Laboratoire d'analyse de la gouvernance et action publique en Europe

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681 publications

Les cadres intermédiaires au carrefour de logiques sectorielles antagonistes : entre contraintes managériales et défense des identités professionnelles. Enquête auprès des cadres hospitaliers de Suisse romande
Resenterra Fabien, Siggen Michaël, Giauque David Humanisme & Entreprise. Peer-reviewed.
Les cantons suisses face au droit international
Schmid Evelyne, Niederhauser Matthieu, Miaz Jonathan, Maggetti Martino, Kaempfer Constance, Savoir Suisse.
Le Parti socialiste aux portes du pouvoir: nouvelles manières de faire campagne et renouvellement des thématiques électorales à Genève et Lausanne (1981–1995)
Antoniazza Baptiste Annuaire suisse d’histoire économique et sociale / Schweizerisches Jahrbuch für Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte 39. Peer-reviewed.
The Impact of Technological Progress on the Future of Work: Insights from a Survey on Alternative Employment Contracts in OECD countries
Deruelle T., Ugarte A., Wagner J. Journal of the Knowledge Economy. Peer-reviewed.
Elites et pouvoir dans les grandes villes suisses (1890-2020)
Mach André, Debluë Claire-Lise, Legentilhomme Geoffroy, Araujo Pedro, Bernz Pierre, Strebel Michael A. 280, Editions Alphil.
Engaging with Human Rights: How Subnational Actors use Human Rights Treaties in Policy Processes
Miaz Jonathan, Schmid Evelyne, Niederhauser Matthieu, Kaempfer Constance, Maggetti Martino, Palgrave.
The European Semester: democratic weaknesses as limits to learning
Papadopoulos Yannis, Piattoni Simona European Policy Analysis. Peer-reviewed.
Central State Policy Implementation in France
Pollard Julie, Dupuy Claire dans Sager Fritz, Mavrot Céline, Keiser Lael (eds.) Handbook of Public Policy Implementation, Edward Elgar Publishing.
The political economy of territorial integration referendums
Strebel Michael A. Territory, Politics, Governance pp. 1-21. Peer-reviewed.
A policy-centred approach to inter-municipal cooperation
Strebel Michael Andrea, Bundi Pirmin Public Management Review pp. 1-22. Peer-reviewed.
From local champions to global players: A long-term perspective on Swiss companies’ connections across territorial scales
Strebel Michael A, Mach André Global Networks. Peer-reviewed.
Le «prize-money», un défi à venir pour l’olympisme
Bayle Emmanuel, 2024/05/03. Le Temps .
The Swiss Patrician Families between Decline and Persistence: Power Positions and Kinship Ties (1890–1957)
Benz Pierre, Araujo Pedro, Legentilhomme Geoffroy, Mach André, Piguet Steven, Strebel Michael A., Widmer Emilie, 2024/04/12. Social Science History. Peer-reviewed.
Pourquoi étudier les chef.fe.s? La hiérarchie sociale à l'épreuve du sport
Leresche Jean-Philippe, Sainsaulieu Ivan, 2024/04/09. Les sports modernes 2 pp. 15-23. Peer-reviewed.
Denationalization and the recentring of political authority in multilevel governance
TREIN PHILIPP, MAGGETTI MARTINO, 2024/04/05. European Journal of Political Research.
Taking stock of the multilevel governance research programme: a systematic literature review
Papadopoulos Yannis, Tortola Pier Domenico, Geyer Nathan, 2024/03/28. Regional & Federal Studies pp. 1-33. Peer-reviewed.
A Conceptual Model to Understand and Assess International Sport Federations' Organizational Performance
Bayle Emmanuel, Clausen Josephine, 2024/03/19. Journal of Global Sport Management pp. 1-25. Peer-reviewed.
Policy integration and the eco-social debate in political analysis
Domorenok Ekaterina, Trein Philipp, 2024/03. European Political Science, 23 (1) pp. 70-79. Peer-reviewed.
Multilingual federalism in times of crisis
Sean Mueller, Pirmin Bundi, 2024/02/09. Regional & Federal Studies.
Changes to the IOC’s governance during Thomas Bach’s presidency: intense institutional work to achieve balance and compromise
Bayle Emmanuel, 2024/02/01. Sport in society. Peer-reviewed.
The diversity of international sports ecosystems and strategic and economic event models of international sports federations
Clausen Joséphine, Bayle Emmanuel, 2024/01/30. pp. 166-178 dans Research Handbook on Major Sporting Events, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Les promoteurs immobiliers, acteurs intermédiaires de la production de la ville
Pollard Julie, 2024/01/16. dans Aveline Natacha (eds.) Globalisation financière et production immobilière, ISTE Editions.
"Ja Skifahren ist ein Königssport, es ist die Sportart Nummer 1 in der Schweiz!" Interview mit Jacques Deschenaux
Leresche Jean-Philippe, Jaccoud Christophe, 2024. pp. 273-279 dans Skiland Schweiz: eine Geschichte, Weber Verlag.
"Oui, le ski est un sport roi, c'est le sport numéro 1 en Suisse", Entretien avec Jacques Deschenaux
Leresche Jean-Philippe, Jaccoud Christophe, 2024. pp. 273-279 dans Le ski en Suisse. une histoire (sous la direction de Quin G., Tissot L., Leresche J.-Ph.), Château & Attinger.
Athleten und Athletinnen: Paare und Figuren des Schweizer Skisports (1968-2023)
Jaccoud Christophe, Leresche Jean-Philippe, 2024. pp. 253-265 dans Skiland Schweiz: eine Geschichte (sous la direction de Quin G., Tissot L., Leresche J.-Ph.), Weber Verlag.
