Institute of Earth Surface Dynamics

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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1417 publications

... | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | ...
Massive deposition of Sahelian dust on the Canary Island Lanzarote during North Atlantic Heinrich Events
Heinrich Hartmut, Schmidt Christoph, Ziemen Florian, Mikolajewicz Uwe, Roettig Christopher-Bastian, 2021/01/19. Quaternary Research, 101 pp. 51-66. Peer-reviewed.
High Space-Time Resolution Observation of Extreme Orographic Rain Gradients in a Pacific Island Catchment
Benoit L., Lucas M., Tseng H., Huang Y.-F., Tsang Y.-P., Nugent A. D., Giambelluca T. W., Mariethoz G., 2021/01/14. Frontiers in Earth Science, 8. Peer-reviewed.
Using automated vegetation cover estimation from close-range photogrammetric point clouds to compare vegetation location properties in mountain terrain
Niederheiser R., Winkler M., Di Cecco V., Erschbamer B., Fernández R., Geitner C., Hofbauer Hannah, Kalaitzidis C., Klingraber Barbara, Lamprecht A. et al., 2021/01/13. GIScience & Remote Sensing, 58 (1) pp. 120-137. Peer-reviewed.
Palynology of Miocene sediments in Brunei Darussalam: first SEM investigations of pollen and spores, and their taxonomy and palaeoenvironmental interpretation
Roslim Amajida, Briguglio Antonino, Kocsis László, Goeting Sulia, Hofmann Christa-Ch., 2021/01/04. Palaeontographica Abteilung B, 301. Peer-reviewed.
Understanding and managing nitrogen nutrition in grapevine: a review
Verdenal T., Dienes-Nagy A., Spangenberg J., Zufferey V., Spring J.-L., Viret O., Marin-Carbonne J., van Leeuwen C., 2021/01/04. OENO one, 55 (1). Peer-reviewed.
The heritage sewer networks of Kolkata (Calcutta) and ascertaining their coping potential under growing urban pressures
Murmu Sunil Kumar, Islam Nazimul, Sen Dhrubajyoti, 2021/01/03. ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering pp. 1-11.
A common soil temperature threshold for the upper limit of alpine grasslands in European mountains
Bürli Sarah, Theurillat Jean-Paul, Winkler Manuela, Lamprecht Andrea, Pauli Harald, Rixen Christian, Steinbauer Klaus, Wipf Sonja, Abdaladze Otar, Andrews Christopher et al., 2021. Alpine Botany, 131 (1) pp. 41-52. Peer-reviewed.
Biodiversité du campus de l'Université de Lausanne: inventaires floristiques et faunistiques
Séchaud Robin, Zahnd Sacha, Guerra Vincent, Cosandey Vivien, Clément Laura, Schmid Sarah, Lavanchy Guillaume, Roulin Alexandre, Christe Philippe, Vittoz Pascal, 2021. Bulletin de la Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles, 100 pp. 231-255. Peer-reviewed.
Changements climatiques: les plantes cherchent-elles la fraîcheur des sommets ?
Vittoz Pascal, 2021., Colloque scientifique 2021 pp. 44-48 dans Le dérèglement climatique: un défi pour les plantes. Actes du colloque scientifique 2021. , Société Nationale d'Horticulture de France (SNHF).
Climate change exposure of waterbird species in the African-Eurasian flyways
Nagy S., Breiner F. T., Anand M., Butchart S. H. M., Flörke M., Fluet-Chouinard E., Guisan A., Hilarides L., Jones V. R., Kalyakin M. et al., 2021. Bird Conservation International pp. 1-26. Peer-reviewed.
Co‐location of the Downdip End of Seismic Coupling and the Continental Shelf Break
Malatesta Luca C., Bruhat Lucile, Finnegan Noah J., Olive Jean-Arthur L., 2021/01. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126 (1). Peer-reviewed.
Cross-Calibration of an α-Source Used for Luminescence Dating by Applying Different Samples and Procedures
Sipos György, Schmidt Christoph, Bartyik Tamás, Filyó Dávid, Magyar Gergő, Havasi Viktor, Kukovecz Ákos, 2021/01/01. Geochronometria, 48 (1) pp. 61-72. Peer-reviewed.
Demography, genetics, and decline of a spatially structured population of lekking bird.
Cayuela H., Prunier J.G., Laporte M., Gippet JMW, Boualit L., Guérold F., Laurent A., Foletti F., Jacob G., 2021/01. Oecologia, 195 (1) pp. 117-129. Peer-reviewed.
Glacial and Periglacial Landscapes in the Hérens Valley
Lambiel Christophe, 2021. pp. 263-275 dans Reynard E. (eds.) World Geomorphological Landscapes, Springer International Publishing.
Infrared Radiofluorescence (IR-RF) of K-Feldspar: An Interlaboratory Comparison
Murari Madhav K., Kreutzer Sebastian, Frouin Marine, Friedrich Johannes, Lauer Tobias, Klasen Nicole, Schmidt Christoph, Tsukamoto Sumiko, Richter Daniel, Mercier Norbert et al., 2021/01/01. Geochronometria, 48 (1) pp. 105-120. Peer-reviewed.
Integrated stratigraphy of the latest Barremian–early Albian interval in the western part of the Tethyan margin: new data from the Essaouira-Agadir Basin (Western Morocco)
Giraud F., Kassab W. H., Robert E., Jaillard E., Spangenberg J. E., Masrour M., Hammed M. S., Aly M. F., El Hariri K., 2021. Newsletters on Stratigraphy, 54 (1) pp. 43-78. Peer-reviewed.
Intraspecific differentiation: Implications for niche and distribution modelling
Collart F., Hedenäs L., Broennimann O., Guisan A., Vanderpoorten A., 2021. Journal of Biogeography, 48 (2) pp. 415-426. Peer-reviewed.
Jenseits von Form und Typ – Ergebnisse der archäometallurgischen Untersuchungen der Metallfunde von Prêles, Les Combettes BE
Senn Marianne, Beck Barbara, Cattin Florence, 2021. dans Archäologie im Kanton Bern, Kanton Bern.
Late Toarcian continental palaeoenvironmental conditions: An example from the Cañadón Asfalto Formation in southern Argentina
Fantasia Al., Föllmi K. B., Adatte T., Spangenberg J. E., Schoene B., Barker R. T., Scasso R. A., 2021/01. Gondwana Research, 89 pp. 47-65. Peer-reviewed.
Life and reproduction of titanosaurians: Isotopic hallmark of mid-palaeolatitude eggshells and its significance for body temperature, diet, and nesting
Leuzinger L., Bernasconi S.M., Vennemann T.W., Luz Z., Vonlanthen P., Ulianov A., Baumgartner-Mora C., Hechenleitner E.M., Fiorelli L.E., Alasino P.H., 2021. Chemical Geology, 583 pp. 1-19 (AN 120452). Peer-reviewed.
Low spatial autocorrelation in mountain biodiversity data and model residuals
Chevalier M., Mod H., Broennimann O., Di Cola V., Schmid S., Niculita-Hirzel H., Pradervand J.-N., Schmidt B.R., Ursenbacher S., Pellissier L. et al., 2021. Ecosphere, 12 (3) pp. e03403. Peer-reviewed.
National assessments of species vulnerability to climate change strongly depend on selected data sources
Scherrer D., Esperon-Rodriguez M., Beaumont L.J., Barradas V.L., Guisan A., 2021. Diversity and Distributions, 27 (8) pp. 1367-1382. Peer-reviewed.
Pathways towards democratization of hydro-environment observations and data
Valero Daniel, Schalko Isabella, Friedrich Heide, Abad Jorge D., Bung Daniel B., Donchyts Gennadii, Felde Stefan, Ferreira Rui M.L., Hohermuth Benjamin, Kramer Matthias et al., 2021/01/01. AHR WHITE PAPER SERIES.
