Hôpital ophtalmique Jules Gonin

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3452 publications

... | 2009 | 2008 | ...
Les métastases iriennes. Présentation clinique et traitement
Zografos L., 2009., Société française d'ophtalmologie pp. 1S22 dans Journal français d'ophtalmologie. Peer-reviewed.
Les pupilles de l'enfant dans l'examen orthoptique
Crippa S, Kawasaki A, 2009. Blickpunkt Focus, 21 pp. 53-57.
Local ocular immunomodulation resulting from electrotransfer of plasmid encoding soluble TNF receptors in the ciliary muscle.
Kowalczuk L., Touchard E., Camelo S., Naud M.C., Castaneda B., Brunel N., Besson-Lescure B., Thillaye-Goldenberg B., Bigey P., BenEzra D. et al., 2009. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 50 (4) pp. 1761-1768. Peer-reviewed.
Mechanisms of apoptosis in retinitis pigmentosa.
Cottet S., Schorderet D.F., 2009. Current molecular medicine, 9 (3) pp. 375-83. Peer-reviewed.
Mitomycin C aqueous humor concentration after photorefractive keratectomy: an experimental study.
Kymionis G.D., Diakonis V.F., Panagopoulou S.I., Grentzelos M.A., Kazakos D.C., Tzatzarakis M.N., Tsatsakis A.M., Pallikaris A.I., 2009. European journal of ophthalmology, 19 (5) pp. 738-742. Peer-reviewed.
Model-based segmentation and image fusion of 3D computed tomography and 3D ultrasound of the eye for radiotherapy planning
Bach Cuadra M., Gorthi S., Karahanoglu F.I., Salvador F., Pica A., Do H.P., Balmer A, Munier F., Thiran J.P., 2009. pp. 1-6 dans Tavares J.M.R.S., Jorge R.M.N. (eds.) Computational vision and medical image processing, CRC Press.
Molecular classification of corneal dystrophies
Munier F.L., Schorderet D.F., 2009. pp. 44-61 dans Mohan R. (eds.) Cornea dystrophies & collagen crosslinking of cornea, All India Ophthalmological Society AIOS.
Morphologic and electroretinographic phenotype of SR-BI knockout mice after a long-term atherogenic diet.
Provost A.C., Vede L., Bigot K., Keller N., Tailleux A., Jaïs J.P., Savoldelli M., Ameqrane I., Lacassagne E., Legeais J.M. et al., 2009. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 50 (8) pp. 3931-3942. Peer-reviewed.
Mutations in CNNM4 cause recessive cone-rod dystrophy with amelogenesis imperfecta.
Polok B., Escher P., Ambresin A., Chouery E., Bolay S., Meunier I., Nan F., Hamel C., Munier F.L., Thilo B. et al., 2009. American journal of human genetics, 84 (2) pp. 259-65. Peer-reviewed.
Mutations in NR2E3 can cause dominant or recessive retinal degenerations in the same family.
Escher P., Gouras P., Roduit R., Tiab L., Bolay S., Delarive T., Chen S., Tsai C.C., Hayashi M., Zernant J. et al., 2009. Human Mutation, 30 (3) pp. 342-351. Peer-reviewed.
Mutations in the DNA-binding domain of NR2E3 affect in vivo dimerization and interaction with CRX.
Roduit R., Escher P., Schorderet D.F., 2009. PloS one, 4 (10) pp. e7379. Peer-reviewed.
Mélanome type animal (MTA) de la conjonctive : premier cas histopathologique décrit
Bissig A., Moulin A., Spahn B., Uffer S., Zografos L., Schalenbourg A., 2009., Société Suisse d'Ophtalmologie pp. S90 dans Ophta.
New formulation of vasoactive intestinal peptide using liposomes in hyaluronic acid gel for uveitis.
Lajavardi L., Camelo S., Agnely F., Luo W., Goldenberg B., Naud M.C., Behar-Cohen F., de Kozak Y., Bochot A., 2009. Journal of Controlled Release : Official Journal of the Controlled Release Society, 139 (1) pp. 22-30. Peer-reviewed.
Non integrative lentiviral vactors for gene transfer in the retina
Philippe S., Arsenijevic Y., Kostic C., Serguera C., Mallet J., Sarkis C., 2009., ARVO E-Abstract 3024 dans Investigative ophthalmology and visual science. Peer-reviewed.
Novel relationship between Vegf expression and retinal pigmented epithelium permeability following light damage in the mouse retina
Cachafeiro M., Bemelmans A.P., Kostic C., Samardzija M., Tekaya M., Wanner D., Wenzel A., Arsenijevic Y., 2009., ARVO E-Abstract 3524 dans Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. Peer-reviewed.
NR2E3 mutations in enhanced S-cone sensitivity syndrome (ESCS), Goldmann-Favre syndrome (GFS), clumped pigmentary retinal degeneration (CPRD), and retinitis pigmentosa (RP).
Schorderet D.F., Escher P., 2009. Human Mutation, 30 (11) pp. 1475-1485. Peer-reviewed.
Ocular tuberculoma mimicking intraocular lymphoma.
Androudi S., Brozou C.G., Guex-Crosier Y., Brazitikos P., 2009. Ocular immunology and inflammation, 17 (2) pp. 73-75. Peer-reviewed.
Ophtalmologie. Thérapie génique des rétinopathies héréditaires: premiers résultats [Gene therapy for hereditary eye diseases: where are we?]
Viet Tran H., Schorderet D.F., Kostic C., Munier F.L., Arsenijevic Y., 2009. Revue Médicale Suisse, 5 (186) pp. 118-123.
Optic disc dysplasia in cerebral gray matter heterotopias: a valuable clinical clue.
Kaeser P.F., Rossillion B., Menache Starobinski C., Korff C., Safran A.B., 2009. Klinische Monatsblätter Für Augenheilkunde, 226 (4) pp. 370-371. Peer-reviewed.
Optic perineuritis secondary to Wegener's granulomatosis.
Purvin V., Kawasaki A., 2009. Clinical experimental ophthalmology, 37 (7) pp. 712-7. Peer-reviewed.
Optic tract syndrome : an unusual presentation of multicentric malignant optic glioma of adulthood
Kawasaki A., 2009. Am J Case Rep, 10 pp. 213-215. Peer-reviewed.
PAX6 aniridia and interhemispheric brain anomalies.
Abouzeid Hana, Youssef Mohamed A., El Shakankiri Nihal, Hauser Philippe, Munier Francis L., Schorderet Daniel F., 2009. Molecular Vision, 15 (222-224) pp. 2074-2083.
PAX6 mutations in Egyptian families with aniridia
Munier F.L., Abouzeid H., Youssef M.A., ElShakankiri N., Hauser P., Schorderet D.F., 2009., ARVO E-Abstract 4109 dans Investigative ophthalmology and visual science. Peer-reviewed.
