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124 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2006 | 2005 | 1997 |
Social Policy
Bonoli Giuliano, Fossati Flavia, 2024. dans The Oxford Handbook of Swiss Politics chap. 37, Oxford University Press.
Bias and Variance in Multiparty Election Polls
Selb Peter, Chen Sina, Körtner John, Bosch Philipp, 2023/11/29. Public Opinion Quarterly. Peer-reviewed.
Welfare solidarity in multi-ethnic societies: can social investment reduce the anti-immigrant bias?
Bonoli Giuliano, Chueri Juliana, Gandenberger Mia, 2023/09/03., Preprint.
Berufliche Wiedereingliederung
Bonoli Giuliano, 2023/09/01. dans Die öffentliche Verwaltung verstehen und gestalten: Das IDHEAP-Modell, EPFL Press.
Upskilling as integration policy: Making the most of refugees' human capital in a context of skill shortage
Bonoli Giuliano, Otmani Ihssane, 2023/01. Social Policy & Administration, 57 (1) pp. 51-66.
The Gender Employment Gap among Refugees and the Role of Employer Discrimination: Experimental Evidence from the German, Swedish and Austrian Labor Markets
Fossati Flavia, Knotz Carlo, Liechti Fabienne, Otmani Ihssane, 2022/12/12. International Migration Review p. 019791832211342. Peer-reviewed.
Formation professionnelle et inclusion
Bonoli Giuliano, 2022/10/01. IDHEAP Policy Brief, 5 pp. 1-3.
Sometimes needs change minds: Interests and values as determinants of attitudes towards state support for the self-employed during the COVID-19 crisis.
Bonoli Giuliano, Fossati Flavia, Gandenberger Mia, Knotz Carlo, 2022/10. Journal of European Social Policy, 32 (4) pp. 407-421. Peer-reviewed.
Collective Skill Formation in the Knowledge Economy
Bonoli Giuliano, Emmenegger Patrick (eds.), 2022/09/29. 384, Oxford University Press.
National-regional-local shifting games in multi-tiered welfare states
Bonoli Giuliano, Trein Philipp, 2022/07/22. pp. 250-265 dans Introduction to the Handbook on Urban Social Policies: International Perspectives on Multilevel Governance and Local Welfare, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Research on active social policy
Bonoli Giuliano, 2022/07/15. pp. 120-134 dans Nelson Kenneth, Nieuwenhuis Rense, Yerkes Mara (eds.) Social Policy in Changing European Societies : Research Agendas for the 21st Century chap. 8, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Solidarity in times of crisis: perceptions of deservingness during the COVID-19 pandemic in Switzerland - datasets and codebooks
Gandenberger Mia, Knotz Carlo, Fossati Flavia, Bonoli Giuliano, Trein Philipp, Varone Fréderic, 2022/06/10..
Did “Trumpists” perform worse in US Senate election polls?
Chen Sina, Körtner John, 2022/06. Significance, 19 (3) pp. 28-31. Peer-reviewed.
Conditional Solidarity - Attitudes Towards Support for Others During the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic
Gandenberger Mia K., Knotz Carlo M., Fossati Flavia, Bonoli Giuliano, 2022/02/03. Journal of Social Policy. Peer-reviewed.
Politiques sociales
Giuliano Bonoli, Fossati Flavia, 2022. pp. 883-902 dans Handbuch der Schweizer Politik/Manuel de la politique Suisse, Papadopoulos, I., Sciarini, P., Vatter, A., Häusermann, S., Emmenegger, P. and Fossati, F..
Predictive Algorithms in the Delivery of Public Employment Services
Körtner John, Bonoli Giuliano, 2021/12/20..
Public attitudes toward pandemic triage: Evidence from conjoint survey experiments in Switzerland
Knotz Carlo Michael, Gandenberger Mia Katharina, Fossati Flavia, Bonoli Giuliano, 2021/09. Social Science & Medicine, 285 p. 114238. Peer-reviewed.
A Recast Framework for Welfare Deservingness Perceptions
Knotz Carlo Michael, Gandenberger Mia Katharina, Fossati Flavia, Bonoli Giuliano, 2021/08/20. Social Indicators Research. Peer-reviewed.
Popular Attitudes Toward the Distribution of Vaccines Against COVID‐19: The Swiss Case
Knotz Carlo M., Gandenberger Mia K., Fossati Flavia, Bonoli Giuliano, 2021/05/17. Swiss Political Science Review. Peer-reviewed.
