Ludwig Lausanne Branch

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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863 publications

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Progrès récents et orientations futures de la thérapie avec cellules CAR-T en oncologie pédiatrique [Recent advances and future directions in CAR-T cell therapy in pediatric oncology]
Ceppi F., Renella R., Diezi M., Ansari M., Duchosal M.A., Arber C., Kandalaft L., Coukos G., Beck-Popovic M., 2019/01/09. Revue medicale suisse, 15 (N° 632-633) pp. 85-91. Peer-reviewed.
Adrenomedullin Induces Cardiac Lymphangiogenesis After Myocardial Infarction and Regulates Cardiac Edema Via Connexin 43.
Trincot C.E., Xu W., Zhang H., Kulikauskas M.R., Caranasos T.G., Jensen B.C., Sabine A., Petrova T.V., Caron K.M., 2019/01/04. Circulation research, 124 (1) pp. 101-113. Peer-reviewed.
IL-15 and a Two-Step Maturation Process Improve Bone Marrow-Derived Dendritic Cell Cancer Vaccine
Mookerjee Ananda, Graciotti Michele, Kandalaft Lana E., 2019/01/04. Cancers, 11 (1) p. 40.
Active Nano-targeting of Macrophages.
Gaspar N., Zambito G., Löwik CMWG, Mezzanotte L., 2019. Current pharmaceutical design, 25 (17) pp. 1951-1961. Peer-reviewed.
Addressing current challenges and future directions in immuno-oncology: expert perspectives from the 2017 NIBIT Foundation Think Tank, Siena, Italy.
Maio M., Coukos G., Ferrone S., Fox B.A., Fridman W.H., Garcia P.L., Lahn M., Provendier O., Russo V., Rüttinger D. et al., 2019/01. Cancer immunology, immunotherapy, 68 (1) pp. 1-9. Peer-reviewed.
Analysis of Secondary Structure Biases in Naturally Presented HLA-I Ligands.
Perez MAS, Bassani-Sternberg M., Coukos G., Gfeller D., Zoete V., 2019. Frontiers in immunology, 10 p. 2731. Peer-reviewed.
Correction: A cancer vaccine with dendritic cells differentiated with GM-CSF and IFNα and pulsed with a squaric acid treated cell lysate improves T cell priming and tumor growth control in a mouse model.
Mookerjee A., Graciotti M., Kandalaft L.E., 2019..
Cryoablation and Immunotherapy: An Enthralling Synergy to Confront the Tumors.
Yakkala C., Chiang C.L., Kandalaft L., Denys A., Duran R., 2019. Frontiers in immunology, 10 p. 2283. Peer-reviewed.
Determining Macrophage Polarization upon Metabolic Perturbation
Liu Pu-Ste, Ho Ping-Chih, 2019. pp. 173-186 dans Metabolic Signaling, Springer New York.
Editorial: Approaches to Advance Cancer Vaccines to Clinical Utility.
Van Nuffel AMT, Boudousquié C., Tuyaerts S., 2019. Frontiers in immunology, 10 p. 2032. Peer-reviewed.
Editorial: Novel Strategies for Anti-Tumor Vaccines.
Accolla R.S., Buonaguro L., Melief C., Rammensee H.G., Bassani-Sternberg M., 2019. Frontiers in immunology, 10 p. 3117. Peer-reviewed.
High Peptide Dose Vaccination Promotes the Early Selection of Tumor Antigen-Specific CD8 T-Cells of Enhanced Functional Competence.
Carretero-Iglesia L., Couturaud B., Baumgaertner P., Schmidt J., Maby-El Hajjami H., Speiser D.E., Hebeisen M., Rufer N., 2019. Frontiers in immunology, 10 p. 3016. Peer-reviewed.
High-Throughput, Fast, and Sensitive Immunopeptidomics Sample Processing for Mass Spectrometry
Marino Fabio, Chong Chloe, Michaux Justine, Bassani-Sternberg Michal, 2019. pp. 67-79 dans Methods in Molecular Biology, Springer New York.
ILC2s: New Actors in Tumor Immunity.
Ercolano G., Falquet M., Vanoni G., Trabanelli S., Jandus C., 2019. Frontiers in immunology, 10 p. 2801. Peer-reviewed.
Immunophenotyping of Human Innate Lymphoid Cells
Trabanelli Sara, Gomez-Cadena Alejandra, Jandus Camilla, 2019. pp. 179-192 dans Methods in Molecular Biology, Springer New York.
Knockdown of PTGS2 by CRISPR/CAS9 System Designates a New Potential Gene Target for Melanoma Treatment.
Ercolano G., De Cicco P., Rubino V., Terrazzano G., Ruggiero G., Carriero R., Kunderfranco P., Ianaro A., 2019. Frontiers in pharmacology, 10 p. 1456. Peer-reviewed.
La médecine personnalisée en oncologie dans: Médecine Personnalisée
Colomer-Lahiguera S., Coukos G., Peters S., Kandalaft L., Michielin O., Eicher M., 2019. dans Médecine Personnalisée, Académie Suisse de Sciences Médicales.
Low Avidity T Cells Do Not Hinder High Avidity T Cell Responses Against Melanoma
Ioannidou K., Randin O., Semilietof A., Maby-El Hajjami H., Baumgaertner P., Vanhecke D., Speiser D. E., 2019. Front Immunol, 10 p. 2115.
Nanowire Sensors in Cancer.
Doucey M.A., Carrara S., 2019/01. Trends in biotechnology, 37 (1) pp. 86-99. Peer-reviewed.
New therapeutic perspectives to manage refractory immune checkpoint-related toxicities.
Martins F., Sykiotis G.P., Maillard M., Fraga M., Ribi C., Kuntzer T., Michielin O., Peters S., Coukos G., Spertini F. et al., 2019/01. The Lancet. Oncology, 20 (1) pp. e54-e64. Peer-reviewed.
Personalized Dendritic Cell Vaccines-Recent Breakthroughs and Encouraging Clinical Results.
Mastelic-Gavillet B., Balint K., Boudousquie C., Gannon P.O., Kandalaft L.E., 2019. Frontiers in immunology, 10 p. 766. Peer-reviewed.
Targeting Adenosine in Cancer Immunotherapy to Enhance T-Cell Function.
Vigano S., Alatzoglou D., Irving M., Ménétrier-Caux C., Caux C., Romero P., Coukos G., 2019. Frontiers in immunology, 10 p. 925. Peer-reviewed.
A severe case of refractory esophageal stenosis induced by nivolumab and responding to tocilizumab therapy.
Horisberger A., La Rosa S., Zurcher J.P., Zimmermann S., Spertini F., Coukos G., Obeid M., 2018/12/27. Journal for immunotherapy of cancer, 6 (1) p. 156. Peer-reviewed.
Rational Design, Synthesis, and Pharmacological Characterization of Novel Ghrelin Receptor Inverse Agonists as Potential Treatment against Obesity-Related Metabolic Diseases.
Daina A., Giuliano C., Pietra C., Wang J., Chi Y., Zou Z., Li F., Yan Z., Zhou Y., Guainazzi A. et al., 2018/12/27. Journal of medicinal chemistry, 61 (24) pp. 11039-11060. Peer-reviewed.
Sparks Fly in PGE2-Modulated Macrophage Polarization.
Franco F., Wenes M., Ho P.C., 2018/12/18. Immunity, 49 (6) pp. 987-989. Peer-reviewed.
The Length Distribution and Multiple Specificity of Naturally Presented HLA-I Ligands.
Gfeller D., Guillaume P., Michaux J., Pak H.S., Daniel R.T., Racle J., Coukos G., Bassani-Sternberg M., 2018/12/15. Journal of immunology, 201 (12) pp. 3705-3716. Peer-reviewed.
