Centre universitaire romand de médecine légale

Equipe principale | Laboratoire d'analyse du dopage (LAD) | Unité de génétique forensique (UGF) | Unité de médecine des violences (UMV) | Unité de médecine et psychologie du trafic (UMPT) | Unité de taphonomie forensique (SHIFT) | Unité de toxicologie et chimie forensique (UTCF) | Unité d'imagerie et anthropologie forensiques (UIAF) | Unité facultaire d'anatomie et de morphologie (UFAM) | Unité facultaire de toxicologie (UFT) | Unité romande de médecine forensique (URMF)
Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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1811 publications

... | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | ...
Ischemic heart disease in postmortem CT and CT angiography. OFP-03 Oral Free Paper Session Cardiovascular Pathology, 002
Michaud K., Grabherr S., Doenz F., Mangin J. F., 2011/08., ESP 2011 23rd European Congress of Pathology of the ESP, Helsinki, Finland pp. S8 dans Virchows Arch (2011) 459 (Suppl 1):S8.
Recent developments in the use of isotope ratio mass spectrometry in sports drug testing.
Piper T., Emery C., Saugy M., 2011/08. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 401 (2) pp. 433-447. Peer-reviewed.
Asphyxie positionnelle: une cause de décès insuffisamment connue
Schrag B., Froidmont S. de , Lesta M.-del-M., 2011/07. Revue médicale suisse 303 pp. 1511-1514.
L'angio-CT post-mortem: un nouvel outil diagnostique
Grabherr S., Dominguez A., Mangin P., 2011/07. Revue médicale suisse 303 pp. 1507-1510.
Pathologie clinique versus pathologie forensique
Mangin P., Rubbia-Brandt L., 2011/07. Revue médicale suisse 303 pp. 1483-1484.
The athlete biological passport.
Sottas P.E., Robinson N., Rabin O., Saugy M., 2011/07. Clinical Chemistry, 57 (7) pp. 969-976. Peer-reviewed.
Analyse des cannabinoïdes par spectrométrie de masse en mode tandem = Analysis of cannabinoids by tandem mass spectrometry
Fabritius M, Staub C, Giroud C, 2011/06. Annales de toxicologie analytique, 23 (1) pp. 31-35. Peer-reviewed.
The athlete biological passport: an effective tool in the fight against doping.
Robinson N., Saugy M., Vernec A., Pierre-Edouard S., 2011/06. Clinical Chemistry, 57 (6) pp. 830-832.
Sex differences in urinary levels of several biological indicators of exposure: a human volunteer study
Tomicic Catherine, Berode Michèle, Oppliger Anne, Castella Vincent, Leyvraz Fabienne, Praz-Christinaz Sophie Maria, Danuser Brigitta, 2011/05/10. Toxicology Letters, 202 (3) pp. 218-225. Peer-reviewed.
A satisfaction survey conducted on patients of a medico-legal consultation.
Romain-Glassey N., Gut M., Cathieni F., Hofner M.C., Mangin P., 2011/05. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 18 (4) pp. 158-161. Peer-reviewed.
Genetic analysis of sudden cardiac death victims: a survey of current forensic autopsy practices.
Michaud K., Mangin P., Elger B.S., 2011/05. International journal of legal medicine, 125 (3) pp. 359-366. Peer-reviewed.
Prevalence of blood doping in samples collected from elite track and field athletes.
Sottas P.E., Robinson N., Fischetto G., Dollé G., Alonso J.M., Saugy M., 2011/05. Clinical Chemistry, 57 (5) pp. 762-769.
Effets du cannabis sur les fumeurs occasionnels
Giroud C., Battistella G., Thomas A., Maeder P., Mall J.F., Annoni J.M., Appenzeller M., Buclin T., Staub C., Mangin P. et al., 2011/03., Société Française de Toxicologie Analytique (SFTA) pp. S1-8 dans Société Française de Toxicologie Analytique (SFTA) (eds.) Annales de toxicologie analytique, EDP Sciences.
O72 Les concentrations plasmatiques d'endocannabinoid sont associées avec une dysfonction de la microcirculation coronarienne chez les sujets obèses
Quercioli A., Pataky Z., Vincenti G., Montecucco F., Thomas A., Staub C., Di Marzo V., Seimbille Y., Ratib O., Mach F. et al., 2011/03. pp. A18 dans Diabetes & Metabolism, Elsevier BV.
A pilot study on subject-based comprehensive steroid profiling: novel biomarkers to detect testosterone misuse in sports.
Van Renterghem P., Van Eenoo P., Sottas P.E., Saugy M., Delbeke F., 2011/02. Clinical Endocrinology, - (-) pp. -.
Identification des traces de grands prédateurs par des techniques de biologie moléculaire
Fumagalli L., 2011/02., Présentation orale pour un colloque du Centre Universitaire Romand de Médecine Légale (CURML), Lausanne, 23 février 2011.
Intérêt de l'éthylglucuronide comme marqueur d'abus d'alcool, aspects analytiques, diagnostiques et médico-légaux
Kharbouche H., 2011/02., Présentation orale pour un colloque du Centre Universitaire Romand de Médecine Légale (CURML), Lausanne, 9 février 2011.
'Do not attempt resuscitation' and 'cardiopulmonary resuscitation' in an inpatient setting: factors influencing physicians' decisions in Switzerland.
Becerra M., Hurst S.A., Junod Perron N., Cochet S., Elger B.S., 2011. Gerontology, 57 (5) pp. 414-421. Peer-reviewed.
10 ans de lutte contre la violence domestique dans le canton de Vaud: résumé de la recherche menée par l'Unité de Médecine des Violences (UMV) sur mandat de la Commission cantonale de lutte contre la violence domestique (CCLVD)
Hofner M.C., Stalder C., Pedevilla L., Detraz J., Saturno A., 2011. 19, Centre Universitaire Romand de Médecin Légale (CURML), Bureau de l'égalité entre les femmes et les hommes Vaud (BEFH).
A one-year monitoring of nicotine use in sport: frontier between potential performance enhancement and addiction issues.
Marclay F., Grata E., Perrenoud L., Saugy M., 2011. Forensic Science International, 213 (1-3) pp. 73-84. Peer-reviewed.
A steroidomic approach for biomarkers discovery in doping control.
Boccard J., Badoud F., Grata E., Ouertani S., Hanafi M., Mazerolles G., Lantéri P., Veuthey J.L., Saugy M., Rudaz S., 2011. Forensic science international, 213 (1-3) pp. 85-94.
Alterations in phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase activity and PTEN phosphatase in the prefrontal cortex of depressed suicide victims.
Karege F., Perroud N., Burkhardt S., Fernandez R., Ballmann E., La Harpe R., Malafosse A., 2011. Neuropsychobiology, 63 (4) pp. 224-231. Peer-reviewed.
An unusual case of accidental poisoning: fatal methadone inhalation.
Palmiere C., Brunel C., Sporkert F., Augsburger M., 2011. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 56 (4) pp. 1072-1075.
Analytical aspects in doping control: challenges and perspectives.
Badoud F., Guillarme D., Boccard J., Grata E., Saugy M., Rudaz S., Veuthey J.L., 2011. Forensic science international, 213 (1-3) pp. 49-61.
Angio-CT post-mortem : nouvelle technique d'analyse
Grabherr S., Chevallier C., Doenz F., Michaud K., Mangin P., 2011. Bulletin d'information = Mitteilungsblatt, 1 pp. 10-13.
