Centre for Integrative Genomics

CIG Services communs | Groupe Benton | Groupe Fajas | Groupe Fankhauser | Groupe Franken | Groupe Gambetta | Groupe Gatfield | Groupe Larsch | Groupe Michalik | Groupe Reymond | Groupe Roignant | Groupe van Leeuwen | Groupe Vastenhouw | Groupe Vjestica | Plateforme de biostatistique | Plateforme Genomics Technologies Facility (GTF) | Plateforme Protein Analysis Facility (PAF)
Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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5 publications

2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2019 |
Chromosome-level organization of the regulatory genome in the Drosophila nervous system.
Mohana G., Dorier J., Li X., Mouginot M., Smith R.C., Malek H., Leleu M., Rodriguez D., Khadka J., Rosa P. et al., 2023/08/31. Cell, 186 (18) pp. 3826-3844.e26. Peer-reviewed.
Essential role of Cp190 in physical and regulatory boundary formation.
Kaushal A., Dorier J., Wang B., Mohana G., Taschner M., Cousin P., Waridel P., Iseli C., Semenova A., Restrepo S. et al., 2022/05/13. Science advances, 8 (19) pp. eabl8834. Peer-reviewed.
3D genomics across the tree of life reveals condensin II as a determinant of architecture type.
Hoencamp C., Dudchenko O., Elbatsh AMO, Brahmachari S., Raaijmakers J.A., van Schaik T., Sedeño Cacciatore Á., Contessoto V.G., van Heesbeen RGHP, van den Broek B. et al., 2021/05/28. Science, 372 (6545) pp. 984-989. Peer-reviewed.
CTCF loss has limited effects on global genome architecture in Drosophila despite critical regulatory functions.
Kaushal A., Mohana G., Dorier J., Özdemir I., Omer A., Cousin P., Semenova A., Taschner M., Dergai O., Marzetta F. et al., 2021/02/12. Nature communications, 12 (1) p. 1011. Peer-reviewed.
The Role of Insulation in Patterning Gene Expression.
Özdemir I., Gambetta M.C., 2019/09/28. Genes, 10 (10). Peer-reviewed.
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