Liaison Psychiatry

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795 publications

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Dépression résistant au traitement: enjeux, thérapie et place des nouvelles approches de neurostimulation [Treatment resistant depression: therapy and novel neuromodulatory treatments].
Kosel M., Berney A., 2012. Revue Médicale Suisse, 8 (339) pp. 942-945.
Family interactions in IVF families: change over the transition to parenthood
Cairo S., Darwiche J., Tissot H., Favez N., Germond M., Guex P., de Roten Y., Frascarolo F., Despland J.-N., 2012. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 30 (1) pp. 5-20. Peer-reviewed.
Fractal temporal organisation of motricity is altered in major depression.
Aybek S., Ionescu A., Berney A., Chocron O., Aminian K., Vingerhoets F.J., 2012. Psychiatry Research, 200 (2-3) pp. 288-293. Peer-reviewed.
HIV Testing Practices by Clinical Service before and after Revised Testing Guidelines in a Swiss University Hospital
Darling K.E., Hugli O., Mamin R., Cellerai C., Martenet S., Berney A., Peters S., Du Pasquier R.A., Bodenmann P., Cavassini M., 2012. Plos One, 7 (6) pp. e39299. Peer-reviewed.
La consultation infirmière préopératoire: un moyen d'anticiper la souffrance psychique
Bourquin Evelyne, Styger Jeanne, 2012. Krankenpflege. Soins infirmiers 7 p. 5457.
Les mots de la prévention du sida en question
Bourquin Céline, Spencer Brenda, Singy Pascal, Prikhodkine Alexei (Collab.) , Schaffter Manuel (Collab.) , Guex Patrice (Collab.) , 2012. 105 (Raisons de santé ; 198), Lausanne : Institut universitaire de médecine sociale et préventive (IUMSP).
Medical residents' feedback on needs and acquired skills following a short course on cross-cultural competence
Bardet Alicia, Green Alexander R., Paroz Sophie, Singy Pascal, Vaucher Paul, Bodenmann Patrick, 2012. International Journal of Medical Education 3 pp. 107-114. Peer-reviewed.
Oncology clinicians' defenses and adherence to communication skills training with simulated patients: an exploratory study.
Bernard M., de Roten Y., Despland J.N., Stiefel F., 2012. Journal of Cancer Education, 27 (3) pp. 399-403. Peer-reviewed.
Poststroke fatigue following minor infarcts: a prospective study.
Radman N., Staub F., Aboulafia-Brakha T., Berney A., Bogousslavsky J., Annoni J.M., 2012. Neurology, 79 (14) pp. 1422-1427. Peer-reviewed.
Preparing healthcare providers for diversity: current situation regarding cross-cultural care in a Swiss University Hospital
Paroz S., Bodenmann P., Faucherre F., Weber O., Diserens E.A., 2012. dans SGIM 2011, 35th Annual Meeting of the Society of General Internal Medicine.
Prescription des psychotropes au cabinet médical [Psychotropic drug prescription in general practice].
Dedeystère C., Saraga M., Stiefel F., 2012. Revue Médicale Suisse, 8 (328) pp. 355-8, 360-1. Peer-reviewed.
Psychogenic tetraparesis and bilateral upper limb dystonia, regressive under short propofol-induced sedation and during hepatic encephalopathy.
Medlin F., Aybek S., Berney A., Guedj E., Delaloye A.B., Prior J.O., Diserens K., 2012. Psychosomatics, 53 (5) pp. 485-488. Peer-reviewed.
Screening for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in a psychiatric emergency setting
Ivanov Marie-Laure, Weber Orest, Gholam-Rezaee Mehdi, Weber Gerrit, Reeves Daphné, Benharrats Rafik, Yersin Bertrand, Stiefel Friedrich, 2012. European Jounal of Psychiatry, 26 (3) pp. 159-168. Peer-reviewed.
The impact of communication skills training in oncology: a linguistic analysis.
Singy P., Bourquin C., Sulstarova B., Stiefel F., 2012. Journal of Cancer Education : the Official Journal of the American Association For Cancer Education, 27 (3) pp. 404-408. Peer-reviewed.
Troubles de l'humeur et VIH: épidémiologie, clinique et prise en charge thérapeutique [Mood disorders in HIV patients: a challenge for liaison psychiatry consultation].
Maccaferri G.E., Cavassini M., Berney A., 2012. Revue Médicale Suisse, 8 (328) pp. 362-4, 366-7. Peer-reviewed.
Usages langagiers et jeunes générations: regards de périphérie
Singy Pascal, Bourquin Céline, 2012. Langage et société 141 pp. 99-115. Peer-reviewed.
gender identity disorder : challenges and specificity in the treatement of requests for sexual reassignment
Pécoud Pascale, Pralong François, Bauquis Olivier, Stiefel Friedrich, 2011/02/16. Revue médicale suisse, 7 (282) pp. 395-7.
"I don't know how you are" or indirect questioning in oncology interviews: an ongoing exploratory study
Bourquin C., Stiefel F., Berney A., Singy P., 2011. pp. 583-584 dans XIV Annual Meeting of the European Association for Consultation Liaison Psychiatry and Psychosomatics (EACLPP), Journal Of Psychosomatic Research. Peer-reviewed.
Alexithymia in patients recently diagnosed with cancer
Stiefel F., Krenz S., Forni V., Zdrojewski C., Aymon N., Stagno D., Luthi F., Leyvraz S., Rousselle I., Ludwig G., 2011. p. 616 dans 14th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Consultation Liaison Psychiatry and Psychosomatics (EACLPP), Journal of Psychosomatic Research. Peer-reviewed.
Alexithymie et psychopathologie de patients atteints de cancer = Alexithymia and psychopathology of patients with cancer
Forni V., Stiefel F., Krenz S., Gholam Rezaee M., Leyvraz S., Ludwig G., 2011. Psycho-Oncologie, 5 (3) pp. 208-213. Peer-reviewed.
Anorexie mentale et boutimie: I'expérience vaudoise d'une prise en charge interdisciplinaire [Anorexia and bulimia: the canton of Vaud's experience of an interdisciplinary approach].
Gebhard S., Dorogi Y., Giusti V., Stagno D., Lanz M., Schmidt D., Chaubert C.M., Laget J., Michaud P.A., Stiefel F., 2011. Revue Médicale Suisse, 7 (282) pp. 381-384. Peer-reviewed.
Brain Regional α-[11C]methyl-l-tryptophan trapping in medication-free patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Berney A., Leyton M., Gravel P., Sibon I., Sookman D., Rosa Neto P., Diksic M., Nakai A., Pinard G., Todorov C. et al., 2011. Archives of General Psychiatry, 68 (7) pp. 732-741. Peer-reviewed.
Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry: a new psychiatric subspecialty in Switzerland.
Georgescu D., Berney A., 2011. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 71 (6) pp. 429-430. Peer-reviewed.
