Laboratory of Social Psychology

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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359 publications

... | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 |
The Influence of Chronic and Situational Social Status on Stereotype Susceptibility
Pillaud V., Rigaud D., Clémence A., 2015/12. PLoS ONE, 10 (12) pp. e0144582. Peer-reviewed.
Gender and social hierarchies: Perspectives from social psychology
Faniko K., Lorenzi-Cioldi F., Sarrasin O., Mayor E. (eds.), 2015/11., Routledge.
Gender differences in acceptance of the Muslim headscarf
Sarrasin O., Fasel N., Green E.G.T., 2015/11. dans Faniko K., Lorenzi-Cioldi F., Sarrasin O., Mayor E. (eds.) Gender and Social Hierarchies: Perspectives from Social Psychology, Routledge.
Social Support, Social and Temporal Comparisons Protect Well-Being and Health between 45 and 70 Years Old in Four Urban Communities
Gilles I., Clémence A., Courvoisier N., Sanchez S., 2015/05. Journal of Aging Science, 3 (1) p. 133. Peer-reviewed.
What is a social movement? (Book Review)
Refle J.-E., 2015/04. Social Movement Studies p. 2. Peer-reviewed.
Moral Disengagement in the Legitimation and Realization of Aggressive Behaviors in Soccer and Ice Hockey
Traclet A., Moret O., Ohl F., Clémence A., 2015/03. Aggressive Behavior, 41 pp. 123-133. Peer-reviewed.
A mindset of competition versus cooperation moderates the impact of social comparison on self-evaluation
Colpaert L., Muller D., Fayant M. P., Butera F., 2015. Frontiers in Psychology, 6 (1337) pp. NA. Peer-reviewed.
Collective punishment depends on collective responsibility and political organization of the target group
Pereira A., Berent J., Falomir-Pichastor J.M., Staerklé C., Butera F., 2015. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 56 pp. 4-17. Peer-reviewed.
Commentary: A social psychology of human rights rooted in asymmetric intergroup relations
Staerklé C., Clémence A., Spini D., 2015. Peace and Conflict : Journal of Peace Psychology, 21 (1) pp. 133-141. Peer-reviewed.
Cooperation versus competition effects on information sharing and use in group decision making
Toma C., Butera F., 2015. Social Psychology and Personality Compass, 9 (9) pp. 455-467. Peer-reviewed.
Cooperative learning and social skills development
Buchs C., Butera F., 2015. pp. 201-217 dans Gillies R. (eds.) Collaborative Learning : Developments in Research and Practice, Nova Science.
Coping with structural disadvantage: Overcoming negative effects of perceived barriers through bonding identities.
Bakouri M., Staerklé C, 2015. British Journal of Social Psychology, 54 pp. 648-670. Peer-reviewed.
Does survey respondents' immigrant background affect the measurement and prediction of immigration attitudes ? An illustration in two steps
Sarrasin O., Green E. G .T., Fasel N., Davidov E., 2015. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 27 (2) pp. 264-276. Peer-reviewed.
Global value perceptions : the legitimising functions of western representations of democracy
Staerklé C., Falomir-Pichastor J.M., Pereira A., Berent J., Butera F., 2015. European Journal of Social Psychology, 45 pp. 896-906. Peer-reviewed.
Grading hampers cooperative information sharing in group problem solving
Hayek A.S., Toma C., Oberlé D., Butera F., 2015. Social Psychology, 46 (3) pp. 121-131. Peer-reviewed.
How gender stereotypes of academic abilities contribute to the maintenance of gender hierarchy in higher education
Verniers C., Bonnot V., Darnon C., Dompnier B., Martinot. D. , 2015. pp. 26-38 dans Faniko K., Lorenzi-Cioldi F., Sarrasin O., Mayor E. (eds.) Gender and social hierarchies : Perspectives from social psychology, Routledge.
Immigration : Social Psychological Aspects
Green Eva G. T., Sarrasin Oriane, Fasel Nicole, 2015. pp. 675–681 dans Wright J.D. (eds.) International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, Elsevier.
Improving low achievers' academic performance at university by changing the social value of mastery goals
Dompnier B., Darnon C., Meier E., Brandner C., Smeding A., Butera F., 2015. American Educational Research Journal, 52 (4) pp. 720-749. Peer-reviewed.
In the name of democracy : the value of democracy explains leniency towards wrongdoings as a function of group political organization
Pereira A., Falomir-Pichastor J.M., Berent J., Staerklé C., Butera F., 2015. European Journal of Social Psychology, 45 pp. 191-203. Peer-reviewed.
