Service de pneumologie

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1411 publications

... | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | ...
Periodic limb movements during sleep in stroke/TIA: Prevalence, course, and cardiovascular burden.
Manconi M., Fanfulla F., Ferri R., Miano S., Haba-Rubio J., Heinzer R., Horvath T., Proserpio P., Young P., Moschovitis G. et al., 2018/05/08. Neurology, 90 (19) pp. e1663-e1672. Peer-reviewed.
Complex Tracheocarinal Reconstructions Using Extrathoracic Muscle Flaps as Airway Substitutes.
Blatter J., Krueger T., Ris H.B., Baeriswyl M., Lovis A., Zellweger M., Gonzalez M., Perentes J.Y., 2018/05. The Annals of thoracic surgery, 105 (5) pp. 1492-1498. Peer-reviewed.
Management of Severe Portopulmonary Hypertension With Dual Oral Therapy Before Liver Transplantation.
Vionnet J., Yerly P., Aubert J.D., Pascual M., Aldenkortt F., Berney T., Giostra E., Moradpour D., Schiffer E., 2018/05. Transplantation, 102 (5) pp. e194. Peer-reviewed.
Mouvements anormaux liés au sommeil [Sleep-related movement disorders]
Haba-Rubio J., Siclari F., Heinzer R., 2018/04/25. Revue medicale suisse, 14 (604) pp. 883-887. Peer-reviewed.
A cluster of multidrug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis among patients arriving in Europe from the Horn of Africa: a molecular epidemiological study
Walker Timothy M, Merker Matthias, Knoblauch Astrid M, Helbling Peter, Schoch Otto D, van der Werf Marieke J, Kranzer Katharina, Fiebig Lena, Kröger Stefan, Haas Walter et al., 2018/04. The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 18 (4) pp. 431-440.
A double echo ultra short echo time (UTE) acquisition for respiratory motion-suppressed high resolution imaging of the lung.
Delacoste J., Chaptinel J., Beigelman-Aubry C., Piccini D., Sauty A., Stuber M., 2018/04. Magnetic resonance in medicine, 79 (4) pp. 2297-2305. Peer-reviewed.
Multicentre observational screening survey for the detection of CTEPH following pulmonary embolism.
Coquoz N., Weilenmann D., Stolz D., Popov V., Azzola A., Fellrath J.M., Stricker H., Pagnamenta A., Ott S., Ulrich S. et al., 2018/04. The European respiratory journal, 51 (4) pp. pii: 1702505. Peer-reviewed.
The neonatal window of opportunity-early priming for life.
Renz H., Adkins B.D., Bartfeld S., Blumberg R.S., Farber D.L., Garssen J., Ghazal P., Hackam D.J., Marsland B.J., McCoy K.D. et al., 2018/04. The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology, 141 (4) pp. 1212-1214. Peer-reviewed.
Self-reported body silhouette trajectories across the lifespan and excessive daytime sleepiness in adulthood: a retrospective analysis. The Paris Prospective Study III.
Lisan Q., Tafflet M., Charles M.A., Thomas F., Boutouyrie P., Guibout C., Haba-Rubio J., Périer M.C., Pannier B., Marques-Vidal P. et al., 2018/03/27. BMJ open, 8 (3) pp. e020851. Peer-reviewed.
First histopathological evidence of irreversible pulmonary vascular disease in dasatinib-induced pulmonary arterial hypertension.
Daccord C., Letovanec I., Yerly P., Bloch J., Ogna A., Nicod L.P., Aubert J.D., 2018/03. The European respiratory journal, 51 (3) pp. 1-4. Peer-reviewed.
Airway microbiota signals anabolic and catabolic remodeling in the transplanted lung.
Mouraux S., Bernasconi E., Pattaroni C., Koutsokera A., Aubert J.D., Claustre J., Pison C., Royer P.J., Magnan A., Kessler R. et al., 2018/02. The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology, 141 (2) pp. 718-729.e7. Peer-reviewed.
Lung transplantation after allogeneic stem cell transplantation: a pan-European experience.
Greer M., Berastegui C., Jaksch P., Benden C., Aubert J., Roux A., Lhuillier E., Hirschi S., Reynaud-Gaubert M., Philit F. et al., 2018/02. The European respiratory journal, 51 (2) pp. NA. Peer-reviewed.
The NoSAS score: A new and simple screening tool for obstructive sleep apnea syndrome in depressive disorder.
Guichard K., Marti-Soler H., Micoulaud-Franchi J.A., Philip P., Marques-Vidal P., Vollenweider P., Waeber G., Preisig M., Haba-Rubio J., Heinzer R., 2018/02. Journal of affective disorders, 227 pp. 136-140. Peer-reviewed.
Réduction de volume pulmonaire en cas d’emphysème []
Lovis A., 2018/01/24. Revue medicale suisse, 14 (591) pp. 231-233. Peer-reviewed.
A 12-week combination of clarithromycin and prednisone compared to a 24-week prednisone alone treatment in cryptogenic and radiation-induced organizing pneumonia
Petitpierre Nicolas, Cottin Vincent, Marchand-Adam Sylvain, Hirschi Sandrine, Rigaud Dominique, Court-Fortune Isabelle, Jouneau Stéphane, Israël-Biet Dominique, Molard Anita, Cordier Jean-François et al., 2018/01/01. Sarcoidosis vasculitis and diffuse lung diseases, 35 (3) pp. 230-238. Peer-reviewed.
Clinical significance of periodic limb movements during sleep: the HypnoLaus study.
Haba-Rubio J., Marti-Soler H., Tobback N., Andries D., Marques-Vidal P., Vollenweider P., Preisig M., Heinzer R., 2018/01. Sleep medicine, 41 pp. 45-50. Peer-reviewed.
Diagnosis and Management of Asthma - The Swiss Guidelines.
Rothe T., Spagnolo P., Bridevaux P.O., Clarenbach C., Eich-Wanger C., Meyer F., Miedinger D., Möller A., Nicod L.P., Nicolet-Chatelain G. et al., 2018. Respiration; international review of thoracic diseases, 95 (5) pp. 364-380. Peer-reviewed.
Diagnosis, Prevention and Treatment of Stable COPD and Acute Exacerbations of COPD: The Swiss Recommendations 2018.
Stolz D., Barandun J., Borer H., Bridevaux P.O., Brun P., Brutsche M., Clarenbach C., Eich C., Fiechter R., Frey M. et al., 2018. Respiration; international review of thoracic diseases, 96 (4) pp. 382-398. Peer-reviewed.
Diaphragm: Pathophysiology and Ultrasound Imaging in Neuromuscular Disorders.
Fayssoil A., Behin A., Ogna A., Mompoint D., Amthor H., Clair B., Laforet P., Mansart A., Prigent H., Orlikowski D. et al., 2018. Journal of neuromuscular diseases, 5 (1) pp. 1-10. Peer-reviewed.
Distinct Genomic Features Characterize Two Clades of <i>Corynebacterium diphtheriae</i>: Proposal of <i>Corynebacterium diphtheriae</i> Subsp. <i>diphtheriae</i> Subsp. nov. and <i>Corynebacterium diphtheriae</i> Subsp. <i>lausannense</i> Subsp. nov.
Tagini F., Pillonel T., Croxatto A., Bertelli C., Koutsokera A., Lovis A., Greub G., 2018. Frontiers in microbiology, 9 p. 1743. Peer-reviewed.
Extended-criteria donors in lung transplantation in Switzerland: an evaluation of two adapted lung donor scores.
Elmer A., Birrer M., Weiss J., Aubert J.D., Benden C., Inci I., Krüger T., Soccal P.M., Immer F.F., 2018. Swiss medical weekly, 148 pp. w14614. Peer-reviewed.