Cross-cultural clinical competence and post-graduate teaching: any impact(s) on doctors?
Bardet A., Singy P., Weber O., Paroz S., Vaucher P., Green A.R., Bodenmann P., 2011. pp. 4S-5S dans 79e assemblée annuelle de la SSMIG, Lausanne, Swiss Medical Forum.
De la clinique à la recherche dans un centre de thérapie de couple et de famille
Carneiro C., Darwiche J., De Roten Y., Vaudan C., Duc-Marwood A., Despland J.-N., 2011. Thérapie familiale, 32 (1) pp. 101-110. Peer-reviewed.
Existe-t-il des données scientifiques sur l'efficacité clinique des médecines complémentaires?
Graz Bertrand, Rodondi Pierre-Yves, Bonvin Eric, 2011. Forum Médical Suisse, 11 (45) pp. 808-813.
Implementation of guidelines on delirium in a General Hospital: a before-after study of their impact on caregivers' knowledge and clinical skills
Voellinger Rachel, Stiefel Friedrich, Michaud Laurent, Michel Patrik, Dorogi Yves, Burnand Bernard, Berney Alexandre, 2011. Schweizer Archiv für Neurologie und Psychiatrie = Archives suisses de neurologie et de psychiatrie = Swiss archives of neurology and psychiatry, 162 (1) pp. 31-34. Peer-reviewed.
Konzeptuelle Überlegungen zur psychodynamisch orientierten Konsiliar- und Liaison-Psychiatrie
Ludwig Gundula, Verdu Bénédicte, Stiefel Friedrich, 2011. Psychodynamische Psychotherapie, 10 (2) pp. 69-77. Peer-reviewed.
Bovet Pierre, Despland Jean-Nicolas, Stiefel Friedrich, 2011. pp. 213-224 dans Guex Patrice, Gasser Jacques (eds.) Pour une psychiatrie scientifique et humaniste chap. 15, Georg.
La chirurgie de réassignation sexuelle dans le cadre des troubles de l'identité de genre
Bauquis Olivier, Pralong François, Stiefel Friedrich, 2011. Swiss Medical Forum = Forum Médical Suisse, 11 (4) pp. 58-64.
La psychiatrie de liaison, les urgences psychiatriques et le traitement des troubles alimentaires
Stiefel Friedrich, Antonazzo Alexandra, Benharrats Rafik, Berney Alexandre, Dorogi Yves, Gebhard Sandra, Krez Sonia, Lanz Mélanie, Miéville Jean-Christophe, Rousselle Ingrid et al., 2011. pp. 47-62 dans Guex Patrice, Gasser Jacques (eds.) Pour une psychiatrie scientifique et humaniste chap. 3, Georg.
La recherche en sciences humaines
Singy Pascal, Bourquin Céline, 2011. pp. 237-242 dans Guex Patrice, Gasser Jacques (eds.) Pour une psychiatrie scientifique et humaniste chap. 16, Georg.
Langue, genre et place de travail: le cas de l'hôpital
Singy Pascal, 2011. pp. 175-178 dans Morozova Liliya, Weider Erich (eds.) Actes du 30e colloque international de linguistique fonctionnelle.
Nationales Krebsprogramm für die Schweiz 2011-2015
Meili B., 2011. 180, Oncosuisse.
Prévalence des troubles de l'humeur dans la maladie de Parkinson traitée par stimulation cérébrale profonde [Prevalence of mood disorders in Parkinson's disease patients treated with subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation].
Maes H., Vingerhoets F., Berney A., 2011. Revue Médicale Suisse, 7 (282) pp. 385-388. Peer-reviewed.
Psychiatry and the scientific fallacy.
Saraga M., Stiefel F., 2011. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 124 (1) pp. 70-72. Peer-reviewed.
Psychodynamic psychotherapy in newly diagnosed cancer patients: a randomized controlled trial
Krenz S., Zdrojewski C., Aymon N., Stagno D., Luthi F., Fucina N., Leyvraz S., Rousselle I., Stiefel F., Ludwig G., 2011. p. 602 dans 14th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Consultation Liaison Psychiatry and Psychosomatics (EACLPP), Journal of Psychosomatic Research. Peer-reviewed.
Rehabilitation outcomes for orthopaedic trauma individuals as measured by the INTERMED.
Luthi F., Stiefel F., Gobelet C., Rivier G., Deriaz O., 2011. Disability and Rehabilitation, 33 (25-26) pp. 2544-2552. Peer-reviewed.
Sexualité et pratiques discursives dans le champ médical
Singy Pascal, Bourquin Céline, 2011. pp. 275-287 dans Duchêne Alexandre, Moïse Claudine (eds.) Langage, genre et sexualité, Nota bene.
Syndrome métabolique et antipsychotiques atypiques
Stiefel F., Krenz S., 2011. Palliative-ch 4 pp. 21-25.
The family alliance assessment scales : steps toward validity and reliability of an observational assessment tool for early family interactions
Favez Nicolas, Lavanchy Scaiola Chloé, Tissot Hervé, Darwiche Joëlle, Frascarolo France, 2011. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 20 (1) pp. 23-37. Peer-reviewed.
Transsexualisme: enjeux et spécificités liés à la prise en charge d'une demande de réassignation sexuelle [Gender identity disorder: challenges and specificity in the treatment of requests for sexual reassignment].
Pécoud P., Pralong F., Bauquis O., Stiefel F., 2011. Revue Médicale Suisse, 7 (282) pp. 395-397. Peer-reviewed.
Adjustment disorders
Krenz Sonia, Stiefel Friedrich, 2010/09. Newsletter Palliativmedizin pp. [5 p.].
Avenir de la psychiatrie: dictature des moyens [The future of psychiatry: a financial dictatorship?].
Guex P., Giannakopoulos P., 2010. Revue Médicale Suisse, 6 (263) p. 1747. Peer-reviewed.
Clients of sex workers in Switzerland: it makes sense to counsel and propose rapid test for HIV on the street, a preliminary report.
Diserens E.A., Bodenmann P., N'Garambe C., Ansermet-Pagot A., Vannotti M., Masserey E., Cavassini M., 2010. Bmc Infectious Diseases, 10 (1) p. 74. Peer-reviewed.
Communication skills training and clinicians' defenses in oncology: an exploratory, controlled study.
Bernard M., de Roten Y., Despland J.N., Stiefel F., 2010. Psycho-Oncology, 19 (2) pp. 209-215. Peer-reviewed.
Communication skills training in oncology: a position paper based on a consensus meeting among European experts in 2009.
Stiefel F., Barth J., Bensing J., Fallowfield L., Jost L., Razavi D., Kiss A., participants , 2010. Annals of Oncology, 21 (2) pp. 204-207. Peer-reviewed.
