Orthopaedics and Trauma

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1742 publications

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Chronic low back pain patients walk with locally altered spinal kinematics.
Christe G., Kade F., Jolles B.M., Favre J., 2017/07/26. Journal of biomechanics, 60 pp. 211-218. Peer-reviewed.
Tarlov Cyst: A diagnostic of exclusion.
Andrieux C., Poglia P., Laudato P., 2017/07/25. International journal of surgery case reports, 39 pp. 25-28. Peer-reviewed.
Passion selon Saint Gérald []
Ménétrey J., Gremion G., Farron A., 2017/07/12. Revue medicale suisse, 13 (569) pp. 1315-1316. Peer-reviewed.
« Mes articulations craquent, c’est grave docteur ? » Les bruits articulaires en question [« My joints are cracking, is it serious doctor ? » A review about sounds produced by joints]
Saubade M., Karatzios C., Léonard E., Besson C., Gremion G., Gremeaux V., 2017/07/12. Revue medicale suisse, 13 (569) pp. 1334-1338. Peer-reviewed.
Infographic: 2016 Consensus statement on return to sport from the First World Congress in Sports Physical Therapy, Bern.
Ardern C.L., Glasgow P., Schneiders A.G., Witvrouw E., Clarsen B., Cools A.M., Gojanovic B., Griffin S., Khan K., Moksnes H. et al., 2017/07. British journal of sports medicine, 51 (13) p. 995. Peer-reviewed.
Sudden elbow pain while arm wrestling
Maeder Benoit, Ngassom-Leumessi Eric, Vauclair Frederic, 2017/07. Visual Journal of Emergency Medicine, 8 pp. 67-68.
Speed, age, sex, and body mass index provide a rigorous basis for comparing the kinematic and kinetic profiles of the lower extremity during walking.
Chehab E.F., Andriacchi T.P., Favre J., 2017/06/14. Journal of biomechanics, 58 pp. 11-20. Peer-reviewed.
A trans-Achilles posterior approach to access a plurifragmentary fracture of the posterior talar body
Tschopp Benjamin, Crevoisier Xavier, Thein Eric, 2017/06/10. pp. 61S dans Swiss Medical Weekly proceedings of 77th Annual Congressl Swiss Orthopedics.
Altered gait mechanics and elevated serum pro-inflammatory cytokines in asymptomatic patients with MRI evidence of knee cartilage loss.
Edd S.N., Favre J., Blazek K., Omoumi P., Asay J.L., Andriacchi T.P., 2017/06. Osteoarthritis and cartilage, 25 (6) pp. 899-906. Peer-reviewed.
An original technique to address an intermetatarsal coalition
Luyet Anaïs, Baalbaki Rayan, Crevoisier Xavier, 2017/06/01. pp. 61S dans 77e Congrès Annuel Swiss Orthopedics, Swiss Medical Weekly.
Comparison of the Otto Bock solid ankle cushion heel foot with wooden keel to the low-cost CR-Equipements™ solid ankle cushion heel foot with polypropylene keel: A randomized prospective double-blind crossover study assessing patient satisfaction and energy expenditure.
Lacraz A., Armand S., Turcot K., Carmona G., Stern R., Borens O., Assal M., 2017/06. Prosthetics and orthotics international, 41 (3) pp. 258-265. Peer-reviewed.
Qualitative analysis of foot intersegment coordination in the sagittal plane following surgery for end-stage ankle osteoarthrosis.
Chopra S., Favre J., Crevoisier X., 2017/06. Journal of orthopaedic research : official publication of the Orthopaedic Research Society, 35 (6) pp. 1304-1310. Peer-reviewed.
Fatal hemorrhage following sacroiliac joint fusion surgery: A case report.
Palmiere C., Augsburger M., Del Mar Lesta M., Grabherr S., Borens O., 2017/05. Legal medicine, 26 pp. 102-105. Peer-reviewed.
Human Bone Progenitor Cells for Clinical Application: What Kind of Immune Reaction Does Fetal Xenograft Tissue Trigger in Immunocompetent Rats?
Hausherr Tanja C., Nuss Katja, Thein Eric, Applegate Lee A., Pioletti Dominique P., 2017/05. Cell Transplantation, 26 (5) pp. 879-890.
Talus fracture in a 4-year-old child.
Michel-Traverso A., Ngo T.H., Bruyere C., Saglini M., 2017/04/11. BMJ case reports, 2017. Peer-reviewed.
A semi-automated quantitative CT method for measuring rotator cuff muscle degeneration in shoulders with primary osteoarthritis.
Terrier A., Ston J., Dewarrat A., Becce F., Farron A., 2017/04. Orthopaedics & traumatology, surgery & research : OTSR, 103 (2) pp. 151-157. Peer-reviewed.
Obturator externus abscess in a 9-year-old child: A case report and literature review.
de Bodman C., Ceroni D., Dufour J., Crisinel P.A., Bregou-Bourgeois A., Zambelli P.Y., 2017/04. Medicine, 96 (9) pp. e6203. Peer-reviewed.
Reduced hemidiaphragmatic paresis with extrafascial compared with conventional intrafascial tip placement for continuous interscalene brachial plexus block: a randomized, controlled, double-blind trial.
Albrecht E., Bathory I., Fournier N., Jacot-Guillarmod A., Farron A., Brull R., 2017/04/01. British journal of anaesthesia, 118 (4) pp. 586-592. Peer-reviewed.
Bilateral C-1 lateral mass reconstruction following radical resection of a giant osteoblastoma of the atlas: case report.
Peciu-Florianu I., Chittur Viswanathan G., Barges-Coll J., Castillo-Velázquez G.A., Zambelli P.Y., Duff J.M., 2017/03. Journal of neurosurgery. Spine, 26 (3) pp. 307-312. Peer-reviewed.
Dual mobility cups provide biomechanical advantages in situations at risk for dislocation: a finite element analysis.
Terrier A., Latypova A., Guillemin M., Parvex V., Guyen O., 2017/03. International orthopaedics, 41 (3) pp. 551-556. Peer-reviewed.
Electrophysiological Study of Femoral Nerve Function After a Continuous Femoral Nerve Block for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction.
Stebler K., Martin R., Kirkham K.R., Küntzer T., Bathory I., Albrecht E., 2017/03. The American Journal of Sports Medicine, 45 (3) pp. 578-583. Peer-reviewed.
Reticular Perineurioma of the Hand: Diagnosis and Treatment of a Rare Case of Hand Mass.
Zaugg P., Maeder B., Nobile A., Raffoul W., Bollmann C., di Summa P.G., 2017/03. The Journal of hand surgery, 42 (3) pp. e199-e203. Peer-reviewed.
The lumbar spine age-related degenerative disease influences the BMD not the TBS: the Osteolaus cohort.
Padlina I., Gonzalez-Rodriguez E., Hans D., Metzger M., Stoll D., Aubry-Rozier B., Lamy O., 2017/03. Osteoporosis international, 28 (3) pp. 909-915. Peer-reviewed.
Scoliose idiopathique de l’adolescent : critères diagnostiques et prise en charge [Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis : diagnostic criteria and management]
De Bodman C., Zambelli P.Y., Dayer R., 2017/02/15. Revue medicale suisse, 13 (550) pp. 422-426. Peer-reviewed.
