Institute of Geography and Sustainability

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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1346 publications

A model of mountain socio-ecological systems to catalyze multi-actor collaborations towards sustainability
Cristofari Hélène, Asse Daphne, Chanteloup Laine, Guisan Antoine, Otero Iago, Reynard Emmanuel, Urbach Davnah, Randin Christophe.
Revisiting equivalised incomes for quantifying carbon inequality
Oswald Yannick, Chen Xiangjie, Malerba Daniele, Feng Kuishuang, Hubacek Klaus, Self-published, not peer reviewed yet. In submission soon..
Religion and environmentalism
Becci Irene, Manconi Alberto dans Routledge Handbook on Religion and Politics in Europe, Routledge.
Feral edges: How permaculture is rewilding Japan's food culture on abandoned lands
Chakroun Leila dans McGreevy Steven, Rupprecht Christoph, Tamura Norie (eds.) Food Baskets for Post-Growth Japan: revaluing informal and wild food practices as provisioning systems, ANU Press.
Pitfalls for the Sustainability of Forest Transitions: Evidence from Southeast Asia
Kull Christian A., Bartmess Jennifer, Dressler Wolfram, Gingrich Simone, Grodzicki Maciej, Jasikowska Katarzyna, Lapniewska Zofia, Mansourian Stephanie, Nguyen Thi Hai Van, Persson Joel et al., 2024/04/23. Environmental Conservation, 51 (3). Peer-reviewed.
Of Practices and (Micro)politics: Challenges of Organic Waste Segregation in Dschang, Cameroon
Kongnso Eric Moye, Yemmafouo Aristide, Moumbe Joël Sagne, Makamté Kakeu-Tardy Rolande Christelle, Sahakian Marlyne, Véron René, 2024/04/17. The Journal of Environment & Development. Peer-reviewed.
Val d'Hérens (Suisse) : Une histoire des transitions (touristiques) manquées
Gros-Balthazard Marjolaine, Franco Caterina, Bonnemains Anouk, 2024/04. Journal of Alpine research/Revue de géographie alpine 112-1. Peer-reviewed.
Val d'Hérens (Switzerland): A history of Missed (tourist) Transitions
Gros-Balthazard Marjolaine, Franco Caterina, Bonnemains Anouk, 2024/04. Journal of Alpine Research | Revue de géographie alpine 112-1. Peer-reviewed.
EARCAG after 25 Years: Retrospect and Prospect for East Asian Critical Geography
Yip Maurice, Mizuuchi Toshio, 2024/03/25. Space, Society and Geographical Thought, 27 pp. 214-216.
Yip Maurice, Mizuuchi Toshio, 2024/03/25. 空間・社会・地理思想, 27 pp. 211-213.
Coronapistes en Suisse romande et en Suisse alémanique / Pop-up-Velowege in der Romandie und der Deutschschweiz
Widmer Hannah, Rérat Patrick, 2024/03/22. Pro Vélo Magazine 1 p. 19.
Statistik der Velounfälle – Herausforderungen und Grenzen
Marincek Dimitri, Rérat Patrick, 2024/03/21. OEKOSKOP - Fachzeitschrift der Ärztinnen und Ärzte für Umweltschutz, 24 (1) pp. 7-9.
How do e-bikes compete with the other modes of transport? Investigating multiple dimensions of a modal shift
Rérat Patrick, Marincek Dimitri, Ravalet Emmanuel, 2024/03/20. Applied Mobilities pp. 1-14. Peer-reviewed.
World Heritage and/as placemaking: Learning from the Honghe Hani Rice Terraces in China
Wang Yan, Stock Mathis, 2024/03/20. Mondes du tourisme. Peer-reviewed.
Global China and the ‘commons': rosewood governance in rural Ghana
Baidoo Anthony, Walters Gretchen, Ongolo Symphorien, 2024/03. World Development Sustainability, 4 p. 100126. Peer-reviewed.
Madagascar's burned area from Sentinel-2 imagery (2016–2022): Four times higher than from lower resolution sensors
Fernández-García V., Franquesa M., Kull C.A., 2024/03. Science of The Total Environment, 914 p. 169929. Peer-reviewed.
The emergence of electric vehicle transition in cities: a case of technological and spatial coevolution?
Ferloni Andrea, Bida Mehdi, Rozenblat Céline, 2024/03. Progress in Economic Geography, 2 (1). Peer-reviewed.
De l'élaboration de mesures d'adaptation aux changements climatiques. Gouvernance climatique en Ville de Lausanne ?
Jakob Fabien, 2024/02/29. RIMHE : Revue Interdisciplinaire Management, Homme & Entreprise pp. 111-133. Peer-reviewed.
Culture for the Planet. A global state of the art of sustainability in cultural organisations
Müller Martin, Grieshaber Julie, 2024/02/27. 36 Etudes urbaines: rapport de recherche, Institut de géographie et durabilité de l'Université de Lausanne.
How sustainable are cultural organizations? A global benchmark
Müller Martin, Grieshaber Julie, 2024/02/27. Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy, 20 (1) pp. 1-13. Peer-reviewed.
Environmental Governance in Small Cities: Decentralization, Municipal Capacity and Autonomy in Gujarat and West Bengal
Véron René, Zimmer Anna, Cornea Natasha, Sanchez Jérémie, 2024/02/05. Journal of South Asian Development. Peer-reviewed.
Defining the Anthropocene tropical forest: Moving beyond ‘disturbance' and ‘landscape domestication' with concepts from African worldviews
Fraser James Angus, Cosiaux Ariane, Walters Gretchen, Asiyanbi Adeniyi, Osei-Wusu Adjei Prince, Addo-Fordjour Patrick, Fairhead James, Kialo Paulin, Laurier Engone Obiang Nestor, Oslisly Richard, 2024/02/01. The Anthropocene Review. Peer-reviewed.
Foncier en communs: vers une propriété partagée des lieux essentiels
Seillier Rémy, Shulz Sébastien, Annereau Claire, Hymas Olivier, Joye Jean-François, Walters Gretchen, 2024/01/28., 4 15, Société des Communs.
Mega-events and triple-baseline (un)sustainability
Wolfe Sven Daniel, Gogishvili David, Müller Martin, 2024/01/25. pp. 399-414 dans Research Handbook on Major Sporting Events, Elgar.
Are fast e-bikes an alternative to motorised individual transport? An exploratory study in Lausanne, Switzerland
Ravalet Emmanuel, Marincek Dimitri, Rérat Patrick, 2024/01/16. Belgeo 1. Peer-reviewed.