Artefacts of post-mortem angio-CT
Bruguier C., Mosimann P., Uské A., Binaghi S., Doenz F., Vaucher P., Mangin P., Grabherr S., 2011. dans ISALM 2011, 8th International Symposium on Advances in Legal Medicine combined to 90th Annual Conference German Society Legal Medicine.
Artefacts of post-mortem CT angiography
Bruguier C., Mosimann P., P. Vaucher , Uské A., Binaghi S., Doenz F., Mangin P., Grabherr S., 2011. dans IAFS 2011, 19th International Association of Forensic Sciences Triennal Meeting, 9th World Police Medical Officers triennal meeting (WPMO), 5th Biennial Meeting of the Mediterranean Academy of Forensic Sciences (MAFS).
Asphyxie positionnelle: une cause de décès insuffisamment connue [Positional asphyxia, a cause of death insufficiently known].
Schrag B., de Froidmont S., Lesta M.D., 2011. Revue Médicale Suisse, 7 (303) pp. 1511-1514. Peer-reviewed.
Automated system for on-line desorption of dried blood spots applied to LC/MS/MS pharmacokinetic study of flurbiprofen and its metabolite.
Déglon J., Thomas A., Daali Y., Lauer E., Samer C., Desmeules J., Dayer P., Mangin P., Staub C., 2011. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 54 (2) pp. 359-367.
Bilan à 10 ans d'une série d'enfants victimes avérées ou à risque significatif de maltraitance et impact sur la relation patient-pédiatre
Troxler G., Hofner M.C., Lutz N., 2011. Pediatrica, 22 (4) pp. 17-20.
Circulating microRNAs as long-term biomarkers for the detection of erythropoiesis-stimulating agent abuse.
Leuenberger N., Jan N., Pradervand S., Robinson N., Saugy M., 2011. Drug Testing and Analysis, 3 (11-12) pp. 771-776. Peer-reviewed.
Comparison of Illicit Drug Consumption in 1999 and 2009 in Individuals Suspected of Unfitness to Drive Due to Abusive Consumption of Drugs
Augsburger M., Varlet V., Sporkert F., Mangin P., Favrat B., 2011. dans 2011 Joint SOFT-TIAFT International Conference and Expo on Forensic & Analytical Toxicology.
Conduite automobile et troubles cognitifs: comment anticiper [Driving and cognitive impairment: how best to anticipate?].
Büla C., Eyer S., von Gunten A., Favrat B., Monod S., 2011. Revue Médicale Suisse, 7 (316) pp. 2184-2189. Peer-reviewed.
Death caused by cardioinhibitory reflex cardiac arrest--a systematic review of cases.
Schrag B., Vaucher P., Bollmann M.D., Mangin P., 2011. Forensic Science International, 207 (1-3) pp. 77-83.
Detection of the source of hemorrhage : diagnostic value of postmortem CTC -angiography
Palmiere C., Doenz F., Bize P., Binaghi M., Chevallier C., Mangin J. F., Grabherr S., 2011. dans IAFS 2011, 19th International Association of Forensic Sciences Triennal Meeting, 9th World Police Medical Officers triennal meeting (WPMO), 5th Biennial Meeting of the Mediterranean Academy of Forensic Sciences (MAFS).
Development and validity of a radiological alteration index - the RA-index
Egger C., Vaucher P., Doenz F., Palmiere C., Mangin P., Grabherr S., 2011. dans ISALM 2011, 8th International Symposium on Advances in Legal Medicine combined to 90th Annual Conference German Society Legal Medicine.
Differential DNA extraction of challenging simulated sexual assault samples: a Swiss collaborative study.
Vuichard S., Borer U., Bottinelli M., Cossu C., Malik N., Meier V., Gehrig C., Sulzer A., Morerod M.L., Castella V., 2011. Investigative Genetics, 2 (1) p. 11.
DIP-STR: A new marker for resolving unbalanced DNA mixtures
Hall D., Castella V., 2011. Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series, 3 pp. e1-e2.
DNA extraction using the QIAsymphony: Evaluation of PCR inhibitor removal
Castella V., Kummer D., Gehrig C., Hall D., 2011. Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series, 3 pp. e69-e-70.
Décès après interventions chirurgicales : investigation par l'angio-TDM post-mortem.
Grabherr S., Doenz F., Dominguez A., Bize P., Binaghi M., Mangin J.F., 2011. dans JFR 2011, 59e Journées Françaises de Radiologie, 32e Journées Francophones de Radiologie. Peer-reviewed.
Dépistage anti-dopage: sciences et techniques analytiques au service du sport
Saugy M., Baume N., Robinson N., 2011. pp. 3-20 dans Le dopage dans le sport : état des lieux et nouvelles perspectives : actes du Colloque scientifique à l'occasion du 15ème anniversaire du CIES, Neuchâtel, 28 janvier 2011, Neuchâtel : Ed. CIES.
Elevated endocannabinoid plasma levels are associated with coronary circulatory dysfunction in obesity.
Quercioli A., Pataky Z., Vincenti G., Makoundou V., Di Marzo V., Montecucco F., Carballo S., Thomas A., Staub C., Steffens S. et al., 2011. European Heart Journal, 32 (11) pp. 1369-1378. Peer-reviewed.
Erroneous administration of clozapine in a very elderly patient.
Palmiere C., Mangin P., 2011. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 31 (1) pp. 122-123.
Fatal tolperisone poisoning: Autopsy and toxicology findings in three suicide cases.
Sporkert F., Brunel C., Augsburger M.P., Mangin P., 2011. p. 247 dans 48th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Forensic Toxicologists, Toxichem Krimtech.
Fluorescence flow cytometer to determine urine particle reference intervals in doping control samples.
Robinson N., Sottas P.E., Saugy M., 2011. Forensic science international, 213 (1-3) pp. 95-100.
Future of the fight against doping: risk assessment, biological profiling and intelligence testing.
Saugy M., Robinson N., Grimm K., Dvorak J., 2011. Forensic Science International, 213 (1-3) pp. 1-2.
Health problems among detainees in Switzerland: a study using the ICPC-2 classification.
Wolff H., Sebo P., Haller D.M., Eytan A., Niveau G., Bertrand D., Gétaz L., Cerutti B., 2011. Bmc Public Health, 11 p. 245.
How to confirm C.E.R.A. doping in athletes' blood?
Leuenberger N., Lamon S., Robinson N., Giraud S., Saugy M., 2011. Forensic science international, 213 (1-3) pp. 101-3. Peer-reviewed.
Immersion communautaire à Lausanne : une autre façon d'enseigner la santé publique  [Community immersion in Lausanne: a different approach to teaching public health?].
Dubois J., Hofner M.C., Berthiaume D., Bonvin R., Daeppen J.B., Diserens C., Vadot S., Pécoud A., 2011. Santé Publique, 23 (3) pp. 221-30.
Immunohistochemical expression of fibronectin and C5b-9 in the myocardium in cases of carbon monoxide poisoning.
Fracasso T., Pfeiffer H., Michaud K., Köhler H., Sauerland C., Schmeling A., 2011. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 125 (3) pp. 377-384. Peer-reviewed.
Is cannabis use a significant exposition to nicotine?