Contacts de langues et tabous sexuels : étude de l'imaginaire linguistique de personnes plurilingues d'origine subsaharienne vivant en Suisse romande
Weber orest, Sulstarova Brikela, Singy Pascal, Guex Patrice, 2010. pp. 451-460 dans Iliescu Maria (eds.) Actes du XXVe Congrès International de Linguistique et de Philologie Romanes : Innsbruck 2007, De Gruyter.
De la souffrance du patient à celle des équipes = From the patient's suffering to that of the health care teams
Guex Patrice, Stiefel Friedrich, 2010. Médecine palliative 9 pp. 32-35.
Déplacement, rationalisation et intellectualisation: une évaluation des principaux mécanismes de défense des soignants en oncologie = Displacement, rationalization and intellectualization: evaluation of the main defense mechanisms in oncology clinicians
Bernard M., Stiefel F., de Roten Y., Despland J.-N., 2010. Psycho-Oncologie, 4 (Suppl. 1) pp. 47-50. Peer-reviewed.
Familles issues de la médecine de la procréation : de la grossesse aux interactions entre père, mère et bébé
Darwiche J., Maillard F., Tissot H., Corboz-Warnery A., Guex P., 2010. pp. 281-301 dans Les nouvelles familles, De Boeck.
Groupe thérapeutique multiculturel pour jeunes migrants: l'expérience d'un groupe de jeunes filles
Faucherre Florence, 2010. Psychothérapies, 30 (1) pp. 43-49. Peer-reviewed.
Impact of depression on drug intake in hypertensive patients.
Waeber B., Stiefel F., 2010. Journal of Hypertension, 28 (9) pp. 1804-1805. Peer-reviewed.
L'apathie, un symptôme transnosographique: diagnostic différentiel et prise en charge [Apathy, a transnosographic symptom: diagnosis and treatment]
Chanachev A., Berney A., 2010. Revue Médicale Suisse, 6 (236) pp. 326-329. Peer-reviewed.
L'interprète communautaire: une pièce centrale dans le puzzle de la consultation interculturelle [The community interpreter: a central piece in the puzzle of the intercultural consultation]
Faucherre F., Weber O., Singy P., Guex P., Stiefel F., 2010. Revue Médicale Suisse, 6 (236) pp. 336-338. Peer-reviewed.
La sociolinguistique en psychiatrie de liaison: un certain regard [Sociolinguistics and liaison psychiatry]
Singy P., Bourquin C., Sulstarova B., Weber O., 2010. Revue Médicale Suisse, 6 (236) pp. 343-345. Peer-reviewed.
Language barriers in clinical settings = Barrières linguistiques en contexte médical
Singy Pascal, Bourquin Céline, Weber Orest (eds.), 2010. Cahiers de l'ILSL, Institut de linguistique et des sciences du language.
Langue première et langue seconde dans l'activité médico-préventive : un éclairage
Singy Pascal, Bourquin Céline, Weber Orest, Sulstarova Brikela, Guex Patrice, 2010. Cahiers de l'ILSL 28 pp. 169-180.
Le partage du savoir dans les arts du soin : mélanges en l'honneur de Marco Vannotti
Singy Pascal, Stiefel Friedrich (eds.), 2010. 109, Médecine et Hygiène.
Le suicidant, sa famille et son médecin
Moreno-Davila Norberto, 2010. Thérapie familiale, 31 (4) pp. 439-450.
On connaît la chanson
Stifel Friedrich, 2010. Revue médicale suisse, 5 (236) pp. 323-324. Peer-reviewed.
Outils et stratégies pour communiquer avec le patient
Silverman Jonathan, Kurtz Suzanne, Draper Juliet, 2010. 316, Médecine et Hygiène.
Patients objets, patients sujets: le cas des migrants
Bourquin Céline, Singy Pascal, Weber Orest, Stiefel Friedrich, 2010. Palliative-ch : revue de la société suisse de médecine et des soins palliatifs 3 pp. 25-26.
Psychothérapie en milieu somatique, quelles spécificités ?
Verdu B., Krenz S., Ludwig G., Stagno D., 2010. Revue médicale suisse, 6 (263) pp. 1770-1773. Peer-reviewed.
Psychothérapie en milieu somatique--quelles spécificités [Psychotherapy in the somatic field--what specificities?].
Verdu B., Krenz S., Ludwig G., Stagno D., 2010. Revue Médicale Suisse, 6 (263) pp. 1770, 1772-1770, 1773. Peer-reviewed.
Raison et déraison de la loyauté familiale: un cas clinique
Vannotti Marco, 2010. Cahiers critiques de thérapie familiale et de pratiques de réseaux 44 pp. 61-78. Peer-reviewed.
The predictive value of psychological assessment of candidates for gastric bypass: A medical chart review
Aubert Nathalie, Lyon-Pages Isabelle, Carrard Isabelle, Suter Michel, Stiefel Friedrich, Giusti Vittorio, 2010. European Journal of Psychiatry, 24 (2) pp. 114-123. Peer-reviewed.
Accablés par une méfiance envahissante: sommes-nous tous des naïfs ou des escrocs ?
Vannotti Marco, 2009. Revue médicale suisse, 5 (207) p. 1342. Peer-reviewed.
Adaptation of clinical practice guidelines on major depressive disorders in the general hospital: an update.
Voellinger R., Berney A., Burnand B., Stiefel F., Depression Development Group, 2009. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 66 (4) pp. 353-354. Peer-reviewed.
Apprendre le pas de trois [Enregistrement vidéo] : entretiens psychiatriques avec interprète : projet "Psychiatrie et migrants"
Guex Patrice, Singy Pascal, 2009. 1 DVD-vidéo (11 min.) + 1 brochure, Lausanne : CEMCAV CHUV, 2009. - Laurence Stajic (réal.) ; Département de psychiatrie du CHUV (éd.).
Assessment of the capacity to consent to treatment in patients admitted to acute medical wards.
Fassassi S., Bianchi Y., Stiefel F., Waeber G., 2009. BMC medical ethics, 10 p. 15. Peer-reviewed.
Au-delà de l'ennui: l'effort pour rendre l'autre intéressant [Beyond boredom: the effort to make a patient interesting]
Marin C., 2009. Revue Médicale Suisse, 5 (190) pp. 351-353.
Clinicians' defences: an empirical study.
Despland J.N., Bernard M., Favre N., Drapeau M., De Roten Y., Stiefel F., 2009. Psychology and Psychotherapy, 82 (1) pp. 73-81. Peer-reviewed.
Compétences efficientes ?
Vannotti Marco, 2009. Revue Médicale Suisse, 5 (218) p. 1910. Peer-reviewed.
Couple conjugal et couple co-parental: quelle articulation lors de la transition à la parentalité ?
Frascarolo France, Darwiche joëlle, Favez Nicolas, 2009. Cahiers critiques de thérapie familiale et de pratiques de réseaux 42 pp. 207-229. Peer-reviewed.