Ecological Virtuous Selves: Towards a Non-Anthropocentric Environmental Virtue Ethic?
Delorme Damien, Calidori Noemi, Frigo Giovanni, 2024/01/09. Philosophies, 9 (1). Peer-reviewed.
Cycling Through the Pandemic : Tactical Urbanism and the Implementation of Pop-Up Bike Lanes in the Time of COVID-19
Ortar Nathalie, Rérat Patrick (eds.), 2024., 1 The Urban Book Series, Springer International Publishing.
From micro- to nano-segregation: policy-led vertical urbanism in Hong Kong
Ho Hang Kei, Yip Maurice, 2024. International Journal of Housing Policy, 24 (1) pp. 142-156. Peer-reviewed.
In the shadow of the circular economy : Waste pickers' formalization and the politics of a changing recycling economy in Cartagena, Colombia
Neville Laura, 2024. pp. 133-152 dans O'Hare Patrick, Rams Dagna (eds.) Circular Economies in an Unequal World: Waste, Renewal and the Effects of Global Circularity chap. 6, Bloomsbury.
Introduction: Has Cycling Got a Boost from the Pandemic?
Ortar Nathalie, Rérat Patrick, 2024. pp. 1-18 dans Ortar Nathalie, Rérat Patrick (eds.) Cycling Through the Pandemic. Tactical Urbanism and the Implementation of Pop-Up Bike Lanes in the Time of COVID-19 chap. 1, Springer International Publishing.
Raw dataset of survey for How sustainable are cultural organizations? A global benchmark
Martin Müller, Julie Grieshaber, 2024..
Servizi di prossimità: verso nuovi beni comuni nelle Alpi? Stato di avanzamento e prospettive
Gros-Balthazard Marjolaine, Hürlemann Seraina, Chezel Edith, Kébir Leïla, Canevet Léa, Decorzant Yann, Leggero Roberto, Lorenzetti Luigi, Nahrath Stéphane, Otero Iago et al., 2024. pp. 107-120 dans Lorenzetti Luigi, Leggero Roberto (eds.) I servizi di prossimità come beni comuni. Una nuova prospettiva per la montagna chap. 6, Donzelli Editore.
SPSS output for How sustainable are cultural organizations? A global benchmark
Martin Müller, Julie Grieshaber, 2024..
Tactical Urbanism to Develop Cycling Infrastructures: The Implementation of COVID Cycle Lanes in Switzerland
Widmer Hannah, Guinard Noëlle, Rérat Patrick, 2024. pp. 89-112 dans Ortar Nathalie, Rérat Patrick (eds.) Cycling Through the Pandemic Tactical Urbanism and the Implementation of Pop-Up Bike Lanes in the Time of COVID-19, Springer International Publishing.
Universe of cultural organizations for How sustainable are cultural organizations? A global benchmark
Martin Müller, Julie Grieshaber, 2024..
Urban Environmental Governance: Historical and Political Ecological Perspectives from South Asia
Mukherjee Jenia, Véron René, 2024. dans O'Gorman Emily, San Martin William, Carey Mark, Swart Sandra (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Environmental History chap. 21, Routledge.
Politiques publiques sectorielles suisses de lutte contre la dégradation des sols
Jakob Fabien, 2023/12/31. EchoGéo 66. Peer-reviewed.
Configuration institutionnelle nationale et gouvernance locale des biens communs complexes
Nenovska Nona, 2023/12/22. Revue de la régulation. Peer-reviewed.
Zoos and Aquariums are Changing their Exhibits to Represent Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities’ Perspectives
Sithole Samantha, Walters Gretchen, Hymas Olivier, 2023/12/22. WAZA News, 2023 (4) pp. 37-38.
Du calcul biophysique à l’évaluation des risques financiers. Trois mondes de la comptabilité de la nature
Maechler Sylvain, Boisvert Valérie, 2023/12/21. Revue de la Régulation. Peer-reviewed.
From Biophysical Calculation to Financial Risk Assessment: Three Worlds of Accounting for Nature
Maechler Sylvain, Boisvert Valérie, 2023/12/21. Revue de la Régulation. Peer-reviewed.
Quels critères pour des itinéraires cyclables de qualité? / Was sind die Kriterien für hochwertige Veloverbindungen?
Rérat Patrick, 2023/12/20. Conférence vélo suisse – Info Bulletin, 2 pp. 25-28.
Performing Nature’s Valuation: The art of natural capital accounting
Maechler Sylvain, Boisvert Valérie, 2023/12/14. Valuation Studies, 10 (1) pp. 118-147. Peer-reviewed.
« Une petite révolution dans le monde agricole » : contribution à une philosophie politique des alternatives agro-écologiques
Delorme Damien, 2023/12/12. A contrario, n° 35 (2) pp. 67-92. Peer-reviewed.
Bâle devant, les Romands en queue de peloton
Rérat Patrick, 2023/12/08. PRO VELO info, 4 p. 15.
Les sections de commune dans la politique forestière française : Un rôle à redéfinir
Delcourt Pierre Yves, 2023/12/07. 47 Rapport de recherche "Développement, sociétés, environnements", University de Lausanne, Faculté de géosciences et de l'environnement, Institut de géographie et durabilité.
Climbing the Alps in a warming world: Perspective of climate change impacts on high mountain areas influences alpinists' behavioural adaptations
Salim Emmanuel, Mourey Jacques, Crépeau Anne-Sophie, Ravanel Ludovic, 2023/12. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, 44 p. 100662. Peer-reviewed.
Conservation of World Heritage glacial landscapes in a changing climate: The Swiss Alps Jungfrau-Aletsch case
Bussard Jonathan, Reynard Emmanuel, 2023/12. International Journal of Geoheritage and Parks, 11 (4) pp. 535-552. Peer-reviewed.
Envisioning the Ecological Future: Three Perspectives off the Beaten Track
Arnsperger Christian, Soltysik Monnet Agnieszka, 2023/11/27. Text Matters: A Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture, 13 (13) pp. 417-441. Peer-reviewed.
A field guide to Berlin. Designing teaching material for a field visit in urban studies
Müller Martin, Trivin Clotilde, Imhof Nadja, Paulos Julio, 2023/11/21. 52 Etudes urbaines: rapport de recherche, Institut de géographie et durabilité de l'Université de Lausanne.
