Ludwig Lausanne Branch

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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863 publications

Tumor Microenvironment Cellular Crosstalk Predicts Response to Adoptive TIL Therapy in Melanoma
Barras David, Ghisoni Eleonora, Chiffelle Johanna, Orcurto Angela, Dagher Julien, Fahr Noémie, Benedetti Fabrizio, Crespo Isaac, Zimmermann Stefan, Duran Rafael et al., this Pre print is under peer review in Science Immunology.
Robust estimation of cancer and immune cell-type proportions from bulk tumor ATAC-Seq data
Gabriel Aurélie AG, Racle Julien, Falquet Maryline, Jandus Camilla, Gfeller David.
NFAT5 induction by the tumor microenvironment enforces CD8 T cell exhaustion
Tillé Laure, Cropp Daniela, Bodley Gabrielle, Andreatta Massimo, Charmoy Mélanie, Crespo Isaac, Nassiri Sina, Lourenco Joao, Leblond Marine, Lopez-Rodriguez Cristina et al..
C-X-C Motif Chemokine Receptor 4–Directed Scintigraphy Using [99mTc]Tc-Pentixatec in Primary Aldosteronism: A Proof-of-Concept Study.
Enke J.S., Ritzel K., Asbach E., Reitsam N.G., Märkl B., Knösel T., Brüdgam D., Kircher M., Pfob C.H., Bundschuh R.A. et al. Journal of nuclear medicine. Peer-reviewed.
Immunotherapy for ovarian cancer: towards a tailored immunophenotype-based approach.
Ghisoni E., Morotti M., Sarivalasis A., Grimm A.J., Kandalaft L., Laniti D.D., Coukos G. Nature reviews. Clinical oncology. Peer-reviewed.
A pinch of salt boosts T cell function.
Hajdu K.L., Rousseau L., Ho P.C. Nature immunology. Peer-reviewed.
Effects of Intravenous Immunoglobulins on Human Innate Immune Cells: Collegium Internationale Allergologicum Update 2024.
Jandus C., Jandus P. International archives of allergy and immunology. Peer-reviewed.
Feto-placental and coronary endothelial genes implicated in miscarriage, congenital heart disease and stillbirth, a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Kalisch-Smith J.I., Ehtisham-Uddin N., Rodriguez-Caro H. Placenta. Peer-reviewed.
Nanoplasmonic Single-Tumoroid Microarray for Real-Time Secretion Analysis.
Liu Y.C., Ansaryan S., Tan J., Broguiere N., Lorenzo-Martín L.F., Homicsko K., Coukos G., Lütolf M.P., Altug H. Advanced science. Peer-reviewed.
Patient-derived mini-colons enable long-term modeling of tumor-microenvironment complexity.
Lorenzo-Martín L.F., Broguiere N., Langer J., Tillard L., Nikolaev M., Coukos G., Homicsko K., Lutolf M.P. Nature biotechnology. Peer-reviewed.
PTPRZ1-targeting RNA CAR T cells exert antigen-specific and bystander antitumor activity in glioblastoma.
Martínez Bedoya D., Marinari E., Davanture S., Castillo Cantero L., Erraiss S., Dockerill M., Barluenga S., Winssinger N., Schaller K., Bijlenga P. et al. Cancer immunology research. Peer-reviewed.
Predicting Antigen-Specificities of Orphan T Cell Receptors from Cancer Patients with TCRpcDist.
Perez MAS, Chiffelle J., Bobisse S., Mayol-Rullan F., Bugnon M., Bragina M.E., Arnaud M., Sauvage C., Barras D., Laniti D.D. et al. Advanced science. Peer-reviewed.
Author Correction: Identification of clinically relevant T cell receptors for personalized T cell therapy using combinatorial algorithms.
Pétremand R., Chiffelle J., Bobisse S., Perez MAS, Schmidt J., Arnaud M., Barras D., Lozano-Rabella M., Genolet R., Sauvage C. et al. Nature biotechnology. Peer-reviewed.
Identification of clinically relevant T cell receptors for personalized T cell therapy using combinatorial algorithms.
Pétremand R., Chiffelle J., Bobisse S., Perez MAS, Schmidt J., Arnaud M., Barras D., Lozano-Rabella M., Genolet R., Sauvage C. et al. Nature biotechnology. Peer-reviewed.
Antibodies expand the scope of angiotensin receptor pharmacology.
Skiba M.A., Sterling S.M., Rawson S., Zhang S., Xu H., Jiang H., Nemeth G.R., Gilman MSA, Hurley J.D., Shen P. et al. Nature chemical biology. Peer-reviewed.
Tumor microenvironment squeezes out the juice from T cells.
Thouenon R., Verdeil G. Cell research. Peer-reviewed.
Acidity suppresses CD8 + T-cell function by perturbing IL-2, mTORC1, and c-Myc signaling.
Vuillefroy de Silly R., Pericou L., Seijo B., Crespo I., Irving M. The EMBO journal. Peer-reviewed.
IL-10-expressing CAR T cells resist dysfunction and mediate durable clearance of solid tumors and metastases.
Zhao Y., Chen J., Andreatta M., Feng B., Xie Y.Q., Wenes M., Wang Y., Gao M., Hu X., Romero P. et al. Nature biotechnology. Peer-reviewed.
Cryoablation Does Not Significantly Contribute to Systemic Effector Immune Responses in a Poorly Immunogenic B16F10 Melanoma Model.
Yakkala C., Corria-Osorio J., Kandalaft L., Denys A., Koppolu B., Duran R., 2024/09/13. Clinical cancer research, 30 (18) pp. 4190-4200. Peer-reviewed.
Fibrotic response to anti-CSF-1R therapy potentiates glioblastoma recurrence.
Watson S.S., Zomer A., Fournier N., Lourenco J., Quadroni M., Chryplewicz A., Nassiri S., Aubel P., Avanthay S., Croci D. et al., 2024/09/09. Cancer cell, 42 (9) pp. 1507-1527.e11. Peer-reviewed.
Antibody-peptide conjugates deliver covalent inhibitors blocking oncogenic cathepsins.
Petruzzella A., Bruand M., Santamaria-Martínez A., Katanayeva N., Reymond L., Wehrle S., Georgeon S., Inel D., van Dalen F.J., Viertl D. et al., 2024/09. Nature chemical biology, 20 (9) pp. 1188-1198. Peer-reviewed.
Perivascular B cells link intestinal angiogenesis to immunity and to the gut-brain axis during neuroinflammation.
Peter B., Rebeaud J., Vigne S., Bressoud V., Phillips N., Ruiz F., Petrova T.V., Bernier-Latmani J., Pot C., 2024/09. Journal of autoimmunity, 148 p. 103292. Peer-reviewed.
Inducible CXCL12/CXCR4-dependent extramedullary hematopoietic niches in the adrenal gland.
Schyrr F., Alonso-Calleja A., Vijaykumar A., Sordet-Dessimoz J., Gebhard S., Sarkis R., Bataclan C., Ferreira Lopes S., Oggier A., de Leval L. et al., 2024/08/29. Blood, 144 (9) pp. 964-976. Peer-reviewed.
Validation of the C-X-C chemokine receptor 3 (CXCR3) as a target for PET imaging of T cell activation.
Martin S., Wendlinger L., Zitti B., Hicham M., Postupalenko V., Marx L., Giordano-Attianese G., Cribioli E., Irving M., Litvinenko A. et al., 2024/08/28. EJNMMI research, 14 (1) p. 77. Peer-reviewed.
PPARβ/δ-orchestrated metabolic reprogramming supports the formation and maintenance of memory CD8+ T cells.
Bevilacqua A., Franco F., Lu Y.T., Rahiman N., Kao K.C., Chuang Y.M., Zhu Y., Held W., Xie X., Gunsalus K.C. et al., 2024/08/23. Science immunology, 9 (98) pp. eadn2717. Peer-reviewed.
Probing the killing potency of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes on microarrayed colorectal cancer tumoroids.
Dutta D., Lorenzo-Martín L.F., Rivest F., Broguiere N., Tillard L., Ragusa S., Brandenberg N., Höhnel S., Saugy D., Rusakiewicz S. et al., 2024/08/14. NPJ precision oncology, 8 (1) p. 179. Peer-reviewed.
Personalized cancer T-cell therapy takes the stage, mirroring vaccine success.
Chiffelle J., Harari A., 2024/08/05. The Journal of experimental medicine, 221 (8). Peer-reviewed.
