Intensive Adult Medicine

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1172 publications

... | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 | 1987 | 1985 | 1975 |
Ex vivo evaluation of a new extracorporeal lung assist device: NovaLung membrane oxygenator.
Jegger D., Revelly J.P., Horisberger J., Mallabiabarrena I., Seigneul I., Jachertz M., Von Segesser L.K., 2005/10. The International Journal of Artificial Organs, 28 (10) pp. 985-999. Peer-reviewed.
Macrophage migration inhibitory factor reduces the growth of virulent Mycobacterium tuberculosis in human macrophages
Oddo M., Calandra T., Bucala R., Meylan P. R., 2005/06. Infection and Immunity, 73 (6) pp. 3783-6.
Long-term reduction of vascular access-associated bloodstream infection
Eggimann P., Hugonnet S., Sax H., Harbarth S., Chevrolet J. C., Pittet D., 2005/05. Annals of Internal Medicine, 142 (10) pp. 875-6.
Current concepts in nutrition
Kudsk K. A., Chiolero R. L., 2005/03. Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care, 8 (2) pp. 167-70.
A novel technique using echocardiography to evaluate venous cannula performance in CPB cardiac surgery
Jegger D., Chassot P.G., Bernath M., Horisberger J., Jachertz M., Seigneul I., Nordien M., Tozzi P., Delay D., von Segesser L., 2005. p. 894 dans ESAO 2005, 32nd Annual Congress of the European Society for Artificial Organs, International Journal of Artificial Organs. Peer-reviewed.
Acute bacteremias
Eggimann P., Pittet D., 2005. pp. 456-467 dans Fink M.P., Abraham E., Kochanek P., Vincent J.L. (eds.) Textbook of Critical Care chap. 155, Saunders.
An evaluation of the initial distribution volume of glucose to assess plasma volume during a fluid challenge .
van Tulder L, Michaeli M, Chioléro R, Berger MM, Revelly JP, 2005. Anesth Analg, 101 pp. 1089 -93.
Anaesthetic management of high-risk cardiac patients undergoing thoracic surgery with the support of intra-aortic balloon pump.
Chiu C.L., Mansor M., Majid A., 2005. British Journal of Anaesthesia, 94 (5) pp. 688-689; author reply 689.
Can oxidative damage be treated nutritionally?
Berger M.M., 2005. Clinical nutrition (Edinburgh, Scotland), 24 (2) pp. 172-83. Peer-reviewed.
Cardiac Surgery.
Berger MM, Chioléro RL, 2005. pp. 389-397 dans Enteral and tube feeding 4ème edition.
Chirurgie thoracique majeure et dénutrition préopératoire: rationnel, diagnostic et prise en charge [Thoracic surgery and underfeeding scientific evidences, diagnosis and treatment]
Kohut B., Christodoulou M., Soguel L., Roulet M., Berger M.M., 2005. Revue médicale suisse, 1 (45) pp. 2940-4.
Conséquences métaboliques de l'agression .
Chioléro R, 2005. Nutrition clinique et métabolisme, 19 pp. 143-145.
De l'usage du "secret" au Centre des brûlés du CHUV.
Chioléro R, Maravic Ph, Berger MM, Raffoul W, 2005. Courrier du Médecin Vaudois, 7 p. 4.
Enteral nutrition in critically ill patients with severe hemodynamic failure after cardiopulmonary bypass.
Berger M.M., Revelly J.P., Cayeux M.C., Chiolero R.L., 2005. Clinical nutrition (Edinburgh, Scotland), 24 (1) pp. 124-32. Peer-reviewed.
Fusions des unités de soins intensifs adultes da Genève et Lausanne: une révolution culturelle [Merging adult intensive care units in Geneva and Lausanne: a cultural revolution?]
Chioléro R.L., Chevrolet J.C., 2005. Revue médicale suisse, 1 (45) pp. 2899-902.
Impact of a computerised information system on quality of nutritional support in the ICU.
Berger MM, Revelly JP, Wasserfallen JB, Schmid A, Bouvry S, Cayeux MC, Musset M, Maravic P, Chioléro RL, 2005. Nutrition, 22 pp. 221-229.
Infections liées aux catheters veineux centraux en reanimation.Timsit JF. Réactualisation de la douzième conference de consensus de la Société de Réanimation de Langue Française (SRLF).
Eggimann P., 2005. Ann Fr Anesth Reanim, 24 pp. 305-322.
Intégrer les préférences des patients dans les projets thérapeutiques de médecine intensive [To integrate patient's preferences in intensive care treatment plans]
Revelly J.P., Zuercher-Zenklusen R., Chioléro R., 2005. Revue médicale suisse, 1 (45) pp. 2912-5.
Invasive candidiasis: comparison of management choices by infectious disease and critical care specialists.
Eggimann P., Calandra T., Fluckiger U., Bille J., Garbino J., Glauser M.P., Marchetti O., Ruef C., Täuber M., Pittet D., 2005. Intensive care medicine, 31 (11) pp. 1514-21. Peer-reviewed.
L'acidocétose alcoolique: une cause d'acidose métabolique pas si rare que ça.. [Alcoholic ketoacidosis: not rare cause of metabolic acidosis]
Sibaï K., Eggimann P., 2005. Revue Médicale Suisse, 1 (32) pp. 2106, 2108-10, 2112-2115.
