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4007 publications

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The role of maternal communication style in adolescents' motivation to change alcohol use : A vignette-based study
Baudat S., Zimmermann G., Antonietti J.-Ph., Van Petegem S., 2017. Drugs: Education, Prevention, and Policy, 24 (2) pp. 152-162. Peer-reviewed.
The socialization of performance goals.
Sommet Nicolas, Pillaud Vincent, Meuleman Bart, Butera Fabrizio, 2017. Contemporary Eductional Psychology 49 pp. 337-354. Peer-reviewed.
The Spontaneous Use of Humour by Career Counsellors
Banet Eloïse , Masdonati Jonas , 2017. The Canadian Journal of Career Development/Revue canadiene de développement de carrière, 16 (2) pp. 32-37. Peer-reviewed.
Tisser des liens d'affiliation au groupe comme rempart au meurtre de masse
Katz-Gilbert M., 2017. dans Veuillet-Combier Claudine, Gratton E. (eds.) Nouvelles figures de la filiation : Perspectives croisées entre sociologie et psychanalyse, Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes.
Traces traumatiques et figures projectives des catastrophes de symbolisation
Roman Pascal, 2017. Bulletin de psychologie , 550 pp. 265-273. Peer-reviewed.
Trajectories, boundaries and negotiations in the (self-)management of diabetes risks: multiple actors, knowledge and tools at work
Danesi Giada, Pralong Mélody, 2017. dans British Sociological Association. Medical Sociology Group Annual Conference.
Travailler en duos coopératifs sur des textes à l'université : entre soutien et menace.
Buchs Céline, Butera Fabrizio, 2017. pp. 169-179 dans S. Caillaud V. Bonnot et E. Drozda-Senkowska (eds.) Menaces sociales et environnementales : Repenser la société des risques , Presses Universitaires de Rennes..
Understanding the Transition to Higher Education
Picard France, Masdonati Jonas, 2017. pp. 1-5 dans Shin Jung Cheol, Teixeira Pedro (eds.) Encyclopedia of International Higher Education Systems and Institutions, Springer Netherlands.
Validité et qualité en recherche qualitative : aspects pratiques
Bruchez Christine, Roux Pauline, Santiago Delefosse Marie, 2017. pp. 225-242 dans Santiago-Delefosse Marie, Del Rio Carral Maria (eds.) Les méthodes qualitatives en psychologie et sciences humaines de la santé chap. 10, Dunod.
“Dialectical dance” and “dialectical star”: What exactly are we talking about? Open Peer Commentary to Vörös & Bitbol 2017
Zaslawski Nicolas, 2017. Constructivist Foundations, 13 (1) pp. 44-46.
Concilier loisirs et carrière : Modèles et outils pour intervenir auprès des jeunes artistes et [Balancing leisure and career: Model and tools to intervene among young artists and athletes]
Rochat Shékina, Bodoira Xavier, 2016/12/31. L'Orientation Scolaire et Professionnelle, 45 (4) pp. 497-520. Peer-reviewed.
Culture, emotions and narratives in education for cultural diversity: A sociocultural approach
Muller Mirza Nathalie, 2016/12/20. PSIHOLOGIJA, 49 (4) pp. 415-429. Peer-reviewed.
Selective lesion of the hippocampus increases the differentiation of immature neurons in the monkey amygdala.
Chareyron L.J., Amaral D.G., Lavenex P., 2016/12/13. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 113 (50) pp. 14420-14425. Peer-reviewed.
"Give Me Your Name and I'll tell You Whether You Speak with an Accent" The Effect of Proper Names Ethnicity on Listener Expectations
Prikhodkine Alexei, Saavedra David Correia, Dos Santos Mamed Marcelo, 2016/12/05. CALL: Irish Journal for Culture, Arts, Literature and Language, 1 (1) pp. 1-15. Peer-reviewed.
Analyse des barrières perçues dans l’élaboration du projet professionnel auprès d’étudiantes et étudiants au Togo.
Atitsogbe Kokou A., Sovet Laurent, Pari Paboussoum, 2016/12. L'orientation scolaire et professionnelle, 45 (4) pp. 405-421. Peer-reviewed.
Beyond the Debate on Promises and Risks in Digital Health : Analysing the Psychological Function of Wearable Devices
del Rio Carral M., Roux P., Bruchez C., Santiago-Delefosse M., 2016/12. International Journal of Psychological Studies, 8 (4) pp. 26-37. Peer-reviewed.
Dyadic Coping in the U.S.: Psychometric Properties and Validity for Use of the English Version of the Dyadic Coping Inventory
Randall Ashley K., Hilpert Peter, Jimenez-Arista Laura E., Walsh Kelsey J., Bodenmann Guy, 2016/12. Current Psychology, 35 (4) pp. 570-582. Peer-reviewed.
La dyscalculie et l’automatisation des procédures de calcul
Thevenot Catherine, Uittenhove Kim, Prado Jérôme, 2016/12. Développements : revue interdisciplinaire du développement cognitif normal et pathologique pp. 7-9.
Le paradigme de reconnaissance des operandes pour une identification des strategies en arithmetique : une synthese
Thevenot Catherine, Masson Sandrine, Fayol Michel, 2016/12/01. L’Année psychologique, 116 (3) pp. 467-488 .
Représentations des liens entre santé, durabilité et transition énergétique chez les étudiants de bachelor de l’Unil : Suivi comparatif de l’évolution des représentations chez deux cohortes (2014-2015 et 2015-2016)
Miserez Sébastien, Schweizer Angélick, Del Rio Carral Maria, Santiago-Delefosse Marie, 2016/12., Université de Lausanne - Plateforme Volteface.
Residual perception of biological motion in cortical blindness.
Ruffieux N., Ramon M., Lao J., Colombo F., Stacchi L., Borruat F.X., Accolla E., Annoni J.M., Caldara R., 2016/12. Neuropsychologia, 93 (Pt A) pp. 301-311. Peer-reviewed.
How Do Social Networks and Supports Differ Among Very Old Adults With Different Ethno-racial Backgrounds? Findings From the Fordham Centenarians Study
Meystre Claudia, Jopp Daniela, Boerner Kathrin, 2016/11/18., 69th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, New Orleans, Louisiana dans Behavioral & Social Sciences. Peer-reviewed.
Investigating Discontinuity of Age Relations in Cognitive Functioning, General Health Status, Activity Participation, and Life Satisfaction between Young-Old and Old-Old Age.
Ihle A., Jopp D.S., Oris M., Fagot D., Kliegel M., 2016/11/05. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 13 (11) pp. NA. Peer-reviewed.
Age identity mediates the effect of activity engagement on aging satisfaction
Jopp Daniela S., Lampraki Charikleia, Jung Seojung, Meystre Claudia, 2016/11., 69. Annual Conference of the Gerontological Society of America, New Orleans, LA pp. 143-144 dans The Gerontologist.