Integration through vocational training. Promoting refugees' access to apprenticeships in a collective skill formation system
Aerne Annatina, Bonoli Giuliano, 2021/03/15. Journal of Vocational Education & Training pp. 1-20. Peer-reviewed.
Unterstützung für die Schwächsten: Die öffentliche Meinung in der Schweiz während der Corona Pandemie
Fossati Flavia, Knotz Carlo, Gandenberger Mia, Bonoli Giuliano, 2021/01/21. dans One Year with Covid-19, DemocracyNet.
L’approche systémique appliquée à la crise COVID-19
Beqa Arbër, Romy Lucas, Vallat Philippe, 2021. (2/2021) 53 Working Paper de l'IDHEAP, IDHEAP.
Sondage auprès des Formateurs et formatrices. Profession: Employé de commerce (2017) (Version 2020-12-07)
Fossati Flavia, Wilson Anna, Bonoli Giuliano, 2020/12/07..
The roles of employers and trade unions in immigration and welfare state policy-making
Knotz Carlo, Fossati Flavia, Scalise Gemma, Hooijer Gerda, 2020/11/18. Journal of European Social Policy. Peer-reviewed.
Immigrant integration and social investment
Bonoli Giuliano, 2020/11. Journal of European Social Policy, 30 (5) pp. 616-627. Peer-reviewed.
Why Do Employers Sometimes Prefer Minority Candidates? Theoretical Review and Empirical Test
Zschirnt Eva, Bonoli Giuliano, Fossati Flavia, 2020/10/01. Nccr-on the move Working Paper Series, Nccr-on the move.
What signals do employers use when hiring? Evidence from a survey experiment in the apprenticeship market
Fossati Flavia, Wilson Anna, Bonoli Giuliano, 2020/05/09. European Sociological Review. Peer-reviewed.
What form should solidarity take during the health crisis?
Bonoli Giuliano, Fossati Flavia, Gandenberger Mia, Knotz Carlo, 2020/05/01., nccr-on the move Policy Brief, No. 17..
Participation in labour market programmes: A positive or negative signal of employability?
Fossati Flavia, Liechti Fabienne, Wilson Anna, 2020/04/13. Acta Sociologica. Peer-reviewed.
R.I.C.E. – An Integrated Model of Welfare Deservingness Perceptions
Knotz Carlo, Gandenberger Mia, Bonoli Giuliano, Fossati Flavia, 2020/04/06. (26),
Embedded flexibilization and polite employer domination: the case of short-track apprenticeships in Switzerland
Di Maio Gina, Graf Lukas, Wilson Anna, 2020/03/30. Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training, 12 (1).
The limits of decentralized cooperation: promoting inclusiveness in collective skill formation systems
Bonoli Giuliano, Emmenegger Patrick, 2020/01/30. Journal of European Public Policy pp. 1-19. Peer-reviewed.
Nouvelles formes de travail : Quelles perspectives pour la sécurité sociale ?
Wagner J., Bonoli G., 2020. Bulletin de l'Association Suisse des Actuaires, 2020 pp. 22-23.
Social investment, active labour market policies and migration
Bonoli Giuliano, 2020. pp. 193-206 dans Careja Romana, Emmenegger Patrick, Giger Nathalie (eds.) The European Social Model under Pressure, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
The IDHEAP/NCCR-on the move survey 'Solidarity in times of crisis' - Data Dashboard
Knotz Carlo, Gandenberger Mia, Fossati Flavia, Bonoli Giuliano, Trein Philipp, 2020..
Can signaling assimilation mitigate hiring discrimination? Evidence from a survey experiment
Fossati Flavia, Liechti Fabienne, Auer Daniel, 2019/12. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility. Peer-reviewed.
A silver lining for disadvantaged youth on the apprenticeship market: an experimental study of employers' hiring preferences
Wilson Anna, 2019/11/29. Journal of Vocational Education & Training pp. 1-21. Peer-reviewed.
Supplemental material for article "A silver lining for disadvantaged youth on the apprenticeship market: An experimental study of employers’ hiring preferences"
Wilson Anna, 2019/11/28..
Does Demanding Activation Work? A Comparative Analysis of the Effects of Unemployment Benefit Conditionality on Employment in 21 Advanced Economies, 1980–2012
Knotz Carlo Michael, 2019/09/13. European Sociological Review.