Ingredients of gender-based stereotypes about food : Indirect influence of food type, portion size and presentation on gendered intentions to eat
Cavazza N., Guidetti M., Butera F., 2015. Appetite, 91 pp. 266-272. Peer-reviewed.
Political Psychology
Staerklé C., 2015. pp. 427-433 dans Wright J.D. (eds.) International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Oxford: Elsevier.
Social justice in education : how the function of selection in educational institutions predicts support for (non)egalitarian assessment practices
Autin F., Batruch A., Butera F., 2015. Frontiers in Psychology, 6 (707) p. 13. Peer-reviewed.
Social order and political legitimacy.
Staerklé C., 2015. pp. 280-294 dans G. Sammut, E. Andreouli, G. Gaskell, & J. Valsiner (eds.) The Cambridge Handbook of Social Representations, Cambridge University Press..
Staerklé C., 2015. pp. 377-381 dans Diaz-Bone R., Weischer C. (eds.) Methoden-Lexikon für die Sozialwissenschaften, Berlin: Springer, VS..
Striving for excellence sometimes hinders high achievers : Performance-approach goals deplete arithmetical performance in students with high working memory capacity
Crouzevialle M., Smeding A., Butera F., 2015. PLoS ONE, 10 (9) pp. e0137629. Peer-reviewed.
Structured cooperative learning as a means for improving average achievers' mathematical learning in fractions
Buchs C., Wiederkehr V., Filippou D., Sommet N., Darnon C., 2015. Teaching Innovations, 28 (3) pp. 15-35.
The gender-based stereotype about food is on the table. Food choice also depends on co-eater's gender
Cavazza N., Guidetti M., Butera F., 2015. Psicologia Sociale, 2 pp. 161-172. Peer-reviewed.
The motivation to learn as a self-presentation tool among Swiss high school students : The moderating role of mastery goals' perceived social value on learning
Smeding A., Dompnier B., Meier E., Darnon C., Baumberger B., Butera F., 2015. Learning and Individual Differences, 43 pp. 204-210. Peer-reviewed.
The student-institution fit at university : interactive effects of academic competition and social class on achievement goals
Sommet N., Quiamzade A., Jury M., Mugny G., 2015. Frontiers in Psychology, 6 (769) pp. 1-11.
To confirm or to conform ? Performance goals as a regulator of conflict with more competent others
Sommet N., Darnon C., Butera F., 2015. Journal of Educational Psychology, 107 (2) pp. 580-598. Peer-reviewed.
Une approche explicative de l'âgisme : la théorie de la gestion de la terreur
Boudjemadi V., Posner A.B., Świątkowski W., 2015. pp. 21-50 dans Lagacé M. (eds.) Représentations et discours sur le vieillissement : la face cachée de l'âgisme ?, Presses de l'Université Laval.
Welfare support in Europe: Interplay of dependency culture beliefs and meritocratic contexts.
Likki T,, Staerklé C., 2015. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 27 pp. 138-153. Peer-reviewed.
Laisser tomber la formation : une tentation répandue
Eicher V., Staerklé C., Clémence A., 2014/06. Revue d'Information Sociale REISO.
Inhabitants' and professionals' social representations of health determinants in a disadvantaged urban area in France: a qualitative analysis.
Gilles I., Bejaoui B., Courvoisier N., Clémence A., 2014/02. Revue d'epidemiologie et de sante publique, 62 (1) pp. 5-14. Peer-reviewed.
). A typology of ideological attitudes towards social solidarity and social control.
Likki T., Staerklé C., 2014. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 24 pp. 406-421. Peer-reviewed.
Assessing does not mean threatening : the purpose of assessment as a key determinant of girls' and boys' performance in a science class
Souchal C., Toczek-Capelle M.C., Darnon C., Smeding A., Butera F., Martinot D., 2014. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 84 pp. 125-136. Peer-reviewed.
Attitudes Toward Arab Ascendance: Israeli and Global Perspectives
Pratto F., Saguy T., Stewart A. L., Morselli D., Foels R., Aiello A., Aranda M., Cidam A., Chryssochoou X., Durrheim K. et al., 2014/01. Psychological Science, 25 (1) pp. 85-94. Peer-reviewed.
De la psicología social a la psicología política: El abordaje social.
Staerklé Christian, Doise Willem, 2014. pp. 23-52 dans Zubieta Elena, Valencia José, Delfino Gisela (eds.) Psicología Social y Política: Procesos teóricos y estudios aplicados, Buenos Aires: Eudeba.