Reflections on the history of research on large wood in rivers
Swanson Frederick J., Gregory Stanley V., Iroumé Andres, Ruiz-Villanueva Virginia, Wohl Ellen, 2021/01. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 46 (1) pp. 55-66. Peer-reviewed.
RLumCarlo: Simulating Cold Light using Monte Carlo Methods
Kreutzer Sebastian, Friedrich Johannes, Pagonis Vasilis, Laag Christian, Rajovic Ena, Schmidt Christoph, 2021. The R Journal, 13 (1) p. 351. Peer-reviewed.
Temporal variability is key to modelling the climatic niche
Perez-Navarro M.A., Guisan A., Broennimann O., Esteve M.A., Moya-Perez J.M., Carreño M.F., Lloret F., 2021. Diversity and Distributions, 27 (3) pp. 473-484. Peer-reviewed.
Whiteschist genesis through metasomatism and metamorphism in the Monte Rosa nappe (Western Alps)
Luisier Cindy, Baumgartner Lukas P., Putlitz Benita, Vennemann Torsten, 2021/01. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 176 (1). Peer-reviewed.
Designing Inter- and Transdisciplinary Research on Mountains: What Place for the Unexpected?
Otero Iago, Darbellay Frédéric, Reynard Emmanuel, Hetényi György, Perga Marie-Elodie, Rüegg Janine, Prasicek Günther, Cracco Marina, Fontcuberta Amaranta, de Vaan Michiel et al., 2020/12/30. Mountain Research and Development, 40 (4) pp. D10-20. Peer-reviewed.
Spatio-temporal cluster analysis of recent Italian landslides
Tonini M., Pecoraro G., Romailler K., Calvello M., 2020/12/22. Georisk: Assessment and Management of Risk for Engineered Systems and Geohazards, 16 pp. 1-19. Peer-reviewed.
Daily entropy of dissolved oxygen reveals different energetic regimes and drivers among high‐mountain stream types
Canadell Marta Boix, Gómez-Gener Lluís, Clémençon Mélanie, Lane Stuart N., Battin Tom J., 2020/12/17. Limnology and Oceanography.
Experimental evolution of post-ingestive nutritional compensation in response to a nutrient-poor diet.
Cavigliasso F., Dupuis C., Savary L., Spangenberg J.E., Kawecki T.J., 2020/12/09. Proceedings. Biological sciences, 287 (1940) p. 20202684. Peer-reviewed.
A novel framework for spatio-temporal prediction of environmental data using deep learning
Amato Federico, Guignard Fabian, Robert Sylvain, Kanevski Mikhail, 2020/12. Scientific Reports, 10 (1).
Early estimation of ground displacements and building damage after seismic events using SAR and LiDAR data: The case of the Amatrice earthquake in central Italy, on 24th August 2016
Saganeiti Lucia, Amato Federico, Nolè Gabriele, Vona Marco, Murgante Beniamino, 2020/12. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 51 p. 101924.
Greater topoclimatic control of above- versus below-ground communities.
Mod H.K., Scherrer D., Di Cola V., Broennimann O., Blandenier Q., Breiner F.T., Buri A., Goudet J., Guex N., Lara E. et al., 2020/12. Global change biology, 26 (12) pp. 6715-6728. Peer-reviewed.
Inversion of provenance data and sediment load into spatially varying erosion rates
De Doncker Fien, Herman Frédéric, Fox Matthew, 2020/12. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 45 (15) pp. 3879-3901. Peer-reviewed.
Editorial: Equality, diversity and the challenges for ESPL
Lane Stuart N., 2020/11/26. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms.
Combining UAV-Based SfM-MVS Photogrammetry with Conventional Monitoring to Set Environmental Flows: Modifying Dam Flushing Flows to Improve Alpine Stream Habitat
Lane Stuart N., 2020/11/25. Remote Sensing, 12 (23) p. 3868. Peer-reviewed.
Variability in epilimnion depth estimations in lakes
Wilson Harriet L., Ayala Ana I., Jones Ian D., Rolston Alec, Pierson Don, de Eyto Elvira, Grossart Hans-Peter, Perga Marie-Elodie, Woolway R. Iestyn, Jennings Eleanor, 2020/11/24. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 24 (11) pp. 5559-5577. Peer-reviewed.
Bryophytes are predicted to lag behind future climate change despite their high dispersal capacities.
Zanatta F., Engler R., Collart F., Broennimann O., Mateo R.G., Papp B., Muñoz J., Baurain D., Guisan A., Vanderpoorten A., 2020/11/05. Nature communications, 11 (1) p. 5601. Peer-reviewed.
Changes in the hydrodynamics of a mountain river induced by dam reservoir backwater
Liro Maciej, Ruiz-Villanueva Virginia, Mikuś Paweł, Wyżga Bartłomiej, Bladé Castellet Ernest, 2020/11. Science of The Total Environment, 744 p. 140555. Peer-reviewed.
Influence of Dunes on Channel‐Scale Flow and Sediment Transport in a Sand Bed Braided River
Unsworth Christopher A., Nicholas Andrew P., Ashworth Philip J., Best James L., Lane Stuart N., Parsons Daniel R., Sambrook Smith Gregory H., Simpson Christopher J., Strick Robert J. P., 2020/11. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 125 (11).
Mercury linked to Deccan Traps volcanism, climate change and the end-Cretaceous mass extinction
Keller G., Mateo P., Monkenbusch Jo., Thibault N., Punekar J., Spangenberg J. E., Abramovich S., Ashckenazi-Polivoda S., Schoene B., Eddy M. P. et al., 2020/11. Global and Planetary Change, 194 p. 103312. Peer-reviewed.
Pollen-based climate reconstruction techniques for late Quaternary studies
Chevalier Manuel, Davis Basil A.S., Heiri Oliver, Seppä Heikki, Chase Brian M., Gajewski Konrad, Lacourse Terri, Telford Richard J., Finsinger Walter, Guiot Joël et al., 2020/11. Earth-Science Reviews, 210 p. 103384. Peer-reviewed.
Stable Oxygen Isotope Composition Is Biased by Shell Calcification Intensity in Planktonic Foraminifera
Weinkauf M. F. G., Groeneveld J., Waniek J. J., Vennemann T., Martini R., 2020/11. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 35 (11). Peer-reviewed.
The fate of páramo plant assemblages in the sky islands of the northern Andes
Peyre Gwendolyn, Lenoir Jonathan, Karger Dirk N., Gomez Monica, Gonzalez Alexander, Broennimann Olivier, Guisan Antoine, 2020/11. Journal of Vegetation Science, 31 (6) pp. 967-980. Peer-reviewed.
The relationships between tectonics, climate and exhumation in the Central Andes (18–36°S): Evidence from low-temperature thermochronology
Stalder Nadja F., Herman Frédéric, Fellin Maria Giuditta, Coutand Isabelle, Aguilar Germán, Reiners Peter W., Fox Matthew, 2020/11. Earth-Science Reviews, 210 p. 103276. Peer-reviewed.
A Numerical Study of the Influence of Channel-Scale Secondary Circulation on Mixing Processes Downstream of River Junctions
Lyubimova Tatyana P., Lepikhin Anatoly P., Parshakova Yanina N., Kolchanov Vadim Y., Gualtieri Carlo, Roux Bernard, Lane Stuart N., 2020/10/23. Water, 12 (11) p. 2969.
Plant community diversity in the Chobe Enclave, Botswana: Insights for functional habitat heterogeneity for herbivores
Vittoz Pascal, Pellacani Federico, Romanens Rémy, Mainga Ali, Verrecchia Eric P., Fynn Richard W.S., 2020/10/21. KOEDOE - African Protected Area Conservation and Science, 62 (1) pp. a1604. Peer-reviewed.
