Grégoire P., Woorons Xavier, 2023/04. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 18 (2) pp. 446-452. Peer-reviewed.
Sphingolipids and impaired hypoxic stress responses in Huntington disease.
Burtscher J., Pepe G., Maharjan N., Riguet N., Di Pardo A., Maglione V., Millet G.P., 2023/04. Progress in lipid research, 90 p. 101224. Peer-reviewed.
The Olympia Bob Run
Quin Grégory, 2023/04/01. dans Bolz Daphné, Krüger Michael (eds.) European Sports History in 100 Objects, Arete.
The Trophy of the ‘UEFA Champions League’
Vonnard Philippe, 2023/04/01. pp. 308-311 dans Bolz Daphné, Krüger Michael (eds.) Sports History in Europe in 100 Objects, Arete.
Trop de jeunes athlètes acceptent encore de se faire maltraiter.
Marsollier Elise, Hauw Denis, Crettaz von Roten Fabienne, 2023/03/31. Le Temps.
Talent concentration and competitive imbalance in European soccer
Frick Bernd, Quansah Tommy Kweku, Lang Markus, 2023/03/30. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 5. Peer-reviewed.
Le CIO et la lutte contre le dopage
Ohl Fabien, 2023/03/28. pp. 285-300 dans Bancel Nicolas, Blanchard Pascal, Boëtsch Gilles, Bolz Daphnée, Gastaut Yvan, Lemaire Sandrine, Mourlane Stéphane (eds.) Une histoire mondiale de l’olympisme, 1896-2024, Atlande-Atlantique.
Determining the price of football: an analysis of matchday ticket prices in the English Premier League
Quansah Tommy Kweku, Buraimo Babatunde, Lang Markus, 2023/03/24. European Sport Management Quarterly pp. 1-21. Peer-reviewed.
Both Hypoxia and Hypobaria Impair Baroreflex Sensitivity but through Different Mechanisms.
Bourdillon N., Aebi M.R., Kayser B., Bron D., Millet G.P., 2023/03. International journal of sports medicine, 44 (3) pp. 177-183. Peer-reviewed.
Challenges and limitations of the implementation of sustainability practices in international sports federations
Moon Phil, François Aurélien, Bayle Emmanuel, 2023/03/01. pp. 77-105 dans BASU Bhaskar, DESBORDES Michel, SARKAR Soumya (eds.) Sports management in an uncertain environment , Springer .
Jaccoud Christophe, Quin Grégory, 2023/03/01. Les Sports Modernes 1 p. 7.
End-tidal carbon dioxide tension is a reliable surrogate of arterial carbon dioxide tension across different oxygen, carbon dioxide and barometric pressures.
Manferdelli G., Narang B.J., Bourdillon N., Debevec T., Millet G.P., 2023/03. ERJ open research, 9 (2) pp. 00507-2022. Peer-reviewed.
Franchir les cols, atteindre les sommets et glisser sur les pentes. De quelques jalons pour une histoire des réseaux « locaux » de la promotion de St. Moritz (années 1920 – années 1930)
Quin Grégory, 2023/03/01. Les Sports Modernes 1 pp. 45-59. Peer-reviewed.
High-Intensity Interval Training, Performance, and Oxygen Uptake Kinetics in Highly Trained Traditional Rowers.
Mujika I., Bourdillon N., González De Txabarri R., Millet G.P., 2023/03/01. International journal of sports physiology and performance, 18 (3) pp. 326-330. Peer-reviewed.
Intrahospital supervised exercise training improves survival rate among hypertensive patients with COVID-19.
Fernandez F., Vazquez-Muñoz M., Canals A., Arce-Álvarez A., Salazar-Ardiles C., Alvarez C., Ramirez-Campillo R., Millet G.P., Izquierdo M., Andrade D.C., 2023/03/01. Journal of applied physiology, 134 (3) pp. 678-684. Peer-reviewed.
La montagne: territoire du moderne?
Tissot Laurent, Jaccoud Christophe, Quin Grégory, 2023/03/01. Les Sports Modernes 1 pp. 8-9.
Mesures anti-dopage : inadaptées pour les sportifs mineurs ?
Junod Valérie, Baud Carole-Anne, Broers Barbara, Armengaud Jean-Baptiste, Kayser Bengt, 2023/03. Causa Sport pp. 9-56.
Mondialisation et évolution de la gouvernance du Comité International Olympique
Bayle Emmanuel, 2023/03/01. pp. 325-337 dans Une histoire mondiale de l’olympisme 1896-2024, Atlande.
Montagne, religion et modernité
Quin Grégory, 2023/03/01. Les Sports Modernes 1 pp. 241-242.
Paralympisme et Olympisme. Pour une histoire-monde de la mise en spectacle des performances extraordinaires.
Marcellini Anne, 2023/03. pp. 363-373 dans Une histoire mondiale de l'olympisme, 1896-2024. chap. 6, Editions Atlande.
