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1883 publications

... | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | ...
Socio-economic position as a moderator of cardiometabolic outcomes in patients receiving psychotropic treatment associated with weight gain: results from a prospective 12-month inception cohort study and a large population-based cohort.
Dubath C., Gholam-Rezaee M., Sjaarda J., Levier A., Saigi-Morgui N., Delacrétaz A., Glatard A., Panczak R., Correll C.U., Solida A. et al., 2021/06/26. Translational psychiatry, 11 (1) p. 360. Peer-reviewed.
Early intervention in psychosis during the COVID-19 pandemic: Maudsley recommendations.
Jauhar S., Lai S., Bonoldi I., Salazar de Pablo G., di Forti M., Alameda L., Donocik J., Iacoponi E., Spencer T., Haege B. et al., 2021/06. European neuropsychopharmacology, 47 pp. 130-135. Peer-reviewed.
Impact of Childhood Maltreatment in Borderline Personality Disorder on Treatment Response to Intensive Dialectical Behavior Therapy.
Euler S., Stalujanis E., Lindenmeyer H.J., Nicastro R., Kramer U., Perroud N., Weibel S., 2021/06. Journal of personality disorders, 35 (3) pp. 428-446. Peer-reviewed.
Plasma Concentrations and Cardiovascular Effects of Citalopram Enantiomers After Oral Versus Infusion Citalopram Therapy in Dextromethorphan-Mephenytoin-Phenotyped Patients With Major Depression.
Baumann P., Bertschy G., Ramseier F., Nil R., 2021/06/01. Therapeutic drug monitoring, 43 (3) pp. 436-442. Peer-reviewed.
Recovering the Capacity to Live outside of a Psychiatric Hospital: Impact of a Specialized Inpatient Program.
Lequin P., Golay P., Herrera F., Brisard M.A., Conus P., 2021/06. The Psychiatric quarterly, 92 (2) pp. 751-759. Peer-reviewed.
Traumatisme sexuel ou physique dans l’enfance : quel impact sur l’évolution d’un premier épisode psychotique ? [Sexual and physical abuse during childhood; what is the impact on outcome in first episode psychosis patients?]
Thonney J., Conus P., Golay P., 2021/06. L'Encephale, 47 (3) pp. 215-220. Peer-reviewed.
Work-related burnout among personnel at a university hospital: identifying quantitative and qualitative differences using latent class analysis.
Besse C.S., Bonsack C., Gilles I., Golay P., 2021/06. Journal of mental health, 30 (3) pp. 388-399. Peer-reviewed.
Mécanismes de défense
Berney Sylvie, Söderström Dag, 2021/05/30. dans Söderström Dag, Conus Philippe (eds.) Approche psychothérapeutique contemporaine des psychoses, Médecine et hygiène.
Berney Sylvie, 2021/05/25. Psychothérapies, Vol. 41 (2) pp. 73-73.
La question de l'insight
Elowe Julien, Marion-Veyron Régis, Conus Philippe, Söderström Dag, 2021/05/18. dans Approche psychothérapeutique des psychoses chap. 10, RMS éditions.
Healthcare in a pure gatekeeping system: utilization of primary, mental and emergency care in the prison population over time.
Spycher J., Dusheiko M., Beaupère P., Gravier B., Moschetti K., 2021/05/13. Health & justice, 9 (1) p. 11. Peer-reviewed.
Patients with first versus multiple episodes of self-harm: how do their profiles differ?
Golay P., Ostertag L., Costanza A., Van der Vaeren B., Dorogi Y., Saillant S., Michaud L., 2021/05/13. Annals of general psychiatry, 20 (1) p. 30. Peer-reviewed.
Redox Dysregulation, Myelination Deficit and Dysconnectivity in Schizophrenia: A Translational Study in First Episode Patients and Experimental Models
Do Kim Q., Cabungcal Jan-Harry, Cleusix Martine, Dwir Daniella, Fournier Margot, Griffa Alessandra, Gruetter Rolf, Hagmann Patric, Jenni Raoul, Klauser Paul et al., 2021/05. pp. S56 dans Biological Psychiatry.
Understanding urbanicity: how interdisciplinary methods help to unravel the effects of the city on mental health.
Krabbendam L., van Vugt M., Conus P., Söderström O., Abrahamyan Empson L., van Os J., Fett A.J., 2021/05. Psychological medicine, 51 (7) pp. 1099-1110. Peer-reviewed.
Anzieu sur le balcon, ou les vertus de l'illusion à l'heure du virus
Saraga Michael, 2021/04/22. Revue française de psychanalyse, 85 (2) pp. 499-503.
State of the psychoanalytic nation: Switzerland
Herrera Fabrice, Reith Bernard, Despland Jean-Nicolas, Ambresin Gilles, 2021/04/03. Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, 35 (2) pp. 89-107.
Emotions in clinical practice. Second edition
Kramer Ueli, Beuchat Hélène, Grandjean Loris, 2021/04/01. dans Handbook of Emotion Measurement, H. Meiselman.
Faire avec les mécanismes de défense : une rencontre psychodynamique
Söderström Dag, Berney Sylvie, 2021/03/30. dans Conus Philippe, Söderström Dag (eds.) Approche psychothérapeutique contemporaine des psychoses chap. 16, Médecine et hygiène.
Neuroscience of Enduring Change: Implications for Psychotherapy
Kramer Ueli, 2021/03/01. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 74 (1) pp. 44-45.
Anwendungskriterien und Handlungsempfehlung für Amyloid-Bildgebung zur Abklärung demenzieller Erkrankungen in der Schweiz – kurzer Literaturüberblick und Stellungnahme seitens der Schweizer Gesellschaft für Nuklearmedizin und der Schweizer Memory-Kliniken [Appropriate use criteria for dementia amyloid imaging in Switzerland - mini-review and statement on behalf of the Swiss Society of Nuclear Medicine and the Swiss Memory Clinics]
Juengling F.D., Allenbach G., Bruehlmeier M., Klaeser B., Wissmeyer M.P., Garibotto V., Felbecker A., Georgescu D., 2021/02. Nuklearmedizin. Nuclear medicine, 60 (1) pp. 7-9. Peer-reviewed.
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Long-Acting Injectable Antipsychotic Drugs.
Schoretsanitis G., Baumann P., Conca A., Dietmaier O., Giupponi G., Gründer G., Hahn M., Hart X., Havemann-Reinecke U., Hefner G. et al., 2021/02/01. Therapeutic drug monitoring, 43 (1) pp. 79-102. Peer-reviewed.
Thought consciousness and source monitoring depend on robotically controlled sensorimotor conflicts and illusory states.
Serino A., Pozeg P., Bernasconi F., Solcà M., Hara M., Progin P., Stripeikyte G., Dhanis H., Salomon R., Bleuler H. et al., 2021/01/22. iScience, 24 (1) p. 101955. Peer-reviewed.
Measuring the paradox of self-stigma: psychometric properties of a brief scale.
Golay P., Moga M., Devas C., Staecheli M., Poisat Y., Israël M., Suter C., Silva B., Morandi S., Ferrari P. et al., 2021/01/19. Annals of general psychiatry, 20 (1) p. 5. Peer-reviewed.
Actualité et évolution de l’intervention de crise : table ronde autour du modèle de la crise
Bacchetta J-P., Berney Sylvie, Gothuey I., Michaud Laurent, Saillant S., Valloton S., Winterhalter G., 2021. dans De Coulon N. (eds.) La crise, Antipode.
Associations Between High Plasma Methylxanthine Levels, Sleep Disorders and Polygenic Risk Scores of Caffeine Consumption or Sleep Duration in a Swiss Psychiatric Cohort.