Local and Widespread Slow Waves in Stable NREM Sleep: Evidence for Distinct Regulation Mechanisms.
Bernardi G., Siclari F., Handjaras G., Riedner B.A., Tononi G., 2018. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 12 p. 248. Peer-reviewed.
Non-circumferential membranous resection of the trachea for paraganglioma: A case report.
Wannaz L., Roumy A., Letovanec I., Lovis A., Beigelman C., Ris H.B., Gonzalez M., 2018. International journal of surgery case reports, 51 pp. 288-291. Peer-reviewed.
Score NoSAS: un outil de dépistage du syndrome d’apnées du sommeil pour le médecin de premier recours []
Mitropoulou G., Haba-Rubio J., Heinzer R., 2018. Praxis, 107 (6) pp. 323-327. Peer-reviewed.
Swiss Recommendations for Adult Cystic Fibrosis Care: Psychological Issues
Hersch Déborah, Saraga Michael, Koutsokera Angela, 2018. dans Swiss Recommendations for Adult Cystic Fibrosis Care chap. 14, RMS Editions/Médecine et Hygiène.
Zystische Lungenerkrankungen bei genetisch bedingten Syndromen mit Funktionsausfall von Tumorsuppressorgenen
Daccord Cécile, Nicod Laurent Pierre, Lazor Romain, 2018. Karger Kompass Pneumol pp. 77-89.
Characteristics and determinants of respiratory event associated leg movements.
Fulda S., Heinzer R., Haba-Rubio J., 2017/12/15. Sleep, 41 (2) pp. UNSP zsx206. Peer-reviewed.
Maladies vasculaires rares, mise en place d’un centre multidisciplinaire spécialisé au CHUV [Rare vascular diseases, building dedicated multidisciplinary specialized center]
Krieger C., Baud D., Bouchardy J., Christen-Zaech S., De Buys A., Deglise S., El Ezzi O., Fresa M., Hofer M., Hohl D. et al., 2017/12/06. Revue medicale suisse, 13 (586) pp. 2109-2115. Peer-reviewed.
Prevalence and Determinants of REM Sleep Behavior Disorder in the General Population.
Haba-Rubio J., Frauscher B., Marques-Vidal P., Toriel J., Tobback N., Andries D., Preisig M., Vollenweider P., Postuma R., Heinzer R., 2017/12/05. Sleep, 41 (2) pp. UNSP zsx197 . Peer-reviewed.
Response to a letter to the editor: sleep disturbance as a stressor event in elderly's life.
Ouanes S., Haba-Rubio J., Popp J., 2017/12. Neurobiology of aging, 60 p. 204. Peer-reviewed.
Impact of the 2010 US Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act on School Breakfast and Lunch Participation Rates Between 2008 and 2015
MacNee William , Fahy John V., Nicod Laurent P. , Kolls Jay (eds.), 2017/11/21. 3, American Public Health Association.
Bronchoconstriction induite par l’effort : épidémiologie, physiopathologie et prise en charge [Exercise-induced bronchoconstriction: epidemiology, physiopathology and management]
Reinhard-Groebli F., Nicod L.P., 2017/11/15. Revue medicale suisse, 13 (583) pp. 1985-1989. Peer-reviewed.
Hypertension artérielle pulmonaire et grossesse [Pulmonary hypertension and pregnancy]
Diamanti E., Baud D., Aubert J.D., Nicod L.P., 2017/11/15. Revue medicale suisse, 13 (583) pp. 1974-1979. Peer-reviewed.
L’échographie pleuro-pulmonaire pour le pneumologue [Lung and pleural space ultrasonography for pulmonologist]
Noirez L., Nicod L.P., 2017/11/15. Revue medicale suisse, 13 (583) pp. 1990-1995. Peer-reviewed.
Nouvelles dimensionsdans les suivis pneumologiques []
Nicod L.P., Soccal P.M., 2017/11/15. Revue medicale suisse, 13 (583) pp. 1971-1972. Peer-reviewed.
Purpose of the Conference: The 2017 Transatlantic Conference on Lung Diseases.
MacNee W., Fahy J.V., Nicod L.P., Kolls J., 2017/11. Annals of the American Thoracic Society, 14 (Supplement_5) pp. S313. Peer-reviewed.
The Impact of Diet on Immunity and Respiratory Diseases.
Wypych T.P., Marsland B.J., Ubags NDJ, 2017/11. Annals of the American Thoracic Society, 14 (Supplement_5) pp. S339-S347. Peer-reviewed.
Enteric helminth-induced type I interferon signaling protects against pulmonary virus infection through interaction with the microbiota.
McFarlane A.J., McSorley H.J., Davidson D.J., Fitch P.M., Errington C., Mackenzie K.J., Gollwitzer E.S., Johnston CJC, MacDonald A.S., Edwards M.R. et al., 2017/10. The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology, 140 (4) pp. 1068-1078.e6. Peer-reviewed.
Oscillatory stimuli differentiate adapting circuit topologies.
Rahi S.J., Larsch J., Pecani K., Katsov A.Y., Mansouri N., Tsaneva-Atanasova K., Sontag E.D., Cross F.R., 2017/10. Nature methods, 14 (10) pp. 1010-1016. Peer-reviewed.
Evaluating disease severity in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.
Robbie H., Daccord C., Chua F., Devaraj A., 2017/09/30. European respiratory review, 26 (145) pp. NA. Peer-reviewed.
Mechanistic insight into the function of the microbiome in lung diseases.
Ubags NDJ, Marsland B.J., 2017/09. The European respiratory journal, 50 (3) pp. 1-12. Peer-reviewed.
Syndrome hépato-pulmonaire et hypertension porto-pulmonaire [Hepatopulmonary syndrome and portopulmonary hypertension]
Marcu C., Schiffer E., Aubert J.D., Vionnet J., Yerly P., Deltenre P., Marot A., 2017/08/30. Revue medicale suisse, 13 (572) pp. 1464-1469. Peer-reviewed.
A 58-Year-Old Man With Position-Dependent Nocturnal Dyspnea.
Schertel A., Horvath C.M., Pichler Hefti J., Aubert J.D., Brill A.K., 2017/08. Chest, 152 (2) pp. e51-e55. Peer-reviewed.
Development of a multivariate prediction model for early-onset bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome and restrictive allograft syndrome in lung transplantation
Koutsokera A, Royer PJ, Antonietti J.-Ph, Fritz A, Benden C, Aubert JD, Tissot A, Botturi K, Roux A, Reynaud-Gaubert ML et al., 2017/07/17. Frontiers in Medicine, 4. Peer-reviewed.
Œdème pulmonaire d’immersion [Immersion pulmonary edema]
Desgraz B., Sartori C., Saubade M., Héritier F., Gabus V., 2017/07/12. Revue medicale suisse, 13 (569) pp. 1324-1328. Peer-reviewed.
Microbiota Analysis Using an Illumina MiSeq Platform to Sequence 16S rRNA Genes.
Rapin A., Pattaroni C., Marsland B.J., Harris N.L., 2017/06/19. Current protocols in mouse biology, 7 (2) pp. 100-129. Peer-reviewed.
Efficacy of the New Generation of Devices for Positional Therapy for Patients With Positional Obstructive Sleep Apnea: A Systematic Review of the Literature and Meta-Analysis.
Ravesloot MJL, White D., Heinzer R., Oksenberg A., Pépin J.L., 2017/06/15. Journal of clinical sleep medicine, 13 (6) pp. 813-824. Peer-reviewed.
An Official American Thoracic Society Workshop Report: Obesity and Metabolism. An Emerging Frontier in Lung Health and Disease.
Suratt B.T., Ubags NDJ, Rastogi D., Tantisira K.G., Marsland B.J., Petrache I., Allen J.B., Bates JHT, Holguin F., McCormack M.C. et al., 2017/06. Annals of the American Thoracic Society, 14 (6) pp. 1050-1059. Peer-reviewed.