Bélanger Richard E., Marclay François, Berchtold André, Akré Christina, Saugy Martial, Suris Joan-Carles, 2011. pp. S71-S72 dans 2011 SAHM Annual Meeting (Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine), Journal of Adolescent Health. Peer-reviewed.
Ischemic heart disease in postmortem CT and CT-angiography
Michaud K., Grabherr S., Doenz F., Mangin P., 2011. pp. S8 dans ESP 2012, 23rd European Congress of Pathology, Pathology - diagnostic, prognostic, predictive, Virchows Archiv.
L'angio-scanner post-mortem : quoi de neuf?
Grabherr S., Doenz F., Dominguez A., Mangin J.F., 2011., Paris, France, 21-25 octobre 2011 dans JFR 2011, 59e Journées Françaises de Radiologie, 32e Journées Francophones de Radiologie.
Le secret médical
Elger BS, 2011. Swiss Medical Forum, 11 pp. 1-2.
Mass spectrometry for the evaluation of cardiovascular diseases based on proteomics and lipidomics.
Thomas A., Lenglet S., Chaurand P., Deglon J., Mangin P., Mach F., Steffens S., Wolfender J.L., Staub C., 2011. Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 106 (1) pp. 20-33.
Methods for detection and confirmation of Hematide?/peginesatide in anti-doping samples.
Leuenberger N., Saugy J., Mortensen R.B., Schatz P.J., Giraud S., Saugy M., 2011. Forensic science international, 213 (1-3) pp. 15-19. Peer-reviewed.
Multi-phase post-mortem CT angiography: development of a standardized protocol.
Grabherr S., Doenz F., Steger B., Dirnhofer R., Dominguez A., Sollberger B., Gygax E., Rizzo E., Chevallier C., Meuli R. et al., 2011. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 125 (6) pp. 791-802. Peer-reviewed.
Non-invasive detection of cocaine dissolved in wine bottles by (1) H magnetic resonance spectroscopy.
Gambarota G., Perazzolo C., Leimgruber A., Meuli R., Mangin P., Augsburger M., Grabherr S., 2011. Drug Testing and Analysis, 3 (9) pp. 544-547.
Oral vitamin B12 for patients suspected of subtle cobalamin deficiency: a multicentre pragmatic randomised controlled trial.
Favrat B., Vaucher P., Herzig L., Burnand B., Ali G., Boulat O., Bischoff T., Verdon F., 2011. Bmc Family Practice, 12 (1) p. 2. Peer-reviewed.
Oxidative phosphorylation flexibility in the liver of mice resistant to high-fat diet-induced hepatic steatosis.
Poussin C., Ibberson M., Hall D., Ding J., Soto J., Abel E.D., Thorens B., 2011. Diabetes, 60 (9) pp. 2216-2224.
Post-mortem computed tomography and computed tomography angiography in the evaluation of cranial and spinal injuries in victims of motor vehicle accidents
Chevallier C., Vaucher P., Doenz F., Binaghi S., Mangin P., Grabherr S., 2011. dans ISALM 2011, 8th International Symposium on Advances in Legal Medicine combined to 90th Annual Conference German Society Legal Medicine.
Post-mortem CT-angiography versus conventional autopsy - What's the best?
Chevallier C., Vaucher P., Doenz F., Binaghi S., Mangin P., Grabherr S., 2011. dans ISALM 2011, 8th International Symposium on Advances in Legal Medicine combined to 90th Annual Conference German Society Legal Medicine.
Presence (and persistence) of coronary thrombosis after post-mortem computed tomography angiography
Palmiere C., Doenz F., Bize P., Binaghi M., Chevallier C., Mangin J. F., Grabherr S., 2011. dans IAFS 2011, 19th International Association of Forensic Sciences Triennal Meeting, 9th World Police Medical Officers triennal meeting (WPMO), 5th Biennial Meeting of the Mediterranean Academy of Forensic Sciences (MAFS).
Quantification of glucuronidated and sulfated steroids in human urine by ultra-high pressure liquid chromatography quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry.
Badoud F., Grata E., Boccard J., Guillarme D., Veuthey J.L., Rudaz S., Saugy M., 2011. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 400 (2) pp. 503-516.
Radiological Interpretation of Postmortem CT-angiography
Doenz F., Grabherr S., 2011. dans IAFS 2011, 19th International Association of Forensic Sciences Triennal Meeting, 9th World Police Medical Officers triennal meeting (WPMO), 5th Biennial Meeting of the Mediterranean Academy of Forensic Sciences (MAFS).
SARM-S4 and metabolites detection in sports drug testing: a case report.
Grata E., Perrenoud L., Saugy M., Baume N., 2011. Forensic science international, 213 (1-3) pp. 104-8.
Smoking in prisons: the need for effective and acceptable interventions.
Ritter C., Stöver H., Levy M., Etter J.F., Elger B., 2011. Journal of Public Health Policy, 32 (1) pp. 32-45. Peer-reviewed.
Source inference of exogenous gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB) administered to humans by means of carbon isotopic ratio analysis: novel perspectives regarding forensic investigation and intelligence issues.
Marclay F., Saudan C., Vienne J., Tafti M., Saugy M., 2011. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 400 (4) pp. 1105-1112.
Stability and robustness of blood variables in an antidoping context.
Robinson N., Sottas P.E., Pottgiesser T., Schumacher Y.O., Saugy M., 2011. International Journal of Laboratory Hematology, 33 (2) pp. 146-153. Peer-reviewed.
Surgical interventions with fatal outcome : medico-legal investigations using post-mortem CT-angiography
Grabherr S., Doenz F., Dominguez A., Palmiere C., Uské A., Mangin J. F., 2011. dans IAFS 2011, 19th International Association of Forensic Sciences Triennal Meeting, 9th World Police Medical Officers triennal meeting (WPMO), 5th Biennial Meeting of the Mediterranean Academy of Forensic Sciences (MAFS).
Swissregard.ch - Swiss REGistry of Athletic Related Death. Retrospective analysis of case records from the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Bern from 1999 to 2008.
Kellerhals C., Bolliger S., Michaud K., Saner H., Wilhelm M., 2011., Schweizerische Sportmedizin-Kongress 2011 / Congrès Suisse de Médecine du Sport 2011 pp. 138 / P7 dans Schweizerische Zeitschrift für "Sportmedizin und Sporttraumatologie".
Swissregard.ch: a prospective registry on sudden death and aborted sudden cardiac death in Swiss athletes
Wilhelm M., Kellerhals C., Bolliger S., Schmied C., Wyler D., Nagel R., Bartsch C., Saner H., Michaud K., 2011. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für "Sportmedizin und Sporttraumatologie", 59 (2) pp. 96-98.
Technicien en radiologie forensique: de l’immersion sur le terrain pratique à la formation professionnelle. [Fachleute für forensisch-technische Radiologie: von der Praxis zur Berufsbildung]
Dominguez A., Mangin P., Grabherr S., 2011/01/01. Aktuell, 9 pp. 8-11.
The Disaster Victim Identification System
Perrier Michel, 2011. pp. 207-223 dans Forensic Dental Evidence, Elsevier.
Use of forensic investigations in anti-doping.
Jan N., Marclay F., Schmutz N., Smith M., Lacoste A., Castella V., Mangin P., 2011. Forensic Science International, 213 (1-3) pp. 109-113. Peer-reviewed.
Usefulness of methadone plasma concentration measurement in patients receiving nevirapine or efavirenz.