Laaboub N., Gholam M., Sibailly G., Sjaarda J., Delacrétaz A., Dubath C., Grosu C., Piras M., Ansermot N., Crettol S. et al., 2021. Frontiers in psychiatry, 12 p. 756403. Peer-reviewed.
Ch. 32. Neurobiologie et schizophrénie
Baumann Philipp Sebastian, Steullet Pascal, 2021/01/01. dans Conus Philipp, Söderström Dag (eds.) Approche psychothérapeutique des psychoses, RMS Editions.
Ch. 42. Psychose et suicide.
Baumann Philipp, Solida Alessandra, Conus Philippe, 2021/01/01. dans Söderström Dag, Conus Philippe (eds.) Approche psychothérapeutique des psychoses. , RMS Editions .
Comment l’hôpital psychiatrique soigne-t’il ?
Herrera Fabrice, Achille M.A., Robalo B., 2021. dans Conus Philippe, Söderström Dag Lennart (eds.) Approche psychothérapeutique des psychoses : un lien pour cheminer au quotidien chap. 33, RMS Éditions / Médecine & Hygiène.
Defense Mechanisms and Treatment Response in Depressed Inpatients.
de Roten Y., Djillali S., Crettaz von Roten F., Despland J.N., Ambresin G., 2021. Frontiers in psychology, 12 p. 633939. Peer-reviewed.
Dreams and Trauma Changes in the Manifest Dreams in Psychoanalytic Treatments - A Psychoanalytic Outcome Measure.
Fischmann T., Ambresin G., Leuzinger-Bohleber M., 2021. Frontiers in psychology, 12 p. 678440. Peer-reviewed.
Détection et intervention précoce pour la psychose : pourquoi et comment ? [Early Detection and Intervention for Psychosis: Why and How?]
Bertulies-Esposito B., Sicotte R., Iyer S.N., Delfosse C., Girard N., Nolin M., Villeneuve M., Conus P., Abdel-Baki A., 2021. Sante mentale au Quebec, 46 (2) pp. 45-83. Peer-reviewed.
Exploring Clinical Practice and Developing Clinician Self-Reflection Through Cross Self-Confrontation Methodology: An Application Within an Addiction Medicine Unit.
Paroz S., Daeppen J.B., Monnat M., Saraga M., Panese F., 2021. Global qualitative nursing research, 8 p. 23333936211054800. Peer-reviewed.
Exploring the Interplay Between Adversity, Neurocognition, Social Cognition, and Functional Outcome in People With Psychosis: A Narrative Review.
Rodriguez V., Aas M., Vorontsova N., Trotta G., Gadelrab R., Rooprai N.K., Alameda L., 2021. Frontiers in psychiatry, 12 p. 596949. Peer-reviewed.
Faire une place dans la ville
Abrahamyan Empson Lilit, Conus Philippe, 2021. pp. 417–425 dans Conus Philippe, Söderström Dag (eds.) Approche psychothérapeutique des psychoses , RMS.
Herrera Fabrice, De Boer E., 2021. dans Conus Philippe, Söderström Dag Lennart (eds.) Approche psychothérapeutique des psychoses : un lien pour cheminer au quotidien chap. 37, RMS Éditions / Médecine & Hygiène.
Health websites on COVID-19: are they readable and credible enough to help public self-care?
Valizadeh-Haghi S., Khazaal Y., Rahmatizadeh S., 2021/01/01. Journal of the Medical Library Association, 109 (1) pp. 75-83. Peer-reviewed.
Intervention précoce pour les premiers épisodes psychotiques d’hier à demain : comment relever les défis liés à son déploiement pour en maximiser les bénéfices ? [Early Intervention for Psychosis from Past to Future: Overcoming Implementation Challenges to Maximize its Impact?]
Malla A., Roy M.A., Abdel-Baki A., Conus P., McGorry P., 2021. Sante mentale au Quebec, 46 (2) pp. 391-415. Peer-reviewed.
La Psychiatrie phénomenologique
Thonney Jacques, Abrahamyan Empson Lilit, 2021. pp. 275–289 dans Conus Philippe, Dag Söderström (eds.) Approche psychothérapeutique des psychoses , RMS.
La psychothérapie centrée sur les émotions
Kramer Ueli, Woldarsky Meneses Catalina, 2021. Psychothérapie centrée sur la personne et expérientielle pp. 209-226.
L’union fait la force : initier un mouvement francophone national et international pour l’implantation de l’intervention précoce [Strength in Numbers: Launching a National and International French-Speaking Movement for the Implementation of Early Intervention Services]
Bertulies-Esposito B., Abdel-Baki A., Conus P., Krebs M.O., 2021. Sante mentale au Quebec, 46 (2) pp. 365-389. Peer-reviewed.
Mental health professionals' feelings and attitudes towards coercion.
Morandi S., Silva B., Mendez Rubio M., Bonsack C., Golay P., 2021. International journal of law and psychiatry, 74 p. 101665. Peer-reviewed.
Mon patient est un héros ! L’approche mythologique dans le contexte de la réinsertion professionnelle des patients
Moratal J., Spagnoli D., Golay P., 2021. Information Psychiatrique, 97 (6) pp. 497-504. Peer-reviewed.
Psychose et migration
Abrahamyan Empson Lilit, Marion-Veyron Regis, 2021. pp. 345–352 dans Conus Philippe, Dag Söderström (eds.) Approche psychothérapeutique des psychoses , RMS.
Resolving Coparenting Dissatisfaction In Couples: A Preliminary Task Analysis Study.
Eira Nunes C., Pascual-Leone A., de Roten Y., Favez N., Darwiche J., 2021/01. Journal of marital and family therapy, 47 (1) pp. 21-35. Peer-reviewed.
Sexualité et psychose
Söderström Dag Lennart, Herrera Fabrice, 2021. dans Conus Philippe, Söderström Dag Lennart (eds.) Approche psychothérapeutique des psychoses : un lien pour cheminer au quotidien chap. 43, RMS Éditions / Médecine & Hygiène.
The Clinical High-Risk State: Beyond the Prevention of Psychosis [L'état mental à risque : au-delà de la prévention de la psychose]
Morin J.F., Daneault J.G., Krebs M.O., Shah J., Solida-Tozzi A., 2021. Sante mentale au Quebec, 46 (2) pp. 85-112. Peer-reviewed.
The Joint Crisis Plan: A Powerful Tool to Promote Mental Health.
Lequin P., Ferrari P., Suter C., Milovan M., Besse C., Silva B., Golay P., Bonsack C., Favrod J., 2021. Frontiers in psychiatry, 12 p. 621436. Peer-reviewed.
Transition et fin
Lallement M.A., Herrera Fabrice, Söderström Dag Lennart, Söderström Dag Lennart, 2021. dans Conus Dag Lennart Philippe (eds.) Approche psychothérapeutique des psychoses : un lien pour cheminer au quotidien chap. 49, RMS Éditions / Médecine & Hygiène.
Unsupervised Analysis of Flow Cytometry Data in a Clinical Setting Captures Cell Diversity and Allows Population Discovery.
Baumgaertner P., Sankar M., Herrera F.G, Benedetti F., Barras D., Thierry A.C., Dangaj D., Kandalaft L.E., Coukos G., Xenarios I. et al., 2021. Frontiers in immunology, 12 p. 633910. Peer-reviewed.
Work with emotions in remote psychotherapy in the time of Covid-19: A clinical experience
Thompson-de Benoit Alexine, Kramer Ueli, 2021. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 34 (3-4) pp. 368-376.
