Département de comportement organisationnel

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705 publications

... | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | ...
How estimation can benefit from an imbalanced world
Hertwig R., Hoffrage U., Sparr R., 2012. pp. 379-406 dans Todd P. M., Gigerenzer G., the ABC Research Group (eds.) Ecological rationality: Intelligence in the world chap. 15, Oxford University Press.
Is accountability a double-edged sword? Experimental evidence on the effectiveness of internal controls to prevent fraud
Hoos F., Bollmann G., 2012. Journal of Management Control, 23 pp. 115-132. Peer-reviewed.
Leadership: Past, present, and future.
Day D. V., Antonakis J., 2012. pp. 3-25 dans Day D. V., Antonakis J. (eds.) The nature of leadership, Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
Les livres de conseils: Un moyen de réduire l'incertitude des candidats liée à l'entretien de sélection
Roulin N., Bangerter A., 2012. Psychologie du Travail et des Organisations, 17 pp. 426-444. Peer-reviewed.
Longitudinal investigation of public trust in institutions relative to the 2009 H1N1 pandemic in Switzerland
Bangerter A., Krings F., Mouton A., Gilles I., Green E. G. T., Clémence A., 2012. PLoS ONE, 7 (11) pp. e49806. Peer-reviewed.
Neither Bad Apple nor Bad Barrel: How the Societal Context Impacts Unethical Behavior in Organizations
Gonin M., Palazzo G., Hoffrage U., 2012/01. Business Ethics: A European Review, 21 (1) pp. 31-46. Peer-reviewed.
On the fluid and crystallized components of emotional intelligence.
Fiori M., 2012. dans Symposium title: Is Emotional Intelligence a measurable construct? 24th Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science (APS). Chicago, IL May24-27, 2012..
Personnel selection as a signaling game
Bangerter A., Roulin N., König C.J., 2012. Journal of Applied Psychology, 97 (4) pp. 719-738. Peer-reviewed.
Research on intergroup conflict: Implications for diversity management
Dietz J., Kleinlogel E. K., Chui C. W. S., 2012. pp. 253-270 dans Stahl G. K., Björkman I., Morris S. (eds.) Handbook of research in international human resource management (2nd ed.) chap. 13, Edward Elgar Publications.
Réussir l'entretien d'embauche comportemental: La méthode pour identifier et sélectionner les futurs employés performants
Roulin N., Bangerter A., Wüthrich U., 2012., De Boeck Professionals.
StressSense: Detecting stress in unconstrained acoustic environments using smartphones
Lu H., Frauendorfer D., Rabbi M., Schmid Mast M., Chittaranjan G. T., Campbell A. T., Gatica-Perrez D., Choudhury T., 2012. pp. 351-360 dans Proceedings of the 2012 ACM Conference on Ubiquitous Computing . Peer-reviewed.
The Organizational Implementation of Corporate Citizenship: An Assessment Tool and its Application at UN Global Compact Participants
Baumann-Pauly Dorothée, Scherer Andreas Georg, 2012. Journal of Business Ethics, 117 (1) pp. 1-17. Peer-reviewed.
Transformational and Charismatic Leadership
Antonakis J., 2012. pp. 256-288 dans Day D. V., Antonakis J. (eds.) The nature of leadership, Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks.
Un déguisement pour la discrimination?
Kleinlogel E. P., Dietz J., 2012. dans Doctoriales de l'UNIL.
Understanding the academic-practitioner gap for structured interviews: "Behavioral" interviews diffuse, "structured" interviews do not
Roulin N., Bangerter A., 2012. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 20 (2) pp. 147-158. Peer-reviewed.
Can Charisma Be Taught? Tests of Two Interventions
Antonakis J., Fenley M., Liechti S., 2011/09. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 10 (3) pp. 374-396. Peer-reviewed.
When does the socio-cultural context matter? Communal orientation and entrepreneurs' resource accumulation efforts in Africa
Khayesi J. N. O., George G., 2011/09. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 84 (3) pp. 471-492. Peer-reviewed.
Décision de baisser les salaires ou non: Le rôle de l'empathie face à une recommandation d'un supérieur hiérarchique (The role of Empathy in wage cut decisions).
Kleinlogel E. P., Dietz J., 2011/08. dans 9e Colloque International de Psychologie Sociale Appliquée (CIPS-A).
Wrath of God: religious primes and punishment
McKay R., Efferson C., Whitehouse H., Fehr E., 2011/06/22. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 278 (1713) pp. 1858-1863. Peer-reviewed.
Work group influence on counterproductive work behaviors and the moderating effects of agreeableness and conscientiousness
Bollmann G., Krings F., Mouton A., 2011/05. dans 15th conference of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology. Peer-reviewed.
A behavioral view of employment: The role of fairness for motivation
Zehnder C., 2011/04. dans G. Palazzo, M. Wentland (eds.) Responsible management practices for the 21st century, Pearson Education, Paris.
Contracts as reference points - Experimental evidence
Fehr E., Hart O., Zehnder C., 2011/04. American Economic Review, 101 (2) pp. 493-525. Peer-reviewed.
Incremental Validity and Indirect effect of Ethical Development on Work Performance
Lee Y. T., Stettler A., Antonakis J., 2011/03. Personality and Individual Differences, 50 (7) pp. 1110-1115. Peer-reviewed.
The KAI Cognitive Style Inventory: Was it personality all along?
Von Wittich D., Antonakis J., 2011/03. Personality and Individual Differences, 50 (7) pp. 1044-1049. Peer-reviewed.