Torn between economic efficiency and social equality? Short-track apprenticeships in Denmark, Germany and Switzerland
Di Maio Gina, Graf Lukas, Wilson Anna, 2019/08/25. European Educational Research Journal. Peer-reviewed.
Connecting Employers and Workers: Can Recommendations from the Public Employment Service Act as a Substitute for Social Contacts?
Liechti Fabienne, 2019/03/27. Work, Employment and Society p. 095001701983688. Peer-reviewed.
A federalist's dilemma: Trade-offs between social legitimacy and budget responsibility in multi-tiered welfare states
Bonoli Giuliano, Natili Marcello, Trein Philipp, 2019/02. Journal of European Social Policy, 29 (1) pp. 56-69. Peer-reviewed.
Bringing firms on board. Inclusiveness of the dual apprenticeship systems in Germany, Switzerland and Denmark: Bringing firms on board
Bonoli Giuliano, Wilson Anna, 2019/01/04. International Journal of Social Welfare. Peer-reviewed.
Le chômage des seniors : analyse de signaux pour une amélioration de leur réinsertion professionnelle
Gachoud Adile, 2019. (2/2019) 52 Working paper de l'IDHEAP, IDHEAP.
Social Security Policy
Bonoli Giuliano, 2019. pp. 309-322 dans Ladner Andreas, Soguel Nils, Emery Yves, Weerts Sophie, Nahrath Stéphane (eds.) Swiss Public Administration : Making the State Work Successfully, Springer International Publishing.
More than noise? Explaining instances of minority preference in correspondence studies of recruitment
Bonoli Giuliano, Fossati Flavia, 2018/07/25. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies pp. 1-17. Peer-reviewed.
Good intentions and Matthew effects: access biases in participation in active labour market policies
Bonoli Giuliano, Liechti Fabienne, 2018/06/03. Journal of European Public Policy, 25 (6) pp. 894-911. Peer-reviewed.
The Matching Hierarchies Model : Evidence from a Survey Experiment on Employers' Hiring Intent Regarding Immigrant Applicants
Auer Daniel, Bonoli Giuliano, Fossati Flavia, Liechti Fabienne, 2018/05. International Migration Review. Peer-reviewed.
Between Idealism and Pragmatism: Social Policies and Matthew Effect in Vocational Education and Training for Disadvantaged Youth in Switzerland
Pisoni Delia, 2018. Social Inclusion, 6 (3) p. 289.
Language roulette : the effect of random placement on refugees' labour market integration
Auer Daniel, 2018. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 44 (3) pp. 341-362.
Who Wants Demanding Active Labour Market Policies ? : Public Attitudes towards Policies that put Pressure on the Unemployed
Fossati Flavia, 2018. Journal of Social Policy, 47 (1) pp. 77-97. Peer-reviewed.
How regimes shape preferences : A study of political actors' labour market policy preferences in flexicurity and dualizing countries
Fossati Flavia, 2017/11/02. Socio-Economic Review. Peer-reviewed.
Discrimination Multipliers : How Immigrants’ integration affects labour market disadvantage
Fossati Flavia, Liechti Fabienne, Auer Daniel, Bonoli Giuliano, 2017. (2) 22 MIM Working Papers Series, Malmö Institute for Studies of Migration, Diversity and Welfare (MIM).
Evaluation de l’Unité commune ORP- CSR en Ville de Lausanne
Bonoli Giuliano, Lalive Rafael, Oesch Daniel, Bigotta Maurizio, Cottier Lionel, Fossati Flavia, 2017. 49, Université de Lausanne; Ville de Lausanne.
Language Roulette : The Effect of Random Placement on Refugees' Labour Market Integration
Auer Daniel, 2017. (11) 21, nccr - on the move.
Politiques cantonales de promotion de l'enfance et de la jeunesse : quels développements ?
Pedrazzi Alex, 2017. (8/2017) 47 Working paper de l'IDHEAP, IDHEAP.
Shifting Reform Strategies in European Welfare States
Bonoli G., 2017. pp. 39-62 dans Qi D., Yang L. (eds.) Social Development and Social Policy : International Experiences and China's Reform, World Scientific Publishing.
The Signalling Value of Labour Market Programmes
Liechti Fabienne, Fossati Flavia, Bonoli Giuliano, Auer Daniel, 2017. European Sociological Review, 33 (2) pp. 257-274. Peer-reviewed.