Pelet A., Favrat B., Cavassini M., Eap C.B., Besson J., Monnat M., 2011. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 37 (4) pp. 264-268. Peer-reviewed.
Validation of the NGM SElect(TM) kit
Gehrig C., Vuichard S., Teyssier A., Castella V., 2011. Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series 3, 3 pp. e453-e454.
Violence liée au travail: étude des situations documentées à l'Unité de Médecine des violences
Gut Melody, Romain-Glassey Nathalie, de Puy Jacqueline, Hofner Marie-Claude, 2011. p. 21 dans Sommertagung der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Rechtsmedizin, 13. - 14. Mai 2011, Basel, SGRM.
Visualization of myocardial infarction in post-mortem CT-angiography
Grabherr S., Michaud K., Doenz F., Mangin P., 2011. dans ISALM 2011, 8th International Symposium on Advances in Legal Medicine combined to 90th Annual Conference German Society Legal Medicine.
Characterization of regulators of G-protein signaling RGS4 and RGS10 proteins in the postmortem human brain
Rivero Guadalupe, Gabilondo Ane M., García-Sevilla Jesús A., La Harpe Romano, Morentín Benito, Javier Meana J., 2010/12. Neurochemistry International, 57 (7) pp. 722-729. Peer-reviewed.
Mort subite cardiaque dans la famille : quel bilan chez les proches ?
Fellmann F., Michaud K., 2010/11. réalités Cardiologiques, 271 (1) pp. 1-4.
Patients presenting with somatic complaints in general practice: depression, anxiety and somatoform disorders are frequent and associated with psychosocial stressors.
Haftgoli N., Favrat B., Verdon F., Vaucher P., Bischoff T., Burnand B., Herzig L., 2010/09/15. BMC family practice, 11 p. 67. Peer-reviewed.
Chimie clinique postmortem : Synergie CURML - Chimie clinique CHUV
Palmiere C., 2010/06., Présentation orale pour un colloque du Centre Universitaire Romand de Médecine Légale (CURML), Lausanne, 4 juin 2010.
Des infirmières en médecine légale suisse
Romain-Glassey N., Blaquière C., Ninane F., 2010/06. Service sanitaire coordonné. Bulletin d'information sur le SSC en Suisse, 1/10 pp. 63-65.
Le défi de l'identification des victimes du drame de la secte de l'Ordre du Temple Solaire (Cheiry et Salvan)
Krompecher T., Brandt-Casadevall C., 2010/06. Service sanitaire coordonné. Bulletin d'information sur le SSC en Suisse, 1/10 pp. 55-59.
First nationwide study on driving under the influence of drugs in Switzerland.
Senna M.C., Augsburger M., Aebi B., Briellmann T.A., Donzé N., Dubugnon J.L., Iten P.X., Staub C., Sturm W., Sutter K., 2010/05. Forensic Science International, 198 (1-3) pp. 11-16.
Parental substance abuse and accidental death in children.
Palmiere C., Staub C., La Harpe R., Mangin P., 2010/05. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 55 (3) pp. 819-821. Peer-reviewed.
Sudden death and cocaine abuse
Michaud K., 2010/03. European Heart Journal, - (March 2) pp. 1 p..
Predictive ability of an early diagnostic guess in patients presenting with chest pain; a longitudinal descriptive study.
Verdon F., Junod M., Herzig L., Vaucher P., Burnand B., Bischoff T., Pécoud A., Favrat B., 2010/02/21. BMC family practice, 11 p. 14. Peer-reviewed.
La médecine légale : une discipline médiatique et médiatisée
Mangin P., 2010/02., Présentation orale pour un colloque du Centre Universitaire Romand de Médecine Légale (CURML), Lausanne, 19 février 2010.
Sport et dopage
Mangin P., Bollmann M., Saugy M., 2010/02. pp. 512-520 dans Patrick Chariot et Michel Debout (eds.) Traité de médecine légale et de droit de la santé à l'usage des professionnels de la santé et de la justice chap. V, (3), Vuibert.
Ruling out coronary heart disease in primary care patients with chest pain: a clinical prediction score.
Gencer B., Vaucher P., Herzig L., Verdon F., Ruffieux C., Bösner S., Burnand B., Bischoff T., Donner-Banzhoff N., Favrat B., 2010/01/21. BMC medicine, 8 p. 9. Peer-reviewed.
"C'est assez" : rapport de synthèse du programme de dépistage et de prévention de la violence à la maternité du CHUV
Burquier R., Hofner M.C., Cespedes M., Adjaho M.T., Hohlfeld P., Renteria S.C., 2010., Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois. Département Médico-Chirurgical Gynécologie-Obstérique, Université de Lausanne. Institut Universitaire de Médecine Sociale et Préventive.
A half century retrospective study of homicide-suicide in Geneva--Switzerland: 1956-2005.
Shiferaw K., Burkhardt S., Lardi C., Mangin P., La Harpe R., 2010. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 17 (2) pp. 62-66. Peer-reviewed.
Analysis of hemoglobin-based oxygen carriers by CE-UV/Vis and CE-ESI-TOF/MS.
Staub A., Rudaz S., Saugy M., Veuthey J.L., Schappler J., 2010. Electrophoresis, 31 (7) pp. 1241-1247. Peer-reviewed.
Angio-scanner post-mortem : mise en place d'un protocole standard optimisé
Grabherr S., Doenz F., Bruguier C., Steger B., Dominguez A., Rizzo E., Meuli R., Mangin P., 2010. p. 1418 dans JFR 2010, 58e Journées Françaises de Radiologie, Journal de Radiologie. Peer-reviewed.
Aptitude à conduire
Pasche C., Ombelli J., Pasche O., Cornuz J., Rodondi P.Y., Favrat B., 2010. pp. 97-112 dans Cornuz J., Pasche O. (eds.) Compas : stratégies de prise en charge clinique : médecine interne générale ambulatoire, Médecine et Hygiène.
Are 10 min of seating enough to guarantee stable haemoglobin and haematocrit readings for the athlete's biological passport?
Ahlgrim C., Pottgiesser T., Robinson N., Sottas P.E., Ruecker G., Schumacher Y.O., 2010. International Journal of Laboratory Hematology, 32 (5) pp. 506-511.
Biological markers of alcohol consumption in alcoholised drivers: Comparison of capillary electrophoresis (CZE CDT) and a direct immunoassay (N Latex CDT) with the traditional method of anion-exchange chromatography-immunoturbidimetry (%CDT TIA).
Selz R., Favrat B., Mantzouranis G., Dovat M., Mangin P., Augsburger M., 2010. dans Tri-Annual Meeting of the International Council on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety.
Blood transfusion in sports.
Giraud S., Sottas P.E., Robinson N., Saugy M., 2010. pp. 295-304 dans Thieme Detlef, Hemmersbach Peter (eds.) Doping in sports: Biochemical Principles, Effects and Analysis, Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Cannabinoids time-profiles, subjective and clinical effects, simulating driving capability after smoking a joint made of neat cannabis containing 11% THC
Giroud C., Thomas A., Battistella G., Maeder P., Mall J.F., Annoni J.M., Appenzeller M., Buclin T., Staub C., Mangin P. et al., 2010. dans SOFT 2010, Annual Meeting of the Society of Forensic Toxicologists. Peer-reviewed.
CE-ESI-TOF/MS for human growth hormone analysis.