New Forests and New Forest People in Central Vietnam: The Acacia Boom
Kull Christian A., Nguyen Van Hai Thi, Cochard Roland, Ngo Dung Tri, Pham Thao Phuong Thi, Shackleton Ross T., Tran Canh Quoc, Tran Thang Nam, 2023/11/21. pp. 399-415 dans Richardson David M., Le Roux Johannes J., Marchante Elizabete (eds.) Wattles : Australian Acacia Species Around the World, CABI.
The Shifting Place of Australian Acacia Species Around the World: Adoption, Uses and Perceptions
Kull Christian A., Shackleton Charlie, 2023/11/21. pp. 250-264 dans Richardson David M., Le Roux Johannes J., Marchante Elizabete (eds.) Wattles: Australian Acacia Species Around the World, CABI.
+4 °C et plus: les paysages suisses face au changement climatique
Tobias Silvia, Siegrist Elena G., Bütikofer Luca, Bürgi Matthias, Liechti Karina, Reynard Emmanuel, Guisan Antoine, Urbach Davnah, Randin Christophe, 2023/11/17., Institut fédéral de recherches sur la forêt, la neige et le paysage WSL.
Les comptages de vélos dans les agglomérations suisses - 2022
Schmassmann Aurélie, Rérat Patrick, 2023/11/15., Office fédéral des routes OFROU.
Can seed exchange networks explain the morphological and genetic diversity in perennial crop species? The case of the tropical fruit tree Dacryodes edulis in rural and urban Cameroon
Rimlinger Aurore, Duminil Jérôme, Avana-Tientcheu Marie-Louise, Carrière Stéphanie M., 2023/11/14. PLANTS, PEOPLE, PLANET. Peer-reviewed.
Navigating the emotion-embodiment-language nexus in international research: Stories from a foreign researcher and local interpreter
Wittmer Josie, Qureshi Mubina, 2023/11. Emotion, Space and Society, 49 p. 100990. Peer-reviewed.
The nature of a ‘forest transition' in Thừa Thiên Huế Province, Central Vietnam – A study of land cover changes over five decades
Cochard Roland, Gravey Mathieu, Rasera Luiz Gustavo, Mariethoz Grégoire, Kull Christian A., 2023/11. Land Use Policy, 134 p. 106887. Peer-reviewed.
“Sustainable security” through river enlargements: A political ecology of nature-based solutions and flood control in the Rhone Valley, Switzerland
Metzger Alexis, Véron René, 2023/10/30. Développement durable et territoires, 14 (2). Peer-reviewed.
Book review: Rubbish Belongs to the Poor: Hygienic Enclosure and the Waste Commons
Shakir Taenaz, 2023/10/26. Urban Studies.
L'économie circulaire. Agir pour une Suisse durable
Brunner Dunia, Moussu Nils, 2023/10/26. 168, EPFL Press, Savoir suisse.
“I salute them for their hardwork and contribution”: inclusive urbanism and organizing women recyclers in Ahmedabad, India
Wittmer Josie, 2023/10/21. Urban Geography, 44 (9) pp. 1911-1930. Peer-reviewed.
Polizei und Grundstücke: der noch nicht geklärte Raum des Nexus zwischen Eigentum und Souveränität
Yip Maurice, 2023/10/13. pp. 117-133 dans Neuorientierung des Widerstands in Hongkong, Springer.
On the (In)visibility of Practices: Opportunities for the Promotion of Household Waste-Segregation in Western Switzerland
Makamté Kakeu-Tardy Rolande Christelle, Howarth Hannah, Sahakian Marlyne, Véron René, 2023/10/12. Worldwide Waste: Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 6 (1) pp. 1-16. Peer-reviewed.
Dietz Dieter, Rérat Patrick, Jalon Oyarzun Lucia, Pulfer Aurèle, Ibarra José, Valdez Ruben, Barrère Alexandre, Dupuis Aurélie, Heil Julien, Lafontaine Julien et al., 2023/10/12., 1 245, ALICE & OUVEMA.
Fostering Transdisciplinary Research Through Citizen Science: The Project Val d'Hérens 1950/2050
Reynard Emmanuel, Clivaz Mélanie, Trouilloud Séverine, 2023/10/11. Mountain Research and Development, 43 (2).
Autour de la Suisse en 30 lieux inattendus
Klauser Francisco, Landolt Sara, Müller Martin, Schoepfer Isabelle (eds.), 2023/10/04., Helvetiq.
Der (Um-)Weg zum Paradies
Müller Martin, 2023/10/04. pp. 85-89 dans In 30 Tagen durch die Schweiz: Einblicke in ungeahnte Orte, Helvetiq.
In 30 Tagen durch die Schweiz: Einblicke in ungeahnte Orte
Klauser Francisco, Landolt Sara, Müller Martin, Schoepfer Isabelle (eds.), 2023/10/04., Helvetiq.
Itinéraire pour le paradis
Müller Martin, 2023/10/04. pp. 85-89 dans Autour de la Suisse en 30 lieux inattendus, Helvetiq.
Conscience cosmique. Pour une écologie en première personne
Hess Gérald, 2023/10., Editions Dehors.
Perceptions of urban green infrastructures for climate change adaptation in Lausanne, Switzerland: unveiling the role of biodiversity and planting composition
Doussard Claire, Delabarre Muriel, 2023/10. Climatic Change, 176 (10). Peer-reviewed.
Le tourisme réflexif en montagne à l’heure de l’Anthropocène : discussion autour du projet de réhabilitation du Montenvers, Chamonix
Salim Emmanuel, Girault Camille, Nesur Kalpana, 2023/09/26. Mondes du Tourisme. Peer-reviewed.
Situation en matière de sécurité du trafic cycliste sur les routes et dans les carrefours
Machu Alexandre, Helmstetter Pauline, Rérat Patrick, Marincek Dimitri, Degener Sabine, Uhr Andreas, Combaz Lucien, Renard Aline, 2023/09/07. 313, Office fédéral des routes.
La ville comme objet de connaissance naturaliste en suisse au XXe siècle. Une autre histoire de l’écologie urbaine
Chalmandrier Maud, Salomon Cavin Joëlle, Flaminio Silvia, Granjou Céline, Bollmann Axelle, 2023/09/01. Revue d’anthropologie des connaissances, 17 (3). Peer-reviewed.
Quels sont les effets d'une infrastructure cyclable?
Schmassmann Aurélie, Rérat Patrick, 2023/09. PRO VELO Info 65 p. 15.
Solid waste management practices in Kirtipur Municipality, Nepal: Findings from a household survey
Ghale Yamuna, Subedi Basu Prasad, Upreti Bishnu Raj, 2023/09. (12) Working Paper, Nepal Centre for Contemporary Research.
