Hôpital ophtalmique Jules Gonin

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3452 publications

... | 2010 | 2009 | ...
Cloudy corneas at birth: a case of bilateral Peters anomaly
Rezbach P., Kaiser P., Tschuor P., Addor M.C., Schorderet D., Cachat F., Munier F., 2010. pp. 16S dans Joint Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society for Pediatrics and the Swiss Society of Pediatric Pneumology, Swiss Medical Weekly.
Comparing deep sclerectomy with collagen implant to the new method of very deep sclerectomy with collagen implant: a single-masked randomized controlled trial.
Mansouri Kaweh, Tran Hoai Viet, Ravinet Emilie, Mermoud Andre, 2010. Journal of Glaucoma, 19 (1) pp. 24-30. Peer-reviewed.
Comparison of Fundus Autofluorescence Between Fundus Camera (Topcon) and Confocal Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscope (HRA) in Various Pathologies
Deli A., Ambresin A., Mantel I., 2010., ARVO E-Abstract 4369/A202 dans Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. Peer-reviewed.
Corneal collagen cross-linking.
Jankov Ii M.R., Jovanovic V., Nikolic L., Lake J.C., Kymionis G., Coskunseven E., 2010/01. Middle East African journal of ophthalmology, 17 (1) pp. 21-27. Peer-reviewed.
Corneal Opacities in Trisomy 8 Mosaic Syndrome : Clinical, Histologic and Genetic Features
Gaillard M.C., Majo F., Moulin A., Uffer S., Marinet D., Niel Bütschi F., Munier f.l.., 2010., ARVO E-Abstract 4654/D849 dans Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. Peer-reviewed.
Descemet stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty tissue preparation with femtosecond laser and contact lens.
Ide T., Yoo S.H., Kymionis G.D., Leng T., Marini C., Stanciu N.A., O'Brien T.P., 2010/01. Cornea, 29 (1) pp. 93-98. Peer-reviewed.
Diplopia revealing unsuspected orbital foreign bodies.
Kaeser P.F., Borruat F.X., Klainguti G., 2010. Klinische Monatsblätter Für Augenheilkunde, 227 (4) pp. 324-325. Peer-reviewed.
Disorders of pupillary structure and function.
Kaeser P.F., Kawasaki A., 2010. Neurologic Clinics, 28 (3) pp. 657-677. Peer-reviewed.
Déficience en G-6-PD induisant une ischémie rétinienne périphérique isolée
Balaskas K., Wimmersberger Y., Guex-Crosier Y., 2010., Société Suisse d'Ophtalmologie pp. S113 dans Ophta.
Effect of the direct application of riboflavin and UVA on the Visian Implantable Collamer Lens.
Hafezi F., Majo F., El Danasoury A.M., 2010. Journal of Refractive Surgery, 26 (10) pp. 762-765. Peer-reviewed.
Effektivität der Rücklagerung des Obliquus inferior in der operativen Behandlung der kongenitalen Obliquus superior Parese
Kaeser P., Klainguti G., 2010., Société Suisse d'Ophtalmologie pp. S58 dans Ophta. Peer-reviewed.
Elévation persistante de l'éotaxine-1 (CCL11) dans les larmes de porteurs de lentilles de contact (LC) : un suivi de 30 mois
Tran H., Eperon S., Guex-Crosier Y., 2010., Société Suisse d'Ophtalmologie pp. S68 dans Ophta.
Ergebnisse der chirurgischen Behandlung bei erworbenen Trochlearisparesen
Klainguti G., Kaeser P., 2010., Société Suisse d'Ophtalmologie pp. S59 dans Ophta. Peer-reviewed.
Evaluation of an intravitreal fluocinolone acetonide implant versus standard systemic therapy in noninfectious posterior uveitis.
Pavesio C., Zierhut M., Bairi K., Comstock T.L., Usner D.W., Fluocinolone Acetonide Study Group, 2010. Ophthalmology, 117 (3) pp. 567-75, 575.e1. Peer-reviewed.
Examining the Agreement of Structural Loss Measured With Heidelberg Retinal Tomograhy and Functional Loss With Standard Automated Perimetry (SAP; Octopus), Pulsar Perimetry (PP), and Moorfields Motion Displacement Test (MDT) Perimetry
Schnyder C.C., Oleszczuk J., Bergin C., Ferrini W., Rivier D., Verdon-Roe G.M., Sharkawi E., 2010., ARVO E-Abstract 4902/A325 dans Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. Peer-reviewed.
Expansion of intraocular gas bubbles due to altitude: do meteorological factors play a role?
Ferrini W., Pournaras J.A., Wolfensberger T.J., 2010. Klinische Monatsblätter Für Augenheilkunde, 227 (4) pp. 312-314. Peer-reviewed.
Extra une intraokulare Beleuchtung für die Vitrektomie
Wolfensberger T., 2010. Ophta 6 pp. 3-4.
Extraconal orbital sarcoidosis: an unusual cause of optic neuropathy.
Kaeser P.F., Borruat F.X., 2010. Klinische Monatsblätter Für Augenheilkunde, 227 (4) pp. 330-331. Peer-reviewed.
Fluorescein and indocyanine green angiography findings in B cell lymphoblastic leukemia mimicking acute central serous chorioretinopathy.
Moulin A.P., Bucher M., Pournaras J.A., Nguyen C., Ambresin A., 2010. Klinische Monatsblätter Für Augenheilkunde, 227 (4) pp. 342-344. Peer-reviewed.
Glaucome malin (GM) du pseudophaque (PP) : importance du diagnostic précoce
Moetteli L., Tran H., Merz A., Sharkawi E., 2010., Société Suisse d'Ophtalmologie pp. S95 dans Ophta.
Glaucome malin après une vitrectomie par la pars plana dû à une membrane hyaloïde antérieure résiduelle
Gindroz F., Sharkawi E., Wolfensberger T., 2010., Société Suisse d'Ophtalmologie pp. S94 dans Ophta.
Granulomatous uveitis and congenital cataract: a rare association.
Basso A., Mansouri K., Frueh B.E., Guex-Crosier Y., 2010. Klinische Monatsblätter Für Augenheilkunde, 227 (4) pp. 306-308. Peer-reviewed.
History of the Club Jules Gonin : the first fifty years
Ducrey N., Wolfensberger T.J., 2010. 120, Targetedition.
Impfung gegen Herpes zoster : keine aufnahme in den Schweizerischen Impfplan
Bundesamt für Gesundheit. Arbeitsgruppe Impfung gegen Herpes zoster., Vaudaux B., Büla C., Anderau R., Binz H., Gallacchi M., Guex-Crosier Y., Landry P., Matter L., Meylan P. et al., 2010. Bulletin de l'Office Fédéral de la Santé Publique 6 pp. 1-5. Peer-reviewed.