A Novel Earwax Method to Measure Acute and Chronic Glucose Levels.
Herane-Vives A., Espinoza S., Sandoval R., Ortega L., Alameda L., Young A.H., Arnone D., Hayes A., Benöhr J., 2020/12/10. Diagnostics, 10 (12). Peer-reviewed.
Mechanisms of change in brief treatments for borderline personality disorder: a protocol of a randomized controlled trial
Kramer Ueli, Grandjean Loris, Beuchat Hélène, Kolly Stéphane, Conus Philippe, Roten Yves, Draganski Bogdan, Despland Jean-Nicolas, 2020/12. Trials, 21 (1).
Rate and predictors of disengagement in an early psychosis program with time limited intensification of treatment.
Golay P., Ramain J., Reiff C., Solida A., Baumann P.S., Conus P., 2020/12. Journal of psychiatric research, 131 pp. 33-38. Peer-reviewed.
Social interaction patterns, therapist responsiveness, and outcome in treatments for borderline personality disorder.
Signer S., Estermann Jansen R., Sachse R., Caspar F., Kramer U., 2020/12. Psychology and psychotherapy, 93 (4) pp. 705-722. Peer-reviewed.
MMP9/RAGE pathway overactivation mediates redox dysregulation and neuroinflammation, leading to inhibitory/excitatory imbalance: a reverse translation study in schizophrenia patients.
Dwir D., Giangreco B., Xin L., Tenenbaum L., Cabungcal J.H., Steullet P., Goupil A., Cleusix M., Jenni R., Chtarto A. et al., 2020/11. Molecular psychiatry, 25 (11) pp. 2889-2904. Peer-reviewed.
The influence of risk factors on the onset and outcome of psychosis: What we learned from the GAP study.
Murray R.M., Mondelli V., Stilo S.A., Trotta A., Sideli L., Ajnakina O., Ferraro L., Vassos E., Iyegbe C., Schoeler T. et al., 2020/11. Schizophrenia research, 225 pp. 63-68. Peer-reviewed.
Partial‐volume modeling reveals reduced gray matter in specific thalamic nuclei early in the time course of psychosis and chronic schizophrenia
Alemán-Gómez Yasser, Najdenovska Elena, Roine Timo, Fartaria Mário João, Canales-Rodríguez Erick J., Rovó Zita, Hagmann Patric, Conus Philippe, Do Kim Q., Klauser Paul et al., 2020/10. Human Brain Mapping, 41 (14) pp. 4041-4061. Peer-reviewed.
Agitation aiguë chez l’adulte : proposition d’un algorithme de traitement psychopharmacologique [Rapid tranquilisation in adults : algorithm proposed for psychopharmacological treatment]
Crettol Wavre S., Ansermot N., Sibailly G., Vandenberghe F., Grandjean C., Teixeira Robalo B., Fassassi Gallo S., Thonney J., Solida-Tozzi A., Conus P. et al., 2020/09/23. Revue medicale suisse, 16 (707) pp. 1751-1755. Peer-reviewed.
Asile, santé et discrimination : attention aux mots. [Asylum, health and discrimination: words matter]
Wenk-Clément P., Singy P., Bodenmann P., 2020/09/02. Revue medicale suisse, 16 (704) pp. 1582-1585. Peer-reviewed.
A systematic review on mediators between adversity and psychosis: potential targets for treatment.
Alameda L., Rodriguez V., Carr E., Aas M., Trotta G., Marino P., Vorontsova N., Herane-Vives A., Gadelrab R., Spinazzola E. et al., 2020/09. Psychological medicine, 50 (12) pp. 1966-1976. Peer-reviewed.
Individualizing psychotherapy research designs.
Kramer Ueli, 2020/09. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 30 (3) pp. 440-457.
Integrating core conflictual relationship themes in neurobiological assessment of interpersonal processes in psychotherapy
Grandjean Loris, Beuchat Hélène, Gyger Lucien, Roten Yves, Despland Jean-Nicolas, Draganski Bogdan, Kramer Ueli, 2020/09. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 20 (3) pp. 488-496.
La psychothérapie centrée sur les émotions. Deuxième édition
Kramer Ueli, Ragama Emna, 2020/09/01., U. Kramer & E. Ragama.
Plan de santé mentale du canton de Fribourg : une approche systémique pour élaborer une politique publique.
Vallat P., Guex P., Zufferey C., Gothuey I., 2020/08/26. Revue medicale suisse, 16 (703) pp. 1518-1521. Peer-reviewed.
Methodological reporting in feasibility studies: a descriptive review of the nursing intervention research literature
Mailhot Tanya, Goulet Marie-Hélène, Maheu-Cadotte Marc-André, Fontaine Guillaume, Lequin Pierre, Lavoie Patrick, 2020/08. Journal of Research in Nursing, 25 (5) pp. 460-472.
Urbanicity: The need for new avenues to explore the link between urban living and psychosis.
Abrahamyan Empson L., Baumann P.S., Söderström O., Codeluppi Z., Söderström D., Conus P., 2020/08. Early intervention in psychiatry, 14 (4) pp. 398-409. Peer-reviewed.
Ensemble programme for early intervention in informal caregivers of psychiatric adult patients: a protocol for a randomised controlled trial.
Rexhaj S., Monteiro S., Golay P., Coloni-Terrapon C., Wenger D., Favrod J., 2020/07/30. BMJ open, 10 (7) pp. e038781. Peer-reviewed.
Early onset of cannabis use and violent behavior in psychosis.
Moulin V., Alameda L., Framorando D., Baumann P.S., Gholam M., Gasser J., Do Cuenod K.Q., Conus P., 2020/07/16. European psychiatry, 63 (1) pp. e78. Peer-reviewed.
Sensorimotor Induction of Auditory Misattribution in Early Psychosis.
Salomon R., Progin P., Griffa A., Rognini G., Do K.Q., Conus P., Marchesotti S., Bernasconi F., Hagmann P., Serino A. et al., 2020/07/08. Schizophrenia bulletin, 46 (4) pp. 947-954. Peer-reviewed.
Psychotherapy for dependent personality disorder: The relationship of patient-therapist interaction to outcome
Maccaferri Giorgio E., Dunker Scheuner Daniela, de Roten Yves, Despland Jean-Nicolas, Sachse Rainer, Kramer Ueli, 2020/07/01. Psychiatry: Interpersonal and Biological Processes.
How Personality Disorders Change in Psychotherapy: a Concise Review of Process.
Kramer U., Beuchat H., Grandjean L., Pascual-Leone A., 2020/06/09. Current psychiatry reports, 22 (8) p. 41. Peer-reviewed.
Assessment of self‐contempt in psychotherapy: A neurobehavioural perspective
Kramer Ueli, Renevey Julien, Pascual-Leone Antonio, 2020/06. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 20 (2) pp. 209-213.
L'attachement du client au thérapeute en psychothérapie : une revue systématique des études empiriques
Djillali Slimane, de Roten Yves, Despland Jean-Nicolas, Benkhelifa Mahmoud, 2020/06. Annales Médico-psychologiques, revue psychiatrique, 178 (6) pp. 617-623.
Metacognitive improvement and symptom change in a 3-month treatment for borderline personality disorder.
Maillard P., Dimaggio G., Berthoud L., de Roten Y., Despland J.N., Kramer U., 2020/06. Psychology and psychotherapy, 93 (2) pp. 309-325. Peer-reviewed.
Transdiagnostic clinical staging in youth mental health: a first international consensus statement.