Total hip arthroplasty using a cementless dual-mobility cup provides increased stability and favorable gait parameters at five years follow-up.
Acker A., Fischer J.F., Aminian K., Lécureux E., Jolles B.M., 2017/02. Orthopaedics & traumatology, surgery & research : OTSR, 103 (1) pp. 21-25. Peer-reviewed.
Algorithm to Diagnose Delayed and Late PJI: Role of Joint Aspiration.
Borens O., Corona P.S., Frommelt L., Lazarinis S., Reed M.R., Romano C.L., 2017. Advances in experimental medicine and biology, 971 pp. 101-111. Peer-reviewed.
Chest-MRI under pulsatile flow ventilation: A new promising technique.
Beigelman-Aubry C., Peguret N., Stuber M., Delacoste J., Belmondo B., Lovis A., Simons J., Long O., Grant K., Berchier G. et al., 2017. PloS one, 12 (6) pp. e0178807. Peer-reviewed.
Densitometer-Specific Differences in the Correlation Between Body Mass Index and Lumbar Spine Trabecular Bone Score.
Mazzetti G., Berger C., Leslie W.D., Hans D., Langsetmo L., Hanley D.A., Kovacs C.S., Prior J.C., Kaiser S.M., Davison K.S. et al., 2017. Journal of clinical densitometry, 20 (2) pp. 233-238. Peer-reviewed.
Diagnosis Of Persistent Infection In Prosthetic Two-Stage Exchange: PCR analysis of Sonication fluid From Bone Cement Spacers.
Mariaux S., Tafin U.F., Borens O., 2017. Journal of bone and joint infection, 2 (4) pp. 218-223. Peer-reviewed.
Effect of Sonication on the Elution of Antibiotics from Polymethyl Methacrylate (PMMA).
Kummer A., Tafin U.F., Borens O., 2017. Journal of bone and joint infection, 2 (4) pp. 208-212. Peer-reviewed.
Effects of glenoid inclination and acromion index on humeral head translation and glenoid articular cartilage strain.
Engelhardt C., Farron A., Becce F., Place N., Pioletti D.P., Terrier A., 2017/01. Journal of shoulder and elbow surgery, 26 (1) pp. 157-164. Peer-reviewed.
Establishing a formal sarcoma center for children and adults at the Lausanne University Hospital
Bosisio Francesca, Matter Maurice, Fortin Aurélie, CHUV Multidisciplinary Sarcoma Team, 2017. Swiss Knife 3 pp. 16-19. Peer-reviewed.
Heightened clinical utility of smartphone versus body-worn inertial system for shoulder function B-B score.
Pichonnaz C., Aminian K., Ancey C., Jaccard H., Lécureux E., Duc C., Farron A., Jolles B.M., Gleeson N., 2017. PloS one, 12 (3) pp. e0174365. Peer-reviewed.
Loss of anterior axillary fold following trauma
Benoit Maeder, Frederic Vauclair, 2017/01. Visual Journal of Emergency Medicine, 6 pp. 46-47.
Management of Asymptomatic Bacteriuria, Urinary Catheters and Symptomatic Urinary Tract Infections in Patients Undergoing Surgery for Joint Replacement: A Position Paper of the Expert Group 'Infection' of swissorthopaedics.
Sendi P., Borens O., Wahl P., Clauss M., Uçkay I., 2017. Journal of bone and joint infection, 2 (3) pp. 154-159. Peer-reviewed.
Centre des sarcomes : un nouvel outil pour améliorer la prise en charge du patient et soutenir la recherche [Sarcoma centres : a necessary tool in the management of patients and for research.]
Cherix S., Vauclair F., Morattel B., Vautrin M., Matter M., Montemurro M., Digklia A., Letovanec I., Omoumi P., Saucy F. et al., 2016/12/14. Revue medicale suisse, 12 (543) pp. 2172-2176. Peer-reviewed.
Oui à l’innovation ! A condition qu’elle soit encadrée
Hannouche D., Farron A., 2016/12/14. Revue medicale suisse, 12 (543) pp. 2147-2148. Peer-reviewed.
Prévention des infections périopératoires en orthopédie : le rôle du médecin généraliste [Prevention of perioperative infections in orthopaedic surgery - Role of general practitioner]
Borens O., Thein É., Tissot C., Brunel A.S., 2016/12/14. Revue medicale suisse, 12 (543) pp. 2164-2167. Peer-reviewed.
Suivi des patients avec arthroplastie de hanche métal-métal et stratégie de prise en charge des complications [Patients with metal-on-metal hip arthroplasty: evaluation and management of complications]
Guyen O., Tissot C., 2016/12/14. Revue medicale suisse, 12 (543) pp. 2156-2163. Peer-reviewed.
Full-field measurement of micromotion around a cementless femoral stem using micro-CT imaging and radiopaque markers.
Malfroy Camine V., Rüdiger H.A., Pioletti D.P., Terrier A., 2016/12/08. Journal of biomechanics, 49 (16) pp. 4002-4008. Peer-reviewed.
Stability Enhancement Using Hyaluronic Acid Gels for Delivery of Human Fetal Progenitor Tenocytes.
Grognuz A., Scaletta C., Farron A., Pioletti D.P., Raffoul W., Applegate L.A., 2016/12/03. Cell medicine, 8 (3) pp. 87-97. Peer-reviewed.
Letter to the Editor: New Definition for Periprosthetic Joint Infection: From the Workgroup of the Musculoskeletal Infection Society.
Metsemakers W.J., Moriarty T.F., Morgenstern M., Kuehl R., Borens O., Kates S., Richards R.G., Verhofstad M., 2016/12. Clinical orthopaedics and related research, 474 (12) pp. 2726-2727. Peer-reviewed.
The Benefit of Menopausal Hormone Therapy on Bone Density and Microarchitecture Persists After its Withdrawal.
Papadakis G., Hans D., Gonzalez-Rodriguez E., Vollenweider P., Waeber G., Marques-Vidal P.M., Lamy O., 2016/12. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism, 101 (12) pp. 5004-5011. Peer-reviewed.
Impact of individual anatomy on the benefit of cup medialisation in total hip arthroplasty.
Terrier A., Parvex V., Rüdiger H.A., 2016/11/10. Hip international : the journal of clinical and experimental research on hip pathology and therapy, 26 (6) pp. 537-542. Peer-reviewed.
Trans-foveal approach for curettage and bone grafting of a giant cell tumour in the femoral head.
Rüdiger H.A., Piasecki K., Becce F., Cherix S., 2016/11/10. Hip international : the journal of clinical and experimental research on hip pathology and therapy, 26 (6) pp. 612-614. Peer-reviewed.
Bone mineral density (BMD) and vertebral trabecular bone score (TBS) for the identification of elderly women at high risk for fracture: the SEMOF cohort study.
Popp A.W., Meer S., Krieg M.A., Perrelet R., Hans D., Lippuner K., 2016/11. European spine journal, 25 (11) pp. 3432-3438. Peer-reviewed.
Impact of olecranon fracture malunion: Study on the importance of PUDA (Proximal Ulna Dorsal Angulation).
