Ecole de médecine

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49 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2008 | 2007 |
Exploring clinical teachers' beliefs about teaching in a newly established medical school in Southern Switzerland.
Poretti M.G., Monti M., Fadda M., 2024/03/22. BMC medical education, 24 (1) p. 330. Peer-reviewed.
Evaluating the impact of a blended interprofessional education course on students' attitudes towards interprofessional education: a pre-post study.
Guinat M., Staffoni L., Santschi V., Didier A., Gachoud D., Greppin-Bécherraz C., 2024/02/27. BMC medical education, 24 (1) p. 204. Peer-reviewed.
Assistance au suicide : la spiritualité, à la fois un soutien et une contrainte.
Girardin L., Giudiceandrea S., Tissot S., Zinbi S., 2024/02/07. Revue medicale suisse, 20 (860) pp. 320-321. Peer-reviewed.
L’apport des défibrillateurs à la société dans le canton de Vaud.
Bärfuss C., Erard A., Legrand C., Waelchli R., Wicki C., 2024/02/07. Revue medicale suisse, 20 (860) pp. 318-319. Peer-reviewed.
The influence of patient gender on medical students' care: Evaluation during an objective structured clinical examination.
Le Boudec J., Félix S., Gachoud D., Monti M., Barazzoni M.S., Clair C., 2023/05. Patient education and counseling, 110 p. 107655. Peer-reviewed.
Urinary protein to creatinine ratio during the first month of life in very preterm infants-a prospective cohort study (PROTIPREMA).
Trigolet M., Bonsante F., Guignard J.P., Gouyon J.B., Iacobelli S., 2023/03. Pediatric nephrology, 38 (3) pp. 721-727. Peer-reviewed.
Développement d’un programme de patients simulés : partage de quinze ans d’expérience à l’Université de Lausanne
Francine Viret, Ariane Christen, Jo Boegli, Sylvie Félix, 2023. Pédagogie Médicale.
Stand-up-comedy inspired experiential learning for connecting emotions and cognitions in healthcare education: A pilot study
Bonsack C., Favrod J., Berney A., Sohrmann M., Frobert L., Nguyen A., 2022/12/29. Innovations in Education and Teaching International. Peer-reviewed.
Entrustable professional activities for residency in general internal medicine: a systematic review.
Valding B., Monti M., Junod Perron N., Frick S., Jaques C., Nendaz M., Gachoud D., 2022/11/04. Swiss medical weekly, 152 p. 40002. Peer-reviewed.
Running against the clock: a qualitative study of internal medicine residents' work experience.
Bourquin C., Monti M., Saraga M., Stiefel F., Kraege V., Gachoud D., Castioni J., Marques-Vidal P.M., Bastardot F., Méan M. et al., 2022/08/15. Swiss medical weekly, 152 pp. w30216. Peer-reviewed.
Correction to: When the progresses in neonatology lead to severe congenital nephron deficit: is there a pilot in the NICU?
Iacobelli S., Guignard J.P., 2022/06. Pediatric nephrology, 37 (6) pp. 1427-1428. Peer-reviewed.
Challenges in the transition from resident to attending physician in general internal medicine: a multicenter qualitative study.
Roten C., Baumgartner C., Mosimann S., Martin Y., Donzé J., Nohl F., Kraehenmann S., Monti M., Perrig M., Berendonk C., 2022/05/02. BMC medical education, 22 (1) p. 336. Peer-reviewed.
Teaching and feedback; an important role for simulated patients.
Félix Sylvie, 2022/04. The clinical teacher, 19 (2) p. 184. Peer-reviewed.
Comparaison des modalités d’enseignement des compétences cliniques transculturelles dans les différentes facultés de médecine suisses en 2018
Kunz Lucy, Dominicé Dao Melissa, Schuster Sylvie, Bonvin Raphaël, Biller-Andorno Nikola, Von Känel Roland, Egloff Niklaus, Marin Christian, Houmard Serge, Gachoud David et al., 2022. pp. 153-164 dans Bodenmann Patrick, Jackson Yves, Vu Francis, Wolff Hans (eds.) Vulnérabilités, diversités et équité en santé chap. 1.13, RMS éditions / Médecine et Hygiène.
Essential steps in the development, implementation, evaluation and quality assurance of the written part of the Swiss federal licensing examination for human medicine.
Schurter T., Escher M., Gachoud D., Bednarski P., Hug B., Kropf R., Meng-Hentschel J., König B., Beyeler C., Guttormsen S. et al., 2022. GMS journal for medical education, 39 (4) pp. Doc43. Peer-reviewed.
'Demystifying' the encounter with adolescent patients: a qualitative study on medical students' experiences and perspectives during training with adolescent simulated patients.
Takeuchi Yusuke Leo, Bonvin Raphaël, Ambresin Anne-Emmanuelle, 2021/12. Medical education online, 26 (1) p. 1979445. Peer-reviewed.
Burnout, depression and anxiety among Swiss medical students - A network analysis.