Estimating the Contribution of Proteasomal Spliced Peptides to the HLA-I Ligandome.
Mylonas R., Beer I., Iseli C., Chong C., Pak H.S., Gfeller D., Coukos G., Xenarios I., Müller M., Bassani-Sternberg M., 2018/12. Molecular & cellular proteomics, 17 (12) pp. 2347-2357. Peer-reviewed.
In vivo cancer vaccination: Which dendritic cells to target and how?
Chiang C.L., Kandalaft L.E., 2018/12. Cancer treatment reviews, 71 pp. 88-101. Peer-reviewed.
Two-Dimensional Label-Free Affinity Analysis of Tumor-Specific CD8 T Cells with a Biomimetic Plasmonic Sensor.
Soler M., Li X., John-Herpin A., Schmidt J., Coukos G., Altug H., 2018/11/26. ACS sensors, 3 (11) pp. 2286-2295. Peer-reviewed.
Does the Immunocompetent Status of Cancer Patients Have an Impact on Therapeutic DC Vaccination Strategies?
Martin Lluesma S., Graciotti M., Chiang C.L., Kandalaft L.E., 2018/11/23. Vaccines, 6 (4). Peer-reviewed.
The conserved threonine-rich region of the HCF-1<sub>PRO</sub> repeat activates promiscuous OGT:UDP-GlcNAc glycosylation and proteolysis activities.
Kapuria V., Röhrig U.F., Waridel P., Lammers F., Borodkin V.S., van Aalten DMF, Zoete V., Herr W., 2018/11/16. The Journal of biological chemistry, 293 (46) pp. 17754-17768. Peer-reviewed.
Tannins from Syzygium guineense suppress Wnt signaling and proliferation of Wnt-dependent tumors through a direct effect on secreted Wnts.
Koval A., Pieme C.A., Queiroz E.F., Ragusa S., Ahmed K., Blagodatski A., Wolfender J.L., Petrova T.V., Katanaev V.L., 2018/10/28. Cancer letters, 435 pp. 110-120. Peer-reviewed.
Actualité sur les cancers de l’endomètre [Actualities in endometrial carcinoma]
Mathevet P., Alvarez T., Herrera F., Wolfer A., 2018/10/24. Revue medicale suisse, 14 (624) pp. 1904-1909. Peer-reviewed.
A severe case of neuro-Sjögren's syndrome induced by pembrolizumab.
Ghosn J., Vicino A., Michielin O., Coukos G., Kuntzer T., Obeid M., 2018/10/22. Journal for immunotherapy of cancer, 6 (1) p. 110. Peer-reviewed.
Multi-level Proteomics Identifies CT45 as a Chemosensitivity Mediator and Immunotherapy Target in Ovarian Cancer.
Coscia F., Lengyel E., Duraiswamy J., Ashcroft B., Bassani-Sternberg M., Wierer M., Johnson A., Wroblewski K., Montag A., Yamada S.D. et al., 2018/09/20. Cell, 175 (1) pp. 159-170.e16. Peer-reviewed.
Prostate irradiation with focal dose escalation to the intraprostatic dominant nodule: a systematic review.
Feutren T., Herrera F.G., 2018/09. Prostate international, 6 (3) pp. 75-87. Peer-reviewed.
Immunometabolism in cancer at a glance.
Singer K., Cheng W.C., Kreutz M., Ho P.C., Siska P.J., 2018/08/02. Disease models & mechanisms, 11 (8) pp. -. Peer-reviewed.
Consensus guidelines for the use and interpretation of angiogenesis assays.
Nowak-Sliwinska P., Alitalo K., Allen E., Anisimov A., Aplin A.C., Auerbach R., Augustin H.G., Bates D.O., van Beijnum J.R., Bender RHF et al., 2018/08. Angiogenesis, 21 (3) pp. 425-532. Peer-reviewed.
Estimating the Contribution of Proteasomal Spliced Peptides to the HLA-I Ligandome*
Roman Mylonas, Ilan Beer, Christian Iseli, Chloe Chong, Hui-Song Pak, David Gfeller, George Coukos, Ioannis Xenarios, Markus Müller, Michal Bassani-Sternberg, 2018/08. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics.
Reprogramming G protein coupled receptor structure and function.
Keri D., Barth P., 2018/08. Current opinion in structural biology, 51 pp. 187-194. Peer-reviewed.
The transcription factor Rfx7 limits metabolism of NK cells and promotes their maintenance and immunity.
Castro W., Chelbi S.T., Niogret C., Ramon-Barros C., Welten SPM, Osterheld K., Wang H., Rota G., Morgado L., Vivier E. et al., 2018/08. Nature immunology, 19 (8) pp. 809-820. Peer-reviewed.
Computational design of orthogonal membrane receptor-effector switches for rewiring signaling pathways.
Young M., Dahoun T., Sokrat B., Arber C., Chen K.M., Bouvier M., Barth P., 2018/07/03. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115 (27) pp. 7051-7056. Peer-reviewed.
A transcriptionally and functionally distinct PD-1<sup>+</sup> CD8<sup>+</sup> T cell pool with predictive potential in non-small-cell lung cancer treated with PD-1 blockade.
Thommen D.S., Koelzer V.H., Herzig P., Roller A., Trefny M., Dimeloe S., Kiialainen A., Hanhart J., Schill C., Hess C. et al., 2018/07. Nature medicine, 24 (7) pp. 994-1004. Peer-reviewed.
Mitochondria: A master regulator in macrophage and T cell immunity.
Liu P.S., Ho P.C., 2018/07. Mitochondrion, 41 pp. 45-50. Peer-reviewed.
PROX1 is a transcriptional regulator of MMP14.
Gramolelli S., Cheng J., Martinez-Corral I., Vähä-Koskela M., Elbasani E., Kaivanto E., Rantanen V., Tuohinto K., Hautaniemi S., Bower M. et al., 2018/06/22. Scientific reports, 8 (1) p. 9531. Peer-reviewed.
Mouse model of postsurgical primary tumor recurrence and regional lymph node metastasis progression in HPV-related head and neck cancer.
Mermod M., Hiou-Feige A., Bovay E., Roh V., Sponarova J., Bongiovanni M., Vermeer D.W., Lee J.H., Petrova T.V., Rivals J.P. et al., 2018/06/15. International journal of cancer, 142 (12) pp. 2518-2528. Peer-reviewed.
Gaining Insight Into Posttranslationally Modified HIV Antigens and Their Underlying Characteristics.
Marino F., 2018/06. Proteomics, 18 (12) pp. e1800041. Peer-reviewed.
Label-Free Optofluidic Nanobiosensor Enables Real-Time Analysis of Single-Cell Cytokine Secretion.
Li X., Soler M., Szydzik C., Khoshmanesh K., Schmidt J., Coukos G., Mitchell A., Altug H., 2018/06. Small, 14 (26) pp. e1800698. Peer-reviewed.
Minimal Information About an Immuno-Peptidomics Experiment (MIAIPE).
Lill J.R., van Veelen P.A., Tenzer S., Admon A., Caron E., Elias J.E., Heck AJR, Marcilla M., Marino F., Müller M. et al., 2018/06. Proteomics, 18 (12) pp. e1800110. Peer-reviewed.
Pan-SRC kinase inhibition blocks B-cell receptor oncogenic signaling in non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
Battistello E., Katanayeva N., Dheilly E., Tavernari D., Donaldson M.C., Bonsignore L., Thome M., Christie A.L., Murakami M.A., Michielin O. et al., 2018/05/24. Blood, 131 (21) pp. 2345-2356. Peer-reviewed.