Chapleau J., Balg F., Harvey E.J., Ménard J., Vauclair F., Laflamme G.Y., Hebert-Davies J., Rouleau D.M., 2016/11. Injury, 47 (11) pp. 2520-2524. Peer-reviewed.
Gait analysis of patients with knee osteoarthritis highlights a pathological mechanical pathway and provides a basis for therapeutic interventions
Favre J., Jolles B. M., 2016/10/26. EFORT Open Reviews, 1 (10) pp. 368-374. Peer-reviewed.
Effect of concomitant vitamin D deficiency or insufficiency on lumbar spine volumetric bone mineral density and trabecular bone score in primary hyperparathyroidism.
Walker M.D., Saeed I., Lee J.A., Zhang C., Hans D., Lang T., Silverberg S.J., 2016/10. Osteoporosis international, 27 (10) pp. 3063-3071. Peer-reviewed.
Infizierte Osteosynthese [Infected osteosynthesis]
Borens O., Helmy N., 2016/10. Der Chirurg; Zeitschrift fur alle Gebiete der operativen Medizen, 87 (10) pp. 822-830. Peer-reviewed.
Die Verstauchung des oberen Sprunggelenkes
Crevoisier Xavier, 2016/09/01. Fuss & Schuh, 142 (5) pp. 4-7. Peer-reviewed.
Predictive value of the "fear-avoidance" model on functional capacity evaluation (FCE) after orthopaedic trauma.
Burrus C., Tuscher J., Vuistiner P., Rivier G., Léger B., Luthi F., 2016/09. Annals of physical and rehabilitation medicine, 59S pp. e61.
Intra-articular steroid injection for osteoarthritis of the hip prior to total hip arthroplasty : is it safe? a systematic review.
Pereira L.C., Kerr J., Jolles B.M., 2016/08. The bone & joint journal, 98-B (8) pp. 1027-1035.
ISSLS Prize Winner: Consensus on the Clinical Diagnosis of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis: Results of an International Delphi Study.
Tomkins-Lane C., Melloh M., Lurie J., Smuck M., Battié M.C., Freeman B., Samartzis D., Hu R., Barz T., Stuber K. et al., 2016/08/01. Spine, 41 (15) pp. 1239-1246. Peer-reviewed.
Mise au point sur la rééducation après chirurgie de la coiffe des rotateurs de l’épaule [Update on the postsurgical shoulder rotator cuff rehabilitation]
Pichonnaz C., Milliet J., Farron A., Luthi F., 2016/07/13. Revue medicale suisse, 12 (525) pp. 1278-1283. Peer-reviewed.
Quand est-ce que je peux reprendre, Doc ? []
Gremion G., Menetrey J., 2016/07/13. Revue medicale suisse, 12 (525) pp. 1259-1260. Peer-reviewed.
Que sait-on sur le « point de côté » lié à l’effort ? [What do we know about the exercise-related transient abdominal pain ?]
Saubade M., Gabioud A., Karatzios C., Besson C., Gremion G., Benaim C., Fell J., Gojanovic B., 2016/07/13. Revue medicale suisse, 12 (525) pp. 1272-1277. Peer-reviewed.
Comparative Results From a National Joint Registry Hip Data Set of a New Cross-Linked Annealed Polyethylene vs Both Conventional Polyethylene and Ceramic Bearings.
Epinette J.A., Jolles-Haeberli B.M., 2016/07. The Journal of arthroplasty, 31 (7) pp. 1483-1491. Peer-reviewed.
Dual-Energy Computed Tomography-Based Molecular Imaging of Cholesterol Deposits in Achilles Tendon Xanthomatosis.
Hajdu S.D., Omoumi P., Baalbaki R., Crevoisier X., Letovanec I., So A.K., Becce F., 2016/07. Arthritis and Rheumatology (hoboken, N.j.), 68 (7) p. 1687. Peer-reviewed.
Baseline ambulatory knee kinematics are associated with changes in cartilage thickness in osteoarthritic patients over 5 years.
Favre J., Erhart-Hledik J.C., Chehab E.F., Andriacchi T.P., 2016/06/14. Journal of biomechanics, 49 (9) pp. 1859-1864. Peer-reviewed.
Letter to the Editor concerning "Surgery and survival outcomes of 30 patients with neurological deficit due to clear cell renal cell carcinoma spinal metastases" by Shuai Han et al. (Eur Spine J, 2015; DOI 10.1007/s00586-015-3912-3).
Bartanusz V., 2016/06. European spine journal, 25 (6) pp. 1960-1961. Peer-reviewed.
Radial nerve palsy after the use of an adjuvant hinged external fixator in a complex fracture-dislocation of the elbow: a case report and review of the literature.
Poglia Pietro, Wehrli Laurent, Steinmetz Sylvain, Zermatten Philippe, 2016/05/11. Journal of medical case reports, 10 (1) p. 121. Peer-reviewed.
Constrained liners, dual mobility or large diameter heads to avoid dislocation in THA.
Guyen O., 2016/05. EFORT open reviews, 1 (5) pp. 197-204. Peer-reviewed.
Future of 34 meniscectomies after bucket-handle meniscus tear: a retrospective study with a follow-up over 22 years.
Vautrin M., Schwartz C., 2016/05. European journal of orthopaedic surgery & traumatology : orthopedie traumatologie, 26 (4) pp. 435-440. Peer-reviewed.
Propionibacterium prosthetic joint infection: experience from a retrospective database analysis.
Rienmüller A., Borens O., 2016/05. European journal of orthopaedic surgery & traumatology : orthopedie traumatologie, 26 (4) pp. 429-434. Peer-reviewed.
Successful treatment of periprosthetic joint infection caused by Granulicatella para-adiacens with prosthesis retention: a case report.
Renz N., Chevaux F., Borens O., Trampuz A., 2016/04/12. BMC musculoskeletal disorders, 17 p. 156. Peer-reviewed.
A retrospective study of deep sternal wound infections: clinical and microbiological characteristics, treatment, and risk factors for complications.
Chan M., Yusuf E., Giulieri S., Perrottet N., Von Segesser L., Borens O., Trampuz A., 2016/03. Diagnostic microbiology and infectious disease, 84 (3) pp. 261-265. Peer-reviewed.
Antifungal activity against planktonic and biofilm Candida albicans in an experimental model of foreign-body infection.
Maiolo E.M., Oliva A., Furustrand Tafin U., Perrotet N., Borens O., Trampuz A., 2016/03. The Journal of infection, 72 (3) pp. 386-392. Peer-reviewed.
Hallux valgus, ankle osteoarthrosis and adult acquired flatfoot deformity: a review of three common foot and ankle pathologies and their treatments.
Crevoisier X., Assal M., Stanekova K., 2016/03. EFORT open reviews, 1 (3) pp. 58-64. Peer-reviewed.
A patient-specific model of total knee arthroplasty to estimate patellar strain: A case study.
Latypova A., Arami A., Becce F., Jolles-Haeberli B., Aminian K., Pioletti D.P., Terrier A., 2016/02. Clinical biomechanics (Bristol, Avon), 32 pp. 212-219. Peer-reviewed.
Subjective versus objective assessment in early clinical outcome of modified Lapidus procedure for hallux valgus deformity.
