Institute of Sport Sciences SSP

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1821 publications

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367 The ban of tramadol and hazard prevention in cycling
Bigard Xavier, Turin Angeline, Salamin Olivier, Faiss Raphael, Daali Youssef, Rudaz Serge, Rossi Francesca, Saugy Martial, 2021/11. pp. A139 dans Poster Presentations. Peer-reviewed, BMJ Publishing Group Ltd and British Association of Sport and Exercise Medicine.
5α‐reductase inhibitors: Evaluation of their potential confounding effect on GC‐C‐IRMS doping analysis
Iannella Loredana, Colamonici Cristiana, Curcio Davide, Botrè Francesco, Torre Xavier, 2021/11. Drug Testing and Analysis, 13 (11-12) pp. 1852-1861. Peer-reviewed.
Controlled administration of dehydrochloromethyltestosterone in humans: Urinary excretion and long-term detection of metabolites for anti-doping purpose.
Loke S., de la Torre X., Iannone M., La Piana G., Schlörer N., Botrè F., Bureik M., Parr M.K., 2021/11. The Journal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biology, 214 p. 105978. Peer-reviewed.
Délicates transitions : Construction d'une place d'adulte pour des jeunes vivant avec une anomalie chromosomique du développement
Silvestri Laura, Beldame Yann, Marcellini Anne, Le Roux Nathalie, Ferez Sylvain, Richard Rémi, 2021/11. médecine/sciences, 37 (11) pp. 1021-1026.
Fatal attraction - The role of hypoxia when alpha-synuclein gets intimate with mitochondria.
Burtscher J., Syed MMK, Keller M.A., Lashuel H.A., Millet G.P., 2021/11. Neurobiology of aging, 107 pp. 128-141. Peer-reviewed.
L'essor d'une presse institutionnelle nationale de gymnastique: Le Gymnaste (1859-1887)
Quin Grégory, Mayencourt Gil, 2021/11/01. Revue Historique Vaudoise, 129 pp. 81-93.
Physical Commitment Increases Adherence to Salient Descriptive Norms and Values
Schweizer Tess, Falomir-Pichastor Juan-Manuel, Margas Nicolas, 2021/10/30. dans ACAPS International Congress, Montpellier, France, 27-30 october.
Poster "Self-compassion and the performer's environment: A winning combo for wellbeing in the performing arts and artistic sports" - International Symposium on Performance Science, 2021
Kosirnik Céline, Antonini Philippe Roberta, Pomini Valentino, 2021/10/28..
Adaptation and destabilization of interpersonal relationships in sport and music during the Covid-19 lockdown
Andrea Schiavio, Michele Biasutti, 2021/10/20. Helyon. Peer-reviewed.
A Dominance Analysis Approach Applied to Psychological Factors Associated with Binge Drinking among University Students
Mauduy Maxime, Gierski Fabien, Bagneux Virginie, Cabé Nicolas, Jacquet Denis, Leconte Pascale, Margas Nicolas, Mauny Nicolas, Ritz Ludivine, Sénémeaud Cécile et al., 2021/10/09. dans Congress of European Society for Biomedical Research on Alcoholism, Timisoara, Romania, 7-9 october.
Cases reports: Unintended anti-doping rule violation after dorzolamide use several months prior to a doping control.
Pokrywka A., Skrzypiec-Spring M., Krzywański J., Rynkowski M., Saugy M., Faiss R., 2021/10. Drug testing and analysis, 13 (10) pp. 1803-1806. Peer-reviewed.
Effects of the administration of miconazole by different routes on the biomarkers of the "steroidal module" of the Athlete Biological Passport.
Mazzarino M., Comunità F., de la Torre X., Molaioni F., Botrè F., 2021/10. Drug testing and analysis, 13 (10) pp. 1712-1726. Peer-reviewed.
High-intensity exercise in hypoxia improves endothelial function via increased nitric oxide bioavailability in C57BL/6 mice.
Lavier J., Beaumann M., Menétrey S., Bouzourène K., Rosenblatt-Velin N., Pialoux V., Mazzolai L., Peyter A.C., Pellegrin M., Millet G.P., 2021/10. Acta physiologica, 233 (2) pp. e13700. Peer-reviewed.
How does playing position affect fatigue-induced changes in high-intensity locomotor and micro-movements patterns during professional rugby union games?
Fornasier-Santos C., Millet G.P., Stridgeon P., Brocherie F., Girard O., Nottin S., 2021/10. European journal of sport science, 21 (10) pp. 1364-1374. Peer-reviewed.
Muscle strength is associated with COVID-19 hospitalization in adults 50 years of age or older.
Cheval B., Sieber S., Maltagliati S., Millet G.P., Formánek T., Chalabaev A., Cullati S., Boisgontier M.P., 2021/10. Journal of cachexia, sarcopenia and muscle, 12 (5) pp. 1136-1143. Peer-reviewed.
Brain Region and Cell Compartment Dependent Regulation of Electron Transport System Components in Huntington's Disease Model Mice.
Burtscher J., Pepe G., Marracino F., Capocci L., Giova S., Millet G.P., Di Pardo A., Maglione V., 2021/09/24. Brain sciences, 11 (10) p. 1267. Peer-reviewed.
Factors Confounding the Athlete Biological Passport: A Systematic Narrative Review.
Krumm B., Faiss R., 2021/09/15. Sports medicine - open, 7 (1) p. 65. Peer-reviewed.
Steroid profiling by UHPLC-MS/MS in dried blood spots collected from healthy women with and without testosterone gel administration.
Salamin O., Nicoli R., Xu C., Boccard J., Rudaz S., Pitteloud N., Saugy M., Kuuranne T., 2021/09/10. Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis, 204 p. 114280. Peer-reviewed.
Le sport et l'éducation physique : entre émancipation féminine et stéréotypes sexués
Margas Nicolas, Chalabaev Aïna, 2021/09/08. pp. 129-144 dans Faniko, K. & Dardenne, B. (eds.) Psychologie du sexisme : des stéréotypes de genre au harcèlement chap. 9, De Boeck.
Effect of hypoxia and nitrate supplementation on different high-intensity interval-training sessions.
Sousa A., Viana J.L., Milheiro J., Reis V.M., Millet G.P., 2021/09. European journal of applied physiology, 121 (9) pp. 2585-2594. Peer-reviewed.
Individual differences in professional sport narrative experience during basketball players club mutation.
Owiti S., Bersier T., Hauw D., 2021/09. Heliyon, 7 (9) pp. e08015. Peer-reviewed.