Trust in medical organizations predicts pandemic (H1N1) 2009 vaccination behavior and perceived efficacy of protection measures in the Swiss public
Gilles I., Bangerter A., Clémence A., Green E. G. T., Krings F., Staerklé C., Wagner-Egger P., 2011/03. European Journal of Epidemiology, 26 (3) pp. 203-210. Peer-reviewed.
Looking for Validity or Testing It? The Perils of Stepwise Regression, Extreme-Scores Analysis, Heteroscedasticity, and Measurement Error
Antonakis J., Dietz J., 2011/02. Personality and Individual Differences, 50 (3) pp. 409-415. Peer-reviewed.
More on Testing for Validity Instead of Looking for It
Antonakis J., Dietz J., 2011/02. Personality and Individual Differences, 50 (3) pp. 418-421. Peer-reviewed.
The ability model of emotional intelligence: Searching for valid measures
Fiori M., Antonakis J., 2011/02. Personality and Individual Differences, 50 (3) pp. 329-334. Peer-reviewed.
A process-oriented approach to emotional intelligence
Fiori M., Antonakis J., 2011. dans The International Society for the Study of Individual Differences. London, UK. Peer-reviewed.
Are groups more likely to defer choice than their members?
White C.M., Hafenbrädl S., Hoffrage U., Reisen N., Woike J.K., 2011. Judgment and Decision Making, 6 (3) pp. 239-251. Peer-reviewed.
Are religious individuals more generous, trusting, and cooperative? An experimental test of the effect of religion on prosociality
Paciotti B., Richerson P.J., Baum B., Lubell M., Waring T., McElreath R., Efferson C., Edsten E., 2011/01/01. pp. 267--305 dans The economics of religion: Anthropological approaches, Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Comment se comporter d'une manière irresponsable et contraire à l'éthique sans s'en apercevoir
Hoffrage U., 2011. pp. 185-195 dans Wentland M., Palazzo G. (eds.) Pour un Management Responsable au 21e Siècle chap. 17, Pearson.
Counterfactuals and causal inference: Methods and principles for social research
Antonakis J., Lalive R., 2011. Structural Equation Modeling, 18 (1) pp. 152-159. Peer-reviewed.
Gender Empowerment: Effects of Gods, Geography, and GDP
Fenley M., Antonakis J., 2011. dans European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology, Maastricht, The Netherlands. Peer-reviewed.
How People Can Behave Irresponsibly and Unethically Without Noticing It
Hoffrage U., 2011. pp. 173-182 dans Palazzo G., Wentland M. (eds.) Responsible Management Practices for the 21st Century chap. 17, Pearson Education, Paris.
Instrumental leadership: An extension of the Full-Range Leadership Theory
Rowold J, Antonakis J, 2011. dans Conference of the Work, Organizational and Business Psychology Division of the German Psychological Association. Rostock, Germany. Peer-reviewed.
Ironic effects of anger inhibition in impression formation.
Fiori M., 2011. dans Paper presented at The XII the International Congress of Psychology, Istanbul, Turkey, July 2011.
La gestion responsable de la diversité (responsible diversity management)
Dietz J., 2011. pp. 171-184 dans Palazzo G., Wendtland M. (eds.) Pour un management responsable au 21e siècle, Pearson.
Lay perceptions of collectives at the outbreak of the H1N1 epidemic: heroes, villains and victims
Wagner-Egger P., Bangerter A., Gilles I., Green E.G.T., Rigaud D., Krings F., Staerklé C., Clémence A., 2011. Public Understanding of Science, 20 (4) pp. 461-476. Peer-reviewed.
Les normes d'âge: stéréotypes et préjugés
Krings F., Bollmann G., Kluge A., 2011. pp. 129-146 dans Laberon S. (eds.) Psychologie et Recrutement, Bruxelles: De Boeck.
Maintaining but also changing hierarchies: What Social Dominance Theory has to say
O'Brien J., Dietz J., 2011. pp. 55-83 dans Pearce J. (eds.) Status in Management and Organizations chap. 3, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Managing counterproductive work behaviors
Krings F., Bollmann G., 2011. pp. 151-159 dans Palazzo G., Wentland M. (eds.) Responsibility management practices for the 21st century, Paris: Pearson.
Predictors of leadership: The usual suspects and the suspect traits
Antonakis J., 2011. pp. 269-285 dans Bryman A., Collinson D., Grint K., Jackson B., Uhl-Bien M. (eds.) Sage Handbook of Leadership, Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
Prejudiced individuals as real strategists.
Kleinlogel E. P., 2011. Alumni HEC Magazine 83 pp. 52-53.
Purposeful sampling in case-study research: A threat to validity?
Antonakis J., 2011. pp. 571-572 dans European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology, Maastricht, The Netherlands. Peer-reviewed.
Recognition judgments and the performance of the recognition heuristic depend on the size of the reference class
Hoffrage U., 2011. Judgment and Decision Making, 6 (1) pp. 43-57. Peer-reviewed.
Simple Heuristics in a Complex Social World
Hoffrage U., Hertwig R., 2011. pp. 135-150 dans Krueger J. I. (eds.) Social Judgment and Decision Making chap. 8, Psychology Press.
Stereotypical inferences as mediators of age discrimination: The role of competence and warmth
Krings F., Sczesny S., Kluge A., 2011. British Journal of Management, 22 pp. 187-201. Peer-reviewed.
The Value of Voice - How Granting And Denying Voice Affects Reciprocity
Grieder M., Zehnder C., Krings F., 2011. dans 12th Congress of the Swiss Psychological Society.