Diet Hypotheses in Light of the Microbiota Revolution: New Perspectives.
Wypych T.P., Marsland B.J., 2017/05/24. Nutrients, 9 (6) pp. E537. Peer-reviewed.
Addressing unmet needs in understanding asthma mechanisms: From the European Asthma Research and Innovation Partnership (EARIP) Work Package (WP)2 collaborators.
Edwards M.R., Saglani S., Schwarze J., Skevaki C., Smith J.A., Ainsworth B., Almond M., Andreakos E., Belvisi M.G., Chung K.F. et al., 2017/05. The European respiratory journal, 49 (5) p. 0. Peer-reviewed.
Repair of challenging non-malignant tracheo- or broncho-oesophageal fistulas by extrathoracic muscle flaps.
Rosskopfova P., Perentes J.Y., Schäfer M., Krueger T., Lovis A., Dorta G., Baeriswyl M., Ris H.B., Gonzalez M., 2017/05/01. European journal of cardio-thoracic surgery, 51 (5) pp. 844-851. Peer-reviewed.
Lung Homeostasis: Influence of Age, Microbes, and the Immune System.
Lloyd C.M., Marsland B.J., 2017/04/18. Immunity, 46 (4) pp. 549-561. Peer-reviewed.
Toxocarose : une maladie négligée en Suisse ? [Toxocariasis, a neglected disease in Switzerland ?]
Duréault A., Perez Valdes C., Weber L., Ogna A., Sempoux C., Manuel O., Delaloye J., 2017/04/12. Revue medicale suisse, 13 (558) pp. 815-819. Peer-reviewed.
Age dictates a steroid-resistant cascade of Wnt5a, transglutaminase 2, and leukotrienes in inflamed airways.
Dietz K., de Los Reyes Jiménez M., Gollwitzer E.S., Chaker A.M., Zissler U.M., Rådmark O.P., Baarsma H.A., Königshoff M., Schmidt-Weber C.B., Marsland B.J. et al., 2017/04. The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology, 139 (4) pp. 1343-1354.e6. Peer-reviewed.
Iatrogenic bleeding during flexible bronchoscopy: risk factors, prophylactic measures and management.
Bernasconi M., Koegelenberg CFN, Koutsokera A., Ogna A., Casutt A., Nicod L., Lovis A., 2017/04. ERJ open research, 3 (2) pp. e1. Peer-reviewed.
Linear-Endobronchial Ultrasound-Guided Insertion of a Fiducial Marker: A New Tool for Tracking Central Lesions.
Casutt A., Koutsokera A., Peguret N., Lovis A., 2017/04. Journal of bronchology & interventional pulmonology, 24 (2) pp. 166-169. Peer-reviewed.
Prolonged Apnea Supported by High-Frequency Noninvasive Ventilation: A Pilot Study.
Ogna A., Bernasconi M., Belmondo B., Long O., Simons J., Peguret N., Heinzer R., Nicod L.P., Bourhis J., Lovis A., 2017/04/01. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine, 195 (7) pp. 958-960. Peer-reviewed.
The microbiome in allergic disease: Current understanding and future opportunities-2017 PRACTALL document of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology and the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology.
Huang Y.J., Marsland B.J., Bunyavanich S., O'Mahony L., Leung D.Y., Muraro A., Fleisher T.A., 2017/04. The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology, 139 (4) pp. 1099-1110. Peer-reviewed.
The microbiome in respiratory medicine: current challenges and future perspectives.
Faner R., Sibila O., Agustí A., Bernasconi E., Chalmers J.D., Huffnagle G.B., Manichanh C., Molyneaux P.L., Paredes R., Pérez Brocal V. et al., 2017/04. The European respiratory journal, 49 (4) p. 1602086. Peer-reviewed.
Épidémiologie, populations à risque et phénotypes cliniques du syndrome d’apnées du sommeil [Epidemiology, risk factors and phenotypes of sleep breathing disorders]
Heinzer R., 2017/04. Presse medicale, 46 (4) pp. 388-394. Peer-reviewed.
Sleep characteristics and cognitive impairment in the general population: The HypnoLaus study.
Haba-Rubio J., Marti-Soler H., Tobback N., Andries D., Marques-Vidal P., Waeber G., Vollenweider P., von Gunten A., Preisig M., Castelao E. et al., 2017/01/31. Neurology, 88 (5) pp. 463-469. Peer-reviewed.
Rapid adaptation drives invasion of airway donor microbiota by Pseudomonas after lung transplantation.
Beaume M., Köhler T., Greub G., Manuel O., Aubert J.D., Baerlocher L., Farinelli L., Buckling A., van Delden C., Swiss Transplant Cohort Study, 2017/01/17. Scientific reports, 7 p. 40309. Peer-reviewed.
Indacaterol and glycopyrronium versus indacaterol on body plethysmography measurements in COPD-a randomised controlled study.
Salomon J., Stolz D., Domenighetti G., Frey J.G., Turk A.J., Azzola A., Sigrist T., Fitting J.W., Schmidt U., Geiser T. et al., 2017/01/11. Respiratory research, 18 (1) p. 13. Peer-reviewed.
Blood Gene Expression Predicts Bronchiolitis Obliterans Syndrome.
Danger R., Royer P.J., Reboulleau D., Durand E., Loy J., Tissot A., Lacoste P., Roux A., Reynaud-Gaubert M., Gomez C. et al., 2017. Frontiers in immunology, 8 p. 1841. Peer-reviewed.
Chest-MRI under pulsatile flow ventilation: A new promising technique.
Beigelman-Aubry C., Peguret N., Stuber M., Delacoste J., Belmondo B., Lovis A., Simons J., Long O., Grant K., Berchier G. et al., 2017. PloS one, 12 (6) pp. e0178807. Peer-reviewed.
Chronic effects of air pollution on lung function after lung transplantation in the Systems prediction of Chronic Lung Allograft Dysfunction (SysCLAD) study.
Benmerad M., Slama R., Botturi K., Claustre J., Roux A., Sage E., Reynaud-Gaubert M., Gomez C., Kessler R., Brugière O. et al., 2017/01. The European respiratory journal, 49 (1) p. 1. Peer-reviewed.
Cystic Lung Disease in Genetic Syndromes with Deficient Tumor Suppressor Gene Function.
Daccord C., Nicod L.P., Lazor R., 2017. Respiration; international review of thoracic diseases, 94 (6) pp. 467-485. Peer-reviewed.
Development of a Multivariate Prediction Model for Early-Onset Bronchiolitis Obliterans Syndrome and Restrictive Allograft Syndrome in Lung Transplantation.
Koutsokera A., Royer P.J., Antonietti J.P., Fritz A., Benden C., Aubert J.D., Tissot A., Botturi K., Roux A., Reynaud-Gaubert M.L. et al., 2017. Frontiers in medicine, 4 p. 109. Peer-reviewed.
Efficacy of Whole-Lung Lavage in Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis: A Multicenter International Study of GELF.
Gay P., Wallaert B., Nowak S., Yserbyt J., Anevlavis S., Hermant C., Lovis A., Menard O., Maitre B., Vandemoortele T. et al., 2017. Respiration; international review of thoracic diseases, 93 (3) pp. 198-206. Peer-reviewed.
Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells Induce CD141/CD123/DC-SIGN/FLT3 Monocytes That Promote Allogeneic Th17 Differentiation.
Gazdhar A., Blank F., Cesson V., Lovis A., Aubert J.D., Lazor R., Spertini F., Wilson A., Hostettler K., Nicod L.P. et al., 2017. Frontiers in immunology, 8 p. 447. Peer-reviewed.