Lactate and glucose metabolism in severe sepsis and cardiogenic shock.
Revelly J.P., Tappy L., Martinez A., Bollmann M., Cayeux M.C., Berger M.M., Chioléro R.L., 2005. Critical Care Medicine, 33 (10) pp. 2235-2240. Peer-reviewed.
Negative impact of hypocaloric feeding and energy balance on clinical outcome in ICU patients.
Villet S., Chiolero R.L., Bollmann M.D., Revelly J.P., Cayeux R N M.C., Delarue J., Berger M.M., 2005. Clinical Nutrition, 24 (4) pp. 502-509. Peer-reviewed.
Prevention of allograft rejection after heart transplant: a role for daclizumab induction?
Meier J.M., Tinguely F., Chiolero R., Ruchat P., Hurni M., von Segesser L., Seydoux C., Goy J.J., 2005. p. 13 dans ESC Congress 2005, European Society of Cardiology, European Heart Journal.
Recommandations nutritionnelles chez le grand brûlé.
Cynober L, Bargues L, Berger MM, H Carsin, Chioléro RL, Garrel D, Gaucher S, Manelli JC, Pernet P, Wassermann D, 2005. Nutrition Clinique et Métabolisme, 19 pp. 166-194.
Réanimation du donneur d'organes.
Chioléro R, Revelly JP, Imperatori L, 2005. pp. 105-111 dans Insuffisance cardiaque : traitement médical et transplantation.
Safety and tolerance of an early enteral antioxidant and glutamine solution after major upper gastrointestinal surgery.
Schroeder J., Goette J., Stehle P., Cayeux M.C., Chiolero R., Berger M.M., 2005. European journal of clinical nutrition, 59 pp. 307-310.
Severe rhabdomyolysis following venlafaxine overdose.
Pascale P., Oddo M., Pacher P., Augsburger M., Liaudet L., 2005. Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, 27 (5) pp. 562-564. Peer-reviewed.
Stratégies destinées a optimiser l'utilisation des antibiotiques en réanimation [Strategies targeted at optimising antimicrobial therapy in critically ill patients]
Eggimann P., Oddo M., Voirol P., Zanetti G., Chioléro R., 2005. Revue médicale suisse, 1 (45) pp. 2928-32.
Une formation complémentaire en nutrition clinique pour médecins: Projets, organisation et reconnaissance.
Berger MM, Pichard C, 2005. pp. 821-832 Chapitre 6 dans 5e Rapport sur la nutrition en Suisse.
Carboxyhemoglobin formation as an unexpected side effect of inhaled nitric oxide therapy in severe acute respiratory distress syndrome
Rusca M., Oddo M., Schaller M. D., Liaudet L., 2004/12. Critical Care Medicine, 32 (12) pp. 2537-9.
Inhibitors of Nitrogen Oxide Species Production in Animal Models of Inflammation and Future Directions for Therapy in Inflammatory Disorders
Feihl Francois, Oddo Mauro, Waeber Bernard, Liaudet Lucas, 2004/09/01. Current Medicinal Chemistry - Anti-Inflammatory & Anti-Allergy Agents, 3 (3) pp. 239-259.
Open-lung biopsy for ARDS patients.
Oddo M., Liaudet L., 2004/09. Chest, 126 (3) p. 1003. Peer-reviewed.
De la medecine triomphale a l'humilite. [From triumphant medicine to humility]
Liaudet L., Oddo M., 2004/06. Revue Médicale de la Suisse Romande, 124 (6) p. 319.
Interet de la ventilation non-invasive aux soins intensifs. [Value of non-invasive ventilation in intensive care]
Friolet R., Liaudet L., Eckert P., 2004/06. Revue Médicale de la Suisse Romande, 124 (6) pp. 337-40.
Nouvelles strategies therapeutiques dans le sepsis severe et le choc septique. [New therapeutic strategies in severe sepsis and septic shock]
Oddo M., Schaller M. D., Calandra T., Liaudet L., 2004/06. Revue Médicale de la Suisse Romande, 124 (6) pp. 329-32.
Prise en charge de l'hémorragie digestive haute en réanimation: apport de la radiologie interventionnelle [Management of upper digestive hemorrhage in resuscitation: contribution of interventional radiology]
Rusca M., Oddo M., Denys A., 2004/06. Revue Médicale de la Suisse romande, 124 (6) pp. 347-349.
Epidemiology of candidemia in Swiss tertiary care hospitals: secular trends, 1991-2000
Marchetti O., Bille J., Fluckiger U., Eggimann P., Ruef C., Garbino J., Calandra T., Glauser M. P., Tauber M. G., Pittet D., 2004/02. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 38 (3) pp. 311-20.
Admission perfusion CT: prognostic value in patients with severe head trauma.
Wintermark M., van Melle G., Schnyder P., Revelly J.P., Porchet F., Regli L., Meuli R., Maeder P., Chioléro R., 2004. Radiology, 232 (1) pp. 211-220. Peer-reviewed.
Asthme aigu sévère [Severe acute asthma]
Pagani J.L., Oddo M., Schaller M.D., 2004. Revue Médicale de la Suisse romande, 124 (6) pp. 333-336.