The C-terminal extension landscape of naturally presented HLA-I ligands.
Guillaume P., Picaud S., Baumgaertner P., Montandon N., Schmidt J., Speiser D.E., Coukos G., Bassani-Sternberg M., Filippakopoulos P., Gfeller D., 2018/05/15. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115 (20) pp. 5083-5088. Peer-reviewed.
Human innate lymphoid cells (ILCs): Toward a uniform immune-phenotyping.
Trabanelli S., Gomez-Cadena A., Salomé B., Michaud K., Mavilio D., Landis B.N., Jandus P., Jandus C., 2018/05. Cytometry. Part B, Clinical cytometry, 94 (3) pp. 392-399. Peer-reviewed.
Polymorphic sites preferentially avoid co-evolving residues in MHC class I proteins.
Dib L., Salamin N., Gfeller D., 2018/05. PLoS computational biology, 14 (5) pp. e1006188. Peer-reviewed.
Personalized cancer vaccine effectively mobilizes antitumor T cell immunity in ovarian cancer
Tanyi Janos L., Bobisse Sara, Ophir Eran, Tuyaerts Sandra, Roberti Annalisa, Genolet Raphael, Baumgartner Petra, Stevenson Brian J., Iseli Christian, Dangaj Denarda et al., 2018/04/11. Science Translational Medicine, 10 (436) pp. eaao5931.
Personalized cancer vaccine effectively mobilizes antitumor T cell immunity in ovarian cancer.
Tanyi J.L., Bobisse S., Ophir E., Tuyaerts S., Roberti A., Genolet R., Baumgartner P., Stevenson B.J., Iseli C., Dangaj D. et al., 2018/04/11. Science translational medicine, 10 (436) pp. NA. Peer-reviewed.
Peptide-MHC Class I Tetramers Can Fail To Detect Relevant Functional T Cell Clonotypes and Underestimate Antigen-Reactive T Cell Populations.
Rius C., Attaf M., Tungatt K., Bianchi V., Legut M., Bovay A., Donia M., Thor Straten P., Peakman M., Svane I.M. et al., 2018/04/01. Journal of immunology, 200 (7) pp. 2263-2279. Peer-reviewed.
Sensitive and frequent identification of high avidity neo-epitope specific CD8 + T cells in immunotherapy-naive ovarian cancer.
Bobisse S., Genolet R., Roberti A., Tanyi J.L., Racle J., Stevenson B.J., Iseli C., Michel A., Le Bitoux M.A., Guillaume P. et al., 2018/03/15. Nature communications, 9 (1) p. 1092. Peer-reviewed.
High-throughput and Sensitive Immunopeptidomics Platform Reveals Profound Interferonγ-Mediated Remodeling of the Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) Ligandome.
Chong C., Marino F., Pak H., Racle J., Daniel R.T., Müller M., Gfeller D., Coukos G., Bassani-Sternberg M., 2018/03. Molecular & cellular proteomics, 17 (3) pp. 533-548. Peer-reviewed.
Correction to: Characterization of the first fully human anti-TEM1 scFv in models of solid tumor imaging and immunotoxin-based therapy.
Yuan X., Yang M., Chen X., Zhang X., Sukhadia S., Musolino N., Bao H., Chen T., Xu C., Wang Q. et al., 2018/02. Cancer immunology, immunotherapy, 67 (2) pp. 329-339. Peer-reviewed.
Educational Tools to Introduce Computer-Aided Drug Design to Students and to the Public at Large.
Daina A., Blatter M.C., Gerritsen V.B., Zoete V., 2018/02/01. Chimia, 72 (1) pp. 55-61. Peer-reviewed.
Metabolic adaptation of macrophages in chronic diseases.
Di Conza G., Ho P.C., 2018/02/01. Cancer letters, 414 pp. 250-256. Peer-reviewed.
T cell receptor alpha variable 12-2 bias in the immunodominant response to Yellow fever virus.
Bovay A., Zoete V., Dolton G., Bulek A.M., Cole D.K., Rizkallah P.J., Fuller A., Beck K., Michielin O., Speiser D.E. et al., 2018/02. European journal of immunology, 48 (2) pp. 258-272. Peer-reviewed.
Tumour endothelial marker 1/endosialin-mediated targeting of human sarcoma.
Guo Y., Hu J., Wang Y., Peng X., Min J., Wang J., Matthaiou E., Cheng Y., Sun K., Tong X. et al., 2018/02. European journal of cancer, 90 pp. 111-121. Peer-reviewed.
A Long-Distance Relay-tionship between Tumor and Bone.
Soukup K., Joyce J.A., 2018/01/16. Immunity, 48 (1) pp. 13-16. Peer-reviewed.
Organ-specific lymphatic vasculature: From development to pathophysiology.
Petrova T.V., Koh G.Y., 2018/01/02. The Journal of experimental medicine, 215 (1) pp. 35-49. Peer-reviewed.
A cancer vaccine with dendritic cells differentiated with GM-CSF and IFNα and pulsed with a squaric acid treated cell lysate improves T cell priming and tumor growth control in a mouse model.
Mookerjee A., Graciotti M., Kandalaft L., 2018. BioImpacts, 8 (3) pp. 211-221. Peer-reviewed.
A Dual-Color Bioluminescence Reporter Mouse for Simultaneous in vivo Imaging of T Cell Localization and Function.
Kleinovink J.W., Mezzanotte L., Zambito G., Fransen M.F., Cruz L.J., Verbeek J.S., Chan A., Ossendorp F., Löwik C., 2018. Frontiers in immunology, 9 p. 3097. Peer-reviewed.
Adoptive zelluläre Immuntherapie in der Schweiz. Onkologische Pflege 2 (2018).
Colomer-Lahiguera Sara, Debarge Patricia, Serena Andrea, Trueb Lionel, Eicher Manuela, Coukos George, 2018..
Characterization of Mouse Mesenteric Lymphatic Valve Structure and Function
Sabine Amélie, Davis Michael J., Bovay Esther, Petrova Tatiana V., 2018. pp. 97-129 dans Methods in Molecular Biology chap. 7, Springer New York.
Correction to: CART cells are prone to Fas- and DR5-mediated cell death.
Tschumi B.O., Dumauthioz N., Marti B., Zhang L., Lanitis E., Irving M., Schneider P., Mach J.P., Coukos G., Romero P. et al., 2018. Journal for Immunotherapy of Cancer, 6 (1) p. 92. Peer-reviewed.
Emerging Opportunities of Radiotherapy Combined With Immunotherapy in the Era of Breast Cancer Heterogeneity.
Tsoutsou P.G., Zaman K., Martin Lluesma S., Cagnon L., Kandalaft L., Vozenin M.C., 2018. Frontiers in oncology, 8 p. 609. Peer-reviewed.
In Silico and Structural Analyses Demonstrate That Intrinsic Protein Motions Guide T Cell Receptor Complementarity Determining Region Loop Flexibility.
Holland C.J., MacLachlan B.J., Bianchi V., Hesketh S.J., Morgan R., Vickery O., Bulek A.M., Fuller A., Godkin A., Sewell A.K. et al., 2018. Frontiers in immunology, 9 p. 674. Peer-reviewed.
Lymphatic vessel density is associated with CD8<sup>+</sup> T cell infiltration and immunosuppressive factors in human melanoma.
Bordry N., Broggi MAS, de Jonge K., Schaeuble K., Gannon P.O., Foukas P.G., Danenberg E., Romano E., Baumgaertner P., Fankhauser M. et al., 2018. Oncoimmunology, 7 (8) pp. e1462878. Peer-reviewed.
Mass Spectrometry Based Immunopeptidomics for the Discovery of Cancer Neoantigens.