Championnes et champions : paires et figures du ski suisse (1968-2023)
Jaccoud Christophe, Leresche Jean-Philippe, 2024. pp. 253-265 dans Le ski en Suisse. Une histoire (sous la direction de Quin G., Tissot L. et Leresche J.-Ph., Chàteau & Attinger.
Coordination in Public Policy
Trein Philipp, 2024. pp. 1-7 dans Encyclopedia of Public Policy, Springer International Publishing.
Federal government
Papadopoulos Yannis, Sager Fritz, 2024. pp. 195-213 dans The Oxford Handbook of Swiss Politics, Oxford University Press.
From international law to subnational practices: How intermediaries translate the Istanbul Convention
Miaz Jonathan, Niederhauser Matthieu, Maggetti Martino, 2024/01. Regulation & Governance, 18 (1) pp. 121-138. Peer-reviewed.
Emmenegger Patrick, Fossati Flavia, Häusermann Silja, Papadopoulos Yannis, Sciarini Pascal, Vatter Adrian, 2024. pp. 1-12 dans The Oxford Handbook of Swiss Politics, Oxford University Press.
Mazzoleni Oscar, Pilotti Andrea, 2024. pp. 9-15 dans Mazzoleni Oscar, Pilotti Andrea (eds.) La cooperazione transfrontaliera. Problemi e attualità, Armando Dadò Editore.
La cooperazione transfrontaliera. Problemi e attualità
Mazzoleni Oscar, Pilotti Andrea (eds.), 2024. Le sfide della Svizzera 15 204, Armando Dadò Editore.
La singulière banalité du ski?
Quin Grégory, Tissot Laurent, Leresche Jean-Philippe, 2024/01/01. pp. 10-17 dans Quin Grégory, Tissot Laurent, Leresche Jean-Philippe (eds.) Le ski en Suisse, une Histoire, Château et Attinger.
Protezione senza chiusura. Gli atteggiamenti dei cittadini ticinesi verso i lavoratori frontalieri
Mazzoleni Oscar, Pilotti Andrea, 2024. pp. 177-295 dans Mazzoleni Oscar, Pilotti Andrea (eds.) La cooperazione transfrontaliera. Problemi e attualità chap. 9, Armando Dadò Editore.
Quali regioni di frontiera in Svizzera? Il punto di vista dei cittadini di Basilea, Ginevra e Ticino
Pilotti Andrea, Mazzoleni Oscar, 2024. pp. 55-77 dans Mazzoleni Oscar, Pilotti Andrea (eds.) La cooperazione transfrontaliera. Problemi e attualità chap. 3, Armando Dadò Editore.
Research, Technology, and Innovation Policies
Baschung Lukas, Leresche Jean-Philippe, 2024. pp. 623-641 dans The Oxford Handbook of Swiss Politics (edited by Emmenegger Patrick et al.), Oxford University Press.
Skiland Schweiz, eine Geschichte
Quin Grégory, Tissot Laurent, Leresche Jean-Philippe (eds.), 2024/01/01., Weber Verlag.
The Oxford Handbook of Swiss Politics
Fossati Flavia, Häusermann Silja, Papadopoulos Yannis, Sciarini Pascal, Vatter Adrian, Emmenegger Patrick (eds.), 2024., 1th edition 896, Oxford University Press.
«Les noces dorées entre ski alpin et télévision : les courses du Lauberhorn comme événement médiatique»
Vallotton François, 2024/01/01. pp. 266-272 dans Quin Gregory, Leresche Jean-Philippe, Tissot Laurent (eds.) Le ski en Suisse. Une histoire, Château & Attinger.
Health Policy
Trein Philipp, Rüefli Christian, Vatter Adrian, 2023/12/18. pp. 714-732 dans The Oxford Handbook of Swiss Politics, Oxford University Press.
Real Estate Developers : Coordinating Actors in the Production of the City
Pollard Julie, 2023/12/03. dans Aveline Natacha (eds.) Globalization and Dynamics of Urban Production, Wiley.
Les JOP Paris 2024 : levier de transformation pour la France ?
Bayle Emmanuel, 2023/11/06. Sie Vie publique, parole d'expert ;
La gouvernance du sport en France : ses atouts et ses défis
Bayle Emmanuel, 2023/11/02. Site Vie Publique, parole d'expert, pp. 6 pages.
De l’art et de la manière de faire de la diplomatie sportive internationale
Bayle Emmanuel, 2023/11/01. Jurisport . Peer-reviewed.
Cadeau fiscal de l'Etat français à la FIFA : mais que va t-il faire dans cette galère ?
Bayle Emmanuel, 2023/10/26. Le Temps .
Agenda-setting in nascent policy subsystems: issue and instrument priorities across venues.
Lemke N., Trein P., Varone F., 2023/10. Policy Sciences, 56 (4) pp. 633-655. Peer-reviewed.
The Urban Left in Power: Comparing the Profiles of ‘Municipal Socialists' and the ‘New Urban Left' in Swiss Cities
Antoniazza Baptiste, Mach André, Strebel Michael Andrea, 2023/09/05. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 47 (5) pp. 745-772. Peer-reviewed.
Vers des JO 4 saisons ?
Bayle Emmanuel, 2023/09/05. Le Temps.
Bekanntes, Unbekanntes und Verkanntes in der Föderalismusforschung
Sean Mueller, 2023/09. Politische Vierteljahresschrift.
Politique suisse: Institutions, acteurs, processus By PascalSciarini, EPFL Press, 2023, 636 p.
Sean Mueller, 2023/09. Swiss Political Science Review.
International Organizations and Research Methods: An Introduction
Badache Fanny, Kimber Leah, Maertens Lucile (eds.), 2023/08/24., The University of Michigan Press.
Le cumul des mandats, discipline olympique
Bayle Emmanuel, 2023/06/28. Le Temps.