Believing in a personal just world helps maintain well-being at work by coloring organizational justice perceptions
Johnston C. S., Krings F., Maggiori C., Meier L. L., Fiori M., 2016/11. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 25 (6) pp. 945-959. Peer-reviewed.
Cardiovascular health and driving cessation: Findings from the Health and Retirement Study
D Waldron, C Lee, M Evans, K Kittle, Li Yang, B Dowdie, E Dugan, 2016/11/01. The Gerontologist. Peer-reviewed.
Individuals' quality of life linked to major life events, perceived social support, and personality traits.
Pocnet C., Antonietti J.P., Strippoli M.F., Glaus J., Preisig M., Rossier J., 2016/11. Quality of Life Research : An International Journal of Quality of Life Aspects of Treatment, Care and Rehabilitation, 25 (11) pp. 2897-2908. Peer-reviewed.
L'accompagnement thérapeutique et l'autogestion des prises alimentaires chez des personnes vivant avec un diabète: une prise en charge complexe
Danesi Giada, 2016/11/01. pp. 117-134 dans Hugol-Gential Clémentine (eds.) Se nourrir ou manger ? Les enjeux du repas en établissement de santé, L'Harmattan.
On the Integration of Need-related Autobiographical Memories among Late Adolescents and Late Adults: The Role of Depressive Symptoms and Self-congruence : Integration and need-related memories
van der Kaap-Deeder Jolene, Vansteenkiste Maarten, Van Petegem Stijn, Raes Filip, Soenens Bart, 2016/11. European Journal of Personality, 30 (6) pp. 580-593.
Perceptions of schizophrenia and coping styles in caregivers: comparison between India and Switzerland.
Rexhaj S., Jose A.E., Golay P., Favrod J., 2016/11. Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing, 23 (9-10) pp. 585-594. Peer-reviewed.
Predictors of self-continuity depend on type of life events encountered
Lampraki Charikleia, Jopp Daniela S., Spini Dario, 2016/11., 69. Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, New Orleans, LA p. 20 dans The Gerontologist. Peer-reviewed.
The 2015 Elder Economic Security Standard Index: Demographic Disparities
Jan Mutchler, Ping Xu, Li Yang, 2016/11/01. The Gerontologist. Peer-reviewed.
The Working Alliance in Career Counseling : A Systematic Overview
Whiston Susan C., Rossier Jérôme, Barón Paola M. Hernandez, 2016/11. Journal of Career Assessment, 24 (4) pp. 591-604. Peer-reviewed.
L'émergence du triangle didactique en situation interactive: réflexions autour de la didac1que du FLE
Dos Santos Mamed Marcelo , 2016/10/10., Journée de la Recherche SSP dans Journée de la Recherche SSP.
A motion capture study to measure the feeling of synchrony in romantic couples and in professional musicians
Preissmann D., Charbonnier C., Chagué S., Antonietti J.-Ph., Ansermet F., Magistretti P. J., 2016/10. Frontiers in Psychology, 7 pp. 1-12. Peer-reviewed.
Anxiety modulates cognitive deficits in a perinatal glutathione deficit animal model of schizophrenia.
Preissmann D., Dépré M., Schenk F., Gisquet-Verrier P., 2016/10/01. Brain research, 1648 (Pt A) pp. 459-468. Peer-reviewed.
Dyadic Coping in an Eastern European Context : Validity and Measurement Invariance of the Romanian Version of Dyadic Coping Inventory
Rusu Petruta P., Hilpert Peter, Turliuc Maria N., Bodenmann Guy, 2016/10. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 49 (4) pp. 274-285. Peer-reviewed.
Filiation catastrophique et travail de mémoire après la Shoah : quand la libre réalisation de l'arbre généalogique est au service de l'historicisation
Katz-Gilbert Muriel, Bourguignon Manon, Lo Piccolo Giuseppe, 2016/10. DIALOGUE Familles & couples, 3 (213) pp. 69-82.
de Roten Yves, Pomini Valentino, 2016/10/01. dans Pomini Valentino, de Roten Yves, Brodard Fabrice, Quartier Vincent (eds.) L'étude de cas: dialogue entre recherche et pratique en psychologie clinique et en psychothérapie, Editions Antipodes.
The Dynamics of Interminority Extended Contact : The Role of Affective and Cognitive Mediators
Visintin Emilio Paolo, Brylka Asteria, Green Eva G. T., Mähönen Tuuli Anna, Jasinskaja-Lahti Inga, 2016/10. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 22 (4) pp. 467-478. Peer-reviewed.
The “when” and the “where” of single-trial allocentric spatial memory performance in young children: Insights into the development of episodic memory
Ribordy Lambert Farfalla, Lavenex Pierre, Banta Lavenex Pamela, 2016/10. Developmental Psychobiology, 59 (2) pp. 185–196. Peer-reviewed.
Who Is to Blame? Official Discourse and Ethnic Diversity Attitudes During the 2011 Riots in England
Fasel Nicole, Sarrasin Oriane, Green Eva G. T., Mayor Eric, 2016/10. Political Psychology, 37 (5) pp. 659-675. Peer-reviewed.
La maîtrise de la langue d'accueil : une condition à une intégration "réussie"? Analyse des textes de lois suisses de 2000 à aujourd'hui
Bailat Stéphanie, 2016/09/13., Université de Lausanne, faculté des SSP dans Journée de la recherche de la Faculté des sciences sociales et politiques 2017.
The association between alcohol abstinence, drinking or binge drinking and drug use: is alcohol abstinence that safe?
Dupuis Marc, Baggio Stéphanie, Accard Marion Emilie, Mohler-Kuo Meichun, Gmel Gerhard, 2016/09/05. Drugs and Alcohol Today, 16 (3) pp. 212-221. Peer-reviewed.
Enthousiasm and Scepticism regarding Digital Health Technologies: the Promise Trap
del Rio Carral M., Roux P., Santiago-Delefosse M., 2016/09. dans European Association for the Study of Science and Technology, EASST/4s. Peer-reviewed.
Mémoire et oubli: un éclairage de la psychologie et des neurosciences
Preissmann D., 2016/09. Arbido, 3 pp. 4-8.
Red cell distribution width and mortality in acute heart failure patients with preserved and reduced ejection fraction.
Sotiropoulos K., Yerly P., Monney P., Garnier A., Regamey J., Hugli O., Martin D., Metrich M., Antonietti J.P., Hullin R., 2016/09. ESC heart failure, 3 (3) pp. 198-204. Peer-reviewed.
Usage de l'objet, signification et émergence de la conscience à l'étape préverbale du développement: Une perspective édusémiotique
Moro Christiane, 2016/09/01. Semiotica, 2016 (212) pp. 129-153. Peer-reviewed.