Crises non épileptiques psychogènes: le défi des troubles fonctionnels en neurologie
Berney Alexandre, 2009. Schweizer Archiv für Neurologie und Psychiatrie, 160 (8) pp. 347-350. Peer-reviewed.
Droits des enfants: gare à l'indifférence médicale
Vannotti M., 2009. Revue médicale suisse, 5 (230) p. 2588. Peer-reviewed.
Droits des enfants: gare à l'indifférence médicale !
Vannotti Marco, 2009. Revue médicale suisse, 5 (230) p. 2588. Peer-reviewed.
Images et représentations du cancer
Guex Patrice, 2009. Psycho-Oncologie, 3 (1) pp. 1-2. Peer-reviewed.
L'enregistrement vidéo de consultations de médecine générale, quelle utilité pour la formation ?
Vannotti Marco, Marin Christian, 2009. Psychothérapies, 29 (4) pp. 219-224. Peer-reviewed.
L'essence relationnelle. Fonctionnement neurobiologique et relations humaines
Vannotti Marco, Berrini Roberto, 2009. Cahiers critiques de thérapie familiale et de pratiques de réseaux 43 pp. 97-116. Peer-reviewed.
La communication triadique en consultation : quels rôles pour l'interprète ?
Weber Orest, Singy Pascal, Guex Patrice, 2009. pp. 47-58 dans Goguikian Ratcliff Betty, Strasser Olivier (eds.) Clinique de l'exil : chroniques d'une pratique engagée, Médecine et Hygiène.
La fonction de Moi auxiliaire dans la prise en charge des douloureux chroniques [The role of the auxiliary ego in the care of the chronic pain patient]
Verdu Bénédicte, Gundula Ludwig, Rousselle Ingrid, Torrent Caroline, Stiefel Friedrich, 2009. Revue médicale suisse, 5 (190) pp. 356-359. Peer-reviewed.
Mauvaises nouvelles: annoncer l'indicible
Vannotti Marco, 2009. Revue médicale suisse, 5 (196) p. 702. Peer-reviewed.
Physician response to "by-the-way" syndrome in primary care.
Rodondi P.Y., Maillefer J., Suardi F., Rodondi N., Cornuz J., Vannotti M., 2009. Journal of general internal medicine, 24 (6) pp. 739-41. Peer-reviewed.
Prevention of major depression in complex medically ill patients: preliminary results from a randomized, controlled trial.
de Jonge P., Hadj F.B., Boffa D., Zdrojewski C., Dorogi Y., So A., Ruiz J., Stiefel F., 2009. Psychosomatics, 50 (3) pp. 227-33. Peer-reviewed.
Processus intégratifs et gouvernance clinique dans la psychiatrie institutionnelle [Integration processes and clinical governance in the psychiatric network]
Bonsack C., Bonvin E., Conus P., Holzer L., Pache F., Sahli C., Guex P., 2009. Revue médicale suisse, 5 (217) pp. 1822-5. Peer-reviewed.
Psychiatrie sous double contrainte, enjeux de la planification en santé mentale [Psychiatry under double bind, issue of the planification in mental health]
Bonvin E., Basterrechea L., Guex P., 2009. Revue médicale suisse, 5 (217) pp. 1837-8, 1840-1. Peer-reviewed.
Recherche-action et gouvernance clinique: l'exemple du projet "psychiatrie et migrants" du CHUV [Action research and clinical governance: the example of the project "psychiatry and migrants" at the Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois]
Faucherre F., Weber O., Reeves D., Bonvin E., Guex P., 2009. Revue médicale suisse, 5 (217) pp. 1826, 1828-30. Peer-reviewed.
Représentations institutionnelles du cancer [Institutional representations of cancer]
Guex P., 2009. Psycho-Oncology, 3 (1) pp. 43-46. Peer-reviewed.
Représentations sociales et représentations intimes de la maladie. Quelques réflexions d'un clinicien [Social and private representations of cancer. A clinician's point of view]
Stagno Danièle, 2009. Psycho-Oncology, 3 (1) pp. 38-42. Peer-reviewed.
Suivi du patient oncologique, garant de la permanence de soi [Follow-up of the cancer patient, maintaining self-identity]
Krenz Sonia, Rousselle Ingrid, Guex Patrice, Stiefel Friedrich, 2009. Revue médicale suisse, 5 (190) pp. 360-363. Peer-reviewed.
Teaching Motivational Interviewing to Medical Students to Improve Behavior Change Counseling Skills - Results of a Pilot Test
Daeppen J.B., Fortini C., Gaume J., Faouzi M., Bonvin R., Layat C., Berney A., Bertholet N., 2009. pp. S177-S178 dans 32nd Annual Meeting of the Society of General Internal Medicine, Journal of General Internal Medicine. Peer-reviewed.
The PsyCoLaus study: methodology and characteristics of the sample of a population-based survey on psychiatric disorders and their association with genetic and cardiovascular risk factors.
Preisig M., Waeber G., Vollenweider P., Bovet P., Rothen S., Vandeleur C., Guex P., Middleton L., Waterworth D., Mooser V. et al., 2009. BMC Psychiatry, 9 (1) p. 9. Peer-reviewed.
Une supervision mémorable
Vannotti Marco, 2009. Revue médicale suisse, 5 (185) p. 78. Peer-reviewed.
Regards croisés sur la détresse existentielle
Bonvin Eric, 2008/11/01. Revue Médicale Suisse.
Rapid resolution of dopamine dysregulation syndrome (DDS) after subthalamic DBS for Parkinson disease (PD): a case report.
Knobel D., Aybek S., Pollo C., Vingerhoets F.J., Berney A., 2008/09. Cognitive and behavioral neurology, 21 (3) pp. 187-189. Peer-reviewed.
A longitudinal study of diagnosis resolution, marital satisfaction and stress in IVF couples
Maillard Florine, Darwiche Joëlle, Emery Marysa, Germond Marc, Favez Nicolas, Guex Patrice, 2008. pp. i224 dans Human Reproduction, Human Reproduction. Peer-reviewed.
AIDS prevention and semantic variability: a problematic issue
Singy Pascal, Bourquin Céline, Guex Patrice, 2008. dans , The language of health care : proceedings of the 1st international conference on language and health care, Alicante 24, 25 and 26 October 2007 [CD-ROM], Instituto Interuniversitario de Lenguas Modernas Aplicadas de la Comunidad Valenciana (IULMA).
AIDS prevention: consensus and dissension regarding the meaning
Singy Pascal, Spencer Brenda, Bourquin Céline, Prikhodkine Alexei, Schaffter Manuel, Guex Patrice, 2008. p. 18 dans , Regenerative medicine : CHUV research day, January 17, 2008, Université de Lausanne ; Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne.