Hémoptysies à l’âge de 18 ans
Al Jarrah Saif, Bart Pierre Alexandre, Lazor Romain, Naccini Bruno, Castioni Julien, 2017. Swiss Med Forum, 17 (30-31) pp. 637-641.
Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis in Switzerland: Diagnosis and Treatment.
Funke-Chambour M., Azzola A., Adler D., Barazzone-Argiroffo C., Benden C., Boehler A., Bridevaux P.O., Brutsche M., Clarenbach C.F., Hostettler K. et al., 2017. Respiration; international review of thoracic diseases, 93 (5) pp. 363-378.
Linear-Endobronchial Ultrasound-guided Insertion of a Fiducial Marker: A New Tool for Tracking Central Lesions.
Casutt A., Koutsokera A., Peguret N., Lovis A., 2017. Journal of Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology, 24 (2) pp. 166-69. Peer-reviewed.
Neonatal mucosal immunology.
Torow N., Marsland B.J., Hornef M.W., Gollwitzer E.S., 2017/01. Mucosal immunology, 10 (1) pp. 5-17. Peer-reviewed.
Ochroconis gallopava bronchitis mimicking haemoptysis in a patient with bronchiectasis.
Bernasconi M., Voinea C., Hauser P.M., Nicod L.P., Lazor R., 2017. Respiratory medicine case reports, 22 pp. 215-217. Peer-reviewed.
Peak VO2 in Obesity: Is It Worth the Effort?
Aubert J.D., 2017. Respiration; international review of thoracic diseases, 94 (6) pp. 486-487. Peer-reviewed.
Pulmonary Involvement in Adult Patients with Inborn Errors of Metabolism.
Tran C., Barbey F., Lazor R., Bonafé L., 2017. Respiration; international review of thoracic diseases, 94 (1) pp. 2-13. Peer-reviewed.
Relationship between Granulomatosis and Cancer.
Nicod L.P., 2017. Respiration; international review of thoracic diseases, 93 (4) pp. 234-235. Peer-reviewed.
Revisiting the systemic vasculitis in eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Churg-Strauss): A study of 157 patients by the Groupe d'Etudes et de Recherche sur les Maladies Orphelines Pulmonaires and the European Respiratory Society Taskforce on eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Churg-Strauss).
Cottin V., Bel E., Bottero P., Dalhoff K., Humbert M., Lazor R., Sinico R.A., Sivasothy P., Wechsler M.E., Groh M. et al., 2017/01. Autoimmunity reviews, 16 (1) pp. 1-9. Peer-reviewed.
The Lung in Rare Systemic Diseases.
Lazor R., Nicod L.P., 2017. Respiration; international review of thoracic diseases, 94 (1) p. 1. Peer-reviewed.
Pneumopathie toxique à la nitrofurantoïne
Tornay Joséphine , Lazor Romain , Uldry Christophe , Coronado Marcos , 2016/12/01. Schweizerisches Medizin-Forum pp. 973–976.
Purpose of the Conference: 2016 Transatlantic Airway Conference.
MacNee W., Fahy J.V., Nicod L.P., Kolls J.K., 2016/12. Annals of the American Thoracic Society, 13 (Supplement_5) pp. S395. Peer-reviewed.
Radial Ultrasound-Assisted Transbronchial Biopsy: A New Diagnostic Approach for Non-Resolving Pulmonary Infiltrates in Neutropenic Hemato-Oncological Patients.
Bernasconi M., Casutt A., Koutsokera A., Letovanec I., Tissot F., Nicod L.P., Lovis A., 2016/12. Lung, 194 (6) pp. 917-921. Peer-reviewed.
Sarcoïdose : quelle prise en charge ?
Wang-Buholzer Carine, Nicod Laurent, Plan Pierre-Alain, 2016/12/01. REVUE MÉDICALE SUISSE 517 pp. 902-3. Peer-reviewed.
Un état grippal pas banal à 37 ans
Giroud Sabine , Brunel Anne-Sophie , Lovis Alban , Castioni Julien , 2016/12/01. Forum Medical Suisse, 16 (12-13) pp. 299–302.
Nodules pulmonaires subsolides [Subsolid pulmonary nodules]
Keller D., Beigelman-Aubry C., Letovanec I., Bouchaab H., Gonzalez M., Lovis A., Nicod L.P., Lazor R., 2016/11/16. Revue medicale suisse, 12 (539) pp. 1976-1982. Peer-reviewed.
Pneumopathies à éosinophiles, comment les différencier: classification et démarche diagnostique
Djakovic Tanja, Ribeiro Diana, Brossard Christophe , Nicod Laurent P., 2016/11/16. Revue medicale suisse 539 pp. 1958-1965. Peer-reviewed.
Pneumopathies à éosinophiles, comment les différencier: classification et démarche diagnostique [Eosinophilic pneumonia, how to differentiate: classification and diagnostic approach]
Djakovic T., Ribeiro D., Brossard C., Nicod L.P., 2016/11/16. Revue medicale suisse, 12 (539) pp. 1958-1965. Peer-reviewed.
Que faire quand une pneumonie persiste? [How to handle a non-resolving pneumonia?]
Lechartier B., Prella M., Manuel O., Nicod L.P., 2016/11/16. Revue medicale suisse, 12 (539) pp. 1942-1947. Peer-reviewed.
Respirez le bon air!
Soccal P.M., Nicod L.P., 2016/11/16. Revue medicale suisse, 12 (539) pp. 1939-1940. Peer-reviewed.
Airway Microbiota Determines Innate Cell Inflammatory or Tissue Remodeling Profiles in Lung Transplantation.
Bernasconi E., Pattaroni C., Koutsokera A., Pison C., Kessler R., Benden C., Soccal P.M., Magnan A., Aubert J.D., Marsland B.J. et al., 2016/11/15. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine, 194 (10) pp. 1252-1263. Peer-reviewed.
Real-world asthma management with inhaler devices in Switzerland-results of the asthma survey.
Clarenbach C.F., Nicod L.P., Kohler M., 2016/11. Journal of thoracic disease, 8 (11) pp. 3096-3104. Peer-reviewed.
Respiratory manifestations of eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Churg-Strauss).
Cottin V., Bel E., Bottero P., Dalhoff K., Humbert M., Lazor R., Sinico R.A., Sivasothy P., Wechsler M.E., Groh M. et al., 2016/11. The European respiratory journal, 48 (5) pp. 1429-1441. Peer-reviewed.
Apnées du sommeil et grossesse [Sleep apnea in pregnancy]
Rieder W., Heinzer R., Baud D., 2016/10/26. Revue medicale suisse, 12 (536) pp. 1816-1820. Peer-reviewed.
A Trajectory toward Allergy: In Utero Uptake of Allergens Can Prime Type 2 Inflammation.
Thornton C.A., Marsland B.J., 2016/10/15. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine, 194 (8) pp. 919-920. Peer-reviewed.
Lymphangioléiomyomatose pulmonaire : de la physiopathologie à la prise en charge [Pulmonary lymphangioleiomyomatosis: From pathogenesis to management]
Chebib N., Khouatra C., Lazor R., Archer F., Leroux C., Gamondes D., Thivolet-Bejui F., Cordier J.F., Cottin V., 2016/10. Revue des maladies respiratoires, 33 (8) pp. 718-734. Peer-reviewed.
Pneumopathie organisée cryptogénique [Cryptogenic organizing pneumonia]
Petitpierre N., Beigelman C., Letovanec I., Lazor R., 2016/10. Revue des maladies respiratoires, 33 (8) pp. 703-717. Peer-reviewed.
Visceral leishmaniasis in a lung transplant recipient: usefulness of highly sensitive real-time polymerase chain reaction for preemptive diagnosis.