Staub A., Giraud S., Saugy M., Rudaz S., Veuthey J.L., Schappler J., 2010. Electrophoresis, 31 (2) pp. 388-395.
Characterization and classification of matrix effects in biological samples analyses.
Marchi Ivano, Viette Veronique, Badoud Flavia, Fathi Marc, Saugy Martial, Rudaz Serge, Veuthey Jean-Luc, 2010. Journal of Chromatography. A, 1217 (25) pp. 4071-4078.
Cocaine-related sudden death: a prospective investigation in south-west Spain.
Lucena J., Blanco M., Jurado C., Rico A., Salguero M., Vazquez R., Thiene G., Basso C., 2010. European Heart Journal, 31 (3) pp. 318-329. Peer-reviewed.
Comparison of blood ethanol concentration and breath ethanol concentration in practice
Augsburger M., Sporkert F., Mangin P., 2010. pp. 168-169 dans Toxichem Krimtech.
Controlled human exposures to organic solvents: influence of sex on urinary levels of biological indicators
Tomicic Catherine, Droz Pierre-Olivier, Berode Michèle, Praz-Christinaz Sophie, Castella Vincent, Danuser Brigitta, 2010. p. 39 dans XII International Congress of Toxicology, Barcelona-Spain 19-23 July 2010, Toxicology Letters. Peer-reviewed.
Determination of nicotine and nicotine metabolites in urine by hydrophilic interaction chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry: Potential use of smokeless tobacco products by ice hockey players.
Marclay Francois, Saugy Martial, 2010. Journal of Chromatography. A, 1217 (48) pp. 7528-7538.
Diurnal and exercise-related variability of haemoglobin and reticulocytes in athletes.
Schumacher Y.O., Wenning M., Robinson N., Sottas P.E., Ruecker G., Pottgiesser T., 2010. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 31 (4) pp. 225-230. Peer-reviewed.
Driving under drugs in Switzerland : a descriptive cross-sectional study
Latino-Jagusiewicz A., Augsburger M., Vaucher P., Mangin P., Cornuz J., Donzé N., Favrat B., 2010. dans Tri-Annual Meeting of the International Council on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety.
Endogenous steroid profiling in the athlete biological passport.
Sottas P.E., Saugy M., Saudan C., 2010. Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics of North America, 39 (1) pp. 59-73, viii-ix.
Erythropoietin (EPO) immunoaffinity columns--a powerful tool for purifying EPO and its recombinant analogues.
Dehnes Yvette, Lamon Séverine, Lönnberg Maria, 2010. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 53 (4) pp. 1028-1032.
Ethanol among randomly controlled drivers
Augsburger M., Jagusiewicz A., Mangin P., Cornuz J., Vaucher P., Donzé N., Favrat B., 2010. dans Tri-Annual Meeting of the International Council on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety.
Ethical issues of human genetic databases : a challenge to classical health research ethics?
Elger B., 2010. 318, Farnham : Ashgate, 2010.
Evaluation of two immunoassays for the measurement of human chorionic gonadotropin in urine for anti-doping purposes.
Robinson Neil, Sottas Pierre-Edouard, Saugy Martial, 2010. Clinical Laboratory, 56 (5-6) pp. 197-206.
Fast analysis of doping agents in urine by ultra-high-pressure liquid chromatography-quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry. II: Confirmatory analysis.
Badoud F., Grata E., Perrenoud L., Saugy M., Rudaz S., Veuthey J.L., 2010. Journal of Chromatography. A, 1217 (25) pp. 4109-4119.
First driving under the influence of alcohol convictions and repeated offenses in Geneva (Switzerland)
Joris Lambert S., Michiels W., Vaucher P., Favrat B., Gache P., 2010. dans Tri-Annual Meeting of the International Council on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety.
Forensic imaging: New challenges for radiographers : B-588
Chevallier B., Dominguez A., Schneider B., Doenz F., Sollberger B., Meuli R., Mangin P., Grabherr S., 2010. pp. S259-S260 dans ECR 2010, 22nd European Congress of Radiology, Insights into Imaging.
Gas chromatography-olfactometry : an efficient tool for the monitoring of the seafood quality
Varlet V., Fernandez X., 2010. pp. 283-294 dans Food Science and Security, Nova Science Publ..
High-throughput phospholipidic fingerprinting by online desorption of dried spots and quadrupole-linear ion trap mass spectrometry: evaluation of atherosclerosis biomarkers in mouse plasma.
Thomas A., Déglon J., Lenglet S., Mach F., Mangin P., Wolfender J.L., Steffens S., Staub C., 2010. Analytical Chemistry, 82 (15) pp. 6687-6694.
Homicide-suicide cases in Switzerland and their impact on the Swiss Weapon Law.
Grabherr Silke, Johner Stephan, Dilitz Carine, Buck Ursula, Killias Martin, Mangin Patrice, Plattner Thomas, 2010. American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, 31 (4) pp. 335-349.
IEF pattern classification-derived criteria for the identification of epoetin-delta in urine.
Lamon S., Boccard J., Sottas P.E., Glatz N., Wuerzner G., Robinson N., Saugy M., 2010. Electrophoresis, 31 (12) pp. 1918-1924.
Immersion communautaire a la Faculté de biologie et médecine de Lausanne [Publications of third year medical students after their community-based internships].
Pécoud A., Daeppen J.B., Hofner M.C., Diserens C., Jotterand M., de Sépibus R., von Siebenthal M.I., Udin I., de Allegri N., Manasseh N. et al., 2010. Revue Médicale Suisse, 6 (234) pp. 256-260.
Impact of cannabis inhalation on driving skills in occasional smokers
Thomas A., Battistella G., Maeder P., Mall J.F., Annoni J.M., Chtioui H., Appenzeller M., Buclin T., Staub C., Mangin P. et al., 2010. dans Tri-Annual Meeting of the International Council on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety.
Importance de l'exposition au tabac chez les jeunes consommateurs de cannabis: un cheval de Troie ?
Bélanger Richard E., Marclay François, Berchtold André, Akré Christina, Saugy Martial, Michaud Pierre-André, Cornuz Jacques, Suris Joan-Carles, 2010. 35 (Raisons de santé ; 172), Lausanne: Institut universitaire de médecine sociale et préventive (IUMSP).
Incorporation of ethyl glucuronide into rat hair as function of ethanol dose and hair pigmentation
Sporkert F., Kharbouche H., Staub C., Mangin P., Augsburger M., 2010. pp. 194-195 dans Toxichem Krimtech.
Influence of ethanol dose and pigmentation on the incorporation of ethyl glucuronide into rat hair.
Kharbouche H., Steiner N., Morelato M., Staub C., Boutrel B., Mangin P., Sporkert F., Augsburger M., 2010. Alcohol (fayetteville, N.y.), 44 (6) pp. 507-514. Peer-reviewed.
Le TRM en médecine forensique: Introduction du projet et contexte de recherche. [Der/die MTRA in der Rechtsmedizin: Einführung des Projektes und Zusammenhang mit der Forschung]
Dominguez A., Bruguier C., Chevallier C., Schneider B., Grabherr S., 2010/01/01. Aktuell, 1 pp. 13-17.
Mapping the impact of cannabis on driving skills in occasional smokers. 84 MT-PM cognition and attention. Executive Function
Battistella G., Maeder P., Thomas A., Mall J.F., Annoni J.M., Appenzeller M., Favrat B., Chtioui H., Buclin T., Staub C. et al., 2010. dans OHBM 2010, 16th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping.
