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Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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20 publications

2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2010 |
Worldwide distribution of blood values in elite track and field athletes: Biomarkers of altered erythropoiesis.
Robinson N., Saugy J., Schütz F., Faiss R., Baume N., Giraud S., Saugy M., 2019/04. Drug testing and analysis, 11 (4) pp. 567-577. Peer-reviewed.
The OEA effect on food intake is independent from the presence of PPARα in the intestine and the nodose ganglion, while the impact of OEA on energy expenditure requires the presence of PPARα in mice.
Caillon A., Duszka K., Wahli W., Rohner-Jeanrenaud F., Altirriba J., 2018/10. Metabolism, 87 pp. 13-17. Peer-reviewed.
ABPS: An R Package for Calculating the Abnormal Blood Profile Score.
Schütz F., Zollinger A., 2018. Frontiers in Physiology, 9 p. 1638. Peer-reviewed.
Diurnal regulation of RNA polymerase III transcription is under the control of both the feeding-fasting response and the circadian clock.
Mange F., Praz V., Migliavacca E., Willis I.M., Schütz F., Hernandez N., CycliX Consortium, 2017/06. Genome research, 27 (6) pp. 973-984. Peer-reviewed.
Caloric dose-responsive genes in blood cells differentiate the metabolic status of obese men.
Gille D., Zangger N., Soneson C., Bütikofer U., Delorenzi M., Schwander F., Kopf-Bolanz K.A., Chollet M., Walther B., Laederach K. et al., 2017. The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, 43 pp. 156-165. Peer-reviewed.
Segregated hepatocyte proliferation and metabolic states within the regenerating mouse liver.
Minocha S., Villeneuve D., Rib L., Moret C., Guex N., Herr W., 2017. Hepatology Communications, 1 (9) pp. 871-885. Peer-reviewed.
Analysis of the dynamic co-expression network of heart regeneration in the zebrafish.
Rodius S., Androsova G., Götz L., Liechti R., Crespo I., Merz S., Nazarov P.V., de Klein N., Jeanty C., González-Rosa J.M. et al., 2016/05/31. Scientific reports, 6 p. 26822. Peer-reviewed.
Hepatic circadian clock oscillators and nuclear receptors integrate microbiome-derived signals.
Montagner A., Korecka A., Polizzi A., Lippi Y., Blum Y., Canlet C., Tremblay-Franco M., Gautier-Stein A., Burcelin R., Yen Y.C. et al., 2016/02/16. Scientific reports, 6 p. 20127. Peer-reviewed.
Comparative transcriptome profiling of the injured zebrafish and mouse hearts identifies miRNA-dependent repair pathways.
Crippa S., Nemir M., Ounzain S., Ibberson M., Berthonneche C., Sarre A., Boisset G., Maison D., Harshman K., Xenarios I. et al., 2016. Cardiovascular Research, 110 (1) pp. 73-84. Peer-reviewed.
New molecular insights into modulation of platelet reactivity in aspirin-treated patients using a network-based approach.
Zufferey A., Ibberson M., Reny J.L., Nolli S., Schvartz D., Docquier M., Xenarios I., Sanchez J.C., Fontana P., 2016. Human Genetics, 135 (4) pp. 403-414. Peer-reviewed.
UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, the Manually Annotated Section of the UniProt KnowledgeBase: How to Use the Entry View.
Boutet E., Lieberherr D., Tognolli M., Schneider M., Bansal P., Bridge A.J., Poux S., Bougueleret L., Xenarios I., 2016. Methods in Molecular Biology, 1374 pp. 23-54. Peer-reviewed.
Validation of the Mass-Extraction-Window for Quantitative Methods Using Liquid Chromatography High Resolution Mass Spectrometry.
Glauser G., Grund B., Gassner A.L., Menin L., Henry H., Bromirski M., Schütz F., McMullen J., Rochat B., 2016. Analytical Chemistry, 88 (6) pp. 3264-3271. Peer-reviewed.
Analysis of S. pombe SIN protein association to the SPB reveals two genetically separable states of the SIN.
Wachowicz P., Chasapi A., Krapp A., Cano Del Rosario E., Schmitter D., Sage D., Unser M., Xenarios I., Rougemont J., Simanis V., 2015. Journal of Cell Science, 128 (4) pp. 741-754.
Cardiac-Specific SOCS3 Deletion Prevents In Vivo Myocardial Ischemia Reperfusion Injury through Sustained Activation of Cardioprotective Signaling Molecules.
Nagata T., Yasukawa H., Kyogoku S., Oba T., Takahashi J., Nohara S., Minami T., Mawatari K., Sugi Y., Shimozono K. et al., 2015. PLoS One, 10 (5) pp. e0127942.
An integrated ontology resource to explore and study host-virus relationships.
Masson P., Hulo C., de Castro E., Foulger R., Poux S., Bridge A., Lomax J., Bougueleret L., Xenarios I., Le Mercier P., 2014. PLoS One, 9 (9) pp. e108075. Peer-reviewed.
Microarray analysis of isolated human islet transcriptome in type 2 diabetes and the role of the ubiquitin-proteasome system in pancreatic beta cell dysfunction.
Bugliani M., Liechti R., Cheon H., Suleiman M., Marselli L., Kirkpatrick C., Filipponi F., Boggi U., Xenarios I., Syed F. et al., 2013. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 367 (1-2) pp. 1-10. Peer-reviewed.
New and continuing developments at PROSITE.
Sigrist C.J., de Castro E., Cerutti L., Cuche B.A., Hulo N., Bridge A., Bougueleret L., Xenarios I., 2013. Nucleic Acids Research, 41 (D1) pp. D344-D347.
Identification of infectious agents in onychomycoses by PCR-terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism.
Verrier J., Pronina M., Peter C., Bontems O., Fratti M., Salamin K., Schürch S., Gindro K., Wolfender J.L., Harshman K. et al., 2012. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 50 (3) pp. 553-561. Peer-reviewed.
UniProtKB amid the turmoil of plant proteomics research.
Schneider M., Consortium Consortium, Poux S., 2012. Frontiers in Plant Science, 3 p. 270.
The nuclear receptor DHR3 modulates dS6 kinase-dependent growth in Drosophila.
Montagne J., Lecerf C., Parvy J.P., Bennion J.M., Radimerski T., Ruhf M.L., Zilbermann F., Vouilloz N., Stocker H., Hafen E. et al., 2010. PLoS Genetics, 6 (5) pp. e1000937.
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