Besoins en micro-nutriments du brûlé.
Berger MM, Chioléro RL, 2004. Brûlures, 5 (suppl) pp. 55-67.
Can the impact of bed closure in intensive care units be reliably monitored?
Wasserfallen J.B., Revelly J.P., Moro D., Gilliard N., Rouge J., Chioléro R., 2004. Intensive care medicine, 30 (6) pp. 1134-9. Peer-reviewed.
Catheter-related infections in intensive care units.
Eggimann P, Sax H, Pittet D, 2004. Microbes and Infections, 6 pp. 1033-1042.
Copper, selenium, zinc, and thiamine balances during continuous venovenous hemodiafiltration in critically ill patients.
Berger M.M., Shenkin A., Revelly J.P., Roberts E., Cayeux M.C., Baines M., Chioléro R.L., 2004. The American journal of clinical nutrition, 80 (2) pp. 410-6. Peer-reviewed.
ECG interpretation during the acute phase of coronary syndromes: in need of improvement?
Berger A., Meier J.M., Stauffer J.C., Eckert P., Schlaepfer J., Gillis D., Cornuz J., Yersin B., Schaller M.D., Kappenberger L. et al., 2004. Swiss Medical Weekly, 134 (47-48) pp. 695-699. Peer-reviewed.
Effect of bicarbonate and lactate buffer on glucose and lactate metabolism during hemodiafiltration in patients with multiple organ failure.
Bollmann M.D., Revelly J.P., Tappy L., Berger M.M., Schaller M.D., Cayeux M.C., Martinez A., Chioléro R.L., 2004. Intensive care medicine, 30 (6) pp. 1103-1110. Peer-reviewed.
Endocardite infectieuse: mise au point [Infective endocarditis: update]
Que Y.A., Oddo M., Liaudet L., Moreillon P., 2004. Revue Médicale de la Suisse Romande, 124 (6) pp. 341-346.
How does ventilator-associated pneumonia impact on patients' outcomes? A matched cohort study.
Hugonnet S, Eggimann P, Maricot P, Borst F, Touveneau S, Chevrolet JC, Pittet D, 2004. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, 11 pp. 1033-1042.
Impact of medical practice guidelines on the assessment of patients with acute coronary syndrome without persistent ST segment elevation.
Wasserfallen J.B., Berger A., Eckert P., Stauffer J.C., Schlaepfer J., Gillis D., Cornuz J., Schaller M.D., Kappenberger L., Yersin B., 2004. International Journal for Quality in Health Care : Journal of the International Society for Quality in Health Care / Isqua, 16 (5) pp. 383-389. Peer-reviewed.
La Commission d'éthique clinique du CHUV de Lausanne. En Fin de vie en réanimation.
Chioléro R, Bédat F, 2004. pp. 75-81 dans Ed. Boles J.M, Lemaire F, Société de réanimation de langue française,.
Nosocomial bloodstream infections and clinical sepsis.
Hugonnet S, Say H, Eggimann P, Touveneau S, Chevrolet JC, Pittet D, 2004. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 10 pp. 76-81.
Parenteral nutrition practices in hospital pharmacies in Switzerland, France, and Belgium.
Maisonneuve N, Raguso CA, Paoloni-Giacobino A, Muhlebach S, Corriol O, Saubion JL, Hecq JD, Bailly A, Berger MM, Pichard C, 2004. Nutrition, 20 pp. 528-535.
Relationship between brain perfusion computed tomography variables and cerebral perfusion pressure in severe head trauma patients.
Wintermark M., Chioléro R., van Melle G., Revelly J.P., Porchet F., Regli L., Meuli R., Schnyder P., Maeder P., 2004. Critical Care Medicine, 32 (7) pp. 1579-1587. Peer-reviewed.
Relpy to letter by Tulken et al.
Eggimann P, Hugonnet S, Sax H, Chevrolet JC, Pittet D, 2004. Intensive care Medicine, 30 pp. 998-999.
Un diabétique infecté en nutrition artificielle et en réanimation. [An infected diabetic patient under artificial nutrition in the intensive care]
Berger Mette M., Chiolero René, 2004. Nutrition clinique et métabolisme, 18 (2) pp. 103-108.
Pharmacokinetics and dosage adaptation of meropenem during continuous venovenous hemodiafiltration in critically ill patients
Robatel C., Decosterd L. A., Biollaz J., Eckert P., Schaller M. D., Buclin T., 2003/12. Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 43 (12) pp. 1329-40.
Is parenteral nutrition guilty?
Varga P., Griffiths R., Chiolero R., Nitenberg G., Leverve X., Pertkiewicz M., Roth E., Wernerman J., Pichard C., Preiser J. C., 2003/11. Intensive Care Medicine, 29 (11) pp. 1861-4.
Role of poly(adenosine diphosphate-ribose) polymerase 1 in septic peritonitis.
Liaudet L., Oddo M., 2003/04. Current Opinion in Critical Care, 9 (2) pp. 152-158. Peer-reviewed.
Endothelium-dependent vasodilation in the skin microcirculation of patients with septic shock.