Des autoroutes aux sentiers. Mobilités disciplinaires, crédibilité scientifique et allocation des moyens pour la recherche
Benz Pierre, Rossier Thierry, 2023/06/01. Revue d'Anthropologie des Connaissances, 17 (2). Peer-reviewed.
The Space of Research Topics in Economics: Scientific Position-Takings and Individual Positions in Swiss Economic Science
Rossier Thierry, Benz Pierre, Grau Larsen Anton, Kropp Kristoffer, 2023/06/01. OEconomia, 13 (13-2) pp. 427-473. Peer-reviewed.
Chapter in "Climate Governance and Federalism"
Fenna Alan, Jodoin Sébastien, Setzer Joana (eds.), 2023/05/25., Cambridge University Press.
Power and Economics
Benz Pierre, Maesse Jens, Pühringer Stephan, Rossier Thierry, 2023/05/22. dans Making Economics Public. The Hows and Whys of Communicating Markets and Models, Routledge.
Un modèle pour aller au-delà de la régulation juridique
Chappelet Jean-Loup, Bayle Emmanuel, 2023/05/01. Jurisport . Peer-reviewed.
A Model for the Multi-Centered Regulation of World Sport
Bayle Emmanuel, 2023/04/25. International journal of sport policy and politics. Peer-reviewed.
De l’utilité des jeux olympiques de Paris 2024
Bayle Emmanuel, 2023/04/15. Jurisport . Peer-reviewed.
A new index of bicameralism: taking legitimacy seriously
Sean Mueller, Adrian Vatter, Sereina Dick, 2023/04/03. The Journal of Legislative Studies.
Social acceptance of policy instrument design during times of crisis
Fossati Flavia, Trein Philipp, 2023/04. European Policy Analysis, 9 (2) pp. 167-190. Peer-reviewed.
From international law to subnational practices: How intermediaries translate the Istanbul Convention
Miaz Jonathan, Niederhauser Matthieu, Maggetti Martino, 2023/03/30. Regulation & Governance. Peer-reviewed.
Determining the price of football: an analysis of matchday ticket prices in the English Premier League
Quansah Tommy Kweku, Buraimo Babatunde, Lang Markus, 2023/03/24. European Sport Management Quarterly pp. 1-21. Peer-reviewed.
Challenges and limitations of the implementation of sustainability practices in international sports federations
Moon Phil, François Aurélien, Bayle Emmanuel, 2023/03/01. pp. 77-105 dans BASU Bhaskar, DESBORDES Michel, SARKAR Soumya (eds.) Sports management in an uncertain environment , Springer .
Empirical research on policy integration: a review and new directions
Trein Philipp, Fischer Manuel, Maggetti Martino, Sarti Francesco, 2023/03. Policy Sciences, 56 (1) pp. 29-48.
Mondialisation et évolution de la gouvernance du Comité International Olympique
Bayle Emmanuel, 2023/03/01. pp. 325-337 dans Une histoire mondiale de l’olympisme 1896-2024, Atlande.
Pathways to policy integration: a subsystem approach
Cejudo Guillermo M., Trein Philipp, 2023/03. Policy Sciences, 56 (1) pp. 9-27.
Policy integration as a political process
Cejudo Guillermo M., Trein Philipp, 2023/03. Policy Sciences, 56 (1) pp. 3-8.
Majoritarianism and Secession
Sean Mueller, 2023/01/13. dans The Routledge Handbook on Self-Determination and Secession, Palgrave.
C’est qui ton chef !?, Sociologie du leadership en Suisse
Sainsaulieu Ivan, Leresche Jean-Philippe, 2023. 344, EPFL Press.
Des formes d’autorité en régie audiovisuelle : la réalisation télévisée de la Fête des Vignerons
Camus Laurent, Fischer Elodie, Tanferri Mylène, Vinck Dominique, 2023. pp. 329-340 dans Leresche Jean-Philippe, Saisaulieu Ivan (eds.) C’est qui ton chef ?! Sociologie du leadership en Suisse. chap. 21, PPUR.
Designing Privacy in Personalized Health: An Empirical Analysis
Deruelle T., Kalouguina V., Trein Ph., Wagner J., 2023. Big Data & Society, 10 (1) pp. 1-9. Peer-reviewed.
Eppur si muove. La politica elvetica cambia per restare sé stessa
Mazzoleni Oscar, Pilotti Andrea, 2023. Limes. Rivista italiana di geopolitica - Numero "Svizzera. La potenza nascosta", 12 pp. 55-61.
Is there a "pandemic effect" on individuals' willingness to take genetic tests?
Deruelle T., Kalouguina V., Trein P., Wagner J., 2023. European Journal of Human Genetics, 31 (3) pp. 360-362. Peer-reviewed.
La fabrique sportive des présidents de la Confédération au 20e siècle
Tonnerre Quentin, Clastres Patrick, 2023. pp. 67-82 dans Sainsaulieu Ivan, Leresche Jean-Philippe (eds.) C'est qui ton chef ?! Sociologie du leadership en Suisse. chap. 3, Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes.
La science est-elle dure ? Grandeur et misère du leadership charismatique en neurosciences
Kim Jongheon, Leresche Jean-Philippe, 2023. pp. 287-299 dans C’est qui ton chef !?, Sociologie du leadership en Suisse, , EPFL Press.
Le profil socioprofessionnel du Conseil national (2015-2023)
Pilotti Andrea, Lasseb Karim, Di Capua Roberto, 2023..
Le système de "milice politique" met-il le peuple aux commandes?
Pilotti Andrea, Di Capua Roberto, 2023. pp. 33-47 dans Sainsaulieu Ivan, Leresche Jean-Philippe (eds.) C'est qui ton chef?! Sociologie du leadership en Suisse, EPFL Press.