Bassani-Sternberg M., 2018. pp. 209-221 dans Methods in molecular biology chap. 14, Springer.
Multiple roles of lymphatic vessels in peripheral lymph node development.
Bovay E., Sabine A., Prat-Luri B., Kim S., Son K., Willrodt A.H., Olsson C., Halin C., Kiefer F., Betsholtz C. et al., 2018. The Journal of Experimental Medicine, 215 (11) pp. 2760-2777. Peer-reviewed.
Rufer Nathalie, 2018. dans Zitvogel Laurence, Kroemer Guido (eds.) A Practical Guide for Cancer Immunotherapy, Springer International Publishing.
Predicting Antigen Presentation-What Could We Learn From a Million Peptides?
Gfeller D., Bassani-Sternberg M., 2018. Frontiers in immunology, 9 p. 1716. Peer-reviewed.
Response to MEK inhibition with trametinib and tyrosine kinase inhibition with imatinib in multifocal histiocytic sarcoma.
Voruz S., Cairoli A., Naveiras O., de Leval L., Missiaglia E., Homicsko K., Michielin O., Blum S., 2018/01. Haematologica, 103 (1) pp. e39-e41. Peer-reviewed.
Cancer immunotherapy full speed ahead.
Melero I., Navarro B., Teijeira A., Coukos G., 2017/12/01. Annals of oncology, 28 (suppl_12) pp. xii1-xii2. Peer-reviewed.
Mechanisms regulating T-cell infiltration and activity in solid tumors.
Lanitis E., Dangaj D., Irving M., Coukos G., 2017/12/01. Annals of oncology, 28 (suppl_12) pp. xii18-xii32. Peer-reviewed.
Obesity and the tumor microenvironment.
Olson O.C., Quail D.F., Joyce J.A., 2017/12/01. Science, 358 (6367) pp. 1130-1131. Peer-reviewed.
A Carbon Nanotube Optical Reporter Maps Endolysosomal Lipid Flux.
Jena P.V., Roxbury D., Galassi T.V., Akkari L., Horoszko C.P., Iaea D.B., Budhathoki-Uprety J., Pipalia N., Haka A.S., Harvey J.D. et al., 2017/11/28. ACS nano, 11 (11) pp. 10689-10703. Peer-reviewed.
Inflammatory Monocytes Promote Perineural Invasion via CCL2-Mediated Recruitment and Cathepsin B Expression.
Bakst R.L., Xiong H., Chen C.H., Deborde S., Lyubchik A., Zhou Y., He S., McNamara W., Lee S.Y., Olson O.C. et al., 2017/11/15. Cancer research, 77 (22) pp. 6400-6414. Peer-reviewed.
Simultaneous enumeration of cancer and immune cell types from bulk tumor gene expression data.
Racle J., de Jonge K., Baumgaertner P., Speiser D.E., Gfeller D., 2017/11/13. eLife, 6 pp. 1-25. Peer-reviewed.
Mutant <i>CTNNB1</i> and histological heterogeneity define metabolic subtypes of hepatoblastoma.
Crippa S., Ancey P.B., Vazquez J., Angelino P., Rougemont A.L., Guettier C., Zoete V., Delorenzi M., Michielin O., Meylan E., 2017/11. EMBO molecular medicine, 9 (11) pp. 1589-1604. Peer-reviewed.
Inhibition of colony stimulating factor-1 receptor abrogates microenvironment-mediated therapeutic resistance in gliomas.
Yan D., Kowal J., Akkari L., Schuhmacher A.J., Huse J.T., West B.L., Joyce J.A., 2017/10/26. Oncogene, 36 (43) pp. 6049-6058. Peer-reviewed.
All TIEd up: mechanisms of Schlemm's canal maintenance.
Bernier-Latmani J., Petrova T.V., 2017/10/02. The Journal of clinical investigation, 127 (10) pp. 3594-3597. Peer-reviewed.
Tumour-derived PGD2 and NKp30-B7H6 engagement drives an immunosuppressive ILC2-MDSC axis.
Trabanelli S., Chevalier M.F., Martinez-Usatorre A., Gomez-Cadena A., Salomé B., Lecciso M., Salvestrini V., Verdeil G., Racle J., Papayannidis C. et al., 2017/09/19. Nature communications, 8 (1) p. 593. Peer-reviewed.
Intestinal lymphatic vasculature: structure, mechanisms and functions.
Bernier-Latmani J., Petrova T.V., 2017/09. Nature reviews. Gastroenterology & hepatology, 14 (9) pp. 510-526. Peer-reviewed.
α-ketoglutarate orchestrates macrophage activation through metabolic and epigenetic reprogramming.
Liu P.S., Wang H., Li X., Chao T., Teav T., Christen S., Di Conza G., Cheng W.C., Chou C.H., Vavakova M. et al., 2017/09. Nature immunology, 18 (9) pp. 985-994. Peer-reviewed.
A Case for a Human Immuno-Peptidome Project Consortium.
Caron E., Aebersold R., Banaei-Esfahani A., Chong C., Bassani-Sternberg M., 2017/08/15. Immunity, 47 (2) pp. 203-208. Peer-reviewed.
Label-free identification of activated T lymphocytes through tridimensional microsensors on chip.
Rollo E., Tenaglia E., Genolet R., Bianchi E., Harari A., Coukos G., Guiducci C., 2017/08/15. Biosensors & bioelectronics, 94 pp. 193-199. Peer-reviewed.
Metabolic Regulation of Tregs in Cancer: Opportunities for Immunotherapy.
Wang H., Franco F., Ho P.C., 2017/08. Trends in cancer, 3 (8) pp. 583-592. Peer-reviewed.
Microenvironmental regulation of tumour angiogenesis.
De Palma M., Biziato D., Petrova T.V., 2017/08. Nature reviews. Cancer, 17 (8) pp. 457-474. Peer-reviewed.
Obesity alters the lung myeloid cell landscape to enhance breast cancer metastasis through IL5 and GM-CSF.
Quail D.F., Olson O.C., Bhardwaj P., Walsh L.A., Akkari L., Quick M.L., Chen I.C., Wendel N., Ben-Chetrit N., Walker J. et al., 2017/08. Nature cell biology, 19 (8) pp. 974-987. Peer-reviewed.
In silico and cell-based analyses reveal strong divergence between prediction and observation of T-cell-recognized tumor antigen T-cell epitopes.
Schmidt J., Guillaume P., Dojcinovic D., Karbach J., Coukos G., Luescher I., 2017/07/14. The Journal of biological chemistry, 292 (28) pp. 11840-11849. Peer-reviewed.
Identification of innate lymphoid cells in single-cell RNA-Seq data.
Suffiotti M., Carmona S.J., Jandus C., Gfeller D., 2017/07. Immunogenetics, 69 (7) pp. 439-450. Peer-reviewed.
The era of bioengineering: how will this affect the next generation of cancer immunotherapy?
Graciotti M., Berti C., Klok H.A., Kandalaft L., 2017/06/19. Journal of translational medicine, 15 (1) p. 142. Peer-reviewed.
Reenergizing T cell anti-tumor immunity by harnessing immunometabolic checkpoints and machineries.
Ho P.C., Kaech S.M., 2017/06. Current opinion in immunology, 46 pp. 38-44. Peer-reviewed.
The ovarian cancer oncobiome.
Banerjee S., Tian T., Wei Z., Shih N., Feldman M.D., Alwine J.C., Coukos G., Robertson E.S., 2017/05/30. Oncotarget, 8 (22) pp. 36225-36245. Peer-reviewed.
The pathogen-related yeast protein Pry1, a member of the CAP protein superfamily, is a fatty acid-binding protein.