Kubli S., Boëgli Y., Ave A.D., Liaudet L., Revelly J.P., Golay S., Broccard A., Waeber B., Schaller M.D., Feihl F., 2003/03. Shock, 19 (3) pp. 274-280. Peer-reviewed.
Nutritional papers in ICU patients: what lies between the lines?
Preiser J. C., Chiolero R., Wernerman J., 2003/02. Intensive Care Medicine, 29 (2) pp. 156-166.
Accurate thoracic endograft deployment by transient reduction of aortic flow
Marty B., Chapuis K., Tozzi P., Chassot P.G., von Segesser L., 2003. p. 9 dans Congrès Annuel de la Société Suisse de Chirurgie organisé en commun avec la Société Suisse de Chirurgie Thoracique et Cardio-Vasculaire, Swiss Surgery.
Automatic "respiratory/weaning" with adaptive support ventilation: The effect on duration of endotracheal intubation and patient management.
Petter AH, Chioléro RL, Cassina T, Chassot PG, Müller XM, Revelly JP, 2003. Anesth Analg, 97 pp. 1743-1750.
Helium-oxygen versus air-oxygen noninvasive pressure support in decompensated chronic obstructive disease: A prospective, multicenter study.
Jolliet P., Tassaux D., Roeseler J., Burdet L., Broccard A., D'Hoore W., Borst F., Reynaert M., Schaller M.D., Chevrolet J.C., 2003. Critical Care Medicine, 31 (3) pp. 878-884.
Isolated limb perfusion: distinct tourniquet and tumor necrosis factor effects on the early hemodynamic response.
Christoforidis D., Chassot P.G., Mosimann F., Lienard D., Brunstein F., Bejko D., Lejeune F.J., Chiolero R., 2003. Archives of surgery, 138 (1) pp. 17-25. Peer-reviewed.
Key vitamins and trace elements in the critically ill.
Berger MM, Chioléro RL, 2003. pp. 99-117 dans Nutrition and critical care. Nestlé Nutrition Workshop Series Clinical & Performance Program, vol. 8.
Malnutrition en soins intensifs : Discussion d'un cas difficile
Berger MM, Revelly JP, Cayeux MC, Gersbach P, Chioléro R, 2003. Revue médicale de la Suisse romande, 123 (6) pp. 383-386.
Nutrients as antioxidants - effects of antioxidative trace elements and vitamins on outcome of critically ill burns and trauma patients.
Berger MM, 2003. Aktuelle Ernahrungsmedizin, 28 (6) pp. 376-379.
Nutritional support of obese critically ill patients.
Chioléro RL, Tappy L, Berger MM, 2003. pp. 187-200, discussion pp. 200-205 dans Nutrition and Critical Care. Nestlé Nutrition Workshops Series, vol. 8.
Oligoéléments - quoi de neuf?
Berger M.M., 2003. Swiss Medical Forum = Forum Médical Suisse, 3 (31) pp. 720-726.
Prävention der Mangelernährung und Ernährungstherapien im Spital.
Angelini A, Ballmer PE, Keller U, Stanga Z, Sterchi B, Berger MM, Pichard C, Meier R, 2003. Aktuelle Ernaehrungsmedizin, 28 pp. 133-136.
Questions éthiques en nutrition.
Chioléro RL, Chioléro M, 2003. pp. 24-27 dans Enseignement supérieur en soins infirmiers adultes et pédiatriques.
Relapsing acute respiratory failure induced by minocycline.
Oddo M., Liaudet L., Lepori M., Broccard A.F., Schaller M.D., 2003. Chest, 123 (6) pp. 2146-8. Peer-reviewed.
Role of trace elements and antioxidants in the critically il.
Berger MM, Shenkin A, 2003. Care of the Critically Ill, 19 pp. 120-125.
Rupture spontanée de la rate au cours de la malaria traitée par embolisation de l’artère splénique
Ribordy V., Liaudet L., 2003. Schweizerisches Medizin-Forum, 20 p. 479.
Serum paracetamol concentration: An alternative to X-rays to determine feeding tube location in the critically ill.
Berger MM, Werner D, Revelly JP, Cayeux MC, Tappy L, Bachmann C, Chiolero RL, 2003. JPEN, 27 pp. 151-155.
Aortic valve disease: is the Ross operation the solution?
Corno A., Chassot P.G., Jeanrenaud X., Tozzi P., Wicky S., von Segesser L.K., 2002. pp. 46S dans Assemblée Annuelle de la Société Suisse de Cardiologie, Kardiovaskuläre Medizin = Médecine Cardiovasculaire.
Burns and post-burns care: anesthestic and postoperative management.
Berger MM, Bernath MA, 2002. pp. 1428-1446 dans Principles and practice of pediatric anesthesia.
Contrôle de la glycémie en réanimation.
Chioléro RL, 2002. pp. 166-171 dans Les urgences anesthésiques. Maîtrise des risques en anesthésie. Amélioration de la performance en réanimation..
Determination of meropenem in plasma and filtrate-dialysate from patients under continuous veno-venous haemodiafiltration by SPE-LC.
Robatel C., Buclin T., Eckert P., Schaller M.D., Biollaz J., Decosterd L.A., 2002. Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis, 29 (1-2) pp. 17-33. Peer-reviewed.