Lung Cancer Adoptive Cell Therapy: Inspiring TIL ACT Comes Center Stage.
Lotze M.T., Maeurer M., Quezada S.A., Coukos G., 2024/08/02. Cancer discovery, 14 (8) pp. 1366-1368. Peer-reviewed.
Strategies for overcoming tumour resistance to immunotherapy: harnessing the power of radiation therapy.
Passelli K., Repáraz D., Kinj R., Herrera F.G., 2024/08/01. The British journal of radiology, 97 (1160) pp. 1378-1390. Peer-reviewed.
Host cell CRISPR genomics and modelling reveal shared metabolic vulnerabilities in the intracellular development of Plasmodium falciparum and related hemoparasites.
Maurizio M., Masid M., Woods K., Caldelari R., Doench J.G., Naguleswaran A., Joly D., González-Fernández M., Zemp J., Borteele M. et al., 2024/07/21. Nature communications, 15 (1) p. 6145. Peer-reviewed.
Investigation of a fluorescent reporter microenvironment niche labeling strategy in experimental brain metastasis.
Massara M., Dolfi B., Wischnewski V., Nolan E., Held W., Malanchi I., Joyce J.A., 2024/07/19. iScience, 27 (7) p. 110284. Peer-reviewed.
SwissDock 2024: major enhancements for small-molecule docking with Attracting Cavities and AutoDock Vina.
Bugnon M., Röhrig U.F., Goullieux M., Perez MAS, Daina A., Michielin O., Zoete V., 2024/07/05. Nucleic acids research, 52 (W1) pp. W324-W332. Peer-reviewed.
Melanoma Clonal Heterogeneity Leads to Secondary Resistance after Adoptive Cell Therapy with Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes.
König D., Sandholzer M.T., Uzun S., Zingg A., Ritschard R., Thut H., Glatz K., Kappos E.A., Schaefer D.J., Kettelhack C. et al., 2024/07/02. Cancer immunology research, 12 (7) pp. 814-821. Peer-reviewed.
Building and analyzing metacells in single-cell genomics data.
Bilous M., Hérault L., Gabriel A.A., Teleman M., Gfeller D., 2024/07. Molecular systems biology, 20 (7) pp. 744-766. Peer-reviewed.
Single-cell and spatial atlases of spinal cord injury in the Tabulae Paralytica.
Skinnider M.A., Gautier M., Teo AYY, Kathe C., Hutson T.H., Laskaratos A., de Coucy A., Regazzi N., Aureli V., James N.D. et al., 2024/07. Nature, 631 (8019) pp. 150-163. Peer-reviewed.
The Impact of Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy on Ovarian Cancer Tumor Microenvironment: A Systematic Review of the Literature.
Spagnol G., Ghisoni E., Morotti M., De Tommasi O., Marchetti M., Bigardi S., Tuninetti V., Tasca G., Noventa M., Saccardi C. et al., 2024/06/27. International journal of molecular sciences, 25 (13). Peer-reviewed.
Development of Traceable Mouse Models of Advanced and Metastatic Bladder Cancer.
Desponds E., Kioseoglou K., Zdimerova H., Ongaro M., Verdeil G., Leblond M.M., 2024/06/17. Cancers, 16 (12). Peer-reviewed.
Methylation-Based Characterization of a New IDH2 Mutation in Sinonasal Undifferentiated Carcinoma.
Burgermeister S., Stoykova S., Krebs F.S., Zoete V., Mbefo M., Egervari K., Reinhard A., Bisig B., Hewer E., 2024/06/13. International journal of molecular sciences, 25 (12). Peer-reviewed.
Joint host-pathogen genomic analysis identifies hepatitis B virus mutations associated with human NTCP and HLA class I variation.
Xu Z.M., Gnouamozi G.E., Rüeger S., Shea P.R., Buti M., Chan H.L., Marcellin P., Lawless D., Naret O., Zeller M. et al., 2024/06/06. American journal of human genetics, 111 (6) pp. 1018-1034. Peer-reviewed.
Inborn errors of type I interferon immunity in patients with symptomatic acute hepatitis E.
Saadat A., Gouttenoire J., Ripellino P., Semela D., Amar S., Frey B.M., Fontana S., Mdawar-Bailly E., Moradpour D., Fellay J. et al., 2024/06/01. Hepatology, 79 (6) pp. 1421-1431. Peer-reviewed.
Milestones in tumor vascularization and its therapeutic targeting.
De Palma M., Hanahan D., 2024/06. Nature cancer, 5 (6) pp. 827-843. Peer-reviewed.
Spatial Distribution of Recurrence and Long-Term Toxicity Following Dose Escalation to the Dominant Intra-Prostatic Nodule for Intermediate-High-Risk Prostate Cancer: Insights from a Phase I/II Study.
Cloître M., Benkhaled S., Boughdad S., Schaefer N., Prior J.O., Zeverino M., Berthold D., Tawadros T., Meuwly J.Y., Martel P. et al., 2024/05/31. Cancers, 16 (11). Peer-reviewed.
Circadian tumor infiltration and function of CD8+ T cells dictate immunotherapy efficacy.
Wang C., Zeng Q., Gül Z.M., Wang S., Pick R., Cheng P., Bill R., Wu Y., Naulaerts S., Barnoud C. et al., 2024/05/23. Cell, 187 (11) pp. 2690-2702.e17. Peer-reviewed.
Spatially‐nested hierarchical species distribution models to overcome niche truncation in national‐scale studies
Goicolea T., Adde A., Broennimann O., García-Viñas J.I., Gastón A., José Aroca-Fernández M., Guisan A., G. Mateo R., 2024/05/21. Ecography pp. e07328. Peer-reviewed.
Herpes simplex encephalitis due to a mutation in an E3 ubiquitin ligase.
Bibert S., Quinodoz M., Perriot S., Krebs F.S., Jan M., Malta R.C., Collinet E., Canales M., Mathias A., Faignart N. et al., 2024/05/10. Nature communications, 15 (1) p. 3969. Peer-reviewed.
Testing the predictive power of reverse screening to infer drug targets, with the help of machine learning.
Daina A., Zoete V., 2024/05/09. Communications chemistry, 7 (1) p. 105. Peer-reviewed.
Urolithin-A Promotes CD8+ T Cell-mediated Cancer Immunosurveillance via FOXO1 Activation.
Ginefra P., Hope H.C., Chiang Y.H., Nutten S., Blum S., Coukos G., Vannini N., 2024/05/03. Cancer research communications, 4 (5) pp. 1189-1198. Peer-reviewed.
Early skeletal outcomes after hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell gene therapy for Hurler syndrome.
Consiglieri G., Tucci F., De Pellegrin M., Guerrini B., Cattoni A., Risca G., Scarparo S., Sarzana M., Pontesilli S., Mellone R. et al., 2024/05. Science translational medicine, 16 (745) pp. eadi8214. Peer-reviewed.
PGE2 limits effector expansion of tumour-infiltrating stem-like CD8+ T cells.
Lacher S.B., Dörr J., de Almeida G.P., Hönninger J., Bayerl F., Hirschberger A., Pedde A.M., Meiser P., Ramsauer L., Rudolph T.J. et al., 2024/05. Nature, 629 (8011) pp. 417-425. Peer-reviewed.
PGE2 limits effector expansion of tumour-infiltrating stem-like CD8+ T cells.
Morotti M., Grimm A.J., Hope H.C., Arnaud M., Desbuisson M., Rayroux N., Barras D., Masid M., Murgues B., Chap B.S. et al., 2024/05. Nature, 629 (8011) pp. 426-434. Peer-reviewed.
Trans-Atlantic twists and turns.
Joyce J.A., 2024/05. Nature cancer, 5 (5) pp. 693-694. Peer-reviewed.
Combining SiRPα decoy-coengineered T cells and antibodies augments macrophage-mediated phagocytosis of tumor cells.
Stefanidis E., Semilietof A., Pujol J., Seijo B., Scholten K., Zoete V., Michielin O., Sandaltzopoulos R., Coukos G., Irving M., 2024/04/23. The Journal of clinical investigation, 134 (11). Peer-reviewed.
Microenvironmental reorganization in brain tumors following radiotherapy and recurrence revealed by hyperplexed immunofluorescence imaging.