The acacia plantation boom in Thừa Thiên Huế Province, Central Vietnam: A survey of tree farmers' shifting livelihoods, environmental perceptions, and occupational perspectives
Vu Bien Thanh, Cochard Roland, Ngo Dung Tri, 2023/09. Trees, Forests and People, 13 p. 100405. Peer-reviewed.
Valuing Nature to Save It? The Centrality of Valuation in the New Spirit of Conservation
Maechler Sylvain, Boisvert Valérie, 2023/08/10. Global Environmental Politics. Peer-reviewed.
GUIDE VELO. Un outil pour accompagner la politique cyclable / Wie Gemeinden das Velofahren fördern können / Come i comuni possono promuovere la mobilità ciclistica
Schmassmann Aurélie, Baehler Daniel, Rérat Patrick, 2023/08/08. Commune Suisse.
Faire du vélo un transport de masse
Rérat Patrick, 2023/08/03. Le Temps.
Impact of COVID-19 on informal waste management in Sri Lanka: A case study of Boralesgamuwa Urban Council and Dehiwala - Mt. Lavinia Municipal Council
Fernando Nishara, De Silva Malith, 2023/08. (2) Working Paper SPIRIT project on Transformation of Waste Management in South Asia During & After COVID-19, Federation of Sri Lankan Local Government Authorities.
Introducing Circularity in Decentralized Solid Waste Management: Lessons for Scaling-Up Technology Options from Alappuzha
Narayanan NC, Ganapathy Gautam, Joseph Rohit, Cathareen Navya, Viswan Dryshya, MG Geethu, 2023/08. (11) Working Paper, Ashank Desai Centre for Policy Studies, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay.
Social Structure and Solid Waste Management Practices: Findings of Household Survey in Alappuzha, Kerala (India)
Rana Neelam, Narayanan NC, 2023/08. (10), Ashank Desai Centre for Policy Studies, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay.
Territories of life as key to global environmental sustainability
Zanjani Leila V, Govan Hugh, Jonas Holly C, Karfakis Theodore, Mwamidi Daniel M, Stewart Jessica, Walters Gretchen, Dominguez Pablo, 2023/08. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 63 p. 101298. Peer-reviewed.
Une étude de cas de la distribution de la valeur dans des chaînes d’approvisionnement agroalimentaires selon le modèle Transparent ProfitTM
Pawlak Romain, Wyss Rahel, Barjolle Dominique, Burrus Inès, 2023/08. 46, Université de Lausanne.
Untangling Biocultural and Socioeconomical Drivers of African Plum Tree (Dacryodes edulis) Local Nomenclature Along a Rural-Urban Gradient in Central Cameroon
Lemoine Taïna, Rimlinger Aurore, Duminil Jérôme, Leclerc Christian, Labeyrie Vanesse, Tsogo Mélanie, Carrière Stéphanie M., 2023/07/21. Human Ecology. Peer-reviewed.
Estimation of flow trajectories in a multi-lines transportation network
Guex Guillaume, Loup Romain, Bavaud François, 2023/07/19. Applied Network Science, 8 (1). Peer-reviewed.
Book review: Géographie et impérialisme: de la Suisse au Congo entre exploration géographique et conquête coloniale
Walters Gretchen, 2023/07/17. Geographica Helvetica 78 pp. 337-339. Peer-reviewed.
Imaginer la terre avec Michel Serres : Biogée à naître
Delorme Damien, 2023/07/03. Revue de Théologie et de Philosophie, 155 (2) pp. 139-154.
Les devoirs de protection et de préservation du milieu marin selon la Convention des Nations Unies sur le droit de la mer à l'aune de la sentence du Tribunal arbitral du 12 juillet 2016
Ruegg Jean, Yip Maurice Kwan-Chung, Brial Fabien, 2023/07/01. Études caribéennes 55. Peer-reviewed.
A primary evaluation of Syrian forest damage since 2011: a case study of Alhamam and Alboz forest sites
Aldakhil M, Abdullateef S, Mahmoud F, Alhasan A, Lakmes A, Al Abdullah M, Watmough GR, 2023/06/30. iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry, 16 (3) pp. 144-154. Peer-reviewed.
Analyser l'évolution des pratiques sportives en montagne peu aménagée à partir des données de fréquentation des cabanes. Application aux Alpes Valaisannes
Mourey Jacques, Clivaz Christophe, Bourdeau Philippe, 2023/06/25. Revue de géographie alpine 111-1. Peer-reviewed.
Analysing the Transformation of Sports Practices in Less-Developed Mountains Based on Huts Attendance Data. Application to the Valais Alps
Mourey Jacques, Clivaz Christophe, Bourdeau Philippe, 2023/06/25. Journal of Alpine Research 111-1. Peer-reviewed.
Les centralités spécialisées des sports de nature : hauts lieux et modestes pôles touristiques
Geffroy Valérian, 2023/06/25. Revue de géographie alpine 111-1. Peer-reviewed.
Saisir les opportunités de ses vulnérabilités ? Trajectoire territoriale d'une station de moyenne montagne, Céüze 2000
Bonnemains Anouk, Claeys Cécilia, 2023/06/25. Revue de géographie alpine 111-1. Peer-reviewed.
Seizing Opportunities from One's Vulnerabilities? The Territorial Trajectory of a Mid-Mountain Resort, Céüze 2000
Bonnemains Anouk, Claeys Cécilia, 2023/06/25. Journal of Alpine Research 111-1. Peer-reviewed.
Specialised Centralities of Outdoor Sports: Global Hotspots, Modest Tourist Developments
Geffroy Valérian, 2023/06/25. Journal of Alpine Research 111-1. Peer-reviewed.
Cars, capitalism and ecological crises: understanding systemic barriers to a sustainability transition in the German car industry
Keil A. Katharina, Steinberger Julia K., 2023/06/20. New Political Economy. Peer-reviewed.
The contrasted evolution of cycling during youth. Determinants of bicycle ownership and use
Schmassmann Aurélie, Baehler Daniel, Rérat Patrick, 2023/06/16. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation pp. 1-12. Peer-reviewed.
Quels sont les effets d'un aménagement cyclable? Une démarche innovante appliquée à Fribourg
Schmassmann Aurélie, Rérat Patrick, 2023/06/08. Info Bulletin: revue de la Conférence Vélo Suisse 1/23 pp. 12-15.
