Science forensique

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514 publications

... | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1993 | 1991 |
Forensic Intelligence
Ribaux Olivier, Caneppele Stefano, 2017. pp. 136-148 dans Rossy Quentin, Décary-Hétu David, Delémont Olivier, Mulone Massimiliano (eds.) The Routledge International Handbook of Forensic Intelligence and Criminology, Routledge.
How to answer the question of error margin in forensic signature examination with a Bayesian approach?
Marquis Raymond, Cadola Liv, Mazzella Williams David, Hicks Tacha (eds.), 2017. 45 6, Nowa Kodyfikacja Prawa Karnego .
Il ruolo della probabilità nella valutazione della prova scientifica
Taroni Franco, Bozza Silvia, Vuille Joëlle, 2017. pp. 23-74 dans Canzio Giovanni, Luparia Luca (eds.) Prova scientifica e processo penale, CEDAM - Wolters Kluwer.
La datation des encres : Revue des méthodes basées sur l’analyse des solvants
Koenig Agnès, Weyermann Céline, 2017. Revue Internationale de Criminologie et de Police Technique et Scientifique, LXX (3) pp. 336-375. Peer-reviewed.
La vente de faux documents d’identité sur Internet
Bellido L., Baechler S., Rossy Q., 2017. Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique, LXX (2) pp. 233-249. Peer-reviewed.
Les nouvelles lignes directrices du European Network of Forensic Sciences Institut en matière d’évaluation et de communication des résultats d’analyses et d’expertises scientifiques
Moreillon L., Vuille J., Biedermann A., Champod C., 2017. Forumpoenale, 2 pp. 105-110. Peer-reviewed.
Magistrats et experts scientifiques: une mésentente cordiale
Vuille Joëlle, Taroni Franco, 2017. pp. 167-185 dans Kuhn A, Schwarzenegger C, Vuille J (eds.) Justice pénale - Individus - Opinion publique, Diversité des perceptions, Stämpfli Verlag.
Notes de police scientifique - Assurance qualité - validation de méthode
Kummer Natalie, 2017. Revue Internationale de Criminologie et de Police Technique et Scientifique, LXX (2) p. 251.
Objective evaluation of subclass characteristics on breech face marks
Riva F., Hermsen R., Mattijssen E., Pieper P., Champod C., 2017. Journal of forensic sciences, 62 (2) pp. 417-422. Peer-reviewed.
Preface [for the 2nd ISSSES special issue]
Biedermann A., Zhang B., 2017. Journal of Forensic Science and Medicine, 3 (2) pp. 47-48. Peer-reviewed.
Prélèvement des microtraces : un fort potentiel à considérer dès l'investigation de la scène de crime
Schnegg Michaël, Massonnet Geneviève, 2017. Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique, LXX (1) pp. 95-120. Peer-reviewed.
Reconsiderando la individualización forense como una decisión = Rethinking forensic individualization as a decision
Biedermann A., Bozza S., Taroni F., Lucena Molina J. J., 2017. Revista espanola de medicina legal, 43 (2) pp. 87-88. Peer-reviewed.
Research on Typical Ink Defects of Ballpoint Pen Using Optical Method
Li Bing, Mazzella Williams David, Fürbach Martin, 2017. pp. 123-132 dans Judicial civilization in contemporary China: reviewers of evidence law and forensic science, DPA publishing.
Scientific evidence and the right to a fair trial under Article 6 ECHR
Vuille J., Luparia L., Taroni F., 2017. Law, Probability and Risk, 16 (1) pp. 55-68. Peer-reviewed.
The consequences of understanding expert probability reporting as a decision.
Biedermann A., Bozza S., Taroni F., Aitken C., 2017/01. Science & justice : journal of the Forensic Science Society, 57 (1) pp. 80-85. Peer-reviewed.
Towards a Bayesian evaluation of features in questioned handwritten signatures
Gaborini L., Biedermann A., Taroni F., 2017. Science & justice, 57 (3) pp. 209-220. Peer-reviewed.
Using Standardization and Ontology to Enhance Data Protection and Intelligent Analysis of Electronic Evidence
Casey Eoghan, Biasiotti Mariangela, Turchi Fabrizio, 2017. Discovery of Electronically Stored Information Workshop.