Importance du bilan hématologique complet de jeunes patients présentant une occlusion de la veine centrale de la rétine
Parvin P., Pournaras J., Wolfensberger T., 2010., Société Suisse d'Ophtalmologie pp. S85 dans Ophta.
Infections after PRK could have a happy ending: a series of three cases.
Bertschinger D.R., Hashemi K., Hafezi F., Majo F., 2010. Klinische Monatsblätter Für Augenheilkunde, 227 (4) pp. 315-318. Peer-reviewed.
Infiltration intravitréenne d'une leucémie myéloïde chronique
Bissig A., Schalenbourg A., Gindroz F., Bovey E., Konstantinidis L., 2010., Société Suisse d'Ophtalmologie pp. S88 dans Ophta.
Inhibition of Notch Pathway Enhances Photoreceptor Commitment From Cultured Retinal Stem Cells
Montavon P., Arsenijevic Y., 2010., ARV E-Abstract 2645/A452 dans Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. Peer-reviewed.
Intraoperative use of three-dimensional spectral-domain optical coherence tomography.
Ide T., Wang J., Tao A., Leng T., Kymionis G.D., O'Brien T.P., Yoo S.H., 2010. Ophthalmic surgery, lasers & imaging, 41 (2) pp. 250-254. Peer-reviewed.
Intravitreal ranibizumab in the treatment of choroidal neovascularization associated with idiopathic central serous chorioretinopathy.
Konstantinidis L., Mantel I., Zografos L., Ambresin A., 2010. European Journal of Ophthalmology, 20 (5) pp. 955-958. Peer-reviewed.
Jules Gonin, life and times of an icon
Wolfensberger T.J., Okonkwo O.N., 2010. J Nigerian Vitreoretinal Soc, 2 (2) pp. 39-41.
La kératite archipelago : une forme rare de kératite herpétique
Majo F., Kaeser P., 2010., Société Suisse d'Ophtalmologie pp. S107 dans Ophta.
Late Onset Cystoid Macular Oedema Following Surgery for Radiation Induced Cataract in Patient With Retinoblastoma
Tran H.V., Gaillard M.C., Balmer A., Munier F.L., 2010., ARVO E-Abstract 2076/A16 dans Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. Peer-reviewed.
Le traitement de la DMLA exsudative à prédominance hémorragique par injections intravitréennes de ranibizumab
Konstantinidis L., Mantel I., Zografos L., Ambresin A., 2010., Société Suisse d'Ophtalmologie pp. S68 dans Ophta.
Lentiviral Vector Tropism In Degenerating Retinas
Calame M., Tekaya M., Maillard A., Cachafeiro M., Philippe S., Sarkis C., Mallet J., Kostic C., Arsenijevic Y., 2010., ARVO E-Abstract 4502/A474 dans Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. Peer-reviewed.
Les membranes néovasculaires parapapillaires dans les oedèmes chroniques du nerf optique
Kaeser P., Pournaras J., Borruat F., 2010., Société Suisse d'Ophtalmologie pp. S110 dans Ophta.
Leuco-encéphalopathie avec micro-angiopathie, calcifications et kystes (CRMCC) imitant une rétinopathie de la prématurité (ROP)
Tran H., Gaillard M., Wolfensberger T., Balmer A., Osterheid C., Schorderet F., Munier F., 2010., Société Suisse d'Ophtalmologie pp. S114 dans Ophta.
Location of corneal epithelial stem cells Reply
Majo Francois, Rochat Ariane, Nicolas Michael, Abou Jaoude Georges, Barrandon Yann, 2010. Nature, 463 (7284) p. 11.
Macular edema - rationale therapy
Wolfensberger T.J., Gregor Z.J., 2010. pp. 49-58 dans Coscas G. (eds.) Macular Edema : a practical approach chap. 4, Karger.
Malignant transformation of a "benign" lacrimal gland tumor.
Bertschinger D., Oberic A., Moulin A., Hamédani M., 2010. Klinische Monatsblätter Für Augenheilkunde, 227 (4) pp. 321-323. Peer-reviewed.
Manifestations angiographiques du syndrome de nécrose rétinienne aiguë (ARN) à l'angiographie au vert d'indocyanine (ICG)
Bissig A., Balaskas K., Vaudaux J., Guex-Crosier Y., 2010., Société Suisse d'Ophtalmologie pp. S77 dans Ophta.
Manifestations ophtalmiques inflammatoires et infectieuses de l'infection par le virus de l'immunodéficience humaine
Vaudaux J.D., Guex-Crosier Y., 2010. pp. 303-324 dans Brézin A.P. (eds.) Les uvéites chap. 25, Elsevier Masson.
Manifestations rétiniennes lors de xanthome disséminé (histiocytose non langerhansienne)
Konstantinidis L., Laffitte E., Balaskas K., Wasem Y., Guex-Crosier Y., 2010., Société Suisse d'Ophtalmologie pp. S80 dans Ophta.
Metadifferentiation of iris naevi into melanoma after excisional iridectomy
Roberti P., Zografos L., Schalenbourg A., 2010. Ophta 5 p. 412.
Metadifferentiation of iris nevi after iridectomy: a clinicopathological small case series
Schalenbourg A., Roberti P., Zografos L., 2010., European Association for Vision and Eye Research dans Acta Ophthalmologica. Peer-reviewed.
Model of uveitis in rabbit
Eperon S., Balaskas K., Vaudaux J., Rodriguez-Aller M., Gurny R., Guex-Crosier Y., 2010., Association for Vision and Eye Research Conference dans Acta Ophthalmologica. Peer-reviewed.
Modified Corneal Collagen Crosslinking (CXL) Reduces Corneal Edema and Diurnal Visual Fluctuations in Fuchs' Dystrophy
Majo f., Hafezi F., 2010., ARVO E-Abstract 4981/D777 dans Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. Peer-reviewed.
Modified corneal collagen crosslinking reduces corneal oedema and diurnal visual fluctuations in Fuchs dystrophy.
Hafezi F., Dejica P., Majo F., 2010. British Journal of Ophthalmology, 94 (5) pp. 660-661. Peer-reviewed.
Molecular Analysis of the PTEN Gene in a Choroidal Schwannoma in the Context of a Hamartomatous Syndrome
Venturini G., Uffer S., Zografos L., Rivolta C., Moulin A.P., 2010., ARVO E-Abstract 3509/A14 dans Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. Peer-reviewed.
Métadifférenciation de naevus irien en mélanome après une iridectomie excisionnelle
Roberti P., Zografos L., Schalenbourg A., 2010., Société Suisse d'Ophtalmologie pp. S90 dans Ophta.
Nd:laser YAG pour le traitement d'une hémorragie prémaculaire subhyaloïde
Abouzeid H., Wolfensberger T., 2010., Société Suisse d'Ophtalmologie pp. S86 dans Ophta.
Neuro-ophthalmology: through a wide angle lens.
Kawasaki A., 2010. Frontiers in neurology, 1 p. 2. Peer-reviewed.