Fundamental Beliefs, Origin Explanations and Perceived Effectiveness of Protection Measures: Exploring laypersons' Chains of Reasoning about Influenza
Eicher V., Clémence A., Bangerter A., Mouton A., Green E. G. T., Gilles I., 2014. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 24 (5) pp. 359-375. Peer-reviewed.
I want to quit education: a longitudinal study of stress and optimism as predictors of school dropout intention
Eicher V., Staerklé C., Clémence A., 2014. Journal of Adolescence, 37 (7) pp. 1021-1030. Peer-reviewed.
Performance goals in conflictual social interactions: Toward the distinction between two modes of relational conflict regulation
Sommet N., Darnon C., Mugny G., Quiamzade A., Pulfrey C., Dompnier B., Butera F., 2014. British Journal of Social Psychology, 53 (1) pp. 134-153. Peer-reviewed.
Ryhmäkeskeisyydestä moniarvoisuuteen: Ryhmienvälinen reflektiivinen tieto [in Finnish, From Group-Centrism to Pluralism: An Intergroup Approach to Reflexive Knowledge].
Staerklé C., Green E.G.T., 2014. pp. 92-110 dans L. Myyry S. Ahola M. Ahokas I. Sakki (eds.) Arkiajattelu, tieto ja oikeudenmukaisuus [in Finnish, Everyday thinking, knowledge and justice], Helsinki: Sosiaalitieteiden laitos..
The effect of grades on the preference effect : Grading Reduces Consideration of Disconfirming Evidence
Hayek A.S., Toma C., Oberlé D., Butera F., 2014. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 36 (6) pp. 544-552. Peer-reviewed.
Understanding transnational political involvement among Senegalese migrants: The role of acculturation preferences and perceived discrimination
Green E.G.T., Sarrasin O., Maggi J., 2014. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 41 pp. 91-101. Peer-reviewed.
The Social Value of Being Ambivalent: Self-Presentational Concerns in the Expression of Attitudinal Ambivalence
Pillaud V., Cavazza N., Butera F., 2013/09. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 39 (9) pp. 1139-1151. Peer-reviewed.
The Role of a Cultural Immune System in Resisting Expert Explanations of Infectious Disease
Bangerter A., Eicher V., 2013/05. pp. 101-123 dans Bauer M., Harré R., Jensen C. (eds.) Beyond Rationality: Resistance and the Practice of Rationality chap. 7, Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Man Made Black Holes and Big Bangs: Diffusion and Integration of Scientific Information into Everyday Thinking
Courvoisier N., Clémence A., Green E., 2013/04. Public Understanding of Science, 22 (3) pp. 287-303. Peer-reviewed.
Collective symbolic coping with disease threat and othering: A case study of avian influenza
Gilles I., Bangerter A., Clémence A., Green E.G.T., Krings F., Mouton A., Rigaud D., Staerklé C., Wagner-Egger P., 2013/03. British Journal of Social Psychology, 52 (1) pp. 83-102. Peer-reviewed.
Assigned experts with competitive goals withhold information in group decision making
Toma C., Vasiljevic D., Oberlé D., Butera F., 2013. British Journal of Social Psychology, 52 (1) pp. 161-172. Peer-reviewed.
Dompnier B., Jouffre S., 2013. pp. 199-220 dans Bègue L., Desrichard O. (eds.) Traité de psychologie sociale : La science des interactions humaines, De Boeck.
Autonomy and Task Performance: Explaining the Impact of Grades on Intrinsic Motivation
Pulfrey C., Darnon C., Butera F., 2013. Journal of Educational Psychology, 105 (1) pp. 39-57. Peer-reviewed.
Because I'm worth it! (More than Others...). Cooperation, Competition and Ownership Bias in Group-Decision Making
Toma C., Bry C., Butera F., 2013. Social Psychology, 44 (4) pp. 248-255. Peer-reviewed.
Did my M.D. really go to university to learn? Detrimental effects of numerus clausus on self-efficacy, mastery goals and learning
Sommet N., Pulfrey C., Butera F., 2013. PLoS ONE, 8 (12) pp. nn. Peer-reviewed.
Dynamic social representations of the 2009 H1N1 pandemic: Shifting patterns of sense-making and blame
Mayor E., Eicher V., Gilles I., Bangerter A., Green E.G.T., Clémence A., 2013. Public Understanding of Science, 22 (8) pp. 1011-1024. Peer-reviewed.
Editorial: Special issue on Keynote lectures of the 11th International Conference on Social Representations in Evora
Staerklé C., 2013. Papers on Social Representations, 22 pp. 12.1-12.7. Peer-reviewed.
Darnon C., Butera F., Martinot D., 2013. pp. 433-454 dans Bègue L., Desrichard O. (eds.) Traité de psychologie sociale. La science des interactions humaines, Bruxelles : De Boeck.