Les groupes d'intérêt dans la gouvernance territoriale
Pollard Julie, Cadiou Stéphane, 2023. pp. 189-231 dans Courty Guillaume, Milet Marc (eds.) Les Groupes d’intérêt en France, Classiques Garnier.
Qui sont les chefs suisses et comment exercent-ils leur pouvoir ?
Leresche Jean-Philippe, Sainsaulieu Ivan, 2023. pp. 13-30 dans C’est qui ton chef !?, Sociologie du leadership en Suisse, EPFL Press.
Regulators as Agenda-Setters: How National Agencies Shape Public Issues
Guaschino Edoardo, 2023., Routledge.
Trust and Distrust in Regulatory Governance. White paper integrating the results of the TiGRE project and developing scenarios and recommendations to maintain and restore trust
Maggetti Martino, Papadopoulos Yannis, Guaschino Edoardo, 2023., Université de Lausanne.
Understanding Accountability in Democratic Governance
Papadopoulos Yannis, 2023. Cambridge Elements in Public Policy 86, Cambridge University Press.
Against Compromise in Democracy? A Plea for a Fine-Grained Assessment
Baume Sandrine, Papadopoulos Yannis, 2022/12. Constellations, 29 (4) pp. 475-491. Peer-reviewed.
Qatar : un retour de boomerang pour la FIFA ?
Bayle Emmanuel, 2022/11/02. Le Temps .
Linking compliance and policy learning : The case of EU soft law in Greece and Spain
Vagionaki Thenia, 2022/11/01. International Review of Public Policy, 4 (2) pp. 219-240. Peer-reviewed.
Integration Through Inclusion? Probing the Effect of Government Presence on Voting Behavior in the Swiss Cantons, 1848–2022
Sean Mueller, 2022/10/10. Nationalities Papers.
How to tame the beast: the diverse development of European networks regulating finance and competition
Maggetti Martino, Vagionaki Thenia, 2022/10/03. Journal of European Public Policy, 29 (10) pp. 1590-1609. Peer-reviewed.
Local potential and strategic models in a small market outside the Big Five: the case of Switzerland's Super League
Mustafi Zahid, Bayle Emmanuel, 2022/09/27. Soccer & Society pp. 1-21.
Que font les cantons de leurs obligations internationales ?
Schmid Evelyne, Miaz Jonathan, Maggetti Martino, Kaempfer Constance, Niederhauser Matthieu, 2022/09/27..
The political conditions of the rise of real-estate developers in French housing policies
Pollard Julie, 2022/09/27. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space p. 239965442211291. Peer-reviewed.
Was machen die Kantone mit ihren internationalen Verpflichtungen?
Schmid Evelyne, Miaz Jonathan, Maggetti Martino, Kaempfer Constance, Niederhauser Matthieu, 2022/09/27..
Dual versus Administrative Federalism: Origins and Evolution of Two Models
Mueller Sean, Fenna Alan, 2022/09/16. Publius: The Journal of Federalism, 52 (4) pp. 525-552.
Dual versus Administrative Federalism: Origins and Evolution of Two Models
Mueller Sean, Fenna Alan, 2022/09/16. Publius: The Journal of Federalism, 52 (4) pp. 525-552. Peer-reviewed.
Le profil socio-professionnel du Conseil municipal de la Ville de Genève. Une biographie collective (1935-1999)
Antoniazza Baptiste, 2022/09/07. pp. 171-198 dans Gajardo Jorge (eds.) Le Mémorial, chronique d’une ville qui s'écrit au présent. Travaux d’histoire sur le Conseil municipal de la Ville de Genève, Service du Conseil municipal et Centrale municipale d’achat et d’impression.
Health Policy
Trein Philipp, 2022/08/22. dans Greve Bent (eds.) De Gruyter Handbook of Contemporary Welfare States, De Gruyter.
Les transformations de la biologie en Suisse au 20e siècle: expansion et division d’une discipline
Benz Pierre, 2022/08/01. Traverse - Revue d'histoire, 29 pp. 149-166. Peer-reviewed.
Who supports metropolitan integration? Citizens' perceptions of city-regional governance in Western Europe
Strebel Michael Andrea, 2022/07/29. West European Politics, 45 (5) pp. 1081-1106. Peer-reviewed.
Policy coherence versus regulatory governance. Electricity reforms in Algeria and Morocco
Mathieu Emmanuelle, 2022/07/28. Regulation & Governance.
National-regional-local shifting games in multi-tiered welfare states
Bonoli Giuliano, Trein Philipp, 2022/07/22. pp. 250-265 dans Introduction to the Handbook on Urban Social Policies: International Perspectives on Multilevel Governance and Local Welfare, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Circulation internationale et évolution des modèles nationaux d’enseignement supérieur et de recherche
Crespy Cécile, Leresche Jean-Philippe, 2022/07/05., 29 1 210, Revue internationale de politique comparée.
Quand la comparaison permet de revisiter la question des modèles académiques nationaux
Crespy Cécile, Leresche Jean-Philippe, 2022/07/05. Revue internationale de politique comparée, 29 (1) pp. 7-21. Peer-reviewed.
The oil factor: Regulatory agency creation in the MENA region
Mathieu Emmanuelle, Jordana Jacint, 2022/06/22. Mediterranean Politics pp. 1-24.
Carrières universitaires et structure disciplinaire : Les trajectoires des professeur·es d'économie en Suisse entre pouvoirs mondains et scientifiques
Rossier Thierry, Benz Pierre, 2022/06/17. Zilsel, N° 10 (1) pp. 105-142. Peer-reviewed.