Peripheral exudative hemorrhagic chorioretinopathy: a clinical, angiographic, and histologic study.
Mantel Irmela, Uffer Sylvie, Zografos Leonidas, 2009. American Journal of Ophthalmology, 148 (6) pp. 932-938. Peer-reviewed.
Pharmacokinetics and posterior segment biodistribution of ESBA105, an anti-TNF-alpha single-chain antibody, upon topical administration to the rabbit eye.
Furrer E., Berdugo M., Stella C., Behar-Cohen F., Gurny R., Feige U., Lichtlen P., Urech D.M., 2009. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 50 (2) pp. 771-778. Peer-reviewed.
Poly-epsilon-caprolactone intravitreous devices: an in vivo study.
Silva-Cunha A., Fialho S.L., Naud M.C., Behar-Cohen F., 2009. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 50 (5) pp. 2312-2318. Peer-reviewed.
Protective effect of intravitreal injection of vasoactive intestinal peptide-loaded liposomes on experimental autoimmune uveoretinitis.
Camelo S., Lajavardi L., Bochot A., Goldenberg B., Naud M.C., Brunel N., Lescure B., Klein C., Fattal E., Behar-Cohen F. et al., 2009. Journal of Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics : the Official Journal of the Association For Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 25 (1) pp. 9-21. Peer-reviewed.
Pseudomonas cepacia (PC) contamination of a cornea conservated in organ culture.
Berguiga M., Uffer S., Hafezi F., Majo F., 2009. Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde, 226 (4) pp. 348-9. Peer-reviewed.
Pupils : anisocoria
Kawasaki A., 2009. Continuum: Lifelong Learning in Neurology, 15 (4) pp. 216-233. Peer-reviewed.
Ranibizumab (Lucentis®) dans le traitement de la maladie de Coats
Gaillard M., Balmer A., Munier F., 2009., Société Suisse d'Ophtalmologie pp. S76 dans Ophta.
Retinal ischemia-induced apoptosis is associated with alteration in Bax and Bcl-x(L) expression rather than modifications in Bak and Bcl-2.
Produit-Zengaffinen N., Pournaras C.J., Schorderet D.F., 2009. Molecular vision, 15 pp. 2101-10. Peer-reviewed.
Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment in toxoplasmic chorioretinitis.
Konstantinidis L., Wolfensberger T.J., 2009. Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde, 226 (4) pp. 355-356. Peer-reviewed.
Rpe65 microarrays, from genes to phosphorylated proteins
Bolay S., Roduit R., Cottet S., Schorderet D.F., 2009., ARVO E-Abstract 1930 dans Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. Peer-reviewed.
Résolution spontanée d'un trou maculaire survenu après un décollement rétinien rhégmatogène macula-off
Sabani I., Pournaras J., Wolfensberger T., 2009., Société Suisse d'Ophtalmologie pp. S86 dans Ophta.
Rétraction palpébrale supérieure survenant après mise en place d'une plombe inférieure pour un décollement de rétine
Sabani I., Pournaras J., Wolfensberger T., 2009., Société Suisse d'Ophtalmologie pp. S82 dans Ophta.
Rôle de l'angiographie au vert d'indocyanine (ICG) dans le diagnostic différentiel de la rétinopathie séreuse centrale
Moulin A., Bucher M., Nguyen C., Ambresin A., 2009., Société Suisse d'Ophtalmologie pp. S85 dans Ophta.
Sarcoïdose orbitaire extraconale : une cause rare de neuropathie optique
Borruat F., Kaeser P., 2009., Société Suisse d'Ophtalmologie pp. S99 dans Ophta.
Second femtosecond laser pass for incomplete laser in situ keratomileusis flaps caused by suction loss.
Ide T., Yoo S.H., Kymionis G.D., Haft P., O'Brien T.P., 2009/01. Journal of cataract and refractive surgery, 35 (1) pp. 153-157. Peer-reviewed.
Single intrastromal corneal ring segment implantation using the femtosecond laser after radial keratotomy in a keratoconic patient.
Coskunseven E., Kymionis G.D., Bouzoukis D.I., Aslan E., Pallikaris I., 2009/01. Journal of cataract and refractive surgery, 35 (1) pp. 197-199. Peer-reviewed.
Spectral domain optical coherence tomography in diabetic macular edema.
Pournaras J.A., Erginay A., Lazrak Z., Gaudric A., Massin P., 2009. Ophthalmic Surgery, Lasers and Imaging, 40 (6) pp. 548-553. Peer-reviewed.
Submacular fluid after encircling buckle surgery for inferior macula-off retinal detachment in young patients.
Abouzeid H., Becker K., Holz F.G., Wolfensberger T.J., 2009. Acta Ophthalmologica, 87 (1) pp. 96-99. Peer-reviewed.
Surgical outcomes following repeat non-penetrating glaucoma filtration surgery at a tertiary referral centre
Abouzeid H., Rivier D., Ravinet E., Barton K., Sharkawi E., 2009., ARVO E-abstract 448 dans Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. Peer-reviewed.
Syndrome ischémique oculaire compliquant une occlusion mixte artérielle et veineuse rétinienne
Pournaras J., Konstantinidis L., Wolfensberger T., 2009., Société Suisse d'Ophtalmologie pp. S81 dans Ophta.
TGFBI (BIGH3) gene mutations in German families: two novel mutations associated with unique clinical and histopathological findings.
Gruenauer-Kloevekorn C., Clausen I., Weidle E., Wolter-Roessler M., Tost F., Völcker H.E., Schulze D.P., Heinritz W., Reinhard T., Froster U. et al., 2009. British journal of ophthalmology, 93 (7) pp. 932-7. Peer-reviewed.
The DNA-binding domain (DBD) is essential for NR2E3 dimerization and interaction with Crx
Roduit R., Escher P., Emery M., Voirol N., Favez T., Schorderet D.F., 2009., ARVO E-Abstract 5459 dans Investigative ophthalmology and visual science. Peer-reviewed.
The fetal hypothalamus has the potential to generate cells with a gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) phenotype.
Salvi R., Arsenijevic Y., Giacomini M., Rey J.P., Voirol M.J., Gaillard R.C., Risold P.Y., Pralong F., 2009. PloS one, 4 (2) pp. e4392. Peer-reviewed.
The metal ion binding protein Cnnm4 is mutated in rod-cone dystrophy/amelogenesis imperfecta syndrome
Schorderet D.F: , Polok B., Escher P., Favez T., Voirol N., Bolay S., Ambresin A., Hamel C., Mégarbane A., Munier F.L., 2009., ARVO E-Abstract 2324 dans Investigative ophthalmology and visual science. Peer-reviewed.