Waste Pickers' Formalisation from Bogotá to Cartagena de Indias: Dispossession and Socio-Economic Enclosures in Two Colombian Cities
Neville Laura, Tovar Cortés Luisa Fernanda, 2023/06/03. Sustainability, 15 (11). Peer-reviewed.
In danger of co-option: Examining how austerity and central control shape community woodlands in Scotland
Sharma Kavita, Hollingdale Jon, Walters Gretchen, Metzger Marc J., Ghazoul Jaboury, 2023/06. Geoforum, 142 p. 103771. Peer-reviewed.
L'avenir (non) durable des Jeux Olympiques
Wolfe Sven Daniel, Gogishvili David, Müller Martin, Boëtsch Gilles, 2023/06/01. pp. 387-395 dans Bancel Nicolas, Blanchard Pascal, Bolz Daphné, Gastaut Yvan, Lemaire Sandrine, Mourlane Stéphane (eds.) Une histoire mondiale de l'olympisme, Atlande.
Les «sales bêtes» de la biodiversité urbaine
Salomon Cavin Joëlle, Freitag Anne, Brütsch Timothée, 2023/06/01. Hotspot. Le magazine du Forum Biodiversité Suisse 47 pp. 18-19.
Multipurpose use of hydropower reservoirs: Imaginaries of Swiss reservoirs in the context of climate change and dam relicensing
Silvia Flaminio, Emmanuel Reynard, 2023/06. Water Alternatives, 16 (2). Peer-reviewed.
Refining historical burned area data from satellite observations
Fernández-García Víctor, Kull Christian A., 2023/06. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 120 p. 103350. Peer-reviewed.
Researching Cities, Transforming Ecology: An Investigation into Urban Ecology Agendas
Granjou Céline, Salomon Cavin Joëlle, Boisvert Valérie, Chalmandrier Maud, Flaminio Silvia, Kull Christian, Moretti Marco, 2023/06/01. Nature and Culture, 18 (2). Peer-reviewed.
Se connecter à la wilderness au Parc national Banff. Un bien-être touristique caractérisé par « la déconnexion » du quotidien et « la connexion » à la nature
Müller-Roux Morgane, 2023/05/30. Revue de géographie alpine. Peer-reviewed.
Visiting the Wilderness of Banff National Park: Achieving Touristic Well-Being by “Disconnecting” from Everyday Life and “Connecting” to Nature
Müller-Roux Morgane, 2023/05/30. Journal of Alpine Research | Revue de géographie alpine. Peer-reviewed.
Conviviality in Public Squares: How Affordances and Individual Factors Shape Optional Activities
Widmer Hannah, 2023/05/25. Urban Planning, 8 (4). Peer-reviewed.
Analyse bioclimatique Lausannoise
Delabarre Muriel, Nasilli Serge, Fernandes Ricardo, 2023/05/19. pp. 51-97 dans Trame de fraîcheur. Le projet d'urbanisme écologique face au changement climatique chap. 2, MetisPresses.
De l'urbanisme de la préfiguration à l'installation progressive de dispositifs d'habitabilité des espaces publics
Delabarre Muriel, Nasilli Serge, Fernandes Ricardo, 2023/05/19. pp. 173-197 dans Trame de fraîcheur. Le projet d'urbanisme écologique face au changement climatique chap. 6, MetisPresses.
Figures de nature dans le projet d'urbanisme
Delabarre Muriel, 2023/05/19. pp. 101-123 dans Trame de fraîcheur. Le projet d'urbanisme écologique face au changement climatique chap. 3, MetisPresses.
Formes environnementales. Portrait
Delabarre Muriel, 2023/05/19. pp. 31-50 dans Trame de fraîcheur. Le projet d'urbanisme écologique face au changement climatique chap. 1, MetisPresses.
Le projet d'urbanisme écologique face au changement climatique
Delabarre Muriel, 2023/05/19. dans Trame de fraîcheur. Le projet d'urbanisme écologique face au changement climatique, MetisPresses.
Pour un urbanisme du vivant
Delabarre Muriel, 2023/05/19. pp. 201-207 dans Trame de fraîcheur. Le projet d'urbanisme écologique face au changement climatique, MetisPresses.
Pour un urbanisme du vivant
Delabarre Muriel, 2023/05/19. dans Trame de fraîcheur. Le projet d'urbanisme écologique face au changement climatique, MetisPresses.
Trame de fraîcheur Lausannoise
Delabarre Muriel, 2023/05/19. pp. 125-146 dans MetisPresses. Collection Vues d'ensemble chap. 4, MetisPresses.
Trame de fraîcheur. Le projet d'urbanisme écologique face au changement climatique
Delabarre Muriel (eds.), 2023/05/19. Collection Vues d'ensemble 225, MetisPresses.
GUIDE VELO. Mesures de promotion du vélo / Massnahmen zur Veloförderung
Rérat Patrick, Baehler Daniel, Schmassmann Aurélie, Marincek Dimitri, Franz Jamin, 2023/05/01..
The climate change research that makes the front page: Is it fit to engage societal action?
Perga Marie-Elodie, Sarrasin Oriane, Steinberger Julia, Lane Stuart N., Butera Fabrizio, 2023/05. Global Environmental Change, 80 p. 102675. Peer-reviewed.
The role of complexity for digital twins of cities
Caldarelli G., Arcaute E., Barthelemy M., Batty M., Gershenson C., Helbing D., Mancuso S., Moreno Y., Ramasco J. J., Rozenblat C. et al., 2023/05/01. Nature Computational Science. Peer-reviewed.
Une opportunité pour les agricultures ultra-marines: Les plantes multi-usages
Boisvert Valérie, Kakpo Nathalie, Lainé Nicolas, Ozier-Lafontaine Harry, 2023/05. (188) 4 Analyse - Centre d'études et de prospective, Ministère de l'agriculture et de la souveraineté alimentaire (France)- Centre d'études et de prospective.
A Review of Integrated Solid Waste Management: Approach and Strategy for India with Special Focus on Kerala
Jayanthi T A, Ambat Babu, 2023/04. (9) Working Paper, Centre for Environment and Development.
COVID-19 and municipal solid waste management in Sri Lanka: A preliminary qualitative study of solid waste management in selected local councils
Fernando Nishara, De Silva Malith, Wise Belinda, 2023/04. (1) Working Paper SPIRIT project on Transformation of Waste Management in South Asia During & After COVID-19, Federation of Sri Lankan Local Government Authorities.
Peak event: the rise, crisis and potential decline of the Olympic Games and the World Cup
Müller Martin, Gogishvili David, Wolfe Sven Daniel, Gaffney Christopher, Hug Miriam, Leick Annick, 2023/04. Tourism Management, 95. Peer-reviewed.