Neuropathie optique ischémique antérieure non artéritique associée à un foramen ovale perméable
Sabani I., Pournaras J., Wolfensberger T., 2010., Société Suisse d'Ophtalmologie pp. S111 dans Ophta.
Novel Homozygous Rax Gene Mutation in Patients With Bilateral Anophthalmia
Schorderet D.F., Youssef M.A., Bayoumi N., ElShakankiri N., Marzouk E., Hauser P., Favez T., Munier F.L., Abouzeid H., 2010., ARVO E-Abstract 704/D807 dans Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. Peer-reviewed.
Nutrition in Retinal Diseases
Konstantinidis L., Zografos L., 2010. pp. 629-654 dans Boyd S., Cortez R., Sabates N. (eds.) Retinal and Vitreoretinal Diseases and Surgery chap. 39, Jaypee.
Octopus Standard Automated Perimetry, Pulsar Perimetry, Moorfields Motion Displacement Test and Heidelberg Retinal Tomography in Glaucoma Detection - A Comparison of Diagnostic Accuracy
Oleszczuk J.D., Bergin C., Schnyder C., Crabb D., Sharkawi E., 2010., ARVO E-Abstract 4911/A334 dans Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. Peer-reviewed.
Oedème aigu bilatéral de la cornée après une trabéculoplastie sélective au laser
Gindroz F., Nguyen C., Calame M., Pournaras J., Majo F., 2010., Société Suisse d'Ophtalmologie pp. S106 dans Ophta.
On the retinal toxicity of intraocular glucocorticoids.
Torriglia A., Valamanesh F., Behar-Cohen F., 2010. Biochemical Pharmacology, 80 (12) pp. 1878-1886. Peer-reviewed.
Ophtalmologie. Thérapies anti-vasoprolifératives
Ambresin A., Zografos L., Mantel I., 2010. Revue Médicale Suisse, 6 (231) pp. 51-54.
Optimal treatment of retinal angiomatous proliferation.
Konstantinidis Lazaros, Zografos Leonidas, Mantel Irmela, Ambresin Aude, 2010. Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology = Albrecht von Graefes Archiv für Klinische und Experimentelle Ophthalmologie, 248 (2) p. 289. Peer-reviewed.
Overexpressed or intraperitoneally injected human transferrin prevents photoreceptor degeneration in rd10 mice.
Picard E., Jonet L., Sergeant C., Vesvres M.H., Behar-Cohen F., Courtois Y., Jeanny J.C., 2010. Molecular Vision, 16 pp. 2612-2625. Peer-reviewed.
Panuvéite et hypopyon unilatéraux sur rifabutin, chez une patiente immunocompétente
Beknazar E., Tran H., Andrei S., Martinez A., Vaudaux J., Guex-Crosier Y., 2010., Société Suisse d'Ophtalmologie pp. S96 dans Ophta.
Parotid gland fine-needle aspiration biopsy in the diagnosis of ocular sarcoidosis.
Vaudaux J.D., Moulin A.P., Olivier F., Guex-Crosier Y., 2010. Klinische Monatsblätter Für Augenheilkunde, 227 (4) pp. 328-329. Peer-reviewed.
Peculiar findings in a case of bilateral uveal pigmented lesions.
Mora P., Gonzales S., Crafa P., Carta A., Guex-Crosier Y., Zografos L., 2010. Ocular Immunology and Inflammation, 18 (5) pp. 379-382. Peer-reviewed.
Peripheral exudative hemorrhagic chorioretinopathy: a clinical, angiographic, and histologic study [reply]
Mantel I., Zografos L., 2010. American Journal of Ophthalmology, 149 (6) p. 1014. Peer-reviewed.
Point Mutations in the Monocarboxylate Transporter SLC16A12 Lead to Juvenile and Age-Related Cataract
Kloeckener-Gruissem B, Zuercher J., Neidhardt J., Magyar I., Moore A.T., Bhattacharya S., Heon E., Munier F., Schorderet D.F., Berger W., 2010., ARVO-Abstract 4773 dans Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. Peer-reviewed.
Prise en charge chirurgicale des complications vitréo-rétiniennes induites par une irradiation par faisceau de protons accélérés
Tran B.K., Schalenbourg A., Bovey E., Zografos L., Wolfensberger T., 2010., Société Suisse d'Ophtalmologie pp. S113 dans Ophta.
Protein delivery for retinal diseases: from basic considerations to clinical applications.
El Sanharawi M., Kowalczuk L., Touchard E., Omri S., de Kozak Y., Behar-Cohen F., 2010. Progress In Retinal and Eye Research, 29 (6) pp. 443-465. Peer-reviewed.
Pupillographic investigation of the relative afferent pupillary defect associated with a midbrain lesion.
Kawasaki A., Miller N.R., Kardon R., 2010/01. Ophthalmology, 117 (1) pp. 175-179. Peer-reviewed.
Recurrent idiopathic neuroretinitis: natural history and effect of treatment.
Sundaram S.V., Purvin V.A., Kawasaki A., 2010. Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, 38 (6) pp. 591-596. Peer-reviewed.
Remaining rod activity mediates visual behavior in adult Rpe65-/- mice.
Cachafeiro M., Bemelmans A.P., Canola K., Pignat V., Crippa S.V., Kostic C., Arsenijevic Y., 2010. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 51 (12) pp. 6835-6842. Peer-reviewed.
Retinal pigment epithelium tears after intravitreal injection of ranibizumab for predominantly classic neovascular membranes secondary to age-related macular degeneration.
Konstantinidis L., Ambresin A., Zografos L., Mantel I., 2010. Acta Ophthalmologica, 88 (7) pp. 736-741. Peer-reviewed.
Retinoblastoma : diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis
Balmer A., Munier F., Zografos L., 2010. pp. 319-340 dans Hayat M.A. (eds.) Methods of Cancer Diagnosis, Therapy, and Prognosis chap. 22, Springer.
Rpe65-Gene Transfer Using an Integration-Deficient Lentiviral Vector
Kostic C., Philippe S., Crippa S., Samardzija M., Pignat V., Wanner D., Grimm C., Sarkis C., Mallet J., Arsenijevic Y., 2010., ARVO E-Abstract 4498/A470 dans Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. Peer-reviewed.
Régression spontanée d'une membrane néovasculaire (MNV) dans une maladie de Best
Henchoz L., Mansouri K., Ambresin A., 2010., Société Suisse d'Ophtalmologie pp. S78 dans Ophta.
Rôle de la régulation hémodynamique systémique dans la prise en charge de l'oedème maculaire secondaire à une occlusion veineuse
Pournaras J., Wolfensberger T., Bovey E., 2010., Société Suisse d'Ophtalmologie pp. S84 dans Ophta.
Selective wavelength pupillometry in Leber hereditary optic neuropathy.
Kawasaki A., Herbst K., Sander B., Milea D., 2010. Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, 38 (3) pp. 322-324. Peer-reviewed.