On making causal claims: A review and recommendations
Antonakis J., Bendahan S., Jacquart P., Lalive R., 2010/12. The Leadership Quarterly, 21 (6) pp. 1086-1120. Peer-reviewed.
Die Bewertung der akademischen Abschlüsse von Immigranten: Die Theorie des aversiven Rassismus [The evaluation of the academic degrees of immigrants: The theory of aversive racism.].
Dietz J., Joshi C., Esses V. M., Bennett-AbuAyyash C., 2010/09. dans 47th Conference of the German Society for Psychology.
Followership at the team level: Possible antecedents and consequences
Dennerlein T., Vogel B., 2010/09. dans The British Academy of Management Conference 2010, Sheffield, UK. Peer-reviewed.
The subtleties of error management
McKay Ryan, Efferson Charles, 2010/09. Evolution and Human Behavior, 31 (5) pp. 309-319. Peer-reviewed.
Etude sur la discrimination à l'embauche: Les codes de conduite sont-ils vraiment sans défense face à un ordre contraire de la hiérarchie?
Kleinlogel E. P., Krings F., 2010/08. dans 8ème Congrès International de Psychologie Sociale en Langue Française.
Fast Acceptance by Common Experience: FACE-recognition in Schelling's model of neighborhood segregation
Berg N., Hoffrage U., Abramczuk K., 2010/08. Judgment and Decision Making, 5 (5) pp. 391-410. Peer-reviewed.
Gender discrimination in the workplace : The Ingroup Projection / Intergroup Distinctiveness Model
Gabarrot F., Dietz J., 2010/08. dans Annual Academy of Management Conference .
Le paradoxe des compétences : Quand on discrimine les immigrés lorsqu'ils sont qualifiés mais pas lorsqu'ils ne le sont pas. [The skill paradox: Discrimination against qualified but not unqualified immigrants.]
Dietz J., Joshi C., Esses V., Hamilton L., Gabarrot F., 2010/08. dans 8th Colloque International de Psychologie Sociale en Langue Française (ADRIPS).
Le racisme moderne est-il vraiment une forme subtile de racisme ? [Is Modern Racism really a subtle form of racism?]
Gabarrot F., Dietz J., Brief A., 2010/08. dans 8th Colloque International de Psychologie Sociale en Langue Française (ADRIPS).
Prévoir les performances individuelles des auditeurs assistants. Résultats d'une étude empirique conduite en Suisse. L'Expert-comptable suisse 10/8 p. 487-493.
Stettler A., Lee Y. T., Antonakis J., 2010/08..
Modern Racism: Blaming others for blatantly prejudicial behavior.
Gabarrot F., Dietz J., Brief A., 2010/06. dans International Conference on Discrimination and Tolerance Between Social Group.
Customer- and branch-level determinants of customer satisfaction: A cross level investigation.
Dietz J., Joshi C., Wiley J. W., 2010/05. dans 2010 La Londe Conference in Service Management.
Employment discrimination against minority immigrants: Decision context and applicant characteristics.
Joshi C., Dietz J., Esses V. M., Bennett-AbuAyyash C., 2010/04. dans 24th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology.
Observing workplace aggression: What intervention strategies should I use?
Taylor O. A., Dietz J., 2010/04. dans 24th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology.
The continuation of gender discrimination: An event-based perspective.
Dietz J., Chui C., Gabarrot F., 2010/04. dans 25th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology.
The emergence of information sharing in credit markets
Brown M., Zehnder C., 2010/04. Journal of Financial Intermediation, 19 (2) pp. 255-278. Peer-reviewed.
Senso di incertezza... mancanza di progettualità... crisi di identità? Benvenuti nel postmodernismo. [Uncertainty...lack of plans for the future...identity crisis? Welcome into postmodernism]
Fiori M., 2010/03. Items -- Giunti Organizzazioni Speciali, Firenze. 14 pp. --.
"Not all immigrants are equal": Stereotype content as a function of regional and inter-individual differences
Binggeli S., Krings F., Sczesny S., 2010. p. 30 dans International Conference on Discrimination and Tolerance in Intergroup Relations.
An empirical comparison of the Stereotype Content Model and the Aaker Scale of brand personality in purchasing processes.
Güse K., Ivens B., Krings F., Müller B., 2010., American Marketing Association pp. 60-61 dans 2010 American Marketing Association Summer Marketing Educators' Conference. Peer-reviewed.
Compressed environments: Unbounded optimizers should sometimes ignore information
Berg N., Hoffrage U., 2010. Minds and Machines, 20 (2) pp. 259-275. Peer-reviewed.
Diversity and conflict in teams: a contingency perspective
Puck J., Neyer A.K., Dennerlein T., 2010. European Journal of International Management, 4 (4) pp. 417-439. Peer-reviewed.
Diversity im Interview : Wie Werden Bewerber Unterschiedlicher Nationalitäten Beurteilt ?
Krings F., Binggeli S., Grieder M., 2010. dans 47. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie.
Durch Diversity Management die demografische Alterung meistern
Krings F., Bangerter A., 2010. dans G. Ochsenbein , U. Pekruhl , C. Lack (eds.) Jahrbuch Human Resource Management 2010, WEKA-Verlag.
Emotional intelligence: On definitions, neuroscience, and marshmallows
Antonakis J., Dietz J., 2010. Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 3 (2) pp. 165-170. Peer-reviewed.
Introduction to the special issue on employment discrimination against immigrants
Dietz J., 2010. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 25 (2) pp. 104-112. Peer-reviewed.