Darwiche R., Mène-Saffrané L., Gfeller D., Asojo O.A., Schneiter R., 2017/05/19. The Journal of biological chemistry, 292 (20) pp. 8304-8314. Peer-reviewed.
18-FDG PET-CT parameters to predict survival and recurrence in cervical cancer patients treated with chemo-radiotherapy
Scher Nathaniel, Castelli Joel, Depeursinge Adrien, Breuneval T., Bourhis J ., Prior John O., Ozsahin Esat, Herrera Fernanda, 2017/05., European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology dans European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology.
A phase 2, randomized, double-blind, placebo- controlled study of chemo-immunotherapy combination using motolimod with pegylated liposomal doxorubicin in recurrent or persistent ovarian cancer: a Gynecologic Oncology Group partners study.
Monk B.J., Brady M.F., Aghajanian C., Lankes H.A., Rizack T., Leach J., Fowler J.M., Higgins R., Hanjani P., Morgan M. et al., 2017/05/01. Annals of oncology, 28 (5) pp. 996-1004. Peer-reviewed.
Tumor-Associated Macrophages Suppress the Cytotoxic Activity of Antimitotic Agents.
Olson O.C., Kim H., Quail D.F., Foley E.A., Joyce J.A., 2017/04/04. Cell reports, 19 (1) pp. 101-113. Peer-reviewed.
Broad and Conserved Immune Regulation by Genetically Heterogeneous Melanoma Cells.
Neubert N.J., Tillé L., Barras D., Soneson C., Baumgaertner P., Rimoldi D., Gfeller D., Delorenzi M., Fuertes Marraco S.A., Speiser D.E., 2017/04/01. Cancer research, 77 (7) pp. 1623-1636. Peer-reviewed.
Interrogating open issues in cancer precision medicine with patient-derived xenografts.
Byrne A.T., Alférez D.G., Amant F., Annibali D., Arribas J., Biankin A.V., Bruna A., Budinská E., Caldas C., Chang D.K. et al., 2017/04. Nature reviews. Cancer, 17 (4) pp. 254-268. Peer-reviewed.
Metabolic origins of spatial organization in the tumor microenvironment.
Carmona-Fontaine C., Deforet M., Akkari L., Thompson C.B., Joyce J.A., Xavier J.B., 2017/03/14. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 114 (11) pp. 2934-2939. Peer-reviewed.
Heterogeneity assessment of functional T cell avidity.
Ioannidou K., Baumgaertner P., Gannon P.O., Speiser M.F., Allard M., Hebeisen M., Rufer N., Speiser D.E., 2017/03/13. Scientific reports, 7 p. 44320. Peer-reviewed.
The Microenvironmental Landscape of Brain Tumors.
Quail D.F., Joyce J.A., 2017/03/13. Cancer cell, 31 (3) pp. 326-341. Peer-reviewed.
SwissADME: a free web tool to evaluate pharmacokinetics, drug-likeness and medicinal chemistry friendliness of small molecules.
Daina A., Michielin O., Zoete V., 2017/03/03. Scientific reports, 7 p. 42717. Peer-reviewed.
Single-cell transcriptome analysis of fish immune cells provides insight into the evolution of vertebrate immune cell types.
Carmona S.J., Teichmann S.A., Ferreira L., Macaulay I.C., Stubbington M.J., Cvejic A., Gfeller D., 2017/03. Genome research, 27 (3) pp. 451-461. Peer-reviewed.
Molecular Pathways: Deciphering Mechanisms of Resistance to Macrophage-Targeted Therapies.
Quail D.F., Joyce J.A., 2017/02/15. Clinical cancer research, 23 (4) pp. 876-884. Peer-reviewed.
Using X-ray Crystallography, Biophysics, and Functional Assays to Determine the Mechanisms Governing T-cell Receptor Recognition of Cancer Antigens.
MacLachlan B.J., Greenshields-Watson A., Mason G.H., Schauenburg A.J., Bianchi V., Rizkallah P.J., Sewell A.K., Fuller A., Cole D.K., 2017/02/06. Journal of visualized experiments 120 p. 0. Peer-reviewed.
Deciphering HLA motifs across HLA peptidomes correctly predicts neo-antigens and identifies allostery in HLA specificity
Michal Bassani-Sternberg, Chloe Chong, Philippe Guillaume, Marthe Solleder, HuiSong Pak, Philippe O Gannon, Lana E Kandalaft, George Coukos, David Gfeller, 2017/01/06..
'Hotspots' of Antigen Presentation Revealed by Human Leukocyte Antigen Ligandomics for Neoantigen Prioritization.
Müller M., Gfeller D., Coukos G., Bassani-Sternberg M., 2017. Frontiers in Immunology, 8 p. 1367. Peer-reviewed.
A BARF1-specific mAb as a new immunotherapeutic tool for the management of EBV-related tumors.
Turrini R., Merlo A., Martorelli D., Faè D.A., Sommaggio R., Montagner I.M., Barbieri V., Marin O., Zanovello P., Dolcetti R. et al., 2017. Oncoimmunology, 6 (4) pp. e1304338. Peer-reviewed.
Correlation between podoplanin expression and extracapsular spread in squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity using subjective immunoreactivity scores and semiquantitative image analysis.
Mermod M., Bongiovanni M., Petrova T.V., Dubikovskaya E.A., Simon C., Tolstonog G., Monnier Y., 2017/01. Head & neck, 39 (1) pp. 98-108. Peer-reviewed.
Cx47 fine-tunes the handling of serum lipids but is dispensable for lymphatic vascular function.
Meens M.J., Kutkut I., Rochemont V., Dubrot J., Kaladji F.R., Sabine A., Lyons O., Hendrikx S., Bernier-Latmani J., Kiefer F. et al., 2017. PloS one, 12 (7) pp. e0181476. Peer-reviewed.
Deciphering HLA-I motifs across HLA peptidomes improves neo-antigen predictions and identifies allostery regulating HLA specificity.
Bassani-Sternberg M., Chong C., Guillaume P., Solleder M., Pak H., Gannon P.O., Kandalaft L.E., Coukos G., Gfeller D., 2017. PLoS Computational Biology, 13 (8) pp. e1005725. Peer-reviewed.
Design of short peptides to block BTLA/HVEM interactions for promoting anticancer T-cell responses.
Spodzieja M., Lach S., Iwaszkiewicz J., Cesson V., Kalejta K., Olive D., Michielin O., Speiser D.E., Zoete V., Derré L. et al., 2017. PloS one, 12 (6) pp. e0179201.
Dysregulated Innate Lymphocytes in Patients With Primary Antibody Deficiency Treated With Intravenous Immunoglobulin.
Vigano S., Trabanelli S., Indulsi F., Salomé B., Harari A., Romero P., Helbling A., Jandus C., Jandus P., 2017. Journal of investigational allergology & clinical immunology, 27 (6) pp. 394-396. Peer-reviewed.
Editorial: Immunometabolic Regulations in Adaptive and Innate Immune Cells Shapes and Re-Directs Host Immunity.
Ho P.C., Hess C., 2017. Frontiers in immunology, 8 p. 852. Peer-reviewed.
Engineering Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-Cells for Racing in Solid Tumors: Don't Forget the Fuel.
Irving M., Vuillefroy de Silly R., Scholten K., Dilek N., Coukos G., 2017. Frontiers in immunology, 8 p. 267. Peer-reviewed.
Fine-Tuning of Optimal TCR Signaling in Tumor-Redirected CD8 T Cells by Distinct TCR Affinity-Mediated Mechanisms
Presotto D., Erdes E., Duong M.N., Allard M., Regamey P.O., Quadroni M., Doucey M.A., Rufer N., Hebeisen M., 2017. Frontiers in Immunology, 8 p. 1564. Peer-reviewed.