Facing Cultural Diversity. Anti-Immigrant Attitudes in Europe
Fasel N., Green E. G. T., Sarrasin O., 2013. European Psychologist, 18 (4) pp. 253-262. Peer-reviewed.
How Social Dominance Orientation affects union participation: The role of union identification and perceived union instrumentality
Green E. G. T., Auer F., 2013. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 23 (2) pp. 143-156. Peer-reviewed.
Measurement Equivalence Across Subnational Groups: An Analysis of the Conception of Nationhood in Switzerland
Sarrasin O., Green E. G. T., Berchtold A., Davidov E., 2013. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 25 (4) pp. 522-534. Peer-reviewed.
Migration and multiculturalism
Green E. G. T., Staerklé C., 2013. pp. 852-889 dans Huddy L., Sears D. O., Levy J. (eds.) Oxford handbook of Political Psychology, Oxford University Press.
Migrations transnationales sénégalaises, intégration et développement. Le rôle des associations de la diaspora à Milan, Paris et Genève
Maggi J., Sarr D., Green E. G. T., Sarrasin O., Ferro A. (eds.), 2013. Sociograph, Faculté des sciences économiques et sociales. Université de Genève.
Mitotic figure counts are significantly overestimated in resection specimens of invasive breast carcinomas.
Lehr H.A., Rochat C., Schaper C., Nobile A., Shanouda S., Vijgen S., Gauthier A., Obermann E., Leuba S., Schmidt M. et al., 2013. Modern Pathology, 26 (3) pp. 336-342.
National minorities and their representation in social surveys : which practices make a difference ?
Laganà F., Elcheroth G., Penic S., Kleiner B., Fasel N., 2013. Quality & Quantity, 47 (3) pp. 1287-1314. Peer-reviewed.
Performance-approach goals deplete working memory and impair cognitive performance
Crouzevialle M., Butera F., 2013. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 142 (3) pp. 666-678. Peer-reviewed.
Political lay thinking as representations of social order
Staerklé C., 2013. pp. 49-74 dans Magioglou T. (eds.) Culture and Political Psychology: A Societal Perspective, Information Age Publishing.
Psychologie sociale de la connaissance. Fondements théoriques.
Quiamzade A., Mugny G., Butera F., 2013. 206, Presses Universitaires de Grenoble.
Reducing the Socio-Economic Status Achievement Gap at University byPromoting Mastery-Oriented Assessment
Smeding A., Darnon C., Souchal C., Toczeck-Capelle M.C., Butera F., 2013. PLoS ONE, 8 (8) pp. e71678. Peer-reviewed.
Social Dominance in Context and in Individuals: Contextual Moderation of Robust Effects of Social Dominance Orientation in 15 languages and 20 countries
Pratto F., Çidam A., Stewart A.L., Bou Zeineddine F., Aranda M., Aiello A., Chryssochoou X., Cichocka A., Cohrs C., Durrheim K. et al., 2013. Social Psychology and Personality Science, 4 (5) pp. 587-599. Peer-reviewed.
The relationship between prior attitudes toward science and transformation of scientific information: Two studies at CERN
Courvoisier N., Green E. G. T., Canciu M., Clémence A., 2013. International Review of Social Psychology / Revue internationale de psychologie sociale, 26 (3) pp. 151-175. Peer-reviewed.
The true citizen: Social order and intergroup antagonisms in political lay thinking.
Staerklé C., 2013. Papers on Social Representations, 22 pp. Peer-reviewed.
Unveiling Naturalization. A Multilevel Study on Minority Proportion, Conservative Ideologies, and Attitudes Toward the Muslim Veil
Fasel N., Green E. G. T., Sarrasin O., 2013. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 221 (4) pp. 242-251. Peer-reviewed.
Value Differentiation between Enemies and Allies: Value Projection in National Images
Eicher V., Pratto F., Wilhelm P., 2013. Political Psychology, 34 (1) pp. 127-144. Peer-reviewed.
When performance-approach goals predict academic achievement and when they do not: A social value approach
Dompnier B., Darnon C., Butera F., 2013. British Journal of Social Psychology, 52 (3) pp. 587-596. Peer-reviewed.
Why neo-liberal values of self-enhancement lead to cheating in higher education: A motivational account
Pulfrey C., Butera F., 2013. Psychological Science, 24 (11) pp. 2153-2162. Peer-reviewed.
Women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM): An Investigation of Their Implicit Gender Stereotypes and Stereotypes' Connectedness to Math Performance
Smeding Annique, 2012/12. Sex Roles, 67 (11-12) pp. 617-629. Peer-reviewed.