Chopra S., Moerenhout K., Crevoisier X., 2016/02. Clinical biomechanics (Bristol, Avon), 32 pp. 187-193. Peer-reviewed.
2016 Consensus statement on return to sport from the First World Congress in Sports Physical Therapy, Bern.
Ardern C.L., Glasgow P., Schneiders A., Witvrouw E., Clarsen B., Cools A., Gojanovic B., Griffin S., Khan K.M., Moksnes H. et al., 2016. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 50 (14) pp. 853-864. Peer-reviewed.
Antibiotic Prophylaxis During Dental Procedures in Patients with Prosthetic Joints.
Sendi P., Uçkay I., Suvà D., Vogt M., Borens O., Clauss M., 2016. Journal of bone and joint infection, 1 pp. 42-49. Peer-reviewed.
Bilateral Diabetic Knee Neuroarthropathy in a Forty-Year-Old Patient
Goetti Patrick, Gallusser Nicolas, Borens Olivier, 2016. Case Reports in Orthopedics, 2016 pp. 1-4.
Bilateral Diabetic Knee Neuroarthropathy in a Forty-Year-Old Patient.
Goetti P., Gallusser N., Borens O., 2016. Case reports in orthopedics, 2016 p. 3204813. Peer-reviewed.
Effect of Manual Lymphatic Drainage After Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
Pichonnaz C., Bassin J.P., Lécureux E., Christe G., Currat D., Aminian K., Jolles B.M., 2016. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 97 (5) pp. 674-682. Peer-reviewed.
Effect of partial-thickness tear on loading capacities of the supraspinatus tendon: a finite element analysis.
Engelhardt C., Ingram D., Müllhaupt P., Farron A., Becce F., Pioletti D., Terrier A., 2016. Computer Methods In Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 19 (8) pp. 875-882. Peer-reviewed.
Extrafascial injection for interscalene brachial plexus block reduces respiratory complications compared with a conventional intrafascial injection: a randomized, controlled, double-blind trial?.
Palhais N., Brull R., Kern C., Jacot-Guillarmod A., Charmoy A., Farron A., Albrecht E., 2016. British Journal of Anaesthesia, 116 (4) pp. 531-537. Peer-reviewed.
Human Fetal Progenitor Tenocytes for Regenerative Medicine.
Grognuz A., Scaletta C., Farron A., Raffoul W., Applegate L.A., 2016. Cell Transplantation, 25 (3) pp. 463-479. Peer-reviewed.
Impact of the Femoral Head Position on Moment Arms in Total Hip Arthroplasty: A Parametric Finite Element Study.
Rüdiger H.A., Parvex V., Terrier A., 2016. Journal of Arthroplasty, 31 (3) pp. 715-720. Peer-reviewed.
Implant removal-infected total shoulder arthroplasty
Grzesiak Arthur, Farron Alain, 2016. dans Kates Stephen L, Borens Olivier (eds.) Principles of Orthopedic Infection Management, Thieme Verlag.
Improving anterior deltoid activity in a musculoskeletal shoulder model - an analysis of the torque-feasible space at the sternoclavicular joint.
Ingram D., Engelhardt C., Farron A., Terrier A., Müllhaupt P., 2016. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 19 (4) pp. 450-463. Peer-reviewed.
Multi-segment analysis of spinal kinematics during sit-to-stand in patients with chronic low back pain.
Christe G., Redhead L., Legrand T., Jolles B.M., Favre J., 2016. Journal of Biomechanics, 49 (10) pp. 2060-2067. Peer-reviewed.
Osteogenesis imperfecta: from diagnosis and multidisciplinary treatment to future perspectives.
Bregou Bourgeois A., Aubry-Rozier B., Bonafé L., Laurent-Applegate L., Pioletti D.P., Zambelli P.Y., 2016. Swiss medical weekly, 146 pp. w14322. Peer-reviewed.
Periarticular joint infection: Survey of the European Knee Associates (EKA) of ESSKA.
Chen A.F., Ahmad S.S., Hirschmann M.T., Kohl S., Borens O., Becker R., 2016. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy : Official Journal of the Esska, 24 (10) pp. 3047-3049. Peer-reviewed.
Systemic metal Ion levels in patients with modular-neck stems : a prospective Cohort Study.
Laurençon J., Augsburger M., Faouzi M., Becce F., Hassani H., Rüdiger H.A., 2016. Journal of Arthroplasty, 31 (8) pp. 1750-1755. Peer-reviewed.
The analgesic efficacy of local infiltration analgesia vs femoral nerve block after total knee arthroplasty: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Albrecht E., Guyen O., Jacot-Guillarmod A., Kirkham K.R., 2016. British Journal of Anaesthesia, 116 (5) pp. 597-609. Peer-reviewed.
The Attitudes of Physicians, Nurses, Physical Therapists, and Midwives Toward Complementary Medicine for Chronic Pain: A Survey at an Academic Hospital.
Aveni E., Bauer B., Ramelet A.S., Kottelat Y., Decosterd I., Finti G., Ballabeni P., Bonvin E., Rodondi P.Y., 2016. Explore, 12 (5) pp. 341-346. Peer-reviewed.
The Impending Dilemma of Electrocardiogram Screening in Athletic Children.
Léger L., Gojanovic B., Sekarski N., Meijboom E.J., Mivelaz Y., 2016/01. Pediatric cardiology, 37 (1) pp. 1-13. Peer-reviewed.
Together, we reach new heights: Swiss Sports Medicine Society (SGSM/SSMS) joins BJSM
Kriemler Susi, Leumann Andre, Gojanovic Boris, 2016. BRITISH JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE, 50 (18) pp. 1099-1099. Peer-reviewed.
Knee arthrodesis with modular nail after failed TKA due to infection.
Gallusser N., Goetti P., Luyet A., Borens O., 2015/12. European journal of orthopaedic surgery & traumatology, 25 (8) pp. 1307-1312. Peer-reviewed.
Unexpected wear of an unicompartimental knee arthroplasty in oxidized zirconium.
Luyet A., Fischer J.F., Jolles B.M., Lunebourg A., 2015/12. Acta orthopaedica Belgica, 81 (4) pp. 790-795.
Biomechanics of Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty: Contribution of Computer Modeling
Terrier Alexandre, Farron Alain, 2015/10. pp. 115-122 dans Frankle Mark, Marberry Scott, Pupello Derek (eds.) Reverse shoulder arthroplasty : biomechanics, clinical techniques, and current technologies, Springer International Publishing.
Outcome of ankle arthrodesis and total ankle replacement for ankle arthrosis in terms of gait variability
Chopra Swati, Rouhani Hossein, Moerenhout Kevin, Favre Julien, Aminian Kamiar, Crevoisier Xavier, 2015/09/21. Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Informatics, 2 (1) p. 31. Peer-reviewed.
Metaphyseal tibial level (MTL) screws: a modified percutaneous technique for lateral plateau depression fractures.
Vauclair F., Almasri M., Gallusser N., Van Lanker H., Reindl R., 2015/07. European journal of orthopaedic surgery & traumatology, 25 (5) pp. 963-967. Peer-reviewed.
Alterations in knee kinematics after partial medial meniscectomy are activity dependent.