ILC2-modulated T cell-to-MDSC balance is associated with bladder cancer recurrence.
Chevalier M.F., Trabanelli S., Racle J., Salomé B., Cesson V., Gharbi D., Bohner P., Domingos-Pereira S., Dartiguenave F., Fritschi A.S. et al., 2017. The Journal of Clinical Investigation, 127 (8) pp. 2916-2929. Peer-reviewed.
Iron imaging reveals tumor and metastasis macrophage hemosiderin deposits in breast cancer.
Leftin A., Ben-Chetrit N., Klemm F., Joyce J.A., Koutcher J.A., 2017. PloS one, 12 (9) pp. e0184765. Peer-reviewed.
Local endothelial complement activation reverses endothelial quiescence, enabling t-cell homing, and tumor control during t-cell immunotherapy.
Facciabene A., De Sanctis F., Pierini S., Reis E.S., Balint K., Facciponte J., Rueter J., Kagabu M., Magotti P., Lanitis E. et al., 2017. Oncoimmunology, 6 (9) pp. e1326442. Peer-reviewed.
Mitochondrial Control and Guidance of Cellular Activities of T Cells.
Chao T., Wang H., Ho P.C., 2017. Frontiers in immunology, 8 p. 473. Peer-reviewed.
On-the-Fly QM/MM Docking with Attracting Cavities.
Chaskar P., Zoete V., Röhrig U.F., 2017. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 57 (1) pp. 73-84. Peer-reviewed.
Radiotherapy combination opportunities leveraging immunity for the next oncology practice.
Herrera F.G., Bourhis J., Coukos G., 2017/01. CA: a cancer journal for clinicians, 67 (1) pp. 65-85. Peer-reviewed.
The Binding Mode of N-Hydroxyamidines to Indoleamine 2,3-Dioxygenase 1 (IDO1).
Röhrig U.F., Zoete V., Michielin O., 2017. Biochemistry, 56 (33) pp. 4323-4325. Peer-reviewed.
The T-Cell Receptor Can Bind to the Peptide-Bound Major Histocompatibility Complex and Uncomplexed β2-Microglobulin through Distinct Binding Sites.
Merkle P.S., Irving M., Hongjian S., Ferber M., Jørgensen TJD, Scholten K., Luescher I., Coukos G., Zoete V., Cuendet M.A. et al., 2017. Biochemistry, 56 (30) pp. 3945-3961. Peer-reviewed.
TIE-2 expressing monocytes in human cancers.
Turrini R., Pabois A., Xenarios I., Coukos G., Delaloye J.F., Doucey M.A., 2017. Oncoimmunology, 6 (4) pp. e1303585. Peer-reviewed.
Notch regulates Th17 differentiation and controls trafficking of IL-17 and metabolic regulators within Th17 cells in a context-dependent manner.
Coutaz M., Hurrell B.P., Auderset F., Wang H., Siegert S., Eberl G., Ho P.C., Radtke F., Tacchini-Cottier F., 2016/12/15. Scientific reports, 6 p. 39117. Peer-reviewed.
Combine and Conquer: Double CTLA-4 and PD-1 Blockade Combined with Whole Tumor Antigen Vaccine Cooperate to Eradicate Tumors.
Homicsko K., Duraiswamy J., Doucey M.A., Coukos G., 2016/12/01. Cancer research, 76 (23) pp. 6765-6767. Peer-reviewed.
Macrophage Ontogeny Underlies Differences in Tumor-Specific Education in Brain Malignancies.
Bowman R.L., Klemm F., Akkari L., Pyonteck S.M., Sevenich L., Quail D.F., Dhara S., Simpson K., Gardner E.E., Iacobuzio-Donahue C.A. et al., 2016/11/22. Cell reports, 17 (9) pp. 2445-2459. Peer-reviewed.
Direct identification of clinically relevant neoepitopes presented on native human melanoma tissue by mass spectrometry.
Bassani-Sternberg M., Bräunlein E., Klar R., Engleitner T., Sinitcyn P., Audehm S., Straub M., Weber J., Slotta-Huspenina J., Specht K. et al., 2016/11/21. Nature communications, 7 p. 13404. Peer-reviewed.
Comprehensive Genetic Landscape of Uveal Melanoma by Whole-Genome Sequencing.
Royer-Bertrand B., Torsello M., Rimoldi D., El Zaoui I., Cisarova K., Pescini-Gobert R., Raynaud F., Zografos L., Schalenbourg A., Speiser D. et al., 2016/11/03. American journal of human genetics, 99 (5) pp. 1190-1198. Peer-reviewed.
Tumor Regression and Delayed Onset Toxicity Following B7-H4 CAR T Cell Therapy.
Smith J.B., Lanitis E., Dangaj D., Buza E., Poussin M., Stashwick C., Scholler N., Powell D.J., 2016/11. Molecular therapy : the journal of the American Society of Gene Therapy, 24 (11) pp. 1987-1999. Peer-reviewed.
STAT3 and STAT6 Signaling Pathways Synergize to Promote Cathepsin Secretion from Macrophages via IRE1α Activation.
Yan D., Wang H.W., Bowman R.L., Joyce J.A., 2016/09/13. Cell reports, 16 (11) pp. 2914-2927. Peer-reviewed.
1,2,3-Triazoles as inhibitors of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 2 (IDO2).
Röhrig U.F., Majjigapu S.R., Caldelari D., Dilek N., Reichenbach P., Ascencao K., Irving M., Coukos G., Vogel P., Zoete V. et al., 2016/09/01. Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters, 26 (17) pp. 4330-4333. Peer-reviewed.
Endothelial Cell Responses to Biomechanical Forces in Lymphatic Vessels.
Sabine A., Saygili Demir C., Petrova T.V., 2016/09/01. Antioxidants & redox signaling, 25 (7) pp. 451-465. Peer-reviewed.
ESMO / ASCO Recommendations for a Global Curriculum in Medical Oncology Edition 2016
Dittrich Christian, Kosty Michael, Jezdic Svetlana, Pyle Doug, Berardi Rossana, Bergh Jonas, El-Saghir Nagi, Lotz Jean-Pierre, Österlund Pia, Pavlidis Nicholas et al., 2016/09. ESMO Open, 1 (5) pp. e000097. Peer-reviewed.
Prediction of occult lymph node metastasis in squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity and the oropharynx using peritumoral Prospero homeobox protein 1 lymphatic nuclear quantification.
Mermod M., Bongiovanni M., Petrova T.V., Dubikovskaya E.A., Simon C., Tolstonog G., Monnier Y., 2016/09. Head & neck, 38 (9) pp. 1407-1415. Peer-reviewed.
SwissSimilarity: A Web Tool for Low to Ultra High Throughput Ligand-Based Virtual Screening.
Zoete V., Daina A., Bovigny C., Michielin O., 2016/08/22. Journal of chemical information and modeling, 56 (8) pp. 1399-1404. Peer-reviewed.
TAILS N-Terminomics and Proteomics Show Protein Degradation Dominates over Proteolytic Processing by Cathepsins in Pancreatic Tumors.
Prudova A., Gocheva V., Auf dem Keller U., Eckhard U., Olson O.C., Akkari L., Butler G.S., Fortelny N., Lange P.F., Mark J.C. et al., 2016/08/09. Cell reports, 16 (6) pp. 1762-1773. Peer-reviewed.
Mass spectrometry-based antigen discovery for cancer immunotherapy.
Bassani-Sternberg M., Coukos G., 2016/08. Current opinion in immunology, 41 pp. 9-17. Peer-reviewed.
