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4011 publications

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Émergence et constitution du signe d'ostension à soi-même dans le développement précoce
Dupertuis V., 2015/11., Université de Lausanne dans Journée de la Recherche SSP, Faculté des Sciences Sociales et Politiques.
Esquisse d'une anthropologie clinique I. Anthropopsychiatrie et anthropologie sémiotique
Escots S., Duruz N., 2015/10. Psychiatrie, Sciences Humaines, Neurosciences, 13 (3) pp. 27-51. Peer-reviewed.
Critères de qualité de la recherche qualitative : enjeux et complexité
Santiago-Delefosse M., Bruchez C., 2015/09. Bulletin de psychologie, 539 (68(5)) pp. 409-414. Peer-reviewed.
Differentiation of several types of mental transformation of spatial information: insights from sex differences approach
Nguyen Nam, Pagna Alan, Maurer Roland, Brandner Catherine, 2015/09., EBBS/EPBS Joint Meeting, Verona, Italy.
Identity and social participation in adaptation to spousal loss
Lampraki Charikleia, Spini Dario, Morselli Davide, 2015/09., Biannual Congress of the Swiss Psychological Society, Geneva, Switzerland dans Biannual Congress of the Swiss Psychological Society.
Prenatal coparenting alliance and marital satisfaction when pregnancy occurs after assisted reproductive technologies or spontaneously
Darwiche J., Favez N., Simonelli A., Antonietti J.-Ph., Frascarolo F., 2015/09. Family Relations, 64 pp. 534-546.
Pupillary and occulomotor markers of trait anxiety biases on attentional networks: insights from sex differences approach.
Teofil Ciobanu, Ruggeri Paolo, Lew Eileen, Barndner Catherine, 2015/09., EBBS/EPBS Joint Meeting, Verona, Italy.
Rethinking integration: A comparative study of skilled migrant women's experience in Switzerland.
Nunes-Reichel Juliana, Santiago-Delefosse Marie, 2015/09. dans SSP-SGP Conference 2015: The future of Psychology. Geneva, Switzerland.. Peer-reviewed.
Spatial working memory deficits in aging : is it bad ?
Klencklen Giuliana, Banta Lavenex Pamela, Brandner Catherine, Lavenex Pierre, 2015/09., EBBS/EPBS Joint Meeting, Verona, Italy.
Une histoire de l'arbre généalogique et du génogramme en psychothérapie
Amouroux R., 2015/09. pp. 23-39 dans Katz-Gilbert M., Darwiche J., Veuillet-Combier C. (eds.) Génogramme ou arbre généalogique : regards systémique et psychanalytique chap. 1, In press.
The Articulation of Different Life Domains among Female Senior Managers and Their Subjective Well-Being : Focusing on Meaning Constructions in Everyday Life
del Rio Carral M., 2015/08. International Journal of Psychological Studies, 7 (3) pp. 157-175. Peer-reviewed.
The Life-World and Its Multiple Realities: Alfred Schütz's Contribution to the Understanding of the Experience of Illness
Santiago-Delefosse M., del Rio Carral M., 2015/08. Psychology, 6 pp. 1265-1276. Peer-reviewed.
The Psychometric Properties of the French Version of the Personality Inventory for DSM-5
Roskam Isabelle, Galdiolo Sarah, Hansenne Michel, Massoudi Koorosh, Rossier Jérôme, Gicquel Ludovic, Rolland Jean-Pierre, 2015/07/20. PLOS ONE, 10 (7) pp. e0133413. Peer-reviewed.
Le rôle des conditions psychosociales du travail, des caractéristiques individuelles et culturelles sur le bien-être au travail
Györkös C., Massoudi K., Rossier J., Pocnet C., De Bruin G., Becker J., 2015/07. pp. 129-139 dans Sarnin Ph., Kouabenan D. R., Bobillier Chaumon M.-É., Dubois M., Vacherand-Revel J. (eds.) Santé et bien-être au travail : des méthodes d'analyse aux actions des prévention chap. 10, Paris: L'Harmattan.
Les enjeux de la coopération dans la recherche en psychologie en Afrique Subsaharienne francophone
Sovet L., Atitsogbe K. A., 2015/07. dans Biennale Internationale de l'Éducation, de la Formation et des Pratiques Professionnelles, Paris, France.
Socially Desirable Responding : Enhancement and Denial in 20 countries
He J., van de Vijver F.J.R., Dominguez Espinosa A., Abubakar A., Dimitrova R., Adams B.G., Aydinli A., Atitsogbe K., Alonso-Arbiol I., Bobowik M. et al., 2015/07. Cross-Cultural Research, 49 (3) pp. 227-249. Peer-reviewed.
Burnout scolaire et consommation de substances: une étude exploratoire chez des adolescents "tout-venant"
Meylan N., Doudin P.-A., Curchod-Ruedi D., Antonietti J.-Ph., Gyger Gaspoz D., Pfulg L., Stephan P., 2015/06. Neuropsychiatrie de l'enfance et de l'adolescence. Peer-reviewed.
Evolution of the Links between Research and Applications in Psychology across the United States and France : Illustrations and Consequences of an Endless Conflict
Santiago-Delefosse M., 2015/06. International Journal of Psychological Studies, 7 (2) pp. 74-87. Peer-reviewed.
Evolving from clinical to positive psychology : understanding and measuring patients' strengths : a pilot study
Bellier-Teichmann T., Pomini V., 2015/06. Journal of contemporary psychotherapy, 45 (2) pp. 99-108. Peer-reviewed.
Flexitests: pédagogies actives en psychologie expérimentale
Preissmann D., Sylvestre E., Jaccard D., Junod C., El Bez C., 2015/06. dans Actes du 8è colloque : Questions de pédagogie dans l'enseignement supérieur : innover pourquoi ? Comment ?. Peer-reviewed.
L'argumentation dans les contextes de l'éducation
Muller Mirza N., Buty C. (eds.), 2015/06. 392, Peter Lang.
L'argumentation dans les contextes de l'éducation: enjeux et questions vives. Introduction
Muller Mirza N., Buty C., 2015/06. pp. 13-36 dans Muller Mirza N., Buty C. (eds.) L'argumentation dans les contextes de l'éducation, Peter Lang.
Les paradoxes de l'argumentation en contexte d'éducation : s'accorder sur les désaccords. Analyse d'interactions argumentatives dans un dispositif de formation en psychologie à l'Université
Muller Mirza N., 2015/06. pp. 167-195 dans Muller Mirza N., Buty C. (eds.) L'argumentation dans les contextes de l'éducation, Peter Lang.
