Research Centre for Political Action

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Projects FNS

2020 - 2024 (48 mois)
Applicant : Olivier Fillieule

The Right-Wing Populist Discourse in European Cross-Border Areas. A comparison between Switzerland and Luxembourg (CROSS-POP)
2019 - 2023 (48 mois)
Applicant : Oscar Mazzoleni
Other partners : Christian Lamour - LISER - Luxembourg
The goal of this research project is to focus on the right-wing populist discourse (RPD) in European cross-border regions. RPD has increasingly interested scholars in political science and political communication, but mainly at the state- national scale. A limited number of studies on discourse produced by right-wing populist actors in the borderland regions of Europe have been published. As one of the tenets of right-wing populist parties is state re-bordering, we consider that RPD and its mass-mediated representation at this spatial scale deserves specific research attention. The project will be structured around the three following research questions: 1) Is there a RPD which is specific to European border regions characterized by cross-border economic interdependence? 2) Is there a convergence of RPD at the scale of European cross- border regions? 3) Do the mass media located in Europe borderlands promote right-wing populism? Trying to fill the gap in the above-mentioned issues and questions, this project follows a comparative approach focusing on four different case studies where successful right-wing populist parties have arisen in the last two decades. Three of them directly involve Switzerland and its neighbouring French and Italian regions: the areas centred on Geneva, Basel and Ticino. The fourth one involves Luxembourg and the nearby French region.

Urban Transformations and Local Political Elites: A Comparative Study among four Swiss Cities
2016 - 2020 (49 mois)
Applicant : Oscar Mazzoleni
Other partners : Andrea Pilotti, André Mach
This project aims to contribute to a better knowledge of the profile of urban elected representatives over time in connection with urban transformation. To what extent do social, institutional, and political changes affect the profile of the elected representatives? And is it possible to observe an increasing democratization and professionalization of the urban political elite? Assuming sub-national legacies are crucial in the evolution of urban political elites, this project simultaneously adopts a comparative approach and a prosopographic perspective able to take into account change and persistence over time. The research will focus on the evolution of four cities in Switzerland which represent different legacies among the main urban Municipalities, from demographic, institutional, economic, and political point of view. For each of the municipalities involved, we will analyze the evolution of the elected representatives (age, training, profession, gender, and political longevity) in legislative and executive institutions in the period between 1946 and 2016, in relation to socio-economic, institutional, and political transformations.

Les institutions politiques suisses à l'épreuve d'un scandale : emergence et désamorçage du scandale des fiches
2015 - 2018 (36 mois)
Applicant : Bernard Voutat (co-requérant) et André Mach (co-requérant)
Other partners : Hervé Rayner (chercheur), Fabien Thetaz (doctorant)
Swiss political institutions put to the test: the emergence of the secret files scandal and how it was defused.

Les conséquences biographiques de l'engagement durant la décennie mouvementée (1968-78) en Suisse
2015 - 2018 (36 mois)
Applicant : Cécile Péchu, Olivier Fillieule, Philippe Gottraux
Other partners : Nuno Pereira
The biographical consequences of activism in Switzerland during the "contentious decade" (1968-78)

Political Parties and Election Campaigns in Post-war Switzerland
2012 - 2016 (50 mois)
Applicant : Oscar Mazzoleni
Other partners : Carolina Rossini

SYNEGA - Les syndicats et l'égalité
2011 - 2014 (38 mois)
Applicant : Olivier Fillieule et Martina Avanza
Other partners : Philippe Blanchard, Hervé Rayner, Stéphanie Monay Gilles Descloux, Vanessa Monney