An in-situ assessment of low-density polyethylene and silicone rubber passive samplers using methods with and without performance reference compounds in the context of investigation of polychlorinated biphenyl sources in rivers
Estoppey Nicolas, Schopfer Adrien, Fong Camille, Delémont Olivier, De Alencastro Luiz F., Esseiva Pierre, 2016/12. Science of The Total Environment, 572 pp. 794-803. Peer-reviewed.
Fingermarks and Other Impressions, 2013-2016
Bécue Andy, Champod Christophe, 2016/11/11., 18th INTERPOL International Forensic Science Managers Symposium (11-13 October 2016) pp. 617-696 dans Review papers. Peer-reviewed, Max M. Houck.
A Systemic Approach to Security: Beyond the Tradeoff between Security and Liberty
Pavone Vincenzo, Santiago Gomez Elvira, Jaquet-Chiffelle David-Olivier, 2016/10. Democracy and Security, 12 (4) pp. 225-246.
Discussion on how to implement a verbal scale in a forensic laboratory: benefits, pitfalls and suggestions to avoid misunderstandings
Marquis R., Biedermann A., Cadola L., Champod C., Gueissaz L., Massonnet G., Mazzella W., Taroni F., Hicks T., 2016/10. Science & Justice, 56 (5) pp. 364-370. Peer-reviewed.
Integrating environmental and self-report data to refine cannabis prevalence estimates in a major urban area of Switzerland
Been Frederic, Schneider Christian, Zobel Frank, Delémont Olivier, Esseiva Pierre, 2016/10. International Journal of Drug Policy, 36 pp. 33-42. Peer-reviewed.
The progressive opening of forensic science toward criminological concerns
Ribaux Olivier, Crispino Frank, Delémont Olivier, Roux Claude, 2016/10. Security Journal, 29 (4) pp. 543-560. Peer-reviewed.
Investigation of PCB sources in rivers using passive sampling
Estoppey Nicolas, Schopfer Adrien, Esseiva Pierre, Delémont Olivier, De Alencastro Luiz Felippe, 2016/09/01. NORMAN Bulletin 5 pp. 9-11.
On the Generation of Synthetic Fingerprint Alterations
Papi Serena, Ferrara Matteo, Maltoni Davide, Anthonioz Alexandre, 2016/09. dans 2016 International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group (BIOSIG), IEEE.
Using sensitivity analyses in Bayesian Networks to highlight the impact of data paucity and direct future analyses: a contribution to the debate on measuring and reporting the precision of likelihood ratios
Taylor Duncan, Hicks Tacha, Champod Christophe, 2016/09. Science & Justice, 56 (5) pp. 402-410. Peer-reviewed.
Les besoins et les enjeux en matière d’analyse criminelle stratégique et opérationnelle
Baechler S., Simon M., Servettaz J., 2016/06/24., Collège Européen des Investigations Financières et de l'Analyse financière Criminelle pp. 27-36 dans Cutajar C. (eds.) Actes du séminaire de restitution du programme de recherche-action du CEIFAC, Les Cahiers du CEIFAC.
The Intelligent Use of Forensic Data: An Introduction to the Principles
Bruenisholz Eva, Prakash Sameer, Ross Alastair, Morelato Marie, O'Malley Troy, Raymond Michael Anthony, Ribaux Olivier, Roux Claude Patrick, Walsh Simon, 2016/06/07. Forensic Science Policy & Management: An International Journal, 7 (1-2) pp. 21-29. Peer-reviewed.
L'effet CSI: état de l'art sur un phénomène aux multiples facettes
Borisova B., Courvoisier J., Bécue A., 2016/06. Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique, LXIX (2) pp. 227-246. Peer-reviewed.
Altered fingerprint detection – algorithm performance evaluation
Haraksim Rudolf, Anthonioz Alexandre, Champod Christophe, Olsen Martin, Ellingsgaard John, Christophe Busch, 2016/03. dans 2016 4th International Conference on Biometrics and Forensics (IWBF). Peer-reviewed, IEEE.
Evaluation of performance reference compounds (PRCs) to monitor emerging polar contaminants by polar organic chemical integrative samplers (POCIS) in rivers
Carpinteiro Inmaculada, Schopfer Adrien, Estoppey Nicolas, Fong Camille, Grandjean Dominique, de Alencastro Luiz F., 2016/02. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 408 (4) pp. 1067-1078. Peer-reviewed.