Achievement goals in educational contexts: A social psychology perspective
Darnon C., Dompnier B., Poortvliet M., 2012/10. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 6 (10) pp. 760-771. Peer-reviewed.
When sub-categorization facilitates group cohesion: A temporal study of the relational regulation of in-group opinion divisions
Gianettoni L., Clémence A., Staerklé C., 2012/10. Swiss Journal of Psychology, 71 (4) pp. 205-213. Peer-reviewed.
Impact croisé du sexe et du niveau scolaire sur les intérêts professionnels d'écoliers suisses
Perdrix S., Rossier J., Butera F., 2012/09. L'orientation scolaire et professionnelle, 41 (3) pp. 391-412. Peer-reviewed.
Preventing contagion with avian influenza: Disease salience, attitudes toward foreigners, and avoidance beliefs
Krings F., Green E. G. T., Bangerter A., Staerklé C., Clémence A., Wagner-Egger P., Bornand T., 2012/06. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 42 (6) pp. 1451-1466. Peer-reviewed.
A normative approach to welfare attitudes
Staerklé C., Likki T., Scheidegger R., 2012. pp. 81-118 dans Svallfors S. (eds.) Contested Welfare States: Welfare Attitudes in Europe and Beyond, Stanford University Press.
Democracy as Justification for Waging War: The Role of Public Support
Falomir J. M., Staerklé C., Pereira A., Butera F., 2012. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 3 (3) pp. 324-332. Peer-reviewed.
Do All Lives Have the Same Value? Support for International Military Interventions as a Function of Political System and Public Opinion of the Target States
Falomir J.M., Pereira A., Staerklé C., Butera F., 2012. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 15 pp. 347- 362. Peer-reviewed.
Intergroup distinctiveness and discriminatory immigration attitudes: The role of national identification
Storari C. C., Green E. G. T., 2012. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 34 (4) pp. 367-375. Peer-reviewed.
La conferma di sé
Butera F., Toma C., 2012. pp. 35-43 dans Rumiati R. (eds.) Tra pensieri e comportamenti - Scritti in onore di Paolo Legrenzi, Bologna: Il Mulino.
Le traitement motivé de l'information dans la prise de décision en groupe : Le cas du paradigme des « profiles cachés »
Toma C., Vasiljevic D., Oberlé D., Augustinova M., Butera F., 2012. L'année psychologique, 112 (4) pp. 663-693. Peer-reviewed.
Longitudinal investigation of public trust in institutions relative to the 2009 H1N1 pandemic in Switzerland
Bangerter A., Krings F., Mouton A., Gilles I., Green E. G. T., Clémence A., 2012. PLoS ONE, 7 (11) pp. e49806. Peer-reviewed.
Norme d'internalité ou biais de confirmation d'hypothèse? Une approche expérimentale de la construction des questionnaires d'internalité
Scheidegger R., Desponds F., Dompnier B., 2012. Revue Internationale de Psychologie Sociale, 25 (1) pp. 5-29. Peer-reviewed.
Opposition to Anti-Racism Laws across Swiss Municipalities: A Multilevel Analysis
Sarrasin O., Green E.G.T., Fasel N., Christ O., Staerklé C., Clémence A., 2012. Political Psychology, 33 (5) pp. 659-681. Peer-reviewed.
Paroles d'accusés sur la légitimité de la justice pénale internationale
Scalia D., Rauschenbach M., Staerklé C., 2012. Revue de sciences criminelles et de droit pénal comparé, 12 (3) pp. 727-746.
Us and Them in Switzerland: Stereotypes and prejudice from a social psychological view
Green E. G. T., 2012. pp. 55-67 dans Engler B. (eds.) Nous et les autres: stéréotypes en Suisse, Académie Suisse des Sciences Humaines et Sociales.
Promotion de soi et triche
Pulfrey C., 2011/07. pp. 177-186 dans Butera F., Buchs C., Darnon C. (eds.) L'évaluation, une menace ?, PUF.
Trust in medical organizations predicts pandemic (H1N1) 2009 vaccination behavior and perceived efficacy of protection measures in the Swiss public
Gilles I., Bangerter A., Clémence A., Green E. G. T., Krings F., Staerklé C., Wagner-Egger P., 2011/03. European Journal of Epidemiology, 26 (3) pp. 203-210. Peer-reviewed.
Une ressource pour l'estime de soi  ?
Gianettoni L., Simon-Vermot P., 2011/02. Cahiers Pédagogiques 487 pp. 22 - 23.