Longitudinal Evaluation of Sexual Function in a Cohort of Pre- and Postmenopausal Women
Burri Andrea, Hilpert Peter, Spector Timothy, 2015/06. The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 12 (6) pp. 1427-1435. Peer-reviewed.
Managing the Transition to Retirement : From Meaningful Work to Meaning in Life at Retirement
Froidevaux A., Hirschi A., 2015/06. pp. 350-363 dans De Vos A., Van der Heijden B. (eds.) Handbook of Research on Sustainable Careers chap. 23, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Same or diametrical relationships between autistic and schizotypy traits ? Implication for autism and schizophrenia spectrum research
Sierro G., Rossier J., Mohr C., 2015/06. pp. S215 dans Mindera R., Castro-Fornieles J., Eliez S. (eds.) European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Springer.
Stabilité à long terme des scores du WISC-IV : forces et faiblesses personnelles
Kieng S., Rossier J., Favez N., Geistlich S., Lecerf T., 2015/06. Pratiques Psychologiques, 21 (2) pp. 137-154. Peer-reviewed.
Diversity of the Quality Criteria in Qualitative Research in the Health Sciences: Lessons from a Lexicometric Analysis Composed of 133 Guidelines
Santiago Delefosse M., Bruchez C., Gavin A., Stephen S.L., 2015/05. Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 16 (2) pp. Art. 11. Peer-reviewed.
Embodied memory: unconscious smiling modulates emotional evaluation of episodic memories.
Arminjon M., Preissmann D., Chmetz F., Duraku A., Ansermet F., Magistretti P.J., 2015/05. Frontiers In Psychology, 6 p. 650. Peer-reviewed.
Immediate Effect of Couple Relationship Education on Low-Satisfaction Couples: A Randomized Clinical Trial Plus an Uncontrolled Trial Replication
Kim Halford W., Pepping Christopher A., Hilpert Peter, Bodenmann Guy, Wilson Keithia L., Busby Dean, Larson Jeffry, Holman Thomas, 2015/05. Behavior Therapy, 46 (3) pp. 409-421. Peer-reviewed.
Professional trajectories, individual characteristics and staying satisfied and healthy
Johnston C. S., Maggiori C., Rossier J., 2015/05. Journal of Career Development p. 18. Peer-reviewed.
Social Support, Social and Temporal Comparisons Protect Well-Being and Health between 45 and 70 Years Old in Four Urban Communities
Gilles I., Clémence A., Courvoisier N., Sanchez S., 2015/05. Journal of Aging Science, 3 (1) p. 133. Peer-reviewed.
Testing for multigroup invariance of the WISC-IV structure across France and Switzerland : Standard and CHC models
Reverte I., Golay P., Favez N., Rossier J., Lecerf T., 2015/05. Learning and Individual Differences, 40 pp. 127-133. Peer-reviewed.
The diary as a dialogical space
Grossen Michèle, 2015/05. pp. 201-219 dans Wagoner B., Chaudhary N., Hviid P. (eds.) Integrating experiences : Body and mind moving between contexts chap. 10, Information Age Publishing.
The Role of Personality in the Career Decision-Making Difficulties of Italian Young Adults
Di Fabio Annamaria, Palazzeschi Letizia, Levin Nimrod, Gati Itamar, 2015/05. Journal of Career Assessment, 23 (2) pp. 281-293. Peer-reviewed.
Emotional intelligence compensates for low IQ and boosts low emotionality individuals in a self-presentation task
Fiori M., 2015/04. Personality and Individual Differences, 81 pp. 169-173. Peer-reviewed.
The Experience of Skilled Migrant Women in Switzerland : Challenges for Social and Professional Integration
Nunes-Reichel J., Santiago-Delefosse M., 2015/04. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 5 (4) pp. 1-6. Peer-reviewed.
Moral Disengagement in the Legitimation and Realization of Aggressive Behaviors in Soccer and Ice Hockey
Traclet A., Moret O., Ohl F., Clémence A., 2015/03. Aggressive Behavior, 41 pp. 123-133. Peer-reviewed.
Allocentric spatial learning and memory deficits in Down syndrome
Lavenex Pamela Banta, Bostelmann Mathilde, Brandner Catherine, Costanzo Floriana, Fragnière Emilie, Klencklen Giuliana, Lavenex Pierre, Menghini Deny, Vicari Stefano, 2015/02/16., EBBS/EPBS Joint Meeting, Verona, Italy.
Analyse factorielle confirmatoire : approche bayésienne
Golay P., Reverte I., Lecerf T., 2015/02. pp. 265-284 dans Juhel J., Rouxel G. (eds.) Différences et variabilités en psychologie, Presses universitaires de Rennes.
Grief after patient death: direct care staff in nursing homes and homecare.
Boerner K., Burack O.R., Jopp D.S., Mock S.E., 2015/02. Journal of pain and symptom management, 49 (2) pp. 214-222. Peer-reviewed.
Relationship status and sex differences in emotion lateralisation: An examination contrasting the processing of emotional infant and adult faces
Bourne Victoria J., Jonauskaite Domicele, 2015/02. Personality and Individual Differences, 74 pp. 297-302. Peer-reviewed.
A mindset of competition versus cooperation moderates the impact of social comparison on self-evaluation
Colpaert L., Muller D., Fayant M. P., Butera F., 2015. Frontiers in Psychology, 6 (1337) pp. NA. Peer-reviewed.
Actualité d'une approche clinique et psychopathologique des violences sexuelles à l'adolescence
Roman P., 2015. Carnet Psy 191 pp. 40-43.
Allocentric spatial learning and memory deficits in Down syndrome
Lavenex Pamela B., Bostelmann M., Brandner C., Costanzo F., Fragniere Emilie, Klencklen Giuliana, Lavenex Pierre, Menghini Deny, Vicari Stefano, 2015. Frontiers in Psychology, 6 pp. 1-17. Peer-reviewed.
Anxiety, depression, and attachment before and after the first-trimester screening for Down syndrome: comparing couples who undergo ART with those who conceive spontaneously.
Udry-Jørgensen L., Darwiche J., Germond M., Wunder D., Vial Y., 2015. Prenatal Diagnosis, 35 (13) pp. 1287-1293. Peer-reviewed.
Approche psychodynamique des violences sexuelles à l'adolescence : perspectives cliniques et psychopathologiques
Roman P., 2015. EMC Psychiatrie/Pédopsychiatrie pp. 1-9. Peer-reviewed.