Utiliser l'analyse fonctionnelle pour favoriser l'insertion professionnelle des jeunes en rupture d'apprentissage [Using functional analysis to promote employability among young people who interrupted their apprenticeship]
Rochat S., 2016/08/31. L'Orientation Scolaire et Professionnelle pp. XXI-XXXVII.
Can the Health of the Nation Outcome Scales for Children and Adolescents predict the necessity of inpatient stay during assertive community treatment?
Urben S., Mantzouranis G., Baier V., Halfon O., Villard E., Holzer L., 2016/08/30. Psychiatry research, 242 pp. 345-348. Peer-reviewed.
The Associations of Dyadic Coping and Relationship Satisfaction Vary between and within Nations: A 35-Nation Study
Hilpert Peter, Randall Ashley K., Sorokowski Piotr, Atkins David C., Sorokowska Agnieszka, Ahmadi Khodabakhsh, Aghraibeh Ahmad M., Aryeetey Richmond, Bertoni Anna, Bettache Karim et al., 2016/08/08. Frontiers in Psychology, 7. Peer-reviewed.
L'entraide en institution pour personnes en situation de handicap mental: d'une recherche-action à un modèle d'analyse
Ros J., Grossen M., 2016/08. Les Cahiers Internationaux de Psychologie Sociale, 2 (110) pp. 137-158. Peer-reviewed.
Les compétences numériques chez de jeunes enfants prématurés
THEVENOT Catherine, CHAZOULE Guy, MASSON Sandrine, CASTEL Caroline, FAYOL Michel, 2016/08/01. L'Année psychologique, 1112 (2) pp. 227-248.
Subthreshold problem drinkers in DSM-5 alcohol use disorder classification.
Baggio S., Studer J., Dupuis M., Gerhard G., 2016/08. The American journal on addictions, 25 (5) pp. 408-415. Peer-reviewed.
Validation of the Dyadic Coping Inventory with Chinese couples: Factorial structure, measurement invariance, and construct validity.
Xu Feng, Hilpert Peter, Randall Ashley K., Li Qiuping, Bodenmann Guy, 2016/08. Psychological Assessment, 28 (8) pp. e127-e140. Peer-reviewed.
Vivre à un âge très avance : la seconde étude des centenaires d'Heidelberg
Jopp D. S., 2016/08. Angewandte GERONTOLOGIE appliquée, 1 (3) pp. 11-13.
Who Do Centenarians Rely on for Support ? Findings from the Second Heidelberg Centenarian Study
Boerner K., Jopp D. S., Park M.S., Rott C., 2016/08. Journal of Aging and Social Policy, 28 pp. 165-186. Peer-reviewed.
Impaired fornix-hippocampus integrity is linked to peripheral glutathione peroxidase in early psychosis.
Baumann P.S., Griffa A., Fournier M., Golay P., Ferrari C., Alameda L., Cuenod M., Thiran J.P., Hagmann P., Do K.Q. et al., 2016/07/26. Translational psychiatry, 6 (7) pp. e859. Peer-reviewed.
Meeting physicians' needs: a bottom-up approach for improving the implementation of medical knowledge into practice.
Vaucher C., Bovet E., Bengough T., Pidoux V., Grossen M., Panese F., Burnand B., 2016/07/18. Health research policy and systems, 14 (1) p. 49. Peer-reviewed.
Patterns of Social Activity after Partner Loss in the Second Half of Life : Findings from the Swiss ParWinLoss Study
Lampraki Charikleia, Jopp Daniela S., Spini Dario, 2016/07/14., International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development, Vilnius, Lithuania dans 24. Biannual Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development. Peer-reviewed.
Where Do the Cultural Differences in Dynamics of Controlling Parenting Lie? Adolescents as Active Agents in the Perception of and Coping with Parental Behavior
Chen Beiwen, Soenens Bart, Vansteenkiste Maarten, Van Petegem Stijn, Beyers Wim, 2016/07/13. Psychologica Belgica, 56 (3) pp. 169-192.
Global Life Satisfaction in Adolescence: The Role of Personality Traits, Self-Esteem, and Self-Efficacy
Marcionetti Jenny, Rossier Jerôme, 2016/07. Journal of Individual Differences, 37 (3) pp. 135-144. Peer-reviewed.
Les carrières des jeunes chercheur.e.s en Suisse : entre trajectoires individuelles et micro-politiques organisationnelles
Fassa Farinaz, del Rio Carral Marina, Bataille Pierre, 2016/07. dans Actualités de la recherche en éducation et formation (AREF). Peer-reviewed.
Perceived Parenting and Adolescent Cyber-Bullying: Examining the Intervening Role of Autonomy and Relatedness Need Satisfaction, Empathic Concern and Recognition of Humanness
Fousiani K., Dimitropoulou P., Michaelides M.P., Van Petegem S., 2016/07. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 25 (7) pp. 2120-2129. Peer-reviewed.
Psychometric evaluation of the satisfaction with life scale in Togo : A three-step approach
Sovet L., Atitsogbe K.A., Pari P., Park M.S.A., Villieux A., 2016/07. European Review of Applied Psychology, 66 (5) pp. 243-250. Peer-reviewed.
Sense of Competence and Beliefs About Parental Roles in Mothers and Fathers as Predictors of Coparenting and Child Engagement in Mother-Father-Infant Triadic Interactions : Parental Sense of Competence, Beliefs, and Coparenting
Favez Nicolas, Tissot Hervé, Frascarolo France, Stiefel Friedrich, Despland Jean-Nicolas, 2016/07. Infant and Child Development, 25 (4) pp. 283-301. Peer-reviewed.
Engagement en formation, apprentissage de la langue du lieu d'accueil et processus d'intégration des immigrés. Réflexion sur un dispositif étatique mis en place pour les formations en français destinées aux immigrés.
Bailat Stéphanie, 2016/06/29. dans Congrès SSRE 2016.
Childhood trauma and resilience in old age: applying a context model of resilience to a sample of former indentured child laborers
Maercker Andreas, Hilpert Peter, Burri Andrea, 2016/06/02. Aging & Mental Health, 20 (6) pp. 616-626. Peer-reviewed.
A propos d'ambiguïté chez José Bleger.
Katz-Gilbert Muriel, Bourguignon Manon, 2016/06. dans José Bleger à Genève - l'ambiguïté (re)découverte. Repenser l'exil, no. 6-7, M.-C. Caloz-Tschopp.
Activities in near-centenarians and centenarians: Findings from the Fordham Centenarian Study
Lampraki Charikleia, Jopp Daniela S., 2016/06., International Centenarian Consortium, Oporto, Portugal dans International Centenarian Consortium. Peer-reviewed.
Contribution of personality, job strain, and occupational self-efficacy to job satisfaction in different occupational contexts
Maggiori Christian, Johnston Claire S., Rossier Jérôme, 2016/06. Journal of Career Development, 43 (3) pp. 244-259. Peer-reviewed.