Activists' Carriers in Politcal Parties : Authoritarian Settings
2010 - 2012 (33 mois)
Applicant : Mounia Bennani-Chraïbi
Other partners : Philippe Blanchard, Mohamed Jeghllaly
In the Middle East and in North Africa, Islamism and involvement in voluntary associations have elicited researchers' interest, due to fears stirred up by one and hopes raised by the other. Furthermore, one idea is strongly present: the cyclic movement of activist generations with different ideologies throughout the contemporary history of the region. By examining the different types of activism in parallel fashion, rather than opposing them, this research project plans to improve and extend our knowledge of partisan activism in an authoritarian context, specifically in the Middle East and North Africa. Starting with the Moroccan case, which has been undergoing liberalization propitious to the inquiry, on one hand, it aims to analyze its sociological characteristics, the conditions and the pools from which members of ten political organizations are recruited (nationalist, leftist, extreme-leftist, Islamist, etc.). On the other hand, it seeks to clarify the modalities by which partisan activist careers are transformed at the individual and collective level.
From a sociological and comparative perspective, the objective is to examine three blind spots in the work on partisan activism: the links between social mobility and activism; the circulation of commitments between partisan spaces, unions and organized groups; and the effects of repression and cooptation on activists' careers. In adapting theoretical approaches to partisan activism to an authoritarian context, this project hopes to open up new theoretical perspectives through the decompartmentalization of research fields. In addition, the linking of qualitative and quantitative methods (the administration of a questionnaire at the national conventions of six political parties and within the Moroccan Parliament), the scale of the investigation, and its innovative character in the Middle East and North African region, at a sensitive political point in time, also allow us to hope to make a contribution to the methodological debate.

Droit et politique dans la révision totale de la Constitution fédérale de la Suisse
2010 - 2013 (36 mois)
Applicant : Bernard Voutat (UNIL) et Pascal Mahon (UNINE)
Other partners : Marc Renkens et Olivier Bigler

The Rise of a New Actor in the Public Sphere (Islam in Switzerland)
2007 - 2010 (36 mois)
Applicant : Mounia Bennani-Chraïbi
Other partners : Sophie Nedjar, Samina Mesgarzadeh

Rapports aux valeurs et engagements populistes de droite en Suisse
2003 - 2009 (36 mois)
Applicant : Olivier Fillieule, Philippe Gottraux, Oscar Mazzoleni
Other partners : Cécile Péchu
Projet de recherche mené dans le cadre du PNR 40+ "Extrémisme de droite - causes et contre-mesures"
Des interviews détaillées menées avec 40 militants des sections genevoise et zurichoise de l'UDC permettent de tirer certaines conclusions sur les valeurs centrales des membres de ce parti. Leurs valeurs communes sont la méfiance vis-à-vis de l'étranger et un lien défensif à la nation. Leur méfiance n'est pas étayée par une argumentation; en général, les étrangers sont soupçonnés de profiter de la Suisse et de ne pas vraiment s'intégrer. Quant à leur lien défensif à la nation, il se fonde sur une fierté profonde d'être Suisse et leur haute estime de ce pays qu'ils perçoivent comme un cas particulier d'un point de vue culturel, politique, religieux et économique. Toute critique par rapport à la Suisse est récusée. Les membres actifs de l'UDC présentent différentes attitudes vis-à-vis à l'antiétatisme et dès lors au libéralisme économique, à la dévalorisation de la classe politique et dès lors de l'élite, ainsi que par rapport à certaines positions culturelles conservatrices (notamment quant aux rôles des genres).

Others projects

Public Order Policing in Europe. towards a De escalation model
2019 - 2020 (18 mois)
grant-giving organisation : Défenseur des droits, autorité constitutionnelle indépendante (France)
Applicant : Olivier Fillieule
Other partners : Fabien Jobard, Andréa Kretschmann, Anne Wuilleumier

République et Canton du Tessin
2011 - 2023
grant-giving organisation : Canton du Tessin (Switzerland)
Applicant : Oscar Mazzoleni

Ethnopol - Ethnographie politique
2015 - 2017

Pro-life Movements in Italy
2013 - 2013
grant-giving organisation : Bureau de l'Egalité UNIL (Switzerland)
Applicant : Martina Avanza

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Swiss University