Individualization of tDCS intensity according to corticospinal excitability does not improve stimulation efficacy over the primary motor cortex
Sallard Etienne, Lee Rohrbach Jaimie, Brandner Catherine, Place Nicolas, Barral Jérôme, 2021/09/01. Neuroimage reports. Peer-reviewed.
Les Jeux olympiques de la jeunesse
Quin Grégory, 2021/09/01. pp. 183-187 dans Piard Claude (eds.) L'aventure olympique. D'autres Jeux, L'Harmattan.
Moderate Altitude Residence Reduces Male Colorectal and Female Breast Cancer Mortality More Than Incidence: Therapeutic Implications?
Burtscher J., Millet G.P., Renner-Sattler K., Klimont J., Hackl M., Burtscher M., 2021/09/01. Cancers, 13 (17). Peer-reviewed.
Indirect Estimation of Breathing Rate from Heart Rate Monitoring System during Running.
Prigent G., Aminian K., Rodrigues T., Vesin J.M., Millet G.P., Falbriard M., Meyer F., Paraschiv-Ionescu A., 2021/08/22. Sensors, 21 (16). Peer-reviewed.
A Dynamic Contest Model of Platform Competition in Two-Sided Markets
Grossmann Martin, Lang Markus, Dietl Helmut M., 2021/08/18. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, 16 (6) pp. 2091-2109. Peer-reviewed.
Worsening of the Toxic Effects of (±)Cis-4,4'-DMAR Following Its Co-Administration with (±)Trans-4,4'-DMAR: Neuro-Behavioural, Physiological, Immunohistochemical and Metabolic Studies in Mice.
Tirri M., Frisoni P., Bilel S., Arfè R., Trapella C., Fantinati A., Corli G., Marchetti B., De-Giorgio F., Camuto C. et al., 2021/08/16. International journal of molecular sciences, 22 (16). Peer-reviewed.
Flow and music performance: Professional musicians and music students' views
Antonini Philippe Roberta, Kosirnik Céline, Ortuño Esther, Biasutti Michele, 2021/08/10. Psychology of Music p. 030573562110309.
Das Sportsystem und der Schulsport in der Schweiz
Disler Pius, Quin Grégory, 2021/08/01. pp. 24-32 dans Hayoz Christelle, Lanthemann Nicolas, Patelli Gianpaolo, Grossrieder Gallus (eds.) Kompetenzorientiertes Lernen und Lehren im Bewegungs- und Sportunterricht, HEP Verlag.
Faire l'histoire de son club de tennis
Clastres Patrick, 2021/08. Tennis Info. Le magazine officiel de la Fédération française de tennis 533 p. 50.
Le système sportif et l'éducation physique et sportive en Suisse
Disler Pius, Quin Grégory, 2021/08/01. pp. 24-32 dans Hayoz Christelle, Lanthemann Nicolas, Patelli Gianpaolo, Grossrieder Gallus (eds.) Apprendre et enseigner en éducation physique et sportive, Editions LEP.
Effects of Physical Activity and Mindfulness on Resilience and Depression During the First Wave of COVID-19 Pandemic
Antonini Philippe Roberta, Schwab Laurie, Biasutti Michele, 2021/07/29. Frontiers in Psychology, 12. Peer-reviewed.
Arimistane: Degradation product or metabolite of 7-oxo-DHEA?
Martínez Brito D., Leogrande P., Colamonici C., Curcio D., Botre F., de la Torre X., 2021/07. Drug testing and analysis, 13 (7) pp. 1430-1439. Peer-reviewed.
Hypoxia and brain aging: Neurodegeneration or neuroprotection?
Burtscher J., Mallet R.T., Burtscher M., Millet G.P., 2021/07. Ageing research reviews, 68 p. 101343. Peer-reviewed.
Les enjeux des pratiques inclusives dans le domaine des loisirs. Du projet inclusif à la question des inscriptions sociales
Marcellini Anne, 2021/07/01. Loisir et Société / Society and Leisure pp. 1-16.
The central role of mitochondrial fitness on antiviral defenses: An advocacy for physical activity during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Burtscher J., Burtscher M., Millet G.P., 2021/07. Redox biology, 43 p. 101976. Peer-reviewed.
Detection of urinary arimistane metabolites in humans using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry: Complementary results to gas chromatography mass spectrometric data and its application to antidoping analyses.
Martinez Brito D., Leogrande P., Botrè F., de la Torre X., 2021/06/30. Rapid communications in mass spectrometry, 35 (12) pp. e9080. Peer-reviewed.
Aventura espanhola na Copa do Mundo de 1950: os usos políticos do futebol
Benbouhou Raphaël, Moraes e Silva Marcelo, 2021/06/28. Cuadernos del CLAEH, 40 (1). Peer-reviewed.
Cooperative activities relying on students’ heritage languages in order to foster equity
Buchs Céline, Margas Nicolas, 2021/06/28. dans Congress of the International Association for Intercultural Education, Tel-Aviv, Israël, June 28-30.
High-Intensity Interval Training and Moderate-Intensity Continuous Training Attenuate Oxidative Damage and Promote Myokine Response in the Skeletal Muscle of ApoE KO Mice on High-Fat Diet.
Wang L., Lavier J., Hua W., Wang Y., Gong L., Wei H., Wang J., Pellegrin M., Millet G.P., Zhang Y., 2021/06/22. Antioxidants, 10 (7) p. 992. Peer-reviewed.
The Muscle-Brain Axis and Neurodegenerative Diseases: The Key Role of Mitochondria in Exercise-Induced Neuroprotection.
Burtscher J., Millet G.P., Place N., Kayser B., Zanou N., 2021/06/17. International journal of molecular sciences, 22 (12) p. 6479. Peer-reviewed.
André Amaël, Margas Nicolas (eds.), 2021/06/15., Paris : Editions EPS, Collection "Pour l'action".
André Amaël, Margas Nicolas, 2021/06/14. pp. 7-10 dans A. André & N. Margas (eds.) L'inclusion, Paris : Editions EPS, Collection "Pour l'action".
Processus psycho-sociaux associés à l’inclusion en EPS
Margas Nicolas, Buchs Céline, Lentillon-Kaestner Vanessa, 2021/06/13. pp. 49-65 dans A. André & N. Margas (eds.) L'inclusion, Paris : Editions EPS, Collection "Pour l'action".
La place de l’éducation physique et sportive au sein de l’établissement à visée inclusive
Bonvin Patrick, Margas Nicolas, 2021/06/12. pp. 101-116 dans A. André & N. Margas (eds.) L'inclusion, Paris : Editions EPS, Collection "Pour l'action".