Keeping the Vermin Out: Perceived Disease Threat and Ideological Orientations as Predictors of Exclusionary Immigration Attitudes
Green E. G. T., Krings F., Staerklé C., Bangerter A., Clémence A., Wagner-Egger P., Bornand T., 2010. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 20 (4) pp. 299-316. Peer-reviewed.
La maitrise des règles juridiques et psychologiques, un avantage dans la recherche d'emploi / Klar im Vorteil bei der Stellensuche Ausflug in juristische und psychologische Grundlagen des Einstellungsprozesses. In Career Starter: Guide Suisse de carrière (14rd Edition). Success & Career: Geneva.
Binggeli S., Moshek V., 2010..
Le comportement non-verbal dans le processus de recrutement. Les cahiers de l'ASO.
Binggeli S., Bangerter A., 2010..
Organizational justice and counterproductive work behaviors: What's the role of just-world beliefs?
Bollmann G., Krings F., 2010. dans 47. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Peer-reviewed.
Predicting Presidential Elections: It's The Economy Stupid, But Charisma Matters Too
Jacquart P., Antonakis J., 2010. dans Academy of Management, Organizational Behavior Division, Montréal, Canada. Peer-reviewed.
Relations intergroupes et discrimination: l'exemple de l'immigration (symposium)
Sarrasin O., Binggeli S., 2010. dans 8ème Congrès International de Psychologie Sociale en Langue Française, Nice, France.
Scientific mindfulness: A foundation for future themes in international business.
Jonsen K., Aycan Z., Berdrow I., Boyacigiller N., Brannen M. J., Davison S. C., Dietz J., Gluesing J., Kwantes C. T., Lazarova M. et al., 2010. pp. 43-69 dans Devinney T., Pedersen T., Tihanyi L. (eds.) The Past, Present and Future of International Business & Management, New York, NY: Emerald.
Testing if charisma can be taught: Evidence from a laboratory and field study
Antonakis J., Fenley M., Liechti S., 2010. dans Academy of Management, Organizational Behavior Division, Montréal, Canada. Peer-reviewed.
The best broth in the oldest pot? "Bulletin HEC", 80 , p. 60-61
Bollmann G., 2010. 2.
The Influence of Causal Knowledge in Two-Alternative Forced-Choice Tasks
Garcia-Retamero R., Hoffrage U., Mueller S. M., Maldonado A., 2010. Open Psychology Journal, 3 pp. 136-144. Peer-reviewed.
The InterActive Choice Aid: A new approach to supporting online consumer decision making
Reisen N., Hoffrage U., 2010. AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction, 2 (4) pp. 112-126. Peer-reviewed.
The Kirton Adaption-Innovation Cognitive Style Inventory: Was it personality all along?
Von Wittich D., Antonakis J., 2010. dans Academy of Management, Organizational Behavior Division, Montréal, Canada. Peer-reviewed.
« Vos origines correspondent-elles aux valeurs de notre entreprise ? » : l'effet des stéréotypes à l'encontre des immigrés dans la sélection du personnel
Binggeli S., Krings F., Grieder M., 2010. dans 8ème Congrès International de Psychologie Sociale en Langue Française.
Comparing estimation strategies in real-world environments
Woike J. K., Hoffrage U., Hertwig R., 2009/11. dans Annual Meeting of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making. Peer-reviewed.
Considering context in psychological leadership research
Liden R. C., Antonakis J., 2009/11. Human Relations, 62 (11) pp. 1587-1605. Peer-reviewed.
A Behavioral Account of the Labor Market: The Role of Fairness Concerns
Fehr E., Goette L., Zehnder C., 2009/09. Annual Review of Economics, 1 pp. 355-384. Peer-reviewed.
"Not all immigrants are created equal": Warmth and competence stereotypes as a function of national origin
Binggeli S., Krings F., Sczesny S., Theiler R., Grieder M., 2009/08. dans Congress of the Swiss Psychological Society. Peer-reviewed.
Altruism (Economics perspective)
Fehr E., Zehnder C., 2009/08. pp. 24-26 dans Sander D., Scherer K. (eds.) The Oxford Companion to Emotion and the Affective Sciences, Oxford University Press.
Problems of Policy Capturing: A Dim Light in a Big Black Box.
Woike J. K., Hoffrage U., Hertwig R., 2009/08. dans 22nd Conference on Subjective Probability, Utility and Decision Making (SPUDM), The European Association for Decision Making.
Recruiters' beliefs about nonverbal behavior in the selection interview
Bangerter A., Binggeli S., Schmid Mast M., 2009/08. dans Congress of the Swiss Psychological Society, Neuchâtel, Switzerland. Peer-reviewed.
Fehr E., Zehnder C., 2009/08. pp. 392-393 dans Sander D., Scherer K. (eds.) The Oxford Companion to Emotion and the Affective Sciences, Oxford University Press.
Le comportement non-verbal dans le processus de sélection
Binggeli S., 2009/06. dans Soirée Campus, Association Suisse d'Organisation et de Management, Lausanne, Suisse. Peer-reviewed.
Observing workplace aggression: Should I intervene or should I not?
Taylor O. A., Dietz J., Marcus B., 2009/06. dans 70th Annual Conference of the Canadian Psychological Association.
The influence of personality and life events on subjective well-being from a life span perspective
Gomez V., Krings F., Bangerter A., Grob A., 2009/06. Journal of Research in Personality, 43 (3) pp. 345-354. Peer-reviewed.