Microenvironmental InterFereNce of metabolism regulates chemosensitivity.
Akkari L., Joyce J.A., 2016/08. Cell research, 26 (8) pp. 867-868. Peer-reviewed.
Doxycycline for prevention of erlotinib-induced rash in patients with non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) after failure of first-line chemotherapy: A randomized, open-label trial.
Deplanque G., Gervais R., Vergnenegre A., Falchero L., Souquet P.J., Chavaillon J.M., Taviot B., Fraboulet G., Saal H., Robert C. et al., 2016/06. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 74 (6) pp. 1077-1085. Peer-reviewed.
Traitement des cancers: n'oublions pas les enjeux humains et sociaux des progrès actuels et à venir!
Dietrich P.Y., Coukos G., Aapro M., 2016/05/18. Revue medicale suisse, 12 (519) pp. 963-964. Peer-reviewed.
Opportunities in immunotherapy of ovarian cancer.
Coukos G., Tanyi J., Kandalaft L.E., 2016/04. Annals of oncology, 27 Suppl 1 pp. i11-i15. Peer-reviewed.
TCR-engineered T cells to treat tumors: Seeing but not touching?
Debets R., Donnadieu E., Chouaib S., Coukos G., 2016/02. Seminars in immunology, 28 (1) pp. 10-21. Peer-reviewed.
Combined deletion of cathepsin protease family members reveals compensatory mechanisms in cancer.
Akkari L., Gocheva V., Quick M.L., Kester J.C., Spencer A.K., Garfall A.L., Bowman R.L., Joyce J.A., 2016. Genes and Development, 30 (2) pp. 220-232. Peer-reviewed.
Comparison between direct and reverse electroporation of cells in situ: a simulation study.
Towhidi L., Khodadadi D., Maimari N., Pedrigi R.M., Ip H., Kis Z., Kwak B.R., Petrova T.W., Delorenzi M., Krams R., 2016. Physiological Reports, 4 (6) pp. e12673. Peer-reviewed.
Current tools for predicting cancer-specific T cell immunity.
Gfeller D., Bassani-Sternberg M., Schmidt J., Luescher I.F., 2016. Oncoimmunology, 5 (7) pp. e1177691. Peer-reviewed.
Dielectric elastomer actuator for mechanical loading of 2D cell cultures.
Poulin A., Saygili Demir C., Rosset S., Petrova T.V., Shea H., 2016. Lab On A Chip, 16 (19) pp. 3788-3794. Peer-reviewed.
High-resolution 3D analysis of mouse small-intestinal stroma.
Bernier-Latmani J., Petrova T.V., 2016. Nature Protocols, 11 (9) pp. 1617-1629. Peer-reviewed.
Human melanomas and ovarian cancers overexpressing mechanical barrier molecule genes lack immune signatures and have increased patient mortality risk.
Salerno E.P., Bedognetti D., Mauldin I.S., Deacon D.H., Shea S.M., Pinczewski J., Obeid J.M., Coukos G., Wang E., Gajewski T.F. et al., 2016. Oncoimmunology, 5 (12) pp. e1240857. Peer-reviewed.
Hypoxia and antitumor CD8(+) T cells: An incompatible alliance?
Vuillefroy de Silly R., Dietrich P.Y., Walker P.R., 2016. Oncoimmunology, 5 (12) pp. e1232236. Peer-reviewed.
Identifying biological mechanisms for favorable cancer prognosis using non-hypothesis-driven iterative survival analysis.
Crespo I., Götz L., Liechti R., Coukos G., Doucey M.A., Xenarios I., 2016. NPJ systems biology and applications, 2 p. 16037. Peer-reviewed.
In-Vivo Detection and Tracking of T Cells in Various Organs in a Melanoma Tumor Model by 19F-Fluorine MRS/MRI.
Gonzales C., Yoshihara H.A., Dilek N., Leignadier J., Irving M., Mieville P., Helm L., Michielin O., Schwitter J., 2016. PloS one, 11 (10) pp. e0164557. Peer-reviewed.
Journal for immunotherapy of cancer reviewer acknowledgement 2015.
Romero P., 2016..
Metabolic communication in tumors: a new layer of immunoregulation for immune evasion.
Ho P.C., Liu P.S., 2016. Journal For Immunotherapy of Cancer, 4 p. 4. Peer-reviewed.
Metabolic tug-of-war in tumors results in diminished T cell antitumor immunity.
Cheng W.C., Ho P.C., 2016. Oncoimmunology, 5 (4) pp. e1119355. Peer-reviewed.
Neoantigen-based cancer immunotherapy.
Bobisse S., Foukas P.G., Coukos G., Harari A., 2016. Annals of Translational Medicine, 4 (14) p. 262. Peer-reviewed.
Novel technologies and emerging biomarkers for personalized cancer immunotherapy.
Yuan J., Hegde P.S., Clynes R., Foukas P.G., Harari A., Kleen T.O., Kvistborg P., Maccalli C., Maecker H.T., Page D.B. et al., 2016. Journal For Immunotherapy of Cancer, 4 p. 3. Peer-reviewed.
Ovarian cancer chemokines may not be a significant barrier during whole tumor antigen dendritic-cell vaccine and adoptive T-cell immunotherapy.
Zsiros E., Dangaj D., June C.H., Kandalaft L.E., Coukos G., 2016. Oncoimmunology, 5 (5) pp. e1062210. Peer-reviewed.
Personalized approaches to active immunotherapy in cancer
Ophir Eran, Bobisse Sara, Coukos George, Harari Alexandre, Kandalaft Lana E., 2016/01. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Reviews on Cancer, 1865 (1) pp. 72-82. Peer-reviewed.
Phage antibody display libraries: a powerful antibody discovery platform for immunotherapy.
Zhao A., Tohidkia M.R., Siegel D.L., Coukos G., Omidi Y., 2016. Critical Reviews In Biotechnology, 36 (2) pp. 276-289. Peer-reviewed.
Principes de la thérapie cellulaire par transfert adoptif à base de Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytes [Principles of adoptive cell therapy based on "Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytes"].
Martins F., Orcurto A., Michielin O., Coukos G., 2016. Revue Médicale Suisse, 12 (519) pp. 989-993. Peer-reviewed.
Regulatory circuits of T cell function in cancer.
Speiser D.E., Ho P.C., Verdeil G., 2016. Nature Reviews. Immunology, 16 (10) pp. 599-611. Peer-reviewed.
Social networks help to infer causality in the tumor microenvironment.
Crespo I., Doucey M.A., Xenarios I., 2016. Bmc Research Notes, 9 (1) p. 168. Peer-reviewed.
Specification of haematopoietic stem cell fate via modulation of mitochondrial activity.
Vannini N., Girotra M., Naveiras O., Nikitin G., Campos V., Giger S., Roch A., Auwerx J., Lutolf M.P., 2016. Nature Communications, 7 p. 13125. Peer-reviewed.
Stability and function of adult vasculature is sustained by Akt/Jagged1 signalling axis in endothelium.
Kerr B.A., West X.Z., Kim Y.W., Zhao Y., Tischenko M., Cull R.M., Phares T.W., Peng X.D., Bernier-Latmani J., Petrova T.V. et al., 2016. Nature Communications, 7 p. 10960. Peer-reviewed.
The transcription factor Prox1 is essential for satellite cell differentiation and muscle fibre-type regulation.
Kivelä R., Salmela I., Nguyen Y.H., Petrova T.V., Koistinen H.A., Wiener Z., Alitalo K., 2016. Nature Communications, 7 p. 13124. Peer-reviewed.
The tumor microenvironment underlies acquired resistance to CSF-1R inhibition in gliomas.