Poster - Journées d'études de la Société Française de Psychologie du Sport (SFPS) 2021 - L'auto-compassion et l'entourage d'un performer : apports d’une méthodologie mixte
Kosirnik Céline, Antonini Philippe Roberta, Pomini Valentino, 2021/06/11..
Effects of a Jigsaw method on students’ motivation: when the type of physical activity matters
Drouet Océane, Margas Nicolas, Roure Cédric, Lentillon-Kaestner Vanessa, 2021/06/10. dans International Association for Physical Education Scientific Conference, University of Alberta, Canada, June 7-10. Peer-reviewed.
Implementing videoconferencing physical activity program for patients with anorexia nervosa: a pilot study.
Toutain Marc, Gauthier Antoine, Margas Nicolas, Zunquin Gautier, Bessot Nicolas, Quarck Gaëlle, Ritz Ludivine, Leconte Pascale, 2021/06/09. dans Journée d'études de la Société Franaçaise de Psychologie du Sport, Brest, France, 9-11 juin.
Urinary Elimination of Ecdysterone and Its Metabolites Following a Single-Dose Administration in Humans.
Ambrosio G., Yuliandra T., Wuest B., Mazzarino M., de la Torre X., Botrè F., Diel P., Isenmann E., Parr M.K., 2021/06/09. Metabolites, 11 (6). Peer-reviewed.
Does living at moderate altitudes in Austria affect mortality rates of various causes? An ecological study.
Burtscher J., Millet G.P., Burtscher M., 2021/06/03. BMJ open, 11 (6) pp. e048520. Peer-reviewed.
Effects of Normobaric Hypoxia on Matched-severe Exercise and Power-duration Relationship.
Sousa A.C., Millet G.P., Viana J., Milheiro J., Reis V., 2021/06. International journal of sports medicine, 42 (8) pp. 708-715. Peer-reviewed.
High-intensity Activity in European vs. National Rugby Union Games in the best 2014-2015 Team.
Fornasier-Santos C., Millet G.P., Stridgeon P., Girard O., Brocherie F., Nottin S., 2021/06. International journal of sports medicine, 42 (6) pp. 529-536. Peer-reviewed.
La gouvernance de la Fédération Française de Tennis entre 1970 et 2020 : entre autonomie et dépendances dans la relation à la sphère publique
Bayle Emmanuel, 2021/06/01. Movement & Sport Sciences - Science & Motricité 111 pp. 21–36. Peer-reviewed.
Maximal and Submaximal Cardiorespiratory Responses to a Novel Graded Karate Test.
Hausen M., Freire R., Machado A.B., Pereira G.R., Millet G.P., Itaborahy A., 2021/06. Journal of sports science & medicine, 20 (2) pp. 310-316. Peer-reviewed.
Obesity and Mortality Among Patients Diagnosed With COVID-19.
Burtscher J., Millet G.P., Burtscher M., 2021/06. Annals of internal medicine, 174 (6) p. 887. Peer-reviewed.
Bohuon Anaïs, Quin Grégory, 2021/06/01. pp. 715-726 dans Rennes Juliette (eds.) Encyclopédie critique du genre, La Découverte.
Effets de la méthode coopérative Jigsaw sur la motivation des élèves en éducation physique : quand l’activité physique importe
Cochon-Drouet Océane, Margas Nicolas, Lentillon-Kaestner Vanessa, 2021/05/21. dans 2ème Biennale Romande de la Recherche en Education Physique, 21 mai.
Les effets sociaux de l’engagement corporel : processus, ambivalence et développements face à la problématique de l’inclusion scolaire.
Margas Nicolas, 2021/05/21. dans Conférence invitée. 2ème Biennale Romande de la Recherche en Education Physique, 21 mai.
The Importance of Club Revenues for Player Salaries and Transfer Expenses—How Does the Coronavirus Outbreak (COVID-19) Impact the English Premier League?
Quansah Tommy, Frick Bernd, Lang Markus, Maguire Kieran, 2021/05/05. Sustainability, 13 (9) p. 5154. Peer-reviewed.
Integrity in eCycling races: Rising issue and new territory for anti-doping?
Fincoeur Bertrand, Bongiovanni Serena, 2021/05. Performance Enhancement & Health, 9 (1) p. 100189.
A taxonomy of national sport federations based on their financial profiles: the case of France’s state-subsidized model
Terrien Mickael, Feuillet Antoine, Bayle Emmanuel, 2021/04/01. Managing Sport and Leisure.
Do twelve normobaric hypoxic exposures indeed provoke relevant acclimatization for high-altitude workers?
Debevec T., Millet G.P., Brocherie F., 2021/04. International journal of biometeorology, 65 (4) pp. 637-638. Peer-reviewed.
Hypoxia Conditioning as a Promising Therapeutic Target in Parkinson's Disease?
Burtscher J., Syed MMK, Lashuel H.A., Millet G.P., 2021/04. Movement disorders, 36 (4) pp. 857-861. Peer-reviewed.
Identification of exploratory strategies in learning : a phenomenological approach
Ganachaud Clément, Ganieres Caroline, Hauw Denis, Seifert Ludovic, Rochat Nadège, Hacques Guillaume, Adé David, 2021/04. dans
Low cardiorespiratory and mitochondrial fitness as risk factors in viral infections: implications for COVID-19.
Burtscher J., Millet G.P., Burtscher M., 2021/04. British journal of sports medicine, 55 (8) pp. 413-415. Peer-reviewed.
Preoperative Exercise Training to Prevent Postoperative Pulmonary Complications in Adults Undergoing Major Surgery. A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis with Trial Sequential Analysis.
Assouline B., Cools E., Schorer R., Kayser B., Elia N., Licker M., 2021/04. Annals of the American Thoracic Society, 18 (4) pp. 678-688. Peer-reviewed.
Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging Assessment of the Quadriceps Changes during an Extreme Mountain Ultramarathon.
Nguyen H.T., Grenier T., Leporq B., Le Goff C., Gilles B., Grange S., Grange R., Millet G.P., Beuf O., Croisille P. et al., 2021/04/01. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 53 (4) pp. 869-881. Peer-reviewed.
What really matters in binge drinking: a dominance analysis of binge drinking psychological determinants among University students
Jessica Mange, Maxime Mauduy, Cécile Sénémeaud, Virginie Bagneux, Nicolas Cabé, Denis Jacquet, Pascale Leconte, Nicolas Margas, Nicolas Mauny, Ludivine Ritz et al., 2021/04. Addictive Behaviors Reports p. 100346. Peer-reviewed.