Why do immigrants have longer periods of unemployment ? Swiss evidence
Auer Daniel, Bonoli Giuliano, Fossati Flavia, 2017. International Migration, 55 (1) pp. 157-174. Peer-reviewed.
Les conséquences du travail à temps partiel sur les prestations de prévoyance vieillesse
Bonoli G., Crettaz E., Auer D., Liechti F., 2016/06. 48 Rapport final, IDHEAP.
Swiss parliament votes down a proposal to permanently ban the new admission of doctors
Trein P., 2016/06. (23) 2 ESPN-Flash Reports, EU Commission.
Cost-Shifting in Multitiered Welfare States : Responding to Rising Welfare Caseloads in Germany and Switzerland
Bonoli G., Trein P., 2016. Publius : The Journal of Federalism, 46 (4) pp. 596-622.
Europe's Social Safety Net Under Pressure
Bonoli G., 2016. Current History, 115 (779) pp. 102-107.
How do fiscally decentralized federations fare in times of crisis ? : Insights from Switzerland
Trein P., Braun D., 2016. Regional and Federal Studies, 26 (2) pp. 199-220. Peer-reviewed.
The Signaling Value of Labor Market Programs
Liechti F., Fossati F., Bonoli G., Auer D., 2016. (9) 27 Working paper series, nccr - on the move.
Mieux récompenser la réinsertion des bénéficiaires de l'aide sociale
Kahil B., Bonoli G., Fischer S., 2015/02. Plaidoyer , 33 (2) pp. 6-8.
Availability, Cost or Culture ? : Obstacles to Childcare Services for Low-Income Families
Abrassart A., Bonoli G., 2015. Journal of Social Policy, 44 (4) pp. 787-806.
Best practice report on policy learning infrastructures in innovative labour market policies
Bonoli G., Trein P., 2015. (D5.4), EU Commission.
Federalism and Welfare to Work in Switzerland: The Development of Active Social Policies in a Fragmented Welfare State
Bonoli G., Champion C., 2015. Publius : The Journal of Federalism, 45 (1) pp. 77-98.
Implementation of the revised bill on epidemics in Switzerland
Trein P., 2015. (46) 5 ESPN-Flash Reports, EU Commission.
Inequality in social capital and labour market re-entry among unemployed people
Bonoli G., Turtschi N., 2015. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 42 pp. 87-95.
It's Discrimination, Stupid : Labour Market (Re-) Entry Difficulties among Different Immigrant Groups in Switzerland
Auer Daniel, Bonoli Giuliano, Fossati Flavia, 2015. (2) 30 Working paper series, nccr - on the move.
L'accès des familles migrantes défavorisées à l'accueil collectif préscolaire : où et comment investir ?
Bonoli G., Champion C., 2015. 57, IDHEAP.
Labour market innovations and policy learning : report on Switzerland
Bonoli G., Pisoni D., Trein P., 2015. (D5.2), EU Commission.
Literature report : a review of policy learning in five strands of political science research
Trein P., 2015. (series 2015 no. 26) Working paper, EU Commission.
Policy learning in Europe : social policy and labour market reforms in 11 countries
Philipp T., Bonoli G., Pisoni D., 2015. (D5.3), EU Commission.
Quantitative discursive institutionalism : a comparison of labour market policy discourse across Western Europe
Wueest Bruno, Fossati Flavia, 2015. Journal of European Public Policy, 22 (5) pp. 708-730. Peer-reviewed.
Rik Van Berkel, Willibrord de Graaf and Tomá? Sirovátka (eds.) (2011), The Governance of Active Welfare States in Europe. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
Bonoli G., 2015. Journal of Social Policy, 44 (2) pp. 402-404.
Employers' attitudes towards long-term unemployed people and the role of activation in Switzerland
Bonoli G., 2014. International Journal of Social Welfare, 23 (4) pp. 421-430.
Integration of social and labour market policy institutions : towards more control and responsiveness ?
Champion C., Bonoli G., 2014. pp. 201-219 dans Farnsworth K., Irving Z., Fenger M. (eds.) Analysis and debate in social policy, 2014 chap. 11, Policy Press.
L'impact des réseaux sociaux sur le retour à l'emploi des chômeurs (The impact of social networks on re-employment)
Bonoli G., Lalive R., Oesch D., Turtschi N., von Ow A., Arni P., Parrotta P., 2014. (60) IZA Research Report, Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA).