Energy, trace element and vitamin requirements in major burns.
Berger MM, Chioléro RL, 2002. Crit Care & Shock, 2 pp. 91-103.
Evaluation métabolique lors de nutrition artificielle.
Chioléro R, Bracco D, Berger MM, 2002. pp. 47-65 dans Nutrition artificielle de l'adulte en réanimation.
Fractional hepatic de novo lipogenesis in healthy subjects during near-continuous oral nutrition and bed rest: a comparison with published data in artificially fed, critically ill patients.
Minehira K., Tappy L., Chiolero R., Vladimirova V., Berger M.M., Revelly J.P., Schwarz J.M., 2002. Clinical Nutrition, 21 (4) pp. 345-350.
Improving nuritional support in critically ill septic patients : Glutamine alone or in combination ?
Chioléro RL, Berger MM, 2002. Nutrition, 18 pp. 723-724.
Incidents critiques aux soins intensifs
Bracco D., Videlier E., Chioléro R., Revelly J.P., 2002. Médecine et Hygiène, 60 (2379) pp. 542-548.
Infections fongiques sévères en réanimation
Eggimann P., Calandra T., 2002. pp. 519-555 dans Charbonneau P, Praz G, Glauser MP (eds.) Pathologies infectieuses en réanimation chap. 21, Elsevier.
Interatrial communication: mini-invasive surgical approach
Corno A., Chassot P.G., Horisberger J., Tozzi P., von Segesser L.K., 2002. pp. 40S dans 70e Assemblée Annuelle de la Société Suisse de Médecine Interne, Swiss Medical Forum = Forum Médical Suisse.
L'endocardite infectieuse [1ère partie]
Cavassini M., Eggiman P., Francioli P., 2002. Swiss Medical Forum = Forum Médical Suisse, 2 (32-33) pp. 759-764.
Le syndrome coronarien aigu
Berger A., Eckert P., Stauffer J. C., Wasserfallen J. B., 2002., Médecine & Hygiène.
Measurement of the whole body clearance of infused glycerol as a test of liver function after major hepatectomy.
Tappy L., Cayeux M.C., Gillet M., Koestinger A., Matter M., Revelly J.P., Berger M., Vallet C., Chioléro R., 2002. Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging, 22 (4) pp. 266-270. Peer-reviewed.
Mikronährstoffe bei Infektionen, Sepsis, Traumata, und Verbrennungen (Micronutrients in infection, sepsis, trauma, and burns) .
Berger MM, 2002. pp. 594-609 dans Vitamine, Spurenelemente und Mineralstoffe.
Myocardial Ischemia-reperfusion Injury: Role of the Peroxynitrite-poly(ADP-ribose) Polymerase Pathway
Szabó C., Liaudet L., 2002. pp. 165-176 dans Intensive Care Medicine, Springer New York.
Nutrition entérale précoce ou retardé.
Berger MM, chioléro R, 2002. pp. 122-134 dans Nutrition artificielle de l'adulte en réanimation.
Prévention de la dénutrition et soins nutritionnels à l'hôpital : Enquête et recommandations du Conseil de l'Europe
Genton L.C., Raguso C.A., Chikhi M., Wettstein R., Berger M.M., Pichard C., 2002. Médecine et Hygiène, 60 (2414) pp. 2192-2196.
Role of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase activation in septic shock
Liaudet L., 2002. Advances in Sepsis, 2 pp. 86-93.
Rôle de la poly(ADP-ribose) polymérase dans le choc et l'ischémie-reperfusion
Liaudet L., 2002. Revue Médicale Suisse, 2 p. 22471.
Substrats énergétiques : glucides, lipids.
Tappy L, Chioléro R, 2002. pp. 207-216 dans Nutrition artificielle de l'adulte en réanimation..
Surproduction d'oxyde nitrique dans le choc septique : une cible thérapeutique ?
Feihl F., Liaudet L., 2002. Médecine et Hygiène, 60 p. 1894.
What are the clinical risks related to the nutritional support of obese patients?
Chioléro R.L., Berger M.M., 2002. Clinical Nutrition, 21 (S1) pp. 167-170.
Anaesthesia for procedures in the intensive care unit.
Chollet-Rivier M., Chioléro R.L., 2001/08. Current Opinion in Anaesthesiology, 14 (4) pp. 447-451. Peer-reviewed.
Q fever pneumonia complicated by acute respiratory distress syndrome
Oddo M., Jolidon R. M., Peter O., Poli S., Cometta A., 2001/03. Intensive Care Medicine, 27 (3) p. 615.
Adaptive support ventilation (ASV) for fast tracheal extubation after cardiac surgery: A randomized controlled study.
Sulzer CF, Chioléro R, Chassot PG, Mueller XM, Revelly JP, 2001. Anesthesiology, 95 pp. 1339-45.
Apport d'antioxydants en réanimation: pourquoi, lesquels avec quels objectifs ?
Berger MM, Chioléro R, 2001. Réanimation, 10 pp. 527-534.
Aspects métaboliques et nutritionnels des catécholamines et des glucorticoïdes.
Chioléro R, Bracco D, Tappy L, 2001. pp. 151-159 dans Traité de nutrition artificielle de l'adulte.