Edd S.N., Netravali N.A., Favre J., Giori N.J., Andriacchi T.P., 2015/06. The American journal of sports medicine, 43 (6) pp. 1399-1407. Peer-reviewed.
Ankle Arthrodesis, Ankle Arthroplasty, Hallux Valgus, Flatfoot
Crevoisier X, 2015/05. pp. 41-45 dans The Comprehensive Orthopaedic Review Course, EFORT.
A versatile hip spacer for first stage revision in prosthetic joint infection.
Baker R.P., Borens O., 2015/03. Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, 97 (2) p. 163. Peer-reviewed.
A systems view of risk factors for knee osteoarthritis reveals insights into the pathogenesis of the disease.
Andriacchi T.P., Favre J., Erhart-Hledik J.C., Chu C.R., 2015. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 43 (2) pp. 376-387. Peer-reviewed.
Accélération de la guérison fracturaire par le tériparatide: série de 22 cas et revue de la littérature [Improvement of fracture healing with teriparatide: series of 22 cases and review of the literature].
Lecoultre J., Stoll D., Chevalley F., Lamy O., 2015. Revue Médicale Suisse, 11 (466) pp. 663-667.
Activity of bone cement loaded with daptomycin alone or in combination with gentamicin or PEG600 against Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilms.
Peñalba Arias P., Furustrand Tafin U., Bétrisey B., Vogt S., Trampuz A., Borens O., 2015. Injury, 46 (2) pp. 249-253. Peer-reviewed.
Adverse tissue reaction to corrosion at the neck-stem junction after modular primary total hip arthroplasty.
Gkagkalis G., Mettraux P., Omoumi P., Mischler S., Rüdiger H.A., 2015. Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Surgery and Research, 101 (1) pp. 123-126. Peer-reviewed.
Alteration and recovery of arm usage in daily activities after rotator cuff surgery.
Pichonnaz C., Duc C., Jolles B.M., Aminian K., Bassin J.P., Farron A., 2015. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, 24 (9) pp. 1346-1352. Peer-reviewed.
Analysis of inter-segment coordination along with joint angulations- a more elaborative perspective to study kinematics in ankle joint
Chopra S Favre J Crevoisier X, 2015. pp. 14 S-15 S dans 75e Congrès Annuel Swiss Orthopaedics, Swiss Medical Weekly.
Bioimpedance spectroscopy for swelling evaluation following total knee arthroplasty: a validation study
Pichonnaz C., Bassin J.P., Lécureux E., Currat D., Jolles B.M., 2015. Bmc Musculoskeletal Disorders, 16 p. 100. Peer-reviewed.
Characterization of gait in female patients with moderate to severe hallux valgus deformity.
Chopra S, Moerenhout K, Crevoisier X., 2015. pp. 15 S dans 75e Congrès Annuel Swiss Orthopaedics, Swiss Medical Weekly.
Characterization of gait in female patients with moderate to severe hallux valgus deformity.
Chopra S., Moerenhout K., Crevoisier X., 2015. Clinical Biomechanics, 30 (6) pp. 629-635. Peer-reviewed.
Commotion cérébrale chez le jeune sportif: quelques éléments essentiels [Concussion in young athletes : a few essential aspects]
Donzelli A., Gojanovic B., Newman C.J., Tercier S., 2015. Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur Medizin und Traumatologie = Revue suisse pour medecine et traumatologie, 63 (3) pp. 27-31.
Comparative Analysis of Fixed and Mobile Bearing Total Ankle Prostheses: Effect on Tibial Bone Strain and Tibial Component Fixation.
Terrier A, Guillemin M, Sieger Fernandes C, Crevoisier X., 2015. pp. 57 S dans 75e Congrès Annuel Swiss Orthopaedics, Swiss Medical Weekly.
Comparison of an EMG-based and a stress-based method to predict shoulder muscle forces.
Engelhardt C., Malfroy Camine V., Ingram D., Müllhaupt P., Farron A., Pioletti D., Terrier A., 2015. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 18 (12) pp. 1272-1279. Peer-reviewed.
Cost-effectivness in a DRG system for two-step exchange of infected total joint arthroplasty
Fischbacher A., K.Peltier K. , Furustrand-Tafin U., Borens O., 2015. p. 47 dans Scottish Committee for Orthopaedics and Trauma (SCOT), Bone & Joint Journal Orthopaedic Proceedings.
Distribution of gap and micromotion during compressive loading around a cementless femoral stem.
Camine V.M., Rüdiger H., Pioletti D.P., Terrier A., 2015. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 18 Suppl 1 pp. 1896-1897. Peer-reviewed.
Early versus delayed application of Thomas splints in patients with isolated femur shaft fractures: The benefits quantified.
Hoppe S., Keel M.J., Rueff N., Rhoma I., Roche S., Maqungo S., 2015. Injury, 46 (12) pp. 2410-2412. Peer-reviewed.
Effect of humeral stem design on humeral position and range of motion in reverse shoulder arthroplasty.
Lädermann A., Denard P.J., Boileau P., Farron A., Deransart P., Terrier A., Ston J., Walch G., 2015. International Orthopaedics, 39 (11) pp. 2205-2213. Peer-reviewed.
Efficiency of the lausanne clinical pathway for proximal femoral fractures.
Fleury N., Chevalley F., Rubli E., Coti P., Farron A., Jolles B.M., 2015. Frontiers in Surgery, 2 (2) p. 5. Peer-reviewed.
Enhancing clinically-relevant shoulder function assessment using only essential movements.
Pichonnaz C., Lécureux E., Bassin J.P., Duc C., Farron A., Aminian K., Jolles B.M., Gleeson N., 2015. Physiological Measurement, 36 (3) pp. 547-560. Peer-reviewed.
How to prevent venous cannula orifice obstruction during extracorporeal circulation.
Abdel-Sayed S., Favre J., von Segesser L.K., 2015. Perfusion, 30 (3) pp. 187-194. Peer-reviewed.
Identification of Propionibacterium avidum from a breast abscess: an overlooked etiology of clinically significant infections.
Kritikos A., Pagin M., Borens O., Voide C., Orasch C., 2015. New Microbes and New Infections, 4 pp. 9-10.
Importance of a three-dimensional measure of humeral head subluxation in osteoarthritic shoulders.
Terrier A., Ston J., Farron A., 2015. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, 24 (2) pp. 295-301. Peer-reviewed.
In vivo electrochemical corrosion study of a CoCrMo biomedical alloy in human synovial fluids.
Igual Munoz A., Schwiesau J., Jolles B.M., Mischler S., 2015. Acta Biomaterialia, 21 pp. 228-236. Peer-reviewed.
Influence of anatomical variations on lumbar foraminal stenosis pathogenesis.
Merckaert S., Pierzchala K., Kulik G., Schizas C., 2015. European Spine Journal, 24 (2) pp. 313-318. Peer-reviewed.
Le sport est-il vraiment si bon pour la santé? [Sport, is it really so good for health?]
Gojanovic B., 2015. Praxis, 104 (8) pp. 403-409. Peer-reviewed.
Mandibular tori.
Mermod M., Hoarau R., 2015. Cmaj : Canadian Medical Association Journal = Journal De L'association Medicale Canadienne, 187 (11) p. 826. Peer-reviewed.