Sequential central retinal artery occlusion and retinal vein stasis as a result of ocular ischemic syndrome.
Pournaras J.A., Konstantinidis L., Wolfensberger T.J., 2010. Klinische Monatsblätter Für Augenheilkunde, 227 (4) pp. 338-339. Peer-reviewed.
Six-year dynamic growth pattern of two concentric congenital vitreous cysts.
Basdekidou C., Wolfensberger T.J., 2010. Eye, 24 (7) pp. 1301-1303. Peer-reviewed.
Spontaneous closure of macular hole following rhegmatogenous macula-off retinal detachment.
Sabani I., Pournaras J.A., Wolfensberger T.J., 2010. Klinische Monatsblätter Für Augenheilkunde, 227 (4) pp. 336-337. Peer-reviewed.
Statement of the Swiss VitreoRetinal Group (SVRG) on current therapeutic options in neovascular age-related macular degeneration
Wolf S., Pournaras C.J., Garweg J., Gerding H., Guex-Crosier Y., Kopp B., Prunte C., Senn P., Wolfensberger T., 2010. Ophta 1 pp. 14-22. Peer-reviewed.
Stem Cell Transplantation for Retinal Degenerations
Arsenijevic Y., 2010., ARVO E-Abstract 881 dans Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. Peer-reviewed.
Successful treatment of longstanding vasospastic central retinal artery occlusion.
Pournaras J.A., Nguyen C., Mameletzi E., Zografos L., Wolfensberger T.J., 2010. Acta Ophthalmologica, 88 (2) pp. e34-e35. Peer-reviewed.
Successful treatment of trilateral retinoblastoma with conventional and high-dose chemotherapy plus radiotherapy: a case report.
De Ioris M.A., Fidani P., Munier F.L., Serra A., Ilari I., Popovic M.B., Natali G., Secco D.E., Cozza R., 2010. Journal of Pediatric Hematology/oncology, 32 (8) pp. e343-e345. Peer-reviewed.
Sutureless lens ring fixation for vitrectomy using cellulose eye drain.
Casparis H., Bovey E.H., 2010. Retina, 30 (9) pp. 1544-1545. Peer-reviewed.
Syndrome de Cogan confirmé par la présence d'auto-anticorps anti-cochlée
Balaskas K., Majo F., Ikonomidis C., Guex-Crosier Y., 2010., Société Suisse d'Ophtalmologie pp. S106 dans Ophta.
Syndrome de traction vitrémaculaire et maladie de Peyronie
Pournaras J.A., Bastien L., Wolfensberger T., 2010., Société Suisse d'Ophtalmologie pp. S82 dans Ophta.
The ciliary smooth muscle electrotransfer: basic principles and potential for sustained intraocular production of therapeutic proteins.
Touchard E., Kowalczuk L., Bloquel C., Naud M.C., Bigey P., Behar-Cohen F., 2010. Journal of Gene Medicine, 12 (11) pp. 904-919. Peer-reviewed.
The neuroretina is a novel mineralocorticoid target: aldosterone up-regulates ion and water channels in Müller glial cells.
Zhao M., Valamanesh F., Celerier I., Savoldelli M., Jonet L., Jeanny J.C., Jaisser F., Farman N., Behar-Cohen F., 2010. Faseb Journal : Official Publication of the Federation of American Societies For Experimental Biology, 24 (9) pp. 3405-3415. Peer-reviewed.
The outer limiting membrane (OLM) revisited: clinical implications.
Omri S., Omri B., Savoldelli M., Jonet L., Thillaye-Goldenberg B., Thuret G., Gain P., Jeanny J.C., Crisanti P., Behar-Cohen F., 2010. Clinical Ophthalmology (auckland, N.z.), 4 pp. 183-195. Peer-reviewed.
The PROM1 mutation p.R373C causes an autosomal dominant bull's eye maculopathy associated with rod, rod-cone, and macular dystrophy.
Michaelides M., Gaillard M.C., Escher P., Tiab L., Bedell M., Borruat F.X., Barthelmes D., Carmona R., Zhang K., White E. et al., 2010. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 51 (9) pp. 4771-4780. Peer-reviewed.
The vasodilatory effect of juxta-arteriolar microinjection of endothelinA receptor inhibitor in healthy and acute branch retinal vein occlusion minipig retinas.
Stangos A.N., Petropoulos I.K., Pournaras J.A., Mendrinos E., Pournaras C.J., 2010. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 51 (4) pp. 2185-2190. Peer-reviewed.
Three Generation Family With Pattern Dystrophy and a Successful Treatment of Subfoveal Cnv Related to Pattern Dystrophy With Anti-vegf Intravitreal Injections
Vaclavik V., Munier F.L., 2010., ARVO E-Abstract 3092/A287 dans Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. Peer-reviewed.
Tomographie en cohérence optique de type spectral domain dans le macroanévrysme juxta-papillaire
Sabani I., Vaudaux J., Bovey E., Pournaras J., 2010., Société Suisse d'Ophtalmologie pp. S86 dans Ophta.
Topical and intravitreous administration of cationic nanoemulsions to deliver antisense oligonucleotides directed towards VEGF KDR receptors to the eye.
Hagigit T., Abdulrazik M., Orucov F., Valamanesh F., Hagedorn M., Lambert M., Lambert G., Behar-Cohen F., Benita S., 2010. Journal of Controlled Release : Official Journal of the Controlled Release Society, 145 (3) pp. 297-305. Peer-reviewed.
Toxoplasma gondii: flat-mounting of retina as a new tool for the observation of ocular infection in mice.
Escoffier P., Jeanny J.C., Marinach-Patrice C., Jonet L., Raoul W., Behar-Cohen F., Paris L., Danis M., Dubremetz J.F., Mazier D., 2010. Experimental Parasitology, 126 (2) pp. 259-262. Peer-reviewed.
Traitement par ranibizumab (Lucentis®) d'une rétinopathie actinique proliférative dans un cas de rétinoblastome
Gaillard M., Balmer A., Houghton S., Munier F., 2010., Société Suisse d'Ophtalmologie pp. S89 dans Ophta.
Transcriptional Activation and Receptor Dimerization is Affected by Mutations in the NR2E3 Ligand-Binding Domain
Escher P., Von Alpen D., Voirol N., Favez T., Roduit R., Schorderet D., 2010., ARVO E-Abstrat 4077/A504 dans Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. Peer-reviewed.
Transepithelial Phototherapeutic Keratectomy Using a 213-nm Solid-State Laser System Followed by Corneal Collagen Cross-Linking with Riboflavin and UVA Irradiation.
Kymionis G.D., Grentzelos M.A., Karavitaki A.E., Kounis G.A., Kontadakis G.A., Yoo S., Pallikaris I.G., 2010. Journal of ophthalmology, 2010 p. 146543. Peer-reviewed.
Ultrasound assessment of short-term ocular vascular effects of intravitreal injection of bevacizumab (Avastin(®) ) in neovascular age-related macular degeneration.