Shah J.L., Scott J., McGorry P.D., Cross SPM, Keshavan M.S., Nelson B., Wood S.J., Marwaha S., Yung A.R., Scott E.M. et al., 2020/06. World psychiatry, 19 (2) pp. 233-242. Peer-reviewed.
Mobile Apps for Mental Health Issues: Meta-Review of Meta-Analyses.
Lecomte T., Potvin S., Corbière M., Guay S., Samson C., Cloutier B., Francoeur A., Pennou A., Khazaal Y., 2020/05/29. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 8 (5) pp. e17458. Peer-reviewed.
The effect of perazine on the CYP2D6 and CYP2C19 phenotypes as measured by the dextromethorphan and mephenytoin tests in psychiatric patients.
Baumann Pierre, Eap Chin B., Gastpar Markus, 2020/05. Basic & clinical pharmacology & toxicology, 126 (5) pp. 444-447. Peer-reviewed.
Video ethnography: introducing a new tool from research to psychiatric practice?
Abrahamyan Empson Lilit, Conus Philippe, 2020/04/23. Psychosis, 13 (1) pp. 24-34. Peer-reviewed.
Editorial. Introduction to the Special Issue ‘Innovative counselling and psychotherapy research methods': Defining the future of counselling and psychotherapy research
Kramer Ueli, Timulak Ladislav, 2020/04/13. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research.
Cortisol levels in unmedicated patients with unipolar and bipolar major depression using hair and saliva specimens.
Herane-Vives A., Arnone D., de Angel V., Papadopoulos A., Wise T., Alameda L., Chua K.C., Young A.H., Cleare A.J., 2020/03/05. International journal of bipolar disorders, 8 (1) p. 15. Peer-reviewed.
Amisulpride: Real-World Evidence of Dose Adaptation and Effect on Prolactin Concentrations and Body Weight Gain by Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic Analyses.
Glatard A., Guidi M., Delacrétaz A., Dubath C., Grosu C., Laaboub N., von Gunten A., Conus P., Csajka C., Eap C.B., 2020/03. Clinical pharmacokinetics, 59 (3) pp. 371-382. Peer-reviewed.
Processes of Change in Psychotherapy for Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
Maillard P., Berthoud L., Kolly S., Sachse R., Kramer U., 2020/03. Journal of personality disorders, 34 (Supplement) pp. 63-79. Peer-reviewed.
Urban remediation: a new recovery-oriented strategy to manage urban stress after first-episode psychosis.
Baumann P.S., Söderström O., Abrahamyan Empson L., Söderström D., Codeluppi Z., Golay P., Birchwood M., Conus P., 2020/03. Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology, 55 (3) pp. 273-283. Peer-reviewed.
Crise médicale, engagement clinique [Medical crisis, clinical engagement]
Bourquin C., Stiefel F., Saraga M., 2020/02/12. Revue medicale suisse, 16 (681) pp. 322-323. Peer-reviewed.
Increasing tips in less than two hours: Impact of a training intervention on the amount of tips received by restaurant employees
Fernandez S., Dufour F., Costa V., De Boer C., Terrier L., Golay P., 2020/02/01. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 61 (1) pp. 98-107. Peer-reviewed.
The 2019 Schizophrenia International Research Society Conference, 10-14 April, Orlando, Florida: A summary of topics and trends.
Alameda L., Ashok A., Avery S., Bani-Fatemi A., Berkhout S., Best M., Bonfils K., Colizzi M., Dauvermann M., Plessis S.D. et al., 2020/02. Psychiatry research, 284 p. 112672. Peer-reviewed.
The Therapeutic Alliance Over 10 Sessions of Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder: Agreement and Congruence Analysis and Relation to Outcome.
Kivity Y., Levy K.N., Kolly S., Kramer U., 2020/02. Journal of personality disorders, 34 (1) pp. 1-21. Peer-reviewed.
Psychiatrie [Psychiatry: novelties in 2019]
Conus P., Abrahamyan Empson L., Baumann P.S., Söderström O., Codeluppi Z., Söderström D., Golay P., Khazaal Y., 2020/01/22. Revue medicale suisse, 16 (678) pp. 144-147. Peer-reviewed.
The Parallel Map Theory: Ontogeny of Flexible Spatial Strategies in Young Children
giuliani fabienne, schenk françoise, 2020/01/10. AMSCR-100035, 2 (1). Peer-reviewed.
A la sortie de l’hôpital, conquérir son logement
Corpataux Nicolas, Pinilla Marin Andres, Skyllakou Ifigeneia, Marie-Cécile Lallement Marie-Cécile, Herrera Fabrice, Lequin Pierre, 2020. REISO : Revue d'information sociale p. 6659.
Chronic non-cancer pain in primary care: an Italian cross-sectional study
Ferrara Rosaria, 2020. Signa Vitae, 17 (2) pp. 54-62.
Depression: Neue Wege der antidepressiven Behandlung (Editorial)
Baumann P.ierre, 2020. Info Neurologie & Psychiatrie, 18 (3) p. 1.
Euthanasia and assisted suicide in patients with personality disorders: a review of current practice and challenges.
Mehlum L., Schmahl C., Berens A., Doering S., Hutsebaut J., Kaera A., Kramer U., Moran P.A., Renneberg B., Ribaudi J.S. et al., 2020. Borderline personality disorder and emotion dysregulation, 7 p. 15. Peer-reviewed.
La médecine de famille face à la dépression chronique [Facing chronic depression in family practice]
Fitoussi Claire, Linder Audrey, Widmer Daniel, De Roten Yves, Despland Jean-Nicolas, Ambresin Gilles, 2020. Revue Médicale Suisse, 16 (708) pp. 1818-1821. Peer-reviewed.
Moderating role of cannabis use between insight and depression in early psychosis.
Elowe J., Golay P., Baumann P.S., Solida-Tozzi A., Conus P., 2020/01. Schizophrenia research, 215 pp. 61-65. Peer-reviewed.
Propensity to decide on involuntary hospitalisation in primary medical care: Dispositional or situational determinants?
Morandi S., Silva B., Bonsack C., Golay P., 2020. International journal of law and psychiatry, 69 p. 101552. Peer-reviewed.
Protective Factor Assessments: What Are We Measuring?—An Investigation of the Internal Validity of the Structured Assessment of Protective Factors for Violence Risk
Abbiati Milena, Golay Philippe, Gasser Jacques, Moulin Valerie, 2020. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 47 (4) pp. 383-398. Peer-reviewed.
Psychological trauma occurring during adolescence is associated with an increased risk of greater waist circumference in Early Psychosis patients treated with psychotropic medication.
Alameda L., Levier A., Gholam-Rezaee M., Golay P., Vandenberghe F., Delacretaz A., Baumann P., Glatard A., Dubath C., Herane-Vives A. et al., 2020. PloS one, 15 (12) pp. e0242569. Peer-reviewed.
Psychometric investigation of the French version of the Aberrant Salience Inventory (ASI): differentiating patients with psychosis, patients with other psychiatric diagnoses and non-clinical participants.
Golay P., Laloyaux J., Moga M., Della Libera C., Larøi F., Bonsack C., 2020. Annals of general psychiatry, 19 p. 58. Peer-reviewed.
Psychotherapie der Persönlichkeitsstörungen
Ehrenthal J. C., Kramer U., 2020. dans Praxis der Psychotherapie.
Somatosensory-visual effects in visual biological motion perception.
Progin P., Faivre N., Brooks A., Chang W., Mercier M., Schwabe L., Do K.Q., Blanke O., 2020. PloS one, 15 (6) pp. e0234026. Peer-reviewed.
Stable biomarker identification for predicting schizophrenia in the human connectome.