Yip Maurice, 2023/03/25. Space, Society and Geographical Thought 26 pp. 159–164.
Glacier tourism without ice: Envisioning future adaptations in a melting world
Salim Emmanuel, 2023/03/16. Frontiers in Human Dynamics, 5. Peer-reviewed.
The potential of cargo bikes. Diffusion, uses, effects, and willingness for delivery
Marincek Dimitri, Rérat Patrick, Lurkin Virginie, Ravalet Emmanuel, 2023/03/16. 59 Etudes urbaines: rapport de recherche, Institut de géographie et durabilité de l'Université de Lausanne.
Le retour contrarié du vélo : Analyse des frictions politiques
Rérat Patrick, 2023/03/14. La Revue Nouvelle, 2 (2) pp. 63-71. Peer-reviewed.
Vélos cargo: une solution séduisante pour se passer de voiture en ville
Marincek Dimitri, Rérat Patrick, Lurkin Virginie, 2023/03/06. PRO VELO Info 63 p. 15.
Decentralized green energy transition promotes peace
Rohner Dominic, Lehning Michael, Steinberger Julia, Tetreault Nicolas, Trutnevyte Evelina, 2023/03/03. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 11. Peer-reviewed.
Analyse de la multifonctionnalité des aménagements hydroélectriques alpins : Le cas de Cleuson (Valais)
Flaminio Silvia, 2023/03. (2) 77 Working paper, Université de Lausanne.
Factors influencing farmers' forestland-use changes over 15 years (2005–2020) in Thua Thien Hue province, Vietnam
Pham T.P.T., Tran N.T., Kull C.A., Shackleton R.T., Cochard R., Nguyen T.H.M., Ngo T.D., Nguyen T.H.V., Tran Q.C., Vu T.T.T., 2023/03/01. International Forestry Review, 25 (1) pp. 71-91. Peer-reviewed.
Glocal woodlands – The rescaling of forest governance in Scotland
Sharma Kavita, Walters Gretchen, Metzger Marc J., Ghazoul Jaboury, 2023/03. Land Use Policy, 126 p. 106524. Peer-reviewed.
Le CIRM: un centre interdisciplinaire pour réfléchir aux enjeux des régions de montagne
Reynard Emmanuel, Clivaz Mélanie, Otero Iago, 2023/03/01. Les Sports Modernes, 1 pp. 197-204.
Social outcomes of energy use in the United Kingdom: Household energy footprints and their links to well-being
Baltruszewicz Marta, Steinberger Julia K., Paavola Jouni, Ivanova Diana, Brand-Correa Lina I., Owen Anne, 2023/03. Ecological Economics, 205 p. 107686. Peer-reviewed.
Factors associated with deforestation probability in Central Vietnam: a case study in Nam Dong and A Luoi districts
Tran Quoc Canh, Tran Nam Thang, Kull Christian A., Nguyen Van Loi, Dinh Tai Tien, Cochard Roland, Shackleton Ross, Ngo Dung Tri, Nguyen Hai Van, Phuong Thao Pham Thi, 2023/02/22. Journal of Forest Research, 28 (3) pp. 159-167. Peer-reviewed.
Manifeste pour une philosophie de terrain
Bogaert Brenda, Delorme Damien, Dubar Margaux, Benetreau Maud, Bérard Marion (eds.), 2023/02/01. 298, Presses Universitaires De Dijon.
Navigating power in conservation
Shackleton Ross T., Walters Gretchen, Bluwstein Jevgeniy, Djoudi Houria, Fritz Livia, Lafaye de Micheaux Flore, Loloum Tristan, Nguyen Van Thi Hai, Rann Andriamahefazafy Mialy, Sithole Samantha S. et al., 2023/01/29. Conservation Science and Practice, 5 (3) pp. e12877. Peer-reviewed.
The sustainability star: a model for museums
Müller Martin, Grieshaber Julie, 2023/01/16. ICOM Voices.
Joint problem framing: a transdisciplinary methodology for a sustainable future in mountain areas
Pachoud Carine, Bruley Enora, Grosinger Julia, Crépeau Anne-Sophie, Salim Emmanuel, Savre Camille, Vialette Yannick, 2023/01/13. Sustainability Science. Peer-reviewed.
Climate and carbon risk of tourism in Europe
Steiger Robert, Demiroglu O. Cenk, Pons Marc, Salim Emmanuel, 2023/01/09. Journal of Sustainable Tourism pp. 1-31. Peer-reviewed.
Comparing E-Bike Users' Perceptions of Safety: The Case of Lausanne, Switzerland
Marincek Dimitri, 2023/01/09. Special Issue: Electric Micromobility Futures, 3 (1). Peer-reviewed.
Arnsperger C., Steinberger J.K., 2023. pp. 651-655 dans Wallenhorst N., Wulf C. (eds.), Handbook of the Anthropocene: Humanity between Heritage and Future, Berlin: Springer.
Ecology and Education: The Example of Ecotopias
Delorme Damien, 2023. pp. 241-253 dans Anthropocene – Humanities and Social Sciences, Springer International Publishing.
Entretien : « Je préfère l’idée d’une autolimitation intelligente »
Arnsperger C., 2023. Moneta 4.
Ethics of Care
Tola Miriam, Wulf Christoph, 2023. pp. 1047–1051 dans Wallenhorst Nathanaël (eds.) Handbook of the Anthropocene, Springer .
Evaluation of the Efficacy and Sustainability of Municipal Solid Waste Management System in Kamaleswaram Ward of Thiruvananthapuram Municipal Corporation, Kerala, India
Jayanthi T. A., Radhakrishnan P. V., Byju P., Prasood S. P., Sreeram J., 2023. (13) Working Paper, Center for Environment and Development.
Arnsperger C., 2023. pp. 409-412 dans Wallenhorst N., Wulf C. (eds.), Handbook of the Anthropocene: Humans between Heritage and Future, Berlin: Springer.
Forest of Our Past, Forest of Our Future: Managing the Woods of an Ancient French Common
Walters Gretchen, Levet Alain, 2023. Langscape pp. 49-54.
Kull Christian A., 2023. pp. 139-144 dans Wallenhorst Nathanaël , Wulf Christoph (eds.) Handbook of the Anthropocene, Springer International Publishing.