Watson S.S., Duc B., Kang Z., de Tonnac A., Eling N., Font L., Whitmarsh T., Massara M., iMAXT Consortium, Bodenmiller B. et al., 2024/04/15. Nature communications, 15 (1) p. 3226. Peer-reviewed.
Deep learning predictions of TCR-epitope interactions reveal epitope-specific chains in dual alpha T cells.
Croce G., Bobisse S., Moreno D.L., Schmidt J., Guillame P., Harari A., Gfeller D., 2024/04/13. Nature communications, 15 (1) p. 3211. Peer-reviewed.
B-cell infiltration is associated with survival outcomes following programmed cell death protein 1 inhibition in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.
Gavrielatou N., Fortis E., Spathis A., Anastasiou M., Economopoulou P., Foukas GRP, Lelegiannis I.M., Rusakiewicz S., Vathiotis I., Aung T.N. et al., 2024/04. Annals of oncology, 35 (4) pp. 340-350. Peer-reviewed.
Pharmacological Polarization of Tumor-Associated Macrophages Toward a CXCL9 Antitumor Phenotype.
Enbergs N., Halabi E.A., Goubet A.G., Schleyer K., Fredrich I.R., Kohler R.H., Garris C.S., Pittet M.J., Weissleder R., 2024/04. Advanced science, 11 (15) pp. e2309026. Peer-reviewed.
Embracing cancer complexity: Hallmarks of systemic disease.
Swanton C., Bernard E., Abbosh C., André F., Auwerx J., Balmain A., Bar-Sagi D., Bernards R., Bullman S., DeGregori J. et al., 2024/03/28. Cell, 187 (7) pp. 1589-1616. Peer-reviewed.
Macrophage migration inhibitory factor blockade reprograms macrophages and disrupts prosurvival signaling in acute myeloid leukemia.
Spertini C., Bénéchet A.P., Birch F., Bellotti A., Román-Trufero M., Arber C., Auner H.W., Mitchell R.A., Spertini O., Smirnova T., 2024/03/28. Cell death discovery, 10 (1) p. 157. Peer-reviewed.
A Cluster of Evolutionarily Recent KRAB Zinc Finger Proteins Protects Cancer Cells from Replicative Stress-Induced Inflammation.
Martins F., Rosspopoff O., Carlevaro-Fita J., Forey R., Offner S., Planet E., Pulver C., Pak H., Huber F., Michaux J. et al., 2024/03/15. Cancer research, 84 (6) pp. 808-826. Peer-reviewed.
Immunopeptidomics-based identification of naturally presented non-canonical circRNA-derived peptides.
Ferreira H.J., Stevenson B.J., Pak H., Yu F., Almeida Oliveira J., Huber F., Taillandier-Coindard M., Michaux J., Ricart-Altimiras E., Kraemer A.I. et al., 2024/03/15. Nature communications, 15 (1) p. 2357. Peer-reviewed.
Closing the scissor-shaped curve: Strategies to promote gender equality in academia.
Joyce J.A., Masina S., Michalik L., Pot C., Sempoux C., Amati F., 2024/03/14. Cell, 187 (6) pp. 1335-1342. Peer-reviewed.
Interrogation of endothelial and mural cells in brain metastasis reveals key immune-regulatory mechanisms.
Bejarano L., Kauzlaric A., Lamprou E., Lourenco J., Fournier N., Ballabio M., Colotti R., Maas R., Galland S., Massara M. et al., 2024/03/11. Cancer cell, 42 (3) pp. 378-395.e10. Peer-reviewed.
Metabolic interplay: tumor macrophages and regulatory T cells.
Vilbois S., Xu Y., Ho P.C., 2024/03. Trends in cancer, 10 (3) pp. 242-255. Peer-reviewed.
Multiplexed high-throughput immune cell imaging in patients with high-risk triple negative early breast cancer: Analysis from the International Breast Cancer Study Group (IBCSG) Trial 22-00.
Rusakiewicz S., Tyekucheva S., Tissot-Renaud S., Chaba K., Imbimbo M., Benedetti F., Kammler R., Hornfeld J., Munzone E., Gianni L. et al., 2024/03. European journal of cancer, 200 p. 113535. Peer-reviewed.
Unveiling the antitumor function of ID3 in liver macrophages.
Goubet A.G., Pittet M.J., 2024/03. Nature immunology, 25 (3) pp. 394-395. Peer-reviewed.
Targeting the activated microenvironment with endosialin (CD248)-directed CAR-T cells ablates perivascular cells to impair tumor growth and metastasis.
Ash S.L., Orha R., Mole H., Dinesh-Kumar M., Lee S.P., Turrell F.K., Isacke C.M., 2024/02/27. Journal for immunotherapy of cancer, 12 (2). Peer-reviewed.
Two to tango: engineered T cells against AML.
Arber C., 2024/02/08. Blood, 143 (6) pp. 476-478. Peer-reviewed.
Response to tumor-infiltrating lymphocyte adoptive therapy is associated with preexisting CD8+ T-myeloid cell networks in melanoma.
Barras D., Ghisoni E., Chiffelle J., Orcurto A., Dagher J., Fahr N., Benedetti F., Crespo I., Grimm A.J., Morotti M. et al., 2024/02/02. Science immunology, 9 (92) pp. eadg7995. Peer-reviewed.
Cytokine-armed dendritic cell progenitors for antigen-agnostic cancer immunotherapy.
Ghasemi A., Martinez-Usatorre A., Li L., Hicham M., Guichard A., Marcone R., Fournier N., Torchia B., Martinez Bedoya D., Davanture S. et al., 2024/02. Nature cancer, 5 (2) pp. 240-261. Peer-reviewed.
Immunosurveillance encounters cancer metabolism.
Chuang Y.M., Tzeng S.F., Ho P.C., Tsai C.H., 2024/02. EMBO reports, 25 (2) pp. 471-488. Peer-reviewed.
Semi-supervised integration of single-cell transcriptomics data.
Andreatta M., Hérault L., Gueguen P., Gfeller D., Berenstein A.J., Carmona S.J., 2024/01/29. Nature communications, 15 (1) p. 872. Peer-reviewed.
Rational strain design with minimal phenotype perturbation.
Narayanan B., Weilandt D., Masid M., Miskovic L., Hatzimanikatis V., 2024/01/24. Nature communications, 15 (1) p. 723. Peer-reviewed.
Immuno-Transcriptomic Profiling of Blood and Tumor Tissue Identifies Gene Signatures Associated with Immunotherapy Response in Metastatic Bladder Cancer.
Desponds E., Croci D., Wosika V., Hadadi N., Fonseca Costa S.S., Ciarloni L., Ongaro M., Zdimerova H., Leblond M.M., Hosseinian Ehrensberger S. et al., 2024/01/19. Cancers, 16 (2) p. 433. Peer-reviewed.
Cancer Evolution: A Multifaceted Affair.
Ciriello G., Magnani L., Aitken S.J., Akkari L., Behjati S., Hanahan D., Landau D.A., Lopez-Bigas N., Lupiáñez D.G., Marine J.C. et al., 2024/01/12. Cancer discovery, 14 (1) pp. 36-48. Peer-reviewed.
SUV39H1 Ablation Enhances Long-term CAR T Function in Solid Tumors.
López-Cobo S., Fuentealba J.R., Gueguen P., Bonté P.E., Tsalkitzi K., Chacón I., Glauzy S., Bohineust A., Biquand A., Silva L. et al., 2024/01/12. Cancer discovery, 14 (1) pp. 120-141. Peer-reviewed.
C-X-C Motif Chemokine Receptor 4–Directed Scintigraphy of Multiple Myeloma Using [99mTc]Tc-PentixaTec.
Enke J.S., Reitsam N.G., Grosser B., Kircher M., Dierks A., Bundschuh R.A., Wienand G., Uhrmacher L., Trepel M., Schottelius M. et al., 2024/01/02. Journal of nuclear medicine, 65 (1) pp. 163-164. Peer-reviewed.
A Review of Ultrasound-Mediated Checkpoint Inhibitor Immunotherapy.
Rivera J., Digklia A., Christou A.S., Anibal J., Vallis K.A., Wood B.J., Stride E., 2024/01. Ultrasound in medicine & biology, 50 (1) pp. 1-7. Peer-reviewed.
GSDMD is associated with survival in human breast cancer but does not impact anti-tumor immunity in a mouse breast cancer model.
Boersma B., Puddinu V., Huard A., Fauteux-Daniel S., Wirapati P., Guedri S., Tille J.C., McKee T., Pittet M., Palmer G. et al., 2024. Frontiers in immunology, 15 p. 1396777. Peer-reviewed.