Physiological Responses to Exercise in Hypoxia in Preterm Adults: Convective and Diffusive Limitations in the O 2 Transport.
Manferdelli G., Narang B.J., Bourdillon N., Debevec T., Millet G.P., 2023/03/01. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 55 (3) pp. 482-496. Peer-reviewed.
Variability of the urinary and blood steroid profiles in healthy and physically active women with and without oral contraception.
Moreillon B., Salamin O., Krumm B., Iannella L., Molaioni F., Kuuranne T., Nicoli R., Saugy J.J., Botrè F., Faiss R., 2023/03. Drug testing and analysis, 15 (3) pp. 324-333. Peer-reviewed.
Violence en sport : état des lieux, caractérisation et implications pénales
Marsollier Elise, Meriaux-Scoffier Stéphanie, Amiot Sidonie, 2023/03/01. dans Psychologie du sport, Elsevier Masson.
VO2max and Velocity at VO2max Play a Role in Ultradistance Trail-Running Performance.
Sabater-Pastor F., Tomazin K., Millet G.P., Verney J., Féasson L., Millet G.Y., 2023/03/01. International journal of sports physiology and performance, 18 (3) pp. 300-305. Peer-reviewed.
« Venir de la plaine et observer la montagne ». Entretien avec Jérôme Meizoz
Quin Grégory, Jaccoud Christophe, 2023/03/01. Les Sports Modernes 1 pp. 155-163.
How sport teaches values? The specific ability of intense bodily commitment to enhance norm adherence.
Schweizer Tess, Mauduy Maxime, Falomir-Pichastor Juan Manuel, Margas Nicolas, 2023/02/15. dans 14th Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society of Sport Science, 15-16 February. .
Effect of low-volume blood withdrawal on hematological biomarkers
Krumm Bastien, Saugy Jonas, Botrè Francesco, Faiss Raphael, 2023/02/14. Current Issues in Sport Science (CISS), 8 (2) p. 017. Peer-reviewed.
Can the credibility of global sport organizations be restored? A case study of the athletics integrity unit
Verschuuren P., Ohl F., 2023/02/07. International Review for the Sociology of Sport p. 101269022311540. Peer-reviewed.
The Cardiac Effects of COVID-19 on Young Competitive Athletes: Results from the Outcomes Registry for Cardiac Conditions in Athletes (ORCCA).
Moulson N., Petek B.J., Baggish A.L., Harmon K.G., Kliethermes S.A., Patel M.R., Churchill T.W., Drezner J.A., 2023/02/06. Journal of cardiovascular development and disease, 10 (2) p. 72. Peer-reviewed.
Converting Steps Into Physical Activity Time.
Burtscher J., Millet G.P., Burtscher M., 2023/02/01. JAMA internal medicine, 183 (2) p. 170. Peer-reviewed.
Et si « la (vraie) fabrique des corps nationaux » était en fait la guerre ?
Quin Grégory, 2023/02/01. pp. 245-248 dans Brühwiler Ingrid, Horlacher Rebakka, Quin Grégory, Westberg Johannes (eds.) La fabrique des corps nationaux. Autour de l'institutionnalisation de l'éducation physique en Suisse et en Europe (XIXe-XXIe siècle), Alphil.
Examining the fabrics of match-fixing: The underground sport betting system
Tzeng Chien-Chun, Ohl Fabien, 2023/02/01. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 1 (58) pp. 188–207. Peer-reviewed.
Hypoxia Does Not Change Performance and Psychophysiological Responses During Repeated Cycling Sprints to Exhaustion With Short Exercise-to-Rest Ratio.
Raberin A., Willis S.J., Richard T., Elmer J., Vernillo G., Iaia F.M., Girard O., Malatesta D., Millet G.P., 2023/02/01. International journal of sports physiology and performance, 18 (2) pp. 213-217. Peer-reviewed.
La fabrique des corps nationaux. Autour de l'institutionnalisation de l'éducation physique en Suisse et en Europe (XIXe-XXIe siècle)
Brühwiler Ingrid, Horlacher Rebekka, Quin Grégory, Westberg Johannes, 2023/02/01., Alphil.
Les chemins de la légitimité. Une invitation à penser aux confins de l’histoire du sport
Quin Grégory, 2023/02/01. pp. 79-84 dans Brühwiler Ingrid, Horlacher Rebekka, Quin Grégory, Westberg Johannes (eds.) La fabrique des corps nationaux. Autour de l'institutionnalisation de l'éducation physique en Suisse et en Europe (XIXe-XXIe siècle), Alphil.
Mitochondrial stress and mitokines in aging.
Burtscher J., Soltany A., Visavadiya N.P., Burtscher M., Millet G.P., Khoramipour K., Khamoui A.V., 2023/02. Aging cell, 22 (2) pp. e13770. Peer-reviewed.
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