« Aux premiers temps des sports modernes et des « jeux nationaux » en Suisse (1850-1950). Entre nationalisation et sportivisation », compte rendu de la 3e Journée d'étude de l'Association suisse d'histoire du sport (ASHS), 11-12 février 2021,
Cala Sébastien, 2021/03/25.,
Evaluation of a Strength-Training Program on Clinical Outcomes in Older Adults.
Burtscher J., Millet G.P., Burtscher M., 2021/03/16. JAMA, 325 (11) pp. 1110-1111. Peer-reviewed.
Assessing teachers' perspectives on giving music lessons remotely during the COVID-19 lockdown period
Biasutti Michele, Antonini Philippe Roberta, Schiavio Andrea, 2021/03/08. Musicae Scientiae p. 102986492199603.
La régulation mondiale est un sport de combat
Bayle Emmanuel, 2021/03/04. Le Temps .
Olympisme et durabilité : le voeu pieu d'une responsabilité sociale partagée
François Aurélien, Ferrand Alain, Bayle Emmanuel, 2021/03/01. dans Les défis de l'olympisme : entre héritage et innovation .
From Mandatory School Gymnastics to Physical Training for Youth. How the Société Fédérale de Gymnastique Became a “Gymnastic State” Dedicated to the Physical Preparation of Swiss Youth From 1873 to 1907
Mayencourt Gil, Quin Grégory, 2021/02/26. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 3.
Simultaneous detection of different chemical classes of selective androgen receptor modulators in urine by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry-based techniques.
Stacchini C., Botrè F., Comunità F., de la Torre X., Dima A.P., Ricci M., Mazzarino M., 2021/02/20. Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis, 195 p. 113849. Peer-reviewed.
Creative pedagogies in the time of pandemic: a case study with conservatory students
Schiavo Andrea, Biasutti Michele, Antonini Philippe Roberta, 2021/02/12. Music Education Research.
L’efficacité des partenariats public-privé des stades Euro 2016 : un contrat, 3 perdants ?
Moulard Jeremy, Dermit Nadine, 2021/02/10. Movement & Sport Sciences - Science & Motricité.
Improving the detection of anabolic steroid esters in human serum by LC-MS.
de la Torre X., Iannone M., Botrè F., 2021/02/05. Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis, 194 p. 113807. Peer-reviewed.
Devenir olympique et "sportive": l'essor de la gymnastique rythmique et sportive en Suisse autour des années 1970
Quin Grégory, Mayencourt Gil, 2021/02/01. pp. 52-65 dans Les défis de l'Olympisme, entre héritage et innovation. Approches historique, sociale et managériale du mouvement olympique, INSEP.
Gravir les Alpes du XIXe siècle à nos jours
Clastres Patrick, Debons Delphine, Quin Grégory, Pitteloud Jean-François, 2021/02/01., PUR.
Gravir les Alpes du XIXe siècle à nos jours. Introduction
Clastres Patrick, 2021/02/01. pp. 11-16 dans Gravir les Alpes du XIXe siècle à nos jours. Pratiques, émotions, imaginaires, Presses universitaires de Rennes.
Priming the cardiodynamic phase of pulmonary oxygen uptake through voluntary modulations of the respiratory pump at the onset of exercise.
Stucky F., Aliverti A., Kayser B., Uva B., 2021/02. Experimental physiology, 106 (2) pp. 555-566. Peer-reviewed.
Un cadre pour appréhender la régulation mondiale des sports
Bayle Emmanuel, 2021/01/31. dans La Régulation du sport mondial/Global sport regulation, Dir Chappelet J-L., Bayle E., Bonomi A., Caneppele S., IDHEAP-Unil.
British bodies between extraversion and conservatism: representations and movements during the first half of the twentieth century
Quin Grégory, 2021/01/15. pp. 109-120 dans Polenghi Simonetta, Németh András, Kasper Tomàs (eds.) Education and the Body in Europe (1900-1950), Peter Lang.
From the education of soldiers to a promotion of motor skills: changes in the conception of physical education in Switzerland throughout the twentieth century
Quin Grégory, Hayoz Christelle, 2021/01/15. pp. 137-148 dans Polenghi Simonetta, Németh András, Kasper Tomàs (eds.) Education and the Body in Europe (1900-1950), Peter Lang.
A Rationale for Hypoxic and Chemical Conditioning in Huntington's Disease.
Burtscher J., Maglione V., Di Pardo A., Millet G.P., Schwarzer C., Zangrandi L., 2021/01/08. International journal of molecular sciences, 22 (2) pp. E582. Peer-reviewed.
Un jeune sportif romand sur cinq a été victime d’une forme de violence, révèle une étude de l’Université de Lausanne
Marsollier Elise, Hauw Denis, 2021/01/05. Le Temps.
Acute Effects of the Wim Hof Breathing Method on Repeated Sprint Ability: A Pilot Study.
Citherlet T., Crettaz von Roten F., Kayser B., Guex K., 2021. Frontiers in sports and active living, 3 p. 700757. Peer-reviewed.
Altitude and COVID-19: Friend or foe? A narrative review.
Millet G.P., Debevec T., Brocherie F., Burtscher M., Burtscher J., 2021/01. Physiological reports, 8 (24) pp. e14615. Peer-reviewed.
Améliorer sa performance grâce à sa force mentale. Conférence lors de la semaine du cerveau. CHUV
Antonini Philippe Roberta, 2021..
Better monitoring of physical activity responses post COVID-19 is key
Millet G.P., Bourdillon N., Burtscher J., 2021. BMJ pp. Peer-reviewed.
Comparing Hypoxic and Heat Stressors: More Challenging Than it Seems
Brocherie F., Debevec T., Millet G. P., 2021. Exerc Sport Sci Rev, 49 (3) pp. 223-224. Peer-reviewed.
Conditioning the Brain: From Exercise to Hypoxia
Burtscher J., Mallet R. T., Burtscher M., Millet G. P., 2021. Exerc Sport Sci Rev, 49 (4) pp. 291-292. Peer-reviewed.
Corticosteroid Biosynthesis Revisited: No Direct Hydroxylation of Pregnenolone by Steroid 21-Hydroxylase.
Loke S., Stoll A., Machalz D., Botrè F., Wolber G., Bureik M., Parr M.K., 2021. Frontiers in endocrinology, 12 p. 633785. Peer-reviewed.
Cycling alone. Team Sky's difficult quest for credibility during the 2015 Tour de France
Plassard Flora, Ohl Fabien, Schoch Lucie, 2021. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 56 (2) pp. 212-232. Peer-reviewed.