Hematopoietic cell transplantation and cellular therapies in Switzerland. Evolution over 25 years. A report from the stem cell transplantation and cellular therapies working groups of the SBST 1997-2021.
Passweg J.R., Baldomero H., Ansari M., Arber C., Chalandon Y., Daskalakis M., Diepold M., Diesch-Furlanetto T., Duchosal M.A., Gerull S. et al., 2024/01. Hematological oncology, 42 (1) pp. e3241. Peer-reviewed.
How to Predict Binding Specificity and Ligands for New MHC-II Alleles with MixMHC2pred
Racle Julien, Gfeller David, 2024. pp. 215-235 dans Methods in Molecular Biology, Springer US.
Mechanisms and functions of intestinal vascular specialization.
Bernier-Latmani J., González-Loyola A., Petrova T.V., 2024/01/01. The Journal of experimental medicine, 221 (1) pp. e20222008. Peer-reviewed.
Transient heat stress protects from severe endothelial damage and dysfunction during prolonged experimental ex-vivo lung perfusion.
Parapanov R., Debonneville A., Allouche M., Lugrin J., Rodriguez-Caro H., Liaudet L., Krueger T., 2024. Frontiers in immunology, 15 p. 1390026. Peer-reviewed.
Deep and lasting response and acquired resistance to BRAFV600E targeting in a low-grade ovarian cancer patient.
Anchisi S., Wolfer A., Bisig B., Missiglia E., Tiab A., Kamel E.M., Michielin O., Coukos G., Homicsko K., 2023/12/31. Cancer biology & therapy, 24 (1) p. 2193116. Peer-reviewed.
Two-Step Covalent Docking with Attracting Cavities.
Goullieux M., Zoete V., Röhrig U.F., 2023/12/25. Journal of chemical information and modeling, 63 (24) pp. 7847-7859. Peer-reviewed.
HIV vaccines induce CD8<sup>+</sup> T cells with low antigen receptor sensitivity.
Migueles S.A., Nettere D.M., Gavil N.V., Wang L.T., Toulmin S.A., Kelly E.P., Ward A.J., Lin S., Thompson S.A., Peterson B.A. et al., 2023/12/15. Science, 382 (6676) pp. 1270-1276. Peer-reviewed.
Re-"Formate" T-cell Antitumor Responses.
Lin M.C., Moller S.H., Ho P.C., 2023/12/12. Cancer discovery, 13 (12) pp. 2507-2509. Peer-reviewed.
Integration of DOTA as a bridging unit during solid-phase peptide synthesis
Wendlinger Lennard, Parzinger Mara, Schottelius Margret, Wester Hans-Jürgen, 2023/12. Results in Chemistry, 6 p. 101076.
Multifactorial Remodeling of the Cancer Immunopeptidome by IFNγ.
Newey A., Yu L., Barber L.J., Choudhary J.S., Bassani-Sternberg M., Gerlinger M., 2023/11/17. Cancer research communications, 3 (11) pp. 2345-2357. Peer-reviewed.
Effect of Conventional and Ultrahigh Dose Rate FLASH Irradiations on Preclinical Tumor Models: A Systematic Analysis.
Böhlen T.T., Germond J.F., Petersson K., Ozsahin E.M., Herrera F.G., Bailat C., Bochud F., Bourhis J., Moeckli R., Adrian G., 2023/11/15. International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics, 117 (4) pp. 1007-1017. Peer-reviewed.
Machine learning methods and harmonized datasets improve immunogenic neoantigen prediction.
Müller M., Huber F., Arnaud M., Kraemer A.I., Altimiras E.R., Michaux J., Taillandier-Coindard M., Chiffelle J., Murgues B., Gehret T. et al., 2023/11/14. Immunity, 56 (11) pp. 2650-2663.e6. Peer-reviewed.
SwissParam 2023: A Modern Web-Based Tool for Efficient Small Molecule Parametrization.
Bugnon M., Goullieux M., Röhrig U.F., Perez MAS, Daina A., Michielin O., Zoete V., 2023/11/13. Journal of chemical information and modeling, 63 (21) pp. 6469-6475. Peer-reviewed.
[99mTc]Tc-PentixaTec: development, extensive pre-clinical evaluation, and first human experience.
Konrad M., Rinscheid A., Wienand G., Nittbaur B., Wester H.J., Janzen T., Lapa C., Pfob C.H., Schottelius M., 2023/11. European journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging, 50 (13) pp. 3937-3948. Peer-reviewed.
Clonal expansion of intra-epithelial T cells in breast cancer revealed by spatial transcriptomics.
Romanens L., Chaskar P., Marcone R., Ryser S., Tille J.C., Genolet R., Heimgartner-Hu K., Heimgartner K., Moore J.S., Liaudet N. et al., 2023/11/01. International journal of cancer, 153 (9) pp. 1568-1578. Peer-reviewed.
Coengineering specificity, safety, and function into T cells for cancer immunotherapy.
Giordano Attianese GMP, Ash S., Irving M., 2023/11. Immunological reviews, 320 (1) pp. 166-198. Peer-reviewed.
Response of Brain and Meningeal Metastases to Trastuzumab-Deruxtecan in a Patient with HER2-Low Breast Cancer: A Case Report.
Wolf B., Dunet V., Dubruc E., Dolcan A., Nicod Lalonde M., Schiappacasse L., Zaman K., 2023/11. Case reports in oncology, 16 (1) pp. 1425-1435. Peer-reviewed.
Compromised Blood-Brain Barrier Junctions Enhance Melanoma Cell Intercalation and Extravasation.
Saltarin F., Wegmüller A., Bejarano L., Ildiz E.S., Zwicky P., Vianin A., Spadin F., Soukup K., Wischnewski V., Engelhardt B. et al., 2023/10/20. Cancers, 15 (20). Peer-reviewed.
The local microenvironment drives activation of neutrophils in human brain tumors.
Maas R.R., Soukup K., Fournier N., Massara M., Galland S., Kornete M., Wischnewski V., Lourenco J., Croci D., Álvarez-Prado Á.F. et al., 2023/10/12. Cell, 186 (21) pp. 4546-4566.e27. Peer-reviewed.
Dendritic cells as shepherds of T cell immunity in cancer.
Pittet M.J., Di Pilato M., Garris C., Mempel T.R., 2023/10/10. Immunity, 56 (10) pp. 2218-2230. Peer-reviewed.
About the Rising Star.
Ho Ping-Chih, 2023/10/04. Cancer immunology research, 11 (10) p. 1302. Peer-reviewed.
Mitochondria Dictate Function and Fate of HSCs and T Cells.
Xu Y., Chiang Y.H., Ho P.C., Vannini N., 2023/10/04. Cancer immunology research, 11 (10) pp. 1303-1313. Peer-reviewed.
A phase 1 trial of adoptive transfer of vaccine-primed autologous circulating T cells in ovarian cancer.
Bobisse S., Bianchi V., Tanyi J.L., Sarivalasis A., Missiaglia E., Pétremand R., Benedetti F., Torigian D.A., Genolet R., Barras D. et al., 2023/10. Nature cancer, 4 (10) pp. 1410-1417. Peer-reviewed.
Activation of the transcription factor NFAT5 in the tumor microenvironment enforces CD8+ T cell exhaustion.
Tillé L., Cropp D., Charmoy M., Reichenbach P., Andreatta M., Wyss T., Bodley G., Crespo I., Nassiri S., Lourenco J. et al., 2023/10. Nature immunology, 24 (10) pp. 1645-1653. Peer-reviewed.
Current perspectives on mass spectrometry-based immunopeptidomics: the computational angle to tumor antigen discovery.
Zhang B., Bassani-Sternberg M., 2023/10. Journal for immunotherapy of cancer, 11 (10) pp. e007073. Peer-reviewed.
miR-126 identifies a quiescent and chemo-resistant human B-ALL cell subset that correlates with minimal residual disease.
Caserta C., Nucera S., Barcella M., Fazio G., Naldini M.M., Pagani R., Pavesi F., Desantis G., Zonari E., D'Angiò M. et al., 2023/10. Leukemia, 37 (10) pp. 1994-2005. Peer-reviewed.
PD-1-expressing macrophages and CD8 T cells are independent predictors of clinical benefit from PD-1 inhibition in advanced mesothelioma.