Fluvial transport of coarse particulate organic matter in a coastal mountain stream of a rainy‐temperate evergreen broadleaf forest in southern Chile
Iroumé Andrés, Ruiz-Villanueva Virginia, Salas-Coliboro Sebastián, 2020/10. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 45 (13) pp. 3216-3230. Peer-reviewed.
Hybridization and hybrid zone stability between two lizards explained by population genetics and niche quantification
Cabaña Imanol, Chiaraviglio Margarita, Di Cola Valeria, Guisan Antoine, Broennimann Olivier, Gardenal Cristina N, Rivera Paula C, 2020/10/01. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 190 (2) pp. 757-769. Peer-reviewed.
Integrating ecosystem services within spatial biodiversity conservation prioritization in the Alps
Ramel Cindy, Rey Pierre-Louis, Fernandes Rui, Vincent Claire, Cardoso Ana R., Broennimann Olivier, Pellissier Loïc, Pradervand Jean-Nicolas, Ursenbacher Sylvain, Schmidt Benedikt R. et al., 2020/10. Ecosystem Services, 45 p. 101186. Peer-reviewed.
Interactions between outdoor recreation and iconic terrestrial vertebrates in two French alpine national parks
Lavorel Sandra, Rey Pierre-Louis, Grigulis Karl, Zawada Mégane, Byczek Coline, 2020/10. Ecosystem Services, 45 p. 101155. Peer-reviewed.
Shifts in carbon and nitrogen stable isotope composition and epicuticular lipids in leaves reflect early water-stress in vineyards
Spangenberg J.E., Schweizer M., Zufferey V., 2020/10. Science of the Total Environment, 739 p. 140343. Peer-reviewed.
Structure and origin of the gold mineralization in the Nacimiento Block: The Los Burros deposits (Central California)
Lacroix B., Hughes J., Lahfid A., Spangenberg J.E., Putlitz B., Ward C., Niemi N., Kempton P.D., 2020/10. Ore Geology Reviews, 125 p. 103668. Peer-reviewed.
Unravelling the impacts to the built environment caused by floods in a river heavily perturbed by volcanic eruptions
Basso-Báez Sebastián, Mazzorana Bruno, Ulloa Hector, Bahamondes Diego, Ruiz-Villanueva Virginia, Sanhueza Daniel, Iroumé Andrés, Picco Lorenzo, 2020/10. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 102 p. 102655. Peer-reviewed.
Spatio-temporal evolution of global surface temperature distributions
Amato Federico, Guignard Fabian, Humphrey Vincent, Kanevski Mikhail, 2020/09/22. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Climate Informatics pp. 37-43. Peer-reviewed.
Formation of Clay-Rich Layers at The Slip Surface of Slope Instabilities: The Role of Groundwater
Castro Julia, Asta Maria P., Galve Jorge P., Azañón José Miguel, 2020/09/21. Water, 12 (9) p. 2639.
Potential of satellite and reanalysis evaporation datasets for hydrological modelling under various model calibration strategies
Dembélé Moctar, Ceperley Natalie, Zwart Sander J., Salvadore Elga, Mariethoz Gregoire, Schaefli Bettina, 2020/09. Advances in Water Resources, 143 p. 103667. Peer-reviewed.
Synsedimentary to early diagenetic rejuvenation of barite-sulfides ore deposits: Example of the Triassic intrakarstic mineralization in the Lodève basin (France)
Laurent D., Lopez M., Combes P.-J., Guerrot C., Spangenberg J.E., Gaucher E.C., 2020/09. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 119 p. 104464. Peer-reviewed.
Uptake, tissue distribution and toxicological effects of environmental microplastics in early juvenile fish Dicentrachus labrax
Zitouni Nesrine, Bousserrhine Noureddine, Missawi Omayma, Boughattas Iteb, Chèvre Nathalie, Santos Raphael, Belbekhouche Sabrina, Alphonse Vanessa, Tisserand Floriane, Balmassiere Ludivine et al., 2020/09. Journal of Hazardous Materials p. 124055.
The influence of vine water regime on the leaf gas exchange, berry composition and wine quality of Arvine grapes in Switzerland
Zufferey V., Verdenal T., Dienes A., Belcher S., Lorenzini F., Koestel C., Blackford M., Bourdin G., Gindro K., Spangenberg J.E. et al., 2020/08/25. OENO One, 54 (3) pp. 553-568. Peer-reviewed.
Cadomian (ca. 550 Ma) magmatic and thermal imprint on the North Arabian-Nubian Shield (south and central Israel): New age and isotopic constraints
Abbo Avishai, Avigad Dov, Gerdes Axel, Morag Navot, Vainer Shlomy, 2020/08/15. Precambrian Research, 346 p. 105804.
Formation, origin and geographic typing of corundum (ruby and pink sapphire) from the Fiskenæsset complex, Greenland
Keulen Nynke, Thomsen Tonny B., Schumacher John C., Poulsen Majken D., Kalvig Per, Vennemann Torsten, Salimi Rita, 2020/08. Lithos, 366-367 p. 105536. Peer-reviewed.
Mixing of Rhône River water in Lake Geneva: Seasonal tracing using stable isotope composition of water
Cotte Gabriel, Vennemann Torsten W., 2020/08. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 46 (4) pp. 839-849. Peer-reviewed.
Pliensbachian environmental perturbations and their potential link with volcanic activity: Swiss and British geochemical records
Schöllhorn I., Adatte T., Charbonnier G., Mattioli E., Spangenberg J.E., Föllmi K.B., 2020/08. Sedimentary Geology, 406 p. 105665. Peer-reviewed.
Scientists' Warning to Humanity: Rapid degradation of the world's large lakes
Jenny Jean-Philippe, Anneville Orlane, Arnaud Fabien, Baulaz Yoann, Bouffard Damien, Domaizon Isabelle, Bocaniov Serghei A., Chèvre Nathalie, Dittrich Maria, Dorioz Jean-Marcel et al., 2020/08. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 46 (4) pp. 686-702. Peer-reviewed.
Bedload Transport Monitoring in Alpine Rivers: Variability in Swiss Plate Geophone Response
Antoniazza Gilles, Nicollier Tobias, Wyss Carlos R., Boss Stefan, Rickenmann Dieter, 2020/07/22. Sensors, 20 (15) p. 4089. Peer-reviewed.
Enhanced upwelling and phosphorite formation in the northeastern Pacific during the late Oligocene: Depositional mechanisms, environmental conditions, and the impact of glacio-eustacy
Schöllhorn I., Houben A., Gertsch B., Adatte T., Ulianov A., de Kaenel E., Spangenberg J. E., Janssen N., Schwennicke T., Föllmi K. B., 2020/07/15. GSA Bulletin, 132 (3-4) pp. 687-709 . Peer-reviewed.
Advanced Analysis of Temporal Data Using Fisher-Shannon Information: Theoretical Development and Application in Geosciences
Guignard Fabian, Laib Mohamed, Amato Federico, Kanevski Mikhail, 2020/07/14. Frontiers in Earth Science, 8.
Hydropower operations modulate sensitivity to meteorological forcing in a high altitude reservoir
Guénand Yann, Perga Marie-Elodie, Chanudet Vincent, Bouffard Damien, 2020/07. Aquatic Sciences, 82 (3). Peer-reviewed.
Numerical Modeling of Instream Wood Transport, Deposition, and Accumulation in Braided Morphologies Under Unsteady Conditions: Sensitivity and High‐Resolution Quantitative Model Validation
Ruiz-Villanueva V., Gamberini C., Bladé E., Stoffel M., Bertoldi W., 2020/07. Water Resources Research, 56 (7). Peer-reviewed.