Gutiérrez-Gómez L., Vohryzek J., Chiêm B., Baumann P.S., Conus P., Cuenod K.D., Hagmann P., Delvenne J.C., 2020. NeuroImage. Clinical, 27 p. 102316. Peer-reviewed.
The joint role of impulsivity and distorted cognitions in recreational and problem gambling: A cluster analytic approach
Devos Mr. Gaëtan, Clark Luke, Bowden-Jones Henrietta, Grall-Bronnec Marie, Challet-Bouju Gaëlle, Khazaal Yasser, Maurage Pierre, Billieux Joël, 2020. Journal of Affective Disorders, 260 pp. 473-482. Peer-reviewed.
Trouble de la personnalité borderline : recommandations de traitement pour la Société suisse de psychiatrie et psychothérapie (SSPP)
Euler S., Dammann G., Endtner K., Leihener F., Perroud N. A., Reisch T., Schmeck K., Sollberger D., Walter M., Kramer U., 2020. Information psychiatrique, 96 (1) pp. 35-43.
Psychotropic drug-induced genetic-epigenetic modulation of CRTC1 gene is associated with early weight gain in a prospective study of psychiatric patients.
Delacrétaz A., Glatard A., Dubath C., Gholam-Rezaee M., Sanchez-Mut J.V., Gräff J., von Gunten A., Conus P., Eap C.B., 2019/12/26. Clinical epigenetics, 11 (1) p. 198. Peer-reviewed.
An International Society of Bipolar Disorders task force report: Precursors and prodromes of bipolar disorder.
Faedda G.L., Baldessarini R.J., Marangoni C., Bechdolf A., Berk M., Birmaher B., Conus P., DelBello M.P., Duffy A.C., Hillegers MHJ et al., 2019/12. Bipolar disorders, 21 (8) pp. 720-740. Peer-reviewed.
Dialectical behavior therapy skills training affects defense mechanisms in borderline personality disorder: An integrative approach of mechanisms in psychotherapy.
Euler S., Stalujanis E., Allenbach G., Kolly S., de Roten Y., Despland J.N., Kramer U., 2019/11. Psychotherapy research, 29 (8) pp. 1074-1085. Peer-reviewed.
Identifying patterns in psychiatric hospital stays with statistical methods: towards a typology of post-deinstitutionalization hospitalization trajectories.
Golay P., Morandi S., Conus P., Bonsack C., 2019/11. Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology, 54 (11) pp. 1411-1417. Peer-reviewed.
L’autisme et l’analyse appliquée du comportement en Suisse romande
giuliani fabienne, 2019/11. A,N,A,E,, 31 (162) pp. 603-606.
Spatial Memory in Intellectual Disability: Explanation with the Parallel Map Theory
Giuliani Fabienne, 2019/10/25. Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences, 7 (10) pp. 3379-85. Peer-reviewed.
Primary care outpatient treatment centre for Intellectual Disabilities helps prevent inpatient psychiatry treatments
Giuliani Fabienne, Gholamrezaee Mehdi, Baudat Jacques, 2019/10/23. EAS Journal of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences, 1 (5) pp. 100-107. Peer-reviewed.
Psychotherapy of Dependent Personality Disorder: The Relationship of Patient–Therapist Interactions to Outcome
Maccaferri Giorgio E., Dunker-Scheuner Daniela, De Roten Yves, Despland Jean-Nicolas, Sachse Rainer, Kramer Ueli, 2019/10/15. Psychiatry pp. 1-16. Peer-reviewed.
Early intervention for bipolar disorder - Do current treatment guidelines provide recommendations for the early stages of the disorder?
Chia M.F., Cotton S., Filia K., Phelan M., Conus P., Jauhar S., Marwaha S., McGorry P.D., Davey C., Berk M. et al., 2019/10/01. Journal of affective disorders, 257 pp. 669-677. Peer-reviewed.
The Role of Interactional Agreeableness in Responsive Treatments for Patients With Borderline Personality Disorder.
Zufferey P., Caspar F., Kramer U., 2019/10. Journal of personality disorders, 33 (5) pp. 691-706. Peer-reviewed.
Precision psychiatry: Promises made-Promises to be kept?
Stiefel F., Conus P., Bourquin C., 2019/09. The Australian and New Zealand journal of psychiatry, 53 (9) pp. 841-843. Peer-reviewed.
Alternatives à l’hospitalisation psychiatrique [Alternatives to psychiatric hospitalisation]
Bonsack C., Conus P., Morandi S., 2019/08/14. Revue medicale suisse, 15 (658) pp. 1402-1406. Peer-reviewed.
Differences between unipolar mania and bipolar-I disorder: Evidence from nine epidemiological studies.
Angst J., Rössler W., Ajdacic-Gross V., Angst F., Wittchen H.U., Lieb R., Beesdo-Baum K., Asselmann E., Merikangas K.R., Cui L. et al., 2019/08. Bipolar disorders, 21 (5) pp. 437-448. Peer-reviewed.
Frontal cortical thickness correlates positively with impulsivity in early psychosis male patients.
Baumann P.S., Klauser P., Griffa A., Golay P., Palix J., Alameda L., Moulin V., Hagmann P., Do K.Q., Conus P., 2019/08. Early intervention in psychiatry, 13 (4) pp. 848-852. Peer-reviewed.
GWAS of Suicide Attempt in Psychiatric Disorders and Association With Major Depression Polygenic Risk Scores.
Mullins N., Bigdeli T.B., Børglum A.D., Coleman JRI, Demontis D., Mehta D., Power R.A., Ripke S., Stahl E.A., Starnawska A. et al., 2019/08/01. The American journal of psychiatry, 176 (8) pp. 651-660. Peer-reviewed.
N-Acetyl-Cysteine Supplementation Improves Functional Connectivity Within the Cingulate Cortex in Early Psychosis: A Pilot Study.
Mullier E., Roine T., Griffa A., Xin L., Baumann P.S., Klauser P., Cleusix M., Jenni R., Alemàn-Gómez Y., Gruetter R. et al., 2019/08/01. The international journal of neuropsychopharmacology, 22 (8) pp. 478-487. Peer-reviewed.
Novel inverse planning optimization algorithm for robotic radiosurgery: First clinical implementation and dosimetric evaluation.
Zeverino M., Marguet M., Zulliger C., Durham A., Jumeau R., Herrera F.G., Schiappacasse L., Bourhis J., Bochud F.O., Moeckli R., 2019/08. Physica medica, 64 pp. 230-237. Peer-reviewed.
Polygenic risk for circulating reproductive hormone levels and their influence on hippocampal volume and depression susceptibility.
Smeeth D.M., Dima D., Jones L., Jones I., Craddock N., Owen M.J., Rietschel M., Maier W., Korszun A., Rice J.P. et al., 2019/08. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 106 pp. 284-292. Peer-reviewed.
Sex differences in neurodevelopmental and common mental disorders examined from three epidemiological perspectives.
Tesic A., Rodgers S., Müller M., Wagner E.N., von Känel R., Castelao E., Strippoli M.F., Vandeleur C.L., Seifritz E., Preisig M. et al., 2019/08. Psychiatry research, 278 pp. 213-217. Peer-reviewed.
Cognitive heuristics in borderline personality disorder across treatment: A longitudinal non-parametric analysis.
Kramer U., Golam M., 2019/07. Journal of clinical psychology, 75 (7) pp. 1320-1331. Peer-reviewed.
Genome-wide Burden of Rare Short Deletions Is Enriched in Major Depressive Disorder in Four Cohorts.