Homicsko K., Zygoura P., Norkin M., Tissot S., Shakarishvili N., Popat S., Curioni-Fontecedro A., O'Brien M., Pope A., Shah R. et al., 2023/10. Journal for immunotherapy of cancer, 11 (10). Peer-reviewed.
Phase II trial of hypomethylating agent combined with nivolumab for acute myeloid leukaemia relapse after allogeneic haematopoietic cell transplantation-Immune signature correlates with response.
Apostolova P., Kreutmair S., Toffalori C., Punta M., Unger S., Burk A.C., Wehr C., Maas-Bauer K., Melchinger W., Haring E. et al., 2023/10. British journal of haematology, 203 (2) pp. 264-281. Peer-reviewed.
Regulatory circuits of mitophagy restrict distinct modes of cell death during memory CD8<sup>+</sup> T cell formation.
Franco F., Bevilacqua A., Wu R.M., Kao K.C., Lin C.P., Rousseau L., Peng F.T., Chuang Y.M., Peng J.J., Park J. et al., 2023/09/29. Science immunology, 8 (87) pp. eadf7579. Peer-reviewed.
Functional polarization of tumor-associated macrophages dictated by metabolic reprogramming.
Zeng W., Li F., Jin S., Ho P.C., Liu P.S., Xie X., 2023/09/23. Journal of experimental & clinical cancer research, 42 (1) p. 245. Peer-reviewed.
Deep learning predictions of TCR-epitope interactions reveal epitope-specific chains in dual alpha T cells
Giancarlo Croce, Sara Bobisse, Dana Léa Moreno, Julien Schmidt, Philippe Guillame, Alexandre Harari, David Gfeller, 2023/09/16..
Dynamic single-cell regulomes characterize human peripheral blood innate lymphoid cell subpopulations.
Falquet M., Su Z., Wyss T., Ercolano G., Trabanelli S., Jandus C., 2023/09/15. iScience, 26 (9) p. 107728. Peer-reviewed.
A lentiviral vector for the production of T cells with an inducible transgene and a constitutively expressed tumour-targeting receptor.
Reichenbach P., Giordano Attianese GMP, Ouchen K., Cribioli E., Triboulet M., Ash S., Saillard M., Vuillefroy de Silly R., Coukos G., Irving M., 2023/09. Nature biomedical engineering, 7 (9) pp. 1063-1080. Peer-reviewed.
Author Correction: CD40 signal rewires fatty acid and glutamine metabolism for stimulating macrophage anti-tumorigenic functions.
Liu P.S., Chen Y.T., Li X., Hsueh P.C., Tzeng S.F., Chen H., Shi P.Z., Xie X., Parik S., Planque M. et al., 2023/09. Nature immunology, 24 (9) p. 1591. Peer-reviewed.
cDC1 craves glutamine for its glory.
Vilbois S., Park J., Ho P.C., 2023/09. Nature immunology, 24 (9) pp. 1405-1406. Peer-reviewed.
Control of immune cell function by the unfolded protein response.
Di Conza G., Ho P.C., Cubillos-Ruiz J.R., Huang S.C., 2023/09. Nature reviews. Immunology, 23 (9) pp. 546-562. Peer-reviewed.
Induction of mitochondrial recycling reverts age-associated decline of the hematopoietic and immune systems.
Girotra M., Chiang Y.H., Charmoy M., Ginefra P., Hope H.C., Bataclan C., Yu Y.R., Schyrr F., Franco F., Geiger H. et al., 2023/09. Nature aging, 3 (9) pp. 1057-1066. Peer-reviewed.
Reductive carboxylation epigenetically instructs T cell differentiation.
Jaccard A., Wyss T., Maldonado-Pérez N., Rath J.A., Bevilacqua A., Peng J.J., Lepez A., Von Gunten C., Franco F., Kao K.C. et al., 2023/09. Nature, 621 (7980) pp. 849-856. Peer-reviewed.
What Can Ribo-Seq, Immunopeptidomics, and Proteomics Tell Us About the Noncanonical Proteome?
Prensner J.R., Abelin J.G., Kok L.W., Clauser K.R., Mudge J.M., Ruiz-Orera J., Bassani-Sternberg M., Moritz R.L., Deutsch E.W., van Heesch S., 2023/09. Molecular & cellular proteomics, 22 (9) p. 100631. Peer-reviewed.
Assessment of the Cardiac Noncoding Transcriptome by Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Identifies FIXER, a Conserved Profibrogenic Long Noncoding RNA.
Aghagolzadeh P., Plaisance I., Bernasconi R., Treibel T.A., Pulido Quetglas C., Wyss T., Wigger L., Nemir M., Sarre A., Chouvardas P. et al., 2023/08/29. Circulation, 148 (9) pp. 778-797. Peer-reviewed.
HIV specific Th1 responses are altered in Ugandans with HIV and Schistosoma mansoni coinfection.
Obuku A.E., Lugemwa J.K., Abaasa A., Joloba M., Ding S., Pollara J., Ferrari G., Harari A., Pantaleo G., Kaleebu P., 2023/08/29. BMC immunology, 24 (1) p. 25. Peer-reviewed.
Développements récents en hématologie, Partie 2
Duchosal Michel A., Alberio Lorenzo, Angelillo-Scherrer Anne, Arber Caroline, Balabanov Stefan, Blum Sabine, Bttcher Steffen, Buser Andreas, Cairoli Anne, Chalandon Yves et al., 2023/08/23. Forum Médical Suisse ‒ Swiss Medical Forum.
T Cell Clonal Analysis Using Single-cell RNA Sequencing and Reference Maps.
Andreatta M., Gueguen P., Borcherding N., Carmona S.J., 2023/08/20. Bio-protocol, 13 (16) pp. e4735. Peer-reviewed.
Développements récents en hématologie, Teil 1
Duchosal Michel A., Alberio Lorenzo, Angelillo-Scherrer Anne, Arber Caroline, Balabanov Stefan, Blum Sabine, Bttcher Steffen, Buser Andreas, Cairoli Anne, Chalandon Yves et al., 2023/08/16. Forum Médical Suisse ‒ Swiss Medical Forum.
A CSF-1R-blocking antibody/IL-10 fusion protein increases anti-tumor immunity by effectuating tumor-resident CD8<sup>+</sup> T cells.
Chang Y.W., Hsiao H.W., Chen J.P., Tzeng S.F., Tsai C.H., Wu C.Y., Hsieh H.H., Carmona S.J., Andreatta M., Di Conza G. et al., 2023/08/15. Cell reports. Medicine, 4 (8) p. 101154. Peer-reviewed.
CXCL9:SPP1 macrophage polarity identifies a network of cellular programs that control human cancers.
Bill R., Wirapati P., Messemaker M., Roh W., Zitti B., Duval F., Kiss M., Park J.C., Saal T.M., Hoelzl J. et al., 2023/08/04. Science, 381 (6657) pp. 515-524. Peer-reviewed.
Analysis of the adequacy of control arms in oncology randomised clinical trials published between 2017 and 2021: a meta-research study.
Rossi A., Aimar G., Audisio M., Bungaro M., Caglio A., Di Liello R., Gamba T., Gargiulo P., Ghisoni E., Lombardi P. et al., 2023/08. European journal of cancer, 189 p. 112920. Peer-reviewed.
Intradermal skin test with mRNA vaccines as a surrogate marker of T cell immunity in immunocompromised patients.
Fallet B., Foglierini M., Porret R., Alcaraz-Serna A., Sauvage C., Jenelten R., Caplanusi T., Gilliet M., Perez L., Fenwick C. et al., 2023/08. The Journal of infection, 87 (2) pp. 111-119. Peer-reviewed.
Retrospective Analysis of the Correlation of MSI-h/dMMR Status and Response to Therapy for Endometrial Cancer: RAME Study, a Multicenter Experience.
Tuninetti V., Pace L., Ghisoni E., Quarà V., Arezzo F., Palicelli A., Mandato V.D., Geuna E., Cormio G., Biglia N. et al., 2023/07/15. Cancers, 15 (14) p. 3639. Peer-reviewed.
Restoring tumor immunogenicity with dendritic cell reprogramming.
Zimmermannova O., Ferreira A.G., Ascic E., Velasco Santiago M., Kurochkin I., Hansen M., Met Ö., Caiado I., Shapiro I.E., Michaux J. et al., 2023/07/14. Science immunology, 8 (85) pp. eadd4817. Peer-reviewed.