From energy producer to water manager: A research-industry collaboration
Schröder Xavière, Reynard Emmanuel, Nahrath Stéphane, 2023. pp. 394-401 dans Boes Robert, Droz Patrice, Leroy Raphaël (eds.) Role of dams and reservoirs in a successfull energy transition : Proceedings of the 12th ICOLD European Club Symposium 2023 (ECS 2023, Interlaken, Switzerland, 5-8 September 2023) , CRC Press.
Arnsperger C., 2023. pp. 1123-1126 dans Wallenhorst N., Wulf C. (eds.), Handbook of the Anthropocene: Humanity between Heritage and Future, Berlin: Springer.
L'existence écologique : Critique existentielle de la croissance et anthropologie de l'après-croissance
Arnsperger C., 2023., Paris: Editions du Seuil (coll. "Anthropocène").
L'extension des anciens glaciers et l'errance des blocs erratiques
Reynard Emmanuel, 2023. pp. 70-75 dans Hubert Samuel, Roth Simon (eds.) Le Valais à la carte : 1'000 déclinaisons d'une collection, Monographic.
Le GUIDE VELO: un outil complet pour un plan d'action vélo ambitieux!
Schmassmann Aurélie, Baehler Daniel, Rérat Patrick, 2023. PRO VELO Info 64 p. 16.
L’approfondissement démocratique à l’heure de l’Anthropocène : Pour un constitutionnalisme socio-écologique
Arnsperger C., 2023. pp. 181-197 dans Coppens P., de Nanteuil M., Ferreras I., Verdussen M. (dir.), L'épreuve de la démocratie : Entre transitions constitutionnelles et défi écologique, Lormont: Le Bord de l'Eau.
Municipal Soild Waste Management in Sri Lanka. A study of municipal solid waste management in Dehiwala-Mt. Lavinia Municipal Council & Boralesgamuwa Urban Council of Sri Lanka
Fernando Nishara, De Silva Malith, 2023., Colombo University Press.
Chakroun Leila, 2023. pp. 279–283 dans Wallenhorst Nathanaël, Wolf Christoph (eds.) Handbook of the Anthropocene, Springer.
Quels sont les effets d’un nouvel aménagement cyclable? L’exemple du boulevard de Pérolles à Fribourg.
Schmassmann Aurélie, Rérat Patrick, 2023. (8) 32 Etudes urbaines: rapport de recherche, Institut de géographie et durabilité.
Questionnaire_Survey_Culture for the Planet
Martin Müller, Julie Grieshaber, 2023..
Résonances. La dimension sonore des Alpes
Valsangiacomo Nelly, Chanteloup Laine (eds.), 2023. 238, Antipodes.
The rise and fall of protected areas in Central Africa: a historical perspective
Walters Gretchen, Wardell David Andrew, 2023. pp. 55-85 dans Power Dynamics in African Forests: The Politics of Global Sustainability chap. 3, S. Ongolo, M. Krott.
Waste Management in Ovita. An Underserved Relocated Settlement in Dehiwala - Mt. Lavinia Municipal Council
Fernando Nishara, De Silva Malith, 2023., Colombo University Press.
Will we ever be indigenous? Permaculture and depth education
Arnsperger C., 2023. pp. 135-144 dans Wallenhorst N., Hétier R., Pierron J.-Ph., Wulf Ch. (eds.) Political Education in the Anthropocene, Cham: Springer.
Degrowth can work — here's how science can help
Hickel Jason, Kallis Giorgos, Jackson Tim, O'Neill Daniel W., Schor Juliet B., Steinberger Julia K., Victor Peter A., Ürge-Vorsatz Diana, 2022/12/15. Nature, 612 (7940) pp. 400-403.
Le boom du VAE: une opportunité pour redéfinir la mobilité et les territoires
Rérat Patrick, 2022/12/15. arpeamag 293 pp. 11-17.
Marincek Dimitri, Rérat Patrick, 2022/12/12. pp. 263-271 dans Routledge Companion to Cycling, Routledge.
Des stations de ski en site vierge? A cross-border history of the interactions between tourist infrastructure projects and high-altitude environments, in the Western Alps (1960-1970). Symposium “Alpine Landscapes in Transformation: Infrastructure, Culture, and Climate” ETHZ, Zurich.
Franco Caterina, 2022/12/05. dans Symposium “Alpine Landscapes in Transformation: Infrastructure, Culture, and Climate” ETHZ, Zurich.
Les naturalistes et la ville. Esquisse d’une relation contrariée.
Salomon Cavin Joëlle, 2022/12/01. Histoire urbaine 65 pp. 137-154. Peer-reviewed.
Les parcs nationaux du Gabon et leurs incidences sur les communautés locales : cas du secteur nord du Parc National de Loango
Bifane Ekomi Emeline Narcéla, Edou Ebolo Clet Mesmin, Walters Gretchen Marie, 2022/12/01. GéoVision, 2 (8) pp. 313-323. Peer-reviewed.
Nutrition as a driver and outcome of agroecology.
van Zutphen K.G., van den Berg S., Gavin-Smith B., Imbo E., Kraemer K., Monroy-Gomez J., Pannatier M., Prytherch H., Six J., Thoennissen C. et al., 2022/12. Nature food, 3 (12) pp. 990-996. Peer-reviewed.
Une histoire de transitions manquées. Quand les projets non-aboutis d’une vallée de montagne racontent sa trajectoire et interrogent son devenir
Franco Caterina, Gros-Balthazard Marjolaine, Bonnemains Anouk, 2022/12/01. dans Colloque International « Encore une transition ? Les territoires de montagne face aux changements socio-environnementaux », LabExITTEM, Université Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble..
Comme un arbre
Salomon Cavin Joëlle, 2022/11/30. dans Pieroni Raphaël, Staszak Jean-François (eds.) Villes enchantées, Georg.
Indésirables!? Les animaux mal-aimés de la ville
Salomon Cavin Joëlle, 2022/11/24., EPFL Press.
Community gardens as a response to the contradictions of sustainable urban policy: Insights from the Swiss cities of Zurich and Lausanne
Jahrl Ingrid, Ejderyan Olivier, Salomon Cavin Joëlle, 2022/11/22. Frontiers Sustainable food systems – Urban agriculture 22. Peer-reviewed.
Capital spatial. Sept enjeux pour une contribution géographique à la théorie de la pratique de Pierre Bourdieu.
Stock Mathis, Lucas Léopold, 2022/11/18. Peer-reviewed.
Peuplement, population et territoires après le tournant mobilitaire
Geffroy Valérian, 2022/11/16. pp. 171-184 dans Bisson Brieuc (eds.) Populations, peuplement et territoires en France, Presses Universitaires de Rennes.
