Centre universitaire romand de médecine légale

Equipe principale | Laboratoire d'analyse du dopage (LAD) | Unité de génétique forensique (UGF) | Unité de médecine des violences (UMV) | Unité de médecine et psychologie du trafic (UMPT) | Unité de taphonomie forensique (SHIFT) | Unité de toxicologie et chimie forensique (UTCF) | Unité d'imagerie et anthropologie forensiques (UIAF) | Unité facultaire d'anatomie et de morphologie (UFAM) | Unité facultaire de toxicologie (UFT) | Unité romande de médecine forensique (URMF)
Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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1811 publications

... | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | ...
Violence physique au travail : suivi des patients de l'unité de médecine des violences (CURML)
Romain-Glassey Nathalie, Gut Melody, De Puy Jacqueline, Wild Pascal, 2014. p. 322 dans 25e Journées franco-suisses de santé au travail, 13 et 14 juin 2013, Lyon, Archives des maladies professionnelles et de l'environnement.
Violences Domestiques : Prise en Charge et Prévention
Hofner M.C., Viens-Python N., 2014. Savoir Suisse. Société, 98 133, Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes (PPUR).
Virtual autopsy with multiphase postmortem computed tomographic angiography versus traditional medical autopsy to investigate unexpected deaths of hospitalized patients: a cohort study.
Wichmann D., Heinemann A., Weinberg C., Vogel H., Hoepker W.W., Grabherr S., Pueschel K., Kluge S., 2014. Annals of Internal Medicine, 160 (8) pp. 534-541. Peer-reviewed.
Visualization of Myocardial Infarction in Postmortem Multi-Phase CT-Angiography
Vanhaebost J., Michaud K., Palmiere C., Grimm J., Mangin P., Grabherr S., 2014. dans 66th Annual Scientific Meeting American Academy of Forensic Sciences.
When nightclub security agents assault clients more insight through a qualitative approach.
Romain-Glassey N., Gut M., De Puy Jacqueline, Mangin P., 2014. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 26 pp. 46-49. Peer-reviewed.
Circulating miRNAs: a new generation of anti-doping biomarkers.
Leuenberger N., Robinson N., Saugy M., 2013/12. Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry, 405 (30) pp. 9617-9623. Peer-reviewed.
Le changement de paradigme du Renseignement Forensique pour la lutte contre le dopage organisé et le trafic de substances interdites
Marclay F., Jan N., Esseiva P., Mangin P., Margot P., Saugy M., 2013/12. Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique, LXVI (4) pp. 451-472.
Effect of changes in the deuterium content of drinking water on the hydrogen isotope ratio of urinary steroids in the context of sports drug testing.
Piper T., Degenhardt K., Federherr E., Thomas A., Thevis M., Saugy M., 2013/11. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 405 (9) pp. 2911-2921. Peer-reviewed.
THCCOOH concentrations in whole blood: are they useful in discriminating occasional from heavy smokers?
Fabritius M., Favrat B., Chtioui H., Battistella G., Annoni J.M., Appenzeller M., Dao K., Fornari E., Lauer E., Mall J.F. et al., 2013/10/31. Drug testing and analysis, 6 (1-2) pp. 155-163. Peer-reviewed.
A new neuropsychological instrument measuring effects of age and drugs on fitness to drive: development, reliability, and validity of MedDrive
Vaucher P., Pétremand E., Cardoso I., Veldstra J., Broers B., Bindschaedler C., Annoni J.M., Mangin P., Favrat B., 2013/08. dans 20th International Council on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety Conceference (ICADTS).
Instruments for investigating fitness to drive - needs and expectations in primary care: a qualitative study
Vaucher P., Cardoso I., Mangin P., Herzig L., Favrat B., 2013/08. dans 20th International Council on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety Conference (ICADTS).
Ruptured pseudo-aneurysm of a femoral artery in a drug abuser revealed by post-mortem CT angiography.
Michaud K., Grabherr S., Lesta M.del M., Augsburger M., Doenz F., Mangin P., 2013/07. International journal of legal medicine, 127 (4) pp. 819-823. Peer-reviewed.
Imaging for clarification of accusation of treatment error. [Bildgebung zur Klärung des Behandlungsfehlervorwurfs]
Heinemann A., Grabherr S., Vogel H., 2013/06. Rechtsmedizin, 23 (3) pp. 207-219. Peer-reviewed.
Nouvelles stratégies pour l'analyse des alcanes volatils et des gaz de putréfaction chez l'homme
Smith F., 2013/06., Présentation orale pour un colloque du Centre Universitaire Romand de Médecine Légale (CURML), Lausanne, 3 juin 2013.
Endogenous cannabinoid receptor CB1 activation promotes vascular smooth-muscle cell proliferation and neointima formation.
Molica F., Burger F., Thomas A., Staub C., Tailleux A., Staels B., Pelli G., Zimmer A., Cravatt B., Matter C.M. et al., 2013/05. Journal of lipid research, 54 (5) pp. 1360-1368. Peer-reviewed.
Surgical interventions with fatal outcome: Utility of multi-phase postmortem CT angiography
Zerlauth J. B., Doenz F., Dominguez A., Palmiere C., Uske A., Meuli R., Grabherr S., 2013/02. Forensic Sci Int, 225 (1-3) pp. 32-41.
A New Approach for the Carbon Monoxide (CO) Exposure Diagnosis: Measurement of Total CO in Human Blood Versus Carboxyhemoglobin (HbCO).
Varlet V., De Croutte E.L., Augsburger M., Mangin P., 2013. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 58 (4) pp. 1041-1046. Peer-reviewed.
Accuracy profile validation of a new analytical method for butane measurement using headspace-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.
Varlet V., Smith F., Augsburger M., 2013. Journal of Chromatography. B, Analytical Technologies In the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 913-914 pp. 155-160.
Ageing prisoners' health care: analysing the legal settings in Europe and the United States.
Bretschneider W., Elger B., Wangmo T., 2013. Gerontology, 59 (3) pp. 267-275. Peer-reviewed.
Analysis of cannabinoids in oral fluid by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
Fabritius M., Staub C., Mangin P., Giroud C., 2013. Forensic Toxicology, 31 (1) pp. 151-163.
Analytical strategy in case of gas outburst : deuterated stable isotopes generated in situ as internal standards.
Varlet V., 2013. Tiaft Bulletin, 43 (3) pp. 32-35. Peer-reviewed.
Apparent versus true gene expression changes of three hypoxia-related genes in autopsy derived tissue and the importance of normalisation.
Huth A., Vennemann B., Fracasso T., Lutz-Bonengel S., Vennemann M., 2013. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 127 (2) pp. 335-344. Peer-reviewed.