On-line desorption of dried blood spots coupled to hydrophilic interaction/reversed-phase LC/MS/MS system for the simultaneous analysis of drugs and their polar metabolites.
Thomas A., Déglon J., Steimer T., Mangin P., Daali Y., Staub C., 2010. Journal of Separation Science, 33 (6-7) pp. 873-879. Peer-reviewed.
Optimizing library search performance for LC-MS/MS: SmileMS to cope with spectral variability and instrumentation heterogeneity
Binz P.-A., Mylonas R., Mauron Y., Jordan A., Favrat B., Augsburger M., Masselot A., Budin N., 2010. pp. 266-267 dans Toxichem Krimtech.
Oxidative adulterants and their influence on the detectability of drugs of abuse in urine by immunoassay and GC-MS
Sporkert F., Nicolier D., Dovat-Sabatella M., Augsburger M., 2010. dans Toxichem Krimtech.
Plasma and urine profiles of Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol and its metabolites 11-hydroxy-Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol and 11-nor-9-carboxy-Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol after cannabis smoking by male volunteers to estimate recent consumption by athletes.
Brenneisen R., Meyer P., Chtioui H., Saugy M., Kamber M., 2010. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 396 (7) pp. 2493-2502. Peer-reviewed.
Polycylic aromatic hydrocarbons occurrence in fresh salmonids
Varlet V., Serot T., 2010. pp. 145-157 dans Salmon: biology, nutrition and consumption, Nova Science Publ..
Postmortem measurement of human chorionic gonadotropin in vitreous humor and bile.
Fanton L., Bévalot F., Cartiser N., Palmiere C., Le Meur C., Malicier D., 2010. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 55 (3) pp. 792-794. Peer-reviewed.
Procedures for monitoring recombinant erythropoietin and analogs in doping.
Lamon S., Robinson N., Saugy M., 2010. Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics of North America, 39 (1) pp. 141-54, x.
Quality assurance in road traffic analyses in Switzerland.
Briellmann T.A., Sigrist T., Augsburger M., Favrat B., Oestreich A., Deom A., 2010. Forensic Science International, 198 (1-3) pp. 7-10. Peer-reviewed.
Rapid affinity purification of erythropoietin from biological samples using disposable monoliths.
Lönnberg Maria, Dehnes Yvette, Drevin Malin, Garle Mats, Lamon Severine, Leuenberger Nicolas, Quach Trikien, Carlsson Jan, 2010. Journal of Chromatography. A, 1217 (45) pp. 7031-7037. Peer-reviewed.
Retrospective research: What are the ethical and legal requirements?
Junod V., Elger B., 2010. Swiss Medical Weekly, 140 pp. 33-40.
Smoke flavourings in seafood technology
Varlet V., Serot T., Prost C., 2010. pp. 234-251 dans Handbook of Seafood and Seafood Products Analysis, CRC Press.
Subject-based steroid profiling and the determination of novel biomarkers for DHT and DHEA misuse in sports.
Van Renterghem P., Van Eenoo P., Sottas P.E., Saugy M., Delbeke F., 2010. Drug Testing and Analysis, 2 (11-12) pp. 582-588.
Sudden death: ethical and legal problems of post-mortem forensic genetic testing for hereditary cardiac diseases.
Elger B.S., Michaud K., Fellmann F., Mangin P., 2010. Clinical Genetics, 77 (3) pp. 287-292.
Takotsubo cardiomyopathy and congenital long QT syndrome in a patient with a novel duplication in the Per-Arnt-Sim (PAS) domain of hERG1.
Grilo Liliana Sintra, Pruvot Etienne, Grobety Michel, Castella Vincent, Fellmann Florence, Abriel Hugues, 2010. Heart Rhythm, 7 (2) pp. 260-265.
Une grève de la faim est un acte de protestation: quelle est la place des soignants? : l'alimentation forcée est contraire à la déontologie médicale
Gravier B., Wolff H., Sprumont D., Ricou B., Kind C., Eytan A., Zimmermann-Acklin M., Raggenbass R., Elger B., Slama H. et al., 2010. Schweizerische Arztezeitung. Bulletin des medecins suisses. Bollettino dei medici svizzeri, 91 (39) pp. 1521-1525.
Use of DNA profiles for investigation using a simulated national DNA database: Part I. Partial SGM Plus profiles.
Hicks T., Taroni F., Curran J., Buckleton J., Ribaux O., Castella V., 2010. Forensic Science International. Genetics, 4 (4) pp. 232-238. Peer-reviewed.
Use of DNA profiles for investigation using a simulated national DNA database: Part II. Statistical and ethical considerations on familial searching.
Hicks T., Taroni F., Curran J., Buckleton J., Castella V., Ribaux O., 2010. Forensic Science International. Genetics, 4 (5) pp. 316-322.
Use of the dried blood spot sampling process coupled with fast gas chromatography and negative-ion chemical ionization tandem mass spectrometry: application to fluoxetine, norfluoxetine, reboxetine, and paroxetine analysis.
Déglon J., Lauer E., Thomas A., Mangin P., Staub C., 2010. pp. 2523-2532 dans 47th Annual Meeting of the International-Association-of-Forensic-Toxicologists, Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry.
Violence : les femmes font confiance au milieu médical.[Partner violence: women trust health professionals]
Burquier Raphaelle, Adjaho Maria-Théresa, Cespedes Mia, Renteria Saira-Christine, Hohlfeld Patrick, Hofner Marie-Claude, 2010. Revue Médicale Suisse, 6 (239) pp. 526-529. Peer-reviewed.
When information can save lives: the duty to warn relatives about sudden cardiac death and environmental risks.
Elger B., Michaud K., Mangin P., 2010. Hastings Center Report, 40 (3) pp. 39-45.
Caractéristiques des femmes victimes de violence graves dans un échantillon clinique.
Burquier R., Hofner M-Cl,, Romain N., Mangin P., 2009/11. Journal International de Victimologie. JIDV p. 4. Peer-reviewed.
Blood doping with hemoglobin-based oxygen carriers (HBOC): analysis by CE-UV and CE-ESI-TOF/MS
Staub A., Schappler J., Saugy M., Rudaz S., Veuthey J.L., 2009/08., Société Française de Toxicologie Analytique pp. S79 dans Goullé J.P. (eds.) Annales de toxicologie analytique, Poster Présentations: P101, EDP Sciences S.A..
Determination of testosterone misuse in sport, an international comparative study
Strahm E., Sottas P.E., Dvorak J., Saugy M., Saudan C., 2009/08., SFTA : Société Française de Toxicologie Analytique pp. S23 dans Jean-Pierre Goullé (eds.) Annales de toxicologie analytique, Oral présentations : 048, EDP Sciences S.A..
Development of an IRMS technology for tracing gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB)
Marcley F., Pazos D., Saudan C., Delémont O., Esseiva P., 2009/08., Société Française de Toxicologie Analytique pp. S55 dans Goullé J.P. (eds.) Annales de toxicologie analytique, Poster Presentations: PO40, EDP Sciences S.A..
Evaluation of the use of an enzyme immunoassay for a rapid determination of ethyl glucuronide in serum
Pinorini M.T., Sporkert F., Kharbouche H., Augsburger M., 2009/08., Société Française de Toxicologie Analytique pp. S67 dans Goullé J.P. (eds.) Annales de toxicologie analytique, Poster Presentations : PO69, EDP Sciences S.A..