Measurement properties of the smartphone-based B-B Score in current shoulder pathologies.
Pichonnaz C., Duc C., Gleeson N., Ancey C., Jaccard H., Lécureux E., Farron A., Jolles B.M., Aminian K., 2015. Sensors (basel, Switzerland), 15 (10) pp. 26801-26817.
Multidisciplinary approach of lumbo-sacral chordoma: From oncological treatment to reconstructive surgery.
Garofalo F., di Summa P.G., Christoforidis D., Pracht M., Laudato P., Cherix S., Bouchaab H., Raffoul W., Demartines N., Matter M., 2015. Journal of Surgical Oncology, 112 (5) pp. 544-554. Peer-reviewed.
Muscle moment-arms: a key element in muscle-force estimation.
Ingram D., Engelhardt C., Farron A., Terrier A., Müllhaupt P., 2015. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 18 (5) pp. 506-513. Peer-reviewed.
NBAS mutations cause a multisystem disorder involving bone, connective tissue, liver, immune system, and retina.
Segarra N.G., Ballhausen D., Crawford H., Perreau M., Campos-Xavier B., van Spaendonck-Zwarts K., Vermeer C., Russo M., Zambelli P.Y., Stevenson B. et al., 2015. American Journal of Medical Genetics. Part A, 167A (12) pp. 2902-2912. Peer-reviewed.
New insight in the relationship between regional patterns of knee cartilage thickness, osteoarthritis disease severity, and gait mechanics.
Erhart-Hledik J.C., Favre J., Andriacchi T.P., 2015. Journal of Biomechanics, 48 (14) pp. 3868-3875. Peer-reviewed.
Overspeed HIIT in Lower-Body Positive Pressure Treadmill Improves Running Performance.
Gojanovic B., Shultz R., Feihl F., Matheson G., 2015. Medicine and Science In Sports and Exercise, 47 (12) pp. 2571-2578. Peer-reviewed.
Patient-adapted treatment for prosthetic hip joint infection.
Baker R.P., Furustrand Tafin U., Borens O., 2015. HIP International, 25 (4) pp. 316-322. Peer-reviewed.
Percutaneous cryoablation for a symptomatic non-ossifying fibroma. A case report.
Ngo T.H., Bize P., Letovanec I., Cherix S., Choong P.F., Rüdiger H.A., 2015. Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging, 96 (1) pp. 107-109. Peer-reviewed.
Prosthetic joint infections : A retrospective study on the timing of reimplantation in a two-stage exchange
Fischbacher A., Furustrand-Tafin U., Baalbaki R., Borens O., 2015. p. 51 dans European Bone And Joint Infection Society (EBJIS) 34th Annual Meeting:, Bone & Joint Journal Orthopaedic Proceedings.
Pédiatrie. (2.) Consultation de médecine du sport dédiée à l'adolescent [Sport medicine consultation for adolescents].
Tercier S., Depallens S., Zambelli P.Y., Ambresin A.E., 2015. Revue Médicale Suisse, 11 (456-457) pp. 116-117. Peer-reviewed.
Relationship between sedimentation sign and morphological grade in symptomatic lumbar spinal stenosis.
Laudato P.A., Kulik G., Schizas C., 2015. European Spine Journal : Official Publication of the European Spine Society, the European Spinal Deformity Society, and the European Section of the Cervical Spine Research Society, 24 (10) pp. 2264-2268. Peer-reviewed.
Soft tissue artifact distribution on lower limbs during treadmill gait: Influence of skin markers' location on cluster design.
Barré A., Jolles B.M., Theumann N., Aminian K., 2015. Journal of Biomechanics, 48 (10) pp. 1965-1971. Peer-reviewed.
The potential use of microcalorimetry in rapid differentiation between septic arthritis and other causes of arthritis.
Yusuf E., Hügle T., Daikeler T., Voide C., Borens O., Trampuz A., 2015. European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 34 (3) pp. 461-465. Peer-reviewed.
Tibiotalocalcaneal vs tibiotalar fusion: a biomechanical comparison.
Chopra S, Baalbaki R, Pichonnaz M, Favre J, Crevoisier X, 2015. pp. 15 S dans 75e Congrès Annuel Swiss Orthopaedics, Swiss Medical Weekly.
Treatment of Infected Total Knee Remplacement : Concept, Surgical Options and Antibitic Therapy
Borens O., Yusuf E., 2015. pp. 715-727 dans Hirschmann M., Becker R. (eds.) The Unhappy Total Knee Replacement, Springer.
Treatment of Prosthetic Joint Infections
Borens O., Furustrand-Tafin U., 2015. European Instructional Lectures, 15 pp. 11-19.
Treatment of the Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip with an Abduction Brace in Children up to 6 Months Old.
Wahlen R., Zambelli P.Y., 2015. Advances In Orthopedics, 2015 p. 103580. Peer-reviewed.
Treatment of type B periprosthetic femur fractures with curved non-locking plate with eccentric holes: Retrospective study of 43 patients with minimum 1-year follow-up.
Lunebourg A., Mouhsine E., Cherix S., Ollivier M., Chevalley F., Wettstein M., 2015. Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Surgery and Research, 101 (3) pp. 277-282. Peer-reviewed.
Fractures périprothétiques [Periprosthetic fractures]
Thein E., Chevalley F., Borens O., 2014/12/17. Revue medicale suisse, 10 (455) pp. 2414-2419. Peer-reviewed.
Les réseaux deformation postgraduée: un outil de régulation du nombre de spécialistes? [Networks of postgraduate education: a tool for regulating the number of specialists?]
Farron A., Hoffmeyer P., 2014/12/17. Revue medicale suisse, 10 (455) pp. 2395-2396. Peer-reviewed.
MDCT arthrography of the hip: value of the adaptive statistical iterative reconstruction technique and potential for radiation dose reduction.
Tobalem F., Dugert E., Verdun F.R., Dunet V., Ott J.G., Rudiger H.A., Cherix S., Meuli R., Becce F., 2014/12. AJR. American journal of roentgenology, 203 (6) pp. W665-73. Peer-reviewed.
Fixed and mobile bearing total ankle prostheses : a comparative numerical study
Crevoisier X, Guillemin M, Terrier A., 2014/06. pp. S 50 dans 74e Congrès Annuel Swiss Orthopaedics.
Gait variability in ankle osteoarthritis, ankle arthrodesis, and total ankle replacement
Chopra S, Rouhani H, Favre J, Assal M, Aminian K, Moerenhout K, Crevoisier X, 2014/06., Swiss Orthopaedics pp. S 11 dans 74e Congrès Annuel Swiss Orthopaedics.
Subjective vs objective assessment in early clinical outcome of modified Lapidus procedure for moderate to severe hallux valgus
Chopra S, Moerenhout K, Crevoisier X., 2014/06. pp. S 50 dans 74e Congrès Annuel Swiss Orthopaedics.
A wearable system for multi-segment foot kinetics measurement.
Rouhani H., Favre J., Crevoisier X., Aminian K., 2014/05/07. Journal of biomechanics, 47 (7) pp. 1704-1711. Peer-reviewed.