SoilTemp: A global database of near‐surface temperature
Lembrechts Jonas J., Aalto Juha, Ashcroft Michael B., De Frenne Pieter, Kopecký Martin, Lenoir Jonathan, Luoto Miska, Maclean Ilya M. D., Roupsard Olivier, Fuentes-Lillo Eduardo et al., 2020/06/24. Global Change Biology, 26 (11) pp. 6616-6629.
Cold-Water Coral Mound Archive Provides Unique Insights Into Intermediate Water Mass Dynamics in the Alboran Sea During the Last Deglaciation
Fentimen Robin, Feenstra Eline, Rüggeberg Andres, Vennemann Torsten, Hajdas Irka, Adatte Thierry, Van Rooij David, Foubert Anneleen, 2020/06/16. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7. Peer-reviewed.
Dynamics of the Largest Carbon Isotope Excursion During the Early Triassic Biotic Recovery
Widmann Philipp, Bucher Hugo, Leu Marc, Vennemann Torsten, Bagherpour Borhan, Schneebeli-Hermann Elke, Goudemand Nicolas, Schaltegger Urs, 2020/06/09. Frontiers in Earth Science, 8. Peer-reviewed.
Bridge pier shape influence on wood accumulation: Outcomes from flume experiments and numerical modelling
De Cicco Pina N., Paris Enio, Solari Luca, Ruiz-Villanueva Virginia, 2020/06. Journal of Flood Risk Management, 13 (2). Peer-reviewed.
Foreword: multiproxy studies on continental carbonates: palaeoclimates and palaeoenvironments.
Prud'homme Charlotte, Verrecchia Eric, 2020/06/01. Quaternaire 31/2 pp. 89-90.
Global gradients in intraspecific variation in vegetative and floral traits are partially associated with climate and species richness
Kuppler Jonas, Albert Cécile H., Ames Gregory M., Armbruster William Scott, Boenisch Gerhard, Boucher Florian C., Campbell Diane R., Carneiro Liedson T., Chacón-Madrigal Eduardo, Enquist Brian J. et al., 2020/06. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 29 (6) pp. 992-1007. Peer-reviewed.
Hydrogeophysical data integration through Bayesian Sequential Simulation with log-linear pooling
Nussbaumer Raphaël, Mariethoz Grégoire, Gloaguen Erwan, Holliger Klaus, 2020/06/01. Geophysical Journal International, 221 (3) pp. 2184-2200. Peer-reviewed.
Integrated Methods for Monitoring the Invasive Potential and Management of Heracleum mantegazzianum (giant hogweed) in Switzerland.
Shackleton R.T., Petitpierre B., Pajkovic M., Dessimoz F., Brönnimann O., Cattin L., Čejková Š., Kull C.A., Pergl J., Pyšek P. et al., 2020/06. Environmental management, 65 (6) pp. 829-842. Peer-reviewed.
Multiproxy evidence of middle and Late Pleistocene environmental changes in the loess-paleosol sequence of Bůhzdař (Czech Republic)
Flašarová Kristýna, Strouhalová Barbora, Šefrna Luděk, Verrecchia Eric, Lauer Tobias, Juřičková Lucie, Kolařík Petr, Ložek Vojen, 2020/06. Quaternary International, 552 pp. 4-14. Peer-reviewed.
Sur les traces de la débâcle du Giétro de 1818
Lambiel Christophe, Reynard Emmanuel, Deslarzes Bertrand, 2020/06..
HydroMix v1.0: a new Bayesian mixing framework for attributing uncertain hydrological sources
Beria Harsh, Larsen Joshua R., Michelon Anthony, Ceperley Natalie C., Schaefli Bettina, 2020/05/27. Geoscientific Model Development, 13 (5) pp. 2433-2450.
New findings of Middle Stone Age lithic artifacts from the Matmata loess region in southern Tunisia
Faust Dominik, Kreutzer Sebastian, Trigui Yesmine, Pachtmann Maximilian, Mettig Georg, Bouaziz Moncef, Recio Espejo Jose Manuel, Diaz del Olmo Fernando, Schmidt Christoph, Lauer Tobias et al., 2020/05/27. E&G Quaternary Science Journal, 69 (1) pp. 55-58.
Disruption of emergency response to vulnerable populations during floods
Yu Dapeng, Yin Jie, Wilby Robert L., Lane Stuart N., Aerts Jeroen C. J. H., Lin Ning, Liu Min, Yuan Hongyong, Chen Jianguo, Prudhomme Christel et al., 2020/05/18. Nature Sustainability.
Azimuth-, angle- and frequency-dependent seismic velocities of cracked rocks due to squirt flow
Alkhimenkov Yury, Caspari Eva, Lissa Simon, Quintal Beatriz, 2020/05/08. Solid Earth, 11 (3) pp. 855-871.
Mitigating systematic error in topographic models for geomorphic change detection: Accuracy, precision and considerations beyond off‐nadir imagery
James Mike R., Antoniazza Gilles, Robson Stuart, Lane Stuart N., 2020/04/20. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. Peer-reviewed.
Increased Subglacial Sediment Discharge in a Warming Climate: Consideration of Ice Dynamics, Glacial Erosion, and Fluvial Sediment Transport
Delaney Ian, Adhikari Surendra, 2020/04/16. Geophysical Research Letters, 47 (7).
Eco-genetic additivity of diploids in allopolyploid wild wheats.
Huynh S., Broennimann O., Guisan A., Felber F., Parisod C., 2020/04. Ecology letters, 23 (4) pp. 663-673. Peer-reviewed.
A Machine Learning-Based Approach for Wildfire Susceptibility Mapping. The Case Study of the Liguria Region in Italy
Tonini Marj, D'Andrea Mirko, Biondi Guido, Degli Esposti Silvia, Trucchia Andrea, Fiorucci Paolo, 2020/03/18. Geosciences, 10 (3) p. 105. Peer-reviewed.
A cascading influence of calcium carbonate on the biogeochemistry and pedogenic trajectories of subalpine soils, Switzerland
Rowley Mike C., Grand Stephanie, Adatte Thierry, Verrecchia Eric P., 2020/03. Geoderma, 361 p. 114065. Peer-reviewed.
A global palaeoclimatic reconstruction for the Valanginian based on clay mineralogical and geochemical data
Charbonnier G., Duchamp-Alphonse S., Deconinck J.-Fr., Adatte T., Spangenberg J. E., Colin C., Föllmi K. B., 2020/03. Earth-Science Reviews, 202 p. 103092. Peer-reviewed.
A Novel Image Reconstruction Strategy for ECT: Combining Two Algorithms With a Graph Cut Method
Guo Qiang, Li Xue, Hou Baolin, Mariethoz Gregoire, Ye Mao, Yang Wuqiang, Liu Zhongmin, 2020/03. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 69 (3) pp. 804-814.
A rotiferan version of the punishment of Sisyphus?
Perga M. E., Syarki M., Kalinkina N., Bouffard D., 2020/03. Ecology, 101 (3). Peer-reviewed.
Are Late Permian carbon isotope excursions of local or of global significance?
Bagherpour Borhan, Bucher Hugo, Vennemann Torsten, Schneebeli-Hermann Elke, Yuan Dong-xun, Leu Marc, Zhang Chao, Shen Shu-Zhong, 2020/03/01. GSA Bulletin, 132 (3-4) pp. 521-544. Peer-reviewed.
Changes in sediment connectivity following glacial debuttressing in an Alpine valley system
Mancini D., Lane S.N., 2020/03. Geomorphology, 352 p. 106987.
Monitoring biodiversity in the Anthropocene using remote sensing in species distribution models
Randin Christophe F., Ashcroft Michael B., Bolliger Janine, Cavender-Bares Jeannine, Coops Nicholas C., Dullinger Stefan, Dirnböck Thomas, Eckert Sandra, Ellis Erle, Fernández Néstor et al., 2020/03. Remote Sensing of Environment, 239 p. 111626. Peer-reviewed.