Zhang X., Abdellaoui A., Rucker J., de Jong S., Potash J.B., Weissman M.M., Shi J., Knowles J.A., Pato C., Pato M. et al., 2019/06/15. Biological psychiatry, 85 (12) pp. 1065-1073. Peer-reviewed.
Integrated analysis of environmental and genetic influences on cord blood DNA methylation in new-borns.
Czamara D., Eraslan G., Page C.M., Lahti J., Lahti-Pulkkinen M., Hämäläinen E., Kajantie E., Laivuori H., Villa P.M., Reynolds R.M. et al., 2019/06/11. Nature communications, 10 (1) p. 2548. Peer-reviewed.
Trois profils cliniques à risque de comportements violents dans une cohorte de patients présentant un premier épisode de psychose [Three clinical risk profiles of violent behavior in a cohort of early psychosis patients]
Moulin V., Alameda L., Baumann P.S., Gholamrezaee M.M., Palix J., Gasser J., Conus P., 2019/06. L'Encephale, 45 (3) pp. 214-220. Peer-reviewed.
Violent behaviour in early psychosis patients: Can we identify clinical risk profiles?
Moulin V., Palix J., Golay P., Dumais A., Gholamrezaee M.M., Azzola A., Baumann P.S., Alameda L., Conus P., 2019/06. Early intervention in psychiatry, 13 (3) pp. 517-524. Peer-reviewed.
Evolution of white matter tract microstructure across the life span.
Slater D.A., Melie-Garcia L., Preisig M., Kherif F., Lutti A., Draganski B., 2019/05. Human brain mapping, 40 (7) pp. 2252-2268. Peer-reviewed.
Migration in patients with early psychosis: A 3-year prospective follow-up study.
Golay P., Baumann P.S., Jaton L., Restellini R., Solida A., Mebdouhi N., Conus P., 2019/05. Psychiatry research, 275 pp. 108-114. Peer-reviewed.
The relationship between self-stigma and depression among people with schizophrenia-spectrum disorders: A longitudinal study.
Pellet J., Golay P., Nguyen A., Suter C., Ismailaj A., Bonsack C., Favrod J., 2019/05. Psychiatry research, 275 pp. 115-119. Peer-reviewed.
Treating comorbid depression and avoidant personality disorder: The case of Andy.
Maillard P., Pellaton J., Kramer U., 2019/05. Journal of clinical psychology, 75 (5) pp. 886-897. Peer-reviewed.
Salomon Roy, Progin Pierre, Griffa Alessandra, Rognini Giulio, Do Kim Q, Conus Philippe, Marchesotti Silvia, Bersconi Fosco, Hagmann Patric, Serino Andrea et al., 2019/04/09. pp. S107-S108 dans Schizophrenia Bulletin. Peer-reviewed.
A step beyond the hygiene hypothesis-immune-mediated classes determined in a population-based study.
Ajdacic-Gross V., Mutsch M., Rodgers S., Tesic A., Müller M., Seifritz E., Wagner E.N., von Känel R., Landolt M.A., Steinemann N. et al., 2019/04/09. BMC medicine, 17 (1) p. 75. Peer-reviewed.
Lipid Disturbances in Adolescents Treated With Second-Generation Antipsychotics: Clinical Determinants of Plasma Lipid Worsening and New-Onset Hypercholesterolemia.
Delacrétaz A., Vandenberghe F., Glatard A., Dubath C., Levier A., Gholam-Rezaee M., Holzer L., Ambresin A.E., Conus P., Eap C.B., 2019/04/09. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, 80 (3). Peer-reviewed.
Personality, personality disorders, and the process of change.
Kramer U., 2019/04. Psychotherapy research, 29 (3) pp. 324-336. Peer-reviewed.
Familial Aggregation and Coaggregation of Suicide Attempts and Comorbid Mental Disorders in Adults.
Ballard E.D., Cui L., Vandeleur C., Castelao E., Zarate C.A., Preisig M., Merikangas K.R., 2019/03/27. JAMA psychiatry, 76 (8) pp. 826-833. Peer-reviewed.
Clarification-Oriented Psychotherapy of Dependent Personality Disorder
Sachse Rainer, Kramer Ueli, 2019/03. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, 49 (1) pp. 15-25.
Mieux diffuser le savoir et l’expérience relative à l’intervention précoce dans les troubles psychiatriques : création d’une branche francophone de l’IEPA.
Conus P., Abdel Baki A., Krebs MO, Armando M., Bourgin J., Haesebaert F., Delfosse C., Nadeau-Marcotte F., Curtis L., Solida A., 2019/03. L'information psychiatrique, 95 pp. 155-158.
Music in Seclusion Rooms-Development, Implementation, and Initial Testing of a Music Listening Device.
Güsewell A., Bovet E., Bornand C., Stantzos A., Bangerter G., 2019/03. Issues in mental health nursing, 40 (3) pp. 268-277. Peer-reviewed.
Multi-cohort study identifies social determinants of systemic inflammation over the life course.
Berger E., Castagné R., Chadeau-Hyam M., Bochud M., d'Errico A., Gandini M., Karimi M., Kivimäki M., Krogh V., Marmot M. et al., 2019/02/15. Nature communications, 10 (1) p. 773. Peer-reviewed.
Brain connectivity alterations in early psychosis: from clinical to neuroimaging staging.
Griffa A., Baumann P.S., Klauser P., Mullier E., Cleusix M., Jenni R., van den Heuvel M.P., Do K.Q., Conus P., Hagmann P., 2019/02/04. Translational psychiatry, 9 (1) p. 62. Peer-reviewed.
An investigation of indirect effects of personality features on anorexia nervosa severity through interoceptive dysfunction in individuals with lifetime anorexia nervosa diagnoses.
Duffy M.E., Rogers M.L., Joiner T.E., Bergen A.W., Berrettini W., Bulik C.M., Brandt H., Crawford S., Crow S., Fichter M. et al., 2019/02. The International journal of eating disorders, 52 (2) pp. 200-205. Peer-reviewed.
The implementation and first insights of the French-speaking Swiss programme for monitoring self-harm.
Ostertag L., Golay P., Dorogi Y., Brovelli S., Bertran M., Cromec I., Van Der Vaeren B., Khan R., Costanza A., Wyss K. et al., 2019/01/28. Swiss medical weekly, 149 pp. w20016. Peer-reviewed.
Prise en charge des patientspsychiatriques présentantune déficience intellectuelle [Guideline for behaviors problems in adults with intellectual disabilities]
Giuliani Fabienne, Baudat Jacques, 2019/01/16. Revue medicale suisse, 15 (634) pp. 175-177. Peer-reviewed.
Temperament and self-esteem in high-risk offspring of bipolar parents: Vulnerability and scar effects.
Goodday S.M., Preisig M., Gholamrezaee M., Grof P., Duffy A., 2019/01/15. Journal of affective disorders, 243 pp. 209-215. Peer-reviewed.
Psychiatrie : recommandations thérapeutiques suisses [Psychiatry : Swiss recommendations for treatment]
Conus P., Preisig M., Bondolfi G., Kaiser S., Kramer U., Perroud N., Euler S., 2019/01/09. Revue medicale suisse, 15 (N° 632-633) pp. 101-103. Peer-reviewed.
Agir et inhibition : les voies de la symbolisation à l’adolescence
Roman Pascal, Despland Jean-Nicolas, 2019. Psychothérapies, 1 (39) pp. 1-2.
Case Formulation for Personality Disorders: Tailoring Psychotherapy to the Individual Client
Kramer Ueli (eds.), 2019. 399, Academic Press.
City Avoidance in the Early Phase of Psychosis: A Neglected Domain of Assessment and a Potential Target for Recovery Strategies.