Opota O., Balmpouzis Z., Berutto C., Kaiser-Guignard J., Greub G., Aubert J.D., Prod'hom G., Manuel O., Jaton K., 2016/10. Transplant infectious disease, 18 (5) pp. 801-804. Peer-reviewed.
Chronic Lung Allograft Dysfunction : A Systematic Review of Mechanisms
Royer Pierre-Joseph, Olivera-Botello Gustavo, Koutsokera Angela, Aubert John-David, Bernasconi Eric, Tissot Adrien, Pison Christophe, Nicod Laurent, Boissel Jean-Pierre, Magnan Antoine, 2016/09. Transplantation, 100 (9) pp. 1803-1814.
Comment on: Use of a Fitness Tracker to Promote Physical Activity in Children with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Oliveira Jonatas de Paula, Hirotsu Camila, Tufik Sergio, Andersen Monica L., 2016/09. Pediatric Blood & Cancer, 63 (9) pp. 1685-1685.
Fuga de aire prolongada, tras una reducción de volumen pulmonar con válvula que requirió lobectomía = Long-standing air-leak after valve lung volume reduction necessitating lobectomy.
Mitropoulou G., Casutt A., Lovis A., 2016/09. Archivos de bronconeumologia, 52 (9) pp. 495-497. Peer-reviewed.
Sleep Disordered Breathing During Live High-Train Low in Normobaric Versus Hypobaric Hypoxia.
Saugy J.J., Schmitt L., Fallet S., Faiss R., Vesin J.M., Bertschi M., Heinzer R., Millet G.P., 2016/09. High altitude medicine & biology, 17 (3) pp. 233-238. Peer-reviewed.
The NoSAS score for screening of sleep-disordered breathing: a derivation and validation study.
Marti-Soler H., Hirotsu C., Marques-Vidal P., Vollenweider P., Waeber G., Preisig M., Tafti M., Tufik S.B., Bittencourt L., Tufik S. et al., 2016/09. The Lancet. Respiratory medicine, 4 (9) pp. 742-748. Peer-reviewed.
Prevalence and Mimics of Kleine-Levin Syndrome: A Survey in French-Speaking Switzerland.
Habra O., Heinzer R., Haba-Rubio J., Rossetti A.O., 2016/08/15. Journal of clinical sleep medicine, 12 (8) pp. 1083-1087. Peer-reviewed.
Comparison of Sleep Disorders between Real and Simulated 3,450-m Altitude.
Heinzer R., Saugy J.J., Rupp T., Tobback N., Faiss R., Bourdillon N., Rubio J.H., Millet G.P., 2016/08/01. Sleep, 39 (8) pp. 1517-1523. Peer-reviewed.
Added value of molecular assay Xpert MTB/RIF compared to sputum smear microscopy to assess the risk of tuberculosis transmission in a low-prevalence country.
Opota O., Senn L., Prod'hom G., Mazza-Stalder J., Tissot F., Greub G., Jaton K., 2016/07. Clinical microbiology and infection : the official publication of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 22 (7) pp. 613-619. Peer-reviewed.
Correlation between obesity and chronic kidney disease: is obstructive sleep apnea an interfering factor?
Hirotsu Camila, Pires Arães Stefanie, Santos-Camilo Mariana, Tufik Sergio, Levy Andersen Monica, 2016/07. Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management, Volume 12 pp. 1093-1094.
Standard Genotyping Overestimates Transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis among Immigrants in a Low-Incidence Country.
Stucki D., Ballif M., Egger M., Furrer H., Altpeter E., Battegay M., Droz S., Bruderer T., Coscolla M., Borrell S. et al., 2016/07. Journal of clinical microbiology, 54 (7) pp. 1862-1870. Peer-reviewed.
Regulating inflammation with microbial metabolites.
Marsland B.J., 2016/06/07. Nature medicine, 22 (6) pp. 581-583. Peer-reviewed.
MicroRNA-223 controls the expression of histone deacetylase 2: a novel axis in COPD.
Leuenberger C., Schuoler C., Bye H., Mignan C., Rechsteiner T., Hillinger S., Opitz I., Marsland B., Faiz A., Hiemstra P.S. et al., 2016/06. Journal of molecular medicine, 94 (6) pp. 725-734. Peer-reviewed.
Sleep-disordered breathing and daytime postural stability.
Degache F., Goy Y., Vat S., Haba Rubio J., Contal O., Heinzer R., 2016/06. Thorax, 71 (6) pp. 543-548. Peer-reviewed.
ISG15 deficiency and increased viral resistance in humans but not mice.
Speer S.D., Li Z., Buta S., Payelle-Brogard B., Qian L., Vigant F., Rubino E., Gardner T.J., Wedeking T., Hermann M. et al., 2016/05/19. Nature communications, 7 p. 11496. Peer-reviewed.
Maladie de Rendu-Osler. Manifestations cliniques et prise en charge multidisciplinaire [Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome): clinical manifestations and multidisciplinary management]
Frigerio C., Aebischer N., Baud D., Bonafe L., Fellmanne F., Ikonomidis C., Mazzolai L., Michel P., Nichita C., Qanadli S.D. et al., 2016/05/04. Revue medicale suisse, 12 (517) pp. 896-901. Peer-reviewed.
Musculoskeletal pain and the reproductive life stage in women: is there a relationship?
Frange C., Hirotsu C., Hachul H., Pires J. S., Bittencourt L., Tufik S., Andersen M. L., 2016/05/03. Climacteric, 19 (3) pp. 279-284.
Effects of continuous positive airway pressure treatment on coronary vasoreactivity measured by (82)Rb cardiac PET/CT in obstructive sleep apnea patients.
Dunet V., Rey-Bataillard V., Allenbach G., Beysard N., Lovis A., Prior J.O., Heinzer R., 2016/05. Sleep & breathing = Schlaf & Atmung, 20 (2) pp. 673-679. Peer-reviewed.
Microbiota Promotes Chronic Pulmonary Inflammation by Enhancing IL-17A and Autoantibodies.
Yadava K., Pattaroni C., Sichelstiel A.K., Trompette A., Gollwitzer E.S., Salami O., von Garnier C., Nicod L.P., Marsland B.J., 2016/05/01. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine, 193 (9) pp. 975-987. Peer-reviewed.
Sleep-Disordered Breathing and Vascular Function in Patients With Chronic Mountain Sickness and Healthy High-Altitude Dwellers.
Rexhaj E., Rimoldi S.F., Pratali L., Brenner R., Andries D., Soria R., Salinas C., Villena M., Romero C., Allemann Y. et al., 2016/04. Chest, 149 (4) pp. 991-998. Peer-reviewed.
Monoallelic germline ATM mutation and organising pneumonia induced by radiation therapy to the breast.
Cordier J.F., Cottin V., Lazor R., Stoppa-Lyonnet D., 2016/03. The European respiratory journal, 47 (3) pp. 997-1000. Peer-reviewed.
Reduction of Respiratory Motion During PET/CT by Pulsatile-Flow Ventilation: A First Clinical Evaluation.
Prior J.O., Péguret N., Pomoni A., Pappon M., Zeverino M., Belmondo B., Lovis A., Ozsahin M., Vienne M., Bourhis J., 2016/03. Journal of nuclear medicine : official publication, Society of Nuclear Medicine, 57 (3) pp. 416-419. Peer-reviewed.
Comparison of sleep disorders between real and simulated altitude.
Saugy Jonas J., Heinzer Raphaël, Rupp Thomas, Tobback Nadia, Faiss Raphaël, Bourdillon Nicolas, Haba Rubio José, Millet Grégoire P., 2016/02/18. dans 8th annual congress of the 4S.
Prevalence of sleep apnoea syndrome in the middle to old age general population.
Heinzer R., Marti-Soler H., Haba-Rubio J., 2016/02. The Lancet. Respiratory medicine, 4 (2) pp. e5-6. Peer-reviewed.