A bidimensional scale of scholastic value: Social desirability and social utility, two dimensions of personological judgment
Pansu P., Dompnier B., 2011. European Review of Applied Psychology, 61 pp. 31-41. Peer-reviewed.
Back to new roots: Societal psychology and social representations
Staerklé C., 2011. pp. 81-106 dans J.P.Valentim (eds.) Societal approaches in social psychology, Peter Lang.
Can men promote feminist movements? Outgroup influence sources reduce attitude change toward feminist movements
Vernet J.-P., Vala J., Butera F., 2011. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 14 pp. 723-733. Peer-reviewed.
Clinical and molecular characterization of Diastrophic Dysplasia in the Portuguese population.
Barbosa M., Sousa A.B., Medeira A., Lourenço T., Saraiva J., Pinto-Basto J., Soares G., Fortuna A.M., Superti-Furga A., Mittaz L. et al., 2011. Clinical Genetics, 80 (6) pp. 550-557.
Comunicação e ancoragem. A diffusão e a transformação das representações
Clémence A., Green E., Courvoisier N., 2011. pp. 179-194 dans Almeida A.M.O., Santos M.F.S., Trindade Z.A. (eds.) Teoria das Representações Sociais : 50 Anos, Technopolitik Editoria.
Effect of a Road Safety Training Program on Drivers' Comparative Optimism
Perrissol S, Smeding A., Laumond F., Le Floch V., 2011. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 43 (1) pp. 478-482. Peer-reviewed.
Identity, immigration, and prejudice in Europe: a recognition approach
Licata L., Sanchez-Mazas M., Green E. G. T., 2011. pp. 895-916 dans Schwartz S. J., Luyckx K., Vignoles V. L. (eds.) Handbook of Identity Theory and Research, New York : Springer.
Butera F., Buchs C., Darnon C., 2011. pp. 9-12 dans Butera F., Buchs C., Darnon C. (eds.) L'évaluation, une menace?, Presses Universitaires de France.
L'évaluation comme outil de formation et/ou de sélection
Darnon C., Smeding A., Toczek-Capelle M. C., Souchal C., 2011. pp. 123-124 dans Butera F., Buchs C., Darnon C. (eds.) L'évaluation, une menace ?, Paris : Presses Universitaires de France.
L'évaluation scolaire : une activité multidéterminée
Dompnier B., Pansu P., Bressoux P., 2011. pp. 77-84 dans Butera F., Buchs C., Darnon C. (eds.) L'évaluation, une menace?, Presses Universitaires de France.
L'évaluation, une menace?
Butera F., Buchs C., Darnon C., 2011. 188, Presses Universitaires de France.
La menace des notes
Butera F., 2011. pp. 45-53 dans Butera F., Buchs C., Darnon C. (eds.) L'évaluation, une menace?, Presses Universitaires de France.
Lay perceptions of collectives at the outbreak of the H1N1 epidemic: heroes, villains and victims
Wagner-Egger P., Bangerter A., Gilles I., Green E.G.T., Rigaud D., Krings F., Staerklé C., Clémence A., 2011. Public Understanding of Science, 20 (4) pp. 461-476. Peer-reviewed.
Lay perceptions of emerging infectious diseases (Editorial for special issue)
Bangerter A., Green E. G. T., Gilles I., 2011. Public Understanding of Science, 20 (4) pp. 442-445. Peer-reviewed.
Le conflit : une motivation à double tranchant pour l'apprenant
Sommet N., Darnon C., Butera F., 2011. pp. 283-296 dans Bourgeois E., Chapelle G. (eds.) Apprendre et faire apprendre, Presses Universitaires de France.
Nationalism and patriotism as predictors of immigration attitudes in Switzerland: A municipality-level analysis
Green E.G.T., Sarrasin O., Fasel N., Staerklé C., 2011. Swiss Political Science Review, 17 (4) pp. 369-393. Peer-reviewed.
Obsession de réussite et agressions à l'école
Clémence A., 2011. pp. 157-165 dans F. Butera (eds.) L'évaluation, une menace ?, Presses Universitaires de France.
Optimiser les interactions sociales lors d'un travail de groupe grâce à l'apprentissage coopératif
Buchs C., Gilles I., Butera F., 2011. pp. 211-220 dans Bourgeois E., Chapelle G. (eds.) Apprendre et faire apprendre, Presses Universitaires de France.
Political trust and distrust in Switzerland: A normative analysis
Scheidegger R., Staerklé C., 2011. Swiss Political Science Review, 17 pp. 164-187. Peer-reviewed.
Pressure to cooperate: Is positive reward interdependence really needed in cooperative learning?