High-throughput spatiotemporal monitoring of single-cell secretions via plasmonic microwell arrays.
Ansaryan S., Liu Y.C., Li X., Economou A.M., Eberhardt C.S., Jandus C., Altug H., 2023/07. Nature biomedical engineering, 7 (7) pp. 943-958. Peer-reviewed.
A microfluidics-enabled automated workflow of sample preparation for MS-based immunopeptidomics.
Li X., Pak H.S., Huber F., Michaux J., Taillandier-Coindard M., Altimiras E.R., Bassani-Sternberg M., 2023/06/26. Cell reports methods, 3 (6) p. 100479. Peer-reviewed.
An information theoretic approach to detecting spatially varying genes.
Jones D.C., Danaher P., Kim Y., Beechem J.M., Gottardo R., Newell E.W., 2023/06/26. Cell reports methods, 3 (6) p. 100507. Peer-reviewed.
Attracting Cavities 2.0: Improving the Flexibility and Robustness for Small-Molecule Docking.
Röhrig U.F., Goullieux M., Bugnon M., Zoete V., 2023/06/26. Journal of chemical information and modeling, 63 (12) pp. 3925-3940. Peer-reviewed.
From bench to bedside: 64Cu/177Lu 1C1m-Fc anti TEM-1: mice-to-human dosimetry extrapolations for future theranostic applications.
Gnesin S., Chouin N., Cherel M., Dunn S.M., Schaefer N., Faivre-Chauvet A., Prior J.O., Delage J.A., 2023/06/14. EJNMMI research, 13 (1) p. 59. Peer-reviewed.
Jeffrey W. Pollard (1950-2023).
Qian B.Z., Joyce J.A., 2023/06/13. Immunity, 56 (6) pp. 1153-1154. Peer-reviewed.
Machine learning predictions of MHC-II specificities reveal alternative binding mode of class II epitopes.
Racle J., Guillaume P., Schmidt J., Michaux J., Larabi A., Lau K., Perez MAS, Croce G., Genolet R., Coukos G. et al., 2023/06/13. Immunity, 56 (6) pp. 1359-1375.e13. Peer-reviewed.
Phenotype and Reactivity of Lymphocytes Expanded from Benign Prostate Hyperplasic Tissues and Prostate Cancer.
Ahmed R., Lozano L.E., Anastasio A., Lofek S., Mastelic-Gavillet B., Navarro Rodrigo B., Nguyen S., Dartiguenave F., Rodrigues-Dias S.C., Cesson V. et al., 2023/06/08. Cancers, 15 (12) p. 3114. Peer-reviewed.
Neoantigen-specific CD8 T cells with high structural avidity preferentially reside in and eliminate tumors.
Schmidt J., Chiffelle J., Perez MAS, Magnin M., Bobisse S., Arnaud M., Genolet R., Cesbron J., Barras D., Navarro Rodrigo B. et al., 2023/06/06. Nature communications, 14 (1) p. 3188. Peer-reviewed.
Mechanosensitive mTORC1 signaling maintains lymphatic valves.
Saygili Demir C., Sabine A., Gong M., Dormond O., Petrova T.V., 2023/06/05. The Journal of cell biology, 222 (6) pp. e202207049. Peer-reviewed.
Novel Immunotherapeutics: Perspectives on Checkpoints, Bispecifics, and Vaccines in Development.
Kreidieh F.Y., Tawbi H.A., Alexaki A., Borghaei H., Kandalaft L.E., 2023/06. American Society of Clinical Oncology educational book. American Society of Clinical Oncology. Annual Meeting, 43 pp. e391278. Peer-reviewed.
Phenotypic diversity of T cells in human primary and metastatic brain tumors revealed by multiomic interrogation.
Wischnewski V., Maas R.R., Aruffo P.G., Soukup K., Galletti G., Kornete M., Galland S., Fournier N., Lilja J., Wirapati P. et al., 2023/06. Nature cancer, 4 (6) pp. 908-924. Peer-reviewed.
Proposal of early CT morphological criteria for response of liver metastases to systemic treatments in gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors: Alternatives to RECIST.
de Mestier L., Resche-Rigon M., Dromain C., Lamarca A., La Salvia A., de Baker L., Fehrenbach U., Pusceddu S., Colao A., Borbath I. et al., 2023/06. Journal of neuroendocrinology, 35 (6) pp. e13311. Peer-reviewed.
What do you most hope spatial molecular profiling will help us understand? Part 1
Theis Fabian J., Dar Daniel, Vento-Tormo Roser, Vicković Sanja, Wang Linghua, Kagohara Luciane T., Rendeiro André F., Joyce Johanna A., 2023/06. Cell Systems, 14 (6) pp. 423-427.
The glycolysis/HIF-1α axis defines the inflammatory role of IL-4-primed macrophages.
Dang B., Gao Q., Zhang L., Zhang J., Cai H., Zhu Y., Zhong Q., Liu J., Niu Y., Mao K. et al., 2023/05/30. Cell reports, 42 (5) p. 112471. Peer-reviewed.
Influenza A virus exploits transferrin receptor recycling to enter host cells.
Mazel-Sanchez B., Niu C., Williams N., Bachmann M., Choltus H., Silva F., Serre-Beinier V., Karenovics W., Iwaszkiewicz J., Zoete V. et al., 2023/05/23. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 120 (21) pp. e2214936120. Peer-reviewed.
Computational design of dynamic receptor-peptide signaling complexes applied to chemotaxis.
Jefferson R.E., Oggier A., Füglistaler A., Camviel N., Hijazi M., Villarreal A.R., Arber C., Barth P., 2023/05/19. Nature communications, 14 (1) p. 2875. Peer-reviewed.
Influence of corticosteroid treatment on CXCR4 expression in DLBCL.
Martin S., Viertl D., Janz A., Habringer S., Keller U., Schottelius M., 2023/05/10. EJNMMI research, 13 (1) p. 40. Peer-reviewed.
Dual TLR9 and PD-L1 targeting unleashes dendritic cells to induce durable antitumor immunity.
Fernandez-Rodriguez L., Cianciaruso C., Bill R., Trefny M.P., Klar R., Kirchhammer N., Buchi M., Festag J., Michel S., Kohler R.H. et al., 2023/05. Journal for immunotherapy of cancer, 11 (5) pp. e006714. Peer-reviewed.
Generation of a novel synthetic CD8<sup>+</sup> T cell state that leads to tumor control in mice.
Corria-Osorio J., Coukos G., 2023/05. Nature immunology, 24 (5) pp. 755-756. Peer-reviewed.
Immunometabolism at the crossroads of obesity and cancer-a Keystone Symposia report.
Cable J., Rathmell J.C., Pearce E.L., Ho P.C., Haigis M.C., Mamedov M.R., Wu M.J., Kaech S.M., Lynch L., Febbraio M.A. et al., 2023/05. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1523 (1) pp. 38-50. Peer-reviewed.
Orthogonal cytokine engineering enables novel synthetic effector states escaping canonical exhaustion in tumor-rejecting CD8+ T cells.
Corria-Osorio J., Carmona S.J., Stefanidis E., Andreatta M., Ortiz-Miranda Y., Muller T., Rota I.A., Crespo I., Seijo B., Castro W. et al., 2023/05. Nature immunology, 24 (5) pp. 869-883. Peer-reviewed.
Successful outcome of pregnancy post-allogeneic stem cell transplant despite severe RH1 alloimmunization: A case report.
Gavillet M., Rufer N., Grandoni F., Rizzi M., Vulliemoz N., Baud D., Alberio L., Canellini G., Legardeur H., 2023/05. British journal of haematology, 201 (3) pp. 581-584. Peer-reviewed.
The immunopeptidome landscape associated with T cell infiltration, inflammation and immune editing in lung cancer.
Kraemer A.I., Chong C., Huber F., Pak H., Stevenson B.J., Müller M., Michaux J., Altimiras E.R., Rusakiewicz S., Simó-Riudalbas L. et al., 2023/05. Nature cancer, 4 (5) pp. 608-628. Peer-reviewed.
Lessons of Vascular Specialization From Secondary Lymphoid Organ Lymphatic Endothelial Cells.
Arroz-Madeira S., Bekkhus T., Ulvmar M.H., Petrova T.V., 2023/04/28. Circulation research, 132 (9) pp. 1203-1225. Peer-reviewed.
TCR sequencing and cloning methods for repertoire analysis and isolation of tumor-reactive TCRs.