Automated DBS Extraction Prior to Hilic/RP LC-MS/MS Target Screening of Drugs
Versace F., Deglon J., Lauer E., Mangin P., Staub C., 2013. Chromatographia, 76 (19-20, SI) pp. 1281-1293. Peer-reviewed.
Biochemical markers of fatal hypothermia.
Palmiere C., Bardy D., Letovanec I., Mangin P., Augsburger M., Ventura F., Iglesias K., Werner D., 2013/01. Forensic Science International, 226 (1-3) pp. 54-61. Peer-reviewed.
Body fluid and tissue analysis using filter paper sampling support prior to LC-MS/MS: application to fatal overdose with colchicine
Lauer E., Widmer C., Versace F., Staub C., Mangin P., Sabatasso S., Augsburger M., Déglon J., 2013. Drug Testing and Analysis, 5 (9-10) pp. 763-772.
Cannabis use in a Swiss male prison: qualitative study exploring detainees' and staffs' perspectives.
Ritter C., Broers B., Elger B.S., 2013. International Journal on Drug Policy, 24 (6) pp. 573-578. Peer-reviewed.
Chances and limits of method restriction: a detailed analysis of suicide methods in Switzerland.
Habenstein A., Steffen T., Bartsch C., Michaud K., Reisch T., 2013. Archives of Suicide Research, 17 (1) pp. 75-87.
Circulating microRNAs as biomarkers for detection of autologous blood transfusion.
Leuenberger N., Schumacher Y.O., Pradervand S., Sander T., Saugy M., Pottgiesser T., 2013. Plos One, 8 (6) pp. e66309. Peer-reviewed.
Combination of carbon isotope ratio with hydrogen isotope ratio determinations in sports drug testing.
Piper T., Emery C., Thomas A., Saugy M., Thevis M., 2013. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 405 (16) pp. 5455-5466.
Comparison of cannabinoid concentrations in oral fluid and whole blood between occasional and regular cannabis smokers prior to and after smoking a cannabis joint.
Fabritius M., Chtioui H., Battistella G., Annoni J.M., Dao K., Favrat B., Fornari E., Lauer E., Maeder P., Giroud C., 2013. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 405 (30) pp. 9791-9803.
Comparison of direct and indirect alcohol markers with PEth in blood and urine in alcohol dependent inpatients during detoxication.
Winkler M., Skopp G., Alt A., Miltner E., Jochum T., Daenhardt C., Sporkert F., Gnann H., Weinmann W., Thierauf A., 2013. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 127 (4) pp. 761-768.
Confirmation of natural gas explosion from methane quantification by headspace gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (HS-GC-MS) in postmortem samples: a case report.
Varlet V., Augsburger M., 2013. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 127 (2) pp. 413-418.
Detection of coronary thrombosis after multi-phase postmortem CT-angiography.
Palmiere C., Lobrinus J.A., Mangin P., Grabherr S., 2013. Legal Medicine (tokyo, Japan), 15 (1) pp. 12-18.
Diagnostic value of lipopolysaccharide-binding protein and procalcitonin for sepsis diagnosis in forensic pathology.
Augsburger Marc, Iglesias Katia, Bardy Daniel, Mangin Patrice, Palmiere Cristian, 2013. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 127 (2) pp. 427-435. Peer-reviewed.
Diagnostic value of soluble CD14 subtype (sCD14-ST) presepsin for the postmortem diagnosis of sepsis-related fatalities.
Palmiere C., Mussap M., Bardy D., Cibecchini F., Mangin P., 2013. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 127 (4) pp. 799-808.
DIP-STR markers: preliminary data and potential applications
Castella V., 2013. dans 14th European Forensic DNA - Working group Meeting.
DIP-STR: Highly Sensitive Markers for the Analysis of Unbalanced Genomic Mixtures.
Castella V., Gervaix J., Hall D., 2013. Human Mutation, 34 (4) pp. 644-654.
Epidemiology and injury patterns of patients consulting following assault by nightclub security agents in a university hospital emergency service and an associated specialised forensic consultation
Feiner AS, Romain-Glassey N., Gut M., 2013. pp. 8S dans Joint Annual Meeting, Swiss Medical Forum.
Erratum of initial paper: Postmortem computed tomography angiography vs. conventional autopsy: advantages and inconveniences of each method.
Chevallier C., Christine C., Doenz F., Francesco D., Vaucher P., Paul V., Palmiere C., Cristian P., Dominguez A., Alejandro D. et al., 2013..
Exposition de l'enfant a des violences domestiques. Un modèle pluridisciplinaire de détection, d'evaluation et de prise en charge [Children's exposure to domestic violence. A multidisciplinary model of detection, assessment and management].
Cheseaux J.J., Marwood A.D., Glassey N.R., 2013. Revue Médicale Suisse, 9 (374) pp. 398-401.
Fatality in a wine vat.
La Harpe R., Shiferaw K., Mangin P., Burkhardt S., 2013. American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, 34 (2) pp. 119-121.
Fatty acid amide hydrolase deficiency enhances intraplaque neutrophil recruitment in atherosclerotic mice.
Lenglet S., Thomas A., Soehnlein O., Montecucco F., Burger F., Pelli G., Galan K., Cravatt B., Staub C., Steffens S., 2013. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology, 33 (2) pp. 215-223.
Gunshot deaths in Geneva, Switzerland: 2001 to 2010.
La Harpe R., Mohamed N.B., Burkhardt S., 2013. American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, 34 (3) pp. 248-252. Peer-reviewed.
Histology-driven data mining of lipid signatures from multiple imaging mass spectrometry analyses: application to human colorectal cancer liver metastasis biopsies.
Thomas A., Patterson N.H., Marcinkiewicz M.M., Lazaris A., Metrakos P., Chaurand P., 2013. Analytical Chemistry, 85 (5) pp. 2860-2866.
Hyperthermia and postmortem biochemical investigations.
Palmiere C., Mangin P., 2013. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 127 (1) pp. 93-102.
Improvement in coronary circulatory function in morbidly obese individuals after gastric bypass-induced weight loss: relation to alterations in endocannabinoids and adipocytokines.
Quercioli A., Montecucco F., Pataky Z., Thomas A., Ambrosio G., Staub C., Di Marzo V., Ratib O., Mach F., Golay A. et al., 2013. European Heart Journal, 34 (27) pp. 2063-2073.
Improving forensic investigation for polonium poisoning.
Froidevaux P., Baechler S., Bailat C.J., Castella V., Augsburger M., Michaud K., Mangin P., Bochud F.O., 2013. Lancet, 382 (9900) p. 1308.
Indirect hydrogen analysis by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS).
Varlet V., Smith F., Augsburger M., 2013. Journal of Mass Spectrometry : Jms, 48 (8) pp. 914-918.
Innovative method for carbon dioxide determination in human postmortem cardiac gas samples using headspace-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and stable labeled isotope as internal standard.