Fast screening and confirmation of doping agents by UHPLC-QTOF-MS/MS
Badoud F., Grata E., Perrenoud L., Saugy M., Rudaz S., Veuthey J.L., 2009/08., Société Française de Toxicologie Analytique pp. S24-S25 dans Goullé Jean-Pierre (eds.) Annales de toxicologie analytique, Oral présentations : 050, EDP Sciences SA.
Fatal overdose of clozapine
Palmiere C., Staub C., Mangin P., 2009/08., Société Française de Toxicologie Analytique pp. S46 dans Goullé J.P. (eds.) Annales de toxicologie analytique, Poster Presentations : PO19, EDP Sciences S.A..
First nation wide study on driving under the influence of drugs in Switzerland
Senna M.C., Augsburger M., Aebi B., Briellmann T.A., Donzé N., Dubugnon J.L., Iten P.X., Staub C., Sturm W., Sutter K., 2009/08., Société Française de Toxicologie Analytique pp. S18 dans Goullé Jean-Pierre (eds.) Annales de toxicologie analytique, Oral présentations : O34, EDP Sciences S.A..
Impact of iron supplementation on substantial unexplained fatigue in iron deficient but not anaemic menstruated women
Favrat B, Avril L, Druais PL, 2009/08., Swiss Society of Infectious Diseases, the Swiss Sociate of Internal Medicine and the Swiss Respiratory Society pp. 76S dans Swiss Society of Infectious Diseases, the Swiss Society of Internal Medicine and the Swiss Respiratory Society, Swiss Medical Weekly. Peer-reviewed.
Interest of qualitative and quantitative profiling of endocannabinoids for evaluation of their implication in drug addiction process
Thomas A., Giroud C., Fornari E., Hopfgartner E., Staub C., 2009/08., 47th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Forensic Toxicologists Conference in Geneva pp. S1-21 dans SFTA (eds.) Annales de Toxicologie Analytique (ATA). Peer-reviewed, Société Française de Toxicologie Analytique (SFTA).
Quality assurance in road traffic analyses in Switzerland
Briellmann T.A., Sigrist T., Augsburger M., Favrat B., Oestreich A., Deom A., 2009/08., Société Française de Toxicologie Analytique pp. S18 dans Goullé Jean-Pierre (eds.) Annales de toxicologie analytique, Oral présentations : O36, EDP Sciences S.A..
Radiological detection of dissolved cocaine
Grabherr S., Gambarotta G., Leimgruber A., Meuli R., Mangin P., Augsburger M., 2009/08., Société Française de Toxicologie Analytique pp. S17 dans Jean-Pierre Goullé (eds.) Annales de toxicologie analytique, Oral présentations : 032, EDP Sciences S.A..
SmileMS: a robust platform and library search algorithm for the large-scale identification of small molecules, using LC-MS/MS
Mauron Y., Mylonas R., Masselot A., Binz P.A., Kharbouche H., Augsburger M., Lisacek F., 2009/08., Société Française de Toxicologie Analytique pp. S95 dans Goullé J.P. (eds.) Annales de toxicologie analytique, Poster Presentations : P141, EDP Sciences S.A..
Smoked cannabis and doping control: looking for the wrong target analyte?
Brenneisen R., Meyer P., Chtioui H., Saugy M., Schweizer C., Kamber M., 2009/08., Société Française de Toxicologie Analytique pp. S25 dans Goullé Jean-Pierre (eds.) Annales de toxicologie analytique, Oral présentations : 051, EDP Sciences S.A..
Toxicology in emergency room in the Valais Hospital
Donzé N., Fornerod L., Gaspoz A., Bonvin R., Riand-Voide R., Beloeil N., Augsburger M., 2009/08., Société Française de Toxicologie Analytique pp. S75 dans Goullé J.P. (eds.) Annales de toxicologie analytique, Poster Presentations: PO92, EDP Sciences S.A..
Use of accuracy profile for the validation of a gas chromatography-negative chemical ionization tandem mass spectrometry method: quantification of ethyl glucuronide in hair
Kharbouche H., Sporkert F., Augsburger M., Mangin P., Staub C., 2009/08., Société Française de Toxicologie Analytique pp. S35 dans Goullé J.P. (eds.) Annales de toxicologie analytique, Oral présentations : 076, EDP Sciences S.A..
Décès par réflexe cardio-inhibiteur : mythe ou réalité ?
Bollmann M., Schrag B., 2009/06., Présentation orale pour le 46ème Congrès International Francophone de Médecine Légale, Lille.
Le signe de Simon: un signe de vitalité dans des cas de pendaison ?
Schrag B., Bollmann M., Mangin P., 2009/06., Présentation orale au 46ème Congrès International Francophone de Médecine Légale, Lille.
Lésion axonale diffuse = survie prolongée ?
Schrag B., Bollmann M., Mangin P., 2009/06., Présentation orale pour le 46ème Congrès International Francophone de Médecine Légale, Lille.
Médecins Sentinella suisses : relevé des cas de violence conjugale en 2003. Synthèse, discussion des données et recommandations.
Burquier R., Hofner M., 2009/06., Office Fédéral de la Santé Publique - Centre universitaire romand de médecine légale.
Phosphorylation of FADD (Fas-associated death domain protein) at serine 194 is increased in the prefrontal cortex of opiate abusers: Relation to mitogen activated protein kinase, phosphoprotein enriched in astrocytes of 15 kDa, and Akt signaling pathways involved in neuroplasticity
Ramos-Miguel A., García-Fuster M.J., Callado L.F., La Harpe R., Meana J.J., García-Sevilla J.A., 2009/06. Neuroscience, 161 (1) pp. 23-38. Peer-reviewed.
Violence domestique: guide pratique. Améliorer la prise en charge des femmes concernées
Bass B., Ghavami-Dicker S., Lundquist JP, Schnarwyler B., Tschudin S., Castelberg B. von , 2009/06. 45, Berne : Société Suisse de Gynécologie et d'Obstétrique, gynécologie suisse (SGGG).
Typische Verletzungen bei Verkehrsunfällen
Schrag B., Bollmann M., 2009/04. Journal Criminalistique Suisse 8 pp. 21-24.
Acute effects of cannabis smoking on skills related to driving in occasional and heavy smokers
Giroud C., Battistella G., Buclin T., Mall JF., Thomas P., Favrat B., Mangin P., Maeder P., Fornari E., 2009/03. dans Lausanne, CHUV, CIBM-MR Research Meeting. March 16th. Oral presentation.
L'unité de médecine des violences : une consultation médicolégale assurée par des infirmières
Romain-Glassey N., Ansermet C., Hofner M., Neuman E., Mangin P., 2009/03. Médecine & Droit 95 pp. 58-61.
Lutte contre la violence conjugale dans le canton de Vaud 1999-2009: premier bilan. Rapport de recherche Phase I.
Hofner M., Stalder C., Pedevilla L., 2009/03., Unité de Médecine des Violences - CURML.
A high-throughput test to detect C.E.R.A. doping in blood.
Lamon S., Giraud S., Egli L., Smolander J., Jarsch M., Stubenrauch K.G., Hellwig A., Saugy M., Robinson N., 2009. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 50 (5) pp. 954-958.
Acte médical requis par une autorité, constat médical et certificat médical.