Critical life events and how they determine self-continuity in later life
Lampraki Charikleia, Jopp Daniela S., Spini Dario, 2016/06., LIVES International Conference “Relationships in later life: Challenges and opportunities”, Bern, Switzerland dans LIVES International Conference “Relationships in later life: Challenges and opportunities”,. Peer-reviewed.
Duration of untreated psychosis: Impact of the definition of treatment onset on its predictive value over three years of treatment.
Golay P., Alameda L., Baumann P., Elowe J., Progin P., Polari A., Conus P., 2016/06. Journal of psychiatric research, 77 pp. 15-21. Peer-reviewed.
Premier épisode psychotique : l'âge en question.
Mebdouhi N., Golay P., Conus P., 2016/06. Santé Mentale, 209 pp. 76-81.
Validation of the French Version of the Experiences in Close Relationships– Revised (ECR-R) Adult Romantic Attachment Questionnaire
Favez Nicolas, Tissot Hervé, Ghisletta Paolo, Golay Philippe, Cairo Notari Sarah, 2016/06. Swiss Journal of Psychology, 75 (3) pp. 113-121. Peer-reviewed.
Age at the time of exposure to trauma modulates the psychopathological profile in early psychosis patients
Alameda L., Golay P., Baumann P., Ferrari C., Do K.Q., Conus P., 2016/05. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 77 (5) pp. e612-e618. Peer-reviewed.
Emotions, Development and Materiality at School: A Historico-­‐Cultural Approach
Muller Mirza N., 2016/05. Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science, 50 (4) pp. 634-654. Peer-reviewed.
L'éducation thérapeutique des personnes vivant avec le diabète: entre partage d'informations et apprentissage socialement situé
Dos Santos Mamed M., 2016/05., SETE dans 6ème Congrès Européen de la Société Européenne d'Education Thérapeutique du patient: Santé et Créativité.
La collaboration interprofessionnelle dans le cadre de la prise en charge du diabète dans le canton de Vaud
A. Schweizer, D., Morin, V., Henry, R., Bize & I., Peytremann-Bridevaux , 2016/05. dans Académie Suisse des Sciences Médicales (ASSM) (eds.) Comment réussir l'interprofessionnalité?.
Représentations sociales et relations intergroupes
Staerklé Christian, 2016/05/01. pp. 457-467 dans Les représentations sociales , DeBoeck.
Self-Directed Ostensions and Mediations of the Adult at the Age of 8-, 12 and 16 months
Dupertuis V., Moro C., 2016/05. Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science. Peer-reviewed.
Accused for Involvement in Collective Violence: The Discursive Reconstruction of Agency and Identity by Perpetrators of International Crimes
Rauschenbach Mina, Staerklé Christian, Scalia Damien, 2016/04. Political Psychology, 37 (2) pp. 219-235. Peer-reviewed.
Do bipolar subjects' responses to personality questionnaires lack reliability? Evidence from the PsyCoLaus study.
Dupuis M., Capel R., Meier E., Rudaz D., Strippoli M.P., Castelao E., Preisig M., Vandeleur C.L., 2016/04. Psychiatry Research, 238 pp. 299-303. Peer-reviewed.
Gaining deeper insight into the psychological challenges of human spaceflight: The role of motivational dynamics
Sophie Goemaere, Maarten Vansteenkiste, Stijn Van Petegem, 2016/04. Acta Astronautica, 121 pp. 130-143.
Self-deception as affective coping. An empirical perspective on philosophical issues.
Lauria F., Preissmann D., Clément F., 2016/04. Consciousness and cognition, 41 pp. 119-134.
Health and Disease at Age 100.
Jopp D.S., Boerner K., Rott C., 2016/03/25. Deutsches Arzteblatt international, 113 (12) pp. 203-210. Peer-reviewed.
Assertive outreach for "difficult to engage" patients : a useful tool for a subgroup of patients in specialized early psychosis intervention programs
Alameda L., Golay P., Baumann P., Morandi S., Ferrari C., Conus P., Bonsack C., 2016/03. Psychiatry research, 239 pp. 212-219. Peer-reviewed.
Cross-cultural Generalizability of the Alternative Five-factor Model Using the Zuckerman-Kuhlman-Aluja Personality Questionnaire : ZKA-PQ across cultures
Rossier Jérôme, Aluja Anton, Blanch Angel, Barry Oumar, Hansenne Michel, Carvalho André F., Valdivia Mauricio, Wang Wei, Desrichard Olivier, Hyphantis Thomas et al., 2016/03. European Journal of Personality, 30 (2) pp. 139-157. Peer-reviewed.
Identification and ethnic diversity underlie support for multicultural rights : a multilevel analysis in Bulgaria
Visintin E. P., Green E. G. T., Bakalova D., Zografova Y., 2016/03. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 51 pp. 1-13. Peer-reviewed.
Love styles, coping, and relationship satisfaction: A dyadic approach : Love styles and dyadic coping
VEDES ANA, HILPERT PETER, NUSSBECK FRIDTJOF W., RANDALL ASHLEY K., BODENMANN GUY, LIND WOLFGANG R., 2016/03. Personal Relationships, 23 (1) pp. 84-97. Peer-reviewed.
Pro Free Will Priming Enhances "Risk-Taking" Behavior in the Iowa Gambling Task, but not in the Balloon Analogue Risk Task : Two Independent Priming Studies
Schrag Y., Tremea A., Lagger C., Ohana N., Mohr C., 2016/03. PLoS ONE (en ligne), 11 (3) pp. NA. Peer-reviewed.
Reframing video gaming and internet use addiction: empirical cross-national comparison of heavy use over time and addiction scales among young users.
Baggio S., Dupuis M., Studer J., Spilka S., Daeppen J.B., Simon O., Berchtold A., Gmel G., 2016/03. Addiction (Abingdon, England), 111 (3) pp. 513-522. Peer-reviewed.
Workgroup climates and employees' counterproductive work behaviours: A social-cognitive perspective
Bollmann G., Krings F., 2016/03. Journal of Management Studies, 53 (2) pp. 184-209. Peer-reviewed.
"Are you really ready to change?" An actor-oriented perspective on a farmers training setting in Madagascar
Muller Mirza N., Perret-Clermont A.-N., 2016/02. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 31 (1) pp. 79-93. Peer-reviewed.
Brief report : Academic amotivation in light of the dark side of identity formation
Cannard C., Lannegrand-Willems L., Safont-Mottay C., Zimmermann G., 2016/02. Journal of Adolescence, 47 pp. 179-184. Peer-reviewed.
Development of the Positive Emotions Program for Schizophrenia (PEPS): an intervention to improve pleasure and motivation in schizophrenia
Nguyen A., Frobert L., McCluskey I., Golay P., Bonsack C., Favrod J., 2016/02. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 7 (13) pp. 1-9. Peer-reviewed.