An index of 5-HT synthesis changes during early antidepressant treatment: α-[11C]methyl-l-tryptophan PET study
Berney Alexandre, Nishikawa Masami, Benkelfat Chawki, Debonnel Guy, Gobbi Gabriella, Diksic Mirko, 2008. Neurochemistry International, 52 (4/5) pp. 701-708. Peer-reviewed.
Antidepressants for the treatment of chronic pain.
Verdu B., Decosterd I., Buclin T., Stiefel F., Berney A., 2008. Drugs, 68 (18) pp. 2611-2632. Peer-reviewed.
Après les faux rentiers AI, les faux patients psychiatriques ?
Stiefel Friedrich, 2008. Revue médicale suisse, 4 (144) pp. 387-388. Peer-reviewed.
Assisted suicide in an acute care hospital: 18 months' experience
Wasserfallen Jean-Blaise, Chioléro René, Stiefel Friedrich, 2008. Swiss Medical Weekly, 138 (15/16) pp. 239-242. Peer-reviewed.
Chronic pain and antidepressants: A systematic review of efficacy
Verdu B., Stiefel F., Berney A., 2008. pp. 678-678 dans 11th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Association for Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry and Psychosomatics (EACLPP) and the 27th European Conference on Psychosomatic Research (ECPR), Journal of Psychosomatic Research. Peer-reviewed.
Comment commencer l'entretien médical ? Réflexions sur la phase sociale à partir d'enregistrements vidéo [How do we begin a medical interview? Reflections from videotapes]
Rey-Bellet Sarah, Zürcher Marili, Martin Sébastien, Michaelis Conus Karin, Rodondi Pierre-Yves, Vannotti Marco, 2008. Revue médicale suisse, 4 (144) pp. 418-421. Peer-reviewed.
Communication et médecine : la prévention du sida auprès des populations migrantes d'origine subsaharienne
Singy Pascal [Dir.] , Guex Patrice [Dir.] , Weber Orest, 2008. 154, Ed. Lambert-Lucas.
Comprendre ou faire comprendre ?
Vannotti Marco, 2008. Revue médicale suisse, 4 (163) p. 1582. Peer-reviewed.
Delirium: Wytyczne dla szpitali ogólnych [Delirium: Guidelines for general hospitals]
Michaud Laurent, 2008. Wiadomosci Psychiatryczne, 11 (4) pp. 283-299.
Doit-on soigner les étrangers et les fous ?
Vannotti Marco, 2008. Revue médicale suisse, 4 (141) p. 254. Peer-reviewed.
Durcissement des lois sociales et santé des migrants forcés [Hardening of social laws and forced migrants health]
Bodenmann Patrick, Diserens Esther-Amélie, Marguerat-Bouche Isabelle, Elghezouani Abdelhak, Pasche Christophe, Puig Francisco, Vannotti Marco, 2008. Revue Médicale Suisse, 4 (181) pp. 2563-2568. Peer-reviewed.
Définition ambiguë de psychosomatique: renvoi au dualisme
Vannotti Marco, 2008. Medical Tribune = Tribune médicale, 14 (26) p. 8.
Ecouter, penser, parler
Vannotti Marco, 2008. Revue médicale suisse, 4 (174) p. 2182. Peer-reviewed.
Effects of a multifaceted psychiatric intervention targeted for the complex medically ill: a randomized controlled trial
Stiefel Friedrich, Zdrojewski C., Bel Hadj Fatima, Boffa D., Dorogi Yves, So A., Ruiz J., Jonge Peter de, 2008. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 77 (4) pp. 247-256. Peer-reviewed.
Glutathione precursor, N-acetyl-cysteine, improves mismatch negativity in schizophrenia patients.
Lavoie S., Murray M.M., Deppen P., Knyazeva M.G., Berk M., Boulat O., Bovet P., Bush A.I., Conus P., Copolov D. et al., 2008. Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, 33 (9) pp. 2187-99. Peer-reviewed.
Implementing the intermed in a post-acute care rehabilitation clinic for traumatic injuries: Obstacles and benefits
Luthi F., Stiefel F., 2008. pp. 662-662 dans 11th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Association for Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry and Psychosomatics (EACLPP) and the 27th European Conference on Psychosomatic Research (ECPR), Journal of Psychosomatic Research. Peer-reviewed.
L'hystérie : une entité historique, un trouble psychiatrique ou une maladie neurologique? [Hysteria : an historical entity, a psychiatric condition or a neurological disease?]
Aybek S., Hubschmid M., Vuilleumier P., Burkhard P. R., Berney A., Vingerhoets F. J., 2008. Revue Médicale Suisse, 4 (156) pp. 1151-1156. Peer-reviewed.
La lutte contre la douleur et la solidarité pour la vie
Vannotti Marco, 2008. Revue médicale suisse, 4 (152) p. 942. Peer-reviewed.
Langues et sexualité: investigation de l'imaginaire linguistique et socioculturel de migrants plurilingues
Singy P., Sulstarova B., Weber O., Guex P., 2008. Sêméion 7 pp. 209-216. Peer-reviewed.
Le stress du soignant ou comment se soigner soi-même [Stress in health care workers]
Stiefel Friedrich, Guex Patrice, 2008. Revue Médicale Suisse, 4 (144) pp. 424-427. Peer-reviewed.
Lebenssinn trotz unheilbarer Erkrankung? Die Entwicklung des Schedule for Meaning in Life Evaluation (SMiLE). [Meaning in Life Despite Incurable Illness? The development of the Schedule for Meaning in Life Evaluation (SMiLE).]
Fegg M.J., Kramer M., Stiefel F., Borasio G.D., 2008. Zeitschrift für Palliativmedizin, 9 (4) pp. 238-245.
Meaning in life assessed with the "Schedule for Meaning in Life Evaluation" (SMiLE): a comparison between a cancer patient and student sample.
Stiefel F., Krenz S., Zdrojewski C., Stagno D., Fernandez M., Bauer J., Fucina N., Lüthi F., Leyvraz S., Borasio G.D. et al., 2008. Supportive Care in Cancer, 16 (10) pp. 1151-1155. Peer-reviewed.
Mutual smiling episodes and therapeutic alliance in a therapist-couple discussion task
Darwiche Joëlle, Roten Yves de, Stern Daniel J., Crettaz Von Roten Fabienne, Corboz-Warnery Antoinette, Fivaz-Depeursinge Elisabeth, 2008. Swiss Journal of Psychology = Revue suisse de psychologie, 67 (4) pp. 231-239. Peer-reviewed.
Neuropsychiatrie de l'épilepsie, des accidents vasculaires cérébraux, de la maladie de Parkinson et de la sclérose en plaques [Neuropsychiatry of epilepsy, stroke, Parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis]
Gronchi-Perrin A., Annoni J. M., Berney A., Simioni S., Vingerhoets F. J., 2008. Revue Médicale Suisse, 4 (156) pp. 1136-1144. Peer-reviewed.