Varlet V., Smith F., de Froidmont S., Dominguez A., Rinaldi A., Augsburger M., Mangin P., Grabherr S., 2013. Analytica Chimica Acta, 784 pp. 42-46.
Internal validation study of the PowerPlex® Y23 system
Gehrig C., Castella V., 2013. Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series, 4 (1) pp. e79-e80. Peer-reviewed.
Ischemic heart disease
Michaud K., 2013. pp. 117-131 dans Survana S.K. (eds.) Cardiac pathology chap. 7, Springer-Verlag London.
Letter to the editor regarding "Simultaneous determination of ∆9-tetrahydrocannabinol and 11-nor-9-carboxy-∆9-tetrahydrocannabinol in oral fluid using isotope dilution liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry".
Fabritius M., Giroud C., 2013. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 405 (1) pp. 435-437. Peer-reviewed.
Long term consequences of physical violence at work: results from a follow up study with victims who consulted the Violence Medical Unit of the Lausanne University Hospital from 2007-2010
De Puy Jacqueline, Romain-Glassey Nathalie, Gut Melody, Wild Pascal, 2013. p. 62 dans Arbeitsmedizin in Europa, Muskel-Skelett-Erkrankungen und Beruf: 53. Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Arbeitsmedizin und Umweltmedizin, Jahrestagung der Oesterreichischen Gesellschaft für Arbeitsmedizin, Frühjahrstagung der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Arbeitsmedizin, Bregenz, 13.-16. März 2013, Stuttgart : Gentner Verl..
Medical and legal professionals' attitudes towards confidentiality and disclosure of clinical information in forensic settings: a survey using case vignettes.
Bruggen M.C., Eytan A., Gravier B., Elger B.S., 2013. Medicine, Science, and the Law, 53 (3) pp. 132-148. Peer-reviewed.
Medical confidentiality and the competent patient.
Niveau G., Burkhardt S., Chiesa S., 2013. Journal of Medical Ethics, 39 (11) pp. 686-689. Peer-reviewed.
Monitoring of aglycons of yew glycosides (3,5-dimethoxyphenol, myrtenol and 1-octen-3-ol) as first indicator of yew presence.
Varlet V., Augsburger M., 2013. Drug Testing and Analysis, 5 (6) pp. 474-479.
Monitoring of post-mortem gases : a new tool for forensic diagnosis
Varlet V., 2013. dans 5ème journées internationales de toxicologie.
Mouse alarm pheromone shares structural similarity with predator scents.
Brechbühl J., Moine F., Klaey M., Nenniger-Tosato M., Hurni N., Sporkert F., Giroud C., Broillet M.C., 2013. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 110 (12) pp. 4762-4767.
Multi-phase postmortem CT angiography: recognizing technique-related artefacts and pitfalls.
Bruguier C., Mosimann P.J., Vaucher P., Uské A., Doenz F., Jackowski C., Mangin P., Grabherr S., 2013. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 127 (3) pp. 639-652. Peer-reviewed.
New Horizons in Forensic Imaging: Post Mortem CT Angiography - Benefits and Practical Application.
Grimm J., Vanhaebost J., Dirndorfer R., Rinaldi A., Zerlauth J.B.., Mangin J..F., Grabher S., 2013. dans RSNA 2013, 99th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America.
New reference tables for predicted heart weight
Vanhaebost J., Faouzi M., Mangin P., Michaud K., 2013. p. 196 dans ESP Abstracts 2013, Virchows Archiv.
New strategies for methane analysis : forensic applications
Varlet V., 2013. pp. 209-220 dans Methane in the Environment: Occurrence, Uses and Production, Nova Science Publ..
New strategy for gas outburst analysis
Varlet V., Smith F., Augsburger M., 2013. dans 51st Annual Meeting of the International Association of Forensic Toxicologists.
Nouvelles stratégies d'analyse de gaz d'intérêt forensique : de l'échantillonnage à la quantification par étalons internes isotopiques stables (EIIS)
Varlet V., Smith F., Augsburger M., 2013. dans 21ème Congrès de la Société Française de Toxicologie Analytique.
Orthogonal organic and aqueous-based washes of tissue sections to enhance protein sensitivity by MALDI imaging mass spectrometry.
Thomas A., Patterson N.H., Laveaux Charbonneau J., Chaurand P., 2013. Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 48 (1) pp. 42-48.
Ostéopathie et rationalité scientifique: la place des tests sacro-iliaques dans le traitement ostéopathique
Vaucher P., 2013. dans 8ème Symposium d'Ostéopathie - Main Libre.
Oui à la chasse au dopage pour la santé des athlètes et du sport [Sports and athletes deserve doping runting].
Gremion G., Saugy M., 2013. Revue Médicale Suisse, 9 (393) pp. 1414-1417.
Perspectives for Forensic Intelligence in anti-doping: Thinking outside of the box.
Marclay F., Mangin P., Margot P., Saugy M., 2013. Forensic Science International, 229 (1-3) pp. 133-144.
Pharmacokinetic interaction between prasugrel and ritonavir in healthy volunteers.
Ancrenaz V., Déglon J., Samer C., Staub C., Dayer P., Daali Y., Desmeules J., 2013. Basic and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology, 112 (2) pp. 132-137. Peer-reviewed.
Post-mortem cardiac 3-T magnetic resonance imaging: visualization of sudden cardiac death?
Jackowski C., Schwendener N., Grabherr S., Persson A., 2013. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 62 (7) pp. 617-629. Peer-reviewed.
Postmortem biochemical investigations in hypothermia fatalities.
Palmiere C., Mangin P., 2013. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 127 (2) pp. 267-276.
Postmortem computed tomography angiography vs. conventional autopsy: advantages and inconveniences of each method.
Chevallier C., Doenz F., Vaucher P., Palmiere C., Dominguez A., Binaghi S., Mangin P., Grabherr S., 2013. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 127 (5) pp. 981-989.
Postmortem diagnosis of unsuspected diabetes mellitus.
Palmiere C., Bardy D., Mangin P., Werner D., 2013. Forensic Science International, 226 (1-3) pp. 160-167.
Preliminary results on the postmortem measurement of 3-beta-hydroxybutyrate in liver homogenates.
Palmiere C., Mangin P., Werner D., 2013. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 127 (5) pp. 943-949.
Preuve par l'ADN: la génétique au service de la justice
Coquoz R., Comte J., Hall D., Hicks T., Taroni F., 2013., 3e éd. rev. et augm. 457, Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes.
Profiling of steroid metabolites after transdermal and oral administration of testosterone by ultra-high pressure liquid chromatography coupled to quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry.
Badoud F., Boccard J., Schweizer C., Pralong F., Saugy M., Baume N., 2013. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 138 pp. 222-235.