Getting "SuperBetter" at building one's career
Rochat S., 2016/02. Career Convergence Web Magazine pp. NA.
Improving Personal Happiness Through Couple Intervention: A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Self-directed Couple Enhancement Program
Hilpert Peter, Bodenmann Guy, Nussbeck Fridtjof W., Bradbury Thomas N., 2016/02. Journal of Happiness Studies, 17 (1) pp. 213-237. Peer-reviewed.
Subjective age and activities: To what extent does activity engagement relate to how old one feels?
Jopp Daniela S., Lampraki Charikleia, Jung Seojung, Meystre Claudia, 2016/02., 5th REIACTIS conference, Lausanne, Switzerland dans 5th REIACTIS conference. Peer-reviewed.
Transmission d'information ou appropriation active : le cas d'un dispositif de proximité dans le canton de Vaud
Dos Santos Mamed M., 2016/02., AFDET - Association Française pour le Développement de l'Education Thérapeutique dans Congrès Santé Education. Peer-reviewed.
Stability of right visual field advantage in an international lateralized lexical decision task irrespective of participants' sex, handedness or bilingualism.
Willemin J., Hausmann M., Brysbaert M., Dael N., Chmetz F., Fioravera A., Gieruc K., Mohr C., 2016/01/18. Laterality, 21 pp. 1-24. Peer-reviewed.
Adaptation to loss
Boerner K., Jopp D. S., 2016. pp. 18-23 dans Krauss Whitbourne S. (eds.) The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Adulthood and Aging, Wiley Blackwell.
Analyse statistique de protocoles individuels
Antonietti J.-Ph., 2016. pp. 117-146 dans Pomini V., de Roten Y., Brodard F., Quartier V (eds.) L'étude de cas : dialogue entre recherche et pratique en psychologie clinique et en psychothérapie, Antipodes.
Anne Berman (1889–1979), une «simple secrétaire» du mouvement psychanalytique français ?
Amouroux Rémy, 2016. Gesnerus, 73 (2) pp. 360-375.
Breast cancer patients faced with images in surgical consultation: the power of strangeness of medical photos
Roux Pauline, Durif-Bruckert Christine, Kalampalikis Nikos, 2016. Psycho-Oncologie. Peer-reviewed.
Bref historique des thérapies de couple et de famille
Favez N., Darwiche J., 2016. pp. 13-30 dans Favez N., Darwiche J. (eds.) Les thérapies de couple et de famille : modèles empiriquement validés et applications cliniques, Mardaga.
Career adaptability, hope, optimism and life satisfaction in Italian and Swiss adolescents
Santilli S., Marcionetti J., Rochat S., Rossier J., Nota L., 2016. Journal of Career Development, 85 (1) pp. 67-74. Peer-reviewed.
Challenges Experienced at Age 100: Findings From the Fordham Centenarian Study.
Jopp D.S., Boerner K., Cimarolli V., Hicks S., Mirpuri S., Paggi M., Cavanagh A., Kennedy E., 2016. Journal of aging & social policy, 28 (3) pp. 187-207. Peer-reviewed.
Comprendre la transition secondaire-collégial pour mieux intervenir
Picard F., Masdonati J., 2016. dans Picard F. (eds.) Pratiques d'orientation en milieu d'éducation : de l'impasse à l'enrichissement par le codéveloppement, Presses de l'Université du Québec.
Concilier loisirs et carrière : modèles et outils pour intervenir auprès des jeunes artistes et sportif.ves.s.
Rochat Shékina, Bodoira Xavier, 2016. L'orientation Scolaire et Professionnelle, 45 (4) pp. 497-520. Peer-reviewed.
Development and validation of the Maladaptive Daydreaming Scale (MDS)
Somer E., Lehrfeld J., Bigelsen J., Jopp D. S., 2016. Consciousness and Cognition, 39 pp. 77-91. Peer-reviewed.
Developmental trajectories of executive functions in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome
Maeder J., Schneider M., Bostelmann M., Debbané M., Glaser B., Menghetti S., Schaer M., Eliez S., 2016. Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders, 8 p. 10.
Drinking Motives As Mediators of the Associations between Reinforcement Sensitivity and Alcohol Misuse and Problems.
Studer J., Baggio S., Dupuis M., Mohler-Kuo M., Daeppen J.B., Gmel G., 2016. Frontiers In Psychology, 7 p. 718. Peer-reviewed.
Désirabilité sociale
Dompnier B., 2016. pp. NA dans Encyclopaedia Universalis (en ligne), Encyclopaedia Universalis.
Economic insecurity and older Americans, insecurity in Massachusetts 2016
Mutchler J, Li Yang, Xu P, 2016., Center for Social & Demographic Research on Aging Publications No. 14.
Effects of majority members’ positive intergroup contact on minority members’ support for ingroup rights: Mobilizing or demobilizing effects?
Kauff M., Green E. G. T., Schmid K., Hewstone M., Christ O., 2016. European Journal of Social Psychology, 46 pp. 833-839. Peer-reviewed.
Entre attentes et réalité: la construction de l'identité professionnelle des diplômé.e.s de la formation professionnelle et technique
Lahrizi I.Z., Masdonati J., Skakni I., Fournier G., 2016. L'Orientation Scolaire et Professionnelle, 45 (2) pp. 187-206. Peer-reviewed.
Extending the nomological network of wellness at work
Becker J. R., de Bruin D., Györkös C., Rossier J., Massoudi K., 2016. Management Dynamics : Journal of the Southern African Institute for Management Scientists, 25 (4) pp. 2-18. Peer-reviewed.
French validation of the O-LIFE Short questionnaire
Sierro G., Rossier J., Mason O., Mohr C., 2016. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 32 pp. 195-203. Peer-reviewed.
From stigmatized immigrants to radical right voting: A multilevel study on the role of threat and contact
Green Eva G. T., Sarrasin Oriane, Baur Robert, Fasel Nicole, 2016. Political Psychology, 37 pp. 465–480. Peer-reviewed.
Global value perceptions: The legitimising functions of Western representations of democracy
Staerklé C., Falomir-Pichastor J.M., Pereira A., Berent J., Butera F., 2016. European Journal of Social Psychology, 45 pp. 896-906. Peer-reviewed.
Immigration-related political culture and support for radical right parties
Baur Robert, Green Eva G. T., Helbling Marc, 2016. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 42 (11) pp. 1748-1773. Peer-reviewed.
Implanter le codéveloppement professionnel en orientation scolaire
Picard F., Bourassa B., Patton S., Masdonati J., 2016. pp. 175-207 dans Bourassa B., Doucet M.-C. (eds.) Éducation et vie au travail : Perspectives contemporaines sur les pratiques d'accompagnement pour l'orientation et l'intégration socioprofessionnelle, Tome 3, Presses de l'Université Laval.