Networking the unemployed : Can policy interventions facilitate access to employment through informal channels ?
Bonoli G., 2014. International Social Security Review, 67 (2) pp. 85-106.
Réseau social et inégalités de réinsertion
Turtschi N., Von Ow A., 2014. Panorama 6 pp. 26-27.
Social Investment Policies in Times of Permanent Austerity
Bonoli G., 2014., Paper presented at XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology (July 13-19, 2014) Yokohama, Japan..
Social Policy Preferences and Party Choice in the 2011 Swiss Elections
Fossati Flavia, Häusermann Silja, 2014. Swiss Political Science Review, 20 (4) pp. 590-611. Peer-reviewed.
The Electoral Consequences of Third Way Welfare State Reforms : Social Democracy's Transformation and its Political Costs
Bonoli G., 2014. West European Politics, 37 (5) pp. 1190-1191.
La réinsertion professionnelle des bénéficiaires de l'aide sociale en Suisse et en Allemagne
Bonoli G., Champion C., Schlanser R., 2013. Cahier de l'IDHEAP, 281, IDHEAP.
The Origins of Active Social Policy : Labour Market and Childcare Policies in a Comparative Perspective
Bonoli G., 2013. 219, Oxford University Press.
Active labour market policy and social investment : a changing relationship
Bonoli G., 2012. pp. 181-204 dans Morel N., Palier B., Palme P. (eds.) Towards a social investment welfare state ? : Ideas, policies and challenges, The Policy Press.
Blame Avoidance and Credit Claiming Revisited
Bonoli G., 2012. pp. 93-110 dans Bonoli G., Natali D. (eds.) The Politics of the New Welfare State, Oxford University Press.
Multidimensional Transformations in the Early 21st Century Welfare States
Bonoli G., Natali D., 2012. pp. 287-306 dans Bonoli G., Natali D. (eds.) The Politics of the New Welfare State, Oxford University Press.
Statistical discrimination and employers' recruitment : Practices for low-skilled workers
Bonoli G., Hinrichs K., 2012. European Societies, 14 (3) pp. 338-361.
The Politics of the 'New' Welfare States : Analysing Reforms in Western Europe : Introduction
Bonoli G., Natali D., 2012. pp. 3-17 dans Bonoli G., Natali D. (eds.) The Politics of the New Welfare State, Oxford University Press.
The Politics of the New Welfare State
Bonoli G., Natali D. (eds.), 2012. 316, Oxford University Press.
Active labour market policy in a changing economic context
Bonoli G., 2011. pp. 318-332 dans Clasen J., Clegg D. (eds.) Regulating the risk of unemployment : national adaptations to post-industrial labour markets in Europe chap. 16, Oxford University Press.
Institutional fragmentation and coordination initiatives in western European welfare states
Champion C., Bonoli G., 2011. Journal of European Social Policy, 21 (4) pp. 323-334.
Qui utilise les crèches en Suisse ? : logiques sociales du recours aux structures d'accueil collectif pour la petite enfance
Schlanser R., 2011. Cahier de l'IDHEAP, 264 152, IDHEAP.
Swiss welfare reforms in a comparative European perspective : between retrenchment and activation
Bonoli G., Häusermann S., 2011. pp. 186-204 dans Trampusch C., Mach A. (eds.) Switzerland in Europe : continuity and change in the Swiss political economy chap. 11, Routledge.
Switzerland: a latecomer catching up ?
Champion C., 2011. pp. 121-140 dans Clasen J., Clegg D. (eds.) Regulating the risk of unemployment : national adaptations to post-industrial labour markets in Europe chap. 7, Oxford University Press.
Transformations of the Welfare State. Small States, Big Lessons
Bonoli G., 2011. Swiss Political Science Review, 17 (4) pp. 497-499.
Zur Reform der Sozialversicherungssysteme in Europa
Bonoli G., 2011. Die Volkswirtschaft, 84 (1/2) pp. 4-7.
Worlds of working poverty : Cross-national variation in the mechanisms that lead to poverty among workers
Crettaz E., Bonoli G., 2010/06. (539) 17 LIS Working Paper Series, Luxembourg Income Study.
Facteurs de fracture numérique dans le canton de Vaud : constats et pistes
Bron A., 2010. (1/2010) 55 Working paper de l'IDHEAP, IDHEAP.