Psychodynamic psychotherapy in newly diagnosed cancer patients: a randomized controlled trial
Ludwig G., Krenz S., Zdrojewski C., Aymon N., Stagno D, Luthi F., Rousselle F., Stiefel F., 2008. pp. 661-661 dans 11th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Association for Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry and Psychosomatics (EACLPP) and the 27th European Conference on Psychosomatic Research (ECPR), Journal of Psychosomatic Research. Peer-reviewed.
Psychomotor retardation in depression: bradykinesia or paucity of movement?
Berney A., Aybek S., Salarian A., Hubschmid M., Aminian A., Vingerhoets F., 2008. pp. 641-641 dans 11th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Association for Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry and Psychosomatics (EACLPP) and the 27th European Conference on Psychosomatic Research (ECPR), Journal of Psychosomatic Research. Peer-reviewed.
Psychotherapeutic interventions in palliative care
Stiefel F., Bernard M., 2008. pp. 161-178 dans Lloyd-Williams M. (eds.) Psychosocial issues in palliative care, Oxford University Press.
Soigner avec les familles
Vannotti M., Bernet C., 2008. Palliative Flash 9 p. 3.
Species differences in the response of liver drug-metabolizing enzymes to (S)-4-O-tolylsulfanyl-2-(4-trifluormethyl-phenoxy)-butyric acid (EMD 392949) in vivo and in vitro.
Richert L., Tuschl G., Viollon-Abadie C., Blanchard N., Bonet A., Heyd B., Halkic N., Wimmer E., Dolgos H., Mueller S.O., 2008. Drug Metabolism and Disposition, 36 (4) pp. 702-714. Peer-reviewed.
Specificities of psychodynamic psychotherapy in the medically ill
Stiefel F., 2008. pp. 675-675 dans 11th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Association for Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry and Psychosomatics (EACLPP) and the 27th European Conference on Psychosomatic Research (ECPR), Journal of Psychosomatic Research. Peer-reviewed.
Support of the supporters
Stiefel Friedrich, 2008. Supportive Care in Cancer, 16 (2) pp. 123-126. Peer-reviewed.
Trouble dissociatif: une clinique à l'interface de la neurologie et de la psychiatrie [Dissociative disorders: neurologists and psychiatrists working together]
Hubschmid M., Aybek S., Vingerhoets F., Berney A., 2008. Revue Médicale Suisse, 4 (144) pp. 412-414, 416. Peer-reviewed.
Troubles somatoformes: enjeux des classifications à travers l'entité du trouble douloureux
Verdu Bénédicte, Stiefel Friedrich, 2008. Encyclopédie médico-chirurgicale : psychiatrie pp. 37-402-A-20.
Migrations sans frontières mais...barrières des représentations [Migration without borders, but...barriers of meaning].
Bodenmann P., Madrid C., Vannotti M., Rossi I., Ruiz J., 2007/11. Revue Médicale Suisse, 3 (135) pp. 2710-2717.
A randomized psychiatric intervention in complex somatic patients identified by means of the INTERMED
Bel Hadj Fatima, Zdrojewski C., Jonge Peter de, Miéville Jean-Christophe, Krenz Sonia, So Alexander, Ruiz Juan, Stiefel Friedrich, 2007. p. 80 dans , Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik, medizinische Psychologie. Peer-reviewed.
Acceptance of infertility diagnosis, marital satisfaction and infertility-related stress before and after In Vitro Fertilization
Maillard Florine, Abbet Elodie, Darwiche Joëlle, Favez Nicolas, Germond Marc, Guex Patrice, 2007. pp. 223-252 dans , Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology. Peer-reviewed.
Assistance au suicide en hôpital de soins aigus: sommes-nous prêts [Physician-assisted suicide in university hospital: are we ready?]
Waeber G., Odier C., Foppa C., Wasserfallen J.B., Vannotti M., Mazzocato C., 2007. Revue médicale suisse, 3 (131) pp. 2454-8, 2460. Peer-reviewed.
Controversies in consultation-liaison psychiatry
Huyse Frits J., Stiefel Friedrich, 2007. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 62 (2) pp. 257-258. Peer-reviewed.
Delirium: guidelines for general hospitals.
Michaud L., Büla C., Berney A., Camus V., Voellinger R., Stiefel F., Burnand B., Delirium Guidelines Development Group, 2007. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 62 (3) pp. 371-383. Peer-reviewed.
Depression among cancer patients: a randomised controlled trial comparing standard care with short psychodynamic psychotherapy
Stagno Danièle, Stiefel Friedrich, Irenz S. L., Zdrojewski C., Lüthi F., Leyvraz Serge, 2007. p. 108 dans , Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik, medizinische Psychologie. Peer-reviewed.
Development of a method investigating meaning in life in cancer patients
Krenz Sonia, Stagno Danièle, Zdrojewski C., Lüthi F., Leyvraz Serge, Stiefel Friedrich, 2007. pp. 91-92 dans , Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik, medizinische Psychologie. Peer-reviewed.
Décision en fin de vie - Comment en parler ?
Stiefel Friedrich, 2007. Palliative-ch 4 pp. 4-5.
Etude qualitative des attentes d'un réseau sanitaire et social pour suivi des troubles psychiatriques sévères dans la communauté [Qualitative study of a social and health network's expectations for community treatment of severe mental health problems]
Bonsack C., Schaffter M., Singy P., Charbon Y., Eggimann A., Guex P., 2007. L'Encéphale, 33 (5) pp. 751-761. Peer-reviewed.
Impact of family structure on long-term survivors of osteosarcoma.
Bressoud A., Real del Sarte O., Stiefel S., Mordasini P., Perey L., Bauer J., Leyvraz P.F., Leyvraz S., 2007. Supportive Care in Cancer, 15 (5) pp. 525-531. Peer-reviewed.
Implementation of guidelines on delirium and assessment of their impact on clinical practice in an acute care general hospital
Voellinger Rachel, Berney Alexandre, Michel Patrik, Dorogi Yves, Michaud Laurent, Ruffieux Christiane, Taffé Patrick, Stiefel Friedrich, Burnand Bernard, 2007., 4th Annual G-I-N Conference, August 22-25, 2007, Toronto, Canada p. 81 dans , Collaboration in clinical practice guidelines : [program and abstracts book], Guidelines International Network.
INTERMED - an alternative to the psychosocial evaluation of transplant patients ? Results of a prospective study
Ludwig G., Dobe-Tauchert F., Nonnast-Daniel B., Schiller C., Hohenberger W., Weyand M., Stiefel Friedrich, Zwaan M. de , Söllner Wolfgang, 2007. p. 93 dans , Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik, medizinische Psychologie. Peer-reviewed.
Kommunikationstraining für Onkologinnen und Onkologen in der Schweiz = Communication Skills Training for Swiss oncology clinicians
Stiefel Friedrich, 2007. Psychosomatik und Konsiliarpsychiatrie, 1 (4) pp. 272-275. Peer-reviewed.