The patient with pupillary abnormalities
Kawasaki A., 2009. pp. 261-274 dans Neuro-ophthalmology. Basic and Clinical Science Course 2008-2009 chap. 10, American Academy of Ophthalmology.
The patient with transient visual loss
Kawasaki A., 2009. pp. 173-186 dans Neuro-ophthalmology. Basic and Clinical Science Course 2008-2009 chap. 5, American Academy of Ophthalmology.
Thin LASIK flap creation using the SCHWIND Carriazo-Pendular microkeratome.
Kymionis G.D., Portaliou D.M., Tsiklis N.S., Panagopoulou S.I., Pallikaris I.G., 2009/01. Journal of refractive surgery, 25 (1) pp. 33-36. Peer-reviewed.
Transformation maligne d'une tumeur de la glande lacrymale "bénigne"
Bertschinger D., Uffer S., Hamedani M., 2009., Société Suisse d'Ophtalmologie pp. S103 dans Ophta.
Trou rétinien paracentral : une complication rare du pelage de la membrane limitante interne
Gindroz F., Kaeser P., Wolfensberger T., 2009., Société Suisse d'Ophtalmologie pp. S84 dans Ophta.
Ultrastructural changes of the internal limiting membrane removed during indocyanine green assisted peeling versus conventional surgery for idiopathic macular epiretinal membrane.
Konstantinidis L., Uffer S., Bovey E.H., 2009. Retina, 29 (3) pp. 380-6.
Unilateral macular oedema in Zermatt and Stargardt macular dystrophies.
Abouzeid H., Wolfensberger T.J., Schorderet D.F., Munier F.L., 2009. British journal of ophthalmology, 93 (10) pp. 1376-7, 1407-8. Peer-reviewed.
Update on the treatment of ocular toxoplasmosis.
Guex-Crosier Y., 2009. International Journal of Medical Sciences, 6 (3) pp. 140-142. Peer-reviewed.
Usefulness of vitrectomy in the treatment of ocular toxoplasmosis.
Bovey E.H., 2009. International journal of medical sciences, 6 (3) p. 139. Peer-reviewed.
Utilisation de fraises à usage unique dans l'ablation de l'anneau de rouille secondaire à un corps étranger cornéen
Secretan M., Vaudaux J., Pournaras J., Bourquin G., Grossschädel W., Guex-Crosier Y., 2009., Société Suisse d'Ophtalmologie pp. S79 dans Ophta.
Uveal malignant melanoma : clinical features
Zografos L., 2009. pp. 82-84 dans Singh A.D., Damato B.E., Pe'er J., Murphree A.L., Perry J.D. (eds.) Essentials in ophthalmic oncology chap. 36, Slack.
Uvéite granulomateuse et cataracte congénitale : une association rare
Basso A., Mansouri K., Früh B., Guex-Crosier Y., 2009., Société Suisse d'Ophtalmologie pp. S94 dans Ophta.
Variable phenotypic expressivity in a Swiss family with autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa due to mutation T494m in the Prpf3 gene
Vaclavik V., Gaillard M., Tiab L., Favre I., Schorderet D.F., Munier F.L., 2009., ARVO E-Abstract 4132 dans Investigative ophthalmology and visual science. Peer-reviewed.
Vereinfachte Technik zur Entfernung von subretinaler Perfluorocarbon-(PFC-) Flüssigkeit nach komplexer Amotiochirurgie
Konstantinidis L., Wolfensberger T., 2009., Société Suisse d'Ophtalmologie pp. S81 dans Ophta.
Visualizing the skip lesions of giant cell arteritis with CT arteriography.
Kawasaki A., Michel P., Maeder P., Borruat F.X., 2009. European Neurology, 61 (6) p. 374. Peer-reviewed.
What is the evaluation for episodic anisocoria
Kawasaki A., 2009. pp. 99-101 dans Lee A.G., Brazis P.W., Kline L.B. (eds.) Curbside consultation in neuro-ophthalmology chap. 25, Slack Inc.
Comparison of Epi-LASIK and off-flap Epi-LASIK for the treatment of low and moderate myopia.
Kalyvianaki M.I., Kymionis G.D., Kounis G.A., Panagopoulou S.I., Grentzelos M.A., Pallikaris I.G., 2008/12. Ophthalmology, 115 (12) pp. 2174-2180. Peer-reviewed.
Treatment of chronic dry eye: focus on cyclosporine.
Kymionis G.D., Bouzoukis D.I., Diakonis V.F., Siganos C., 2008/12. Clinical ophthalmology, 2 (4) pp. 829-836. Peer-reviewed.
Use of isoptocarpine in corneal collagen crosslinking.
Kymionis G.D., Portaliou D.M., 2008/12. Journal of cataract and refractive surgery, 34 (12) pp. 2008-9; author reply 2009. Peer-reviewed.
Subconjunctival gas bubble Formation during LASIK flap creation using femtosecond laser.
Ide T., Kymionis G.D., Goldman D.A., Yoo S.H., O'Brien T.P., 2008/10. Journal of refractive surgery, 24 (8) pp. 850-851. Peer-reviewed.
Validating the HUCH working formulation for stage IV uveal melanoma : a European ophthalmic oncology group (OOG) study.
Kujala E., Eskelin S., Piperno-Neumann S., Desjardins L., Schmittel A., Bechrakis N., Midena E., Grange J.D., Ract-Madoux G., Marshall E. et al., 2008/10. dans Perspectives in Melanoma XII, Fall meeting of the EORTC Melanoma Group.
DNA-binding domain (DBD) is essential for NR2E3 dimerization and Crx interaction
Roduit R., Escher P., Emery M., Voirol N., Schorderet D.F., 2008/09., International Society for Ocular Cell Biology (ISOCB) dans DNA-binding domain (DBD) is essential for NR2E3 dimerization and Crx interaction. Peer-reviewed.
Forward scattering properties of corneal haze.
De Brouwere D., Ginis H., Kymionis G., Naoumidi I., Pallikaris I., 2008/09. Optometry and vision science, 85 (9) pp. 843-848. Peer-reviewed.
Descemet-stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty: effect of anterior lamellar corneal tissue-on/-off storage condition on Descemet-stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty donor tissue.
Ide T., Yoo S.H., Kymionis G.D., Goldman J.M., Perez V.L., O'Brien T.P., 2008/08. Cornea, 27 (7) pp. 754-757. Peer-reviewed.
Femtosecond laser-assisted sutureless anterior lamellar keratoplasty.
Yoo S.H., Kymionis G.D., Koreishi A., Ide T., Goldman D., Karp C.L., O'Brien T.P., Culbertson W.W., Alfonso E.C., 2008/08. Ophthalmology, 115 (8) pp. 1303-1307, 1307.e1. Peer-reviewed.