Pulmonary thrombembolism as cause of death on unenhanced postmortem 3T MRI.
Jackowski C., Grabherr S., Schwendener N., 2013. European Radiology, 23 (5) pp. 1266-1270.
Quantification of clenbuterol at trace level in human urine by ultra-high pressure liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry.
Nicoli R., Petrou M., Badoud F., Dvorak J., Saugy M., Baume N., 2013. Journal of Chromatography. A, 1292 pp. 142-150.
Rib fractures at postmortem computed tomography (PMCT) validated against the autopsy
Schulze C., Hoppe H., Schweitzer W., Schwendener N., Grabherr S., Jackowski C., 2013. Forensic Science International, 233 (1-3) pp. 90-98. Peer-reviewed.
Santé, travail, retraite: pour le meilleur ou pour le pire?
De Puy Jacqueline, Hofner Marie-Claude, 2013. Revue économique et sociale, 71 (2) pp. 51-55.
Schauen ohne zu öffnen: Radiologische Methoden in der Todesursachenermittlung
Grimm J., Grabherr S., Dirnhofer R., Fischer F., 2013. Neue juristische Wochenschrift, 66 (38) pp. 14-15.
Second-hand tobacco smoke in prison: tackling a public health matter through research.
Ritter C., Elger B.S., 2013. Public Health, 127 (2) pp. 119-124. Peer-reviewed.
Silver-assisted laser desorption ionization for high spatial resolution imaging mass spectrometry of olefins from thin tissue sections.
Dufresne M., Thomas A., Breault-Turcot J., Masson J.F., Chaurand P., 2013. Analytical Chemistry, 85 (6) pp. 3318-3324.
Stability investigations of phosphatidylethanol (PEth) on dried blood spots
Rusconi M., Dovat Sabatella M., Sporkert F., 2013. dans XVIII. GTFCh-Symposium of Society of Toxicological and Forensic Chemistry.
Statistical discrimination of steroid profiles in doping control with support vector machines.
Van Renterghem P., Sottas P.E., Saugy M., Van Eenoo P., 2013. Analytica Chimica Acta, 768 pp. 41-48.
Sécurité routière: moins de morts et de blessés grâce aux radars?
Favrat B., Joris Lambert S., Selz R., Burnand B., 2013. Revue Médicale Suisse, 9 (403) pp. 1968-1969.
Terminology used in publications for post-mortem cross-sectional imaging.
Rutty G.N., Brogdon G., Dedouit F., Grabherr S., Hatch G.M., Jackowski C., Leth P., Persson A., Ruder T.D., Shiotani S. et al., 2013. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 127 (2) pp. 465-466.
The effect of a period of intensive exercise on the isoform test to detect growth hormone doping in sports.
Voss S.C., Giraud S., Alsayrafi M., Bourdon P.C., Schumacher Y.O., Saugy M., Robinson N., 2013. Growth Hormone and Igf Research : Official Journal of the Growth Hormone Research Society and the International Igf Research Society, 23 (4) pp. 105-108.
To what extent does adding tobacco to cannabis expose young users to nicotine?
Bélanger R.E., Marclay F., Berchtold A., Saugy M., Cornuz J., Suris J.C., 2013. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 15 (11) pp. 1832-1838. Peer-reviewed.
Unconsciousness and sedation as precipitating factors of diabetic ketoacidosis.
Palmiere C., Lesta Mdel M, Sabatasso S., Lobrinus J.A., Augsburger M., Werner D., 2013. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 20 (7) pp. 830-835.
Validation of methane measurement using headspace-GC-MS and quantification by a stable isotope-labeled internal standard generated in situ.
Varlet V., Smith F., Augsburger M., 2013. Journal of Separation Science, 36 (12) pp. 1967-1972. Peer-reviewed.
Value of sTREM-1, procalcitonin and CRP as laboratory parameters for postmortem diagnosis of sepsis.
Palmiere C., Bardy D., Mangin P., Augsburger M., 2013. Journal of Infection, 67 (6) pp. 545-555.
Virtual anthropology: A comparison between the performance of conventional X-ray and MDCT in investigating the trabecular structure of long bones.
de Froidmont S., Grabherr S., Vaucher P., De Cesare M., Egger C., Papageorgopoulou C., Roth V., Morand G., Mangin P., Uldin T., 2013. Forensic Science International, 225 (1-3) pp. 53-59.
Weed or wheel! FMRI, behavioural, and toxicological investigations of how cannabis smoking affects skills necessary for driving.
Battistella G., Fornari E., Thomas A., Mall J.F., Chtioui H., Appenzeller M., Annoni J.M., Favrat B., Maeder P., Giroud C., 2013/01. Plos One, 8 (1) pp. e52545. Peer-reviewed.
Bland-White-Garland syndrome. Sudden unexpected death of an infant. [Bland-White-Garland-Syndrom : Plötzlicher und unerwarteter Tod eines Säuglings]
Schmeling A., Domnick C., Pfeiffer H., Fracasso T., 2012/12. Rechtsmedizin, 22 (6) pp. 476-478. Peer-reviewed.
Investigations on carbon isotope ratios and concentrations of urinary formestane.
Piper T., Fusshöller G., Emery C., Schänzer W., Saugy M., 2012/12. Drug Testing and Analysis, 4 (12) pp. 942-950.
Rapport final présenté à la Suva (Groupe Progrès). Etude portant sur les victimes d’agressions au travail ayant consulté l’Unité de Médecine des Violences du CHUV entre 2007 et 2010 et sur les ressources de prévention dans le canton de Vaud
Romain-Glassey N., Gut M., De Puy J., Wild P., 2012/11/06. 114, CHUV Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois.
Aging behind bars: the medication of older prisoners in Switzerland
Handtke V., Bretschneider W., Stuckelberger A., Page J., Ritter C., Wangmo T., Elger B. S., 2012/11. p. 382 dans 65th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Gerontologist.
Le rôle du psychiatre légiste dans les expertises pénales
Niveau G., 2012/10/10., Présentation orale pour un colloque du Centre Universitaire de Médecine Légale (CURML), Lausanne, 10 octobre 2012.
Evaluation of postmortem MDCT and MDCT-angiography for the investigation of sudden cardiac death related to atherosclerotic coronary artery disease.
Michaud K., Grabherr S., Doenz F., Mangin P., 2012/10. The international journal of cardiovascular imaging, 28 (7) pp. 1807-1822. Peer-reviewed.
Iron Supplementation in Non-anemic Women
Vaucher P., Favrat B., 2012/09. CMAJ p. 1. Peer-reviewed.
La médecine légale chez les Helvètes
Mangin P., 2012/09. La Revue de Médecine Légale, 3 (3) pp. 93-94.
Development and validation of a clinical prediction rule for chest wall syndrome in primary care.