Buchs C., Gilles I., Dutrévis M., Butera F., 2011. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 81 (1) pp. 135-146. Peer-reviewed.
Social Representations in Psychology: A Bibliometrical Analysis
Eicher V., Emery V., Maridor M., Gilles I., Bangerter A., 2011. Papers on Social Representations, 20 (2) pp. 11.1-11.19. Peer-reviewed.
Social representations: A normative and dynamic intergroup approach
Staerklé C., Clémence A., Spini D., 2011. Political Psychology, 32 (5) pp. 759-768. Peer-reviewed.
Strategic Use of Preference Confirmation in Group Decision Making: The Role of Competition and Dissent
Toma C., Gilles I., Butera F., 2011. British Journal of Social Psychology, 52 (1) pp. 44-63. Peer-reviewed.
What do ATLAS Centre Visitors "Take Home" from their Tour? Study 2
Courvoisier N., Green E., Canciu M., Clémence A., 2011., ATLAS/CERN.
Why Grades Engender Performance Avoidance Goals: The Mediating Role of Autonomous Motivation
Pulfrey C., Buchs C., Butera F., 2011. Journal of Educational Psychology, 103 pp. 683-700. Peer-reviewed.
«Où, quand, et comment ?» : Évolution des conduites agressives en football et en hockey sur glace
Traclet A., Moret O., Romand P., Ohl F., Clémence A., 2011. Sciences et motricité 72 pp. 19-26. Peer-reviewed.
Policy attitudes toward the Swiss Health Care System : defending a moral order or denouncing structural inequalities?
Gianettoni L., Simon-Vermot P., Staerklé C., Roux P., Delay C., 2010/11. International Review of Social Psychology = Revue internationale de psychologie sociale, 23 (2-3) pp. 97-124. Peer-reviewed.
Quand la menace d'exclusion professionnelle renforce le genre : représentations et identités de genre auprès de jeunes sans emploi
Gianettoni L., Simon-Vermot P., 2010/10. Nouvelles Questions Féministes, 29 (3) pp. 76-90. Peer-reviewed.
The strategic use of attitudinal ambivalence in self-presentation.
Pillaud V., Cavazza N., Brandner C., Butera F., 2010/09., British Psychological Society dans Social Psychology Section Conference 2010 : Social Psychology in Action, Theoretical Debate and Social Impact.. Peer-reviewed.
Des métiers pour aider : apport de l'approche cognitivo-comportementale et de ses outils.
Zellner Keller B. (eds.), 2010/08. 414, Georg.
Des métiers pour aider : Introduction
Zellner Keller B., 2010/08. pp. 15-40 dans Zellner Keller B. (eds.) Des métiers pour aider. Apport de l'approche cognitivo-comportementale et de ses outils, Georg.
Des outils pour aider
Zellner Keller B., Aufseesser M., Beni C., Clivaz F., Hofmann C., Pulh-Montégut V., Saintive P., 2010/08. pp. 329-402 dans Zellner Keller B. (eds.) Des métiers pour aider. Apport de l'approche cognitivo-comportementale et de ses outils, Georg.
Variations d'humeur chez les seniors: approche cognitivo-comportementale.
Zellner Keller B., 2010/08. pp. 123-166 dans Zellner Keller B. (eds.) Des métiers pour aider. Apport de l'approche cognitivo-comportementale et de ses outils., Georg.
Ancrage de la légitimité économique dans les filières académiques: une approche représentationnelle de la socialisation et de l'autosélection
Scheidegger R., Clémence A., Staerklé C., 2010. Revue Internationale de Psychologie Sociale, 23 (1) pp. 111-142. Peer-reviewed.
Competitive conflict regulation and informational dependence in peer learning
Buchs C., Pulfrey C., Gabarrot F., Butera F., 2010. European Journal of Social Psychology, 40 (3) pp. 418-435. Peer-reviewed.
Keeping the Vermin Out: Perceived Disease Threat and Ideological Orientations as Predictors of Exclusionary Immigration Attitudes
Green E. G. T., Krings F., Staerklé C., Bangerter A., Clémence A., Wagner-Egger P., Bornand T., 2010. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 20 (4) pp. 299-316. Peer-reviewed.
La valeur sociale des explications causales en contexte éducatif : autoprésentation des élèves et représentation des enseignants
Dompnier B., Pansu P., 2010. Swiss Journal of Psychology, 69 (1) pp. 39-51. Peer-reviewed.
Learning from conflict
Butera F., Darnon C., Mugny G., 2010. pp. 36-53 dans Jetten J., Hornsey M.J. (eds.) Rebels in Groups: Dissent, deviance, difference and defiance, Wiley-Blackwell.