Differences in the prevalence of physical activity and cardiovascular risk factors between people living at low (<1,001 m) compared to moderate (1,001-2,000 m) altitude.
Burtscher M., Millet G.P., Klimont J., Burtscher J., 2021. AIMS public health, 8 (4) pp. 624-635. Peer-reviewed.
Dépasser ses limites physiques et mentales : la performance en ultra-endurance à l’épreuve de la science. Conférence plénière, Congrès de la SFPS, Brest
Antonini Philippe Roberta, Millet Guillaume (eds.), 2021..
Editorial: Youth and Winter Sports.
Millet G.P., Ohl F., 2021. Frontiers in sports and active living, 3 p. 696232. Peer-reviewed.
Entre "germanophilie" et "bons offices" : l'Association Suisse des Clubs de Ski durant les premiers temps de l'institutionnalisation du ski international (1905-1924)
Cala Sébastien, 2021. pp. 113-129 dans BUSSET Thomas & ENGEL Peter (éd.), " Surmonter les frontières à ski - Grenzen überwinden mit Ski", CIES.
Evaluation et développement des ressources mentales chez les sportifs d'élite
Nemessany Violette, ANRT , CNOSF , INSEP (eds.), 2021..
Fight Against Doping as a Social Performance: The Case of the 2015–2016 Russian Anti-Doping Crisis
Ohl Fabien, Fincoeur Bertrand, Schoch Lucie, 2021. Cultural Sociology, 3 (15) pp. 386-408. Peer-reviewed.
Schoch Lucie, 2021. pp. 207-208 dans Encyclopedia of Sport Management, Paul Pederson (Ed.), Cheltenham: UK, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Gender Equality
Schoch Lucie, 2021. pp. 209-210 dans Encyclopedia of Sport Management, Paul Pederson (Ed.), Cheltenham: UK, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Hypoxia conditioning for high-altitude pre-acclimatization
Burtscher M., Millet G.P., Burtscher J., 2021. Journal of Science in Sport and Exercise. Peer-reviewed.
Hypoxia, acidification and inflammation: partners in crime in Parkinson’s disease pathogenesis?
Burtscher J., Millet G.P., 2021. Immuno, 1 (2) pp. 78-90. Peer-reviewed.
Hypoxic Respiratory Chemoreflex Control in Young Trained Swimmers.
Arce-Álvarez A., Veliz C., Vazquez-Muñoz M., von Igel M., Alvares C., Ramirez-Campillo R., Izquierdo M., Millet G.P., Del Rio R., Andrade D.C., 2021. Frontiers in physiology, 12 p. 632603. Peer-reviewed.
Impact of High Altitude on Cardiovascular Health: Current Perspectives.
Mallet R.T., Burtscher J., Richalet J.P., Millet G.P., Burtscher M., 2021. Vascular health and risk management, 17 pp. 317-335. Peer-reviewed.
Is altitude training an important topic in the field of hypoxia?
Millet G.P., Burtscher M., Burtscher J., 2021. Journal of Science in Sport and Exercise. Peer-reviewed.
Is Altitude Training Bad for the Running Mechanics of Middle-Distance Runners?
Millet G. P., Trigueira R., Meyer F., Lemire M., 2021. Int J Sports Physiol Perform, 16 (9) pp. 1359-1362. Peer-reviewed.
Je pousse donc je suis : Du rôle de la musculation et des produits de la performance en prison
Fincoeur Bertrand, Rullo Jessica, 2021. Déviance et Société, 45 (2) pp. 231-264.
La place du coaching mental dans les JO de Tokyo. Webinair Université UNIL-ULB.
Antonini Philippe Roberta, 2021..
La régulation du sport mondial - Global Sport Regulation
Chappelet J.-L., Bayle E., Bonomi A., Caneppele S., 2021. 262, IDHEAP.
Les promesses toxiques de l'antidopage
Ohl Fabien, Fincoeur Bertrand, Schoch Lucie, 2021. Le Temps.
Level, Uphill, and Downhill Running Economy Values Are Correlated Except on Steep Slopes.
Lemire M., Falbriard M., Aminian K., Millet G.P., Meyer F., 2021. Frontiers in physiology, 12 p. 697315. Peer-reviewed.
Olympic Sports Science-Bibliometric Analysis of All Summer and Winter Olympic Sports Research.
Millet G.P., Brocherie F., Burtscher J., 2021. Frontiers in sports and active living, 3 p. 772140. Peer-reviewed.
Pierre de Coubertin y la «Unión Sagrada» de la educación física en Francia (octubre de 1914 - enero de 1915). La concordia imposible entre laicos y católicos
Clastres Patrick, 2021. Revista Universitaria de Historia Militar, 10 (21) pp. 74-101. Peer-reviewed.
Proposition d'un cadre d'analyse systémique de la situation économique et financière des fédérations sportives françaises
Terrien Mickael, Feuillet Antoine, Bayle Emmanuel, 2021. Movement & Sport Sciences - Science & Motricité. Peer-reviewed.
RE: Senolysis by glutaminolysis inhibition ameliorates various age-associated disorders.
Burtscher J., Burtscher M., Millet G.P., 2021. Science. Peer-reviewed.
Respiratory alkalinization and posterior cerebral artery dilatation predict acute mountain sickness severity during 10 h normobaric hypoxia.
Barclay H., Mukerji S., Kayser B., O'Donnell T., Tzeng Y.C., Hill S., Knapp K., Legg S., Frei D., Fan J.L., 2021/01. Experimental physiology, 106 (1) pp. 175-190. Peer-reviewed.
Response to: The mitochondria-targeted antioxidant MitoQ attenuates exercise-induced mitochondrial DNA damage (Williamson et al., available online 6 August 2020, 101,673).
Burtscher J., Burtscher M., Millet G.P., 2021/01. Redox biology, 38 p. 101732. Peer-reviewed.
Reviewing the role of the environment in the talent development of a professional soccer club.
Gesbert V., Crettaz von Roten F., Hauw D., 2021. PloS one, 16 (2) pp. e0246823. Peer-reviewed.
Similar Supine Heart Rate Variability Changes During 24-h Exposure to Normobaric vs. Hypobaric Hypoxia.
Tanner V., Faiss R., Saugy J., Bourdillon N., Schmitt L., Millet G.P., 2021. Frontiers in neuroscience, 15 p. 777800. Peer-reviewed.
Sleep Deprivation Deteriorates Heart Rate Variability and Photoplethysmography.
Bourdillon N., Jeanneret F., Nilchian M., Albertoni P., Ha P., Millet G.P., 2021. Frontiers in neuroscience, 15 p. 642548. Peer-reviewed.