Increasing the Perspectives of Engineering Undergraduates on Societal Issues through an Interdisciplinary Program
Holzer A., Vonèche Cardia I., Bendahan S., Berne A., Bragazza L., Danalet A., Casoli A., Feige J., Gillet D., Isaac S. et al., 2016/01. International Journal of Engineering Education, 32 (2) pp. 614-624. Peer-reviewed.
Institutional Determinants of Social Inequalities
Autin F., Butera F., 2016. Frontiers in Psychology pp. NA.
Institutional Determinants of Social Inequalities
Autin F., Butera F. (eds.), 2016., Lausanne: Frontiers Media.
Integrating motivational interviewing in career counseling : A case study
Rochat S., Rossier J., 2016. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 93 pp. 150-162. Peer-reviewed.
Internal and Predictive Validity of the French Health of the Nation Outcome Scales: Need for Future Directions.
Golay P., Basterrechea L., Conus P., Bonsack C., 2016. PloS one, 11 (8) pp. e0160360. Peer-reviewed.
Internet-Delivered Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Anxiety and Insomnia in a Higher Education Context
Morris Joanna, Firkins Ashlyn, Millings Abigail, Mohr Christine, Redford Paul, Rowe Angela, 2016. Anxiety, Stress and Coping, 29 (4) pp. 415-431. Peer-reviewed.
Introduction : Un "arrêt sur image" sur les parcours et l'orientation des jeunes
Masdonati J., Bangali M., Cournoyer L., 2016. pp. 1-6 dans Masdonati J., Bangali M., Cournoyer L. (eds.) Éducation et vie au travail : Perspectives contemporaines sur les parcours et l'orientation des jeunes, Tome 1, Presses de l'Université Laval.
Is tooth loss associated with depressive symptoms in older adults? Findings from the HRS
B. Proctor, C. Lee, Li Yang, E Dugan, 2016. The Gerontologist. Peer-reviewed.
L'examen psychologique de l'enfant et de l'adolescent : application de la formulation de cas dans une perspective développementale et contextuelle
Quartier V., Brodard F., 2016. pp. 269-290 dans Pomini V., Roten Y de. , Brodard F., Quartier V. (eds.) L'étude de cas : dialogue entre recherche et pratique en psychologie clinique et psychothérapie, Antipodes.
L'intervention systémique brève (ISB)
Vaudan Christel, Darwiche Joëlle, de Roten Yves, 2016. pp. 251-268 dans Favez Nicolas, Darwiche Joëlle (eds.) Les thérapies de couple et de famille : modèles empiriquement validés et applications cliniques, Mardaga.
L'étude de cas : dialogue entre recherche et pratique en psychologie clinique et en psychothérapie
Pomini Valentino, De Roten Yves, Brodard Fabrice, Quartier Vincent, 2016. Actualités psychologiques 310 p., Antipodes.
La "fabrique du cerveau" en tensions entre sciences sociales et neurosciences
Panese F., Arminjon M., Pidoux V., 2016. SociologieS pp. 2-17. Peer-reviewed.
La construction identitaire durant la transition école-travail : explorations, engagements et identifications de rôle
Masdonati J., Fournier G., Lahrizi I.Z., Pinault M., 2016. pp. 173-199 dans Masdonati J., Bangali M., Cournoyer L. (eds.) Éducation et vie au travail : Perspectives contemporaines sur les parcours et l'orientation des jeunes, Tome 1, Presses de l'Université Laval.
La Nature ou le monde des formes : penser l'animalité avec Merleau-Ponty et Portmann
Zaslawski N., 2016/01. pp. 64-83 dans Burgat F., Ciocan C. (eds.) Phénoménologie de la vie animale, Zeta Books.
La psychopathologie du langage : une clinique fondée sur des malentendus ?
Jaccard Camille, 2016. Cahiers de l’I.L.S.L..
Le premier enfant en contexte: l'institutionalisation du conflit ?
Bühlmann Felix, Elcheroth Guy, Tettamanti Manuel, 2016. pp. 262-284 dans Le Goff Jean-Marie, Levy René (eds.) Devenir parents, devenir inégaux. Transition à la parentalité et inégalités de genre, Seismo.
Le raisonnement à partir de "cas". Quelques jalons théoriques et épistémologiques
Dallèves Vincent, 2016. pp. 39-55 dans Pomini Valentino, de Roten Yves, Brodard Fabrice, Quartier Vincent (eds.) L'étude de cas, Antipodes.
Le système de prévention et d'intervention Triple P
Brodard F., Zimmermann G., Sanders M., 2016. pp. 49-65 dans Favez N., Darwiche J. (eds.) Les thérapies de couple et de famille : modèles empiriquement validés et applications cliniques, Mardaga.
Les interprètes communautaires au carrefour des savoirs médicaux et des savoirs profanes : le cas de consultations infirmières pour demandeurs d'asile en Suisse
Laurent M., Santiago-Delefosse M., 2016. dans XIIIème Conférence Internationale sur les Représentations Sociales.
Les relations interpersonnelles au sein de la famille recomposée : un état de la littérature
Repond G., Darwiche J., 2016. Pratiques Psychologiques, 22 pp. 269-283. Peer-reviewed.
Les technologies digitales de santé et leurs usages en promotion de la santé pour l'auto-suivi de l'activité physique dans la presse : pensée scientifique ou pensée magique ?
Roux P., del Rio Carral M., Santiago-Delefosse M., 2016. dans 13ème Conférence Internationale sur les Représentations Sociales. Peer-reviewed.
Les thérapies de couple et de famille : modèles empiriquement validés et applications cliniques
Favez N., Darwiche J. (eds.), 2016., Mardaga.
Les évidences empiriques des thérapies de couple et de famille
Darwiche J., Favez N., 2016. pp. 31-46 dans Favez N., Darwiche J. (eds.) Les thérapies de couple et de famille : modèles empiriquement validés et applications cliniques, Mardaga.
Life at age 100: an international research agenda for centenarian studies
Jopp D. S., Boerner K., Ribeiro O., Rott C., 2016. Journal of Aging and Social Policy, 28 (3) pp. 133-147. Peer-reviewed.
Linking primary and secondary care after psychiatric hospitalisation: comparison between transitional case management setting and routine care for common mental disorders
Bonsack Charles, Golay Philippe, Gibellini Manetti Silvia, Gebel Sophia, Ferrari Pascale, Besse Christine, Favrod Jérôme, Morandi Stéphane, 2016. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 7 p. 96. Peer-reviewed.
Living below the line: Economic insecurity and older Americans, insecurity in the States 2016
Mutchler J, Li Yang, Xu P, 2016., Center for Social & Demographic Research on Aging Publications No. 13.