Bonnin P., Pournaras J.A., Lazrak Z., Cohen S.Y., Legargasson J.F., Gaudric A., Levy B.I., Massin P., 2010. Acta Ophthalmologica, 88 (6) pp. 641-645. Peer-reviewed.
Ultrasound Biomicroscopy Evaluation of Anterior Extension of Retinoblastomas : A Clinico-Pathological Study
Moulin A.P., Gaillard M.C., Balmer A., Munier F.L., 2010., ARVO E-Abstract 2075/A15 dans Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. Peer-reviewed.
Un cas d'hamartome combiné de la rétine et de l'épithélium pigmentaire avec décollement rétinien exsudatif
Richoz O., Salzmann J., Munier F., Pournaras C., de Haller R., 2010., Société Suisse d'Ophtalmologie pp. S92 dans Ophta.
Une cause peu commune de perte visuelle rapidement progressive
Borruat F.X., 2010. Réflexions ophtalmologiques, 137 pp. 49-51.
Unsatisfactory outcomes in myasthenia gravis: influence by care providers.
Dunand M., Botez S.A., Borruat F.X., Roux-Lombard P., Spertini F., Kuntzer T., 2010. Journal of Neurology, 257 (3) pp. 338-343. Peer-reviewed.
Urgences ophtalmologiques
Balmer A., 2010. Revue Médicale Suisse, 6 pp. S14-S16.
Uvéite et bisphosphonates, une complication potentiellement grave et méconnue: à propos de 2 cas
Achtari Jeanneret L., Verrey J.-D., Bauer J., 2010., SSMI, Société Suisse de Médecine Interne pp. P24 dans 78ème Assemblée de la SSMI, Société Suisse de Médecine Interne.
Uvéite liée à la reconstitution immunitaire après chimiothérapie et infection à CMV lors de leucémie lymphatique chronique
Wimmersberger Y., Balaskas K., Gander M., Pournaras J., Guex-Crosier Y., 2010., Société Suisse d'Ophtalmologie pp. S96 dans Ophta.
Uvéites et sclérites
Guex-Crosier Y., Vaudaux J.D., 2010. pp. 547-557 dans Brézin A.P. (eds.) Les uvéites chap. 46, Elsevier Masson.
Uvéites intermédiaires
Guex-Crosier Y., Vaudaux J.D., 2010. pp. 439-447 dans Brézin A.P. (eds.) Les uvéites chap. 36, Elsevier Masson.
Uvéites médicamenteuses
Vaudaux J.D., Guex-Crosier Y., 2010. pp. 535-545 dans Brézin A.P. (eds.) Les uvéites chap. 45, Elsevier Masson.
Uvéites syphilitiques
Guex-Crosier Y., Vaudaux J.D., 2010. pp. 133-138 dans Brézin A.P. (eds.) Les uvéites chap. 9, Elsevier Masson.
Vaccination contre le zona : pas d'introduction dans le plan suisse de vaccination
Vaudaux B., Büla C., Anderau R., Binz H., Gallacchi M., Guex-Crosier Y., Landry P., Matter L., Meylan P., Richard J.L. et al., 2010. Bulletin de l'Office fédéral de la santé publique 6 pp. 1-6.
Variable phenotypic expressivity in a Swiss family with autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa due to a T494M mutation in the PRPF3 gene.
Vaclavik V., Gaillard M.C., Tiab L., Schorderet D.F., Munier F.L., 2010. Molecular Vision, 16 pp. 467-475. Peer-reviewed.
Vitrectomy may prevent the occurrence of diabetic macular oedema.
Navarro A., Pournaras J.A., Hoffart L., Massin P., Ridings B., Conrath J., 2010. Acta Ophthalmologica, 88 (4) pp. 483-485. Peer-reviewed.
Nine-year follow-up of intacs implantation for keratoconus.
Kymionis G.D., Grentzelos M.A., Diakonis V.F., Pallikaris A.I., Pallikaris I.G., 2009/12/08. The open ophthalmology journal, 3 pp. 77-81. Peer-reviewed.
Effect of treatment sequence in combined intrastromal corneal rings and corneal collagen crosslinking for keratoconus.
Coskunseven E., Jankov M.R., Hafezi F., Atun S., Arslan E., Kymionis G.D., 2009/12. Journal of cataract and refractive surgery, 35 (12) pp. 2084-2091. Peer-reviewed.
Efficacy of 2 types of silicone hydrogel bandage contact lenses after photorefractive keratectomy.
Grentzelos M.A., Plainis S., Astyrakakis N.I., Diakonis V.F., Kymionis G.D., Kallinikos P., Pallikaris I.G., 2009/12. Journal of cataract and refractive surgery, 35 (12) pp. 2103-2108. Peer-reviewed.
Femtosecond laser-assisted astigmatic keratotomy in naturally occurring high astigmatism.
Abbey A., Ide T., Kymionis G.D., Yoo S.H., 2009/12. The British journal of ophthalmology, 93 (12) pp. 1566-1569. Peer-reviewed.
Intraoperative pachymetric measurements during corneal collagen cross-linking with riboflavin and ultraviolet A irradiation.
Kymionis G.D., Kounis G.A., Portaliou D.M., Grentzelos M.A., Karavitaki A.E., Coskunseven E., Jankov M.R., Pallikaris I.G., 2009/12. Ophthalmology, 116 (12) pp. 2336-2339. Peer-reviewed.
Complications of LASIK flaps made by the IntraLase 15- and 30-kHz femtosecond lasers.
Haft P., Yoo S.H., Kymionis G.D., Ide T., O'Brien T.P., Culbertson W.W., 2009/11. Journal of refractive surgery, 25 (11) pp. 979-984. Peer-reviewed.
TRPM1 is mutated in patients with autosomal-recessive complete congenital stationary night blindness.
Audo I., Kohl S., Leroy B.P., Munier F.L., Guillonneau X., Mohand-Saïd S., Bujakowska K., Nandrot E.F., Lorenz B., Preising M. et al., 2009/11. American journal of human genetics, 85 (5) pp. 720-729. Peer-reviewed.
Interface wavelike deposits after descemet stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty.
Kymionis G.D., Ide T., Yoo S.H., 2009/10. Archives of ophthalmology, 127 (10) pp. 1389-1390. Peer-reviewed.
Overcorrection after femtosecond-assisted astigmatic keratotomy in a post-Descemet-stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty patient.
Yoo S.H., Kymionis G.D., Ide T., Diakonis V.F., 2009/10. Journal of cataract and refractive surgery, 35 (10) pp. 1833-1834. Peer-reviewed.
Ischemic ocular syndrome as a complication of mixed central retinal vein and artery occlusion
Pournaras J.A, Konstantinidis Lazaros, 2009/09/05., 102e Congrès annuel de la Société Suisse d’Ophthalmologie pp. S81 dans Ophta 2009.
novel technique for removal of inadvertent subretinal perfluorocarbon liquid after complex retinal detachment surgery.