Are we modular lying cues detectors ? The answer is "yes sometimes"
Arminjon M., Chamseddine A., Kopta V., Paunović A., Mohr C, 2015. PLoS ONE, 10 (9) pp. e0136418. Peer-reviewed.
Behavioral and psychological symptoms and cognitive decline in patients with amnestic MCI and mild AD: a two-year follow-up study.
Pocnet C., Antonietti J.P., Donati A., Popp J., Rossier J., von Gunten A., 2015. International Psychogeriatrics / Ipa, 27 (8) pp. 1379-1389. Peer-reviewed.
Brain dysfunctions, psychopathologies, and body image distortions
Mohr C., Messina S., 2015. European Psychologist, 20 (1) pp. 72-81. Peer-reviewed.
Can the effectiveness of an online stress management program be augmented by wearable sensor technology?
Millings A, Morris J, Rowe AC, Easton S, Martin JK, Majoe D, Mohr C, 2015. Internet Interventions, 2 (3) pp. 330-339. Peer-reviewed.
Career adaptability and life designing
Rossier J., 2015. pp. 153-167 dans Nota L., Rossier J. (eds.) Handbook of life design : from practice to theory and from theory to practice chap. 11, Hogrefe.
Caregiver's interpret infants' early gestures based on shared knowledge about referents
Dimitrova N., Moro C., Mohr C., 2015. Infant Behavior and Development, 39 pp. 98-106. Peer-reviewed.
Classer autrement pour mieux soigner : les promesses des neurosciences psychiatriques translationnelles
Pidoux V., 2015. Comptes Rendus Biologies, 338 (8-9) pp. 627-633. Peer-reviewed.
Cognition and brain function in schizotypy : a selective review
Ettinger U., Mohr C., Gooding D. C., Cohen A. S., Rapp A., Haenschel C., Park S., 2015. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 41 (suppl. 2) pp. S417-S426. Peer-reviewed.
Collective punishment depends on collective responsibility and political organization of the target group
Pereira A., Berent J., Falomir-Pichastor J.M., Staerklé C., Butera F., 2015. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 56 pp. 4-17. Peer-reviewed.
Commentary. The ontogeny of human memory : where are we going ?
Banta Lavenex P., Lavenex P., 2015. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 39 (4) pp. 308-309.
Commentary: A social psychology of human rights rooted in asymmetric intergroup relations
Staerklé C., Clémence A., Spini D., 2015. Peace and Conflict : Journal of Peace Psychology, 21 (1) pp. 133-141. Peer-reviewed.
Comparing simultaneously the effects of extra-dyadic and intra-dyadic experiences on relationship outcomes
Hilpert Peter, Kuhn Rebekka, Anderegg Valentina, Bodenmann Guy, 2015/01. Family Science, 6 (1) pp. 129-142. Peer-reviewed.
Rossier J., Nota L., Dauwalder J.-P., Duarte M. E., Guichard J., Savickas M. L., Soresi S., Van Esbroeck R., van Vianen A. E. M., 2015. pp. 285-290 dans Nota L., Rossier J. (eds.) Handbook of life design : from practice to theory and from theory to practice chap. 19, Hogrefe.
Contribution des épreuves projectives à l'évaluation des processus de changement chez les adolescents auteurs de violence sexuelle : une étude exploratoire
Roman P., Melchiorre M., 2015. Psychologie clinique et projective 21 pp. 195-217. Peer-reviewed.
Cooperation versus competition effects on information sharing and use in group decision making
Toma C., Butera F., 2015. Social Psychology and Personality Compass, 9 (9) pp. 455-467. Peer-reviewed.
Cooperative learning and social skills development
Buchs C., Butera F., 2015. pp. 201-217 dans Gillies R. (eds.) Collaborative Learning : Developments in Research and Practice, Nova Science.
Coping with structural disadvantage: Overcoming negative effects of perceived barriers through bonding identities.
Bakouri M., Staerklé C, 2015. British Journal of Social Psychology, 54 pp. 648-670. Peer-reviewed.
Critères de qualité des recherches qualitatives en sciences de la santé. À propos d'une analyse comparative de huit grilles de critères de qualité en psychiatrie/psychologie et en médecine
Santiago Delefosse M., Bruchez C., Gavin A., Stephen S.L., 2015. L'Evolution Psychiatrique, 80 (2) pp. 375-399. Peer-reviewed.
De l'utilité du génogramme croisé en thérapie de couple
Michaud-Feinberg J., Darwiche J., 2015. pp. 43-66 dans Katz-Gilbert M., Darwiche J., Veuillet-Combier C. (eds.) Génogramme ou arbre généalogique : regards systémique et psychanalytique, In Press.
De la complexité des risques à leur gestion : introduction au dossier
Danuser Brigitta, Fasseur Fabienne, Gonic Viviane, Guénette Alain Max, Guillemin Michel, Le Garrec Sophie, Monin Marie-Cécile, Santiago Marie, Soulet Marc-Henri, Vernez David et al., 2015. pp. 11-12 dans Actes du 6ème Congrès suisse de santé dans le monde du travail, Revue économique et sociale.
De la régulation à l'approfondissement de l'affect en psychothérapie: l'exemple du trouble de la personnalité borderline
Kramer Ueli, 2015. Annales médico-psychologiques, 173 (1) pp. 60-65. Peer-reviewed.
Differential associations of personal and general just-world beliefs with the Five-Factor and HEXACO models of personality.
Bollmann G., Krings F., Maggiori C., Rossier J., 2015. Personality and Individual Differences, 87 pp. 312-319. Peer-reviewed.
Dis-moi pourquoi tu cours. Comment la course à pied nous révèle à nous-mêmes.
Duruz N., 2015., Médecine et Hygiène.
Does chronic nicotine consumption influence visual backward masking in schizophrenia and schizotypy ?
Shaqiri A., Willemin J., Sierro G., Roinishvili M., Iannontuoni L, Rürup L, Chkonia E, Herzog MH, Mohr C, 2015. Schizophrenia research : Cognition, 2 (2) pp. 93-99. Peer-reviewed.
Does survey respondents' immigrant background affect the measurement and prediction of immigration attitudes ? An illustration in two steps
Sarrasin O., Green E. G .T., Fasel N., Davidov E., 2015. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 27 (2) pp. 264-276. Peer-reviewed.