Measuring body movement : current and future directions in proxemics and kinesics
Dael N., Bianchi-Berthouze N., Kleinsmith A., Mohr C., 2016. pp. 551-587 dans Matsumoto D., Hwang H. C., Frank M. G. (eds.) APA Handbook of Nonverbal Communication, Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Modèles et modélisation dans la clinique du langage : L’exemple des traités en santé mentale entre 1880 et 1900
Jaccard Camille, 2016. pp. 181-197 dans Modélisations et sciences humaines, L'Harmattan.
Most and Least Preferred Colours Differ According to Object Context : New Insights from an Unrestricted Colour Range
Jonauskaite D., Mohr C., Antonietti J.P., Spiers P.M., Althaus B., Anil S., Dael N., 2016. Plos One, 11 (3) pp. e0152194. Peer-reviewed.
No association between ApoE polymorphism and febrile seizures.
Lavenex P., Lavenex P.B., Cachat F., Gehri M., Juvet T., 2016/01. Neurological sciences : official journal of the Italian Neurological Society and of the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology, 37 (1) pp. 31-36. Peer-reviewed.
Organisational culture and everyday working life
Fassa Recrosio Farinaz, del Rio Carral Maria, Bataille Pierre, 2016. dans Cukut Krilić, Petrović, Hočevar, Knežević, Istenič, Černič (eds.) Organisational culture and everyday working life: Quantitative and qualitative analysis in six European Countries , Garcia Woriking Papers.
Parallel lives : a phenomenological study of the lived experience of maladaptive daydreaming
Somer E., Somer L., Jopp D. S., 2016. Journal of Trauma & Dissociation pp. 0-16. Peer-reviewed.
Patients' Needs for Care in Public Mental Health: Unity and Diversity of Self-Assessed Needs for Care.
Bellier-Teichmann T., Golay P., Bonsack C., Pomini V., 2016. Frontiers In Public Health, 4 p. 22. Peer-reviewed.
Physical, cognitive, social and mental health in near-centenarians and centenarians living in New York City : findings from the Fordham Centenarian Study
Jopp D. S., Park M.K.S., Lehrfeld J., Paggi M.E., 2016. BMC Geriatrics, 16 (1) pp. 0-10. Peer-reviewed.
Pratiques de la formulation de cas en psychothérapie
Pomini Valentino, Darwiche Joëlle, Roman Pascal, 2016. pp. 223-252 dans Pomini Valentino, de Roten Yves, Brodard Fabrice, Quartier Vincent (eds.) L'étude de cas : dialogue entre recherche et pratique en psychologie clinique et en psychothérapie, Antipodes.
Prenatal intuitive coparenting behaviors
Darwiche J., Fivaz-Depeursinge E., Corboz-Warnery A., 2016. Frontiers in Psychology, 7 pp. 1-6. Peer-reviewed.
Put on that colour, it fits your emotion: Colour appropriateness as a function of expressed emotion.
Dael N., Perseguers M.N., Marchand C., Antonietti J.P., Mohr C., 2016. Quarterly journal of experimental psychology (2006), 69 (8) pp. 1619-1630. Peer-reviewed.
Quality of Qualitative Research in the Health Sciences : Analysis of the Common Criteria Present in 58 Assessment Guidelines by Expert Users
Santiago-Delefosse M., Gavin A., Bruchez C., Roux P., Stephen S.-L., 2016/01. Social Science & Medicine, 148 pp. 142-151. Peer-reviewed.
Quel est le sujet des études de cas ?
Amouroux R., 2016. pp. 57-74 dans Pomini V., Roten Y. de , Brodard F., Quartier V. (eds.) L'étude de cas : dialogue entre recherche et pratique en psychologie clinique et en psychothérapie, Antipodes.
Quelle place pour l’étude du cas unique dans la construction de la théorie clinique ? Illustration par le Modèle de l’Assimilation
Meystre Claudia, 2016. pp. 173-193 dans Pomini Valentino, Yves de Roten, Fabrice Brodard, Vincent Quartier (eds.) L’étude de cas : Dialogue entre recherche et pratique en psychologie clinique et psychothérapie, Antipodes.
Rapport final de l'étude longitudinale
Piguet C., Berchtold A., Zimmermann G., Suris J.-C., 2016. 72 (Raisons de santé ; 255), Institut universitaire de médecine sociale et préventive (IUMSP), Groupe de recherche sur la santé des adolescents (GRSA).
Restful sleep and driving limitations and cessation: Findings drom The Health And Retirement Study
K Kittle, C Lee, D Waldron, M Evans, Li Yang, E Dugan, 2016. The Gerontologist. Peer-reviewed.
Se sentir bien au travail dans un monde académique « en accélération » : Comment le genre informe les stratégies des jeunes chercheur.e.s en Suisse ?
del Rio Carral Maria, Bataille Pierre, Le Feuvre Nicky, 2016., Conférence Santé dans le monde du travail dans Le travail à contre-temps : temps, travail et santé. Peer-reviewed.
Studying youth transitions through a social network: First impressions.
Eicher V., Bakouri M., Staerklé C., Carvalhosa Barbosa M., Clémence A, 2016. pp. 203-221 dans Joye D., Oris M., Roberts C., Ernst-Stähli M. (eds.) Surveying human vulnerabilities across the life course, Springer.
The association between economic insecurity and risky health behaviors
Li Yang, C. Lee, B. Proctor, K Kittle, D Waldron, E Dugan, 2016. The Gerontologist. Peer-reviewed.
The evolution of work values during the school-to-work transition : The case of young adults in the "missing middle"
Masdonati J., Fournier G., Pinault M., Lahrizi I.Z., 2016. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 16 (2) pp. 189-212. Peer-reviewed.
The feminisation of school hypothesis called into question among junior and high school students
Verniers C., Martinot D., Dompnier B., 2016. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 86 (3) pp. 369-381. Peer-reviewed.
The multiplicity of aging: lessons for theory and conceptual development from longitudinal studies
Spini D., Jopp D.S., Pin S., Stringhini S., 2016. pp. 669-690 dans Bengtson V.L., Settersten R. (eds.) Handbook of Theories of Aging chap. 33, Springer.
The Parental Career-related Behaviors (PCB) questionnaire: Italian validation
Marcionetti J, Rossier J., 2016. Testing, Psychometrics, Methodology in Applied Psychology, 23 pp. 347-363. Peer-reviewed.
The role of mattering as an overlooked key challenge in retirement planning and adjustment
Froidevaux A., Hirschi A., Wang M., 2016. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 94 pp. 57-69. Peer-reviewed.
The role of test anticipation in the link between performance-approach goals and academic achievement: A field experiment on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) subjects
Crouzevialle Marie, Butera Fabrizio, 2016. Swiss Journal of Psychology, 75 (3) pp. 123-132. Peer-reviewed.