Konstantinidis Lazaros, Wolfensberger Thomas Jona , 2009/09/05., 102e Congrès annuel de la Société Suisse d’Ophtalmologie pp. S81 dans Ophta 2009.
Use of 23-gauge sutureless transconjunctival vitrectomy, peeling, and intravitreal triamcinolone for idiopathic macular epiretinal membranes
Konstantinidis Lazaros, 2009/09/05., 102e Congrès annuel de la Société Suisse d’Ophtalmologie pp. S66 dans Ophta 2009.
Simultaneous topography-guided PRK followed by corneal collagen cross-linking for keratoconus.
Kymionis G.D., Kontadakis G.A., Kounis G.A., Portaliou D.M., Karavitaki A.E., Magarakis M., Yoo S., Pallikaris I.G., 2009/09. Journal of refractive surgery, 25 (9) pp. S807-11. Peer-reviewed.
Customized pachymetric guided epithelial debridement for corneal collagen cross linking.
Kymionis G.D., Diakonis V.F., Coskunseven E., Jankov M., Yoo S.H., Pallikaris I.G., 2009/08/28. BMC ophthalmology, 9 p. 10. Peer-reviewed.
Management of pellucid marginal corneal degeneration with simultaneous customized photorefractive keratectomy and collagen crosslinking.
Kymionis G.D., Karavitaki A.E., Kounis G.A., Portaliou D.M., Yoo S.H., Pallikaris I.G., 2009/07. Journal of cataract and refractive surgery, 35 (7) pp. 1298-1301. Peer-reviewed.
Effect of marking pens on femtosecond laser-assisted flap creation.
Ide T., Kymionis G.D., Abbey A.M., Yoo S.H., Culbertson W.W., O'Brien T.P., 2009/06. Journal of cataract and refractive surgery, 35 (6) pp. 1087-1090. Peer-reviewed.
Giant cell arteritis
Kawasaki A, 2009/06. Ophthalmology times, 34 (11) pp. 10-12.
One-year follow-up of corneal confocal microscopy after corneal cross-linking in patients with post laser in situ keratosmileusis ectasia and keratoconus.
Kymionis G.D., Diakonis V.F., Kalyvianaki M., Portaliou D., Siganos C., Kozobolis V.P., Pallikaris A.I., 2009/05. American journal of ophthalmology, 147 (5) pp. 774-778, 778.e1. Peer-reviewed.
Effect of different application depths of mitomycin-C in deep sclerectomy with collagen implant: a randomized controlled trial.
Mansouri K., Ravinet E., 2009/04. Clinical & experimental ophthalmology, 37 (3) pp. 286-292. Peer-reviewed.
Femtosecond-assisted anterior lamellar corneal staining-tattooing in a blind eye with leukocoria.
Kymionis G.D., Ide T., Galor A., Yoo S.H., 2009/02. Cornea, 28 (2) pp. 211-213. Peer-reviewed.
23g vitrectomie
Kaden R., Wolfensberger T.J., 2009. Ophtalmo-chirurgie, 21 (suppl 5) pp. 1-4.
3D culture of postnatal retinal stem cells using self assembling polymers
Arsenijevic Y., Eberhardt M., Kraehenbuehl T.P., Tekaya M., Lutolf M., Hubbell J.A., 2009., ARVO E-Abstract 5152 dans Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. Peer-reviewed.
A clinical study of annular cyclitis.
Moschos M.M., Guex-Crosier Y., Margetis I., Zografos L., 2009. Clinical Ophthalmology, 3 pp. 215-7. Peer-reviewed.
A corneal dystrophy associated with transforming growth factor beta-induced Gly623Asp mutation an amyloidogenic phenotype.
Auw-Haedrich C., Agostini H., Clausen I., Reinhard T., Eberwein P., Schorderet D.F., Gruenauer-Kloevekorn C., 2009. Ophthalmology, 116 (1) pp. 46-51. Peer-reviewed.
A history of the renewal of the corneal epithelium : a 3D animation
Majo F., Clavien M., Lucciola A., Lucciola E., Thalmann D., 2009., ARVO E-Abstract 1777 dans Investigative ophthalmology and visual science. Peer-reviewed.
A new locus for congenital cataract, microcornea, microphthalmia, and atypical iris coloboma maps to chromosome 2.
Abouzeid H., Meire F.M., Osman I., ElShakankiri N., Bolay S., Munier F.L., Schorderet D.F., 2009/01. Ophthalmology, 116 (1) pp. 154-162.e1. Peer-reviewed.
Acute retinal necrosis in primary herpes simplex virus type I infection.
Mora P., Guex-Crosier Y., Kamberi E., Orsoni J.G., 2009. The Pediatric infectious disease journal, 28 (2) pp. 163-4. Peer-reviewed.
Acute reversible Charles Bonnet syndrome precipitated by sudden severe anemia.
Kaeser P.F., Borruat F.X., 2009. European journal of ophthalmology, 19 (3) pp. 494-5. Peer-reviewed.
Advantages of medicated intraocular lenses
Guex-Crosier Y., Eperon S., Rodriguez-Aller M., Bossy-Nobs L., Gurny R., 2009., International Symposium on Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics p. 107 dans ISOPT Abstracts.
Altérations maculaires décrites par l'OCT dans des conditions d'hypertension sévère transitoire
Pournaras J., Bertschinger D., Sabani I., Guex-Crosier Y., 2009., Société Suisse d'Ophtalmologie pp. S82 dans Ophta.
Analyse des résultats de l'effet angulaire à court terme d'une réintervention pour exotropie résiduelle
de Haller R., Klainguti G., 2009., Société Suisse d'Ophtalmologie pp. S59 dans Ophta. Peer-reviewed.
Analyse rétrospective de l'efficacité de l'injection de ranibizumab dans la choriorétinopathie séreuse centrale chronique (CSRC)
Ambresin A., Mantel I., 2009., Société Suisse d'Ophtalmologie pp. S75 dans Ophta.
Anatomic and functional outcome after 23-gauge sutureless transconjunctival vitrectomy, peeling and intravitreal triamcinolone for idiopathic macular epiretinal membranes
Konstantinidis L., Berguiga M., Beknazar E., Wolfensberger T., 2009., ARVO E-Abstract 4194 dans Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. Peer-reviewed.
Anatomic and functional outcome after 23-gauge vitrectomy, peeling, and intravitreal triamcinolone for idiopathic macular epiretinal membrane.
Konstantinidis L., Berguiga M., Beknazar E., Wolfensberger T.J., 2009. Retina, 29 (8) pp. 1119-27. Peer-reviewed.
Approach to the patient with abnormal pupils
Kawasaki A., 2009. pp. 131-143 dans Biller J. (eds.) Practical neurology chap. 11, Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins.
Argon-laser iridoplasty in the management of uveitis-induced acute angle-closure glaucoma.