Functionalised silicon oxide nanoparticles for fingermark detection
Moret Sébastien, Bécue Andy, Champod Christophe, 2016/02. Forensic Science International, 259 pp. 10-18. Peer-reviewed.
Commentary on: Chang KH, Yew CH, Abdullah AFL. Study on the behaviors of gunshot residues from spent cartridges by headspace solid-phase microextraction-gas chromatographic techniques. J Forensic Sci 2015;60(4):869-77.
Gallidabino Matteo, Weyermann Céline, 2016. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 61 (5) pp. 1409-1410.
Emerging fields in fingermark (meta)detection – A critical review
Bécue Andy, 2016. Analytical Methods, 8 (45) pp. 7983-8003. Peer-reviewed.
Evaluation and Examination of a Possible Shoe-polish Trace in a Hold-up Case
Gueissaz Line, Hicks Tacha, Muehlethaler Cyril, Massonnet Geneviève, 2016. Journal of Forensic Science and Medicine, 2 (4) p. 233. Peer-reviewed.
Evaluation of infrared spectra analyses using a likelihood ratio approach: A practical example of spray paint examination
Muehlethaler Cyril, Massonnet Geneviève, Hicks Tacha, 2016. Science and Justice, 56 (2) pp. 61-72. Peer-reviewed.
Further investigations into the single metal deposition (SMD II) technique for the detection of latent fingermarks
Newland T. G., Moret Sébastien, Bécue Andy, Lewis S. W., 2016. Forensic Science International, 268 pp. 62-72. Peer-reviewed.
Integration of Trace Images in Three-dimensional Crime Scene Reconstruction
Milliet Quentin, Sapin Eric Germain, 2016. Journal of Forensic Science and Medicine, 2 (1) pp. 48-53.
La naturaleza decisoria de las conclusiones de los expertos en ciencia forense (The decisionalization of individualization)
Biedermann A., Bozza S., Taroni F., 2016. Teoría & derecho: revista de pensamiento jurídico, 20 pp. 262-284. Peer-reviewed.
The Relevant Physical Trace in Criminal Investigation
Hazard Durdica, 2016. Journal of Forensic Science and Medicine, 2 (4) p. 208. Peer-reviewed.
La traçabilité, une technique de stigmatisation? Retour sur la problématisation de l'"hawala" dans le contexte antiterroriste
Amicelle A., Jaquet-Chiffelle D.-O., 2015/09. Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique, LXVIII (3) pp. 338-353. Peer-reviewed.
Virtual versus real forensic imaging procedures. Application fields, advantages and limits. [Virtuelle vs. reale forensische bildgebende Verfahren: Einsatzgebiete, Vorteile und Limits]
Grabherr S., Baumann P., Fahrni S., Mangin P., Grimm J., 2015/09/01. Rechtsmedizin, 25 (5) pp. 493–509. Peer-reviewed.
Forensic intelligence: deregulation or return to the roots of forensic science?
Ribaux Olivier, Crispino Frank, Roux Claude, 2015/01/02. Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences, 47 (1) pp. 61-71. Peer-reviewed.
Transfer of Fibres onto Knife Blades in Stabbing Events: Distribution and Determination of the Stabbing Sequence
Schnegg Michael, Gueissaz Line, Rodriguez Jessica, Hess Sabine, Massonnet Genevieve, 2015. Journal of Forensic Science and Medicine, 1 (2) p. 84. Peer-reviewed.
A forensic science perspective on the role of images in crime investigation and reconstruction
Milliet Q., Delémont O., Margot P., 2014/12. Science & Justice, 54 (6) pp. 470-480. Peer-reviewed.
Single-Metal Deposition for Fingermark Detection - A Simpler and More Efficient Protocol
Moret Sébastien, Bécue Andy, 2014/10/31. Journal of Forensic Identification, 65 (2) pp. 118-137. Peer-reviewed.
Nanoparticles for fingermark detection: an insight into the reaction mechanism
Moret S., Bécue A., Champod C., 2014/10. Nanotechnology, 25 (42) pp. 425502 (10 pp.). Peer-reviewed.