Norme d'internalité et unités d'analyse : Pour une redéfinition du statut de la mesure dans l'étude des normes sociales de jugement
Dompnier B., Pansu P., 2010. Revue Internationale de Psychologie Sociale, 23 (4) pp. 63-89. Peer-reviewed.
Orientations professionnelles atypiques: transgression des normes de genre et effets identitaires
Gianettoni L., Simon-Vermot P., Gauthier J.-A., 2010. Revue française de pédagogie, 173 pp. 41-50. Peer-reviewed.
Social representations
Lorenzi-Cioldi F., Clémence A., 2010. pp. 823-826 dans Levine J. M., Hogg M. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, Sage.
The complexity of majority versus minority influence processes
Quiamzade A., Mugny G., Falomir-Pichastor J.M., Butera F., 2010. pp. 21-52 dans Martin R., Hewstone M. (eds.) Minority influence and innovation: Antecedents, processes and consequences, Psychology Press.
The Interplay of Mastery and Performance Goals in Social Comparison: A Multiple-Goal Perspective.
Darnon C., Dompnier B., Gilliéron O., Butera F., 2010. Journal of Educational Psychology, 102 (1) pp. 212-222. Peer-reviewed.
The More the Merrier? The Effects of Type of Cultural Diversity on Exclusionary Immigration Attitudes in Switzerland
Green E.G.T., Fasel N., Sarrasin O., 2010. International Journal of Conflict and Violence, 4 (2) pp. 177-190. Peer-reviewed.
Echec et mâle : l'exclusion sociale favorise le sexisme
Simon-Vermot P., Gianettoni L., 2009/12. Panorama 6 pp. 22-23.
"Too complex for me!" Why do performance-approach and performance-avoidance goals predict exam performance?
Darnon C., Butera F., Mugny G., Quiamzade A., & Hulleman C. , 2009. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 24 (4) pp. 423-434.
Achievement Goal Promotion at University: Social Desirability and Social Utility of Mastery and Performance Goals
Darnon C., Dompnier B., Delmas F., Pulfrey C., Butera F., 2009. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 96 (1) pp. 119-134. Peer-reviewed.
Aging, Interactions and Affects
Zellner Keller Brigitte, 2009. pp. 139-156 dans Hancil Sylvie (eds.) The role of Prosody in Affective Speech chap. 5, Peter Lang.
Conscientization of Social Cryptomnesia Reduces Hostile Sexism and Rejection of Feminists
Vernet J.P., Vala J., Amancio L., Butera F., 2009. Social Psychology, 40 (3) pp. 130-137. Peer-reviewed.
Coping with Minority Status: Responses to Exclusion and Inclusion
Butera F., Levine J.M. (eds.), 2009., Cambridge University Press.
Faking the Desire to Learn : A Clarification of the Link Between Mastery Goals and Academic Achievement
Dompnier B., Darnon C., Butera F., 2009. Psychological Science, 20 (8) pp. 939-943. Peer-reviewed.
Hidden profiles and concealed information : Strategic information sharing and use in group decision making
Toma C., Butera F., 2009. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 35 pp. 793-806.
Influence without credit: How successful minorities respond to social cyptomnesia
Butera F., Levine J.M., Vernet J.P., 2009. pp. 311-332 dans Butera F., Levine J.M. (eds.) Coping with Minority Status: Responses to Exclusion and Inclusion, Cambridge University Press.
Butera F., Levine J.M., 2009. pp. 1-12 dans Butera F., Levine J.M. (eds.) Coping with Minority Status: Responses to Exclusion and Inclusion, Cambridge University Press.
Is a partner's competence threatening during dyadic cooperative work? It depends on resource interdependence
Buchs C., Butera F., 2009. European Journal of Psychology of Education 24 pp. 145-154. Peer-reviewed.
Policy attitudes, ideological values and social representations
Staerklé C., 2009. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 3 (6) pp. 1096-1112. Peer-reviewed.
Reactions to Crime as a Hierarchy Regulating Strategy : The Moderating Role of Social Dominance Orientation
Green E. G. T., Thomsen L., Sidanius J., Staerklé C., Potanina P., 2009. Social Justice Research, 22 pp. 416-436.
How do CERN visitors understand the ATLAS Experiment?
Sénac N., Green E. G. T., Clémence A., 2008., Research report for CERN ATLAS agreement No 291/2007.
Attribution d'intentions hostiles et intentions comportementales agressives dans un contexte intergroupes
Gilles I., Clémence A., 2007. Revue Internationale de Psychologie Sociale, 20 pp. 63-88. Peer-reviewed.
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