One-year results and anterior segment optical coherence tomography findings of descemet stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty combined with phacoemulsification.
Yoo S.H., Kymionis G.D., Deobhakta A.A., Ide T., Manns F., Culbertson W.W., O'Brien T.P., Alfonso E.C., 2008/08. Archives of ophthalmology, 126 (8) pp. 1052-1055. Peer-reviewed.
Intravitreal Ranibizumab for the treatment of pigment epithelium detachement associated with an occult choroidal neovascularization secondary to age related macular degeneration
Konstantinidis Lazaros, 2008/06/05., Actes du 41ème Congrès panhellénique d’ophtalmologie dans Actes du 41ème Congrès panhellénique d’ophtalmologie,.
Descemet-stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty (DSAEK): effect of nontoxic gentian violet marking pen on DSAEK donor tissue viability by using vital dye assay.
Ide T., Yoo S.H., Kymionis G.D., Perez V.L., Goldman J.M., O'Brien T.P., 2008/06. Cornea, 27 (5) pp. 562-564. Peer-reviewed.
Effect of excimer laser repetition rate on outcomes after photorefractive keratectomy.
Kymionis G.D., Diakonis V.F., Kounis G., Bouzoukis D.I., Gkenos E., Ginis H., Yoo S.H., Pallikaris I.G., 2008/06. Journal of cataract and refractive surgery, 34 (6) pp. 916-919. Peer-reviewed.
Effects of topical mitomycin C on the ciliary body and intraocular pressure after PRK: an experimental study.
Kymionis G.D., Diakonis V.F., Charisis S., Pallikaris A.I., Bouzoukis D.I., Yoo S.H., Naoumidi I., Tsilimbaris M.K., 2008/06. Journal of refractive surgery, 24 (6) pp. 633-638. Peer-reviewed.
Subconjunctival emphysema after descemet's stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty (DSAEK).
Ide T., Kymionis G.D., Yoo S.H., O'Brien T.P., 2008/05/23. The open ophthalmology journal, 2 pp. 107-108. Peer-reviewed.
Retinal pigment epithelial tears after intravitreal injection of ranibizumab for classic neovascular membranes secondary to AMD
Konstantinidis Lazaros, 2008/05/15., Congrès SSO 2008 dans Ophta 2008.
Abnormal eye movements in patients with Multiple Sclerosis
Mameletzi A., Konstantinidis L., Borruat F.-X., 2008/05/06. dans Actes du 41ème Congrès panhellénique d’ophtalmologie.
Intravitreal Ranibizumab in the treatment of retinal angiomatous proliferation
Konstantinidis Lazaros, 2008/05/06. dans Actes du 41ème Congrès panhellénique d’ophtalmologie.
Treatment outcome and histopathology of a case of total bilateral sclerocornea
Tryfinopoulou I., Majo F., 2008/05/06. dans Actes du 41ème Congrès panhellénique d’ophtalmologie.
Epithelial breakthrough during IntraLase flap creation for laser in situ keratomileusis.
Seider M.I., Ide T., Kymionis G.D., Culbertson W.W., O'Brien T.P., Yoo S.H., 2008/05. Journal of cataract and refractive surgery, 34 (5) pp. 859-863. Peer-reviewed.
Femtosecond-assisted diagnostic corneal biopsy (FAB) in keratitis.
Yoo S.H., Kymionis G.D., O'Brien T.P., Ide T., Culbertson W., Alfonso E.C., 2008/05. Graefe's archive for clinical and experimental ophthalmology = Albrecht von Graefes Archiv fur klinische und experimentelle Ophthalmologie, 246 (5) pp. 759-762. Peer-reviewed.
One-year results of intrastromal corneal ring segment implantation (KeraRing) using femtosecond laser in patients with keratoconus.
Coskunseven E., Kymionis G.D., Tsiklis N.S., Atun S., Arslan E., Jankov M.R., Pallikaris I.G., 2008/05. American journal of ophthalmology, 145 (5) pp. 775-779. Peer-reviewed.
Photorefractive keratectomy using solid state laser 213 nm and excimer laser 193 nm: a randomized, contralateral, comparative, experimental study.
Tsiklis N.S., Kymionis G.D., Kounis G.A., Naoumidi I.I., Pallikaris I.G., 2008/04. Investigative ophthalmology & visual science, 49 (4) pp. 1415-1420. Peer-reviewed.
Quality of diurnal intraocular pressure control in primary open-angle patients treated with latanoprost compared with surgically treated glaucoma patients: a prospective trial
Mansouri K., Orguel S., Mermoud A., Haefliger I., Flammer J., Ravinet E., Shaarawy T., 2008/03. British Journal of Ophthalmology, 92 (3) pp. 332-6. Peer-reviewed.
Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment in toxoplasmic chorioretinitis
Konstantinidis Lazaros, 2008/02/28., 4th Retina update inkl. Industrieausstellung p. 120 dans Ophta 2008.
Descemet stripping with endothelial keratoplasty in aphakic eyes.
Suh L.H., Kymionis G.D., Culbertson W.W., O'Brien T.P., Yoo S.H., 2008/02. Archives of ophthalmology, 126 (2) pp. 268-270. Peer-reviewed.
Ocular rigidity evaluation after photorefractive keratectomy: an experimental study.
Kymionis G.D., Diakonis V.F., Kounis G., Charisis S., Bouzoukis D., Ginis H., Yoo S., Tsilimbaris M., Pallikaris I.G., 2008/02. Journal of refractive surgery, 24 (2) pp. 173-177. Peer-reviewed.
Tacrolimus ointment 0.03% in the eye for treatment of giant papillary conjunctivitis.
Kymionis G.D., Goldman D., Ide T., Yoo S.H., 2008/02. Cornea, 27 (2) pp. 228-229. Peer-reviewed.
(106)Ruthenium brachytherapy for retinoblastoma.
Abouzeid H., Moeckli R., Gaillard M.C., Beck-Popovic M., Pica A., Zografos L., Balmer A., Pampallona S., Munier F.L., 2008. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics, 71 (3) pp. 821-8. Peer-reviewed.
... Einen Augenblick bitte !
Bülthoff H.H., Ingensiep H.W., Kalkmann H.W., Monnier-Raball J., Stolleis M., Walter P., Wolfensberger T.J. (eds.), 2008., Quensen Druck & Verlag.
A biodegradable drug delivery system for the treatment of postoperative inflammation
Eperon S., Bossy-Nobs L., Petropoulos I. K., Gurny R., Guex-Crosier Y., 2008. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 352 (1-2) pp. 240-247.
A novel dominant mutation of the Nav1.4 alpha-subunit domain I leading to sodium channel myotonia.