Bertrand D., Horisberger B., Harding T.W., Ummel M., La Harpe R., 2009. pp. 202-210 dans Bertrand D., Dumoulin J.-F., La Harpe R., Ummel M. (eds.) Médecin et droit médical, Médecine & Hygiène.
Acute Effects of Cannabis Smoking on Skills Related to Driving : an fMRI Study
Fornari E., Maeder P., Chtioui H., Thomas A., Appenzeller M., Favrat B, Buclin T., Staub C., Mangin P., Giroud C., 2009. pp. S179 dans OHBM 2009, 15th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, NeuroImage. Peer-reviewed.
Angio-scanner post mortem
Grabherr S., Doenz F., Steger B., Dominguez A., Gygax E., Sollberger B., Meuli R., Mangin P., 2009. p. 1380 dans JFR 2009 : 57e Journées Françaises de Radiologie, Journal de radiologie. Peer-reviewed.
Anti-doping testing at the 2008 European football championship.
Vouillamoz M., Thom C., Grisdale R., Saugy M., Giraud S., Robinson N., Gmeiner G., Geisendorfer T., 2009. Drug Testing and Analysis, 1 (11-12) pp. 485-493.
Automated DNA extraction using the QIAsymphony platform: Estimation of DNA recovery from simulated forensic stains
Gehrig C., Kummer D., Castella V., 2009. Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series, 2 (1) pp. 85-86. Peer-reviewed.
Bientraitance : revue de la littérature et état des lieux
Graz B., Hofner M.C., 2009., 2e édition 54, Fondation Charlotte Olivier.
Blood cannabinoids levels and effects on cognitive performance and behavior as a function of joint smoking procedure and inhalation technique
Giroud Christian, Favrat Bernard, Thomas Aurélien, Battistella Giovanni, Mall Jean-Frédéric, Appenzeller Monique, Lauer Estelle, Buclin Thierry, Fornari Eleonora, Maeder Philippe et al., 2009. pp. S12 dans SOFT 2009 Annual Meeting, Society of Forensic Toxicologists. Peer-reviewed.
Cannabis intoxication with perceptual disturbances under clinical setting : O44
Giroud Christian, Thomas Aurélien, Mall Jean-Frédéric, Favrat Bernard, Appenzeller Monique, Buclin Thierry, Fornari Eleonara, Battistella Giovanni, Maeder Philippe, Staub Christian et al., 2009. p. 22 dans 47th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Forensic Toxicologists, Annales de Toxicologie Analytique. Peer-reviewed.
Caractéristiques des femmes victimes de violences graves dans un échantillon clinique
Burquier R., Hofner MC, Romain N., Mangin P., 2009. Journal International de Victimologie, 7 (3) pp. 1-9. Peer-reviewed.
Characteristics of victims of violence admitted to a specialized medico-legal unit in Switzerland.
Hofner M.C., Burquier R., Huissoud T., Romain N., Graz B., Mangin P., 2009. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 16 (5) pp. 269-272. Peer-reviewed.
Detection in urine of 4-methyl-2-hexaneamine, a doping agent.
Perrenoud L., Saugy M., Saudan C., 2009. Journal of Chromatography. B, 877 (29) pp. 3767-3770.
Detection of testosterone administration based on the carbon isotope ratio profiling of endogenous steroids: international reference populations of professional soccer players.
Strahm E., Emery C., Saugy M., Dvorak J., Saudan C., 2009. British journal of sports medicine, 43 (13) pp. 1041-4. Peer-reviewed.
Development and validation of a gas chromatography-negative chemical ionization tandem mass spectrometry method for the determination of ethyl glucuronide in hair and its application to forensic toxicology.
Kharbouche H., Sporkert F., Troxler S., Augsburger M., Mangin P., Staub C., 2009. Journal of Chromatography. B, Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 877 (23) pp. 2337-2343.
Dopage : aspects médico-techniques
Horisberger B., Robinson N., Mangin P., 2009. pp. 543-551 dans Bertrand D., Dumoulin J.-F., La Harpe R., Ummel M. (eds.) Médecin et droit médical, Médecine & Hygiène.
Effects of exercise on the isoelectric patterns of erythropoietin.
Lamon S., Martin L., Robinson N., Saugy M., Ceaurriz J., Lasne F., 2009. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine, 19 (4) pp. 311-315.
Estimation de l'âge d'une personne à travers son ADN
Comte J., 2009. Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique, 62 (2) pp. 78-79.
Estimation of sex and age of "virtual skeletons"--a feasibility study.
Grabherr S., Cooper C., Ulrich-Bochsler S., Uldin T., Ross S., Oesterhelweg L., Bolliger S., Christe A., Schnyder P., Mangin P. et al., 2009. European Radiology, 19 (2) pp. 419-429.
Evaluation accompagnante du premier module d'immersion communautaire à la Faculté de Biologie et Médecine de Lausanne : rapport d'évaluation
Dubois J., Hofner M.C., Diserens C., Bonvin R., Vado S., Berthiaume D., Pécoud A., 2009., Université de Lausanne, Fonds d'innovation pédagogique (FIP).
Factors influencing attitudes towards medical confidentiality among Swiss physicians.
Elger B.S., 2009. Journal of Medical Ethics, 35 (8) pp. 517-524. Peer-reviewed.
Fast analysis of doping agents in urine by ultra-high-pressure liquid chromatography-quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry I. Screening analysis.
Badoud F., Grata E., Perrenoud L., Avois L., Saugy M., Rudaz S., Veuthey J.L., 2009. Journal of Chromatography. A, 1216 (20) pp. 4423-4433. Peer-reviewed.
Genetic and epigenetic analysis of SSAT gene dysregulation in suicidal behavior.
Guipponi M., Deutsch S., Kohler K., Perroud N., Le Gal F., Vessaz M., Laforge T., Petit B., Jollant F., Guillaume S. et al., 2009. American Journal of Medical Genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric Genetics, 150B (6) pp. 799-807. Peer-reviewed.
Ignition of a human body by a modest external source: a case report.
Palmiere C., Staub C., La Harpe R., Mangin P., 2009. Forensic science international, 188 (1-3) pp. e17-9.
Immigration and health behaviours towards tobacco, alcohol and sex, a comparative cross-sectional study urban general-practice setting
Bodenmann P., Corbaz J., Vaucher P., Ghali W., Daeppen JB., Favrat B., 2009., Portail de l'OFSP, rubrique recherche 2009.
Immunodensity and mRNA expression of A2A adenosine, D2 dopamine, and CB1 cannabinoid receptors in postmortem frontal cortex of subjects with schizophrenia: effect of antipsychotic treatment.
Urigüen L., García-Fuster M.J., Callado L.F., Morentin B., La Harpe R., Casadó V., Lluis C., Franco R., García-Sevilla J.A., Meana J.J., 2009. Psychopharmacology, 206 (2) pp. 313-324. Peer-reviewed.
Information and risk management during the first trimester care for pregnant women: Some reflections about the ethical challenges and the legal framework in Switzerland. [L'information et la gestion des risques dans le suivi de la grossesse lors du 1er trimestre : quelques réflexions sur le défi éthique et le cadre légal en Suisse.]
Issenhuth-Scharly G., Epiney M., Manaïa D., Elger BS, 2009. Médecine & Droit, 2009 (96) pp. 94-99. Peer-reviewed.
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Swiss University