Schoch Lucie, 2021. pp. 447-448 dans Encyclopedia of Sport Management, Paul Pederson (Ed.), Cheltenham: UK, Edward Elgar Publishing.
The 1928 Olympic Winter Games in St Moritz: Tourism, Diplomacy and Domestic Politics
Tonnerre Quentin, 2021. The International Journal of the History of Sport.
The Influence of Training Load on Hematological Athlete Biological Passport Variables in Elite Cyclists.
Astolfi T., Crettaz von Roten F., Kayser B., Saugy M., Faiss R., 2021. Frontiers in sports and active living, 3 p. 618285. Peer-reviewed.
The toxic doxa of “clean sport” and IOC and WADA’s quest for credibility
Ohl Fabien, Schoch Lucie, Fincoeur Bertrand, 2021. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 56 (8) pp. 1116–1136. Peer-reviewed.
The Zwift Pace: How Elite Cycling Faced the Covid-19 Lockdown
Fincoeur Bertrand, Bongiovanni Serena, Gesbert Vincent, 2021. dans Time Out - Global Perspectives on Sport and the Covid-19 Lockdown, Common Ground.
Un chemin semé d'embûches: les relations entre la Confédération suisse et le CIO des années 1970 à nos jours
Tonnerre Quentin, 2021. dans Régulation du sport mondial – Global Sport Regulation.
Understanding the Prevalence Rates of Interpersonal Violence Experienced by Young French-Speaking Swiss Athletes.
Marsollier É., Hauw D., Crettaz von Roten F., 2021. Frontiers in psychology, 12 p. 726635. Peer-reviewed.
When the 8-count is not enough: An analysis of the interaction modalities enacted by artistic swimmers in a collective choreography
Gesbert Vincent, Hauw Denis, 2021. International Journal of Sport Psychology.
‘How can they like doing that?’ The ambivalent definition of legitimate work in sports journalism
Schoch Lucie, Ohl Fabien, 2021. Journalism Studies, 22 (3) pp. 263-281. Peer-reviewed.
Lack of Pregraduate Teaching on the Associations between the Built Environment, Physical Activity and Health in Swiss Architecture and Urban Design Degree Programs.
Zedi M., Kayser B., 2020/12/22. International journal of environmental research and public health, 18 (1) p. 15. Peer-reviewed.
Fostering Inclusion in Culturally and Linguisitc Diverse Classrooms by Multilingual Cooperative Activities
Buchs Céline, Margas Nicolas, Zinetti Diego, Maradan Mathilde, Lamarina Eleftheria, 2020/12/14. Journal of Community Guidance & Research, 37 (3) pp. 1-9. Peer-reviewed.
Duty Factor Reflects Lower Limb Kinematics of Running
Patoz Aurélien, Lussiana Thibault, Thouvenot Adrien, Mourot Laurent, Gindre Cyrille, 2020/12/09. Applied Sciences, 10 (24) p. 8818. Peer-reviewed.
Gouverner le football européen. La prise d'indépendance de l'UEFA vis-à-vis du pouvoir de la FIFA (1953-1961)
Vonnard Philippe, 2020/12. pp. 113-133 dans Schotté Manuel, Vincent Joris (eds.) Le sport et ses pouvoirs, PULIM.
Re: "The Effect of an Expiratory Resistance Mask With Dead Space on Sleep, Acute Mountain Sickness, Cognition, and Ventilatory Acclimatization in Normobaric Hypoxia," by Patrician et al. and "Global REACH 2018: The Effect of an Expiratory Resistance Mask with Dead Space on Sleep and Acute Mountain Sickness During Acute Exposure to Hypobaric Hypoxia" by Carr et al.
Millet G.P., Debevec T., 2020/12. High altitude medicine & biology, 21 (4) pp. 434-435. Peer-reviewed.
Response to Berger et al. re: "Are Pre-Ascent Low-Altitude Saliva Cortisol Levels Related to the Subsequent Acute Mountain Sickness Score? Observations From a Field Study".
Gatterer H., Burtscher J., Estoppey J., Burtscher M., Kayser B., 2020/12. High altitude medicine & biology, 21 (4) pp. 423-424. Peer-reviewed.
Running mechanics and leg muscle activity patterns during early and late acceleration phases of repeated treadmill sprints in male recreational athletes.
Girard O., Brocherie F., Morin J.B., Millet G.P., Hansen C., 2020/12. European journal of applied physiology, 120 (12) pp. 2785-2796. Peer-reviewed.
Drunkorexie chez les étudiant·e·s de l’Université de Caen : différents profils psychologiques et motivationnels
Ritz Ludivine, Bagneux Virginie, Leconte Pascale, Lannoy Séverine, Cabé Nicolas, Margas Nicolas, Jacquet Denis, Mange Jessica, Beaunieux Hélène, 2020/11/28. dans Congrès Français de Psychatrie, Strasbourg, France, 25-28 novembre.
Communicating science and technology in society – Issues of public accountability and engagement
Delicado Ana, Crettaz von Roten Fabienne, Prpic Katarina (eds.), 2020/11/27., Springer.
How do scientists doing animal experimentation view the co-evolution between science and society ? The Swiss case
Crettaz von Roten Fabienne, 2020/11/27. dans Delicado Ana, Crettaz von Roten Fabienne, Prpic Katarina (eds.) Communicating science and technology in society – Issues of public accountability and engagement, Springer.
"Il était carabinier dans l'âme et l'est resté jusqu'à son dernier jour". Adrien Thélin, la politique et le développement de la société suisse des carabiniers
Quin Grégory, Vonnard Philippe, 2020/11/23. Revue Historique Vaudoise 128 pp. 71-83.
Effet combiné des normes sociales dans le paradigme de l’hypocrisie induite : une application dans la prévention des discriminations
Mauduy Maxime, Priolo Daniel, Margas Nicolas, Sénémeaud Céline, 2020/11/13. dans Congrès de l’Association pour la Diffusion de la Recherche en Psychologie Sociale (ADRIPS), Lisbonne, Portugal, 15-17 juillet.
Changes in spatio-temporal gait parameters and vertical speed during an extreme mountain ultra-marathon.
Jeker D., Falbriard M., Vernillo G., Meyer F., Savoldelli A., Degache F., Schena F., Aminian K., Millet G.P., 2020/11. European journal of sport science, 20 (10) pp. 1339-1345. Peer-reviewed.
Is pain temporary and glory forever? Detection of tramadol using dried blood spot in cycling competitions.