Ernst J., Jordan K.D., Weilenmann S., Sazpinar O., Gehrke S., Paolercio F., Petry H., Pfaltz M.C., Méan M., Aebischer O. et al., 2021/11. Journal of psychiatric research, 143 pp. 196-201. Peer-reviewed.
Use of an Online Ultrasound Simulator to Teach Basic Psychomotor Skills to Medical Students During the Initial COVID-19 Lockdown: Quality Control Study.
Meuwly J.Y., Mandralis K., Tenisch E., Gullo G., Frossard P., Morend L., 2021/11/01. JMIR medical education, 7 (4) pp. e31132. Peer-reviewed.
Letter to the Editor [Letter]
Sylvie Félix, 2021/10. Advances in Medical Education and Practice.
Development and national consensus finding on patient-centred high stakes communication skills assessments for the Swiss Federal Licensing Examination in Medicine.
Bachmann C., Kropf R., Biller S., Schnabel K.P., Junod Perron N., Monti M., Berendonk C., Huwendiek S., Breckwoldt J., 2021/07. Patient education and counseling, 104 (7) pp. 1765-1772. Peer-reviewed.
Physical and psychological health of medical students involved in the coronavirus disease 2019 response in Switzerland.
Aebischer O., Weilenmann S., Gachoud D., Méan M., Spiller T.R., 2020/11/30. Swiss medical weekly, 150 pp. w20418. Peer-reviewed.
Transition to postgraduate practice: perceptions of preparedness and experience of the daily work of junior residents.
Monti M., Brunet L., Michaud P.A., 2020/11/16. Swiss medical weekly, 150 pp. w20370. Peer-reviewed.
Proches aidant·e·s, héros du quotidien - Soutien psychologique, financier et social pour les proches aidant·e·s dans le canton de Vaud.
Béguin N., Ducraux P., Khan L., Turin J., Van Der Linden R., 2020/10/21. Revue medicale suisse, 16 (711) pp. 2010-2011. Peer-reviewed.
Utilisation de tissus par les adolescentes durant les menstruations à Mangalore, Inde.
Dioguardi A., Rodrigues D.E., Gottreux Barron V., Orita E., Zesiger S., 2020/10/21. Revue medicale suisse, 16 (711) pp. 2008-2009. Peer-reviewed.
Improving the assessment of communication competencies in a national licensing OSCE: lessons learned from an experts' symposium.
Monti M., Klöckner-Cronauer C., Hautz S.C., Schnabel K.P., Breckwoldt J., Junod-Perron N., Feller S., Bonvin R., Huwendiek S., 2020/05/26. BMC medical education, 20 (1) p. 171. Peer-reviewed.
Étudiant·e·s en médecine engagé·e·s au chevet des patient·e·s hospitalisé·e·s pour COVID-19 - Motivations et enjeux [Medical students at the bedside of COVID-19 patients : motivations and challenges]
Aebischer O., Porret R., Pawlowska V., Barbier J., Caratsch L., Moreira De Jesus M., Castioni J., Kraege V., Bart P.A., Mean M. et al., 2020/05/06. Revue medicale suisse, 16 (692) pp. 958-961. Peer-reviewed.
Nationwide introduction of a new competency framework for undergraduate medical curricula: a collaborative approach.
Sohrmann M., Berendonk C., Nendaz M., Bonvin R., Swiss Working Group For Profiles Implementation, 2020/04/06. Swiss medical weekly, 150 pp. w20201. Peer-reviewed.
PROFILES: portrait-type de nos futurs médecins ! [PROFILES: typical portrait of the future Swiss doctors]
Bart P.A., Monti M., Gachoud D., Félix S., Turpin D., Marino L., Takeuchi Y.L., Senn N., Sohrmann M., 2020/01/22. Revue medicale suisse, 16 (678) pp. 133-137. Peer-reviewed.
How do Swiss medical schools prepare their students to become good communicators in their future professional careers: a questionnaire and interview study involving medical graduates, teachers and curriculum coordinators.
Junod Perron N., Klöckner Cronauer C., Hautz S.C., Schnabel K.P., Breckwoldt J., Monti M., Huwendiek S., Feller S., 2018/11/29. BMC medical education, 18 (1) p. 285. Peer-reviewed.
Gender bias among medical students: a pilot study using objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) situations
Clair Carole, Félix Sylvie, Schüler Barazzoni Mirjam, Christen Ariane, Viret Francine, Boegli Jo, Bonvin Raphaël, Monti Matteo, Fasel Emilie, Gachoud David, 2018/05/30., Société Suisse de Médecine Interne Générale dans Primary and Hospital Care, EMH Editions médicales suisses SA.
Aspects cognitifs de l'erreur en médecine
Monti Matteo, Gachoud David, Triacca Marie Lucie, 2018/03. Swiss Medical Forum, 18 (1314) pp. 304-307. Peer-reviewed.