Délimiter une population migrante à l'aide de catégories "a priori" : un enjeu éthique et méthodologique
Laurent M., Santiago-Delefosse M., 2015., Université de Lausanne dans Journée de la recherche SSP.
Rossier J., 2015. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 15 (1) pp. 1-3.
Facilitating the transition from school to work with a career decision-making approach: Process-related assessments and the PIC model
Levin Nimrod, Gati Itamar, 2015. Career Planning and Adult Development Journal, 30 pp. 127-143. Peer-reviewed.
From career adaptability to subjective identity forms
Rossier J., Maggiori C., Zimmermann G., 2015. pp. 45-57 dans di Fabio A., Bernaud J.-L. (eds.) The construction of the identiy in 21st century : a Festschrift for Jean Guichard chap. 4, Nova Science Publishers.
Global value perceptions : the legitimising functions of western representations of democracy
Staerklé C., Falomir-Pichastor J.M., Pereira A., Berent J., Butera F., 2015. European Journal of Social Psychology, 45 pp. 896-906. Peer-reviewed.
Grading hampers cooperative information sharing in group problem solving
Hayek A.S., Toma C., Oberlé D., Butera F., 2015. Social Psychology, 46 (3) pp. 121-131. Peer-reviewed.
Génogramme ou arbre généalogique : regards systémique et psychanalytique
Katz-Gilbert M., Darwiche J., Veuillet-Combier C. (eds.), 2015. Ouvertures Psy 238, In Press.
Handbook of life design : from practice to theory and from theory to practice
Nota L., Rossier J. (eds.), 2015. 298, Hogrefe.
Health Consultations with Asylum Seekers in Switzerland : Life Stories under Sociocultural Constraints
Laurent M., del Rio Carral M., Santiago-Delefosse M., 2015. dans Resistance and Renewal : 16th Biennial conference of the International Society for Theoretical Psychology. Peer-reviewed.
Hemispheric language asymmetry in first episode psychosis and schizotypy : the role of cannabis consumption and cognitive disorganization
Herzig D. A., Sullivan S., Lewis G., Corcoran R., Drake R., Evans J., Nutt D., Mohr C., 2015. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 41 (suppl. 2) pp. S455-S464. Peer-reviewed.
Historical foundations of French specificities and the expansion of a mainstream health psychology
Santiago-Delefosse M., del Rio Carral M., 2015. p. 42 dans Resistance and renewal : Biennial conference of the International Society for Theoretical Psychology. Peer-reviewed.
Hope as a Resource for Career Exploration : Examining Incremental and Cross-Lagged Effects
Hirschi A., Abessolo M., Froidevaux A., 2015. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 86 pp. 38-47. Peer-reviewed.
How could lay perspectives on successful aging complement scientific theory? Findings from a U.S. and a German life-span sample
Jopp D. S., Wozniak D., Damarin A. K., De Feo M., Jung S., Jeswani S., 2015. Gerontologist, 55 (1) pp. 91-106. Peer-reviewed.
How gender stereotypes of academic abilities contribute to the maintenance of gender hierarchy in higher education
Verniers C., Bonnot V., Darnon C., Dompnier B., Martinot. D. , 2015. pp. 26-38 dans Faniko K., Lorenzi-Cioldi F., Sarrasin O., Mayor E. (eds.) Gender and social hierarchies : Perspectives from social psychology, Routledge.
Human short-term spatial memory : Precision predicts capacity
Banta Lavenex P., Boujon V., Ndarugendamwo A., Lavenex P., 2015. Cognitive Psychology, 77 pp. 1-19. Peer-reviewed.
Il medico computer e il computer medico : due metafore nella storia dell'informatica medica (1960-1980)
Pidoux V., 2015. Anthropos & Iatria, XIX (1) pp. 44-51.
Immigration : Social Psychological Aspects
Green Eva G. T., Sarrasin Oriane, Fasel Nicole, 2015. pp. 675–681 dans Wright J.D. (eds.) International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, Elsevier.
Improvement of allocentric spatial memory resolution in children from 2 to 4 years of age
Ribordy Lambert F., Lavenex P., Banta Lavenex P., 2015. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 39 (4) pp. 318-331. Peer-reviewed.
Improving low achievers' academic performance at university by changing the social value of mastery goals
Dompnier B., Darnon C., Meier E., Brandner C., Smeding A., Butera F., 2015. American Educational Research Journal, 52 (4) pp. 720-749. Peer-reviewed.
In the name of democracy : the value of democracy explains leniency towards wrongdoings as a function of group political organization
Pereira A., Falomir-Pichastor J.M., Berent J., Staerklé C., Butera F., 2015. European Journal of Social Psychology, 45 pp. 191-203. Peer-reviewed.
Independent and combined associations of risky single-occasion drinking and drinking volume with alcohol use disorder: Evidence from a sample of young Swiss men.
Baggio S., Dupuis M., Iglesias K., Daeppen J.B., 2015. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 154 pp. 260-263. Peer-reviewed.
Influence of Individual Characteristics on Work Engagement and Job Stress in a Sample of National and Foreign Workers in Switzerland
Pocnet Cornelia, Antonietti Jean-Philippe, Massoudi Koorosh, Györkös Christina, Becker Jurgen, de Bruin Gideon P., Rossier Jérôme, 2015/01. Swiss Journal of Psychology, 74 (1) pp. 17-27. Peer-reviewed.
Ingredients of gender-based stereotypes about food : Indirect influence of food type, portion size and presentation on gendered intentions to eat
Cavazza N., Guidetti M., Butera F., 2015. Appetite, 91 pp. 266-272. Peer-reviewed.
Integration and development in schizotypy research : an introduction to the special supplement
Debbané M., Mohr C., 2015. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 41 (suppl. 2) pp. S363-S365. Peer-reviewed.
Interpretation of Data in Psychology : a False Problem, a True Issue
Del Rio Carral M., Santiago Delefosse M., 2015. Philosophy Study, 5 (1) pp. 54-62. Peer-reviewed.
Intimacy and sexuality of older adults in nursing homes: the aged care staff’s perspective
Gavin Amaelle, del Rio Carral Maria, Santiago-Delefosse Marie, 2015. dans European Health Psychology Conference EHPS. Peer-reviewed, EHPS.
Nota L., Rossier J., 2015. pp. 3-7 dans Nota L., Rossier J. (eds.) Handbook of life design : from practice to theory and from theory to practice chap. 1, Hogrefe.
Katz-Gilbert M., Darwiche J., Veuillet-Combier C., 2015. pp. 11-20 dans Katz-Gilbert M., Darwiche J., Veuillet-Combier C. (eds.) Génogramme ou arbre généalogique : regards systémique et psychanalytique, In Press.