Public sector accountability styles in Europe comparing accountability and control of agencies in the Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland and the UK
Schillemans Thomas, Overman Sjors, Flinders Matthew, Laegreid Per, Maggetti Martino, Papadopoulos Yannis, Wood Matthew, 2022/06/10. Public Policy and Administration p. 095207672210982. Peer-reviewed.
Solidarity in times of crisis: perceptions of deservingness during the COVID-19 pandemic in Switzerland - datasets and codebooks
Gandenberger Mia, Knotz Carlo, Fossati Flavia, Bonoli Giuliano, Trein Philipp, Varone Fréderic, 2022/06/10..
Evaluation use and learning in public policy
Bundi Pirmin, Trein Philipp, 2022/06. Policy Sciences, 55 (2) pp. 283-309. Peer-reviewed.
Les dangers de l’hypertropisme occidental pour le monde olympique
Bayle Emmanuel, 2022/05/05. Le Temps.
Institutionalizing deliberative mini-publics? Issues of legitimacy and power for randomly selected assemblies in political systems
Courant Dimitri, 2022/05/02. Critical Policy Studies, 16 (2) pp. 162-180. Peer-reviewed.
Participatory processes and their outcomes: comparing assembly and popular vote decisions
el-Wakil Alice, Strebel Michael A., 2022/04/29. European Political Science Review, 14 (3) pp. 441-458. Peer-reviewed.
Book review of "The symbolic state. Minority recognition, majority backlash, and secession in multinational countries"
Sean Mueller, 2022/03/14. Regional & Federal Studies.
The Effects of Introducing Advertising in Pay TV: A Model of Asymmetric Competition between Pay TV and Free TV
Dietl Helmut, Lang Markus, Lin Panlang, 2022/03/03. The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics, 0 (0). Peer-reviewed.
Book review of "Multilingual Democracy: Switzerland and Beyond"
Mueller Sean, 2022/03. Swiss Political Science Review, 28 (1) pp. 142-143.
La sélectivité spatiale de l'élite politique locale: Une analyse exploratoire du lieu de résidence des élus communaux de Zurich et Lausanne (1980‐2016)
Di Capua Roberto, 2022/03/01. Swiss Political Science Review, 28 (1) pp. 81-104.
La pré-sélection sociale des candidat·es au Grand Conseil vaudois (2022)
Di Capua Roberto, 2022/02/28. Article de vulgarisation scientifique.
Is interdisciplinarity distinctive? Scientific collaborations through research projects in natural sciences
Benz Pierre, Rossier Thierry, 2022/02/25. Social Science Information, 61 (1) pp. 179-214. Peer-reviewed.
Informal Europeanization processes and domestic governance networks
Rèfle Jan-Erik, Fischer Manuel, Maggetti Martino, 2022/02/06. European Policy Analysis.
D'une formation "professionnelle" à une formation doctorale. Enjeux de l'académisation des sciences du sport au sein de la Faculté des sciences sociales et politiques (1972-2009)
Quin Grégory, Vonnard Philippe, 2022/02. pp. 227-242 dans Leresche Jean-Philippe (eds.) Récits facultaires. De l'Ecole à la Faculté des sciences sociales et politiques (1902-2022), EPFL Press.
Making of de l'ouvrage sur l'histoire de la Faculté, eSSPace Recherche
Leresche Jean-Philippe, 2022/01/31..
Policy integration, problem-solving, and the coronavirus disease crisis: lessons for policy design
Maggetti Martino, Trein Philipp, 2022/01/28. Policy and Society, 41 (1) pp. 53-67. Peer-reviewed.
Happily unaccountable? Perceptions of accountability by public managers
Maggetti Martino, Papadopoulos Yannis, 2022/01/27. Public Policy and Administration, 38 (4) pp. 381-404. Peer-reviewed.
Introduction. Un patrimoine facultaire?
Leresche Jean-Philippe, 2022/01/25. dans Récits facultaires. De l'Ecole à la Faculté des sciences sociales et politiques (1902-2022), EPFL Press.
Jalons pour une histoire facultaire
Leresche Jean-Philippe, 2022/01/25. dans Récits facultaires. De l'Ecole à la Faculté des sciences sociales et politiques (1902-2022), EPFL Press.
L'Ecole des sciences sociales et politiques durant la Guerre froide. Entre autonomisation, expansion et politisation estudiantine (1947-1972)
Vonnard Philippe, Tissot Laurent, Leresche Jean-Philippe, 2022/01/25. pp. 155-178 dans Leresche Jean-Philippe (eds.) Récits facultaires. De l'Ecole à la Faculté des sciences sociales et politiques (1902-2022), EPFL Press.
Maillon manquant: le récit facultaire
Leresche Jean-Philippe, 2022/01/25. dans Récits facultaires. De l'Ecole à la Faculté des sciences sociales et politiques (1902-2022), EPFL Press.
Récits facultaires. De l'Ecole à la Faculté des sciences sociales et politiques (1902-2022)
Leresche Jean-Philippe, 2022/01/25., EPFL Press.
Les cinq configurations de régulation du sport mondial
Bayle Emmanuel, 2022/01/15. Jurisport.
Anticorruption authorities
Di Mascio Fabrizio, Maggetti Martino, Natalini Alessandro, 2022. pp. 177-191 dans Handbook of Regulatory Authorities, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Assessing International Sport Federations' Sustainability Practices: Toward Integrating Sustainability in Their Main Sports Events.
Moon P., Bayle E., François A., 2022. Frontiers in sports and active living, 3 p. 752085. Peer-reviewed.
Bertil Galland, vagabond des savoirs
Leresche Jean-Philippe, Meuwly Olivier, 2022. 182, Savoir suisse.
EU Regulatory Agencies
Mathieu Emmanuelle, 2022. pp. 410-424 dans Handbook of Regulatory Authorities, Edward Elgar.