Sécurité des patients : importance des transmissions médicales [Importance of handoffs for patient safety]
Berlincourt F., Rebell D., Gachoud D., Monti M., 2017/11/22. Revue medicale suisse, 13 (584) pp. 2031-2035. Peer-reviewed.
E-learning : un complément efficace et nécessaire à la formation postgraduée [E-learning : an effective and necessary complement to the postgraduate training]
Galland-Decker C., Gachoud D., Monti M., 2016/11/23. Revue medicale suisse, 12 (540) pp. 2004-2006. Peer-reviewed.
E-learning en médecine interne : testez vos connaissances
Galland-Decker C., Schläpfer J., Wuerzner G., Monti M., 2016/11/23. Revue medicale suisse, 12 (540) pp. 2008-2013. Peer-reviewed.
Cultural competence and simulated patients
Paroz S., Daele A., Viret F., Vadot S., Bonvin R., Bodenmann P., 2016/10. The clinical teacher, 13 (5) pp. 369-373. Peer-reviewed.
Working with actors and non-actors as simulated patients: An advantage?
Viret Francine, Vadot Sara, Morend Laura, Christen Ariane, Bonvin Raphael, 2016/08/08. MedEdPublish, 5 p. 61.
L'informatique: un outil remarquable pour l'enseignement de la médecine interne générale [The informatics: a remarkable tool for teaching general internal medicine].
Ombelli J., Pasche O., Sohrmann M., Monti M., 2015. Revue Médicale Suisse, 11 (474) pp. 1074-1080.
Simulated Patient as Co-facilitators: Benefits and Challenges of the Interprofessional Team OSCE (Submission #9350).
Layat Burn C., Gachoud D., Nestel D., 2015/01. dans Annual International Meeting on Simulation in Healtcare, Simulation in Healthcare.
Stratégies de communication au service de la formation: quelques outils pratiques [Effective communication strategies to frame the trainer-trainee dialogue in the clinical setting].
Gachoud D., Félix S., Monti M., 2015. Revue Médicale Suisse, 11 (493) pp. 2058, 2060-2058, 2063.
The new final Clinical Skills examination in human medicine in Switzerland: Essential steps of exam development, implementation and evaluation, and central insights from the perspective of the national Working Group.
Berendonk C., Schirlo C., Balestra G., Bonvin R., Feller S., Huber P., Jünger E., Monti M., Schnabel K., Beyeler C. et al., 2015. Gms Zeitschrift Für Medizinische Ausbildung, 32 (4) pp. Doc40.
Le médecin compétent au XXIe siècle et pourquoi les études de médecine ont changé
Brunet L., Monti M., Bonvin R., 2014/10. Revue Médicale Suisse 448 pp. 2048-52.
Health care professional's' attitudes towards bedside case presentations during ward rounds
Gachoud D., Garnier A., Monti M., Bart P.-A., Lamy O., Marques-Vidal P., Vollenweider P., Sartori C., Bonvin R., Villar B. et al., 2014/05. dans European and Swiss congress of Internal Medicine 2014.
La visite médicale en pratique hospitalière: entre soins et apprentissage [Conducting ward rounds: a balance between care and teaching].
Gachoud D., Monti M., Waeber G., Bonvin R., 2013. Revue Médicale Suisse, 9 (404) pp. 2013-2016.
Méthodes : quantitative, qualitative, mixte
Hamstra S., Gachoud D., 2013. pp. 351-364 dans Boet S., Savoldelli G., Granry J-C. (eds.) La simulation en santé De la théorie à la pratique, Springer Paris.
Learning collaboration in General Internal Medicine: a pilot project for undergraduate students in nursing, physiotherapy and medicine
Gachoud D., Layat Burn C., Kalathakis E., Bonvin R., Lamy O., 2012. pp. 53S dans 80. Jahresversammlung der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Allgemeine Innere Medizin, Swiss Medical Forum = Forum Médical Suisse.
L'éducation interprofessionnelle pour tous... Une expérience de sensibilisation pour des étudiants vaudois en formation prégraduée [Interprofessional education for all... An awareness experience for undergraduate students in Vaud].
Michaud P.A., Teike-Luethi F., Clerc M., Gachoud D., Chapuis J., Allin A.C., Wagnières S., Morin D., 2011. Revue Médicale Suisse, 7 (319) pp. 2363-2365. Peer-reviewed.
Que faire d'un stagiaire dans votre consultation [Tips for hosting a medical student in a PC consultation].
Félix S., Bonvin R., Bischoff T., 2010. Revue Médicale Suisse, 6 (249) pp. 1026-1030.
La fièvre de Monsieur F [The fever of Mr. F: legionellosis]
Bugnon H., Candil M., 2008/01/16. Revue medicale suisse, 4 (140) pp. 172-174. Peer-reviewed.
La fatigue de Madame B [The fatigue of Mrs. B]
Förster C., Onur F., Othenin-Girard A., 2007/03/21. Revue medicale suisse, 3 (103) pp. 771-773. Peer-reviewed.
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