Brain failure.
Mustaki JP, Bissonnette B, Chioléro R, 2001. pp. 125-144 dans Pharmacology of the critically ill.
CD14 expression on monocytes and TNF alpha production in patients with septic shock, cardiogenic shock or bacterial pneumonia.
de Werra I., Zanetti G., Jaccard C., Chioléro R., Schaller M.D., Yersin B., Glauser M.P., Calandra T., Heumann D., 2001. Swiss Medical Weekly, 131 (3-4) pp. 35-40. Peer-reviewed.
Comparing actuel and potential donors together with staff attitudes between a transplant and university hospital (CHUV, Lausanne) and a regional hospital (Sion in Switzerland).
Gachet C, Eschenmoser G, Imperatori L, Bettschart V, Ravussin P, Chioléro R, 2001. Organs and Tissues, 2 pp. 105-110.
Dons d'organes et transplantation : qu'en pensent les soignants ?
Imperatori L., Gachet C., Eckert P., Chioléro R., 2001. Médecine et Hygiène, 59 (2372) pp. 2463-2467.
Effects of a glucose meal on energy metabolism in patients with cirrhosis before and after liver transplantation.
Tappy L., Schneiter P., Chioléro R., Bettschart V., Gillet M., 2001. Archives of surgery, 136 (1) pp. 80-4. Peer-reviewed.
Effets du monitorage cérébral par anesthésie loco-régionale sur les résultats de la thromboendartérectomie carotidienne
Ruchat P., Chollet-Rivier M., Marty B., Chassot P.G., von Segesser L., 2001. pp. 5S dans Assemblée Annuelle Commune de la Société Suisse de Cardiologie (SSC) et de la Société Suisse d'Angiologie (SSA), Kardiovaskuläre Medizin = Médecine Cardiovasculaire.
Eléments traces.
Berger MM, 2001. pp. 127-137 dans Traité de nutrition artificielle de l'adulte.
Hepatic de novo lipogenesis after liver transplantation.
Minehira K., Novel-Chaté V., Schwarz J.M., Gillet M., Darioli R., Chioléro R., Tappy L., 2001. JPEN: Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, 25 (5) pp. 229-236. Peer-reviewed.
Impact of intraoperative transoesophageal echocardiography in surgical repair of congenital heart disease in children. 3rd World Congress of Pediatric Cardiology & Cardiac surgery
Bernath M., Sekarski N., Hurni M., Corno A., von Segesser L., Payot M., Chassot P.G., 2001. p. 4 dans 3rd World Congress of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery, Cardiology in the Young. Peer-reviewed.
Influence of early trace element and vitamin E supplements on antioxidant status after major trauma: a controlled trial
Berger M.M., Baines M., Chioléro R., Wardle C.A., Cayeux C., Shenkin A., 2001. Nutrition Research, 21 (1-2) pp. 41-54.
Influence of selenium supplements on the post-traumatic alterations of the thyroid axis: a placebo-controlled trial
Berger M. M., Reymond M. J., Shenkin A., Rey F., Wardle C., Cayeux C., Schindler C., Chiolero R. L., 2001/01. Intensive Care Medicine, 27 (1) pp. 91-100. Peer-reviewed.
Local and systemic inflammation: role of poly (ADP-ribose) synthetase activation by reactive nitrogen species
Mabley Jon, Liaudet Lucas, Soriano Francisco Garcia, Virág László, Jagtap Prakash, Marton Anita, Lorigados Clara Batista, Gallyas Ferenc, Szabó Éva, Abdelkarim Galaleldin E. et al., 2001. pp. 77-98 dans Nitric Oxide and Inflammation, Birkhäuser Basel.
Metabolic and nutritional support in critically ill patients: feeding the whole body or individual organs?
Chioléro R., Kinney J.M., 2001. Current opinion in clinical nutrition and metabolic care, 4 (2) pp. 127-30. Peer-reviewed.
Nutrition artificielle : Quand commencer ?
Chioléro R., Berger M.M., 2001. Médecine et Hygiène, 59 (2372) pp. 2368-2471.
Nutritional support in burn patients.
Harsanyi L, Allison SP, Berger MM, 2001. pp. 234-239 dans Basic in clinical nutrition, ESPEN Courses.
Objectifs objectifs nutritionnels en réanimation ?
Chiolero R., Bollmann M.D., 2001. Réanimation, 10 (6) pp. 521-526.
Oedème pulmonaire cardiogène et par surcharge.
Schaller MD, Eckert P, Feihl F, 2001. p. 1856 dans Traité de Réanimation Médicale, Chapitre 81.
Poly (ADP-Ribose) Synthetase as a Novel Therapeutic Target for Circulatory Shock
Liaudet L., Soriano F. G., Szabó C., 2001. pp. 78-89 dans Yearbook of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine 2001, Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Pontages coronariens par mini-thoracotomie: bénéfices visibles avec l'expérience croissante de l'équipe traitante [Coronary artery bypass by mini-thoracotomy: noticeable benefits with clinical experience of the treatment team]
Tevaearai H.T., Mueller X.M., Chastonay P., Favre J.B., Ravussin P., Eckert P., Vogt P., Delabays A., von Segesser L., Stumpe F., 2001. Swiss Surgery, 7 (1) pp. 16-19.