Thoracic fat volume is independently associated with coronary vasomotion.
Dunet V., Feihl F., Dabiri A., Allenbach G., Waeber B., Heinzer R., Prior J.O., 2016/02. European journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging, 43 (2) pp. 280-287. Peer-reviewed.
Apnea-like suppression of respiratory motion: First evaluation in radiotherapy.
Péguret N., Ozsahin M., Zeverino M., Belmondo B., Durham A.D., Lovis A., Simons J., Long O., Duclos F., Prior J. et al., 2016. Radiotherapy and Oncology : Journal of the European Society For Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology, 118 (2) pp. 220-226. Peer-reviewed.
Current management of pulmonary arterial hypertension.
Yerly P., Prella M., Aubert J.D., 2016. Swiss Medical Weekly, 146 pp. w14305. Peer-reviewed.
Diagnostic Value of the CD103+CD4+/CD4+ Ratio to Differentiate Sarcoidosis from Other Causes of Lymphocytic Alveolitis.
Bretagne L., Diatta I.D., Faouzi M., Nobile A., Bongiovanni M., Nicod L.P., Lazor R., 2016. Respiration; International Review of Thoracic Diseases, 91 (6) pp. 486-496. Peer-reviewed.
Endothelin-Receptor Antagonists beyond Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension: Cancer and Fibrosis.
Aubert J.D., Juillerat-Jeanneret L., 2016. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 59 (18) pp. 8168-8188. Peer-reviewed.
Increasing Incidence of Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Chronic Kidney Disease: Is there a Causal Relationship?
Ogna Adam, Forni Ogna Valentina, 2016. Journal of Sleep Disorders & Therapy, 5 (3) p. 245. Peer-reviewed.
Late Major Hemoptysis After Lung Volume Reduction With Coils Induced by Dual Antiaggregation Therapy.
Valenti A., Casutt A., Koutsokera A., Noetzli J., Perentes J.Y., Krueger T., Pons M., Nicod L.P., Lovis A., 2016. Annals of Thoracic Surgery, 101 (2) pp. e49-e50. Peer-reviewed.
Lung Volume Reduction Coil Treatment: Is There an Indication for Antibiotic Prophylaxis?
Casutt A., Koutsokera A., Lovis A., 2016. Archivos De Bronconeumología, 52 (2) pp. 114-115. Peer-reviewed.
Many Faces of Bronchiolitis and Organizing Pneumonia.
Cordier J.F., Cottin V., Lazor R., Thivolet-Béjui F., 2016. Seminars In Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 37 (3) pp. 421-440. Peer-reviewed.
Microbes and asthma: Opportunities for intervention.
Smits H.H., Hiemstra P.S., Prazeres da Costa C., Ege M., Edwards M., Garn H., Howarth P.H., Jartti T., de Jong E.C., Maizels R.M. et al., 2016. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 137 (3) pp. 690-697. Peer-reviewed.
Microbial Communities of Conducting and Respiratory Zones of Lung-Transplanted Patients.
Beaume M., Lazarevic V., Köhler T., Gaïa N., Manuel O., Aubert J.D., Baerlocher L., Farinelli L., Gasche P., Schrenzel J. et al., 2016. Frontiers in microbiology, 7 p. 1749. Peer-reviewed.
Narcolepsy-Associated HLA Class I Alleles Implicate Cell-Mediated Cytotoxicity.
Tafti M., Lammers G.J., Dauvilliers Y., Overeem S., Mayer G., Nowak J., Pfister C., Dubois V., Eliaou J.F., Eberhard H.P. et al., 2016. Sleep, 39 (3) pp. 581-587. Peer-reviewed.
Post-H1N1 Flu Vaccination Narcolepsy in Switzerland: A Retrospective Survey in the 30 Sleep-Certified Swiss Centers.
Kallweit U., Mathis J., Jenni O.G., Heinzer R., Haba-Rubio J., Baumann C.R., Cervena K., Bassetti C.L., 2016. European Neurology, 75 (3-4) pp. 105-108. Peer-reviewed.
Preoperative Peak Oxygen Uptake in Lung Cancer Subjects With Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy: A Cross-Sectional Study.
Fresard I., Licker M., Adler D., Lovis A., Robert J., Karenovics W., Diaper J., Janssens J.P., Triponez F., Lador F. et al., 2016. Respiratory Care, 61 (8) pp. 1059-1066. Peer-reviewed.
Prevalence and determinants of periodic limb movements in the general population.
Haba-Rubio J., Marti-Soler H., Marques-Vidal P., Tobback N., Andries D., Preisig M., Waeber G., Vollenweider P., Kutalik Z., Tafti M. et al., 2016. Annals of Neurology, 79 (3) pp. 464-474. Peer-reviewed.
Pulmonary Hypertension and Indicators of Right Ventricular Function.
von Siebenthal C., Aubert J.D., Mitsakis P., Yerly P., Prior J.O., Nicod L.P., 2016. Frontiers In Medicine, 3 p. 23. Peer-reviewed.
Recent advances in understanding idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.
Daccord C., Maher T.M., 2016. F1000research, 5 pp. Rev-1046. Peer-reviewed.
Safety of drugs during pregnancy and breastfeeding in cystic fibrosis patients.
Panchaud A., Di Paolo E.R., Koutsokera A., Winterfeld U., Weisskopf E., Baud D., Sauty A., Csajka C., 2016. Respiration; international review of thoracic diseases, 91 (4) pp. 333-348. Peer-reviewed.
Sleep Bruxism in Respiratory Medicine Practice.
Mayer P., Heinzer R., Lavigne G., 2016. Chest, 149 (1) pp. 262-271. Peer-reviewed.
Sleep Characteristics in Early Stages of Chronic Kidney Disease in the HypnoLaus Cohort.
Ogna A., Forni Ogna V., Haba Rubio J., Tobback N., Andries D., Preisig M., Tafti M., Vollenweider P., Waeber G., Marques-Vidal P. et al., 2016. Sleep, 39 (4) pp. 945-953. Peer-reviewed.
Stair Climbing Test Streamlines the Evaluation of Nonmalignant Lung Resection Candidates.
Bernasconi M., Diacon A.H., Koegelenberg C.F., 2016. Respiration; International Review of Thoracic Diseases, 91 (1) pp. 87-88. Peer-reviewed.
Survival and Local Recurrence After Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Lung Metastasectomy.
Abdelnour-Berchtold E., Perentes J.Y., Ris H.B., Beigelman C., Lovis A., Peters S., Krueger T., Gonzalez M., 2016. World Journal of Surgery, 40 (2) pp. 373-379. Peer-reviewed.
The challenge of personalised care for all in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Fitting J.W., 2016. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 20 (3) pp. 289-290. Peer-reviewed.
The Gut-Liver-Lung Axis. Modulation of the Innate Immune Response and Its Possible Role in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.
Young R.P., Hopkins R.J., Marsland B., 2016. American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology, 54 (2) pp. 161-169. Peer-reviewed.
Frequencies and Associations of Narcolepsy-Related Symptoms: A Cross-Sectional Study
Kim Lenise Jihe, Coelho Fernando Morgadinho, Hirotsu Camila, Araujo Paula, Bittencourt Lia, Tufik Sergio, Andersen Monica Levy, 2015/12/15. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, 11 (12) pp. 1377-1384.
Le Ying et le Yang du microbiote pulmonaire [The Ying and Yang of pulmonary microbiota]
Nicod L.P., Rochat T., 2015/11/18. Revue medicale suisse, 11 (495) p. 2143. Peer-reviewed.
The intestinal microbiota contributes to the ability of helminths to modulate allergic inflammation.