Ronga A., Vaucher P., Haasenritter J., Donner-Banzhoff N., Bösner S., Verdon F., Bischoff T., Burnand B., Favrat B., Herzig L., 2012/08/06. BMC family practice, 13 p. 74. Peer-reviewed.
A novel method for quantification of sulfolane (a metabolite of busulfan) in plasma by gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry.
Versace F., Uppugunduri C.R., Krajinovic M., Théorêt Y., Gumy-Pause F., Mangin P., Staub C., Ansari M., 2012/08. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 404 (6-7) pp. 1831-1838.
Le rôle des investigations histopathologiques en médecine légale [The role of histopathology investigations in legal medicine].
Fracasso T., Sabatasso S., Mangin P., 2012/08. Annales De Pathologie, 32 (4) pp. 311-312.
Quantification, self-renewal, and genetic tracing of FL1+ tumor-initiating cells in a large cohort of human gliomas.
Clément-Schatlo V., Marino D., Burkhardt K., Teta P., Leyvraz F., Schatlo B., Frank S., Schaller K., Castella V., Radovanovic I., 2012/06. Neuro-oncology, 14 (6) pp. 720-735.
Dissection aortique aiguë et malperfusion : apport de l?angiographie post mortem
Lardi C., Lobrinus JA., Doenz F., Fracasso T., Augsburger M., Mangin J. F., Grabher S., 2012/05. dans Sommertagung der Schweizer Gesellschaft für Rechtsmedizin, St. Gallen May 11-12 http://www.gtfch.org/cms/images/stories/media/tk/78_3/tagungskalender.pdf.
Death caused by cardioinhibitory reflex: what experts believe.
Schrag B., Mangin P., Vaucher P., Bollmann M.D., 2012/03. The American journal of forensic medicine and pathology, 33 (1) pp. 9-12. Peer-reviewed.
When nightclub security agents assault clients.
Romain-Glassey N., Gut M., Feiner A.S., Cathieni F., Hofner M.C., Mangin P., 2012/03. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 19 (6) pp. 341-344. Peer-reviewed.
Differential regulation of RGS proteins in the prefrontal cortex of short- and long-term human opiate abusers
Rivero Guadalupe, Gabilondo Ane M., García-Fuster M. Julia, La Harpe Romano, García-Sevilla Jesús A., Meana J. Javier, 2012/02. Neuropharmacology, 62 (2) pp. 1044-1051.
2011 lAAF World Championships in Daegu: blood tests for all athletes in the framework of the Athlete Biological Passport.
Robinson N., Dollé G., Garnier P.Y., Saugy M., 2012. Bioanalysis, 4 (13) pp. 1633-1643. Peer-reviewed.
A pedicled bone graft from the acromion: an anatomical investigation regarding surgical feasibility.
Moor B.K., Kohut G., Bouaicha S., Grabherr S., Gautier E., Bergmann M., Marcer N., Djonov V., 2012. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, 21 (5) pp. 604-611.
Accuracy profile validation of a new method for carbon monoxide measurement in the human blood using headspace-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (HS-GC-MS).
Varlet V., De Croutte E.L., Augsburger M., Mangin P., 2012. Journal of Chromatography. B, Analytical Technologies In the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 880 (1) pp. 125-131.
Analytical progresses of the International Olympic Committee and World Anti-Doping Agency Olympic laboratories.
Georgakopoulos C., Saugy M., Giraud S., Robinson N., Alsayrafi M., 2012. Bioanalysis, 4 (13) pp. 1549-1563.
Antidote treatment for cyanide poisoning with hydroxocobalamin causes bright pink discolouration and chemical-analytical interferences.
Brunel C., Widmer C., Augsburger M., Dussy F., Fracasso T., 2012. Forensic Science International, 223 (1-3) pp. e10-e12.
Aptitude au volant: quelle conduite [Aptitude to drive: what road to take?].
Favrat B., Pasche C., 2012. Revue Médicale Suisse, 8 (325) pp. 176-177.
Blood, urine and vitreous isopropyl alcohol as biochemical markers in forensic investigations.
Palmiere C., Sporkert F., Werner D., Bardy D., Augsburger M., Mangin P., 2012. Legal Medicine, 14 (1) pp. 17-20.
Cardiogene: an innovative multidisciplinary consultation for genetic arrhythmias
Sekarski N., Schlaepfer J., Di Bernardo S., Boulos T., Mivelaz Y., Michaud K., Bhuiyan ZA., Fellmann F., 2012. p. 27 dans Annual meeting of the Swiss Society of Paediatrics, Swiss Medical Weekly.
Carotid artery rupture and cervicofacial actinomycosis.
Kummer A., Lhermitte B., Ödman M., Grabherr S., Mangin P., Palmiere C., 2012. Legal Medicine, 14 (6) pp. 324-327. Peer-reviewed.
Contexte suisse - licéité - bases légales - sécurité - fonctions à risque - proportionnalité
Augsburger M., 2012. dans Congrès: Dépistage alcool et drogues au travail: une bonne idée?.
Coronary vasomotor control in obesity and morbid obesity: contrasting flow responses with endocannabinoids, leptin, and inflammation.
Quercioli A., Pataky Z., Montecucco F., Carballo S., Thomas A., Staub C., Di Marzo V., Vincenti G., Ambrosio G., Ratib O. et al., 2012. Jacc. Cardiovascular Imaging, 5 (8) pp. 805-815. Peer-reviewed.
Dating human skeletal remains using a radiometric method: Biogenic versus diagenetic (90)Sr and (210)Pb in vertebrae.
Schrag B., Uldin T., Mangin P., Froidevaux P., 2012. Forensic Science International, 220 (1-3) pp. 271-278.
Debates about assisted suicide in Switzerland.
Burkhardt S., La Harpe R., 2012. American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, 33 (4) pp. 410-413. Peer-reviewed.
Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) Protects Partly against Demyelination by Modulating the Inflammatory Response: An In Vitro Study in Aggregating Brain Cell Cultures
Defaux A., Schiffrin M., Vorlet-Fawer L., Spiehlmann A., Giroud C., Monnet-Tschud F., 2012. Journal of Clinical Toxicology, 01 (S6) pp. -. Peer-reviewed.
Detecting and measuring deprivation in primary care: development, reliability and validity of a self-reported questionnaire: the DiPCare-Q
Vaucher P., Bischoff T., Diserens E.A., Herzig L., Meystre-Agustoni G., Panese F., Favrat B., Sass C., Bodenmann P., 2012. BMJ Open, 2 (1) pp. e000692. Peer-reviewed.