Petitprez S., Tiab L., Chen L., Kappeler L., Rösler K.M., Schorderet D., Abriel H., Burgunder J.M., 2008. Neurology, 71 (21) pp. 1669-1675.
Adjuvant intra-arterial hepatic fotemustine for high-risk uveal melanoma patients.
Voelter V., Schalenbourg A., Pampallona S., Peters S., Halkic N., Denys A., Goitein G., Zografos L., Leyvraz S., 2008. Melanoma Research, 18 (3) pp. 220-224. Peer-reviewed.
Kawasaki A., 2008. pp. 123-134 dans Kashii S. (eds.) Clinical Neuro-Ophthalmology, Kanehara Ltd.
Anomalie du développement de l'oeil et de l'oreille due à une mutation dans le gène NKX5-3/HMX1. Epilogue d'une histoire commencée il y a plus de 60 ans
Schorderet D., Munier F., 2008. Ophta 4 pp. 273-274. Peer-reviewed.
Anomalies de position des vaisseaux
Abouzeid H., Zografos L., 2008. pp. 778-786 dans Pournaras C.J. (eds.) Pathologies vasculaires oculaires, Masson.
Anterior segment granuloma and optic nerve involvement as the presenting signs of systemic sarcoidosis.
Moschos M.M., Guex-Crosier Y., 2008. Clinical Ophthalmology (auckland, N.z.), 2 (4) pp. 951-953. Peer-reviewed.
Anti-TNF-alpha therapy in patients with chronic non-infectious uveitis: the experience of Jules Gonin Eye Hospital.
Petropoulos I.K., Vaudaux J.D., Guex-Crosier Y., 2008. Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde, 225 (5) pp. 457-61. Peer-reviewed.
Artérite à cellules géantes et syndrome de Horner
Kawasaki A., Michel P., Borruat F., 2008., Société Suisse d'Ophtalmologie pp. S87 dans Ophta.
Atteintes choroïdorétiniennes liées à l'hypertension
Pournaras C.J., Pournaras J.A.C., 2008. pp. 317-337 dans Pournaras C.J. (eds.) Pathologies vasculaires oculaires, Masson.
Baisse aiguë de l'acuité visuelle
Balmer A., 2008. Revue Médicale Suisse, 4 pp. 22-23.
Biocompatibility of an x-shaped zirconium implant in deep sclerectomy in rabbits.
Basso A., Roy S., Mermoud A., 2008. Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology = Albrecht von Graefes Archiv für klinische und experimentelle Ophthalmologie, 246 (6) pp. 849-855.
CD36 deficiency leads to choroidal involution via COX2 down-regulation in rodents.
Houssier M., Raoul W., Lavalette S., Keller N., Guillonneau X., Baragatti B., Jonet L., Jeanny J.C., Behar-Cohen F., Coceani F. et al., 2008. Plos Medicine, 5 (2) pp. e39. Peer-reviewed.
Characterization of pip5k3 fleck corneal dystrophy-linked gene in zebrafish.
Boisset G., Polok B.K., Schorderet D.F., 2008. Gene Expression Patterns : GEP, 8 (6) pp. 404-410. Peer-reviewed.
Chordoid meningioma presenting as painful orbital apex syndrome in pregnancy.
Scott A., Sharkawi E., Micallef C., Johns P., Grant L., 2008. International ophthalmology, 28 (5) pp. 355-7. Peer-reviewed.
Chorioretinal lesions in infectious diseases of neuroophthalmic interest
Guex-Crosier Y., 2008. pp. 206-222 dans Lorenz B., Borruat F.X. (eds.) Pediatric ophthalmology, neuro-ophthalmology, genetics, Springer.
Classification of corneal dystrophies on a molecular genetic basis
Munier F.L., Schorderet D.F., 2008. pp. 83-100 dans Reinhard T., Larkin F. (eds.) Cornea and external eye disease, Springer.
Common neuro-ophthalmic pitfalls : case-based teaching
Purvin V.A., Kawasaki A. (eds.)Purvin V.A., Kawasaki A., 2008., Cambridge University Press.
Complete bilateral facial cleft (Tessier 4) with corneal staphyloma: a rare association.
Portier-Marret N., Hohlfeld J., Hamedani M., de Buys Roessingh A.S., 2008. Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 43 (10) pp. e15-e18. Peer-reviewed.
Contamination d'un greffon cornéen par un Pseudomonas cepacia
Berguiga M., Uffer S., Majo F., 2008., Société Suisse d'Ophtalmologie pp. S78 dans Ophta.
Controlled delivery of 5-chlorouracil using poly(ortho esters) in filtering surgery for glaucoma.
Polak M.B., Valamanesh F., Felt O., Torriglia A., Jeanny J.C., Bourges J.L., Rat P., Thomas-Doyle A., BenEzra D., Gurny R. et al., 2008. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 49 (7) pp. 2993-3003. Peer-reviewed.
Corneal edema after Intacs implantation with the femtosecond laser.
Deobhakta A.A., Kymionis G.D., Ide T., Yoo S.H., 2008/01. Journal of cataract and refractive surgery, 34 (1) p. 174. Peer-reviewed.
Corrélations anatomo-cliniques dans les principales maladies vasculaires rétiniennes
Pournaras J.A.C., de Gottrau P., Uffer S., 2008. pp. 127-142 dans Pournaras C.J. (eds.) Pathologies vasculaires oculaires, Masson.
Corticostéroïdes et anti-angiogéniques dans le traitement des occlusions veineuses rétiniennes
Pournaras C.J., Pournaras J.A.C., 2008. pp. 639-646 dans Pournaras C.J. (eds.) Pathologies vasculaires oculaires, Masson.
Deposits of transforming growth factor-beta-induced protein in granular corneal dystrophy type II after LASIK.
Kim T.I., Roh M.I., Grossniklaus H.E., Kang S.J., Hamilton S.M., Schorderet D.F., Lee W.B., Kim E.K., 2008. Cornea, 27 (1) pp. 28-32. Peer-reviewed.
Dexamethasone-loaded poly(epsilon-caprolactone) intravitreal implants: a pilot study.
Fialho S.L., Behar-Cohen F., Silva-Cunha A., 2008. European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics : Official Journal of Arbeitsgemeinschaft Für Pharmazeutische Verfahrenstechnik E.v, 68 (3) pp. 637-646. Peer-reviewed.
Die Behandlung des Uvea-Melanoms
Gerste R.D., Schalenbourg A., 2008. pp. 19-21 dans Ophta.
Die Entdeckung der chirurgischen Therapie der Netzhautablösung
Wolfensberger T.J., 2008. pp. 32-35 dans Bülthoff H.H., Ingensiep H.W., Kalkmann H.W., Monnier-Raball J., Stolleis M., Walter P., Wolfensberger T.J. (eds.) ... Einen Augenblick bitte !, Quensen Druck & Verlag.