The Subjective Sensation of Synchrony: an Experimental Study
Llobera J., Charbonnier C., Chagué S., Preissmann D., Antonietti J.P., Ansermet F., Magistretti P.J., 2016. PLoS One, 11 (2) pp. e0147008. Peer-reviewed.
The “sick-lit” question and the death education answer : Papageno versus Werther effects in adolescent suicide prevention
Testoni Ines, Parise Giulia, Zamperini Adriano, Visintin Emilio Paolo, Toniolo Emanuele, Vicentini Silvia, De Leo Diego, 2016/01/01. Human Affairs, 26 (2) pp. 153-166.
Thought-shape fusion in young healthy females appears after vivid imagination of thin ideals
Wyssen A., Coelho J. S., Wilhelm P., Zimmermann G., Munsch S., 2016. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 52 pp. 75-82. Peer-reviewed.
Validation of French and German versions of a Perceived Neighborhood Social Cohesion Questionnaire among young Swiss males, and its relationship with substance use.
Dupuis M., Studer J., Henchoz Y., Deline S., Baggio S., N'Goran A., Mohler-Kuo M., Gmel G., 2016. Journal of Health Psychology, 21 (2) pp. 171-182. Peer-reviewed.
Validation of the French Autism Spectrum Quotient Scale and its relationships with schizotypy and Eysenckian personality traits
Sierro Guillaume, Rossier Jérôme, Mohr Christine, 2016. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 68 pp. 147-155. Peer-reviewed.
Vers l'élaboration d'un cadre d'analyse des parcours professionnels : l'éclairage de l'approche du Parcours de vie et des théories récentes en développement de carrière
Fournier G., Zimmermann H., Gauthier C., Masdonati J., Lachance L., 2016. pp. 93-143 dans Fournier G., Poirel E., Lachance L. (eds.) Éducation et vie au travail : Perspectives contemporaines sur les parcours de vie professionnelle, Tome 2, Presses de l'Université Laval.
Wellbeing in “high speed academia”: How gender shapes young academics strategies? The case of Switzerland.
del Rio Carral Maria, Bataille Pierre, Le Feuvre Nicky, 2016. dans GenderTime International Conference, . Peer-reviewed.
When and why people don't accept cheating : self-transcendence values, social responsibility, mastery goals and attitudes towards cheating
Pulfrey C., Butera F., 2016. Motivation and Emotion, 40 (3) pp. 438-454. Peer-reviewed.
Why students need to be prepared to cooperate : a cooperative nudge in statistics learning at university
Buchs C., Gilles I., Antonietti J.P., Butera F., 2016. Educational Psychology, 36 (5) pp. 956-974. Peer-reviewed.
Éducation et vie au travail : Perspectives contemporaines sur les parcours et l'orientation des jeunes
Masdonati J., Bangali M., Cournoyer L. (eds.), 2016., Presses de l'Université Laval.
Adaptation to Loss
Boerner Kathrin, Jopp Daniela S., 2015/12/20. pp. 1-6 dans The Encyclopedia of Adulthood and Aging, John Wiley & Sons, Inc..
Complexity of the Paradigms Present in Quality Criteria of Qualitative Research Grids
Santiago-Delefosse M., Bruchez C., Gavin A., Stephen S.L., Roux P., 2015/12. Sage Open pp. 1-13. Peer-reviewed.
Dyadic coping and relationship satisfaction: A meta-analysis
Falconier Mariana K., Jackson Jeffrey B., Hilpert Peter, Bodenmann Guy, 2015/12. Clinical Psychology Review, 42 pp. 28-46. Peer-reviewed.
Dyadic coping mediates the association of sanctification with marital satisfaction and well-being.
Rusu Petruta P., Hilpert Peter, Beach Steven R. H., Turliuc Maria N., Bodenmann Guy, 2015/12. Journal of Family Psychology, 29 (6) pp. 843-849. Peer-reviewed.
Encourager le rêve ou confronter à la réalité ? Le dilemme des psychologues conseillers en orientation = Encouraging dream or confronting with reality ? The career counselors dilemma
Rochat S., 2015/12. L'Orientation Scolaire et Professionnelle, 44 (4) pp. 477-492. Peer-reviewed.
Esquisse d'une anthropologie clinique II. Les comportements psychopathologiques comme formes de vie, pensés à l'articulation du fonctionnement neurobiologique, de l'intériorité subjective et des formes symboliques
Escots S., Duruz N., 2015/12. Psychiatrie, Sciences Humaines, Neurosciences, 13 (4) pp. 41-74. Peer-reviewed.
The Influence of Chronic and Situational Social Status on Stereotype Susceptibility
Pillaud V., Rigaud D., Clémence A., 2015/12. PLoS ONE, 10 (12) pp. e0144582. Peer-reviewed.
Approches psychothérapeutiques dans la douleur chronique chez l'enfant et l'adolescent
Amouroux R., Riggenbach A., 2015/11. Douleurs : évaluation, diagnostic, traitement, 16 (5) pp. 217-225. Peer-reviewed.
Can we Learn through Disagreements ? A Sociocultural Perspective on Argumentative Interactions in a Pedagogical Setting in Higher Education
Muller Mirza N., 2015/11. Teaching Innovations, 28 (3) pp. 145-166. Peer-reviewed.
Comment devient-on un "ayant droit" ? Le rôle des personnes ressources dans la trajectoire administrative de l'immigré en Suisse : une approche socioculturelle
Scolari S., 2015/11., Université de Lausanne, faculté des SSP dans Journée de la recherche de la Faculté des sciences sociales et politiques.
Continuity and social participation in the process of recovering from the loss of an intimate partner in the second half of life
Spini Dario, Lampraki Charikleia, Morselli Davide, 2015/11., 68. Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Orlando, USA dans 68. Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America. Peer-reviewed.
Gender and social hierarchies: Perspectives from social psychology
Faniko K., Lorenzi-Cioldi F., Sarrasin O., Mayor E. (eds.), 2015/11., Routledge.
Gender differences in acceptance of the Muslim headscarf
Sarrasin O., Fasel N., Green E.G.T., 2015/11. dans Faniko K., Lorenzi-Cioldi F., Sarrasin O., Mayor E. (eds.) Gender and Social Hierarchies: Perspectives from Social Psychology, Routledge.
Marie Bonaparte, une princesse psychanalyste
Amouroux R., 2015/11. pp. 109-110 dans Marmion J.-F. (eds.) Freud et la psychanalyse, Editions Sciences humaines.
Émergence et constitution du signe d'ostension à soi-même dans le développement précoce
Dupertuis V., 2015/11., Université de Lausanne dans Journée de la Recherche SSP, Faculté des Sciences Sociales et Politiques.
Esquisse d'une anthropologie clinique I. Anthropopsychiatrie et anthropologie sémiotique
Escots S., Duruz N., 2015/10. Psychiatrie, Sciences Humaines, Neurosciences, 13 (3) pp. 27-51. Peer-reviewed.
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