Mansouri K., Ravinet E., 2009. European Journal of Ophthalmology, 19 (2) pp. 304-306.
Aspergillose : une cause inhabituelle du syndrome de l'apex orbitaire
Kaeser P., Borruat F., 2009., Société Suisse d'Ophtalmologie pp. S98 dans Ophta.
Awareness of eye tumours in Down syndrome.
Munier F.L., Satgé D., 2009. British Journal of Ophthalmology, 93 (2) p. 276. Peer-reviewed.
Bax-induced apoptosis in Leber's congenital amaurosis : a dual role in rod and cone degeneration
Cottet S., Métrailler S., Hamann S., Schorderet D.F., 2009., ARVO E-Abstract 4462 dans Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. Peer-reviewed.
Bax-induced apoptosis in Leber's congenital amaurosis: a dual role in rod and cone degeneration.
Hamann S., Schorderet D.F., Cottet S., 2009. PloS one, 4 (8) pp. e6616. Peer-reviewed.
BBS7 and BBS8 play a minor role in the mutational load of Bardet-Biedl syndrome in a multiethnic population : Abstract 2317
Jagadeesan M., Bin J., Ferrini W., Héon E., 2009. dans ARVO 2009, Annual Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Reducing Disparities in Eye Disease and Treatment. Peer-reviewed.
Biodegradable implants and cataract surgery
Eperon S., Bossy-Nobs L., Gurny R., Guex-Crosier Y., 2009., 22nd European Conference on Biomaterials p. 49 dans ESB Program. Peer-reviewed.
Biopsie à ciel ouvert d'une tumeur du corps ciliaire ou choroïdienne d'origine non définie : utilité et sécurité
Schalenbourg A., Chamot L., Uffer S., Zografos L., 2009., Société Suisse d'Ophtalmologie pp. S53 dans Ophta.
Brachythérapie au Iode 125 (I125) comme alternative à l'énucléation ou radiothérapie externe dans le rétinoblastome papillaire
Gaillard M., Möckli R., Balmer A., Zografos L., Beck-Popovic M., Houghton S., Munier F., 2009., Société Suisse d'Ophtalmologie pp. S91 dans Ophta.
Brachythérapie comme alternative à l'énucléation chez les patients atteints de médulloépithéliomes du corps ciliaire
Moulin A., Moeckli R., Balmer A., Gaillard M., Munier F., 2009., Société Suisse d'Ophtalmologie pp. S90 dans Ophta.
Chromatic pupil responses: preferential activation of the melanopsin-mediated versus outer photoreceptor-mediated pupil light reflex.
Kardon R., Anderson S.C., Damarjian T.G., Grace E.M., Stone E., Kawasaki A., 2009. Ophthalmology, 116 (8) pp. 1564-73. Peer-reviewed.
Chromosomal number aberrations and transformation in adult mouse retinal stem cells in vitro.
Djojosubroto Meta, Bollotte Frederic, Wirapati Pratyaksha, Radtke Freddy, Stamenkovic Ivan, Arsenijevic Yvan, 2009. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 50 (12) pp. 5975-5987.
Cinquantenaire du Club Jules Gonin
Novotny U., Wolfensberger T.J., 2009. Ophta 6 pp. 456-459.
Clinical and imaging findings in multifocal orbital vascular lesions: a case series.
Detorakis E.T., Drakonaki E., Kymionis G., Pallikaris I.G., Tsilimbaris M.K., 2009. Seminars in ophthalmology, 24 (6) pp. 241-244. Peer-reviewed.
Clinicopathological features of eyelid skin tumors. A retrospective study of 5504 cases and review of literature.
Deprez M., Uffer S., 2009. The American Journal of dermatopathology, 31 (3) pp. 256-62. Peer-reviewed.
Comparing subconjunctival injection versus subscleral mitomycin c application during deep sclerectomy in glaucoma patients
Schnyder C.C., Rivier D., Kaeser P.F., Roy S., Ravinet E., Mermoud A., Abouzeid H., Sharkawi E., 2009., E-Abstract P506 dans World glaucoma congress.
Comparison of visual preservation after transplantation of BDNF or GDNF secreting mesenchymal stem cells in glaucomatous rat eyes
Harper M.M., Sakaguchi D.S., Kuehn M.H., Kwon Y.H., Kardon R.H., Bemelmans A., Kostic C., Arsenijevic Y., Grozdanic S.C., 2009., ARVO E-Abstract 2754 dans Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. Peer-reviewed.
Corrélation fonctionnelle des anomalies d'autofluorescence chez des patients atteints de divers[es] dystrophies rétiniennes
Vaclavik V., Gaillard M., Munier F., 2009., Société Suisse d'Ophtalmologie pp. S58 dans Ophta.
Courbe d'apprentissage lors de la réalisation des DALKs (Deep Anterior Lamellar Keratoplasty) : pièges et complications lors de nos 20 premières procédures
Majo F., Perez Campagne E., Othenin-Girard P., Zografos L., 2009., Société Française d'Ophtalmologie pp. 1S102 dans Journal français d'ophtalmologie. Peer-reviewed.
Cytoponction parotidienne à l'aiguille fine dans le diagnostic de la sarcoïdose oculaire
Vaudaux J., Moulin A., Olivier F., Guex-Crosier Y., 2009., Société Suisse d'Ophtalmologie pp. S95 dans Ophta.
Deep sclerectomy combined with trabeculectomy in pediatric glaucoma.
Feusier M., Roy S., Mermoud A., 2009/01. Ophthalmology, 116 (1) pp. 30-38. Peer-reviewed.
Der Effekt von chronischem Rauchen auf die Biomechanik der Hornhaut
Hafezi F., Majo F., 2009., Société Suisse d'Ophtalmologie pp. S53 dans Ophta.
Diplopie révélatrice de corps étrangers intra-orbitaires méconnus
Kaeser P., Klainguti G., 2009., Société Suisse d'Ophtalmologie pp. S96 dans Ophta. Peer-reviewed.
Effect of systemic nitric oxide synthase inhibition on optic disc oxygen partial pressure in normoxia and in hypercapnia.
Petropoulos I.K., Pournaras J.A., Stangos A.N., Pournaras C.J., 2009. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 50 (1) pp. 378-384. Peer-reviewed.
Effective temporary analgesia for severe painful blind eye.
Schalenbourg A., Hemmerdinger C., Rana M., Khurshid G.S., Damato B., 2009. International ophthalmology, 29 (4) pp. 323-4. Peer-reviewed.
Effects of ciliary muscle plasmid electrotransfer of TNF-alpha soluble receptor variants in experimental uveitis.
Touchard E., Bloquel C., Bigey P., Kowalczuk L., Kowalczuc L., Jonet L., Thillaye-Goldenberg B., Naud M.C., Scherman D., de Kozak Y. et al., 2009. Gene Therapy, 16 (7) pp. 862-873. Peer-reviewed.