Trein Philipp, Vatter Adrian, Rüefli Christian, 2022. dans Manuel de la Politique Suisse, NZZ Libro.
Handbook of regulatory authorities
Maggetti Martino, Di Mascio Fabrizio, Natalini Alessandro, 2022., Edward Elgar Publishing.
Handbuch der Schweizer Politik - Manuel de la politique suisse
Papadopoulos Yannis, Sciarini Pascal, Vatter Adrian, Häusermann Silja, Emmenegger Patrick, Fossati Flavia (eds.), 2022., 7e édition 1000, NZZ Libro.
How does regulating doctors’ admissions affect health expenditures? Evidence from Switzerland
Fuino M., Trein Ph., Wagner J., 2022. BMC Health Services Research, 22 (495) pp. 1-13. Peer-reviewed.
Independent regulators in the post-delegation stage
Maggetti Martino, 2022. pp. 227-239 dans Handbook of Regulatory Authorities, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Introduction to the Handbook of Regulatory Authorities
Maggetti Martino, Di Mascio Fabrizio, Natalini Alessandro, 2022. pp. 1-8 dans Handbook of Regulatory Authorities, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Learning heuristics, issue salience and polarization in the policy process
Trein Philipp, Vagionaki Thenia, 2022. West European Politics, 45 (4) pp. 906-929. Peer-reviewed.
Policy diffusion
Maggetti Martino, 2022. pp. 212-219 dans Elgar Encyclopedia of European Union Public Policy, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Political professionalization and transformations of political career patterns in multi-level states: The case of Switzerland
Di Capua Roberto, Pilotti Andrea, Mach André, Lasseb Karim, 2022. Regional & Federal Studies, 32 (1) pp. 95-114. Peer-reviewed.
Politique de la recherche, de la technologie et de l'innovation
Leresche Jean-Philippe, Baschung Lukas, 2022. pp. 811-834 dans Handbuch der Schweizer Politik = Manuel de la politique suisse chap. 27, NZZ Libro.
Sager Fritz, Papadopoulos Yannis, 2022. pp. 213-240 dans Papadopoulos Y., Sciarini P., Vatter A., Häusermann S., Emmenegger P., Fossati F. (eds.) Handbuch der Schweizer Politik = Manuel de la politique suisse chap. 8, NZZ Libro.
Regulatory agencies and agenda-setting: state of the art and new ways forward
Guaschino Edoardo, 2022. dans Research Handbook on Regulatory Authorities, Martino Maggetti, Fabrizio Di Mascio & Alessandro Natalini. Edward Elgar.
Rethinking Participation in Global Governance: Voice and Influence after Stakeholder Reforms in Global Finance and Health
Pauwelyn Joost, Maggetti Martino, Büthe Tim, Berman Ayelet, 2022., Oxford University Press.
Switzerland: Experimental Governance and Polarized Consociationalism
Maggetti Martino, 2022. pp. 409-420 dans Governments’ Responses to the Covid-19 Pandemic in Europe: Navigating the Perfect Storm, Springer.
The impact of direct democracy on policy change: insights from European citizens' initiatives
Tosun Jale, Béland Daniel, Papadopoulos Yannis, 2022. Policy & Politics, 50 (3) pp. 323-340. Peer-reviewed.
The Paradox of Cooperation: Intergovernmental Relations and Identity Conflict in Switzerland
Sean Mueller, 2022. dans Intergovernmental relations in divided societies, Palgrave.
Regulating the labour market for professional footballers
Mustafi Zahid, Bayle Emmanuel, 2021/12/07. pp. 176-195 dans Sport and Brexit, Routledge.
Understanding International Organizations' Headquarters as Ecosystems: The Case of Geneva
Dairon Emilie, Badache Fanny, 2021/12. Global Policy, 12 (S7) pp. 24-33. Peer-reviewed.
Getting Rid of Their Ties. The Long-Term Evolution of Elite Networks and Profiles in the Three Largest Swiss Cities, 1890 – 2020
Strebel Michael A., Antoniazza Baptiste, Mach André, 2021/11/09. Archiv für Sozialgeschichte, 61 pp. 161-180.
Studying Time with Qualitative Comparative Analysis
Maggetti Martino, 2021/10/13. dans The Oxford Handbook of Time and Politics, Oxford University Press.
Countering fragmentation, taking back the state, or partisan agenda‐setting? Explaining policy integration and administrative coordination reforms
Trein Philipp, Ansell Christopher K., 2021/10. Governance, 34 (4) pp. 1143-1166. Peer-reviewed.
Conflictual Accountability: Behavioral Responses to Conflictual Accountability of Agencies
Schillemans Thomas, Overman Sjors, Fawcett Paul, Flinders Matthew, Fredriksson Magnus, Laegreid Per, Maggetti Martino, Papadopoulos Yannis, Rubecksen Kristin, Rykkja Lise H. et al., 2021/09. Administration & Society, 53 (8) pp. 1232-1262.
Promoting the ICT Industry for the future with fears from the past
Kim Jongheon, 2021/08/21. Science and Public Policy.
Understanding Felt Accountability : The institutional antecedents of the felt accountability of agency‐CEO's to central government
Schillemans Thomas, Overman Sjors, Fawcett Paul, Flinders Matthew, Fredriksson Magnus, Laegreid Per, Maggetti Martino, Papadopoulos Yannis, Rubecksen Kristin, Rykkja Lise Hellebø et al., 2021/07. Governance pp. 893-916. Peer-reviewed.
Varieties of public–private policy coordination: How the political economy affects multi-actor implementation
Trein Philipp, Tosun Jale, 2021/07. Public Policy and Administration, 36 (3) pp. 379-400. Peer-reviewed.