Kinder als Mitbetroffene von häuslicher Gewalt : die Vernetzung der betroffenen Kinder mit der Opferhilfe im Kanton Bern
Fellenberg M. von , 2010. Cahier de l'IDHEAP, 260 118, IDHEAP.
Le rôle des employeurs dans la réinsertion professionnelle
Berclaz M., 2010. Cahier de l'IDHEAP, 254 182, IDHEAP.
State-Society Relationships, Social Trust and the Development of Labour Market Policies in Italy and Sweden
Bonoli G., Emmenegger P., 2010. West European Politics, 33 (4) pp. 830-850.
The Political Economy of Active Labor-Market Policy
Bonoli G., 2010. Politics and Society, 38 (4) pp. 435-457.
The political economy of childcare in OECD countries : Explaining cross-national variation in spending and coverage rates
Bonoli G., Reber F., 2010. European Journal of Political Research, 49 (1) pp. 97-118.
Who Wants What from the Welfare State ? Socio-structural Cleavages in Distributional Politics: Evidence from Swiss Referendum Votes
Bonoli G., Häusermann S., 2010. pp. 187-205 dans Tremmel J. C. (eds.) A young generation under pressure ? : the financial situation and the "rush hour" of the cohorts 1970-1985 in a generational comparison chap. 10, Springer.
Age de la retraite, pénibilité du travail et durée de la vie active : pistes pour une différenciation des prestations d’assurance vieillesse sur la base de critères sociaux
Abrassart Aurélien, Bonoli Giuliano, 2009. (1/2009) 20 Working paper de l'IDHEAP, IDHEAP.
Vers une meilleure compréhension des inégalités scolaires entre immigrés et natifs en Suisse
Abrassart Aurélien, 2009. Working Paper, IDHEAP.
Faire face aux défis de l'Etat social : la stratégie de l'investissement
Bonoli G., 2008. pp. 1-18 dans Bonoli G., Bertozzi F. (eds.) Les nouveaux défis de l'Etat social = Neue Herausforderungen für den Sozialstaat chap. 1, Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes ; Haupt.
Flexicurity: flessibilità e sicurezza in un mercato del lavoro efficiente
Bonoli G., 2008. pp. 18-26 dans Lavoro flessibile: vademecum per una gestione sicura dei rapporti di lavoro flessibili, Boss.
Für einen Sozialstaat der Investition
Bonoli G., 2008. Rote Revue : Zeitschrift für Politik, Wirtschaft und Kultur, 86 (1) pp. 7-11.
Les nouveaux défis de l'Etat social = Neue Herausforderungen für den Sozialstaat
Bonoli G., Bertozzi F. (eds.), 2008. Contributions à l'action publique 252, Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes ; Haupt.
The political economy of activation : Explaining cross-national variation in active labour market policy
Bonoli Giuliano, 2008. (1/2008) 21 Working paper de l'IDHEAP, IDHEAP.
Adapting employment policies to post-industrial labour market risks
Bonoli Giuliano , 2006. (6/2006) 22 Working paper de l'IDHEAP, IDHEAP.
Gentechnologie im Ausserhumanbereich : eine Analyse der Positionierung der Akteure zum Zeitpunkt der Gentechfrei-Initiative
Coleman Brantschen Evelyn, 2006. (13/2006) 130 Working paper de l'IDHEAP, IDHEAP.
Politiques sociales, immigration et natalité : pourrons-nous éviter le crash démographique ?
Bonoli G., 2006. pp. 1-12 dans Chappelet J.-L. (eds.) Contributions à l'action publique = Beiträge zum öffentlichen Handeln chap. 1, Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes; Haupt.
Ageing and Pension Reform around the World : Evidence from Eleven Countries
Bonoli G., Shinkawa T. (eds.), 2005., E. Elgar.
L'évolution de l'Etat social suisse en perspective comparative
Bonoli G., 2005. dans Suter C., Joye D., Renschler I. (eds.) Rapport social 2004, Seismo.
La réforme de l'Etat social en Suisse : vieillissement, emploi, conflit travail-famille
Bertozzi F., Bonoli G., Gay-des-Combes B., 2005. Le savoir suisse 130, PPUR.
The politics of the new social policies. Providing coverage against new social risks in mature welfare states.
Bonoli G., 2005. Policy and Politics, 33 p. 3.
Classifying Welfare States : a Two-dimension Approach
Bonoli G., 1997. Journal of Social Policy, 26 (3) pp. 351-372.
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