Fingermark Detection on Thermal Papers: Proposition of an Updated Processing Sequence
Fitzi T., Fischer R., Moret S., Bécue A., 2014/07. Journal of Forensic Identification, 64 (4) pp. 329-350. Peer-reviewed.
Automatic Comparison and Evaluation of Impressions Left by a Firearm on Fired Cartridge Cases
Riva F., Champod C., 2014/05. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 59 (3) pp. 637-647. Peer-reviewed.
Digital Forensics: Betrachtungen zu einer neuen Disziplin
Jaquet-Chiffelle David-Olivier, 2014. Kriminalistik, 68 (3) pp. 188-191.
Malware Forensics Field Guide for Linux Systems
Malin Cameron, Casey Eoghan, Aquilina James, 2013/12/20., Syngress.
Fingermarks and other Impressions, Review 2010-2013
Egli Nicole, Moret Sébastien, Bécue Andy, Champod Christophe, 2013/10/08., 17th INTERPOL International Forensic Science Managers Symposium (08-10 October 2013) pp. 745-820 dans Review papers. Peer-reviewed, Niamh Nic Daéid.
La contrefaçon de billets de banque face à l'évolution des technologies d'impression
Fürbach M., 2013/09. Revue Internationale de Criminologie et de Police Technique et Scientifique, LXVI (3) pp. 321-340.
Introduction à la criminalistique numérique: définition des traces et empreintes
Jaquet-Chiffelle David-Olivier, 2013/02/15. 28, Extrait du cours Bachelor d'introduction à la criminalistique numérique (ESC, Unil).
Rapid screening and identification of illicit drugs by IR absorption spectroscopy and gas chromatography
Mengali Sandro, Liberatore Nicola, Luciani Domenico, Viola Roberto, Cardinali Gian Carlo, Elmi Ivan, Poggi Antonella, Zampolli Stefano, Biavardi Elisa, Dalcanale Enrico et al., 2013/02/04. Quantum Sensing and Nanophotonic Devices X pp. -.
Cadmium-free quantum dots in aqueous solution: potential for fingermark detection, synthesis and an application to the detection of fingermarks in blood on non-porous surfaces
Moret S., Bécue A., Champod C., 2013/01. Forensic Science International, 224 (1-3) pp. 101-110. Peer-reviewed.
Document Dating
Mazzella Williams David, Purdy Dan, 2013. dans Encyclopedia of Forensic Sciences, Waltham: Academic Press.
Forces et faiblesses du système suisse des statistiques de la criminalité: un bilan des années 1996 à 2010
Fink Daniel, Ducommun-Vaucher Steve, Robatti Mancini Vanessa, Storz Renate, 2013. pp. 91-107 dans Kuhn André, Schwarzenegger Christian, Margot Pierre, Donatsch Andreas, Aebi Marcelo, Jositsch Daniel (eds.) Criminologie, politique criminelle et droit pénal dans une perspective internationale: mélanges en l'honneur de Martin Killias à l'occasion de son 65e anniversaire, Stämpfli Verlag.
The global cardiovascular risk transition: associations of four metabolic risk factors with national income, urbanization, and Western diet in 1980 and 2008.
Danaei G., Singh G.M., Paciorek C.J., Lin J.K., Cowan M.J., Finucane M.M., Farzadfar F., Stevens G.A., Riley L.M., Lu Y. et al., 2013. Circulation, 127 (14) pp. 1493-1502, 1502e1-8.
Malware Forensics Field Guide for Windows Systems
Malin Cameron, Casey Eoghan, Aquilina James, 2012/06/13., Syngress.
Detection of fingermarks by colloidal gold (MMD/SMD): beyond the pH 3 limit
Bécue A., Scoundrianos A., Moret S., 2012/06. Forensic Science International, 219 (1-3) pp. 39-49. Peer-reviewed.
Casey Eoghan, 2012. pp. 361-378 dans Criminal Profiling, Elsevier.
Fingermark detection using nanoparticles
Bécue A., Cantù A., 2012. pp. 307-379 dans Ramotowski R. (eds.) Lee and Gaensslen's Advances in Fingerprint Technology, CRC Press.