Conus P., Abrahamyan Empson L., Codeluppi Z., Baumann P.S., Söderström O., Söderström D., Golay P., 2019. Frontiers in psychiatry, 10 p. 342. Peer-reviewed.
Community treatment orders in Western Switzerland: A retrospective epidemiological study.
Silva B., Golay P., Boubaker K., Bonsack C., Morandi S., 2019. International journal of law and psychiatry, 67 p. 101509. Peer-reviewed.
Du case management pour sortir de l'hôpital
Lequin Pierre, Brisard M.A., Herrgott I., Skyllakou F., Herrera Fabrice, Conus Philippe, 2019. Santé mentale : le mensuel des équipes soignantes en psychiatrie 236 pp. 14-19.
Dépression parentale dans la période du post-partum : six arguments en faveur d'une approche familiale
Tissot Hervé, Favez Nicolas, Despland Jean-Nicolas, 2019. Psychothérapies, 39 (4) p. 217.
Effects of Therapeutic Alliance and Metacognition on Outcome in a Brief Psychological Treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder.
Dimaggio G., Maillard P., MacBeth A., Kramer U., 2019. Psychiatry, 82 (2) pp. 143-157. Peer-reviewed.
Ethical considerations in Emotion-Focused Therapy
Kramer U., Elliott R., 2019. dans Trachsel M. (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Psychotherapy Ethics, Oxford University Press.
Feeling coerced during psychiatric hospitalization: Impact of perceived status of admission and perceived usefulness of hospitalization.
Golay P., Morandi S., Silva B., Devas C., Bonsack C., 2019. International journal of law and psychiatry, 67 p. 101512. Peer-reviewed.
How Clients "Change Emotion With Emotion": Sequences in Emotional Processing and Their Clinical Implications
Pascual-Leone Antonio, Kramer Ueli, 2019. pp. 147-170 dans Greenberg Leslie S., Goldman Rhonda N. (eds.) Clinical Handbook of Emotion-Focused Therapy chap. 7, APA.
Implementation of good psychiatric management in 10 sessions
Charbon Patrick, Kramer Ueli, Droz Jessica, Kolly Stéphane, 2019. dans Applications of Good Psychiatric Management, L. Choi-Kain, J. G. Gunderson.
Improving Pleasure and Motivation in Schizophrenia: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial.
Favrod J., Nguyen A., Chaix J., Pellet J., Frobert L., Fankhauser C., Ismailaj A., Brana A., Tamic G., Suter C. et al., 2019. Psychotherapy and psychosomatics, 88 (2) pp. 84-95. Peer-reviewed.
Les enjeux de la collaboration entre médecins généralistes et psychiatres [The challenges of collaboration between general practitioners and psychiatrists.]
Linder A., Widmer D., Fitoussi C., de Roten Y., Despland J.N., Ambresin G., 2019. Sante publique, Vol. 31 (4) pp. 543-552. Peer-reviewed.
L’espoir du chat de Schrödinger
Herrera Fabrice, 2019. Tribune psychanalytique, 15. Peer-reviewed.
L’hôpital psychiatrique : bienfaits et limites d’un territoire de discontinuité
Herrera Fabrice, Quintin Jacques, Conus Philippe, 2019. Ethica : revue interdisciplinaire de recherche en éthique, 23 (1). Peer-reviewed.
Prevalence of ECG abnormalities and risk factors for QTc interval prolongation in hospitalized psychiatric patients.
Ansermot N., Bochatay M., Schläpfer J., Gholam M., Gonthier A., Conus P., Eap C.B., 2019. Therapeutic advances in psychopharmacology, 9 p. 2045125319891386. Peer-reviewed.
Promotion of Wellbeing for Children of Parents With Mental Illness: A Model Protocol for Research and Intervention.
Reedtz C., van Doesum K., Signorini G., Lauritzen C., van Amelsvoort T., van Santvoort F., Young A.H., Conus P., Musil R., Schulze T. et al., 2019. Frontiers in psychiatry, 10 p. 606. Peer-reviewed.
Psychometric properties of the French-language version of the Coercion Experience Scale (CES).
Golay P., Favrod J., Morandi S., Bonsack C., 2019. Annals of general psychiatry, 18 p. 4. Peer-reviewed.
Reconsidering the roots, structure, and implications of gambling motives: An integrative approach.
Barrada J.R., Navas J.F., Ruiz de Lara C.M., Billieux J., Devos G., Perales J.C., 2019. PloS one, 14 (2) pp. e0212695. Peer-reviewed.
Trouble de la personnalité borderline: pratiques thérapeutiques
Kolly Stéphane, Charbon Patrick, Kramer Ueli, 2019., Elsevier-Masson.
Vocational Development of Persons with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Switzerland
Giuliani Fabienne, Zoran Boris, 2019. International Journal of Psychiatry Research, 2 (2) pp. 1-7. Peer-reviewed.
Factors associated with involuntary hospitalisation for psychiatric patients in Switzerland: a retrospective study.
Silva B., Golay P., Morandi S., 2018/12/29. BMC psychiatry, 18 (1) p. 401. Peer-reviewed.
Redox dysregulation as a link between childhood trauma and psychopathological and neurocognitive profile in patients with early psychosis.
Alameda L., Fournier M., Khadimallah I., Griffa A., Cleusix M., Jenni R., Ferrari C., Klauser P., Baumann P.S., Cuenod M. et al., 2018/12/04. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115 (49) pp. 12495-12500. Peer-reviewed.
Change in Emotional and Theory of Mind Processing in Borderline Personality Disorder: A Pilot Study.
Kramer U., Kolly S., Maillard P., Pascual-Leone A., Samson A.C., Schmitt R., Bernini A., Allenbach G., Charbon P., de Roten Y. et al., 2018/12. The Journal of nervous and mental disease, 206 (12) pp. 935-943. Peer-reviewed.
Comment travailler les habiletés sociales chez des enfants vivant avec un trouble du spectre de l’autisme et un retard mental sévère
Giuliani Fabienne, Couchepin Marchetti Béatrice, Perrenoud Viviane, 2018/12/01. Revue francophone de clinique comportementale et cognitive, 23 (2) pp. 2-8.
Le concept de staging a-t-il changé la prise en charge de la schizophrénie ? [Has the concept of staging modified treatment of schizophrenia yet ?]
Conus P., 2018/12. L'Encephale, 44 (6S) pp. S24-S29. Peer-reviewed.
In-vivo probabilistic atlas of human thalamic nuclei based on diffusion- weighted magnetic resonance imaging.
Najdenovska E., Alemán-Gómez Y., Battistella G., Descoteaux M., Hagmann P., Jacquemont S., Maeder P., Thiran J.P., Fornari E., Bach Cuadra M., 2018/11/27. Scientific data, 5 p. 180270. Peer-reviewed.
Association Between Plasma Caffeine and Other Methylxanthines and Metabolic Parameters in a Psychiatric Population Treated With Psychotropic Drugs Inducing Metabolic Disturbances
Delacrétaz Aurélie, Vandenberghe Frederik, Glatard Anaïs, Levier Axel, Dubath Céline, Ansermot Nicolas, Crettol Séverine, Gholam-Rezaee Mehdi, Guessous Idris, Bochud Murielle et al., 2018/11/09. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 9.
Impact of sex and menopausal status on the prevalence, clinical presentation, and comorbidities of sleep-disordered breathing.
Heinzer R., Marti-Soler H., Marques-Vidal P., Tobback N., Andries D., Waeber G., Preisig M., Vollenweider P., Haba-Rubio J., 2018/11. Sleep medicine, 51 pp. 29-36. Peer-reviewed.