Contracts, Reference Points, and Competition - Behavioral Effects of the Fundamental Transformation
Fehr E., Hart O., Zehnder C., 2009/04. Journal of the European Economic Association, 7 (2-3) pp. 561-572. Peer-reviewed.
Employment discrimination against immigrants: Accreditation, immigrant race and evaluator biases.
Joshi C., Dietz J., Esses V. M., Bennett-AbuAyyash C. W., 2009/04. dans 23rd Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology.
Observing workplace aggression: Should I intervene or not?
Taylor O. A., Dietz J., Marcus B., 2009/04. dans 23rd Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology.
Social dominance theory, social dominance orientation and status in organizations
O'Brien J., Dietz J., 2009/04. dans 23rd Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology.
On Reputation - A Microfoundation of Contract Enforcement and Price Rigidity
Fehr E., Brown M., Zehnder C., 2009/03. The Economic Journal, 119 (536) pp. 333-353. Peer-reviewed.
Organizational justice and men's likelihood to sexually harass: The moderating role of sexism and personality
Krings F., Facchin S., 2009/03. Journal of Applied Psychology, 94 (2) pp. 501-510. Peer-reviewed.
The evaluation of immigrants' credentials: The roles of accreditation, immigrant race, and evaluator biases
Dietz J., Esses V. M., Joshi C., Bennett-AbuAyyash C., 2009/03. (18) Working paper, Canadian Labour Market and Skills Researcher Network (CLSRN).
Predicting elections: Child's play!
Antonakis J., Dalgas O., 2009/02. Science, 323 (5918) p. 1183. Peer-reviewed.
"Emotional intelligence": What does it measure and does it matter for leadership?
Antonakis J., 2009. pp. 163-192 dans Predator's Game-Changing Designs, Graen G. B..
A New Look at Emotional Intelligence: A Dual-Process Framework
Fiori M., 2009. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 13 (1) pp. 21-44. Peer-reviewed.
Activités extracurriculaires: s'engager pour son avenir. In Bachelor Career, Edit. Success & Career: Geneva, p. 28-29.
Binggeli S., Bendahan S., 2009. 2.
Are Ethical Codes of Conduct Toothless Tigers for Dealing with Employment Discrimination?
Petersen L.-E., Krings F., 2009. Journal of Business Ethics, 85 (4) pp. 501-514. Peer-reviewed.
Comment utiliser le comportement non-verbal pour valoriser sa candidature / Nutzen Sie die nonverbale Kommunikation, um Ihre Chancen zu erhöhen. In Career Starter: Guide Suisse de carrière (13rd Edition), 176-179. Success & Career: Geneva
Binggeli S., 2009..
Communicating Quantitative Risk Information
Skubisz C., Reimer T., Hoffrage U., 2009/01. Annals of the International Communication Association, 33 (1) pp. 177-211.
Diversity "spielerisch" trainieren: Auswirkungen auf Einstellungen und Sensibilität gegenüber Diversity bei Führungskräften
Krings F., Bollmann G., Palazzo B., 2009. Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie, 53 pp. 33-38. Peer-reviewed.
Does leader charisma predict presidential election outcomes?
Jacquart P., Antonakis J., 2009. dans European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology, Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Peer-reviewed.
Does leadership need emotional intelligence?
Antonakis J., Ashkanasy N. M., Dasborough M., 2009. Leadership Quarterly, 20 (2) pp. 247-261. Peer-reviewed.
How to manage deviant behaviors at work? The impact of organizational climate and sanctions
Bollmann G., Krings F., Facchin S., Simon A., 2009. dans 14th European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology. Peer-reviewed.
Individual-difference predictors of the extended full-range leadership model
Antonakis J., 2009. dans Congress of the Swiss Psychological Society, Neuchâtel, Switzerland. Peer-reviewed.
Influencia de las creencias causales en los procesos de toma de decisiones (Influence of causal knowledge on decision-making processes)
Garcia-Retamero R., Hoffrage U., 2009. Revista Mexicana de Psicologí­a, 26 (1) pp. 103-111. Peer-reviewed.
International management behavior: Leading with a global mindset
Lane H. W., Maznevski M. L., Dietz J., DiStefano J., 2009., 6 422, West Sussex, UK: Wiley.
Managerial Decision Making and Lead Times: The Impact of Cognitive Illusions
de Treville S., Hoffrage U., Petty J. S., 2009. pp. 3-14 dans Reiner G. (eds.) Rapid Modelling for Increasing Competitiveness chap. 1, London, UK: Springer.
Personality and ability in a leadership intervention
Angerfelt M., Antonakis J., Liechti S., 2009. dans Congress of the Swiss Psychological Society, Neuchâtel, Switzerland. Peer-reviewed.
Reputation and Credit Market Formation: How Relational Incentives and Legal Contract Enforcement Interact
Fehr E., Zehnder C., 2009., Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit Institute for the Study of Labor.
Testing the tyranny of too much choice against the allure of more choice
White C. M., Hoffrage U., 2009. Psychology and Marketing, 26 (3) pp. 280-298. Peer-reviewed.
The Behavioral Economics of the Labor Market: Central Findings and Their Policy Implications
Fehr E., Goette L., Zehnder C., 2009. pp. 171-240 dans Foote C. L., Goette L., Meier S. (eds.) Policymaking Insights From Behavioral Economics chap. 4, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston.
The impact of authority advice and accountability on auditors' decision to recognise norm-violating transactions.
Bollmann G., Hoos F., Krings F., 2009. dans 11th Congress of the Swiss Psychological Society. Peer-reviewed.