Zaiss M.M., Rapin A., Lebon L., Dubey L.K., Mosconi I., Sarter K., Piersigilli A., Menin L., Walker A.W., Rougemont J. et al., 2015/11/17. Immunity, 43 (5) pp. 998-1010. Peer-reviewed.
Interactions between sleep, stress, and metabolism: From physiological to pathological conditions
Hirotsu Camila, Tufik Sergio, Andersen Monica Levy, 2015/11. Sleep Science, 8 (3) pp. 143-152.
Fluoroscopic-Guided Radial Endobronchial Ultrasound Without Guide Sheath For Peripheral Pulmonary Lesions: A Safe And Efficient Combination.
Casutt A., Prella M., Beigelman-Aubry C., Fitting J.W., Nicod L., Koutsokera A., Lovis A., 2015/07. Archivos de bronconeumologia, 51 (7) pp. 338-343. Peer-reviewed.
Impairment of male reproductive function after sleep deprivation
Alvarenga Tathiana A., Hirotsu Camila, Mazaro-Costa Renata, Tufik Sergio, Andersen Monica L., 2015/05. Fertility and Sterility, 103 (5) pp. 1355-1362.e1.
Stereotactic body radiotherapy with helical TomoTherapy for medically inoperable early stage primary and second-primary non-small-cell lung neoplasm: 1-year outcome and toxicity analysis.
Casutt A., Bouchaab H., Beigelman-Aubry C., Bourhis J., Lovis A., Matzinger O., 2015/05. British Journal of Radiology, 88 (1049) p. 20140687. Peer-reviewed.
Inherited CARD9 deficiency in 2 unrelated patients with invasive Exophiala infection.
Lanternier F., Barbati E., Meinzer U., Liu L., Pedergnana V., Migaud M., Héritier S., Chomton M., Frémond M.L., Gonzales E. et al., 2015/04/15. The Journal of infectious diseases, 211 (8) pp. 1241-1250. Peer-reviewed.
A 3-step therapeutic strategy for severe alveolar proteinosis.
Noirez L., Koutsokera A., Pantet O., Duss F.R., Eggimann P., Tozzi P., Gonzalez M., Coronado M., Nicod L.P., Lovis A., 2015. Annals of Thoracic Surgery, 99 (4) pp. 1456-1458. Peer-reviewed.
A Fragment in Time. Elastin Peptides and Progression of Emphysema.
Wells J.M., Gaggar A., Nicod L.P., 2015. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 192 (10) pp. 1141-1143. Peer-reviewed.
Abcès pulmonaires: évolution dans la prise en charge [Lung abscess: changes in the management?].
Clottu E., Nicod L.P., 2015. Revue Médicale Suisse, 11 (495) pp. 2176-2183.
Age and gender variations of sleep in subjects without sleep disorders.
Luca G., Haba Rubio J., Andries D., Tobback N., Vollenweider P., Waeber G., Marques Vidal P., Preisig M., Heinzer R., Tafti M., 2015. Annals of Medicine, 47 (6) pp. 482-491.
Antibody-Mediated Trapping of Helminth Larvae Requires CD11b and Fcγ Receptor I.
Esser-von Bieren J., Volpe B., Kulagin M., Sutherland D.B., Guiet R., Seitz A., Marsland B.J., Verbeek J.S., Harris N.L., 2015. Journal of Immunology, 194 (3) pp. 1154-1163. Peer-reviewed.
Association of socioeconomic status with sleep disturbances in the Swiss population-based CoLaus study.
Stringhini S., Haba-Rubio J., Marques-Vidal P., Waeber G., Preisig M., Guessous I., Bovet P., Vollenweider P., Tafti M., Heinzer R., 2015. Sleep Medicine, 16 (4) pp. 469-476. Peer-reviewed.
Clinical outcomes of lung transplant recipients with telomerase mutations.
Tokman S., Singer J.P., Devine M.S., Westall G.P., Aubert J.D., Tamm M., Snell G.I., Lee J.S., Goldberg H.J., Kukreja J. et al., 2015. Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation : the Official Publication of the International Society For Heart Transplantation, 34 (10) pp. 1318-1324. Peer-reviewed.
Combined Use of Mycobacterium tuberculosis-Specific CD4 and CD8 T-Cell Responses Is a Powerful Diagnostic Tool of Active Tuberculosis.
Rozot V., Patrizia A., Vigano S., Mazza-Stalder J., Idrizi E., Day C.L., Perreau M., Lazor-Blanchet C., Ohmiti K., Goletti D. et al., 2015. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 60 (3) pp. 432-437. Peer-reviewed.
Development of a syllabus for postgraduate respiratory physiotherapy education: the Respiratory Physiotherapy HERMES project.
Troosters T., Pitta F., Oberwaldner B., Lewko A., Inal-Ince D., Grant K., Gosselink R., Burtin C., Emtner M., Clini E. et al., 2015. European Respiratory Journal, 45 (5) pp. 1221-1223.
Diagnostic et thérapie: fibrose pulmonaire idiopathique
Petitpierre Nicolas, Lazor Romain, 2015. La gazette médicale info@gériatrie, 2 pp. 16-20.
Effect of transnasal insufflation on sleep-disordered breathing in acute stroke.
Haba-Rubio J., Andries D., Rey-Bataillard V., Michel P., Tafti M., Heinzer R., 2015. Sleep and Breathing, 19 (1) p. 3.
Endovascular treatment of pulmonary arteriovenous malformations in hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia.
Babaker M., Breault S., Beigelman C., Lazor R., Aebischer N., Qanadli S.D., 2015. Swiss Medical Weekly, 145 pp. w14151. Peer-reviewed.
Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Churg-Strauss) (EGPA) Consensus Task Force recommendations for evaluation and management.
Groh M., Pagnoux C., Baldini C., Bel E., Bottero P., Cottin V., Dalhoff K., Dunogué B., Gross W., Holle J. et al., 2015. European Journal of Internal Medicine, 26 (7) pp. 545-553. Peer-reviewed.
Extensive Endobronchial Lesions in a Patient With Stage 0 Sarcoidosis.
Lovis A., Noirez L., Letovanec I., Walker A., 2015. Archivos De Bronconeumología, 51 (7) pp. 367-368. Peer-reviewed.
Fluorine MR Imaging of Inflammation in Atherosclerotic Plaque in Vivo.
van Heeswijk R.B., Pellegrin M., Flögel U., Gonzales C., Aubert J.F., Mazzolai L., Schwitter J., Stuber M., 2015. Radiology, 275 (2) pp. 421-429. Peer-reviewed.
From breathing to respiration.
Fitting J.W., 2015. Respiration, 89 (1) pp. 82-87. Peer-reviewed.
Granulomatous Reaction to Pneumocystis jirovecii Diagnosed in a Bronchoalveolar Lavage: A Case Report.
Nobile A., Valenti A., Aubert J.D., Beigelman C., Letovanec I., Bongiovanni M., 2015. Acta cytologica, 59 (3) pp. 284-288. Peer-reviewed.
Has the airway microbiome been overlooked in respiratory disease?
Salami O., Marsland B.J., 2015. Genome Medicine, 7 (1) p. 62. Peer-reviewed.
Human intracellular ISG15 prevents interferon-α/β over-amplification and auto-inflammation.
Zhang X., Bogunovic D., Payelle-Brogard B., Francois-Newton V., Speer S.D., Yuan C., Volpi S., Li Z., Sanal O., Mansouri D. et al., 2015/01/01. Nature, 517 (7532) pp. 89-93. Peer-reviewed.
Immune Antibodies and Helminth Products Drive CXCR2-Dependent Macrophage-Myofibroblast Crosstalk to Promote Intestinal Repair.
Esser-von Bieren J., Volpe B., Sutherland D.B., Bürgi J., Verbeek J.S., Marsland B.J., Urban J.F., Harris N.L., 2015. Plos Pathogens, 11 (3) pp. e1004778. Peer-reviewed.