Investigating the development of consciousness through ostensions toward oneself from the onset of the use-of-object to first words
Moro C., Dupertuis V., Fardel S., Piguet O., 2015. Cognitive Development, 36 pp. 150-160. Peer-reviewed.
Is the relationship between major depressive disorder and self-reported alcohol use disorder an artificial one ?
Baggio S., Iglesias K., Studer J., Dupuis M., Daeppen J.B., Gmel G., 2015. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 50 (2) pp. 195-199.
L'évaluation des processus de changement des adolescents auteurs de violence sexuelle : contribution des épreuves projectives
Roman P., Ravit M., 2015. dans L'agression sexuelle : réalités multiples, approches adaptées... : 8ème Congrès International Francophone sur les Agressions Sexuelles (CIFAS), Charleroi (Belgique), 3-5 juin 2015. Peer-reviewed.
La perception du bilan psychologique et de ses effets : une étude exploratoire
Fillon S., Quartier V., Brodard F., Roman P., 2015. p. 11 dans Promouvoir le développement de l'enfant à l'école : approche clinique et institutionnelle : 4ème Congrès européen pour la santé mentale des enfants et des adolescents, Lausanne (Suisse), 5-6 février 2015. Peer-reviewed.
La pratique clinique d'un questionnaire d'investigation clinique (QICAAICS) auprès d'adolescents auteurs de violence sexuelle
Roman P., 2015. dans L'agression sexuelle : réalités multiples, approches adaptées... : 8ème Congrès International Francophone sur les Agressions Sexuelles (CIFAS), Charleroi (Belgique), 3-5 juin 2015. Peer-reviewed.
Langue, geste et main : approche socio-historique de la corporéité
Dos Santos Mamed M., Dupertuis V., 2015., Université de Lausanne, faculté des Sciences sociales et politiques dans Journée de la Recherche SSP.
Le bien-être subjectif au quotidien dans une société plurielle : le cas des femmes cadres supérieurs en Suisse
del Rio Carral M., 2015., Peter Lang.
Le groupe comme soutien du processus de subjectivation dans la formation des psychologues
Allegra J., Roman P., 2015. dans Formes et destins du groupe : nouveaux espaces de transformation ? Actualités internationales de la recherche sur les groupes et les liens intersubjectifs. Peer-reviewed.
Le groupe, espace d'émergence des potentiels de changement des adolescents auteurs de violence sexuelle
Cuttelod T., Espeil-Marc S., Gorry D., Roman P., 2015. dans 8ème Congrès International Francophone sur les Agressions Sexuelles (CIFAS), Charleroi (Belgique), 3-5 juin 2015. Peer-reviewed.
Le projet RDoC : la classification psychiatrique de demain ?
Demazeux S., Pidoux V., 2015. Médecine/Sciences, 31 (8-9) pp. 792-796. Peer-reviewed.
Le Rorschach en clinique de l'enfant et de l'adolescent - Approche psychanalytique (2ème édition)
Roman P., 2015. Les outils du psychologue 368, Dunod.
Le Service de Consultation pour enfants et adolescents de l'Institut de psychologie à l'Unil : un emboîtement des logiques de consultation et de formation
Roman P., Quartier V., 2015. pp. 33-34 dans Promouvoir le développement de l'enfant à l'école : approche clinique et institutionnelle : 4ème Congrès européen pour la santé mentale des enfants et des adolescents, Lausanne (Suisse), 5-6 février 2015. Peer-reviewed.
Les violences sexuelles à l'adolescence et l'épreuve du corps-à-corps : l'illusion d'une sexualité sans tabou ?
Roman P., 2015. Cahiers de psychologie clinique, 2 (45) pp. 225-236. Peer-reviewed.
Making better career decisions
Gati Itamar, Levin Nimrod, Hartung Paul J., Savickas Mark L., Walsh W. Bruce, 2015. dans APA handbook of career intervention, Volume 2: Applications, American Psychological Association.
Measuring individuals' response quality in self-administered psychological tests : an introduction to Gendre's functional method
Dupuis M., Meier E., Capel R., Gendre F., 2015. Frontiers in Psychology, 6 (629) p. 12. Peer-reviewed.
Medical costs and credit card debt in older adults: Findings from the Health and Retirement Study
B Proctor, C Lee, Li Yang, K Kittle, E Dugan, 2015. The Gerontologist. Peer-reviewed.
National and Gender Measurement Invariance of the Utrecht-Management of Identity Commitments Scale (U-MICS): A 10-Nation Study With University Students.
Crocetti E., Cieciuch J., Gao C.H., Klimstra T., Lin C.L., Matos P.M., Morsünbül Ü., Negru O., Sugimura K., Zimmermann G. et al., 2015. Assessment, 22 (6) pp. 753-768. Peer-reviewed.
Parcours de vie, récit et moments forts : entre défis et ressources. Une recherche-intervention à l'Ecole Technique de Ste-Croix
Muller Mirza N. (sous la dir. de) , Favre C., Ferrer Tarolli M., Miserez S., Pocthier C., Thomas M., Maksutaj M., Noble G., Chrispeels M., Constanty L. et al., 2015., Université de Lausanne.
Pathological video game use among young Swiss men: the use of monothetic and polythetic formats to distinguish between pathological, excessive and normal gaming
Baggio S., Studer J., Dupuis M., Mohler-Kuo M., Daeppen JB., Gmel G., 2015. Journal of Addictive Behaviors, Therapy & Rehabilitation, 4 (1) pp. 1-9. Peer-reviewed.
Personality and career interventions
Rossier J., 2015. pp. 327-350 dans Hartung P. J., Savickas M. L., Walsh W. B. (eds.) APA handbook of career intervention. Vol. 1 : Foundations chap. 18, American Psychological Association.
Personality effects and sex differences on the international affective picture system (IAPS) : a Spanish and Swiss study
Aluja A., Rossier J., Blanch A., Blanco E., Martí-Guiu M., Balada F., 2015. Personality and Individual Differences, 77 pp. 143-148. Peer-reviewed.
Political Psychology
Staerklé C., 2015. pp. 427-433 dans Wright J.D. (eds.) International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Oxford: Elsevier.
Priming psychic and conjuring abilities of a magic demonstration influences event interpretation and random number generation biases
Mohr C., Koutrakis N., Kuhn G., 2015. Frontiers in Psychology, 5 p. 1542. Peer-reviewed.