The role of just world beliefs and justice perceptions in explaining undesirable attitudes and behaviors at work
Krings F., Bollmann G., 2009. dans 11th Congress of the Swiss Psychological Society. Peer-reviewed.
Which traits matter for the full-range leadership model?
Antonakis J., 2009. dans European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology, Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Peer-reviewed.
Identifying decision strategies in a consumer choice situation
Reisen N., Hoffrage U., Mast F. W., 2008/12. Judgment and Decision Making, 3 (8) pp. 641-658. Peer-reviewed.
Beyond existence and aiming outside the laboratory: estimating frequency-dependent and pay-off-biased social learning strategies
McElreath Richard, Bell Adrian V, Efferson Charles, Lubell Mark, Richerson Peter J, Waring Timothy, 2008/11/12. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 363 (1509) pp. 3515-3528. Peer-reviewed.
Contracts as Reference Points - Experimental Evidence
Fehr E., Hart O.D., Zehnder C., 2008/11. (14501) Working paper, NBER (National Bureau of Economic Research).
Online purchase decisions: how much influence on information display do consumers desire?
Reisen N., Hoffrage U., 2008/11. dans Annual Meeting of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making.
Reverse engineering and its problems: Separating decision strategies based on their outcomes.
Woike J. K., Hoffrage U., Hertwig R., 2008/11. dans Annual Meeting of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making. Peer-reviewed, INFORMS.
The coevolution of cultural groups and ingroup favoritism
Efferson C., Lalive R., Fehr E., 2008/09. Science, 321 (5897) pp. 1844-1849. Peer-reviewed.
Diversity and Conflict in Teams: A Contingency Perspective
Puck J., Neyer A.K., Dennerlein T., 2008/08. dans The Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, CA, USA. Peer-reviewed.
Choice deferral arising from absolute evaluation or relative comparison
Hoffrage U., White C., Reisen N., 2008/07. dans XXIX International Congress of Psychology.
Identifiying Decision Strategies
Woike J.K., Hoffrage U., 2008/07. dans 29th International Congress of Psychology. Peer-reviewed, International Union of Psychological Science (IUPsyS).
Homo Economicus Unchained
Gonin M., Palazzo G., Hoffrage U., 2008/05. dans 15th International Symposium on Ethics, Business and Society, IESE Business School - University of Navarra.
A beautiful mind (letter to the editor). Published in "Economist" 386(8562), 15
Antonakis J., 2008..
Altersdiskriminierung und das Allgemeine Gleichbehandlungsgesetz [Age discrimination and the German Discrimination in Employment Act]
Kluge A., Fröhlich O., Krings F., 2008. Wirtschaftspsychologie, 3 pp. 129-139. Peer-reviewed.
Krings F., Kluge A., 2008. pp. 131-139 dans Petersen L.-E. , Six B. (eds.) Stereotype, Vorurteile und soziale Diskriminierung: Theorien, Befunde und Interventionen chap. 12, Weinheim: Beltz-Verlag.
Attitudes toward Older Workers and Human Resource Practices
Kluge A., Krings F., 2008. Swiss Journal of Psychology, 67 (1) pp. 61-64. Peer-reviewed.
Cascading a new vision: Three steps for real commitment. Published in "Perspectives for Managers" 157, 1-4
Antonakis J., Hooijberg R., 2008..
Choosing how many options to choose from: does it depend on affective priming?
Hafenbrädl S., Hoffrage U., White C. M., 2008. p. 1009 dans Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. XXXVI, Advances in Consumer Research, Association for Consumer Research.
Cognitive Illusions Reconsidered
Gigerenzer G., Hertwig R., Hoffrage U., Sedlmeier P., 2008. pp. 1018-1034 dans Plott C. R., Smith V. L. (eds.) Handbook of experimental economics results, North Holland/Elsevier Press.
Cohort Differences in Personal Goals and Life Satisfaction in Young Adulthood: Evidence for Historical Shifts in Developmental Tasks
Krings F., Bangerter A., Gomez V., Grob A., 2008. Journal of Adult Development, 15 (2) pp. 93-105. Peer-reviewed.
Compound cue processing in linearly and nonlinearly separable environments
Hoffrage U., Garcia-Retamero R., Czienskowski U., 2008. The Psychological Record, 58 (2) pp. 301-314. Peer-reviewed.
Conformists and Mavericks: The Empirics of Frequency-Dependent Cultural Transmission
Efferson Ch., Lalive R., Richerson P. J., McElrath R., Lubell M., 2008. Evolution and Human Behavior, 29 (1) pp. 56-64. Peer-reviewed.
Does CEO personality matter? Implications for corporate financial performance
Jacquart P., Antonakis J., Ramus C. A., 2008. dans Academy of Management, Organizational Behavior Division, Anaheim, California, USA. Peer-reviewed.
Does CEO personality matter? Implications for corporate financial performance
Jacquart P., Antonakis J., Ramus C. A., 2008. dans International Congress of Psychology, Berlin, Germany. Peer-reviewed.
Evolutionäre Psychologie des Denkens und Problemlösens [Evolutionary psychology of thinking and problem solving]
Hoffrage U., Vitouch O., 2008. pp. 630-679 dans Müsseler J. (eds.) Allgemeine Psychologie chap. 15, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag.
Fast and frugal heuristics are plausible models of cognition: Reply to Dougherty, Franco-Watkins, and Thomas (2008)
Gigerenzer G., Hoffrage U., Goldstein D. G., 2008. Psychological Review, 115 (1) pp. 230-237. Peer-reviewed.