Unraveling short- and long-term carbon cycle variations during the Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 from the Paris Basin Chalk
Boulila S., Charbonnier G., Spangenberg J.E., Gardin S., Galbrun B., Briard J., Le Callonnec L., 2020/03. Global and Planetary Change, 186 p. 103126. Peer-reviewed.
EchoBoat and HYPACK: user guide v 1.0
Mancini Davide, Girardclos Stéphanie, Lane Stuart Nicholas, 2020/02/14..
Alluvial record of an early Eocene hyperthermal within the Castissent Formation, the Pyrenees, Spain
Honegger L., Adatte T., Spangenberg J.E., Rugenstein J.K. C., Poyatos-Moré M., Puigdefàbregas C., Chanvry E., Clark J., Fildani A., Verrecchia E. et al., 2020/02/04. Climate of the Past, 16 (1) pp. 227-243. Peer-reviewed.
Analysis of air pollution time series using complexity-invariant distance and information measures
Amato Federico, Laib Mohamed, Guignard Fabian, Kanevski Mikhail, 2020/02. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications p. 124391. Peer-reviewed.
Geochemistry of recent and fossil brachiopod calcite of Megathiris detruncata (Terebratulida, Megathyrididae): A modern baseline study to trace past environmental conditions
Kocsis László, Dulai Alfréd, Cipriani Anna, Vennemann Torsten, Yunsi Mutiah, 2020/02. Chemical Geology, 533 p. 119335. Peer-reviewed.
Globally enhanced Hg deposition and Hg isotopes in sections straddling the Permian–Triassic boundary: Link to volcanism
Sial A.N., Chen Jiubin, Lacerda L.D., Korte C., Spangenberg J.E., Silva-Tamayo J.C., Gaucher C., Ferreira V.P., Barbosa J.A., Pereira N.S. et al., 2020/02. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 540 p. 109537. Peer-reviewed.
A quantitative assessment of rockfall influence on forest structure in the Swiss Alps
Moos C., Khelidj N., Guisan A., Lischke H., Randin C.F., 2020. European Journal of Forest Research. Peer-reviewed.
A record of the δ44/40Ca and [Sr] of seawater over the last 100 million years from fossil elasmobranch tooth enamel
Akhtar A. A., Santi L. M., Griffiths M.l L., Becker M., Eagle R. A., Kim S., Kocsis L., Rosenthal Y., Higgins J. A., 2020. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 543.
A standard protocol for reporting species distribution models
Zurell D., Franklin J., König C., Bouchet P.J., Dormann C.F., Elith J., Fandos Guzman G., Feng X., Guillera-Arroita G., Guisan A. et al., 2020. Ecography, 43 (9) pp. 1261-1277. Peer-reviewed.
Analysis of temporal properties of extremes of wind measurements from 132 stations over Switzerland
Telesca Luciano, Guignard Fabian, Laib Mohamed, Kanevski Mikhail, 2020/01. Renewable Energy. Peer-reviewed.
Asymmetric response of forest and grassy biomes to climate variability across the African Humid Period: influenced by anthropogenic disturbance?
Phelps L.N., Chevalier M., Shanahan T.M., Aleman J.C., Courtney-Mustaphi C., Kiahtipes C.A., Broennimann O., Marchant R., Shekeine J., Quick L.J. et al., 2020. Ecography, 43 (8) pp. 1118-1142. Peer-reviewed.
Competition and demography rather than dispersal limitation slow down upward shifts of trees’ upper elevation limits in the Alps
Scherrer D., Vitasse Y., Guisan A., Wohlgemuth T., Lischke H., 2020. Journal of Ecology, 108 (6) pp. 2416-2430. Peer-reviewed.
Comprehensive REE + Y and sensitive redox trace elements of Algerian phosphorites (Tébessa, eastern Algeria): A geochemical study and depositional environments tracking
Kechiched R., Laouar R., Bruguier O., Kocsis L., Salmi-Laouar S., Bosch D., Ameur-Zaimeche O., Foufou A., Laritb H., 2020. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 208.
Corrigendum to: Impact of crop load on nitrogen uptake and reserve mobilisation in Vitis vinifera
Verdenal T., Spangenberg J. E., Zufferey V., Dienes-Nagy Á., Viret O., van Leeuwen C., Spring J.-L., 2020. Functional Plant Biology, 47 (8) p. 769.
Deposition and age of Chicxulub impact spherules on Gorgonilla Island, Colombia
Mateo P., Keller G., Adatte T., Bitchong A.M., Spangenberg J.E., Vennemann T., Hollis C.J., 2020/01/01. GSA Bulletin, 132 (1-2) pp. 215-232. Peer-reviewed.
Dinoflagellate cyst evidence for the age, palaeoenvironment and paleoclimate of a new Cretaceous–Paleogene (K/Pg) boundary section at the Bou Angueur syncline, Middle Atlas, Morocco
Chakir S., Slimani H., Hssaida T., Kocsis L., Gheerbrant E., Bardet N., Jalil N.-E., Mouflih M., Mahboub I., Jbari H., 2020. Cretaceous Research, 106.
Early Jurassic climatic trends in the south-Tethyan margin
Baghli H., Mattioli E., Spangenberg J.E., Bensalah M., Arnaud-Godet F., Pittet B., Suan G., 2020/01. Gondwana Research, 77 pp. 67-81. Peer-reviewed.
Editorial 2020 Part I: A Tribute to Fiona Kirkby
Lane Stuart Nicholas, 2020/01. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 45 (1) pp. 3-4.
Editorial 2020 Part II: Data from nowhere?
Lane Stuart N., 2020/01. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 45 (1) pp. 5-10.
Fine-scale tundra vegetation patterns are strongly related to winter thermal conditions
Niittynen P., Heikkinen R.K., Aalto J., Guisan A., Kemppinen J., Luoto M., 2020. Nature Climate Change, 10 (12) pp. 1143-1148. Peer-reviewed.
Global mercury enrichment in Valanginian sediments supports a volcanic trigger for the Weissert episode
Charbonnier G., Adatte T., Duchamp-Alphonse S., Spangenberg J. E., Föllmi K. B., 2020. pp. 85-103 dans Adatte T., Bond D.P.G., Keller G. (eds.) Mass Extinctions, Volcanism, and Impacts: New Developments, Geological Society of America.
Globally enhanced Hg concentration and Hg and C isotopes in Permian–Triassic boundary successions: Possible linkage to volcanism
Sial A. N., Chen J., Korte C., Pandit M. K., Spangenberg J., Silva-Tamayo J. C., de Lacerda L. D., Ferreira V. P., Barbosa J. A., Gaucher C. et al., 2020. pp. 567-628 dans Carbon Isotope Stratigraphy, Elsevier.
How to evaluate community predictions without thresholding?
Scherrer D., Mod H.K., Guisan A., 2020. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 11 (1) pp. 51-63. Peer-reviewed.
Impact of crop load on nitrogen uptake and reserve mobilisation in Vitis vinifera
Verdenal T., Spangenberg J.E., Zufferey V., Dienes-Nagy Á., Viret O., van Leeuwen C., Spring J.-L., 2020. Functional Plant Biology, 47 pp. 744-756. Peer-reviewed.
Improving the Predictive Skill of a Distributed Hydrological Model by Calibration on Spatial Patterns With Multiple Satellite Data Sets
Dembélé Moctar, Hrachowitz Markus, Savenije Hubert H. G., Mariéthoz Grégoire, Schaefli Bettina, 2020/01. Water Resources Research, 56 (1). Peer-reviewed.
Investigating extreme scenarios with multiple-point geostatistics and variance maximization
Abdollahifard Mohammad Javad, Mariéthoz Grégoire, Mohammadi Hesam Soltan, 2020/01. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 34 (1) pp. 67-85. Peer-reviewed.