Detecting and measuring deprivation in primary care: development, validity and reliability of a self-reported questionnaire - the DiPCare-Q
Vaucher P., Bischoff T., Diserens EA., Herzig L., Meystre-Agustoni G., Panese F., Favrat B., Sass C., Bodenmann P., 2012. pp. 57S-58S dans 80. Jahresversammlung der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Allgemeine Innere Medizin, Swiss Medical Forum.
Detection of EPO doping and blood doping: the haematological module of the Athlete Biological Passport.
Schumacher Y.O., Saugy M., Pottgiesser T., Robinson N., 2012. Drug Testing and Analysis, 4 (11) pp. 846-853. Peer-reviewed.
Detection of erythropoiesis-stimulating agents in human anti-doping control: past, present and future.
Leuenberger N., Reichel C., Lasne F., 2012. Bioanalysis, 4 (13) pp. 1565-1575. Peer-reviewed.
Detection of hemorrhage source: the diagnostic value of post-mortem CT-angiography.
Palmiere C., Binaghi S., Doenz F., Bize P., Chevallier C., Mangin P., Grabherr S., 2012. Forensic Science International, 222 (1-3) pp. 33-39.
Development and validation of a postmortem radiological alteration index: the RA-Index.
Egger C., Vaucher P., Doenz F., Palmiere C., Mangin P., Grabherr S., 2012. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 126 (4) pp. 559-566.
Diabetic ketoacidosis or positional asphyxia?
Palmiere C., Mangin P., 2012. Legal Medicine (tokyo, Japan), 14 (4) pp. 219-220.
Diagnostic performance of ethyl glucuronide in hair for the investigation of alcohol drinking behavior: a comparison with traditional biomarkers.
Kharbouche H., Faouzi M., Sanchez N., Daeppen J.B., Augsburger M., Mangin P., Staub C., Sporkert F., 2012. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 126 (2) pp. 243-250.
Direct analysis of dried blood spots coupled with mass spectrometry: concepts and biomedical applications.
Déglon J., Thomas A., Mangin P., Staub C., 2012. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 402 (8) pp. 2485-2498.
Distal locking of femoral nails: evaluation of a new radiation-independent targeting system.
Arlettaz Y., Dominguez A., Farron A., Ehlinger M., Moor B.K., 2012. Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma, 26 (11) pp. 633-637.
Distribution of artifactual gas on post-mortem multidetector computed tomography (MDCT).
Egger C., Bize P., Vaucher P., Mosimann P., Schneider B., Dominguez A., Meuli R., Mangin P., Grabherr S., 2012. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 126 (1) pp. 3-12.
Distribution of free and conjugated cannabinoids in human bile samples.
Fabritius M., Staub C., Mangin P., Giroud C., 2012. Forensic Science International, 223 (1-3) pp. 114-118. Peer-reviewed.
DNA fingerprinting of glioma cell lines and considerations on similarity measurements.
Bady P., Diserens A.C., Castella V., Kalt S., Heinimann K., Hamou M.F., Delorenzi M., Hegi M.E., 2012. Neuro-Oncology, 14 (6) pp. 701-711.
Dynamic Investigation of the Aorta by Post-mortem Multi-phase CT-angiography
Lardi C., De Froidmont S., Doenz F., Zerlauth J.B., Rinaldi A., Grabherr S., 2012. dans 1st Virtangio Workshop.
Dynamic Investigation of the Aorta by Post-mortem Multi-phase CT-angiography
Lardi C., de Froidmont S., Doenz F., Zerlauth J.B., Rinaldi A., Mangin P., Grabherr S., 2012. dans DGRM 2012, 91. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Rechtsmedizin in Verbindung mit 1st Symposium on Interpersonal Violence in Social Proximity.
Etude d'inhalation contrôlée chez les fumeurs occasionnels et réguliers de cannabis: comparaison des profils cinétiques des cannabinoïdes et effets comportementaux (O11)
Giroud C., Fabritius M., Battistella G., Fornari E., Lauer E., Dao K., Mall J.-F., Appenzeller M., Annoni J.M., Favrat B. et al., 2012., Société Française de Toxicologie Analytique pp. S1-5/S1-6 dans 20e congrès de la Société Française de Toxicologie Analytique (SFTA) 19-21 septembre 2012, Chambéry, France, Annales de Toxicologie Analytique / Annals of Analytical Toxicology.
Evaluation of C-reactive protein, procalcitonin, tumor necrosis factor alpha, interleukin-6, and interleukin-8 as diagnostic parameters in sepsis-related fatalities.
Schrag B., Roux-Lombard P., Schneiter D., Vaucher P., Mangin P., Palmiere C., 2012. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 126 (4) pp. 505-512.
Exposure to tobacco smoke before and after a partial smoking ban in prison: indoors air quality measures
Ritter Catherine, Huynh Cong Khanh, Etter Jen-François, Elger Bernice S., 2012. Tobacco Control, 21 (5) pp. 488-491. Peer-reviewed.
Fatal tolperisone poisoning: autopsy and toxicology findings in three suicide cases.
Sporkert F., Brunel C., Augsburger M.P., Mangin P., 2012. Forensic Science International, 215 (1-3) pp. 101-104.
Immersion communautaire: introduction: ... des étudiants qui veulent comprendre, des étudiants qui comprennent
Burnand Bernard, Daeppen Jean-Bernard, Pécoud Alain, Diserens Chantal, Hofner Marie-Claude, Spencer Brenda, 2012. Revue médicale suisse, 8 (328) p. 380.
Influences of β-HCG administration on carbon isotope ratios of endogenous urinary steroids.
Piper T., Baume N., Strahm E., Emery C., Saugy M., 2012. Steroids, 77 (6) pp. 644-654.
Intérêts et inconvénients des soins ambulatoires forcés [Value and challenges in forced ambulatory care].
Niveau G., 2012. Revue Médicale Suisse, 8 (353) pp. 1739-40, 1742. Peer-reviewed.
Investigation of sharp trauma by post-mortem multi-phase CT-angiography
Zerlauth J.B., Doenz F., de Froidmont S., Binaghi S., Meuli R., Grabherr S., 2012. dans SSR 2012, 99th Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society of Radiology.
Investigation of sharp trauma by post-mortem multi-phase CT-angiography
Zerlauth J.B., Doenz F., de Froidmont S., Binaghi S., Meuli R., Grabherr S., 2012. dans 65th Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences.
Investigations on hydrogen isotope ratios of endogenous urinary steroids: reference-population-based thresholds and proof-of-concept.
Piper T., Thomas A., Thevis M., Saugy M., 2012. Drug Testing and Analysis, 4 (9) pp. 717-727.
Is the formula of Traub still up to date in antemortem blood glucose level estimation?
Palmiere C., Sporkert F., Vaucher P., Werner D., Bardy D., Rey F., Lardi C., Brunel C., Augsburger M., Mangin P., 2012. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 126 (3) pp. 407-413. Peer-reviewed.