Inferences under time pressure: how opportunity costs affect strategy selection
Rieskamp J., Hoffrage U., 2008. Acta Psychologica, 127 (2) pp. 258-276. Peer-reviewed.
Instrumental leadership: Validity and reliability of a new scale
Gleich H., Rowold J., Antonakis J., 2008. dans International Congress of Psychology, Berlin, Germany. Peer-reviewed.
Les représentations de l'entretien structuré chez les recruteurs
Bangerter A., Krings F., Pététin M., Blatti S., 2008. Psychologie du travail et des organisations, 14 (3) pp. 258-275. Peer-reviewed.
One-Reason Decision Making
Gigerenzer G., Martignon L., Hoffrage U., Rieskamp J., Czerlinski J., Goldstein D., 2008. pp. 1004-1017 dans Plott C. R., Smith V. L. (eds.) Handbook of Experimental Economics Results, North Holland/Elsevier Press.
Postscript: Fast and frugal heuristics
Gigerenzer G., Hoffrage U., Goldstein D. G., 2008. Psychological Review, 115 (1) pp. 238-239.
Prey-producing predators: the ecology of human intensification.
Efferson C., 2008/01. Nonlinear dynamics, psychology, and life sciences, 12 (1) pp. 55-74. Peer-reviewed.
Quantifying Scholarly Impact: IQp versus the Hirsch h
Antonakis J., Lalive R., 2008. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 59 (6) pp. 956-969. Peer-reviewed.
Rational ignoring with unbounded cognitive capacity
Berg N., Hoffrage U., 2008. Journal of Economic Psychology, 29 (6) pp. 792-809. Peer-reviewed.
Stereotype und Informationsverarbeitung
Schmid Mast M., Krings F., 2008. pp. 33-44 dans Petersen L.-E. , Six B. (eds.) Stereotype, Vorurteile und soziale Diskriminierung: Theorien, Befunde und Interventionen chap. 2, Weiheim: Beltz-Verlag.
Other-regarding preferences in a non-human primate: Common marmosets provision food altruistically
Burkart J. M., Fehr E., Efferson C., van Schaik C. P., 2007/12/11. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 104 (50) pp. 19762-19766. Peer-reviewed.
Manufacturing Flexibility and Performance: Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice
de Treville S., Bendahan S., Vanderhaeghe A., 2007/12. International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, 19 (4) pp. 334-357. Peer-reviewed.
New Methods in Quantitative Ethnography : Economic Experiments and Variation in the Price of Equality
Efferson Charles, Takezawa Masanori, McElreath Richard, 2007/12. Current Anthropology, 48 (6) pp. 912-919. Peer-reviewed.
Identifying decision strategies in a consumer choice situation
Reisen N., Hoffrage U., 2007/11. dans Annual Meeting of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making.
A prolegomenon to nonlinear empiricism in the human behavioral sciences
Efferson Charles, Richerson Peter J., 2007/03/16. Biology & Philosophy, 22 (1) pp. 1-33. Peer-reviewed.
Being there even when you are not: Leading through strategy, structures, and systems
Hooijberg R., Hunt J. G., Antonakis J., Boal K. B., Lane N., 2007. Monographs in Leadership and Management, 4, Elsevier JAI.
Being There Even When You are Not: The Leadership of Organizations
Hooijberg R., Hunt J. G., Antonakis J., Boal K. B., Lane N., 2007. pp. 1-9 dans Hooijberg R., Hunt J. G., Antonakis J., Boal K. B., Lane N. (eds.) Being there even when you are not: Leading through strategy, structures, and systems, Elsevier JAI.
Cascading vision for real commitment
Antonakis J., Hooijberg R., 2007. pp. 235-249 dans Hooijberg R., Hunt J.G., Antonakis J., Boal K.B., Lane N. (eds.) Being there even when you are not: Leading through strategy, structures, and systems, Elsevier JAI.
Compound cue processing within the fast and frugal heuristics approach in nonlinearly separable environments
Garcia-Retamero R., Hoffrage U., Dieckmann A., Ramos M. M., 2007. Learning and Motivation, 38 (1) pp. 16-34. Peer-reviewed.
Correctly estimating models in international accounting contexts: combining company and country-level effects
Dong M., Antonakis J., 2007. dans 30th European Accounting Association (EAA) annual conference, Lisbon, April 2007. Peer-reviewed.
Determinants of attitudes toward affirmative action in a Swiss sample
Krings F., Tschan F., Bettex S., 2007. Journal of Business and Psychology, 21 (4) pp. 585-611. Peer-reviewed.
Effects of Internationalization on Firm Entrepreneurial Behavior.
Mezzour S., Autio E. (eds.), 2007., International Council for Small Business, 52nd World Conference. Turku, Finland.
Effects of the information environment on group discussions and decisions in the hidden-profile paradigm
Reimer T., Kuendig S., Hoffrage U., Park E., Hinsz V., 2007. Communication Monographs, 74 (1) pp. 1-28. Peer-reviewed.
Entscheidungsheuristiken in Gruppen [Heuristics in group decision-making]
Reimer T., Hoffrage U., Katsikopoulos K. V., 2007. NeuroPsychoEconomics, 2 (1) pp. 7-29. Peer-reviewed.
Gender effects on leadership ratings: A two-country study
Angerfelt M., Antonakis J., Sivasubramaniam N., 2007. dans European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology, Stockholm, Sweden. Peer-reviewed.