Effects of triamcinolone acetonide on vessels of the posterior segment of the eye.
Valamanesh F., Berdugo M., Sennlaub F., Savoldelli M., Goumeaux C., Houssier M., Jeanny J.C., Torriglia A., Behar-Cohen F., 2009. Molecular Vision, 15 pp. 2634-2648. Peer-reviewed.
Efficient lentiviral gene transfer into corneal stroma cells using a femtosecond laser.
Bemelmans A.P., Arsenijevic Y., Majo F., 2009. Gene Therapy, 16 (7) pp. 933-938. Peer-reviewed.
Evaluation de ranibizumab pour la DMLA exsudative dans la pratique clinique : les facteurs importants dans le suivi individualisé
Mantel I., Mariani A., Ambresin A., 2009., Société Suisse d'Ophtalmologie pp. S56 dans Ophta.
Expansion des bulles de gaz intraoculaires due à l'altitude : les facteurs météorologiques jouent-ils un rôle ?
Ferrini W., Pournaras J., Wolfensberger T., 2009., Société Suisse d'Ophtalmologie pp. S86 dans Ophta.
Femtosecond-assisted astigmatic keratotomy for post-keratoplasty irregular astigmatism.
Kymionis G.D., Yoo S.H., Ide T., Culbertson W.W., 2009/01. Journal of cataract and refractive surgery, 35 (1) pp. 11-13. Peer-reviewed.
Fifteen-year follow-up after anterior chamber phakic intraocular lens implantation in one and LASIK in the fellow eye.
Kymionis G.D., Grentzelos M.A., Kalyvianaki M.I., Detorakis E.T., Kounis G.A., Tsilimbaris M.K., Pallikaris I.G., 2009. Seminars in ophthalmology, 24 (6) pp. 231-233. Peer-reviewed.
Flap amputation with phototherapeutic keratectomy (PTK) and adjuvant mitomycin C for severe post-LASIK epithelial ingrowth.
Kymionis G., Ide T., Yoo S., 2009. European journal of ophthalmology, 19 (2) pp. 301-303. Peer-reviewed.
Functional analysis of disease-causing NR2E3 mutations
Escher P., Voirol N., Favez T., Roduit R., Schorderet D.F., 2009., ARVO E-Abstract 2296 dans Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. Peer-reviewed.
Gauge transkonjunktivale Vitrektomie, Peeling und intravitreale Injektion von Triamcinolon für epimakuläre Membranen
Konstantinidis L., Berguiga M., Beknazar E., Wolfensberger T., 2009., Société Suisse d'Ophtalmologie pp. S66 dans Ophta.
Genotyping microarray for CSNB-associated genes.
Zeitz C., Labs S., Lorenz B., Forster U., Uksti J., Kroes H.Y., De Baere E., Leroy B.P., Cremers F.P., Wittmer M. et al., 2009. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 50 (12) pp. 5919-5926. Peer-reviewed.
Germline mutations in retinoma patients: relevance to low-penetrance and low-expressivity molecular basis.
Abouzeid H., Schorderet D.F., Balmer A., Munier F.L., 2009. Molecular Vision, 15 pp. 771-777.
Giant cell arteritis: A rare cause of posterior vasculitis.
Moschos M.M., Guex-Crosier Y., 2009. Clinical Ophthalmology, 3 pp. 111-115. Peer-reviewed.
Giant cell arteritis: an updated review.
Kawasaki A., Purvin V., 2009. Acta ophthalmologica, 87 (1) pp. 13-32. Peer-reviewed.
Idiopathic chiasmal neuritis: clinical features and prognosis.
Kawasaki A., Purvin V.A., 2009. Archives of ophthalmology, 127 (1) pp. 76-81. Peer-reviewed.
Immunohistochemical studies of atypical conjunctival melanocytic nevi.
Jakobiec F.A., Colby K., Bajart A.M., Saragas S.J., Moulin A., 2009. Archives of Ophthalmology, 127 (8) pp. 970-980. Peer-reviewed.
In conditions of limited chromophore supply rods entrap 11-cis-retinal leading to loss of cone function and cell death.
Samardzija M., Tanimoto N., Kostic C., Beck S., Oberhauser V., Joly S., Thiersch M., Fahl E., Arsenijevic Y., von Lintig J. et al., 2009. Human molecular genetics, 18 (7) pp. 1266-75. Peer-reviewed.
Increased therapeutic window for the R91W mutant form of Rpe65 compared to Rpe65 null backgroud
Kostic C., Bemelmans A.P., Crippa S., Samardzija M., Pignat V., Tekaya M., Wanner D., Wenzel A., Arsenijevic Y., 2009., ARVO E-Abstract 1743 dans Investigative ophthalmology and visual science. Peer-reviewed.
Inflammation in cataract surgery
Vaudaux J., Eperon S., Nguyen C., Guex-Crosier Y., 2009. Exp Rev Ophthalmol, 2 (5) pp. 803-818. Peer-reviewed.
Influence of age on retinochoroidal healing processes after argon photocoagulation in C57bl/6j mice.
Dot C., Parier V., Behar-Cohen F., Benezra D., Jonet L., Goldenberg B., Picard E., Camelo S., de Kozak Y., May F. et al., 2009. Molecular Vision, 15 pp. 670-684. Peer-reviewed.
Intravitreal ranibizumab (Lucentis) for the treatment of myopic choroidal neovascularization.
Konstantinidis L., Mantel I., Pournaras J.A., Zografos L., Ambresin A., 2009. Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology = Albrecht von Graefes Archiv für klinische und experimentelle Ophthalmologie, 247 (3) pp. 311-318. Peer-reviewed.
Intravitreal ranibizumab (Lucentis) in the treatment of retinal angiomatous proliferation (RAP).
Konstantinidis L., Mameletzi E., Mantel I., Pournaras J.A., Zografos L., Ambresin A., 2009. Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, 247 (9) pp. 1165-1171. Peer-reviewed.
Intravitreal ranibizumab as primary treatment for neovascular membrane associated with idiopathic juxtafoveal retinal telangiectasia.
Konstantinidis L., Mantel I., Zografos L., Ambresin A., 2009. Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology [Albrecht von Graefes Archiv für klinische und experimentelle Ophthalmologie], 247 (11) pp. 1567-1569.
Kyste intra-vitréen : évolution sur six ans
Basdekidou C., Wolfensberger T., 2009., Société Française d'Ophtalmologie pp. 1S132 dans Journal français d'ophtalmologie. Peer-reviewed.
Kératite infectieuse après kératectomie photoréfractive (PRK) - une sériede 3 cas
Bertschinger D., Martinez A., Majo F., 2009., Société Suisse d'Ophtalmologie pp. S105 dans Ophta.
Les allergies oculaires
Guex-Crosier Y., 2009. pp. 94-96 dans Hofer M. (eds.) Le guide suisse des allergies 2009-2010, Ed. L. Mancassola.
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