Questions éthiques en nutrition.
Chioléro R, Chioléro M, 2001. pp. 939-945 dans Traité de nutrition artificielle chez l'adulte.
Traits de lumière.
Revelly JP, 2001. Médecine intensive adulte, 1 pp. 1277-8.
Trauma and burns.
Berger MM, Chioléro R, 2001. pp. 304-334 dans Clinical nutrition. Parenteral nutrition.
Un titre de spécialiste FMH pour la médecine intensive, oui. Et après ?
Chioléro R., Chevrolet J.C., 2001. Médecine et Hygiène, 59 (2372) pp. 2459-2461.
Utilisation de la vasopressine lors d'états de choc et d'arrêts cardiaque
Bracco D., Chioléro R., Bouali R., Revelly J.P., 2001. Médecine et Hygiène, 59 (2372) pp. 2191-2196.
Permissive hypercapnia impairs pulmonary gas exchange in the acute respiratory distress syndrome
Feihl F., Eckert P., Brimioulle S., Jacobs O., Schaller M. D., Melot C., Naeije R., 2000/07. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 162 (1) pp. 209-15.
Selective inhibition of inducible nitric oxide synthase: A promising strategy in the therapy of septic shock?
Liaudet L., Schaller M. -D., 2000/04/28. Intensivmedizin und Notfallmedizin, 37 (3) pp. 166-175.
Intoxication par le monoxyde de carbone chez l'enfant: ne jamais banaliser. [Carbon monoxide poisoning in children: never trivialize]
Scalfaro P., Haenggi M.H., Roulet E., Gehri M., Stucki P., Schaller M.D., Cotting J., 2000/03. Revue Médicale de la Suisse Romande, 120 (3) pp. 259-262.
L'héliox en réanimation et en médecine d'urgence [Heliox therapy in intensive care and emergency medicine]
Tassaux D, Jolliet P, Chevrolet J.C, 2000. Réanimation Urgences, 9 (5) pp. 345-354. Peer-reviewed.
Tissue oxygenation and hemodynamic response to NO synthase inhibition in septic shock.
Broccard A., Hurni J.M., Eckert P., Liaudet L., Schaller M.D., Lazor R., Perret C., Feihl F., 2000. Shock (augusta, Ga.), 14 (1) pp. 35-40. Peer-reviewed.
Drug points: severe ergotism associated with interaction between ritonavir and ergotamine
Liaudet L., Buclin T., Jaccard C., Eckert P., 1999/03. BMJ, 318 (7186) p. 771. Peer-reviewed.
Asthme aigu grave.
Perret C., Schaller M.D., Feihl F., 1999. pp. 144-150 dans Traité de Réanimation Médicale, Flammarion médecine-sciences.
Hypothermia : Management.
Schaller MD, Eckert P, 1999. pp. 815-819 dans Oxford Textbook of Critical Care.
Hypothermia : Pathophysiology.
Schaller MD, Eckert P, 1999. pp. 812-815 dans Oxford Textbook of Critical Care.
Intracoronary flow velocity measurements permit quality control during minimal invasive coronary artery surgery
Eeckhout E., Tevaearai H., Mueller X., Ruchat P., Hurni M., Fischer A., Stumpe F., Bettex D., Chassot P.G., von Segesser L., 1999. p. 66 dans 12th ISAO/26th ESAO Joint Congress, International Journal of Artificial Organs.
Problèmes courants en médecine d'urgence. Cas no 2 : Douleurs thoraciques
Eckert P., 1999. Méd Hyg, 57 pp. 1777-1782.
Enteral nutrition in intensive care patients: a practical approach. Working Group on Nutrition and Metabolism, ESICM. European Society of Intensive Care Medicine
Jolliet P., Pichard C., Biolo G., Chiolero R., Grimble G., Leverve X., Nitenberg G., Novak I., Planas M., Preiser J. C. et al., 1998/08. Intensive Care Medicine, 24 (8) pp. 848-59.
Blood nitrate levels in septic and cardiogenic shock
Tagan D., Eckert P., Markert M., Feihl F., Schaller M.D., 1998. Clinical Intensive Care, 9 (2) pp. 71-76.
Dysoxie tissulaire : détection et traitement
Liaudet L., Schaller M.D., Revelly J.P., 1998. Médecine et Hygiène, 56 (2226) pp. 1910-1914.
Fas ligand-induced apoptosis of infected human macrophages reduces the viability of intracellular Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Oddo M., Renno T., Attinger A., Bakker T., MacDonald H.R., Meylan P.R., 1998. Journal of immunology, 160 (11) pp. 5448-5454. Peer-reviewed.
Interprétation du pH intraveineux gastrique.
Liaudet L, Feihl F (débatteur), 1998. Hémodynamic Forum, 3 pp. 1-7.
Monoxyde d'azote (NO) et choc septique
Liaudet L., Schaller M.D., 1998. Médecine et Hygiène, 56 (2226) pp. 1916-1918.
Selective pharmacological inhibition of inducible nitric oxide synthase in experimental septic shock.
Liaudet L, Feihl F, Schaller MD, 1998. dans Yearbook of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine.