Gender empowerment: The role of religion and cultural values
Angerfelt M., Antonakis J., 2007. dans Congress of the Swiss Society of Psychology: Differences, Diversity, and Change, Zürich, Switzerland. Peer-reviewed.
Hindsight Bias
Hoffrage U., 2007. pp. 430-431 dans Baumeister R. F., Vohs K. D. (eds.) Encyclopedia of social psychology, Sage.
Leadership and Communication: Two sides of a coin (Original title: "Führung und Kommunikation: Zwei Seiten einer Medaille")
Antonakis J., 2007. pp. 27-42 dans A. Jaeggi & V. Egli (eds.) Internal communication in Switzerland, NZZ Buchverlag.
Leading through strategy, structures, and systems: Concluding thoughts
Hooijberg R., Hunt J. G., Antonakis J., Boal K. B., Lane N., 2007. pp. 295-306 dans Hooijberg R., Hunt J. G., Antonakis J., Boal K. B., Lane N. (eds.) Being there even when you are not: Leading through strategy, structures, and systems, Elsevier JAI.
Learning, productivity, and noise: an experimental study of cultural transmission on the Bolivian Altiplano
Efferson Charles, Richerson Peter J., McElreath Richard, Lubell Mark, Edsten Ed, Waring Timothy M., Paciotti Brian, Baum William, 2007/01. Evolution and Human Behavior, 28 (1) pp. 11-17. Peer-reviewed.
On teaching leadership: Tests of an intervention
Antonakis J., Liechti S., Angerfelt M., 2007. dans European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology, Stockholm, Sweden. Peer-reviewed.
Predicting trainee auditor's performance. General mental ability, tacit knowledge and experience
Lee Y. T., Antonakis J., Steller A., 2007. dans Academy of Management, Organizational Behavior Division, Philadelphia, USA. Peer-reviewed.
Success of International M&As: The case of adidas' acquisition of Reebok
Rygl D., Kittler M., Dennerlein T., 2007. The Case Centre.
The role of representation in Bayesian reasoning: Correcting common misconceptions
Gigerenzer G., Hoffrage U., 2007. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 30 (3) pp. 264-267. Peer-reviewed.
The ubiquitous performance-cue effect in ratings of leadership? Why degree of information is very informative
Antonakis J., Cacciatore S., 2007. dans European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology, Stockholm, Sweden. Peer-reviewed.
What drives corporate disclosure directly? A multicountry, multilevel model
Dong M., Antonakis J., 2007. dans 30th European Accounting Association (EAA) annual conference, Lisbon, April 2007. Peer-reviewed.
When one cue is not enough: combining fast and frugal heuristics with compound cue processing
Garcia-Retamero R., Hoffrage U., Dieckmann A., 2007. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 60 (9) pp. 1197-1215. Peer-reviewed.
Why multilevel effects should not be ignored in international empirical studies
Dong M., Antonakis J., 2007. dans 30th European Accounting Association (EAA) annual conference, Lisbon, April 2007. Peer-reviewed.
Evidence for local specialization in a generalist mammalian herbivore, Neotoma fuscipes
McEachern M.B., Eagles-Smith C.A., Efferson C.M., van Vuren D.H., 2006/06/07. Oikos, 113 (3) pp. 440-448. Peer-reviewed.
Models and Anti-Models: The Structure of Payoff-Dependent Social Learning
Efferson Charles, Lalive Rafael, Richerson Peter, McElreath Richard, Lubell Mark, 2006/05/31. SSRN Electronic Journal.
Cognitive illusions in operations management
de Treville S., Hoffrage U., Petty J.S., 2006. p. 17 dans Proceedings of the 2006 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Peer-reviewed.
Could lean production job design be intrinsically motivating? Contextual, configurational, and levels-of-analysis issues
de Treville S., Antonakis J., 2006/01. Journal of Operations Management, 24 (2) pp. 99-123. Peer-reviewed.
Decomposing the Resource-Based View toward a Sustained Competitive Advantage.
Mezzour S., Arenius A., 2006., Working Paper, Université de Lausanne.
Entrepreneurship and leadership
Antonakis J., Autio E., 2006. pp. 189-208 dans Baum J. R., Frese M., Baron R. A. (eds.) The Psychology of Entrepreneurship chap. 9, Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Evolutionäre Ansätze
Hoffrage U., 2006. pp. 400-405 dans Frensch P., Funke J. (eds.) Handbuch der Allgemeinen Psychologie - Kognition, Hogrefe.
How causal knowledge simplifies decision-making
Garcia-Retamero R., Hoffrage U., 2006. Minds and Machines, 16 (3) pp. 365-380. Peer-reviewed.
Individual-Difference Predictors of Trainee Auditors' Performance
Lee Y. T., Antonakis J., Stettler A., 2006. dans Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association, Dublin, Ireland. Peer-reviewed.
Introducing the Two-Stage, Two-Threshold model of choice deferral
White C. M., Hoffrage U., 2006. dans Proceedings of the IAREP/SABE Congress on Behavioural Economics and Economic Psychology, July 5th-8th, 2006.
Irren ist wahrscheinlich: praktische Anwendungsbeispiele zur besseren Vermittlung von Wahrscheinlichkeiten
Wassner C., Hoffrage U., 2006. pp. 78-85 dans Meyer J. (eds.) Anregungen zum Stochastikunterricht, Franz Beck.
Leadership: What is it and how it is implicated in strategic change?
Antonakis J., 2006. International Journal of Management Cases, 8 (4) pp. 4-20. Peer-reviewed.
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