Design of a Control Slide for Cyanoacrylate Polymerization : Application to the CA-Bluestar Sequence
Thiburce N., Bécue A., Champod C., Crispino F., 2011/05. Journal of Forensic Identification, 61 (3) pp. 232-249. Peer-reviewed.
Use of stains to detect fingermarks
Bécue A., Moret S., Champod C., Margot P., 2011/05. Biotechnic and Histochemistry, 86 (3) pp. 140-160. Peer-reviewed.
Medical record: systematic centralization versus secure on demand aggregation
Quantin Catherine, Jaquet-Chiffelle David-Olivier, Coatrieux Gouenou, Benzenine Eric, Auverlot Bertrand, Allaert François-André, 2011/03. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 11 (1).
Empowerment of Patients over their Personal Health Record Implies Sharing Responsibility with the Physician
Jaquet-Chiffelle David-Olivier, Quantin Catherine, Benzenine Eric, Auverlot Bertrant, Coatrieux Gouenou, Allert François-André, 2011. pp. 68-73 dans Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, IOS Press Ebooks.
L'administration Conjointe du Dossier Patient: Une Responsabilité Partagée Entre le Patient et le Praticien
Quantin Catherine, Benzenine Éric, Auverlot Bertrand, Jaquet-Chiffelle David-Olivier, Coatrieux Gouenou, Allaert François-André, 2011. pp. 297-306 dans Informatique et Santé, Springer Paris.
Reconstructing Digital Evidence
Casey Eoghan, 2011. pp. 531-548 dans Crime Reconstruction, Elsevier.
Medical record search engines, using pseudonymised patient identity: an alternative to centralised medical records
Quantin C., Jaquet-Chiffelle D.-O., Coatrieux G., FASSA M., Allaert F.-A., 2010/11. pp. e6-e11 dans Koji Yamamoto (eds.) International Journal of Medical Informatics. Peer-reviewed.
Fingermarks and Other Impressions Left by the Human Body, Review 2007-2010
Bécue Andy, Egli Nicole, Champod Christophe, Margot Pierre, 2010/10/05., 16th INTERPOL International Forensic Science Managers Symposium (05-08 October 2010) pp. 222-319 dans Review papers. Peer-reviewed, Niamh Nic Daéid.
The Mixed Management of Patients' Medical Records: Responsibility Sharing Between the Patient and the Physician
Quantin C., Fassa M., Benzenine E., Jaquet-Chiffelle D.-O., Coatrieux G., Allaert F.-A., 2010/08. pp. 189-200 dans Bos L., Blobel B., Benton S., Carroll D. (eds.) Medical and Care Compunetics 6. Peer-reviewed.
Les nanoparticules, une nouvelle arme contre le crime ?
Bécue A., 2010/07. L'Actualité chimique, 342-343 pp. 52-58. Peer-reviewed.
Bridging the Accountability Gap: Rights for New Entities in the Information Society?
Koops B.-J., Hildebrandt M., Jaquet-Chiffelle D.-O., 2010/06. Minnesota Journal of Law, Science & technology, 11 (2) pp. 497-561. Peer-reviewed.
Fingermarks, Bitemarks and Other Impressions (Barefoot, Ears, Lips), Review 2004-2007
Bécue Andy, Champod Christophe, Margot Pierre, 2010/02/20. pp. 695-778 dans Interpol's Forensic Science Review, Niamh Nic Daéid, Max Houck .
Polizeigeschosse und ihre Deformation : Abhängigkeit von Geschwindigkeit und Schussdistanz
Kneubuehl Beat Peter, Glardon Matthieu Jonas, 2010/02. Rechtsmedizin, 2 (194) pp. 80-84.
Use of quantum dots in aqueous solution to detect blood fingermarks on non-porous surfaces.
Bécue A., Moret S., Champod C., Margot P., 2009/10. Forensic Science International, 191 (1-3) pp. 36-41. Peer-reviewed.
Détecter et reconnaître
Hazard D., Bécue A., Moret S., Drapel V., Milon M.-P., Dobler A., Pun K.-M., Jung B., Comment S., Jolliet F. et al., 2009/06. Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique, LXII (2) pp. 17-36.