Assessing dystrophies and other muscle diseases at the nanometer scale by atomic force microscopy.
van Zwieten R.W., Puttini S., Lekka M., Witz G., Gicquel-Zouida E., Richard I., Lobrinus J.A., Chevalley F., Brune H., Dietler G. et al., 2014. Nanomedicine, 9 (4) pp. 393-406.
Benefit of Cup Medialization in Total Hip Arthroplasty is Associated With Femoral Anatomy.
Terrier A., Levrero Florencio F., Rüdiger H.A., 2014. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, 472 (10) pp. 3159-3165. Peer-reviewed.
Biologie osseuse et cartilagineuse
Hirt-Burri N., Applegate L.A., 2014. pp. 71-78 dans Jolles-Haeberli B. (eds.) Manuel Pratique de Chirurgie Orthopédique chap. 3, Elsevier Masson.
Bone propeller flap: a staged procedure.
Tremp M., Largo R.D., Borens O., Schaefer D.J., Kalbermatten D.F., 2014. Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery, 53 (2) pp. 226-231.
Comparisons of preoperative three-dimensional planning and surgical reconstruction in primary cementless total hip arthroplasty.
Hassani H., Cherix S., Ek E.T., Rüdiger H.A., 2014. Journal of Arthroplasty, 29 (6) pp. 1273-1277. Peer-reviewed.
Complications of shoulder arthroplasty for osteoarthritis with posterior glenoid wear.
Gallusser N., Farron A., 2014. Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Surgery and Research, 100 (5) pp. 503-508. Peer-reviewed.
Determinants of methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus native bone and joint infection treatment failure: a retrospective cohort study.
Valour F., Bouaziz A., Karsenty J., Ader F., Lustig S., Laurent F., Chidiac C., Ferry T., Lyon BJI study group, 2014. Bmc Infectious Diseases, 14 p. 443.
Development and experimental validation of a finite element model of total ankle replacement.
Terrier A., Larrea X., Guerdat J., Crevoisier X., 2014. Journal of Biomechanics, 47 (3) pp. 742-745. Peer-reviewed.
Does locally delivered Zoledronate influence peri-implant bone formation? - Spatio-temporal monitoring of bone remodeling in vivo.
Kettenberger U., Ston J., Thein E., Procter P., Pioletti D.P., 2014. Biomaterials, 35 (37) pp. 9995-10006. Peer-reviewed.
Dramatic malignant progression of a pigmented villonodular synovitis of the knee after 27 years of multimodality treatment
Cherix S., Matter M., Gay B., Becce F., Matzinger O., Letovanec I., Stanekova K., Rüdiger HA, 2014. dans 73. Congrès Annuel de la Société Suisse d'Orthopédie et de Traumatologie.
Evaluation of muscular activity duration in shoulders with rotator cuff tears using inertial sensors and electromyography.
Duc C., Pichonnaz C., Bassin J.P., Farron A., Jolles B.M., Aminian K., 2014. Physiological Measurement, 35 (12) pp. 2389-2400.
Extra-articular knee resection for a secondary chondrosarcoma evolving from an isolated enchondroma of the distal femur: A case report.
Laurençon J., Becce F., Letovanec I., Cherix S., Rüdiger HA, 2014. dans 73. Congrès Annuel de la Société Suisse d'Orthopédie et de Traumatologie.
Factor analysis of the North American Spine Society outcome assessment instrument: a study based on a spine registry of patients treated with lumbar and cervical disc arthroplasty.
Aghayev E., Elfering A., Schizas C., Mannion A.F., SWISSSpine Registry Group, 2014. Spine Journal, 14 (6) pp. 916-924. Peer-reviewed.
FM24. Cryoablation in the management of soft tissue and bone metastases
Gallusser N., Ngassom-Leumessi E., Letovanec I., Becce F., Pracht M., Cherix S., Bize P., Rüdiger HA, 2014. dans 74. Jahreskongress der swiss orthopaedics (SGOT).
Fractures de la cheville chez le patient âgé [Ankle fractures in the elderly patient].
Crevoisier X., Baalbaki R., Dos Santos T., Assal M., 2014. Revue Médicale Suisse, 10 (455) pp. 2420-2423.
Giant extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma of the thigh treated by wide extraarticular resection and reconstruction with a tumor prosthesis
Gkagkalis G., Cherix S., Letovanec I., Gay B., Becce F., Rüdiger HA, 2014. dans 73. Congrès Annuel de la Société Suisse d'Orthopédie et de Traumatologie.
Impact of partial-thickness tears on supraspinatus tendon strain based on a finite element analysis.
Engelhardt C., Farron A., Becce F., Pioletti D., Terrier A., 2014. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 17 (Suppl 1) pp. 118-119. Peer-reviewed.
Irrigation and debridement.
Haasper C., Buttaro M., Hozack W., Aboltins C.A., Borens O., Callaghan J.J., de Carvalho P.I., Chang Y., Corona P., Da Rin F. et al., 2014. Journal of Arthroplasty, 29 (2 Suppl) pp. 100-103. Peer-reviewed.
Is trauma in Switzerland any different? epidemiology and patterns of injury in major trauma - a 5-year review from a Swiss trauma centre.
Heim C., Bosisio F., Roth A., Bloch J., Borens O., Daniel R.T., Denys A., Oddo M., Pasquier M., Schmidt S. et al., 2014. Swiss medical weekly, 144 pp. w13958. Peer-reviewed.
Jaffé-Campanacci syndrome: an extremely rare cause of pathologic fracture of the femur
Cherix S., Bildé Y., Becce F., Letovanec I., Rüdiger HA, 2014. dans 73. Congrès Annuel de la Société Suisse d'Orthopédie et de Traumatologie.
Measurement of the dynamics in ski jumping using a wearable inertial sensor-based system.
Chardonnens J., Favre J., Cuendet F., Gremion G., Aminian K., 2014. Journal of Sports Sciences, 32 (6) pp. 591-600. Peer-reviewed.
Measurements of three-dimensional glenoid erosion when planning the prosthetic replacement of osteoarthritic shoulders.
Terrier A., Ston J., Larrea X., Farron A., 2014. Bone and Joint Journal, 96-B (4) pp. 513-518. Peer-reviewed.
Medial migration of lag screw after gamma nailing.
Thein E., De Cannière A., Burn A., Borens O., 2014. Injury, 45 (8) pp. 1275-1279. Peer-reviewed.
Methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus clonal complex 398: high prevalence and geographical heterogeneity in bone and joint infection and nasal carriage.
Valour F., Tasse J., Trouillet-Assant S., Rasigade J.P., Lamy B., Chanard E., Verhoeven P., Decousser J.W., Marchandin H., Bès M. et al., 2014. Clinical Microbiology and Infection, 20 (10) pp. O772-O775.
Mieux comprendre le syndrome douloureux fémoro-patellaire... pour mieux le traiter [Patellofemoral pain syndrome: understand better in order to treat better].
Saubade M., Martin R., Becker A., Gremion G., 2014. Revue Médicale Suisse, 10 (437) pp. 1451-1456.
Multiple non-ossifying fibromas as a cause of pathological femoral fracture in Jaffe-Campanacci syndrome.
Cherix S., Bildé Y., Becce F., Letovanec I., Rüdiger H.A., 2014. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 15 (1) p. 218.