Salamin O., Garcia A., González-Ruiz V., Rossi F., Bigard X., Déglon J., Daali Y., Faiss R., Saugy M., Rudaz S., 2020/11. Drug testing and analysis, 12 (11-12) pp. 1649-1657. Peer-reviewed.
‘Clean athlete status' cannot be certified: Calling for caution, evidence and transparency in ‘alternative' anti-doping systems
Petróczi Andrea, Backhouse Susan H, Boardley Ian D, Saugy Martial, Pitsiladis Yannis, Viret Marjolaine, Ioannidis Gregory, Ohl Fabien, Loland Sigmund, McNamee Mike, 2020/11. International Journal of Drug Policy p. 103030. Peer-reviewed.
Mitochondria: In the Cross Fire of SARS-CoV-2 and Immunity.
Burtscher J., Cappellano G., Omori A., Koshiba T., Millet G.P., 2020/10/23. iScience, 23 (10) p. 101631. Peer-reviewed.
Poster of the 2020 Annual Conference, Association for Applied Sport Psychology (AASP) - Between flow and anxiety. A study of the factors affecting musicians' performances
Kosirnik Céline, Antonini Philippe Roberta, Ortunu Esther, Biasutti Michele, 2020/10/21..
Presentation at the 2020 Annual Conference, Association for Applied Sport Psychology (AASP) - Conservatory Musicians Temporal Organization and Self-Regulation Processes in Preparing for a Music Exam
Kosirnik Céline, Antonini Philippe Roberta, Vuichoud Noémi, Clark Terry, Williamon Aaron, McPherson Gary E., 2020/10/21..
Adaptation and destabilization of interpersonal relationships in sport and music during the Covid-19 lockdown
Antonini Philippe Roberta, Schiavio Andrea, Biasutti Michele, 2020/10. Heliyon, 6 (10) pp. e05212.
Comprendre les résistances apparentes des enseignant·e·s face aux réformes : le cas des « évaluations cantonales » au secondaire inférieur dans l’éducation physique vaudoise
Grandchamp Annabelle, Quin Grégory, Méard Jacques, 2020/10/01. Revue Suisse des Sciences de l'Education, 42 (2) pp. 482-500.
Organizing the World Cup in an Historical Perspective. New challenges and topics.
Vonnard Philippe, Astruc Clément, Jalabert D'Amado Lorenzo, Sbetti Nicola, 2020/10. Soccer & Society, 21 (8) pp. 841-847. Peer-reviewed.
Organizing the World Cup. Organization, Heritage and Failing Bids (1930-1998). Special Issue
Vonnard Philippe, Astruc Clément, Jalabert D'Amado Lorenzo, Sbetti Nicola, 2020/10. Soccer & Society, 21 (8). Peer-reviewed.
Towards a shared olympic responsibility : paradoxes and challenges
François Aurélien, Ferrand Alain, Bayle Emmanuel, 2020/10/01. dans Routledge handbook of the olympic and Paralympic Games , Routledge.
‘The alternative bid’. The failure of Switzerland’s bid to host the 1998 World Cup
Vonnard Philippe, Berthoud Jérôme, 2020/10. Soccer & Society, 21 (8) pp. 960-973. Peer-reviewed.
Jules Guérin
Quin Grégory, 2020/09/01. pp. 184-185 dans Nouvelle Biographie Nationale, Académie Royale de Belgique.
Preterm birth: Potential risk factor for greater COVID-19 severity?
Debevec T., Burtscher J., Millet G.P., 2020/09. Respiratory physiology & neurobiology, 280 p. 103484. Peer-reviewed.
La Suisse et le CIO : des relations bilatérales complexes / Switzerland and the IOC: a complicated bilateral relationship
Tonnerre Quentin, 2020/08/18. Sport et Citoyenneté.
Caution is needed on the effect of altitude on the pathogenesis of SAR-CoV-2 virus.
Burtscher J., Burtscher M., Millet G.P., 2020/08. Respiratory physiology & neurobiology, 279 p. 103464. Peer-reviewed.
Fifty shades of grey? On the concept of grey zones in elite cycling
Fincoeur Bertrand, Henning April, Ohl Fabien, 2020/08. Performance Enhancement & Health, 8 (2-3) p. 100179. Peer-reviewed.
Les débuts de la Coupe du monde de ski : amorce d'une mutation structurelle de la FIS vers la commercialisation (1967-1975)
Cala Sébastien, 2020/08/01. pp. 133-148 dans BUSSET Thomas & TISSOT Laurent (éds.), Sports et entreprises, la performance en jeu, CIES.
Editorial: Radical Embodied Cognitive Science of Human Behavior: Skill Acquisition, Expertise and Talent Development
Seifert Ludovic, Davids Keith, Hauw Denis, McGann Marek, 2020/07/14. Frontiers in Psychology, 11. Peer-reviewed.
Gathering Europe in football. UEFA, the development of European football and the Cold War (1949-1961)
Vonnard Philippe, 2020/07. Stadion. International Journal of the History of Sport, 44 (1) pp. 34-60. Peer-reviewed.
Mass-normalized internal mechanical work in walking is not impaired in adults with class III obesity.
Fernández Menéndez A., Uva B., Favre L., Hans D., Borrani F., Malatesta D., 2020/07/01. Journal of applied physiology, 129 (1) pp. 194-203. Peer-reviewed.
Faire de la recherche à propos/sur/avec/pour la Fédération française du Sport Adapté? Analyse réflexive sur un dispositif original de recherche.
Caby Isabelle, Marcellini Anne, 2020/06/26. Empan 118 pp. 32-39. Peer-reviewed.
Would Relaxation of the Anti-doping Rule Lead to Red Queen Effects?
Kayser Bengt, De Block Andreas, 2020/06/07. Sport, Ethics and Philosophy pp. 1-15.
Ouvrir la porte à l’inclusion en EPS : repères pour le passage d’une logique intégrative à une visée inclusive.
Schweizer Tess, Margas Nicolas, 2020/06/03. L'Education Physique en Mouvement, 3 pp. 25-27.
Development and validation of an UHPLC-MS/MS method for extended serum steroid profiling in female populations.
Salamin O., Ponzetto F., Cauderay M., Boccard J., Rudaz S., Saugy M., Kuuranne T., Nicoli R., 2020/06. Bioanalysis, 12 (11) pp. 753-768. Peer-reviewed.
La coopération entre élèves en EP : entre effets avérés et difficultés de mise en œuvre
Jourdan Sandra, Méard Jacques, Antonini Philippe Roberta, 2020/05/17. Cahiers du CERFEE 56.
Réinventer un sport spectacle sans public
Bayle Emmanuel, 2020/05/09. Le Temps .