Genolet R., Bobisse S., Chiffelle J., Arnaud M., Petremand R., Queiroz L., Michel A., Reichenbach P., Cesbron J., Auger A. et al., 2023/04/24. Cell reports methods, 3 (4) p. 100459. Peer-reviewed.
Cancer vaccines based on whole-tumor lysate or neoepitopes with validated HLA binding outperform those with predicted HLA-binding affinity.
Fritah H., Graciotti M., Lai-Lai Chiang C., Huguenin-Bergenat A.L., Petremand R., Ahmed R., Guillaume P., Schmidt J., Stevenson B.J., Gfeller D. et al., 2023/04/21. iScience, 26 (4) p. 106288. Peer-reviewed.
Common genetic variations in telomere length genes and lung cancer: a Mendelian randomisation study and its novel application in lung tumour transcriptome.
Cortez Cardoso Penha R., Smith-Byrne K., Atkins J.R., Haycock P.C., Kar S., Codd V., Samani N.J., Nelson C., Milojevic M., Gabriel AAG et al., 2023/04/20. eLife, 12 pp. e83118. Peer-reviewed.
IL-9R Loss in Type 2 Innate Lymphoid Cells Reflects Treg Impairment in Patients With Mastocytosis.
Ercolano G., Trabanelli S., Jandus C., Jandus P., 2023/04/18. Journal of investigational allergology & clinical immunology, 33 (2) pp. 129-131. Peer-reviewed.
Addition of Losartan to FOLFIRINOX and Chemoradiation Reduces Immunosuppression-Associated Genes, Tregs, and FOXP3+ Cancer Cells in Locally Advanced Pancreatic Cancer.
Boucher Y., Posada J.M., Subudhi S., Kumar A.S., Rosario S.R., Gu L., Kumra H., Mino-Kenudson M., Talele N.P., Duda D.G. et al., 2023/04/14. Clinical cancer research, 29 (8) pp. 1605-1619. Peer-reviewed.
Metabolic challenges and interventions in CAR T cell therapy.
Peng J.J., Wang L., Li Z., Ku C.L., Ho P.C., 2023/04/14. Science immunology, 8 (82) pp. eabq3016. Peer-reviewed.
The next big questions in cancer research.
Loi S., Settleman J., Joyce J.A., Pramesh C.S., Bernards R., Fan J., Merchant J.L., Moslehi J., Sellers W.R., 2023/04/13. Cell, 186 (8) pp. 1523-1527. Peer-reviewed.
FOXI3 pathogenic variants cause one form of craniofacial microsomia.
Mao K., Borel C., Ansar M., Jolly A., Makrythanasis P., Froehlich C., Iwaszkiewicz J., Wang B., Xu X., Li Q. et al., 2023/04/11. Nature communications, 14 (1) p. 2026. Peer-reviewed.
Independent Reproduction of the FLASH Effect on the Gastrointestinal Tract: A Multi-Institutional Comparative Study.
Valdés Zayas A., Kumari N., Liu K., Neill D., Delahoussaye A., Gonçalves Jorge P., Geyer R., Lin S.H., Bailat C., Bochud F. et al., 2023/04/02. Cancers, 15 (7) p. 2121. Peer-reviewed.
MarrowQuant 2.0: A Digital Pathology Workflow Assisting Bone Marrow Evaluation in Experimental and Clinical Hematology.
Sarkis R., Burri O., Royer-Chardon C., Schyrr F., Blum S., Costanza M., Cherix S., Piazzon N., Barcena C., Bisig B. et al., 2023/04. Modern pathology, 36 (4) p. 100088. Peer-reviewed.
Toxicity, quality of life, and PSA control after 50 Gy stereotactic body radiation therapy to the dominant intraprostatic nodule with the use of a rectal spacer: results of a phase I/II study.
Cloitre M., Valerio M., Mampuya A., Rakauskas A., Berthold D., Tawadros T., Meuwly J.Y., Heym L., Duclos F., Vallet V. et al., 2023/04/01. The British journal of radiology, 96 (1145) p. 20220803. Peer-reviewed.
A neutrophil response linked to tumor control in immunotherapy.
Gungabeesoon J., Gort-Freitas N.A., Kiss M., Bolli E., Messemaker M., Siwicki M., Hicham M., Bill R., Koch P., Cianciaruso C. et al., 2023/03/30. Cell, 186 (7) pp. 1448-1464.e20. Peer-reviewed.
Cranial imaging window implantation technique for longitudinal multimodal imaging of the brain environment in live mice.
Croci D., Zomer A., Kowal J., Joyce J.A., 2023/03/24. STAR protocols, 4 (2) p. 102197. Peer-reviewed.
Cancer hallmarks intersect with neuroscience in the tumor microenvironment.
Hanahan D., Monje M., 2023/03/13. Cancer cell, 41 (3) pp. 573-580. Peer-reviewed.
The evolving tumor microenvironment: From cancer initiation to metastatic outgrowth.
de Visser K.E., Joyce J.A., 2023/03/13. Cancer cell, 41 (3) pp. 374-403. Peer-reviewed.
Longitudinal single-cell profiling of chemotherapy response in acute myeloid leukemia.
Naldini M.M., Casirati G., Barcella M., Rancoita PMV, Cosentino A., Caserta C., Pavesi F., Zonari E., Desantis G., Gilioli D. et al., 2023/03/08. Nature communications, 14 (1) p. 1285. Peer-reviewed.
Endothelial cell-derived oxysterol ablation attenuates experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis.
Ruiz F., Peter B., Rebeaud J., Vigne S., Bressoud V., Roumain M., Wyss T., Yersin Y., Wagner I., Kreutzfeldt M. et al., 2023/03/06. EMBO reports, 24 (3) pp. e55328. Peer-reviewed.
Outcomes and endpoints of relevance in gynecologic cancer clinical trials.
Madariaga A., Sanchez-Bayona R., Herrera F.G., Ramirez P.T., González Martín A., 2023/03/06. International journal of gynecological cancer, 33 (3) pp. 323-332. Peer-reviewed.
Bi-allelic TTI1 variants cause an autosomal-recessive neurodevelopmental disorder with microcephaly.
Serey-Gaut M., Cortes M., Makrythanasis P., Suri M., Taylor AMR, Sullivan J.A., Asleh A.N., Mitra J., Dar M.A., McNamara A. et al., 2023/03/02. American journal of human genetics, 110 (3) pp. 499-515. Peer-reviewed.
CD40 signal rewires fatty acid and glutamine metabolism for stimulating macrophage anti-tumorigenic functions.
Liu P.S., Chen Y.T., Li X., Hsueh P.C., Tzeng S.F., Chen H., Shi P.Z., Xie X., Parik S., Planque M. et al., 2023/03. Nature immunology, 24 (3) pp. 452-462. Peer-reviewed.
Contemplating immunopeptidomes to better predict them.
Gfeller D., Liu Y., Racle J., 2023/03. Seminars in immunology, 66 p. 101708. Peer-reviewed.
The impact of immunopeptidomics: From basic research to clinical implementation.
Shapiro I.E., Bassani-Sternberg M., 2023/03. Seminars in immunology, 66 p. 101727. Peer-reviewed.
Notch Signaling Pathway in Tooth Shape Variations throughout Evolution.
Mitsiadis T.A., Pagella P., Gomes Rodrigues H., Tsouknidas A., Ramenzoni L.L., Radtke F., Mehl A., Viriot L., 2023/02/27. Cells, 12 (5) p. 761. Peer-reviewed.
Response and Resistance to Trametinib in MAP2K1-Mutant Triple-Negative Melanoma.
Krebs F.S., Moura B., Missiaglia E., Aedo-Lopez V., Michielin O., Tsantoulis P., Bisig B., Trimech M., Zoete V., Homicsko K., 2023/02/24. International journal of molecular sciences, 24 (5) p. 4520. Peer-reviewed.
Improved predictions of antigen presentation and TCR recognition with MixMHCpred2.2 and PRIME2.0 reveal potent SARS-CoV-2 CD8(+ )T-cell epitopes.
Gfeller D., Schmidt J., Croce G., Guillaume P., Bobisse S., Genolet R., Queiroz L., Cesbron J., Racle J., Harari A., 2023/01/18. Cell systems, 14 (1) pp. 72-83.e5. Peer-reviewed.
Immunogenomic analysis of human brain metastases reveals diverse immune landscapes across genetically distinct tumors.