L'AI et son simulacre d'objectivité
Vannotti Marco, 2007. Revue médicale suisse, 3 (108) p. 1085. Peer-reviewed.
L'intimité exhibée
Vannotti Marco, 2007. pp. 405-414 dans Burton-Jeangros Claudine, Widmer Eric, Lalive d'Epinay Christian (eds.) Interactions familiales et constructions de l'intimité : hommage à Jean Kellerhals, L'Harmattan.
La relation et ses ruptures
Vannotti Marco, 2007. Revue médicale suisse, 3 (130) p. 2445. Peer-reviewed.
Le projet OPTIC: psychiatrie et migrants à la rencontre d'une perspective soignante sur la clinique transculturelle
Weber O., Reeves D., Faucherre F., Singy P., Guex P., 2007. L'Ecrit : [bulletin du Service des soins infirmiers du département universitaire de psychiatrie adulte (DUPA)] 57 pp. 3-8.
Le récit du corps meurtri
Vannotti Marco, 2007. Revue médicale suisse, 3 (97) p. 372. Peer-reviewed.
Le soutien psychologique du patient cancéreux en clinique oncologique [Psychological support of cancer patients in the oncological consultation].
Stiefel F., Rousselle I., Guex P., Bernard M., 2007. Bulletin du Cancer, 94 (9) pp. 841-845. Peer-reviewed.
Lenire il dolore. Iprincipi etici dell'intervento terapeutico
Vannotti Marco, 2007. Terapia familiare 83 pp. 1-19.
Les instruments d'évaluation de l'Etat Confusionnel Aigu
Michaud Laurent, 2007. palliative-ch 3 pp. 10-13.
Long-term cognitive profile and incidence of dementia after STN-DBS in Parkinson's disease
Aybek S., Gronchi-Perrin A., Berney A., Chiuvé S.C., Villemure J.G., Burkhard P.R., Vingerhoets F.J., 2007. Movement Disorders, 22 (7) pp. 974-981. Peer-reviewed.
Mood stability during acute stimulator challenge in Parkinson's disease patients under long-term treatment with subthalamic deep brain stimulation
Berney Alexandre, Panisset Michel, Sadikot Abbas F., Ptito Alain, Dagher Alain, Fraraccio Maria, Savard Ghislaine, Pell Marc, Benkelfat Chawki, 2007. Movement Disorders, 22 (8) pp. 1093-1096. Peer-reviewed.
Pourquoi l'anorexie mentale est-elle considérée comme une maladie difficile à soigner ?
Lyon-Pages Isabelle, Carrard Isabelle, Gebhard Sandra, Stiefel Friedrich, 2007. Revue médicale suisse, 3 (98) pp. 398-400. Peer-reviewed.
Psychodynamic aspects of communication skills training: a pilot study.
Favre N., Despland J.N., de Roten Y., Drapeau M., Bernard M., Stiefel F., 2007. Supportive Care In Cancer, 15 (3) pp. 333-337. Peer-reviewed.
Soigner ses parents ? Le tourment de l'enfant médecin
Vannotti Marco, 2007. Revue médicale suisse, 3 (119) p. 1758. Peer-reviewed.
Soins palliatifs : une pratique aux confins de la médecine
Stiefel Friedrich C., 2007. 100 p., L'Harmattan.
Une épidémie pas comme les autres...
Andreoli Antonio, Stiefel Friedrich, 2007. Revue médicale suisse, 3 (98) p. 379. Peer-reviewed.
Améliorer les compétences communicationnelles: expérience "clinique" et évaluation scientifique
Stiefel Friedrich, Rousselle Ingrid, Despland Jean-Nicolas, Guex Patrice, 2006. Revue médicale suisse, 2 (52) pp. 390-392. Peer-reviewed.
Approche multidisciptinaire des coûts humains des lombalgies [Human cost of low back pain: a multi-disciplinary approach]
Vannotti M., Gennart M., Mori F., Pellegrini S., 2006. Revue médicale suisse, 2 (70) pp. 1598-604. Peer-reviewed.
Approche sémiologique de la formulation des questions dans le colloque singulier
Singy P., 2006. pp. 59-63 dans López M., Montes López M. (eds.) Perspectives fonctionnelles: emprunts, économie et variation dans les langues, Axac.
Assessing clinical outcome of transplant patients by means of the INTERMED
Ludwig G., Berney Sylvie, Suchar G., Ostacoli L., Lobo E., Jonge Peter de, Stiefel Friedrich, Söllner Wolfgang, 2006. p. 661 dans , Journal of Psychosomatic Research. Peer-reviewed.
Attitudes toward euthanasia and physician assisted suicide: a survey among medical students, oncology clinicians, and palliative care specialists
Marini M. C., Neuenschwander Hans, Stiefel Friedrich, 2006. Palliative & Supportive Care, 4 (3) pp. 251-255. Peer-reviewed.
Brain regional alpha-[11C] methyl-L-tryptophan trapping in medication-free patients with obsessive compulsive disorder
Berney Alexandre, Leyton Marco, Gravel P., Neto P.R., Diksic M., Benkelfat Chawki, 2006. p. 13 dans , Neuropsychobiology. Peer-reviewed.
Case and care complexity in the medically ill
Jonge Peter de, Huyse Frits J., Stiefel Friedrich, 2006. Medical Clinics of North America, 90 (4) pp. 679-692. Peer-reviewed.
Communication in cancer care
Stiefel Friedrich (ed.) , 2006. Recent results in cancer research ; 168 125, Springer.
Communication skills training in oncology : it works!
Stiefel Friedrich, Favre Nathalie, Despland Jean-Nicolas, 2006. pp. 113-119 dans Stiefel F. (eds.) Communication in cancer care, Springer.
Comportement suicidaire et famille : vulnérabilités et facteurs de protection
Vannotti Marco, 2006. pp. 77-86 dans Rutgers-Cardis Jacqueline (eds.) Suicide: liens sociaux et recherche de sens : actes du congrès interdisciplinaire ASICS & IES-FEPS à l'Université de Fribourg (octobre 2003), Labor et Fides.
Depression among cancer patients: a randomised controlled trial comparing standard care with a short psychodynamic psychotherapy
Stiefel Friedrich, Krenz Sonia, Zdrojewski C., Lüthi F., Leyvraz Serge, Stagno Danièle, 2006. pp. 16-17 dans , Psycho-Oncology. Peer-reviewed.
Development of a method investigating meaning in life in cancer patients
Stagno Danièle, Krenz Sonia, Zdrojewski C., Lüthi F., Leyvraz Serge, Stiefel Friedrich, 2006. p. 16 dans , Psycho-Oncology. Peer-reviewed.