Isolating DNA from sexual assault cases: a comparison of standard methods with a nuclease-based approach.
Garvin A.M., Fischer A., Schnee-Griese J., Jelinski A., Bottinelli M., Soldati G., Tubio M., Castella V., Monney N., Malik N. et al., 2012. Investigative Genetics, 3 (1) p. 25.
L'analyse des aglycones des glycosides de l'if comme outil diagnostic d'une intoxication à l'if (P9)
Varlet V., Augsburger M., 2012., Société Française de Toxicologie Analytique pp. S1-28/S1-29 dans 20e congrès de la Société Française de Toxicologie Analytique (SFTA) 19-21 septembre 2012, Chambéry, France, Annales de Toxicologie Analytique / Annals of Analytical Toxicology.
L'argon : utilisations, toxicité et stratégie analytique en toxicologie médicolégale
Varlet Vincent, Bouvet Alain, Augsburger Marc, 2012. Annales de Toxicologie Analytique, 24 (4) pp. 185-192.
Le THC urinaire comme indicateur de consommation récente de cannabis
Varlet V., Meyer MC, Meylan C., Augsburger M., 2012. dans 4ème Congrès International de Toxicologie.
Mental health of young offenders in Switzerland: Recognizing psychiatric symptoms during detention.
Gisin D., Haller D.M., Cerutti B., Wolff H., Bertrand D., Sebo P., Heller P., Niveau G., Eytan A., 2012. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 19 (6) pp. 332-336. Peer-reviewed.
Molecular imaging of matrix metalloproteinases in atherosclerotic plaques.
Lenglet S., Thomas A., Chaurand P., Galan K., Mach F., Montecucco F., 2012. Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 107 (3) pp. 409-416.
New approach of carbon monoxide (CO) diagnosis in human blood : toxicological interpretation based on total carbon monoxide concentrations
Varlet V., Müller J., Palmiere C., Lagroy De Croutte E., Mangin P., Augsburger M., 2012. dans 22th International Academy of Legal Medicine Congress.
One case, 3 rare simultaneous findings: intramyocardial bronchogenic cyst, P.H558R variant of SCN5A gene, and granular cell tumor of the esophagus.
Shiferaw K., Lobrinus A.J., Grabherr S., Michaud K., Mangin P., Schrag B., 2012. American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, 33 (4) pp. 335-338.
Staub C., Augsburger C., 2012. pp. 385-409 dans Traité de toxicologie médico-judiciaire / [coord. par] P. Kintz chap. 13, Issy-les-Moulineaux : Elsevier Masson.
Oral flurbiprofen metabolic ratio assessment using a single-point dried blood spot.
Daali Y., Samer C., Déglon J., Thomas A., Chabert J., Rebsamen M., Staub C., Dayer P., Desmeules J., 2012. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 91 (3) pp. 489-496. Peer-reviewed.
Penser la médecine communautaire s'apprend avec les pairs. [The spirit of community medicine: students learning from students].
Diserens Chantal, Bonvin Raphaël, Burnand Bernard, Genton Blaise, Hofner Marie-Claude, Spencer Brenda, Widmer Daniel, Daeppen Jean-Bernard, 2012. Revue Médicale Suisse, 8 (346) pp. 1353-1355.
Positive EtG findings in hair as a result of a cosmetic treatment.
Sporkert F., Kharbouche H., Augsburger M.P., Klemm C., Baumgartner M.R., 2012. Forensic Science International, 218 (1-3) pp. 97-100. Peer-reviewed.
Post-mortem CT and CT angiography of cranial and spinal injuries in victims of motor vehicle accidents
Binaghi M., Zerlauth J.B., Doenz F., Mangin J.F., Grabherr S., 2012. dans SSR 2012, 99th Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society of Radiology.
Postmortale Angiographie in Lehre und klinischer Forschung
Grabherr S., Chevallier B., Steger B., Zerlauth J.B., Riederer JB, Djonov V., 2012. dans DGRM 2012, 91. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Rechtsmedizin in Verbindung mit 1st Symposium on Interpersonal Violence in Social Proximity.
Postmortem biochemistry performed on vitreous humor after postmortem CT-angiography.
Grabherr S., Widmer C., Iglesias K., Sporkert F., Augsburger M., Mangin P., Palmiere C., 2012. Legal Medicine, 14 (6) pp. 297-303. Peer-reviewed.
Postmortem chemistry update part I.
Palmiere C., Mangin P., 2012. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 126 (2) pp. 187-198.
Postmortem chemistry update part II.
Palmiere C., Mangin P., 2012. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 126 (2) pp. 199-215.
Prevalence of positive tuberculosis skin tests during 5 years of screening in a Swiss remand prison
Ritter C., Elger BS, 2012. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 16 (1) pp. 65-69. Peer-reviewed.
Procalcitonin and C-reactive protein in pericardial fluid for postmortem diagnosis of sepsis.
Schrag B., Iglesias K., Mangin P., Palmiere C., 2012. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 126 (4) pp. 567-572. Peer-reviewed.
Profils cinétiques salivaires chez des fumeurs réguliers de marijuana ayant inhalé un joint de cannabis pur titré à 11 % de THC (O10)
Fabritius M., Staub C., Mangin P., Appenzeller M., Giroud C., 2012., Annales de toxicologie analytique pp. S1-5 dans 20e congrès de la Société Française de Toxicologie Analytique (SFTA) 19-21 septembre 2012, Chambéry, France, Annales de Toxicologie Analytique / Annals of Analytical Toxicology, Société Française de Toxicologie Analytique.
Rapid LC-MS/MS quantification of the major benzodiazepines and their metabolites on dried blood spots using a simple and cost-effective sample pretreatment.
Déglon J., Versace F., Lauer E., Widmer C., Mangin P., Thomas A., Staub C., 2012. Bioanalysis, 4 (11) pp. 1337-1350.
Rapid sample pre-treatment prior to GC-MS and GC-MS/MS urinary toxicological screening.
Versace F., Sporkert F., Mangin P., Staub C., 2012. Talanta, 101 pp. 299-306. Peer-reviewed.
Receptor activator of NF-κB ligand (RANKL) increases the release of neutrophil products associated with coronary vulnerability
Bertolotto Maria, Lenglet Sébastien, Vuilleumier Nicolas, Galan Katia, Pagano Sabrina, Braunersreuther Vincent, Pelli Graziano, Pistoia Vito, Bianchi Giovanna, Cittadini Giuseppe et al., 2012. Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 107 (01) pp. 124-139.
Resuming motor vehicle driving following orthopaedic surgery or limb trauma.
Rod Fleury T., Favrat B., Belaieff W., Hoffmeyer P., 2012. Swiss Medical Weekly, 142 p. 0.
RNA/DNA co-analysis from blood stains--results of a second collaborative EDNAP exercise.