Dépasser ses limites physiques et mentales : la performance en ultra-endurance à l’épreuve de la science
Antonini Philippe Roberta, Millet Guillaume, 2020/05/05., SFPS Brest dans Conférence plénière: SFPS Brest.
Antidoping: From health tests to the athlete biological passport.
Saugy M., Leuenberger N., 2020/05. Drug testing and analysis, 12 (5) pp. 621-628. Peer-reviewed.
Defining Off-road Running: A Position Statement from the Ultra Sports Science Foundation
Scheer V., Basset P., Giovanelli N., Vernillo G., Millet G. P., Costa R. J. S., 2020/05. Int J Sports Med, 41 (5) pp. 275-284. Peer-reviewed.
Le Tour de Romandie, l'échappée belle
Mayencourt Gil, 2020/05/01. Le Temps.
‘Creating a United Europe of Football’ : The formation of UEFA (1949-1961)
Vonnard Philippe, 2020/05. FREE 11 237, Palgrave Macmillan.
Jeux, jouets et sports adaptés à toutes les in/capacités
Marcellini Anne, Ferez Sylvain, 2020/04/11..
Playing "with or without" politics. Studying the position of East Germany within the FIS and FIFA from a long-term perspective (1924-1962)
Vonnard Philippe, Cala Sébastien, 2020/04/01. Sport History Review, 51 (1) pp. 7-24. Peer-reviewed.
Why are placebos not on WADA's prohibited list?
Kayser Bengt, 2020/04. Performance Enhancement & Health p. 100163.
Flow States and Associated Changes in Spatial and Temporal Processing
Sinnett Scott, Jäger Joshua, Singer Sarah, Antonini Philippe Roberta, 2020/03/12. Frontiers in Psychology, 11 (389). Peer-reviewed.
Wellbeing in and through performance: Interdisciplinary perspectives from sports and music
Williamon Aaron, Antonini Philippe Roberta, 2020/03/06. Frontiers in Psychology. Peer-reviewed.
Hypoxic exercise as an effective nonpharmacological therapeutic intervention.
Brocherie F., Millet G.P., 2020/03. Experimental & molecular medicine, 52 (3) pp. 529-530. Peer-reviewed.
La féminisation des courses populaires
Décombaz Jacques, Deldicque Louise, Schoch Lucie, Schlaepfer Rodolphe, 2020/03. Spiridon - Milles pattes 139.
Prevalence Estimate of Blood Doping in Elite Track and Field Athletes During Two Major International Events.
Faiss R., Saugy J., Zollinger A., Robinson N., Schuetz F., Saugy M., Garnier PY, 2020/02/25. Frontiers in physiology, 11 p. 160. Peer-reviewed.
Dynamics of Experience in a Learning Protocol: A Case Study in Climbing
Rochat Nadège, Hacques Guillaume, Ganière Caroline, Seifert Ludovic, Hauw Denis, Iodice Pierpaolo, Adé David, 2020/02/20. Frontiers in Psychology, 11.
Focus in Searching Core–Periphery Structures
Martignoni Dirk, Keil Thomas, Lang Markus, 2020/02/20. Organization Science, 31 (2) pp. 266-286. Peer-reviewed.
The social meaning of steps: user reception of a mobile health intervention on physical activity
Presset Bastien, Kramer Jan-Niklas, Kowatsch Tobias, Ohl Fabien, 2020/02/18. Critical Public Health pp. 1-12. Peer-reviewed.
Le psychologue du sport face au dopage
Hauw Denis (eds.), 2020/02/11., Société Française de Psychologie du Sport.
Culture de la performance et abus sexuels dans le sport
Ohl Fabien, Schoch Lucie, 2020/02/05. Le Temps.
Conservatory Musicians’ Temporal Organization and Self-Regulation Processes in Preparing for a Music Exam
Antonini Philippe Roberta, Kosirnik Céline, Vuichoud Noémi, Clark Terry, Williamon Aaron, McPherson Gary E., 2020/02/03. Frontiers in Psychology, 11 (89) pp. 1-12. Peer-reviewed.
Commentaire épistémologique à propos d'une approche interdisciplinaire du corps amputé appareillé
Marcellini Anne, 2020/02. Alter, 14 (1) pp. 48-52. Peer-reviewed.
Does body position before and during blood sampling influence the Athlete Biological Passport variables?
Astolfi T., Schumacher Y.O., Crettaz von Roten F., Saugy M., Faiss R., 2020/02. International journal of laboratory hematology, 42 (1) pp. 61-67. Peer-reviewed.
The fatigue-induced alteration in postural control is larger in hypobaric than in normobaric hypoxia.
Degache F., Serain É., Roy S., Faiss R., Millet G.P., 2020/01/16. Scientific reports, 10 (1) p. 483. Peer-reviewed.
« Toi le piéton, pourquoi t’intéresses-tu au powerchair hockey ? » : les relations entre chercheur et enquêtés au cours du travail ethnographique
Paccaud Laurent, 2020/01/15. Sociograph, 45 pp. 33-54. Peer-reviewed.
Etre paralysé, devenir "pilote". Etude des processus d’incorporation des technologies
Paccaud Laurent, Richard Rémi, Marcellini Anne, 2020/01/13. dans Corps, Sport, Handicap - Tome 3. Experimentations et expériences de la technologie, Téraèdre.
From Sedentary and Physical Inactive Behaviours to an Ultra Cycling Race: A Mixed-Method Case Report.
Guex K., Wicht S., Besson C., Degache F., Gojanovic B., Gremion G., 2020/01/13. International journal of environmental research and public health, 17 (2). Peer-reviewed.
En hockey, quatre modèles de club pour un succès collectif
Bayle Emmanuel, Lang Markus, Moret Orlan, 2020/01/02. Le Temps.
A Sensor Fusion Approach to the Estimation of Instantaneous Velocity Using Single Wearable Sensor During Sprint.
Apte S., Meyer F., Gremeaux V., Dadashi F., Aminian K., 2020. Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology, 8 p. 838. Peer-reviewed.
Agir ensemble en EPS : l’exemple du Jigsaw.
Drouet Océane, Margas Nicolas, Chanal Julien, Lentillon-Kaestner Vanessa, 2020. dans Biennale de l’Association pour la Recherche sur l’Intervention en Sport (ARIS). Liège, Belgique, 25-28 février.
An Updated Panorama of "Living Low-Training High" Altitude/Hypoxic Methods.
Girard O., Brocherie F., Goods PSR, Millet G.P., 2020. Frontiers in sports and active living, 2 p. 26. Peer-reviewed.
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