Promettre et transformer : sciences du cerveau et diagnostics psychiatriques
Pidoux V., 2015. pp. 149-164 dans Audétat M. (eds.) Sciences et technologies émergentes : pourquoi tant de promesses ?, Hermann.
Psychotrope, dépression et intersubjectivité : l'épistémologie clinique de Roland Kuhn ou le faire science de la psychiatrie existentielle
Pidoux V., 2015. Histoire, Médecine et Santé, 6 pp. 49-69. Peer-reviewed.
Quantifying insufficient coping behavior under chronic stress. A cross-cultural study of 1,303 students from Italy, Spain, and Argentina.
Delfino J.-P., Barragán E., Botella C., Braun S., Bridler R., Camussi E., Chafrat V., Lott P., Mohr C., Moragrega I. et al., 2015. Psychopathology, 48 (4) pp. 230-239. Peer-reviewed.
Schizotypy : do not worry, it is not all worrisome
Mohr C., Claridge G., 2015. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 41 (suppl. 2) pp. S436-S443. Peer-reviewed.
Schizotypy as an organizing framework for social and affective sciences
Cohen A.S., Park S., Mohr C., Ettinger U., Chan R.C.K., 2015. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 41 (suppl. 2) pp. S427-S435. Peer-reviewed.
Sexualité et destin du sexuel dans les violences sexuelles à l'adolescence : un avatar du processus adolescent
Roman P., 2015. pp. 95-113 dans Savinaud C., Harrault A. (eds.) Les violences sexuelles d'adolescents : faits de société ou histoires de famille, Erès.
Social justice in education : how the function of selection in educational institutions predicts support for (non)egalitarian assessment practices
Autin F., Batruch A., Butera F., 2015. Frontiers in Psychology, 6 (707) p. 13. Peer-reviewed.
Staerklé C., 2015. pp. 377-381 dans Diaz-Bone R., Weischer C. (eds.) Methoden-Lexikon für die Sozialwissenschaften, Berlin: Springer, VS..
Spatial radial maze procedures and setups to dissociate local and distal relational spatial frameworks in humans.
Bertholet Lea, Escobar Manuel Torres, Depré Marion, Chavan Camille, Giuliani Fabienne, Gisquet-Verrier Pascale, Preissmann Delphine, Schenk Françoise, 2015. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 253 pp. 126-141. Peer-reviewed.
Striving for excellence sometimes hinders high achievers : Performance-approach goals deplete arithmetical performance in students with high working memory capacity
Crouzevialle M., Smeding A., Butera F., 2015. PLoS ONE, 10 (9) pp. e0137629. Peer-reviewed.
Student nurses' attitudes toward including sustainability in curricula.
In: 4th Annual Conference of the Institute for Sustainability Solution Research, Plymouth, England (eds.)Schweizer A. Richardson J., 2015..
Sur les traces d'une théorie énergétique de l'esprit : Angelo Mosso et le travail des émotions
Pidoux V., 2015. PSN, 13 (2) pp. 43-69. Peer-reviewed.
Swiss family physicians' perceptions and attitudes towards knowledge translation practices.
Bengough T., Bovet E., Bécherraz C., Schlegel S., Burnand B., Pidoux V., 2015. Bmc Family Practice, 16 (1) p. 177. Peer-reviewed.
Kradolfer S., Le Feuvre N., Pralong M., 2015. pp. 80-97 dans Cukut Krilić S., Rapetti E. (eds.) Mapping organisational work-life policies and practices chap. 5, University of Trento.
Testing new identity models and processes in French-speaking adolescents and emerging adults students
Zimmermann G., Lannegrand-Willems L., Safont-Mottay C., Cannard C., 2015. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 44 (1) pp. 127-141. Peer-reviewed.
The 2015 Elder Economic Security Standard Index: Geographic and demographic changes
Li Yang, Ping Xu, Jan Mutchler, J Lyu, 2015. Innovation in Aging. Peer-reviewed.
The association between financial literacy and depression in older adults: Findings from the Health and Retirement Study
Li Yang, C Lee, B Proctor, C Somerville, E Dugan, 2015. The Gerontologist. Peer-reviewed.
The gender-based stereotype about food is on the table. Food choice also depends on co-eater's gender
Cavazza N., Guidetti M., Butera F., 2015. Psicologia Sociale, 2 pp. 161-172. Peer-reviewed.
The Measurement Invariance of Schizotypy in Europe
Fonseca-Pedrero E., Ortuño-Sierra J., Sierro G., Daniel C., Cella M., Preti A., Mohr C., Mason O., 2015. European Psychiatry, 30 (7) pp. 837-844. Peer-reviewed.
The motivation to learn as a self-presentation tool among Swiss high school students : The moderating role of mastery goals' perceived social value on learning
Smeding A., Dompnier B., Meier E., Darnon C., Baumberger B., Butera F., 2015. Learning and Individual Differences, 43 pp. 204-210. Peer-reviewed.
The need for an "embodied socio-psychological" model of illness experience
Santiago Delefosse M., 2015/01. pp. 36-54 dans Murray M. (eds.) Critical Health Psychology chap. 2, Palgrave.
The Psychometric Properties of the French Version of the Personality Inventory for DSM-5.
Roskam I., Galdiolo S., Hansenne M., Massoudi K., Rossier J., Gicquel L., Rolland J.P., 2015. Plos One, 10 (7) pp. e0133413. Peer-reviewed.
The role of dopamine in schizotypy
Mohr C., Ettinger U., 2015. pp. 33-47 dans Mason O. J., Claridge G. (eds.) Schizotypy : New Dimensions chap. 2, Routledge.
The Swiss cohort study on substance use risk factors : findings of two waves
Gmel G., Akre C., Astudillo M., Bähler C., Baggio S., Bertholet N., Clair C., Cornuz J., Daeppen J.-B., Deline S. et al., 2015. Sucht, 61 (4) pp. 251-262. Peer-reviewed.
To confirm or to conform ? Performance goals as a regulator of conflict with more competent others
Sommet N., Darnon C., Butera F., 2015. Journal of Educational Psychology, 107 (2) pp. 580-598. Peer-reviewed.
To matter or not matter ? An overlooked key challenge for transition to retirement
Froidevaux A., Hirschi A., 2015. dans Proceedings of the Seventy-fifth Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Peer-reviewed, John Humphreys.