Optimizing biodiversity informatics to improve information flow, data quality, and utility for science and society
Anderson R.P., Araújo M.B., Guisan A., Lobo J.M., Martínez-Meyer E., Peterson A.T., Soberón J.M., 2020. Frontiers of Biogeography, 12 (3) pp. e47839. Peer-reviewed.
Palaeoenvironmental interpretation of late Miocene outcrops (Miri and Seria formations) along jalan Tutong in Brunei Darussalam
Roslim A., Briguglio A., Kocsis L., Rahman F.s Abd., Bahrei I. F., Goeting S., Razak H., 2020. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, 70 pp. 39–56.
Phosphorus-cycle disturbances during the Late Devonian anoxic events
Percival L.M.E., Bond D.P.G., Rakociński M., Marynowski L., Hood A.v.S., Adatte T., Spangenberg J.E., Föllmi K.B., 2020/01. Global and Planetary Change, 184 p. 103070. Peer-reviewed.
Precession-driven monsoonal activity controlled the development of the early Albian Paquier oceanic anoxic event (OAE1b): Evidence from the Vocontian Basin, SE France
Benamara A., Charbonnier G., Adatte T., Spangenberg J.E., Föllmi K.B., 2020/01. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 537 p. 109406. Peer-reviewed.
Presence-only and presence-absence data for comparing species distribution modeling methods
Elith J., Graham C.H., Valavi R., Abegg M., Bruce C., Ford A., Guisan A., Hijmans R.J., Huettmann F., Lohmann L. et al., 2020. Journal of Biodiversity Informatics, 15 pp. 69-80. Peer-reviewed.
Rare Earth Elements in oyster shells: provenance discrimination and potential vital effects
Mouchi Vincent, Godbillot Camille, Forest Vianney, Ulianov Alexey, Lartaud Franck, de Rafélis Marc, Emmanuel Laurent, Verrecchia Eric P., 2020. Biogeosciences, 17 pp. 2205–2217. Peer-reviewed.
Reconstructing past flood events from geomorphological and historical data. The Giétro outburst flood in 1818
Lambiel C., Reynard E., Corboz P., Bardou E., Payot C., Deslarzes B., 2020. Journal of Maps, 16 (2) pp. 500-511. Peer-reviewed.
Reconstructing the climatic niche breadth of land use for animal production during the African Holocene
Phelps L.N., Broennimann O., Manning Ka., Timpson A., Jousse H., Mariethoz G., Fordham D., Shanahan T., Davis B.A.S., Guisan A., 2020. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 29 (1) pp. 127-147. Peer-reviewed.
Remotely sensed rivers in the Anthropocene: state of the art and prospects
Piégay Hervé, Arnaud Fanny, Belletti Barbara, Bertrand Mélanie, Bizzi Simone, Carbonneau Patrice, Dufour Simon, Liébault Frédéric, Ruiz-Villanueva Virginia, Slater Louise, 2020/01. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 45 (1) pp. 157-188. Peer-reviewed.
Scale-dependence of ecological assembly rules: insights from empirical datasets and joint species distribution modelling
Mod H., Chevalier M., Luoto M., Guisan A., 2020. Journal of Ecology, 108 (5) pp. 1967–1977. Peer-reviewed.
Sedimentologic, Chemical, and Isotopic Constraints on the Anthropogenic Influence on Chilika Lake, India
Vennemann Torsten, Decrouy Laurent, Bourgeois Géraldine, Delavy Kelly, Ecuyer Michèle, Lange Pauline, Mishra Samir, Rastogi Gurdeep, Pattnaik Ajit K., Suar Mrutyunjay, 2020. pp. 95-113 dans Finlayson C., Rastogi G., Mishra D., Pattnaik A. (eds.) Ecology, Conservation, and Restoration of Chilika Lagoon, India, Springer International Publishing.
Sedimentological characterisation of sea bottom samples collected offshore Muara and Tutong, Brunei Darussalam
Zaini N., Briguglio A., Goeting S., Roslim A., Kocsis L., 2020. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, 70 pp. 139–151.
Supplementary data on the middle miocene (Badenian) fish assemblage of nyirád (Hungary): Revision and new results on faunal composition and paleoenvironment
Szabó M., Kocsis L., 2020. Palaeontographica, abt. A: Palaeozoology-Stratigraphy, 315 pp. 121–191.
The Bruneian record of “Borneo Amber”: A regional review of fossil tree resins in the Indo-Australian Archipelago
Kocsis L., Usma A., Jourdan A.-L., Hassan S. H., Jumat N., Daud D., Briguglio A., Slik F., Rinyu L., Futó I., 2020. Earth-Science Reviews, 201.
The feeding behaviour of the European pond turtle (Emys orbicularis, L.1758) is not a threat for other endangered species
Ducotterd C., Crovadore J., Lefort F., Guisan A., Ursenbacher S., Rubin J.-F., 2020. Global Ecology and Conservation, 23 pp. e01133. Peer-reviewed.
Volcanism and paleoenvironment of the pula maar complex: A pliocene terrestrial fossil site in Central Europe (Hungary)
Kovács János, Németh Károly, Szabó Péter, Kocsis László, Kereszturi Gábor, Újvári Gábor, Vennemann Torsten, 2020/01. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 537 p. 109398. Peer-reviewed.
Wechselwirkung zwischen Klimawandel und Biodiversität
Vittoz Pascal, 2020. Thema Umwelt, 2/2020 pp. 8-9.
What are the most crucial soil variables for predicting the distribution of mountain plant species? A comprehensive study in the Swiss Alps
Buri A., Grand S., Yashiro S., Adatte T., Spangenberg J., Pinto-Figueroa E., Verrecchia E., Guisan A., 2020. Journal of Biogeography, 47 (5) pp. 1143-1153. Peer-reviewed.
MPS-APO: a rapid and automatic parameter optimizer for multiple-point geostatistics
Ehsanollah Baninajar, Yousef Sharghi, Gregoire Mariethoz, 2019/12/29. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment.
Influence of microclimate and geomorphological factors on alpine vegetation in the Western Swiss Alps
Giaccone E., Luoto M., Vittoz P., Guisan A., Mariéthoz G., Lambiel C., 2019/12/26. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 44 (15) pp. 3093-3107. Peer-reviewed.
Alteration of Bumblebee Venom Composition toward Higher Elevation.
Barkan N.P., Chevalier M., Pradervand J.N., Guisan A., 2019/12/19. Toxins, 12 (1) p. 4. Peer-reviewed.
Hydropower Flushing Events Cause Severe Loss of Macrozoobenthos in Alpine Streams
Gabbud C., Bakker M., Clémençon M., Lane S. N., 2019/12/03. Water Resources Research.
Croiser les sources environnementales, historiques et sociologiques pour reconstituer les catastrophes naturelles. Le cas de la débâcle du Giétro du 16 juin 1818
Reynard Emmanuel, Clivaz Mélanie, Corboz Pierre, Decorzant Yann, Deslarzes Bertrand, Fellay Jean-Charles, Hugon-Duc Mélanie, Lambiel Christophe, Meilland Arnaud, Payot Christine, 2019/12/02. Physio-Géo Volume 14 pp. 307-326. Peer-reviewed.
Composition and superposition of alluvial deposits drive macro-biological soil engineering and organic matter dynamics in floodplains
Schomburg A., Sebag D., Turberg P., Verrecchia E.P., Guenat C., Brunner P., Adatte T., Schlaepfer R., Le Bayon R.C., 2019/12. Geoderma, 355 p. 113899. Peer-reviewed.
Formation of the Vergenoeg F–Fe–REE Deposit (South Africa) by Accumulation from a Ferroan Silicic Magma
Brandt S, Klemd R, Haase K M, Fassbender M L, Vennemann T, 2019/12/01. Journal of Petrology, 60 (12) pp. 2339-2368. Peer-reviewed.