Virtual Persons and Identities
Jaquet-Chiffelle D.-O., Benoist E., Haenni R., Wenger F., Zwingelberg H., 2009/05. pp. 75-122 dans Rannenberg K., Royer D., Deuker A. (eds.) The Future of Identity in the Information Society, Challenges and Opportunities chap. 3, Springer.
Identity [R]Evolution: Multi-Disciplinary Perpectives
Jaquet-Chiffelle D.-O. (eds.), 2009/04., FIDIS.
A Typology of Identity-Related Crime
Koops B.-J., Leenes R., Meints M., van der Meulen N., Jaquet-Chiffelle D.-O., 2009/02. Information, Communication & Society, 12 (1) pp. 1-24. Peer-reviewed.
Centralised versus Decentralised Management of Patients's Medical Records
Quantin C., Coatrieux G., Fassa M., Breton V., Jaquet-Chiffelle D.-O., de Vlieger P., Lypszyc N., Boire J.-Y., Roux C., Allaert F.-A., 2009. pp. 700-704 dans Adlassnig K.-P., Blobel B., Mantas J., Masic I. (eds.) Medical Informatics in a United and Healthy Europe: Proceedings of MIE 2009. Peer-reviewed, IOS Press.
Human Fingerprint Imaging by Scanning Electro-Chemical Microscopy (Secm)
Cortés-Salazar F., Zhang M., Bécue A., Busnel J.-M., Prudent M., Champod C., Girault H., 2009. Chimia, 63 (9) p. 580. Peer-reviewed.
Identification of promising antigenic components in latent fingermark residues
Drapel V., Bécue A., Champod C., Margot P., 2009/01. Forensic Science International, 184 (1-3) pp. 47-53. Peer-reviewed.
Single-metal deposition: optimization of this fingermark enhancement technique
Durussel P., Stauffer E., Bécue A., Champod C., Margot P., 2009/01. Journal of Forensic Identification, 59 (1) pp. 80-96. Peer-reviewed.
Headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) and liquid–liquid extraction (LLE): Comparison of the performance in classification of ecstasy tablets (Part 2)
Bonadio Federica, Margot Pierre, Delémont Olivier, Esseiva Pierre, 2008/11. Forensic Science International, 182 (1-3) pp. 52-56. Peer-reviewed.
Fingermark detection based on the in situ growth of luminescent nanoparticles—Towards a new generation of multimetal deposition
Bécue Andy, Scoundrianos Aurèle, Champod Christophe, Margot Pierre, 2008/07. Forensic Science International, 179 (1) pp. 39-43. Peer-reviewed.
Advanced clustering methods for mining chemical databases in forensic science.
Ratle F., Gagne C., Terrettaz-Zufferey A.-L., Kanevski M., Esseiva P., Ribaux O., 2008. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 90 (2) pp. 123-131.
Fingermarks, Bitemarks and other Impressions (Barefoot, Ears, Lips), Review 2004-2007
Bécue Andy, Champod Christophe, Margot Pierre, 2007/10/23., 15th INTERPOL International Forensic Science Managers Symposium (23-26 October 2007) pp. 745-800 dans Review Papers. Peer-reviewed, Niamh Nic Daéid.
Single-metal deposition (SMD) as a latent fingermark enhancement technique: An alternative to multimetal deposition (MMD)
Stauffer Eric, Bécue Andy, Singh Kanwar Vikas, Thampi K. Ravindranathan, Champod Christophe, Margot Pierre, 2007/05. Forensic Science International, 168 (1) pp. e5-e9. Peer-reviewed.
Use of gold nanoparticles as molecular intermediates for the detection of fingermarks
Bécue Andy, Champod Christophe, Margot Pierre, 2007/05. Forensic Science International, 168 (2-3) pp. 169-176. Peer-reviewed.
Computation of Likelihood Ratios in Fingerprint Identification for Configurations of Any Number of Minutiae
Neumann Cédric, Champod Christophe, Puch-Solis Roberto, Egli Nicole, Anthonioz Alexandre, Bromage-Griffiths Andie, 2007/01. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 52 (1) pp. 54-64. Peer-reviewed.
La trace matérielle, vecteur d'information au service du renseignement
Ribaux O., Margot P., 2007. pp. 300-321 dans Maurice Cusson, Benoit Dupont, Frédéric Lemieux (eds.) Traité de sécurité intérieure, Hurtubise HMH, Montréal et PPUR, Lausanne.