Haas C., Hanson E., Anjos M.J., Bär W., Banemann R., Berti A., Borges E., Bouakaze C., Carracedo A., Carvalho M. et al., 2012. Forensic Science International. Genetics, 6 (1) pp. 70-80. Peer-reviewed.
Screening of illegal intracorporeal containers ("body packing"): is abdominal radiography sufficiently accurate? A comparative study with low-dose CT.
Poletti P.A., Canel L., Becker C.D., Wolff H., Elger B., Lock E., Sarasin F., Bonfanti M.S., Dupuis-Lozeron E., Perneger T. et al., 2012. Radiology, 265 (3) pp. 772-779. Peer-reviewed.
Separation and gas analysis : forensic applications
Varlet V., 2012. dans 16ème journées scientifiques du CCCTA.
Sexuelle Ubergriffe in Genf (2006 bis 2010) [Sexual assaults in Geneva between 2006 and 2010].
La Harpe R., Vlastos A.T., 2012. Archiv Für Kriminologie, 229 (3-4) pp. 117-125. Peer-reviewed.
Spontaneous external rupture of femoral pseudoaneurysm: fatal hemorrhage related to drug abuse.
Lardi C., Fracasso T., 2012. American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, 33 (4) pp. 319-321. Peer-reviewed.
Sublimation of new matrix candidates for high spatial resolution imaging mass spectrometry of lipids: enhanced information in both positive and negative polarities after 1,5-diaminonapthalene deposition.
Thomas A., Charbonneau J.L., Fournaise E., Chaurand P., 2012. Analytical Chemistry, 84 (4) pp. 2048-2054.
Technique-related artefacts and pitfalls of MPMCTA
Brugier C., Mosimann P., Vaucher P., Uské A., Doenz F., Mangin J.F., Grabherr S., 2012. dans 1st Virtangio Workshop.
The anabolic androgenic steroid fluoxymesterone inhibits 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 2-dependent glucocorticoid inactivation.
Fürstenberger C., Vuorinen A., Da Cunha T., Kratschmar D.V., Saugy M., Schuster D., Odermatt A., 2012. Toxicological Sciences : An Official Journal of the Society of Toxicology, 126 (2) pp. 353-361. Peer-reviewed.
The forensic radiographer: a new member in the medicolegal team.
Schneider B., Chevallier C., Dominguez A., Bruguier C., Elandoy C., Mangin P., Grabherr S., 2012. American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, 33 (1) pp. 30-36. Peer-reviewed.
The modern holy shroud.
Schrag B., Pitteloud S., Horisberger B., Fracasso T., Mangin P., 2012. Forensic Science International, 219 (1-3) pp. e10-e12.
The right to appeal in cases of forensic autopsies. [Le droit de recours en matière d'autopsies médico-légales.]
Mutzenberg P., Mangin P., Elger B., 2012. Médecine & Droit, 2012 (117) pp. 188-192. Peer-reviewed.
Travail, retraite, santé : revue de la littérature et état des lieux
De Puy Jacqueline, Hofner Marie-Claude, 2012. 79, Fondation Charlotte Olivier.
Ultra-high Pressure Liquid Chromatography coupled to Mass Spectrometry in Doping Control Analysis
Badoud F., Saugy M., Veuthey JL, 2012. pp. 283-315 dans UHPLC in Life Sciences chap. 10, London : Royal Society of Chemistry.
Usefulness of postmortem biochemistry in forensic pathology: illustrative case reports.
Palmiere C., Lesta Mdel M, Sabatasso S., Mangin P., Augsburger M., Sporkert F., 2012. Legal Medicine, 14 (1) pp. 27-35.
Visualization of myocardial infarction in post-mortem CT-angiography : A feasibility study
de Froidmont S., Michaud K., Doenz F., Mangin P., Grabherr S., 2012. dans SSR 2012, 99th Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society of Radiology.
Influence of multiple injections of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) on urine and serum endogenous steroids concentrations.
Strahm E., Marques-Vidal P., Pralong F., Dvorak J., Saugy M., Baume N., 2011/12/10. Forensic science international, 213 (1-3) pp. 62-72. Peer-reviewed.
Systemic effects of epidural Methylprednisolone injection on glucose tolerance in diabetic patients.
Zufferey P., Bulliard C., Gremion G., Saugy M., So A., 2011/12. BMC Research Notes, 4 (1) p. 552.
Prise en charge multidisciplinaire de la mort subite d’origine cardiaque
Jotterand M., 2011/11/23., Présentation orale pour un colloque du Centre Universitaire de Médecine Légale (CURML), 23 novembre 2011.
Determination of Vasopressin and Desmopressin in urine by means of liquid chromatography coupled to quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry for doping control purposes.
Thomas A., Solymos E., Schänzer W., Baume N., Saugy M., Dellanna F., Thevis M., 2011/11. Analytica Chimica Acta, 707 (1-2) pp. 107-113.
Les investigations médico-légales par imagerie tomodensitométrique et le rôle du manipulateur
Elandoy C., Dominguez A., Bruguier C., 2011/11/01. Le manipulateur d'imagerie médicale et de radiothérapie, 203 pp. 14-17. Peer-reviewed.
Molecular adaptations of apoptotic pathways and signaling partners in the cerebral cortex of human cocaine addicts and cocaine-treated rats
Álvaro-Bartolomé M., La Harpe R., Callado L.F., Meana J.J., García-Sevilla J.A., 2011/11. Neuroscience, 196 pp. 1-15. Peer-reviewed.
Sensitivity and specificity of NT-proBNP to detect heart failure at post mortem examination.
Sabatasso S., Vaucher P., Augsburger M., Donzé N., Mangin P., Michaud K., 2011/11. International journal of legal medicine, 125 (6) pp. 849-856. Peer-reviewed.
The 'help' question doesn't help when screening for major depression: external validation of the three-question screening test for primary care patients managed for physical complaints.
Lombardo P., Vaucher P., Haftgoli N., Burnand B., Favrat B., Verdon F., Bischoff T., Herzig L., 2011/10/18. BMC medicine, 9 p. 114. Peer-reviewed.
Die Angio-Computertomografie post-mortem
Grabherr S., 2011/09. Schweizer Kriminalistikjournal = Journal Criminalistique Suisse 14 pp. 5-7.
L'Angio-tomodensitométrie post mortem
Grabherr S., 2011/09. Schweizer Kriminalistikjournal = Journal Criminalistique Suisse 14 pp. 8-10.
Detection of autologous blood doping with adaptively evaluated biomarkers of doping: a longitudinal blinded study.
Pottgiesser T., Sottas P.E., Echteler T., Robinson N., Umhau M., Schumacher Y.O., 2011/08. Transfusion, 51 (8) pp. 1707-1715.
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