Quail D.F., Bowman R.L., Akkari L., Quick M.L., Schuhmacher A.J., Huse J.T., Holland E.C., Sutton J.C., Joyce J.A., 2016. Science, 352 (6288) pp. aad3018. Peer-reviewed.
TIE-2-expressing monocytes are lymphangiogenic and associate specifically with lymphatics of human breast cancer.
Bron S., Henry L., Faes-Van't Hull E., Turrini R., Vanhecke D., Guex N., Ifticene-Treboux A., Marina Iancu E., Semilietof A., Rufer N. et al., 2016. Oncoimmunology, 5 (2) pp. e1073882. Peer-reviewed.
Type II enteropathy-associated T-cell lymphoma features a unique genomic profile with highly recurrent SETD2 alterations.
Roberti A., Dobay M.P., Bisig B., Vallois D., Boéchat C., Lanitis E., Bouchindhomme B., Parrens M.C., Bossard C., Quintanilla-Martinez L. et al., 2016. Nature Communications, 7 p. 12602. Peer-reviewed.
Unsupervised HLA Peptidome Deconvolution Improves Ligand Prediction Accuracy and Predicts Cooperative Effects in Peptide-HLA Interactions.
Bassani-Sternberg M., Gfeller D., 2016. Journal of Immunology (baltimore, Md. : 1950), 197 (6) pp. 2492-2499. Peer-reviewed.
Michielin Olivier, Coukos George, 2015/09/09. Progress in Tumor Research, 42, S. Karger AG.
29 th Annual meeting of the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC)
Hurwitz A.A., Lee S., Knox S., Kohrt H., Verdeil G., Romano E., Margolin K., Urba W.J., Speiser D.E., 2015. Journal For Immunotherapy of Cancer, 3 p. 0.
A01: Associations of lymphangiogenesis with immune profiles of melanoma patients
Bordry N., Gannon P., Foukas P., Letovanec I., Meyer C., Legat A., Yan P., Romano E., Swartz M., Speiser D., 2015. pp. - dans AACR Special Conference on Cellular Heterogeneity in the Tumor Microenvironment, Cancer Research. Peer-reviewed.
An ultra-sensitive impedimetric immunosensor for detection of the serum oncomarker CA-125 in ovarian cancer patients.
Johari-Ahar M., Rashidi M.R., Barar J., Aghaie M., Mohammadnejad D., Ramazani A., Karami P., Coukos G., Omidi Y., 2015. Nanoscale, 7 (8) pp. 3768-3779. Peer-reviewed.
CD127+ innate lymphoid cells are dysregulated in treatment naïve acute myeloid leukemia patients at diagnosis.
Trabanelli S., Curti A., Lecciso M., Salomé B., Riether C., Ochsenbein A., Romero P., Jandus C., 2015. Haematologica, 100 (7) pp. e257-e260. Peer-reviewed.
Combining immunotherapy and anticancer agents: the right path to achieve cancer cure?
Apetoh L., Ladoire S., Coukos G., Ghiringhelli F., 2015. Annals of Oncology, 26 (9) pp. 1813-1823. Peer-reviewed.
Comprehensive Genomic Characterization of Long Non-coding RNAs across Human Cancers.
Yan X., Hu Z., Feng Y., Hu X., Yuan J., Zhao S.D., Zhang Y., Yang L., Shan W., He Q. et al., 2015. Cancer Cell, 28 (4) pp. 529-540. Peer-reviewed.
Consensus nomenclature for CD8 + T cell phenotypes in cancer
Apetoh L., Smyth M.J., Drake C.G., Abastado J.P., Apte R.N., Ayyoub M., Blay J.Y., Bonneville M., Butterfield L.H., Caignard A. et al., 2015. Oncoimmunology, 4 (4) pp. e998538. Peer-reviewed.
Erratum to: Multifunctional mitoxantrone-conjugated magnetic nanosystem for targeted therapy of folate receptor-overexpressing malignant cells.
Barar J., Kafil V., Majd M.H., Barzegari A., Khani S., Johari-Ahar M., Asgari D., Coukos G., Omidi Y., 2015..
GATA2 is required for lymphatic vessel valve development and maintenance.
Kazenwadel J., Betterman K.L., Chong C.E., Stokes P.H., Lee Y.K., Secker G.A., Agalarov Y., Demir C.S., Lawrence D.M., Sutton D.L. et al., 2015. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 125 (8) pp. 2979-2994. Peer-reviewed.
High-throughput monitoring of human tumor-specific T-cell responses with large peptide pools.
Chevalier M.F., Bobisse S., Costa-Nunes C., Cesson V., Jichlinski P., Speiser D.E., Harari A., Coukos G., Romero P., Nardelli-Haefliger D. et al., 2015. Oncoimmunology, 4 (10) pp. e1029702. Peer-reviewed.
Isolation and Validation of Anti-B7-H4 scFvs from an Ovarian Cancer scFv Yeast-Display Library.
Dangaj D., Scholler N., 2015. Methods In Molecular Biology, 1319 pp. 37-49. Peer-reviewed.
JITC launches a new section: commentary and editorials.
Capitini C.M., Romero P., 2015. Journal For Immunotherapy of Cancer, 3 p. 28. Peer-reviewed.
Local Salmonella immunostimulation recruits vaccine-specific CD8 T cells and increases regression of bladder tumor.
Domingos-Pereira S., Hojeij R., Reggi E., Derré L., Chevalier M.F., Romero P., Jichlinski P., Nardelli-Haefliger D., 2015. Oncoimmunology, 4 (7) pp. e1016697. Peer-reviewed.
Meet me in the middle: dual origins of dermal lymphatic vasculature in mammals
Bernier-Latmani J., Sabine A., Petrova T.V., 2015. Circulation Research, 116 (10) pp. 1630-1632. Peer-reviewed.
Multifunctional mitoxantrone-conjugated magnetic nanosystem for targeted therapy of folate receptor-overexpressing malignant cells.
Barar J., Kafil V., Majd M.H., Barzegari A., Khani S., Johari-Ahar M., Asgari D., Coukos G., Omidi Y., 2015. Journal of Nanobiotechnology, 13 (1) p. 26. Peer-reviewed.
Overexpression of GPC6 and TMEM132D in Early Stage Ovarian Cancer Correlates with CD8+ T-Lymphocyte Infiltration and Increased Patient Survival.
Karapetsas A., Giannakakis A., Dangaj D., Lanitis E., Kynigopoulos S., Lambropoulou M., Tanyi J.L., Galanis A., Kakolyris S., Trypsianis G. et al., 2015. Biomed Research International, 2015 p. 712438. Peer-reviewed.
Potential approaches for more successful dendritic cell-based immunotherapy.
Chiang C.L., Balint K., Coukos G., Kandalaft L.E., 2015. Expert Opinion On Biological Therapy, 15 (4) pp. 569-582. Peer-reviewed.
Rethinking ovarian cancer II: reducing mortality from high-grade serous ovarian cancer.
Bowtell D.D., Böhm S., Ahmed A.A., Aspuria P.J., Bast R.C., Beral V., Berek J.S., Birrer M.J., Blagden S., Bookman M.A. et al., 2015. Nature Reviews. Cancer, 15 (11) pp. 668-679. Peer-reviewed.
Shear stress-induced atherosclerotic plaque composition in ApoE(-/-) mice is modulated by connexin37
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T Cells Bearing a Chimeric Antigen Receptor against Prostate-Specific Membrane Antigen Mediate Vascular Disruption and Result in Tumor Regression.
Santoro S.P., Kim S., Motz G.T., Alatzoglou D., Li C., Irving M., Powell D.J., Coukos G., 2015. Cancer Immunology Research, 3 (1) pp. 68-84. Peer-reviewed.
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