H 2 O Content Measurement in Phengite by Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry: A New Set of Reference Materials
Luisier Cindy, Baumgartner Lukas, Siron Guillaume, Vennemann Torsten, Robyr Martin, 2019/12. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 43 (4) pp. 635-646. Peer-reviewed.
Metamorphic pressure variation in a coherent Alpine nappe challenges lithostatic pressure paradigm
Luisier Cindy, Baumgartner Lukas, Schmalholz Stefan M., Siron Guillaume, Vennemann Torsten, 2019/12. Nature Communications, 10 (1). Peer-reviewed.
Metasomatic Vein Formation by Stationary Fluids in Carbonate Xenoliths at the Eastern Margin of the Bergell Intrusion, Val Sissone, Italy
Bégué F, Baumgartner L P, Müller T, Putlitz B, Vennemann T W, 2019/12/01. Journal of Petrology, 60 (12) pp. 2387-2412. Peer-reviewed.
Petroleum as source and carrier of metals in epigenetic sediment-hosted mineralization
Saintilan N. J., Spangenberg J. E., Chiaradia M., Chelle-Michou C., Stephens M. B., Fontboté L., 2019/12. Scientific Reports, 9 (1). Peer-reviewed.
Publisher Correction: A 3D geological model of a structurally complex Alpine region as a basis for interdisciplinary research
Thornton James M., Mariethoz Gregoire, Brunner Philip, 2019/12. Scientific Data, 6 (1).
Quantitative evaluation of multiple-point simulations using image segmentation and texture descriptors
Abdollahifard Mohammad Javad, Mariéthoz Grégoire, Ghavim Maryam, 2019/12. Computational Geosciences, 23 (6) pp. 1349-1368. Peer-reviewed.
Soil protist diversity in the Swiss western Alps is better predicted by topo‐climatic than by edaphic variables
Seppey C.V.W., Broennimann O., Buri A., Yashiro E., Pinto-Figueroa E., Singer D., Blandenier Q., Mitchell E.A.D., Niculita-Hirzel H., Guisan A. et al., 2019/12. Journal of Biogeography. Peer-reviewed.
The driving mechanisms of the carbon cycle perturbations in the late Pliensbachian (Early Jurassic)
De Lena L. F., Taylor D., Guex J., Bartolini A., Adatte T., van Acken D., Spangenberg J. E., Samankassou E., Vennemann T., Schaltegger U., 2019/12. Scientific Reports, 9 (1). Peer-reviewed.
Unexpected large evasion fluxes of carbon dioxide from turbulent streams draining the world's mountains
Horgby Åsa, Segatto Pier Luigi, Bertuzzo Enrico, Lauerwald Ronny, Lehner Bernhard, Ulseth Amber J., Vennemann Torsten W., Battin Tom J., 2019/12. Nature Communications, 10 (1). Peer-reviewed.
Disentangling human impact from natural controls of sediment dynamics in an Alpine catchment
Stutenbecker Laura, Costa Anna, Bakker Maarten, Anghileri Daniela, Molnar Peter, Lane Stuart N., Schlunegger Fritz, 2019/11. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 44 (14) pp. 2885-2902.
Ecosystem engineers: Biofilms and the ontogeny of glacier floodplain ecosystems
Roncoroni Matteo, Brandani Jade, Battin Tom I., Lane Stuart N., 2019/11. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water, 6 (6).
Feeding increases the number of offspring but decreases parental investment of Red Sea coral Stylophora pistillata
Bellworthy J., Spangenberg J.E., Fine M., 2019/11. Ecology and Evolution, 9 (21) pp. 12245-12258.
Global versus local processes during the Pliensbachian–Toarcian transition at the Peniche GSSP, Portugal: A multi-proxy record
Fantasia A., Adatte T., Spangenberg J.E., Font E., Duarte L.V., Föllmi K.B., 2019/11. Earth-Science Reviews, 198 p. 102932. Peer-reviewed.
Ore Formation During Jurassic Subduction of the Tethys Along the Eurasian Margin: Constraints from the Kapan District, Lesser Caucasus, Southern Armenia
Mederer J., Moritz R., Chiaradia M., Spikings R., Spangenberg J.E., Selby D., 2019/11/01. Economic Geology, 114 (7) pp. 1251-1284. Peer-reviewed.
Quantification of fluvial wood using UAVs and structure from motion
Sanhueza Daniel, Picco Lorenzo, Ruiz-Villanueva Virginia, Iroumé Andrés, Ulloa Héctor, Barrientos Guillermo, 2019/11. Geomorphology, 345 p. 106837. Peer-reviewed.
Soil diversity and major soil processes in the Kalahari basin, Botswana
Romanens Rémy, Pellacani Federico, Mainga Ali, Fynn Richard, Vittoz Pascal, Verrecchia Eric P., 2019/11. Geoderma Regional, 19 pp. e00236. Peer-reviewed.
Spatio-temporal pattern distribution of landslides causing damage in Switzerland
Tonini Marj, Cama Mariaelena, 2019/11. Landslides, 16 (11) pp. 2103-2113. Peer-reviewed.
Water tracing with environmental DNA in a high-Alpine catchment
Elvira Mächler, Anham Salyani, Jean-Claude Walser, Annegret Larsen, Bettina Schaefli, Florian Altermatt, Natalie Ceperley, 2019/10/23..
Evaluation of aDcp processing options for secondary flow identification at river junctions
Moradi Gelare, Vermeulen Bart, Rennie Colin D., Cardot Romain, Lane Stuart N., 2019/10/13. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. Peer-reviewed.
Correction to: Downscaling Images with Trends Using Multiple-Point Statistics Simulation: An Application to Digital Elevation Models
Luiz Gustavo Rasera, Mathieu Gravey, Lane Stuart, Gregoire Mariethoz, 2019/10/10. Mathematical Geosciences.
Climate‐driven change in the water sourced by trees in a de‐glaciating proglacial fore‐field, Torres del Paine, Chile
Vuaridel Marceline, Cherubini Paolo, Mettra François, Vennemann Torsten, Lane Stuart N., 2019/10. Ecohydrology, 12 (7). Peer-reviewed.
Contrasting impacts of climate change on the vegetation of windy ridges and snowbeds in the Swiss Alps
Liberati Loïc, Messerli Swanee, Matteodo Magalì, Vittoz Pascal, 2019/10. Alpine Botany, 129 (2) pp. 95-105. Peer-reviewed.
Jurassic ore-forming systems during the Tethyan orogeny: constraints from the Shamlugh deposit, Alaverdi district, Armenia, Lesser Caucasus
Calder M. F., Moritz R., Ulyanov A., Chiaradia M., Spangenberg J. E., Melkonyan R. L., 2019/10. Mineralium Deposita, 54 (7) pp. 1011-1032. Peer-reviewed.
Non-conservative patterns of dissolved organic matter degradation when and where lake water mixes
Lambert Thibault, Perga Marie-Elodie, 2019/10. AQUATIC SCIENCES, 81 (4).
Origin of strontium and calcium in pedogenic needle fibre calcite (NFC)
Millière L., Gussone N., Moritz T., Bindschedler S., Verrecchia E.P., 2019/10. Chemical Geology, 524 pp. 329-344. Peer-reviewed.
Western Tethys Early and Middle Jurassic calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy
Ferreira J., Mattioli E., Sucherás-Marx B., Giraud F., Duarte L.V., Pittet B., Suan G., Hassler A., Spangenberg J.E., 2019/10. Earth-Science Reviews, 197 p. 102908. Peer-reviewed.
A Geostatistical Approach to Estimate High Resolution Nocturnal Bird Migration Densities from a Weather Radar Network
Nussbaumer Raphaël, Benoit Lionel, Mariethoz Grégoire, Liechti Felix, Bauer Silke, Schmid Baptiste, 2019/09/25. Remote Sensing, 11 (19) p. 2233. Peer-reviewed.