Differential neuroglycan C expression during retinal degeneration in Rpe65-/- mice.
Escher P., Cottet S., Aono S., Oohira A., Schorderet D.F., 2008. Molecular vision, 14 pp. 2126-35. Peer-reviewed.
Differentialdiagnose Makulaödem
Wolfensberger T.J., 2008. pp. 206-220 dans Grehn F., Kampik A. (eds.) Differentialdiagnose augenärztlicher Erkrankungen, Enke Verlag.
Distribution et régulation de la PO2 au niveau de la tête du nerf optique
Pournaras C.J., Petropoulos I.K., Pournaras J.A.C., 2008. pp. 107-111 dans Pournaras C.J. (eds.) Pathologies vasculaires oculaires, Masson.
Double Descemet's membranes after penetrating keratoplasty with anterior segment optical coherence tomography.
Ide T., Yoo S.H., Kymionis G.D., Shah P.A., O'Brien T.R., 2008. Ophthalmic surgery, lasers & imaging, 39 (5) pp. 422-425. Peer-reviewed.
Drainage of fluorescent liposomes from the vitreous to cervical lymph nodes via conjunctival lymphatics.
Camelo S., Lajavardi L., Bochot A., Goldenberg B., Naud M.C., Fattal E., Behar-Cohen F., de Kozak Y., 2008. Ophthalmic Research, 40 (3-4) pp. 145-150. Peer-reviewed.
Dégénérescence maculaire liée à l'âge exsudative: efficacité et limites des différents traitements [Exudative age-related macular degeneration: efficacy and limits of the different treatments].
Polak M.B., Behar-Cohen F., 2008. Journal Français D'ophtalmologie, 31 (5) pp. 537-556. Peer-reviewed.
Dégénérescences et dystrophies rétino-choroïdiennes
Pournaras J.A., Munier F.L., 2008. pp. 735-741 dans Pournaras C.J. (eds.) Pathologies vasculaires oculaires, Masson.
Early clinical experience with ranibizumab for occult and minimally classic neovascular membranes in age-related macular degeneration.
Mantel I., Zografos L., Ambresin A., 2008. Ophthalmologica, 222 (5) pp. 321-323. Peer-reviewed.
Evaluation of the new photosensitizer Stakel (WST-11) for photodynamic choroidal vessel occlusion in rabbit and rat eyes.
Berdugo M., Bejjani R.A., Valamanesh F., Savoldelli M., Jeanny J.C., Blanc D., Ficheux H., Scherz A., Salomon Y., BenEzra D. et al., 2008. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 49 (4) pp. 1633-1644. Peer-reviewed.
Expression and cell compartmentalization of EFEMP1, a protein associated with Malattia Leventinese
Kundzewicz A., Munier F., Matter J. M., 2008. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 613 pp. 277-281. Peer-reviewed.
Failure of pattern recognition
Kawasaki A., 2008. pp. 901-902 dans Purvin V.A., Kawasaki A. (eds.) Common neuro-ophthalmic pitfalls, Cambridge University Press.
False negative apraclonidine test in two patients with Horner syndrome
Kawasaki A., Borruat F. X., 2008. Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde, 225 (5) pp. 520-522. Peer-reviewed.
Genotype-phenotype correlation of age-related macular degeneration: influence of complement factor H polymorphism.
Droz I., Mantel I., Ambresin A., Faouzi M., Schorderet D.F., Munier F.L., 2008. British Journal of Ophthalmology, 92 (4) pp. 513-517. Peer-reviewed.
Glaucoma and mortality.
Sharkawi E., Franks W., 2008. Ophthalmology, 115 (1) pp. 213-4; author reply 214. Peer-reviewed.
Greffes lamellaires antérieures automatisées dans les maladies du stroma antérieur de la cornée : 4 années d'expérience
Majo F., Perez-Campagne E., Zografos L., Othenin-Girard P., 2008., Société Française d'Ophtalmologie pp. 1S111 dans Journal français d'ophtalmologie. Peer-reviewed.
Greffes lamellaires antérieures profondes (DALK) pour traiter les maladies de la cornée touchant le stroma profond
Perez-Campagne E., Othenin-Girard P., Zografos L., Majo F., 2008., Société Suisse d'Ophtalmologie pp. S58 dans Ophta.
Gènes de différentiation vasculaire
Schorderet D.F., 2008. pp. 15-19 dans Pournaras C.J. (eds.) Pathologies vasculaires oculaires, Masson.
Génétique et pathologie vasculaire oculaire
Escher P., Schorderet D.F., 2008. pp. 219-228 dans Pournaras C.J. (eds.) Pathologies vasculaires oculaires, Masson.
Heerfordt syndrome with unilateral facial nerve palsy: a rare presentation of sarcoidosis.
Petropoulos I.K., Zuber J.P., Guex-Crosier Y., 2008. Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde, 225 (5) pp. 453-6. Peer-reviewed.
Identification of the minimal promoter region of the mouse NKX5-3, a transcription factor implicated in eye development.
Nichini O., Schorderet D.F., 2008. Gene, 411 (1-2) pp. 10-8. Peer-reviewed.
Inaugural description of Cogan syndrome in an HIV-infected person.
Kleeberg J., Maire R., Chave J.P., Pournaras J.A., Guex-Crosier Y., Du Pasquier R.A., 2008. Journal of neurology, 255 (9) pp. 1427-8. Peer-reviewed.
Inflammatory macular edema
Konstantinidis L., Wolfensberger T., 2008. pp. 809-822 dans Gupta A., Gupta V., Khairallah M., Herbort C.P. (eds.) Uveitis : Imaging techniques and text, Jaypee Publishers.
Infrequent promoter methylation of the MGMT gene in liver metastases from uveal melanoma.
Voelter V., Diserens A.C., Moulin A., Nagel G., Yan P., Migliavacca E., Rimoldi D., Hamou M.F., Kaina B., Leyvraz S. et al., 2008. International Journal of Cancer, 123 (5) pp. 1215-1218. Peer-reviewed.
Injection intravitréenne de Ranibizumab dans le traitement de la maladie de Coats avancée. A propos de 4 cas
Balmer A., Gaillard M.C., Munier F., 2008., Société Française d'Ophtalmologie pp. 1S157 dans J Fr Ophtalmol.
Iridocyclectomy for neovascular glaucoma caused by proton-beam radiotherapy of pigmented ciliary adenocarcinoma.
Schalenbourg A., Coupland S., Kacperek A., Damato B., 2008. Graefe's archive for clinical and experimental ophthalmology = Albrecht von Graefes Archiv für klinische und experimentelle Ophthalmologie, 246 (10) pp. 1499-501. Peer-reviewed.