Impact of Early-Life Exposures on Immune Maturation and Susceptibility to Disease.
Gollwitzer E.S., Marsland B.J., 2015. Trends In Immunology, 36 (11) pp. 684-696. Peer-reviewed.
Incidence and Risk Factors of Abdominal Complications After Lung Transplantation.
Grass F., Schäfer M., Cristaudi A., Berutto C., Aubert J.D., Gonzalez M., Demartines N., Ris H.B., Soccal P.M., Krueger T., 2015. World Journal of Surgery, 39 (9) pp. 2274-2281. Peer-reviewed.
La bronchopneumopathie chronique obstructive et son lien avec les facteurs de risque cardiovasculaires [Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and its links with cardiovascular risk factors].
Mihalache A., Fitting J.W., Nicod L.P., 2015. Revue Médicale Suisse, 11 (495) pp. 2151-2156.
Le syndrome de chevauchement asthme-BPCO [The asthma-COPD overlap syndrome].
Garelli V., Petitpierre N., Nicod L.P., 2015. Revue Médicale Suisse, 11 (495) pp. 2145-2150.
Long-term data from the swiss pulmonary hypertension registry.
Mueller-Mottet S., Stricker H., Domeninghetti G., Azzola A., Geiser T., Schwerzmann M., Weilenmann D., Schoch O., Fellrath J.M., Rochat T. et al., 2015. Respiration; International Review of Thoracic Diseases, 89 (2) pp. 127-140. Peer-reviewed.
Microbiome influences on allergy in mice and humans.
Marsland B.J., Salami O., 2015. Current Opinion in Immunology, 36 pp. 94-100. Peer-reviewed.
Montgomery T-tube Migration: A Rare and Life-threatening Complication.
Noirez L., Musani A.I., Laroumagne S., Astoul P., Dutau H., 2015. Journal of Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology, 22 (4) pp. e14-e15. Peer-reviewed.
Multiple Cystic Lung Diseases
Cordier J.F., Cottin V., Khouatra C., Giraud S., Lazor R., 2015. pp. 253-70 dans Cottin Vincent, Cordier Jean-Francois, Richeldi Luca (eds.) Orphan Lung diseases: a clinical guide to rare lung disease chap. 16, Springer.
Nanoparticle conjugation enhances the immunomodulatory effects of intranasally delivered CpG in house dust mite-allergic mice.
Ballester M., Jeanbart L., de Titta A., Nembrini C., Marsland B.J., Hubbell J.A., Swartz M.A., 2015. Scientific Reports, 5 p. 14274. Peer-reviewed.
Nitric oxide sustains IL-1β expression in human dendritic cells enhancing their capacity to induce IL-17-producing T-cells.
Obregon C., Graf L., Chung K.F., Cesson V., Nicod L.P., 2015. Plos One, 10 (4) pp. e0120134. Peer-reviewed.
Objective Sleep Structure and Cardiovascular Risk Factors in the General Population: The HypnoLaus Study.
Haba-Rubio J., Marques-Vidal P., Andries D., Tobback N., Preisig M., Vollenweider P., Waeber G., Luca G., Tafti M., Heinzer R., 2015. Sleep, 38 (3) pp. 391-400. Peer-reviewed.
Obstructive Sleep Apnea Severity and Overnight Body Fluid Shift before and after Hemodialysis.
Ogna A., Forni Ogna V., Mihalache A., Pruijm M., Halabi G., Phan O., Cornette F., Bassi I., Haba Rubio J., Burnier M. et al., 2015. Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology : Cjasn, 10 (6) pp. 1002-1010. Peer-reviewed.
Organizing Pneumonias
Lazor R., 2015/01. pp. 363-78 dans Orphan Lung Diseases: a Clinical Guide to Rare Lung Disease, Springer.
Oscillating Positive Airway Pressure Versus CPAP for the Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Haba-Rubio J., Petitpierre N.J., Cornette F., Tobback N., Vat S., Giallourou T., Al-Jumaily A., Heinzer R., 2015. Frontiers In Medicine, 2 p. 29. Peer-reviewed.
Prevalence and Diagnostic Approach to Sleep Apnea in Hemodialysis Patients: A Population Study.
Forni Ogna V., Ogna A., Pruijm M., Bassi I., Zuercher E., Halabi G., Phan O., Bullani R., Teta D., Gauthier T. et al., 2015. Biomed Research International, 2015 p. 103686.
Prevalence of sleep-disordered breathing in the general population: the HypnoLaus study.
Heinzer R., Vat S., Marques-Vidal P., Marti-Soler H., Andries D., Tobback N., Mooser V., Preisig M., Malhotra A., Waeber G. et al., 2015. Lancet. Respiratory Medicine, 3 (4) pp. 310-318. Peer-reviewed.
Pulmonary arterial hypertension in patients treated with interferon.
Prella M., Yerly P., Nicod L.P., Aubert J.D., 2015. European Respiratory Journal, 46 (6) pp. 1849-1851. Peer-reviewed.
Remembering Philippe Leuenberger
Ackermann-Liebrich U., Probst-Hensch N., Rochat T., Fitting J.W., Nicod L., 2015. European Respiratory Journal, 46 (6) pp. 1561-1562. Peer-reviewed.
Role of rhinovirus load in the upper respiratory tract and severity of symptoms in lung transplant recipients.
Ambrosioni J., Bridevaux P.O., Aubert J.D., Soccal P., Wagner G., Kaiser L., 2015. Journal of Clinical Virology, 64 pp. 1-5. Peer-reviewed.
The Gut-Lung Axis in Respiratory Disease
Marsland B.J., Trompette A., Gollwitzer E.S., 2015. Annals of the American Thoracic Society, 12 Suppl 2 pp. S150-S156. Peer-reviewed.
Thoracoscopic resection of pulmonary metastasis: Current practice and results.
Perentes J.Y., Krueger T., Lovis A., Ris H.B., Gonzalez M., 2015. Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology, 95 (1) pp. 105-113. Peer-reviewed.
Vacuum-assisted closure device for the management of infected postpneumonectomy chest cavities.
Perentes J.Y., Abdelnour-Berchtold E., Blatter J., Lovis A., Ris H.B., Krueger T., Gonzalez M., 2015. Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 149 (3) pp. 745-750. Peer-reviewed.
Poumons et plongée subaquatique [Lungs et diving]
Héritier F., Avanzi P., Nicod L., 2014/11/19. Revue medicale suisse, 10 (451) pp. 2182-2186,2188-2189. Peer-reviewed.
Treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension: an update
Prella maura, Yerly Patrick, Aubert John-David, 2014/11/19. Cardiovascular Medicine, 17 (11) pp. 334-343.
L'hyperréactivité bronchique et son importance pour le clinician [Bronchial hyperresponsiveness and its importance for the clinician].
Mihalache A., Fitting J.W., 2014/11. Revue Médicale Suisse, 10 (451) pp. 2190-2, 2194-5.
Prevalence and characteristics of periodic leg movements during sleep in the general population : the Hypnolaus study
Haba-Rubio J., Marti-Soler H., Andries D., Tobback N. M., Tafti M., Heinzer R., 2014/09. p. 226 dans 22nd Congress of the European Sleep Research Society, 16-20 September 2014, Tallinn, Estonia. Peer-reviewed.
Sleep structure and cardiometabolic disorders in the general population : the Hypnolaus study
Haba-Rubio J., Marques-Vidal P., Andries D., Tobback N., Tafti M., Heinzer R., Marques-Vidal P., Waeber G., Preisig M., Vollenweider P. et al., 2014/09. p. 151 dans 22nd Congress of the European-Sleep-Research-Society, Tallinn, Estonia, SEP 16-20, 2014. Peer-reviewed.
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