Internal validity of the French version of the Family Coping Questionnaire (FCQ): A confirmatory factor analysis.
Plessis L., Golay P., Wilquin H., Favrod J., Rexhaj S., 2018/11. Psychiatry research, 269 pp. 337-344. Peer-reviewed.
Patients participating to neurobiological research in early psychosis: A selected subgroup?
Golay P., Baumann P.S., Jenni R., Do K.Q., Conus P., 2018/11. Schizophrenia research, 201 pp. 249-253. Peer-reviewed.
Examens radiologiques en médecine générale: Quelques principes de base [Standard radiological examinations in general practice. A few basic principles]
Schmid K., Lavanchy J.D., Pasche O., 2018/10/31. Revue medicale suisse, 14 (625) pp. 1927-1931. Peer-reviewed.
N-acetylcysteine add-on treatment leads to an improvement of fornix white matter integrity in early psychosis: a double-blind randomized placebo-controlled trial.
Klauser P., Xin L., Fournier M., Griffa A., Cleusix M., Jenni R., Cuenod M., Gruetter R., Hagmann P., Conus P. et al., 2018/10/12. Translational psychiatry, 8 (1) p. 220. Peer-reviewed.
Therapist interventions and patient outcome: addressing the common versus specific factor debate
Antunes-Alves Sara, Vukovic Boris, Milyavskaya Marina, Kramer Ueli, Dobson Keith, Drapeau Martin, 2018/09/25. Archives of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, 20 (3) pp. 7-25.
Entretien de réseau à l’hôpital psychiatrique : attentes, embûches et solutions [Coordination meeting during psychiatric hospitalization : expectations, challenges and solutions]
Conus P., Joray R., Thonney J., Gasser J., 2018/09/19. Revue medicale suisse, 14 (619) pp. 1637-1641. Peer-reviewed.
Investigating the effects of therapist accuracy in cognitive behavioural therapy for depression
Antunes-Alves Sara, Vukovic Boris, Milyavskaya Marina, Kramer Ueli, Dobson Keith, Drapeau Martin, 2018/09/03. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 46 (5) pp. 605-615.
Do diurnal cortisol levels mediate the association between sleep disturbances and cognitive impairment?
Haba-Rubio J., Ouanes S., Franc Y., Marques-Vidal P., Waeber G., Vollenweider P., von Gunten A., Preisig M., Kuehner C., Castelao E. et al., 2018/09. Neurobiology of aging, 69 pp. 65-67. Peer-reviewed.
Psychosocial Stress Over the Lifespan, Psychological Factors, and Cardiometabolic Risk in the Community.
Gebreab S.Z., Vandeleur C.L., Rudaz D., Strippoli M.F., Gholam-Rezaee M., Castelao E., Lasserre A.M., Glaus J., Pistis G., Kuehner C. et al., 2018/09. Psychosomatic medicine, 80 (7) pp. 628-639. Peer-reviewed.
La semaine d'investigation et de crise
Herrera Fabrice, Drozdek Dorota, Robalo Bruno, Lao Newman, Fassassi Sylfa, Despland Jean-Nicolas, Conus Philippe, 2018/08/31. Santé mentale : le mensuel des équipes soignantes en psychiatrie, Hors-Série Août 2018 pp. 20-24.
Prevalence and Clinical Significance of Respiratory Effort-Related Arousals in the General Population.
Ogna A., Tobback N., Andries D., Preisig M., Vollenweider P., Waeber G., Marques-Vidal P., Haba-Rubio J., Heinzer R., 2018/08/15. Journal of clinical sleep medicine, 14 (8) pp. 1339-1345. Peer-reviewed.
Quantifying the Effects of 16p11.2 Copy Number Variants on Brain Structure: A Multisite Genetic-First Study.
Martin-Brevet S., Rodríguez-Herreros B., Nielsen J.A., Moreau C., Modenato C., Maillard A.M., Pain A., Richetin S., Jønch A.E., Qureshi A.Y. et al., 2018/08/15. Biological psychiatry, 84 (4) pp. 253-264. Peer-reviewed.
Treatment of Severe Behavioral Problems in Adults with Intellectual Disabilities
Giuliani Fabienne, 2018/08/14. Global Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities, 5 (1) pp. 1-2.
Borderline-Störung: Behandlungsempfehlungen der SGPP
Euler Sebastian, Dammann Gerhard, Endtner Katrin, Leihener Florian, Perroud Nader A., Reisch Thomas, Schmeck Klaus, Sollberger Daniel, Walter Marc, Kramer Ueli, 2018/08/08. Swiss Archives of Neurology, Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, 169 (5) pp. 135-143. Peer-reviewed.
Autism in adulthood : which cost at quality of life
Giuliani Fabienne, 2018/08/05. Advance Research Journal of Multi-Disciplinary Discoveries, 27.0 (1) pp. 4-9.
Premier traitement pour une psychose: Quels défis et quels enjeux?
Conus P., 2018/08/01. Information Psychiatrique, 94 (4) pp. 301-306.
Spatial clusters of daytime sleepiness and association with nighttime noise levels in a Swiss general population (GeoHypnoLaus).
Joost S., Haba-Rubio J., Himsl R., Vollenweider P., Preisig M., Waeber G., Marques-Vidal P., Heinzer R., Guessous I., 2018/07. International journal of hygiene and environmental health, 221 (6) pp. 951-957. Peer-reviewed.
The SFCNS Young Clinical Neuroscientists Network Cultivating ties across clinical neuroscience disciplines
Geisseler Olivia A, Bigi Sandra, Baumann Philipp S, Bölsterli Bigna K, El Rahal Amir, d'Honincthun Peggy, Hainc Nicolin, Hench Jürgen, Kurmann Rebekka, Piguet Camille et al., 2018/07. Clinical and Translational Neuroscience, 2 (2) pp. 2514183X1878534.
Un cas de psychothérapie psychodynamique brève et intensive pour patients déprimés à l’hôpital
Herrera Fabrice, de Roten Yves, Despland Jean-Nicolas, Ambresin Gilles, 2018/07/01. dans Scroccaro Nathalie (eds.) Huit cas cliniques en psychopathologie de l’adolescent et du jeune adulte, Dunod.
Self-Knowledge in Personality Disorders: An Emotion-Focused Perspective.
Kramer U., Pascual-Leone A., 2018/06. Journal of personality disorders, 32 (3) pp. 329-350. Peer-reviewed.
The role of cognitive biases in short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy.
Kramer U., Ortega D., Ambresin G., Despland J.N., de Roten Y., 2018/06. Psychology and psychotherapy, 91 (2) pp. 143-156. Peer-reviewed.
The Code White protocol: a mixed somatic-psychiatric protocol for managing psychomotor agitation in the ED
Saillant S., Della Santa V., Golay P., Amirat M., 2018/05/23. Archives suisses de neurologie et de psychiatrie / Schweizer Archiv für Neurologie und Psychiatrie / Swiss Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 169 (4) pp. 121-126. Peer-reviewed.
'Is "early intervention" in bipolar disorder what it claims to be?' Malhi et al.
McGorry P.D., Ratheesh A., Berk M., Conus P., 2018/05. Bipolar disorders, 20 (3) pp. 181-183. Peer-reviewed.
Allostatic load and subsequent all-cause mortality: which biological markers drive the relationship? Findings from a UK birth cohort.
Castagné R., Garès V., Karimi M., Chadeau-Hyam M., Vineis P., Delpierre C., Kelly-Irving M., Lifepath Consortium, 2018/05. European journal of epidemiology, 33 (5) pp. 441-458. Peer-reviewed.
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