Ischémies et atteintes neuronales - apoptose
Roduit R., Schorderet D., 2008. pp. 184-194 dans Pournaras C.J. (eds.) Pathologies vasculaires oculaires, Masson.
Keratouveitis caused by sap of Euphorbia myrsinites plant.
Bessero A.C., Achache F., Guex-Crosier Y., 2008. Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde, 225 (5) pp. 451-452. Peer-reviewed.
L'hypertension artérielle comme facteur de risque dans la pathologie oculaire
Pournaras J.A.C., Pournaras C.J., 2008. pp. 344-353 dans Pournaras C.J. (eds.) Pathologies vasculaires oculaires, Masson.
La enfermedad de Coats : un caso de 30 anos de evolucion
Perez-Campagne E., Wolfensberger T.J., 2008. pp. 43-47 dans Pinero-Bustamante A. (eds.) La Retina : caso a caso, Ed Glosa Publishers.
La protonthérapie pour le mélanome diffus du segment antérieur : une alternative à l'énucléation
Schalenbourg A., Majo F., Goitein G., Zografos L., 2008., Société Suisse d'Ophtalmologie pp. S58 dans Ophta.
Lentiviral gene transfer-mediated cone vision restoration in RPE65 knockout mice.
Bemelmans A.P., Kostic C., Cachafeiro M., Crippa S.V., Wanner D., Tekaya M., Wenzel A., Arsenijevic Y., 2008. Advances In Experimental Medicine and Biology, 613 pp. 89-95. Peer-reviewed.
Lipid-bloated subretinal microglial cells are at the origin of drusen appearance in CX3CR1-deficient mice.
Raoul W., Feumi C., Keller N., Lavalette S., Houssier M., Behar-Cohen F., Combadière C., Sennlaub F., 2008. Ophthalmic Research, 40 (3-4) pp. 115-119. Peer-reviewed.
Long-term stability of retinal function despite retained intraocular metallic foreign body.
Konstantinidis L., Borruat F.X., Wolfensberger T.J., 2008. Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde, 225 (5) pp. 482-5. Peer-reviewed.
Léiomyome mésectodermique : approche diagnostique et prise en charge actuelle
Mormile S., Schalenbourg A., Uffer S., Zografos L., 2008., Société Suisse d'Ophtalmologie pp. S98 dans Ophta.
Macroanévrisme artériel de la rétine chez un enfant de 6 ans
Gaillard M., Zografos L., Munier F., 2008., Société Suisse d'Ophtalmologie pp. S106 dans Ophta.
Macular and retinal dysfunction of unknown origin in adults with normal fundi: evidence for an autoimmune pathophysiology.
Mantel I., Ramchand K.V., Holder G.E., Ohbayashi M., Morohoshi K., Patel N., Toda M., Fitzke F.W., Bird A.C., Ono S.J., 2008. Experimental and molecular pathology, 84 (2) pp. 90-101. Peer-reviewed.
Maladie de Coats
Balmer A., Munier F., Zografos L., 2008. pp. 692-698 dans Pournaras C.J. (eds.) Pathologies vasculaires oculaires, Masson.
Management of diplopia secondary to neurosurgical injury of the orbital roof
Kaeser P. F., Klainguti G., 2008. Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde, 225 (5) pp. 507-509. Peer-reviewed.
MAP kinase pathways in UV-induced apoptosis of retinal pigment epithelium ARPE19 cells.
Roduit R., Schorderet D.F., 2008. Apoptosis, 13 (3) pp. 343-353. Peer-reviewed.
Zografos L., 2008. pp. 4935-4942 dans Albert D.M., Miller J.W. (eds.) Albert & Jakobiec's Principles and practice of ophthalmology, Elsevier.
Methylation of CpG island promoters in uveal melanoma.
Moulin A.P., Clément G., Bosman F.T., Zografos L., Benhattar J., 2008. British Journal of Ophthalmology, 92 (2) pp. 281-285.
Microangiopathie radique
Chamot L., Zografos L., 2008. pp. 686-692 dans Pournaras C.J. (eds.) Pathologies vasculaires oculaires, Masson.
Microscopie confocale et OCT dans la dystrophie crystalline de Bietti
Abouzeid H., Majo F., Munier F., 2008. Images en ophtalmologie, 2 pp. 129-130.
Misinterpretation of visual fields
Kawasaki A., 2008. pp. 117-136 dans Purvin V.A., Kawasaki A. (eds.) Common neuro-ophthalmic pitfalls, Cambridge University Press.
Mistaking congenital anomalies for acquired disease
Kawasaki A., 2008. pp. 45-58 dans Purvin V.A., Kawasaki A. (eds.) Common neuro-ophthalmic pitfalls, Cambridge University Press.
Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) A 3243G mutation associated with an annular perimacular retinal atrophy
Adjadj E., Mansouri K., Borruat F. X., 2008. Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde, 225 (5) pp. 462-464. Peer-reviewed.
Modulation de l'apoptose à l'aide de peptides intracellulaires
Allaman-Pillet N., Roduit R., Produit-Zengaffinen N., Schorderet D.F., 2008. pp. 793-796 dans Pournaras C.J. (eds.) Pathologies vasculaires oculaires, Masson.
Multi-layer amniotic membrane (MLAM) transplantation for non traumatic corneal perforations or descemetoceles
Berguiga M., Rivier D., Zografos L., Majo F., 2008., ARVO E-Abstract 5649 dans Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. Peer-reviewed.
Mutant prominin 1 found in patients with macular degeneration disrupts photoreceptor disk morphogenesis in mice.
Yang Z., Chen Y., Lillo C., Chien J., Yu Z., Michaelides M., Klein M., Howes K.A., Li Y., Kaminoh Y. et al., 2008. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 118 (8) pp. 2908-29016. Peer-reviewed.
Mutation in the human homeobox gene NKX5-3 causes an oculo-auricular syndrome.
Schorderet D.F., Nichini O., Boisset G., Polok B., Tiab L., Mayeur H., Raji B., de la Houssaye G., Abitbol M.M., Munier F.L., 2008. American Journal of Human Genetics, 82 (5) pp. 1178-1184. Peer-reviewed.
New developments in external beam radiotherapy for retinoblastoma: from lens to normal tissue-sparing techniques.
Munier F.L., Verwey J., Pica A., Balmer A., Zografos L., Abouzeid H., Timmerman B., Goitein G., Moeckli R., 2008. Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, 36 (1) pp. 78-89. Peer-reviewed.
Nonpenetrating glaucoma surgery.
Mendrinos E., Mermoud A., Shaarawy T., 2008. Survey of Ophthalmology, 53 (6) pp. 592-630. Peer-reviewed.
Nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques en oncologie ophtalmo-pédiatrique [New strategies in pediatric ophthalmic oncology]
Balmer A., Munier F., Zografos L., 2008. Revue Médicale Suisse, 4 (140) pp. 139-143.
Occlusion artérielle oculaire
Pournaras J.A.C., Pournaras C.J., 2008. pp. 529-543 dans Pournaras C.J. (eds.) Pathologies vasculaires oculaires, Masson.
Oligopotent stem cells are distributed throughout the mammalian ocular surface.
Majo F., Rochat A., Nicolas M., Jaoudé G.A., Barrandon Y., 2008. Nature, 456 (7219) pp. 250-254. Peer-reviewed.
Over-ordering tests
Kawasaki A., 2008. pp. 179-190 dans Purvin V.A., Kawasaki A. (eds.) Common neuro-ophthalmic pitfalls, Cambridge University Press.
Over-reliance on negative test results
Kawasaki A., 2008. pp. 155-178 dans Purvin V.A., Kawasaki A. (eds.) Common neuro-ophthalmic pitfalls, Cambridge University Press.
Overexpression of a mutant form of TGFBI/BIGH3 induces retinal degeneration in transgenic mice.
Bustamante M., Tasinato A., Maurer F., Elkochairi I., Lepore M.G., Arsenijevic Y., Pedrazzini T., Munier F.L., Schorderet D.F., 2008. Molecular Vision, 14 pp. 1129-1137. Peer-reviewed.
Pediatric ophthalmology, neuro-ophthalmology, genetics
Lorenz B., Borruat F.X. (eds.)Lorenz B., Borruat F.X., 2008., Springer.
Perforation cornéenne causée par Neisseria gonorrhoeae et Ralstonia CDC groupe IV c-2 chez un patient HIV positif
Abouzeid H., Majo F., Gianoli F., Guex-Crosier Y., 2008. Images en ophtalmologie, 2 pp. 129-130.
Perioperative visual loss: a rare complication of general surgery
Kaeser P. F., Borruat F. X., 2008. Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde, 225 (5) pp. 517-519. Peer-reviewed.
Perte visuelle transitoire : ce que l'anamnèse peut nous apporter
Borruat F.X., 2008. Tribune médicale 14 pp. 22-23.
PlGF-1 and VEGFR-1 pathway regulation of the external epithelial hemato-ocular barrier. A model for retinal edema.
Miyamoto N., de Kozak Y., Normand N., Courtois Y., Jeanny J.C., Benezra D., Behar-Cohen F., 2008. Ophthalmic Research, 40 (3-4) pp. 203-207. Peer-reviewed.
Première mesure sur l'homme des variations de pression intra-oculaire et de la pulsation oculaire par une lentille de contact sensitive
Pitchon E.M., Leonardi M., Renaud P., Mermoud A., Zografos L., 2008., Société Suisse d'Ophtalmologie pp. S82 dans Ophta.
Première mesure sur l'homme des variations de pression intra-oculaire, ainsi que de la pulsation oculaire par une lentille de contact sensitive sans fil
Pitchon E.M., Leonardi M., Renaud P., Mermoud A., Zografos L., 2008., Société Française d'Ophtalmologie pp. 1S138 dans Journal français d'ophtalmologie.
Prevalence of subfoveal nodules in Coat's disease
Tran H.V., Stathopoulos C., Balmer A., Abouzeid H., Zografos L., Schorderet D.F., Munier F.L., 2008., ARVO E-Abstract 2130 dans Investigative ophthalmology and visual science. Peer-reviewed.
Primo-infection à varicelle compliquée d'une atteinte du ganglion ciliaire
Berguiga M., Guex-Crosier Y., 2008., Société Française d'Ophtalmologie pp. 1S157 dans J Fr Ophtalmol. Peer-reviewed.
Prise en charge de la dégénérescence maculaire liée à l'âge : de véritables révolutions thérapeutiques
Ambresin A., Mantel I., 2008. Tribune Médicale 14 pp. 18, 20-21.
Périmétrie dans la pathologie vasculaire oculaire
Pournaras J.A.C., Nguyen C., 2008. pp. 261-265 dans Pournaras C.J. (eds.) Pathologies vasculaires oculaires, Masson.
Retinal dysfunction in combined methylmalonic aciduria and homocystinuria (Cblc) disease: a spectrum of disorders.
Gaillard M.C., Matthieu J.M., Borruat F.X., 2008. Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde, 225 (5) pp. 491-4. Peer-reviewed.
Retinal embolisation with localised retinal detachment following retrobulbar anaesthesia.
Mameletzi E., Pournaras J.A., Ambresin A., Nguyen C., 2008. Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde, 225 (5) pp. 476-8. Peer-reviewed.
Retinal stem cells: promising candidates for retina transplantation.
Djojosubroto M.W., Arsenijevic Y., 2008. Cell and Tissue Research, 331 (1) pp. 347-357.
Retinale Pigmentepithelrisse nach Behandlung von klassischen Neovaskularisationsmembranen bei AMD mit intravitrealem Ranibizumab
Konstantinidis L., Ambresin A., Zografos L., Mantel I., 2008., Société Suisse d'Ophtalmologie pp. S107 dans Ophta.
Retinomas : a genotype-phenotype correlation : abstract E-3112
Abouzeid H., Balmer A., Schorderet D., Munier F.L., 2008. dans ARVO 2008 Annual Meeting, Eyes on innovation, Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. Peer-reviewed.
Rhegmatogene Amotio retinae bei Toxoplasma-chorioretinitis
Konstantinidis L., Wolfensberger T., 2008., Société Suisse d'Ophtalmologie pp. S102 dans Ophta.
Role of the chemokine receptor CX3CR1 in the mobilization of phagocytic retinal microglial cells.
Raoul W., Keller N., Rodéro M., Behar-Cohen F., Sennlaub F., Combadière C., 2008. Journal of Neuroimmunology, 198 (1-2) pp. 56-61. Peer-reviewed.
Réaction toxique secondaire à une injection sous-conjonctivale de mitomycine C
Bifrare D., Schnyder C.C., Ravinet E., 2008., Société Française d'Ophtalmologie pp. 1S140 dans Journal français d'ophtalmologie.
Résultats à deux ans de la trabéculoplastie sélective au laser dans le glaucome à angle ouvert et l'hypertonie oculaire
Zaninetti M., Ravinet E., 2008. Journal français d'ophtalmologie, 31 (10) pp. 981-6.
Rétinopathie et choroïdopathie associées à la pré-éclampsie et à l'éclampsie
Pournaras J.A.C., 2008. pp. 342-343 dans Pournaras C.J. (eds.) Pathologies vasculaires oculaires, Masson.
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