Neoadjuvant therapy with denosumab in a giant cell tumour. A case report
Cherix S., Abry-Rozier B., Letovanec I., Becce F., Rüdiger HA, 2014. dans 73. Congrès Annuel de la Société Suisse d'Orthopédie et de Traumatologie.
Neurophysiological changes during shortening osteotomies of the spine.
Schizas C., Pralong E., Debatisse D., Kulik G., 2014. Spine Journal, 14 (1) pp. 73-79.
Outcome of unilateral ankle arthrodesis and total ankle replacement in terms of bilateral gait mechanics.
Chopra S., Rouhani H., Assal M., Aminian K., Crevoisier X., 2014. Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 32 (3) pp. 377-384. Peer-reviewed.
P52. Preliminary results of cryoablation in the management of locoregional recurrence of chordomas
Gallusser N., Ngassom-Leumessi E., Letovanec I., Pracht M., Becce F., Matter M., Rüdiger HA, Bize P., Cherix S., 2014. dans 74. Jahreskongress der swiss orthopaedics (SGOT).
Pharmacologie orthopédique
Livio F., Renard D., Senn L., Buclin T., 2014. pp. 35-70 dans Jolles-Haeberli B. (eds.) Manuel Pratique de Chirurgie Orthopédique chap. 2, Elsevier Masson.
Photopolymerizable hydrogels for implants: Monte-Carlo modeling and experimental in vitro validation.
Schmocker A., Khoushabi A., Schizas C., Bourban P.E., Pioletti D.P., Moser C., 2014. Journal of Biomedical Optics, 19 (3) p. 35004. Peer-reviewed.
Physiological response to whole-body vibration in athletes and sedentary subjects.
Gojanovic B., Feihl F., Gremion G., Waeber B., 2014. Physiological research, 63 (6) pp. 779-792. Peer-reviewed.
Predicting Non Return to Work after Orthopaedic Trauma: The Wallis Occupational Rehabilitation RisK (WORRK) Model.
Luthi F., Deriaz O., Vuistiner P., Burrus C., Hilfiker R., 2014. Plos One, 9 (4) pp. e94268. Peer-reviewed.
Pyoderma gangrenosum after minor trauma in a pregnant woman, mistaken for necrotizing fasciitis: report of a case and literature review.
De Menezes D., Yusuf E., Borens O., 2014. Surgical Infections, 15 (4) pp. 441-444. Peer-reviewed.
Pédiatrie 5. Approche ciblée de l'ostéoporose chez l'enfant et l'adolescent [Targeted approach to osteoporosis for children and teenagers].
Zambelli P.Y., Tercier S., Newman C.J., Bregou A., 2014. Revue Médicale Suisse, 10 (412-413) pp. 116-118.
Secular changes of spinal canal dimensions in Western Switzerland: a narrowing epidemic?
Schizas C., Schmit A., Schizas A., Becce F., Kulik G., Pierzchała K., 2014. Spine, 39 (17) pp. 1339-1344. Peer-reviewed.
Septic arthritis of the pubic symphysis caused by Streptococcus mitis.
Yusuf E., Hofer M., Steinrücken J., Trampuz A., Borens O., 2014. Acta Clinica Belgica, 69 (6) pp. 454-455.
Smart instrumentation for determination of ligament stiffness and ligament balance in total knee arthroplasty.
Hasenkamp W., Villard J., Delaloye J.R., Arami A., Bertsch A., Jolles B.M., Aminian K., Renaud P., 2014. Medical Engineering and Physics, 36 (6) pp. 721-725. Peer-reviewed.
Spatio-temporal gait analysis in children with cerebral palsy using, foot-worn inertial sensors.
Brégou Bourgeois A., Mariani B., Aminian K., Zambelli P.Y., Newman C.J., 2014. Gait and Posture, 39 (1) pp. 436-442.
Spine trabecular bone score subsequent to bone mineral density improves fracture discrimination in women.
Krueger D., Fidler E., Libber J., Aubry-Rozier B., Hans D., Binkley N., 2014. Journal of Clinical Densitometry, 17 (1) pp. 60-65. Peer-reviewed.
The Impact of Superior Labral Anterior to Posterior Lesions on Functional Status in Shoulder Instability: A Multicenter Cohort Study
Gaudelli C., Hébert-Davies J., Balg F., Pelet S., Djahangiri A., Godbout V., Rouleau D.M., 2014. Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine, 2 (10) p. 2325967114554195. Peer-reviewed.
The nature of in vivo mechanical signals that influence cartilage health and progression to knee osteoarthritis.
Andriacchi T.P., Favre J., 2014. Current Rheumatology Reports, 16 (11) p. 463.
The unresolved case of sacral chordoma: from misdiagnosis to challenging surgery and medical therapy resistance.
Garofalo F., Christoforidis D., di Summa P.G., Gay B., Cherix S., Raffoul W., Demartines N., Matter M., 2014. Annals of Coloproctology, 30 (3) pp. 122-131. Peer-reviewed.
Tibial tunnel placement in posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a systematic review.
Nicodeme J.D., Löcherbach C., Jolles B.M., 2014. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, 22 (7) pp. 1556-1562. Peer-reviewed.
Total Hip Arthroplasty in Paget disease
Wegrzyn J., Guyen O., 2014. pp. x dans Cashman J., Goyal N., Parvizi J. (eds.) The Hip : Preservation, Replacement and Revision, Data Trace Publishing Company.
Total hip replacement with a collarless polished cemented anatomic stem: clinical and gait analysis results at ten years follow-up.
Grzesiak A., Aminian K., Lécureux E., Jobin F., Jolles B.M., 2014. International Orthopaedics, 38 (4) pp. 717-724. Peer-reviewed.
Translation of biomechanical concepts in bone tissue engineering: from animal study to revision knee arthroplasty.
Roshan-Ghias A., Terrier A., Jolles B.M., Pioletti D.P., 2014. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 17 (8) pp. 845-852. Peer-reviewed.
Tumeurs et pseudo-tumeurs du squelette
Rüdiger H.A., Larousserie F., Feydy A., Henni M., Boudou-Rouquette P., Anract P., Biau D., 2014. pp. 551-586 dans Jolles-Haeberli B. (eds.) Manuel pratique de chirurgie orthopédique chap. 19, Elsevier Masson.
Validity, reliability and responsiveness of the French language translation of the Western Ontario Shoulder Instability Index (WOSI).
Gaudelli C., Balg F., Godbout V., Pelet S., Djahangiri A., Griffin S., Rouleau D.M., 2014. Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Surgery and Research, 100 (1) pp. 99-103.
Voies d'abord chirurgicales courantes
Jolles-Haeberli Brigitte, Vauclair Frédéric, 2014. pp. 199-233 dans Jolles-Haeberli Brigitte (eds.) Manuel pratique de chirurgie orthopédique chap. 10, Elsevier Masson.
Wide resection of the lateral malleolus and adjacent tibial, talar and calcanear bones with ankle fusion and allograft reconstruction for an osteosarcoma.
Stanekova K., Crevoisier X., Christen T., Becce F., Gay B., Letovanec I., Cherix S., Rüdiger HA, 2014. dans 73. Congrès Annuel de la Société Suisse d'Orthopédie et de Traumatologie.
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