Un défi méthodologique dans l'approche des processus de changement des adolescents auteurs de violence sexuelle : entre données cliniques projectives et observations de groupe
Roman P., Lavèze F., Cuttelod T., 2015. dans L'agression sexuelle : réalités multiples, approches adaptées... : 8ème Congrès International Francophone sur les Agressions Sexuelles (CIFAS), Charleroi (Belgique), 3-5 juin 2015. Peer-reviewed.
Une approche explicative de l'âgisme : la théorie de la gestion de la terreur
Boudjemadi V., Posner A.B., Świątkowski W., 2015. pp. 21-50 dans Lagacé M. (eds.) Représentations et discours sur le vieillissement : la face cachée de l'âgisme ?, Presses de l'Université Laval.
Validation de la version française de l'Inventaire de Satisfaction Conjugale MSI-R
Brodard F., Charvoz L., Antonietti J.-Ph., Bodenmann G., Snyder D.K., Rossier J., 2015/01. Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement, 47 (1) pp. 113-122. Peer-reviewed.
Validation française du School Burnout Inventory
Meylan N., Doudin P.-A., Antonietti J.-Ph., Stéphan P., 2015. Revue européenne de psychologie appliquée, 65 pp. 285-293. Peer-reviewed.
Vision, spatial cognition and intellectual disability.
Giuliani Fabienne, Schenk Françoise, 2015. Research In Developmental Disabilities, 37C pp. 202-208. Peer-reviewed.
Welfare support in Europe: Interplay of dependency culture beliefs and meritocratic contexts.
Likki T,, Staerklé C., 2015. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 27 pp. 138-153. Peer-reviewed.
Work-life balance vulnerabilities and resources for women in Switzerland : Results from a national study
Stauffer S. D., Maggiori C., Johnston C. S., Rochat S., Rossier J., 2015. pp. 117-131 dans Routledge (eds.) Gender and social hierarchies : Perspectives from social psychology chap. 8, Faniko K. Lorenzi-Cioldi F. Sarrasin O. Mayor E..
Brain, Mind and Society: A Critical Account of Neuroscience
Arminjon M., Barras V., Bovet E., Kraus C., Panese F., Pidoux V., Preissmann D., Stücklin N., 2014/12. pp. 1-7. Peer-reviewed.
Emotions while awaiting lung transplantation : a comprehensive qualitative analysis
Brügger A., Aubert J.-D., Piot-Ziegler C., 2014/12. Health Psychology Open, 1 (1) pp. 1-29. Peer-reviewed.
Hope as a Resource for Self-Directed Career Management: Investigating Mediating Effects on Proactive Career Behaviors and Life and Job Satisfaction
Hirschi Andreas, 2014/12. Journal of Happiness Studies, 15 (6) pp. 1495-1512. Peer-reviewed.
Transforming personal experience and emotions through education to cultural diversity: an interplay between unicity and genericity
Muller Mirza N., Grossen M., de Diesbach-Dolder S., Nicollin L., 2014/12. Learning, Culture and Social Interactions, 3 (4) pp. 263-273. Peer-reviewed.
Connaissances quotidiennes et savoirs scolaires : entre ressource symbolique et obstacle
Grossen M., Ros J., 2014/11. pp. 177-194 dans Moro C., Müller Mirza N. (eds.) Sémiotique, culture et développement psychologique, Presses Universitaires du Septentrion.
Connaissances quotidiennes et savoirs scolaires: entre ressource symbolique et obstacle
Grossen M., Ros J., 2014/11. pp. 177-194 dans Moro C., Muller Mirza N. (eds.) Sémiotique, culture et développement psychologique, Presses Universitaires du Septentrion.
L'intersubjectivité dans l'étude des processus d'enseignement-apprentissage : difficultés et ambiguïtés d'une notion
Grossen M., 2014/11. pp. 139-160 dans Moro C., Muller Mirza N., Roman P. (eds.) L'intersubjectivité en questions : agrégat ou nouveau concept fédérateur pour la psychologie, Antipodes.
La culture au coeur du développement psychologique
Moro C., Muller Mirza N., 2014/11. pp. 13-32 dans Moro C., Muller Mirza N. (eds.) Sémiotique, culture et développement psychologique, Presses universitaires du Septentrion.
Se développer en situation éducative dans une institution de la petite enfance : le rôle de l'objet matériel en situation peinture
Tapparel S., 2014/11. pp. 141-158 dans Moro C., Muller Mirza N. (eds.) Sémiotique, culture et développement psychologique, Septentrion.
Secondarisation des émotions et apprentissages dans des activités "interculturelles" en classe
Muller Mirza N., 2014/11. pp. 255-276 dans Moro C., Muller Mirza N. (eds.) Sémiotique, culture et développement psychologique, Presses universitaires du Septentrion.
Sémiotique, culture et développement psychologique
Moro C., Muller Mirza N. (eds.), 2014/11., Presses universitaires du Septentrion.
The career engagement scale : Development and validation of a measure of proactive career behaviors
Hirschi A., Freund P.A., Herrmann A., 2014/11. Journal of Career Assessment, 22 (4) pp. 575-594. Peer-reviewed.
Affective state and voice : cross-cultural assessment of speaking behavior and voice sound characteristics : a normative multicenter study of 577 + 36 healthy subjects
Braun S., Botella C., Bridler R., Chmetz F., Delfino J.P., Herzig D., Kluckner V.J., Mohr C., Moragrega I., Schrag Y. et al., 2014/10. Psychopathology, 47 (5) pp. 327-340.
Psychologie communautaire et psychologie communautaire de la santé
Cantero O., Mercerat C., Santiago-Delefosse M., 2014/10. pp. 279-297 dans Tarquinio C., Fischer G.-N. (eds.) Psychologie de la santé : applications et interventions chap. 11, Dunod.
"I thought it would be easier when I decided to come...": social and professional integration experience of skilled migrant women in Switzerland
Nunes-Moreira J., Santiago-Delefosse M., 2014/09. p. 148 dans Anais eletrônicos [recurso eletrônico] : 5ª Conferência Internacional de psicologia comunitária. Psicologia Comunitária no mundo atual: desafios, limites e fazeres, 3 a 6 de setembro de 2014, Fortaleza, CE. Peer-reviewed.
Language lateralization in early and late bilinguals using an international vocabulary
Willemin J., Hausmann M., Dael N., Gieruc K., Fioravera A., Mohr C, 2014/09., University of Durham, Durham, UK dans 4th North Sea Meeting on Brain Asymmetries. Peer-reviewed.
Post-switching beta synchronization reveals concomitant sensory reafferences and active inhibition processes.