Stratégies ventilatoires actuelles du syndrome de détresse respiratoire aigu
Eckert P., Burdet L., Liaudet L., Broccard A., 1998. Médecine et Hygiène, 56 (2226) pp. 1920-1924.
Détresse respiratoire : mesures d'urgence dans la phase préhospitalière
Schaller M.D., Eckert P., 1997. Médecine et Hygiène, 55 (2179) pp. 1855-1863.
Relationship between pulmonary oxygen consumption, lung inflammation, and calculated venous admixture in patients with acute lung injury.
Revelly J.P., Chioléro R., 1997. Intensive Care Medicine, 23 (4) pp. 481-482.
Bone densitometry of the forearm: comparison of single-photon and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry.
Eckert P., Casez J.P., Thiébaud D., Schnyder P., Burckhardt P., 1996. Bone, 18 (6) pp. 575-579. Peer-reviewed.
Inhibition de la NO synthase dans le choc septique
Liaudet L., Fishman D., Feihl F., Perret C., 1996. Médecine et Hygiène, 54 pp. 454-456.
Intoxications aiguës. Une seule prise d'héroÏne peut suffire.
Tagan D., Schaller M.D., 1996. Fait Médical 31 pp. 2-5.
La cardiomyopathie du péripartum
Eckert P., Schaller M.D., 1996. Médecine et Hygiène, 54 (2107) pp. 457-461.
Lack of effects of recombinant growth hormone on muscle function in patients requiring prolonged mechanical ventilation: a prospective, randomized, controlled study.
Pichard C., Kyle U., Chevrolet J.C., Jolliet P., Slosman D., Mensi N., Temler E., Ricou B., 1996. Critical Care Medicine, 24 (3) pp. 403-413.
Le remplissage vasculaire au cours du choc septique. Bases physiopathologiques et réalité clinique.
Fishman D., Liaudet L., Feihl F., Perret C., 1996. Médecine et Hygiène, 54 pp. 432-437.
Influence of the quality of nursing on the duration of weaning from mechanical ventilation in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Thorens J.B., Kaelin R.M., Jolliet P., Chevrolet J.C., 1995. Critical Care Medicine, 23 (11) pp. 1807-1815. Peer-reviewed.
Le taux de nitrate sanguin est-il utile au diagnostic différentiel des états de choc.
Tagan D., Eckert P., Dominguez J., Markert M., Schaller MD., Perret C., 1995. pp. 13S dans Gemeinsame Jahresversammlung der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Intensivmedizin und der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Anästhesiologie und Reanimation, Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift = Journal Suisse de Médecine.
Administration de haute dose de Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) en isolation perfusion des membres [TNF-apha in isolation perfusion for limb tumors]
Lienard D., Lejeune F., Chassot P.G., Chioléro R., Eggimann P., Eggermont A., Koops H.S., Kroon B., 1994. pp. 1073-1074 dans Eurocancer 1994, Pathologie Biologie.
N-acetylcysteine enhances recovery from acute lung injury in man. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study.
Suter P.M., Domenighetti G., Schaller M.D., Laverrière M.C., Ritz R., Perret C., 1994. Chest, 105 (1) pp. 190-194.
Comparison of results of intravenous infusion of anistreplase versus streptokinase in acute myocardial infarction.
Vogt P., Monnier P., Schaller M.D., Goy J.J., Beuret P., Essinger A., Bachmann F., Hauert J., Perret C., Sigwart U. et al., 1993. American Journal of Cardiology, 71 (4) pp. 274-280.
Le gradient veino-artériel en CO2 et sa relation avec le débit cardiaque
Beuret P., Feihl F., Eckert P., Perret C., 1992. Méd et Hyg, 50 pp. 284-85.
Apports et limites de la scintigraphie pulmonaire dans le diagnostic de l'embolie pulmonaire [Value and limitation of pulmonary scintigraphy in the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism].
Slosman D.O., Jolliet P., Nicod L., 1991. Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift, 121 (45) pp. 1638-1644.
Hyperkalemia. A prognostic factor during acute severe hypothermia.
Schaller M.D., Fischer A.P., Perret C.H., 1990. Jama : the Journal of the American Medical Association, 264 (14) pp. 1842-1845.
Severe ischemia of the hand following intra-arterial promazine injection: effects of vasodilation, anticoagulation, and local thrombolysis with tissue-type plasminogen activator.
Bounameaux H., Schneider P.A., Huber-Sauteur E., Jolliet P., 1990. VASA, 19 (1) pp. 68-71. Peer-reviewed.
Anisoylated plasminogen streptokinase activator complex versus streptokinase in acute myocardial infarction. Preliminary results of a randomised study.
Monnier P., Sigwart U., Vincent A., Bachmann F., Goy J.J., Schaller M.D., Kaufmann U., Badan M., Grbic M., Perret C. et al., 1987. Drugs, 33 Suppl 3 pp. 175-178.
Double-blind comparison of indapamide with a placebo in hypertensive patients treated by practicing physicians.
Schaller M.D., Waeber B., Brunner H.R., 1985. Clinical and Experimental Hypertension. Part A, Theory and Practice, 7 (7) pp. 985-994.
Topographische hautphysiologische Messwert Digitoxin metabolism by rat liver microsomes.
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