Quelle capacité d’adaptation des stations de sports d’hiver intégrées ? Entre rigidité, obsolescence et valorisation des ressources
Franco Caterina, Bonnemains Anouk, Clivaz Christophe, 2022/11/10. dans 11ème Colloque de l'Association Tourisme Recherche et Enseignement Supérieur (AsTRES), "L'agilité touristique en période de crises : réplications, accélérations, réinventions..?".
The Plurinational Cycling Revolution in Santiago de Chile: Demands for mobility justice
Gillot Matthieu, Rérat Patrick, 2022/11/08. Applied Mobilities. Peer-reviewed.
Improving Mars: Elon Musk and the Promise of Salvation in Outer Space Environments
Tola Miriam, 2022/11/07. pp. 56-67 dans Benedetti Anna Chiara, Rochnik Costa Karilene, Gheduzzi Simone, Arboritanza Loreno (eds.) The Ecological Turn: Design, Architecture and Aesthetics beyond “Anthropocene” , TU Delft Open .
A «cidade mal-amada» /The "unloved city"
Salomon Cavin Joëlle, 2022/11. Electra 18 pp. 91-102.
Bittersweet cocoa: Certification programmes in Ghana as battlegrounds for power, authority and legitimacy
Amuzu David, Neimark Benjamin, Kull Christian, 2022/11. Geoforum, 136 pp. 54-67. Peer-reviewed.
La place des militaires dans les mobilités opérationnelles : Vers une approche géographique du fait militaire ?
Oldra Arthur, 2022/11. Carnets de géographes 16. Peer-reviewed.
Les comptages de vélos dans les agglomérations suisses - 2021
Schmassmann Aurélie, Rérat Patrick, 2022/10/26., Office fédéral des routes OFROU.
Une histoire des stations intégrées dans les Alpes: conquérir la «planète neige»?
Franco Caterina, 2022/10/26. dans Journée d’étude « La montagne exploitée? Paysage et infrastructures dans les Alpes ».
Wealth-based micro-segregation in Hong Kong: social distance within spatial proximity
Ho Hang Kei, Yip Maurice, 2022/10/25. pp. 299-312 dans Vertical Cities, Edward Elgar Publishing.
People's knowledge and perceptions of Trachycarpus fortunei (Chinese windmill palm) invasions and their management in Ticino, Switzerland
Genazzi Micol, Guisan Antoine, Shackleton Ross T., 2022/10/06. Geographica Helvetica, 77 (4) pp. 443-453. Peer-reviewed.
Dataset: Peak event: the rise, crisis and potential decline of the Olympic Games and the World Cup
Müller Martin, Gogishvili David, Wolfe Sven Daniel, Gaffney Christopher, Hug Miriam, Leick Annick, 2022/10/05..
Régénération des sites industriels : enjeux et opportunités. Regards croisés. Entretien avec Bruno Marchand et Muriel Delabarre réalisé par Joël Christin
Christin Joël, Marchand Bruno, Delabarre Muriel, 2022/10/02. 1.
Geopower: genealogies, territories and politics
Tola Miriam, 2022/10. pp. 564–576 dans Pellizzoni Luigi, Leonardi Emanuele , Asara Viviana (eds.) Handbook of Critical Environmental Politics chap. 40, Elgar .
Building a better host city? Reforming and contesting the Olympics in Paris 2024
Wolfe Sven Daniel, 2022/09/22. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space p. 239965442211294. Peer-reviewed.
Governments commit to forest restoration, but what does it take to restore forests?
Mansourian Stephanie, Kleymann Hermine, Passardi Valerie, Winter Susanne, Derkyi Mercy Afua Adutwumwaa, Diederichsen Anita, Gabay Mónica, Pacheco Pablo, Vallauri Daniel, Kull Christian A, 2022/09/09. Environmental Conservation. Peer-reviewed.
Per una storia ambientale delle stazioni sciistiche d’alta quota, nelle Alpi Occidentali
Franco Caterina, 2022/09/09. dans 10th AISU CONGRESS. “Adaptive cities through the postpandemic lens”. Politecnico di Torino.
Two tribes or more? The historical emergence of discourse coalitions of responsible research and innovation (rri) and Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI)
Randles Sally, Tancoigne Elise, Joly Pierre-Benoît, 2022/09/08. Journal of Responsible Innovation. Peer-reviewed.
Civil disobedience by scientists helps press for urgent climate action
Capstick Stuart, Thierry Aaron, Cox Emily, Berglund Oscar, Westlake Steve, Steinberger Julia K., 2022/09. Nature Climate Change, 12 (9) pp. 773-774.
Slowing the treadmill for a good life for All? German trade union narratives and social-ecological transformation
Keil A. Katharina, Kreinin Halliki, 2022/09. Journal of Industrial Relations, 64 (4) pp. 564-584. Peer-reviewed.
Transitions as a coevolutionary process: The urban emergence of electric vehicle inventions
Ferloni Andrea, 2022/09. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions. Peer-reviewed.
Potential rebound effects of teleworking on residential and daily mobility
Hostettler Macias Laura, Ravalet Emmanuel, Rérat Patrick, 2022/08/25. Geography Compass. Peer-reviewed.
Is ecology anti-urban? Urban ideas and imaginaries across one hundred years of ecological publications
Flaminio Silvia, Salomon Cavin Joëlle, Moretti Marco, 2022/08/02. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space pp. 1-29. Peer-reviewed.
Cycling in the era of Covid-19: The effects of the pandemic and pop-up bike lanes on cycling practices
Rérat Patrick, Haldimann Lucas, Widmer Hannah, 2022/08. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives p. 100677. Peer-reviewed.
La dominance humaine sur la nature et l'animal non humain au prisme de la psychologie
Avery Robert A. T., Sarrasin Oriane, 2022/08/01. pp. 275-285 dans Faniko Klea, Bourguignon David, Sarrasin Oriane, Guimond Serge (eds.) Psychologie de la discrimination et des préjugés, De Boeck supérieur, Louvain-La-Neuve (Belgique).
Covid-19, Indigenous Peoples, Local communities and natural resource governance: Final Results
Laouadi Samir, Hymas Olivier, Nkollo Kema-Kema Christy, Van Vliet Nathalie, Walters Gretchen, 2022/07/28. (4en) Rapport de recherche "Développement, sociétés, environnements", Institut de géographie et durabilité, Université de Lausanne; Université Omar Bongo, Département de Sciences Géographiques Environnementales et Marines;Center for International Forestry Research, Jalan CIFOR.
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