Development of guidelines on delirium in the general hospital: a formalized experts' consultation
Voellinger Rachel, Michaud Laurent, Stiefel Friedrich, Burnand Bernard, 2006. pp. 15S dans -, Swiss Medical Forum = Forum Médical Suisse. Peer-reviewed.
Do communication skills trainings modify clinicians' defense mechanisms ?
Favre N., Bernard M., Despland J.N., de Roten Y., Guex P., Stiefel F., 2006. p. 658 dans -, Journal of Psychosomatic Research. Peer-reviewed.
Does a new law on sperm donation influence disclosure attitudes?
Emery M., Beran M., Darwiche J., Crausaz M., Germond M., Wirthner D., 2006. pp. i63-i64 dans 22nd Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, Human Reproduction. Peer-reviewed.
Emotional processing in early and late stage non-demented Parkinson's disease patients
Berney Alexandre, Panisser M., Sadikok A., Ptito Alain, Dagher Alain, Fraraccio Maria, Savard Ghislaine, Benkelfat Chawki, Pell Marc, 2006. p. 290 dans , Journal of the Neurological Sciences. Peer-reviewed.
Guidelines on delirium: implementation and assessment of their impact on clinical practice in the acute care general hospital
Voellinger Rachel, Berney Alexandre, Michel Patrik, Dorogi Yves, Michaud Laurent, Taffé Patrick, Stiefel Fritz, Burnand Bernard, 2006. p. 212 dans , European Journal of Public Health. Peer-reviewed.
How to improve the management of major depression in the general hospital?: an evaluation of the impact of guidelines [Poster]
Voellinger Rachel, Michaud Laurent, Stiefel Friedrich, Burnand Bernard, 2006. Swiss Medical Forum = Forum Médical Suisse, 6 (Suppl. 30) pp. 45S. Peer-reviewed.
Identifiers, or "Red flags," of complexity and need for integrated care
Huyse Frits J., Stiefel Friedrich, Jonge Peter de, 2006. Medical Clinics of North America, 90 (4) pp. 703-712. Peer-reviewed.
Imaginaires linguistiques au sein d'un réseau de soins psychiatriques : variations des normes subjectives
Schaffter M., Singy P., Guex P., 2006. pp. 20-24 dans López M., Montes López M. (eds.) Perspectives fonctionnelles: emprunts, économie et variation dans les langues, Axac.
Informing about diagnosis, relapse and progression of disease : communication with the terminally iII cancer patient
Stiefel Friedrich, Razavi D., 2006. pp. 37-46 dans Stiefel F. (eds.) Communication in cancer care, Springer.
Integrated care for the complex medically ill
Huyse Frits J., Stiefel Friedrich, 2006. Medical Clinics of North America, 90 533-767, Saunders.
L'analyse du pretransfert dans une prise en charge psycho-oncologique
Stagno Danièle, Guex Patrice, 2006. Revue médicale suisse, 2 (52) pp. 409-410. Peer-reviewed.
La communication : quelques repères
Favez Nicolas, Vannotti Marco, 2006. pp. 101-114 dans Vannotti Marco (eds.) Le métier de médecin : entre utopie et désenchantement, Médecine et Hygiène.
La dépression majeure en hôpital général: adaptation et mise en oeuvre de recommandations pour la pratique clinique [Major depression in the general hospital: adaptation and implementation of guidelines]
Voellinger R., Michaud L., Berney A., Burnand B., Stiefel F., 2006. Revue médicale suisse, 2 (52) pp. 376-8, 380-2. Peer-reviewed.
Lack of effects on core obsessive-compulsive symptoms of tryptophan depletion during symptom provocation in remitted obsessive-compulsive disorder patients
Berney Alexandre, Sookman Debbie, Leyton Marco, Young Simon N., Benkelfat Chawki, 2006. Biological Psychiatry, 59 (9) pp. 853-857. Peer-reviewed.
Le métier de médecin : entre utopie et désenchantement
Vannotti Marco, 2006. 251, Médecine et Hygiène.
Le sens des mots de la prévention VIH/sida en Suisse romande: présentation des premiers résultats d'une enquête liant sciences médicales et sciences de la communication
Singy Pascal, Schaffter Manuel, Bourquin Céline, Prikhodkine Alexei, Spencer Brenda, Guex Patrice, 2006. p. 163 dans Neurosciences & Psyche : CHUV research day, February 2, 2006.
Letter to the editor
Stiefel Friedrich, 2006. Supportive Care in Cancer, 14 (10) pp. 1070-1071. Peer-reviewed.
Long-term mood outcome following subthalamic deep brain stimulation for late-stage Parkinson's disease
Berney A., Saraga M., Wider C., Gronchi A., Ghika J., Pollo C., Villemure J.G., Vingerhoets F., 2006. p. 656 dans EACLPP 2006, 9th Annual scientific meeting of the European Association for Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry and Psychosomatics, Journal of Psychosomatic Research. Peer-reviewed.
Major depressive disorders in the general hospital: how to implement guidelines.
Michaud L., Voellinger R., Burnand B., Stiefel F., 2006. Journal of psychosomatic research, 60 (5) pp. 455-9. Peer-reviewed.
Operationalizing integrated care on a clinical level: the INTERMED project
Stiefel Friedrich, Huyse Frits J., Söllner Wolfgang, Slaets Joris P.J., Lyons John S., Latour Corine H. M., Wal Nynke van der, Jonge Peter de, 2006. Medical Clinics of North America, 90 (4) pp. 713-758. Peer-reviewed.
Palliativmedizin : ein Handbuch für Ärztinnen und Ärzte
Neuenschwander Hans, Stiefel Friedrich, 2006., 2. überarbeitete und erweiterte Aufl. von Palliativmedizin auf einen Blick, Krebsliga.
Physician response to the "by-the-way" syndrome in primary care
Rodondi P.-Y., Maillefer J., Singy P., Cornuz J., Vannotti M., 2006. pp. 101-102 dans , Journal of General Internal Medicine. Peer-reviewed.
Physician response to the "by-the-way" syndrome in primary care
Rodondi Pierre-Yves, Maillefer Julia, Rodondi Nicolas, Singy Pascal, Cornuz Jacques, Vannotti Marco, 2006. pp. 8S dans -, Swiss Medical Forum = Forum Médical Suisse. Peer-reviewed.
Psychiatric problems
Stiefel Friedrich, Stagno Danièle, 2006. pp. 133-149 dans Catane Raphael, et al. (eds.) Handbook of advanced cancer care ; European society for medical Oncology, Taylor & Francis.
Psychiatrie en milieu somatique: de la consultation a la liaison [Psychological disorders in general health care]
Guex P., Stiefel F., Andreoli A., 2006. Revue médicale suisse, 2 (52) pp. 371-2.
Reflections and perspectives
Stiefel Friedrich, Huyse Frits J., 2006. Medical Clinics of North America, 90 (4) pp. 759-760. Peer-reviewed.
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