Sallard E., Tallet J., Thut G., Deiber M.P., Barral J., 2014/09/01. Behavioural brain research, 271 pp. 365-373. Peer-reviewed.
Reduced left hemisphere dominance for multiple versus single anagram solutions and its modulation by individuals' schizotypy
Ishii A., Sierro G., Mohr C., 2014/09., University of Durham, Durham, UK dans 4th North Sea Meeting on Brain Asymmetries. Peer-reviewed.
The Questionnaire Big Six in 26 Nations : Developing Cross-Culturally Applicable Big Six, Big Five and Big Two Inventories
Thalmayer Amber Gayle, Saucier Gerard, 2014/09. European Journal of Personality, 28 (5) pp. 482-496. Peer-reviewed.
A Thematic Comparison of Eight Frameworks of Quality Criteria in Qualitative Health Research
Stephen S.L., Bruchez C., Santiago-Delefosse M., 2014/08. p. 622 dans EHP (eds.) Bulletin of the European Health Psychology Society.
Beyond the Opposition of Methods: Benefits of a Mixed Methods Design in Health Psychology
Schweizer A., Santiago-Delefosse M., 2014/08. dans European Health Psychologist. Peer-reviewed.
Medical encounters about Medically Unexplained Symptoms: pathways to improve satisfaction of doctor and patient
Gonin Nicole A., Santiago-Delefosse M., 2014/08. dans European Health Psychologist. Peer-reviewed.
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Approach for Seniors (MBCAS): Program Development and Implementation
Zellner Keller Brigitte, Singh Nirbhay N., Winton Alan S. W., 2014/08. Mindfulness, 5 (4) pp. 453-459. Peer-reviewed.
Toward a Cultural Health Psychology : taking researcher's and participants' activity into consideration
del Rio Carral M., Santiago-Delefosse M., 2014/08. dans European Health Psychology Society. Peer-reviewed.
Electrophysiological correlates of visual backward masking in schizotypy
Favrod O., Cappe C., Mohr C., Herzog M., 2014/07. dans The 17h European Conference on Personality, European Association for Personality Psychology (EAPP).
La parole de l'autre dans l'entretien clinique
Grossen M., 2014/07., Université de Neuchâtel pp. 97-107 dans S. Rezzonico (eds.) Travaux Neuchâtelois de Linguistique (TRANEL). Actes du 12ème colloque de logopédie "La parole reprise : formes, processus et fonctions". Peer-reviewed.
Penser un modèle de complémentarité de trois épreuves projectives (Hand-Test, Rorschach et TAT) dans une perspective psychodynamique : un défi méthodologique et épistémologique
Melchiorre M., Roman P., 2014/07., Istanbul University dans XXI International Congress of Rorschach and Projective Methods.
Spatial working memory deficits in aging: a new perspective.
Klencklen Giuliana, Banta-Lavenex Pamela, Brandner Catherine, Lavenex Pierre, 2014/07., 9th FENS forum of neuroscience. Milan, Italy..
The experience of skilled migrant women in Switzerland: Challenges and resources for social and professional integration.
Nunes-Moreira J., Santiago-Delefosse M., 2014/07. dans 22nd International Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology.. Peer-reviewed.
Une méthode d'approche par le jeu symbolique en TCC de l'enfant : théorie et analyse de cas
Richard C., Brodard F., 2014/07. Revue francophone de clinique comportementale et cognitive, 19 (2) pp. 61-73. Peer-reviewed.
Using tests to assess cognitive competence: A situated practice
Grossen M., Zittoun T., Iannaccone A., 2014/07. pp. 31-42 dans Activities of thinking in social spaces chap. 3, Information Age Publishing.
Validation and psychometric features of a French translation of the short O-LIFE questionnaire
Sierro G., Mason O., Rossier J., Mohr C., 2014/07., European Association for Personality Psychology (EAPP) dans The 17th European Conference on Personality.
Visual backward masking deficits in schizotypy are observed in late but not early onset nicotine smokers
Willemin J., Iannantuoni L., Beaud G., Sierro G., Herzog M., Mohr C., 2014/07., European Association for Personality Psychology (EAPP) dans The 17th European Conference on Personality.
Visual contrast sensitivity in schizotypy: Better with negative schizotypy and worse with cognitive disorganisation
Picci J., Sierro G., Ishii A., Mohr C., Herzog M., 2014/07., European Association for Personality Psychology (EAPP) dans The 17th European Conference on Personality.
What Is The Ability Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT) Good For? An evaluation using Item Response Theory
Marina Fiori Jean-Philippe Antonietti Moira Mikolajczak Olivier Luminet Michel Hansenne Jérôme Rossier, 2014/07. PLoSOne.
Accompagner la construction d'une nouvelle identité
Froidevaux A., 2014/06. Panorama, 3 pp. 20-21.
Attentional processes, anxiety and sex: how they interact with information processing?
Ciobanu Teofil, Lew Eileen, Brandner Catherine, 2014/06., The 14th European Workshop on Imagery and Cognition. Cyprus.
Counseling for Career Decision-Making Difficulties: Measures and Methods
Gati Itamar, Levin Nimrod, 2014/06. The Career Development Quarterly, 62 (2) pp. 98-113. Peer-reviewed.
Focusing on "a day in the life": an activity-based method for the qualitative analysis of psychological phenomena
del Rio Carral M., 2014/06. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 11 (3) pp. 298-315. Peer-reviewed.
Interpretation of data in psychology : a false problem
del Rio Carral M., Santiago-Delefosse M., 2014/06., Colloque APEMAC : Chronic diseases, perceived health, stakes and future.
Laisser tomber la formation : une tentation répandue
Eicher V., Staerklé C., Clémence A., 2014/06. Revue d'Information Sociale REISO.
Le vécu des femmes immigrantes qualifiées en Suisse : ressources et défis pour l'intégration socioprofessionnelle
Nunes-Moreira J., 2014/06., Séance de la Commission « Migrations féminines » du service de la cohésion multiculturelle du canton de Neuchâtel, Suisse..
Les défis de la diversité culturelle dans le discours enseignant. Analyse d'entretiens réalisés auprès de douze enseignantes de Suisse romande
Nicollin L., Muller Mirza N., 2014/06. 8.
Les défis de la diversité culturelle dans le discours enseignant. Analyse d'entretiens réalisés auprès de douze enseignantes de Suisse romande
Nicollin L., Muller Mirza N., 2014/06. 63, Université de Lausanne, IP.
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