A framework for using small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUASs) and SfM photogrammetry to detect salmonid redds
Roncoroni Matteo, Lane Stuart N., 2019/09. Ecological Informatics, 53 p. 100976.
A geochemical and micro-textural comparison of basalt-hosted chalcedony from the Jurassic Drakensberg and Neoarchean Ventersdorp Supergroup (Vaal River alluvial gravels), South Africa
Gliozzo Elisabetta, Cairncross Bruce, Vennemann Torsten, 2019/09. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 108 (6) pp. 1857-1877.
Predicting species occurrences with habitat network models.
Ortiz-Rodríguez D.O., Guisan A., Holderegger R., van Strien M.J., 2019/09. Ecology and evolution, 9 (18) pp. 10457-10471. Peer-reviewed.
Sustainable groundwater management: How long and what will it take?
Castilla-Rho J, Rojas R, Andersen M, Holley C, Mariethoz G, 2019/09. Global Environmental Change. Peer-reviewed.
Alpine Glacier Shrinkage Drives Shift in Dissolved Organic Carbon Export From Quasi‐Chemostasis to Transport Limitation
Boix Canadell Marta, Escoffier Nicolas, Ulseth Amber J., Lane Stuart N., Battin Tom J., 2019/08/16. Geophysical Research Letters, 46 (15) pp. 8872-8881.
How water quality standards for pesticides affect the classification of the chemical status of rivers
Milano Marianne, Chèvre Nathalie, 2019/08/13. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water.
Access routes to high mountain huts facing climate-induced environmental changes and adaptive strategies in the Western Alps since the 1990s
Mourey Jacques, Ravanel Ludovic, Lambiel Christophe, Strecker Joël, Piccardi Mattia, 2019/08/08. Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift - Norwegian Journal of Geography, 73 (4) pp. 215-228. Peer-reviewed.
Wavelet Scale Variance Analysis of Wind Extremes in Mountainous Terrains
Telesca Luciano, Guignard Fabian, Helbig Nora, Kanevski Mikhail, 2019/08/07. Energies, 12 (16) p. 3048. Peer-reviewed.
A Numerical Model for Fluvial Transport of Subglacial Sediment
Delaney Ian, Werder Mauro A., Farinotti Daniel, 2019/08. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 124 (8) pp. 2197-2223.
Downscaling Images with Trends Using Multiple-Point Statistics Simulation: An Application to Digital Elevation Models
Luiz Gustavo Rasera, Mathieu Gravey, Lane Stuart, Gregoire Mariethoz, 2019/08/01. Mathematical Geosciences.
Guidelines on the use of structure‐from‐motion photogrammetry in geomorphic research
James Mike R., Chandler Jim H., Eltner Anette, Fraser Clive, Miller Pauline E., Mills Jon P., Noble Tom, Robson Stuart, Lane Stuart N., 2019/08. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 44 (10) pp. 2081-2084.
Simulation of fine-scale electrical conductivity fields using resolution-limited tomograms and area-to-point kriging
Nussbaumer Raphaël, Linde Niklas, Mariethoz Grégoire, Holliger Klaus, 2019/08/01. Geophysical Journal International, 218 (2) pp. 1322-1335. Peer-reviewed.
Evaluating post-glacial bedrock erosion and surface exposure duration by coupling in situ optically stimulated luminescence and 10Be dating
Lehmann Benjamin, Herman Frédéric, Valla Pierre G., King Georgina E., Biswas Rabiul H., 2019/07/11. Earth Surface Dynamics, 7 (3) pp. 633-662. Peer-reviewed.
Characterization of wood-laden flows in rivers : wood-laden flows
Ruiz-Villanueva Virginia, Mazzorana Bruno, Bladé Ernest, Bürkli Livia, Iribarren-Anacona Pablo, Mao Luca, Nakamura Futoshi, Ravazzolo Diego, Rickenmann Dieter, Sanz-Ramos Marcos et al., 2019/07. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 44 (9) pp. 1694-1709. Peer-reviewed.
High‐Resolution Spatial Sampling Identifies Groundwater as Driver of CO 2 Dynamics in an Alpine Stream Network
Horgby Åsa, Boix Canadell Marta, Ulseth Amber J., Vennemann Torsten W., Battin Tom J., 2019/07. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 124 (7) pp. 1961-1976.
Wavelet variance scale-dependence as a dynamics discriminating tool in high-frequency urban wind speed time series
Guignard Fabian, Mauree Dasaraden, Kanevski Mikhail, Telesca Luciano, 2019/07. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 525 pp. 771-777. Peer-reviewed.
High-resolution paleovalley classification from airborne electromagnetic imaging and deep neural network training using digital elevation model data
Jiang Zhenjiao, Mallants Dirk, Peeters Luk, Gao Lei, Soerensen Camilla, Mariethoz Gregoire, 2019/06/13. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 23 (6) pp. 2561-2580.
Holocene Sedimentary Record and Coastal Evolution in the Makran Subduction Zone (Iran)
Normand Raphaël, Simpson Guy, Herman Frédéric, Biswas Rabiul Haque, Bahroudi Abbas, 2019/06/12. Quaternary, 2 (2) p. 21. Peer-reviewed.
Anticipating cascading effects of extreme precipitation with pathway schemes - Three case studies from Europe.
Schauwecker S., Gascón E., Park S., Ruiz-Villanueva V., Schwarb M., Sempere-Torres D., Stoffel M., Vitolo C., Rohrer M., 2019/06. Environment international, 127 pp. 291-304. Peer-reviewed.
Bayesian Inference of Subglacial Channel Structures From Water Pressure and Tracer‐Transit Time Data: A Numerical Study Based on a 2‐D Geostatistical Modeling Approach
Irarrazaval Inigo, Werder Mauro A., Linde Niklas, Irving James, Herman Frederic, Mariethoz Gregoire, 2019/06. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 124 (6) pp. 1625-1644. Peer-reviewed.
Evolution of the Urgonian shallow-water carbonate platform on the Helvetic shelf during the late Early Cretaceous
Bonvallet L., Arnaud-Vanneau A., Arnaud H., Adatte T., Spangenberg J.E., Stein M., Godet A., Föllmi K.B., 2019/06. Sedimentary Geology, 387 pp. 18-56. Peer-reviewed.
Genetic diversity in frogs linked to past and future climate changes on the roof of the world.
Hu J., Huang Y., Jiang J., Guisan A., 2019/06. The Journal of animal ecology, 88 (6) pp. 953-963. Peer-reviewed.
Pulses of enhanced continental weathering associated with multiple Late Devonian climate perturbations: Evidence from osmium-isotope compositions
Percival L.M.E., Selby D., Bond D.P.G., Rakociński M., Racki G., Marynowski L., Adatte T., Spangenberg J.E., Föllmi K.B., 2019/06. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 524 pp. 240-249. Peer-reviewed.
Surveillance des micropolluants dans les rivières du bassin lémanique à l’aide d’échantillonneurs passifs : Campagne 2018 - Monitoring of micropollutants in rivers of the Lake Geneva basin using passive samplers : 2018 campaign
Estoppey Nicolas, Medeiros Bozic Susana, Pfeiffer Fabienne, Benejam Tom, Borel Christophe, 2019/06/01., Ecoles des Sciences Criminelles.
Using GPR to investigate the subglacial hydrology of an alpine glacier
Egli Pascal Emanuel, Sala Martino, Irving James, Lane Stuart Nicholas (eds.), 2019/05/13., IGS Symposium on Glacial Erosion and Sedimentation - oral presentation.
Modelling bat distributions and diversity in a mountain landscape using focal predictors in ensemble of small models
Scherrer D., Christe P., Guisan A., 2019/05. Diversity and Distributions, 25 (5) pp. 770-782. Peer-reviewed.
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