Álvarez-Prado Á.F., Maas R.R., Soukup K., Klemm F., Kornete M., Krebs F.S., Zoete V., Berezowska S., Brouland J.P., Hottinger A.F. et al., 2023/01/17. Cell reports. Medicine, 4 (1) p. 100900. Peer-reviewed.
A bioluminescent-based probe for in vivo non-invasive monitoring of nicotinamide riboside uptake reveals a link between metastasis and NAD+ metabolism.
Maric T., Bazhin A., Khodakivskyi P., Mikhaylov G., Solodnikova E., Yevtodiyenko A., Giordano Attianese GMP, Coukos G., Irving M., Joffraud M. et al., 2023/01/15. Biosensors & bioelectronics, 220 p. 114826. Peer-reviewed.
Bispecific PD1-IL2v and anti-PD-L1 break tumor immunity resistance by enhancing stem-like tumor-reactive CD8<sup>+</sup> T cells and reprogramming macrophages.
Tichet M., Wullschleger S., Chryplewicz A., Fournier N., Marcone R., Kauzlaric A., Homicsko K., Deak L.C., Umaña P., Klein C. et al., 2023/01/10. Immunity, 56 (1) pp. 162-179.e6. Peer-reviewed.
Microenvironment-driven metabolic adaptations guiding CD8<sup>+</sup> T cell anti-tumor immunity.
Park J., Hsueh P.C., Li Z., Ho P.C., 2023/01/10. Immunity, 56 (1) pp. 32-42. Peer-reviewed.
The MHC Motif Atlas: a database of MHC binding specificities and ligands.
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Immunoediting instructs tumor metabolic reprogramming to support immune evasion.
Tsai C.H., Chuang Y.M., Li X., Yu Y.R., Tzeng S.F., Teoh S.T., Lindblad K.E., Di Matteo M., Cheng W.C., Hsueh P.C. et al., 2023/01/03. Cell metabolism, 35 (1) pp. 118-133.e7. Peer-reviewed.
Circulating extracellular particles from severe COVID-19 patients show altered profiling and innate lymphoid cell-modulating ability.
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Imaging and Molecular Annotation of Xenographs and Tumours (IMAXT): High throughput data and analysis infrastructure.
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Longitudinal analysis of DC subsets in patients with ovarian cancer: Implications for immunotherapy.
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Molecular Markers of Response to Anti-PD1 Therapy in Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma.
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Opportunities and challenges of low-dose radiation to enable immunotherapy efficacy
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Overall avidity declines in TCR repertoires during latent CMV but not EBV infection.
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Towards next-generation TIL therapy: TILs enriched in neoepitope-specific T cells.
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Understanding the parameters guiding the best practice for treating B-cell-depleted patients with COVID-19 convalescent plasma therapy.
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Updates on radiotherapy-immunotherapy combinations: Proceedings of 6th annual ImmunoRad conference.
Gregucci F., Spada S., Barcellos-Hoff M.H., Bhardwaj N., Chan Wah Hak C., Fiorentino A., Guha C., Guzman M.L., Harrington K., Herrera F.G. et al., 2023. Oncoimmunology, 12 (1) p. 2222560. Peer-reviewed.
What can Ribo-seq and proteomics tell us about the non-canonical proteome?
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Genetics and anatomy sculpt immune-cell partners of ovarian cancer
Dangaj Laniti Denarda, Coukos George, 2022/12/22. Nature, 612 (7941) pp. 634-636. Peer-reviewed.
Estimated Costs of the Ipilimumab-Nivolumab Therapy and Related Adverse Events in Metastatic Melanoma.
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Dynamic partitioning of branched-chain amino acids-derived nitrogen supports renal cancer progression.
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TIL Therapy Entering the Mainstream.
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c-MAF coordinates enterocyte zonation and nutrient uptake transcriptional programs.
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Dampening of cytotoxic innate lymphoid cells: A new tumour immune escape mechanism in B cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.
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IL-2 engineered MSCs rescue T cells in tumours.
Irving M., Ortiz-Miranda Y., Coukos G., 2022/12. Nature cell biology, 24 (12) pp. 1689-1691. Peer-reviewed.
Patient-reported outcomes in adoptive cell-therapy trials: mind the gap.
Ghisoni E., Morotti M., Colomer-Lahiguera S., Eicher M., Coukos G., Trueb L., Di Maio M., 2022/12. Journal for immunotherapy of cancer, 10 (12) pp. e006082. Peer-reviewed.
Structure-based optimization of type III indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1 (IDO1) inhibitors.
Röhrig U.F., Majjigapu S.R., Vogel P., Reynaud A., Pojer F., Dilek N., Reichenbach P., Ascenção K., Irving M., Coukos G. et al., 2022/12. Journal of enzyme inhibition and medicinal chemistry, 37 (1) pp. 1773-1811. Peer-reviewed.
Development and validation of machine learning-based risk prediction models of oral squamous cell carcinoma using salivary autoantibody biomarkers.
Tseng Y.J., Wang Y.C., Hsueh P.C., Wu C.C., 2022/11/24. BMC oral health, 22 (1) p. 534. Peer-reviewed.
Aberrant hyperexpression of the RNA binding protein FMRP in tumors mediates immune evasion.
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CD8+ T cell metabolic rewiring defined by scRNA-seq identifies a critical role of ASNS expression dynamics in T cell differentiation.
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Antibody response and intra-host viral evolution after plasma therapy in COVID-19 patients pre-exposed or not to B-cell-depleting agents.
Gachoud D., Pillonel T., Tsilimidos G., Battolla D., Dumas D., Opota O., Fontana S., Vollenweider P., Manuel O., Greub G. et al., 2022/11. British journal of haematology, 199 (4) pp. 549-559. Peer-reviewed.
Both APRIL and antibody-fragment-based CAR T cells for myeloma induce BCMA downmodulation by trogocytosis and internalization
Camviel Nicolas, Wolf Benita, Croce Giancarlo, Gfeller David, Zoete Vincent, Arber Caroline, 2022/11. Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer, 10 (11) pp. e005091. Peer-reviewed.
Immunobiology of high-grade serous ovarian cancer: lessons for clinical translation.
Kandalaft L.E., Dangaj Laniti D., Coukos G., 2022/11. Nature reviews. Cancer, 22 (11) pp. 640-656. Peer-reviewed.
Metabolic communication in the tumour-immune microenvironment.
Kao K.C., Vilbois S., Tsai C.H., Ho P.C., 2022/11. Nature cell biology, 24 (11) pp. 1574-1583. Peer-reviewed.
Spatiotemporal multiplexed immunofluorescence imaging of living cells and tissues with bioorthogonal cycling of fluorescent probes.
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Significant Progress in CAR T-Cell Therapy for Difficult-to-Treat Hematologic Malignancies
Stadelmann Raphael, Cairoli Anne, Arber Caroline, 2022/10/31. healthbook TIMES Oncology Hematology - Edition 3 / 2022 13. Peer-reviewed.
Multispectral fluorine-19 MRI enables longitudinal and noninvasive monitoring of tumor-associated macrophages.
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Metabolic guidance and stress in tumors modulate antigen-presenting cells.
Park J., Wang L., Ho P.C., 2022/10/16. Oncogenesis, 11 (1) p. 62. Peer-reviewed.
Cancer cell autophagy, reprogrammed macrophages, and remodeled vasculature in glioblastoma triggers tumor immunity.
Chryplewicz A., Scotton J., Tichet M., Zomer A., Shchors K., Joyce J.A., Homicsko K., Hanahan D., 2022/10/10. Cancer cell, 40 (10) pp. 1111-1127.e9. Peer-reviewed.
First communication on the efficacy of combined 177Lutetium-PSMA with immunotherapy outside prostate cancer.
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PD-1-cis IL-2R agonism yields better effectors from stem-like CD8<sup>+</sup> T cells.
Codarri Deak L., Nicolini V., Hashimoto M., Karagianni M., Schwalie P.C., Lauener L., Varypataki E.M., Richard M., Bommer E., Sam J. et al., 2022/10. Nature, 610 (7930) pp. 161-172. Peer-reviewed.
Organoids: A New Chapter in Sarcoma Diagnosis and Treatment.
Psilopatis I., Kokkali S., Palamaris K., Digklia A., Vrettou K., Theocharis S., 2022/09/24. International journal of molecular sciences, 23 (19) p. 11271. Peer-reviewed.
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