SECM imaging of MMD-enhanced latent fingermarks
Zhang Meiqin, Bécue Andy, Prudent Michel, Champod Christophe, Girault Hubert H., 2007. Chemical Communications 38 pp. 3948-3950. Peer-reviewed.
Computation of Likelihood Ratios in Fingerprint Identification for Configurations of Three Minutiae
Neumann Cedric, Champod Christophe, Puch-Solis Roberto, Egli Nicole, Anthonioz Alexandre, Meuwly Didier, Bromage-Griffiths Andie, 2006/11. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 51 (6) pp. 1255-1266. Peer-reviewed.
Learning Manifolds in Forensic Data
Ratle Frédéric, Terrettaz-Zufferey Anne-Laure, Kanevski Mikhail, Esseiva Pierre, Ribaux Olivier, 2006. pp. 894-903 dans Kollias S., Stafylopatis A, Duch W., Oja E. (eds.) Artificial Neural Networks – ICANN 2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Peer-reviewed, Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Quantification of the shape of handwritten characters: a step to objective discrimination between writers based on the study of the capital character O
Marquis R., Schmittbuhl M., Mazzella W.D., Taroni F., 2005/05. Forensic Science International, 150 (1) pp. 23-32. Peer-reviewed.
Computer Crime and Digital Evidence
Casey E., 2005. pp. 429-435 dans Encyclopedia of Forensic and Legal Medicine, Elsevier.
A study in relation to the random distribution of four fibre types on clothing (incorporating a review of previous target fibre studies)
Wiggins K., Drummond P., Hicks Champod T., 2004/07. Science & Justice, 44 (3) pp. 141-148. Peer-reviewed.
Case based reasoning in criminal intelligence using forensic case data
Ribaux O., Margot P., 2003/07. Science & Justice, 43 (3) pp. 135-143.
La cryptographie: Pourquoi? Quand? Comment?
Jaquet-Chiffelle D.-O., Ribaux O., 2001/12. Pol Cant Information: bulletin de la Police cantonale vaudoise 45 pp. 9-11.
Detection of nandrolone metabolites in urine after a football game in professional and amateur players: a Bayesian comparison.
Robinson N., Taroni F., Saugy M., Ayotte C., Mangin P., Dvorak J., 2001/11/01. Forensic science international, 122 (2-3) pp. 130-135. Peer-reviewed.
Internet Crime
Dunne R.L., Long H.M., Casey E., 2000. pp. 1085-1091 dans Encyclopedia of Forensic Sciences, Elsevier.
La preuve ADN, les probabilités, les experts et les juristes : nécessité de développement et de communication
Taroni F., Mangin P., 1999. Rapports Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique, soutien à l'entretien personnel (Sciences Juridiques) 1115-054002/98 134, Lausanne : [s.n.].
L'expert et la preuve génétique ADN : le rapport analytique est-il encore suffisant?
Taroni F., Mangin P., 1998. Revue suisse de jurisprudence, 94 (23) pp. 505-511.
"Goldfinger: an Expert Computer System for the Determination of Fingerprint Detection Sequences".
Ribaux O, Lennard C, Dugerdil P, Margot P, 1993. Journal of Forensic Identification, Vol 43 pp. 468-480.
The Classification and Identification of Photocopying Toners by Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform Spectroscopy (DRIFTS): II. Final Report
Mazzella Williams David, Lennard Chris, Margot Pierre, 1991/05/01. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 36 (3) pp. 820-838. Peer-reviewed.
The Classification and Identification of Photocopying Toners by Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform Spectroscopy (DRIFTS): I. Preliminary Results
Mazzella Williams David, Lennard Chris, Margot Pierre, 1991/03/01. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 2 (36) pp. 449-465. Peer-reviewed.
Use of a Silicon Carbide Sampling Accessory for the Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform Analysis of samples of Forensic Interest
Mazzella Williams David, Lennard Chris, Margot Pierre, 1991/03/01. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 36 (2). Peer-reviewed.
An Interesting Latent Impression in a Questioned Document Case
Mazzella Williams David, Sapin Eric, Margot Pierre, 1991. Journal of Forensic Identification, 41 (2) pp. 89-91. Peer-reviewed.
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