Les démocraties du tirage au sort : Légitimités et modèles institutionnels en conflit
Courant Dimitri, 2021/06/24. Raisons politiques, N° 82 (2) pp. 13-31. Peer-reviewed.
Book review of "Dynamic federalism: a new theory for cohesion and regional autonomy"
Mueller Sean, 2021/06/13. Regional & Federal Studies, 31 (5) pp. 689-690.
La gouvernance de la Fédération Française de Tennis entre 1970 et 2020 : entre autonomie et dépendances dans la relation à la sphère publique
Bayle Emmanuel, 2021/06/01. Movement & Sport Sciences - Science & Motricité 111 pp. 21–36. Peer-reviewed.
Governmental human rights focal points in federal contexts: The implementation of the Istanbul convention in Switzerland as a case study
Niederhauser Matthieu, 2021/05/18. Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights p. 092405192110169.
La sélectivité sociale du nouveau Conseil communal de Lausanne (2021).
Di Capua Roberto, 2021/04/07. Working paper.
Les parlements cantonaux suisses et leurs obligations internationales / Die Kantonsparlamente und ihre internationalen Verpflichtungen
Schmid Evelyne, Niederhauser Matthieu, Miaz Jonathan, Maggetti Martino, Kaempfer Constance, 2021/04/07. Parlament, Parlement, Parlamento (Bulletin de la Societé suisse de questions parlementaires), 24 (1) pp. 63-68.
A taxonomy of national sport federations based on their financial profiles: the case of France’s state-subsidized model
Terrien Mickael, Feuillet Antoine, Bayle Emmanuel, 2021/04/01. Managing Sport and Leisure.
Forms of social capital in economics. The importance of heteronomous networks in the Swiss field of economists (1980-2000)
Rossier Thierry, Benz Pierre, 2021/03/29. dans Power and Influence of Economists: Contributions to the Social Studies of Economics, Routledge.
Power and Influence of Economists: Contributions to the Social Studies of Economics
Maesse Jens, Pühringer Stephan, Rossier Thierry, Benz Pierre (eds.), 2021/03/29., Routledge.
The role of power in the social studies of economics. An introduction
Maesse Jens, Pühringer Stephan, Rossier Thierry, Benz Pierre, 2021/03/29. dans Power and Influence of Economists: Contributions to the Social Studies of Economics, Routledge.
Public Sector Employee Well-Being : Examining Its Determinants Using the JD–R and P–E Fit Models
Steijn Bram, Giauque David, 2021/03/18. pp. 221-238 dans Leisink Peter, Andersen Lotte B., Brewer Gene A., Jacobsen Christian B., Knies Eva, Vandenabeele Wouter (eds.) Managing for Public Service Performance, Oxford University Press.
La régulation mondiale est un sport de combat
Bayle Emmanuel, 2021/03/04. Le Temps .
Olympisme et durabilité : le voeu pieu d'une responsabilité sociale partagée
François Aurélien, Ferrand Alain, Bayle Emmanuel, 2021/03/01. dans Les défis de l'olympisme : entre héritage et innovation .
Citizens’ attitudes towards local autonomy and inter-local cooperation: evidence from Western Europe
Strebel Michael A, Kübler Daniel, 2021/02/09. Comparative European Politics, 19 pp. 188-207. Peer-reviewed.
Le profil socio-professionnel des candidat·es au Conseil communal de Lausanne (2021)
Di Capua Roberto, 2021/02/01. Vulgarisation scientifique.
Un cadre pour appréhender la régulation mondiale des sports
Bayle Emmanuel, 2021/01/31. dans La Régulation du sport mondial/Global sport regulation, Dir Chappelet J-L., Bayle E., Bonomi A., Caneppele S., IDHEAP-Unil.
Swiss Democracy Possible Solutions to Conflict in Multicultural Societies
Linder Wolf, Mueller Sean, 2021/01/22..
Democracy Beyond Secrecy: Assessing the Promises and Pitfalls of Collective Voting
Mueller Sean, Gerber Marlène, Schaub Hans-Peter, 2021/01/12. Swiss Political Science Review.
Citizens' Assemblies for Referendums and Constitutional Reforms: Is There an “Irish Model” for Deliberative Democracy?
Courant Dimitri, 2021/01/08. Frontiers in Political Science, 2. Peer-reviewed.
More is less: Partisan ideology, changes of government, and policy integration reforms in the UK
Maggetti Martino, Trein Philipp, 2021/01/02. Policy and Society, 40 (1) pp. 79-98. Peer-reviewed.
Compte-rendu de : Pinson (Gilles) – La ville néolibérale. – Paris, PUF, 2020 (La ville en débat). 160 p.
Pollard Julie, 2021. Revue Française de Science Politique, 71 (4).
Covid-19–A Political Science Perspective
Maggetti Martino, Meyer Iris, Tresch Anke, 2021. Swiss Political Science Review, 27 (2) p. 227.
Elected Prefects? The Curious Case of Switzerland
Mueller Sean, Gassmann Jean-Luc, 2021. pp. 303-324 dans Prefects, Governors and Commissioners, Springer International Publishing.
From Quiet to Noisy Politics: Transformations of Swiss Business Elites’ Power
Mach André, David Thomas, Ginalski Stéphanie, Bühlmann Felix, 2021. Politics and Society, 49 (1) pp. 17–41. Peer-reviewed.
Governing Personalized Health: A Scoping Review
Trein Ph., Wagner J., 2021. Frontiers in Genetics, 12 p. 650504. Peer-reviewed.
La régulation du sport mondial - Global Sport Regulation
Chappelet J.-L., Bayle E., Bonomi A., Caneppele S., 2021. 262, IDHEAP.
Necessary conditions for policy integration and administrative coordination reforms: an exploratory analysis
Trein Philipp, Maggetti Martino, Meyer Iris, 2021. Journal of European Public Policy, 28 (9) pp. 1410-1431. Peer-reviewed.
Policy Coordination and Integration: A Research Agenda
Trein Philipp, Biesbroek Robbert, Bolognesi Thomas, Cejudo Guillermo M., Duffy Robert, Hustedt Thurid, Meyer Iris, 2021. Public Administration Review, 81 (5) pp. 973-977. Peer-reviewed.
Proposition d'un cadre d'analyse systémique de la situation économique et financière des fédérations sportives françaises
Terrien Mickael, Feuillet Antoine, Bayle Emmanuel, 2021. Movement & Sport Sciences - Science & Motricité. Peer-reviewed.
Public Opinion on Health Care and Public Health
Trein Ph., Fuino M., Wagner J., 2021. Preventive Medicine Reports, 23 p. 101460. Peer-reviewed.
Shock or Design: What Drives Fiscal De/Centralization? A Comparative Analysis of Twenty-Nine OECD Countries, 1995–2017
Arnold Tobias, Mueller Sean, Vatter Adrian, 2021/01/01. Publius: The Journal of Federalism, 51 (1) pp. 1-26.
The Politics of Compromise: Institutions and Actors of Power-Sharing in Switzerland
Mueller Sean, 2021. pp. 67-87 dans Power-Sharing in Europe, Springer International Publishing.
Book review of "Föderale Demokratie. Regieren im Spannungsfeld von Interdependenz und Autonomie"
Mueller Sean, 2020/11/13. German Politics pp. 1-2.
Trust, Coordination and Multi-level Arrangements: Lessons for a European Health Union
Maggetti Martino, 2020/11/12. European Journal of Risk Regulation pp. 1-10. Peer-reviewed.
With or against their region? Multiple-mandate holders in the Swiss parliament, 1985–2018
Rahel Freiburghaus, Alexander Arens, Sean Mueller, 2020/10/16. Local Government Studies.
Containing Nationalism: Culture, Economics and Indirect Rule in Corsica
Siroky David S., Mueller Sean, Fazi André, Hechter Michael, 2020/10/06. Comparative Political Studies.
Towards a shared olympic responsibility : paradoxes and challenges
François Aurélien, Ferrand Alain, Bayle Emmanuel, 2020/10/01. dans Routledge handbook of the olympic and Paralympic Games , Routledge.
Bossing or Protecting? The Integration of Social Regulation into the Welfare State
Trein Philipp, 2020/09. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 691 (1) pp. 104-120. Peer-reviewed.
Der Ständerat: Die Zweite Kammer der Schweiz
Müller Sean, Vatter Adrian, 2020/09/01..
Home office en période de semi-confinement: quels enseignements pour l'avenir
Weissbrodt Rafaël, Giauque David, 2020/08. GIRO - Revue de l'Association suisse des employés de banque.
Federal dynamics, solidarity, and European Union crisis politics
Trein Philipp, 2020/07/02. Journal of European Public Policy, 27 (7) pp. 977-994. Peer-reviewed.
A Representative Bureuacracy Perspective on Workforce Composition in International Organizations: The Case of the United Nations Secretariat
Badache Fanny, 2020/06/21. Public administration, 98 (2) pp. 392-407. Peer-reviewed.
Tenant selection in the private rental sector of Paris and Geneva
Bonnet Francois, Pollard Julie, 2020/05/26. Housing Studies pp. 1-19. Peer-reviewed.
Des mini-publics délibératifs pour sauver le climat ? : Analyses empiriques de l'Assemblée citoyenne irlandaise et de la Convention citoyenne française
Courant Dimitri, 2020/05/20. Archives de philosophie du droit, Tome 62 (1) pp. 485-507. Peer-reviewed.
Réinventer un sport spectacle sans public
Bayle Emmanuel, 2020/05/09. Le Temps .
Learning in Political Analysis
Vagionaki Thenia, Trein Philipp, 2020/05. Political Studies Review, 18 (2) pp. 304-319. Peer-reviewed.
Business Groups and Advocacy Success: Insights from a Multi-venue Approach
Varone Frédéric, Eichenberger Steven, Gava Roy, Jourdain Charlotte, Mach André, 2020/04/27. Acta Politica.
Patterns of Policy Integration and Administrative Coordination Reforms: A Comparative Empirical Analysis
Trein Philipp, Maggetti Martino, 2020/03. Public Administration Review, 80 (2) pp. 198-208. Peer-reviewed.
Multilevel regulatory coordination: The interplay between European Union, federal and regional regulatory agencies
Mathieu Emmanuelle, Matthys Joery, Verhoest Koen, Rommel Jan, 2020/02/09. Public Policy and Administration p. 095207671988673.
National regulators, regulatory networks, and European agencies: Connecting the dots
Maggetti Martino, Di Mascio Fabrizio, Natalini Alessandro, 2020/02/09. Public Policy and Administration p. 095207671988674. Peer-reviewed.
En hockey, quatre modèles de club pour un succès collectif
Bayle Emmanuel, Lang Markus, Moret Orlan, 2020/01/02. Le Temps.
Capire la nostra natura politica nell’era della post-verità. Un report dell’Unione Europea
Guaschino Edoardo, 2020.,
Contrat de prestations
Giauque David, 2020. dans Dictionnaire de politique sociale suisse, Seismo Verlag.
Domestic resistance against EU policy implementation: member states motives to take the Commission to Court
Mathieu Emmanuelle, Bauer Michael W., 2020. dans Public Policy and the CJEU's Power: Bringing Stakeholders In, Routledge.
Du micro au macro : aborder les politiques publiques au travers de l’analyse des activités de mise en œuvre
Weissbrodt Rafaël, Giauque David (eds.), 2020., Actes du 55ème Congrès de la SELF 7.
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